Sc cribe Re port 152 6 – June e 3rd 2013 3
Sc cribe Re port 152 6 – June e 3rd 2013 3
Next Run – June 10th 2013 2 Hares: Menstrual Disordder, Mental Disorrder, & Ball Ringeer Sc cribe Report 1526 – June e 3rd 2013 3 63 Hash hers for the e Betty Boo ob Run! Hares s: Menstrua al Disorderr, Mrs Head d, Crazy Pussy, P Honey Bear & Sexy Bum How to t Know if You Y Are a Transvestiite Betty Boop is an animated carttoon characte er created by y Max Fleisch her, She orig ginally appeared in the Tal alkartoon and Betty Boop fiilm series, wh hich were pro oduced by Fle eischer Studios and release ed by Paramo ount Pictures. She has alsso been featu ured in comic strips s and ma ass merchandiising. Despite e having been toned down in n the mid-193 30s to appearr more demurre, she becam me one of the best-known and a popular ca artoon charac cters in the world. w Transvvestite: A pe erson and esp pecially a ma ale who adoptts the dress and often the t behaviorr typical of the oppositte sex especia ally for purpo oses of emotional or sexua al gratificatio on (for furtherr reference look for: MY Y GIRLFRIE END KNOWS S I'M GAY an nd related top pics) Those are the Web bster’s Dictio ionary definittions of whatt could have po ossibly occurrred on tonight’s Hash Ho ouse Harrierrs run. It may have been ca alled the Bettty Boop Run but b as time goes g on and the e beer startss to wear off f, I'm really starting to believe b that it was the seco ond option th hat was being g played out before b my eye es. I think k your definiition of wha at really hap ppened tonightt depends on n what side of the dresss you were on. I myself was wearing g this stunnin ng red, floor length dresss that was a cross c between n a 'Christian n Dior Paris Original' and d some kinda pregnant p lady dress you ge et from the Salvation S Arm my ten years after a it went out of fashio on. Only problem I had wa as that I had to t lift my dre ess up as I wa alked up stairrs or entered d some kind of f motorized vehicle v but was w more con ncerned that I was showing g a little to oo much 'ank kle'. I could d be available for private e viewings and d if you ask nicely, you can c wear the dress too!!!!....that is until EMPEROR AI IRHEAD askss for it back. Talking g with the Donald D Trump p of Pattaya a, that well--known figure, entreprene eur and man n about tow wn, SIR MC C, he explain ned to me how he had be een getting down and dirtty. No, nothing g to do with h Soi 6, butt the back garden g of hiis new develop pment. When you ask a pe erson to be a scribe 10 minutes m after the t circle has started, th his is the kin nd of 'filler' to be expected. The fun n began abo out 1 minutte after the e bus departe ed from our usual starting point. once e the 'Black Pearl' got intto second gea ar, our fellow w hashers jusst couldn't wait w to rid the emselves of th hat nasty me enswear and put p on their frocks, f A-S Site Mis-Dirrections: Frrom Pattaya Klaang traffic ligh hts follow Suk khumvit road north n for 300 0 meters to th he next set of o traffic ligh hts and turn riight onto Siam m Country Club road. Follow SCC road forr 6.3km and turn t right and d immediate left l onto a dirt d road adjjacent to SCC C road (HHH). The a-site is situated aro ound 200 metters into this la arge clearing. eve ening gowns, see through h lingerie and d whatever th he heck SI IR REALLY SADISTIC C BASTARD D was wearring. He rem minded me of o those na asty ladies who w sat beside the guiillotine and yelled "off with their heads"!!!! wh hile still kniitting. The bus b ride out tto the A Site e (a great loca ation on Jomtien Beach) was full of jocularity and all roun nd usual bullcrap until th he mood got really seriou us with all the e 'girls' wondering if they t should wear lipstick, how much h, what collour, etc. etc. well, that p problem was resolved r quick kly as it wa as pointed ou ut that therre is only one tube of lipstick ys are very good ava ailable to be shared......guy g at sharing with the eir friends......heck, we've even shared d 'girlfriends' in the passt. We ell our Adven ntures of Pris iscilla, Queen n of the Dese sert tour buss made it's "Merry/Mary " y" way out to the aforeme entioned 'A Site'. It'ss always a p pleasure to see some wa ater as EM MPEROR AIR RHEAD mentiioned in the circle "mostt of the guy ys on the Hassh don't even n know that Pattaya P has a beach" and d unless the ey are avoiding some Patttaya bargirl, never ven nture this farr south of Wa alking Streett. Page 1 ~~~ Ple ease contin nue on nex xt page ~~~ ~ Pattaya Hash House Harriers – 1526 – June 3rd 2013 Pattaya Hash House Harriers – About Us Meeting Place: Near Family Mart, 2nd Future Hares, call Hare Raiser HORSE, 0879068280 Road @ Soi 13/1 Run# Date Hares On On Every Monday at 3:15. The Bus leaves at 3:30 promptly. Run Prices: Male 350B, Female 150B, Children under 16 50B 1527 1528* 1529* Jun 10 Jun 17 Jun 24 A Team Club Jameson’s TQ Download our weekly Hashsheet at 1530* Jul 1 More Info, photos, scribe reports on the website. 1531* Jul 8 Ball Ringer, M & M Disorders Sir Arsehopper & Midnight Star Peler and Sir Arse-a-holic Beverly Hill Pink Cock & Mental Disorder VV & Tampax Find a hash around the world: For more information email our GM, TQ Titty Twister If you want to be a hare but not sure how, contact HORSE and we can help you partner with an experienced hare. Enjoy a great part of hashing – Hare a run! * Map needed 47 Hashers who were Hashing the previous week 15 Sirinan T.n. dee; 414 BALL RINGER; 16 BANANAS; 260 BELL END; 107 BENGT POTATO; 219 TIN TIN; 475 BOW WOW; 24 CHEAPER THAN MEME; 85 CRAZY PUSSY; 177 DOESN’T TOUCH THE SIDES; 1221 EMPEROR AIRHEAD; 220 EMPTY SPERMBANK; 451 G.I. JOE; 106 GANGREEN; 610 GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER; 38 HEIFER DUST; 75 HONEY BEAR; 118 HORSE; 50 HULK; 21 IM LAO; 146 LIBERACE; 286 LONE WOLF; 1049 LORD CHICKEN FUCKER; 512 MIDNIGHT STAR; 556 MRS. HEAD; 39 MY GIRLFRIEND KNOWS I’M GAY; 13 NECROPHILIA NIGHT RIDER; 218 PELER; 18 PUSSY WHIPPED; 115 RATSO-EEL-SNIFFER; 18 SEXY BUM; 634 SIR ARSE HOPPER; 513 SIR BOTTOMLESS PIT; 627 SIR DOG; 534 SIR MC; 530 SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD; 699 SIR SPAGHETTI HEAD; 64 SMELLY BASTARD; 310 SMILING BROWN SPIDER; 387 SNOOPY; 276 SQUEEZE MY TUBE; 22 SUZY WONG; 233 SWEETIE; 348 TAMPAX; 483 UNCLE PERVY; 632 VIETNAMESE VIOLATOR; 129 WANK-KING’S WANKER 10 Returners 4 Siriporn Senarak; 36 APPLE CIDER; 94 APPLE SAUCE; 113 APPLE TREE; 41 CABBAGE PATCH; 880 KING YAO YAO; 33 MENSTRUAL DISORDER; 36 MENTAL DISORDER; 62 RABBIT SHOOTER; 228 SCRUMPY 6 Visitors with their Total Runs and Mother Hash 3 FAIRY SNOW — North Hants Hash, UK 4 LADY BOY’S JISM RECEPTICLE — Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 4 SHOOTING STAR — Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 3 FUGGLES — North Hants Hash, UK 5 SHIT MY PANTS — Pattaya Jungle Hash, Thailand 6 SPLIT BEAVER Pattaya — Jungle Hash, Thailand 1 Anniversary HULK — 050th Run 2 Leavers: CHEAPER THAN MEME; HEIFER DUST The rain never came but the cloudy conditions made for a very cool and enjoyable walk, run, stumble along Jomtien beach and surrounding area. I was never prouder to be a Hasher as when we marched through those Thai villages and seafood restaurants showing what real Hashing is all about (except for SEXY BUM who was showing her massive 'manhood' for all to see and be intimidated by). I was promised a 2km 'walkers walk' by those lying hares but the bus slowed down to about 50km at that point and just sped off to the 'runners run'. What the heck is a 'runners run' as I've never done one before....come to think about it, I've never done a 2km walkers or any other type of run before. Only thing that kept me going was the thought of Uncle Pervy’s Truck Stop and Beer Emporium. given piece of wood in appreciation of all the service given to the Hash House Harriers. exactly what those 'services' were are lost in the annals of time except our SEXY SUSIE did remember banging YAO YAO (before he was a 'King’) having some kind of carnal knowledge of KARAMBA (who wasn't there to defend him/her self and can you blame him?) but her fondest memories (amongst too many to write down) were all the wonderful boys who would fondle her on the way home in the Hash Bus.......those were the good old days but sadly, our SEXY SUSIE has aged (not well apparently) and her Hash nickname is now "SIR FOSSIL" as she has aged so much. You don't ask her age, you must carbon date her to find out her real age. After a few glasses of UNCLE PERVY’s magic, rejuvenating elixir, WANK-KING’S WANKER finally called the circle to order. It was like herding kittens as people were scattered everywhere, private parties were going on, and us old guys were taking a long, long time to hobble towards the circle with EMPEROR AIRHEAD mumbling in the background "I've got nothing!!!" help me everybody......and it was true, as the only writing I saw on his cardboard clipboard were the hares names and a whole lot of nothing.....geez, he coulda used a 'Etch A Sketch' and come up with the same thing. But our boy came to life when his old friend "SEXY SUSIE" (AKA SIR CHICKEN F**KER) finally returned to the Hash House to accept the rarely Most of us could say that it was a new experience to wander around the countryside wearing a dress and finally feeling free and letting our feminine side be able to show through.....for some hashers it was like being in a feminine product commercial with that 'fresh, clean feeling'....HULK, CHEAPER THAN MEME, PUSSY WHIPPED (of course), MY GIRLFRIEND KNOWS I'M GAY, HEIFER DUST, and all the others who know whom they are!!!!! but today’s run wasn't just about impressing all the Thai villagers and some stray Falang about how good we all looked in a was about winning our annual beauty contest!!!!! Page 2 ~~~ Please continue on next page ~~~ Pattaya Hash House Harriers – 1526 – June 3rd 2013 Once the hares were dealt with (and thanks to all those lovely ladies who once again made this run a 'run to remember') and of course it was judged by everybody there to be one of the best runs of the year...and I know many people appreciated your placing that seafood restaurant about 1/2 way through the run that just happened to sell cold beer too....where was I?.....Once the hares were dealt with the serious business of judging began. It wasn't that difficult to cull the bottom feeders of the group (upon further reflection most of the losers (me included) reminded me of those Walmart shoppers’ pictures that are sent around in those annoying emails from your friends). and soon the field was whittled down to four very worthy and desperate contestants: HEIFER DUST (looking lovely as usual), SIR REALLY SADISTIC BASTARD (looking his usual scary self), MY GIRLFRIEND KNOWS I'M GAY (who after a couple of provocative, coquettish moves made a few guys want to buy her a drink) and the 'Pretty In Pink' HULK who a lot of hashers were kinda hoping would win. But it wasn't meant to be as out of nowhere SEXY SUSIE reappeared who not only won over all of our hearts, but won our bitterly contested beauty pageant as well. It was the kind of tearful, emotional win that only happens once a year at the Betty Boop Run and also the Miss Tiffany annual pageant that I've only heard about. lesson about the Linda Bar which apparently is supposed to be a katoey bar in Walking Street. According to my notes, HEIFER DUST was appointed to take CHEAPER THAN MEME to said bar and show him 'the ropes' as they say. If you’re going to 'show him the ropes', shouldn't you start at the Castle Bar opposite the Buffalo Bar and then work your way up to a katoey bar? So all good things must come to an end and this perfect day was topped off by all the Hares singing "Those Cotton Fields Back Home" with SUGAR BEAR on lead guitar and her all-girl orchestra. For all you people who could have come out for today's Hash Run but didn't, you really missed a very memorable day. And for all you other Hashers who weren't in Pattaya, I hope to see you next time. On On!! Gangreen Scribus Shittus - argumentum ad ignorantiam Next up was the women/men hashers judging. MENSTRUAL DISORDER with her punk look, CRAZY PUSSY with her looking good look, SUGAR BEAR who had on the Mao See Tongue outfit and SEXY BUM with her massive manhood (as mentioned above) who could grab her crotch better than some guy in a Italian Movie. Now that crotch grabbing was pretty impressive (and a little bit scary) but in the end, as usual us girls couldn't make up our mind and all the women/men won a prize. The three cute young girls who participated were too freaked out but this weird guy (EMPEROR AIRHEAD) in a moustache wearing a dress and were very happy to receive their 'get off the ice cards' and leave as quickly as possible. Now it's time for some special mentions: HEIFER DUST who's first run was in 1994, The HULK who has done 50 runs and of course to the World's Greatest Brewmaster "SIR" BOTTOMLESS PIT who gives us a reason to go out to the hash runs every week. And a very special thank you to the lady hares who made a great run and VV for his tasty snacks. SIR CHICKEN FU**ER and his female counterpart SEXY SUSIE (who I think are the Hash equivalent of that old Julie Andrews movie Victor/Victoria) enters the circle and immediately ices GENERAL SIR KIDNEY WIPER for reducing his gin intake to 3 bottles per week. We on the Hash can accept almost anything but reducing you alcohol intake is something that just doesn't feel right with the PH3. Not to worry GENERAL KIDNEY WIPER as you were soon joined by 3 other sinners on the ice. TAMPAX (for talking to himself), LONE WOLF (for buying a new big Harley Davidson but wears ladies underwear as they don't sweat), and CABBAGE PATCH (because he hadn't been on the ice yet). CHEAPER THAN MEME was only a memory on the ice as he was quickly placed in the bucket for complaining that SIR CHICKEN F**KER talks too fast and nobody (meaning CHEAPER THAN MEME) understands him. CHEAPER THAN MEME was then given a very slow English Page 3
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