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Logistics Centre of Humanitarian Aid in the Canaries MEMOIRE 2013 Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la media Luna Roja Cruz Roja Española INTRODUCTION It has been one more year where The Logistics Centre of Humanitarian Aid does the assessment of their humanitarian work, driven by their few professionals, an extensive and valuable group of volunteers and the support of the entire institution of the Red Cross in the Canaries. In the past years, the NGOs have gone through huge crossroads posed by the lack of institutional support, the difficulty of highlighting silent and dramatic situations throughout different countries and using the specific tools to teach our citizens the importance of sending help to situations that are poverty stricken, painful and distant. Despite these drawbacks we are proud to send help to three continents and numerous countries far from our geographic area of influence. We have also made shipments to Cuba, Jordan, Lebanon, Namibia and Philippines, which added to shipments to Benin, Cameroon, Sudan and Senegal, resulting in the significant figure of 12 humanitarian aid operations achieved in this year. The armed conflict in Syria cannot be forgotten, with more than 7 million affected, we have dedicated a media campaign against the serious breach of rules of the International Humanitarian Law. Resources are also sent to the various areas of refugee population in Jordan and Lebanon. In addition, the Spanish Red Cross wants to strengthen its commitment to Africa with the creation of the Centre of Cooperation in Western Africa in May 2013, whose task has complemented the humanitarian aid done by the Logistics Centre. It is also trying to enhance support of the National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Africa, to train and educate their volunteers, exchange information and experiences and the development through forming a livelihood: recovery capacity, utilization of resources, survival and food security. Partaking in such ambitious challenges has encouraged us to continue doing activities that promote development in cooperation, to be more innovative in the search for financing, to establish synergies and collaborations with other social groups in the Canary Islands, to recruit and train volunteers ... , Ultimately, we hope that these objectives become achievable, because our purpose is simply to attend to, alleviate and eradicate poverty of the most vulnerable people, especially in the African continent. Humility, commitment and work will be our tools! This memoire will be presented as an active pdf , in multiple pages you will find icon. Clicking on it will take you to the original source of the cited document ARTÍCULOS DE SOCORRO / RELIEF ITEMS / ARTICLES DE SECOURS 2013 Recibidos Enviados Received Sent Reçus Envoyés Stock 31.12.2013 2013 Recibidos Enviados Received Sent Reçus Envoyés Stock 31.12.2013 Water treatment plant Potabilizadora móvil 30.000L/día Mobile Water Treatment 30.000 L./day Traitèment centralisè pour 5.000 personnes. Avec matériel hygiènique Agua y Saneamiento Water and Sanitation Eau et assainissement 1 Bucket Cubo con tapa 14L. Bucket with lid 14L. Seau avec couvercle. 14l. 8.750 Salud Health Santé Jerrycan Mosquito Net. Depósito plegable de agua con Grifo. 20L Folding tank with tap water. 20L Réservoir d’eau pliable avec robinet. 20L Red ignífuga tratada con insecticida de larga duración. Fireproof net treated with long lasting insecticide. Toile moustiquaire résistante au feu et imprégnée d’insecticide longue durée 1.877 3.460 16.685 4.000 24.095 3.020 0 Watsan kit 2 Tratamiento individualizado para 2.000. Con material higiénico Individualized treatment for 2.000 people. With higienic material Traitèment individualisè pour 2.000 personnes. Avec matériel hygiènique 2 Higiene Hygiene Hygiène Watsan kit 5 Hygiene parcel Tratamiento centralizado para 5.000. Con material higiénico Centralized treatment for 5.000 people. With higienic material Traitèment centralisè pour 5.000 personnes. Avec matériel hygiènique Materiales básicos de higiene Basic hygiene materials Matériaux d’hygiène de base 1 ARTÍCULOS DE SOCORRO / RELIEF ITEMS / ARTICLES DE SECOURS 2013 Recibidos Enviados Received Sent Reçus Envoyés Stock 31.12.2013 Progressive housing 3x6m 18 m2 Estructura básica de alojamiento temporal versátil y estable en todo tipo de terrenos. Basic structure of temporary accommodation, versatil and stable in all types of fields. Structure basique de logement temporaire polyvalente et stable sur tout type de terrain. Abrigo / Alojamiento Shelter Abrí / Logement Tarpaulín Household kit Lona de plástico multiusos de alta resistencia al desgarro y al agua. 4 x 6m. Plastic multipurpose waterproof sheet highly resistant. 4 x 6 m. Toile en plastique à usage multiple. très résistante aux dèchirures et à l’eau 4 x 6 m. Utensilios básicos de cocina, higiene y abrigo. Basic kitchen, hygiene and shelter utensils. Outils de base pour la cuisine, l’hygiène et le froid. 10.825 18.500 Shelter tool kit Kitchen set Herramientas y materiales básicos para la construcción del albergues familiares y refugios Tools and basic materials for building family housing and shelters. Outils et matèriaux de base pour la construction d’auberges familiales et d’abris Utensilios básicos para cocinar y servir los alimentos. Basic utensils for cooking and serving food. Outils de base pour cuisiner et servir la nourriture. 5.472 5.099 1.872 Blanket Manta adaptada a todo tipo de climatología Blanket adapted to all kinds of climatology Couvertures adaptèes à tout type de climatologie 583 7.850 5.388 8.222 Family tent 12.000 6.880 20.169 Plastic mat Esterilla de plástico aislante del suelo Isolate form the floor Tapis en plastique isolant du sol 150 Alojamiento temporal impermeable y termoresistente. Soporta vientos hasta 75 km/h Temporary, waterproof and heat resistant shelter. Withstands the wind 75 km/h Logement temporaire imperméable et résistant à la chaleur et au froid. R´ssiste à des vents 75 km/h 336 Rubbhall 2 11.975 14.700 0 Barracón multiusos de lona. 240 m 2 Multi-purpose canvas shelter. 240 m 2 Cabane à usages multiples en toile. 240 m 1 MATERIALS RECEIVED AND SENT Totales recibidos - Totals received - Totals reçu Peso(Kgs) 137.826 Volume 531,84 Value 653.059,97 Totales enviados . Totals despatched - Totals enyovè Destination Dakar (February) Cameroon (April) Cameroon (June) Namibia (April) Benin (May) Benin (November) Santiago de Cuba (August) Sudan (September) Jordan (October) Lebanon (November) Cameroon (November) Philippines (December) Total Artículo Mantas Kits de Cocina Bidones de Agua Mosquiteras Toldos de plástico Kits de Higiene Esterillas de plástico Kits de Herramientas Total Volume (m3) 57 Value /precio (CHF) 63.918,66 74,87 62.299,05 18,95 18.000,00 58,32 52.240,00 56,58 67,31 69,72 66,73 74,06 150,67 29.389,40 70.900,00 28.240,20 18.534,25 61.353,82 91.258,89 694,21 496.134,27 Cantidad enviada (units) Beneficiarios (people) 6.880 5.388 3.460 4.000 10.825 3.020 14.700 5.099 6.880 26.940 8.650 10.000 27.063 30.200 14.700 25.495 53.372 146.048 RELIEF ITEMS (UNITS) SENT Destination Senegal Month Feb. Cameroon Abr. Mantas Kits de Cocina Jun. Nov. Namibia Abril Benin Mayo Nov. Agosto 1.880 837 600 Bidones de Agua 1.300 600 Mosquiteras 2.000 Toldos de plástico Cuba 2.951 2.000 1.950 675 Sudan Jordan Lebanon Philippines Sept. Oct. 2.000 3.000 Nov. Dic. 1.000 1.560 2.000 1.500 500 1.200 Kits de Higiene 2.000 1.739 1.281 Tiendas Familiares Esterillas de plástico 2.300 925 Kits de Herramientas 200 4.199 11.475 100 600 4.099 SENSIBILIZACIÓN Visitas de personalidades Jaime Cabrera del Pino Business Manager Naviera Armas Emilio Regidor García Vice-dean of the School of Economics of Las Palmas José Gómez Soliño Director of the Centre of African Studies of the La Laguna University Walter Cotte Deputy Secretary of the Programs and Services of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Joselito Nuguid y D. Jaen-Cedric Meeus Responsible for UNICEF Supplies in Denmark Antonio Hernández Lobo Solidarity Counsellor of the Gran Canary Council Ildefonso Socorro Quevedo Viceconsejero de Economía y Asuntos Económicos con la Unión Europea del Gobierno de Canarias María Virtudes Monteserín Socialist deputy and spokeswomen in the Commission of International Development Cooperation in the Congress of Deputies Amy Tachco Political Military Advisor to the U.S. embassy in Madrid Miguel Benarroch y Raquel Montes Suárez Managing Director of the Disa Group and Manager of the Disa Foundation Ana María Quintana Figueroa United States Consul in the Canary Islands with the BBVA Foundation volunteers Visit of the PIC with the mayor of Las Palmas de GC, the President of the Council of the Gran Canary and President of the Spanish Red Cross Professional Associations board in the Canary Food Safety Commission of the College of Veterinarians of Las Palmas Association of Ship agents and Stevedores of Las Palmas Business Committee of the Territorial Address of La Caixa in the Canary Participación en eventos 25-01-13 IWEEE (International Workshop E-health in Emerging Economies).GNU SOLIDARIO 02-02-13 Práctica contraincendios. Base Aérea de Gando 9-10/03/13 Campamento refugiados en la zona militar de la Isleta. Fundación Universitaria LPGC Matthew Nims Responsible for Food for the Peace of USAID Fikile Magubane South Africa Ambassador Meluca Suárez Gran Canary Senator 25-05-13 Día Internacional de África. LA NAVE Gerardo Delgado Aguiar Dean of Geography and History at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canary 16-11-13 SOLIDARUCAS. Ayuntamiento de Arucas Daniel Pérez e Iris Fridman The Business School MBA Las Palmas Nola Kianza Vice President of the Association of Canadian Companies with interests in Africa 04-07-13 Mesa redonda sobre ayuda humanitaria. Café D’espacio 9-10-11/10/13 SALT 2013.Salón Atlántico Logística y Transporte 04-12-13 PHOTOBRICK. Universidad Popular Juan Rodríguez Doreste. CAAM Visitas COLECTIVO Nº GRUPOS PERSONAS Cruz Roja Centros educativos Universidad Organismos Oficiales Instituciones Privadas ONG Asociaciones Otros Colectivos 6 45 4 9 1 6 4 7 83 1.269 99 135 2 103 36 117 TOTAL 83 1.834 RESOURCES Colaboradores Equipo de gestión Juan Carlos González Delegado Especial José Carlos Medina Administrador Benjamine Budiman Logística Town hall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 10.000€ awareness rising Carmen Ramos y Víctor Suárez Programa de Sensibilización Cabildo de Gran Canaria (local authority) 5.000€ logistic support Blas Hernández Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Donors total 67.595.5€ Public Administration Town hall of Arucas 1.000€ Development of impoverished countries Cabildo de Gran Canaria (local authority) 13.000€ equipment Antero CantadorComunicación Private Companies Enrique Suárez Coordinador centros logísticos de Cruz Roja Española Canaragua 2,000€ business collaboration agreement Carlos González Mayans y María Iglesias Valeiras Informática Marta Llorente Velasco Desarrollo y Calidad Jorge Raúl Valera y Rosa Regel Observatorio Humanitario Carmelo Martín Ossa Mantenimiento Trican Athletics Club 22.575€ San Silvestre race Foundation Ports of Las Palmas 1.000€ popular race Naviera Armas 2.500€ a container Obra Social La Caixa 5.000€ annual contribution Port Operations Canarias, SA (OPCSA) 4000 two containers Parquet S. L. Olivo 300 water bottle Puerto de La Luz 80 unloading of container tools Cuyas Theatre 75,50 staged reading Estudiantes en Prácticas Tiba Group 950 inputs and outputs of humanitarian aid materials Individual contributions 116€ Meryem El Mehdati el Alami Traducción Interpretación Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Natalia JuancoRelaciones Internacionales Universidad Complutense de Madrid Diego García Administración y Dirección Empresas Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Diana López Maestría en Acción Humanitaria Universidad de Deusto Georgiana Ciobotaru Bachelor Logística Universidad de Bremen COMUNICACIÓN www.clahcr.org January February March April May June TVE in Canaries YLE Finland TV The Canary Autonomic Radio Radio 7.7 Zoomnews General Call General Call Cope Lanzarote General Call General Call July August Septiember October November December Cadena Ser. The window program by Carlos Francino La Provincia National Radio of Spain in the Canary The Autonomic Canarias Radio The Autonomic Canarias Radio Cadena Ser Cadena Cope Cadena Ser Canarias 7 El País General call General call General call National Radio of Spain Teror Radio General Call Cruz Roja Canarias CENTRO LOGÍSTICO clahcr General Interview CLAH Economic and social crisis in Spain Situation in the Sahel The CLAH and the situation in Africa Report of CLAH Visit to the Canary by Mr. Walter Cotte, the Assistant Secretary of the Division of to Programs of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Services Logistics and Relief ERU Technical Working Group Meeting Africa Day Presentation Centre Cooperation with West Africa First day in Canaries livelihood Interview with Special Delegate of CLAH Juan Carlos Gonzalez Interview with Special Delegate of CLAH Juan Carlos Gonzalez 2012 Report Features “A Day in the CLAH” 2012 Report 2013 Summer Emergencies 2012 Report Feature “The Red Cross Logistic Centre in Canary, a tri-continental humanitarian liaison" Sending aid to Sudan Shipping of primary necessity items for those affected in Syria New shipping of aiding items to those affected in Syria Philippines Typhoon Awareness Program Shipment of humanitarian aid to the Philippines Logistics and relief ERU technical working group meeting Mayo 2013 THE LOGISTICS CENTRE FOR HUMANITARIAN AID IN THE CANARY (CLAH) IS THE LEADING ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE RED CROSS Two events of special interest in the Logistics Centre occur in relation to international cooperation and humanitarian aid of the Red Cross -The visit to the Canary by Mr. Walter Cotte, the Assistant Secretary of the Division of Services to Programs of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent -Work meetings on the 6th and 7th of May in the Centre of more than 20 international experts in Logistics of different national societies of the Red Cross These two events have made the Logistics Centre of Humanitarian Aid in the Canary an international point of reference for the Red Cross, and therefore, reaffirm the importance of the Logistic Centre for the Red Cross as a platform for humanitarian aid to Africa. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) has chosen the Logistic Centre for Humanitarian Aid in the Canary (CLAH) in 2013 as the headquarters of the meetings held annually by their experts to study improvements in the logistics chain processes that Red Cross applies worldwide. For the first time Canary welcomes this important global event where technical experts from various national societies of the Red Cross presented and discussed the processes of improving the international logistics network of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the most important and extensive in the world. Representatives from different national societies of the Red Cross such as ones from Britain, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Switzerland, USA, Spain, and other countries are participating in more than 20 meetings on the ERU (Emergency Response Units) and relief logistics (distribution). LCH facilities have been considered the most appropriate option to host this event by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, who has moved part of his technical staff to the Canary Islands, headed by Isabelle Sechaud, Director of the Logistics Unit, Global Logistics Service, and Brigitte Olsen, Head of Logistics of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent. Foto extraída de la página 8 del periódico “La Provincia | Diario de Las Palmas” de miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013 Centre for Cooperation with West Africa in June 2013 The presidents of the national societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent of Mali, Senegal and Togo go to the city to partake in the ceremony The Red Cross created the Centre for Cooperation with West Africa and appoints Las Palmas de Gran Canary as its headquarters The Spanish National Committee of the Red Cross has decided to create the Centre for Cooperation with West Africa with the aim of promoting the action of the Spanish Red Cross with the societies of the African Red Cross and Red Crescent in the area, and in particular with the integration of the ACROFA (Association of Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent for Africa Francophone, Lusophone and Spanish speaking). The Centre shall have its headquarters in Las Palmas de Gran Canary and will have the aim of promoting the exchange of information and experience, as well as technical assistance between national societies of the area. It will support the development of strategic policies, create and develop knowledge, conduct in research and studies involving universities and specialized centres, strengthen the national societies, and promote the formation of volunteer and professional staff. Finally, it will support the raising of awareness activities, stimulate social participation, collaborate with other related organizations and coordinate the work of the Centre for humanitarian aid in the Canary (CLAH). The Centre will have a Governing Board consisting of the President of the Spanish Red Cross, members of the Standing Commission of the ACROFA, the President of the autonomic Committee of the Spanish Red Cross in the Canary and the two presidents of the provincial committees. In the act of incorporation there will be the members of the Governing Board. Livelihoods/Means of Living July 2013 Today, Wednesday, July 3rd, begins the first days in Canary Livelihoods Resources of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent The Red Cross and Red Crescent twenty African countries meet in the Centre for Cooperation with West Africa The facilities of the Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Aid in the Canary have hosted its first introduction course to A Means of Living, where 21 African students and 8 instructors of the Red Cross attended. From July 3rd to, Saturday, July 6th , the first training activity will be held by the newborn, Cooperation Centre of West Africa, which the Spanish Red Cross has created in the Canaries. On-site of the Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Aid in the Canary there will be held the introduction course of A Means Of Living which is organized by the Spanish Red Cross with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC). During the next three days, representatives of 20 national societies of the African Red Cross will specialize in techniques, skills and resources, which they will apply in their daily work to save lives and support the recovery of vulnerable communities and people after a disaster. The purpose of the Resource Centre of Livelihoods created by the IFRC in the Nairobi General Assembly in 2009 is to support the Red Cross members to increase the knowledge and the usage of the effective livelihood programs which in turn will improve the capacity of communities, and the skills and practices of individuals- restoring and maintaining their livelihoods and economically ensuring their lives. To date, 49 national Red Cross societies have signed the pledge to support the Resource Centre of Livelihoods and the courses have been held in five continents where 486 people have been trained. The Spanish Red Cross has chosen the Logistic Centre to celebrate this introductory course attended by 21 members of the African Red Cross. The students are responsible for the offices, national and regional coordinators, programs coordinators, and for the general secretaries of the national societies of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Guinea Conakry. Eight trainers- 3 Africans, 3 of the French Red Cross and 2 of the Spanish Red Cross- will teach classes held in the morning and evening. Syrian Conflict of November 2013 Over 13 tons of aid has been prepared in the Centre Harbour Light’s warehouses to alleviate the consequences of the conflict. The Humanitarian Logistics Centre of the Canary sends aiding material for those affected in Syria. Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 29th, 3000 blankets and 1281 family hygiene kits will be sent from the Canary Islands as a contribution to the plan of action CLAH that the Spanish Red Cross is doing in Syria, and the adjacent countries of Lebanon and Jordan. The conflict in Syria continues to deteriorate. The numbers continue to grow. Given the magnitude of the events, and according to the protocols of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the CLAH has designed a plan for performance in emergency and humanitarian aid with the objectives of informing and raising awareness of the conflict within the Canaries society in order to obtain resources and send humanitarian aid to the affected area. The Syrian Conflict LA CRISIS DE SIRIA Desencadenante Intervención internacional después del asesinato de 108 pers. Principio Cientos de miles de 2012 2011 personas protestando Acuerdo entre EE.UU y Rusia Ataque químico Guerra civil comienza (Alepo y 2013 2014 Damasco ocupados) Empieza la destrucción de las armas químicas en Siria EL PRINCIPIO DEL PROBLEMA: a raíz de las primaveras árabes, protestas en países musulmanes en contra The Logistics Centre for Humanitarian Aid in the Canary performs a second shipment in de los regímenes, en febrero de 2011 comenzaron manifestaciones pacíficas de ciudadanos sirios que se fifteen days to help improve the conditions of the millions of people affected. oponía al gobierno del presidente Bachar Al-Assad. New shipmentDELofCONFLICTO: aid material to those affected the conflict in Syria DESENCADENANTE tras numerosas protestas, en Marzoby 2011 en la ciudad de Deraa, la después del arresto y la tortura de unos jóvenes que pintaron slogans revolucionaros en el muro de una On Friday, November 15th, para a container weighing ten ytons full oftanques aidingenmaterial left Puerto escuela; el gobierno no esperó usar las fuerzas militares mandaron Deraa al final del LuzMarzo. towards Beirut, Lebanon’s capital. de HASTA JULIO 2011: cientos de miles de personas salieron a las calles de distintas ciudades y pueblos del The Humanitarian Logistics Centre of Red Cross and Red Crescent continue to work in the Canary país para protestar. emergency plan to alleviate the consequences of the Syrian conflict. On the 1st of November the first shiLa lucha llegó a la capital a Alepo, la segunda mayor ciudad; el país pment2012: left with blankets and familyDamasco hygieney kits to Jordan. Now, fifteen daysdesde later,este themomento CLAH sent to Leguerra civil. banon,está theen other bordering country, 11475 plastic mats. This assistance of simple and basic materials is criticalMAYO for displaced has a frequent and daily in the form of protection from DE 2012:populations Un incidente because que causó it intervención internacional fueuse el asesinato de 108 personas, de los the harsh que physical conditions imposed byelthe land. Shipping is funded entirely byONU the responsabilizó International de Federation 49 eran niños, cerca de Houla; Gobierno inculpó a los terroristas, pero la lo ocurrido ambos of Societies ofathe Redgrupos. Cross and Red Crescent. 21 DE AGOSTO, 2013: Hubo un ataque supuestamente químico, del Gobierno a los ciudadanos a las afueras The CLAH emergency plan to help Syria also includes the objectives to inform and raise awareness de Damasco; este evento ha sido probablemente el más mortífero hasta el momento. of the conflict to the islands’ society in order to get resources and to continue the humanitarian aid to the 13 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2013: El Secretario John throughout Kerry, y el Ministro ruso de Relaciones Exteriores, area. Informative and awareness materialde is Estado, distributed the Archipelago to citizens, volunteers Sergey Lavrov, firmaron un acuerdo para poner las armas químicas de Siria bajo control internacional. and Red Cross partners. El Secretario General de ONU dio la bienvenida al acuerdo y subrayó que utilizar armas químicas es una Specific accounts majorinternacional. banks have been enabled in order to generate donations. Also, donations grave violación del in derecho can be made by phone by calling 902222292 and SMS with the word HELP to 28092. 17 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2013: En un informe de la ONU se llegó a la esperada conclusión de que en el ataque del Gobierno a población siria del 21 de agosto en Ghouta habían sido usadas grandes cantidades de armas químicas. US, UK y Francia confirmaron que el Gobierno de Siria tiene que ser inculpado. El Secretario General de la ONU concluyó que el compuesto químico Sarín fue usado en el ataque. Siria no es parte de la convención, formada de 189 países, que impide el desarrollo, la producción, el almacenaje y el uso de armas químicas. Sin embargo, Siria es parte del protocolo de Ginebra de 1925, que prohíbe el uso de gases u otros materiales tóxicos o asfixiantes durante una guerra. El uso de armas químicas no está permitido según el Derecho Internacional Humanitario. ¿Qué foto tie ne que aparec er aqu PARAR í para esto? The Syrian Conflict Humanidad Imparcialidad Neutralidad Independencia Voluntariado Unidad Universalidad Operating Syria Crisis Operativo Crisis Siria Situation Report No. Informe de situación nº 3 3 October 10th,de2013 10 de octubre 2013 Situación General General Situation 6.8 million people need urgent humanitarian aid 4 million people are in danger of food shortage 4.25million is the 6,8 millones de number personas ayuda ofnecesitan internallyurgentemente displaced peohumanitaria ple, of which 2 million are children 4 millones de personas están en riesgo de inseguridad alimentaria 2.1 million of displaced 4,25 millones es el número Syrians are ininternos neighbouring de desplazados de los que 2 millones son niños. countries 2,1 millones de sirios 22 volunteers and staff of desplazados a países vecinos. the Arabic Syrian Red Cres22 have voluntarios personal la cent lost ytheir livesdewhiLuna Roja Árabe Siria han leMedia performing work de perdido la vida entheir el desempeño su labor In the past few months the situation in Syria has deteriorated even more. The upsurge in violence has Durante los últimos meses, la situación humanitaria en caused displacement millions of people, both Siria se the ha deteriorado aúnof más. El recrudecimiento de inside and outside the Syrian borders, thus increala violencia ha provocado el desplazamiento de millones sing the vulnerability of the population. addition, de personas, tanto dentro como fuera deInlas fronterasa sirias, aumentando la vulnerabilidad deinlathe población. growing number ofasí civilians are caught ongoing Además, un número creciente de civiles están atrapados violence of the surrounding areas. The provinces of en zonas rodeadas por la incesante violencia. Las Homs, Aleppo, Idlib and the rural part of Damascus provincias de Homs, Alepo, Idlib y zona rural de were severely punished during the holy month of RaDamasco se vieron fuertemente castigadas durante el madan, and now the violence is situated in areas such mes sagrado de Ramadam, y ahora la violencia se ceba as andDeraa Latakia. en Hassakeh, áreas como Deraa Hassakeh, y Latakia. La escasez de alimentos, especialmente en las zonas afectadas Foodmás shortages, especially in the most castigadas por la violencia, está violent dando lugar alhave aumento de los precios de los alimentos básicos areas, caused a rise in the prices of basic foods como el pan, los cereales y las verduras. De acuerdo such as bread, cereals and vegetables. According to con informes la OCHA (Oficina de Coordinación de la reports from de OCHA (Office for Coordination of HuAyuda Humanitaria de Naciones Unidas), al menos manitarian Assistance of the United Nations), at least cuatro millones de personas se encuentran en riesgo de four million people are atSin riskembargo, of facingsifood shortages. inseguridad alimentaria. tenemos en However, we consider the por reports requested by the cuenta los ifinformes facilitados las filiales de la Media Luna Roja Árabe Siria (MLRAS), número de personas subsidiaries of the Syrian Arab elRed Crescent (SARC), en riesgo es mucho mayor. the number of people at risk is much higher. El empeoramiento de la situación ha causado un los servicios salud.aAlsignifimenos deterioro Thesignificativo worseningensituation has de caused el 60deterioration por ciento de in loshealth hospitales públicos poca o cant services. At tienen least 60 perninguna capacidad para dar respuesta a las necesidades cent of public hospitals have little or no ability to meet diarias, de acuerdo a la información facilitada por el the daily needs, according information the Ministerio de Salud. Además,tolos centros degiven saludby que Ministry Health. In addition, the health centrespara that están enoffuncionamiento tienen serias dificultades are in operation havenecesarios serious difficulties prestar los servicios y acusaninlaproviding falta de suministros médicos. La situación de seguridad y los the necessary services due to the lack of medical obstáculosThe administrativos hacenand queadministrative la entrega de supplies. security situation medicamentos a los centros sanitarios sea todo un obstacles make delivery of the medicines to the health desafío. facilities a challenge in general. La mayoría de las agencias internacionales que operan en Siriahave han informado del limited acceso Most international agencies operating in Syria reported limitado a varias provincias, en especial a aquellas consideradas “zonas calientes”. El access to several provinces, especially those considered "hot spots". recrudecimiento de la violencia, así como el aumento del número de puestos de control y de los hacen queas el acceso a los beneficiarios sea cada más difícil y The procedimientos upsurge in burocráticos, violence as well the increased number ofvez checkpoints provocan retrasos en la distribución. and bureaucratic procedures makes access by the beneficiaries increasingly difficult and causes delays in the distribution. Informe de Situación nº3 10 de octubre de 2013 ( Se destina el Importe íntegro de 1,20€ de donación a Cruz Roja Españo- Plan de Acción de CRE en Siria y países limítrofes 1 Philippines Emergency Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) On Sunday December 8th marked one month since the Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), the strongest this year worldwide. The first shipment of humanitarian aid to Philippines leaves from the Canary aY Filipinas También puedes colaborar en: This week leaves from Puerto de la Luz two containers with 47 tons of essential items to the Asian country. The Logistics Centre of Humanitarian Aid of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in the Canary prepared in their warehouse in Las Palmas de Gran Canary two containers with 4099 toolkits for shipment to the Philippines. It is the third time this year that CLAH ships outside of its natural area of influence, West Africa. Until now, they have made two shipments of humanitarian aid to countries bordering Syria to alleviate the consequences of the conflict in that country. On this occasion, the Spanish Red Cross has decided- given the magnitude of the tragedy caused by the Yolanda typhoon in the Philippines- that 47 tons of hygiene kits leave the Logistic Centre, which the Institution has deposited in the warehouses of Puerto de la Luz. The priorities in the affected areas continue to be the primary needs: shelter, water, health care, basic household supplies and logistics. From the first moments the disaster began the operative coordination mechanism of the Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and the Spanish Red Cross were mobilized to support response efforts in the Philippine National Red Cross. From Spain, already two planes with relief materials and SUV vehicles have been sent, and the Emergency Response Units (ERU) has been moved along with several disaster expert delegates, including three from the Canaries. Considering the serious impact of the typhoon, and the anticipation of a large quantity of humanitarian needs to be met, an emergency appeal was made to the population in order to support the disaster victims. Specific accounts in major banks have been enabled in order to generate donations. Also, donations can be made by phone by calling 902222292 and SMS with the word HELP to 28092. Red Cross support to the victims of Typhoon Haiyan Philippines during the next two years ver video Cruz Roja TV ía 2º d n a y a t n Ba Philippines Emergency Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) nda) a l o Y ( n a y i oon Ha h p y T y c n 013 rge 2 e r m e b E s m e e v n i o. 1, No Philipp N t r o p e R Situation RS MBE U N N I N O I T THE SITUA phoon y t e h t f o h the pat n i e v i l e l p peo entively otal of t v n e a o r i l p l n i i d m n e t o 4 i . a t 29 popula en evacu d e e t b c e e f v f a a h e s ilie up for th t u p n e 151 910 fam e b tres have n e c n o i t a 664 evacu es 31 provinc Impact erge m e o t g in n just begin is a d n la d areas, o e Y t c n e o ff o a h t p s y o pact of T h the m c im a ll e ificant r a r n y e ig e v s h o t a e s h g a T in s t se team are repor n o s p s s f Tao e r o r C y o it t d c e g e R in h t d e r acco ifically, in taffs of th c s e p d n S a . e s r f about g e o a e t m g n a in d lu d l o o v ia o r fl e e t th and ma enerated s g t ie r a as sih ju t y in it s c f in o e a r r h t e b f d o e num scenes n produc e o h o t h p d y e T ib r , a signie c n s a e b d lo c s a m T a f cloban, th e field te he city o t h t r ( a h m pase r ig N o t h . s i) s r e m e h t a t e n e u m r 3 eas whe r age of a ts a s s sland in I a p d n e a e t y h c t a e t p o n t x a e r mila ar and B ries are m ju a in S f n o r r e t e xtensive s b e a m f E u o n in n t n io n t a a a c iu fi ding Gu e is indic r lu e c h t aged. in m y , a a h d n g a u r o P o r h d t d n e d a se In Cabu n destroy e . e u b b e e C v a n r h uildings in northe b e h t % 0 ith 9 damage w The Typhoo Situación g n Haiyan (lo eneral category 5 w cally known inds reachin as Yolanda) g 250 km / h has come to (39 km / hr). r and accele the Philippin rating its mo es with vement durin g last night The first pla ce the typho on touched ly followed to land was in Dulang-Tolo Guiuan (Eas sa (Leyte), D currently is lo tern Samar) a anbantayan cated near B . Subsequen (Cebu), Con usuanga (Co hours. tcepcion (iloil ron), through o) and which it will pass throug h in a few After it touch ed land the first time, the so eventuall typhoon cha y the periph nged its traje eral bands h Philippine W ctory slightly a v e barely affecte eather Agen to the west, c y d ( M per typhoon P A e tr G o A M S A a n ) , ila. Accordin typhoon Haiy ) throughout g to the an has main its run, with km / h. Durin sustained w tained Categ g its journey inds of 250k ory 5 (suthrough the over the sea m / h la a n nd gusting u d it has wea have recove p to 275 kened, howe red its initial fied it as the ver, the diffe force. Local worst typhoo rent paths and internati n of the yea and violence onal media h r worldwide ) that has aff ave classiand one of th ected the Vis However, th e w o a rst typhoons yas region s ere are still s ince records (by size erious comm not be made have been a unication pro . vailable. blems and a proper asse ssment canThe populati on figure rec orded in the million peop path of the ty le affected. phoon indica tes there co uld be 29.4 www.clahcr.org Avda. de los Consignatarios, s/n 35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Teléfonos: 928 279 898 / 928 277 769 - Fax: 928 327 802 e-mail: centrologisticocanarias@cruzroja.es FACEBOOK: Cruz Roja Canarias CENTRO LOGÍSTICO