saint joseph church


saint joseph church
Established 1887
727 Minter Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 542-4411
Sunday Masses/
Misas domingos
Saturday Vigil/Vigilia
del sábado:
5:00 p.m.—English
7:00 p.m.—Español
Weekday Masses/
Misas Diarias
Monday thru Friday 12:10 p.m.—English
Lunes y viernes 7:00 p.m.—Español
11:00 a.m.—English
1:00 p.m.—Español
7:00 p.m.—Español
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Lunes a Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday/sábado 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sábado 3:30 p.m.
Sunday/domingo 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.—Español
9:00 a.m.—English
Parish Office Hours/
Horario de la oficina parroquial
Schedule changes will be posted in
the Calendar on the parish website.
Revise con frequencia el calendario
(calendar) en el sitio web para
enterarse de los cambios en el horario
regular de la parroquia.
Monday thru Saturday
Closed for lunch from
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Lunes a Sábado
Cerrado de 12:00 p.m. a 1:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 5, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The message of Easter Sunday is clear, CHRIST IS ALIVE. This is the announcement of the disciples and the witness of
the Gospels that Christ lives. John writes: "on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb at dawn ....
“And found the open grave and went to inform Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved. Mary Magdalene said: "they
have taken away the Lord and we do not know where they have put him ..." just to get Simon Peter and the other disciple to the empty tomb. It is then when they understood what Jesus had told them: SEE AND BELIEVE. Until then they
had not understood the Scriptures. (Jn. 20: 1-9).
The foundation of our faith is the Resurrection of Christ. Through his resurrection Christ opens the way of life. He is the
life and hope of the world. He has brought us life. And full life. Easter means etymologically “step" "transit". It is the passing of Christ in this life to the glorious life. This is the joy of our Passover.
God appears to us in our present and concrete way, as a friend who wants to share his life with us, wants to open up his
heart. And he asks: Do you want to share with me this way of life from Jerusalem to the Father? The answer is personal.
This Easter is the time for God. It's time for you and me to walk in joy and hope, building the Kingdom of God among us.
Our beloved Holy John Paul II invited all of us to be promoters and defenders of the Culture of Life. The Passover wants
to remind everyone that life is sacred. It is a precious gift from God. Love this sacred gift God has given to us and pray
that this new spiritual springtime brings us the Passover of the Lord.
I pray today in a special way that the resurrection of the Lord brings this sacred gift to all of our families. Many many
blessings and a joyful season. On behalf of my parish staff I would like to wish my brothers and sisters a Happy Easter.
Fr. Efrain Flores
Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo
El mensaje de este domingo de Pascua es claro, CRISTO VIVE. Es el anuncio de los discípulos y el testimonio de los
Evangelios que Cristo Vive. San Juan escribe: “el primer día de la semana María Magdalena fue al sepulcro al amanecer….” Y encontró el sepulcro abierto y fue a comunicar a Pedro y al discípulo que tanto quería Jesús. Dice María Magdalena: “se han llevado del sepulcro al Señor y no sabemos dónde lo han puesto…” solo al entrar Simón Pedro y el
otro discípulo la sepulcro vacío. Es cuando entienden lo que Jesús les había anunciado: VIO Y CREYO. Hasta entonces no habían entendido las Escrituras. (Jn. 20:1-9).
Cristo con su resurrección nos abre el camino de la Vida. El fundamento de nuestra fe es la Resurrección de Cristo. Él
es la vida y la esperanza del mundo. Él nos ha traído vida. Y vida plena. Pascua significa etimológicamente hablando “paso” “transito”. Es el paso de Cristo de esta vida a la vida Gloriosa. Esta es la alegría de nuestra pascua.
Dios se nos presenta en nuestro camino actual y concreto, como un amigo que quiere compartir su vida con nosotros.
Quiere abrirnos su corazón. Y él nos pregunta: ¿quieres compartir conmigo este camino de Jerusalén al Padre. La respuesta es personal. Esta Pascua es el tiempo para Dios. Es tiempo para ti y para mi caminar en la alegría y la esperanza. Construyendo el Reino de Dios entre nosotros. Nuestro querido Santo Juan Pablo II, nos invitaba a todos a ser promotores y defensores de la Cultura de Vida. La pascua nos quiere recordar a todo eso mismo que la vida es sagrada. Es un don precioso de Dios. Amemos este don Sagrado que Dios nos ha regalado y oremos justos en esta nueva
primavera espiritual que nos trae esta Pascua del Señor.
Les deseo mis hermanos y hermanas Feliz Pascua de Resurrección.
P. Efraín Flores
Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration begins
on Monday, April 6, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. and
concludes Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m.
with Benediction and Repositioning. We invite you to commit up to one hour to pray for
vocations to the priesthood and religious
life, as well as for peace in your life and the
Sunday, April 12 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. in
St. Joseph Church
There will be Adoration, Litany and Novena.
The Response of Divine Mercy—
is our compassionate love - a love that seeks to
meet the needs and relieve the miseries of others.
Exposición Eucarística y Adoración empieza el lunes 6 de abril de 2015 a las 9:00
a.m. y concluye el martes a las 8:30 a.m.
con Bendición y Reposición. Le invitamos a
comprometer una hora para orar por las vocaciones al sacerdocio y la vida religiosa, y
también por la paz en su vida y en el mundo.
Domingo 12 de Abril de 3:00 a 4:00 p.m. en
la Iglesia de St. Joseph
Habrá Adoración, Letanías y Novena.
La Repuesta de Divina Misericordia—
es nuestro amor compasivo - un amor que busca satisfacer las necesidades y aliviar las miserias de los demás.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the
Julian Calendar Palm Sunday
Monday within the Octave of Easter
Tuesday: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
Wednesday:Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
Thursday: Thursday within the Octave of Easter
Friday in the Octave of Easter;
Julian Calendar Good Friday
Saturday: Saturday in the Octave of Easter
First Reading — Peter is an eyewitness: The Lord
is risen (Acts 10:34a, 37-43).
Psalm — This is the day the Lord has made; let us
rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118).
(1) Second Reading — All who are baptized, set
your hearts in heaven (Colossians 3:1-4) or
(2) Second Reading — Christ our Passover is sacri
-ficed; therefore let us celebrate (1 Corinthians 5:6b8).
Gospel — Three witnesses, Mary, Peter, and John;
each responds to the empty tomb (John 20:1-9) or
Mark 16:1-7 (or, at an afternoon or evening Mass,
Luke 24:13-35).
Grupo de Oración Fuente de Vida
Te invita a su retiro de iniciación que se llevara a
cabo del 10 al 12 de abril del 2015. Para adultos
solamente en Santiago Retreat Center. Su donativo
$65.00 por persona.
Para mas información por favor de llamar a:
Oscar Aguirre
Luis Diaz
Lucila Lagunas
714‐553‐3177 714‐805‐0132 714‐271‐1011
Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor
Great news! As of March 24, 2015, we have received $37,708.00 in pledges with $9,641.00 already paid. For quicker and more accurate payment processing, please mail your payment along
with the remittance slip directly to the Orange Catholic Foundation (OCF.) The OCF mails statements
with remittance stubs monthly. If you have not
made your pledge, you may still do so. Simply
complete a pledge envelope, found in the vestibule,
and return it to the rectory or in the collection.
Thank you for your participation in this year’s Pastoral Services Appeal.
¡Buenas noticias! A partir del 24 de marzo, 2015,
hemos recibido promesas con un total de
$37,708.00 con $9,641.00 ya pagados. Para que
sea procesado su pago más rapido y precisamente,
favor de enviar su pago con el talon de envio directamente al Orange Catholic Foundation (OCF.) El
OCF manda estados de cuenta con los talones de
envio mensualmente. Si no ha hecho su promesa,
aún la puede hacer. Simplemente llene sus datos
en uno de los sobres, que se encuentra en el
vestíbulo, y regreseló a la rectoría ó en la colecta.
Gracias por su participación en la Campaña de Servicios Pastorales de este año.
April is national Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is
most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention
Month is held during the Lenten and Easter seasons as there is no better time than this when we
experience renewal and growth that we celebrate
the protection of our most valuable gift from God our children.
For information on how you can become more informed and involved in keeping our children safe,
preventionmonth or contact the Diocesan Office of
Child and Youth Protection at (714) 282-3069.
5 de abril de 2015
Attention Ladies!!!
Do you want Catholic Fellowship?
You are invited to a luncheon and the cost is only
$15!!! Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 21 at
San Antonio de Padua in Anaheim Hills. What do
you get for your $15? A continental breakfast,
lunch, and great speakers. Our program this month
is Domestic Violence. What does the Church say
about Domestic Violence? What role can we as
women play? As Director of Risk Management and
Insurance Services for the Diocese of Orange for
the past 16 years, Mike Shaffer, an expert in the
field of Domestic Violence, will present an eyeopening look at this issue and its impact on everyone as he looks at the current response of the
church, the Bishop’s letter on Domestic Violence,
and what can the parishes do now. This Educational program is presented by ODCCW’s Service Commission.
Mass at 8:30 AM, Registration at 9:00 AM, General Meeting at 9:30 AM and adjournment at 1:30
PM. Reservations are due by Friday, April 17 by
contacting Pat Martin at 714-892-5219 or email
All parish women are automatically a member of
the Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
(ODCCW) which meets for its General Meeting and
luncheon at a different parish each month. Come
fellowship with like-minded women, who seek spiritual and intellectual development, build community
among women, and provide the opportunity for apostolic endeavors by assisting Bishop Kevin Vann
with his goals and programs for the Diocese.
Prayer List
Angelica Alejandrez, Lisa Balov, Cecilia Barra, Fr. John
Bradley, Chuck Duran, Cesar Gomez, Roseann Gomez,
Zach Gomez, Antonia Gonzalez, Linda Granados, Manuel Granados, Pedro Guzman, Betty Mae Hanson,
Christine Hanson-Stewart, Jaime Hernandez, Luis Hernandez, Mario Hernandez, Javier Hernandez, John
Hughes, Celia Ibarra, Jesús Ibarra, Martha Ibarra, Cathy
Did You Know…………
Johanson, Antonio Maciel, Jesus Maciel, Martha Maciel
Our diocese has policies and procedures to create
Salazar, Socorro Maciel, Joe Manfro, Kimberlin Marks,
a safe environment and protect children. Read the
Vina Mendoza, Bea Miranda, Joselil Monteveque, Maria
policies and learn how you can help create a culture
Monteveque, Victor Monteveque, Joseph Najera, Wanda
of protection.
Pate, Rosa Ponce, Manuela Rivera, Delia Romero, Marie Office of Child and Youth Protection
Sanchez, Martha Sanchez, Juancho Santos, Florence
Simpson, Betty Snyder, Andy Spanel, Victor Spanel, Joseph Theoret, Juan Trujillo Vazquez, Susan Vega, Juan
4 Angel Venega, Shari Wisnowski,
St. Joseph Church/Iglesia De St. Joseph
Santa Ana
HR Career Opportunity at Christ Cathedral
We are seeking a highly skilled Director of Human
Resources that will be responsible for the administration and oversight of all facets of the human resources function for the Diocese, and for providing
direct services to the management and staff of the
Pastoral Center offices, parishes, school, cemeteries, centers and other ecclesiastically related entities. For more information please go to
Monday, April 6
12:10 p.m. – Petra & Sergio Oyas (D)
7:00 p.m.– Delia Romero (SI)
Tuesday, April 7
12:10 p.m. – Teresa & Maria Luisa Corral (D)
Familia Fortier de Las Americas Invita a todas las
Parejas de Casados y Novios comprometidos al
Matrimonio a:
Clases de Regulación Natural de la Fertilidad con el
Método de Ovulación.
Está basado en conocimientos científicos mundialmente comprobados, como: es natural no tiene
ningún efecto secundario dañino, es la mejor forma
de posponer ó lograr el embarazo, es moralmente
lícito, es 98-99% efectivo, cuando se usa por parejas bien instruidas y motivadas, promueve el
verdadero amor entre los esposos, el curso consta
de 8 clases semanales y un seguimiento. En la primera sesión se dará la información. Pueden venir
sin compromiso.
Sábado Junio 13 de 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
St. Boniface Church
120 N Janss Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
Para más información llamar a Rene y Mayra Magaña
(323)573-1820 o 323-533-9970.
Wednesday, April 8
12:10 p.m. - Charito Oyas (SI)
Thursday, April 9
9:00 a.m. - Jose Candido Ramirez, Jose Antonio
Ramirez & Jose Ramirez Perez (D)
12:10 p.m. – Carl Thum (D)
Friday, April 10
12:10 p.m. – Ralph Perez (D)
7:00 p.m.- Juan Manuel Guerrero (D)
Saturday, April 11
5:00 p.m.- Carl Thum (D)
7:00 p.m.- Por los Feligreses de la Parroquia
Sunday, April 12
7:00 a.m. – Las Almas del Purgatorio
9:00 a.m. - Nuuelua & Luafuluvalu Sepulona (D)
11:00 a.m. – Joani Witschel (D)
1:00 p.m. – Intenciones Comunitarias: Joshua Saldiva
(SI), Ruben Martinez (SI), Celina Martinez
SI), Eduardo, Gustavo, Luis y Isabel Escalante (D)
7:00 p.m. - Salvador, Roberto, Agollo, Jose y Baldomero
Tirado (D), Josefina Hernandez (D), Jose
Regalado (D)
Parish Staff Contacts:
Rev. Efrain Flores
Parish Administrator
(714) 542-4411
Rev. Philip Smith
Parochial Vicar
(714) 542-4411
Betty Spanel
Parish Life Director (Liturgy and Faith
(714) 542-4411
Elena Schneider
Business Manager
(714) 542-4411
Margaret Tapper
Youth Minister/Director of High
School Confirmation
(714) 542-4411
Brad Snyder
School Principal
(714) 542-2704
Deacon Rafael and Delia Romero
Diaconate Ministry
(714) 542-4411
Norma Huerta
Administrative Assistant
(714) 542-4411
(714) 542-4411
Parish Office Receptionist/Secretary