Hospital Happenings November 2012


Hospital Happenings November 2012
NGH-NHNH November
Official Internal Newsletter 2012 Issue # 7
A Healing Frame of Mind - Radiothon Shares Stories of Care
“I’m blown away by the quality of care that this institution and its people deliver,”
Jim Malcolm, grateful patient.
im Malcolm arrived to NGH with a serious infection in his thigh on September 13. Previous to this, his only NGH experience had
been a visit to the ER. After a quick and thorough examination, Jim was moved immediately to surgery and then prepared for
secondary surgery to follow in Hamilton. He would return to NGH for healing and rehabilitation. Jim spent 17 days on the medical unit and five weeks in the slow stream rehabilitation program on the fourth at NGH. He finally got to go home on October
22, but not before sharing his intensive experience with NGH during the 10th NGH Foundation Radiothon held October 17, 2012.
“The doctors here saved my life, the nursing staff are amazing, incredibly professional, hard-working. Staff are encouraging, always caring and were there to help me get back on my feet. See Jim’s full interview on the NGH YouTube Channel.
Submit Your Stories
Jason Harnett-Editor
519-426-0130 Ext. 6977
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Inside This Issue
Denise’s Divas
Strategic Planning
NHNH Accreditation
Guiding NGH through the Future
Strategic Process Begins
The Origin of our Logo
t was in 1987 that the Norfolk General Hospital logo as we
know it today, was introduced to the community. It was designed to symbolize our history, character and future direction.
The logo suggests strength, caring and credibility as well as
the growth of both the hospital facilities and the community.
The overall design is italicized to represent progression, action and movement towards the future.
The logo itself represents people; both the hospital staff and
people of the community. It shows a team forming a tower of strength. With their arms wrapped, they
demonstrate team work and cooperation. The
people are also seen as a symbol of a tree, this
offers growth and life to the design. The people are identical, to suggest that no one, black,
white, man or woman is any different when it
comes to caring and services provided. The entire design appears in royal blue and metallic gold. The people appear in metallic gold because they are special and that
is what our hospital is about-people.
A Candy Cane Christmas Party
The first phase of Norfolk General Hospital’s strategic planning
process began on Friday September 21, through September 22, at
the Simcoe Travelodge. Those in attendance included management
forum and members of both the Foundation and Hospital Board of
During the session, Kelly Isfan introduced Donna Cripps, CEO at Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Health
Integration Network. Donna provided some insight into the LHIN’s five
year strategic plan and explained the
role of the LHIN and how hospital’s
in our LHIN can share the same vision which would focus on integrated
service delivery, embedding a culture
of quality and evolving the role of the
LHIN. NGH wants to ensure our plan Donna Cripps, CEO LHIN
is consistent with the direction of the
The remainder of the strategic retreat was spent with Hugh MacPhie,
strategic plan facilitator, who helped the group begin the strategic
brainstorming process which included identifying key stakeholders,
challenges, future goals, opportunities and services that our
hospital should provide to our
An Employee PR Committee Production
The two day session was a great
team building opportunity between staff and board members
and an excellent start to NGH’s
strategic planning process. “This
is the most important strategic
planning in a generation. It’s a
very important responsibility
to have on your shoulders,” said
$10 Staff / $20 Guest
Social Hour @ 6pm - Dinner & Dancing to follow
Purchase your tickets before Dec. 7th at the
Administration Office or call Ext. 1228
Hugh MacPhie,
The next step in the strategic planning process will be through consultations with staff, physicians, volunteers and external stakeholders.
These stakeholder consultations lead by Hugh McPhie will be veryimportant to the overall strategic plan.
Denise's Divas
A Halloween Visit
from Mary Poppins
CIBC Run/Walk For the Cure….and that’s exactly what a group of 32 colleagues, friends and families
did as part of Denise’s Divas on Sunday, September 30. Denise, a member of the Housekeeping Department was supported by her fellow colleagues from both the Housekeeping and Food services Departments as well as friends and family, raising over $6,000 collectively for Breast Cancer Research.
Denise was overwhelmed with the support shown towards her and the enthusiasm of the team as they
decked out in everything pink, from boas to eyelashes, to sunglasses! Sobering statistics were shared at
the event reminding us that 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Denise’s Divas were
happy to take part in this great event and hope next year to grow their team even bigger and maybe add
a few dudes?
Joanne Kiefer
NHNH Staff Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Victoria McKnight, PSW, Barb Atkinson,
PSW and Cindy Gagnon, RPN show their
support for Breast Cancer Awareness by
wearing pink disposable gloves and using
the pink recycled soiled linen bags supplied by London Hospital Linen Service
Inc., in partnership with Enviro Health
Care Inc. These companies will once
again make a donation to the Breast Cancer Society for each case of pink recycled
soil linen bags sold.
Hurricane Sandy blew in Mary
Poppins (Amanda Gordon) for
a brief visit to NGH on Halloween. Mary arrived well prepared
for the nasty weather complete
with her umbrella!
View Hospital Happenings Online
Our Mission is to relieve illness and suffering, and help people live healthier lives
Taking Care Everyday Radiothon 2012
John and Mike
Julie and son Noah
Brett and Mike
Jennifer & Sierra
Dr. Wynveen & Bridget
Linda & Jane
NGH - Caring for Our Community - The Tradition Continues
‘Taking Care Every Day’ was the theme for
this year’s NGH Foundation Radiothon on
CD 98.9fm. Staff and physicians emphasized
the great importance of investing in health
care technology. With overwhelming support
from the community, $137,327 was raised!
In its 10th edition, the NGH Foundation
Radiothon broadcast live from the hospital
for the very first time and featured many
personal testimonies of excellent patient care
from grateful patients and their families. The
12-hour broadcast also introduced the community to many of our health care professionals who dedicate their lives to providing
patient care in our community and helped
explain technology’s importance in delivering safe and efficient care.
“Our health care team use technology in
delivering patient care from the moment a
patient arrives to the day of their discharge,”
said Julie Powell, director of development
NGH Foundation. “We want to sincerely
thank everyone who gave to our radiothon
and contributed to keeping our hospital’s
technology current.”
Over the ten year radiothon history and partnership with CD98.9fm, $1,131,513.00 has
been raised for NGH.
Video segments of the
12-hour broadcast can be viewed
through the Norfolk General
Hospital YouTube Channel. If
you would like to learn more
about “Taking Care Everyday”
please visit the NGH website
The ‘Taking Care Every Day’ campaign aims
to raise $1 million dollars towards technology upgrades and improvements throughout
the hospital.
A Stethoscope for the 21st Century
Mobile Critical Care Ultrasound at NGH
he critical care mobile ultrasound has arrived!
The purchase was made through the generous
donations from the NGH Foundation’s ‘Angels of
Care’ 2011 Christmas campaign.
The new equipment will be used by internal medicine and emergency room physicians. To get doctors better acquainted with the new technology,
an ultrasound course was hosted at the hospital
on September 21- 23 for our physicians as well as
several other physicians from across Ontario.
One surgeon, one anesthetist, five internists,
one cardiologist and four
emergency medicine
physicians from Norfolk
General took part in this
extensive educational
The ultrasound unit will allow physicians to make
immediate bedside diagnosis as well as assist with
line placement for vascular access. Physicians
were very grateful for the learning opportunity
and the new equipment – “Wonderful course,
thank you!”
Our Mission is to relieve illness and suffering, and help people live healthier lives.
Barb Stoepker $306
Jessica King $305
Jodi Zalewski $306
Nov. 30
Staff Christmas Breakfast
Dec. 15
Candy Cane Christmas Party
Dec. 19
Open House & OSCARS
Dr. George Marshall Award
NHNH Employee of Year
Hazel Race Bursary Awards
NHNH Christmas Bazaar, Dec. 7th
9a-1pm in the NHNH Activity Room - An Annual Tradition!
Natasha Martin Takes Charge on 4B
wo weeks into her new role at NGH, we managed to catch
up with Natasha Martin the new Charge Nurse on 4B. After
returning from a challenging Monday on the unit, she was back
for more, chasing down patients and consoling family members.
“I wasn’t sure she’d return after the day we had yesterday,” smiled
Janice Macovik, 4B director, “We’re so glad she did.”
As someone who naturally
seeks out new challenges,
becoming the 4B Charge
Nurse couldn’t have come
at a better time for both
Natasha and the unit.
Originally, Natasha began
her journey at NGH as an
ER nurse, moving to ICU
and later taking a float
position which she absolutely loved and continues
to recommend to others.
“Being a float gave me the
opportunity to really get to
understand the dynamics of the hospital and get to know many of
the staff. I think it would be helpful to have more float nurses at
When a new position arrived on 4B it was both the challenge of
the opportunity and the encouragement she received from her
colleagues to apply for it.
As a float, she was quite familiar with the work ahead and looked
forward to the change.
“On 4B, there is a lot of family dynamics, behavioral challenges,
palliative care needs and nursing skills required, not only for the
patients but the family members too,” said Martin. “There are so
many different types of patients on this floor. Staff is amazing and
has so many skills to offer from dealing with cognitive impairments, providing acute care, administering IV’s to assisting with
our slow stream program. There is a much faster turnaround then
we’ve seen in the past.”
As a charge nurse on the unit Natasha is an advocate for patients
and her fellow staff. She is there to provide education and support.
Some of her responsibilities include assessing wounds and helping
to administer the proper wound care; overseeing acute nursing;
carrying out rounds with physicians and dealing with any issues
that may arise. She also works closely with the physiotherapy
department and helps in determining how close a patient is to
regaining their independence. Most recently, Natasha has been
working alongside with Behavioral Support Ontario (BSO) in
helping to craft strategies towards achieving success with behavioral patients and helping to ensure other patients maintain the
highest level of care.
“Sometimes staff may feel like they are alone, but I’m there to
remind them that everyone’s floor goes through difficult times.
“I just tell myself we’re going to get through today and bring positive feelings to the floor. It’s important for me to tell staff they are
doing a great job and that they’re not alone. It’s all part of
Tea with John Race
On October 10, staff was invited
to share tea with John Race in the
conference room. It was an opportunity to personally thank John for
his commitment to staff education
and learn more about the Hazel
Race Career Advancement Fund.
John Race and Kelly Isfan, NGH CEO
“Technology is always changing,
regardless of what department staff
is in.
It is difficult to keep pace with
technology when life’s pace is so
fast,” said Race. John and his
late wife Hazel, established a grant
that will offer funding to staff that
pursue educational opportunities
to enhance their knowledge and
expertise. John is very pleased to
see that staff has also contributed
to building this education fund.
Grant applications are available in
the Foundation Office until November 30. The 2012 disbursement
of interest is $1500.00 this year.
NGH - Caring for Our Community - The Tradition Continues
NGH Welcomes three new Board of Directors
Doug Archibald, Mary Peever & Tom White
Thank You For Serving Our Community Hospital
Educating Migrant Farm Workers
in Norfolk County
Community Addictions and Mental Health Services, Community
Legal Clinic, YMCA Employment
Training and Settlement Services,
United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Mitt and Robe, etc.
On September 21, NGH
participated in the
Migrant Farm Workers
Health Fair held at the
Royal Canadian Legion
in Simcoe and hosted by
the Agriculture Workers
The purpose of the event
was to provide health
related information to
area migrant workers
and educate them as to
what support is available
in our community.
In addition to NGH’s
participation a total of 17
displays were set up from
various organizations including Norfolk Public Library, RIDE
Norfolk, OPP, Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, The AIDS Network, Canadian Mental Health Association Haldimand-Norfolk,
Approximately 225 migrant
workers visited the fair which ran
from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. At the
NGH booth they were greeted by
volunteers Doug and Karen Sibbet
who explained (through a translator at times) how emergency care
is delivered at our hospital and
the various steps they should take
when coming to our Emergency.
NGH is a member of the Norfolk
County Health Care Accessibility Community Committee. A
group that formed to promote health care accessibility throughout Norfolk County.
Volunteer Association Make New Lab Analyzer Reality
On Oct. 10, 2012 a new state-of-the-art chemistry analyzer was
implemented in the NGH laboratory. This analyzer has a significant
test menu that has allowed the replacement of two separate analyzers
that had reached the end of expected life. The EXL 200 will perform
approximately 65% of all lab testing done on site at NGH and gives our
laboratory the flexibility to repatriate some of the tests that we currently refer out as the need arises. The new analyzer is also expected to
dramatically reduce future lab agent expenses ($80,000 annually).
“Maintaining a flexible test menu will become increasingly important
to ensure that we can continue to meet the ever-changing needs of our
physicians and the patients we serve. This new piece of equipment is
capable of running tests more quickly and more cost efficiently than
our old equipment could,” said Barry Vermeersch.
“We have this new piece of equipment at NGH only through the hard
work and generosity of our Volunteer Services who donated the funds With the new Chemistry Analyzer: Barry Vermeersch, director clinical diagnostic services, Sherri Schira-Ladosz, director of Volunteers, Lisa Killingbeck,
to enable us to make this significant improvement to our laboratory
lab technician, Mary Peever, president Volunteer Association.
service a reality,” said Vermeersch. Approximately $90,000 was raised
by the Volunteer Association for this piece of equipment.
Our Mission is to relieve illness and suffering, and help people live healthier lives.
ur Mission is to relieve illness & suffering,
& help people live healthier lives
Every Second Counts...
During his most recent visit Ray was extremely pleased to hear
from Cindy Gekiere, diabetes educator, that soon an Automated
External Defibrillator will stand ready and waiting in the Robinson street entrance of the hospital should an emergency situation
arise where someone is suffering cardiac arrest.
Volunteer Don Hibbs concurs, as a front desk volunteer he sees the
great benefits of having an AED ready for an emergency situation
on the main floor of the hospital and through early education he’s
already had an opportunity to see how easy it really is to save a
person’s life and help them regain a heart rate. To him it’s something else he can do to help save a life besides call 1911.
Cindy Gekiere & Ray Flint
ay Flint knows that every second counts. He lost his mother
to heart disease, his sister recently suffered her second heart
attack and his father in law just went through triple bypass surgery. Ray understands he is at a higher risk of having a heart attack
as well, but through ongoing diabetes education and subtle life
changes he plans to change the course of his health. The risk of
heart disease for people with diabetes is 80%.
This December an AED will be installed in the main lobby of the
hospital. Through the generosity of the Simcoe Lions Club $2500
was raised to purchase the unit. All CPR trained staff and those
who attend CPR orientation are trained to use the equipment, but
the idea is that through its simple voice command prompt system
anyone can administer it. “This will improve response time for
defibrillation which is so important in terms of mortality,” said
Gekiere. The great part about the AED is that it can be taken out to
the parking lot, cafeteria, kitchen etc. Also the monitor cable can
easily be unplugged from the AED and plugged into the crash cart
(emergency equipment/supplies on wheels).
“We are so thankful to the Simcoe Lions Club for helping us to
purchase this life saving piece of equipment. We hope that we
won’t have to use it, but if we do, we’re providing a patient the best
chance of survival.”
For nearly 10 years Ray has been coming to see staff at the H-N
Diabetes at NGH.
Hospital Happenings
Let Us know how we are
doing and what you would like
to see in 2013
Your feedback is appreciated!
Halloween Fun on 3B!
3B Nurses, Rachel Schooley, Brenda Fekete, Melissa Frank,
Pat Phillips and Joanne Heil show their Halloween spirit October 31.
NGH - Caring for Our Community - The Tradition Continues
Kelly Isfan, CEO, Mary Hoover, NHNH president & chair, Helen Ferley, RN Survey Accreditor, Vicky Florio, NHNH director of care Cathy Smith,
NHNH nurse manager, Erica Reicheld, activation coordinator, Dianne Hedges, administrative assistant.
ust when you thought you’d heard the
last of Accreditation; it was The Norfolk
Hospital Nursing Home’s turn (October 2224) to go through the motions of the voluntary process which evaluates the standards
in nursing homes across Canada.
“This nursing home speaks strongly to the
commitment to quality, I have definitely
witnessed lots of examples,” said Helen
Ferley, RN and lead surveyor with Accreditation Canada. “I can’t speak highly enough
about the staff. They have comfort, compassion and companionship you don’t find in
many organizations.”
During the three day Accreditation review
Helen met with staff from both the Nursing
Home and Hospital that provides support
to the home. A total of 370 Required Organizational Practices (ROP’s) were reviewed.
“Staff are highly visible at NHNH, they feel
they are being listened to and feel NHNH
is a good place to work,” said Ferley. “Community partners also spoke very strongly of
the staff at NHNH.”
Since the last Accreditation it was noted
that NHNH had made tremendous leaps
forward in establishing electronic charts,
addressing resident care needs and providing staff support.
While a complete report will be produced
outlining the strength and challenges of
the NHNH, it was an extremely positive accreditation. “Through early review,
I feel very confident you will get a positive
award,” said Ferley. “Thank you for the
pleasant days I’ve had.”
The strengths of the NHNH are long and
wide and include a respectful environment,
positive public relations, strength from Volunteer Association, willingness to try new
approaches, hospital support and staffing,
New Infection Control Nurse
uzanne Bakai, joins the Infection
Control team at NGH as the new
infection control nurse. Suzanne will
be working part-time (Tuesdays and
Thursdays) in the Infection Control
Department, as well as staffing a weekly
Occupational Health Immunization
Clinic. During Suzanne’s first few weeks
she managed the mobile flu vaccinations providing her the opportunity
to meet many staff and volunteers.
Welcome Suzanne!
Carrie Martin, RPN rolls up her sleeve on Surgical Day
care during the mobile flu shots Nov. 5-9.
NGH - Caring for Our Community - The Tradition Continues
Ontario Hospital Association
2012 Green Health Care Overall Leadership Award
NGH Earns Overall Leadership Award
at OHA Green Health Care Awards
“It was very exciting to learn that we had been selected to receive
this honour. This is truly a corporate award that all staff can be
proud of,” said Joanne Kiefer, director of nutrition, food services
and housekeeping at NGH. “While certain individuals may be
responsible for initiating green programs, without the staff participation in these programs (e.g. recycling, energy conservation,
travel mug program) we would not be successful.”
The award recognizes leadership and excellence in reducing health
care’s environmental impact. “Congratulations on demonstrating a
significant organizational commitment to environmental sustainability and to reducing environmental impact, including evidence
of progress in energy efficiency, pollution prevention, waste
management and involvement with the community,” said Amanda
Nilsson of the OHA.
Members of the Green Team with the Overall Green Health Care Award.
Bernadette Tisdale, Purchasing, Robb Winter, Purchasing/Stores, Rosemary Voros,
Stores, Darwyn Rothenberg, Housekeeping, DaveBrame, Maintenance, Heidi Wilson, Food Services, Dan Bergen, Maintenance.
Norfolk General Hospital has won the 2012 Green Health CareOverall Leadership Award as presented by the Ontario Hospital
Association (OHA) and the Canadian Coalition for Green Health
Care. The award was given during the Green Health Care session at the HealthAchieve 2012 Convention at the Metro Toronto
Convention Centre on Monday, November 5, 2012.
Over the past year, NGH has re-energized our waste minimization
program; implemented several initiatives to reduce water and energy consumption; participated in a local foods initiative; and has
hosted a green health care workshop for south-central and south
western Ontario health care organizations.
“NGH is a principal employer in our community and we want to
demonstrate leadership in the area of green. Incorporating green
into health care shows that we are committed to a healthier, sustainable environment and the protection of our staff, patients and
visitors. It is a win win situation for all,” said Kiefer.
Share Your Experience
To all, I was a emergency patient this
morning and want to thank the nursing
staff for the excellent display of professionalism. The nurses from triage to the
time I left were fantastic. It is not easy to
pull that off at 5:.05am after they have been there for 10 hours. Please forward this
comment to the night staff that treated me. Patient with the Bee sting in the eye,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
all the doctors nurses and staff in emergency
for their excellent attention and care I received
on my visit to the Simcoe area on the dates
mentioned. I finally took the doctors advice
and came back to Fredericton NB and had the
vacuum pump put on as you recommended.
To all staff your dedication to your profession
is appreciated could you please post this note
in emergency for the doctors and all staff to
see thank you again and continue the excellent
ur Mission is to relieve illness & suffering,
& help people live healthier lives
Quality Health Care Workplace Award for NGH
GH has been awarded a Quality Health care Workplace
Award at the Silver level. The award was presented at the
HealthAchieve 2012 Convention at the
Metro Toronto Convention Centre on
Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
“Please extend our congratulations to everyone at NGH on this
significant achievement. We commend your organization for its
commitment to ensuring a quality healthcare workplace,” stated
Pat Campbell, president and CEO, Ontario Hospital Association
(OHA) in a written acknowledgment.
“We are very encouraged to know that
we are on the right track to providing an
environment that maximizes the health
and wellbeing of our staff. We know
that this also leads to quality patient
outcomes,” said Kelly Isfan, NGH president and CEO. “We will
continue to strive to improve in these areas and are encouraged
to know that our efforts to date have been recognized by a panel
of quality workplace experts,” added MaryLisa Forsyth, director
human resources.
The Quality Health Care Workplace Awards are a partnership
between the OHA and the Ministry of Health’s, HealthForce
Ontario. The awards recognize efforts to improve the health care
workplace and are designed to encourage self-evaluation, learning, and improvement.
Front l/r - Elizabeth Demers, Will Baker, Kelly Isfan
Back – Danielle Murphy, MaryLisa Forsyth, Dodie Trimble
Controlling the Clutter
A new elevator signage policy will take effect January 1, 2013.
The policy aims at reducing message clutter in the main public
elevators and shifting the focus on consistent hospital messaging
and branding in patient visitor areas.
• To present hospital communications in a visually pleasing
manner to the public.
• To monitor/control communications messages that are in public domain.
• To keep public elevators clutter free from multiple
• To present information that is relevant to staff, volunteers,
patients and the public.
• To put hospital messaging at the forefront of internal
Signage in the NGH public elevators will be limited to the
Foundation communications
Hospital Communications
Volunteer Messaging
One Community Partner (event)
Permanent signage for way finding will be unaffected
Infection control messaging – (Outbreak) will remain unaf - fected as necessary*
Public organizations or staff interested in sharing health related
events are encouraged to submit their information to the online
website calendar under the NEWS & EVENTS section of the hospital website or submit information for consideration to the Hospital Happenings newsletter.
NGH - Caring for Our Community - The Tradition Continues
@ NorfolkGeneralH
News-Events-Stories-Alerts- Health
November 11
Treasure Mart 2012 - November 3rd
The Volunteer Treasure Mart has become a one stop shopping experience and a favourite tradition in our community for many years.
Event coordinators, Pat Cook and Doug Sibbett were very pleased
with this year’s event “It just keeps getting better and better each year!”
The volunteers would like to thank all those who attended and donated items and look forward to seeing you again next year. Traditionally, Treasure Mart generates $10,000 annually towards the purchase
of hospital equipment.
Sherri Schira-Ladosz
For months in advance items are handmade, collected, sorted, priced
and organized, all in an effort to offer great items at very competitive prices and to raise funds for NGH. This year, the Aud in Simcoe
filled quickly with local shoppers looking for deals and an opportunity to get a jump start on Christmas shopping.
Rose Ann Mc Sloy and her team have helped organize the “Trinket &
Treasures,” area for the past 6-10 years. They’ve seen some interesting items over the years. What is the most unique item you ask?
They tell us it has to be the belly button lint remover!
Bring Your Kids to Work Day at NGH- November 7
NGH-NHNH staff welcomed 20 grade nine students to explore our community hospital, learn
about the many diverse careers in health care and “find out what mom and dad do all day!”
Thank you to all staff and physicians for welcoming students into your work areas.
Hospital Happenings Returns January 2013