The Biggest Hotel in the Centre of Germany
The Biggest Hotel in the Centre of Germany
The Biggest Hotel in the Centre of Germany Kneippweg 1 • D-34508 Willingen (Hochsauerland) Germany • Tel. +49(0)5632-404957 • Fax +49(0)5632-6119 Website: • E-mail: The Biggest Hotel in the Centre of Germany Holiday Fun for the Whole Family in the Centre of Germany The Sauerland Stern Hotel is a holiday Eldorado for the whole family right in the centre of Germany. It is situated among the delightful hills of Northern Hesse, at the foot of the Ettelsberg peak, in the skiing worldcup village of Willingen and on the highest moors in Germany. The Sauerland Stern Hotel has a comprehensive range of ideal sporting and leisure facilities, for a holiday that is full of variety and change - unlimited holiday pleasures for the whole family. In addition to the hotel’s own facilities, you will enjoy the nearby mountain biking course, an adventure crazy golf course, a Dino Leisure Park and the new Hochheideturm (Tower on the Upland Moors), the highest climbing and observation tower in north-western 2 Germany. Our guests love a trip to the Fort Fun Leisure Park and the two nearby lakes, Diemelsee and Edersee. Relax in a Caribbean atmosphere at our Laguna Splash Pool, which is connected to the Sauerland Stern Hotel via a passage. Not far from the hotel, kids and their parents can whiz along a 700-metre summer tobogganing run down to the valley through the lush countryside of the Sauerland. 4 3 Winter im Hochsauerland: Lebensfreude pur Das Winterparadies Willingen erwartet Sie mit verschneiten Hängen, Wiesen und Hochheiden. Genießen Sie in der Mitte Deutschlands Ihren Winterurlaub, erfahrungsgemäß mit dem größten Erholungswert. Spaß für die ganze Familie und Genuss pur: Winterspaziergänge durch den verschneiten Wald, eine Fahrt mit dem Pferdeschlitten, Schneeschuhwandern auf Trappers Spuren oder rodelnd dem Tal entgegen sausen. Der Wintersportort Willingen ist nicht nur ein Eldorado für den Winterurlauber sondern auch berühmt wegen seiner Leistungssportanlagen: An erster Stelle die MühlenkopfSprungschanze, bekannt durch das Skispringen im 4 Rahmen des Weltcups. Darüber hinaus können Sie weitere Wintersportarten ausüben: Von Eislaufen, Eisstockschießen, Curling bis Ski-Langlauf und SkiAlpin. Die Skischule mit staatlich geprüften DSVSkilehrern unterrichtet kompetent und professionell Langlauf und Alpin für Kinder und Erwachsene in allen Leistungsstufen. Ihr Erfolg wird Sie auf 6 km Abfahrten und 60 km Langlaufloipen begeistern. Auf Wunsch können Sie vor Ort die für Sie geeignete Skiausrüstung kaufen oder mieten. 5 Coole Kids finden Stern cool Ferientage in der Erlebniswelt des Sauerland Stern Hotels sind cool und echt stark. Im Stern Junior Eldorado erwartet die Kids während der speziell ausgeschriebenen Ferienzeiten eine IndoorErlebniswelt der Superlative. Bastelspaß, Computer-Kids-Camp, Besichtigungen und Ausflüge, Themenabende, Mitternachtsballturniere, Grillabende, Teeniedisco und mittags für alle Kids die „PS-Party“ – Pizza, Spaghetti und wechselnde Snacks mit Softdrinkauswahl. Auf 2000 m2 Fläche zündet das professionelle Animationsteam ein Feuerwerk an Sport, Spiel und Spaß: Kinder-Autoscooteranlage, Riesenrutsche, Hüpfburg, Kicker, Tischtennis, Federball, Volleyball, Basketball und Spielecke sind nur einige Highlights zu den verschiedenen Ferienzeiten. Eine Vielzahl von Aktionen werden vom Betreuungsteam des Sauerland Stern Hotels durchgeführt: Kinderbegrüßungsparty, Spieleolympiade, Inlineskaten, 6 7 Die eigenen Grenzen kennenlernen Lieben Sie es im Urlaub abenteuerlich ? Im Sauerland Stern Hotel werden Sie voller Begeisterung Ihren Urlaub genießen. Neben den Ihnen schon bekannten Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Mountainbiking – der meisterliche Parcours befindet sich direkt neben dem Hotel – werden Kletterkurse am Naturfels und am höchsten Turm Nord-Westdeutschlands, dem Hochheideturm, angeboten. Kanuwildwasserfahrten oder Aktionen im Hochseilgarten werden professionell betreut. 8 Die Vielfalt der Outdoor Aktivitäten im Sauerland Stern Hotel * Wandern, Trekking * Klettern * Mountainbiking, Mountainbike Parcours * Golf, Abenteuer-Minigolf * Kanufahren, Segeln, Surfen * Paragliding, Ballonfahrten, Rundflüge * Inlineskaten * Ski fahren * Bogen- und Luftgewehr schießen * Survival- und Erlebniscamp (auch für Kids) * Abseilen vom Hochheideturm auf dem Ettelsberg oder der Mühlenkopf-Skisprungschanze * Eis laufen 9 Sport – Fun – Games Shared Activities for All Ages It happens so often in our daily lives that we are short of time for joint activities. This makes it all the more important to have a good holiday together, the sort that will be remembered for many years to come. A canoeing adventure on a lake (the nearby Diemelsee), a good old water fight in the Laguna Pool, getting that American Indian feel with a bow and an arrow, or going high up in the air in a chair lift on the Ettelsberg - great activities where everyone can join in. Family-friendly sports and play facilities can be found not only at the Sauerland Stern Hotel itself but also in the immediate vicinity. There are suitable activities for all tastes. 10 11 Wellness und Beauty Healthy, fit and beautiful - who wouldn’t want to have all these qualities? We see this not just as a matter of looks and physical condition, but above all of one’s inner attitude and zest for life. This is what we have in mind when we offer our guests all the key factors they need to stay healthy, fit and beautiful. The Hotel has its own large sports complex, with indoor tennis courts and all-weather outdoor facilities, a central court and a badminton court. It is therefore ideally suited for a time of fun-filled sporting activities. 12 Feng Shui - literally wind and water - is the art of living in harmony with one’s environment. It is available for you in the Beauty & Wellness complex at the Sauerland Stern Hotel. The fine-substance energy lines will have a wonderfully beneficial effect on your well-being. Traditional western methods of treatment are complemented by Far Eastern stimuli. Take time off in a special way, because beauty is more than perfect make-up. Wellness also covers the medical domain. Baths and massages are on prescription if you are registered with a German GP and provided by our state-of-the-art, professionally managed health care department.. 13 Spacious Accommodation in Style The Sauerland Stern Hotel offers its guests a range of comfortably furnished apartments. With a minimum size of 30 square metres and state-of-the-art furnishings such as satellite TV, telephone and fax facilities, the units meet all the requirements of a discerning guest. The newly designed light well forms the centre of the 6 floors and serves as the starting point for reaching the apartments. Each Skyline suite is in penthouse style, with an average size of over 50 square metres and a terrace space of 40 square metres. As well as peace and quiet, you will enjoy a wonderfully panoramic view of the gently rolling hills of the Upper Sauerland. All apartments are equipped with highly convenient and attractively designed bathrooms, with suitable accessories. 14 15 Good Food – Quality and Diversity Guests at the Sauerland Stern Hotel are treated like royalty. We are fully committed to meeting your catering needs on a daily basis. Each of our nine different restaurants, cafés and bars has its own ambience and range of dishes that fulfil all your wishes. Also, there is a daytime bar where you can have a cup of coffee and sample our home-made cake or fresh toasties and sandwiches. The Metro Centre is an ideal venue for nine- and ten-pin bowling. And if you want to finish off the evening with a drink, some music and dancing, you will appreciate our Star Club Disco. At the Grill Ettelsberg we serve special culinary delights made from fresh products bought at the market each day. The Trattoria La Stella will remind you of a piazza in Tuscany, with its original Tuscan tiled roofs. If you prefer a traditional German meal, try our Wirtshaus Zum Stern and enjoy the superb specialities of our local Sauerland cuisine. 16 17 Enjoy Life or Meet for a Conference at Gutshof Itterbach Are you looking for something special? Why not choose something extraordinary? The new gourmet address: Gutshof Itterbach, which is also part of the Sauerland Stern Hotel. family, a romantic meal for two or indeed a business meal or anniversary celebrations. The unique ambience of this manor house meets the highest demands on architecture and furnishings and will make your stay very special indeed. The building has a cosy restaurant with an open fireplace, 4 small separate lounges and is situated in the idyllic Stryck valley not far from our local worldcup ski-jumping piste. Visit Gutshof Itterbach and have a perfect time of enjoyment and relaxation, a great day with your 18 19