2015 Annual Report - Canine Companions for Independence


2015 Annual Report - Canine Companions for Independence
Annual Report
Battier’s Journey
Battier was specially bred to become
a Canine Companions assistance dog.
She was born in the home of a volunteer
breeder caretaker and nurtured with her
five siblings until they were 8 weeks old.
For the next year and a half, Battier
was raised by a volunteer puppy raiser
who provided a safe home, took her to
obedience classes, served up a healthy diet,
provided socialization opportunities and
gave lots of love.
“The effort and science put into
breeding is obvious from the start.
You can see how smart the puppies
are. Even at such an early age the
dogs are eager to learn things.”
— Kelley, volunteer breeder caretaker
“We went on so many adventures
during our year and a half together,
but I knew her journey was just
— Laura, volunteer puppy raiser
Battier arrived back at Canine Companions
and began training with professional
Battier graduated as a service dog and now
provides greater independence to a person
with a disability.
“Battier was always ready and willing
to work. Her favorite command was
‘tug.’ She would do it and wiggle her
tail the whole time.”
— Maria, Canine Companions apprentice instructor
“There are never enough words
to express how much Canine
Companions service dogs have
changed my life and how much they
mean to me. These dogs truly create
life-changing experiences.”
— Nancy, four-time Canine Companions graduate
Training Dogs,
Changing Lives
40 Years and Growing…
10 Exceptional Dogs for
Exceptional People®
40 years of enhancing lives and still growing…
13 One Team. Two Heroes.™
As a supporter of Canine Companions for Independence, you have been
and continue to be an essential part of a national organization that is the
first, largest and leading provider of highly trained assistance dogs for
people with physical, cognitive and developmental disabilities. Because
of you, we have been able to help those we serve at no cost to them.
Your commitment to Canine Companions has enabled us to reach and
serve more people than ever before.
15 Loyal Support
Let us reflect on some of the milestones we’ve achieved together in 2015:
• A record 309 exceptional dogs were partnered with individuals and
facilities serving client groups with special needs nationwide.
• We celebrated the opening of our sixth training center in Texas and
added a new region — the first in over 25 years. This also marked the
first time that Canine Companions has partnered with a major health
care organization. With much gratitude to our friends at Baylor
Scott & White Health, we are thrilled to be able to serve more Texas
residents and thereby increase our capacity nationwide — together.
• We unveiled the Canine Early Development Center to offer
additional professional support to our volunteer breeder caretakers
to help get our litters of puppies off to a great start.
• Placements of PTSD service dogs and our work with the
Department of Veteran Affairs accelerated.
• It was an active year for advocacy and outreach.
17 The Perfect Match
19 Gold Award Puppy Raising
20 Financials
23 Canine Companions
30 Heritage Society
32 Breeder Caretakers
32 Prison Puppy Raising
33 Puppy Raisers
Find details of these and other accomplishments in this report, as well
as a glimpse into what your support is making possible in 2016 and
beyond. Helping more people in our traditional programs and in
new, expanded ways to meet the growing and evolving needs of
our applicants is certainly exciting!
As we continue to increase the number and types of
placements we make, as we discover new roles for our amazing
dogs, and as we broaden our education and advocacy efforts
on behalf of those who can benefit from partnership with a
Canine Companions dog, we continue to rely on your generous
support. Please consider helping us in our expansion efforts.
Paul Mundell
Chief Executive Officer
John Miller
Board Chair
Training Dogs, Changing Lives
Founded in 1975, Canine Companions enhances the lives of people
with disabilities by providing highly
trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality
2015 brought record-breaking
placements and financial success
allowing us to serve more people
with disabilities, all at no cost to
our graduates.
New teams
Across the country, people
with disabilities are living more
independently with their new
assistance dogs provided free of
43 Facility Dog teams
reaching thousands of clients
with special needs
New teams
27 Hearing Dog teams
104 Skilled Companion teams
128 Service Dog teams
7 PTSD Service Dogs in the
Veterans Affairs research study
since 1975
Canine Companions is the original
and most renowned provider of
assistance dogs for people with
physical disabilities.
Training dogs, matching them
with people with disabilities and
providing support for long-lasting
Matching highly trained
assistance dogs with people with
a wide variety of disabilities for
enduring partnerships.
Up to
216 nails
The number of dog nails each
instructor trims weekly as part
of the basic care for dogs in
professional training.
Six miles
each day
The number of miles each
instructor walks every day
working with their assistance
dogs in professional training.
In-person visits
Follow-up visits made to ensure
successful partnerships between
graduates and their Canine
Companions assistance dogs.
40 Years and Growing…
With a record-breaking 309 placements in 2015 and nearly 5,000 dogs placed since 1975, Canine Companions
continues to expand services to help meet the high demand for our highly trained assistance dogs.
Baylor Scott & White Health (BSWH) was a major
contributor to the growth we achieved in 2015. Thanks
to over three years of hard work and service-oriented
partnership, BSWH helped us complete the first phase
of construction for the sixth Canine Companions
training center. The new center now includes a training
center, six fully accessible dormitories, 24 kennels, a
grooming spa and veterinary clinic. After phase two of
funding and construction is completed, the new Texas
training center will provide Canine Companions with
the full capacity to place 60 additional teams each year.
Additionally, BSWH has furthered the expansion of
Canine Companions’ services by raising funds, increasing
awareness, recruiting puppy raisers and significant
funding toward the new national breeding program’s
Canine Early Development Center. This is the first
partnership of its kind and we are thankful to be able
to help more individuals together.
Top: The Canine Companions for Independence at Baylor Scott &
White Health Kinkeade Campus sign.
Middle: The new grooming spa.
Bottom left: One of the cabins located on the campus.
Bottom right: The South Central Region’s Canine Training Center.
With over 2,000 teams active currently, Canine Companions is committed to providing quality service to ensure
success between our graduates and their assistance dogs for the life of the partnership. To help identify specific
impacts Canine Companions assistance dogs have in the lives of people with disabilities, we conducted a survey
in 2015. Data collected will help evaluate the needs of our graduates and areas for improvement.
Service Dog
report an increased
sense of safety/peace
of mind
report increased level
of independence
the most frequently
reported decrease in
attendant care hours
per year
Hearing Dog
report increased sense
of safety/peace of
report increased desire
to open themselves up
to new experiences or
report increase in other
people’s awareness of
their communication
Facility Dog
report clients/students/
patients are more
willing to participate in
Skilled Companion
report improved
emotional well-being
report increase in
personal interactions
report increased
report an improved
family dynamic
report clients/students/
patients are calmer
most frequently
1,040 reported number
of interactions for a
facility dog per year
Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People®
Lizzy and Skilled
Companion Kavi
Michelle and Hearing
Dog Marguerite
“Lizzy has Down syndrome, so she always had obstacles,” explains Camilla,
Lizzy’s mom. “But she was able to
attend regular school through third
grade. She played sports and was in
the school play.”
That all changed after Lizzy fell off
a horse. “She became really ornery
and was disruptive during class. She
didn’t want to play sports and became
withdrawn,” explains Camilla. “For
over a year, I took her to various
doctors and I told them something
was wrong. Liz wasn’t her usual self
in so many ways, but the doctors kept
telling me she was fine.”
It wasn’t until Lizzy passed out
and was taken to the emergency
room, that doctors finally discovered
she had broken her neck. It took two
surgeries to fuse her first and second
cervical vertebrae.
“After the second surgery she had
to wear a cervical halo head brace,
24/7 for six months,” says Camilla. “It
was a difficult and long six months. Liz
was dependent on someone to assist
her with everything. She became
withdrawn and her friendships slowly
slipped away.”
Then Lizzy received Skilled
Companion Kavi, a beautiful Golden
Retriever. “Getting her an assistance
dog has brought the old Lizzy back!”
says Camilla. “Kavi has given her a
sense of independence, self-esteem
and confidence. I didn’t expect all
of the benefits! Liz has blossomed
and she is the happy, delightful girl I
remember before she broke her neck.”
Hearing Dog Marguerite could not
have come into Michelle’s life at a
better time. Michelle had just lost her
husband to a heart attack two months
prior to receiving an invitation to Team
Training at Canine Companions to
receive a hearing dog.
“Marguerite really helped turn my
life around,” says Michelle. “I was
able to start sleeping again and I
didn’t miss my neighbors coming
by the house to check on me or
bring me food.”
In fact, it was Michelle’s late husband who had initially discovered
Canine Companions while he was
on a business trip. “He traveled a
lot for work. On one trip, he met a
Canine Companions hearing dog
at the airport,” says Michelle. “He
learned how a hearing dog could
help me when I was by myself. It’s a
little scary being by yourself when
you can’t hear.”
Michelle’s late husband also
helped her extensively through
the application process, because
at the time Michelle was doing her
residency and working 100 hours
a week to become an oncologist.
“After everything that happened,
I didn’t even remember I was on the
waiting list for a hearing dog until
I received my invitation to Team
Training,” admits Michelle. “My husband had told Canine Companions
that a hearing dog would help me
when he wasn’t around.” His words
proved to be very true.
Marguerite is older now, but
she still loves to go to work with
Michelle. “Marguerite has been
working in oncology as long as I
have!” laughs Michelle. “The trainers did such a good job matching
me with Marguerite. She is up for
anything! Marguerite absolutely
changed my life.”
Bruce and Service
Dog Takoda
Sarah and Facility
Dog Mabel
“The moment I hit the water, I knew
something was wrong. I remember thinking, ‘I just killed myself,’”
explained Bruce when recounting
the events of his injury that left him
paralyzed from the neck down. It
was the summer of 1973 and Bruce
was 18 years old. He spent the next
13 months in hospitals with eight
code blues and one coma. His
doctors originally told him he had
only 10 to 12 years to live.
Bruce was always a competitive
person and quickly realized that
he was stronger than the doctors
ever thought. But he needed more
than just being at home with TV
and occasional visits from friends.
In 1988, Bruce’s sister learned
about Canine Companions for
Independence at a festival. She
immediately thought of Bruce
and the possibilities a dog might
provide for him to further increase
his independence. Bruce applied
and received his first service dog,
Guide, later that year.
“In the beginning I did not realize
all the benefits of having such a
loyal and giving partner,” remembers Bruce.
Now matched with his third
service dog, Takoda, Bruce says,
“I couldn’t have found a better
partner or friend.” Takoda helps
Bruce by picking things up off the
floor, pulling items out of his way, or
calling for help. “Takoda has given
me a sense of security that I didn’t
have prior.”
“Over 80% of the kids we serve are
victims of child abuse or neglect,”
says Facility Dog Mabel’s handler,
Sarah, who is the founder of the
Phoenix Center in Texas. “Mabel has
had countless, powerful interactions
with the kids we serve. She is happiest when she is working. Mabel
naturally wants to connect and be
with the kids as much as possible.
She is a special girl.”
The Phoenix Center provides
mental health care for children and
families in need. Much of the support Mabel provides occurs during
therapy sessions, whether she is
providing pressure and sensory input, or encouraging communication
and providing comfort.
One child Mabel has helped is
an 11-year-old who is on the autism
spectrum. “We’ve had Mabel do a
modified command, ‘crash,’ which
gave Mabel permission to lay and
put her full weight across the
boy’s lap, when he was upset and
unregulated. This created sensory
input, and weighted pressure, which
helped calm and ground him,”
explains Sarah. “His breathing
changed and he even said, ‘Mabel
is so peaceful and relaxing. I feel so
much better and calm.’”
Already in her short time at the
Phoenix Center, Mabel has become
a favorite among clients, staff and
is even a little bit of a celebrity in
their small town. Sarah and Mabel
graduated together as part of the
first Team Training to take place at
the new Canine Companions Baylor,
Scott & White Health Kinkeade
Campus in Irving, Texas. The new
training center opened in October
2015. “She has been an invaluable
member of the team,” says Sarah.
Photo by Stephen Wallace, MD.
One Team. Two Heroes.™
Gnome is a Labrador Retriever with an important mission: He makes
everyday life easier for a combat-injured veteran. Like all Canine
Companions assistance dogs, Gnome was matched with Marine Corps
veteran Justin at no cost to Justin, thanks to the support of donors like you.
“We were deployed to Afghanistan,” Justin recalls. “It was a regular
day and we were doing a normal mission. I stepped on a pressure plate
IED (Improvised Explosive Device). I lost both legs just above the knee
and multiple fingers on both hands.”
It has been several years since Justin was injured. He spent 13 weeks
in the hospital following his injury and he was on a ventilator for 19 days.
Last year Justin had surgery on his hand and he hopes it will be his last.
“I haven’t let my injuries slow me down,” says Justin. “I still try to do
everything I did before. There’s nothing I can do to change the past. It’s
not going to bring my legs back. I’m not going to sit around and mope
about it. That’s what Gnome is for — to help me move on and strive to
do my best.”
Justin’s rapid recovery and positive attitude are remarkable. Still,
he struggles. “It’s hard to balance,” he explains. “These knees (on my
prosthetic legs) don’t bend and I have to spread my legs really far to
reach the floor. My wrists are really bad. I have arthritis, so putting any
pressure down on them is super killer on me. Having Gnome to pick
things up saves me a whole lot of pain.”
Gnome provides emotional benefits as well. “When I feel stressed out,
I just look at him and start petting him and he makes me feel better,”
says Justin. “He’s my best friend.”
Learn more about The Canine Companions Veterans Initiative™ at
serving veterans
since 1975
Veteran Branches
14% Air Force
1%Air Force Reserve
34% Army
3%Army National Guard
1% Army Reserve
18% Marine Corps
18% Navy
11%Unspecified or
multiple branches
Veterans with PTSD
We continue to advocate in support of veterans with disabilities in
Washington, D.C. and through The Canine Companions Veterans
In 2015 we were thrilled to have placed the first group of service
dogs for veterans with PTSD as a contractor with the Department of
Veteran Affairs and their ongoing study. Through this study, which
seeks to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of service dogs for
veterans with PTSD, Canine Companions hopes the VA will recognize
the value service dogs provide to those with PTSD.
Loyal Support
Veterinarian Russ Gurevitch, DVM is considered by many to be as loyal
and committed as the dogs he treats. “Russ is willing to do anything for
Canine Companions. He does great work and sometimes sings opera
during surgery,” laughs Canine Companions Breeding Program Veterinarian
Ruth Daniels, DVM. “His skills and knowledge have been invaluable. He is
always there to offer his professional advice or a second opinion.”
Russ is a veterinary surgeon, owner and chief of staff of Veterinary
Referral Surgical Service in California. Russ has been donating his time
and resources to support Canine Companions since 1978; almost the span
of our entire 40 year history.
Russ originally got involved as a donor and by volunteering his services.
Then he served on the breeding committee and helped with consultations.
His involvement grew over the years and he joined the National Board
of Directors in 1991.
“The expansion of Canine Companions in the last few years has been
astonishing. Obviously in terms of the number of graduates, but also in
our efficiency,” says Russ. “We have become more effective than ever
in selecting our breeder dogs thanks to Dr. Daniels on the genetics side
and CEO Paul Mundell on the research side. It has cut down on a lot of
the work I do, because we have few eye, hip and elbow issues.”
Canine Companions continues to advance the health and nutrition of
our dogs, and supporters like Russ make that possible. “I work part time
now, but because I love what I do, retirement isn’t a consideration,” says
Russ. “I could do more surgeries for Canine Companions, but there isn’t
much for me to do, since most of the dogs are so healthy!”
In addition to serving on the National Board of Directors, Russ is a
member of Canine Companions’ research committee, helping evaluate
and select research projects to advance our services as the premier
assistance dog organization. He and his wife Terry are also members of
the Monthly Miracle Maker program.
The Perfect Match
We are grateful to the corporations and businesses that provide support to Canine Companions through
cause marketing, sponsorship and in-kind donations. We have a reputation for making great matches and
that carries over to our team of corporate partners as well. These partners champion our mission, provide
national exposure and amplify our message in an effort to serve more people with disabilities.
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
QMobius Inc.
Goodwin Animal Hospital
Raising Canes
America Electric Power
Greater New York
Automobile Dealers
Rosen Hotels & Resorts
Animal Eye Associates
Austin & Williams
Baylor Scott & White Health
Gregory Noonan &
Customer Loyalty Magazine
Baylor University
Henry Schein Animal Health
Best Friends Veterinary
Henry Schein Cares
Boston Red Sox Foundation
Heska Imaging US, LLC
Bright House Networks
Huntington Bank
Capital Circle Veterinary
Hyatt San Francisco
Capital Veterinary Specialists
J Vineyards & Winery
Ruckus Wireless
Rusty Bucket Restaurant and
San Pablo Animal Hospital
SeaWorld Orlando
Sheeler Road Animal
Sloan & Williams Winery
Southwest Airlines
SunDance Marketing
Center for Social Innovation
Kirkman Road Veterinary
Clinic, Inc.
Chris Kittredge Photography
Korbel Champagne Cellars
Clear Channel Outdoor
Kroger Company
Communications Solutions
Logic One
Corner Bakery Café
Corvette Repair Inc.
Luther Burbank Center for
the Arts
Dallas Cowboys
Luxury Marketing Council
Design Lab
Manheim Ohio
The Dogist
MetLife Auto and Home
Town East Galloway Animal
East End Veterinary
Emergency & Specialty
McGraw Hill Financial
USF Health
MLB Creative
Universal Orlando
Outward Hound
University of Nevada, Reno
News12 Long Island
Piper Jaffrey & Co.
Wilmer Hale
Prai Beauty
Zieher Smith Gallery
E.R. Sawyer Jewelers
Farmingville Animal Hospital
Flutter Eyewear
Fox 5 NY
The Event Source
The KONG Company
The Monogram
The Peninsula Beverly Hills
The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna
Ticket to Dream Foundation
“As a proud 15
year sponsor we
have the unique
opportunity to
see up close the
difference this
makes with
veterans and
people with
disabilities. We
are proud to have
the opportunity
to provide the
nutrition these
dogs need to get
the best start in
life as a service
—Mark Fannin,
Eukanuba™ Brand Manager
Gold Award Puppy Raising
“At first her dad and I were like ‘Yeah right, we’re going to raise a puppy
and then give it away,’” explains Teresa, Kelly’s mom. “If not for Kelly
encouraging us to approve puppy raising as her project to earn the Girl
Scout Gold Award, we would have never done this. It was the best thing
we have ever done.”
The Ludovice family returned Nicola III to Canine Companions last
year for professional training after loving, socializing and training her for
a year and a half.
“What we saw the day we turned her in; it was such an inspiration to
attend the graduation and matriculation ceremony,” says Teresa. “Attending
the ceremony was the perfect way for a puppy raiser to see what it is
going to be like if the puppy you raised graduates. How can you not let
that puppy go when you know their potential to help someone?”
“I have disabilities myself,” explains Kelly. “I have a developmental delay
and I tend to freak out when it is really loud. I learn at a slower rate than
other kids my age, but we were even able to adjust Nicola’s training a bit
to work with my disability.”
Kelly’s favorite part of puppy raising was taking Nicola out in public
and seeing people’s reactions. She also enjoyed giving presentations
about Canine Companions. “It was my passion for assistance dogs that
got me through the public speaking. It is something I love to talk about,”
says Kelly. “I really like to inform people that Canine Companions gives
the dogs for free to people with disabilities and they do a really great
job of matching the dogs with the right people.”
“Kelly had to show leadership to earn her award,” says Teresa. “So
she did presentations for six different groups. I was so impressed
that an 18-year-old could do public speaking like this in front
of kids of all ages and adults. Puppy raising was such a great
family experience.”
The Ludovice family said they’d love to raise another puppy
if Nicola graduates, but if she doesn’t make it they will keep
her as a pet. “So it is a win, win. If she makes it, she gets to
do what she was born to do. But if she doesn’t make it, we’ll
love to have her as our pet. Maybe she’ll have a change of
career; there are lots of nursing homes around here that
would love to see her visit,” says Teresa.
2015 Income
Contributions 57%
Bequests 23%
Special Events 11.5%
Capital Campaign 4.5%
Investment Income & Other Revenue 4%
Individuals 72%
Corporations 8%
Foundations 20%
Support & Revenue:
Special Events
Capital Campaign
Investment Income & Other Revenue
$ 2,607,781
$ 1,030,225
Total Support & Revenue
$ 22,481,266
Cash & Cash Equivalents Investments
Property, Equipment & Improvements
Receivables & Other Assets
$ 5,113,078
$ 23,815,282
$ 7,064,671
Total Assets
Program Services
Support Services
$ 6,341,653
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Accrued Payroll & Related Expenses
Gift Annuities Payable
$ 380,380
$ 1,704,232
$ 683,453
Total Expenses
$ 21,236,019
Total Liabilities
$ 2,768,065
Change in Net Assets:
Net Assets:
Net Assets Beginning of Year
Net Assets End of Year
Change in Net Assets
$ 1,245,247
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 5,649,356
$ 3,175,667
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
All figures are based on our year 2015 financial statement and auditor's report by Hood and Strong LLP, San Francisco, California. To view a
copy of this report and our IRS Form 990, visit our website at cci.org/financials. Canine Companions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,
established in 1975. Federal tax ID number: 94-2494324.
2015 Expenses
Program Services
Program Services 70%
Fund Development 24%
Administration 6%
Training & Follow-up 45.5%
Breeding & Puppy Raising 21%
Public Information 19.5%
Veterinary 14%
Fraudulent Service Dogs
2015 marked an active year for advocacy and outreach
on behalf of our graduates and all assistance dog
users. Canine Companions graduates told us about
their experience with fraudulent, questionable or
uncontrolled dogs. The feedback helped us realize
how much abuse of public access, which is granted by
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and similar
laws, has grown. We will continue to work with and
educate our legislators and public officials in 2016 to
ensure that all assistance dog users can enjoy the full
benefits that working dogs can provide. Learn more
at cci.org/stopfraud.
Encountered a fake or
uncontrolled service dog
Had 10 or more encounters with
fake or uncontrolled service dogs
Have experienced a fake or
uncontrolled service dog snapping
at, biting or distracting their Canine
Companions dog
Puppy Stats
Puppies born
Volunteer breeder
Volunteer puppy
Prison puppy
raising programs
College puppy
raising programs
Canine Companions Supporters
We would like to extend a special thank you to over 27,000 individuals, foundations, organizations and
businesses for providing philanthropic support for Canine Companions’ life changing mission. To support
our mission, visit cci.org/donate.
Estate of Joy Cook
Ferger Trust
Anne Gittinger
Dean & Gerda Koontz
$100,000 - $499,999
Anonymous (2)
Baylor Scott & White Health
Lawrence A. Bertolini & Roseann Bertolini Trust
Estate of Harriette A. Chandler
Donald E. Cole & Eva Cole Family Trust
Charles J. Gardt Trust
Marilyn J. Gardt Trust
Gregerson Trust
Leslie A. Hennessy & Randy Kunkel
Estate of Therese Irene Holland
Irving Healthcare Foundation
Lakeside Foundation
Terry & John Levin
Lions Project For CCI
Estate of Melvin G. Magee
Linda A. McDonald
Harold & Nancy McGraw III
Jane McIntyre Revocable Living Trust
Dreux & Lynn McNairy
Merial Inc.
NAPE Charities Fund
National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation
Jay & Rose Phillips Family Foundation
The Ritz Carlton, Laguna Niguel
Estate of Dorothy W. Schick
Jean F. Schulz
Hadley & Marion Stuart Foundation
The Tecumseh Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous (1)
Ann S. Bowers
Brewster West Foundation
Harry J.B. Cook Trust
Disney VoluntEARS
Dog Star Technologies LLC
Robert G. & Mary Jane Engman
Don G. Erickson Revocable Trust
Eugene & Barbara Erickson
Estate of Carol A. Farmer
Ernest L. & Ruth W. Finley Foundation
Gertrude J. Fitzsimmons Trust
GFWC Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs
The GT Foundation
The Thelma B. & Thomas P. Hart Foundation
Norma Hueter Heavey Trust
Marilyn S. Hine CRT
Lynn M. Hunter
Donna P. Janvier Charitable Remainder Trust
Sandra J. Kawa Trust
Knapp Swezey Foundation Inc.
Jackie Leedle
Linden Root Dickinson Foundation
Sharon D. Lund Foundation
Matloff Family Trust
John D. & Kristin Miller
Michael J. & Christine Morykwas
P&G The Iams Company
Thomas A. & Jane M. Petrie
Harriet E. Pfleger Foundation
Arline H. Runckel Revocable Trust
Peter M. & Jeanette K. Schwab
Stanley & Ingrid Sklan Trust
Sleep Train/ Sleep Country/Mattress Discounters/
Got Sleep?
May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
The Spurlino Foundation
Sulentic Family Foundation
Nancy Teague
Estate of Bill A. Van Ert
Estate of Leigh J. Warner
Julien & Vera Welles Foundation
Gary & Mary West Foundation
Ana Wilson
Kathy & Jerry Wood Foundation
$10,000 - $49,999
Anonymous (6)
A-B Petroleum
Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation
Fred & Jean Allegretti Foundation
American Gift Fund/RBC Trust Company
Mary Ellen Anderson
Ronald & Joan Apatoff
Dan & Carol Baker
Scott & Corina Barnett
Sandra Atlas Bass
John K. Bastien Foundation, Inc.
William & Sharon Bauce
Jeffrey D. & Nancy L. Baumann
Margaret Beelard Community Foundation
James E. & Constance L. Bell Foundation
Bender Foundation, Inc
The Benevity Community Impact Fund American
Endowment Foundation
Joan Ellen Benson & Lois A. Such*
Robert D. & Ann T. Benson
Bergen Foundation
James & Joan Berkowitz
Paul & Margaret Bernstein
Susan Bernstein
Bothin Foundation
Helen Brach Foundation
C. Howard & Ellen Brown
Miriam Brucker
Joan A. Burroughs Trust
Barry & Lynda Butler Fund II
Muriel R. Butler Living Trust
California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation
Calkain Cares
Cathe Callender*
Estate of John W. Carpenter
Brandt Carter & Steven Pearson
Clark-Janis Foundation
Colorado Veterinary Medical Association Auxiliary
The Community Foundation Inc. in Jacksonville
Daniel E. & Arlene M. Comstock*
David C. Copley Foundation
Corday Family Foundation
The Rose Y. & J. Samuel Cox Charitable Fund
Cracker Barrel Foundation
William & Isabella Cunningham
D. A. V. Industries Inc.
Steven Danziger
The Dayton Power & Light Company Foundation
Katherine D. DeBernardi
Charlotte Paulina De Birk Trust
Denver Oilmens Club
Design Lab, Inc.
DRJ Designs LLC
Karen Duesenberg
Photo circa 1978
Eagle Market Makers, Inc.
John A. & Joann Elliott
Jan Ellis*
Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
Cynthia K. Engles
The English Family Foundation
Estate of Bernadette Evans
Maurice & Carol Feinberg Family Foundation
Natalie Feldt & Sarah Roach
Charon J. Fisher
Lee & Sarah Fliegel
The Negley Flinn Charitable Foundation
Estate of Emily Flowers
Thomas Flynn
Foglia Family Foundation
Craig Foley
Allianz / Estate of Judith Gartenberg
John V. Giacomazzi 2005 Trust
Mel Gottlieb
W. Robert & Alexandra Griswold
Timothy & Melinda Harrington
Heck Foundation
HEDCO Foundation
William H. & Leonora K. Hegamyer Family Foundation
Henry Schein, Inc.
Hilton Worldwide, Inc.
Trust B Under The Hoffman Trust
Estate of La Vonne Diers Hutchins
IBM Employee Services Center
The Ingebritson Family Foundation
Jake’s Challenge
Charles R. Jelm Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Carl W. Johnson Foundation
Richard Jorz & Carrie Smallwood
The Carl Jud Foundation
Photo circa 1988
Ruben & Phyllis Kagawa
Estate of Ellen S. Kaitz
Edward A. & Catherine S. Kangas
Michael J. Kelly & Barbara A. Kelly Living Trust
Clifford & Marjorie Klose Charitable Giving Fund
Knopf Family Foundation
Koret Foundation
Joyce & Paul Krasnow Charitable Foundation
Morton A. Krause
The Kuzrock Foundation Inc.
The Darlene & Harry Lambert Foundation
Landis Family Charity Foundation
Barbara Lannin
J. O. Larson Trust
The Spark Fund - Peter Laventhol
Patricia E. Lazar
Laurence W. Levine Foundation
Dustin & Barbara Lindsey
Larry & Stacey Lucchino
The Luminescence Foundation, Inc. - Zohar & Lisa
Mandel Family Trust
A. Jean Martin
Estate of Graham E. Mason
Mathewson Charitable Lead Trusts
Mazda Foundation
Marjorie McCammon Living Trust
Estate of Mary B. McCoy
Diana G. McDowell
Suzanne McGraw
McGraw Hill Financial
Bob H. & Marjorie P. Meadows
Richard King Mellon Family Foundation
Miller Paving
Byron S. Minerd
Harry C. Moores Foundation
Lawrence & Armida Morris
Shawn & Katherine Murphy
Lura M. Myers
Mike A. Myers
National Philanthropic Trust UBS Donor Advised
Newman’s Own Foundation
Lynn Noble
Once Upon A Time…
John Palazzo
Peel Family Trust
Mary Ann Perper
PetSmart Charities, Inc.
Roy D. Polatchek
Mrs. Cheever Porter Foundation, Inc.
Raballo Family Living Trust
Rachael’s Rescue
C. William & Mary- Louise Reinking
Sally & Larry Rosine
Ruznak Trust
Thomas M., Helen McKee & John P. Ryan Foundation
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Paul & Robin R. Sanchez
Save The Starfish Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Bruce & Ruth Schomaker
The Dan Seligman Charitable Foundation
Katherine J. Shelton
Beth Siegelman
Soter Kay Foundation
Dennis W. & Natalie Woods-Sproule
Subaru of America, Inc.
Margaret P. Swanson
Cherie Swenson
Thomas M., Helen McKee & John P. Ryan Foundation
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Technologies Matching Gift Program
Michel Vellard & James Dern
Peter H. & Frances R. Vlasses
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Anonymous Donor
Frederick R. Weisman Discretionary Trust
Mason & Alice White Trust
Keith Wieland & Maureen Daley-Wieland
Randy L. & Linda A. Wight*
The Wildwood Foundation
Charley H. Wise Trust
Woodlawn Foundation
Yahoo Employee Foundation
Louise Yale*
Don Yoder Foundation
$1,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (26)
A Caring Community The Fabulous Find
A. Friends’ Foundation Trust In Memoriam of Frank
Phillip & Estelle Aaron
Paul & Lori Abramowitz
Norman L. & Donna Abramson
ACBL Charity Foundation
Lisette L. Ackerberg
Erica Adams*
Adikes Family Foundation
Mary Adkins
Matt Adler & Mason A. Dye
Advisors Capital, Inc.
Aetna Foundation, Inc./ Partners In Community
Agilent Technologies Employee Giving Campaign
AIG Matching Grants Program
Akers Family Trust
Frances Akridge
Alamo Women’s Club Federated
Lee & Kathleen Albertoni
David & Judith Ann Albertson
Albuquerque Pet Memorial Service
Charles Aldrich & Susan Bloch
Alesia Family Foundation
Christine M. Alexander
Camilo Alfaro
Don Allen*
Steve Allen
Thomas A. & Valerie J. Allison
Galen W. & Cynthia J. Alpeter
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
American Association of Professional Landmen, Inc.
American Pet Resort LLC
America’s Charities
Amgen Foundation / Amgen Foundation Matching
Gift Program
John Amiot & Nicole Burlison
Amos Family Fund
Amy’s Kitchen Inc.
John Andelin & Virginia Geoffrey
The Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation
Todger Anderson
Warren E. Anderson
Angel Society of Fallbrook
AON Foundation
Irv & Bee Apatoff Foundation
The Howard & Nikki Applebaum Foundation
AptarGroup Charitable Foundation
Judith Aranow
Architectural Photography Inc
Arizona Physicians IPA Inc
Ark Antiques for Animal Charities
William & Louise L. Arnold
Noel & Louise Ashbaugh
Raja & Justine Assal
Astute Investigations
Galen & Renea J. Aswegan*
AT&T External Affairs for the North Coast
Darcy & Thomas Atterbury*
Tom & Julie Atwood
William D. & Marigold H. Atwood
Sharon Lea Aukerman
Automatic Data Processing Inc.
Monica Bacon-Proctor
Ashley & Cathy Bacot
Elliott & Marlys Badzin Family Foundation
Stanley & Joan Baer
Todd R. & Karen L. Bailey
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Billy P. & Esther S. Baker
Keith Bales
Nancy Balin
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Jerome N. Banschbach*
Mary Bardon
Daniel D. Barkan Trust
Lou Barnes
Barnhart Crane and Rigging Co.
The J. H. Baroco Foundation, Inc.
Barbara Barrow
Dennis L. & Stacey E. Barsema
John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation
The Sue Bassett Foundation
Richard & Andrea Coudriet Batchelor
Mary Ellen Bates*
Richard R. & Marilyn S. Bates
Dianne Batts
Jayne L. Baumer
Baxter International Foundation / Matching Gift
BBVA Compass
Carolyn W. & Charles T. Beaird
The Charitable Foundation/ Berkshire Hathaway
Arch & Ann B. Beasley
Jerry & Nancy Beauchane
Beaver Creek Foundation
Jane K. Becker
David T. & Sharon K. Beckman
Sharon A. Beckman & Gregory N. Brand
Gary D. Begeman & Gail E. Griffith
Edwin Bell
Robert & Kathleen Bellino
Armando T. Belly
Kevin L. & Angela B. Bemiss
Estate of Ruth Belmont
Zohar & Lisa Ben-Dov
Jewel K. Bennett*
Jack & Barbara Benson
Lee & Claudette Benson*
Todd Berger & Terry Gallagher
Gerald E. & Susanne S. Bergeron
Berman Family Foundation, Inc.
Kristen M. Bessette
Best Friends Veterinary Hospital
Andre & Carol Biane
Ross & Jean Biddell
Hank & Gail Biddle
Biedenharn Foundation
Harry R. & Janet Olson-Bigham
James E. Bina & J. Andrew Hoyle
Katherine Bishop
John A. & Dianne S. Bittikofer
Garrett & Wendy Bittner
Black Knight Infoserv LLC
Alan Blake
Scott Alan Blanchard
Arlien G. & Donald Block
The Byler/Thompson Family Fund
Field Davidson Boatwright
The Boeing Company Employee Individual Giving
Edward & Bonnie Bohannon
Karen Bonaventura
The Bond Foundation, Inc.
Aaron Bone
Dave & Jan Bonfilio
Paul & Mariann Bonnewitz*
Annette L. Booher
David Booth
Courtney Babcock Borntraeger Foundation
Joseph & Linda Borowski
Don & Nancy Bouc
The Bougainvillea Clinique
Sarane T. Bowen
Timothy & Verena Boylan
BP Foundation, Inc.
Cathy J. Bracken
Carter & Chris Bradshaw
Francis P. & Margaret Brady
Jim Brady
Bruce Brainerd
Marjorie E. Brann
Beth B. Brannock
The Braun Corporation
Dr. Nancy Brecheisen
Henry & Christina Bredenkamp
Breez Animal Hospital
William Brelih
Erica M. Brevet-Stott & Robert Stott
Briarcliff Too Veterinary Hospital
Brighthouse Networks LLC
Forrest W. & Anne L. Brinkley
Michelle Brock
Betsy W. Brooks
Paul Brothers
Betty Broussard
Celeste Brown
David Brown
Foster F. & Esther E. Brown
Jeffrey A. & Mary B. Brown
Dorothy W. Browning
Kimberly Brumback
The Brunetti Foundation
Brunton Enterprises, Inc.
Adrian H. Bubb*
Bucks County Bank
Maynard P. & Katherine Z. Buehler Foundation
Build A Sign LLC
The Henry W. Bull Foundation
Karen Burdash
Barbara Burke & John Heaton
Burn Veterinary Supply, Inc
Bruce D. & Catherine L. Burnett
Dan & Caryn Burnett-Ridings
Larry R. & Peggy J. Busscher
Buster Enterprises, Inc.
Cooley & Suzanne O. Butler
Marnite B. Calder
Grace Calderwood*
The Calico Fund
Walter F. Cameron Advertising, Inc.
Becky Campbell
Carl Campbell
Paul Campbell
Scott & Beth Campbell
Canon Business Solutions
Canon Solutions America
J. Terry Cantrell
Lamar Canup
Richard A. Capozzola Lodge #2865
Millicent W. & Chris J. Carducci
Thomas F. & Judith E. Carey
Betty J. Carman
Jennifer Carney
Raymond S. & Vivian J. Carr
Marsha L. Carson
Royal W. Carson
Bernard F. & Judith G. Casey
Jill Caskie
Ralph Cassady
Kay Sharon Cassens
Shannon M. Cassin
Bradley D. & Sara E. Castelli
Castro Family Foundation
CBA Men’s Club
Bill & Joanne Cellar
Donna M. Cencer
Centennial Airport Lions Club
Central Life Sciences
CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams Foundation
Ceramic Tile Promotion Fund of Greater NY and NJ
Michel & Lisa Champagne
Champion Solutions Group
Candice Chan & Jacob Wayne
Michelle Chan
Chandler United School District No 80
James S. & Amy L. Chapman
Chapman Chevrolet Isuzu
Chardonnay Foundation
Geoffrey S. & Catherine K. Chatas
The Chatlos Foundation, Inc.
James J. & Karen B. Chester
The Chester Family Foundation
Sharon A. Childress
Joseph A. Chirico
Dennis L. & Catherine V. Christiansen
Mary J. Christlieb
Thomas C. & Lynn M. Cincotta
The Clack Foundation, Inc.
Lois Clark
Clean Ones
Thomas J. & Laurie Y. Clements
Cleveland Metroparks
Coffman High School
Kenneth W. Cohn Memorial Fund
Kim R. Colatruglio
Collars for Dollars
Cynthia D. Collett
Dave & Judy Collins
James V. & Brenda D. Collins
The Columbus Foundation
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Chapter
Commack U.F.S.D.
Communities Foundation of Texas
Complete Orthopedic Services Inc.
Comprehensive Energy Services, Inc.
Con Am Mgmt-Corporate
Robert Conklin
Christopher C. & Ava Maria S. Conlin*
Connect The Docs
Craig & Liz Connors
Contra Costa Kennel Club
Gilbert E. & Karen J. Cook
Robert W. & Sylvia Cook
Sari L. Cook
Joan Cook-Loth & Martin Loth
The Robert H. & Carolyn L. Cooley Trust
Charles F. & Diane Ball Cooper*
David & Cheryl Cooper
Kit Carson Correctional Center
Arnold Charles Cope
Richard W. & Jill Fisher Cope
Jo Anne Corbitt
Alan A. Cords
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Cosanti Foundation Cause Fund
John & Ruma Costello
Raymond & Jan Coudriet
The Country Friends, Inc.
Russel N. & Jackie Cowgill
Steven & Joanne Cowles
Joel M. Cox
Margot Cozell
CPS Foundation Inc.
CR Bard
Deborah & C.A. Craig, II Family Foundation
Cranberry Women’s Club
Mary Lou Crane & Beverly Soule
Cranky Baby Productions
Thomas Crawford*
Dan & Angela Craytor
The Crestone Capital Foundation
Geoffrey Crewe
Bonny Crews
Louis J. & Penny A. Croce
John & Jessica Cunningham
Kevin R. & Jeanne L. Curtin
Photo circa 1989
Cypress Staffing Services LLC
D&R Saw & Tool
Denis M. & Yvonne P. Dagger
Joe DaGrosa & Claudia Fundora
Erika Daines
James Dale
Nicholas J. & April I. D’Amato
Rocque D. & Dorothy M. Dameo*
Danford Foundation
Darden Restaurants, Inc.
Darien Lions Club
Van & Caryl Darkow
Elissa Nola Davey
Charlotte K. Davis
Sama Davis
Tom & Karen Davis
Davis Charitable Trust
Davis Stephenson, PLLC
Davita Inc.
James B. & Jean M. Day
Nancy D. Dayton
Alvenia B. & Lorraine Dechter
Deerfield Lions Club Foundation
Dee’s Specialty Cakes
Luther L. & Julie Dehnel
Mark Deischter
Delta Theta Tau Sorority Inc. Nu Tau Chapter
John Denison
Dennis Family Foundation
Kathryn Dernham*
Robert & Pamela DeVarona
Sandi DeVincinzi
DHK Engineers
Estate of Ruth H. Dial
John Dito
Katie, Gary & Sydney Dittman
Roy E Doerr & Yvonne Doerr Trust
Nieves Dominguez
R & L Donner Foundation
Robert & Dorothy Doss
Dennis M. & Patricia A. Dougherty
Mark & Debra Dougherty
William & Kathy Dougherty
Agenes F. Douglass & Marcy A. Pettitt
Catherine E. Douglas
Downman Family Foundation
James T. & Marie C. Drace
Gary H & Peggy B. Drach
Law Office of Daniel S. Drage, P.C.
Vera & Joseph Dresner Foundation Inc.
Charles Drew & Jean Lund-Drew
Dennis Drowty & Carol L. Noack*
Duchessa, LLC
Duffner Trust
Kimberly E. Dunham
Timothy M. & Teresa A. Dunlap
Estate of Mary Louise Dunn
Susan E. Dunn*
Pamela Durkin
W. Fred Duy
Herbert & Jane Dwight
Ann & Tom Dzurkoc*
East End Lions
Eastern Independence Rotary Club
Mark G. & Dee Ecklund
Elaine G. Edinburg & Joel Kaye
Michael & A. Wendy Edlen
Peter Edwards
Eric & Margo Egan
Michelle M. Eichorn
Henry A. Eimstad & Barbara J. Nolan
John R. & Christy Ekman
El Cajon Valley Lions
Zoe Ellas & Eric Keller
David R. & Toni L. Ellingen
Diana S. Ellis Foundation
Nancy Ellis
Thomas & Cynthia H. Ellis
E. Christopher Ellison & Mary Pat
Mike & Marilyn Elmer
Arlan & Beverly Emmert
Larry J. & Margaret M. Engel
Wendell & Julie A. Engelien
Douglas & Sylvia Enoch
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Photo circa 2015
Fernando Ereneta
ERMCO Electrical & Communications
Dr. Eva M. Escobedo & Dr. John C.
Wilfredo Esteban & Laren SmoyerEsteban
William Ewing Foundation
Exchange Bank
Exchange Club of Newport Harbor
Patrick & Jennifer Fairfield
Gail A. & Reynolds Farley
Farmingville-Holtsville Lions Club
Michael & Vicky M. Farrow
William L. & Jacqueline Faulk
Peter A. & Jeanne Fellowes
Elizabeth Fernando & Robert Patryk
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity National Financial, Inc.
Jared Fierro
Fifth Avenue of LI Realty Associates
Fifth Third Bank
Patsy Fihn
Anthony N. & Marie M. Finazzo
First Call Truck Parts
First Congregational Church of
Arno Bryant Fischer
Martin C. & Catherine M. Fischer
Petra Fischer
Robert D. & Kathy Fischer
Dan & Susan Fisher-Owens
Mara Dana Fizdale
Dennis M. & Kimberly Flatgard
Juan & Lizbeth M. Flores
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Hospital Medical Center
Flutter Eyewear
Barry L. & Bonniegene B. Fly
Richard & Barbara Flyg
Caren Folbre
Cheryl Foley
Scott Foley
R. Richard & Eileen R. Fontaine
For Those Who Serve
Peter I. & Janice A. Ford
Robert B. & Erin P. Foreman
Bonnie Foremaster
Ken & Susan Forester
Paul G. Forsberg
Heidi Petschauer Fox
Fox Foundation, Inc.
The Frame Station
Franklin Templeton Investments
Services, LLC
William J. & Linda J. Freeburg
Mary Freund Charitable Endowment
The Walter Henry Freygang
Carol Frick
Frontstream Cardinal Health
Foundation Inc
FSI (Fastening Systems International)
Donna Fujikawa
Fuller Foundation
Tom & Furness & Haley Douglas
Krissi Fussner
GA Veterinary Med Assoc. Foundation
Gaal/Silverberg Family Trust
Timothy & Nancy Gackstetter
Michael & Carol Ann Gaich
The Michael Gaich Company
Amy Gaines
Elizabeth L. Galbreath
Diana B. Gale
Harry S. & Sherlie J. Gallagher
Ronald R. & Vicky Gallagher*
Stephen H. & Grace D. Gamble
Joseph A. & Judith M. Gappa
Kenneth G. & Karon Garbarino
Tony Garcia*
Doug B. & Julia S. Gard*
Chris & Ane Gardner
Janet A. Gardner
John D. & Deborah L. Gareau
John M. & Jula A. Gazak
GE Foundation / GE United Way
Giving Campaign
Richard & Julia Geist
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert
Nancy J. Geltman & David A. Resnick
Gentle Touch Dog Grooming
Geo Zoltan Lefton Family Foundation
Sister Patricia Ann Geoghegan
Joanne Marie & Marcel George
Jere J. Gerszewski
GFWC Brandon Service League
GFWC Dublin/San Ramon Women’s
GFWC Illinois Federation
GFWC Intermediate League of Butler
GFWC Naperville Woman’s Club
GFWC Ohio Federation of Women’s
GFWC Tampa Woman’s Club, Inc.
GFWC Women’s Club of Duquesne
Cheryl Ghisla
J.W. & Kathy B. Gibson
Steven & Pamela Gifford*
Frank J. & Carol Gilbride
Martin C. & Mary P. Gill
Cynthia Gillespie*
William Gillespie Foundation
Give With Liberty Foundation Match
Karen Glanert
Doug Glicken
James J. & Sandra A. Globa
Global Impact
GlobalGiving Foundation Inc.
Lynn Goddard-Hoesel
Stefan Goetz
Estate of Nancy Goff
The Gold Diggers (Gifts of Loving
Elpy L. & Nenian A. Golez
Stephen & Rita B. Gombar
Good Times Car Show
Marilyn Goodland
A.W. & Jody H. Goodson
Sandra E. Goodstein
Gordon Family Foundation, Inc
John & Marianne Govan
J. Barrie & Julianna Graham
The Grainger Foundation
Grancell, Stander, Reubens, Thomas
& Kinsey
Mackie & Jean Grant
Joseph A. & Debbie P. Graviss
Marlene Gray*
The Gray Foundation
Daniel Graybill
Greater Saint Louis Community
Eileen & Richard Greenberg
Greenbriar Oceanaire Mens Club
Arthur Greenfeder
Greenspoon Marder Attorney At Law
Beckie Greer
Glen & Ellen Gregos
Jeff & Jeannie Gretz*
Chreyl K. Grigsby
Leonie Griswold*
Jacqueline M. Gufrovich*
Jo Ann T. & Ernie Guise
Charlie & Diesta Gundacker
John Gunderson
Judy K. Guzzo
Sharon Ann Haag
James Hahn
Jana Hakes
Thomas Hall
Dewey & Doris Halligan
Laurie J. Hamilton Fund
Paula Hammer
Richard & Susan Hammerstone*
Hampton Bays Lions Club
Avery L. & Jennifer Hancock
Handicapped Driver Services - GA
Diana Marie Hanna
Hansel Auto Group
Dan H. & Rebecca A. Hanson
Frank & Cathy Hardalo
Dennis R. Harnisch & Donna G. Loren
Harper Family Charitable Foundation
Steve Harren
Ted & Ada Beth Harris*
William Harris & Sherri Van Eyck
William E. Harris Family Fund
Teresa J. Hart
Thomas H. Hartzell
Alice M. Hathway
Nancy Hathaway
Jerry A. & Margaretta Hausman
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Lisa Havens
Marilyn J. Hay
Jeff & Kim Haydel
Buddy C. Hayes
Debra Hazelwood
The Healthcare Foundation of
Delaware County
Health First
Heart of Florida United Way
Heart of Gold Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Roger A. & Cynthia Hedgecock
Robert & Kathy Heihn
The Bruce J. Heim Foundation
The Margaret Heins Foundation
Nick E. & Diane Heldreth
Mary Jane Helenek
Brad D. & Jane Hennings
Gale Ardis Henshel
Trisha Hensley
Debbie & Bill Herdrich
Robert P. & Mary R. Herendeen
William Herf
The Herman Foundation
William Hernandez
Clifford H. Heselton
Shanan Hewitt
Gary M. Heyman
Kent B. Hickman
Marilyn Higgins
Steve Hightower
Lisa E. Hill
William & Nattavadee Hillegass
Barbara Hiller Philanthropic Fund
Fannie Hillman & Associates
The Hillside School
Bernard F. & Julane C. Himmelsbach
Chele Hipp
John C. & Martha H. Hitt
Robert Hoak
Peter & Allison Hobein
Edward Hochman
Frank & Dianne Hodges
Hofstra University
Guy & Amie S. Hohmann
Bill & Kathie Hohns
Sherry Holladay
Walter Hollenstein
Kathryn M. Hollingsworth
Elizabeth P. Holman
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic
David & Sandra J. Holzapfel*
Aideen & Dennis Honzay
Hood & Strong LLP
Theodora W. Hooton
John Hopen
John & Pamela Horan Kates
Hospira Foundation Employee Giving
Campaign Match Program
Larry W. Hostetler*
Rich & Bobbie L. Hostetler
Kathy Hostetter
Sharon Hough
HP Company Match
Brian & Kathy Huben
William G. & Barbara Hughes
James E. & Marie Hughes
Humana Foundation Inc.
Robert W. & Barbara J. Humes
Kevin & Kirsten Hungate
Tiffany Hunter
Huntington Foundation
Mark T. & Lisa D. Hupfer
I.U.O.E. Local 12 Charity Golf
Idaho Central Credit Union
Impact Trading Company
Independent Charities of America
Indianhead Kennel Club, Inc.
Denise L. Ingersoll
Ingram-White Castle Foundation
Intermountain Pet Hospital & Lodge
Ironwood State Prison
Irving Healthcare System Auxiliary
Katharine H. Irwin
James & Ellen Isenson
Italia-America Bocce Club
J Vineyards & Winery
J&J Mechanical Services, LLC
JacBel Foundation
Allen R. & Linda A. Jackson
Carol L. Jackson
Colleen Jackson
Danica & Todd Jackson
Steven & Ellen Jackson
Jackson Animal Clinic, Inc./ North
Madison Animal Hospital
Jackson County, Missouri
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Bryan & Debi Jacobs
Paul S. & Mary T. Jacobs
Rod & Jonnie Jacobs
David & Elizabeth James
Jeff & Karen James
Robert & Anna James
Kenneth & Susan Jastrow
Laura S. Jessup
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Albert Jicha
Gregory & Jane Johnson
Lisa Johnson
Murray & Jeanie Johnstone
Clay & Rebecca Jones
Diane Jones
Glen B. & Lily M. Jones
Steven D. & Susan D. Jones
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Cecil & Dian Jun
Lynne Jury
The K Foundation
K-9 Coach
Traci Kaas
Albina Kacmarsky
Carol K. & Edmund F. Kallina
The Kara Foundation
Mike Kassmeier
Jeffrey E. & Michele Kauffman
Zachary S. & Sally K. Kauffman
Sol F. & Dana K. Kavy
Marilyn M. Kaye
James N. & Yvonne Kayser
Steven & Judy Kazan
The MJ Kelley Foundation
William G. & Lois E. Kelley
Gary C. & Carol G. Kelly
Kelly Foundation
Michelle Kelsey
Kemp Rubber Company Inc.
Kimberly Kemper
Brian & Brenda Kennedy
Richard S. & Elizabeth Kent
John Keohane
Scott Kerslake
Michael R. & Sheri Ketchum
Douglas S. & Suzanne K. Kibbe
Murray S. & Jeanie S. Kilgour
John C. & Nancy R. King
Jill Kingsley
Ed & Melissa Kinkeade
Jeff & Robin Kinsel
H. Kirsch Family Foundation Fund
The Kitchen Master
Robert G. & Christine M. Kittredge*
Theodore J. & Donna G. Kitz
Ann R. Klee
Joel B. Kleinman
Edwin & Christine Klink
Earl Klugh, Inc. Weekend of Jazz
Robert & Kathleen A. Kniest*
Knights of Columbus Bishop Ireton
Council #6189
James & Linda Knox*
Lonnie & Kathy L. Knox
Jens & Elsie B. Kolnes Exemption Trust
Mary Kay Kopf
Martie & Brendan Koskoff
Ed Koslow & Amy Heimlich
Eugene A. & Linda J. Koth
David A. Kourlas
Vicki Barnhouse Kraft
Francene L. Kristoff & John H. Turner
The Kroger Co
Charles S. & Margaret Krystofiak
Kubicki Draper
Nicholas F. & Nanette M. Kuich
Annemiek & Maarten Kuik
Kathleen Kuiper-Burton*
La Costa Glen
David R. & Alice M. La Graves
Lake Jesup Animal Hospital
David & Monica Laliberte
Gary & Erin G. LaMonte
Elizabeth M. Landon & Harriette M.
Landon Charitable Foundation
Thomas A. & Deborah B. Lane
The Lang Foundation
John Lang
Lang Equipment, LLC
Mary S. Langley
Nonie M. Lann
Charles Lansing*
Chuck Latham Associates for
Robert & Terri Laundon
Doug & Christie Lee
Roger & Kathy S. Lee*
The Lee Foundation
Legett Foundation
Brad Lemons Foundation
Martha D. Letourneau
J.C. Levendowski
Jill P. & Ian Leverton
Ari Levin
Michael Levine
Martha Mack Lewis Foundation
John Libonati
Lianne Lichstrahl & Matt Wagner
Sharon & Hal A. Linebarger
Steven J. & Joan Lippert
Scott M. Lipps
Dana Lizzul
Selina Lo
John R. & Carolynn D. Loacker
Vicky Locey
Nicholas Lock
Lockheed Martin LM AERO Club
James L. Long
Patrick Long Motorsport, LLC
Los Gatos Lions Club
Robert & Juliana Low
Russell H. & Kathlene Lowe
The Lowell Berry Foundation
George Lucas Family Foundation
Charles & Annette Ludwig
Nancy Y. & George Luke
Joel L. Lulla
Robert Lunning
Lutz-Land O’Lakes Woman’s Club Inc.
H. John Lyke
Judy Lynch
Frank & Jane Baxter Lynn
Robert Lyons
M.U.S.E. Foundation
Rich & Ariane MacDonald
David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.
Anne MacPherson
Vincent & Abigail Maddi
Oskar Madjari
Clay & Patty Maeckel
Beverly E. Mager
The Chesley G. Magruder Foundation,
Henry L. Mahan
John F. Maher Family Foundation
Joseph A. Mahoney
Mike Malick
Mandel Family Trust
Mark R. & Christine L. Mandoli
Manheim Ohio
Ann K. Mann
Gary Marcinick
Carol A. Marcus
Clement & Amy Lait Marcus
Margolis Family Foundation
Jim Marshall
Joe & Mollie Marshall
Kimberly Marshall*
Virginia L. Martens
The Gilbert J. Martin Foundation
Lea C. Martin
Maureen Martin
Roger Martin
David A. Martino
Maryland Charity Campaign
Mathews Company, LLC
Andrew P. Matykiewicz
Jacquelynn Maxon & Richard Kirchner
Florence May Canine Rescue Trust
The Mayflower Retirement Center
Cornelia H. Maytag
Maza Kong Holdings, LLC
McAbee Animal Hospital
Cynthia L. McAdam
Margaret McCartney & R. Parks
Williams Foundation
Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family
Peter & Susan McClung
Douglas L. & Rebecca C. McClure
Edward J. McCrea
Rod N. & Janice M. McDonald
The Rod N. McDonald Family
Matthew L. McDonnell
David L. McGee
Ray Sutton McGehee Foundation
Kent R. McGlincy
William & Donna McGraw
Susan McGroder
Lynne McHugh
Frank McKeag*
Robert J. McKeever Fund
McKesson Foundation
John S. McKinney & Susan Campbell
Dave & Susan McMunn
Ryan McMurtrie
Photo circa 2015
Scott D. & Jo Ellen McPherson
Mctron Technologies
Mears Transportation
The Medtronic Foundation
Lynn Meeks
Meijer Stores
Richard L. & Carolyn N. Meisner*
Mendelson Foundation
Merck Foundation
Roswell H. Merritt Living Trust
MetLife Auto & Home
Meuse Family Foundation
Gena C. Meyers Estate
Microsoft Giving Campaign / Matching
Gifts Program
Denise & Curt Miller
Frank Miller
Randy & Marilyn Miller
Read C. & Carol W. Miller
Tony Millhaem
Henry L. & Kathryn Mills Charitable
Walter J. & Margaret M. Milton
Charles & Eleanor Sattler Minturn
Simon Aron, ESQ & Lori Mintzer
Modern Luxury Dallas
Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation
Peter C. Moister
Russell & Allison Molina
Montgomery Bell Academy of The
University of Nashville
Ian Montone
Peter D. Moock
Gary M. Moody
Ramona M. & John D. Mooney
Carol Moore
George Moore
Stephen D. & Dyan Moore
Melody Moore Jackson & Richard
Jim Mora & Patricia L. Giddings
David T. Morehouse Charitable Fund
Julie S. Morey
B.H. & Patti A. Morgan
Todd & Shelley Morgan
Thomas E. & Julie Morris
Craig Morrison
Dawn Morvillo
Barry G. Moss
Stephanie L. Motley
Vincent A. Mulford Fund
Anthony & Lary Lynn Muller Fund
Charles & Stella C. Mullins
Photo circa 2015
John F. & Joan P. Mullins Charitable
Barbara L. Murphy
Cynthia Murphy
Mark & Esther J. Murray
Estate of Valere M. Murray
Susan Lyn Muskopf
The Mutual RRG, Inc.
Norman A. & Suzanne C. Myers
Jane & Erma Nagy
John Najarian
Alfred B. & Janet T. Nash
National Automobile Dealers
Nationwide United Way Campaign
NBC Universal Media, LLC
Brock A. Nelson
Lin M. Nelson
Network for Good
Brent & Susan Neu
Dennis Newman
Mary Niemiller
Howard & Amy Nirken
Robert W. & Carrie C. Noel
Tom & Wendy Nogradi
Elizabeth Nolan
Shirley Rae Norris
North Bay Association of Realtors
Northrop Grumman Guidance &
Electronics Co. Inc.
Northrop Grumman Technical Services
Doug & Joni Norton
Not In Good Taste Inc.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Ken & Loretta Nussbacher
Ann M. Oakes
Jinan O’Connor
Thomas & Carole O’Hare
Michael A. Okaty
Grace & Richard Okita Foundation
Olander Family Foundation
Richard & Sally O’Loughlin
Nancy Olmstead Kaehr
Carla B. Olson
Christine E. O’Neal
Sharon O’Neill
Jessie H. & Susan Oppenheimer
Orange Blossom Gardens Lions Club
Mary Ord
The Orent Family
Orlando Solar Bears Hockey
Steve & Kristi Ormonde
Timothy P. & Theresa L. O’Rourke
Kathie Overy
William F. & Sheila A. Owen
Oxford Industries, Inc.
Pacific Auto, Inc.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Eduardo & Laura K. Palacio
Charlene Palmer
Edward M. Palumbo
Papapietro Perry Winery
Anthony J. & Susan E. Paparella
Joe & Mary Parinella
Mary V. Parish
David & Dana L. Parker
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Thomas F. & Linda Marie Parr
Charles Maxfield & Gloria F. Parrish
Joseph L. & Denise L. Parrish
Pauline & Graham C. Parry
Elias & Colleen Pars
Susan K. Parson
Partners HealthCare
Joe Patane
Blyth G. Patel & Helen Schulman
John Paton, Inc.
Kelly A. Patteson
Jeffrey W. & Nancy E. Ward-Patterson
Payson Supply Line
Robert & Donna Pearson
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Jack & Laura Peluso
Pender Pet Caring Foundation
Pentel of America
Ronald J. & Sheila S. Pera
Perforce Foundation
Permobil, Inc.
Debbie Perry Lynott
Jack Perry
Sam Perry
PETCO Foundation
Claudia Peters & Craig Weakley
Cheryl A. Peterson & Robert Graham
Jan M. Peterson
Richard M. & Kathy G. Peterson
Sara Peterson
Petland, Inc.
Karen E. Pettus & Bobbe Fulton
Pettus Foundation
The PEW Charitable Trusts Employee
Matching Gifts Program
PG&E Corporation Foundation
Joe D. Phares & Margaret S. Siirila
Gary & Christine Phillips
Picard-Dannheisser Family Foundation
Dena Pichardo
Jared & Jennifer Piche
The Charitable Foundation / Pickford
Realty Cares
Nadine Piedmont
Lawrence & Vicki Pierce
Joann M. Pierre
Pilot International, Inc.
Pinnacle Associates LTD.
Pioneer Bank
Piper Jaffray & Co.
Toby Pippin
Brad Pirrung
PKK, Inc.
Michael & Seena Platt Charitable Fund
Brian D. & Bonnie B. Plikaytis
Joseph M. & Lisa Plocinski
Elaine Podulka
Sharon Poet
Point West Rotary Club Foundation
Claire K. Pollicino
W.F. & Eileen Popick
Post Integrations, Inc.
Raymond & Christina Potter
Nancy V. Powell
William L. Price Charitable Foundation
Annette Priest
Renee L. Priore
Providence Homes
Provident Construction, Inc
PSEG Long Island, LLC
PSEG Power of Giving Campaign
Publix Super Markets Charities / Publix
Supermarkets Inc.
Pulte Group
Patricia M. Purcell
Stephen & Debra Push
Quail Creek Bank
Quail Hill, LLC
Qualcomm Charitable Foundation
Glenn & Penelope J. Quick
Theresa Raabe
Kimberly Rachmeler*
Steven & Erika Ragland
Michelle Rago*
Matthew Raible
Joseph H. & Sueann B. Rand
Doanald R. & Suzanne Rank
Audre Rapoport
Martha S. Ratzke*
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Corporate Giving Program
Raymus Homes
Razoo Foundation
Real Estate Closing Solutions LLC
Randal Reardon
Pamela A. Recchio
Johanna A. Redding
Jeanne M. Reed Trust
Stanley P. & Ann H. Reed
Barbara Reed-Polatty
Regis University
Reinsch Pierce Family Foundation
Donald E. & Kelli L. Reiter
David A. Relich
Richard A. & Marilyn Renk
Jennifer Hauck Resnick
Donald J. Revere
Clint H. Rhodes
David & Gwynne E. Richards
Diane Riehl
Frances Rinaldi & Bob Bradshaw
Melissa Ripley
Cornelia Ritchie
John D. & Mindy N. Rittner
RNR Cross Family Foundation
B.J. & Joanne Roach Family Fund
Kathleen Rob
Anne H. Roberts*
Lori O. Roberts
Patricia Robertson*
Carolyn A. Robinson
The Evelyn & Paul Robinson Family
Lisa Rockrohr
Rocky Mountain Mule Association
William G. Rodkey
Roessler Design Group
Lisa Rolke
Rooms To Go Foundation
James W. Root
Walter J. & Vikki L. Rose
The Meta & George Rosenberg
Greg Roslansky
Bill Ross
Helga H. Rosser
Marianne Rossi
Roth-Armstrong-Hayes Foundation
Rothkopf Family Charitable
Juergen Rottler & Siobhan O’Connor
Roub Family Foundation
Joe & Ruth A. Rubinfine
Kyle Rudow Memorial Fund
Mary Ruffo*
Marilyn K. Runyan Trust
Catina & Ross Rupp
Scott & Catherine Rupp
Betty E. Rush Rev. Living Trust
Jill Russell
Russian River Brewing Company
RXR CO Property Management
Susan Ryan
Dave & Connie Saathoff
Safeway Foundation
Shelley C. Safian
Teresa Saint-Blancard
Salesforce.com Foundation
Pamela R. Sanders*
San Diego County Credit Union
San Marcos Community Foundation
San Tan Montessori, LLC
Frank A. Santos & Dan Dantin
Bill N. & Kelley Sarantis
Bille C. Sarzin
Dale L. & Joy J. Saunders
SB3 Charitable Fund Trust
Angelo & Marilyn R. Scangarello
James Scanlon
Guy J. & Janet T. Schackman
Dennis Schaefer
Robert & Doris Schaffer
Michael R. & Betsy Scheffler
Jane & Larry Scheinfeld
Jeffrey M. Schlossberg
Conrad Schlum Charitable Trust
Susan L. Schmitz
Katheleen L. Schneider
Barbara & Daniel Schneweis*
William R. Schrader
Carlene Schriever
Anne Schrock
Craig & Judy Schulz
The Schultz Foundation
Mary B. Schwab
Robert L. Schwab & Ravelle E. SchererSchwab
Schwab Charitable Fund
Lisa Schweitzer Courtice
Frederick & Patricia Schwier
Frank & Emily Sciarretta
Gilbert C. & Mylinda S. Scott
Lois M. Scott
The Scranton Family
John A. & Kristine N. Scrivener
See Kids Dream
John Seever
Segway of Central Florida
Pamela J. Selber
Mr. & Mrs. George Sertl
Benjamin Setnick
Jeff & Penne Setzer
Thekla R. Shackelford
Robert M. & Sandy M. Shalon
The Shamrock Foundation
Gordon & Joyce Spainhower
Sherman & Ellen Shapiro
Anthony D. Shapiro & Karen Sparks
Deanne H. Sharlin
Elizabeth A. Shattuck Fund
Andrew & Isabel Sheeter
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Matching Gifts
John & Renee Shellhorse
Shepard Exposition Services
Joseph A. & Linda Sherman
Shop Crafters, LLC
Joseph & Cookie Shuffleton
William M. & Susan C. Shulman
Bradley Shumaker
Patricia K. Shumway
Laura Siegel
The Sikdan Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Ronald H. & Paula M. Silverman
Russell Simmons
The Sidney, Milton & Leoma Simon
James & Dana B. Simonds
Gregory B. & Kathy L. Simunich
Joanne Singer
James & Karen Sipich
Patrick E. Sisco Fund
Joy L. Slater
Sloan & Williams Winery, LLC
Barbara J. & Robert Smith
Cathleen Smith Bresciani*
Chester Smith*
Frank P. & Nancy B. Smith Charitable
Gregory M. Smith*
Krystal Smith
Paulette Smith*
Rick & Kristin Smith*
Robert T. & Annetta C. Smith
Vickie & Cornelius Smith
Ward Smith & Cheryl Janson
Smith Mtn. Lake Lions Charitable Corp.
Roger & Donna Soape
Robert Solon
A. Jay Somers
Cari Sommer Charitable Fund
Sons & Daughters of America Breezy
Point, NY
Sons of AMVETS, Dept New York
Sony Pictures Ent. Inc.
Soros Fund Charitable Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Ron & Kay Soukup
Patricia Ann Spayne
Nancie R. Spector
Chris A. Speer*
Peter & Connie Spenuzza
Roger A. & Marion J. Spero
Stacey Spohn
Vincent & Marie Squilla
Shelly & Gail Sroloff*
Carol S. Stacy
Charles & Jacqueline Steckle
Nancy L. Stegens
Chad Stenerson
James H. & Christine Stenerson
Grant & Stephanie Stephenson
Melissa Stephenson
Joseph & Lisa Stern
Susan B. Stern*
Michael P. & Linda A. Stickney
Thea Stidum*
Frank & Betsy Stockdale
J. Ralph & Lois M. Stone Family
Regina A. Stone
Stratus Properties Operating Co.
Strauss Foundation Trust
Bob Allen & Pamela Street
Mark R. & Debra L. Strickenburg
William D. & Joan M. Strohauer
The Eleanor P. Stuart & Mary C. Stuart
Family Foundation
William L. & Bonnie M. Stubblefield
The Jerome P. Subar Family
Michael D. Sudduth
Clare P. & Catherine P. Sullivan
Michael G. & Gloria S. Sullivan*
Summit Consulting
Summit County Prosecutors
Summit Greens Women’s Club
Sunset Elementary School
Superpumper, Inc.
Sutter Medical Group
James Swanson
Ken & Linda Sweet
Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation
Swift Memorial Healthcare Foundation
Marjorie A. Swig
Swollfest, Inc.
Joan Tabb & David Waisbein
Charles Tanabe & Arlene Bobrow
Kelvin & Laura Tanaka
Santo & Betty Tarantino
Tassajara Veterinary Clinic
Edmund G. Taussig and Frances Kath
Taussig Foundation
Tavistock Foundation
Bari & Peter Taylor
Matt Taylor
P. Ross & Anne S. Taylor
Scott & Elaine Taylor
TelecomPioneers Golden Bear Chapter
Redwood Life Member Club
David S. & Linda M. Temin
Jon T. & Erin K. Teply
Robert G. & Donna Joy Teresi
Marie Terhorst
Philip Terhorst
David & Amy Thompson
Kathryn Bosch Thompson
Janet R. Thornton
Rose & Eddie Thornton
Joseph E. & Kathy H. Thorpe
Three Dog Bakery
Yen Tieu & Ken Dang
Charles A. & Susan H. Tilford
Victoria Till
TisBest Philanthropy
John L. Tishman
Patricia A. Titer & Michael S. Cassidy
Torrey Pines Kiwanis Foundation
Richard & Tina Tosi
Henry Trainor
Mary Ann Trapp
Pamela Ann Trice*
Tri-Village Lions Branch
The Troy Foundation
Tryba Architects
Holly Turner
Wendy Tysinger Stallings
United Healthcare
United Methodist Church of Vista
United Way of Bartholomew County,
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of Central & Northeastern
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of Rhode Island
United Way of San Diego County
Universal Insurance
Universal Orlando Foundation
Dennis J. Urschel
Salvatore & Mary Ursida
V.F.W. Post 7763 Sgt. Peter F. Colleran, Jr
Valley of The Sun United Way
Estate of Miep Van Buitenen
Douglas & Ame Van Dyke
Jeff Van Harte*
D. Michael & Claire Van Konynenburg
Tammie Lou Van Sant*
David & Cindy R. Van Stone
Elizabeth Vance
John A. Vandeusen
Vaquero Energy Inc.
VCA Emergency Animal Hospital &
Referral Center
Esta Venter
Joseph G. Verbalis & Virginia D. Steen
Kathleen Vesha*
VFW Post 8430
Debra Viall*
Mary C. Viancourt
Vietnam War Veterans Association Inc.
Villanueva Capital Corp
Vivian Villegas
VNA Foundation, Inc.
VOA Associates Incorporated
William Vogelson & Elizabeth Paine
Brenda J. Voght
Vorsheck Family Foundation, Inc.
Ronald W. & Jean M. Wackrow
Rory M. & Susan A. Wade
Michaelene J. Wadolny
Larry & Marianne Waggoner
Mitch Wagner
Thomas J. & Marian L. Wagner
Robert E. & Renee Schatz Wailes
Claudia L. Walker
Thomas T. & Sarlyn W. Walker
Gary Wall
Wal-Mart Foundation (Sam’s Club
Wal-Mart Store #3812
Richard J. & Trish Chard-Walsh*
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Mark W. & Constance L. Ward
Roger A. & Janis W. Ward
Velda A. Warner
Wasatch Abrasive Blasting
Washington County Community
Linda Waterman
Jon & Button Watkins
Wayzata Community Church
WD-40 Company Foundation
Denise E. Weaving & Kevin M. Wood
Daniel R. & Yvonne E. Webb
BarbaraAnn Weber
Christopher H. & Shellie M. Weed
Alison J. Weir
John Weir & Marita Spragge
Marcia Lee Weiss
Anne Elizabeth Welch
Carol C. Weldin
Wells Fargo Foundation
Farrell R. & Susan G. Werbow
George Werner
Wescom Credit Union / We Care
Fredrick G. & Melissa H. Westerman
Hugh Westermeyer
Brian J. & Kress Harris Whalen
Wheelchair Sales & Service, Inc.
Wheels From The Past Car Club
Whetzel Family Charitable Trust
Donna Whipple
William R. & Karen White
Claire-Frances Whitehurst
Mary M. & Richard H. Whiting
Whiting Oil & Gas Corp.
George & Betty Whitney
Whittingham Capital, LLC
Jennifer Whitworth*
Mitchell & Isobel Wiener
Buzz & Jan Wiesenfeld
Barry F. & Leisa R. Wiggs
Stacie & Larry Wilf
Charles R. & Kathleen L. Williams
Kenneth S. & Cathy B. Williams
Lynne Williams
T.J. Williams
Janice Wills*
David S. Wilson
Jeanne Wilson
Sheila Wilson
Ted & Gerry Wilson Family Foundation
Photo circa 2015
Windermere Elementary School
Wise Foundation
Woman’s Club of Vista
Wilbur & Dolores L. Woo Charitable
Lead Trust
Woodland Foundation - Terry & Nancy
Rexanne L. Woods
Woodward Family Foundation
Endowment Fund
Allen J. Wrenn, Jr.
Wrightson Ramsing Foundation, Inc.
Margaret J. Wyllie
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Frank Yandrasits & Barbara Cosgrove*
Cynthia Yankovich Woodley & Kirk S.
Tamara Yee
Stanley & Melayne Yocum
Yoga by Julia
Joyce L. Young-Stewart
YourCause, LLC Trustee For Chevron
Matching Employee Funds
Youth Development Foundation
Ronald G. & Susan L. Zastrow
Ferne A. Zetty/All for Animals Fund
Jack & Laura Ziegler
Dennis W. Zilinski
Robert B. Zoellick & Sherry L. Ferguson
* Monthly Miracle Maker
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society honors the
community of dedicated people
who support Canine Companions
through their estate plans. Learn
more about including Canine
Companions in your estate plans at
Anonymous (220)
Michael & Janice Abbaticchio
in honor of son Michael & Leila II
Gerard D. “Jerry” Abdo
Wallace & Susan Adams
Margaret S. Ager
Karen Lee Alexander & Madison Lee AlexanderGuenst
Alexander Family
Don Allen
Nicole Antoine
Ronald & Joan Apatoff
Michael J. & Sandra M. Arendt
Alice E. Arnold
Dr. & Mrs. Arnold E. Aronson
Sharon Lea Aukerman
Jeffrey E. Austin
Vicki L. Avery
N. Renee Baker
Debra Ball
Barbara Barrow
Jean S. Barto
Mary Ellen Bates
Megan Maloney & Gary Baty
Sharon & David Beckman
Shirley & Don Beierle
Carol Belmont
Lucy D. Benjamin
Sondra Ann Bennett
Jewel K. Bennett
Edward & Joan Benson
Harriett Benson
Dorothy Bleavins
Karen Bloom
Edward (Tuna) & Bonnie Bohannon
Cheral L. Bond
Howard & Evelyn Boroughs
Carol Bowes
Christina Ann Bredenkamp & Henry Roger
Bredenkamp, Jr.
Louise E. Brewer
Randie S. Britton & Family
Rebecca L. Brock
Scottie Brooks
Gene & Vada Brown
Gary & Sharon Joy Brunner
John Brunton
Joan Buntin
Joyce E. & W.L. (Bill) Butler
Christine A. Buzby
Joan Ellyn Callahan
Marie Capria & Christine Bushman
Marie Castellano
Sara & Bradley Castelli
Trevor & Tonni Caughey
Robert & Barbara Chown
David & Diane Clegg
Michael & Victoria Cleghorn
William & Linda Cleveland
Bryan B. Close
Jo Anne Cohn
Nancy Ann Conner
Samuel H. & Emily S. Connery
J. Conroy
Anne Coulter
Barbara & James O. Cox III
Charlie Creasy
Ronald & Susan Crispin
Christina Criswell
Terry & Kathy Davis
Mil Day
Stevan & Kim deArrillaga
Joe & Sally DeAngelo
Dr. Luther & Julie Dehnel
Angie DeMeyer
Deborah Jane Dengler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dengler
Elizabeth Devlin
Joan Dewey
Cindy G. Dickert
Cdr. Fred W. & Joyce P. Diehl
Steve & Niessa Diehl
Richard & Kathleen Dionne Trust
Kathy Kent & John Dolinsek
Dennis & Patricia Dougherty
Christine M. Ducey & Howard S. Bissell
Melanie & John Dutcher
Robert Eckstein
John Eells
Katie Eells
Mark Eggold
Lawrence R. & Vicky C. Eicher
Patrick & Barbara Emmett
Gary Enersen
Eugene W. & B. Martha Erickson
Alvie R. Fairall
Logan “Gus” Farrar
Dr. Michael & Sharon Feinstein
Elaine J. Felde
Concetta Fields
Martin & Catherine Fischer
Shelley Fischer
Irving & Sybil Fischer Family Trust Fund, c/o Ben
Dale Flashberg
James C. Flint
Krista D. Flores
Josephine E. Forth
Dr. & Mrs. Jacob J. Foster
Dr. David Fox
Mr. & Mrs. C.M. Freeman
Bruce C. Froh, Carolyn G. Froh & Tara D. Froh
Mary & Bob Fulleman
Shirley Gaetano
Trish Gailey
Stanley H. Garber Jr.
Harry & Lois Jane Garrett
Lois Gartlir
Tracy C. Gibbons
Lois Girard
D. Wayne & Anne Gittinger
Jennifer Glasser, in memory of Guy II
Stephen & Kimberly Goad
Michelle Goldammer
Jill Goldman
Juanita Gonzalez
John P. & Suzann M. Gorham
Barrie & Julianna Graham
Judith Graziano
Patricia (Patti) Greenman
Helen Grgich
Eugenia H. Grow
Walter & Sally Gryzwinski
Jo Ann T. Guise
Joseph & Joan Gulledge
Russ Gurevitch & Terry Van Horn
Barbara A. Marks & Joseph Haimson
Deborah E. Hall
Ann Hamachek
Andy & Gary Harper
Alvina & Oliver Harris
Jean L. Harris
Charlie & Sharon Hart
Miss Buddy Hayes, CTRS CCI Graduate
Ivan Helfand
Sue Henderson
Robert L. Henning & Marsha S. Bailey-Henning
Dorothy B. Henning
Jean Henry
Trisha Hensley
Catherine Heuertz-Meo
Gary & Joan Heymann
Kent B. Hickman
Bob & Connie Hinnant
Tom Hogan & Pamela Pearson
Hollister W. Turner
Elizabeth Holman
Angela Holmes
Mary Ann Hood
John W. Hopen
Barbara Hopp
Corey Hudson
Rosamond Hughes
Judy Allen & Jim Hummer
The Humphries
Wendi C. Hurst
Ingebritson Family Foundation
Mary Jane Irwin
Judith W. Isaac
Allen & Linda Jackson
Catherine & Bud Jacobs
Diane James
Don Jarrell & Jona Milo
Trish Jeansonne
Arlene Jerstad
Duffy, Cato & Connie Johnson
Gladys Lyle & Linda Johnson
Margery B. Johnson
Wendy & David Johnson
Elizabeth W. Jones
Lory A. Jones
Ms. Jori Jordan
Donna & Lanny Julian
Danielle Kamine
Sally & Zack Kauffman
Jocelyn Kauffman
Bonnie Jean Keith (nee Wild)
Marri & Cynthia Kellman
Jean Kelly
John & Lynne Kennedy
Deanna Kerr
Kathleen Kilpatrick & Erin Pearson
Paul & Cindi Kinney
Christopher Gunning & Christine Kjellson
Marilyn Kneeland
Gary & Marie Koenig
Ms. Edie Korosec
David A. Kourlas
Karen & Marilyn Krieger
Sandra & John Krisch
Paula M. Krueger
Elaine M. & Jeffrey R. Kubach
Kristy Kussman
Tina Kyrk
Diane M. Lachemayer
Cindy & Paul Lambert, in honor of their little happy
companions Lucy & Riley
Ruth Larsen
Carol Lee Laskowsky & Elsa Laskowsky
Alan & Anita Lefkort
Rick Lehman
Joan D. Leister
Linda D. LeMieux
Denise & Brian Lester
Terry & John Levin
Brad & Doris Lighty
Celynn Lindgren
Maureen Locallo
Pat Long
Michelle S. Ludwig
Frank Murphy Lynn & Jane Baxter Lynn
Frances Lyon
Barbara S. Maas
Joyce S. Malkin
Barbara Mandel
Ann K. Mann
Carroll & Barbara Mann
William P. & Sandra R. Maple
Karen V. Mappin
Carol Tuccelli Marcus & Family
Phillip G. & Rosemary A. Maresca
Michael Maresca
Shirley Jean Marsh
Marian R. Marshall
Judith McConkey
Allan C. McDaniel
Lois J. McFarland
John McKinney & Sue Campbell
Thomas Quickstead & Allison McLean
Maureen A. Meany
Heather Michet
Cynthia & John Miley
Susan & Mark Miller
Mary C. Miller
John D. Miller
Donald E. Miller
Betty Millward
Walter & Margaret Milton
Sue Ann Misiak
Mona Mitchell
Bessie Morgan (Neesha & Rascal)
Louise & Peter Moseychuk
Thurston Mosley & Rochelle Mosley
Ellen Moss
Jennifer Moss
Rick & Bonnie Mueller
Susan Zima Neff & Michael J. Neff
Cindy Neill in memory of Chardonnay & Poppit
Mary E. A. Nelson
Lin Nelson, in memory of Alma M. Barnes
Daniel & Carol Nemitz
Marcus Nerone
Jerry L. Newcomer
Jette Noble & Jerry Shultz
Fredrice E. Nord
Rhonda & Dennis Norman
Roger & Virginia Nugent
Anita J. O’Connor
Dr. Phyllis M. Olmstead The Late Mr. Jeffery W.
Lori A. Olson
Sally Olson
Shirley Olson
Mark & Barbara Oman
Dr. Jerome S. Osteryoung
Nina Pae
Sam Painter
Robert & Sharon Papes
Diane Roell Paris
Dorothy & Edward Pasahow, in memory of Charlie
Donna L. Patterson
Joe & Susan Pavlakovik
Sylvia M. Payne
Harry & Susan Peters Memorial Fund
Tim C. & Jan M. Peterson
Karen Pettus & Bobbe Fulton
Margaret Panko Pfleger
John Picetti
Lance Plaza
Doug Plowden
Karen Posner
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Pronske
Richard Rader
Cheri A. Railey & Russell L. Railey
Celeste Ramsey-Zamin
Sherry L. Reed
Alison Reedy
Bill & ML Reinking
Earl J. Reiss & Edna A. Reiss, co-trustees
for the Reiss Family Trust
Jill & Donald Richards
Anne H. Roberts
Anita Sprinkle Roberts
Maria C. & Frank V. Robinson
Kathleen A. Robl
Donna Rogahn
Thom Rogers & James Stoecker
Vern & Cheryl Rollin
Roberta J. Roth
Jeane Rothschild
Linda Rubin
Margaret Y. Rushing
Jack & Masako Ryan
Elsie Saccone
Dr. Deborah L. Saks, Ph.D.
Robin & Paul Sanchez
Frank Santos
Jeff & Anna Saplis
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Nancy & Ramesh Sawhney
Jeanette & David Schaefer
Mrs. Day P. Schaff
Paula E. Scherer
Lisbet & Stuart Schlitt
Janet & Richard Schmidt
Jeana Lynch Schneitman
Barbara A. Schneweis
Janis A. Schoen
Barbara L. Schrader
Mary Ann Schroeder
Alison Schultz
Jean Schulz
Drs. Richard & Janet Schwartz
Lois M. Scott
Charlotte M. Selenski
Katherine J. Shelton
Richard & Jane Shoemaker
Robert W. & Barbara J. Sieker, Jr.
Paula M. Silverman
Marro & Amber Skalski
Earl H. Skinner Jr. & Madelyne A. Skinner
Marjory B. & Morley S. Smith
Roxanne Alongi Smith
Muriel & Gene Snyder
Gordon & Joyce Spainhower
Mark & Carol Spisak
Edward, Elaine & Marlane Spizzirri
Dennis W. Sproule & Natalie Woods-Sproule
Carla & Steve Stark
Nancy & Richard Steel
Erika M. Steiner
Kay & Ted Stern
Doris L. Stewart
Diane H. Stokes
Karen M. Stoney
Rita Sturgeon
Linda Sutherland
Kenneth W. Swenson & Cherie Swenson
Debra Crow & Marshall Taxer
Judith Clark Taylor
Kim Templeman
Barbara & Alan Tepper
Scott & Michele Thayer
Sondra Thiederman & Tom Sandler
“Hearing Dog Marguerite
really helped turn my
life around, so I am
leaving a gift to Canine
Companions in my
estate plans.”
—Michelle, Canine Companions graduate
Leo A. Thralls
David Z. Thrush & Mary Lee Bitner
Albert Frank Todd
Randy & Barbara Tomczak
Julie Traficanti-Byrd
Colleen E. Trawick
Betty Trentanelli
Trione Family Foundation
Dave & Martha Tuthill
Lynn S. Uram
Jeanette Vacek
Ms. Connie Van Schaick
Michel Vellard, PhD. & James Dern
Susan Lee Vick
Shirley Wilson Victor
Roger Von Oehsen
Linda M. Von Rhine
Tammy D. & Eddie Voynik
Michaelene J. Wadolny
Claudia L. Walker
Barbara Wamser
Virginia G. Ward
Judith Warnock
Carol C. Weldin: In memory of Donald R. Weldin, DVM
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. N. Welks
Bill & Karen White
Marilyn J. White
Mary McGaughey Whiting
Randy & Linda Wight
Ann Williams, in memory of my son Lane
Jan Wills
James D. Wilmoth
Bruce & Susan Winthrop
Joni C. Withrow & Gary C. Milke
Brad Witt
Peter & Linda Wolcott
Gail Busby Woodward
Colonel E. David Woycik, Jr. (Ret.) Esq.
Thomas L. & Kathleen A. Zastrow
Karen L. Zawacki
Jane E. Zettler
Volunteer breeder caretakers are crucial to the foundation and success
of our assistance dogs. These volunteers care for the breeder dogs and
nurture litters of puppies.
Christina Aceituno & Jim
Jennifer A. Alexander &
Brian Johnson
Rick Andres
Jaqui Anthony
Darcy Atterbury
Dana Balan
Sierra Bannister
Bonnie Beckett
Kathleen Bellino
Lily & Jon Berlin
Sandy Besso
Shannon Bleeker
Megan Bloom
Amanda Kay Braafladt
Rene & Ken Bradford
Joan & Jim Buntin
Alexis Busalacchi
Maureen, Doug & Megan
Jennifer Carlino
Cynthia Carr
John & Saundra Cecil
Karen & Eduardo
Marissa Chaffey
Kathryn Chere
Robert & Erin Clark
Patsy & Ralph Cornwell
Denise & Mike Curran
Linda Cushing
Nancy Daetz
Patty & Dennis Daniel
Vicky & Charlie Darnell
Mitch & Kandice Davis
Laura De Rutte
Ann Dege-Weitz
Rebecca Dezsi
Iris Dietz
Sherry & Dan Doran
Thomas & Amy Duggan
Theresa Dutton
Cheryl Eckert
Valerie Edmon &
Jacques Russell
Jan Ellis
Marian Endo
Brenda Epperly
Calvin & Marie Eriksen
Suzanne Farver & Clint
Van Zee
Matthew Field
Pamela Flanagan &
Steve Rawiszer
Maria Freebairn-Smith
Dana Froomin
Denise Gagner
Anne Marie Gallagher
Judy & Joe Gappa
Rachel & Holt Gedeit
Cheryl Ghisla
Christine Giannecchini
Kimberly Gibbs-Egan
Steve & Georgia
Ann Glascock-Ryan
Katherine Marie Greaney
James & Cheryl Gregory
Laura Griggs-Yew &
Amos Yew
Suzanne Gutsch
Susan Haase
Grant & Elena Hagstrom
& Dana Weinert
Ruth Hamler
Debi Hanselman
Cindy Hansen
Becky Hanson
Lindsay & Bill Hartman
Rachel Haven
Katie Heffelfinger &
Paula Dunn
Walter Helm
Cindy Hingst
Martha & Alex Hunt
Amber Johnson
Sue Kamins
Gayle Keane & Greg
Chris & Bob Kittredge
Vicki Kloock
Jennie Kreischer
Linda Kwitchoff
Tina Kyrk
Mike Laduzinski
Angela Lam
Bonnie Lapolla
Jenny & Dave Latourette
Pauline Lewis
Sharon Liddell
Jenny Longman
Mary & John Lowe
Leighann Malilay
Christine & Mark Mandoli
Catherine McCauley
Darrel & Elizabeth Mead
Julie Meyer
Terry & Kevin Miller
Toni & Mike Millhaem
Sharon Mosbaugh
Maureen Nard &
Stephanie Wilson
Karen Nathanson
Linda Nice
Krystina Nolan
Elizabeth & Jeff Peters
Marcee & Terry Pfaff
Cath Phillips & Jim
Marina & Bob Phillips
Kathy Pierson
Cornelien Posada
Debbie Posthauer
Marie & Gary Reichlmayr
Bill & M-L Reinking
Marlene & Kawika Rivera
Shari Rodenberger
Mary Roseberry &
Matthew Beymer
Cindy Rosinski
Katie Santos
Stuart Schwartz
Richard A. Spicer
& Irina Green
Cathy Stamey
Sandy & Craig Steele
Sharon Steffens
Valerie Steltz
Robyn & Warren Strand
Tom Sunzeri
Linda & Ken Sweet
Carolynn & Eugene
Phyllis B. Thomas
Jan Thornburg
Tassia Trapeznikov
Kristen Trisko
Kathy Ulm & Gloria Merk
Connie Van Schaick
Manuel Vasquez
Kathy Vedder
Cathleen Vicini
Susan Lee Vick
Ariel Vipond
Pam Voss
Bria & Ryan Walker
Lisa Boling Walker
Tracy Westphal
Clare Whetzel
Kimberly Whooley
Connie & Don Williams
Emily & Dan Williams
Holly & Quin Wilson
Sue Winton
Richard Wright
Iris Yamaguchi
Kathy Zastrow
Bent County Correctional Center
California Health Care Facility
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
Crossroads Correctional Facility
Dixon Correctional Institute
Echo Glen Children’s Center
Federal Medical Center Carswell
Federal Prison Camp Bryan
Folsom Women’s Facility
Gadsden Correctional Facility
Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Kit Carson Correctional Center
Montgomery Federal Prison Camp
Navcon Brig Miramar
Raising puppies in prisons
not only benefits Canine
Companions and the
puppies, but the inmate
participants as well. For
more information, visit
Canine Early Development Center
Allowing us to better meet the growing demand for our exceptional dogs, the Canine Early Development
Center was opened at our headquarters in Santa Rosa, California. This center aims to support our
breeder caretakers by offering a state of the art facility, expertly trained staff and around-the-clock
care to assist with the birthing and care of the future generation of our working dogs. Since opening
in late 2015, we have welcomed 16 litters to date at the center and look forward to many more happy
moms and snuggly puppies. The center will enable Canine Companions to better assist our devoted
volunteer breeder caretakers and was funded in part by Baylor Scott & White Health.
The contributions of over 1,800 volunteer puppy raisers across the country are foundational to
our ability to provide Canine Companions assistance dogs and services at no cost to recipients.
Colleen Abbate & Erick Spronck
Dina & Matthew Abt
Daryn & Heath Ackley
Randy Ackman & Michele Davin
Kala Adair & Family
Kathryn & Mike Adams
Diana & Pete Adamson
Carol Ahnen
Shawn & Samantha Ahrens
Lisa Akin
Robin Alander
Sergio Alaniz
Joelle Alcaidinho
Deborah Alexander
Jennifer Alexander
Austin Allen
Bradie & Bob Allen
Don Allen
Laura Allen
Matt Allen
Pete Allen
Caroline Allison
Resa & Jim Allison
Bruce & Chris Alt
Angela Ambrosio
Susan Amidon
Karen Ammer
Jerri & Jerry Amos
Amanda Anderberg
Rebecca & Shaun Anderson
Jennifer Ando
Rick Andres
Rebecca Andrew
Wendy Anemaet
Sara Angeles
Jaqui Anthony
Gina Antonelli-King
Dee & Tim Appelman
Julie April
Bryan Armbruster & Natalie Bien
Gina Arthurs
Leslie & Jay Atkinson
Suzanne Attenborough
Susan Austin
Cheryl & Jim Avino
Susan Awdry
Audrey Axelrod
Linda Babeuf
Dottie & Mike Badger
Erin Baeder
Joan & Sandy Baer
Mary Jane Bagby
Ginger Bahardar
Elisa & Jeff Bailey
Teresa & Brad Baisden
Daily & Jill Baise
Cindy & Jennifer Baker
Kitch Baldwin
Ronald Balint
Jill Ballard
Jane & Dan Barber
Sandra & Matt Barker
Suzanne Barlow
Shaun Barnes
Lori Barrante
Barbara Barrow
Patricia Barrows
The Barter Family
Karen Bartimo
Emily Bartlett
The Bartlett Family
Jim & Mary Bartley
Gayle & Jim Batchelor
Lois Bauer
Amy Bayer
Paul Bayer & Lanie Cantor
Lourdes Beard
Lee Beaton
Aidan Becker
Erin Becker
Linda & Jenny Becker
Bonnie Beckett
Julie & Nick Beckner
Lucy & Curtis Beeman
Gary Begeman & Gail Griffith
Amanda Bell
Edwin & Lauren Bell
Morgan Bell
Kathleen Bellino
Skip & Janene Bellock
Daniel & BJ Belzer
Suzanne Benefield
Regina & David Benjamin
Margie Benge
Kathy & Mike Bennett
Linda Bennett & Deb Schroder
Mary Lee Bensman
Maryangela Benthal
The Benthal Family
Jack Bernard
Gailmarie & Ron Berquist
Terry Betts
Holly & Haydon Betz
Gerald & Samantha Beverly
Matthew Beymer
Jack & Beth Biddle
Melissa Billingsley & Doug Slavin
Patricia Bird
Autumn Bisesi
John & Dianne Bittikofer
Kate Bliven
Sandra Block
Jennifer Bloom
The Blubaugh Family
Barbara & Bill Bochner
Kim & Gabrielle Bock
Kim Boedicker
Margie Bogenschutz
Delia & William Bolinder
Jacob Borenstein
Maria Boroja
Linda Borowski
Anne & Kent Bossange
Michele Boudreau
Becky & Rick Bough
Scott A. Bourdelais
Beverly Bouse
Laura Bowen
Tyler Bowen
Erin Bowersox
Victoria Boynton
Craig & Kathie Branch
Emily Bracken
Connie & Chuck Braddy
Susan Bradley
Carter Bradshaw
Heather & Jim Branch
Ellen Brandt
Joanne Brannon
Kayla Branscum
The Bratnik Family
Joe & Shantelle Brausen
Wendy & Adam Brayshaw
Steve & Bonnie Brehm
Theodore & Theresa Brengal
Bryna Brennan & Eliot Levinson
Collin Briley
Janis Brinkoetter
Tina & Lance Britain
Esther & Bud Brown
Diane Brown-Bowers
Veronica Browne
Jennifer Brownell
Lily Bruch
John Brunton
Crystal & Sidney Bruton
Kristin Buchheit
Tammie Buchanan
Susan Buckholz
The Budman Family
The Buechel Family
Emily Buege
Judy Buehler
Joan Buntin
Pattie & Michael Burford
Dusty Burgmans
Ray & Carole Burke
Caryn Burnett
Briana & Olga Burt
Tabatha Burton
Karen Buscher
Teri & Jim Butcher
Marilyn & Nancy Butler
Maureen Butler
Lori & Marissa Butrico
Larry Byers & Patricia Cole
Elizabeth Byron
Wendy Caldwell
Susan & Dave Calvano
Ellen Campbell
Jerry Campbell
Romina Cappella-Velazquez
Kacey Capuchino
Valerie & Joseph Caputa
Bernice Carbaugh
The Cardillo Family
Sallie & Charlie Carey
Cyndy Carlton
Dennis Carlton
Sara & Geoff Carlston
Judy Carnevale
Jennifer Carney
Sara Caricchio
Brad & Dorthe Carr
Liliana Carrano
Laura & Tom Carroll
Nicole Carroll
Brandt Carter & Steven Pearson
Elaine & Harry Carter
Tanya Carter
Randi Carver
Marty & Dave Carvour
Alfred & Sharon Cathcart
Heidi & Andrew Cavagnaro
The Cawood Family
Michelle Cefola
Joanne Cellar
Linda & Bill Chandler
Linda Charles
Catherine & Geoff Chatas
Yashwin Chauhan & Lynda Felder
Ben Chehebar
Pam & Mike Chelf
Cathy Chenu-Campbell
Diane Chesebro
The Cheshire Family
Doreen Chew
Karen & Benjamin Chillemi
Julie Chiuminatta
John & Sue Ellen Choate
Anita Choi
Nancy & Felix Chu
Carol Cieslak
Alexander Clark
Annie Clark
Brittney Clark
Connor & Ellen Clark
Laura & Matt Clark
Lisa B. Clark
Lorrie Clarke
Robert & Erin Clark
Linda & Bill Cleveland
Kelsey Cloyd
Peggy Cobb
Emily Cobb-Henry & Nick Henry
Karin Cochran
Brendon Code
Janie Cohen
Darine Cole
Mindi Cole
Brielle Coleman
Janet Coleman
Mary Jo Colletti
Mary Claire Collins
The Collins Family
Kimberly Colonnetta
Carol Comer
Daniel Comite
Elaine Companey
Linda Comunale
Elizabeth Congrove
Jessica Connolly
Heidi Connors
Holly & Colby Conrad
Jo Convis
Amanda Cooey
Harry Cook III & Catherine Meenan
Kimberly Cook
The Coolman Family
Susan & Tommy Coon
Maeve Cooney
Patsy Cornwell
Lynda Costa
Lisa & Jay Cote
Suzanne Cote-Egusa
Darlene & Katie Coyne
John Crapps
Steve & Jane Crawford
Willie & Frasier Crawford
Shawn Crincoli
Wendy Crisafulli
John & Cindy Crissman
Zoe Cryns
Chris & Grant Cullen
Krystal Culler
Laura Curcio
Donna Curry, Randal Ames & Heather
Jeanne & Kevin Curtin
Jennifer Curtsinger
Linda Cushing
Mervyn Daehler
Michael Dambra
Patty & Dennis Daniel
Mackenzie Danis
Ishan Dave & Amelia Warren
Vickie Davidson
Courtney Davis
Emerson & Donna Davis
Jeannie Davis
Lindsey Davis & Family
Cheryl Day
Linda Day
Hilary Dayton
Annette De La Cruz
Nick De Marco
Richard De Marquez
Mark De Marzio
Laura De Rutte
Giovanni De Santis & Shayna Rice
Stacie De Witt
Jeannette De Wyze & Steve Wolfe
Peggy & Ronald Dean
Pat Deck & Family
Catherine & Brian Deely
Ann Dege-Weitz
Connie Delamater & Dan Rutledge
Denise & Frank Dellaquila
Peter Dellavalle
Michael & Mary Ann Delleney
Melinda Denton
Cindy Desmet
Nick & Teresa Despotidis
Tamara Detillo
Linda & Dave Detweiler
Kathleen Devilbiss
Rebecca Dezsi
Prakash & Ujjwala Dheeriya
Monica Di Nocco
Laura Dickens
Shelley & Chuck Dickinson
Anne Dierickx
Fred & Kathleen Dietrich
Jane Dietrich
Jennifer Dietrich
Nancy Doane
Madison & Nolan Dodge
Erika & Broden Dold
Jennifer Doloski
Cathy Donahue
Linda Donnelly
Jim Dooley
Tom Dornback
Margaret Dospil-Julian
Marsha & Rick Downes
Beth Downing
Mary Jane Drake
Nancy & Michael Drake
Nancy & John Draper
Danielle Drazen & Kevin Dutcher
Linda & Shana Dreyfuss
Jane Drover & Tom Gibson
Carol & Katelynn Drury
Francois & Evon Dubois
Lynn & Glen Duke
Bonita Dumas
Debra Dunne
Laurie Dunne
Sharon Dunning
Pam & Bill Dunston
James Duree
Maria Duryee
Kevin Dutcher
Melanie & John Dutcher
Keith & Patricia Dyer
Linda Krakow Eaman
Lynne Eaton
Christine Eddy
Sherry & Karl Ehret
Geoffrey & Lore Ehrman
Laura Elbaz
Mary & David Elisberg
Greg Elliott
Karen & John Elliott
Lynn Elliott
Lisa Ellis
Ron Ellis
Marian Endo
Margaret & Larry Engel
Joyce & Stephen England
Heather Entrekin
Kathleen & Grace Epstein-Gillespie
Katherine Ernst
Brent Esmoil
Catherine Estes
Sandy & Stan Evanko
Judi Evans
Anna Evenson
Monica Ewing
The Exley Family
Kathy & Jerry Fadgen
Carol & Jim Fain
Christy Fajkowski
Zoe Falcon
Mairead Fallon
Floranne Fanti
Gail & Reynolds Farley
Kristin Farmer
Kathy Farris
Jennifer Faulkner
Gloria Favor
The Fee Family
Sue Fechter
Sheila Felock
Linda Fergurson
Carly Fermer
Emily Fernan
Lauren & Eric Ferraioli
Marianne Ferraro
Melanie Ferreira
Nancy & Mark Ferro
Carol & Emily Fields
Thomas Finch
Betsy Findel
Therese Finnegan
Robin Fiore
Donna & Don Fipps
Tami Firenzi
Cathy & Marty Fischer
Petra & Joachim Fischer
Charon Fisher
Janet Fisher
Susan Fishman
Terence Fitzgerald & Jenny Sherman
Becky & Faith Flannagan
Chris Flatt
Bill & Judy Fleenor
Bonnie & Barry Fly
Janice & Dan Flynn
Joan & Peter Folvi
Davi Fonner
The Foote Family
Jan Ford
The Ford Family
Elizabeth Forgione-Barkas
Karen & Jeffery Foster
Tamara Foster
Charlene & Dennis Fowler
Harry Fowler
Elizabeth Fox
Marcia & David Fox
Carmen & Daryl Frandsen
Julie Franklin
Sherry Franklin
Anita & Ed Fredendall
Susan & Scott Freeman
Kelly Frentsos
Lee & Judy Friedmann
Marilyn & Brittany Fullen
Donna Fuller
Michael Fullington
Lisa Funk
Julie & Frank Furey
Glenn Furukawa
Jennifer Futrell
Mary Ellen Fydenkevez
Laura Gaboardi
Laura Gaekel
Trish Gailey
Connie & Stan Gamb
Patsy Gammack
Emily Gannon
Hailey Garner
Jason Gates
Kelly & Barrett Gates
Julie & John Gazak
Deorah Geary & Jeff Kermode
Tina Gehrke
Ally & Bob Geinosky
Michael Geller & Cathlene Fishman
Gregory Genuardi
Jerry & Drew Genung
Jo Ann & Peter Geoghan
Cris Gerard
Raffaella Geremia
Kathy & Bailey Gerrits
Amelia Gerson
Susan Gettys
Denise & Ron Gibala
Tim Gibbons
Jennifer & John Giffin
Christine & Jeff Gillow
Jennifer Gillott
Gina & David Glabe
Ann Glascock-Ryan
Debra Gleason
James & Sandra Globa
Hallie Goetz & Family
Joann Golden
Jill Goldman
Sandra Goldstein
Rita & Stephen Gombar
Yolanda Gonzales
Tina Gonzalez
Jo Ann Goodhue
Margaret Gooding
Cheri Goodson
Charlene & Duke Goranites
Patty & Bill Gordon
Sandy Gorter
Kim Gotfredson
Julia Goyco
Tim Grange & Family
Joyce Grant
Rhoda Granum
Sheryl Gray
Katherine Greaney
Christina Gredler
Irina Green
Mary Green
James & Cheryl Gregory
Lois Gregory
Diane Greytak
Nancy & Bob Grieser
Stacy Griffin
Patti Griffith
Heather Griego
Madison Grim
Greg Grimes
William & JoAnna Grimpe
Lee & Ruth Groden
Sandy Groff
Susan Gross
Jennie Grosslight
Kathy Guerrero
Patricia Guglielmo
Diesta & Charlie Gundacker
Stephen & Anna Guter
Suzanne Gutsch
Sue Guzman
Theresa & Nicolaus Gyves
Susan Haase
Sonja Haasper
The Habeeb Family
Abigail & Ann Marie Haberman
Huberta Hacket
Donna Hackett
Teri Hadjis
Ted Hagens
Trista Hageman
Elizabeth Hager
Grant Hagstrom
Elizabeth Hague
Anne Hale
Karen & Georgia Hale
Kathy Hall
Mary Helen Hall
Jennifer & Chris Halstead
Dea Halverson
Susan & Jeff Hamar
Ruth Hamler
Bill Hamshire
Karen Hancock
Suzanne Hand
Marietta Hanigan
Abby Hannell
Kate Hannula
Brenna Hanratty
Carol Hansen
Emily Hansen
Becky Hanson
Joy Hanson
Linda Hardesty
Leigh & John Harlan
Gwen Harmon
Brian & Stephanie Harnish
Ginny & Bob Harper
Kristy Harper
Lee Harper
Chris Harrell
The Harris Family
Kris Harris
Lisa Harriss & Family
Teresa Hart
Bob & Lisa Hartman
Scott Hartman
Mike Hartsky
Cheryl Haverty
Julia Havey
Jennifer Hawkins
The Hayes Family
Christa Haynes
Jeannette Hays
Mindy Heard
Erin Heath
Susan Hefley
Jane Heiby
The Heifetz Family
Bruce Heinrich
Walter Helm
Sarah Henderson
The Hennesey Family
Annaliese Henry
Linda & Austin Henry
Tanell Herbert
Brenda Herndon
Itsuko Herrema
Vanessa Herrera
Linda Herskowitz
Morgan Hestand
Pamela & Jack Hexter
Jennifer & Patty Higbee
Sharon Higgins
Diane Hill
Heather Hill
Kathleen Hill
Kathy Hill
Kylie Hineman
Hirsch Family
Robert Hoak
Frances Hocking
Crystal Hodson
Elena Hoelscher
Monica Holler
Sheila Holman
Deborah Holstien
Lori & Richard Homer
Barbara Hoopes
Ellen Horn
Linda Hotchkiss
Erica Hotvedt
Deborah D. Houston
Dermot & Ella Howard
Patricia Howard
Pamela Howe & Chuck Crossan
Elizabeth & Alan Howell
Leslie Howton
Meghan Hoyal
Lee & Tonda Hoyt
Carolyn Hrach
Ting Hsu
Ting & Luke Hu
Kathy Huben
Christa Hudak
Deb Hudson
Sara Hudson
Robin Hudson
Debby Hueber
Cindy & Steve Huff
Kim & Joe Hughes
Darian Hummel
Christina & Janard Hunt
Jacob & Allison Hunt
Barbara & Kimberly Hutchens
Chris Iams
Sara Igo
Woody Inscoe
Eva Jack
Colleen Jackson
Angela Jackson-Brunning & Family
June Jaeger
Donna James-DeVier
Brienna Jarrell
Kim & Greg Jaurena
Jackie Jelen
Karen & Marty Jensen
Peggy Jensen
Beth Jerner
Shirley & Rick Jeter
Kathleen Jezierski
Barbara Jicha
Abaigeal Johnson
Anne & Kevin Johnson
Diane Johnson
Marie Johnson
Samantha & Julie Johnson
Sarah Johnston
Betsy Jones
Clementine & Ben Jones
Diane & Randy Jones
Kay & Brad Jones
Julia Jones
Lily & Glen Jones
Tyler Jones
Kirby Julian
Mary Kagan
Jessica Kahn
Shelley Kalin
Sue Kamins
Wade Kammin
Carol Kane
Patricia & Bob Kapcio
Kim Karcheski
Maureen & Bradley Kass
Mike Kassmeier
Linda Kastanis
Adrianna Kauffman
Kaufmann Family
James & Yvonne Kayser
Rebecca Kearney
Peggy Keefe
Mary & Chris Keenan
Michael & Zachary Kehoe
Laura Kellen
Jennifer Keller
Donna Kelley
Allison Kelly
Julia Kelly
Lorrie Kelly
Sharon & Christopher Kelly
Michelle Kelsey
Elizabeth Kern
Gloria & Raymond Kerns
Sharon & Reggie Kidd
Nancy Kidwell
Pam Kilpatrick
Kathy Kilton
Mitzi & Klifton Kime
Denise Kimpson
Andrew King
Kathleen & Don King
Ty & Bob Kirkpatrick
Jenya Kirsch-Posner
Michelle Kirstein
Mark Kirunchyk
Lisa & Gabor Kishegyi
Pamela Kitani
Chris Kittredge
Kevin Klaes
Judy Klareich
Diane & Ken Klein
Adam Kline
Wendy Klock-Johnson
Jessica Knierim
Jean & Alyssa Knisley
Julie Knitter & Karen Van Den Heuvel
Dylan Knoll
Kathy & Lonnie Knox
Linda Konrad
Marilyn & Brady Koroulis
Danielle Koury
John Kovac
Anthony Kozberg
Jennie Kreischer
Michelle Kreutzberg
Barbara & Fred Krueger
Jennifer & Katie Krueger
Kyla Krueger
Joann Kuebrich
Annemiek Kuik
Christy Kuiken
Patricia & Patricia Kulawiak
Randy Kunkel & Leslie Hennessy
Cecilia Kurland
Mike Kurzendoerfer
Kathy Kuss, DVM
Erin LaMonte
Keitha & Stuart Lackey
Douglas & Trina Laing
Monica Laliberte
Susan Lamb
Briana Lamet
Gretchen & Andre Lamothe
Jennifer Lamsick
Sue & Scott Landa
Kathleen Landauer & Bill Rohrer
Kathy & Brian Landis
Laura Lane
Erika Larson
Paulette Lashway
David Lasker
Terri Laundon
Pat Lawson & Michaele Connors
Cindy Lawton
Doug Lawver
Betty & Troy Layton
Christina & Haley Le Blanc
Vanessa & Richard League
Theresa Lebaron
Julie Lechtenberger
Katherine Leddy
Janice Lee
Katherine Lee
Michelle Lee
Ann & Bill Legg
Patti Lehman
Cindy Leist
Sandy Lelinski
Brett Lemieux
Judith Lenart
The Lepore Family
Susan & Peter Leroy
Lorrie Levine
Linda & Norman Levitt
Kerinne Levy
Karin Lienart
Sharon Linebarger
Judy Lipar
Donald Liss
Robert & Jan Litchard
Mary Catherine Lombardi
Carol Long
Pat Long-Sims
John Longchamps
Jenny Longman
Jeff LoParo
Carol Ann & Jason Lopez
David Lord
Annamarie Louie
Kathleen Love
Lisa & Michael Lowe
Charles Lozow
Teresa & Kelly Ludovice
Brian Ludy
Sheila Lupton
Wendy Luterek
Linda Lyon & Everett Wilson
De Lyons
Mary & Scott Mace
John & Terri Maffeo
Marilyn Maglio
Betty & Mike Makowski
Corina Miles
Karen & Michael Molony
Tina Mancebo
Lee Mann
Susan Manuel
Joan Marano-Goyco
Marty Marlatt
Mcgehee & David Marsh
Elizabeth Marshall
Linette & Natalie Martino
Jolie & Gene Marzo
Hannah Marzynski
Byron Mason
Michele & Mark Masters
Regina Masters
Heather Mathews
Sue Mathis
Denise Matis-Marks
Jay Matsler & Jon Hansen
Erin Matthews
Lisa Matthews
Steve Mattson
Janci Matykiewicz
Elaine May
Patricia May
Terrell Maynak
Doreen Mayo
Pamela Mays
Anja Meadows
Gloria Merk
Christian & Carol Merrill
Tina Meyers
Cyndi Michaelis
The Micou Family
Bryan Mikota
Stephanie & Liam Mills
Jennifer & Tyler Mispley
Katherine & Chris McAfee
Eugenia & Moody McCall, DVM
Rick & Joan McCarren
Michelle McCarthy
Teri McCartney
Martha McClatchie
Cathy McComas
Donna McCombs & Family
Jackie McCool
Marcia McDermott
Christine McDonald
Rick & Julie McDonald
Kerry McDonough
Donna McGehee
Nanette & Mike McGill
Christine & Harold McHenry
Leasa & Nolan McIntosh
Sheila McKay
Alexandrea McKee
Gina & Cam McKercher
Vicki McKernan
Marianne & John McKiernan
Linda McMahan
Christopher McMichael
Margaret McMillen
Ed & Laura McSwain
Joanie & Denny McSweeney
Beverly Mead
Kimberly & Brendan Meehan
Nick Meloro
Elizabeth Menkin
Chris Meredith
Julie & Lewis Merges
Albert Miller
Cheryl Miller
Christine Miller
Kristin Miller
Shannan Miller
Lise Miltner
Mary Milton & Jon Stanley
Valentina Minayeva
Nancy Missildine
Stephanie Mojica
Pauline Molinar
Kim Monroe
Barbara Monsma
Christina & Marianne Montalbano
The Monticello Family
Debra Moody
Barry & Linda Moore
Kay Moore
Stephen & Dyan Moore
Christina Morales
Lesley Moran
Julie Morell
Lisa Morgan
Stephen & William Morgan
Lisa Moriarty
Robert Morris, DVM & Jackie Calvert,
Mary Beth & Luke Morrow
Doug & Chandra Morton
Joe Morton
Adele Moses
Jerry & Linda Mosteller
Stephanie Motley
Micaela Motzko
Amy & Mark Moyer
Linda Mucha
Bonnie & Rick Mueller
Kerry Mueller
Mandy Mueller
Melinda & Michael Muir
Carol-Ann & Erin Mullin
Deborah Mullis
Vicki Munoz
Jennifer Murphy
Kristin Murphy
Esther Murray
Meredith Murray
Nancy Murray
Patty Murray
Jackie Myers
Kristin Myers
Jane Nagy
Amy Naisbitt
Jean Nakaerts
Sean & Stacy Napoles
Kasey Nash
Karen Nathanson
Cesar & Emily Navarro
Yasmeen Neal
Judith Nelson
Karen Nelson
Caroline Neu
Judy & Bart Neuman
Sue Nevatt
Lili & John Newman
Thomas Newton
Denise Ng
Katelyn Nichols
Sharon Nichols
Joann Niebur
Megan & Eric Nielsen
Penny & Robert Nielsen
Thomas Nielsen
Joann & Jack Nieman
Mary Niemiller
Lori Niitani
Lori Ninberg
Margaret & Jerry Nixon
Mary Nobbe
Mike Nolan
Gail & Dale Nordby
Dean Nordin
Linda & Joseph Norkus
David Norris
Buddy & Barbara Novak
Stephanie & Chris Nowack
Terry O’Connell
Carolyn & Jeffrey Odom
Kathy & Tom Odom
John & Jane O’Flynn
Kevin O’Grady & Vanessa Graziano
Heather Ohmart
Penny & Britni Olano
Nancy Olds
Amy Olschner
Donna & Kevin O’Reilly
Debbie Orita
Luis Ortega
Nathan Ortiz
Kay Osborn
Mary Ellen Osburn
Jennifer Osen
Harry & Amanda Overend
Angie & Karina Overholt
Mona & James Overturf
Jennifer Owens
Kendra Pacholok
Monique Pacurariu
Debbie Paisley
Rhonda Palomino
Kim Pannone
Gilbert Paquet
Kara Parks
Linda & Tom Parr
Colleen Pars
Vicki & Michael Passafiume
Leigh & Craig Patterson
Thomas Patterson
Allison Paugh
Sylvia Payne
Barbara & Christopher Payton
Sue Pearce
Tracy & Seth Pearch
John & Marcia Pearson
Margaret & Thomas Peeler
Cyndi Perry & Rick Sayers
Andrew & Flora Pestcoe
Claudia Peters
Eric & Paula Peterson
Jan Peterson
Jeanne Peterson
Lynn Peterson
Margaret Peterson
Tim & Isayo Peterson
The Peterson Family
Lu Petrie
Jennifer Petruso
Kristen Petry & Will Radenberg
Janna & John Petry
Kristen Petry
Kerry Pettit
Marcee Pfaff
Susan Pfeffer
Elizabeth Phalen
Deborah Phelps
Amberly Phillips
Cath & Jim Phillips
Leanne Pickering
Susan & Jim Pickle
Lisa Pillinini
Beverly Pimentel
Marie Pink
Sarah Pink
Renee Piper
Karen Pitsenbarger
Myra & Randy Plitt
Lisa & Joe Plocinski
Olivia Plocinski
Cari Podolak
Nancy Polites
Patricia Poole
Catherine Pors
Nancy Portello
Pamela Porter
Tamar Posner
Debbie Posthauer
Jennifer Pottheiser
The Power Family
Christina Preece
Christine Prentice
Kathleen Presswood
Theresa Prestwood
Richard Princic
Renee Priore
Blair & Lauren Provo
Silke Psula
Catherine & Arthur Pugh
Betty Pulfer
Michele & Jim Purton
Cathy Purvis
Nicole Puzio
Becky & Peter Qualy
Jill Quan
Denise Quinn
Charles Radle & Anna Torres-Radle
Barbara Raines
Brad & Carson Rampelberg
Jo-Ann Ranish
Kiersten Rankel
Jennifer Rattray
Marsha & Alan Rau
Cassandra Rauch
Max & Kaytee Ray-Riek
Patric Rayburn
Ellen Read
Karen & Stan Reaves
Pam Recchio
Patricia Redden
Anne Redlus
Darla Reed
Lisa Reed
Denise Reilly
Katie Reilly
Betty Repine
The Rhinehart Family
Ken & Elaine Rhoda
Jenifer Rhynes
Chris Riccio & Haley Tran
Sydney Richardson
Susan & Ray Rick
Lisa Rickards
Debra Ricker
Russ Ridgeway
Dan Ridings
Ryan Riggs
Johanna Riley
Barbra Ristow
Molly Robbins
Ashton & Mike Roberts
Collen & Richard Roberts
Josanne Roberts
Amaya Robinson
Amy Robinson & John Sharpe Jr.
Geoffrey Robinson
Lorraine & Rachel Robinson
Wanda Robinson
Shari Rodenberger
Jill Rogers
Kathy Rogers
Rebecca Rogers
The Rogers Family
Bernadette Rolfs
Christine & Bert Roling
Marion Romann
Stacy & Mark Romero
Erika Roney
Mary Roseberry
Howard & Juliana Rosen
Amy Rosene
Kate & Skyler Rosin
Sally & Larry Thompson Rosine
Tammy & Dave Rosser
Julie Rossmassler
Dolores Roth
Louise & Rolly Roup
Lainie Ruben
Mary Ellen Rucks
Connie & Bob Runk
Janis Ruoff
Catherine & Scott Rupp
Leslie Rush
Rylant Family
Angela St. John
Andrew & Arantha Salas
Leslie Sale
Robin & Paul Sanchez
Paul Sandberg
Diana Sanderbeck
Suzanne Sanders
Dawn & Daniel Sandoval
Beverlee Sandy
Rebecca Sartain
Kathy & Edward Sarter
Oliver Sasse
Judy & Bill Saunders
Sherry Saverino
Julie Savignac
Florence Scarinci
Melanie & William Schauer
Sheryl & Lindsay Scheer
Doug Scheirer
Sue Schmitz
Johnna Schoen
Staicey Scholtz
Anne Schrock
Beth & Randy Schroeder
Lynn Schuck
Judy Schultz
Bryan & Keri Schumacher
Judy Schumpert
Kelly Schuttler
Ben Schwartz
Mindy Schwartz
Lynn Schweitzer
Marian Scopa
Kerry & Maggie Scott
The Scott Family
Erin Scranton
Jay Scrivener & Kristine Nelson
Patricia Seaman
Mary Jane & Paul Searfoorce
Kimberly Seelke
Mary & Ray Segall
Jeanne & John Segar
Richard Seghieri
Mari Segimoto
Sylvia Seibert
Rebekah Selbrede
Eileen & Ron Sever
Katie & Thad Seymour
Randy Seynaeve
Patricia Shade
Ellen Shaffer
Melanie & Sandy Shane
Maureen Shekleton
Kelly & Steve Shelton
Hayley Sherer & Ian Grossman
Sharon Shikiya
The Shippee Family
Sharon Shoemaker
Amanda Shoenfelt
Roxanne Shull
Andy & Mary Siegel
Lauren Sikora
May Sikora
Suzette Silberman
Gene Siller
Emma Simmons
Kay Simodynes
Vicki & Craig Simons
Gail Simpson
Jo Simpson
Autumn & Ryan Sirmeyer
Norbert Skoczek
Joe Skorupa
Cheryl Slack
Judee Slack
Phyllis Slade
Martin Slagter
Bethann & Bobby Slater
Jane Slavin
Debbie Sloan
Sandra & Adam Slovomitz
Margaret Sluyk
Melissa Smeester
John Smith
Mary & Bill Smith
Sabrina Smith
Terri Smith
Vickie & CJ Smith
Susan Snodgrass
Lisa & David Snowiss
Linda & Gene Solyntjes
Susan & Stuart Sommers
Maurice Sonier
Gordon & Joyce Spainhower
Mitch Sparrow & Denise Spina
William & Elizabeth Spear
Richard Spicer
Susan Spicer
Katrin Spilde
Tony & JoAnn Spiridigliozzi
Christy Spoto
Tony Sprout & Diane Burns
Tracy Stafford
Jaime & Erich Stahl
Sara & Ben Stahler
Terri Stambaugh
Eva Stanard
Ashley Stapleton
Peggy Stare
Karen Staving
Lynn Steele
Ellen Steer
Linda Stefanini
Mark Steffens
Sharon Steffens
Staci & Kaitlyn Steffy
Amy Steider
Jim Stemach
Karen & Ryan Stenmark
Amy & Jeremy Stern
Linda & Michael Sterritt
Greg Stevens
Jamie Stewart
Heidi & Michael Stoinski
Melanie & Michael Stopponi
Holly Stover
Robyn & Warren Strand
Cheri & Larry Stratton
Lisa & Bill Stretch
Mark & Debbie Strickenburg
Jennifer Strozier
Marty Sullivan
Shawn Sullivan
The Sung Family
Marsha Suter
Lani Sutherland
Nina Suzuki
Susan Swagert
Caryl Swain
Chad Swan
Bonnie Sweebe
Linda Sweet
David & Tina Swim
Donna & Don Sword
Paul Takekawa
Vincent Tamariz
Jenna Tannenbaum
Lori Tassano
Carolynn Tedeschi
Joan Tedeschi
Malena & David Teeters
Kim Templeman
Susan Terrill
Roz Thayer
Dr. Sondra Thiederman & Tom Sandler
Cyndy Thomas
Susan Thomas
Ashley Tomlinson
Cynthia Thompson
Dawn Thompson
Ed & Diane Thompson
Erin Thompson
Larry & Charlene Thompson
Sharon Thompson
Jan Thornburg
Alison Thurman
Linda Tobia
Margaret Tomlin
Ashley Tomlinson
Debbie & Dick Tompson
Sally Tonne
Jane & Clark Torell
Kathy Torru
Liesl Townsend
Jennifer Trainer
Tara Trask
Suzanne & Steve Treudt
Alexandra Troetti
Peggy & Jim Trotter
Gail Trumble
Jessica Tsai
Tina Tu
Dan & Barbara Tucci
Patricia Tuck
Marcia Tucker
Cynthia & Jason Turley
Gretchen Turner
Marti Tyler
Nancy Uhl & Family
Uhlig Family
Kristen Uitenham
Larry Utley
Heidi Van Antwerp
Michael Van Atta & Beth Hamilton
The Van Konynenburg Family
Doris & Bob Van Norman
Cheri & Rudy Van Pelt
Connie Van Schaick
Debbie Vanderford
Shelby Vandergraff
Patty Via
Alison & David Viemeister
Sue Vinsant
Donna Violet
Frances & Peter Vlasses
Heather Voege
Jeanie & Jack Vogel
Sarah Vogel
Kathy & Harold Wacker
Lauren Wagner
Brenda & Stu Wahrenbrock
Mary Waldron
Amelia Waley
Lisa & Benjamin Walker
Becky Wall
Roxanne Walmsley
Gloria Walser
Jane Walstrom
Skip Walzak
Eleuthera Wang
Sharyl & Butch Warnberg
Sydney Warshaw
Al & Bonnie Watson
Carolyn Watson
Rachelle & Andrew Watson
Georgiana Watt
Troy Webber
Bobbi Weber
Bruce & Gayle Webster
Sue Weekes
Barbara Weigand
Bernard Weigman
Samuel Weiller
Ashley Weinert
Dana Weinert
Donna & Jeff Weintraub
Carol Weisenstein
Linda & David Weiskopf
Jennifer Weisman
Kyoko Weissman
Kris Weland
Vali Welhoelter
Richard & Barbara Wells
Donna Welton
Betsy Wendt
Marlene Wepf
Sharon West
Lesa & Clare Whetzel
Kristine & Robert White
Mary White
Roshan & Ariana White
Shelby White
Denise Whitelaw
Abigail Whitlock
Gerald & Patti Whitmarsh
Ann Whitney
Kimberly Whooley
Debra Wickham
The Widlund Family
Sharon Widmer
Jennifer Wilinski
Catalina & John Willburn
Andrea Williams
Emily Williams
Kathryn Williams
Kim Williams
Michelle Williams
Rick & Janet Williams
Everett Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Linda Winkler & Family
Angela Winter
Sue Winton
Jean Wiskowski & Chuck Colbentz
James Witkoski
Rob Wolf
Karen & Madison Wonder
Payton Wong
Michelle Woodbury
Susan Woodman
Cheryl Woods
Margot Woodward
Rich & Dawn Woosley
Mark Wooten
Mary & Caitlin Worthington
The Wright Family
Pam & Michael Wright
Patricia & Richard Wright
Rachel Wright
Laura Wrobel
Susan Wroble
Sue Wyder
Steven Yalamas
Bonnie & Mark Yamada
Iris Yamaguchi
Sandy Yates
Carmen Yem
Stan & Melayne Yocum
Stephanie Yocum
Aimee & Kimi Yokota
Clint Young
Debra Young
Leslie Young
Stephanie Yun
Kathy Zastrow
Leslie Zelamsky
Linda Zelik
Emily Zier
Debbie Zilka
Karey Zufelt
Sally & David Zukowski
Carla Zych
Polly Zywiec
cci.org 1-800-572-BARK (2275) info@cci.org
Santa Rosa, CA | Oceanside, CA | Colorado Springs, CO | Orlando, FL | Medford, NY
Delaware, OH | Irving, TX
Board Members
National Headquarters
John Miller, Chair
Leslie Hennessy, PhD
John McKinney, Vice Chair
Carolyn Hrach
Bob Street, Treasurer
Judge Ed Kinkeade
Pauline Parry, PhD, Secretary
Chris Kittredge
Steve Boyd
Joann Elliott
John Elliott
Anne Gittinger,
Board Chair Emeritus
Mel Gottlieb
Barrie Graham
Russ Gurevitch, DVM
John Hopen
Jill Leverton, MD
Juergen Rottler
Robin Sanchez
Nancy Sawhney
Jean Schulz,
Board Chair Emeritus
Dennis Sproule
William White
Emily Williams
Judy Allen
Paul Mundell*
Chief Executive Officer
Jack Hanna
Clark Pappas
National Director of
Participant Programs
Dean & Gerda Koontz
Terry Levin
Madeleine Paulson
Jon Provost
Jeanine Konopelski
National Director of Marketing
Patty Minaker
National Director of
Human Resources
Jacquelyn Antonini*
Corporate Secretary
*Corporate Officer

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