Scri be Repo rt 1553 – – Decemb ber 9th 20 013
Scri be Repo rt 1553 – – Decemb ber 9th 20 013
Nex xt Run – De ecember 16 6th 2013 Scribe Report 1553 – Decemb ber 9th 20 013 Hares: Me ental Disord der & Mensttrual Disord der 7 Hashers this week!! 77 Hares: Mental M & Menstrual M D Disorder Scribe by: Biggus Dicku us At the pre-run p circle the hares promissed us an easyy run, a flat runn, a dry run. Afteer the past few w weeks wheree the trails had us strugglingg down raging rivers r and dod dging avalancches while clam moring up rockky cliffs, an easy flat dry run souunded like manna from hash heaven. h What the hares did noot tell us thouggh was for mosst of the 7.5K trail t we would bee running on sooft sand: it was like a beach ruun without the sea; s like trying too dance the polka in a wheat silo; we were like Italian peeasants squashing grapes wiith their feet. Then T there werre the Thai-spud fields – througgh a spud fieldd we went, onlly to arrive minnutes later at another a spud fieeld, and another, then anotherr, then yet anotther… Will we forever remembber run 1553 as the “Spuds & Sand” run? Howeveer, to their credit the hares did set us a sceenic run that paassed a delightfuul little shady lakeside nook. And A although thee hares had fucck all to do with it, there was a stunning su unset vista oveer the spud fiellds and coconut trees. Plus it was w a most welcomed changee, after the runss of the past couuple of months, to return to th he beer truck with w dry shoes. Back att the run site our graying gaggle g of pot--bellied, beer-sswilling, bullshittiing PH3 hasheers and their delectable haarriets carried out the usual weekly w post-mortems and genneral chit-chat until this weekk’s GM WANK-K KING’S WANK KER called the circle. First buusiness was reeturning runner CHARLIE C MAN NSON who haad lost his sunnglasses on thhe trail. Fortunattely for CHARL LIE, harriet HA AWKEYE spotteed his glasses lying in the soft beach sand in one of the spud fields. (It wass HAWKEYE’s day for finding lost glasses ass at the end of the circle she rescued the scribe’s glassess from the grouund when, afterr he ducked offf for a quick pisss, SIR FREE WILLY W whisked away his seat, dropping his brand new specctacles in the act). Then the GM G gave the hares their first icing for the evening, followedd by a bucketingg for the cheekyy bastards for having h the audaacity to ice the GM himself during the pree-run amble without w officiallyy being granted ice-power. The PH H3 Weekly Rafffle followed. Since S SIR BOT TTOMLESS PIT P was absent G.I. G JOE took charge, and with w SQUEEZE E MY TUBE asssisting they managed again too withdraw everry number but mine from the box. RA EMP PEROR AIRHE EAD took the circle and immeddiately iced the hares, along with w Webmasteer WANK-KING G’S WANKER for not knowing the differencce between hiss left nut and his right nut. This T was follow wed by LINEAR R ACCELERAT TOR and NECR ROPHILIA NIG GHT RIDER for some rather hazy vague offeense about drinking at TQ andd practicing Ku ung Fu A-S Site Mis-Dirrections: Fro om Soi Thep Prasit follow Sukhumvit Road R south 13 km and turrn left into Buuddha Mountaiin Road. Conttinue 5.5 km until u just beffore the Goldden Buddha im mage and turrn left into thhe paved roaad (HHH). Foollow the roaad about 1 km m and turn leeft again (HHH) continuinng another 5000 m and turn left into the dirt d track beh hind a brick wall w (HHH). IIn another 100 0 m you will arrive at A-Site near a sm mall lake. REMEMBER R R – NEW PIC CK-UP POIN NT 23 DECEM MBER BUFFALO BAR - THIR RD ROAD nea ar SOI LENG GKE mo oves with the laadyboys on thee beach road opposite o It was w time for som me awards so the circle was handed back too the GM who granted awaards to both CR RAZY PUSSY and MARATHO ON MAN for recently comp pleting 100 runns each. And to both SIR FREE WILLY andd SIR ARSE-A A-HOLIC for rrecently complleting 550 run ns each. Congratulations too all of you. W Well done guyys & gals! Tw wo Hashy Birtthdays fell this week: PELER (12th December) and KIDNE EY BEAN (155th December)). KIDNEY BE EAN was accompanied by her dad GE ENERAL KIDNE EY WIPER, whoo took his seat on the watery throne. t Thee GM handed the circle over tto hare MENTA AL DISORDER who iced all the Pommies & Aussies beefore organizingg an international beerdrinnking contest. Naturally N Scotlland won. Thenn MENTAL DIS SORDER iced the newlywedds HORSE and CRAZY PUSS SY. Aroound this time the GM whisperred in my ear thhat as this weekk’s scribe Page 1 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – Run 1553 – December 9TH 2013 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – About Us Meeting Place: Near Family Mart, 2nd Future Hares, call Hare Raiser Horse, 0879068280 Road @ Soi 13/1 Run# Date Hares On On Every Monday at 3:15. The Bus leaves at 3:30 promptly. 1554 1555* 1556* 1557 Dec 16 Dec 23 Dec 30 Jan 06 Mental Disorder & Menstrual Disorder Christmas – VV & Sir Bottomless Pit New Year’s – VV & No More Cum 30 Year Anniversary – VV & LCF FLB Bar M Club TQ Dinner Run Prices: Male 350B, Female 150B, Children 50B NEW PICKUP POINT – STARTING 23rd December Buffalo Bar – Pattaya 3rd Road near Soi Lengke Please visit our web site If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact Hare Raiser and we can help you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run! * Map needed 49 Hashers who were Hashing the previous week 181 1/4 POUNDER WITH CHEESE; 440 BALL RINGER; 114 BENGT POTATO; 14 BIGGUS DICKUS; 266 CABBAGE QUEEN; 39 CAMEL HUMPER; 211 CRACK MY COCCYX; 4 CRAPPER; 103 CRAZY PUSSY; 37 DESERT SCORPION; 238 EMPTY SPERMBANK; 333 FESTERING STREAKER; 4 G SPOT; 476 G.I. JOE; 133 GANGREEN; 622 GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER; 31 GOLDEN WATERFALL; 9 HAWKEYE; 136 HORSE; 12 JINGLE BALLS; 286 KARAMBA; 530 LADY FLIPPER; 36 LADY GAGA; 173 LIBERACE; 32 LINEAR ACCELERATOR; 44 LITTLE WHITE DOVE; 102 MARATHON MAN; 62 MENTAL DISORDER; 582 MRS. HEAD; 36 NECROPHILIA NIGHT RIDER; 10 PAROU PAROU; 236 PELER; 260 PIG PUSHER SWINE STABBER; 146 ROBBING BASTARD; 58 RUNNING BARE; 159 SEAL SUCKER; 552 SIR ARSEA-HOLIC; 550 SIR FREE WILLY; 557 SIR MC; 557 SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD; 723 SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD; 27 SIR WANDA; 299 SQUEEZE MY TUBE; 120 STEPTOE; 261 STINKY SLOPPY SECONDS; 259 SWEETIE; 93 TINY ANAL TORPEDO; 657 VIETNAMESE VIOLATOR; 156 WANK-KING’S WANKER 19 Returners 169 BANGKA BLOWER; 111 BLACK HOLE; 499 BOW WOW; 86 CABBAGE PRINCESS; 347 CHARLIE MANSON; 18 CHARLIE’S BULLET HOLE; 19 CHUCKY; 195 DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES; 1242 EMPEROR AIRHEAD; 383 FOWL FUCKER; 76 HELIUM HEAD; 127 KIDNEY BEAN; 93 KIDNEY STONE; 135 NO MORE CUM; 651 SIR DOG; 409 SNOOPY; 76 SPECIAL PRICE; 122 TWO TIME; 295 VELCRO DICK 8 Visitors with their Total Runs 1 AWOL – Axarquia H3, Spain 2 RED ROCKET – BH3, California, USA 1 Jeff Miller – Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 5 POL DANCER – Puerto Galera Hash, Philippines 1 SUCK IT OUT – Axarquia H3, Spain 3 RANDY BRANDY – Lagos Hash, Nigeria 1 Dao Thongkom – Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 12 NUT CRACKER – Royal South Side Hash, HK, China 4 Anniversaries SIR ARSE-A-HOLIC – 550th Run SIR FREE WILLY – 550th Run CRAZY PUSSY – 100th Run MARATHON MAN – 100th Run 1 Hash Name 2 Birthdays PELER – 12th December KIDNEY BEAN – 15th December MISS TONED changed to SUCK IT OUT I could delegate the scribe for next week. So being the kind, friendly, considerate man that I am, I delegated that legendary hasher SIR WANDA, as I knew he’d greatly appreciate a ring-side seat at next week’s circle along with a free-piss day (not to be confused with a piss-free day) the following week. The circle went back to the GM who was becoming delirious and frothing at the mouth with ice power by this time as he unleashed an orgy of bare bums, lined cheek to ugly cheek on the watery throne: BALL RINGER and others for not wearing official HHH shirts. SIR FREE WILLY for losing his whistle and associating with a recently escaped criminal still wearing his prison stripes. Then SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD, NO MORE CUM, and SIR WANDA were singled out for their dazzling, elaborate, patch-festooned hash attire. They were followed by visitors Jeff Miller from PJH3 and SUCK IT OUT and AWOL from Axarquia H3, Spain. Apparently at some stage in the past harriet SUCK IT OUT found her hash name offensive and had it changed to MISS TONED. So our wise GM, with the power invested in him by PH3, promptly renamed her SUCK IT OUT again. Around this time I was busting for a piss so I shot off into the shadows, when I returned SIR WANDA was in the bucket for some hash crime unknown to me, and the GM (still delirious with ice power) was icing scores of returning runners and visitors, some of whom were CHUCKY, CHARLIE MANSON, RED ROCKET, NO MORE CUM, BANGKA BLOWER, POL DANCER (there were others as hash stats for run 1553 show a total of 27 returning runners, so forgive me if I haven’t mentioned you by name) The hares then got their 3rd, or was it their 4th. Maybe it was their 5th. Hang on I think it was their 6th…icing, before the GM called upon the hares to sing us a song. Naturally they didn’t want to show us their rings, so the bastards sang. Aided by STEPTOE and BALL RINGER, MENTAL DISORDER singled out harriets G SPOT, HAWKEYE, TONG and SUCK IT OUT to participate in some strange avian fertility rite. Just as well there were no CCTV cameras in the coconut trees or PH3 would have been in breach of Thailand’s public decency act for that licentious dance. As the circle was shrinking and disintegrating into a dangerous drunken rabble by this time, the GM iced the returners and visitors again. We then raised our voices towards that great check in the sky with the Hash Hymn and PH3 went forth to multiply. On On Biggus Dickus Page 2
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