2013-2014 - The East Harlem School


2013-2014 - The East Harlem School
Annual Report
2013- 2014
Volume 22 • Winter 2015
WWE: Women, Wrestling, and Equality
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the
hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
- Genesis 32: 24-25
Debra Beard
Diana D. Brooks
Jeffrey Brown
And she was alone; and there wrestled a boy with her toward the ending of class.
And she lay hold upon his wrist, and an under hook at the hollow of his shoulder. And with violent
spin and bow of waist she smote him unto the earth, and all breath fled his lungs, as she wrestled
with him.
- Notes from an EHS wrestling class, Y. Nha Chu
Rebecca de Kertanguy
Peter Gluck
Stephanie W. Guest
David R. Haas
Ivan M. Hageman
Robert Heine, Chair
Christopher Heinz
Gregory Heyman, Vice-Chair
John Hyland
Rebekah McCabe
Jonathan Patricof
Amber Patton
Robert Potter
Russell Shepard
Ruth Shillingford
Daniel Singer
Eve Stuart
Beatrice Tompkins
Bronson van Wyck, Jr.
Jeffrey Zukerman, Secretary
Head of School Report (1)
About EHS (2)
2013-2014 Results (3)
Program Achievements (4)
New Initiatives (5)
New Partnerships and WST (6-7)
High School Placement (8)
Financial Snapshot (9)
2013-2014 Donors (10-19)
While I was too young to have seen the first one, the second wrestling match described
above happened within my last fortnight. Yes, we have begun a wrestling program this
fall, and one of the many goals of this initiative is to further empower our girls and further
enlighten our lads. So far so good. All of our 7th and 8th graders were introduced to this
oldest and noblest of sports by a couple of former All American wrestlers who now coach
at Princeton, and we are training with a permanent coach four times a week for an hour.
Our girls (and boys) literally come to grips with resisting opponents. It is primal. It is pure.
It is good. I have not seen a swifter or straighter path to courage and endurance, virtues
that are no longer explicitly or implicitly taught in a land of seated and supine scholars.
As a proponent of single sex schools for girls, I am proud to work for a coed school
where our girls are strong and grow stronger. Yes, I think that if you are blessed to have a
daughter, often she will receive a better education if she does not have to deal with male
entitlement sooner than she must. At EHS, however, we work strongly with all of our
students, girls and boys, to develop a deeper awareness of themselves in relationship to
all others. At the end, our boys come to some wisdom and grace, and our girls awaken to
find their voice, take risk, and learn to smash fools, if need be! We males need a very well
managed coeducation in order to lift us from our dark night of savagery and arrogance.
And girls can only benefit from a coed school if the educators there are mindful that
countless millions endure lives of misery, solely because of gender, and if those teachers
remain vigilant so that, for a girl, their school’s halls, and rooms, and fields will prove wellnigh Elysian. All students are thereby served.
As a man, I speak of women. I think this is alright. Even necessary. HeForShe, the UN
solidarity movement for gender equality, makes clear that this line of justice is a human
rights issue that the male portion of humanity must pursue. Men have created this
situation, while also committing virtually all of the violence against women and girls, so
we should have a proportionate role in cleaning it up. As a member of the unfairly entitled
half, I have blind spots, and I am, no doubt, making errors - and perhaps bringing offense in
this very writing. But to be a small part of moving us down the road toward a just society,
drive forward I must, making corrections in the route as I go. But it is well past time for one
to think on and speak up for the Other. The rich for the poor. The entitled citizen for the
fearful refugee. Straight for gay. Christian for Jew. White for Black and the Brown. And man
for woman. Soon enough, the Other becomes We, the people.
As our wintering light lingers longer, our school poets at our Poetry Slam will wrestle
with words, and hopes, and fears, and visions. Girls and boys together, they will speak
up for their mothers, their fathers, their ancestors, their communities, and our common
humanity. No doubt, some of that courage you will see on the stage will have been hard
won on the wrestling mats, just like Jacob on the plains of Peniel, in the grasp of something
higher and, who knows, divine.
Yours in the pursuit,
Ivan M. Hageman
Co-founder, Head of School
Casey Adler
Humanities Teacher
Khadija Ahmed
High School Placement Coordinator,
Alumni Counselor
Donald Albert
Annie Boucher
Science Teacher
Peter Bianco
Physical Education Coordinator
Thea Burstin
4th Grade Teacher
Jonah Chasin
Executive Chef
Katherine Crotty
Humanities Teacher
Gianluca Giarrizzo
Math and Art Teacher
Jay Hayes
Math Teacher
Sofia Huertas
Program Assistant
Y. Christine Kell
Director of Finance & Operations
The East Harlem School at Exodus House
Small school. BIG impact.
Our mission: The East Harlem School at Exodus House
challenges students to develop a balanced physical, moral, and
intellectual strength that they will use to adapt to change and for the final purpose of creating and sharing lives of deep
meaning, dynamic actions, and transcendent joy. We are a
middle school (grades 4-8) that recruits children from families
with low income and the highest values, and we give
preference to those who keep to the traditional belief that
creative flight can only be sustained by grounded discipline.
Our history: Exodus House has been an anchoring and iconic
institution in Harlem since its founding in 1963 by Reverend
Dr. Lynn and Mrs. Leola Hageman as a drug rehabilitation
center. Due to a heightened concern for the welfare and wellbeing of the community’s many underserved, at-risk children,
Exodus House was converted in 1984 to an after-school and
summer program facility. Then, in the fall of 1993, inspired
by the steadfast commitment of the Hagemans to the East
Harlem community, the couple’s sons, Hans and Ivan, opened
an independent year-round middle school on the original Exodus
House site to better address the critical needs of these children
and their families. Today, EHS is chartered by the New York State
Department of Education and accredited by the Middle States
Association of Colleges and Schools. The East Harlem
School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Courtney Knowlton
Program Director, Humanities Teacher
Sheila Nelson
Director of Development
Jessica Panzarella
Humanities Teacher
The East Harlem School admits students of any race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation,
national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded
or made available to students at the School. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
disability, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in administration
of its educational polices, employment or hiring practices, financial aid or scholarship
programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.
Michelle Payler
Drama Teacher
Rosa Perez
Kitchen Assistant
Kevin Rohn
Science Teacher
Chastidy Roman
Admissions Director, Spanish Teacher
Anne Ross
Dean of Faculty & Staff, Math Teacher
Julie Tkac
Program Associate, Humanities Teacher
Fiorella Velasquez
Development Associate
(Left to right): 6th grader Luis during science class; 8th grader Saraly in Humanities class
93% Above National Average
93% of EHS 8th graders outperformed the national
median on the Stanford Achievement Test. 100% of
students scored at or above grade level in math and
86% scored at or above grade level in reading. This is
particularly notable as over 75% of incoming 4th and 5th
graders score below grade level when they begin at EHS.
100% High School Graduation and Scholarship
8th graders at EHS enrolled in rigorous public, private,
and parochial high schools, where they will continue to
prepare themselves for college and beyond. We are proud
to report that the 29 students from the EHS Class of 2014
were awarded significant scholarship aid totaling over
$445,000 from private boarding and parochial schools,
Boys Hope Girls Hope, and Student Sponsor Partners (SSP)
for the 2014-2015 school year.
Fitness and Nutrition
100% of EHS students participate in at least 6 hours of
rigorous physical activity each week, and 100% of EHS
students eat a vegetarian breakfast and lunch made
from mostly local and organic ingredients. Our program
works to combat poor health trends in East and Central
Harlem, where over 32% of teens are overweight or
Cost per Student
It costs $15,326 to educate a student at The East Harlem
School, 38% of the cost per student of traditional NYC
independent schools. EHS families, 92% of which earn
less than $50,000 per year, receive an average of $14,530
in tuition scholarship.
83% of income came from foundations and individuals
in the 2013-2014 school year. Over 75% of funding went
directly to the program.
(Top to bottom): 8th grader Teagan in Science class; 8th grader
Sebastian during Humanities class; 4th graders during swimming class
at Asphalt Green; Class of 2014
2013-2014 Program Achievements
Academics: In the 2013-2014 school year, our Humanities curriculum
focused on the development of dynamic reading, lapidary and
compelling writing, active and compassionate listening, and mindful
and compelling speech. Our Math curriculum developed our
students’ ability to see and engage with symmetries, proportionality,
and patterns, both symbolically and in application. Our Science
taught inquiry and experimentation through scientific reading and
writing, graphing, and active experimentation in our exploration
of the physical and biological world. Finally, our Spanish curriculum
explored culture, history, and current events of Latin America in
their national language.
Athletics: The purpose of our fitness program is to teach our
students to move with a balanced power that will help them
physically negotiate the world and put into practice understandings
gained in the conventional EHS classroom. The 2013-2014 EHS
Athletics program included swimming and water safety, yoga, daily
recess, fitness classes, and interscholastic soccer, lacrosse, and track.
Teams focused on physical fitness, teamwork, and foundational
skills to lead them in their development. On average, students
participated in six hours of weekly physical activity.
Drama: Last year, our students memorized lines, learned about
stage directions, and focused on embodying characters. In the
spring, our students’ hard work culminated in the productions of
“Annie, Jr.,” and “Once on this Island.” The public speaking and
leadership skills taught in drama further enhance students’ ease
and articulation in all social situations, including interviewing, and
will enable them to meet and communicate with a wide range of
Saturday School: The 2013-2014 school year marked the sixth year
of Saturday School at EHS, an optional program providing students
with 3 hours of tutoring, enrichment activities, and fitness on
Saturday mornings. Thanks to an increase in volunteers, more than
60% of EHS students took advantage of this program throughout
the year. Additionally, our 8th graders (Class of 2014) took a lead
role in staffing Saturday School.
Alumni Program: The EHS alumni program served all of its alumni
in high school and college by providing counseling, assistance with
the college application process, life-skills workshops, and internships.
We once again offered the Brooks Fellowships for Community
Service, which places alumni in summer internships at non-profit
and community-based organizations. This year, 19 EHS alumni were
named Brooks Fellows and collectively completed over 3,400 hours of
community service. This program was made possible by support from
Diana and Michael Brooks.
(Top to bottom): 8th grader Hillary; Girls’ Lacrosse; 4th grader Geraldine at the Poetry
Slam; The 4th grade practicing their measuring and arithmetic skills while baking with
Chef Jonah
2013-2014 New Initiatives
New Visual Arts Program:
The East Harlem School initiated a new Visual Arts program in the 2013-2014 school year to teach
foundational skills in sketching, drawing, and painting to all students. The primary goals of the program
are to discover the art of the visual, increase patience, heighten levels of awareness, train the hand and
eye to work together accurately, develop the ability to self-critique, use drawing as visual meditation
to relax, and gain appreciation and empathy for the surrounding world. These skills are taught through
projects that allow students to participate and learn, regardless of their innate abilities, and the
curriculum spirals through a diversity of projects, including art museum field trips, that allow students to
develop their skills while being exposed to various composition structures, media, and the development
of a working visual arts vocabulary.
Science Room Greenhouse:
Thanks to the fundraising efforts of our Trustee Amber Patton, EHS was able to partner with New York
Sun Works to implement hydroponic farming technology. Over the course of several weeks, NYSW
installed and retrofitted the School’s 7th and 8th grade Science room with hydroponic growing systems
and an integrative pest management and seedling station. The organization also implemented an
interdisciplinary curriculum which included teacher training workshops for EHS teachers. In the spring,
7th and 8th graders planted and harvested green leaf lettuce, red butterhead lettuce, bibb lettuce,
arugula, and kale. After harvesting, our chef used the produce to create delicious salads and sauteed
greens for school lunch. We look forward to many seasonal harvests to come!
Meditation: Meditation and silence have been incorporated into the School’s curriculum since its
founding in 1993. Recent research shows further evidence that daily meditation positively affect
students’ academic performance, decreases instances of bullying, and in fact, physically changes the brain
and body to help improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors. As a result, EHS has
strengthened its commitment to silence and meditation: Our day begins and ends with meditation, each
class starts and ends with silence, and our school community concludes each day together in stillness
before we leave into the evening. We have found that meditation, balanced with dynamic athletic
activity, good food, elegant academic instruction, and a vigilant community, allows children to grow in
acts of kindness, strength, and even wisdom.
New Website: The East Harlem School has launched a new website to better showcase its
program, students, events, and achievements! Check us out at www.eastharlemschool.org!
(Left to right): EHS Science room greenhouse; 6th grader Taj ringing the bells to begin meditation
2013-2014 New Partnerships
New Partnerships: Last year, EHS added the
following organizations to our network of
Frick Collection - Over the course of the
winter, every EHS student visited the
collection and had the opportunity to
engage in observation led discussion of
selected pieces. This partnership was
particularly meaningful as it coincided with
the launch of the School’s Visual Art
Green Beetz – Green Beetz a non-profit
organization with the mission to increase
children’s knowledge of, engagement with,
and access to healthy food. Green Beetz led a
series of workshops where our students
participated in hands on activites and games
that blended math, science, technology,
and pop culture to engage students around
healthy eating choices.
Grey Advertising – Grey Advertising, ADWEEK’s 2014 ‘Global Agency of the Year’, piloted a
program for The East Harlem School’s 8th graders that gave them hands on experience in the
field of advertising. Students participated in a 6 week project with hands on coaching from Grey
executives that challenged them to think creatively, work collaboratively, and deliver
thoughtful presentations to a panel of some of the world’s most celebrated advertising execs!
We look forward to working with Grey again soon!
The East Harlem School’s deep roots in the community enable and encourage organic and active partnerships with
local and national organizations. Our broad network of partnerships included the following organizations:
Arts & Cultural Partners – The Frick Collection, The Guggenheim Museum, International Center of Photography,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Museum of the City of New York, The Museum of Natural History,
The Whitney Museum of American Art
Community-Based Organization Partners – All Souls’ Soup Kitchen, Bideawee, The Boys’ Club of New York, The
Carter Burden Center for the Aging, The Education Legacy Fund, The Food Bank of New York City, Green Beetz,
Hale House Center, Legal Outreach, New York Sun Works, Hospital, We Are New York Community Project,
West End Intergenerational Residences, Hope through Health, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
Enrichment Program Partners – Beat the Streets, Empire Edge, Grey Advertising, The Opportunity Network, Student
Sponsor Partners NYC
(Left to right): 8th grade winning team with Grey Advertising; 8th grader Manuela during Visual Arts class
SERIES: EHS continued the weekly Whole
School Time Speaker Series with a group of
dynamic presenters who spoke on a variety
of topics.
• Marshall Lally – Underwater Photographer
• Thai Jones – American History Professor, Columbia University
• Julio Peterson - VP of Real Estate at The Shubert Organization
• Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr. - Senior US District Judge for the Eastern district of New York
• Judge Lillian Wan - Brooklyn Family Court Judge
• Ms. Boucher - EHS Teacher presented her research on Alaskan glaciers
• National Cathedral Boys Choir
• Jessica Smalls – Celebrity Makeup Artist and EHS Alumna
• Beatrice Tompkins - EHS Trustee
• Tiana McLean - Associate Attorney at Holland & Knight
• Nefertari Adams - EHS Alumna, Assistant Vice President, Bank of America
• Keya Madhvani - Innovation Associate at Acumen Fund
• Marc Levin - Founder and Film Maker, Blowback Productions
• Abigail Lash - Sales Associate Harris Stevens Real Estate
Medical Partners – East Harlem Asthma Center of Asthma Excellence, East Harlem Diabetes Center of Excellence,
Mt. Sinai Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical Center
Outdoor Education Partners – Christodora Manice Education Center, The Mountain Institute, Outward Bound
Sports Partners – Asphalt Green Waterproofing Program, The Downtown Boathouse, Hotchkiss School Lacrosse
Program, Namaste New York, National Dance Institute, Independent School Athletic League, Princeton University
Lacrosse Program
Strategic Partners – The Brearley School, Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service, Village Community
Summer Program Partners – Brearley Summer Start, Camp Kabeyun, Cornell University Future Stars Lacrosse Camp,
Fieldstone Middle School, Princeton University Class of ‘69, Westover School Summer Session
(Top to bottom): 6th grader Ashley during Visual Arts class; 6th graders in Humanities class
2014 High School Placement
2014 was a highly competitive year for boarding, private,
parochial, and specialized high school admissions. Our
8th grade class, nonetheless, had very strong placement
results, and we are confident that they will continue to
shine in high school!
Armando Abrajan
Sebastian Adorno
Jason Alvarado
Alejandra Batista
Hillary Cuero
Samantha Figueroa
Noah Graham
Sasha Guzman
Alberto Jimenez
Tolulola Laguda
Carmina Meneses
Johanny Mercedes
Cynthia Minchala
Pablo Mota
Gloria Najera
Jonathan Perez
Abraham Quito
Clyde Ramos
Brandon Reyes
Tatsuya Rivera
Carlito Rodriguez
Leslie Rosario-Olivo
Yisharah Rudolph
Rafael Soto
Soungalo Soumahoro
Mia Stevens
Teagan Thompson
Saraly Vargas
Taylor Williams
Cardinal Hayes High School
Cristo Rey New York
Church Farm School
Beacon School
Cristo Rey New York
Tabor Academy
Cristo Rey New York
Rumsey Hall
St. Raymond’s High School
Young Women’s Leadership School
Cathedral High School
Beacon School
Manhattan Village Academy
All Hallows High School
Mount Saint Ursula HS
Cristo Rey New York
Friends Seminary
Taft School
Essex Street Academy
Bishop Loughlin Memorial HS
LaSalle Academy
Cristo Rey New York
St. Jean Baptiste High School
Essex Street Academy
Essex Street Academy
Westminster School
Philips Academy Andover
Dana Hall School
Essex Street Academy
This Page (Top to bottom): Student Graduation Speaker Saraly; 8th grader
Abraham walking to receive his diploma; Alumna Nefertari Adams addressing
the graduates; Alumnae Claudette, Arlene, and Ibukun
2013-2014 Financial Snapshot
What People are Saying about EHS
“During this trip I learned many new things about myself. I learned that even though I believed I could not
take another step, I was able to take that step and many more. Today, I know that if sometimes things get hard, I can tell
myself that once I went up 6,000 ft mountains with a fifty pound backpack on my back. I know I can push myself way more
than I ever thought possible, so if I set my mind to it, I will get through it...Thank you again for giving me the
oppportunity to have the experience of a lifetime. I truly appreciate it.
- Sofia, Alumna’ 13 Excerpt from Letter to EHS funders of the Outward Bound program
2013-2014 Donor List
Benefactor ($50,000 and Above)
Altman Foundation
Diana and Michael Brooks
Credit Suisse Americas Foundation
The Chase and Stephanie Coleman
Robert and Mary Grace Heine
RMLow Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Shepard
Tiger Foundation
Tsunami Foundation - Anson and
Debra Beard, Jr. and Family
Virginia Lopez Foundation
Champion ($20,000 - $49,999)
Ernest and Kathleen M.
Achelis Foundation
American Express
The Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation
Anonymous (4)
An Anonymous Family Foundation
Anson and Debra Beard, Jr.
Blavatnik Family Foundation
Columbia Pictures
Rebecca and Loic de Kertanguy
Cheryl and Blair Effron
David and Susan Haas
Heinz Family Foundation
Jericho Capital
Patricof Family Foundation
Amber Patton
Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation
Talbott and Carter Simonds
7th grader Latoya during meditation
Polly and Tom Ketchum
May and Samuel Rudin Family
Judy McGrath
Mary Meeker
David A. and Mildred H. Morse
Charitable Trust
The Robertson Foundation
Rosemont Solebury Capital, L.P.
Eve Stuart
Mark and Lisa Walsh Foundation
Van Wyck Estate Fund
Dean’s List ($5,000- $9,999)
BJ Foundation
Paul and Alicia Brill
Tribute to Jeanne Brown
Anna Chapman
Trustees’ Circle ($10,000 - $19,999) David J. Collins, Jr.
The Conway Family Foundation
Tim and Nancy Armstrong
Credit Suisse
Campbell Brown and Dan Senor
Reverend Norman C. Eddy
Robby Browne
ESPN, Inc.
Jeffrey M. Brown
Graham Duncan and Courtney
The Carson Family Charitable Trust
Wendy Gimbel and Douglas
Crane Fund for Widows and
Eileen DeVito and Bill Glaser
Elizabeth Eielson
John and Amy Griffin
Laurie and Peter Grauer
Foundation, Inc.
Stephanie W. Guest
Neil and Mindy Grossman
The Marc Haas Foundation
Larry Guffey
Bill and Anne Harrison
Jane Hartley and Ralph Schlosstein
Daniel Singer and Catherine
Barbara and Eric Hippeau
Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin
The Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Heyman
Tory and Gibb Kane
Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation
George Klein
Kadmon Corp
The Lauder Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kellogg
Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
7th grader Hunter in book club
Macaskill Foundation
Colin and Dee McKechnie
Melissa and Keith Meister
Merck Partnership for Giving
Jon and Victoria Patricof
Paul D. Schurgot Foundation, Inc.
Robert Selsam
Soros Fund Charitable
Foundation Matching Gifts
Thendara Foundation
The Raether 1985 Charitable
Trust- Alexa and Fernando
Teneo Strategy, LLC
Stephen and Maddie Tobias
John and Louisa Troubh
Anastasia Petrow Vournas and
J. William Uhrig
Jeffrey and Kathryn Zukerman
Scholarship ($1,000 - $4,999)
American Media
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker
Andre Balazs
Sharon Bazbaz
Elizabeth and Rodney Berens
Brian Bertelsen
Michael and Eryn Bingle
Jeff Blau
Bonnie Englebardt Family
Charitable Trust
Bostock Family Foundation
Rebecca Boucher and Tom
Alison Brettschneider
Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Brooks
Brooks Foundation
8th grader Soungalo in Humanities class
2013-2014 Donor List
7th grader Jada with harvested lettuce from the EHS science room greenhouse
7th graders Ashley and Manuela in Fitness
5th graders during lunch
Jonathan and Allison Buba
Brian Burns
Eva Byrnes
David and Kirsten Carmel
Alexander W. Casdin Foundation
Cyrus Capital Partners, LP
Matthew Mallow and Ellen
Timothy Chow
Timothy Croak
Andrew Cummins
Fred Davis
Derrick Diggs and Rashida
Marianne K. Dolan
Elissa Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Driscoll
Chloe Drew and Godfrey R. Gill
David and Susan Edelstein
Richard and Chloe Eisner
Steven Elghanayan
John and Olivia Farr
Benji Federbush
David and Amber Flynn
Alex and Clarita Fodor
Emily and Harold Ford, Jr.
Jennifer W. Fowler
Lauren and Brian Frank
Gail Furman
Roy Furman
Jenny and Jay Galluzzo
Wendy Gimbel and Douglas
Jennifer and Ian Goodman
Erik H. Gordon
Caroline and Spencer Greenwald
Josh and Shoshanna Gruss
Agnes Gund
Peter and Helen Haje
DJ and Barbara Haley
Hamlin Capital Management, LLC
Harman Family Foundation
Robert Meringolo
Jane Harman
Jessica and Matthew Harris
Pam and Jon Henes
Adam C. Heyman
Elsie H. Hillman Foundation
Jason Hirschhorn
Rochelle and David A. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs
Holly Peterson Foundation
Joy H. Ingham
The John R. Jakobson
Foundation, Inc.
Janklow Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell
Jennings, Jr.
Michael T.M. Jones & Dana
Wallach Jones
Michael Kassan
Erica and Michael Karsch
Marina and Stephen Kaufman
Eleanora Kennedy - Shana
Alexander Foundation
Cara and Jeffrey Klein
Keith Klein
Lisa and Oliver Knowlton
Beth and Chris Kojima
Judy and Lew Kramer
John Labiak
Sid and Ruth Lapidus
Michael and Kass Lazerow
James Murphy Lemer
Peter and Gretchen Lengyel
Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz
Jon Locker
Locus Analytics
Allen Low
Robert A. Low
Kelly and Stephen Mack
Harry Madoff
Rocco and Roxanne Martino
Colin and Rebekah McCabe
Katherine and David McCallum
Rising 8th graders during their annual camping trip in West Virginia Anjan Mukherjee
Laurie Gene Mygatt
Betsy and Bill Nachbaur
The Daniel M. Neidich and Brooke
Garber Foundation
Kevin and Jacqueline Nickelberry
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. A. Nicol
Jamie Niven
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Hara
Vincent Pascal of ARK Restaurant
Hillary Peck
Christine and Peter Pell
Lowell and Courtney Pettit
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Lucy Victoria Phillips
Matt Pincus and Sarah Min
Adrienne Plotch and Robert
Jarrett and Pamela Posner
Winnie and Bill Post
Bob Potter and Anne Patterson
Stephen Prince and Hailey Lustig
Katherine and Billy Rayner
Alita D. Reed
Bonnie and Richard Reiss
Gregori Reto
John Rhea
Anne and Tom Robinson
Rochelle and David A. Hirsch
Foundation, Inc.
Meg and David Roth
Carol T. Ruderman
Allison and Neil Rubler
Samantha Rudin
Rudin Management Company, Inc.
Cameron and Jessica Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sanger
Gwen and Stuart Sarnoff
Ted Schell and Rita O’Connor
Priscilla and Richard Schmeelk
Thomas and Barbara Schweizer
2013-2014 Donor List
Seidel Family
Sexton Family Foundation
Mark Shafir and Hillary Schafer
Kimberly and Jonathan Schulhof
Randi and Boaz Sidikaro
Adam Sloan
Kate and Andy Spade
The Starker Family Foundation
Josh Steiner and Antoinette
Stephanie and Fred Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr.
Jeff Taschler and Dina Treanor
Kim Tabet and Chris Brown
Joseph Tahl
TAG Associates, LLC
Lizzie and Jonathan M. Tisch
Beatrice G. Tompkins
The Towbin Fund
Will Tracy and Ellen Carucci
Jordan and Heather Turkewitz
Tina and Philip Vasan
Andrew Vogel and Veronique
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bronson
van Wyck
Javier Vargas and Monica
Patsy and Sandy Warner
Pamela Wasserstein
David Wassong
Mrs. William M. Weaver
Carol and Michael Weisman
Family Charitable Trust
Brian and Norah Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Weintraub
Christopher J. Williams
Eugene and Jacqueline Williams
Jenise and Chuck Wilson
Wayne Winnick
Wolfensohn Family Foundation
The Woolf Family
Beth and Earle Yaffa
Mary N. Young
Robert P. Zimmerman
Sponsor ($500- $999)
Iris and Nathan Adler
Karl Anderson
Anonymous (3)
Susan and Ric Apter
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baldwin
Brigitte Bentele
Capalino & Company
Jonah Chasin
Errol and Gladys Cook
Rita and Robert Crotty
Kelly and Andrew Dahle
DeLa Cour Family Foundation
Aurelia I. Drackett
Elly Eisenberg
Jane Foley Fried
Nancy and Howard Ganz
Glendale Foundation
Candy and Richard Goldstein
Rachel and Richard Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M.
Alba I. Gutierrez
Robert Hammond
Emer Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyland
Israel A. Englander & Co. LLC
Courtney D. Johnson and
Reggie Thornton
Rory and David Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Jones
Tonia Kaminsky
Anne and Burton Kaplan
Charlie Kaplan and Elaine Sun
Sally and Wynn Kramarsky
MaryAnn and Allen Lassiter
Ann and Steve Leber
Edith and Herbert Lehman
Andrew McIlroy & Kit Letterese
William Ludgate
Alexander and Sally Lynch
Andrea Mann and Mitch
Elly and John McKenna
Meredith Melling
Matthew V. Merola
Craig Meyers
Michael Priest Photography
Lester C. Migdal
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Nelson
New York Community Trust
Karen Outlaw
Joyce Patton
Dottie and Marty Payson
Robert Pohly and Julie Turaj
Family Foundation
Ann and John Pyne
(Top to bottom): 6th graders in Science class; 5th graders performing Annie; 6th
grader Juan practicing public speaking in Drama class; Alumnus Donaldo ‘13, 7th
grader Fatima and 8th grader Tolulola at the United Nations General Assembly
4th grader Chelsea in swimming class at Asphalt Green
8th grader Teagan in Spanish class
2013-2014 Donor List
Nisha Atre Richardson
Richard Schimel
Kevin Shand and Jordin
Ruth Shillingford and Iliana
Joy Singer
Edith Van Slyck
Cynthia and Stuart Smith
Claire and Jody Steinglass
Ehren Stenzler
Jeffrey Stewart
Aaron Stone
Dr. and Mrs. Butch and Ellen
Gladys Thomas
Richard Thomas
Vermilion Foundation
Arthur Whitman
Linden and Scott Wise
Patron ($250- $499)
Trinidad Abrajan
Kristen and Boris Arabadjiev
Susan and Ric Apter
Shannon Bambanek
Brigitte Bentele
Eric Blumencranz - BWD
Group, LLC
Fabienne Charbonnet
James and Erica Cirigliano
Bruce Crain
Ghislain de Kertanguy
Kathy and William DeWitt
Wolcott and Joan Dunham
Grace Eagar
Donna and Yale Fergang
Darrell Fields
Lauren Frasco and Timothy
Andrew Fry and Ben Schlatter
Alan J. and Susan A. Fuirst
Candy and Richard Goldstein
David and Elizabeth Goldstein
Ashley Goodale
Gwen and John Grotta
Ambassador Greta
Jonathan M. and Lisa Haas
Carl and Fran Harnick
Emily Hellstrom and John
Joan Jakobson
Y. Christine Kell
Scott Kimmel
Cynthia Hunter Lang
Mary Lato
Ann and Steve Leber
Nicholas Lehman
Glen and Cheryl Lewy
Alexandra Low
Averil P. Meyer
Jennifer Lowe Noble
William Null
Amy and Tony Pasquariello
Jamie and Kelly Patricof
Cynthia A. Payler
Douglas Polloy
Phillip Shefter
Barbara Solit
Linda K. Smith
Felipe Ventegeat
Lorna and Ned Walker
Donna Webb
Rowene Weems
Elaine Wynn
Friend (Up to $249)
A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc.
Howard Altman
Jeffrey Armstrong
Bradford Aston
Bryan Austin
Guadalupe Barragan
Daphne Birdsey
Margarita Bravo
George R. Bunn Jr.
Danisia and Curtis Burgess
Jessica Cassimatis
Ceferina Castaneda
Murray Cohen
Elizabeth Conway
Rachel Conybeare
Richard Di Costanzo
Ronald and Judith Davenport
Laura de Boisblanc
Jonathan Drucker
Christopher and Anne Einhorn
Ellagem, Inc.
Joel Epstein
Barrett Feldman
Jennifer Feierman and Will
de Lannoy
Nina Fenton
(Top to bottom): 6th graders in Humanities class; Dean of Faculty and Staff and
Math teacher Anne Ross meeting with 8th grade students during study hall; 7th
grader Lire during Fitness class; The 5th grade during a warm up for Drama class
2013-2014 Donor List
Liz Figel and Josh Treuhaft
Ingrid Jenaro Garcia
Prue Gary
Kathleen R. Gerard
Maria Gerlich
Fitzallen Gitler
Maxwell Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Good
Karl Griffith
Carol Gutierrez and Eric Garcia
Sabrina Hall
Ruth Halligan
Jeremiah Hayes
Hearst Corporation
Rachel Hott
Antoinette Hum
Chris Huntington
John and Denise Hyland
Gina Reif Ilardi
Catherina Pedrayes Illowite
Alexandra Karadimas
Carrie Keeneth
Georgia Levenson Keohane
Marisa Kolodny
Rishi Kothari
Lisa Labracio
Sarah Laguda
Steve Leeds
Isaias Leon
Joan Levy
Charlie Leonard
Bethia Liu
Alexandra Low
Winifred Mabley
In honor of Duffy Macri
Paul and Annette Marcus
Phillip Matzidkais
Hali McClelland
Margaret Mintz and John
Nick Morgan
Arturo and Fanny Mota
Doris T. Muir
Henry S. Myers
Amanda Neal
Rowan and Johnetta Neal
Lamarr and Lauretta Nelson
Brendan Nelson
Anne Marie O’Connor
Tom Padgett and Terry McKinney
Jillian Pagliocca
Stephanie Palmer
Xavier Paquet
Park Avenue Charitable Fund
Winter Parris
Jodie Patterson
Alison Pena
Brent and Susannah Prill
Shawn Pressley-Baez
Matthew Quan
Amy Raudenbush
Bernadette and Ervin Ramos
Sarah Rebal
Samuel Reinhart
Juleska Richards
Mordecai Rochlin
Sandra Roche
Barbara B. Rosen
Sarah Rivlin
Michael Ruderman and
Annette Osterlund
Beatriz Ramirez and Valente
Chantal and Andy Russell
Sabina Santamaria
David Satisky
Mark Schlesinger
Katherine and Richard
Peter Shapiro
Shalini Sharma
Hannah Shostack
Catherine Sierra
Hayden Simmons
Lorre C. Snyder
Connie Sopic
Dr. Abby Shuman and Dean
Lena Sun
Sara Van Beckum
Julie Vargas
Fiorella Velasquez
Raquel Cuevas Velasquez
Jacqui Weidman
Alexander Weigend
Ellen Wheeler
(Top to Bottom): 8th graders Alejandra, Mia, Noah, and Samantha emceeing
the 2014 Fall Benefit; Head of School Ivan Hageman with Former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton at the Benefit honoring Susan and Alan Patricof; Students
speaking to Trustee Dede Brooks and guests during the silent auction; 6th
grader Alexa performing her poem at the 2014 Poetry Slam
Anne White
Arthur Whitman
Mary Wilkerson
Amy Wolf
Timothy Wyant
Hanbin Yang
Gifts in Kind
Ari Ackerman
Amber Patton Collection
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Beard, Jr.
Bombo Sports and Entertainment
Brooklyn Bowl | Peter Shapiro
Rebecca and Loic de Kertanguy
Discover Orange Bowl
RR Donnelley
Susan and David Haas
Robert and Mary Grace Heine
InsideOut Sports + Entertainment
Julio Peterson of the Shubert Organization, Inc.
Edie Parker
Michael Priest Photography
Random House, Inc.
Red Rooster Harlem/ Ginny’s Super Club
Rent the Runway
Tribeca Film Festival
Universal Studios
Van Wyck & Van Wyck
Vincent Pascal of ARK Restaurant
Williams Lea
2015 Spring Poetry Slam
Thursday, May 7, 2015
B.B. King Blues Club & Grill
(Top to bottom): Student asking a question
during the Whole School Time Speaker
Series with Trustee Bea Tompkins; 6th
grade students in math class; 7th and 8th
graders at the U.S. Capitol during the annual
Washington D.C. Trip
Small school. BIG impact.
Please make your tax-deductible gift to The East
Harlem School today, and make a BIG impact on a
child’s life forever. Please contact the development
office with any questions at 212-876-8775 x305.
The East Harlem School at Exodus House is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. New and
continued support from our donors allows us to
provide an innovative and comprehensive education
to middle school students from low-income families
in Harlem. With your assistance, we can continue
to provide an exceptional learning community to
our ever-growing student body, to offer academic
counseling to our alumni, and to forge ahead with
the School’s growth and expansion. Thank you for
your consideration.
We have worked to ensure the
accuracy of this report and apologize
for any errors or omissions. If there
has been an inadvertent error or
omission, please accept our sincere
apologies and notify:
Design Concept
Jessica Giles
Building Photography
Kevin Chu + Jessica Paul
Tel +1 646.483.1155
Student Photography
Michael Priest Photography

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