We need to conserve water!


We need to conserve water!
Fall 2009 Edition
We need to conserve water!
How can the City of Indio meet the community’s growing demand for water? How can
the aquifer be made more sustainable for our
community into the future? How can people
be motivated to use water efficiently?
These are questions that the City of Indio/Indio Water Authority asks each day. The
underground aquifer. Drought has reduced
the winter water that recharges (refills) the
aquifer, and yet the community continues to
grow and require more and more water. As
a result, the aquifer is being overdrawn and
the water supply is dwindling. An example
of what happens in an overdrafted basin is
shown here (see graphic).
The City of Indio/Indio Water
Authority will be developing a priority list
of conservation measures. Conservation
For more information about the tiered
water rates, read on. For information on
conservation and rebate programs, turn to the
back page.
answers are that Indio will have to develop
new sources of water and increase water
conservation efforts for the local aquifer to
continue to provide enough water to meet the
growing demands of the community out into
the future.
The source of Indio’s water is the local
measures will be prioritized by effectiveness
and cost benefits for implementation.
Approximately 75% of wasted water is
from outdoor activities, so the conservation
measures will focus on this usage first.
The conservation program will provide incentives for water conservation by two means:
• Conservation programs and rebate
programs offered by the City of Indio/
Indio Water Authority
• Tiered water rate system
El acuífero cerrado (depósito subterráneo de agua) local subterráneo es la fuente del agua
de Indio. La sequía ha reducido el agua del invierno que suple al acuífero, y la comunidad
continua creciendo y necesitando más agua. Como resultado, el acuífero está siendo
explotado y las provisiones de agua se están menguando. Indio tendrá que desarrollar
nuevos recursos de agua e incrementar los esfuerzos para ahorrar agua y así permitir que el
acuífero local continúe supliendo suficiente agua para satisfacer la creciente demanda de la
comunidad en el futuro.
La Autoridad de Agua de la Ciudad de Indio estará desarrollando una lista de medidas
primordiales para ahorrar agua. Aproximadamente el 75% del agua que se desperdicia
es por actividades de la calle, así que las medidas a implementar se concentraran en ese
uso. El programa para el ahorro del agua de la Autoridad de Agua de la Ciudad de Indio
proporcionara incentivos de dos maneras: programas de ahorro y programas de reembolsos,
así como un sistema de tarifas escalonado.
Water budget rates are coming for Indio
In these hard economic times, water conservation can go a long way toward saving
hard-earned cash by helping reduce your
water bill. In the future, water wasters will
pay a higher rate for water than those who
make an effort to conserve. To ensure that
Indio reduces water waste and extends the life
of the aquifer, the Indio Water Authority is
planning to implement what is called a “water
budget tiered rate structure” in early 2010.
Water budget rate structures are being used by
dozens of agencies around the state. A water
budget rate structure is intended to address
the need to use water more efficiently and to
provide homes and businesses with the water
they “need” at the lowest price.
When you see sprinklers “watering”
sidewalks or filling storm gutters, you
are seeing water being wasted!
What makes a water budget different than
the current water rate structure? Today, a flat
rate is charged for any and all units of water
used. A flat-rate structure does not encourage
people to use water efficiently, since the price
of water does not change as water use increases. A water budget rate structure actually sets
a “target” or “water budget” for every customer/account in the City. The water budgets
are tailored individually for each site’s water
needs. However, if a customer uses more water than calculated in the site water budget, the
price of the wasted water increases in steep
tiers. Refer to the chart here to see a sample
water budget tiered rate structure.
It is important to know:
• Only wasted water is subject to high
• Every home and business will have
the opportunity to help establish
their accurate water budget through a
“variance” program.
• Water budget allocations will change
each billing period as the weather changes. Water budgets are directly linked to
local weather, providing more water for
landscapes when the weather is hot and
less water when the weather is cool.
• All customer groups (residential, commercial, HOAs, and City landscapes)
will have the same water budget rate
structure, and all users are expected to
use water efficiently.
The Indio Water Authority, as a “not
for profit” public agency, is implementing
water budget rates to motivate customers
to use water efficiently. The IWA is NOT
implementing water budget rates to gain more
revenue. In fact, State legislation (Proposition
218) prohibits public agencies from collecting rates above and beyond the actual cost of
water delivery. Any “penalty” charges that
customers incur for wasting water will go
directly into conservation and water recycling
projects. Conservation programs will help any
customer to lower their water bills.
Most of the water used in Indio, about
75%, is used for landscaping. A water budget
rate structure will particularly target landscape water waste, such as the water that is
seen running down the street every day.
Continued on Page 4
Page 2
Fall 2009
Helpful Hints
for the Holiday
s the holiday season approaches, you are probably already
planning trips and parties. Beginning in November and
continuing through Super Bowl Sunday, many people travel,
visit relatives, eat big meals, prepare special foods, and give
more than a few gifts.
Because of this, the holiday season is often also waste
season. It doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you
have a less wasteful—and more relaxing—winter season.
nParty Planning – Know how many people are coming to
each event you’re hosting and plan the food accordingly.
If you have more leftovers than your family can finish,
send food home with your guests. Avoid disposable
decorations, dishes, cups, and napkins. Instead, reuse old
family decorations, your own dishes, glasses, and cups, and
reusable cloth napkins. If you don’t have cloth napkins,
maybe this would be a good time to invest in some. They
are inexpensive and can be reused year after year. If you
take a gift to your hosts, make sure it is consumable, such as
food and drinks, or reusable, like a serving tray.
nTravel – Road trips often include disposable food
packaging and recyclable drink containers that end up in
roadside trash cans. If you’re traveling by car, pack snacks
(and even lunch) in your own washable, reusable containers.
You can put them into a cooler with drinks from home.
When you get to your destination, wash your containers.
They’ll be ready to repack for the trip home. Look for
roadside recycling containers, which are available at some
rest stops. If you don’t find them, put your aluminum, glass,
and plastic beverage cans and bottles into a bag or box and
recycle them when you get home. If you are flying, look for
recycling bins for paper and drink containers in the airport.
nGift Giving – Make a list of everyone to whom you’ll
give a gift this holiday season. After making the list,
decide how much you want to spend on gifts. Now, decide
what you would like to give. One budget-conscious and
waste-reducing way to give gifts is to shop for gentlyused books and other items at secondhand and antique
stores. Give reusable gifts, such as washable placemats and
cloth napkins, or consumable gifts, such as gift cards to
a restaurant or movie. Gift cards for downloadable music
are also a great, waste-free idea. Another option is to give
of yourself, such as offering to run errands, babysit, take a
walk in the woods, or meet for
a picnic in the park. You
also might consider
giving to a good
cause in honor of
someone on the
list; you can make
a card describing
the group that has
received money
or goods in their
name. Framed photos
make a wonderful gift—you might
even be able to make a frame or find a unique
used frame. If you choose to buy new gifts,
look for items such as jewelry or handmade
stationery made from recyclables.
nGift Wrapping – Reuse wrapping paper,
gift bags, ribbon, and tags from past years.
If you don’t have any on hand, make your
own wrapping paper by decorating the blank
side of brown paper grocery bags; reusing
colored sections of newspaper, old maps,
or children’s artwork; or using fabric, shelf
paper, or wallpaper scraps. In other words,
begin with items that you already have on
hand! Or, “wrap” the gift in a basket or
canvas bag that will be reusable later. If you
buy wrapping paper, look for paper with
nHoliday Greetings – Think about the
holiday greetings that your family most
enjoys—they are probably the cards or
letters that include a personal touch, whether
that is newsy notes or fun photos. Consider
creating your own letter with family updates
and holiday greetings. Of course, print
it on recycled-content paper and mail it
in recycled-content envelopes. Or, email
paperless greetings instead.
This is a great time of year to discuss what
really matters most to you, your family members,
and friends. During this season of giving, learn
what your family and friends really need. You
might find that they could use more of your time
and attention. Time and attention don’t cost
money and create significantly less waste than
giving them a lot of stuff.
Read more
about it!
42 Ways to Trim Your Holiday Wasteline
Reducing Holiday Waste
Simplify the Holidays
Tips for a Cleaner,
“Greener” Holiday
© iStockphoto.com / Pattie Calfy
Buenos Consejos para las Fiestas
Con la cercanía de las fiestas es probable que ya esté planeando
viajes y fiestas. Durante los meses de noviembre a febrero,
mucha gente viaja, visita parientes, comen en grande, preparan
platillos especiales y dan muchos regalos.
Por todas estas cosas, la temporada de las fiestas es también
temporada de desperdicio, lo cual es innecesario. Siga estos
consejos que le ayudarán a tener menos basura y disfrutar más
la temporada del invierno.
nPlanee sus fiestas – Planee el número de invitados que
asistirán a cada una de sus fiestas y prepare la comida
necesaria. Si termina con más comida de la que su familia
pueda consumir, ofrezca comida a sus invitados para que
se lleven a casa. Evite usar productos y decoraciones
desechables, tales como platos, vasos y servilletas. En
su lugar, use las decoraciones que ya tiene, así como sus
platos, vasos, copas y servilletas de telas. Si lleva un regalo
a su anfitrión, procure que sea algo que pueda consumir
como comida o bebidas, o algo que tenga múltiples usos
como una charola para servir.
nViajes – Si viaja en carro, lleve consigo su comida o
almuerzo en envases que pueda lavar y usar de nuevo.
Póngalos junto con sus bebidas en una hielera. Cuando
llegue a su destino, lave los envases para que los tenga
listos para el viaje de regreso. Si tiene desechables
que tirar, busque los botes para los reciclables que se
encuentran en los centros de descanso. Si no los hubiera,
llévelos consigo y recíclelos en su casa. Si viaja por avión,
busque los botes para los papeles y envases de bebidas
reciclables en el aeropuerto.
nDar regalos – Una manera de cuidar el bolsillo y reducir
basura es comprar regalos como libros usados o artículos
de segunda mano y antigüedades. Obsequie regalos que se
puedan volver a usar, tales como mantelitos y servilletas
de tela, o regalos para su consumo, tales como tarjetas
para restaurantes o el cine. Las tarjetas para bajar música
del Internet también son un gran regalo. Otra opción es
el regalo de usted mismo, o sea de su tiempo, ofreciendo
hacer mandados, cuidar a niños, tomar un paseo por el
bosque, o ir de picnic al parque. Considere hacer una
donación en nombre de alguien. Los retratos enmarcados
hacen un excelente regalo. Si decide comprar regalos
nuevos, compre artículos como joyería y papelería hechos a
mano con productos reciclables.
nEnvoltura de regalos – Use el papel envoltura, las bolsas
de regalos, los listones y las tarjetas de las fiestas pasadas.
Utilice las bolsas de papel estaño, la sección a color del
periódico, mapas viejos, los dibujos de los niños, retazos
de telas y de papel tapiz para crear sus propias envolturas.
Coloque su regalo en una canasta o en una bolsa de tela
que pueda volverse a usar. Si necesita comprar papel
envoltura busque el que haya sido fabricado con productos
nTarjetas de felicitación – Considere escribir una carta
de felicitación por la temporada, incluyendo las últimas
noticias de la familia. Imprímala y envíela en papel y
sobres de contenido reciclable, o considere enviar una
tarjeta de felicitación vía e-mail.
Investigue lo que su familia y amigos realmente necesitan
durante esta temporada de fiestas. Pueda que descubra que
necesitan más de su tiempo y su atención. Estos no cuestan
nada y reducen significantemente la basura que se crea cuando
se dan un montón de regalos.
Page 3
Fall 2009
fast facts
Going Waste-Free
According to WasteFreeLunches.org,
packing a waste-free lunch for your child
costs about $2.65 per day, while packing
a lunch full of single-serve and disposable
items costs $4.02. Waste-free lunches
can save your family $1.37 per child per
day. That’s a savings of over $240 for the
school year. The same applies for lunches
that adults take to work, but the savings is
even greater—as much as $340 per year.
Pack waste-free to save!
According to The
Global Footprint
Network, we reached
“Earth Overshoot
Day” in mid to late September. This marks “the
day when humanity begins using more ecological
resources and services in a given year than Earth
can regenerate in that year.” From that day on, we
are consuming resources that we are, in essence,
borrowing from the future. “Put another way, in
less than 10 months, humanity will have used
ecological services it takes 12 months for the Earth
to regenerate.”
Creating Community
According to Bill McKibben in Deep Economy: The Wealth of
Communities and the Durable Future, “consumers have ten times as
many conversations at farmers’ markets as they do at supermarkets....
When you go to the farmers’ market, in other words, you’re not just
acquiring tomatoes; you’re making friends.”
When we try to pick out anything by
itself, we find it hitched to everything
else in the Universe
Cuando uno trata de recoger algo por
si mismo, encuentra que está ligado a
todo lo demás en el Universo.
John Muir, 1838-1914
Naturista y escritor americano
Hechos Interesantes
John Muir, 1838-1914
American naturalist and writer
Formando Comunidad: De acuerdo a Bill McKibben en Deep
Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future,
“los consumidores tienen diez veces más conversaciones en los
mercados de verduras y frutas al aire libre que cuando hacen
las compras en el supermercado.... Cuando va de compras al
mercado libre, no sólo va a comprar jitomates sino también va a
conocer amigos.”
Rebasando los Recursos: De acuerdo a la red Global Footprint
estaremos alcanzando el temible día de “Earth Overshoot Day”
a mediados de septiembre. Esto quiere decir que llegaremos
“al día en que la humanidad empezará a utilizar más recursos y
servicios ecológicos de los que el planeta Tierra puede regenerar
Ecological Intelligence
D aniel Goleman explores the relatively new field of Industrial Ecology in his newest
book, Ecological Intelligence (Broadway Business, 2009). The study of Industrial Ecology
focuses on Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), which guide businesses and consumers in
judging the relative impacts of their actions. LCAs explore the environmental impact of
each stage of extraction, transportation, and manufacture. LCAs are increasingly
used by businesses to make supply-chain, manufacturing, and distribution
Goleman advocates for what he terms “radical transparency,” which would
involve making a large quantity of LCA information available to the average
consumer. Much as food products are labeled with nutritional information, a
radically transparent consumer product might be labeled with environmental
impact information, such as pollution created, energy consumed, human and
animal health effects, and non-renewable resource consumption.
Goleman writes, “If we get better, more complete information about the true
effects of an item at the moment we are deciding whether to buy it, we could
make wiser decisions. Such full disclosure can make each of us an agent for
small, gradual changes that, when multiplied by millions, will ripple through the
industrial enterprise, from manufacturing and design, through supply chains and
transport, to the distant ends of consumption.”
A single glass bottle, from cradle to grave, involves as many as 1,959 separate
steps, each with its own environmental impacts. No consumer, no matter how
well informed, can be expected to know and evaluate all of this information.
Fortunately, there are many organizations devoted to helping consumers make
wiser and greener decisions.
To learn more about the ecological impacts of various consumer products,
visit these websites: Center for a New American Dream, www.newdream.org/
marketplace/; Consumer Reports’ Greener Choices, www.greenerchoices.org;
and Good Guide, www.goodguide.com. At your local library, look for books such
as Stuff: The Secret Lives of Everyday Things by John C. Ryan and Alan Thein
Several organizations certify certain products as being sustainable or environmentally
friendly, including: Forest Stewardship Council (paper and wood products), www.fscus.
org; Green Seal (cleaning and construction products and services), www.greenseal.org;
and USDA Organic (certified organic food products), www.ams.usda.gov/nop. Another
certification coming soon will be Good Housekeeping’s Green Seal of Approval.
en un año.” A partir de ese día, estaremos consumiendo recursos
que en esencia estamos tomando prestados del futuro.
Libre de Basura: De acuerdo a la organización
WasteFreeLunches.org, empacar el almuerzo de los niños libre
de basura cuesta aproximadamente $2.65 al día, en comparación
con $4.02 por un almuerzo empacado con productos
desechables. Usted puede ahorrar hasta $1.37 por niño por día
empacando almuerzos libres de basura. Eso representa unos
$240 por año escolar. La misma teoría aplica a los almuerzos
que los adultos llevan al trabajo, pero el ahorro es aún mayor,
aproximadamente $340 por año. ¡Empaque libre de basura y
Inteligencia Ecológica
Daniel Goleman, en su último libro, Ecological Intelligence (Broadway Business, 2009),
explora este campo que es relativamente nuevo. El estudio de la ecología industrial se
enfoca en evaluar el ciclo de vida de los productos (Life Cycle Assessments - LCA), de
manera de que sirva como guía para que las empresas y los consumidores puedan juzgar
como sus acciones impactan al medio ambiente.
LCAs se usan cada vez más en los negocios
que toman decisiones sobre la cadena de oferta,
manufacturación y distribución de productos.
El Sr. Goleman desea que las empresas ofrezcan
a los consumidores toda la información posible
sobre LCAs. Así como los productos alimenticios
tienen información sobre su contenido nutricional,
Goleman sugiere que los otros tipos de productos
ofrezcan información sobre el impacto que tienen
en el ambiente, tal como la contaminación creada,
la energía consumida, los efectos en la salud de
humanos y animales y el consumo de recursos que no
son renovables.
Para aprender más sobre el impacto ecológico
de una variedad de productos del consumidor
lo invitamos a que visite los siguientes sitios de
Internet: Center for a New American Dream, www.
newdream.org/marketplace/; Consumer Reports’
Greener Choices, www.greenerchoices.org; y Good
Guide, www.goodguide.com. Visite la biblioteca
pública y busque libros como Stuff: The Secret Lives
of Everyday Things, por John C. Ryan y Alan Thein
Algunas organizaciones como Forest Stewardship
Council (productos de papel y de madera), www.
fscus.org; Green Seal (productos y servicios de limpieza y construcción), www.greenseal.
org; y USDA Organic (productos certificados de comida orgánica), www.ams.usda.gov/
nop, certifican algunos productos por ser eficientes o beneficiosos para el ambiente. La
certificación de Good Housekeeping’s Green Seal of Approval está a punto de recibirse.
Page 4
Fall 2009
Residents can call to schedule a free
landscape audit for their home or business. An agency representative will
perform a site visit and assess the
landscaping, sprinklers and timers.
Residents can learn about basic adjustments that could save water with the
systems they currently have. Tips on
water conservation are also provided.
The Smart Controller Program offers
assistance to customers for replacing
standard landscape controllers with
new smart controllers. The new
controllers are able to calculate change
in weather, soil conditions, and the
type of landscaping. Taking all these
factors into consideration, the timer
automatically adjusts sprinkler times
The City of Indio/Indio Water Authority
recognizes that no water utility and no
city can achieve long-term viability of
our water source alone. At the September
9, 2008 Indio Water Authority meeting,
the Commission signed a Memorandum
of Understanding, along with other
Coachella Valley Water Agencies,
pledging to devote resources to develop
an integrated regional water management
plan with respect to water supply and
water quality. As a leader in a regional
water conservation effort and with a
history of responsible urban planning, the
Indio Water Authority is actively involved
in water resource management to protect
our most vital resource – water.
The Indio Water Authority is also an
active member of WADR, Water
Agencies of the Desert Region. This is a
group of water agencies in the Coachella
Valley working together to send a unified
message about water conservation.
The Indio Water Authority will assist
customers in upgrading their irrigation
systems, up to $750. This includes
replacing sprinkler heads and piping
and repairing leaks.
Al agua que se desperdicia cayendo en las banquetas o que
escurre por exceso debido al uso de un regador mecánico, se
le da el nombre de “nuisance water”. Los reglamentos de la
ciudad prohíben que el agua se desperdicie de esta manera. La
Autoridad de Agua de Indio está activamente observando el
desperdicio del agua por estas causas, identificando su origen.
Los dueños de las propiedades que son identificadas serán
notificados y se distribuirán avisos de la persona que está
desperdiciando el agua. De persistir el problema será necesario
We want your suggestions,
questions and comments!
City of Indio/Indio Water Authority
83-101 Avenue 45
Indio, CA 92201
(760) 391-4195
Funded by the City of Indio and
Indio Water Authority.
Copyright© 2009
City of Indio, Indio Water Authority, and Eco
Partners, Inc. All rights reserved.
Printed on recycled paper. 70% post-consumer
news content, using soy inks
imponer el código de la ley.
Los residentes pueden solicitar gratis una auditoria en su
casa o negocio para determinar las necesidades de su jardín.
Un representante de la agencia lo visitará para evaluar el jardín,
el sistema de riego y los relojes. Los residentes recibirán
información sobre el sistema que están usando y cómo hacer
ajustes básicos para ahorrar agua.
El programa de reembolso Smart Controller ofrece
promociones a clientes para reemplazar los controles estándares
Water Budget Rates …
del jardín por los nuevos del programa, que toman en
consideración el clima, las condiciones del terreno y el tipo de
jardín, para ajustar automáticamente los tiempos de riego.
La Autoridad de Agua de Indio proporcionara una ayuda de
hasta $750 a clientes que mejoren su sistema de irrigación,
incluyendo el reemplazo de las cabezas de los regadores y la
tubería y la reparación de fugas de agua.
Para obtener más información sobre cualquiera de estos
programas por favor llame al 760-391-4129.
The mission of the Indio Water Authority
is to manage the limited local water resources
for the benefit of all residents and businesses
in the City. Water budget rates have been
successful for agencies in Riverside, San
Diego, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties in
reducing water waste and keeping water rates
down, while providing plenty of water to
meet customers’ needs.
This fall and winter, the Indio Water
Authority will conduct public workshops
to provide details about the water budget
rate structure. All customers will also
receive letters from the IWA requesting
specific information about your water needs,
including how many people reside in your
home, the size of your landscape, and any
medical needs for water. You will be asked to
return the information cards so that accurate
water allocations can be calculated for your
Para promover la reducción del desperdicio de
agua en Indio y extender la vida del acuífero
cerrado (depósito subterráneo de agua), la
Autoridad de Agua de Indio está planeando
implementar a principios del 2010 lo que llama
“el presupuesto para el agua con una estructura
de tarifas escalonadas”. Esta estructura de
tarifas establece una “meta” o un “presupuesto
para el agua” para cada cliente/cuenta. Los
presupuestos están asignados de acuerdo a
las necesidades de agua de cada lugar. Sin
embargo, si un cliente llega a usar más agua de
la que se ha presupuestado, el precio del agua
desperdiciada sube considerablemente.
En la estructura propuesta sólo el agua que
se desperdicia estará sujeta a las tarifas altas.
A través de un programa de “variaciones”,
cada hogar y negocio tendrán la oportunidad
de ayudar a establecer su presupuesto del agua.
Los presupuestos del agua están directamente
ligados al clima local, supliendo más agua para
riego cuando el clima es caliente y menos agua
cuando el clima es fresco. Todos los grupos de
clientes tendrán la misma tarifa en la estructura
del presupuesto de agua, y se espera que todos
los usuarios usen el agua eficientemente.
Este verano e invierno, la Autoridad de
Agua de Indio ofrecerá al público talleres para
dar detalles sobre la estructura de las tarifas
del presupuesto del agua. Todos los clientes
también recibirán cartas de la Autoridad de
Agua solicitando información específica sobre
sus necesidades de agua, incluyendo el número
de personas que vive en el hogar, el tamaño de
su jardín, y cualquier necesidad de agua para
cuidados médicos. Se le solicitará que regresen
las tarjetas con la información de manera de
poder calcular y asignar acertadamente la
cantidad de agua que su situación requiere.
(Continued from Page 1)