ST. MONICA Catholic Church
ST. MONICA Catholic Church
April 21, 2013 4th Sunday of Easter ST. MONICA Catholic Church One Parish, One Journey Una Parroquia, Un Viaje 6131 N. Michigan Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46228 • Phone: (317) 253-2193 • Fax: (317) 253-3342 • Mass Schedule/ Horario de las Misas Weekend / Misas de fin de semana Saturday (anticipation)/Sábados 5:30 PM and 7:15 PM (Español) Sunday/Domingos 7:40 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Español) & 6:00 PM Holy Days Please call Parish Office Weekday / Misas Diarias Monday-Thursday / Lunes-Jueves 5:30 PM Wednesday & Friday / Miércoles, Viernes 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Eucarística Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Daily Chapel Tuesdays 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the Church Lunes, Miercoles, Jueves 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Capilla y los Martes de 6:00 PM a 9:00 PM en la Iglesia 24-Hour Adoration is also available at the Divine Mercy Chapel at St. Michael the Archangel Church, 3354 W. 30th Street También hay Adoración las 24-Horas en la Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en la Iglesia San Miguel Arcángel ubicada en el 3354 W. 30th Street Jesús dijo: Mis ovejas oyen mi voz, y yo las conozco y me siguen; y yo les doy vida eterna y jamás perecerán. Juan 10:27-28a Religious Education Thank You, Catechists! May God bless our 180 First Communion candidates as they receive Jesus for the first time at our First Communion liturgies April 27-28. Special thanks to all the catechists: Briana Pryor, Jennifer Holohan, Jennifer Kaleth, Lela Gallagher, Luis Sanchez, Julio Cervantes, Debbie Copher, Maria Davey, Kitty Olson, Teresa Law, Brenda Turcios, Destiny Dominquez, Lyn Goldsberry, Molly Love, Jaremy Arroyo-Lopez, Katie Zipfel, Lizette Arroyo, Jack Gannon, Christopher Williams and Maria Pimentel-Gannon. We are grateful to the catechists and parents for this preparation. Mary Jo Thomas Day. Day of the Children The children of the parish are invited to the gym today from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM to celebrate “The Day of the Children”. There will be games, music, a bounce house and food to celebrate this special time for children. Weekly Collections , 2013 # Amount Collection Envelopes Electronic Giving Loose Cash Weekly Collections Weekly Budget Weekly Shortfall Year to Date Actual Year to Date Budget Year to Date Shortfall Total # of Households Total # of Households Donating % Households Donating This Week Scripture Study Opportunity Sunday Scripture Series - "Impetuous Peter - What Was He Thinkin'?" Please join us as we examine the words, deeds and legacy of the Chief Apostle. The legacy of Peter continues with the election of our new Holy Father, Pope Francis. This series will last five weeks. The Series which began on April 7, continues this weekend following the 6:00pm Mass (around 7:10pm) in the Holy Family Room (old Nursery) and concludes May 5.There is no registration or cost for this session. Please plan on attending one or all five presentations and bring your SCC group with you! This weekend: April 21 - "Peter and the Beginnings of the Papacy" presented by Mike Gootee Upcoming weeks: April 28 - "Peter and his Two Letters" presented by Tony Stephanus May 5 - "How Does Peter Speak To and For Us Today?" Book club session in the Holy Family Room (old Nursery) Little Sisters of the Poor Benefit Get your reservation in now for the Hats Off to Spring Luncheon and Style Show by The Secret Ingredient on Wednesday, May 1 at 11:00 A.M. at the Ritz Charles. This annual event is sponsored by the St. Augustine Guild and benefits the Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Augustine home. For reservations or more information, please contact JoAnne Spellman at 317-288-0446. Men’s Club Golf League This years Men's Club golf league starts May 6 and will run through the end of August. This years league will be at Saddlebrook Golf Course with flexible tee times. For more info please contact: Jerry Goodreau at 317-997-4788 or by email at St. Monica Parish Mission Statement Infertility Awareness Week is April 21- 27 Have you, or someone you know, struggled with infertility? This all too common reality can be heartbreaking and lonely for those couples who yearn to be parents. Therefore, the Natural Family Planning Ministry would like to invite you to join us in prayer and support for those dealing with infertility on Friday, April 26 for Mass in the Daily Chapel at 5:30pm. Adoration will follow until 6:15 PM and then everyone is invited to the Emmaus Center for food, a presentation and discussion. Please contact Lori Wilbur at with any questions. 2 St. Monica Parish is a multi-cultural Catholic community advancing our faith by making the Word of God come alive through prayer, liturgy, education, evangelization, and stewardship. K of C Ritter HS Scholarship Save The Date: Dining to Donate Noodles & Company at Traders Point (86th & Zionsville Road). Remember to mention St. Monica all day and we will get 25% of the sales on April 30! Confession Schedule Changes While Fr. Todd is on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, confessions will NOT be heard after Mass on Tuesday, April 23. Please see the bulletin cover for other times for confession, or call the Parish Office to make an appointment with Fr. Dustin. Attention St. Monica 8th graders attending Cardinal Ritter High School in the fall of 2013: The St. Monica Knights of Columbus Cardinal Ritter Scholarship application is now available and can be picked up in the St. Monica School Office or on the Knights of Columbus bulletin board. The deadline for submitting your application is Saturday, May 4, 2013. Please contact Brian Toepp at 293-8340 with questions for or more information. Dear Friends of St. Monica I am writing to you to invite you to my Mass of Ordination at the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul in Indianapolis on May 18 at 10:00 AM. Also, I would love to have you for my First Mass on Sunday May 19 at 12:00 PM at St. Mary's Church, 317 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, with a reception to follow at the Marian Inc., located at 1011 East St Clair Street, Indianapolis. Please RSVP for the reception at email address before May 6. I hope to see you soon! Vocations Corner Legion of Mary St. Monica Legion of Mary invites you to join them to recite the rosary every Sunday in the daily Mass chapel at 2:00pm (after 12:30pm Mass). The rosary is recited in both English and Spanish. Brebeuf Jesuit HSPT Test Dates for Early Enrollment Saturday, May 11 and Saturday, June 15 Brebeuf Jesuit offers students the opportunity to take the HSPT prior to the fall of their 8th grade year. The HSPT (High School Placement Test) is the entrance exam required by Brebeuf Jesuit for all high school students who are applying for admission to Brebeuf. Those students who score a composite score of 80 or higher on the early HSPT Test are eligible to apply for admission under Brebeuf Jesuit's non-binding Early Admission Program. To register for the HSPT Test, and for more details concerning the Early Admission Qualifying Test, please visit: If parents or students have questions about the HSPT or Brebeuf Jesuit, please contact Liz Otteson, Director of Admissions, or 524-7090. First Wednesdays: For the Call of Your Life Any and all families are invited to our next monthly gathering happening this Wednesday, April 3 at 6:30 pm in the chapel. We will spend some time in silent prayer for vocations, hear a brief reflection and then head on down to the Emmaus Center (7:00 pm) for some food, fellowship and discussion. No need to RSVP, just show up. Bishop Brute Days Are you in middle school or high school? Are you a man? Then why haven’t you signed up for this summer’s Bishop Brute Days? This is a camp for all young men in 7th – 12th grades who are curious about a priestly and religious vocation. The camp is happening on June 10 – 13 here in Indianapolis. For more information see Fr. Todd or Fr. Dustin, or visit the Bishop Brute website at RCIA Ministry Fair One hundred people entered the Church or completed their Sacraments of Initiation through RCIA at St. Monica this year; many of them rearranged jobs or sports schedules to make their participation possible – and are sorry to see the year come to an end! How would you like to be part of this vibrant outreach ministry?? Come to the RCIA Ministry Fair after every Mass the weekend of May 4-5 to see what makes the RCIA so valuable to these newest Catholics – and to find out how YOU can be a source of welcome and faith for these who come seeking faith! There is a role for every Parishioner: not all the roles require a lot of time. Please stop by to find out more! Cathedral High School Spring Open House Cathedral High School will host their annual Spring Open House from 12-2 p.m. on Sunday, April 28. This is a great opportunity for students and families of students in any grade in school to tour Cathedral’s 40-acre campus, to meet teachers from every academic department as well as other staff members, to learn about the school’s 120+ activities, and more. To learn more, visit house, where you also can pre-register online if you so choose. Or, call Cathedral’s Enrollment Management Office at (317) 968-7370. 3 Immigrants Welcome! St. Monica Parish is a branch location for the Immigrant Welcome Center. This non-profit organization has as its sole purpose the task of connecting immigrants (and other persons in need) to the resources and persons they need in our community. It can assist in connecting persons to help with taxes, legal services, substance addiction help, job search assistance, housing, and even with meeting others from a particular country. Stop by any Sunday from 2:00-5:00 pm and meet the folks from the Immigrant Welcome Center – or refer anyone who you know could benefit from their assistance! Immigrant Welcome Center Brunch – All Invited! All Parishioners are welcome to join us for a brunch in the Holy Family Room on Sunday, April 28 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm. This brunch is a gathering of those Parishioners who have been “hosting” the Immigrant Welcome Center here at St. Monica and for the IWC Staff and Natural Helpers – and also for YOU, every interested parishioner of St. Monica! Join us and meet the incredible bunch of people who spend every Sunday welcoming immigrants – we promise you a fun and relaxing hour and a half!! Helping The Lord’s Pantry The Lord's Pantry depends on the nonperishable foods we bring in each week and put in the blue food bin in the Narthex. The Pantry services around 100 clients each week, every Tuesday morning from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at the Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, 5136 N. Michigan Road. Checks can be made out to “The Lord's Pantry” and sent to: The Lord’s Pantry, PO Box 17104, Indianapolis, IN 46217. Unfortunately, we cannot use clothing or diapers; please donate those to the St. Vincent de Paul Society or the Gabriel Project. Thank you so much for all of your generous giving, and please join us on Tuesdays mornings to help distribute the food! Peace, from the Lord's Pantry Team. For more information, please contact Dyan Huey, 297-9798. ¡Bienvenida a los Inmigrantes! La sucursal de la Parroquia Santa Mónica del Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante. Esta es una organización sin fines de lucro y su único propósito es conectar a los inmigrantes (y otras personas que lo necesiten) a los recursos y personas que ellos lo necesiten en nuestra comunidad. Ayuda en conectar a las personas referente a los impuestos, servicios legales, ayuda con la adicción de sustancias, asistencia para buscar trabajo, vivienda, y también con conexiones de otros países. ¡Pare cualquier domingo de 2:00-5:00 pm y conozca a las personas del Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante – o recomiéndelo a quien usted sepa se beneficiaría con su asistencia! ¡Sucursal Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante – todos están invitados! Todos los parroquianos son bienvenidos a un almuerzo en el Salón de La Sagrada Familia el domingo 28 de Abril de 12:00 pm a 1:30 pm. Este almuerzo es para reunir a los parroquianos que han “ayudados” por el Centro de Bienvenida al Inmigrante aquí en Santa Mónica y por los trabajadores de IWC y Natural Helpers – ¡y también para TI, cada parroquiano interesado de Santa Mónica! Únase con nosotros y conozca a las personas increíbles que pasan su tiempo cada domingo dando la bienvenida a los inmigrantes – ¡¡le prometemos que se divertirá y se relajará por una hora y media!! 4 One Million Rosaries for the Unborn May 3 - May 5 (Friday - Sunday) Pray for an end to the surgical and nonsurgical killing of unborn babies. Register to participate by going to the website www.SaintMichaelTheArchangelOrgani and registering. You may also let your intention be known in writing and then send it to: The Archangel Organization, P. O. Box 41257, Memphis, Tennessee 38174 La inscripción de nuevos feligreses y la orientación correspondiente se realizan el tercer domingo de cada mes después de la Misa. Las clases en Ingles, 6:30 PM, los Martes y Jueves, en salón #16. Todos están invitados. Queridos Amigos de Santa Monica Me dirijo a ustedes para invitarlos cordialmente a asistir a mi Misa de Ordenación en la Catedral de Santos Pedro y Pablo, Indianapolis el dia 18 de Mayo a las 10:00 am. Tambien me gustaría que me acompañaran en mi Cantamisa el Domingo 19 de Mayo a las 12:00 pm en la parroquia de Santa Maria, 317 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis. Y finalmente que me honren con su presencia en la recepción después de la Cantamisa en el Marian Inc., 1011 East St Clair Street, Indianapolis, el mismo día 19 de Mayo a partir de las 2:00 pm. Solo les pido de favor que me envíen un correo electrónico antes del 6 de Mayo para confirmar su asistencia a la recepción: ¡Espero verlos pronto! Educación Religiosa Cambio en el Horario de Confesiones Mientras el Padre Todd se encuentre en la Peregrinación a la Tierra Santa, NO se escucharán confesiones después de la Misa de los martes, 23 de Abril. Por favor vea el boletín para los demás horarios por confesiones, o llame a la parroquia para hacer una cita con Padre Dustin. Legión de María La Legión de María le invita a todas las personas a que nos acompañen a recitar el Santo Rosario todos los domingos en la Capilla a las 2:00pm (después de Misa de 12:30). El rosario se reza en Inglés y en Español. Declaración de Misión de la Parroquia de Sta. Mónica Santa Mónica es una comunidad Católica multicultural avanzando en nuestra fé para hacer que la Palabra de Dios viva a través de la oración, liturgia, educación, evangelización y liderazgo. ¡Gracias Catequistas! Que Dios bendiga a nuestros 180 candidatos para la Primera Comunión al recibir a Jesús por primera vez. Las liturgias de las Primeras Comuniones serán 27-28 de Abril. Especialmente gracias a todos las catequistas: Briana Pryor, Jennifer Holohan, Jennifer Kaleth, Lela Gallagher, Luis Sánchez, Julio Cervantes, Debbie Copher, María Davey, Kitty Olson, Teresa Law, Brenda Turcios, Destiny Domínguez, Lyn Goldsberry, Molly Love, Jaremy Arroyo-López, Katie Zipfel, Lizette Arroyo, Jack Gannon, Christopher Williams y María Pimentel-Gannon. Estamos muy agradecidos con las catequistas y los padres por esta preparación. Mary Jo Thomas Day. Día de los Niños Hoy invitamos a todos los niños, de 3 años al 4 grado, a celebrar el Día de los Niños de 9:00 AM a 3:00 PM en el Centro San Ambrosio (gimnasio). Habrá juegos, un brincolín, actividades, música y comida para celebrar este día tan especial para los niños. Feria de Ministerios de RICA Cien personas entraron la Iglesia o completaron sus Sacramentos de Iniciación a través de RICA en Santa Mónica este año, muchos de ellos tuvieron que acomodar sus horarios de trabajo y deportes para poder hacer su participación posible – y sentimos mucho que este año esté terminando muy pronto. ¿Qué te parecería el ser parte de este vibrante ministerio? Ven a la Feria de Ministerios de RICA después de cada Misa durante el primer fin de semana de Mayo para que veas el valor de RICA para estos nuevos Católicos – ¡y para que sepa como TÚ puedes ser una fuente de bienvenida y fe para aquellos que buscan encontrar la fe! Hay un papel para cada Parroquiano: no todos los papeles requieren mucho tiempo. ¡Por favor para e infórmese más! El Grupo de Oración Carismático “Yo soy el pan que da vida. El que viene a Mi, nunca tendrá hambre; y el que Cree en Mi, nunca tendrá sed.” Juan 6:35 El grupo de oración de Santa Mónica “Espíritu Divino” le invita a estar en la presencia de Dios, a gozarse con alabanzas y oración. Misa cada primer Viernes del mes. El Padrecito Todd y Padrecito Dustin compartirán la Palabra De Dios con enseñanzas del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica el segundo y tercer Viernes. Todos los viernes a las 7:30 PM. Para mas información contacte a Sandra Rivera, 220-8069 o Julia Gonzalez, 896-5584. 5 Small Church Communities (SCC) Join any time! Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. SAM Substance Addiction Ministry Are YOU or a LOVED ONE touched by Addiction? You are Not Alone. Call 317-690-4624 Ministry to the Sick and Shut-Ins If you know of anyone who would like communion brought to them, please contact the Parish Office, 253-2193, opt. 2. Sacraments Reconciliation/Confesiones Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm (English); Monday & Tuesday 6:00 -7:00 pm (Spanish & English); or by appointment. Lunes y Martes de 6:00 pm a 7:00 pm (Español y Inglés) o por la cita. Baptism Celebrated each week. Contact the Parish Office for dates and times of baptisms & required prep classes. Marriage Contact parish office 9-12 months prior to your wedding date. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children (RCIA and OCIC) Call Anne Corcoran in the parish office, 253-2193, opt. 5. Youth Schedules Religious Education (September through May) 3 years-Grade 6 ..... Sunday 9:00-10:00AM or 10:45-11:45 AM Grades 7-8 ....... Sunday 9:00-10:10 AM or 10:45-11:55 AM SPRED (Special Religious Education) Youth—Sunday 9:00 - 10:30AM Adults—Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30PM Confirmation Preparation Grades 7-8 call Mary-Jo Thomas-Day at 253-2193, opt. 4 for details. Children's Liturgy of the Word (September - May) 4 years through Grade 2 during 9:00 AM and 12:30PM Mass. Automatic Withdrawal Parishioners can now tithe using automatic withdrawal. Find the form on our website under the “about us” tab and click on “Auto-withdrawal Giving”. Fill it out and return it to the Parish Office with a voided check. Call the Business Manager at 253-2193, ext. 2 with questions. Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body of parishioners who assist the Pastor in guiding the parish on issues requiring practical wisdom and investigation. The PPC has three purposes: 1) to investigate pastoral matters; 2) to give these matters in-depth consideration and prayer; and 3) to propose practical conclusions and assist in cultivating our vision. Twelve parishioners discerned their participation on PPC for a threeyear term through June 30, 2015 related to the parish theme of “Immersed in Christ: One Body. One Mission.” The PPC meets the second Wednesday of the month. All parishioners are welcome to attend! The next meeting is May 8 from 6:45 PM to 9:15 PM in the Holy Family Room. Agendas and meeting minutes can be found on our parish website at Mass Intentions/Intenciónes de las Misas (I)=Intention of... Monday, April 22, 2013 5:30 PM Emily Zablocki Tuesday, April 23 5:30 PM Antonio Grilo Aviles Wednesday, April 24 8:00 AM Mary Clark 5:30 PM Shawn Hoch Thursday, April 25 5:30 PM Fr. Joe Dooley Friday, April 26 St. Adalbert, 8:00 AM Frances Donelson pray for us! Saturday, April 27 April 23 11:00 AM For All Making Their 1st Communion This Year 5:30 PM (I) Sevi Family 7:15 PM Antonio Vasquez Sunday, April 28 7:40 AM Earl & Rozella Rafferty 9:00 AM Joe McLeish 10:45 AM St. Monica Parish 12:30 PM Consuelo Flores 6:00 PM Perry Albert Wedding Banns Marcos Mata / Guillermina Roque III Javier Nunez / Yanuaria Batista II Julio Juarez / Candelaria Perez II Ryan Lindborg / Francesca Monn I On Saturday, April 27, Fr. Todd Goodson will be hearing confessions from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Praying for One Another Prayers of the Faithful and Bulletin Prayer List and Prayer Tree: Call the Parish Office at 253-2193, opt. 2 to have your intention included. Prayer Tree email address: Si desea incluir una intención en el boletín por favor llame al 253-2193, anexo 9 y hable con la Hermana Ana Maria o Julia Gonzalez, o déjele un mensaje. Please remember in your prayers / Por favor recuerde en sus oraciones a: Tanya Barker; Henry Hartwell; Rodrigo Dominguez; Kamsi Brian Obioha; Miguel Penaloza; Melania Perez; Joe Pieczko; Mark Satterly Recently deceased / Fallecido Recientemente: None Connecting Faith & Life Readings for April 28, 5th Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 14:21b-27 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:8-13 Second Reading: Revelations 21:1-5a Gospel: John 13:31-33a, 34-35 Lecturas para el 28 de Abril, el Domingo Quinto de Pascua Primera Lectura: Hechos 14:21b-27 Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 145:8-13 Segunda Lectura: Apocalipsis 21:1-5a Evangelio: Juan 13:31-33a, 34-35 New Parishioners Are Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos Nuevos Feligreses! New parishioner registration packets are in the Narthex, right next to the Daily Mass Chapel. Parish Phone...................................................................... (317) 253-2193 Fax .................................................................................. 253-3342 E-mail ......................................... Website .................................................... Mass Schedule........................................................................opt. 1 Prayer Tree…………………………………………..317-874-0087 Bulletin Submissions If you would like to submit an article for an upcoming bulletin, the deadline is Noon on the Sunday prior to the weekend announcement is to appear. Please send all bulletin submissions to email address Parish Staff Pastor, Rev. Todd Goodson ..................................................opt. 2 E-mail…..……………………… Associate Pastor, Rev. Dustin Boehm.....…………………..opt. 2 E-mail…….……………………… Emergency Line.....................................................................opt.7 Office Secretaries, Linda Pitcher & Martha Horvath . .........opt. 2 Business Manager, Barbara Bacon ........................................opt.2 E-mail Maintenance Director, Kevin Starkey .................................opt. 2 Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adults, Emily Scharbrough…………………………………...……..opt. 3 E-mail…………………....… Religious Education Director, Mary Jo Thomas-Day .........opt. 4 E-mail .................................... Pastoral Associate, Anne Corcoran ......................................opt. 5 E-mail ......................................... Music Director, Christine Seitz ............................................opt. 6 E-mail ................................................ Director of Communications/Volunteer Coordinator, Mel Ullrich………………….…….………………………….opt. 8 E-mail...……………………….… Hispanic Ministry, Sr. Anna Marie Megel ...........................opt. 9 E-mail School Principal, Michelle Boyd ............................................... 255-7153 Fax .................................................................................. 259-5570 Website Ministerio Hispano Hermana Ana María Megel o Julia Gonzalez .............. 253-2193-9 (los días lunes a jueves de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM) Boletín en Español - Anuncios Y Clases para Padres, Percy Consiglieri...................... .280-8551 Charlas Pre-Matrimoniales, Ricardo & Carmen Davila....691-3718 Charlas para Bautismos, Gerardo Dimas ..................... 824-9230 Coordinadora para Quinceañeras, Luz Maria Florez..717-1635; 280-9362 Clases de Biblia, Enrique y Carmen Rosa Hurtado........ 253-8173 Catecismo y Educación Religiosa, Maria Pimentel-Gannon ........... 298-3033 Jóvenes Adolencentes, Luis Sanchez..............................514-6894 Liturgia de la Palabra, Nora Martinez……..………….291-4525 7
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