Ibn Tofail University, Laboratory of Separation Processes LPS SMMD Société Marocaine des Membranes et de Dessalement The Challenge of the Use of the Unconventional Water Ressources in Morocco IX International Congress AEDYR, Palacio de Congresos de Madrid, Spain, 12-15 November 2012 Azzeddine EL MIDAOUI Faculté des sciences B P 1246, Kénitra CONTENT • INTRODUCTION • CHALLENGE OF WATER MANAGEMENT IN MOROCCO • UNCONVENTIONAL WATER RESSOURCES : DESALINATION • UNCONVENTIONAL WATER RESSOURCES : WASTEWATER REUSE • MORROCAN MEMBRANE AND DESALINATION SOCIETY 2 INTRODUCTION The water consumption, in the past century, has increased dramatically, reaching and exceeding the limits of renewable water resources in some areas, such as in North Africa and the Middle East. These trends continue. The great part of the Mediterranean region is characterized by arid and semi-arid conditions. The Mediterranean area is the boundary between the abundance and the water shortage. In 2025, the Mediterranean south will be in a situation of water poverty and water shortage. The demand will continue to increase. 3 INTRODUCTION Situation in 2050 - More than 60 % of the world population will live in cities. - At least one person on four will live in a country affected by chronic or recurring soft water shortages. - 7 billion persons in 60 countries will be confronted to a water shortage by 2050 - The countries of western Asia, the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa will be in a situation of water shortage - More than 400 million Africans will be confronted with a water shortage and 560 million Africans will live in countries undergoing a hydric stress Challenge of Water Managment in Morocco - Water Shortage and Supply - Pollution and Quality Water Shortage In Morocco Annual Rainfall Average Card of Morocco 6 Water Availability in Morocco 1960 : 3500 m3/hab/an 2009 : 700 m3/hab/an 2015 : 500 m3/hab/an m3/hab/an 4000 3000 2000 Threshold of Water poverty and water shortage (1000 et 500 m3/hab/an ) 1000 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 SEWAGE AND POLLUTION IN MOROCCO The sewage remains the weak point of the management policy of water in Morocco. The total of the waste water and effluent rejected into the natural environment The total number of waste water treatment plant 650 million m3/year today 900 Millions m3 in 2020 More than 100 Just approximately 20 installations are operational treating 10 % of the total volume of the rejections under non optimised conditions. The rate of connection in urban environment exceeds the 80% but is very weak in rural medium. 5 millions of urban inhabitants are not connected to the sewage network SEWAGE AND POLLUTION IN MOROCCO Wastewater Rejection in Morocco: Total Rejection million m³/y 650 Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea Other mediums 350 25 280 The consequences of the wastewater rejection without treatment, for the environment and the economy are catastrophic. The department of the environment estimated that more than 2 billion EURO/y, the cost of the environmental pollution (13 billions for the North Africa and the Middle East). 1.5 billions are due to the water pollution. Water Pollution in Morocco Not available statistics or precise data especially for industrial pollution Responsibilities The industry is responsible of the big part of the pollution by toxic materials and by the heavy metals. The large proportion of biodegradables pollution comes from municipalities. The industry is responsible of more than the third. The agricultural activity is responsible of the pollution by nitrates and pesticides. Saline intrusion progress through all the Moroccan coast. It’s the consequences of the over exploitation of the underground resources. …. WATER MANAGEMENT IN MOROCCO (North Africa) • This is related mainly to : Climatic change. Dryness periods. The demographic explosion these four last decades. The excess urbanisation due to rural migration. The intense irrigation and silting of the barrage. 11 Population growth, urbanization, industrialisation and growing needs of agriculture 12 Water management in Morocco- North Africa The great challenges actually in Morocco with regards to water risk managements are several : Policies and legal. Supply of drinking water. Sewage and Pollution. Mobilisation of the unconventional resources. Financing. Azzeddine EL MIDAOUI, Faculté des Sciences, B.P 1246, Kénitra – Maroc • These constrains and challenges are practically the same in the Mediterranean South especially North of Africa: To overcome these challenges Improve the water management Wastewater management. Mobilisation of the unconventional resources. 14 WATER and Waste Water MANAGEMENT IN MOROCCO Success Story: The water policies In Morocco had changed since the end of the Eighties of the last Century particularly the sanitation. The adopted policy was based on the water demand inside offer, on the transfer of sanitation and water managements from local communities towards other public or private organisations (such as the National Office of Drinking Water (ONEP), REDAL, AMENDIS, LYDEC....) and on the creation of the agencies of basin. the creation of the 10/95 law : not completed and not applied Results : Big success for the drinking water supply but limited result for sanitation and waste water treatment. 15 Wastewater Management Global New Strategie for Action High improvement of the Policy of the wastewater management from 2005 -Strengthening the Knowledge and the Observation - Strengthening the Legal Framework - Information and Awareness - Capacity Building - Strengthening the International Cooperation - Provide incentives Measurements… Wastewater Management New Territorial Approach • Decentralisation of Control and Monitoring services • Creation of Regional Observatories of the Environment • Creation of Regional Committees of Impact Studies Wastewater Management Strategics Tools • Legal tools - 11-03 Law for the protection and enhancement of the environment - 12-03 Law on the impact studies - 10-95 Law on water • Economic and financial tools - National Fund for the Environment - Clean Development Fund - Fund of the Cleaning Development (FODEP) for industries Wastewater Management National Program of Sewage and Sanitation - 05 billions (Euro) by 2020 and 08 billions by 2030 (30% from government and 70% from operators): 38% to the extension and the rehabilitation of the networks; 28% to achieve the sewages , 13% for renewal, 6% for operating equipment, 15% for the suburban and rural areas (INDH: National Initiative for Human Development). - 260 cities and urban centers are concerned. Objectives : connecting and collecting wastewater to reach 80% by 2020 and 90% by 2030 Objectives : reducing the water pollution (80% by 2020 and 90% by 2030) Wastewater Management National Program of Sewage and Sanitation - Objectives : Reuse of 100% of the collected waste water by 2030 - Build of waterwater plants for the big cities: Agadir, Marrakech, Rabat, Tanger, Fès, Khouribga (pretreatment or activated sludge), Benguerir, Youssoufia... - Build of plants for Resorts (tourists) : the systematically construction of the plants is now obligatory (Marrakech, Agadir, Larache…). Wastewater Management Fund FODEP for water economy and the treatment of industrial effluents • Objectives : contribute to the environmental respect, reduce pollution… • Fund : 24 million Euros (German government at first and Moroccan since one year) • Eligible industry : turnover or assets less than 40 million Euros • Financing of the project of the treatment of industrial effluents in the range of 1,5 million of Euros : donation (40 %), self financing (20%) and bank credit (40%) • Examples : olive industries, milk industries, paper industries…. Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination and Wastewater Reuse The obligation to use other non conventional water resources such as desalinating water or waste water reuse becomes a necessity in all the Mediterranean South. 22 Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination The big progress in Morocco is the use of desalination in spite the relatively high cost of produced cubic meter. Considerable efforts were mobilised in the south with the construction of several desalination plants in particular by ONEP (ONEE today) and the Cherifien Office of Phosphates (OCP). The national production capacity by desalination exceeds today the 40.000 m3/day. Use : drinking, process 23 Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination (ONEE) The largest installation of more than 200.000 m3/d is envisaged by ONEE at Agadir city. The first phase with a capacity of 100 000 m3/d will be started in 2015. The national production (drinking, ONEE) capacity by desalination reaches today the 40.000 m3/day. It will be around 60 000 m3/d in 2013 and around 200 000 m3/d in 2015 The desalination initially started and concentrated in the south, progress to the Center and the north of the country: Alhouceima, Nador, Khénifra… 24 Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination (ONEE) More and more Projects are envisaged for brackish water (the potential of brackish water is around 500 Million m3) Two project of desalination (demineralization) of surface water are already identified : Khénifra desalination plant (Oum Rbia River) under construction, with production capacity of 36 500 m3/d and Khouribga desalination plant (Dam), projected for 2015, with production capacity of 30 000 m3/d . 25 Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination for phosphate washing (Chérifien Office of Phosphates OCP) Thermal Processes RO MSF ThermoCompression 2x 3500 m3/ jour TC 3x 2000 m3/ jour 1973-1988 1989-2004 OCP RO 2x 2000 m3/ jour Started in 2005 26 Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination (Chérifien Office of Phosphates OCP) New and future desalination plants - Jorf Lasfar : first phase 76 000 m3/d (Cadagua, 2015) - Jorf Lasfar : second and third phases to reach 220 000 m3/d - Safi :….. Mobilisation of the unconventional resources Desalination The national production capacity will reach 800.000 m3/day in the next five years. Mobilisation of unconventional resources: Wastewater Reuse The wastewater reuse remains the weak point: - Either these resources are not mobilised enough or they are mobilised anarchically without rigorous and adequate treatment - Absence of application of the texts of laws relating to the rejection and the protection of the natural. Mobilisation of unconventional resources: Wastewater Reuse Very Limited and a big challenge • Old, illicit and illegal practice that continues : Reuse the raw wastewater for irrigation: • Actually : - Irrigation (Many thousands of hectares, case of Ben Ahmed – ONEP), - Process : Kouribgua (OCP) , Benguerir (OCP), Youssoufia (OCP), Sugar industries….) - Washing and sprinkling : hotels… 30 Mobilisation of unconventional ressources Others weak points and challenges • Desalination : select the most appropriate technology, adapt the raw water treatment to membrane specifications, update staff knowledge… • Desalination and Energy : - desalination remains, for developing countries that don’t produce fossil fuels (such as Morocco), relatively an expensive alternative process. - the volatility of international energy prices has intensified the interest of Morocco in the production and the application of renewable energy (Solar and wind) for all energy uses. - The part of installed capacity of renewable energy will represent 42% of total electric installed capacity by the year 2020 (WIND : 2000 MW and Solar : 2000 MW) - the use of renewable energies for desalination remains very limited in Morocco but could become an interesting solution seen the assets of the country Mobilisation of unconventional Others weak points and challenges • Wastewater reuse : the lagoon is the most common used and mastered technique. The experience in activated sludge is very limited and recent. Lack of knowledge of other technologies than the lagoon. Great difficulties in operating plants especially sludge plants or biogas plants… • Specific problems : Clarification, nitrates, fluoride, Hardness, Micropolluant Removal (OMW margines), Desinfection, Iron, Manganese, sulphide (H2S), ammonium (NH4)... …. These requires a skill and a good knowledge To contribute to improve the knowledge and to resolve theses problems in the areas of the use of unconventional water resources, a Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society was created in 2005…. MMDS Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society Société Marocaine des Membranes et du Dessalement (SMMD) MMDS SMMD : Some Targets … Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society Development of R&D in the water treatment, desalination, wastewater treatment and the membrane technologies. Improvement of water resources and the environment protections Capitalization of the Moroccan scientific knowledge in the areas of water and wastewater treatments especially by membrane processes. To create a synergy between researchers and industrial users or potentials users of the membrane techniques. To strengthen and optimize the international co-operation with organizations and institutions involving in water and desalination fields. MMDS Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society SMMD : Organisation POLE 1 RESEACH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D) POLE 2 INTERFACE, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER, EXPERTISE MMDS POLE 4 POLE 3 CITIZEN ACTIONS TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION MMDS Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society SMMD : Organisation REGIONAL SECTIONS SECTION 1 Centre and East Meknès, Ifrane, Errachidia,Fès, Taza,Oujda, Nador,Al-Hoceima, SECTION 2 South (S) SECTION 3 Atlantic North (CAN) Marrakech, Agadir, Layoune…. Rabat, Kénitra, Tanger, Tétouan… SECTION 4 Atlantic Centre (CAC) Mohammadia, Casablanca, Eljadida, Essaouira.. Bilan des activités de la SMMD 2005-2010 • • • • • • • Co-organisation en collaboration avec le CERPHOS (OCP) et le MEDREC d’un cours international sur le dessalement, Casablanca 12-15 Juin 2006. Co-organisation avec la Chaire UNESCO SIMEV et l’USTHB-Alger de la 3ème Ecole Franco-maghrébine sur les Sciences et technologies à membranes, Alger 1820 Novembre, 2006. Co-organisation avec l’Université Moulay Ismail à Meknès d’une journée sur “l’état des ressources hydriques et l’impact de la pollution sur la qualité des eaux dans la région Meknès-Tafilalet : Perspectives de traitement. “ 27 Janvier 2007. Co-organisation d’un atelier intitulé “face à la raréfaction des ressources en eau“ à l’occasion de la journée mondiale de l’eau, Mohammedia, 27 Mars 2007. Co-organisation avec la chaire UNESCO SIMEV de la première réunion Ouest Africaine sur l’intégration des « Sciences et technologies à membranes », Dakar 6-8 Juin 2007. Co-organisation avec la société PALL, d’une journée technique sur les membranes et les rejets industriels, 28 Juin 2007. co-organisation avec le COSTE (Centre Oriental Scientifique et Technique de l’Eau) d’une manifestation scientifique sur la thématique « Eau et Déchets », Oujda, Novembre 2007. • • • • • • • Organisation d’une «Rencontre Internationale sur la Gestion des Ressources en Eau dans les Zones Arides. Apport des Procédés Non Conventionnels» 26 – 27 Avril 2008. Palais des Congrès Laayoune, Maroc. Co-organisation avec la Faculté des Sciences et Technique de Fès, d’une journée nationale sur « Eau, Environnement : Apport des Technologies à Membranes » Fès, 07 Mai 2008. Actions citoyennes : assistance de certaines communes pour étudier la possibilité d’améliorer la gestion des ressources hydriques et la protection de l’environnement. Organisation d’un cours international avec le MEDRC « Dessalement des eaux de mer et des eaux saumâtres par Nanofiltration et par Osmose Inverse. Modélisation et Processus de Simulation » 02 au 05 Février 2009. CERPHOS Casablanca. Co-organisation avec STI Veolia d’une journée d’information sur « L’eau, un défi industriel », 7 octobre 2010, Hôtel Hayat, Casablanca Co-organisation avec l’IDA de la Rencontre Internationale sur « Desalination and sustainable Development », 1-2 mars 2012., Casablanca, Maroc…… Co- Organisation avec l’EDS of the next EURO-MED on « Desalination Strategies « , 2013 MMDS Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society Laboratories and research Structures Affiliated to MMDS 20 research laboratories 150 researchers, engineers and doctoral students. support Inorganic Membranes Synthesis, Elaboration Research topics Organic Membrane s Permeability Membranes Films Others Selectivity Characterisation Others RO UF, MF, NF Applications ED, EED, Dialysis, Donnan Dialysis Pervaporation Membrane Processes Couplages Others : Bioreactor… MMDS Moroccan Membrane and Desalination Society Site web MMDS : Azzeddine EL MIDAOUI GSM : 212 06 64 49 32 20 ……to be continued