United In - St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
United In - St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
ST. MARK the EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH A S TEWARDSHIP P ARISH “United In One Spirit” May 19, 2013 All Are Welcome! Pentecost Sunday If you are a visitor, we hope you will find our bulletin to be a reflection of our vibrant, spirit filled parish, and that you will consider becoming a part of our growing family. God's amazing love for us calls for a great response, and so we have committed ourselves to be good stewards of all God’s many blessings. We offer ourselves in service within this parish and in our city and world. We invite you to discover and use your talents to serve God within our community! New Member Information You can become a member and learn about your new church community by attending a free Welcome Reception. Please RSVP by visiting the welcome desk in the Narthex, calling Cyndi at 907-7746 x303 or by completing an online form: www.stmarktampa.org/join The next Welcome Receptions are: July 13, 2013 after 5:00PM Mass En Español Julio 14, 2013 despues de la misa de 12:30 PM Pentecost Sunday is one of the most ancient feasts of the Church, celebrated early enough to be mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (20:16) and St. Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians (16:8). Our Mission Statement The people of God, in the parish of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, in union with our Pastor, are centered on the Eucharist and are a welcoming and diverse community. We are committed to proclaim the Good News of God’s love by developing the spiritual growth of our parish family, encouraging active participation, personal stewardship and community. ST. MARK the EVANGELIST WWW.STMARKTAMPA.ORG Mass Schedule* Next Weekend’s Featured Ministry: Saturday Vigil*: 5:00 PM Sunday*: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM Sunday in Spanish: 12:30 PM Monday** & Thursday: 12 noon GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICO **Mondays that fall on a holiday: 8:30 AM Come and see us at the Welcome desk in the Narthex! "To serve Jesus and Mary." El Grupo de Oración Carismático en español de nuestra iglesia St. Mark the Evang* Christmas & Easter mass schedules are different list, La Divina Misericordia, te extiende una Reconciliation cordial invitación a que te unas a nuestra Saturdays 4 PM - 4:45 PM (or by appt.) familia en Cristo. Conducidos por el EspíriLiturgy of the Hours and Rosary tu Santo nos reunimos todos los jueves en Tues., Wed., and Fri. at 8:00 AM la capilla frente al Santísimo para alabar, adorar y glorificar a nuestro Dios. También Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary le damos gracias por todas las bendiciones Thursday 7:00 PM in Chapel que recibimos diariamente y le pedimos Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament perdón por todas nuestras ofensas a El. Mon-Thu: 9AM- 8:30PM, Fri: 9AM-5PM Ven, escucha la Palabra de Dios, acepta esta cordial invitación y únete a nuestra Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament familia en Cristo, te esperamos los jueves de 7:30 pm a 9:00 pm. Cordialmente el grupo First Friday of Month: 9 AM - 5:30 PM Followed by Benediction at 5:30 PM de Oración Carismático en español, La Divina Misericordia. Para mayor información por favor contactar a Daniel Santos: es-Leader-OracionCarismatico@stmarktampa.org Visitanos en el escritorio del Narthex. Rev. David DeJulio, Pastor FrDavid@stmarktampa.org Fr. Ed Lamp FrEd@stmarktampa.org Fr. Carl Last A Stewardship Reflection on This Sunday’s Readings FrCarl@stmarktampa.org The readings for this Pentecost Sunday abound with stewardDeacon Jose Moronta ship messages and imagery. In a brief deliberation it is impossiJMoronta@stmarktampa.org ble to mention all, let alone expound upon them. Deacon Scott Paine Nevertheless, the second reading from 1 Corinthians includes SPaine@stmarktampa.org 813-421-4103 two phrases that absolutely capture the quintessence of stewParish Office Information ardship. Hours: Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM St. Paul asserts: “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but Phone: (813)907-7746 Fax: (813)907-7556 the same Spirit.” This is tantamount to the oft-quoted declara9724 Cross Creek Blvd. Tampa, FL 33647. tion, “Everything we are and everything we have comes from Website: www.stmarktampa.org God.” All of the readings on Pentecost emphasize the Holy Spirit — also known as Holy Facebook: Facebook.com/stmarktampa Ghost, Paraclete, Advocate, Counselor, Comforter, and Helper — and how this Spirit Email: info@stmarktampa.org pervades our lives and imbues us with all that is holy. St. Paul adds: “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some beneIf you would like to donate flowers for fit.” Benefit to whom? Certainly, it is a benefit to us as individuals, so that we can use the altar for Masses, please Contact: Lu- those gifts to help God and assist others. That is stewardship — using the gifts we have received to build the Kingdom of God and to serve and comfort others. ther 907-7746 x330 Our challenge is to identify those gifts; channel those gifts in ways they can be shared; LFerris@stmarktampa.org and, develop those gifts so they enrich all of those around us. Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:30AM Clergy “Everything we are and everything we have comes from God.” Altar Flowers Bulletin Submissions Please read bulletin submission guidelines: www.stmarktampa.org/bulletin Next week’s deadline: Noon on Monday 2 Attention Online Givers! We're pleased to announce that starting the week of May the 10th, we'll be updating the EZDonating webpage. The new appearance will offer a much cleaner look and feel as well as additional options that some of you have requested. If, for any reason, you experience issues loading a page after we make the updates, please contact Joe Phillips at 813-907-7746 x304. Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013 100% Participation & One Year Pledges... Look and See what’ s new!! New Church Update Greetings to all of you! Every day as I pass the bell tower, I continue to be more and more excited as the finishing touches are administered to this beautiful edifice! As you have seen, the bells await in our Worship space along our main aisle to finally find its resting place when the tower is completed. I hope you were able to see some of the video from the blessing and naming of the bells held a few short weeks ago on our website. It was an extraordinary night and one that I will always treasure! Capital Campaign Update $4,844,150 in pledges $3,444,526 in cash As you read this we will have celebrated Latin Night this past Friday put on by members of our Latin community. They sure know how to throw a party as the dining and dancing charged up our New Tampa community! Get your Tiles Today. The I would like to thank all those who coordinated and planned this success- Cross is filling up fast! The bottom ful event and all those who participated. All proceeds went to our building of our Cross will be dedicated to fund as we move closer and closer to building this great church. our children. And only the Next week we welcome Bishop Lynch who will confer the Sacrament of children’s tiles will be placed Confirmation to over 90 young men and women at the 5:30 pm Sunday there. Our children are the founMass. This is always an exciting event for our parish when the Bishop dation of our faith. comes, but I have to warn all of you who normally go to that mass that it will be a long one! You might want to plan accordingly. Don't say I didn't warn you! Well, that is all for now, May God bless all of you on this "Birthday of the Church". Peace, Fr. David Thanks to everyone who has either accelerated, paid off or pledged for the first time... We are on our way! And soon to be... 3 ST. MARK the EVANGELIST WWW.STMARKTAMPA.ORG Food Pantry Needs Your Help! Next weekend: Cereal 7 Essential Elements of Parish Life Just look for the Little Red Wagon on the Piazza before all Masses. Thank you for your continued support of our food pantry! If you would like to volunteer to help distribute food at the SVDP food pantry please go to this web page to check the schedule for Vacant dates: www.stmarktampa.org/FoodPantrySchedule. Then send an email to: SVDP@stmarktampa.org with the Vacant date(s) you would like to volunteer on. FYI...the nearest SVDP Thrift Store is at 12310 N. Nebraska Ave in Tampa and the phone # is: (813)977-7057. TOPIC: THE OUR FATHER and 6 Values for SAINT MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH with Biblical References from the New American Bible, Revised Edition. RESPECT Listen with respect. Communicate openly and honestly; speak from your heart. St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Men’s Ministry June – August 2013 6:30 – 8:00 AM June: 1, 8, 22, 29 July: 13, 27 August: 10, 17 3. HEB 10:16 - "This is the covenant I will establish with them after those days, says the Lord: 'I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them upon their minds" Leadership Element 4. EXCELLENCE Strive for excellence in all we do always go the extra mile. IS 28:29 - "This too comes from the LORD of hosts; wonderful is his counsel and great his wisdom" "Liturgy of the Word for Children" Children's Liturgy (a.k.a. LWC) will be meeting in the Mark 1 and 2 classrooms on the following dates (2nd Sunday of the month) during the 10:30am Sunday Mass: June 9. Please be sure to sign your children up every month, even if they've already been registered in the program. This allows us to properly prepare for and expect your child(ren) once Mass dismisses them for the program. It will mean that they will have a name tag on them on the way out of the Sanctuary, so that they can be properly identified at all times. It also avoids long delays to sign them in AFTER the program has started, especially the littlest ones. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and we so love to teach your little ones the Word of God each month. Thank you for sharing them with us! Children's Liturgy Team: Leader-LiturgyForChildren@stmarktampa.org) Children’s Choir Performs The St. Mark Children's Choir singing in the Pueri Cantores Florida Festival in February in the Basilica Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in Orlando. Director is Mrs. Sandra Lau. The choir is open to singers ages 9 - 18. See Dr. John Paul Cappa or email slau@stmarktampa.org for information. Word Element For additional information, http://www.stmarktampa.org/PC 4 First Friday of every Month: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM to 5 PM with Benediction at 5:30 PM. Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013 Music Position Announcement St. Mark the Evangelist is conducting their second annual Middle School Summer program. We are expanding our Summer Middle School program, and we are in need of a music teacher for the two week’s of the program. The Middle School Summer program will take place from June 17-28 Monday & Thursday 8:45-11:15am. Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9:45-12.00pm. This is paid PT position for the two weeks. Interested candidates, please contact Claudia Garcia at: (813)907-7746 X322 Or fax your resume to: cgarcia@stmarktampa.org Join Our 750+ Facebook Fans at: Facebook.com/stmarktampa Concert Invitation played by John Paul Cappa Please join the members of Saint Anthony of Padua Church as we celebrate the dedication of our new Walker Technical organ. The Walker is an amazing instrument with great sound and versatility. John Paul Cappa, Director of Music for St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Tampa will play a Dedicatory Concert on Friday, May 24 at 7:00 pm. Works by Bach, Buxtehude, Handel, Mendelssohn, Vierne, and others. The church is located at 12144 Joe Herrmann Drive in San Antonio, Florida. Please join us for this special event! Single Boomers Single Boomers (formerly 40+ Catholic Singles) will gather for a reflection on the Gospel by Deacon Ben Hooks in the Chapel at Christ the King Catholic Church beginning at 7:30pm followed by a social on the last Friday of the month. The social begins at 8:00 p.m. in the Mary Martha House, Second Floor, 821 South Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. Please bring an appetizer to share. Our next meeting is Friday, May 31st. Contact Darlene at dcyetta@aol.com or call Anne 813-230-3661 Why Online Giving? E-Giving is a way to financially support the Parish through automated monthly contributions from your credit or debit card account. It is an alternative to the weekly envelope system. There is NO cost to participate in the program. Join the Movement: stmarktampa.org/Adoration 5 WWW.STMARKTAMPA.ORG ST. MARK the EVANGELIST The Sacrament of Confirmation 2013 Lighthouse News Registration for 2013 - 2014 has begun! All forms can be found online. Teens must register each year. Lighthouse is closed for the summer. Peer Ministry- teens who are interested in Peer Ministry must turn in the Peer Ministry packet by May 26. Leadership Fellowship Days- July 1-3 at St Mark, 8 am until 9 PM. Permission forms due May 26. (Open to Entire Leadership Team). Retreats: Bethany Coed Retreat : August 30-31. Coffee House Leader: open to all High School Teens. Receive Service Hours while assisting at Coffee House each Wednesday at 6:30 -8:00 PM! This is a great Leadership Opportunity. Call or email Youth Office to sign up. A Graced Moment for all of us! “To receive Confirmation one must be in a state of grace. One should receive the sacrament of Penance in order to be cleansed for the Holy Spirit. More intense prayer should prepare one to receive the strength and graces of the Holy Spirit with docility and readiness to act.” (# 1310 Catechism of the Catholic Church) Confirmation Rehearsal: Sunday, May 19 at 6:30 PM Confirmation Mass: Sunday, May 26, at 5:30 PM Please see web site for dress code for Confirmation Mass “National Catholic Youth Conference” Help Us Get There! Thank you to those of you who have sponsored our teens. Youth Ministry appreciates your love and support! We will have 19 teens and adults traveling to Indianapolis in November of 2013, and just as in the past, we need the help of our parish family to make this happen. Therefore we ask you: 1. Travel with us in prayer as we prepare and plan for our journey. 2. Consider being a sponsor for one of our teens or young adults. Not only will you be walking with your teen on this journey, but you will also share in the abundance of God’s grace that will flow when they arrive home. Each teen that is sponsored will be writing you a personal note about each day of the convention, which will be given to you upon their return. 3. Watch us live from your home . The NFCYM will be live steaming the entire convention during the four day experience!. “Each person will gain something. When people give God their time in gathering, God will grace them with what they need in those moments.” Bishop Timothy Doherty For more information on sponsorship or to make a donation, please contact MaryAnn in the Youth Office. Couples for Christ The Couples For Christ (CFC) ministry presents the "Many Faces of Blessed Mother Mary," a collection of different statues, images, icons and titles of Virgin Mary as patroness of different countries and around the world. The exhibit will be at the reserved Classrooms and will be displayed after all Saturday and Sunday masses on May 25 and 26. 6 Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013 YEAR OF FAITH - 2012-2013 by Kevin Fritz Pope Francis has spoken about the Year of Faith which continues until November 24. He reminds us: "Of course we must always have clearly in mind that we are justified, we are saved through grace, through an act of freely-given love by God who always goes before us; on our own we can do nothing. Faith is first of all a gift we have received. But in order to bear fruit, God's grace always demands our openness to him, our free and tangible response. Christ comes to bring us the mercy of a God who saves. We are asked to trust in him, to correspond to the gift of his love with a good life, made up of actions motivated by faith and love." (Francis I, General Audience, April 24, 2013) We have been considering our response to this gift of faith that we received from God and how we can put this faith into action through love by examining the fifteen characteristics that St. Paul gives us in his first letter to the Corinthians (1Corinthians 13:4-8). So far we have reflected on the first eleven characteristics. The twelfth characteristic of love according to St. Paul is that it bears all things. The Greek word used is stegei which literally means the roof of a house. The roof covers the house and protects and shields it. St. Paul is suggesting that real love is capable of withstanding tragedy, disappointments, and insults. Love shields and protects us. The roof of a house also conceals or hides what is inside. This suggests that love conceals or hides the faults and failings of others and addresses them privately rather than making them public. It protects the confidentiality of information. It respects privacy. The thirteenth characteristic is that love believes all things. The Greek word used by St. Paul is pisteuei which comes from the root word peitho and means to persuade, to trust, or to have confidence. When we love someone we enter into a relationship with them which grows and deepens as we began to believe in them in the sense of peitho, that is to have trust and confidence in them. It challenges us to overlook the weaknesses and faults of others and to look for the goodness within them. When we believe in someone we seek to bring out what is best in them. We build them up rather than destroy or knock them down. We seek to encourage others. Charles Pope concludes that "Love stirs us to believe that the best is possible for those whom we love" (Pope, Charles, "Love is as Love Does: A Meditation on the Litany of Love In St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians." Internet: http://blog.adw.org/2013/02/love-is-as-loves-does-ameditation-on-the-litany-of-love-in-st-pauls-letter-to-the-corinthians/ (accessed April 13, 2013)) Kevin and his wife Darlene joined St. Mark's in 2003. He works in the Tampa area as a Quality Assurance Analyst. He studied theology at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in New York. The Year of Faith (October 11, 2012 through November 24, 2013) Learn more about faith Peter Kreeft, Faith (part of the Luke E. Hart Series Basic Elements of the Catholic Faith) You can download and print this 34 page article in pdf form at: http://www.kofc.org/un/en/resou rces/cis/cis101.pdf Check out the other resources provided by Catholic Information Services Renew Your Wedding Vows If you would like to renew your Wedding Vows, they are done on the Fourth Saturday of the Month at the 5pm Mass. Please contact Luther by calling the church office or via email: LFerris@stmarktampa.org Baby Shower The Columbiettes of St. Mark, Auxiliary 12956, will be hosting our Fourth Annual Baby Shower to benefit the Foundations of Life Pregnancy Center. June 1st & 2nd and June 8th & 9th on the Piazza after the weekend Masses. Unwrapped gifts for the babies saved through this ministry will be greatly appreciated. 7 Parish Schedule & Mass Intentions Sunday Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013 Readings: Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; or Rom 8:8-17 7:30 AM RCIA Sessions (john 1 & 2) 8:30 AM Mass (Giselle Lissade (d) by Marie Fields) 10:30 AM Mass ( Greg Chalmers (d) by Karishma Chalmers ) 11:30 AM Spanish Choir (Music Room) 12:30 PM Mass ( German Eduardo Alvarez (d) by Alvarez-Marroquin Families) 5:30 PM Mass ( Beverly Speicher (d) by Lori Dohar) 6:30 PM Confirmation Rehearsal (Worship Area) Monday Seventh Week in Ordinary Time May 20, 2013 Readings: Sir 1:1-10/Mk 9:14-29 9:00 AM Legion of Mary (Mark 1) 10:00 AM Wedding (Worship Area) 12:00 PM Mass (Carol Hutchinson (d) by Pamela Fahey) 6:30 PM Columbiettes Meeting (Music Room) 6:30 PM Financial Peace University (Luke 1 & 2) 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Officers Meeting (Office Conference Room) Tuesday St. Christopher Magallanes May 21, 2013 Readings: Sir 1:1-11; Mk 9:30-37 8:30 AM Mass (Cindy Roller (d) by John & Therese Stuben) 6:30 PM Boy Scout Meeting (Music Room) 7:00 PM RCIA Inquiry (Office Conference Room) 7:30 PM Contemporary Music Rehearsal (Worship Area) Wednesday St. Rita of Cascia May 22, 2013 Readings: Sir4:11-19; Mk 9:38-40 8:30 AM Mass (Vocations) 9:30 AM Sacramental Records Project (Office Conference Room) 7:00 PM CRHP Women's Meeting (Matt 1 & 2) 7:00 PM Healing Hearts (John 2) 7:30 PM Parish Choir (Music Room) 7:30 PM Spanish Bible Study (Mark 1) 9:30 PM Cantor Practice (Music Room) Thursday Readings: 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM Friday Readings: 8:30 AM Saturday Readings: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday Readings: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM May 23, 2013 Sir 5:1-8; Mk 9:41-50 Spanish Bible Reflections (Mark 1) Mass (Parishioners of St. Mark) Children's Choir (Music Room) Spanish Children's Choir (Music Room CRHP Continuation Committee (Mark 2) CRHP Men's Meeting (Matt 1 & 2) Novena to the Miraculous Medal (Chapel) Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group (Chapel) Spanish Choir (Music Room) May 24, 2013 Sir 6:5-17; Mk 10:1-12 Mass (Mike Stuben (L) by John & Therese Stuben) St. Bede the Venerable, St. Gregory, VII May 25, 2013 Sir 17:1-15; Mk 10:13-16 Blessed Mother Mary (Mark 1 & 2) Mass (Mary & Len Gorman (d) by Frank & Kathie Rumrill) The Most Holy Trinity May 26, 2013 Prv 8:22-31; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15 Blessed Mother Mary (Mark 1 & 2) Mass (Parishioners of St. Mark) Mass (Cyril Peters (d) by Mr. & Mrs. Peters) Spanish Choir (Music Room) Mass (Zulma Cordero (d) by Iris Maldonado) Cursillo (Chapel) Mass (Dorothy Smith (d) by Lillian Daniel ) Bishop Lynch will confer the Sacrament of CONFIRMATION during this Mass. (Mass will be longer) To View the Online Calendar: www.stmarktampa.org/schedule To Make Room Scheduling Requests : RoomSchedule@stmarktampa.org Children’s Faith Formation Corner It's a birthday celebration, so gather some balloons, a cake with candles, and a package wrapped in pretty paper and tied with red ribbon. These items will help you remember what happened in the Church on the first Pentecost. We are celebrating the day that the church really got her start. Pentecost Sunday is the day we remember when God sent the Holy Spirit to His apostles just as Jesus had promised that He would. The balloons need to be filled. We breathe or blow air into them. The apostles were gathered in a room of a house where they heard a noise from heaven like a strong driving wind rushing into the room. Today we ask the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. "…God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. " Romans 5:5 The candles on the cake remind us that tongues of fire came and rested on the apostles on that day and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This gave them the ability to go out and speak in other languages to spread God's Word and bring Him glory. We are to be Disciples of Christ in our words and actions. "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them." Acts 2:4 What is in the gift we have wrapped and why the red ribbon? Red is traditionally associated with the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, God gave believers a special gift: the Holy Spirit. We ask God to pour out the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the Church. "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth." Psalm: 104:30 Here's a game for your Pentecost celebration! Each number represents a letter of the alphabet. Substitute the correct letter for the numbers to reveal the coded words underlined above. I1 Z2 X3 B4 Q5 D6 M7 T8 A9 U 10 J 11 C 12 W 13 V 14 K 15 E 16 R 17 S 18 H 19 F 20 L 21 P 22 G 23 N 24 O 25 Y 26 1. 24-25-1-18-16 ___________________________________ 3. 20-1-21-21-16-6 5. 20-1-17-16 _________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. 13-1-24-6 _________________________________________ 4. 19-25-10-18-16 6. 19-25-21-26 _____________________________________ ________________________________________ 7. 18-22-1-17-1-8 ___________________________________ 8. 18-22-16-9-15 ______________________________________ 9. 21-9-24-23-10-9-23-16 _____________________________ 10. 19-16-9-14-16-24 ___________________________________ Staff Contacts - Phone: 813-907-7746 Contact Info Email Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation Youth Ministry & MaryAnn Weigel High School Confirmation Music John Paul Cappa Liturgy Luther Ferris Accounting Joe Phillips Parish Office Lorraine Greene FaithFormation@stmarktampa.org Stewardship & Development Cyndi Letzeisen Ministry Leader MWeigel@stmarktampa.org JPCappa@stmarktampa.org LFerris@stmarktampa.org JPhillips@stmarktampa.org LGreene@stmarktampa.org CL@stmarktampa.org Ministry Contacts Email Adoration & Exposition Choir Altar Servers Arts & Environment Bereavement (Healing Hearts) Boy Scouts Building & Grounds Columbiettes Eucharistic Ministers Greeters Hospitality Knights of Columbus K of C - 4th Degree Marilyn Horne Leader-Adoration@stmarktampa.org John Paul Cappa JPCappa@stmarktampa.org Nancy Larson Leader-AltarServers@stmarktampa.org Karen Howell Leader-ArtEnvironment@stmarktampa.org Noel & Nellie Leader-HealingHearts@stmarktampa.org Negron Bryan Noll Leader-BoyScouts@stmarktampa.org Bill Pettit Bpettit@stmarktampa.org Katie Regan Leader-Columbiettes@stmarktampa.org Bob and Terri Rayo Leader-EucharisticMinisters@stmarktampa.org Laura Blank Leader-Greeters@stmarktampa.org Jeanne Heintzel Leader-Hospitality@stmarktampa.org Tim Donovan Leader-KofC3@stmarktampa.org Bob Letzeisen Leader-KofC4@stmarktampa.org Christine Bonatakis Liturgy of the Word Leader-LiturgyForChildren@stmarktampa.org & for Children Karyn Colón Legion of Mary Shirley Rudder Leader-LegionOfMary@stmarktampa.org Terry & Laura Marriage Encounter Leader-Marriage@stmarktampa.org Lewis Leader-NursingHomeVisits@stmarktampa.org Nursing Home Visits Tom & Ellie Crew Office Angels Lorraine Greene LGreene@stmarktampa.org various PastoralCouncil@stmarktampa.org Pastoral Council Prison/Jail Ministry Elsie Foley Leader-PrisonJail@stmarktampa.org RCIA Mary Strickland Leader-RCIA@stmarktampa.org Readers Bob Patrick Leader-Readers@stmarktampa.org Respect Life Ministry Darcy Grahs Leader-RespectLife@stmarktampa.org St. Vincent De Paul Pam Smith Leader-SVDP@stmarktampa.org Karen & Tony Small Christian Communities Leader-SmallChristian@stmarktampa.org Marsella Carolyn Stuedli & Leader-SMARTS@stmarktampa.org S.M.A.R.T.S Gerry Hammill Sunshine Ministry Lorraine Greene LGreene@stmarktampa.org Stewardship Commission Laniece Drackett Leader-Stewardship@stmarktampa.org Tiny Treasures Janeen Schuh Leader-TinyTreasures@stmarktampa.org Welcome Committee Cyndi Letzeisen Leader-Welcome@stmarktampa.org Ushers Joe Moceri Leader-Ushers@stmarktampa.org A complete list of ministries can be found online at: www.stmarktampa.org/ministries Please Pray For... Get Well Wishes: Dick Ray, Madison and J.E. Giarrizzo, Virginia Heintzel, Bill & Jason, Thomas Stanhouse, John Dieffenbacher, Marilyn D’Angelo, Maria DePiero, Carlos Terrassa, Barbara Jenkins, Patricia Southwell and Felicita Santiago To request prayers please send an email to Prayers@stmarktampa.org Sacramental Preparation Baptism Brochures, forms, and sponsor letters can be found online at:stmarktampa.org\baptism. Please call 907-7746 x310 prior to attending required pre-baptism classes. Marriage Couples planning their marriage should call 813-907-7746 ext. 308 at least six months prior to their wedding date in order to complete their pre-marital assessment, discernment, and marriage preparation enrichment. For info go to: stmarktampa.org/marriage. RCIA Adults, older children, or teens who have not been baptized, or have been baptized in another Christian community, who desire to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church, should please contact the Faith Formation office at ext. 308. More info is available at: stmarktampa.org/RCIA First Communion & Confirmation Adults who have been baptized, but have not received their First Communion and/or Confirmation, should call Faith Formation at ext. 308. Children and Teens: Students must attend two consecutive years. Preparation in the parish is necessary for the sacraments (even for those at parochial schools). Brochures and forms can be picked up at the Faith Formation Office, or downloaded from the web site. Please Pray for Our Heroes “Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and Their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in time of need. I ask this in the name Of JESUS our Lord and Savior. Amen.” If you have a family member or friend that is serving in the military, please send an email with a photo to Bulletin@stmarktampa.org Anthony Orcajo * No Picture (pictured above) Ulio & Francisco Arocho Tanya Buckley Ryan Clisset Jorge Farchakh Andrew Gephart * Ryan Irwin * Bryan Koehler Nicholas Lardizabal *Ayman Mageed Brandon S. Nidasio Christopher Parkes Nicholas Stiegler Khiry White Robert E. Woodards Brian Artienda Neal Cheramie Jonathan James A. Cruz Amanda Garia Kyle Howell Mark Kieweg Jeff Lardizabal Harold La Rock II Yerandy Molina Anthony Orcajo Maura Stepanski Ana Maria Vargas Alan Woodard ST. MARK the EVANGELIST WWW.STMARKTAMPA.ORG Second Annual Summer Faith Formation Program for Middle School Students! Wed., May 22, 2013 Bowling at Royal Lanes at 11:00 AM Contact: Steve Cerrito at 997-4748 or scerrito2@tampabay.rr.com Tues., May 28, 2013 Card Social at St. Mark's Noon -3 PM. Snacks provided. Questions contact Maria at 994-8927 or nanatito@aol.com or Adele at 545-0286 or tampadel@yahoo.com Wed., May 29, 2013 Mini Golf at Grand Prix on Nebraska Ave. Starting at 11:00 AM. Contact: Steve Cerrito at 997-4748 or scerrito2@tampabay.rr.com Tues., June 4, 2013 Pool at Peabody's on Amberly Drive at 10:00 AM. Pool is free if you buy lunch. Contact Steve Cerrito, 997-4748 scerrito2@tampabay.rr.com Fri., June 7, 2013 First Friday Mass at 8:30 AM - Breakfast follows (Optional) Contact Fred Hendel 782-1687 or mfhendel@verizon.net Tues., June 11, 2013 Card Social at St. Mark's Noon -3 PM. Snacks provided. Questions contact Maria at 994-8927 or nanatito@aol.com or Adele at 545-0286 or tampadel@yahoo.com Wed., June 12, 2013 SMARTS Monthly Meeting - 11:00 AM At the Back 9 Café - Heritage Isles Please arrive by 10:30AM for sign in and sign up for events. Lunch available for those who wish to stay after the meeting. Contacts: Carolyn Stuedli at 907-1374 or czsflorida@tampabay.rr.com or Gerry Hammill at 949-3344 or gph123@aol.com Thurs., June 13, 2013 FBI Tour - 10:30 AM. (Registration closed at this time.) Meeting in Lowes' Parking Lot. Will leave at 9:15AM Sharp. Carpool Fee: $5.00. Lunch after at Olive Garden on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in New Tampa 10 Are you juggling multiple after school activities for your children? Are you looking for an alternative option for your middle school children’s faith formation? We are pleased to announce our second annual summer faith formation program for students who will be in middle school during the 20132014 school year. Students may take faith formation classes during the summer at a two week half-day summer camp. The summer camp is equivalent to the traditional school-year faith formation class. Flyers about the summer camp are in the narthex and on the table by the Faith Formation office or on the St. Mark Website. Payment is due at the time of registration. The summer camp will take place June 17th – 28th , 8:30-12:30p Hurry! only a few spots remain per grade level. Traveling Chalice When you take the Traveling Chalice home for a week, you are not only praying for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. You are also praying for your vocation to married life, as parents or single life. Please sign up to take the Traveling Chalice home with you. You can sign up online at the St. Mark web-site under vocations or by calling Monin Gonzalez at 929-3751. Holy Communion to The Sick/Homebound If you or a relative needs to receive Holy Communion at home, please call our parish office to schedule the visit of a member of our team of extraordinary ministers for the Holy Communion for the sick and homebound. What Happens If I Die Without a Will? What happens if I die without a valid will? Some 60% of Americans die without a valid will. This is unfortunate in most cases, because State laws will take over and will distribute your probate estate in accordance to a prescribed formula-possibly in a way that you would not choose. Any charitable interests you wanted to benefit will not occur. For more information call Cyndi at 907-7746. Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2013 Giving: Stewardship of Treasure Fostering Stewardship as a way of life Sacrificial Giving Summary For 5/12 In gratitude for the gifts we receive from God, the people of St. Mark have made a joyful return to the Lord for our mission and ministries Offertory: $22,005 Children’s Rock: $129 APA: $2,715 Building Fund (2nd collection): $25,058 St. Vincent de Paul: $3,522 Online (Included in Offertory): $4,397 You are helping to continue to carry out Christ’s mission and ministry in our parish. Thanks for Giving First Fruits and Taking a Step in Faith!! Happily Married Couples It’s spring training time already? Weekends devoted to the kid’s baseball, gymnastics, etc. But when is it Mommy & Daddy’s time? It’s said the best gift that parents can give to their children is a deeply love-filled marriage. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is a wonderful investment in your spouse…AND your children. For more information about taking a private time away, and for upcoming weekend dates, check out www.wwmetampabay.org or call 813-270-7832. The next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend in this diocese is July 26-28 at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Tampa. APA Goal 2013 Pledged to date Cash collected $264,228 $113,527 $87,040 An Atmosphere of Reflection and Prayer In the Worship Area In the Worship Area our goal is to have an atmosphere of prayer and reflection. "When in the Worship area before Mass, speak only to God and let God speak to you." 11 Bienvenido a tu Sección en Español Misa en Español Domingos a las 12:30pm Horario de la Oficina Parroquial: Lunes a Viernes: 9:00am - 5:00pm Para información en español, llama al (813) 907-7746 o puedes pasar por la oficina. _____________________________ *** NUEVOS MIEMBROS *** Para recibir servicios religiosos es necesario que estés inscrito en la parroquia. El Próximo Evento de Bienvenida es el Domingo 14 de Julio del 2013 (después de la misa en Español) _____________________________ El Grupo De Oración Carismática “La Divina Misericordia” Jueves de 7:30pm a 9:00pm. _____________________________ Reflexión Bíblica: Miércoles: 7:30pm. ________________________________________ Jueves: 10:30am. _________________________________________________________________ La exposición del Santísimo es el primer Viernes de cada mes, comenzando después de la misa de 8:30am y terminando a las 5:30pm con la Bendición. _________________________________________________________________ El Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad te invita a la Ultreya Parroquial, la cual se lleva a cabo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la misa en Español. ¡Recuerda que Cristo cuenta contigo! _________________________________________________________________ La Despensa de San Vicente de Paúl: solicita de tu generosidad para dar de comer al necesitado. ¡Dios te bendiga por tu generosidad! “Pasta enlatada”. _________________________________________________________________ TIENDA DE ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS Visita la tienda de regalos religiosos ST. MARK: tenemos regalos y artículos religiosos para toda ocasión y a precios razonables. Domingo 19 de Mayo 2013 FUENTE DE TODO CONSUELO Se suele decir que el gran desconocido en la Iglesia es el Espíritu Santo. Muchos acuden a Él, se le invoca en los momentos de las más serias decisiones y con frecuencia se le pide luz y sabiduría. Sabemos que es la Tercera Persona de la Trinidad Santa, pero en muchas ocasiones se le confunde –lamentablemente por ignorancia- con una especie de semidios o de espíritu intermedio entre Dios y la humanidad. Pero, lo cierto es que es Dios. Lo confesamos en el Credo y lo recibimos en el Bautismo; también en la confirmación se nos da una fuerza muy particular, cuando nos concede sus siete sagrados dones. Por el sacramento del Orden, los ministros reciben una particular fuerza de ese Espíritu Santo con lo cual se configuran a Cristo y actúan en su nombre. El día de Pentecostés llegó –en formas de lenguas de fuego- a los discípulos de Jesús para darles la fuerza y el entusiasmo necesarios para poder comenzar la obra inmensa de la evangelización. A lo largo de los siglos, no ha faltado nunca en la Iglesia. Más aún, es el protagonista de la misión evangelizadora, al guiar y sostener a todos los discípulos y misioneros de Jesús que proclaman su Evangelio y edifican el reino. A quien recibe el Bautismo y la Confirmación se les recuerda que han sido ungidos por Él: es decir que han sido marcados y destinados para la misión y para alcanzar la plenitud de la santidad a lo largo de su caminar por el mundo. Lo solemos conocer como el PARACLITO, esto es como el CONSOLADOR. En la secuencia que se canta antes del Evangelio el día de Pentecostés lo reconocemos como “FUENTE DE TODO CONSUELO”. ¿Qué significa esto? El Espíritu, como bien lo sabemos por el Catecismo, viene a nuestra ayuda para darnos la fuerza suficiente a fin de permanecer fieles al compromiso adquirido en el bautismo y en la confirmación. Por eso, podemos decir que nos sostiene, nos anima, nos guía… Es decir nos da el aliento necesario para poder vencer las dificultades, y también para vivir en la libertad de los hijos de Dios. Esto es lo que significa “fuente de todo consuelo”. En el lenguaje bíblico y cristiano, consuelo significa fortaleza con la que se puede sostener el compromiso. El profeta anuncia la orden de Dios, por ejemplo: “Consuelen a mi pueblo”. Es decir, sostengan a mi pueblo necesitado de ayuda y aliento. El Espíritu Santo es el Consolador por excelencia: con Él se recibe la fuerza necesaria para caminar hacia la plenitud del encuentro con el Padre Dios; con su ayuda se puede vencer la tentación y vencer al pecado. Además, con su consuelo se recibe el entusiasmo y la alegría para poder realizar la tarea evangelizadora o mantenerse fieles a Dios. Con ese don o regalo maravilloso de su consuelo, podemos experimentar lo que la Liturgia canta el día de Pentecostés: “Doblega nuestra soberbia, calienta nuestra frialdad, endereza nuestras sendas…” Con fe, entonces, podemos también pedirle al Consolador que sostiene, da fuerza y alienta: “Danos virtudes y méritos, danos una buena muerte y contigo el gozo eterno. Amén”. PILDORAS DE NUESTRA FE POR: DIACONO JOSÉ MORONTA ¿Qué significa Pentecostés para un Cristiano? La palabra Pentecostés viene del griego y significa el día quincuagésimo. A los 50 días de la Pascua, los judíos celebraban la fiesta de las siete semanas (Cuyo origen leemos en el capítulo 34 del Éxodo); esta fiesta en un principio fue agrícola, pero se convirtió después en recuerdo de la Alianza del Sinaí. Al principio los cristianos no celebraban esta fiesta. Las primeras alusiones a su celebración se encuentran en escritos de los siglos II y II. Ya en el siglo IV hay testimonios de que en las grandes Iglesias de Constantinopla, Roma y Milán, así como en la Península Ibérica, se festejaba el último día de la cincuentena pascual. Con el tiempo se le fue dando mayor importancia a este día, teniendo presente el acontecimiento histórico de la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre María y los Apóstoles. Gradualmente, se fue formando una fiesta, para la que se preparaban con ayuno y una vigilia solemne, algo parecido a la Pascua. Se utiliza el color rojo para el altar y las vestiduras del sacerdote; simboliza el fuego del Espíritu Santo. ¿Qué sucedió en Pentecostés? Los discípulos se habían preparado deliberadamente para la venida del Espíritu Santo y seguían paso a paso, a través de la Palabra, esta revelación que ya había sido profetizada. 1. Joel profetizó: «Y después de esto derramaré mi Espíritu sobre toda carne» Joel 2.28-29 2. Juan el Bautista dijo: «Yo los bautizo en agua, pero uno más poderoso que yo bautizará en Espíritu Santo». Mateo 3.11 3. Jesús, al inicio de su ministerio, dijo que los creyentes iban a «nacer de Nuevo en Espíritu». Juan 3.3-4 4. Durante su ministerio, Jesús enseñó que los hombres que pidieran el Espíritu Santo lo recibirían. Lucas 11.13 5. En el cenáculo, Jesús identificó al Espíritu Santo como una Persona (Jn 14.15-26), y habló acerca de su labor con los creyentes y los no creyentes (Jn 16.7-15). Significativamente, reveló que estaba pidiéndole al Padre por el Consolador para que este viniera y habitara con los discípulos. Juan 14.16-17 6. Después de su resurrección de entre los muertos, Jesús se le apareció a sus discípulos. Ahí, simbólicamente, sopló y dijo: «Reciban el Espíritu Santo» (Jn 20.22). No obstante, insistió en que no debían empezar su ministerio hasta que experimentaran realmente con poder la venida del Espíritu. Lucas 24.49; Hechos 1.8 7. Justo después de que Jesús ascendiera a los cielos, dijo: «Porque Juan ciertamente bautizó con agua, mas ustedes serán bautizados con el Espíritu Santo». Hechos 1.5 8. Diez días después de la ascensión de Jesucristo y de mucho tiempo de oración, el Espíritu Santo vino y llenó el cuerpo entero de creyentes en el día de Pentecostés. Hechos 2.1-4 Hay dos eventos en la venida del Espíritu Santo que guardan, aparentemente, un significado histórico. Estos acontecimientos son muy importantes para la Iglesia y para los judíos y gentiles creyentes. Definitivamente este era el plan histórico de Dios. Gentiles y judíos fueron bautizados por el Espíritu Santo, es decir, fueron colocados dentro del cuerpo de Cristo, su Iglesia. La Virgen María en Pentecostés La obra y la acción de María no acaba en el Calvario. ¿Qué les parece si entramos también nosotros al Cenáculo, donde están reunidos los apóstoles con María en espera del E.S.? Los apóstoles formaban la primera Iglesia. Y María era la madre de esa Iglesia . ¿Cómo no iba a estar María ahí? Para esto nos servirá el texto de los Hechos 1, 12-14; 2,1: “Todos perseveraban unánimes en la oración con algunas mujeres, con María la madre de Jesús”. Ciertamente María no pertenece al grupo de los Apóstoles, pues no ocupa un lugar jerárquico, pero es presencia activa y animadora primera de la oración y la esperanza de la comunidad. La Virgen María y el Espíritu Santo La tradición de la Iglesia llama a María “esposa del Espíritu Santo”, y la verdad es que hay suficientes razones para hacerlo. La presencia de María en el Cenáculo es solidaridad activa con la comunidad de su Hijo. Ella es la que con mayor anhelo y fuerza implora la venida del Espíritu. María era una mujer del Espíritu. Su vida está adornada de intervenciones del Espíritu de Dios: Fue quien la cubrió con su sombra y obró en ella la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios, y santificó a Juan Bautista en el seno de su madre Isabel, y María e Isabel “se llenaron de gozo en el Espíritu”. El espíritu reveló al anciano Simeón la misión de su Hijo Jesús y profetizo a María la espada de dolor. Por tanto, toda la vida de María se desarrolla en la fuerza del espíritu. Por ello podemos decir que María es Madre, alma y aliento de la Iglesia naciente y siempre ha estado presente en las iniciativas misioneras de la Iglesia. ¡Abracemos la Cruz! “Ultimas semanas para unirnos a la Cruz de Cristo” ¡Tenemos regalos para Primeras comuniones! Visita la tienda de artículos religiosos en St Mark, $25.00 por una Teja de 2” x 2” tenemos regalos religiosos para toda ocasión: primeras comuniones, bautizos, confirmaciones, bodas, etc.... ¡Puedes comprar más de una! Se creativo expresando tu Regalo. ¡No olvides visitarnos después de las misas los Sábados y Domingos! “Todo Fondo Recaudado Se Utilizara para La Construcción de Nuestra Nueva Iglesia” Florida Eye Center Honoring Memories, Celebrating Lives Sunset Funeral Home & Memory Gardens 11005 US Highway 301 N • Thonotosassa, FL 33592 (813) 986-2402 www.sunset-fh.com Thomas J. Pusateri, M.D. • Leonard E. Cortelli, Jr., M.D. Mark L. Arey, M.D. • Scott M. Friedman, M.D. Adult & Pediatrics, Cataract and Hearing 13602 N. 46th Street • Tampa (813) 972-4444 • www.flaeyecenter.com Concepcion-Cipriano & Associates, P.A. WE DO PLUMBING • Counseling Services • Psychological Testing • Children • Teens • Family • Marriage • Individual INSURANCE & CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Text or call: (813) 728-0016 Se Habla Español BETTER! I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. TheCleanPlumbers.com FL License cfc022607 Psalms 89:1 North/ New Tampa 813-961-2683 ADVERTISING SALES How Would You Like To Sell Advertising On This Bulletin and Other Churches In The Area? If Interested, Please Call: 1-866-651-2111 or Email: ScottM@MessnerPublications.com Learn how you can turn your Vicki Mannarino, CFP®, CEBS, CDFA™ philanthropy into investment Registered Principal opportunities with the Raymond Together, let’s make a difference. James Charitable Gift Annuity. I can show you how it can continue giving in your name while helping to provide a lifetime of income. Call me for more information today. I pledge to donate 10% of any net fees or commissions earned to St. Mark or the charity of your choice. 2794 SOM Center Road Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 T 440.516.7550 // T 888.289.7550 vicki.mannarino@raymondjames.com ©2011 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC 11-BR64I-0004 CW 06/11 Gregory C. Stepanski, D.D.S., P.A. Dental care that’s loved by kids and trusted by parents. Parishioner Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Specialist in Infants, Children & Teenagers 10317-B Cross Creek Blvd. Tampa, FL 33647 Mary Jean Reina 757-508-7378 (813) 973-3100 www.drgreg-childrensdentistry.com Caring for people, making a differenceTM Accounting Management Services Ed Gregorchik A Breed Apart in Financial Management Since 1989 Se Habla Español Jose S. Ramos, M.B.A., P.A. Vice President & C.F.O. - Parishioner 2344 Crestover Lane Bldg. #7 • Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-907-8656 Phone • 813-907-1717 Fax email: jose@accountingworkshop.com • website: accountingworkshop.com • Full Accounting Service • Financial Planning • Income Tax Specialist (Individual or Corporate) • Loan Packages • Corporate Paralegal 12690 N. 56th Street Tampa, FL 33617 813-988-9200 TRINITY LOGISTICS CORPORATION® ISO 9001:2000 Delivering Fasteners when & how you need them - ON TIME! call Drue Mielke at toll free: 888-212-6796 3216 E. 35th St Ct fax: (563) 459-6287 Davenport, IA 52807-2501 dmielke@trinitylogisticsgroup.com • www.trinitylogisticsgroup.com Quality • Commitment • Value Short and Simple Supplies, Inc. • Adult Care Products • Incontinence F Delree Supplies ive w i ry • Paper Goods 24 thhin rs. • Gloves and so much more! Small World Pediatrics 2527 Windguard Circle, Suite 102 Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 813-317-0210 www.shortandsimplesupplies.com Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Jose D. Jimenez, M.D. Board Certified Pediatrician Accepting Most Insurances Phone (813) 907-8001 Fax (813) 907-5744 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 Matthew 5:8 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 Please support the sponsors of your bulletin. It is through their generous contribution that your bulletin is made possible. JoAnn M. Koehler • Wills • Trusts • Probate (813) 948-8780 Cell: (813) 789-1415 Buy 6 Donuts @ Reg. 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