Sc cribe Rep port 154 1 – Sep. 16th 2013 3
Sc cribe Rep port 154 1 – Sep. 16th 2013 3
Nextt Run - Sep ptember 23rd 2013 Ha ares: Hulk, Ra asputin, & Suzzy Wong Sc cribe Rep port 1541 – Sep. 16th 2013 3 70 Hashers this week!! 7 Ha ares: The Filipina Team Sc cribe by: HO ONEY BEA AR Part1 – THE MAKING The Filipino F team... CRAZY Y PUSSY, I LEAN OVER, O MENST TRUAL DISO ORDER, PO ORNSTAR, Chelyl, C MIDN NIGHT STAR (wanna ( be a Filipino) F and yoours truly HON NEY BEAR. We are the Filipinoss who love to hash, but beccause of unexppected future, PORNSTAR had to go bacck to the Philippines to fixx some things, CRAZY PUSS SY has gone to t Australia too complete heer love story with w golden HO ORSE, and Ch helyl had an emergency e caall from her worrk. As we fall apart we still tried to manaage to make thhis run possiblee....As they saaid "Togetherr we stand, diivided we falll" hand in hand, and this is it! The making g of Run 15411. I admit.... we encountered difficulties of this run. A group off dogs, cows, and a buffalos. Crossing thee rivers twice....holding our breath with a piece p of stick on o our hands. As my grandma said "If yo ou see a dogss and you feeel their agg gressiveness to attack you y sit down quickly q and put p a stick on o your head d..." and that'ss what we! Amazingly my grandma was right! As A we saw thee dogs running g at us we sitt down quicklyy! We're surrounded by them m very angry grrrrrrrrrrrr! g I put a piece off steak no!no!!no! I mean sttick on my heaad and I saw w MENSTRUA AL DISORDE ER took a pieece of cigarettte on and staart to blow... .nananana. Trying T to calm m down myself....imagined thhat scenario we had a circle c there for 5 A we minutees. We were iced by the dogs and it’ss not good! And cannot rejoice! Then thhe dogs decided to go baack to their poosts...and it’s about time too continue thee mmmmm. Wee change thee plan, changee the trails, we w should thinnk of the saffety of our beeloved hasherrs and hashinng visitors.. And this leads us to the solar funnel field...ahah! I wished KAR RAMBA was there to appreciate the beaauty of naturaal energy.... As A we finisheed the trails we w only hope and a prayed thhat our vision (to give a good trails to the hasherss) with one mission m to pro omote the hassh with the laaws of nature will be successsful. Part 2 - THE CIRCLE E The buus arrived.... last sign upp! Then the monkey bussiness starts. I asked GANG GREEN to take over my dutty as a Hash Flash. I askedd B. B. too for a Hare Song since our invited guests the Filip pino Band was w not arounnd....lots of kiccking happenss....the A-S Site Mis-Dirrections: From Pattaya Klangg, reset your odometer and folloow Sukhumvit Rooad south heaading towards Saathahip. After 12.88 km, turn left (HHH) onto Phoenix Country Club Road. Follow this road for 4.88 km and turn leeft (HHH) into thee Chinese metery and A-Sitee area. Cem GM M called the circle.. iced HE ELLBOY as hee asked why thhere is a dogg on the Mon nday Hash......he don't know w about it... 2 Virgins todday, lots of VISITORS V from m Bangkok, Philippines, Phnom Peenh and etc.... Christeninng of shoess and here we go expplaining the run....2 r importtant reminderrs.... our pap pers are wh hite not yello ow.. follow thhe papers fo or your safetyy.... and thee run embarkeed.... Aftter a couples of strugglingg hashers, thee front runnerrs came andd said... “G Good run, girls!” “Thanks”, we excclaimed... Soome said the paper was not n good. Anyyway we cann’t please evveryone... Soome hashers decided to do the shortcut to avoid the rivers. S Some decidedd to stop overr the bar to have some Chang. And soome decided too do the who ole story of the trails. Wee start servinng the food... Menu of thee Day! Afritaada and Ch hicken Adobo o... Then the second circle begun... Hares on icee as usual - good run, goood food... Then T SHEIK MEME's circcle.. As he saaid, it was a good run, too. And for somee reason he bucketed SIR R MC... Then the night goees on... SUZY Y WONG toook over thee Hash Flaash, “Thankks, dear!” for the oveerwhelming suupport!.... Andd then the aw ward of 5 Harees Caps to MIDNIGHT STAR and yours trulyy, The 50 Runs R of RU UNNING BARE. Page 1 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – Run 1541 – September 16th 2013 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – About Us Meeting Place: Near Family Mart, 2nd Future Hares, call Hare Raiser Mental Disorder, 08909759306 Road @ Soi 13/1 Run# Date Hares On On Every Monday at 3:15. The Bus leaves at 3:30 promptly. 1542 1543 1544* 1545* Sep 23 Sep 30 Oct 7 Oct 14 Hulk, Rasputin & Suzy Wong VV, Tampax & Linear Accelerator Oktoberfest Run - Sir B Pit & Sir MC Mental Disorder & Menstrual Disorder TQ TQ TQ TQ Run Prices: Male 350B, Female 150B, Children 50B Download our weekly Hashsheet at Find a hash around the world: Please visit our web site If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact Hare Raiser and we can help you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run! * Map needed 44 Hashers who were Hashing the previous week 2 Supatra Haussranoi; 428 BALL RINGER; 110 BENGT POTATO; 3 BIGGUS DICKUS; 490 BOW WOW; 8 COMES WITH PRESSURE; 184 DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES; 305 EXTRA TESTICLE; 33 FREQUENT STREAKER; 465 G.I. JOE; 121 GANGREEN; 616 GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER; 90 HONEY BEAR; 519 LADY FLIPPER; 25 LADY GAGA; 161 LIBERACE; 20 LINEAR ACCELERATOR; 38 LITTLE WHITE DOVE; 299 LONE WOLF; 17 MASHED POTATO; 44 MENSTRUAL DISORDER; 51 MENTAL DISORDER; 527 MIDNIGHT STAR; 570 MRS. HEAD; 28 NECROPHILIA NIGHT RIDER; 249 PIG PUSHER SWINE STABBER; 46 POCAHONTAS; 135 ROBBING BASTARD; 50 RUNNING BARE; 154 SEAL SUCKER; 141 SHEIK MEME; 649 SIR ARSE HOPPER; 542 SIR ARSE-A-HOLIC; 642 SIR DOG; 539 SIR FREE WILLY; 545 SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD; 712 SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD; 401 SNOOPY; 289 SQUEEZE MY TUBE; 108 STEPTOE; 250 STINKY SLOPPY SECONDS; 247 SWEETIE; 646 VIETNAMESE VIOLATOR; 144 WANK-KING’S WANKER 13 Returners 78 B. B.; 45 CABBAGE PATCH; 206 CRACK MY COCCYX; 228 EMPTY SPERMBANK; 23 GOLDEN WATERFALL; 281 HELLBOY; 59 HULK; 95 MARATHON MAN; 172 MISSING LINK; 547 SIR MC; 28 SUZY WONG; 142 TRY-A-FUCK; 148 TURD BURGLAR 11 Visitors with their Total Runs 19 BIMBO — Bangkok Hash, Thailand 2 CUNTKITE — China Hash, Taipei 1 CRAPPER — LA Union Hash, Philippines 1 Elisa Ruales — Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 7 HERRING CHOKER — Phnom Penh Hash, Cambodia 8 SHORT TIME — Phnom Penh Hash, Cambodia 4 FLUFFER — Bangkok Hash, Thailand 2 LITTLE BOY — Khartoum Hash, Sudan 1 G SPOT — LA Union Hash, Philippines 16 I LEAN OVER — Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 3 MR TINKLE — Phnom Penh Hash, Cambodia 2 Virgins Apinya Kamsopa; Benjamin Oldenburg 4 Anniversaries HONEY BEAR — Hared 05 Hat STINKY SLOPPY SECONDS — 250th Run MIDNIGHT STAR — Hared 05 Hat RUNNING BARE — 50th Run Lots of speakers that time as I remember. BIMBO our beloved supporter the EDITOR of HASH HOUSE HARRIER MAGAZINES took the circle too... SHORT TIME from Bangkok, MRS HEAD and myself. I feel so grateful and very proud of the ff. hashers GEN KIDNEY WIPER, SIR SPAG. HEAD, SIR FREE WILLY, E.T., GANGREEN, and ROBBING BASTARD. As for me, they did great Scribes (apology to some Scribers maybe i did not read some of your scribes). To those PH3 great warriors The Legend, The History Makers and The Veteranos or the Old Farts... in my own understanding and observation as a new generation of this clan, those great hashers did great things in different ways... I wish one day the PH3 Mis-Management will sponsor a reunion run for these heroes its time to give back the the Hash Hymn begin to the the roaring road that never ends....may peace, love and unity arise over pride and we move to the next chapter of our history let me remind you guys that life is full of struggling full of pain and full of judgement...just live life to the fullest..... live the way you want it..choose to be happy...bec. at the end of the day its your life and this is life! and nobody's perfect...... budget of the food. SIR SPAG. HEAD - who raised the food budget from 800 to 1000 baht thank you so much! GM WANK-KING’S WANKER - who supported us all the way. MENTAL DISORDER - for the undying support for the Filipina team. SIR ARSEHOPPER - for the transportation. And…to all who came and sign up for this run.... Thanks, and God bless you! MABUHAY PH3! Yours truly, HONEY BEAR I would like to give thanks to those hashers who wore our Phils. Independence shirts thank you so much from the bottom of our heart! Thanks to the ff. LITTLE BOY from Bkk - who tried his best to help out my Filipina friends. LIBERACE - for helping us ask the Mismanagement about the Page 2 Respecting the laws of Thailand And the dignity of the people. Keep it Green – Bring your empty drinking bottles back to A-site
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