Cuneo igp chestnut w w w. m a r r o n e . n e t 17-20 october 2013 The National Chestnut Fair stands as one of the most important gastronomic fairs in Italy, a unique window of the excellences and ancient traditions of Cuneo area. Over four days the old town centre will fill with flavours, scents and colours, thanks to the hundreds of exhibitors from all over Italy and beyond, carefully selected by a pool of experts of Cuneo Town Council, Slow Food, Coldiretti, Confartigianato and ATL. A venue symbol of quality, a must for experts. An exceptional opportunity for enterprises based locally and beyond: the best certified products are on display, offering visitors a mixture of flavours, colours and tastings. Besides the gastronomic happenings, the Fair houses the local crafts of excellence, as well as didactic workshops, cultural events, tourist activities, shows and exhibitions. That is why we may call the Fair a global event, attracting the experts of taste as well as those longing for a weekend spent in contact with Cuneo genuineness. Cuneo IGP chestnut is grown on the Alpi Cozie and Marittime with an extension on the Appennino Ligure as far as the mountains in the high and medium Langa of Mondovì area. The chestnut growing culture has so deeply affected the communities of the raising area that we can speak of true chestnut culture. Some 8,000 tons of Cuneo IGP chestnut are produced in Cuneo province yearly. Tourist Offers Tastes and Tales of Cuneo Territory Cuneo National M arronFair How to discover the secrets and the thousand curiosities of Cuneo town, its traditional tales and characters while guided by an exceptional guide: a meal at flavours and plenty of fun. Offers for one or more days to individuals and parties. Tel. +39 0171 67575 · Cuneo 17-20 october A weekend among the autumn colours and hidden treasures of cuneo artistic works 2013 Via Roma Piazza Torino Piazza Virginio Piazza Galimberti timetable: Thursday 17 / 5 - 11 p.m. Friday 18 & Saturday 19 / 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday 20 / 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. A unique opportunity to admire the hidden treasures set in Cuneo territory, from Saluzzo, capital city of the ancient Marquisate to the impressive Langa castles. Along the chestnut paths and the well-known vineyards on Alba hills you will discover the unique autumn flavours. M arronFair National 15 e d i t i o n TH - info: ufficioturistico Via Roma, 28 - 12100 - Cuneo (Italy) - Tel./fax +39 0171 693258 free entrance ... è la tua idea di benessere CUNEO in Click ac c o m o dat i o n a BOOK Your ROOM CH Ginevra Zurigo Berna Asburgo PrOfEssiONisti dEl bAgNO Bergamo Aosta info 0171 410.600 Milano Novara Torino Guided visits for curious tourists The visit is not meant as a means to discover the arcades, the historical cafés, churches and noble buildings with recently refurbished fronts, the symmetrical Galimberti Square. There will be anecdotes, historical oddities, stories and tales of characters from past and present time, to have an insight into the spirit of the natives. Alessandria Carmagnola FR Gap Saluzzo Savigliano Demonte Fossano Limone P.te Venezia 15 NATIONAL CHESTNUT FAIR th Genova Savona La Spezia 83 INTERNATIONAL WHITE TRUFFLE FAIR th Tenda CENTALLO (CN) Regione San Quirico, 670 - S.R. 20 | tel. 0171 211.333 Show Teatro Toselli. Saturday, October 19 - 9.00 p.m. Assembly in Piazzetta Totò. Sunday, October 20 - 10.00 a.m. Azienda Turistica Locale del Cuneese San Remo Via Vitt. Amedeo II, 8/a 12100 Cuneo - Italy Nice (France) Tel. +39.0171.690217 Fax +39.0171.602773 · The show, devised and arranged by Cuneo “G. F. Ghedini Conservatorium” will offer the songs of the mythical FabFour. From faraway Liverpool, the Beatles songs will be relived by the voices and instruments of students from Pop and Jazz as well as Classic courses of Cuneo Conservatorium. Teatro Toselli Friday October 18 - 9.00 p.m. Booking obligatory · Check the chestnut 3rd Edition. Tournament valid for Regional Championship “Rapid play”- 9 rounds.15’ meditation time. Swiss Method Sunday October 20 - 9.00 a.m. Twenty boards simultaneously with M.I. Miragha Aghayev, previous semirapid edition champion. Saturday October 19 - 8.00 p.m. Check the mafia Round table on the topic of Mafia presence in Piedmont, organized by Associazione Libera, Cuneo. Mr. Giuseppe Legato, journalist, will attend. Saturday October 19 - 4 p.m. Salone d’Onore, Town Hall, via Roma, 28 Info: tel. +39 0171 602018 Events Whole calendar of events www. Autumn with style contest of young fashion designers Final soirée of “Autumn with style”, contest for fashion designers under 35, with a parade of the dresses selected by the board of examiners. Saturday October 19 – Ex-Lavatoi (via della Pieve, 10) Autumn shop windows The town shop windows are dressed in the valleys colours to pay homage to the chestnut queen of autumn. “Le rêve d’un curieux”, personal exhibition of Claudio Berlia A collection of paintings on “dream” theme, result of the author’s work from 2008 to now. The exhibition is free, open Tues.-Sun. 10.30-12.30 a.m. 4.00-7.00 p.m. - September 21- October 20 Complesso monumentale di S. Francesco (via S. Maria, 10) Parma Bra Alba Cherasco S. Albano Stura Mondovì Ceva CUNEO Info and booking of visits € 5,00 max 30 people Tel./Fax +39 0171 693258 Brescia Piacenza Asti MOBILI Tel. +39 0171 698749 Lugano CUNEO•AlbA•CArmAgNOlA•PiNErOlO•mONdOvì “Uomini di mondo” are all those who served the army in Cuneo, a town of barracks since its foundation, 800 years ago. Cuneo has shaped generations of men, like other famous institutions. Some attended the Sorbonne, Jesuits schools or West Point, some others go to the Bahamas on holiday and some served the army in Cuneo. Let it beat! reIMAGINE the Beatles 15TH edition il bagno non è solo acqua.. 14th National Meeting of Uomini di Mondo CUNEO 17-20 OCTObER 2013 ALbA 12 OCTObER 17 NOvEmbER 2013 Clerical culture properties The old town churches will be open for visit with guided tours by the”Volontari dell’Arte”. Santa Maria del Bosco Cathedral, Santa Maria della Pieve and Sant’Ambrogio Parishes and San Sebastiano Brotherhood will be open to public: places of devotion and art, rich in precious works like the altar pieces, the stucco works and the airy architecture. On the venue, the Diocese Museum will open to public with extended hours: set in Contrada Mondovì, the museum shows the town and area story through the art and the great anthropological symbols of the past and present. Museo Diocesano San Sebastiano, Contrada Mondovì rgo di La iffre d Au ni Corso Guglielmo Marco Porta MondovìThe 7 crafts breweries Info point Overnight stay 2013 Exhibition: the year of ceramics and glass “IL MARRONE IN UN Craft and art are shown in their highest quality in S.Chiara exhibition of ceramic and glass works result of excellent craftsmanship. Confartigianato Cuneo celebrate 2013 year focussing on special artistic value of materials to show the skill and creativity of craft world. 2012” NA FOTO NE IN U “IL MARRO SCIO RO RIELLA of GAB Picture tщ oven i G ella rco d a P Via Picture of ROBI BRUNO “IL MARRONE IN UNA FOTO 2012” Savona Viale Via RI LA VO NU An excellence that perfectly matches the delicious dishes to discover the original flavours of chestnut beers. Picture of MARCO MATTO “IL MARRONE IN UNA FOTO 2012” 5 le zza ia Pia cch ne Ve azio St LLI zza zo Piancennio Vi irgi V zo laz ne Paamo S Via F.lli V aschetto lba Via A ovì ond aM trad Con FOLLOW US ON za iaz no Via Fresia P ri To Via Nota A CATE Picture of KATI A FOTO 2012” zza Pianta Saroce C i e Alp Dell tori accia Via C es zza ov Pia B Via G. Barbaroux Via Bonelli V i a Leut rum Via Bono Picture of ANTONIO BRUNO “IL MARRONE IN UNA FOTO 2012” Via Dronero aglio Via Car rgo o La ragli Ca Via Seminario 2012” A FOTO MARRONE IN UN RICO AIMETTI “IL Picture of EN Via Fe r di Celraris le zza Pia ro Fo ario Bo Via Ponza di San Martino V i a S e t te Asse di It is common thought that taste is the only important sense when eating and enjoying food. However, while tasting, the five senses are involved. Here we offer a tour of sensorial education devised by Slow Food to give basic notions for a successful approach to tasting. Love for healthy food, Via Savigliano support to traditions, respect for the territory, exploitation of agro-and-food excellences: C that is “TASTEME” - taste me - , P.tta A. De quality products and recipes to bring the Campagna Amica to your dish. Lift Savona M arronFair The countryside in your dish Via Roma Parking Via A network of villages, towns and territories aware of quality food as cultural identity and promoting local specialities and ancient flavours to taste. RI LA VO NU To the origins of taste tщ ioven G a l l de arco P a i V Via Saluzzo d Nor III e X n azio ni X vall van n o i o c LEGENDA G Cir lla de rco ntù Pa iove G Via Fresia rco Pa lla a de stenz si Re National urtis . De C P.tta A Porta Mondovì The flavours company lla de rco ntù Pa iove G rco Pa lla a de stenz si Re 15TH edition 2 Via Savigliano o olar S rso Co Giovanni XXIII oni Corso Guglielmo Marc Via Fossano i XXIII Via CGio . M.vann Roero 1 Via della Torre so Via Mameli lba Via A Via Amedeo Rossi Via Savigliano Via Alba zza zo Piancennio Vi irgi V della Torre es zza ov Pia B o' nd ldi Ro riba Ga Via G. Barbaroux Via Alba Via Bonelli Via Mameli Via Asilo 4 7 3 ovì ond aM trad Con Via Savigliano i gel Roma nVia A li deg i e Alp Dell tori accia Via C Via le Via 6 Via Busca www. Via Asilo rgo di La iffre d Au Via Saluzzo o' nd ldi Ro riba Ga Via Fossano zo laz ne Paamo S Via Via F.lli V aschetto za iaz ario 7 Piazza Galimberti LCorso ungo Nizza stura John Fitzg erald deo Rossi Via LuigiAme Gallo Piazza Galimberti zza io Pia inar m Se Via Cesare Battisti Cuneo 17ottobr Friday 18 & Lung ostur a Joh19 / 10 a.m. Saturday n Fit zgep.m. 11 rald Sunday 20 / 10 a.m. 9 p.m. ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ïï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ïï ïï ï ïï ï ï ï ï ï Local wood, its essence, its working by the skilful hands of Master carpenters: a journey through history, culture and creativeness. zza Pianta Saroce C Via Busca alesta avi Corso Marcello Soleri Bruni Fair 6 Via Dronero Via F e r di Celraris le S araglio Via CD'Azeglio rgo oVia Massimo La ragli Ca Via Seminario P in Corso em Dante Via Ponza di San Martino 2 li nge A i egl le d a i V ro Sola o s r Co a lli Ga to T. Via Felice Cavallotti The year of wood pavillion 5 Via Venti Settembre zza Pia ro Fo ario Bo Corso Marcello Soleri Via Luigi Gallo Corso Carlo Brunet Corso Nizza Europa Via Ventotto Aprile Corso Dante zza Pia Angeli Via Cesare Battisti Via Venti Settembre Via Piave egli Viale d zza go Piatolen t Co Via Piave Via Massimo D'Azeglio Corso Dante Via Alessandro Volta 2 a rop Eu Via Ventotto Aprile Corso Vittorio Emanuele II The gastronomic excellences of Master pastry-cooks, applied to chestnuts, offer impressive” meetings” of traditional tastes and daring novelties. Live working processes and tasting are on in the chocolate corner. A delight of artistic creativity to prepare high quality sweets. The craftsmen prized with the “Craft Excellence” regional mark are the protagonists on the prestigious stage in Piazza Torino: in the foreground the manual skill and genius of craftsmanship in the making of handicrafts of various materials. Via Bartolomeo Students are actively involved in the activities while Master craftsmen focus on the true values of craftsmanship: commitment, passion, geniality and creativeness. Thursday 17/5 - 11 p.m. Disce sa Be llavis ta Disce sa Be llavis ta Via Bartolomeo Bruni Corso Santorre di Santarosa Pio zza ne Pia no Via Felice Cavallotti Corso Dante V. Sacco e Vanzetti Via Pier Carlo Boggio The house of greed : chocolate workshop 1 4 le zza ista Piaellav B ino a ard ist Gi ellav B o llic Pe Chestnuts can be cooked in many ways, though the best is to Nizza roast themCorso on an open fire in the traditional holed pan. Via Caduti sul Lavoro E. s rgo ici La Am De S Via 33° R. Fanteria The roasted chestnuts The artistic craft workshops The basic goals of Education to Campagna Amica are discovery and awareness. This project by Coldiretti intends to near both children and adults to agricolture. The didactic farm in Piazza Virginio stands as a unique opportunity to get to know the country world. The Members of “Didactic Farms” will guide visitors to observe animals and be involved in impressive interactive didactic workshops. Corso Giovanni Giolitti Corso Quatt ro No vembr e 2 The farm as classroom 3 Via Allione io Corso Galileo Ferraris ilv ia 2° V zza nto Pia gime i n g Re lpi ani Via Giovanni Schiaparelli Gobetti Via Lungostura XXPiero IV Mag gio E. is c mi o llic Pe o la din el iar ino S t uin Giacomo Matteotti