2013 Annual Report - Canine Companions for Independence


2013 Annual Report - Canine Companions for Independence
2013 Annual Report
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People®
“In a life full of challenges it is sometimes hard
to imagine positive experiences. From the time
we parked our van at Canine Companions,
the thoughtfulness, professionalism and
support were some of the finest we’ve ever
experienced. To say our expectations
were exceeded would be an
©McGraw Photography, first published in the October 2013 issue of Lake Norman Currents magazine.
—Holly, Eleanor’s mom
Together Everyone Achieves More
Simply put, we want to place more assistance dogs free of charge with
people with disabilities.
The demand for our highly skilled assistance dogs is never ending,
but growth for Canine Companions is more than just a number. It takes
a team—over 50,000 supporters working together towards a common
goal to achieve our mission.
Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so
much.” Donors, volunteers, corporate partners and staff are all working
together to help advance Canine Companions’ mission.
In 2013, the National Board took bold and essential steps to sustain
and grow our life-changing work. The critical first step in this process was
approving the long-range strategic plan called “Foundation, Sustainability,
Optimization.” The core initiatives in the plan include:
• A dedicated canine whelping center to support volunteer breeder
caretakers and improve puppy wellness.
• Enhancements to our renowned training and graduate support
• Community outreach through Canine Companions’ national
signature event DogFest Walk ‘n Roll.
• Partnerships with companies that support our mission with financial
and promotional resources.
• A corps of advancement professionals dedicated to helping
our most philanthropic donors realize their dreams for Canine
We thank each and every one of you for your part in this team and for
helping us strengthen Canine Companions’ foundation, sustain funding
and optimize success for this life-changing mission. We look forward to
our continued growth in 2014 and beyond.
Anne Gittinger
Chair, Canine Companions
National Board
Corey Hudson
CEO, Canine
Financial Results
Strengthening the Mission
Unleashing the Power of
Exceptional Teams
One Team. Two Heroes.
Happiness Is a Warm Puppy
Strategic Alliances for
Mission Success
Canine Companions
24 Heritage Society
26 Raising Puppies,
Changing Lives
2013 Income
Investment Income
& Other Revenue©$2,133,418
Support & Revenue:
Investment Income & Other Revenue
$ 13,336,418
$ 5,182,804
$ 2,133,418
Total Support & Revenue
$ 20,652,640
Program Services
Support Services
$ 12,996,726
$ 3,926,582
Total Expenses
$ 16,923,308
Change in Net Assets:
Net Assets Beginning of Year
Net Assets End of Year
$ 48,583,837
Change in Net Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Property, Equipment & Improvements
Receivables & Other Assets
Total Assets
$ 50,424,902
Accounts Payable, Accrued Payroll
& Expenses
Gift Annuities & Deferred Compensation $
Total Current Liabilities
Net Assets:
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 40,726,330
$ 4,682,840
$ 3,174,667
Total Net Assets
$ 48,583,837
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 50,424,902
2013 Expenses
Program Services©$12,996,726
Fund Development©$2,787,179
Program Services
Training and Follow-up©$6,181,556
Breeding and Puppy Raising©$2,388,383
Public Information©$2,574,211
All in a Day’s Work
Doggie Data
A dog’s release from our program doesn’t mean
the end of a career. Through a 2013 survey of
nearly 1,200 individuals who have adopted Canine
Companions released dogs, we discovered the
astonishing impact these dogs continue to have
in their communities.
Nearly 40% of the Canine Companions released
dogs surveyed participate in some form of
therapy work. Most commonly, this therapy
work takes place in hospitals, nursing homes,
hospices and libraries, offering comfort and
support to children and adults. These dogs and
their adopters make over 207,000 therapy visits
each year and interact with over 17,250 people
each month!
We welcomed 665 puppies in 2013.
Golden Retriever©3%
Labrador Retriever©23%
Lab/Golden cross©74%
Yellow or Golden©77%
All figures are based on our year 2013 financial statement and auditor's report by Hood and Strong LLP, San Francisco, California. To view a
copy of this report and our IRS Form 990, visit our website at cci.org. Canine Companions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established in
1975. Federal tax ID number: 94-2494324.
Strengthening the Mission
Canine Companions for Independence is the oldest and most renowned provider of highly trained
assistance dogs for people with disabilities.
New teams graduated in 2013
Across the nation, people with disabilities are beginning lives of
increased independence with their new assistance dogs provided free
of charge.
new graduate
teams total
29 Facility Dog teams
32 Hearing Dog teams
92 Skilled Companion teams
101 Service Dog teams
Professional Training by
the Numbers
dogs to master over
40 commands and
matching people
with disabilities with
assistance dogs for
lifelong partnerships.
graduates to ensure
lasting partnerships
between graduates,
assistance dogs and
Canine Companions.
4,307 graduates
since 1975
15,289 Signatures
Overwhelming response to Canine
Companions’ campaign against sales of
fraudulent service dog products, such as
vests and ID tags.
Our Mission
Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit
organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by
providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to
ensure quality partnerships.
Unleashing the Power of Community
Over 1,000 participants helped make the inaugural
year of Canine Companions’ national signature event,
DogFest Walk ‘n Roll, a howling success. Dogs and
people alike had a tail-waggin’ good time all across
the country.
Vickie Smith was one of these enthusiastic participants. Her local DogFest event in Jacksonville, Florida
raised over $60,000. In addition to being a puppy
raiser, Vickie served as the volunteer entertainment
committee chair for the Jacksonville DogFest. “I liked
the challenge. I had never done something like this
before,” explains Vickie. “In Jacksonville, we are very
competitive. If others are doing it around the country,
we want to do it too, and we want to do it better.”
DogFest serves not only as a fun competition
among communities to advance Canine Companions’
mission, but also as a great opportunity for teamwork.
Vickie and six other volunteers coordinated the event’s
entertainment and keynote speakers. “I built friendships
along the way and enjoyed the teamwork,” says Vickie.
“Not everyone can commit to raising a puppy, but
everyone can get involved with DogFest!”
DogFest is led by dedicated volunteers from across
the country. Twelve events took place in 2013 and
the number of enthusiastic volunteers who want to
participate in 2014 continues to grow. With 25 events
DogFest by the Numbers
National Volunteer Stats
expected in 2014, DogFest Walk ‘n Roll is proving to
be a model for success.
Grab your leash and find a DogFest near you at
57th Presidential Inaugural Parade
“Caroline’s assistance dog has never let
us down. That’s why I really wanted to
be a part of the Presidential Inaugural
Parade—so that more people could hear
about this organization and get involved!”
— Carina, Caroline’s mother
Inaugural Parade by the Numbers
Exceptional Teams
Carter & Skilled Companion Hollen
Stefanie & Service Dog Kaz
Carter was in the hospital when his dad, David,
“After my injury, I was weathering a storm, but not
received the call inviting them to go to Team Training
so well,” says Stefanie. “I used to wonder, ‘why am I
to get an assistance dog. “Having good news to give
still here?’ I felt like a burden to everyone. Now I have
Carter in the hospital was such a joy, and wanting to
Service Dog Kaz as a partner to help me take on the
go to Team Training gave him a motivating goal for
world. Now I say, ‘I’m here with Kaz and I’m proud!’”
his recovery,” David explains.
Thanks to Kaz, Stefanie is finishing her
Carter recalls from Team Training, “I
master’s degree in advertising. Kaz is
understood how I would be more indealso making it possible for Stefanie to
has really
pendent the first time Hollen tugged
work with horses again. “Before my
my backpack across the floor and put
injury, I was very involved with horses
and I like showing
it on the chair so I could get my books
as a show jumper and rider. I knew I
people how he
out by myself to do my homework.”
needed a way to be with horses again,
helps me.”
With Hollen by his side, Carter’s
since they were such a big part of my
sense of independence, security and
life before. At the stables, I drop things
confidence continues to grow.
constantly and Kaz is able to pick up
“Hollen opens and closes doors for
items. I don’t worry anymore. If I don’t have
Carter and they go for walks around the neighit, Kaz will. Kaz even loves to come on walks
borhood,” says David. “Having Hollen by his side
with my horse, Shadow. I think Kaz thinks Shadow
makes Carter more approachable. Now they know
is a big black lab.”
everyone in the neighborhood and Carter loves giving
Stefanie can’t remember a time without Kaz,
impromptu demonstrations of how Hollen helps him.”
because there has been such a big change in both
“I feel more independent and secure with Hollen.
her body and mind. Her doctors can’t figure out the
He has really changed my life and I like showing
huge improvements in her health and abilities.
people how he helps me,” Carter explains.
“Kaz and I represent freedom, independence and
teamwork. Together we can overcome anything,”
states Stefanie.
Rachel & Hearing Dog Pippen
Donna & Facility Dog Malvern
The victims Donna and Facility Dog Malvern work
When Rachel began graduate school in Washington
with have suffered some of the most severe physDC, she found living alone difficult. Even with her
ical and emotional trauma imaginable. Together
cochlear implant, Rachel can only hear sounds
this team works full-time for the Santa Barbara
within a few feet of her. When Rachel takes her
County District Attorney’s Office working with
implant off while showering or sleeping, she hears
child and adult victims of sex crimes and
absolutely nothing.
domestic violence.
Rachel decided it was time to get a
“Unfortunately, during the criminal
hearing dog when one morning she
surround him
justice process, these victims often
was surprised to find a maintenance
experience additional trauma when
man in her apartment. “He had no
As for me, I wake up
they are required to walk into a
idea I was home,” explains Rachel.
every day with a smile
courtroom full of strangers and
“He knocked on my door and when
testify in excruciating detail about
I didn’t answer, he let himself in. I
what happened to them,” explains
was coming out of the bathroom
Donna. “Malvern helps lessen this
after a shower when I ran into him. I
was scared and embarrassed.”
In one trial, Malvern sat at the feet of
Rachel was matched with Hearing Dog
two young girls as they testified against a family
Pippen. “Now I can trust Pippen to look out for
member who had sexually abused them. Malvern
me. He will alert me if there is something importbrought these girls the confidence they needed to
ant happening. I can relax and sleep soundly at
sit across the courtroom from their attacker and
night. Thanks to Pippen, I no longer sleep through
tell a jury to put him behind bars.
a smoke alarm, a knock at the door or my alarm
“Malvern’s breeding and professional training
clock,” says Rachel.
allows him to excel at his job. He is well behaved,
Rachel can’t say enough good things about
calm, affectionate and unobtrusive,” says Donna.
Pippen, “Smiles surround him wherever he goes.
“Malvern helps victims find the words to speak of
As for me, I wake up every day with a smile now.”
the unspeakable.”
One Team. Two Heroes.
Bill sustained life-changing injuries while serving our country in the
United States Coast Guard. Last winter, coming home late one night,
he dropped his keys. He watched from his wheelchair as the keys
tumbled into the snow on the driveway, completely out of his reach.
It was late and all the houses were dark. No neighbors were awake
to hear him calling for help. Would a stranger even drive by that he
could stop for help?
Thankfully these thoughts were fleeting. With a word to Service Dog
Garrison, the keys were retrieved and Bill could move safely indoors.
Not surprisingly, being able to pick up items that are out of reach
is one reason why Bill’s doctor recommended an assistance dog.
“After seeing my doctor through
the VA for so many years, I think he
Veterans by the
knew the extent to which an assistance
dog would be able to help me,” Bill
“For a veteran making
a new start, putting
their life back together
after an injury, an
assistance dog can
provide the help
they need to regain
—Canine Companions National Director
of Participant Programs Clark Pappas
The Canine Companions Wounded
DOGS: Placed
Veterans Initiative helps match veterdirectly serving
ans with disabilities with highly trained
veterans to date
assistance dogs like Garrison.
Garrison knows over 40 commands
to assist Bill with daily tasks, including
picking up Bill’s dropped keys. Garrison greets Bill every morning
wagging his tail and is by Bill’s side every minute of the day. They
are one team and two heroes.
“Being in a chair, people think your ability to think and speak is
different. Garrison changes that. He acts as an ice breaker and people
treat me normally,” Bill continues.
“People always ask me about Garrison, and I tell them how he
helps me. But really I want them to know about what an amazing
organization Canine Companions is. I’ve worked a great deal in
volunteer leadership and fundraising, and I’ve never seen a more
giving organization in my life.”
Happiness Is a Warm Puppy
Virtually any Canine Companions volunteer or supporter has heard Jean
Schulz’s name and stories of her incredible contributions to our mission.
Jean has been a tireless advocate and supporter of Canine Companions.
“Sparky (Charles M. Schulz) came home one day in 1985 and told me
how impressed he was with the Canine Companions team he had met
that afternoon,” recalls Jean.
The couple’s involvement with Canine Companions grew from that day
forward. “Sparky and I worked together with our stewardship, believing
in the adage ‘you always receive more than you give,’” explains Jean.
Nearly 20 years ago, Jean and Charles Schulz donated the land
to Canine Companions for what is now the Jean & Charles Schulz
Campus in Santa Rosa, California. Jean served as president of Canine
Companions’ national board for over 15 years. She is currently secretary
of the board and serves on the
executive committee. Her spirit and
leadership continue to be essential
Donors by the Numbers
to Canine Companions’ growth and
• 22,700 DONORS
“I am so very proud that Canine
A record breaking
Companions never rests on its
number of monthly
laurels. We have been continually
improving the program for our
applicants, our students in Team
Training, our graduates, our puppy
DONORS: Maintained or
raisers, our breeder caretakers and
increased their level of
always our wonderful canines,”
giving this year.
shares Jean. “It has been hard,
thoughtful work, but C anine
Companions is dedicated to it.”
“Seeing a family who has raised a Canine Companions puppy handing
the leash to the dog’s new human partner brings me joy beyond description,” explains Jean. “Anyone who knows this joy understands how
fortunate I feel to be a part of Canine Companions for Independence.”
The gratitude expressed by our graduates when receiving their new
assistance dogs, completely free of charge, is made possible thanks to
generous supporters like Jean. Canine Companions is fortunate that she
and so many contributors feel the joy of giving each time they make a
gift to this life-changing mission.
Strategic Alliances for Mission Success
We are grateful to the corporations and businesses that provide support to Canine Companions
through cause marketing, sponsorship and in-kind donations.
ABC Fine Wine and Spirits
Merial Limited
Austin & Williams
News12 Long Island
Ballard Designs
Papapietro Perry Winery
Banfield Pet Hospital
Rosen Hotels & Resorts
Boston Red Sox
RXR Realty
Collier Falls Winery
San Pablo Animal Clinic
SeaWorld/Aquatica/Discovery Cove
Exchange Bank
Shell Vacations Club
Flutter Eyewear
SunDance Marketing Solutions
Hood and Strong LLP
Chris Kittredge Photography Total Pet Care
J Winery
Universal Orlando Resort
Lagunitas Brewing Company Verizon FiOS
Las Positas Vineyards
Veterinary Referral Surgical Services
Legoland California
Virbac Animal Health
Logic One
Wells Fargo
Luxury Marketing Council
Windsor Vineyards
“Our corporate partners
demonstrate their
commitment to people
with disabilities every
day. By partnering with
companies like Prudential,
Eukanuba and PetSmart,
Canine Companions
can broaden our reach
through joint outreach and
awareness efforts on a
national level.”
—Canine Companions CEO
Corey Hudson
McGraw Hill Financial
Over 120 volunteers and staff attended Canine Companions’ volunteer leadership
conference in 2013. Made possible by our national strategic partners and
appropriately titled TEAM—Together Everyone Achieves More—the conference
celebrates collaboration, education and inspiration.
Photo courtesy of Lee Peterson
Canine Companions Supporters
We are grateful to the individuals, foundations, organizations and
businesses providing philanthropic support for Canine Companions’ life
changing mission.
$500,000 PLUS
Estate of Elza DeMarchi
Estate of Eldreda Marie Franko
D. Wayne and Anne E. Gittinger
Anne Groot Revocable Trust
Dean R. and Gerda Ann Koontz
$100,000 – $499,999
Daniel D. Barkan Trust
Disney VoluntEARS
Robert G. & Mary Jane Engman
Estate of Joan K. Ernst
Estate of Caroline Geng
The Robert E. Hopper Family Fund
Sandra J. Kawa Trust
Estate of Virginia E. Kinsey
John & Terry Levin
Lions Project for CCI
John D. and Kristin Miller
P&G Eukanuba
P&G The Iams Company
Jay and Rose Phillips Family
Prudential Insurance
Estate of Austin W. Reid
Jean F. Schulz
Hadley & Marion Stuart Foundation
Henry F. & Eileen Trione
Estate of Jean S. Walsh
Eunice L. Witt Trust
$50,000 – $99,999
Estate of Elaine Altenburger
The Martin Andersen-Gracia
Andersen Foundation
Paul P. & Peggy Bernstein
Mary Ann Blair
John W. & Dorothy J. Bray Living
Ruth & Prince Davis Fund for The
Care of Animals
Charlotte Paulina De Birk Trust
DPH Fund - Chris Barley
Florence M. Durrett Trust
Estate of Betty Dene Brugge
Estate of Albert R. Goetjen
Lynn M. Hunter
Estate of Lee Kaiser
Knapp Swezey Foundation Inc.
Charles N. Mathewson Charitable
Lead Trusts
Estate of Mary B. McCoy
McGraw Hill Financial
Estate of Claudine Miller
Michael J. & Christine Morykwas
Donald M. Oberndorf
Irvin Olson & Rita A. Olson Trust
Harriet E. Pfleger Foundation
Sanders Dickinson Foundation
Mary W. Seyfarth
Estate of Ruth Anne Slease
The Spurlino Foundation
Sulentic Family Foundation
Julien & Vera Welles Foundation
$10,000 – $49,999
A-B Petroleum Inc.
Estate of Elizabeth L. Adkisson
David & Judith Ann Albertson
Fred & Jean Allegretti Foundation
American Electric Power
The American Gift Fund/RBC Trust
Bari’s Friends & Family
The Sandra Atlas Bass & Edythe &
Sol G. Atlas Fund, Inc.
William & Sharon Bauce
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Bergen Foundation
William & Joanne Berghold
David & Carol Bienstock
Employees Community Fund of
Boeing California
Boroughs Bypass Trust
Ann Bowers
Helen Brach Foundation
Brewster West Foundation
C. Howard & Ellen Brown
Miriam Brucker
John R. Brunton
California State Society Children of
The American Revolution
Sallie & Charlie Carey
Kay S. Cassens
Elizabeth Cathcart
William J. & Joanne Cellar
Michele & Agnese Cestone
James S. & Amy L. Chapman
Daniel E. & Arlene M. Comstock*
Joy E. Cook
The Rose Y. & J. Samuel Cox
Charitable Fund
Cracker Barrel Foundation
David and Mary Davies
The Dayton Power & Light
Company Foundation
Katherine D. DeBernardi
Deep Run High School
Design Lab, Inc.
Duree Trust
John A. & Joann Elliott
Larry Elliott
W. Lawrence & Andrea Elliott
Janet M. Ellis
Charon J. Fisher
Florida Federation of Women’s
Foglia Family Foundation
Allianz / Estate of Judith
Jack & Lisa Gildar Family Fund
GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club, Inc.
James J. & Sandra A. Globa
Mel Gottlieb
The Gordon-Lindeberg Family
The Grainger Foundation
Estate of Noreen A. Gran
Sally Ann Gulick Revocable Trust
Estate of Joanna Hart
Thomas P. & Thelma B. Hart
Pierre Dupont & Martina C.
The Heck Foundation
William H. & Leonora K. Hegamyer
Family Foundation
Leslie A. Hennessy & Randy Kunkel
Homewood Memorial Gardens
Estate of Patricia Hood
IBM Employee Services Center
The Ingebritson Family Foundation
Jackson Family Foundation
Steven & Ellen Jackson
Charles L. Jelm Charitable
Carl W. Johnson Foundation
Dean Johnson Trust
The Carl Jud Foundation
Sol F. & Dana K. Kavy
Steven & Judy Kazan
Scott Kerslake
Clifford & Marjorie Klose Charitable
Giving Fund
David A. Kourlas
The Darlene & Harry Lambert
Carol and Clete Landis
Gerald Leigh Charitable Trust
Estate of Alice Levin
Allison Rubinstein Levy
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Long Island Real Estate Group, Inc.
Sharon D. Lund Foundation
Mandel Family Trust
Estate of Marie J. Marchetta
Marriott International Inc.
French Masserini Fund
The McBeth Foundation
Diana G. McDowell
Harold W. and Nancy McGraw
Suzanne McGraw
Shirley McKernan Courage
Microsoft Giving Campaign /
Matching Gifts Program
Arvin S. Miller Living Trust
Harry C. Moores Foundation
Marian F. Morris Fund For Pets
Shawn & Katherine Murphy
Lura M. Myers
National Automobile Dealers
Charitable Foundation
Newman’s Own Foundation
Estate of Terry Ohlsen
Pacific Life Foundation
Harold & Mary Ann Perper
PETCO Foundation
Roy D. Polatchek
Mrs. Cheever Porter Foundation, Inc.
Art Pratt Foundation of Old Mission
John S. & Anne Edens Rainey
C. William & Mary-Louise Reinking
Response Systems International
Estate of Ruth Rice
Roth-Armstrong-Hayes Foundation
Paul & Robin Sanchez
Estate of Virginia A. Sauer
Scaife Family Foundation
Schmitt Family Trust
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Bruce & Ruth Schomaker
Peter M. & Jeanette K. Schwab
SeaWorld, Aquatica, Discovery Cove
Katherine J. Shelton
Estate of Mary Jane Shick
Gloria L. Shinn
Georgette Skellenger Trust
Charles H. Stout Foundation
Tammy S. Strobel & Alan F. Strobel
Sutter Health
Nancy Teague
Gerald W. Tozer Trust
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of San Diego County
Joe Verde Group
Estate of Doris L. Wallner
Estate of Patricia Ward
Frederick R. Weisman Discretionary Trust
The S. K. Wellman Foundation
Wescom Credit Union / We Care Foundation
Whalen Living Trust
The Wickham Foundation
Keith R. Wieland and Maureen Daley-Wieland
The Wildwood Foundation
Woodlawn Foundation
Estate of Audrey Kluck Woods
Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski II Memorial Fund
Helene S. Zimmerman Trust
$1,000 – $9,999
A Caring Community—The Fabulous Find
A. Friends’ Foundation Trust In Memoriam of Frank
A.R.D Marketing, Inc.
ABC Liquors, Inc.
ABC Seamless Siding
Robert C. Abrams
Erica Adams
Kevin & Dawn Adams*
Adikes Family Foundation
Matthew Adler
Aetna Foundation, Inc./ Partners In Community
Agilent Technologies Employee Giving Campaign
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
Danny E. & Lisa W. Akin
Alamo Women’s Club Federated
Kathleen & Lee Albertoni
Albuquerque Pet Memorial Service
Charles Aldrich & Susan Bloch
Alesia Family Foundation
Christine M. Alexander
Alexandria Host Lion’s Club
Camilo A. Alfaro - Alfaro Media
Arthur K. Allen & L. Rae Stone
The Allergan Foundation
Allianz of America
Allie Smiles Foundation
Thomas A. & Valerie J. Allison
Galen W. & Cynthia J. Alpeter
Alpha Sigma Phi
America’s Charities
Amgen Foundation / Amgen Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Amos Family Fund
Amvets NYs Service Foundation
John Andelin & Virginia Geoffrey
Mark P. & Tahara S. Anderson
* Miracle Maker
Mary E. Anderson Survivor’s Trust
Mary Ellen Anderson
Warren E. Anderson
Annapolis Cars
Irving & Bee Apatoff
Ronald & Joan Apatoff
The Apothecarium
Apple Matching Gifts Program
David M. & Melinda Armstrong
Eleanor H. Ascher
Galen & Renea J. Aswegan*
AT&T United Way/Employee GIving Campaign
E. Pembroke Attaway
Darcy Atterbury
Tom & Julie Atwood
Auto Reflections Inc.
Stuart & Nancy H. Babendir
Ashley & Cathy Bacot
Anne Baer
Stanley & Joan Beth Baer
The Bainbridge Companies, LLC
Billy P. & Esther S. Baker
The Alec Baldwin Foundation, Inc.
Richard Baldwin
Baldwin, Baldwin & Shaner, LTD
Patrick Bamford
Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
Bank of America United Way
Jeff, Cara & Emma Jean Banner
Mary Bardon
Theresa A. Barnes
J.H. Baroco Foundation, Inc.
Jean Lyn Barron
Barbara Barrow
The Sue Bassett Foundation
John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation
John K. Bastien Foundation, Inc.
Richard R. & Marilyn S. Bates
Jennifer Battat
BBVA Compass
The Bauman Charity Foundation
Donald L. & Phyllis J. Beal
Arch A. & Ann B. Beasley
Jerry & Nancy Beauchane
Beaver Creek Foundation
David J. & Judith L. Beck
David T. & Sharon K. Beckman
Sharon A. Beckman & Gregory N. Brand
Gary D. Begeman & Gail E. Griffith
Howard & Debbie Belford
Belford 1998 Charitable Trust
Edwin & Jana Bell
James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation
Bell Charitable Foundation
Susan J. Beller*
Armando T. Belly
Virginia Beltrami
Zohar & Lisa Ben-Dov
William & Adrienne Benedicks
Lee & Claudette S. Benson*
Jack & Barbara Benson
Joan Benson*
Gerald E. & Susanne S. Bergeron
Clover C. Bergmann
James & Joan Berkowitz
The Charitable Foundation/ Berkshire Hathaway
Barry & Barbara Berlin
C. & E.K. Berman
Kristen M. Bessette
BHP Billiton Petroleum
Andre & Carol Biane
Biedenharn Foundation
David W. Biegler & Diane L. Knape
Katherine Bishop
Black Diamond Investments, Inc.
Alan R. Blake
Louise B. Blackman Family Foundation
Scott Alan Blanchard
Arlien G. & Donald Block
The Blyler/Thompson Family Fund
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Field Davidson Boatwright
The Boeing Company Gift Match Program
Karen Bonaventura
The Bond Foundation, Inc.
Paul & Mariann Bonnewitz*
Joseph & Linda L. Borowski
Rob & Jeri Bostrom
Don & Nancy Bouc
Bougainvillea Clinique
Sarane T. Bowen
Louis F. Bower
Timothy & Verena Boylan
BP Foundation, Inc.
BPOE 1561 Bingo Charity Fund
Donald L. & Susan Lynn Bradbury
Francis P. & Margaret Brady
Dr. Nancy Brecheisen
Henry R. & Christina Bredenkamp
William Brelih
Ruth M. Brentari
Brentwood Bank
Cathleen Smith Bresciani*
Erica M. Brevet-Stott & Robert Stott
Forrest W. & Anne L. Brinkley
Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program
Brian Brizard
Michelle K. Brock
Betsy W. Brooks
David C. & Lisa Brooks
Douglas H. & Holly F. Brooks
Betty Broussard
Brunton Enterprises, Inc.
Will of Catharine T. Brinckerhoff
Murray J. & Betsy Brooks
Charles Brousseau
Jeffrey A. & Mary B. Brown
J.M. Bruder & Candice N. Wilson Bruder
Charles & Kim Brumback
Cynthia Brumback
Nannette Empey Bryan Foundation
Judith Anne Bryngil
Adrian H. Bubb*
Buddy Bowl, Inc.
Buell & Company
Harlan Bullard & Janet Johns-Bullard
Joan Burke
Bruce D. & Catherine L. Burnett
Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation
Jeanie Buss
Larry R. & Peggy J. Busscher
Butler Family Foundation
Byers Chrysler, LLC
John D. Byram
Anthony L. Cain & Olivia R. Valentine*
Jeff Caldwell
The Calico Fund
The Columbus Foundation
Cathe Callendar*
Catherine Callender
Stewart Cameron
The Paul Campbell & Kathryn Jehle Charitable Fund
Scott & Beth Campbell
Becky Lynn Campbell
Paula Campbell Millian & John C. Millian
Canon Business Solutions
Capital One N.A.
Cardinal Health Foundation Employees CARE
Matching Program
Millicent W. Carducci
The CareSource Foundation
Raymond S. and Vivian J. Carr
Marsha L. Carson
Casa Blanca, Inc.
Jessica Case
Mary Beth Casement
Bernard F. & Judith G. Casey
Paul & Pearl Caslow Foundation
Carole Cassio
Bradley D. & Sara E. Castelli
Centennial Airport Lions Club
Central Life Sciences
Richard & Carolyn Chace
Chardonnay Foundation
Pamela J. Champeau & Dave Allgeyer
Champions Solutions Group
Chapman Chevrolet Isuzu
Patricia Chard-Walsh & Rick Walsh
Ron Charles
Geoffrey S. & Catherine K. Chatas
The Chatlos Foundation, Inc.
The Chester Family Foundation
Chevron Humankind Matching Employee Fund
Thomas C. & Lynn M. Cincotta
The Clack Foundation, Inc.
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LLP
Thomas J. & Laurie Y. Clements
Cleveland Metroparks
Dana Coates
Charles D. & Felicity Coe
Kim R. Colatruglio
Margaret Cole
Cynthia D. Collett
James V. & Brenda D. Collins
Columbia Gas of Ohio
Columbus Blue Jackets Foundation
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Con Am Mgmt-Corporate
James G. Connelly
Contra Costa County Kennel Club
Con-Way Foundation
Gilbert E. & Karen J. Cook
Charles F. & Diane Ball Cooper*
Nancy Cooper
Arnold C. Cope
Stuart and Lisa J. Coppedge
Copper Family Foundation*
Corday Family Foundation
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Cosanti Foundation Cause Fund
Richard H. Couch
The Country Friends, Inc.
Russell N. & Jackie Cowgill
Anne Cox Chambers Foundation
Joel M. Cox
Deborah & C.A. Craig, II Family Foundation
Cramer & Associates, Inc.
Bryant Crane Charitable Fund
Mary Lou Crane & Beverly Soule
Estate of John W. Crowley
Thomas Crawford*
Donna Crawford
Crest Steel
Wendy B. Crisafulli & Steve R. Calhoun
CSC Holdings, LLC
William H. & Isabella Cunningham
Kevin L. & Jeanne L. Curtin
Eliott Cutler
Cypress Staffing Services LLC
Robert V. & Linda W. Dale
Nicholas J. & April I. D’Amato
Roque D. & Dorothy M. Dameo*
Danford Foundation, Inc.
Danford Foundation
Steven Danziger
Darden Restaurants
Ann Dart Trust
Davis Charitable Trust
Emerson C. & Donna L. Davis
Tom & Karen Davis
James B. & Jean M. Day
Nancy D. Dayton
Alvenia B. & Lorraine Dechter
Dee’s Specialty Cakes
Dell Giving
Delta Theta Tau Sorority Inc. Nu Tau Chapter
Michael & Evelyn DeMartino
Dennis Family Foundation
Blake B. Dennison*
Desiderata Charitable Foundation
Design Lab, Inc.
Joseph M. DeSimone
Bernhard & Christine Deutsch
DHK Engineers
Gilbert & Paulette DiGiannantonio
Emily Anne Dibert
Walt Disney Company Foundation Matching Gifts
R & L Donner Foundation
James & Margaret W. Douglass
Gary H. & Peggy B. Drach
Lori Dresner
Vera & Joseph Dresner Foundation, Inc.
DRJ Designs LLC
Robert Drollinger
Richard T. Duesbury
Timothy M. & Teresa A. Dunlap
Susan E. Dunn*
Gary Dushane
Herbert M. & Jane R. Dwight
Ann Dzurkoc*
EC Source Services, LLC
Mark & Dee Ecklund
Michael & A. Wendy Edlen
Gary W. and Margaret L. Edwards
Rolayne Edwards
Michelle M. Eichorn
Elizabeth H. Shattuck Fund
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation
Douglas Elliman
Arlan and Beverly Emmert
Empire Too/Dan & Emily Williams
Larry J. & Margaret M. Engel
Cynthia K. Engles
The English Family Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Eugene W. & Barbara M. Erickson
ERMCO Electric & Systems Contractor
Ernst & Young LLP
Sherry Esformes
Especially For Pets, Inc.
James Ewing
William Ewing Foundation
Exchange Bank
Patrick and Jennifer Fairfield
Fall Creek Enterprises Of Indianapolis, Inc.
Fallbrook Woman’s Club
Lloyd J. Faul & Elizabeth Scott Buchanan
Gail Fawcett
Kevin & Joanne Fawley
George W. & Candy Fazakerley
Natalie F. Feldt
Peter A. & Jeanne Fellowes
Frederick A. & Barbara Fielder
Fifth Avenue of LI Realty Associates
Stephan D. & Judith Gillum Fihn
Patsy Fihn
Financial Wellness Company
Anthony N. & Marie M. Finazzo
First Trust Portfolios
Robert & Kathy Fischer
Petra Fischer
Mara Dana Fizdale
Kathleen L. & John Flack
Flats at West Broad Village
Molly Fleischner
Lester & Sarah Fliegel
Florida Hospital
Barry L. & Bonniegene B. Fly
Peter I. & Janice A. Ford
Ken & Susan Forester
Albert E. Foster
Joanne P. Frago
Victor & Cynthia Frandsen
Brian & Anna Frankenfield*
Fredecker Family Foundation
William J. & Linda J. Freeburg
Freedom Lions Club
Kindy French
Mary E. Freund Charitable Endowment Fund
The Walter Henry Freygang Foundation
Carol Frick
Friends of South County Senior Center
The Fritch Foundation
Don Fruta
FSI (Fastening Systems International)
Fuller Foundation
Tom Furness & Haley Douglas
Fyfe Charitable Fund
Tim & Nancy Gackstetter
Michael and Carol Ann Gaich
Amy Gaines
Diana B. Gale
Ronald R. & Vicky Gallagher*
Galloway Foundation
Mary Louise Gambill
Stephen H. & Grace D. Gamble
Joseph A. & Judith M. Gappa
Kenneth G. & Karon Garbarino
Doug & Julia S. Gard*
Chris & Ane Gardner
Janet A. Gardner
John D. & Deborah L. Gareau
GE Foundation / GE United Way Giving Campaign
Vicki D. Gehri*
Christopher Geier & Janet Conney-Geier
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
Nancy J. Geltman & David A. Resnick
Gemberling & Miller Foundation
Geoffrey’s Diamonds
Sister Patricia Ann Geoghegan
Joanne Marie & Marcel George Foundation
Jere J. Gerszewski
Rosemary B. Gerty
Brenda Gey*
GFWC Illinois Federation
GFWC Mississippi Federation of Women’s Clubs
GFWC Viera Woman’s Club
John V. Giacomazzi
Tracy C. Gibbons
J.W. & Kathy B. Gibson
Stephen & Pamela Gifford*
Gilbane Building Company
William Gillespie Foundation
Sheldon & Rose Maree Ginsburg
John C. Gist Family Fund
Give With Liberty Foundation Match
Scott A. & Terri Glasser
GlobalGiving Foundation
Christine A. Golder
Elpy & Nenian A. Golez
Jim & Debra Goll
Stephen & Rita B. Gombar
Good Times Car Show
A.W. & Jody H. Goodson
Gordon Family Foundation, Inc
J. Barrie & Julianna D. Graham
* Miracle Maker
Grancell, Stander, Reubens, Thomas, Kinsey &
Rhoda Granum
Joseph A. & Debbie P. Graviss
Marlene Gray*
The Gray Foundation
Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Sharon L. Greenberg
Jeff H. Greene
Gretchen L. Greve
Marcie Griffin
Larry C. & Linda A. Griffis
Leonie Griswold
W. Robert & Alexandra Griswold
The Robert & Lynne Grossman Family Foundation
Robert & Lynne Grossman
Jackie Gufrovich*
Jo Ann T. & Ernie Guise
Russ Gurevitch & Terry Van Horn*
Paul B. Haggland
Jeane E. Hahn
Haliburton Giving Choices Match
Jennifer Hallman & Derek Luhn Fund
Elling Halvorson
Laurent Hamel
Paula Hammer
Richard & Susan Hammerstone*
Hampton Bays Lions Club
Avery & Jennifer Hancock
Marian E. Hanley
Becky & Dan Hanson
Marvin & Angela Hanson
Lila G. Harman
Dennis R. Harnisch & Donna G. Loren
Harper Family Charitable Foundation
Steve G. Harren
Timothy G. & Melinda G. Harrington
John Harris
The Harris Rosen Foundation
Mike Hartsky
Riki Hashimoto
Carol Haskins
Alice M. Hathaway
Janet S. Hathaway
Nancy Hathaway
Wendy J. & John J. Hathaway
Peter Haubold
Jerry A. & Margaretta Hausman
Jenna Hawkins
Buddy C. Hayes
Travis & Denise Heare
Roger & Cynthia Hedgecock
Dr. Harry J. Heeb Foundation
Robert & Kathy Heihn
The Bruce J. Heim Foundation
Nick E. & Diane Heldreth
Helm, Livesay & Worthington, Ltd.
Trisha Hensley
Edward I. Herbst
Debbie & Bill Herdrich
The Herman Foundation
Holly Ann Herschede
Clifford H. Heselton
George A. Hesik & Associates
Gail R. Heverly-Smith
Mary Hewitt
Hewlett-Packard Company Match
William J. Hickey
Kent B. Hickman
High Point School
Hill and Valley Club
Bernard F. & Julane C. Himmelsbach
Robert M. Hines & Laura A. Carlson
Estate of Mary Hitchings
John C. & Martha H. Hitt
Michael Hobbs
Greg Hoellwarth & Gayle Keane
Claramae Turner Hoffman Trust
Steven W. Hoffmann & Patrica K. Lee
Richard F. & Carrie S. Hogan
Hohmann, Taube & Summers, LLP
Holiday Pet Hotel
Sherry Holladay
J. Marilyn Holstad
Honor Ride Ohio Fund of The Columbus Foundation
Aideen Honzay
Hood & Strong LLP
Theodora W. Hooton
Oren E. Hopkins & Laura Dupuy Hopkins
Ronald Hoppe
Mark L. & Susan J. Horwitz
Allison & Peter Hosbein
Larry W. Hostetler
Bob & Aubyn Howe Foundation
G.L. Howland
Bryan L. & Donna E. Hoyt
Joe B. Hudgens
Corey Hudson & Kathy Matonak
William G & Barbara Hughes
Robert W. & Barbara J. Humes
Kevin & Kirsten Hungate
Huntington Foundation
Mark T. & Lisa D. Hupfer
IDEXX Laboratories—Sarah Perry
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Estate of Elizabeth Ann Immesoete
Carol Inberg Revocable Trust
Income Diversification, Inc.
Independent Charities of America
Denise L. Ingersoll
Ingle-Barr Inc.
Ingram-White Castle Foundation
Katharine H. Irwin
Jimmy M. & Ellen Isenson
I.U.O.E. Local 12 Charity Golf Committee
J.E.G. And Associates
JacBel Foundation
Allen R. & Linda A. Jackson
Colleen Jackson
David & Susan Jo Jackson
Jackson Animal Clinic, Inc./ North Madison Animal
Debi Jacobs
Rod & Jonnie Jacobs
Doreen Jakubcak
Cheryl A. Janson & Ward W. Smith
Susan M. Jensen
Teresa M. Jerner
Gregory & Jane Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Johnson & Johnson / Matching Gifts Program
Murray & Jeanie Johnstone
Diane Jones
Steven D. & Susan D. Jones
Jones, Hurley, and Hand
Jordan Fund
JP Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift Program
Wendy S. Just
Clare P. Kaberle
Edmund F. & Carol K. Kallina
Kamco Supply Corp.
The Kara Foundation
Chris & Pam Karczewski
Jeff E. & Michele Kauffman
Sarah & Dan Kay
Kayak For A Cause, Inc. Connecticut
Kazan, McClain, Abrams, Fernandez & Greenwood
Glen & Linda Keane
Neal Keane
Jonas R. & Christine W. Keating
Frances V. Kehr
Jennifer A. Kelce
Zoe, Ellas & Eric Keller
The MJ Kelley Foundation
Brenda L. & Norma J. Kennedy
Richard S. & Elizabeth Kent
Kern Living Trust
Gladys Kessler
Douglas S. Kibbe
Kilbourne Middle School
Murray S. & Jeanie S. Kilgour
John E. & Mary E. King
Kathleen King
Jill Kinglsey
Kinn, Inc.
Ellen Kippel & Kenyon Donohew
H. Kirsch Family Foundation Fund
Chris Kittredge Photography
Bob and Chris Kittredge*
Theodore J. & Donna G. Kitz
Ann W. Klee
Maria W. Klein
Phil Klein
Joel B. Kleinman
Edwin Klinck
Earl Klugh, Inc. Weekend of Jazz
Robert and Kathleen Kniest*
Knopf Family Foundation
Lonnie R. & Kathy L. Knox
Korzeniewski Family Fund
Glenn C. & Susan S. Kral
Joyce & Paul Krasnow Charitable Foundation
Morton A. Krause
Jenelle Krissel & Greg Wilson
Francene L. Kristoff
Jon & Kyle Kroehler
Charles S. & Margaret Krystofiak
Carol Ann Kubinski
Kathleen Kuiper-Burton*
Randall Kunkel & Paul O’Brien
Larry & Marjorie Kyte
The Kurzrok Foundation, Inc.
Christina M. Kutschenreuter*
Jeffrey & Susan Lagarce
David R. & Alice M. La Graves
Stephen E. & Eva G. Lamb
Steven G. & Susanne Lamb
Gary J. & Erin G. LaMonte
Lang Equipment, LLC
The Lang Foundation
Cynthia Larkin
Josh & Christina M. Lautenberg
Chuck Latham Associates
Robert C. & Terri Jo Laundon
Peter Laventhol
The Lavidge Company
The Lawrence Foundation
Lawrence Laboratories
Belina Lazzar
Tina Lear
Merry Leblang
The Lee Foundation
Jackie Leedle
Geo Zoltan Lefton Family Foundation
Legett Foundation
Sandy Lemon
Brad Lemons Foundation
Lender Processing Services
Jill and Ian Leverton
Marc B. & Kimberly B. Levin
David C. & Keli B. Levine
Laurence W. Levine Foundation
Jack R. & Susan L. Ley
Nancy A. Lidamore
Robert M. Lien
Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc.
Jay & Stephanie Link
Rocky A. & Sue B. Lipsman
Little Neck Douglaston Lions Club
John B. & Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation
John R. & Carolynn D. Loacker
Diana Lodzinski
James L. Long & Robin A. Watanabe
Lory’s West Inc. DBA XIV Karats LTD
Los Angeles Breakfast Club Foundation
Los Gatos Lions Club
Martin Loth & Joan Cook-Loth
Stephen & Julie Love
Robert & Juliana Low
Russell H. & Kathlene Lowe
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc.
Michelle S. Ludwig
Charles & Jean Lund-Drew
Marvin & Linda Lundwall
Robert & Deborah Lunning
Dion F. Luper
Laurence Lusk Moore Charitable Trust
H. John Lyke
Lynnwood PFD Convention Center AP
M.C. Mobility Systems, Inc.
David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.
Anne MacPherson
Vincent & Abigail Maddi
Clay & Patty Maeckel
The Chesley G. Magruder Foundation, Inc.
Henry Leo Mahan
John F. Maher Family Foundation
Maureen Maher-Pendry
Mike & Kathi Mallick
Paul Mandabach
Mary Lou Manfredi
Manheim, Inc.
Manheim Ohio
Hank D. & Gretchen Manley
Ann K. Mann
Susan Manuel
Susan K. Manuel
Clement & Amy Lait Marcus
Margolis Family Foundation
Joe & Mollie Marshall
Kelsey Marshall
Kimberly Marshall*
Naomi & Marna L. Marteeny
The Gilbert J. Martin Foundation
Michelle Martin
Wade R. Martin
Maryland Charity Campaign
Paul J. & Rebecca V. Mascot
Master Vac Industrial Services, LLC
James B. & Diane S. Mattly
Florence May Canine Rescue Trust
Cornelia H. Maytag
Jeof McAllister
The John J. McArdle III & Joan Creamer McArdle
Margaret McCartney & R. Parks Williams Foundation
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation
Peter & Susan McClung
Edward J. McCrea
James E. McDonald
The Rod N. McDonald Family Foundation
Matthew L. McDonnell
Eileen A. McEvoy
David L. & Jean O. McGee
Ray Sutton McGehee Foundation
Heather McIlrath
Robert J. McKeever
McKesson Foundation
John S. McKinney & Susan Campbell
Susan McMonagle
Dreux & Lynn McNairy
The McPhearson Foundation
Peter McSweeney
Marguerite S. McWilliams
Marilyn Mead
Medco Health Employee Giving Campaign
William M. & Miriam F. Meehan Foundation, Inc.
Meetings & Incentives
Bruce P. & Amy R. Mehlman
Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti Inc.
Meijer, Delaware Ohio
Tom & Jennifer Taubert Meinert*
Richard L. & Carolyn N. Meisner
Mendelson Foundation
Steve P. Meng
Merck Partnership For Giving
Merial Limited
Merrill Lynch
Robert J. & Gloria Messey
MetLife Auto & Home
Metal Technology of Indiana Inc.
Meuse Family Foundation
Carrie Miceli & Stan Nelson
Mid-America Saddlebred Horse Club
Curtis & Denise Miller
Denise Miller
Diane D. Miller
Ken & Joan H. Miller
Read C. & Carol W. Miller
Henry L. & Kathryn Mills Charity Foundation
Walter J. & Margaret M. Milton
Mineola Lions Club
Mineral County Technical Center
Amy Minter
Eleanor Sattler Minturn
Sue Ann Misiak
Brian Mitchell*
James R. & Lauree Z. Moffett
Ron & Kim Moisant
Russell & Allison Molina
Monica Columbia Fine Jewelry, Inc.
Peter Moock
Gary M. Moody
Lloyd Moore Foundation
James Moralez
Jim Mora & Patricia L. Giddings
Moran Manor Health Care Center
Larry & Charmaine C. Morey
Jason M. Morgan
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
The Morton Foundation
Charles L. Morton & Lucile R. Morton Charitable
Jerry A. & Linda K. Mosteller
Brian C. Mott
MSG Holdings, L.P.
John & Linda Muckel Foundation
Anthony & Lary Lynn Muller Fund
Steve & Gigi Murfitt
Barbara L. Murphy
Matthew J. & Hazel F. Murray
Estate Of Valere M. Murray
Norman A. & Suzanne C. Myers
Nassau County Fire Fighters
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Nationwide Insurance Foundation
Erick Navarro
Ann Nelson*
John R. & Nancy B. Nelson
Network for Good
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New York Veterinary Specialty Center
Bobbi F. Newman
News12 Long Island
The Newton Family Fund
Thanh Huong Nguyen
David & Lenore Nichols
Wayne G. Nielsen & Nyia J. Tikker Nielsen
Kathryn M. Nikkel
Elizabeth Nolan
Shirley R. Norris
Northrop Grumman Guidance & Electronics Co. Inc.
Northrop Grumman Technical Services
North Side Woman’s Club
Not In Good Taste Inc.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Arthur J. & Mary Virginia H. Nowak
Ken & Loretta Nussbacher
The Calvin & Flavia Oak Foundation
Anne M. Oakes
Jonathan & Elizabeth O’Connor
Michael P. & Anna M. O’Day
Martin & Karen O’Gorman
Thomas F. & Carole M. O’Hare
Grace & Richard Okita Foundation
Renee Okubo
Olander Family Foundation
Richard P. & Sally C. O’Loughlin
Janice Olson
On The Avenue Marketing Group
Christine E. O’Neal
OneAmerica Financial Partners
Jessie H. & Susan Oppenheimer Foundation
Orange County Community Foundation
The Orent Family
OUC - The Reliable One
William F. & Sheila A. Owen
Oxford Industries, Inc.
Robert & Denise Paige
Papapietro Perry Winery
James Parish & Kathleen Gann Parish
Randi Paris-Salb*
David & Dana Parker
Joseph Parker
Estate of Mary Ann Parker
Michael Parks & Judith Hayward
Graham & Pauline Parry
Susan Parson
Blyth Patel
John Paton, Inc.
Ted Paxton
George & Marcia Peacore
Robert Pearson
David & Lisa Pease
John & Laura Peluso
PEMCO Mutual Insurance Co
Charles Pena
Pender Pet Caring Foundation
Tony Penzone
Ronald & Sheila Pera
Robert & Barbara Perkaus
Norma Person
Pet Express Animal Transportation
Craig & Claudia Peters
Robert Graham & Cheryl Peterson
Thomas & Jane Petrie
Pettus Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
Melody Pfeiffer
Tim & Suzi Pfening
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program/United
Way Campaign
Joe Phares & Margaret Siirila
Picard-Dannheisser Family Foundation
* Miracle Maker
Nadine Piedmont
Lawrence & Vicki Pierce
Stuart Pinto
Jeffrey & Lynne Pisto
Brian & Bonnie Plikaytis
Michael & Seena Platt Charitable Fund
Bruce & Mary Polo
Judith Posnikoff
POST Integrations
Nancy Powell
Sandy Powers
Prudential California Realty
Prudential Foundation / Prudential Matching Gifts
Publix Supermarket Charities
Pulte Homes
Puppy Power 4-H
Qualcomm Charitable Foundation
Quick Grain Corporation
Steven & Erika Ragland
Michelle Rago*
Haley Railton
Lewis & Dawn Ramsey
Bernard & Audre Rapoport
Martha Ratzke*
Recology - Golden Gate Disposal Company
Redwood City Kiwanis Foundation
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Sarah Reid
Richard & Marilyn Renk
Richard Renkun
Donald Revere
Rex Oil Company
Paul & Gina Rice
Linda Rich
Rich Ford
David & Gwynne Richards
Ann Richards
Peter Riely
Julianne Rigali
Ann Riley
Riley School
Jennifer Ringo
Carl E. Riordan
Ripley Entertainment, Inc.
Cornelia Ritchie
John & Mindy Rittner
Riverside Veterinary Group Hospital
Sarah Roach
Gerald & Diane Roba
Anne H. Roberts*
Lori Roberts
Patricia Robertson*
Carolyn Robinson
The Evelyn & Paul Robinson Family Foundation
Geoffrey Robinson & Heidi Van Antwerp
Gordon Robinson
William Rodkey
Linda Roe
Roessler Design Group
Larry & Katherine Ronan
Rooms to Go Children’s Fund
James Root
Ronnie & Jerrold Rosenbaum Family Foundation, Inc.
Meta & George Rosenberg Foundation
Peter Rosenberg
Lawrence Rosine & Sally Thompson Rosine
Helga Rosser
Marianne Rossi
Rotary Club/Winter Park
Rothkopf Family Charitable Foundation
Juergen Rottler & Siobhan O’Connor
Shawn & Judi Rovansek
M. Bernie & Nell Rude
Mary Ruffo
John Henry and Sarah Ruggieri
George & Beverly Ruiz
Willis Ryckman & Kristyn Reid
Dave & Connie Saathoff
Jane Sageser
Daniel A. & Sheila M. Saklad Foundation
Salesforce.com Foundation
Pamela R. Sanders*
San Diego County Credit Union
San Diego Gas & Electric
San Francisco Bulls Hockey, LP
San Ramon Rotary Foundation
Santa Rosa Sunrise Rotary Club
Frank Santos & Dan Dantin
JoAnne Sarro
Bille Sarzin
Estate of Virginia Sauer
Dale & Joy Saunders
Save Mart Supermarkets
Ramesh & Nancy Sawhney*
SB3 Charitable Fund Trust
Angelo & Marilyn Scangarello
The George H. Scanlon Foundation
Guy Schackman
Robert & Doris Schaffer
John & Kim Schalk
Barbara Schapel
Robyn Gerth Schapiro
Schlinger Family Foundation
The Schlum Charitable Trust
Susan Schmitz
Kathleen Schneider
Barbara A. Schneweis*
Schuff Steel Company
Robert & Priscilla Schultz
Craig & Judy Schulz
The Schultz Foundation
Gilbert & Mylinda Scott
Lois M. Scott
Seagears Family Foundation
Janet Sebastian
Harry & Arlene Seligman
Sempra Energy Foundation / Sempra Employee
Giving Network
The Sence Foundation
Larry & Mary Senescu
Goerge Sertl
Shapiro Family Charitable Foundation
Deanne Sharlin
Shawnee Retirement, LLC
Edward & Jeanne Sheehy
Katy Sheehy
Martin & Lee Ann Shell
John & Renee Shellhorse
Dolly Shivers
Shubeck Monsour Foundation
William & Susan Shulman
The Sidney, Milton and Leoma Simon Foundation
Eric & Lynne Siegel
Russell & Beth Siegelman
James Siegfried
Siemer Family Foundation
Significance Foundation
John, May, & Tracy Sikora
Silver Oak Elementary School
Ronald & Paula Silverman
James & Dana Simonds
Marshall & Katharine Simonds
Hazel U. Simpson Trust
Gregory & Kathy Simunich
Allan P. & Lenore B. Sindler Fund
Kristofer Sippel
Sisson Enterprises Inc.
Bill Smith
Chester Smith*
Frank P. & Nancy B. Smith Charitable Foundation
Gene & Joyce Smith
Jeffrey & Marie Smith
Paulette Smith*
Rick & Kristen Smith*
Robert & Annetta Smith
Ron Smith
Ed Snyder & Theresa Moyers
Roger & Donna Soape
John & Iola Sobeck
Mark & Mary Sobeck
Zygmunt Sochacki
Soiland Family Charitable Fund
Solid Gold Foundation
Robert Solon
Cari Sommer Charitable Fund
Sons Of The American Legion Squadron 91
Soroptimist International Valley Of The Sun
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts
Ron & Kay Soukup
Chris A. Speer*
Roger & Marion Spero
Stacey Spohn
Dennis Sproule & Natalie Woods-Sproule
Kenneth & Marty St. Clair
Carol Stacy
Clifford & Rosalyn Stanley
Stanley Convergent Security Solutions, Inc.
Star Buick GMC, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Companies
Chris, Staci, & Nick Steffy
Nancy Stegens
Erika Steiner
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Susan B. Stern*
Peter & Sybil Sternlieb
Kristin Steuerle
William & Jarona Stevens
Gwenn & Scott Stevenson Foundation, Inc.
Thea Stidum*
Frank & Betsy Stockdale
The Straetz Foundation
Stratus Properties Operating Co.
Alan & Virginia Strauss
Bob & Pamela Street
Mark & Debra Strickenburg
Structure Tek Construction Inc.
The Eleanor P. Stuart & Mary C. Stuart Family
William & Bonnie Stubblefield
Joanne Stumpf
Michael Sudduth
Sanford & Charna Sugar
Scott & Karissa Sugar
E. Craig Suhrbier
John Sullivan
Michael G. & Gloria Steffen Sullivan*
Summit Consulting
Summit Greens Women’s Club
Sundt Foundation
Superpumper, Inc.
Sutton Family Trust
Beverly Suhrbier
Sweet Magnolia Ranches
Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation
Anne Swenson
Kenneth & Cherie Swenson
Swift Memorial Healthcare Foundation
Peter & Susan Tancredi
Taubman Cherry Creek Shopping Center LLC
Taussig Foundation
Margaretta Taylor
P. Ross & Anne Taylor
Scott & Elaine Taylor
The Tecumseh Foundation
David & Linda Temin
Harrison & Marilyn Tempest
Michael & Kathleen Tevnan
Michael Van Eckhardt & Sara Thaves
Thomas Sandler & Sondra Thiederman
David & Amy Thompson
Kathryn Thompson
Ruth Thompson
Thompson Miller Funeral Home, Inc.
Janet Thornton
Stan & Dotty Thurston
Ken Dang & Yen Tieu
Randy Tipton
TisBest Philanthrophy
John L. Tishman
Michael Cassidy & Patricia Titer
Anita Tomm
Robert & Linda Tonnancour
Virginia Toomey
Theresa Torretto
Torrey Pines Kiwanis Foundation
Mark & Lauren Trager
Mary Ann Trapp
Trecini Winery Vicini Enterprises
Tri Palms Estates Social Activities
Pamela Ann Trice*
Matthew Trott
Marie Tuccelli
Kathleen Tully
James Tuner & June Jaeger
Joe & Ann Turner
James Twohy
Patrick & Pamela Tyrrell
Anthony & Ronna Ueber
Union Pacific Matching Gifts Program
United Healthcare
United Methodist Church of Novato, Inc.
United Way of California Capital Region
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
United Way of Greater Philadelphia & SNJ
United Way of The Bay Area
United Way of the Wine Country
Universal Orlando Foundation
Valley of The Sun United Way
Elizabeth Vance
Jack & Jane Van Fossen Fund
Lois Van Kerkhoven
Tammie Van Sant*
VCA Antech, Inc. VCA Animal Hospitals
Veolia Transportation
Joseph Verbalis & Virginia Steen
Veterinary Pet Insurance Co (VPI)
Debra Viall*
Mary Viancourt
Susan Lee Vick*
Victory Real Estate Investments LLC
Villanueva Capital Corp
Sharon Viorel
VNA Foundation, Inc.
VOA Associates
Heather Voege
Vorsheck Family Foundation, Inc.
Ronald & Jean Wackrow
Estate of Marianne M. Wadsworth-Fielder
Larry & Marianne Waggoner
Thomas & Marian Wagner
Charles & Cindy Walbroel
Kimberly Walker
Walmart Distribution Center
Wal-Mart Foundation (Sam’s Club Foundation)
Rick, Trish & Gianni Walsh
Mark & Constance Ward
Robert & Trudy Ward
Nancy Ward-Paterson
Alan Waring
Velda Warner
Jon & Button Watkins
Wayzata Community Church
WD-40 Company
Barbara Webb
Janet Wedekind & Family
Jennifer Weese
Mitchell & Isobel Weiner
John Weir & Marita Spragge
Hal & Gunnel Weiser
Steve Weiss & Mary Caldwell
Carol C. Weldin*
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Bruce & Elizabeth Wendt
Farrell & Susan Werbow
George Werner
Hugh Westermeyer
Westfield Service League, Inc.
Donald & Nancy Wetmore
Brian & Kress Whalen
James Whipps
William & Karen White
Mary McGaughey Whiting
Janet Whitlatch
Jennifer Whitworth*
Betty Wieland
Mike Wiesmann
Barry & Leisa Wiggs
Randy L. & Linda Wight*
George E. Wilkerson
William L. Price Charitable Foundation
Charles & Kathleen Williams
Williams-King-Parsons Family Foundation
Janice Wills*
David Wilson
Winderweedle, Haines, Ward, and Woodman
Charles & Annie Winner
Mitchell & Karen Wintemute
Winthrop-University Hospital
Darlene Wisecup
Wise Foundation
Wiseman Family Fund
David & Mary Wismer
Wolfe Enterprises, Inc. / Dispatch Printing Group
Wolford Family Trust
Woman’s Club Of Vista
Karrilee Wong
Wilbur & Dolores L. Woo Charitable Lead Trust
George Wood
Rexanne Woods
Woodward Family Foundation Endowment Fund
David Workman
Allen Wrenn
Todd & Nancee Wright
Wrightson Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
Margaret Wyllie
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Louise Yale*
Frank Yandrasits & Barb Cosgrove
Scott & Carmen Yem
Daniel & Carolyn Yett
Don Yoder Foundation
James & Kristin Yorko
Kyle & Debra Young
Cleta Young
Youth Development Foundation
Dragos, Antonela, & Ioana Zanchi
Robert Zoellick & Sherry Ferguson
Linda Zumwalt
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society honors the community of dedicated people
who support Canine Companions for Independence through their estate plans.
Anonymous (295)
Michael & Janice Abbaticchio
in honor of son Michael & Leila II
Gerard D. “Jerry” Abdo
Wallace & Susan Adams
Margaret S. Ager
Alexander Family
Karen Lee Alexander & Madison Lee AlexanderGuenst
Nicole Antoine
Ronald & Joan Apatoff
Michael J. & Sandra M. Arendt
Alice E. Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Aronson
Sharon Lea Aukerman
Jeffrey E. Austin
Vicki L. Avery
Donna Grace Bahlke
N. Renee Baker
Debra Ball
Mrs. Helen F. Barnes
Jean S. Barto
Mary Ellen Bates
Megan Maloney & Gary Baty
Sharon & David Beckman
Shirley & Don Beierle
Carol Belmont
Lucy D. Benjamin
Sondra Ann Bennett
Jewel K. Bennett
Edward & Joan Benson
Harriett Benson
Dorothy Bleavins
Karen Bloom
Cheral L. Bond
Howard & Evelyn Boroughs
Carol Bowes
Christina Ann Bredenkamp & Henry Roger
Bredenkamp, Jr.
Louise E. Brewer
Randie S. Britton & Family
Rebecca L. Brock
Scottie Brooks
Gene & Vada Brown
Gary & Sharon Joy Brunner
John Brunton
Dorothy & Warren Bullard
Joan Buntin
Joyce E. & W.L. (Bill) Butler
Christine A. Buzby
Joan Ellyn Callahan
Marie Castellano
Sara & Bradley Castelli
Trevor & Tonni Caughey
Harriette Chandler
Pauline Paochi Chang Trust
Robert & Barbara Chown
Michael & Victoria Cleghorn
William & Linda Cleveland
Bryan B. Close
Jo Anne Cohn
Nancy Ann Conner
Samuel H. & Emily S. Connery
J. Conroy
Joy Cook
Anne Coulter
Barbara & James O. Cox III
Charlie Creasy
Creative Change, Inc., Roger C. & Linda S. Kansier
Ronald & Susan Crispin
Christina Criswell
Terry & Kathy Davis
Mil Day
Stevan & Kim deArrillaga
Joe & Sally DeAngelo
Angie DeMeyer
Deborah Jane Dengler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dengler
Elizabeth Devlin
Joan Dewey
Cindy G. Dickert
Steve & Niessa Diehl
Cdr. Fred W. & Joyce P. Diehl
Richard & Kathleen Dionne Trust
Kathy Kent & John Dolinsek
Dennis & Patricia Dougherty
Christine M. Ducey & Howard S. Bissell
Melanie & John Dutcher
Robert Eckstein
Katie & John Eells
Mark Eggold
Lawrence R. & Vicky C. Eicher
Patrick & Barbara Emmett
Gary Enersen
Eugene W. & B. Martha Erickson
Alvie R. Fairall
Carol Farmer
Dr. Michael & Sharon Feinstein
Elaine J. Felde
Concetta Fields
Irving & Sybil Fischer Family Trust Fund, c/o Ben
Martin & Catherine Fischer
Shelley Fischer
Dale Flashberg
James C. Flint
Krista D. Flores
Josephine E. Forth
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob J. Foster
Dr. David Fox
Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Freeman
Bruce C. Froh, Carolyn G. Froh & Tara D. Froh
Mary & Bob Fulleman
Shirley Gaetano
Trish Gailey
Stanley H. Garber Jr.
Harry & Lois Jane Garrett
Lois Gartlir
John Giacomazzi
Tracy C. Gibbons
Lois Girard
D. Wayne & Anne Gittinger
Jennifer Glasser, in memory of Guy II
Stephen & Kimberly Goad
Michelle Goldammer
Jill Goldman
Juanita Gonzalez
John P. & Suzann M. Gorham
J. Barrie & Julianna D. Graham
Judith Graziano
Patricia (Patti) Greenman
Helen Grgich
Eugenia H. Grow
Walter & Sally Gryzwinski
Jo Ann T. Guise
Joseph & Joan Gulledge
Russ Gurevitch & Terry Van Horn
Barbara A. Marks & Joseph Haimson
Deborah E. Hall
Ann Hamachek
Jean L. Harris
Alvina & Oliver Harris
Paul D. & Lone Harter
Miss Buddy Hayes, CTRS CCI Graduate
Ivan Helfand
Sue Henderson
Dorothy B. Henning
Robert L. Henning & Marsha S. Bailey-Henning
Jean Henry
Trisha Hensley
Catherine Heuertz-Meo
Gary & Joan Heymann
Jack Hill
Bob & Connie Hinnant
Tom Hogan & Pamela Pearson
Angela Holmes
Mary Ann Hood
John W. Hopen
Barbara Hopp
Karen E. Hubbard
Corey Hudson
Rosamond Hughes
Judy Allen & Jim Hummer
The Humphries
Ingebritson Family Foundation
Mary Jane Irwin
Judith W. Isaac
Allen & Linda Jackson
Catherine & Bud Jacobs
Diane James
Don Jarrell & Jona Milo
Trish Jeansonne
Arlene Jerstad
Margery B. Johnson
Gladys Lyle & Linda Johnson
Elizabeth W. Jones
Lory A. Jones
Donna & Lanny Julian
Dr. Ellen Kaitz
Danielle Kamine
Ms. Edie Kassing
Jocelyn Kauffman
Bonnie Jean Keith (nee Wild)
Marri & Cynthia Kellman
Jean Kelly
John & Lynne Kennedy
Deanna Kerr
Kathleen Kilpatrick & Erin Pearson
Paul & Cindi Kinney
Christopher Gunning & Christine Kjellson
Marilyn & Bill Kneeland
Margaret W. Knight
Gary & Marie Koenig
David A. Kourlas
Mark & Rose Kowalski
Karen & Marilyn Krieger
Sandra & John Krisch
Paula M. Krueger
Elaine M. & Jeffrey R. Kubach
Kristy Kussman
Tina Kyrk
Diane M. Lachemayer
Cindy & Paul Lambert, in honor of their little happy
companions Lucy & Riley
Ruth Larsen
Carol Lee Laskowsky & Elsa Laskowsky
Ms. Belina Lee Lazzar
Alan & Anita Lefkort
Joan D. Leister
Linda D. LeMieux
Denise & Brian Lester
Terry & John Levin
Brad & Doris Lighty
Celynn Lindgren
Maureen Locallo
Pat Long
Frank Murphy Lynn & Jane Baxter Lynn
Frances Lyon
Barbara S. Maas
Joyce S. Malkin
Barbara Mandel
Ann K. Mann
Carroll & Barbara Mann
William P. & Sandra R. Maple
Karen V. Mappin
Carol Tuccelli Marcus & Family
Michael Maresca
Phillip G. & Rosemary A. Maresca
Shirley Jean Marsh
Marian R. Marshall
Judith McConkey
John & Linda McDonald
Lois J. McFarland
John McKinney & Sue Campbell
Thomas Quickstead & Allison McLean
Maureen A. Meany
Heather Michet
Cynthia & John Miley
Susan & Mark Miller
Mary C. Miller
John D. Miller
Donald E. Miller
Betty Millward
Walter & Margaret Milton
Sue Ann Misiak
Mona Mitchell
Bessie Morgan (Neesha & Rascal)
Louise & Peter Moseychuk
Thurston Mosley & Rochelle Mosley
Jennifer Moss
Ellen Moss
Rick & Bonnie Mueller
Susan Zima Neff & Michael J. Neff
Cindy Neill in memory of Chardonney & Poppit
Mary E. A. Nelson
Lin Nelson, in memory of Alma M. Barnes
Daniel & Carol Nemitz
Marcus Nerone
Jerry L. Newcomer
Jette Noble & Jerry Shultz
Fredrice E. Nord
Rhonda & Dennis Norman
Roger & Virginia Nugent
Anita J. O’Connor
Robb & Jerri Ollett
Dr. Phyllis M. Olmstead The Late Mr.Jeffery W.
Sally Olson
Lori A. Olson
Shirley Olson
Mark & Barbara Oman
Dr. Jerome S. Osteryoung
Nina Pae
Sam Painter
Robert & Sharon Papes
Diane Roell Paris
Dorothy & Edward Pasahow, in memory of Charlie
Donna L. Patterson
Joe & Susan Pavlakovik
Sylvia M. Payne
Harry & Susan Peters Memorial Fund
Tim C. & Jan M. Peterson
Margaret Panko Pfleger
John Picetti
Colonel James H. Pierce, USA Ret. & Elizabeth A.
Lance Plaza
Doug Plowden
Fran Pollari
Karen Posner
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Pronske
Alma Purcell
Janice & Richard Rader
Cheri A. Railey & Russell L. Railey
Celeste Ramsey-Zamin
Sherry L. Reed
Alison Reedy
C. William & Mary-Louise Reinking
Earl J. Reiss & Edna A. Reiss, co-trustees for the
Reiss Family Trust
Jill & Donald Richards
Anne H. Roberts
Anita Sprinkle Roberts
Maria C. & Frank V. Robinson
Kathleen A. Robl
Ted & Donna Rogahn
Vern & Cheryl Rollin
Roberta J. Roth
Jeane Rothschild
Linda Rubin
Margaret Y. Rushing
Jack & Masako Ryan
Elsie Saccone
Dr. Deborah L. Saks, Ph.D.
Frank Santos
Jeff & Anna Saplis
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Nancy & Ramesh Sawhney
Jeanette & David Schaefer
Mrs. Day P. Schaff
Paula E. Scherer
Lisbet & Stuart Schlitt
Janet & Richard Schmidt
Jeana Lynch Schneitman
Janis A. Schoen
Barbara L. Schrader
Mary Ann Schroeder
Alison Schultz
Jean Schulz
Drs. Richard & Janet Schwartz
Lois M. Scott
Charlotte M. Selenski
Katherine J. Shelton
Richard & Jane Shoemaker
Robert W. & Barbara J. Sieker, Jr.
Paula M. Silverman
Allan P. & Lenore B. Sindler
Marro & Amber Skalski
Earl H. Skinner Jr. & Madelyne A. Skinner
Marjory B. & Morley S. Smith
Muriel & Gene Snyder
Gordon & Joyce Spainhower
Mark & Carol Spisak
Edward, Elaine & Marlane Spizzirri
Dennis W. Sproule & Natalie Woods-Sproule
Carla & Steve Stark
Nancy & Richard Steel
Erika M. Steiner
Kay & Ted Stern
Beverly Steveson
Ruth Stewart
Doris L. Stewart
Diane H. Stokes
Karen M. Stoney
Rita Sturgeon
Linda Sutherland
Kenneth W. Swenson & Cherie Swenson
Debra Crow & Marshall Taxer
Judith Clark Taylor
Kim Templeman
Barbara & Alan Tepper
Sondra Thiederman & Tom Sandler
Leo A. Thralls
David Z. Thrush & Mary Lee Bitner
Albert Frank Todd
Randy & Barbara Tomczak
Colleen E. Trawick
Betty Trentanelli
Trione Family Foundation
Dave & Martha Tuthill
Lynn S. Uram
Jeanette Vacek
Ms. Connie Van Schaick
Susan Lee Vick
Shirley Wilson Victor
Roger Von Oehsen
Linda M. Von Rhine
Tammy D. & Eddie Voynik
Michaelene J. Wadolny
Claudia L. Walker
Barbara Wamser
Virginia G. Ward
John & Judith Warnock
Carol C. Weldin: In memory of Donald R. Weldin, DVM
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. N. Welks
Julien & Vera Welles Foundation
Marilyn J. White
Bill & Karen White
Mary McGaughey Whiting
Ann Williams, in memory of my son Lane
Jan Wills
James D. Wilmoth
Joni C. Withrow & Gary C. Milke
Brad Witt
Peter & Linda Wolcott
Gail Busby Woodward
Colonel E. David Woycik, Jr. (Ret.) Esq.
Thomas L. & Kathleen A. Zastrow
Karen L. Zawacki
Jane E. Zettler
Raising Puppies, Changing Lives
Dogs by the Numbers
Born in
volunteers’ homes with
the hopes of becoming
assistance dogs
Dedicating over a
year to caring for and
preparing puppies for
professional assistance
dog training
“People ask me if it’s hard to give the puppy up,” says volunteer
puppy raiser Monica. “Some people say they couldn’t raise a
puppy. But everyone can do it! Canine Companions provides
a whole network of support. We have weekly puppy classes
and outings to socialize our puppies. My favorite outing was
going to Disneyland. So much fun!”
Monica started puppy raising because she wanted to give
someone the same gift of independence that her mother had
received. Monica’s mother has multiple sclerosis and was
matched with a Canine Companions service dog. “I know
firsthand that an assistance dog will change its partner’s life
forever,” says Monica.
When Halo, the first puppy Monica raised for Canine
Companions, was turned in for professional training, Monica
had a hard time saying goodbye. But after a little while, Monica
said she didn’t want Halo to come back home. “It was fun to
root for her to succeed and become an assistance dog,” says
Going to graduation made the experience complete for
Monica. Halo had been matched with a young girl. “When
I handed the leash over to Halo’s new family, they were so
excited,” Monica said. “Halo wasn’t my dog anymore.
She was theirs now. I started to cry, but it wasn’t
because I was saying goodbye. I was crying
because I knew I made this happen. I felt
so good about it. This was what Halo was
meant to do. It completed it for me. This is
why I want to keep puppy raising.”
2 0 1 3 B R E E D E R C A R E TA K E R S
Volunteer breeder caretakers are crucial to the foundation and success of our assistance dogs. These volunteers
provide and care for the breeder dog and nurture newborn pups in their home for the pups’ first eight weeks.
Jim Phelan & Christina Aceituno
Chip & Jeanne Allen
Rick Andres & Lihui Tsai
Dana Balan
Andrew & Sierra Bannister
Alex & April Bauman
Bonnie Beckett
Julie Beer & Family
Julian & Katherine Benton
Sandy Besso
Ryan & Megan Bloom
Diane Brown
Jim & Joan Buntin
Jeffrey & Karen Buscher
Peter & Jennifer Carlino
Cynthia Carr
John & Saundra Cecil
Mariisa Chaffe
David & Diane Clegg
Doreen Chew
Ralph & Patsy Cornwell
Linda Cushing & Family
Dennis & Patty Daniel
Kris Daugherty
Mitch & Kandice Davis
Chuck & Shelley Dickinson
Iris Dietz
Joseph & Molly Dillon
Thomas & Amy Duggan
Cheryl Eckert
Jacques Russell& Valerie Edmon
Calvin & Marie Eriksen
Lori Fabian
Mary Ellen Ferguson
Joseph Field
Matt Field
Nicole Fisher
Steve Rawiszer & Pam Flanagan
Sharon Frederick
Jon & Dana Froomin
Joe & Judy Gappa
Reinhold & Rachel Gedeit
Tony & Cheryl Ghisla
Bill Egan & Kimberly Gibbs-Egan
Steve & Georgia Giondomenica
Ann Glascock-Ryan
Richard Spicer & Irina Green
Suzanne Gutsch
Susan Haase
Bob Phillips & Marina Hall Phillips
Cindy Hansen & Family
Becky Hanson
Bill, Lindsay & Linda Hartman
Katie Heffelfinger & Paula Dunn
Cindy Hingst
Rex & Jan Hoover
Edward & Carol Humphreys
Christine, Lina & Brian Hunsicker
Alex & Martha Hunt
Allen & Linda Jackson
Dane & Tara Jasper
Coreen Johansson
Brian Johnson & Jennifer Alexander
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
Crossroads Correctional Facility
Dixon Correctional Institute
Echo Glen Children’s Center
Federal Medical Center Carswell
Federal Prison Camp Bryan
Gadsden Correctional Facility
Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Kit Carson Correctional Center
Montgomery Federal Prison Camp
Navcon Brig Miramar
Wendy Klock-Johnson & David
Kevin & Kathy Kaestner
Bambi & Jessie Kaplan
Greg Hoellwarth & Gayle Keane
Jay Bryn & Peggy Keefe
Kelley Keogh & John Stithen
Staci Kesler & Family
Bob & Chris Kittredge
Ken & Jennie Kreischer
Linda Kwitchoff
Jason & Angela Lam
Rick & Bonnie La Polla
Dave & Jenny Latourette
Karen & Kathy Lawler
Christine Lee
Pauline Lewis
Sharon Liddell
John & Mary Lowe
Malilay family
Mark & Christine Mandoli
John & Debra Martin
John & Catherin McCauley
Gerald McIntyre
Dennis & Marjorie McNay
Darrell & Elizabeth Mead
Kevin & Terry Miller
Mike & Toni Millhaem
Esther Molina
Sharon Mosbaugh
Jennifer Muhlner
Mo Nard & Stephanie Wilson
Josh Milenbach & Karen Nathanson
Brian & Krystina Nolan
Delores Novello
Dick & Julie Owens
Jeff & Elizabeth Peters
Terry & Marcee Pfaff
Jim & Cath Phillips
Kathy Pierson
Patricia & Brianne Poole
Cory Posada
Bill & M-L Reinking
Heidi, Gretchen & Shari Rodenberger
Rick & Helen Rogers
Matthew Beymer & Mary Roseberry
Megan Buker Ross
John & Katie Santos
Anita Sauber
Stuart Schwartz
Dina Smith
Corrie Smith
David Spector & Karen Ammer
Ken & Cathy Stamey
Ashley Stapleton
Craig & Sandy Steele
Mark & Debbie Steffens
Valerie Steltz & family
Warren, Robyn & Erik Strand
Ken & Linda Sweet
Eugene & Carolynn Tedeschi
Phyllis Thomas
Jan Thornburg
Marlene Tillery
Tassia Trapeznikov
David & Kristen Trisko
Kathy Ulm & Gloria Merk
Connie Van Schaick
Manuel Vasquez
Cathleen Vicini
David & Leah Volk
Dave & Pam Voss
John & Lisa Boling Walker
Ryan & Bria Walker
John Cain & Tracy Westphal
Suzzanne Wharton
Dan & Emily Williams
Don & Connie Williams
Quin & Holly Wilson
Beth Wolfer
Richard Wright
Jeff & Kathy Zastrow
The contributions of 1,381 volunteer puppy raisers across the country are foundational to our ability to provide
Canine Companions assistance dogs and services free of charge.
Daryn & Heath Ackley
Randy Ackman & Michelle Davin
Pete & Diana Adamson
Affleck Family
Ryan & Dion Affleck
Dennis & Carol Ahnen
Courtney & Eleanor Linn & Sarah
Danny & Lisa Akin
Kathy Alameda
Deborah Alexander
Brian Johnson & Jennifer Alexander
Amber Allan
Laura Allen
Don Allen
Bradie & Bob Allen
Bruce & Chris Alt
Samantha Altholtz
Angela Ambrosio
Jerry & Jerri Amos
Shaun & Becca Anderson
Margaret & Jeanette Anderson
Randy & Lindsay Anderson
Jodi Anderson
Rebecca Anderson
Denny & Sue Anderson
Rick Andres & Lihui Tsai
Rebecca Andrew
Wendy Anemaet
Brittany Anger
Jaqui Anthony
Dee Appelman
Derek, Gina & Melissa Arthurs
Josephy & Lindsey Asay
Jill Athenour
Leslie Atkinson
Jack Berg & Suzanne Attenborough
Darcy Atterbury
Susan Austin
Jim & Cheryl Avino
Susan Awdrey
Mary Baertlein
Patricia Baggett
Jeff & Elisa Bailey
Brad & Teresa Baisden
Jill Baise
Cindy & Jennifer Baker
Robert & Debra Baker
Kitch Baldwin
Ronald Balint
Jane Banse
Dan & Jane Barber
Matt & Sandy Barker
Matt, Lori & Rebecca Barker
David & Suzanne Barlow
Erin Barnett
Lori Barrante
Patricia Barrows
Barter Family
Arron, Wendy & Brynna Bartlett
Jim Bartley
Carole Basile-Delise
Jim & Gayle Batchelor
Lois Bauer
Alex & April Bauman
Jeffrey & Nancy Baumann
James & Diane Beach
Lee Beaton & Larry Utley
Linda & Jenny Becker
Bonnie Beckett
Rose, Ann & Carrie Beede
Lucy & Briana Beeman
John, Judy & Amber Belcik
Charlie & Melea Bell
Amanda Bell
Edwin Bell
Robert & Kathleen Bellino
Skip & Janene Bellock
Steven, Laurie & Sarah Belmear
Daniel & BJ Belzer
Wendy Bengivenni
David & Regina Benjamin
Mike & Kathy Bennett
Patti Bennett
Natalie Bennett
Mary Lee Bensman
Robert & Ann Benson
Steve, Maryangela & Eileen Benthal
Jeff & Beth Berk
Karen Berrebbi & Haley Smith
Joe & Tricia Berry
Howard, Terry, Alexandra & Kyle Betts
Hayden & Holly Betz
Jennifer Bilbrey & Emily Shaw
Mike Nolan & Melissa Billingsley
Patrica Bird
William Branch & Marietta Birdsell
Autumn Bisesi
John & Dianne Bittikofer
Pamela & Marianne Blake
Sandra Block
Jennifer Bloom
Kristi Blubaugh
William & Barabara Bochner
Gabrielle & Kim Bock
Margie Bogenschutz
William Gene & Delia Boliinder
Linzie Bonds
Rebecca Boone
Joe Skorupa & Maria Boroja
Linda & Kelli Borowski
Anne Bossange
Rebecca Bough
Bob & Beverly Bouse
Laura Bowen
Tyler, Jocelyn & Hailey Bowen
Mildred Bowens
Joshua & Kristi Boyd
Victoria Boynton
Emily Bracken
Charles & Connie Braddy
Rich & Susan Bradley
Karl & Julie Bradley
Ellen, Rosa & Jessie Brandt
Dennis, Kimberly & Louise Bratnik
Nick & Colleen Breheny
Steve & Bonnie Brehm
Bryna Brennan & Eliot Levinson
Season Briggs-Arrington & Kaila
Janie Brinkoetter
Lindsey Brown
Lily Bruch
John Brunton & Sue Mathis
Crystal Bruton
Lauryn Bryght
Kristin Buchheit
Susan Buckholz
Sharon Bucy
Gary & Marcia Buechel
Emily Buege
Judy Buehler
Jim & Joan Buntin
Michael, Pattie & Karlie Burford
Dusty Burgmans
Ray & Carole Burke
Neesa Burkman
Dan Ridings & Caryn Burnett-Ridings
Janet & Courtney Burns
Jeffrey & Karen Buscher
Jim & Teri Butcher
Nancy & Marilyn Butler
Doug, Megan, Maureen & Meagan
Tracy Butler
Jim, Tana & Eli Butler
Joan Byer
Betsy Byron
Wendy Caldwell
Candace Calhoun
Christina Callis
Susan & Dave Calvano
Richie Calvin
Pam & Joel Camhi
Ellen Campbell
Terri & Randy Cannon
Lanie Cantor & Paul Bayer
Kacey Capuchino & Rhonda Hull
Valerie & Joseph Caputa
Cheryl Cardillo
Sallie & Charlie Carey
Sara, Sue & Rick Caricchio
Cliff Sweet & Kim Carlson-Sweet
Sara Carlston
Cyndy Carlston
Judy Carnevale
Jennifer Carney
Brad& Dorthe Carr
Cynthia Carr
Kim & Caisey Carroll
Nicole Carroll
Diane Carson
Brandt Carter & Stevfen Pearson
Tanya & Jason Carter
Randi Carver
Dave & Marty Carvour
Neal Thompson & Susan Cassady
Gloria & Rebecca Cassady
Alfred & Sharon Cathcart
Katie Caufield
Heidi Cavagnaro
Michelle Cefola
Joanne & Jack Cellar
Danica & Timothy Champagne
Julie Champagne
Pam & Mike Chelf
Cathy Chenu-Campbell
Diane Chesebro
Jacqueline & Nicole Cheshire
Christopher Chew
Patricia Chilinski
John & Sue Ellen Choate
Heidi & Sven Chrisman
Mary Christlieb
Nancy & Felix Chu
Jennifer & Ben Cicora
Carol Cieslak
Robert & Erin Clark
Christine Clark
Bob Livingston & Dana Clarkl
Ellen Clark
Mariah, Ian & Janine Clark
Matt Clark & Laura Eilers Clark
Annie Clark
Linda & Alex Clark
Florence M Clayton
The Cleveland Family
Kevin Clevenger
Lisa & Nick Cleveringa
Lauren Coffee
Janie Cohen & Tommy Cohen
Darine Cole
Larry Byers & Patricia Cole
Janet Coleman
Kimberlee Coleman
Mary Jo Colletti
Pam, Dennis, Lauren & Shannon
Daniel Comite
Elaine & Rachael Companey
Linda Comunale
Heidi Connors
Holly a & Colby Conrad
Doreen Chew
Susan Coon
Maeve Cooney
Robertr & Chris Cooperman
Judy Coppa
Patsy & Ralph Cornwell
Jerry & Emily Egusa & Suzanne
Nancy & James Cox
Cheryl Cox
Gretchen & Caddisy Craford
Leah Crane
Willie Crawford
Steve Calhoun & Wendy Crisafulli
Stacy, Larry & Peter Cristes
Fern, Patrick & Deirdre Crowley
Zoe Cryns
Ken & Pam Cuddeback
Grant & Chris Cullen
Krystal Culler
Christine & David Cummings
Laura Curcio
Donna Curry & Randal Ames
Jeanne & Kevin Curtin
Aidan Becker & Jennifer Curtsinger
Judi D’Achille
Stephanie & Jackson Dagata
Yvonne & Denis Dagger
Michael & Claudia Dambra
Patty & Denis Dagger
Niki & Pete Davila
Patricia Davis
Emerson Davis
Todd Davis
Elaine & Richard Davis
Kara Davis
Courteny Davis
Cheryl Day
Jerry Kerekes & Annette De La Cruz
Tami De Penning
Mary De Rose
Jeannette De Wyze & Steve Wolfe
Peggy & Ronald Dean
Pat Deck
Tanya Dedyo & Erin Rosen
Brian Deely & Family
Ann Dege-Weitz
Barbara & Jim Dekle
Dan Ruthledge & Connie Delamater
Denise & Frank Dellaquila
Peter & Seraphina Dellavalle
Michael Delleney
Karen Delseing
Nick De Marco
William Densmore
Karen & Greg DeRosa
De Rutte Family
Nick & Teresa Despotidis
Tamara Detillo
Linda & Dave Detweiler
Virginia & Allan Devilleneuve
Rebecca Dezsi
Prakash & Ujwala Deheeriya
Peggy & Monica Di Nocco
Christopher De Virgilio
Sylvia Diamond
Nancy Dickson
Anne Dierickx
Jennifer Dietrich
Kathleen & Fred Dietrich
Madison & Nolan Dodge
Rebecca & Jennifer Doloski
Linda & Gary Donnelly
Carilyn & Brenna Donovan
Tom Dornback
Laury Dowd
Marsha & Rick Downes
Nancy Drake
Nancy & John Draper
Danielle Drazen
Linda Dreyfuss
Shana Dreyfuss
Jane Drover & Tom Gibson
Beverly Drummond & Peggy
Carol & Kateylnn Drury
Francois & Evin Dubois
Gwen Dudek
Lynn & Glen Duke
Bonnie Dumas
Laurie Dunne
Jack Bernard & Sharon Dunning
Pam Dunston
Ann, Ed & Josephine Duran
James Duree
David Durkee
Maria Duryee
Melanie & John Dutcher
Amy Dvorak
Lauren Dwyer
Melissa & Isabella Dwyer
Keith & Patricia Dyer
Lynne Eaton
Cheryl Eckert
Christine Eddy & Katherine Doesburg
Carole & Foster Edwards
Sherry & Karl Ehret
Laura & Hannah Elbaz
Mary & David Elisberg
Lynn Elliott
Karen & John Elliott
Greg & Darlene Elliott
Lisa & Rick Ellis
Tara & Kaleb Ellis
Phyllis Elnes
Laurie Emery
Marian & Dean Endo
Margaret & Larry Engel
Julia & Wendell Engelien
Brenda Epperly
Katherine Ernest
Ann & Gerald Esch
Ealine Eskay-Zins
Miguel Espinosa
Lauren & Willy Esteban
Sandy & Stenley Evanko
Judi Evans
Debra Everington
Jennifer, Robert & Brooke Exley
Jerry & Kathy Fadgen
Jim & Carol Fain
Tedi Fain
Mairead Fallon
Gary Musco & Floranne Fanti
Gail & Reynolds Farley
Kristin Farmer
Jackie & Joe Farrell
Kathy Farriss
Maureen Farriss
Gloria Favor
Chanda Fazenbaker
Allison, Frank & Spencer Fee
Jan Fell
Jennifer & Lauren Fenner
Jamie Feretic & Family
Diane & Neal Fergenson
Linda Feragurson & Sue Fechter
Kate Ferguson
Carly Fermer
Fernan Family
Leona Ferrara
Marianne Ferraro
John & Melanie Ferreira
Nancy & Kerry Ferro
Dan & Kay Finch
Betsy Findel
Rachel Fink
Theresa Finken
Therese Finnegan
Robin Fiore
Donna Fipps
Tami, Alex, & Ella Firenzi
Cathy & Marty Fischer
Petra Fischer
Charon Fisher
Becky & Faith Flannagan
Chris Flatt & Anita Choi
Bill & Judy Flennor
Bonnie & Barry Fly
Janice & Dan Flynn
Becky Flynn
Joan Folvi
Davi Fonner
Erica & Charlie Forbush
Don Ford
Jan Ford
Joel Ford
Bey Forghani & Kathy O’Connell
Bryan & Tamera Mikota
Karen & Jeffrey Foster
Charlene & Dennis Fowler
Harry Fowler
Daryl & Carmen Frandsen
Susan & Scott Freidmann
David Friedler & Carla Ronk
Lee, Judy & Sara Friedmann
Cindy Frongello
Debbie & Marlin Fry
Marilyn & Brittany Fullen
Donna Fuller
Julie, Frank & Meghan Furey
Glenn Furukawa
Jennifer Futrell
Mary Ellen Fydenkevez
Laura Gaboardi
Denise Gagner
Leslie Gallagher
Connie Gamb
Patsy Gammack
Daniel & Hanna Gamsky
Nicole & Corby Garrett
Julie & John Gazak
Deborah Geary Kermode
Ally & Bob Geinosky
Karen Goldhof
Michael Geller & Cathlene Fishman
Jo Ann, Erin & Peter Geoghan
Lisa George
Cris Gerard
Raffaella Geremia
Sharon Gesser
Denise & Ron Gibala
Tim & Mattew Gibbons
Molly Gibson
Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Kathy Gillespie & Grace Gillespie
Jennifer & Doug Gillott
Christine Giullow
Gish Family
Gina & David Glabe
Ann Gloscock-Ryan
Michelle & Olivia Glaubiger
James & Sandra Globa
Joann Golden
Jill Goldman
Sandy Goldstein
Rita & Stephen Gombar
Yolanda Gonzales
Tina Gonzalez
Margaret Gooding
Cheri Goodson
Duke & Charlene Goranites
Patty & Bill Gordon
Suzette Gordon
Sandy Gorter
Mark, Kelly & Rachel Gottschalk
Kathy Agouker
Amy Glould-Pilz & Maddie Pilz
Dorothy Gowan & John Snodgrass
Joan Marano-Goyco & Julia Goyco
Phillip & Carolinee Gramly
Tim Grange
Katherine Greaney
Christina, John & Mckenzie Gredler
Richard Spicer & Irina Green
Jeff Freene
Josie & Holly Greenston
James & Cheryl Gregory
Lois Gregory
Diane Greytak
Heather & Michael Griego
Nancy & Bob Grieser
Stacy Griffin
Gary Begeman & Gail Griffith
Samatha & Patti Griffith
Patricia Griffith
Monica & Greg Grimes
Mark Grivel
Sandy Groff
Susan Gross
Marsha & Steve Guckenheimer
Kathy Guerrero
Patricia Guglielmo
Aracely Guillen
Jo Ann Guise
Diesta Gundacker
Sonja Haasper
Valerie & Maggie Habeeb
Abigail & Ann Marie Haberman
Huberta & Francis Hacket
Donna & Dave Hackett
Teri & Jenna Hadjis
Grant Hagstrom & Dana Weinert
Elizabeth Hague
Karen Hale
Kathy Hall
Kimball & Mary Helen Hall
Patricia Hall
Jennifer & Chris Halstead
Dea & Kevin Halverson
Janet Hamilton
Ruth Hamler
Karen Hancock
Suzanne Hand & Jessica Connolly
Marietta Hanigan
Jon Hansen & Jay Matsler
Linda & Dan Hardesty
Leigh & John Harlan
Gwen Harmon
Ginny & Bob Harper
Kristy & Mike Harper
Lee Harper
Miah Harper
Chris Harrell
Kris & Cecilia Harris
Lisa Harris
Lynn & David Harris
Teresa Hart
Bob & Lisa Hartman
Scott & Rachel Hartman
Mike Hartsky
Donna Hatch
Nancy Hathaway
Kelly Haugh & Lynn Rawcliffe
Julia Havey
Jenny & Katie Hawkins
Jane Hayes
Steve Mattson & Christa Haynes
Jeannette Hays
Heifetz Family
Bruce Heinrich
Walter Helm
Don & Linda Helms
Randy Kunkel & Leslie Hennessy
Nick & Emily Cobb Henry
Linda Henry
Kevin Becker & Kathleen Hepburn
David Herginton & Bette Learlin
Itsuko Herrema
Joyce & Michael Herring
Emily Herrod
Jennifer & Patty Higbee
Sharon Higgins
Nicole Highsmith
Kathleen & Shane Hill
Jeannette & Greg Hill
Heather Hill
Lori, Kylie & Lindsey Hineman
Robert Hoak
Frances Hocking
Paula & Keith Hoffman
Jennifer Hoffman
Sheila Holman
Judy Holt
David & Sandy Holzapfel
Lori & Richard Homer
Barbara Hoopes
Carol Hoover
Maureen Horgan
Ellen Horn
Heide & Dale Hotchkiss
Everett, Alesia & Autumn House
Deborah Houston
GG Howard
Elizabeth & Alan Howell
Cat & Constance Howell
Meghan & Paul Hoyal
Lee & Tonda Hoyt
Carolyn Hrach
Hren Family
Kathy Huben
Kim Huckaby
Robin & Margaret Hudson
Deb Hudson
Debby Hueber
Cyndy Huff
Jacob Hunt
Barbara & Kimberly Hutchens
Chris Iams
Sara Igo
Eva Jack
Collie Jackson
Carol Jackson
Angela Jackson-Brunning
William & Terese Jacobs
John & Claudia Jacobs
Janis Jaeger
June & Carly Jaeger
Donna James-Devier
Donna & Jim Jeffrey
Jackie Jelen
Karen & Marty Jensen
Peggy Jensen
Beth Jerner
Jeanne & Ross Jernigan
Shirley & Rick Jeter
Barbara Jicha
Jane Johns
Bruce & Diane Johnson
Nancy & Jim Johnson
Anne Johnson
Brian S Johbnson
Marie & Daisy Johnson
Abaigeal Johnson
Julie & Samantha Johnson
Sarah Johnston
Betsy Jones
Diane & Randy Jones
Kay & Brad Jones
Lily & Glen Jones
Clemetine Jones
Kim Juranek
Kerry Kaempf-Wood
Mary Lyn Kagen
Michelle Kahl
Jessica Kahn
Susan Kamins
Wade Kammin
Carol Kane
Kapcio Family
Kim Karcheski
Mike Kassmeier & Kay Simodynes
Linda Kastanis & Jessica Marshall
Rebecca & Kristen Kearney
Leni Kearns
Jay Byrn & Peggy Keefe
Mary & Chris Keenan
Jennifer Keller
Donna Kelley
Kevin Kelley
Allison Kelly
Sharon & Christopher Kelly
Michelle Kelsey & Sue Guzman
Elizabeth Kern
Gloria & Raymond Kerns
Gail Kerscher
Rebecca & Julia Oran & Meryl Kessler
Sharon Kidd
Mark & Susan Kiddoo
Nancy Kidwell
Lybbi Kienzle
Lara & Marijke Kille
Kathy & Matt Kilton
Mitzi & Klifton Kime
Anne Kimmitt
Denise & Jennifer Kimpson
Brian, Jennifer, Alex & Sam King
Michael King & Meaghan Donahue
Andrew & Brittany King & Gina
Kathleen King
James King
Nathan & Nannette Kinney
Robin & Jeff Kinsel
Ty & Bob Kirkpatrick
Mark Kirunchyk
Lisa & Gabor Kishegyi
Kevin Klaes
Judy Klareich
Krissann Klaus
Adam Kline
Wendy Klock Johnson & David
Dee & Hank Knies
Peggy Knight
Jean Knisley
Julie Knitter & Karen Van Den Heuvel
Kathy & Lonnie Knox
Pam & Ben Koonts
Marilyn & Brady Koroulis
Mark & Rose Kowalski
Anthony Kozberg
Gail Kraeuter
Jennie & Ken Kreischer
Barbara & Dave Kroneberg
Kyla Krueger
Joann Kuebrich
Annemiek Kuik
Cecilia Kurland
Mike Kurzendoerfer
Kathy Kuss
Jenny Kutzler
Linda Kwitchoff
Douglas & Trina Laing
Monica Laliberte
Briana Lamet
Erin Lamonte & Family
Sue & Scott Landa
Bill Rohrer & Kathleen Landauer
Kathy & Brian Landis
David Bingham & Katherine Larkin
Jackie Larsen
Paulette Lashway
David Lasker
Lynne Lasry
Dyan Latini
Tom Laube
Terri Laundon
Karen & Kathy Lawler
Julia Lawrence
Michaele Connors & Pat Lawson
Cindy Lawton
Betty & Troy Layton
Vanessa & Richard League
Theresa Lebaron
Kelley & Cooper Lee
Walter Hartwig & Yeunshin Lee
Barbara & Tom Lee
Rose Ann & Don Lee
Patti Lehman
Cindy Leist
Peter & Susan Leroy
Jonas & Brenda Lether
Kim & Alex Levin
Elliot & Fran Levine
Linda & Norman Levitt
Holly LeVora
Carol Ann & Jason Lopez
Mary Loughran
AnnMarie Louie
Kathleen Love
Julie & Stephen Love
Lydia & Mac Love
Mary & John Lowe
Lisa & Michael Lowe
Kelly Lubeski
Gwendolyn Lucas
Teresa & Kelly Ludovice
Brian Ludy
Sheila Lupton
Wendy Luterek
Everett Wilson & Linda Lyon
Mary & Scott Mace
Ann & Dave Maclaren
Kenneth Pors & Beverly Mager
Marilyn Magio
Betty Makowski
Malilay Family
Susan Mall
Tina & Marissa Mancebo
Kathy Mandsager
Sarah Mangham
Lee Mann
Lauren Manning
Kerinne & Carol Levy
Pauline Lewis
Alison Lewis
Carol Leynse
John & Mary Lichlyter
Karin Lienart
Teresa & Samantha Lindamood
Janice Lindbloom
Jeff & Lori Lindsay
Sharon Linebarger
Judy Lipar
Peggy Lippman
Bob & Jan Litchard
Herbert James Litchfield
Debbie Locander
Danielle Logue
Linda & Mark Lohrman
Elaine & Peter Lomenzo
Barbara Long
Judy Long
Roger & Roberta Long
Darlene Long
Carol Long
Kristy Long
Pat Long Sims
Jeff Loparo
Susan Manuel
Frank, Margo & Seren Maresca
Marty Marlatt
David & McGehee Marsh
Elizabeth Marshall & Emily Bartlett
Anthony Martin
Jolie Marzo
Marzynski Family
Mitch & Dr Frances Mason
Diane Mason
Kimberly Mason
Michele Masters
Denise Matis-Marks
Vicki & Larry Matthews
Janci Matykiewicz
Linda Maugle
Patricia May
Doreen Mayo
Rick McDonald
Eugenia & Moody McCall
Lisa McCall
Rick & Joan McCarren
Teri McCartney
Cathy McComas
Mike & Barbara McConvill
Kathy & Jack McCoy
Christine McDonald
Kerry McDonough
Jerry Campbell & Donna McGehee
Nanette & Mike McGill
Cindi McGrath
Eileen McHugh
Thomas McKay
Marianne & John McKiernan
Linda McMahan
Christopher McMichael & Carrie
Margaret McMillen
Katie McMullan
Jan McQuillan
Ed & Laura McSwain
Joanie & Denny McSweeney
Beverly Mead
Kyle, Allison & Kelly Meath
Chantal & Anthony Melendrez
Susan & Connor Melhorn
Nick Meloro
Lorianne & Hannah Melton
Rochelle Mendonis
Betty Menkin
Chris Meredith
Julie & Lewis Merges
Christian & Carol Merrill
Tripp, Julia & Molly Micou
Laura Mikelbank
Cheryl Miller
Kristine & Claire Miller
Albert Miller
Christine Miller
Pamela Miller
Shannan Miller
Lise Miltner
Valentina Minayeva
Jennifer Mispley & Family
Lee Miyamoto
Rita & Samantha Moffat
Stephanie Mojica
William Knowlton & Amy Moll &
Megan Frary
Janice & Brian Mollet
Karen & Michael Molony
Kim, Todd & Amanda Monroe
Marianne & Christina Montalbano
Danelle & Andy Montero
Debra Moody
Barry & Linda Moore
Sally Moore
Stephen & Dyan Moore
Markley La Pointe & Molly Morales
Christina Morales
Lesley Moran
Lisa Moriarty
Callan Morrison
Cindy & Scott Morrison & Family
Laurel Morrison
Glen & Ariel Morrison
Mary Beth & Luke Morrow
Adele Moses
Linda & Jerry Mosteller
Stephanie Motley
Linda & Joe Mucha
Bonnie Mueller
Melinda & Michael Muir
Melanie Muir
Dan Mullens
Deborah Mullis
Vicki & Frank Munoz
Kristin Murphy
Jennifer & Scott Murphy
James Wilson & Cynthia Murphy
Julie & Hayley Murphy
Esther Murray
Jackie & Tim Myers
Jane Nagy
Jean Nakaerts
Sean & Stacy Napoles
Richard & Susie Nash
James & Susan Nellis
Brent Esmoil & Karen Nelson
Judith Nelson
Sayda & Thierry Nemorin
Caroline Neu
Judy Neuman
John & Lili Newman
Jessica Nicholas
Sharon Nichols
Eve Nicholson
Eric & Megan Nielsen
Robert & Penny Nielsen
Jack & Joann Nieman
Mimi Niemiller
Lori Niitani
Jerry & Margaret Nixon
Tim & Mary Nobbe
Mackenzie & Marni Nogues
Gloria Nolan
Dale & Gail Nordby
Dean Nordin
Linda Norkus
Audrey Norman
David Norris
Buddy & Barbara Novak
Tim & Leigh Anne Novak
Terry O’Connell
Ashley O’Connell
Shannon O’Connell
Erin O’Connell
Juergen Rottler & Siobhan O’Connor
Barbara Monsma
Kevin O’Grady & Vanessa Graziano
Carole & Stephanie Lynn Oare
Christine Oberg
Robin Ocanna & Ellen Steevensz
Tom & Kathy Odom
Heather Ohmart
Nancy Olds
Teddy Olson
Debbie Orita
Nathan & Jodi Ortiz
Kay Osborn
Mary Ellen Osburn
Jennifer & Carleigh Osen
Harry, Joy & Amanda Overend
Monique Pacurariu
Ashton & Debbie Paisley
KC & Angela Palazuelos
Kim Pannone
Brad & Nancy Paquin
Kara Parks
Tom & Linda Parr
Michael & Bicki Passafume
Thomas Patterson
David Paulson & Debbie Weinstein
Amorette Payment
Sylvia Payne
Christopher & Barbara Payton
Sue Pearce
Seth & Tracy Pearch
John & Marcia Pearson
Chuck & Margaret Peeler
Martin & Lily Pell
Colleen Peterson
Jan Peterson
Jeanne Peterson
Lynn Peterson
Margaret Peterson
Starr Peterson
Tim & Isayo Peterson
Lu Petrie
Jim & Kerry Pettit
Theresa Pettit
Terry & Marcee Pfaff
Elizabeth Phalen
Andrew, Grace & Adam Hardy & Lisa
Daniel & Xiting Phillips
LeAnne Pickering
Pat Pillsbury
Al & Beverly Pimentel
Tony & Lorri Pimentel
Christopher Muench & Marie Pink
Renee Piper
Myra Plitt
Joe & Lisa Plocinski
Cari Podolak
Nancy Polites
Sam, Susan & Steven Polonsky
Patricia & Brianne Poole
Shannon & Kelley Poole
Lauren & Catherine Pors
Jack, Nancy & Jacqueline Portello
Regina Post
Jennifer Pottheiser
Pamela & Mary Grace Power
Kathleen Presswood
Linda Pribyl
Blair & Lauren Provo
James Pruett
Silke Psula
Coreen Puetz & Megan Lipke
Robert & Sharla Purnell
Jim & Michele Purton
Peter & Becky Qualy
Jill Quan
Denise Quinn
Erin Rachford
Barbara Raines
Santos & Melissa Ramirez
Jo-ann Ranish & Thea RanishO’Donnell
Cassandra Rauch
Max Ray & Kaytee Riek
Patric & Kathleen Rayburn
Ellen Read
Stan & Karen Reaves
Pam Recchio
Patricia Ann Redden
Darla Reed
Judy & Hailey Reeve
Denise Reilly
Emma Reinhart
Jacue Remlinger
Brenda & Kyra Renou
John & Judy Resop
Daniel & Amy Reynolds
Tim & JJ Rhinehart
Ken & Elaine Rhoda
Yvonne Rhymer
David & Jaci Rice
Kit & Court Richards
Roxanne Richardson
Kim Richwine
Lisa Rickards
Russ Ridgeway
Ryan & Natashia Riggs
Christina & Morgan Riley
Barbra Ristow
John Roberts
Randy & Melissa Roberts
Richard & Colleen Roberts
Roger Roberts
Ashton Roberts
Geoffrey Robinson & Heidi Van
Wanda Robinson
John Sharpe, Jr. & Amy Robinson
Lyle & Christianne Robinson
Lorraine & Rachel Robinson
Serena Robison & Jonathan Douglas
Kim & Tessa Rocker
Margaret Rodenberger
Joe & Susan Rodriguez
Patti Rodwell
Rebecca Rogers
Payton Wong & Kathy Rogers
Stacey & JoAnn Rogers
Jennifer & Emily Rohde
Kerianne Rojas
Christine Roling
Paul, Niki & Faith Roney
Matthew Beymer & Mary Roseberry
Barry & Christine Rosenberg & Kristie
Amy Rosene
Ernie & Diane Rosenthal
Steve, Kate & Skyler Rosin
Dave & Tammy Rosser
Richard & Julie Rossmassler
Linda & Rebecca Roszhart
Peter & Brenda Rothermel
Rolly & Louise Roup
Michael Roy
Stuart & Britt Rubenstein
Mary Ellen Rucks
Bob & Connie Runk
Scott & Catherine Rupp
John & Leslie Rush
Kathy Russell-Fernandez
Carolina Saavedra
Kathy Saghi
Andrew Salas
Steven & Karen Salazar
Peggy Sampson
Paul & Robin Sanchez
Paul Sandberg
Diana Sanderbeck
Suzanne Sanders
Bridgit Sandford
Daniel & Dawn Sandoval
Beverlee, Natasha & Jordana Sandy
Cathleen Santiago
Rebecca & Jessica Sartain
Edward & Kathy Sarter
Oliver & Teresa Sasse
Judy Saunders
Michele Sbrana
Florence Scarinci
Angie Schacht
William, Melanie & Claire Schauer
Kathryn Scheer
Sheryl & Lindsay Scheer
Susan & Katherine Scheiman
Doug Scheirer & Lori Tassano
Sue Schmitz
Johnna Schoen
Stacey Scholtz
Randy & Beth Schroeder
Greg & Lynn Schuck
Donna Schulte
Judy Schumpert
Ben Schwartz
Marian Scopa
Elizabeth Scott
Zach & Stephanie Scott
Kerry Scott
Erin & Maggie Scranton
Jay & Kristine Scrivener
Paul & Mary Jane Searfoorce
Mary & Devon Segall
Sylvia Seibert
Jim & Ginny Seibert
Mark & Debra Sellers
Ron & Eileen Sever
Katie Seymour
Randy & Joshua Seynaeve
Traci Shahan
Sandy & Melanie Shane
Mickie Shapiro
Tim & Laura Shea
Maureen Shekleton
Steve & Kelly Shelton
Ian Grossman & Hayley Sherer
Roseann Sheridan
Matt, Dawn, Heather & Cole
Christine Shippee
Shoemaker Family
Shirley Short
Jim & Cheyenne Shrader
Roxanne Shull
Andy & Mary Siegel
James Siegfried
Ken Ryno & Joann Sienkiewicz
May & Lauren Sikora
Lee Simmons & Laura Wine
Vicki Simons
Gail Simpson
Mary Singleton
Charles & Lisa Sipe
Sharon Sipp
Norbert Skoczek & Family
Judee Slack
Cheryl Slack
Phyllis Slade
CatiAdele, Bobby & BethAnn Slater
Jane Slavin
Debbie Sloan
Sandra Slomovitz
Mike, Kim & Sasha Smerekanych
Corrie Smith
Vickie Smith & Brooke Morris
Bill Gresham & Cathy Smith
Bill & Mary Smith
Susan Snodgrass
David & Lisa Snowiss
Gene & Linda Solyntjes
Stuart & Susan Sommers
Jeff & Michele Sorvik
Maria Soto & Jessica Garcia Soto
Gordon & Joyce Spainhower
Elizabeth Spear
Donna, Abby, David & Madison
Connie Spees
Susan Spicer
Katrin Spilde & Michael Kauffman
Denise Spina & Mitch Sparrow
Tony Spiridigliozzi
Jerwin & Jazmine Sta Ana
Jaime Stahl
Sara & Ben Stahler
Mark & Sally Stailey
Terri Stambaugh
Eva Stanard
Ashley Stapleton
Peggy Stare
Karen Staving
Amy Steenwyk & Family
Michael & Ellen Steer
Pete Allen & Linda Stefanini
Mark & Debbie Steffens
Sharon Steffens
Kaitlyn & Staci Steffy
Tim & Amy Steider
James & Cathy Steiner
Karen & Laura Stenmark
Brooke Steranko
Jeremy & Amy Stern
Dana & Linda Sterritt
Rick & Nelwyn Stevens
Greg Stevens
Jack Stewart
Bonnie Stinson
Joanie Stoddard
Michael & Heidi Stoinski
Lauren Stone
Curtis & Ardell Stoops
Michael & Patrica Stovar
Holly & Lauren Stover
Warren, Robyn & Erik Strand
Larry & Cheri Stratton
Larry Strauss & Christopher Chavez
Mark & Debra Strickenburg
Trevor Stroupe
Stubanas Family
Shawn Sullivan
David Lord & Marty Sullivan
Alex & Tracy Sullivan
Tom & Marlene Sunzeri
Lani Sutherland
Susan Swagert & Laura Jefferson
Caryl Swain
Bonnie Sweebe
Ken & Linda Sweet
Stephenie Swindle
Don & Donna Sword
Erin Sykes
Anna Talley
Lee Tansock
Trina Taylor
Eugene & Carolynn Tedeschi
Joan Tedeschi
David & Malena Teeters
Kim Templeman
Mike Tevnan
Jeremy & Donalda Thacker
Terry & Carolyn Thames
Sondra Thiederman & Tom Sandler
Cyndy Thomas
Susan Thomas
Mary Thompson
Kyle & Jill Thompson
Larry & Charlene Thompson
Erin Thompson
Cynthia Thompson
Larry & Sally Thompson Rosine
Kari & Laura Nicole Thorgrimson
Townsend Thorn
Jan Thornburg
John Tietz
Linda Tobia
Ryan & Kristin Tolfree
Ashley & Lori Tomlinson
Dick & Debbie Tompson
Sally Tonne
Clark & Jane Torell
Anna Torres-Radle
Kathy, Christina & Allie Torru
Liesl Townsend
Darren & Lina Trapp
Sean & Stefani Travis
Brittany Triner
David & Kristen Trisko
Daniel & Nancy Truhan
Patricia Tuck
Jason & Cynthia Turley
Graham & Gretchen Turner
Marti Tyler
Monique Tyre
Lisa Uhlig
Phyllis Ulrich
Zane & Charlotte Underwood
Jill Usher
Rudy & Cheri Van Pelt
Connie Van Schaick
Ken & Debbie Vanderford
Doris VanNorman
Ted & Kristin Veazey
Karen & Emma Veselsky
Patty Via
Susan Lee Vick
Shelly Videto
David & Alison Viemeister
Jennifer Vierling & Zoe VierlingCoulter
Sue Vinsant
Donna Violet
Peter & Fran Vlasses
Heather Voege & Family
Jeanie Vogel
Rebecca Vogel
Sarah Vogel
Greta Vohlers
David & Leah Volk
Guda Vonhof
Whitney Vos
Lauren Louise Wagner
Stuart & Brenda Wahrenbrock
Mary Waldron
Becky Wall
Jane Walstrom
Quentin & Melinda Walters
Jing Wang & Depei Liu
Butch Warnberg
Amelia Warren & Ishan Dave
Sydney Warshaw
Al & Bonnie Watson
Georgiana Watt
Troy & Nicole Webber
Bobbi Weber & Pam Blubaugh
Bruce & Gayle Webster
Greg & Sue Weekes
Ashley & Dana Weinert
David & Linda Weiskopf
Jennifer Weisman
Carl & Georgeann Weissman
Bruce & Betsy Wendt
Marlene Wepf
Suzzanne Wharton
Lesa & Clare Whetzel
Roshan White
Scott White
Shelby, John, Jessie & Johnny White
Mary White
Kimberly & Marcella Whooley
Larry & Marilyn Widlund
Sharon Widmer
Tracee Lynn Wiemeyer
Bill & Becky Wiemeyer
Jennifer Wilinski
August Wilke
Catina & Angelia Willburn
James & Tammy Williams
Rick & Janet Williams & Jamie Stewart
Andrea Williams
Kim Williams
Emily Williams
Rachel Willoby
Stephanie Wilson
Justine Wilson & Chris Trammel
Erin Wilson
Eric, Jennifer & Avery Wilson
Dennis, Linda, Sean & Micayla Winkler
Zoe Winters
Sue & Sarah Winton
Jean Wiskowski
Rob Wolf
Michelle Woodbury
Susan Woodman & Denise Whitelaw
Melissa Woodman
Teresa Woods
Cheryl Woods
Kailey Worthington
Mary & Caitlin Worthington
John & Corinne Worzalla
Michael & Pam Wright
Andrew, Nancee & Alexander Wright
Richard & Patricia Wright
Doria Wright
Rachel Wright
Guy, Susan, Ellie & Vincent Wroble
Sue Wyder
Yalamas Family
Mark & Bonnie Yamada
Iris Yamaguchi
Randy, Sandy & Corey Yates
Jonathan & Denise Yeager
Amanda Yelverton & Amberly Phillips
Carmen & Corgin Scott Yem
Stan, Melayne, Shannon & Stephanie
Stephanie Yocum
Aimee & Kimi Yokota
Leslie Young
Kyle, Debra & Whitney Young
Clint Young
Kathryn Yudkin
Stephanie Yun
Kathy Zamsky & Natalie Crane
Jeff & Kathy Zastrow
Leslie Zelamsky
Linda Zelik
Michelle Zelinsky
Emily Zier
Debbie Zilka
Karey & Makaela Zufelt
Bill & Sue Zupko
Santa Rosa, CA | Oceanside, CA | Los Angeles, CA | Colorado Springs, CO
Denver, CO | Orlando, FL | Medford, NY | Delaware, OH | Chicago, IL
cci.org | 1-800-572-BARK (2275) | info@cci.org
Board of Directors
Anne Gittinger, Chair
Leslie Hennessy
John Miller, Vice Chair
Carolyn Hrach
John McKinney, Treasurer
Chris Kittredge
Jean F. Schulz,
Executive Secretary
Jill Leverton, MD
Joann Elliott
Rob Patterson
John Elliott
Nancy Sawhney
Mel Gottlieb
Barrie Graham
Russ Gurevitch, DVM
Robin Gurrola, Ex-officio
John Hopen
Dr. Pauline Parry, PhD
Juergen Rottler
Dennis Sproule
Bob Street
William R. White III
Emily Williams
Judy Allen
Jack Hanna
Dean & Gerda Koontz
Terry Levin
Madeleine Paulson
Jon Provost
Jason Taylor
Bruce Thorn
Jack Warnock
Jean Wiskowski
National Headquarters
Corey Hudson*
Chief Executive Officer
Alan Feinne*
Chief Financial Officer
Paul Mundell*
National Director of
Canine Programs
*Corporate Officer
Patty Minaker
National Director of
Human Resources
Clark Pappas
National Director of
Participant Programs
Susan Lee Vick
National Director of