BN AGO-SET.indd - Británico
AGO • SET 2010 Número 09 AGOSTO / SETIEMBRE 2010 BOLETÍN MENSUAL DE LA ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL PERUANO BRITÁNICA EN ESTA EDICIÓN: Primer lugar Segundo luga r Tercer lugar 2. Testimonios de becados. 5. Inscripción de exámenes internacionales. 8. Actividades Extracurriculares. ROL DE EXÁMENES Setiembre 2010 Calle siente Ceremonia de premiación En agosto se llevó a cabo la ceremonia de premiación del Concurso de Fotografía 2010 Calle siente, organizado por el BRITÁNICO y con el apoyo del Centro de la Imagen. El evento se realizó en el auditorio del centro de San Borja y contó con la asistencia de los ganadores y seleccionados del concurso, así como de los miembros del jurado y representantes del Centro de la Imagen y el BRITÁNICO. Los ganadores del concurso son: 1er puesto: Stefanie Kaiser Collantes, BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre. 2o puesto: Carla Paredes Figueroa, BRITÁNICO San Borja. 3er puesto: Tessa Vanessa Portuguez Racua, BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre. PROGRESS TEST Diario y Superintensivo Sabatino 15 de setiembre 25 de setiembre FINAL EXAM Diario Superintensivo Sabatino 24 de setiembre 27 de setiembre 23 de octubre EXÁMENES ORALES Estas fechas son comunicadas a los alumnos con anticipación por sus profesores. NEWS IN BRIEF Menciones honrosas: Lurdes Chara Estrada (BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre), Omar Gómez Calderón (BRITÁNICO San Borja), Paolo Ríos Lostaunau (BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre), Renzo Baglietto Zúñiga (BRITÁNICO San Borja) y Roberto Silva Santisteban Llamosa (BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre). Agosto • Setiembre 10 Paolo Ríos BRITÁNICO News 2 Omar Gómez Renzo Baglietto Cronograma de exhibición de fotos en los centros • San Borja: Del 4 al 14 de agosto • Camacho: Del 16 al 21 de agosto • Monterrico: Del 23 al 28 de agosto • Miraflores: Del 31 de agosto al 7 de setiembre • San Isidro: Del 8 al 18 de setiembre • Lima: Del 20 al 25 de setiembre • San Juan de Lurigancho: Del 27 de setiembre al 9 de octubre • Los Jardines: Del 11 al 16 de octubre • San Miguel: Del 18 al 23 de octubre • Pueblo Libre: Del 25 de octubre al 6 de noviembre • Surco: Del 8 al 13 de noviembre Lourdes Chara Roberto Silva Santisteban Ganadores de la Beca a la Excelencia 2010-II Testimonios En el mes de junio, doce alumnos ganaron la Beca a la Excelencia. En esta oportunidad, cuatro de ellos nos brindan su testimonio: A life-changing moment • Lucía Castillo Palacios I’d always loved British music, history and culture in general. So when the moment to start studying English came, there was no doubt that the BRITÁNICO was the right place to do it. From day one, I enjoyed every single class and experience that I lived. But without a doubt the most rewarding one was winning the Scholarship for Excellence. From my point of view, it’s not only a prize to all the long hours of study and hard work, it’s also a recognition to your effort and persistence. It’s most definitely a lifechanging moment, when they announce that you have won and that you’re going to London. The feeling of achievement, pride and happiness is beyond description. I have nothing else to say but to thank God for all the blessing He’s given me; my parents for all the support during this journey; my advanced teacher, Daniel Gonzalez and my FCE Practice Course teacher, Carlos Castillo, for always encouraging me to study; and last but not least, the BRITÁNICO, not only for giving me this incredible opportunity but for making a dream come true. I…? What…? Twelve? • Patricia Valdivia That was the first thought that popped into my mind when it was announced that there would be not one but twelve winners for the scholarship to London. I know everybody says this, but I seriously couldn’t believe it; it was when I was back in my seat that I realized what the announcement really meant: I was going to London!!! After that, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I would need, like a passport, new clothes (as if I needed another reason to go shopping), and Peruvian souvenirs as gifts because I’m going to meet people from other places and I think that’s an excellent way of promoting my country. I don’t want to forget, of course, to thank my family, especially my parents because they believe in me and support me in everything I do; also my teachers at the BRITÁNICO who taught me everything I know. Thanks, BRITÁNICO, for this opportunity. It is amazing when you realise how many aims you have achieved at a specific point in your life. I remember the day of the Presentation Ceremony, when I found myself surrounded by hundreds of students in the same situation as me. After I was given my FCE Certificate, I began to wonder which would be finally my destiny, and I tried to catch my parents’ eyes to give me more confidence. All of a sudden, I was requested to go up on the stage to join the group of students who met the requirements for the Scholarship for Excellence, and, afterwards, I won the prize. What a special moment! Now that some time has passed, I have had the chance to analyse and reflect on my situation, and I really believe that if you set a goal and put enough effort into reaching that goal, then you can succeed in anything you want. I can say that my path to this aim has not been as easy as people might think. I recollect that when I began English classes at the BRITÁNICO as a child, I had to get used to my mother and myself getting up early every weekend to travel to Lima. In fact, I was a pioneer in my town, Chincha, of travelling every week for academic purposes, a fact I did not appreciate at that time However, as I grew up, I managed to find the reason for so much effort, and it was then I realised the number of opportunities I had open to me, and one of them was this Scholarship to the UK, which I never thought I would win one day. I still remember my first days studying at the BRITÁNICO, since they changed my mind about learning English. I’d studied English before, at school and university, but nothing could compare with the enjoyment and the ease of learning and sharing experiences with such committed teachers and enthusiastic classmates. All the days spent at the BRITÁNICO were full of new challenges such as having the oportunity to read books at the library or watch videos in English. In brief, you are able to immerse yourself in this wonderful language and learn more about the British culture. What’s more, those who obtain the highest mark in the FCE exam can be awarded a scholarship to International House in London. Just imagine how I felt when I won it. This is the chance of a lifetime! I can never be grateful enough to the BRITÁNICO. Now, I’ve committed myself to do my best and to make the most of this new challenge. Here goes! Now that another goal, a big one, has been achieved, I want to thank the BRITÁNICO for this wonderful opportunity to meet different people and different cultures from all around the world. Furthermore, I want to express my deep gratitude to my parents, to my dear uncle Salomón and to all my teachers, for all their support and their help to achieve my ambitions with the English language. I will never forget that day when a teacher told me: “You’re definitely travelling to England. At least you’re going to bring me some souvenirs, aren’t you?” And the rest, as they say, is history. Agosto • Setiembre 10 • Renato Li Soldevilla • Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez 3 BRITÁNICO News Small and big goals in life All you need is here! Ganadores de la Matrícula Online Recuerda que en el BRITÁNICO te ofrecemos la posibilidad de matricularte desde la comodidad de tu casa, oficina o donde te encuentres, a través de nuestra página web En ella también puedes comprar los textos. Además, te damos nuevas opciones de matrícula online por medio del Banco de Crédito (BCP). Entérate dándole clic al banner del BCP, ubicado en nuestra página web, zona Centros de Enseñanza. Agosto • Setiembre 10 Todos los meses sorteamos becas entre los alumnos que realizan su matrícula online. Los ganadores de este mes son, Jhon James León Galoc del BRITÁNICO San Isidro y Gianella Gabriela Zoppi Del Castillo del BRITÁNICO Monterrico. ¡Felicitaciones! BRITÁNICO News 4 ACADEMIC NEWS ABCI CONFERENCE 2010 • Pilar Ferreyros, Teacher Training Manager A BRITÁNICO delegation attended the 9th ABCI conference 2010 (our sister institution- Asociacao Brasileira de Cultura Inglesa) which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 15 to 17 July. This was a unique professional opportunity to participate in thought-provoking sessions focussing on a variety of English Language Teaching issues, the central one being the growth of technology, its impact on the ELT classroom and the implications for teacher education and development in general. In the picture, Herbert Puchta- well-known ELT author- with BRITÁNICO staff: Kim Burnie, Peter Ballivian, Kalet Reaño, Irina Castro and Roger Terrones. LABCI Directors Meeting • Idalia Gonzales, Gerente de Estudios Los días 15 y 16 de julio se llevó a cabo la reunión de Directores LABCI (Latin American British Cultural Institutes) en Río de Janeiro. Cada dos años los directores de los países miembros del LABCI se reúnen para compartir temas relevantes a la gestión cultural y de enseñanza del inglés en sus países. El BRITÁNICO pertenece al LABCI. A esta reunión asistió Idalia Gonzales Gerente de Estudios del Británico .En la foto representantes de Argentina, Chile, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Bello Horizonte, Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay y Perú. INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS NEWS University of Cambridge ESOL Exams The Cambridge ESOL exams cover all four language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing- as well as testing your use of grammar and vocabulary. They include a range of different type of questions which test how well you can use English, so that you develop the full range of skills you need to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. Registrations for the coming Cambridge ESOL Examinations to be administered in November and December will be held at BRITÁNICO Centres from Monday 13 to Saturday 18 September 2010. BRITÁNICO Level (Suggested) Fee • KET (Key English Test) • B8 / F4 • S/. 265 • PET (Preliminary English Test) • I4 / F8 • S/. 280 • FCE (First Certificate in English) • Advanced Phase + Prep course • S/. 495 • CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) • CAE Course + Prep course • S/. 515 • CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) • CPE Course • S/. 540 5 BRITÁNICO News You can find more information about these exams on our website: or at Agosto • Setiembre 10 English Exams STAFF NEWS New babies Damos la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros de la familia: • Christopher, hijo de Miguel Herrera, profesor del BRITÁNICO Miraflores. • Gabriel, hijo de Miriam Paredes, profesora del BRITÁNICO Miraflores. • Nicolás, hijo de Mónica Aguilar, cajera recepcionista del BRITÁNICO San Borja. • Leandro, hijo de Deborah Sotomayor, subjefa del BRITÁNICO San Borja. ¡Felicitaciones a los orgullosos padres! Fiestas Patrias en el BRITÁNICO Agosto • Setiembre 10 El personal del BRITÁNICO celebró de distintas maneras el aniversario patrio. BRITÁNICO News 6 Los Jardines Pueblo Libre San Juan de Lurigancho Administración Surco Clientes Externos BRITÁNICO Lima •Giovanna Atuncar, profesora del BRITÁNICO Lima Era mediodía y todo el equipo del BRITÁNICO Lima estaba listo y esperando con ansias nuestra celebración por Fiestas Patrias. Por los corredores y distintos ambientes de este centro de estilo colonial se podía ver a profesores vestidos de coloridos trajes típicos de nuestras tres regiones. ¿Qué estaba por suceder? Nadie se imaginaba las sorpresas que se iban a presenciar en el hall de nuestro centro. Las primeras en escena fueron “las pregoneras” de la costa que, con su gracia y coquetería, nos deleitaron con diversos pregones típicos de la Lima de antaño. Inmediatamente hizo su aparición la sierra con profesores que, al compás de los aplausos de un sorprendido público, bailaron un huaylas macho. La selva no se quedó atrás, y con la danza del huairuro contagió a más de uno de este ritmo selvático. Así mismo, a ritmo de guitarra y voces melodiosas, un grupo de profesores nos deleitaron con canciones de nuestro repertorio criollo. Por supuesto, no podían faltar el staff administrativo que, encabezado por nuestras jefa y subjefa de centro, nos sorprendió con sus trajes típicos de marinera y “Valicha” y nos dio una reseña de esos bailes, ni el personal de recepción, que interpretó el tradicional “Tengo el orgullo de ser peruano...”. Después de haber gastado tanta energía y para cerrar con broche de oro, disfrutamos de un delicioso y típico almuerzo peruano compartiendo en un grato ambiente de camaradería y peruanidad las incidencias de lo que habíamos presenciado. Gracias, equipo BRITÁNICO Lima, por su entusiasta participación; una vez más demostramos ser un equipo unido, empeñoso y patriota. Independence Day Celebration at BRITÁNICO Monterrico • Norma Gutiérrez, Monterrico Deputy Head of Centre The Independence Day of Peru is celebrated on 28 July to commemorate the anniversary of Peru’s independence from Spanish rule in the year 1821. The Asociación Cultural Peruano Británica wanted to celebrate this important event and invited all the different branches to organise something special for their teams. BRITÁNICO Monterrico celebrated Peru’s Independence Day on July 26, with a festive meeting where national dishes were served buffet-style and entertainment included a karaoke with a wide repertoire of Peruvian songs. The cuisine included carapulcra, ají de gallina, papa a la huancaina, causa limeña and more. For dessert there was mazamorra, and the drinks offered were chicha morada as well as our Peruvian Inka Kola. We really appreciate our team’s positive attitude towards this important celebration, their valuable contribution, involvement and their participation on that afternoon in which a wealth of talent was shown. This gathering has surely increased their morale and helped them enhance their motivation to continue working as a family. Thank you once again for your enthusiastic participation. See you at our next celebration! Cumpleaños Felicitamos a todo el personal que cumple años en el mes de setiembre del 2010: Jueves Miércoles Adriana Silva 1 (Adm.), Ana Olivares, Elizabeth Nuñez Del Prado (S.I.) Rogger Llerena, Melina Espinoza (S.J.L.) 6 13 Sandra Asheshov (S.B.) Jesús Rey (Su.) 20 Karina Gutiérrez 27 Catherine Pereyra (Mi.) 2 Jenny Castellanos 7 (P.L.), Judy Castro, Lizardo Alegría (Adm.), María Arce (Ca.), Gina Vilchez (Su.) Nataly León (S.J.L.) 8 Mini De La Cuba 9 (C.C.), Selma Cunza, Elizabeth Serna (P.L.), Gregory De Villiers (S.B.) Sandro Gonzáles (S.M.), 14 Lily Fairlie (S.B.), María Cano (Ca.) Rosario Alegría 15 (S.B.), Sergio Cueto (P.L.), Engelbert Buttgembach (S.M.), Juan Quispe (S.J.L.) Patricia Paz, 16 Melissa Chuquillanqui (Ca.), Lidia Diaz (L.J.) Iván Campos (S.B.) 21 Victoria Cachi (Adm.), Patricia 28 Pérez (P.L.), Marita Gómez (S.M.) 22 Maribel Cruz (L.J.), Rocío Vlásica (Adm.) 29 Sábado Viernes Milagros Salcedo, María Mendoza (Su.) Anna Salvatierra (P.L.)Ruth Alcca (S.B.) 23 Domingo Genix Rios (Su.), 3 Marco Aragón (S.B.), Saúl Solano (L.J.), Noelia Calderón (S.I.), Sylvia Yanayaco (S.J.L.) Alicia Carhuayo (Mi.), Ricardo Quijada (Su.) 4 Lizbeth Nieves (Su.), Mariela Gamboa (Mi.) 5 Giovana Azurín (L.J.), Cynthia Espinoza (S.J.L.) Giancarlo Aguayo 11 (Li.), Mercedes Catashunga, Lizbeth Sánchez (S.J.L.) Ruri Sonan Morikone (S.I.) 12 Marco Curiel (S.I.), Laura Hurtado (S.B.), 18 Julio Crevoisier, Irving Aragón (Mi.) 19 25 Rina Cáceres (Adm.) 10 17 Reyna Llerena (S.B.) 24 Bertha Gamarra, Miguel Tejeda, Moisés Pacheco (S.J.L.) 26 Gladys Ayala (P.L.), Gonzalo 30 Quezada (Adm.), Viviana Heredia (Mi.) Agosto • Setiembre 10 Martes Lunes Camacho (Ca.) Lima (Li.), Los Jardines (L.J.), Miraflores (Mi.), Monterrico (Mo.), San Borja (S.B.), San Isidro (S.I.), San Juan de Lurigancho (S.J.L.), San Miguel (S.M.), Surco (Su), Administración (Adm.), Centro Cultural (C.C.) y Clientes Externos (C.Ext.). La Zona Maldita ¿Quihúbole?, lads del BRITÁNICO, esta vez la Zona Maldita les juega un top 3 de artistas británicos que la están rompiendo en el R&B, electropop y hip hop. Taio Cruz: Este londinense de origen nigeriano y brasilero, luego de escribir música para Justin Timberlake y Britney Spears decidió debutar como solista en el 2008 con el álbum Departed. Cheka “Break your Heart”, uno de los singles más populares en lo que va del 2010. Profesor Green: Si puedes conseguir el CD Alive Till Im Dead, no te vas a arrepentir. Este rapero inglés se las trae. “Just Good to be Green”, a dúo con Lily Allen, y “Need you Tonight”, que samplea el clásico de INXS, son dos joyitas imprescindibles del pop británico actual. Jay Sean: Quizás lo ubicas por la canción “Do you Remember”, junto a Sean Paul y Lil Jon. Llamado por la prensa “el Usher británico” (en referencia al cantante de R&B norteamericano), Jay Sean lanzará nuevo disco para principios de noviembre en el que contará con la colaboración de Mary J. Blidge y Pitbull. Ya lo saben, hijitos, no se olviden de sintonizar Mañana maldita de lunes a viernes de 6 a 9 a. m. por Planeta 107.7 Tu música en inglés, conducido por Daniel Marquina Herrera y Gonzalo Torres Del Pino. See ya next time BRITÁNICO News 7 ACTIVIDADES EXTRACURRICULARES Tiempo Libre • Elvira Guzmán Encargada de Actividades Extracurriculares Agosto • Setiembre 10 Debido al acelerado ritmo de vida de nuestro día a día, muchas veces nos vemos obligados a postergar actividades manuales que son tan gratificantes para la mayoría. Para cubrir esta necesidad, además de promover la práctica de la artesanía, el BRITÁNICO viene ofreciendo a sus estudiantes el programa Tiempo Libre, con una variada oferta de artes manuales que además se renueva constantemente. BRITÁNICO News 8 Al mismo tiempo de proporcionar gratuitamente el material requerido en cada sesión, los profesores comparten generosamente su conocimiento y experiencia. Muy motivados iniciamos nuestras visitas en el BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre, donde tuvimos un taller de bisutería en el que los alumnos trabajaron un llavero y un adorno colgante para celular, artículos hechos a base de semillas huairuros, y atractivos dijes que los entusiasmaron mucho. Luego estuvimos en San Borja, donde se programó la elaboración de un tarjetero adornando la superficie con lámina de aluminio, que los asistentes repujaron con un fino diseño, le aplicaron color y obtuvieron bellas y modernas obras. En San Juan de Lurigancho y San Isidro ofrecimos una clase de pintura en trupán con la técnica del craquelado, que concitó la atención de sus ejecutores por los diversos efectos que se obtuvieron, y así prepararon simpáticos dispensadores de té filtrante. Y para complacer el aprecio de nuestros estudiantes por los postres, esta vez estuvimos en Camacho, donde todos participaron en la preparación de la torta tres leches y pudieron deleitarse con su sencilla receta, buenos productos y rico sabor. San Borja Como siempre, están cordialmente invitados a participar en los próximos talleres de manualidades. San Isidro Camacho Pueblo Libre BRANCH NEWS “Princess Anne is Queen Elizabeth’s daughter” Enthusiasm and curiosity were shown throughout all the session in which questions arose all the time (most of them, I must admit, about Prince William and Prince Henry, who proved to be very popular among teenage girls). Finally, I’d like to invite all students to get to know more about British culture, as it is interesting indeed and quite different from ours. As I’ve mentioned already, you’ll find that learning English is more than learning a language; it can broaden your mind and expand your opportunities for either professional or personal aspects. Happy Independence Day! • Miriam Arribasplata, Los Jardines Teacher Two weeks ago, my students from Saturday courses and I had the brilliant idea of celebrating our Independence Day and decided that the best way was by doing a project. Students from Intermediate level I06 and Junior J08 showed great enthusiasm, participating and preparing their posters and speeches as well. They really enjoyed learning new words and phrases related to the topic. As a teacher, I was absolutely delighted to see how committed they were to working together and trying to improve their English. Congratulations to all of them!!!!! It was great working together. • Elizabeth Núñez Del Prado, profesora del BRITÁNICO San Isidro Con entusiasmo y mucho espíritu patriótico, nuestros alumnos de Kids participaron en un concurso de pósters durante el mes de julio conmemorando nuestro aniversario patrio. A través de éste, tuvieron la oportunidad no solo de desarrollar su creatividad sino también de aprender vocabulario relacionado con los símbolos patrios de nuestro querido Perú, como flag, national anthem, coat of arms y cockade. Este concurso no habría sido posible sin la participación de las entusiastas profesoras de Kids Esther Paredes, Noelia Calderón y Nelly Vargas. Agosto • Setiembre 10 Last month, my Basic 1 students proved that learning English at the BRITÁNICO is not only about learning a new language, but also enhancing their knowledge about British culture from the very beginning. They were part of a project in which they learnt a lot of vocabulary related to family members and relatives by looking at the British Royal Family Tree. Patriotic Symbols poster contest 9 BRITÁNICO News • Isabel Cristina Matos Ramos, Los Jardines Teacher South Africa • Romilly de Buck, Camacho Teacher With FIFA World Cup 2010 fever warming up winter in Lima, I had the privilege of sharing some of South Africa’s spirit with the Kids’ classes. Each teacher had prepared a little activity for the students to interact with me – a real, living, breathing, blond South African! And for a few hours I felt like a celebrity. I was interviewed, photographed, hugged, stared at and warmly welcomed and even signed a few notebooks and was given a Zakumi mascot - he now sits proudly in my living room. I felt really special for a few hours and basked in the glow of my country’s recent world-wide fame and success. After being grilled about everything from my favourite animal, colour, and food to my age and eye colour, it was my chance to paint a few South African flags on some keen participants. All the young students surprised me with their courage and interest and some of them had very impressive general knowledge about South African animals and weather conditions. Agosto • Setiembre 10 For me, it was such fun to be a part of the Saturday classes’ energy and share some pride and facts about my home country. We were able to communicate and talk about soccer and animals - despite being from worlds and generations apart! Thanks to the teachers for being so patient and letting me share their space. BRITÁNICO News 10 Perú – At last a better outlook ahead of us! • Frank Daniel Pachas La Cruz, Monterrico Teacher Teaching teenagers is a real challenge and it is not a coincidence that the book we teach them with is called “Challenges.” However, when they are encouraged to be involved in class their spontaneity and youthful enthusiasm to contribute with their talents turns the class into a laboratory of wonderful ideas. So one Saturday, I proposed that they do up the classroom. As the national holidays were coming up, I asked them to bring things which made them feel proud of Peru. To my surprise, the materials, images, pictures and messages they brought, besides being beautiful, showed that they felt really identified with our rich culture and were very aware of the good changes our country is going through. The pictures portrayed our delicious food, typical dances and recent good news in the different parts of Peru. After class, this made me reflect on what is a fact nowadays for us: for the first time our country is experiencing positive growth. Although it is slow, everything seems to indicate that we are on the right track. But is it really so? There’s no doubt about it, if you consider that between 2001 and 2007 our country reduced the level of poverty from 54% to 44% and is expected to reduce it to 30% by 2011 according to the Economic Commission for Latin American Countries (ECLAC). Moreover, inflation was and still is one of the lowest in the region. In addition, while a raging 2008 - 2009 world crisis meant the end of wealth for Europeans and Americans, Peru didn’t lose its composure and was able to resist this global economic hardship. With free trade agreements, exporters can sell their goods to bigger markets, the only way to grow and develop. This is helping to strengthen our economy. Furthermore building works are being done everywhere in Lima, and in the other departments highways, hospitals and schools are being built. Also, public transport in our capital has started to change for the better. Maybe my positive attitude and enthusiasm is “too soon” or even naive as some may claim, but these facts show that we are improving for the first time in our modern times. We are being seen by the world as a responsible country. Therefore, we can hope that in the near future we will become a better nation with better opportunities for everyone, with a feeling that we can make our dreams come true here if we keep on working hard, walking on the right path, choosing the right leaders and always keep on thinking as a nation because I have no doubt that in unity there is always strength. Festivals and Celebrations in Peru & UK • David Ashcallay, Profesor del BRITÁNICO Pueblo Libre En la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas para la enseñanza del idioma inglés y motivar a nuestros alumnos a usarlo, realizamos en Pueblo Libre una feria denominada Festivals and Celebrations in Peru & UK. En ella, los entusiastas profesores participaron activamente en la creación de diversos stands en los cuales presentaban una comparación de diversas celebraciones en ambos países. Los stands representaban ocasiones desde el día de San Valentín hasta la celebración de Año Nuevo, sin dejar de lado Halloween o el día de la Madre. Los alumnos pudieron hacer un recorrido por todas las celebraciones, participar de diversos juegos e incluso cantar en el karaoke del Día de la Canción Criolla. Cada uno de los estudiantes que asistió a la feria tuvo la oportunidad de utilizar lo aprendido en clase y recibir una serie de nuevas ideas que enriquecen, fuera de las aulas, la enseñanza recibida en ellas. No puedo dejar de mencionar la gran dedicación y el esmero que pusieron cada uno de los grupos de profesores responsables de decorar y poner en marcha su stand para que los alumnos disfrutaran de una gran actividad, ni de agradecer a nuestros queridos estudiantes por todo su entusiasmo y activa participación. Agosto • Setiembre 10 Well Done! • Angie Alva, Monterrico Teacher Last month, my students of Pre Kids 3 were highly motivated to celebrate the Independence Day of our country in the classroom. They did a wonderful project with the colours of the Peruvian flag, and we had lots of fun enriching their vocabulary related to our Independence Day. Miraflores in action 2 • Claudia Larrea, subjefa del BRITÁNICO Miraflores Una vez más se llevó a cabo, con mucho éxito, el Miraflores in action 2, en el auditorio de Miraflores. Contamos con la entusiasta participación de nuestros talentosos alumnos y profesores. Se mostraron números de canto y baile de diferentes géneros, que hicieron deleitar al público asistente. Una vez más muchas gracias a todos por su participación y… ¡los esperamos en julio del próximo año! 11 BRITÁNICO News Celebrating Independence Day with PK3 Coast, Highlands and Jungle • Victor Apaéstegui, Lima Teacher A very interesting activity took place in Lima in the last week of July. Our Advanced 3 and 4 students decided to organise a presentation to celebrate our Independence day. They worked together as a team and divided the work by regions. While doing their research and preparing their slides, they became aware of the importance of practising the language outside the classroom in order to continually improve their English. As we would have expected, topics such as traditional food, customs and clothes were among those covered. To make this event even more enjoyable and engaging, the most representative dishes and drinks from our country were brought, which were later sampled by those who had the chance to attend this wonderful presentation that reminded us of the pride we must feel to have been born in this magical country. Once more, we as teachers can assert that setting the bar high eventually pays off when it comes to challenging our students to prepare activities they haven’t done before, and encouraging them to overcome the obstacles they come across day after day. JURASSIC PARK • Cynthia Cuadros, Surco Teacher Last month, my Advanced 3 students wanted to share their opinions, ideas and feelings about the book JURASSIC PARK. They have been reading it for three months so they made a game as a project. They raised interesting points of discussion such as: Was it an exciting opening?, Which character did you like most?, Would you change the ending?, etc. I felt proud of them because they gave an outstanding presentation. I was not the only one who got a pleasant surprise; they surprised themselves by giving a presentation fluently. What is more, they discovered different interesting aspects about dinosaurs nicely described by Michael Crichton. I believe it is important to spark interest in the story and in the whole process of reading because learners who read in English grasp the language faster than learners who don’t. Inicio de Clases (F) Superintensivo Fechas de matrícula y precios de los cursos SISTEMA HASTA EL A PARTIR DEL Superintensivo (F) 2 set S/. 370.00 3 set S/. 380.00 2 set S/. 185.00 3 set S/. 190.00 Diario (D) Sabatino (S) 4 set S/. 185.00 5 set S/. 190.00 Interdiario (A) 3 set S/. 160.00 - Interdiario (B) Conversación (COO) 2 set S/. 160.00 S/. 80.00 (D) Diario JULY M T W F 1 2 F/D S feriados S S M 3 4 30 W T SEPTEMBER F S 31 M T 1 B W A 1 T F 2 3 F/D/B A S S S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 S F/D A A B 3 S 5 S 2 T 12 M F/D T 4 5 11 W T A 6 B S S M T W 1 2 3 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 F/D S F/D B NOVEMBER F 18 (A) F/D B F/D A - (S) Sabatinos fin de ciclo AUGUST T OCTOBER - (A/B) Interdiarios inicio de ciclo diario y sabatino B F/D/B B F/ A A DECEMBER T F S S 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 B M 6 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 29 30 15 B F/D F/D BRITÁNICO NEWS. Es una publicación de la Asociación Cultural Peruano Británica. Editado por el Área de Marketing Dirección Av. Arequipa 3445, San Isidro. Teléfono 615 3434. Hecho el depósito legal Registro No. 98 -3437. T 27 W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 18 19 25 26 7 14 B 21 28 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 A F/D A
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