February 2016 - holmesfield parish council


February 2016 - holmesfield parish council
Barry Wheat
0114 289 0018
Phil Reaney
(Chairman), Planning
(Vice-Chairman), Road Safety
0114 289 1167
Carol Huckerby
NEDDC Liaison,
0114 289 0468
Village Trusts
Mark BlagdenTransport
0114 289 0243
Gary Fantom
0114 289 0374
Sue Grocutt
Football Club, Village Trusts
Footpaths & Bridleways
Neighbourhood Watch, Police Liaison
0114 289 1324
Bernard Hoare
Playground, Village Society
0114 289 0491
Shirley Reaney
Peak Park, 0114 289 1167
Dronfield Relief in Need Charity
Tim Haycock
Environment Issues
0114 289 9405
Liz Boswell (Clerk)
07758 460757
8 Main Street, Blackfordby,
Swadlincote. DE11 8AD
Hall Letting Officer
Mrs. Mary Sellars
0114 2890921
Hall Caretaker
Alan Crewes
01246 410399
Tree Warden
Nick Deniff
0114 2899359
Newsletter Editor
Nick Wheat
0114 2890348
Newsletter Distribution Ken & Sandra Hunt
0114 2899257
County Councillor
Stuart Ellis
01246 209516
District Councillor
Carol Huckerby
0114 2890468
Member of Parliament Natascha Engel
01248 439018
PoliceNon-emergency 101
0800 555111
1st February (Mon.)
Zumba / Fitsteps
Main Hall
7.00 - 8.00pm
2nd February (Tues.)
Main Hall
10.00 - 11.30am
Penny Acres School
Main Hall
1.30 - 3.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
Small Hall
5.45 - 7.15pm
Gardening Association Meeting Main Hall
7.30 - 9.30pm
3rd February (Wed.)
4th February (Thurs.)
“Thought For The Day” –
The Vine Christian Fellowship,
& Cowley Mission
Main Hall
12.30 - 1.45pm
Main Hall
2.00 - 3.30pm
7.30 - 8.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
5th February (Fri.)
Private Function
Main Hall
8th February (Mon.)
Zumba / Fitsteps
Main Hall
Neighbourhood Watch Meeting Committee Room
9th February (Tues.)
10th February (Wed.)
7.00 - 8.00pm
8.00 - 9.00pm
Main Hall
10.00 - 11.30am
Penny Acres School
Main Hall
1.30 - 3.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
Small Hall
5.45 - 7.15pm
Parish Council Meeting
Committee Room
from 7.30pm
11th February (Thurs.) Cedars
Main Hall
2.00 - 3.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
15th February (Mon.)
Zumba / Fitsteps
Main Hall
7.00 - 8.00pm
16th February (Tues.)
W.I. Meeting
Main Hall
1.45 - 4.00pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
Small Hall
5.45 - 7.15pm
Flower Club Meeting
Main Hall
7.30 - 9.15pm
Main Hall
2.00 - 3.30pm
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
22nd February (Mon.) Zumba / Fitsteps
Main Hall
7.00 - 8.00pm
23rd February (Tues.)
Main Hall
10.00 - 11.30am
Penny Acres School
Main Hall
1.30 - 3.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
Small Hall
5.45 - 7.15pm
17th February (Wed.)
18th February (Thurs.) Cedars
Keep Fit
24th February (Wed.)
Main Hall
2.00 - 3.30pm
Keep Fit
Main Hall
7.30 - 8.30pm
Zumba / Fitsteps
Main Hall
7.00 - 8.00pm
25th February (Thurs.) Cedars
29th February (Mon.)
All copies for the March Newsletter must be received by 18th February
to ensure inclusion in the magazine.
Please send your articles typed via email, if possible. This is especially
important for images you wish to include.
Please email any articles to: Holmesfield-newsletter@hotmail.com
Our next meeting is on Monday 8th February, 8.00pm to 9.00pm in
the Village Hall Committee Room (everyone welcome).
The police enquiry van will be on The Crescent on Thursday 4th
February between 11.00am and 12 noon (if available).
There were no reported incidents in the Parish during December 2015.
The mobile library will be at 6 Park Rise, Holmesfield between 10.25am
and 10.50am on Monday 1st and Monday 29th February.
For further information Call Derbyshire County Council on 01629 533190
We understand from Digital Derbyshire that miles of fibre optic cable is
being placed around the parish which should provide faster broadband
connection than the old copper cables. Representatives from Digital
Derbyshire will be at the next Parish Council meeting on Wednesday
10 February at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
My family and I were much comforted by the numerous messages of
sympathy following the sudden death of Angela Williams (neé Hibbs).
Although Angela had been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphona in August
last year and had been successfully receiving treatment, her death was the
result of a deep vein thrombosis which led to a pulmonary embolism on
New Year’s Eve.
Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and prayers.
Sincerely, Margaret Hibbs
Parish Council comment of Applications
15/01225/OL : Mr. J. Merritt – The Bungalow, Park Farm Avenue,
Holmesfield: Outline application with all matters reserved for the residential
development of 3 dwellings.
There are concerns that the proposed development would constitute
inappropriate development within the Green Belt, taking account of paragraph
89 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policy GS2 of the North East
Derbyshire Local Plan (2005).
There are concerns that the proposal would reduce the openness of the green
belt and in so doing would adversely affect the character and appearance of
the area and so is felt to be inappropriate development.
There are no special circumstances put forward to justify the development of
the green belt.
There is no mains drainage to the site.
15/01252/AMEND : Mrs. R. Shepley OHara – Woodthorpe Hall, Fanshaw
Gate Lane, Holmesfield: Non material amendment relating to application
14/01081/FL to move vehicle parking spaces from north eastern to south
eastern aspect of the building.
District Council Decisions
15/00341/FL : Mr. P. Wyslych – Horns Inn, 9 Main Road, Holmesfield – Change
of use of barn to 1 dwelling, change of use of former public house to 1
dwelling and erection of 4 three bed dwellings (Amended Title). GRANTED
15/00721/FL : Mr. M. Timperley – Schoolwood Cottage, Cowley Lane,
Holmesfield: Subdivision of the existing dwelling into two dwellings, to be
known as Schoolwood Cottage and Schoolwood House. GRANTED
15/01130/FLH : Miss. S .Walker – The Leylands, Moorwood Lane, Owler
Bar: Ground floor extension to replace existing conservatory and first floor
15/01131/FL : Miss. S .Walker – The Leylands, Moorwood Lane, Owler Bar:
Conversion of existing garage into ancillary accommodation. GRANTED
A memorial service for Bryan “Tankie” Stokes took place on the 8th
January 2016, aged 86.
Holmesfield Flower Club’s 2016 programme for the year ahead will be
announced in the March newsletter.
The first meeting will be Wednesday 18th November – 7.30pm (T.B.C).
The full 2016 programme will be on the NAFAS North Midlands website
in due course - www.flowersnorthmidlands.co.uk
The January meeting was good fun and we held a quiz. There were
several teams with 3 to 6 members per table scattered round the room.
Some of the questions were easy whereas others were hard and tricky
but everyone present took part.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd February at 7.30pm in Holmesfield
Village Hall and is our Annual General Meeting which is a members only
event. Members are reminded to please bring their Hyacinth bulbs –
flowering or not – there is a prize for the winner. Members are requested
to please bring sweet or savoury food enough for 3.
On Wednesday 2nd March at 7.30pm in Holmesfield Village Hall we
will be holding a speaker meeting. David Matthewman will talk about
Sweet Peas and plants will be on sale.
Our group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm in the
Village Hall. If you would like to meet friendly, sociable ladies who enjoy
a chat, a cup of tea and biscuits - then do join us!
Contact Beryl Marple on 0114 2890998
Thanks are given to all the people involved in the Holmesfield Village Society
Christmas Carol Service. With particular regard to Dave Cracknell who supplied
the Christmas Tree at reduced cost, the Rutland Arms for sponsoring the event,
Alistair Fearnehough and Nick Wheat for coordinating erecting and decorating
the tree, John Jackson for supplying the electricity for the lights, Debbie Blagden
for arranging Santa’s Grotto at the George and Dragon, Alistair Fearnehough for
providing the mulled wine, Sue Grocutt for the mince pies, Nick Wheat for the
carol music, and not forgetting Father Christmas and his elves and everyone else
who was involved and attended the successful and enjoyable event.
Do you want better, faster broadband
for your home or business?
Digital Derbyshire is a £34 million
partnership between Derbyshire County
Council, Broadband Delivery UK, BT,
D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership and
the European Regional Development
Fund to bring fibre broadband to more
than 100,000 premises across the county.
We’re laying hundreds of miles of fibre optic cable – which provides a faster
broadband connection than the old copper cables – and now it’s available to
order in parts of our community.
Fibre broadband can make a huge difference to your everyday life whether it’s
for online shopping, downloading music, watching films and TV shows over
the internet, kids’ homework or working from home.
If you run a business in the area then fibre broadband could help you too.
Fast and reliable broadband is as important as good road and rail links for
businesses today. It can help drive up profits by expanding customer bases,
helping to compete in a global marketplace − even from a rural location – and
allowing management tasks such as accounting and filing to be done more
efficiently and effectively online.
So far, a total of three green roadside cabinets containing the fibre connection
have gone live in Holmesfield as part of the Digital Derbyshire programme.
This is in addition to the commercial coverage which already exists for some
homes and businesses in the area.
To order fibre broadband follow these five simple steps:
1. Check if fibre broadband is available in your area and what speeds you
might get at www.digitalderbyshire.org.uk/check.
2.Check your current broadband contract. You may be locked in for a
particular period of time but some companies may allow you to upgrade.
3.Do your research. Visit www.digitalderbyshire.org.uk/providers for
information about comparison websites that allow you to compare
broadband packages.
4. Make your decision. Once you have chosen your broadband provider you
will need to get in touch with them to place your order. They should explain
what you need to do to get up and running.
5. Order and installation. Once you have placed an order for fibre broadband,
your provider will tell you how and when your broadband will be installed
so you can enjoy the benefits.
For more information visit www.digitalderbyshire.org.uk
Happy New Year to all Penny Acres friends and families.
Half term highlights 2015
• Key Stage 2 pupils visited the Nottingham Royal Theatre to see the 3D performance
of Horrible Histories - Invaders and Settlers. This truly superb show was a hit with
all children and teachers, and we will be sure to make this trip again.
• In November, Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a trip to the Jorvik centre in York where
they handled genuine artefacts and attended drama and educational workshops.
• Penny Acres supported Friendship week by producing beautiful thought provoking
poetry amongst many other exciting activities. We raised £26.80 for the Ben Cohen
Anti Bullying Charity.
• Key Stage 1 children were visited by a Japanese lady named Mie to help support
their ‘Japan’ topic. Mie showed the children how to put on a kimono and taught
them about Japanese food, life in Japan and a Japanese day at school.
• Y5 pupils attended the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ day at Chesterfield Football
Club where they visited workshops and had a tour of the stadium. They also
enjoyed Q&A’s with former premier league players and autographs from current
Chesterfield United players.
• To end the term, was this years Christmas performance of Straw and Order. It
was an excellent display from our budding thespians, enjoyed by an exceptional
amount of friends and family at St Swithin’s Chruch. Well done to the pupils and
teachers for all their hard work and thank you to all who attended for your support.
The Penny Acres School Lottery for the month of January 2016 was
drawn by the children at the school during school assembly, we are
pleased to announce the winners as follows:January 2016
1st prize No. 136 Mr. T. Riddle
2nd prize No. 148 Mrs. V. Burgan
Penny Acres School were also awarded £67.50.
We currently have 150 numbers issued for the
lottery. Anyone wishing to join, please contact
Sam Copley on 0780 312 8729 or e-mail:
samcopley@me.com. It is only £1 per number
per month. For a 6 month membership it is
only £6 per number, please support your local
school and join today!
Footpath 6 North of Holmesfield Common in North Direction Alongside
Bridleway 51 to Fanshawgate Lane South East of Owler Lee.
Footpath 7 from Fanshawgate Lane Through Holmesfield Park Wood to
Park Avenue and The Angel Public House.
Footpath 6 begins virtually opposite Penny Acres School on Holmesfield
Common and runs parallel to Bridleway 51 which is a sunken road known as
Hob Lane on the edge of Park Wood.
Bridleway 51 is part of an ancient salt trail used by pack horses on their journey
from Cheshire to Lincolnshire. It was also used by horses to haul timber when
some of the wood was felled around the time of the First World War. The
foresters lodged at the Angel Inn during these operations.
The footpath descends to Fanshawgate Lane through 3 fields and is straightforward
although the stone stile into the first field is a bit of a squeeze!
Once on Fanshawgate Lane, turn right up the hill for perhaps 200 yards and
on the right you will see the broad entrance to the Disabled Car Park and the
start of footpath 7. Turn right onto the track which takes you through the 80
acres of woodland on a gentle climb, supported by several wooden forms
thoughtfully provided by Paul and Jim Meggitt when they restored the track
some years ago.
The late newsreader – Robert Dougall – was an occasional
visitor to Northern Common and the Eastern side of
Holmesfield Park Wood to watch sparrow hawks.
The track ends at Park Farm Bungalow which leads to Park
Avenue and the Millennium Garden. The total distance just
over 1 mile and is not too muddy.
Roger Webb
On Wednesday 9th March at 10.00am, Robin Greetham will lead a
walk from the Red Lion Public House in Birchover. We will walk to Robin
Hood’s Stride then to Elton and back to Birchover where we will have
lunch [optional]. The walk is approximately 4 miles long.
The cost of the walk is £3 and the proceeds will go to Holmesfield
Church Maintenance Fund. If you wish to come, just turn up on the day.
Any queries, phone Robin on 01246 412767
Dronfield Camera Club celebrated its 50th anniversary last year and has
around 40 members with varied interests in monochrome and colour
digital photography.
Meeting every Thursday night at 8pm in Dronfield’s Peel Centre, there is
a friendly atmosphere and new members are always welcome, whether
they are experienced photographers or beginners eager to learn new
skills and techniques.
The club offers a diverse calendar of practical evenings and location
shooting, themed competitions, an exhibition, external talks by
professional photographers, etc.
Check out www.dronfieldcamera.org for further details.
I’m a personal trainer and specialise in fitness & fat
loss and deliver bespoke 1-2-1 training programmes
to suit your goal. Any level of fitness too.
I have my own private gym in Dore. If you haven’t
seen the results you were hoping for in the last few
months then why not give personal training a try.
It’s varied, fun and we get the results you desire.
Call me now on 07825 167411 to book your
free consultation and lets get you started. Feel
free to check out my website for more details:
Wednesday 3rd February from 7.30pm – ‘Wildlife Gardening: How
to encourage wildlife in your garden’ and plans for Dronfield Hall Barn
gardens at The Peel Centre, High Street, Dronfield. Admission is £2.
Wednesday 17th February from 10.00am – ‘Childrens Craft Day’ at
The Civic Hall, Dronfield. Admission is £2.
Friday 19th February from 10.00am – ‘Quilting Skills
Building Workshop’ at The Peel Centre, High Street, Dronfield.
Admission is £20 (includes lunch). Making a sewing bag with Susanne
Haywood and Chris White.
Places are limited so booking is essential:
invites you to a
Wine Tasting
with top of the range Italian Fine Wine from the Lange area in
Piedmont such as: Barolo and Barbaresco, Barbera among others.
Holmesfield Village Hall
Friday 5th February 2016 : 7.30 pm until 9.00 pm
The tasting will be accompanied by typical Italian Antipastos!
To book your place please contact:
Frances Webb: 07476 906983 or E-mail Tom Bryson: vinosolouk@gmail
Proudly presents
A Jazz Evening featuring
preceded by a
Pie & Pea supper
Monday 14th March 2016
Commencing 6.30 pm
St Swithin’s Church Hall,
Tickets Are £13 available from Jane & Robin Greetham
Tel: 01246 412767
Proceeds to Holmesfield Church Restoration Fund
and charity work in Tanzania
Massage -Aromatherapy -Reflexology
Relaxation -Meditation -Tao Kung
Stress Management
Mobile/Home, Studio & Office Service
o Individual Treatments & Wellbeing Packages
o Later Life Holistic Health
o Stress Management
o Flexible Appointments to suit
Call now to book your appointment
& FREE Consultation
Holistic Practitioner - Stress Management Consultant- Tao Kung
Studio 16, Riverside Studios Mill Lane Dronfield, S18 2XL
Email: 4jaqi@wellbeingatstudio16.com
Saturday 6th February: Welcome back to the
first of Chris Measures’ Bird Walks for 2016. At
this time of year, we might see winter thrushes
such as Redwing and Fieldfare, as well as
spotting a number of regulars.
Meet at the Scout Hut on Aldam Road at 9am.
We recommend good footwear & winter
clothing. No experience necessary. Bring your
binoculars and/or cameras.
Free to members, £3 non-members.
Any clarification please get in touch by,
email fogwsecretary@gmail.com – www.friendsofgillfieldwood.com
Gillfield Wood – known locally also as Gillyfield Wood – was first documented
in 1561 as ‘a springe wood called Jyll felde’ but is certainly much older. Sinuous
in shape and following the Totley Brook, lying on the boundary between
both Totley and Holmesfield and South Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Gillfield is
a peaceful wood, mostly replanted with American (red) oak and larch in the
1960s but retaining much of its ancient spring flora including swathes of
bluebells and wood anemones.
OUR OPEN MEETINGS OR TALKS are usually held every second Tuesday in the
evening, bi-monthly, in Totley Library. There will be publicity advertising these
events in the local press, on the website, emailed out and on posters located
at various sites around Totley and in the Wood. All are very welcome to come
along and join us. If you would like to offer to help with these in any way,
please do get in touch.
We also have occasional GUIDED WALKS usually at the weekends which are
advertised in the same way. See above for our latest walk.
OUR CONSERVATION WORK MORNINGS are from 10am for 2 to 3 hours on the
last Sunday of the month if the weather is okay. There is always a Sheffield City
Council Ranger there with appropriate tasks (light and heavy) and tools. We
meet either at the Baslow Road bus terminus, the Scout Hut on Aldam Road,
Totley or at the end of Totley Hall Lane. They are advertised on posters around
Totley, in the local press and nearer the date are emailed out.
Next dates are Sundays 21st February, 20th March and 17th April.
December dawned wet, cool & windy and continued during the first
week very wet - Cowley Lane was flooded and closed one day - but yet
again the temperatures rose and were in double figures and we had
Storm Clodagh with us! And then before the end of the first week we
then had storm Desmond! BUT how lucky we were. On the day when
Cumbria and the north had serious flooding we actually had no rain on
Saturday 5th. We had gusts of rain up to nearly 60 mph - the highest
recorded since I started writing these local weather reports but again
luckily very little damage.
On Monday 7th the temperature in the middle of the day was 14.2°C
- 57.6°F! In fact in this month of December the coldest recorded
temperature was only 0.3°C. We did have one frosty morning but this
was an air frost and did not record a minus on my thermometer, so not
a ground frost.
How lucky we have been this month. In Holmesfield only 117ml of rain
fell albeit in large quantities when it did come but nothing like the
other parts of the country where devastating floods ruined homes and
Christmas for so many. Some areas experienced over 400ml of rain.
Later in the month storm Eva arrived and on December 30th we finished
the year with storm Frank! Just to let you know we have Gertrude next!
After this very warm ending of the year perhaps we might enjoy some
crisp sunny frosty days to come in 2016. Happy New Year! Pam Boddy
Residents are reminded that funds are available from these ancient trusts
for people over the age of 60 living in Holmesfield who may experience
difficulty in paying for fuel during the winter months. Anyone who is
eligible should write to the Clerk to the Trustees, Mrs Geraldine Austen
at Greenways, Main Road, Holmesfield, Dronfield. S18 7WB (Tel: 2890686)
for more detail. All applications are treated in strict confidence.
The Trustees are also able to make ‘one-off’ grants for unforeseen capital
expenses such as (for example) the payment required by the District
Council to remove old goods. If you are faced with such a bill contact
Mrs Austen and tell her about it. The Trustees want to help anyone who
qualifies, but cannot if they do not know who would like help!
January 2015 was a very cold, windy and white month! Several heavy
falls of snow which continued into the first two weeks of February with
difficult driving conditions but glorious blue skied days. Valentine’s
Day bought a long awaited thaw. March was a wild month although an
unusually dry month - it defied the saying - it was in like a lion AND
out like a lion! April gave us hope of the summer to come with glorious
sunny days mid month - it was the driest month of the year - the worst of
the rain over the Easter weekend but the end of the month saw winter
weather returning. May was a very disappointing month and a very
cold month with little sunshine. May ended with gail force winds which
continued into the start of June. This month was a disappointing month
with little sunshine although not a lot of rain just when the garden could
have done with it! July arrived with a serious heatwave the first day of
the month reaching a record 33.4°C! The end of the month cooled down
drastically with nights as low as 5.1°C and a hot water bottle needed at
night! August was a disappointing month which seems normal these
days. Cool and dull with weather not expected for the start of the
summer holidays. September started with a definite Autumn feel but
the middle of the month bought some late summer sunshine and the
month ended with high pressure expected to continue into October
which it did. We certainly experienced an Indian summer this year. We
saw wonderful blues skies against the stunning Autumn colours - this
month was certainly our sunniest and most pleasant month of the year.
After this lovely month November 1st was a hot sunny day with a record
temperature of 18.6 degrees! During this month we experienced the first
named winds, i.e Abigail and Barnie! This month was recorded as being
the dreariest month on record! The last month of the year had wind
Clodagh, Desmond and Eva but more memorable was the rain around
the country with serious floods in Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire
but we were lucky with only just over 4.5 inches of rain compared with
up to 16 inches in some parts of the U.K. We had very strong winds but
again luckily little damage locally.
So to sum up the year! A record breaking year in many different ways,
one very hot day! Novembers hottest day, high winds, a dreary month,
a warm month and wet, wet, wet! But that’s the British weather - always
different - so we now await the New Year and I wonder what our weather
has in store for us. Pam Boddy
Beavers and Cubs:
Meet Wednesday nights at Scout HQ, Wreakes Lane, Dronfield.
Scouts and Explorers:
Meet Tuesday nights at Scout HQ, Wreakes Lane, Dronfield.
Please contact Richard Wilkinson on 01246 412576 for further information.
Beavers & Cubs closed on Wednesday 17th February 2016.
Scouts & Explorers closed on Tuesday 16th February 2016.
Jumble Sale
Saturday 5th March 2016
Commencing 11.00 am
Scout HQ, Wreakes Lane,
For collection of jumble, please
contact Mary on 0114 2890921
The 21-mile line took six years to build. The terrain through
Hope Valley and Edale was easy enough by Midland
standards, but at each end there were formidable obstacles,
negotiated by means of the Totley and Cowburn Tunnels.
At St Andrew’s Church, Pentland Road
Wednesday 17th February 7:45 p.m.
Members £2 Non-Members £4
To include refreshments
7th February
10:30am Holy Communion 14th February
8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am Morning Praise
21st February
10:30am Holy Communion 28th February
8:00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am Family Service
Rev. William Eardley
Rev. William Eardley
Rev. William Eardley
Rev. David Rhodes
Rev. William Eardley
Rev. William Eardley
Contact numbers for St. Swithin’s Church
Rev. William Eardley Vicar
Robin Greetham
Roger Cattell
Robert Green
Deputy Warden & Verger
Jill Hastings
Parish Office
0114 2891425
01246 412767
0114 2890258
0114 2899314
0114 2890053
01246 412328
Everyone is welcome to join us as we come together to worship God.
After school club for children of Primary School age meets
every Monday in term time at 3.30pm in the Church Hall.
For more information ring Joan on 01246 413110
J Café
J Café is open on the second and fourth Fridays in the month
between 9.00am and 1.00pm in the Church Hall.
Refreshments served as well as bacon butties and homemade cakes.
A friendly place to relax & have a chat!
Children’s play corner provided.
Walkers welcome!
COFFEE MORNING: Every Monday morning from 11.00am at the
Rutland Arms pub in Holmesfield. Everyone welcome.
TODDLERS CLUB: For pre-school children. Tuesday mornings in term time
10.00 to 11.30am includes ‘See and Know’ for the toddlers and carers.
New members welcome, please ring 01246 416085 for further information.
BIBLE STUDY, PRAYER & FELLOWSHIP: Tuesday evenings 7.30 to 9pm at
6 Woodside Avenue, Holmesfield.
CEDARS: Friendship for all ages each Thursday afternoon 2.00 to 3.30pm
A varied programme including on the first Thursday of February a light
lunch at 12.30pm followed by ‘Thought for the Day’.
For further information, ring 01246 292286.
Our Services for February are as follows:7th 10.30am Steve Richards (Communion)
14th 10.30am John Revill
21st 10.30am David Goddard
28th 10.30am Steve Richards
Everybody is welcome to join us for all our Services.
4 Stonelow Road
S18 2EP
Parish Priest. Fr. Terry Doherty
Tel: 01246 413094
Tuesday to Friday: 9:00am
Saturday evenings: 6.00pm
Sunday morning: 11.00am with Children’s Liturgy during Sunday Mass
Teas and coffees served after Sunday Mass.
Ash Wednesday, 10th February : Masses held at 10am and 7pm.
Dronfield to Sheffield (adult): £4.50 single, £540 return (peak) / £4.60
(off-peak : after 10:00 or on weekends or Bank Holidays)
Dronfield to Chesterfield (adult): £2.30 single, £3.60 return.
N.B. The National Rail website shows some indirect trains to and from Sheffield, but
these are two-part journeys via Chesterfield where you must change and get an extra
ticket - total cost £9.70!
sx = Not Saturday’s, so = Saturday’s Only
** = Departure is 1 to 4min later on Saturdays
Information via Friends of Dronfield Station - www.dronfieldstation.org.uk
Holmesfield Bygones
There was once an orphaned goat in Cowley called ‘Phyllis’ who was adopted by
‘Charlie’ the donkey who acted as both mother and father to her as they grew to
be inseparable. But Charlie wasn’t just a simple donkey, he was a ‘super-animal’,
especially to the natives of Cowley.
One of his regular duties was collecting coal from Hirst Hollow pit near Dronfield
Woodhouse. The coal was transported in a wooden cart that was made by Billy
Sharples in Holmesfield, who was also the local undertaker.
How Charlie came to arrive in Cowley is un-clear but he was reckoned to be a
former circus animal and he used to perform a few tricks.
However, his party piece was
the daily ‘hee-haw’ that he
performed at precisely 12noon.
Even British Summer Time
variations wouldn’t fool him
and it was this that led to him
being affectionately known as
the ‘Cowley Buzzer’!
Charlie’s biggest claim to fame
was when he was the winner
of the first – and so far only –
Cowley Bar Donkey Derby, 2nd
August, 1920.
Holmesfield Village Hall
Available to Hire for Meetings and Functions
Main Hall
Small Hall
Committee Room

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