land at Greensytch Farm, Gradbach


land at Greensytch Farm, Gradbach
Draft Details Only – these details may be subject to alteration
Former Farmhouse and Land
Middle Edge, Gradbach, Quarnford,
Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 0SU
• Ring Fenced Block of Land Extending to 32.27
acres or thereabouts
• Former Middle Edge Farm House
Tenders To Be Submitted By
12 noon on Friday 25th September 2015
Messres. Graham Watkins & Co. for themselves and for the vendor or lessor of this property whose agents they are, give notice that:
All statements do not constitute any part of, an offer of a contract;
All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of the Messrs. Graham Watkins & Co. or the vendor or lessor;
None of the statements contained in these particulars as to this property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact;
Any intending purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statement contained in these particulars;
The vendor or lessor does not make or give also Messrs. Graham Watkins & Co., nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representatives or
warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
This property offers an excellent opportunity to
acquire a useful block of grassland which
includes a former farmhouse known as ‘Middle
The former farmhouse is in dilapidated order,
having not been inhabited for many years, but
offers the opportunity to be restored and would
have potential for various uses subject to
necessary consents. We understand that the
present owners have previously made enquiries
to the local authority on an informal basis and
were informed that holiday use would be
considered. The property is however not sold
with any planning permission and interested
parties should rely solely on their own enquiries
in this respect.
The land is currently used for grazing purposes,
but we understand part has been used for
mowing in the past. The land offers potential
for those looking for a block of land in its own
right or amalgamation with existing holdings.
The land will be sold with the benefit of the
right of way show in blue on the attached plan.
yourself. The Property shall be indicated by the
agents board.
The land is not connected to mains water, but
does have the benefit of a natural water source,
interested parties should make their own
inspection of the land with regards to this
Basic Payment Scheme
For the avoidance of doubt, no basic payment
entitlements are included with the sale of the
Land Registry
The land is held on the land registry under title
number SF417951. The property for sale is
only part of this title as shown on the plan.
Tenure and Possession
The property is held freehold and vacant
possession will be given on completion
Wayleaves and Easements
If travelling from Leek, take the A53 towards
Buxton. After approximately 5 miles, turn left
at the crossroads signposted for Gradbach.
Continue down this road and turn left at the T
junction. Bear left for Gradbach Scout Camp
and after approximately 0.4 miles, the farm
track is found on your left and turn back on
The property is sold subject to and with the
benefits of all rights, including rights of way,
whether public or private, light, support,
drainage, water and electricity supplies and other
rights and obligations, easements, quasieasements
and restrictive covenants and all existing and
proposed wayleaves for masts, pylons, stays,
cables, drains and water, whether or not referred
to in these stipulations, the particulars or special
conditions of sale.
Conditions of Sale
The conditions of sale will be deposited at the
offices of the auctioneers and the vendors solicitors
seven days prior to the sale. They will also be
available for inspection in the saleroom on the day
of the sale, but will not be read at the sale
At any reasonable time.
The plans provided in these particulars are
indicative and for identification purposes only
and interested parties should inspect the plans
provided with the conditions of sale with
regards to precise boundaries of the land.
Guide Price
The guide price is issued as an indication of the
auctioneer’s opinion of the selling price of the
property. Each property offered is subject to a
reserve price which is agreed between the seller
and the auctioneer prior to the auction and
which would ordinarily be within 10% (+/-) of
the guide price. Both the guide price and the
reserve price can be subject to change up to and
including the day of the auction. For a full
definition of guide price and reserve price
please contact the auctioneers.
Please Note
The agent has not tested any apparatus,
equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and cannot
verify they are in working order or fit for their
purpose, neither has the agent checked the legal
documents to verify the freehold/leasehold status
of the property. The lessor is advised to obtain
verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor.
Ms Greta Williamson
A H Brooks & Co
Derby House
Derby Street
ST13 6JG
This plan is published for convenience only and although believed to be correct its accuracy is not guaranteed and it shall not be deemed to form part of
the contract.
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map by Permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office. Crown Copyright reserved
To be forwarded to:Robert Watkins BSc Hons MRICS MARLA
Graham Watkins & Co
69 Derby Street
ST13 6JL
By 12 noon on Friday 25th September 2015
Please ensure the envelope is marked with “Tender – Former Farmhouse and Land at Middle
1. Tenders to be returned to Graham Watkins & Co, 69 Derby Street, Leek, Staffordshire,
ST13 6JL in an envelope marked “tender” by 12 noon on Friday 25th September 2015
2. Please ensure the envelope is marked with “Tender – Former Farmhouse and Land at
Middle Edge”
3. Tenders must be for a fixed sum and must be in writing.
4. A short list will be prepared and following communication with the owner a decision
will be made and all persons who have submitted a tender will be notified in writing
5. The owner is not obliged to accept the highest or indeed any tender submitted.
Former Farmhouse and Land at Middle Edge
Gradbach, Quarnford, Buxton, SK17 0SU
Christian Names:
Telephone (home)
I hereby offer to pay in respect of Former Farmhouse and Land at Middle Edge, Gradbach in
the sum of:-
£ __________________________
_______________________________________________________________ (in words)
Please ensure the envelope is marked with “Tender – Former Farmhouse and Land at Middle