- Community District Library
- Community District Library
CORUNNA, MICH., JAN. 6, 1898. O N E DOLLAR PER YEAR. t Roy*! l u k M tfc*foodpure. delicious. THE EXAMINATION Board of Supervisors. NARROWLY ESCAPED. VOLU\ —$3.50 shoes for $1.00 at Currie&i —Fred Clutterbuck's. —Emmet Wiltse, of JJyron, WHS in j — J u s t i r e K a this city Monday. '• t h e c i t y T I H ' S I ! —1. O. Derr Jr. of this city, was in — M i.*s K i t t i t Cleveland over Sunday. i 'A'hli f r i e n d s iii --Ex-County Clerk Beard of Morri'.-e, ; — . M r s . S a i n t was in this city Monday. j M i l i a r d u r r vj.~ —Patrick Smith, of Duffield, was here ! — M a y o r .\! i Monday on probate matter*. I fik'K \Vil$ IV] lO I The county board of supervisors con- House on the Gallagher Farm Burned Of Wm. and Emma Rheams, Charged vened at the court house Monday mornWith the Hart man Murder. to the Ground. ing for its aunua.1 January session. Chairman Baldwin called the board to Tbe examination of William and EmThe house on the Gallagher farm in order. Roil cajled by Clerk Cooler, ma Keam, charged with poisoning Mrs. the southeast part of the city was conJohn Hartuian, commenced on Menday every mem^r answering to his name. sumed by tire at about 2 o'clock Monday The usual business of settling with a Lhiugsburg before Justice Rowley. morning. t h e CfUnt The crowd present being too large | y treasurer and other county The house was occupied by Mr. and for the Justice's office, the examination officers is being attended to and the au- Mrs. Wm. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks1 —Ex-Supervisor Iloughton, of Woo<]- i — M r . a n d .\ was adjourned to the city halK which diting of accounts. sister and child, of Capac, who were Ex-Supervisor F. M. Kilbourn has '[ D u r a . i d . ciiiit-d huJl, was in this city Monday. was also tilled to overflowing. visiting them. — Bert Wheeler, of Washtenaw county, i d a y . Prosecuting Attorney Chandler was furnished the board with plans and speThe occupants were awakened by fallcifications for making the court house I —Communk present on behalf of tbe people, while ing brands of flre aud barely bad time visited old friends here last week. i A. E Richards represented the defend- into a modern up-to-date building not to escape a fearful death. Everything! — Mrs. E. C. Waldron, of Chesaning, ! a t Kpisi.-.u[>:i! c\ auts, Reams, and F. H. Watson looked to exceed $10,000 expense. was burned, even their clothing, except visited Aid. John Trumble and family I l i O O J ) . We have carefully examined the plans I Absolutely Pure after the interests of John Hartmau. . . . v . .. , , a pair of pants and shoes which beloag- last Thursday. L x aud find that the improvements if wade ; , . » « , j —Mrs, John f Dr. Austin, of Laingsburg. was sworn w o u ! d m e e t t b ed to Mr. Brooks. — Mr. Win. I$ro<te and bride, of Orion,! * demand* of court busiated testified that in his opinion Mr*. The goods were a total loss, as he were the gue&ts of his cousin, Louis from u v w t svi ne s a n d m a k e a carried no insurance. The loss on tbe Sheanh-. Sunday. Hartuian came to her death from opium j * bulldlnR that all A Kwoe« co., , —Mrs. C. K. z rtS o f t h C 0 U n t woultl take r i d e in j house is estimated at about $750, with or morphiue poisoning. ! * * y P of Mrs. .1 —The millinery store of Hicks sisters j w en $250 insurance. John llartman was sworn and related » finished. Any one who knows this week, will be closed during the evenings of \ 1 the manner and circumstance* attend- anything about the present building Early Menday morning D. M. Low? THE CORUNNA JOURNAL, iug January and February. [ - M r s . M. J . the death of his mother. know? that it is a menace to the health passed around a paper on behalf of the —Elnathan Brown, of Vernon. a for- ii)^ :i f e w wi^ck Tne examination was continued until of tbe court, jurors and court officers. family, which was most liberally subGOR&UCH. d> WELCH, Pntprietvrs. The sum required is insignificant when scribed by our citizens, so that a suf- mer resident of this city, was calling on iC. B. Green. Published every Thursday morolnur, at Cor- yesterday and was probably finished compared to the wealth of the county. j —George A. anna, the County Seat Of «h iawassee County. late in the evening. ficient amount was raised to set them to old friends here Tuesday. Devoted to tbe interests ot the Republican Through the generosity of the city of —County XJlerk Cooper and family; in the oity Tut ThJS far there appears to be no evihousekeeping Party and the collection of focal and general Corunna the comity was given a $12.0X0 news. spent Xew Years day with Mrs. Bruce | since last An pi dence implicating Wm. Rheam. TUBS:-One year, fl.00: six months, «fty Death of Mrs. Tuttle. J-s.il and sheriff's residence. I t seems j i Buckmiuister at Owo*so. j — Mr. and M cents; three tnontts, tweniy-tlve cents. that the time is now opportune to do i spent New Ye —Tbe annual meeting of the W. C, Advertising rates made known at the office. Bids Wanted something w-iih tbe court house. j Mrs. Tuttle, wife of Dr. Mills Tuttle, BmM Sealed proposal, will bereceivedby Of course tbe board cannot make the died at their home in this city last Fri- U. will be held at the M. E. Church pai- j Charles Hath* PS^J^Iff£^'S&Sr t f —Mrs. N. C. lors on Friday at 3 o'clock P. M. tITr should S^ S^tff^T&ff&^Si^ the undesigned up to and including appropriation but can only submit tbe \day morning, after a long illness. rep bazar stock in —Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Potter, of here _.,,.... -„__..i^.... Jan. 13,1898, for the rendering of medi- proposition to the people for their ap-j Mrs. Tuttle was born in Madrid, X. cause will be «»oertalr№d. n o r t h o f C o l l i r j cal services, exclusive of medicine, for proval. The question could be submit- j•Y.. 77 years ago, and was one of the diued-with hlc favorite nephew. Ex-j HATIOItAX. BANK Register Bigelow, at Owosso, New | —Mr. Dwig I the poor in tbe city of Corunna, for one ted at the spring election without in-1 oldest residents of this city. Years (lay. ! Star, visited lr ! year froin tbe 15th day of January, 1 SOS, curring any extra expense, and we pre-; She leaves five children, as follows: OF o oR/cran*A. | payments to be made monthly or quart- sume this wil) be donefc L.w.sunios8, W. D BARIIISOS, Samuel Fish, George R. and Lewis Tut- —Editor Sleeth: or the Byron Herald j Derham and ot resident superVk*.Pre«dent. Prectdedt.A. ROSEKKHASB The new plans whi^h have been sub- tle, of this city, Mrs. Harriet Oak?, of called on friends here Monday. He re- i *-The.Corur or(]er Casbler.W. A « i « » n t Cashier, W. F. GAIXAO visor. ports his son-in-law, Wm. McDonald, j Star will be on mitted to the board provide for a front Owosso. and W. E. Bra man. of Flint. I The right to reject any or all bids is the aniiivcrsai DIEBCTOBS annex to the court nous?, which annex Mrs. Tuttle has for msny years been improving in health. |J. u served. reserved, and no bid exceeding $200 will j \ ] and wind—The Hume family held a very an active member of the Episcopal wouk b e usetJ a aa f r o n t ha! HA ^ , t PATK1CK i be considered. ! iug staircase. The plans also provide Church. There was no one better known pleasant reunion with Dr. W. C. Hume —Miss I.ilah deceased and none and family in this city last Saturday. c i t y , ju?t arriv T*Coitoctions msde and promptlr remitted for a south annex. "20x2f>, on the ground where she h«* About thirty five were present. cuirentratei of Ktchanye. J . A. AK.MSTRO.NO, L .. perance lectu'r' p on time dep -»lt«. The funeral services were held at the —"Pat" Roy Derham was given a Supts. of tbe Poor.! «>rs'room. A north annex, ISxM feet. loid to «ny pnrt of the world. Dated" Jan. 3,1898. I would furnish more room for the pro- Episcopal Church Sunday afternoon, pleasant surprise by about 35 of his - M r . H. B. .—„_—_. I bate office. In an annex east of the pro- {fnd notwithstanding the inclement school mate? andjf riend* last Friday ev« - j Tuesday after CrtAS. D. M. L. »T»WAKT, Notice. L. I. STEWART. bat« office vault would be located toilet weather tbe church was filled with ning. Refreshments were served and daughter in C Sfaled proposals will be received by rootns for boih sexes, and through it a mourning friends. K«v. E. W. Hunt, much better tli , g the evening much enjoyed. the undersigned up to and includmg U trwav would lead to the court room rector of tbe church, officiated. —F. K. CliiM Jan. 1">, 188S, for furnishing 100 cords 8above, permitting prisoners to be The leinains were laid nt rest in the ! —Thomas Thorp, of this city, has re- in grain wool ; BANKERS, of hard wood, two feet in length, to be brought into the court room without Corunna cemetery. | ceiVed notice that he \* one of six heirs 1 inu to tlM-ir fri delivered an' corded on the school pacing through the crowd in frout. BSTAB1.IPIUD 1MB. ' to an estate left by an uncle in England. <lar for ISDN. P»yTeH«r. grounds in the city of Curunna on or' In the POUmeant annex would be located Hicks £ister« will sell a largo number W<» understand that hls^ portion will etilerprihlng ti Kec. Teller. before the 1st of April, 1S9S. of sailors and trimmed hats at most any ' anouut to a conKiderable amount. the boiler and coal room. —Justice P A. W. GRKKK, AmrkM E*. On the second floor in the south, an- price. They arealways giving bargains Detroit. -Mrs). W*. H. Davln. of Vernon. reO>HiTO«rt3lal N'atlnna1 F. E. W K I C H , ye»r by ot1ifi:t l>e»rt»lt. j betrolt Nation* Mlank tliat during 2fl days of Xovemher Committee of School Board. nex, in the immediate reap of the pres- in millinery goods anyway. Chlc*fu. county clerk« First Natinnal Bank. ent court room, would I*: located the Dated Jan. 3rd, 1S9S. made -I't pounds and !» ouru-^s of Drafts drawn nn al pur!* of thp world. parties we re . W on time d o B per «mt »utere»t stairway, jiidgv** room and LOCAL HAPPENINGS. b'.tter from the milk of one cow. beKal<! Striker o J. C. (juayle wants some good apples, j room. Tbe new plan* design the'revidrs uflng milk for a fatuity of three — iJev. l»«v I m o v j , , g Of H]j |he partition!;! on tli«* sec~-$X.V> shoes for 81.(10 at Currie & during that time. pn'Jtrli at tin- 1 HUrka Sisters can supply you with all j o n d rtoor> m a k | , , s j t h | | o hu large court- Cluttt?rbuck"J. — Kx-SherlffCole. of Vernoti. was in theeilk twists, ribbons, etc.. you need.] r o o K l T n e g l K ,, h a m j e x O | | t h e M o o n c , •—Charlen Godfrey, oi iiancroft, was this city Thtiraday. H<> had jtixt re- day morning. : OWOSSO, MICH. kins Srli(M)l II floor over the sujwryiwors' roooi would in this city Friday. ttirued from Northern New York, wheie cent for I,eoii:irdH.)ii w Money to loan at six per cent for a j be o«d ns a jury room. There would — Mrs. J<uues Ortier, of New Haven, is hi- and hix wife were summoned on Ac- church Suiid:i> term of year* on improved farms only, B.C. also be a small jury room in the second count of the illness of her mother. He reported to be quite ill. Inquire at tltl* office. story of the atinex to the probate office. —C. K. Holli —Banker C. I), Stewart, of Owosso, K*>S it was 1(> degrees below zero when TlHili 41 L K«-r!rr I W ftimtnon* The new plans provide for a good sysfor he k-ft and there was good sleighing. II V Daitra IH wood heating stove, tem of ventilation, nun for heatingeit'/ier was here Friday on probate business. Fok SALKI W £ Hall if s ex peri Xearlv new. —County Treasurer Colby, during tl*e year S. Z. HICK. —Judge Bush visited hi.* friend, SupI by hot water or steam. The roof of the month of December, paid out $*J<;n.4:f A percent Interest Quarterly on I new court house would be slated, the eriiitendaut Pluukett, at Ovid, Frldav. This i Savings Deposits Notice to Venice Tay-Payers. county orders, $31.50 soldiers' relief, foundation would be of Held stone, and ~ J . A. Becker, of Flushing was in i be doubled wit ! 81,:ilS.2s iM>or, #40.93 sparrow, $1,043.30" "iloney to Loan on Real Estate. the rest of the stone used would be cut this city yesterday. He reports a good Tbe undersigned will be at tbe WilkSafety Deposit Boxes tor Rent. *.> witnesses, $597.73 drain, j Andy Moss' stone. The cornice would be of galvabusiness. school house on Wednesday, Dec. on hand in tbe county treasury Jcomplaint of > B*ttk Open Saturday Evesisg*. —Prof. E. L. Mason, of Clinton, Iowa, December 31, was $3,030 house 20. 1807, at I.ennon, Tuesday, Jan 4, nized iron. The improvements all told j would entail a cost not to exceed $10,was tbo guest of his brother, George, IS*** and at the Forrest School house on -~Mrs. Jarred Cook died in Fowler- j '' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. kst week. Saturday Jan. 8th, 1S9S for tbe purpose 000. re Just ville on Christmas day. She was a forMrs. Thomas Nelan. of receiving taxes. FKED MILLER, l for th —H. II. Chatters, one of the hustling mer resident of Byron and had returned I oaurance A««ot and deaier in real estate— 1 Samuel W, Cooper, Coninoa, Midi • Treas. Veuice township. J. Tlio — H. Mary, the devoted w'fe of ex-Mayor I «••«"*»«*• °« F l y i n g , wti in this city to her home after a visit with her many ttorneys at Uw—Newton & Gold. Flint, dence is at Itl; • friends there only a few days previous Thomas Xelan, No. 303 East Com&tock lnursday. Mica. Ottce In Fenton block. rand last Satu Notice to Caledonia Taxpayers. —Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith attended [to her death. She remarked several Skinner, char? street, died suddenly Thursday morn ttorney and counselor at law—3. S. Miner, O r t Mica. <MB<« in wuiiama' block. 1 will be at the County Treasurers' ing of heart disease. Abont 4 o'clock the Eastern Star banquet at Cuesanlng | times while there that it was her last of chair-tidy a [ visit. ttorneys nod counselors at law—W»t*on &. office Coruuna on Saturday of each Mr. Xelan, her busband, thought he last Thursday evening. arraigned b^fj Ctaapsiao. l««tceovei tbetecood national heard a peculiar gurgle ia her throat. —Mr. and Mrs. Fobert Cranston and! _;Durand Express: Mrs. E. Vari <tan^,Owo«do, Micb. week and Crowe A Paynes, Owosso on He shook her and spoke to her. Be-daughter, of Gauit, Canada, are visiting | Auken last week received a check for day aiul the ti A Uorn^yt and counselors at law.—Kn^rbt & Monday of each week until the 10th. of meantime he 1 ^ (Xilllns, office ia MiSlard bk«k: J. G. January next for the purpose of receiv- coming greatly alarmed he called bis Mr. Cranston's sister, Mrs. Hugh Whif5 from her brother, Barney CourtKnigfct. circuit court corutn»a«k>!>er, Mine ofSheriff Scoug: daughter and his neighbor Fred Aberle, ller, on Fruzer street. ing taxes. Bee, Corunaa, Mich. wright. of Kansas, as a Christmas presasking the Hatter to go for Dr. Hume. - H . F. Wai CHAIO.ES Wntv. —L. W. Simmons, of Pontiac, vice- ent Mr. Van Auken was remembered ircuit court com roiuiooer nod altomev at Nothing could be done, as Mrs. Xelsn a joint install; law—P. F. Bump*.0wo»», Mien. Office Treai. of Caledonia Township. president of the First National Bank of in the same way by his daughter, Mrs. (B Sbattuck block. was dead. At various times she has Past Com. J. this city, and II. A. Nichol.s. of Bright- Maggie Painter, of Cortlandt, CaJ., who suft'ered from a heart trouble, which, Shiawasse Mutual Notice. Post ami past ttorney and coundelor at law—Walter Me- \ on, were guest* of Mrs. A. T. Nichols is visiting Mr. VanAuken and family. Bride, Curunaa.Micb. OtBoecpstaintwo j The annual meeting of the Shiawassce without question, caused her death. of Owosso, i nortbof postotBce. j and family. Friday. —Vernon Argus: W. D. Garrison which short si Mutual Fire Insurance Company wiK be Mrs. Aelan was the daughter of Alvin —The aunual meeting of the W. C. T. this yea r presented each -of the employees members of th ttorneys and counselor* at Uw—Chandler held in the Court House, in the city of Parks, of Ohio, and wus at tbe time of i at his store with a brass Ismp stand with war songs m l »" Thursday, January Ctb, jher death 51 years of agr Since her I', will occur in the M. E. chi'rch paronyx top. Mr. Sidney, the office em- with the oyste 11SU7. at eleven a. m., for the purpose of i marriage»with Mr. Nelan they resided lors Friday afternooti at H o'clock. The ployee, received a beautiful dressing lection of officers for the year will aksjdeScbooJ.^CoHejwapd jTMcbert'^ Hre- j electing officers aod the transaction of I at Howeil and later moved to Owosso. —The younj case on a silver tray. Mr. Garrison apoccur. A full attendance is desired. such other business as may lawfully j Two children, Frank, of Toledo, and be established reciate9 to faithful services, and his help-Hon. J. W. T'urner, of Owosso at- i P come before it, and I further give notice j Kate, of Owosso, and Mr. Nelan, her beRose building oetnr— W.s.Jone*.Corunna,Mtch, Special of an intention to amend the charter of; reaved husband, survive her. The de-tended the funeral services of the 'late | « « will no doubt continue to meritthat | pendent oftkn irttention (riven to dtacaaee of wotDeti and children. Office over Chn*e h AojreU's itore. the Company. PKTEK P.VTCIIKL, i ce&sed was a member of the First Bap- Mrs. Tuttle Sunday afternoon. He in- | Appreciation. ! Mrs. R. R. I'Or — Wm. Eaze*, of Fairfield, was in this Vernou, Nov. 2'J, ISft". Secretary, jtht church. She bad a lovely dispo-, I were appointe fc$-8ietaa and surgwn—w. C. Hume and tiharl*., Stalckl*^, C^runna, Mlcb. Office —— isition which showed itself to her family | o n e o f t l i e married women that were j city Monday on his way home from i a const i tut ion hours.! to 4 p. m. on«re«k dsys. Office on floor. State St.,am door west ot th« I have forty acres of choice land with- j and friends, and won the respect of ah | residents here when he resided in Co-1 Grand Blanc, where he had been called j M. I.owe. Mrs. on account of the death of an uncle, Mr. in three miles of the cit- of Corunna ! w n > k n e w h e r ! runna. j Kellogg. K. B. Wm. Eanics, which occured last Friday for * sale »~cheap. -v iVrnn p<wv held Sunj d!a yThe , f t efuneral I t o l t o n , was in p n o o n services were t a committee t< p MASONiC. A. ltrnis JtosbNKRANS. at First ,• There sympacityDouglas, yesterday &u\. ,,„.. a f t ewas p SS the —Joy of callin^on oid friends, at an age of over 100 years. Mr. Eamt-8 'of the room*. r n o oa ) 1Ip.f r o m attendance l l j e Baptistofchurch.! National Bank, Corunna.;j thi/.ing friends, andd the th profusion f i COP.UXNA LODGE N'O. 115, F. & A, M. ^ o ffjj n e lm] n O t here in over„.* .year and | w " *>™ *» ^ Y < ? ^ 7 ^ N < ov, D. —The last v\ alar comuiunicatimis, Brttt I'uesday on or be. 1 (lowers bore evidence of th* esteem in j .. . . 1 7 0 7 Ani on lhat n D a s suffering from ! tore thf: full of the moon, in each month. hee wwas ' ] ^ *?• ? ' m7' Vf mmovrd line Joslin, w! -A-hich the deceased was hekf. The re! ^ « » « o «unerm« C. M. P*ACOCK, See. F. H. PETTI BO w», W. M. Any one having a 40 acre farm and mains were placed in the vaolt.—Owos-1 a l s m e » r m i caused, he said, by trying to Grand Bla c in 1842, and had resided , s f le(1 f o r ] : wishing to exchange for an improved so. Argus. | to lift a mortgage under theOleveiand there ever since. He leaves a sister.! *'* ' CORDXNA CHAPTER, NO. 33, R. A. M. years, and a brother, aged S2 'j Joslin, her aoi Hejrular convocation* flrtrt Taursday in each 80 acre farm should call on or address. . _^_ fadministration. He is all right now, aged 85 years, Marriage License*. montn. KAU-H AOOMJCKT,Secretary. A. B. ARTHUR C Yotsc;. j ecutor of the ^ I and daring tbe pitst year has expended years, and a half sister, ffaCHAKIW. H. P. Corunna. Mich. Guy L. Walter, Elsl# t 35 Ii about $2,500 rn buildings and improve- —At a regular meeting of Wrnon ] tbe fact that 13 OOKUKKACO0NCILNO.38, R-*S. M, HerEmma J. William*, Fairfieid .. 25 ments. tflar aaoetublie* third Thursday incacb month. Division No. 58, Knights of the Loyal Five dollars if C. M. PKACOCK. Heoorder. G«o. S>HATTUCK, 36 FOR SALK or KENT: House and two S. O. Matthewrton, OwiMtAO T. I. M. Guard, held Dec. 2, 1807, the following son, Eddie Ke Maranda Rone, OWOHMO 33 —At the regttlar meeting of the M. E. lots, good location, terms easy. William StanlAke, Owostw Tpa. CORtTNNA COMMAS 1>BR7, NO.«l, K. T. Sunday School Board Hist Friday eren- officers were elected for the en so ing daughter, Floi Loit'e H*ffener. C J, C THOMAS, Stated conclave*, eecon* Ttiunday In eaoi> eiected as offl- year: Captain general, John Reynolds: |be paid, with moeta. W. A. RoeinCKAifa, H. BOSH, Corunna. tteeorter. E.C. To RENT OK SELL : One good house CORUNNA CHAPTER OttDEK OF ^ ; rahtnt mpertnlBia- Harris; paymaster, W. E. Johnson; years. c. i. e m Star. K«vular neettiur first Wednesday and barn well located. Inquire at T. K, 8t*bton. -, after tfce full moon of each month *t Maoonic Ing apparel A E<Jov» Flicker, chaplain, Rev. F. A. Stephens; senior Hall. Mm. MART C SMITH, W. M.; M B * JOURNAL office or address. Bum* 231 shall; jtselstant secretary', Mrss Edith daughter, Mrs FLORA AuGOURY, SecretaryJteutenaot, Wm. Crawford; junior lieuO l I a G u n t t r , Bornw S« W. A. FRASER. Newell; treasurer, Mrs. C. I. Collins; dun of the esta Daniel A. JOMH, Clajloo '32 tenant, Cbas. Parrisb; sergeant*, K. I^ansiug Mich. Flor* Wriy, Vernon funt-ral ej librarian, Miss Amy Kequa; violtnfst, 21 Corunna. Conncll No. 9 meet* errry Thurnday Charle* WoodhulL, Woodaull 47 Miss Franc Mitchell; organist, Miss Ooodali, E. Wilkinson; sentinel, £rne«t betwe< «Tenias in Mar«abee hall. Vltdting- menberA Hart; board of auditors, K. B^ Heed, F. Roth Martin, WMrtnall 2» Hoae) to loan on ctaireable property. k-n. Thel are cordially «-cleomed. 8. W. BINBAX, Pre*.; Joan PrexUr, Owosao 18 MVrta Bice; assistant organist, MlfS- Patchel, W. H, Howd. O. E. D « w , S « . ; H U. MtKTnR,TrtM. ABTHUB Totm« Coromjt. Kate Strtkrr, OWOMO ,-.....:.......f J7 Flossie Mott; chorister, Geo. Jfcrvte 1 M. L. Stewart & Co A A A C A D P Attas Life Association. .' 1 • r -J. THE CZAR'S LATEST MOVE lal«r*«tl«*; InfurMBil** Irani I LUO 1 Mlfclaa Trading i l i n | M have IMII it Lipecr. Work on Jat-ltiou's new open house RMMIU TrMft Snr Occupy Ki»the R m i t If a Dt*1I1 begtn February 1. C(UM, u taftttut Ptrt, ao4 Commerce and I»A icheme l» on fool for a canal between Maple lUpldi and Grand Jtapldi. Cas IWy tk* Worli. i EiUblUbtd. C. II. Hollli, • Jeweler or lienton liar-! Imr, dletl suddenly, lie waa eo year* SAGE IS LDOKEI F H . U SNtd thl>* THE M № U •FI3EW SMIIFKMCL • factor/ a lar t V •horlly be ealabliahed 'ti Junction. c value of thtl year** ccttry crop IXPO will be «3*>O.i>o<». a larar I -turrin •• l i K r n l f l rente 'tuber uf {lot, I'lngrff'. political ily iit'iilufeil i t Lnniiliig Hint there: Londi l!d lit DO estttl session of Ule " ' another f[rab of Clilnr.e terrilury, and evidently 1> Iment upon forcing the Tlie Kiijirriiip court h.m decided thnt hand of (.rrut IlrliuSn In Tvgart! t o p — " •-HI of of n ,lrjm money taken from a \> • ,oner by an of- Uon. News cornea that thrraar'afn .try. lu |ii».ldi> fur tllU [• Hi-cr U not milijccl .o yarnlsbce pro- hate occupied Kln-C'hau, lyinjr north of I'ort Arthur. Tui» place* Ibem a lltUi m utter i!if holidays, reciting*. it of Mii/li ti dijiiirtAll telephone, u-liTf-M'l' ""•> electric] nearer 1'tklng. and give* tbetn com t .wen one ofllK-frn- Ugh. wire* on MiiinntrcL-t at Ann Arbor < mand of another important «trat*gii ii.UKl (fou.idt-r (; roimil before pavlugof position In tbe Uulfof Ijtu-Tung. Th, that btrt'i't t* bfL'iiiiIncident has iDlennHied tbe intercut it 'oriental ntTjirs. nnd is taken to mean ! vi'iH pri-jtai-i-il. Tlii!i>n.el. In I iii. .uiliiiirtl bv ll* ticirj Ihr Flowery kingdoi milt-il h.v tttiy M><'ci!l<idir^r: irket i alp. r.v fir S-.0I10 II yenr. :c1rc!, howevrr. I list wlirn it llnrl.ur & Colui crulM-ri prt Into OIJM-K JUIJ U lu be $..U0<Ta rt* will lw made, and thai tl.eu bv ffomjielled to grab ll:r f.-rci-i. mill iuo( Hit Uiiiu-i! Sinn-" s relate* to tbo oolite- ioslnff nint Stioiv to b d to tell six tick-1 , ri-iaiin^lollip S (if tllL' ['(lilfll cim-e the tiei-iima upatioo ol -Cl.au bay. ewa. IX-c. 59.—It it ported lha rr., Rilh a large; arine*, b.ve been Kussian squadron ' may basUts in)fin iviil cut Into turtniFiils a.rrn(ty es- tittv Ka]ka^k:l, Gr.i pastern railroad i Cliicago & West !i suite of power In the Yellow -.(a. hciioti is likewise aunitcil on Ibe -t of Japan, wlww indtninity i* lilielo remain unpaid ihould sll lh.]>owBpnroprinte thv Chinese littoral. I is conceded tniit the citu'lion IH ana when t iap.cls & .Smit ib so, Ihtc at—Kli T. Sbepntly rrtornrJ frn where lie held an oftii-ial posiKETB-MGIA .un-.l I.r !> Milt-.mmentiiifr upon tbe reported oc- PILL*. "Wieiw. a-lim..1 Ai cil i-tt:;,-, iillt-ii States coast an offer of S2JJ.C0U for! ciipation of Kin-Cbau by Kussia, jniil. \ .r.v and tbt board of made by Chicago capi-^Vunday: "Kin-Chau is on itiiporlart : ureau of Matistics of re to organize 3 $-'00,00:;, walltd'cHv (not an open port), at l i e ' vvlop Ibe well, j bend of the Gulf of Lau Tunff, iScparttiit-nt atiel coniu:hoftber;verYaloo t ! Davis Kcnynn, of Detr 2 treasury bureau of , here Ibe f^reat naval battie iietween ' salesman, nasflm-dfi e dulb e Japanese am] Chinese was l"ou»bt, ' at Gr isular officers of the id the otber importantriverswhich ' ..11 3 charge of usiii? froran >w into Ibe ^uif. l l is about rijui- | ulieti atki-d to pay • dulliir mci-cia! agents, ihelr ^<i'*e to an oimiibiLf comi^ai ml all oilier officer! of Lea luderbitzen, a Gerni: • of UM-unalu, kii:cd liims-elf ii )[• iiiiasfcrrvfl to tbe I M^r<jui-rte eounlv, bv blow1 inurtc! ami iuilm tal of Manchuria, I brains »it hii rilk- while tern miner ' Ik- hint reeviilly bu< U l I ruilro;i<l. c disc IU l». " tlie ""hJr e a u ot of the m arj of , this i«rt ia and tbe Gulf of Lau Tue~, an rin-canre « biob wi.l of labor, whirl, now I jijuirs u vwnt'lon. AMronff'ln'a'T, MalilMiment of such 11 at-Ii eoi is such that its 1 iPLE SLAIN. I'htoCore I), lliibl. • nport capitalist:, ha , Us tc. 27.—Milr.ui ,\cii >L-ilri!:.'i! u rHj-se^-io!) )>racti.-3:].v a position to defy the Washington. Dec. iS.—Sen r Worpan. of Alabama, uf the committee on ] foreign relalions, said lhat it would be I impossible Tar the United Slates to re-I A.ain compjacrnl should Kuropean na- ] tinnB undertake tlie dis,nnrinb*nnent of Cl,ira. Senator Morgan said: n«nniQ occupation of a part of C h i n and the p )!il far (-.•mil- drilli'il ut .\ t ii[.ort »bk'b " a s a failure. l)r. K. I!. licllitiap. mttubir of the M:itu buard of health, has received a Ittu-r from William I teach, health uflifiT for Ualieu. ha.ving that iinee iliphpine a cordon or DlTenae to )|b/ ia broke OUL tn rlial ileinity there : bL'en 2Q r i. Of 1 ' ^ ^ r ^ T h a t ^ X n j j ^J Milled !i « wbo have t Mrs. Elf era Adams, of Lantitiff, has B I ;j* liicn (rratited fi'.OUO alimony by the su- Ther it dtat in tbe Chln«* a J m I'lWiie court lo be paid bv the ailiiiliia-' * irasor of the estate of her deceased erat! husband, E. J . Adam*, from ubuuifhe, com e about one year be-j •re his death. I Havana, I>ec. 21.—Capt. Gea. Blanco | K. h. Ward, a MuskeBon barbei • deelarei that Cobs will be under aa au- 5« .—Till; u ii lines t ii OUR^-^ Combinations. m i i m Our combinations have IKOII well sclcvtol ami itidiitlc M)n№ of lliu ln»t papLTi pulilishnl. \\v this inotiiod we can furnirh our sulisc'ritwrs with the !>e?t of reading :il VITV i-mall cost. The rates we mate arc lower than you can pet anywhere else-. We can also save you something on many papers and magazines not mentioned here. These combinations arc for our subscripts t>nh\ NEW YOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Tbis ]>apcr needs very little intrtxiuclioo. It h well and jrcncrnlly known us the authority cm alt matters of national interest. With its many departments it furnis,HM news on all Eiibjf cts fur all cta«e3 of people. We csngivc you the JOUKXAL and the j 1>CFU bound over to the federal j TrilHinc for $1.00. | jury at Grand Itapidi on a charge of counterfeiting. It i- alleged Ward jjlattd ten one-cent pieces with a tiiwaili and gave them to boys lo pass. rd claims it was done ia a joke. of-' ^ rill begin witk the B*w fear with of-' icera in the palae«. As MOB iiatMD- V iy is workiag tntootaly Gen. Blase* JJ» rill take thelcld tocoadnct a BMtif- ?P- T i l * 1 M i r ' H I f i V F l f i U V K t jear. anil Ihe ««ive canipalrti acaia« the « l S H T H ^ MICHIGAN FARMKR. Lansing. Millie Pec. 2S.—Ii la inth:n of For tbe fanner or anyone intcrcsled in V nuunccd tint Uon, A. T. Swineford. ex- emaining under arms. farmisg prolwMy no other paper puhif Alaska, will go to Aluka *J"* U*a«hina^oB, Dec =«.—A ncv srder. ' \/ lisbed finals Tae Mk-hifan Fanner. It is nol osly good reading, hot tbc numemuB kiaie and swstwtiowe it eonthe peo> taJM each vfack makr «if moaey value n prop. a follows: "Hereafter. cUlms to tke progwwiivo fanner. We earn 1 mpany'hj0," for inert*** of pension wi ] not be con>idered within ]= aaonthi from the laat action—allowanre «r rejc.'tlo*-"' jrive you tbe Fanner and the JOUKXAL Ilh f one year for The Detroit Twicc-a-W»-ek .Iminml is the next l>est thing tu a daily. With its largo quantity uf newt in cumlcn^fHl form it about equ.il? a. dailv npw^'.ijM'r. It is especially valuable for its excellent market reports. Anyone who does not take the dailv should not he withoutthcTw.ec-a-W«k. Wu can give t you that and the JOURNAL oncyearfor , ^ ^ Colihvater. Dec. 24.—, farmer aged Tl. residin_ ter. sat down oa tbe lounge beside kit with whom he KvetJ, and.clatpiag irtni around liiv in'saeck.hesakl: "I love you more «n I can tell.™ A moment later the •• aian suddenly ex24. — A tounterfelt pired. rliflcatc has been riracif ISOfi, J.Fonnt Waahlnxion. Dec. ».—Secretary AlLXM avr'a illneas is caMalar aaac aaxietj •mona; bit friead* aad tk« BMaahcn *l t ftvcanl, hi. fawily. The seentarj- waa Wane c. 21,-The eniM Monday, and ia UireatHMd with pa*«p from Honolulu liaivMpnlMaftkt' i j i II h,,,,r. a i , i •11 preriou* record t, g i i d Marvin H u g b i t t , of • 11 • H.—fire i l i m i n l ihirc block! in tW tbi* cltj t* the Mt> VICM aay Uwt mtxmT&mftotbc ««tatal ' : TWICE AWEKK FliEK PRESS. This U another jrnod pnjwr for those who want a lot of <T>MM1 rcurfins and desire to keep welt ]x*.U-d. It h:is good market reports ami intu-h iincrcstinjr reading fdr young and old. We can furnish you the Tuiii-a-Wcik Free PreSs and the JOL"U>'AL IHJIII for S ^ $1.50. N k««fc. ^ t t n ^ v T r e a ^ ' " * «»Ma>: a—eta, f 1JIM—• <-liy. Tbc ._ ceased was TO years nf i ? e. Saa FraHciaN, Itec «.—LalwH __ ; $1.35.! Spring!eld. Umm^ Dec S3.—Tke Over- -^ ^ ^ m m TWIC&A-WEEK JOURNAL. i.—AcciiriKr.g lt>thc CUv Siippriniondu B J . J . 5 t } i n r < > for •. Mr. anil Mrs. : m I Stid all Orders to THE GOMJNNA JOURNAL ONE OF TWO WAYS. looks at it, and flings it aside with ail htaaces. Hut, after awhile the wheel the other beautiful tniitjjs he ha* ever of fortune turns up. and Oie man tfuta Tbe bladder wa* create I for one purheard oi, and cries out in ecstacy of his $20,000. Now he has prayers on thu pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, Rev. Dr. Talmage Talks About admiration, for the superior quilitie* .Sabbath and every day of the week, i>ul of our religion: "Noraeution shall be he has dropped the catechism. Tint •ad a» such it is,not liable to any form God Amid the Coral Reef*. made of coral. wheel of fortune turns up a;,'uin, am! of disease except by one of two way* hfc gets his fteo,000. Now hu'has prayers Take my hand, and we will walk The first way is from imperfect actiou Tit* Wonderful Mm*onrj of the M In a to ois Sabbath motiiiny alone. The wheel through this bower of the sea, while 1 Marln« la»t:t)U—JLHk*unit From th» of the kidney*. The second way is from of fortuue keeps turning up,uud lie has show you that even exquisite coral is Curtti—tiod'a lx*»« of ih* careless local treatment of other diseases. not worthy of beiiitf compared with 6200,000, >and now he has prayers on the richer jewels of a Christian soul. Sabbath morning when he feels like it The first thing that strikes me in look- and there i* no company. The wheel . V it heal thy uriue Irom unhealthy kidIn the following sermon Rev, T. De- ing at the coral is its long-continued of fortune keeps OQ turning up, aad the Ktniru'nt SjK'ciali.st, who Ims neys is tlie it. iff cause of bladder troub- Witt Talmage leads bis auditor* live; l)ii»ioin;.)$ and two Honoraccumulation. It is not turued up he has bis $390,000 and no prayers at led. So tlte wt>iui>. like the bladder, wit* through a rare channel of contemplalike Cotopaxi, but is an outbutliug and all. 'Four-leaf clover in a pasture field ary Diplomas,' MIX! who run created for one purpose, and if uot tion of God's wonders. The text is: an outbranching of ages. In l'olynesia is not so rare as family prayers in the name :irid lo<-:tle u di-H/u^e withNo mention sbaU be nude of coral.—Job there are reefs hundreds of feet deep houses of people who hare more than doctored too much is not liable to weaktsvilL, 18. out asking a question, will l>e at ness or disease, except in rare cases. and 1,000 miles long. Who built these S3OO.O90. But now tbe wheel of forWhj do you say that, inspired dramaH U Mutated back of and very cloee to tist? When you wanted to set forth reefs, these islands? The zoophy tea, tune turns down, aud the man loses tbe bladder, therofore any pain, disease the superior ralue of our religion, you the corallines. They were not such S2M.0O0 out of the »300,000. Now OQ workers who built the pyramids Sabbath inoriiiug he is on a stenladder or inconvenience manifested in tbe kid* loosed aside the ODyx, which is used as were these masons, these crea- looking for a Bible under the old newsneys, back, bladder or urinary passage, for making exquisite, cameos, and the tures of the sea. What small creations papers on the boc\:case. lie is going is often, by mistake, attributed to fe- sapphire, sky-blue, aud topaz of rhom- amounting to what vast aggregation? to have prayers. His affairs are more bic prism, and the ruby of frozen blood, Who can estimate the ages between aud more complicated.and after awhile, male weakuess or womb trouble of some and here you say that the coral, which AND EACH FOLLOWING MONTH. tort. The error is easily made and may is a miracle of shape and a transpor/ the time when the madrepores laid the crash goes his lust dollar. Now he baa prayers every morning, aud he hears foundation of tbe islands and the time be as easily avoided. To find out cor- of color to those who have studied it, when the madrepores put on the caj>- his grandchildren the catechism. Pros- No matter what your disease or who has failed to cure you, consult him. rectly, set some of y-our urine aside is not worthy of mention in comparison stone of a completed work? It puzzles periCy took him away from God; adfor twenty-four hours; a sediment or set* with our Uol.y religion. "JSo mention all the scientists to guess through how versity7 drove him back to (iod. Hot clitling ludicate&kidney or bladder trouble. shall be made of coraL" At St. Johns- many years the corallines were build- mate to make the coral; hot and scaldbury, Vt., in a museum built by the ing the Sandwich and Society islands ing trouble to make the jewels of grace The mild and the extraordinary effect chief citizen, as 1 examined a speciof SWimp Root is soon realized. If you men on the shelf, I n'r.-t realized what and the Marshall and Gi 1 ber» groups. iu thutioul. We all hate trouble, and yet it does a great deal io;' us. You have need a medicine you should have the a holy of holies God can build and Hut more slowly and wonderfully acWE •'"JURE Chronic. Nervous and Private Disea^s of Women. Catarrh, cumulative is grace in the heart. You heard, perhaps, of that painter who Asthma,. Bronchitis. Kheumatierh. Epl)ep.«y. Fiis*. ]*;ira).\M". Pi!*?. Scrofula. Ulbest Sold by druggists price fifty cent* has built in the temple of one piece of sometimes get discouraged because the wished to get an expression of great and one dollar. For a sample bottle coral. I do not wonder that Ernst upbuilding by the soul does not go on distress for his canvas, and who iiad irers. •<:am*er.«. Tumors, P i m p l e , » / • nm. linptme*, iti.d » r \ ( U f > Prosir&tion cured by'Our tipeirial pysteru of treatment. and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, j Ileckel, the great scientist, while in more rapidly. Why, you have all eter- his servant lash a man fast aud put Ceylon, was so entranced with the nity to build in! The little annoyances him to great torture, and then the .euenrrhoea. Irre^nlarhies. I^Hrrennesg. mention JOURNAL and send your full specimens which some Cio^alesedivers placen»ent of \Vou>h. Inliarii^riont. etc., *ucf life are zoophite builders, and there artist caught the look on the victim's post-office address to Dr. Kilmer «&• .Co., had brought up for his inspection that ccsfiilly troared without an operation. face and immediately transferred £t to Binghanitou, X. Y. The proprietors of he himself plunged into tlic sea, and • ill be small layer on top of small layer, and fossilized grief on the the canvas. Then he said to the serOLD AVDYOl'XO MEN «urJ'erin«from any this paper guarantee the genuineness of went clear under the'wavm* at the risk top of fossilized grief. Grace vant, "More torture," and under more defects ol a. private nature, consult us. Jt of his life, a#tun, and again, and a^ain, this offer. torture there was a more thorough exdoes not go up rapidly in jour soul, costs yog nothing if not cured. that he might know more of the coral, but blessed be God, it goes up. Ten pression of pain, and the artist said: the beauty of which he indicates can thousand million ages will not finish "Stop there; wait till I catch that exIf yon have b#en tleceive<l by F l : . u i * . JilMtr*:*. <tl ACK«. ami so-called TryGraih-Ol Try Grain O. not even be guessed by those who ha?e pression. The re 1 Now I have it upon "SPECIALIST.*, cill and investigate. -Our "test Jt-ferejice. ' N o <UK* X o P-y."' you. You Trill never be finished. On Ask your Grocer to-day to show you only seen it above water, and after tbe forever! Up forever! Out of the sea the canvas. Let loose the victim. I Bear in mind WK >SK XO P A Y U N T I L CURED. For further information or * package of GRAIX-O, the new food polyps, which are its sculptors and of earthly L.^quietude will gradually have & work that will last Torcver." circulars Kfe Dr. Mimcli or address, with stamp, diiuk that takes the place of coffee. 7*'") architects, have died aod the -chief rise tiie reel!), the islands, tha conti- "Oh," you say, "he was an inhuman children may drink it without any in- glories of these submarine flowers nents, the hemispheres of grandeur painter." No doubt about it- Trouble have expired. Job, in my text, did not jury as well as the adult. All who try and glory. Men talk as though in this is cruel and inhuman; but he is a great mean to deprecate this divine sculpit like it. Grain-O has the rich, seal ture in the coral reefs along1 the se& life we unir had time to build; but painter, and out of our tears and blood DITTROIT. MICH brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made coasts. No one can afford to depre- what we build in this life, as compared on his palette, he makes colors that 145 Pine Strrrt,. with what we shall build in the next never die. Oh, that it might be a picfrom pure gTains and the most delicate ciate these white palaces of the deep, uaaml, Thursday and Friday. Jan. 0 and 7. life, is as a striped shell to Australia. ture of Christian fortitude, of shining lie stomach receives it without distress. % built under God's direction. You go into an architect's study and hope! the price of coffee. 15 and 2.> cents per cever changes His plans for tbe there you see the sketch of a temple, building- of the islands and shores; and Ou the day I was licensed to preach package. Sold by all grocer?. the corner-stone of which has not yet for uncounted thousands of years the the Gospel an old Christian man took been laid. O, that 1 could have an coral gardens, and the coral castles, my hand and said: "My son, wheu There is a Class of People architectural sketch of what you will and the cora) battlements go on and you #et in a tight corner on Saturday Who are injured by the use of coffee. be alter eternity "has wrought unMORE TMAN HALF A MltUOff OF up, 1 charge you that you will please • ig-bt, without any sermon, send for THEM HAVC BCCM SOLO. on you! What pillars <?f strength! Recently there has been plactd in all (iod and please yourself if you will go me, and I will preach for you." Well, What altar* of supernal worship! What the grocery store* a new preparation into the minute examination of the especially to aid beginners. Tells how to bit* it was a great encouragement to be called GRAIX-O, made of pure grain?, corala—their foundations, their pinna- | pinnacles thrusting their glittering backed up by such a good old minister, nish the kitchen sensibly i the right way to buy spikes into the sun that never .sets! food and to care for it, etc* A plain book tor that take? the place of coffee. Tlie most cles, their aisles, their pillars, their and it was not long before I got into You do not .scold the corallines because plain people. A book that fanners' wires and delicate stomach receives it without carves, their cleavages, their reticula- they can not build an island in a day. a tight corner on Saturday night, daughters win be glad to own. One from distress and but few can tell it fr«ra tion, their grouping—families of them, Why should you scold yourself because without any sermon, and I sent for the which any housewife may obtain an immense towns of them, cities of them, amount of valuable aid * * * * * * $100 you can not complete a temple of holi- old minister, and he tntne and coffee. It does not cost •ver % as much. and continents of them. ' Indeed, preached, a ad it was the last sermon Children may drink it with great bene- JOB can not appreciate the meaning1 of ness for the beart in this abort tife- he ever preached. All tbe tears I cried MIS Mll'S Nft CNfc But. The moat .fit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per packigr. Try my text unlesa you know sometblag of time? You tell me we do not amount at nU funeral could not express my afthorough Cook Book published. The direction* to much now, but try as after a thouit. A*k for Graio-O. 34yl the coral. Labyriotbiao, stellar, coare dear and concise. H b thoroughly sand million agea of halieluj»h. Let fection for that man. who was willing tkat, perfcedy reliabie and is marked W i lumnar, floral, dented like shields from to help me out of a tight corner. Ah! us bear the angels chant for a million good '— battle, spotted like leopard*, embroimy friends, that U what we all centuries, Give us an eternity with dered like lace, hung like upholtterj—God, and then see if we do not amount want—somebody to help us out twilight and auroras and •unYou are in to something. More slowly and of a tight corner. There** i o puce burst* of beauty! From deep one now. tlow do I know itf marfelously accumulative Is the ffrmoe crimson to milk-while are ita I u i used to judging of IIUIDW-D counte$150 like the Jonrui in the soul than anything I can think colors. You may find this work of God nance*, and 1 we* Wyoiid the smile and of. "No mention khmll be made of for Job Pr»»tint. ssf«lta« through the auimaiculea eighty fathbeyond the courageous look with coral.71 om* down, or amid tbe breakers, which you hide your feeling* from othBOSTON* where the sea dashes the wildest, and Lord, help u* to learn that which er*. I know you are in a tuxht corner. beat* the mightiest, and bellows the most of an are deficient In—patience. What to do? Do as 1 did wheu t seat loudest Tbea« K I creatures are «Ttr If Thou canst take, through tlie *ea- for old Dr. Scott. Do better than 1 did busy. Now they build UlatnU in tke ftuemoaes, millions of years to build —scud for the Lord God of Daniel, aud I'ACAL UAL.M A rf-medy thm W more center of the Pacific ocean. Now they •me bank of coral, ought we not to be jf Joshua, and of every other man who henling properties, subdues more pain, jrlad* den* more heart*, tfave* more live« in propor- lift barriers around the continent. In- •villing to do work through ten years got into a tight corner. "O," M»y» tion to c<>Bt iinrt territory covered tbitn *nj dian ocean, Red ftea and coast of Zan- or 60 years without complaint, without home one, "why can not God develop «utaer known remedy.v This in the nrwe which zibar have specimens of tlieir iaFOR . . . . rrj)Ue;t>ut**st without chaffing of spirit? BU through prosperity instead of we Are daiJy receiving . n>m ntnntien. I will answer P»c*I rtwlm c u i t « t u a n y a i l m e n t s w h i c h hi«vf nniteoimal but sublime masonry. At l'atieucewith the erring; putieuct* that through adversity?'' l»tiPled i h e okll) o f flpeci*lifts, an nasal t-at»irh j the recession of the tides you may iu EVERY mctniicr of we can not have the uiilleunium in a •our question by asking another. Why a n d all f o r m s nf t*ar a n d e y e t r o u b l e . <juin*y, ' some places see the top of tltcir Alpine docs not God dye our northern and c r o u p - d i p h t h e r i a , b r o n c h i t i s a n d all forin* ot few weeks patience with assault of EVERY family, on thrt»nt HIKMIIMV irotibln. a n d a never-fHiliiiK elevatiuus, while elsewhere untliiug antagouitst*; patience at what seems temperate seas with the coral? You romftdv for Mnuineli i r o u M e . HII<1 wp<?ciiilly but lite decp-.sea s o u n d i n g fniiu tlie say; "The water is n,<»t hot enough." slow fulfillment of liible promises; pacrttMl i\\ of tlir s t o m a c h ((iufrttiliw), intlafrtMtinn EVERY f:mn, in t i n ! nicer ttun ofthir b o w e l s , *• j' Form^ <>t' :»iIf ilei-'Wa of the Challenger, the 1'oivu- tience with physical ailment*; pa- There! In answering my question you i nuiliit'. ,*<-r<>i ul i, i>MlirtH'um, old »n<l «yi>biil- piue and tlie Litftit.uiug 'jf the lii-itish tie UOB under delays of i'rovidvuee. have answered your own. iiot climate !(»• stirt'n <-itt«rrh. In fuel LI:* > »t111«.* t o r i'itln-r EVERY vi'lage. in can announce them. Grand, glorious, all-enduring, all- for richest specimens of coral; hot ' M I T I I K I o r e x t e r n a l U!<e <iri scarct'lv tK.1 w i 1 t.\[>cditioa "malci. The ancient Gauls. employed eouqueriiiy patience! 1'atieuctt like trouble for.the jewels of the soul. The EVERY State and Territory. A r c y o u in \\f-t*\ o f a s p r i f i f . t o n i c o r MWM) the corul to adorn their helmets that which my lately ascended friend, coral-fishers goin^ out from Torre del p u i i t i i T . a «-<ii»>('> o r ouii>*u)iiption r**nuilj'r In many lands Dr. Abel Stevens, de;*cribev when Greeco never brought ashore such tine Try KL1XIK (>!• Ml" LI.EIX. Ttiv n>*u!t!> will and the hiitsof swords. FOR Education, p <"•«»<• y o u . l*i IIY tf*\ Soiil t>T y o u r drugjrijl it has beeti u*ed as amulets. The Alwriting of one of Wesley's preachers, specimens as arc brought out of the unnidros DtC. A. i». Ol.MsiKA l», 4» w*4 f t . Lou if. Mich. gerian reefs in one year \l^TS) had at John Nelson, who, when a m»u had scalding surges of misfortune. I look FOR Xoble Manhood, work amid tl:e coral 311 vessels, with him put iu prison by false i-har^cs, down iuto the tropical sea, and there 3,150 sailers, yielding in pro lit STxj.^.ODO. and being for a long- time tormented is something that looks like blood, and FOR True WomanhocxL Hut the secular an<i worldly value of by bis enemy, said: "The !^ord lifted lsay: "lias there been a great battle tbe coral is nothing a& compared with up a standard when the au^er tvu down there1.1'1 S^emiug1 blooi scattered 5O YEARS' the moral and religious, as wliea, iu coming on like a flood, else 1 should all up aud down the reefs, it is the EXPERIENCE my text, Job employes it in compari- hare wrung his neck to tlie^rouad au*A blood of the coral, and it make*, uie son. 1 do not know how anyone cau set my foot upon it." l'nti^uce like think of those who coaie out of great examine a coral the &\zn of the tiiuuib- that of I'ericles, the Athenian states- tribula^,v"tvl; a;ud have iheir robes AH the important news of tiio nation, nil the imjx>rt:mt nail withoutbetlnokin^ himself of Uo<l man, who, when a man pursued him to V white in the Blood of the and wursiiippicij- Him, and feeling- the his own door, hurled at him epithets, news of the world, tlie most reliable market reports, liut those gems of earth are opposite oi We yreul ijii^dcl surgeon, tstid arriving there wlieu it had bebrilliant and 'instructive, editorials, fascinating short TRADE MARKS lecturing to the medical sludcutn in come dark, tst-al his survaut with & nothing to the jfem* of Heaven./ "No mentiou shall be made of coral.V( DESIGNS stories, an unexcelled agricultural department, scientific the dissecting room upon* a humau eye torch to .light his enemy back to his COPYRIGHTS A 1 Oue specim eu of coral is called the which he held iu his hand, showing it* home. > I'iitienee like that eulu^f i*«*d by AtiTone >en<1!riir » *k*-ti-ti and dwrfrni'iri may and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles, <5'.i!<-k!:f .is^rlTrin fur Kpiiimn fry*" wl»p»h<*r an Wonders of arvhiiv^tnr* anil adapta- tlie Spanish proverb when ii says: deiulrophilia, because i t is like a tree; invention 4* vrihaMy p»jo»n»M«<. I'liiDniniin. humorous illustrations, entertainment to old and voun<r. another is called the a-strara, because tiou, when the i<lea of <io;i Hasiiiiil » • ( In .as strict ly .-..iuJdentlil. HaniiNwIon i K .. , , , , 1 . .. » . U . . . . : . . • rent free. * Ji«1—i»t «j:«»;<-y Utf w u r n v j«ti 1 ltt+\Ki mil uit liu^*>, i«ui it is like a star; another is called upoa bim so powerfully he cried out to Patents takon ttinttltfh Munn * Co. and satisfaction everywhere to everybody arc the tintfi-rs still." the tjxtial notice, without chmws, lo tbe brain. coral, localise it ss tlie students. "Gentlemen, there is a here The ss\eele.->t SLI- like the convolutions of the huGo*!; but 1 hate Him." 1'ickiujf up a i'atiencc! iiuc for the souivst cup; the balance- man brain; another U called fan coral, coral, 1 feel like crying oat: "There is 1 A p«Jid!W>tn^ly iHustrated weekly. Ijuve*t cir wheel for all itientitl and moral iu;v* because it is like the instrument with a (.ioci, un<l I.udore lliia." culkti(>ii of »ny m'iefi'itlc journal.11 Tenri*. l~> t chincry; the foot that treads iuto pla- which you cool yourself on a hot day; year : four numtlis, *1- SoW ^S* newsdonler^ 3 6 X'othiug so iinprvs.se* me with tlie cidity storitiest lake; t h e bridle for another specimen is called the orjfaa fact that our God lores the beautiful. otherwise rash tougues; the sublime pipe coral, because it resembles the The most beautiful coral of the world .silence that conquers the boisterous kin/ of musical instruments. All the never comes to human observation. atul blatant. I'utieiice like that of the flowers stud ail the shrubs in the garSunrises and sunsets He hangs up for most illustrious example of nil the ages dens '.»f the land Irtvc their correuatious to look at; lie may tfreeu the —Jesus Christ; puticat under b^'.rai-ai; S[Km<lencies in this garden of the sea. gra,ss, and round the dew into pearl, patient under the treatment of l'il;ti«.•'.-> CoTtiilum !lt is a synonym for beauty. If the oflice that does your printing'doesn't arid set on fire autumnal foliage to over and terinincr; patient under the Aud yet there is no taauty in the expectoration of His assailants; j>;ttieul please mortal si^lit, bul those thoucoral compared with our religion, 4* BAZAR* L do it neaily, try the JOUUXAL. If it is sands of miles of coral achievement 1 under tla^eUation; pat.t-ut mi'ler the it gives physiognomic beauty. It think He has hail built for His own de- char^m^' spcurs of the Houiau cuvuirv; dovs uot chunu'c the features; it does lieing done neatly, try us for better still In those tfallyrics He ;tioae e:m patient uuto <l«atli. I'nder all e x u v uot give features with which the pers " T H E STYLISH PATTERN." Af- I light. pt:jations employ it. Whsitcve.r come-., walk, The music of those keys played son was not originally endowed, but tistic* Fadiionable. Original* Perfect- f OQ by tlie lingers of tlie wave lie. only »t;»ml it; hold on; wait, bear up. it sets behind the features of the homeFitting. Prices l O a i i d 1 5 c e n t 8 . ? can hear. The snow of that white, and Take my hand a^itin, and we will g o liest person a Heaven that shines clear Nooe higher. Non< better at any price, I the bloorn of that crimson He uloue a little further iuto this garden of the through. So that often, on first acTHE KINO OF Some reliable mwchant sells them in T can see. Having- ^jinuturi^l this world sea, a»,ul we shall tind that in propor- quaintance, you said of a man: "He is JUVENILES . . nearly every ciiy o* town, Ask for T to please tlie human race, and lifted a tion as the climate is hot tlie coral is the hoiuel est person lever saw," when, them* or they can be had by mail from • No book bss ever been nude for yoanf people which c»mp«ru In value, »r kms had us in eithef Nev York or Chicajo. J glorious Heaven to please the angt'lic wealthy. Draw two isothermal lines after you came to undei'sliiud him and «ne-tentb the ««le of this grc«t •oau«J. Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet T iutellicences, I :un tflad that He has at i»0'degrees north anil south of the hi* nobility of M>ui shining ihroujjh planted these giirtleus of the ilcep to equator. ;md yon will lind the favorite his countenance, you said: "He is the sent upoa receipt of one cent to pay I Over 400 Pages* SIX f please Himself. Itul liere and there home of the coral. Go to tlie hottest loveliest person I ever saw." No one pottage* HANDSOME (io<i allows specimens of subma- part of the l'acijic Seas and you tind ever had a homely Chi i.sliiiii moth200 Full Page rine glory to be brought up and the finest specimens of coral. Coral is er. Whatever the world may have COLORED set before us for sublime contempla- •x child of the tire, liut more wonder- thought of her, there were two Illustrations* PLATES tion. While I speak, these great na- fully do the heats and tires of trouble who thought welt—your father, who tions of zoophytes, meandrinas, and bring out the jewels of the Christian had lidmiied her for 5) years, and you, ADDED 5*vtral new Stories, madrepores, with tentacles for trowel, soul. These are not the stalwart men over whom she bent with so many teneach • book in it»««, TO Brightest k<fie?' maguiae pob&e are building just such coral a* we find who are asleep on the shaded lawn, but der ministrations, Wheu you think of •nd biiad7C<U of Sb«rt Invaluable for tbe home Fashions of THIS in our text. The diawoud may be those who are pounding amid the fur- the augels of God, and your mother StMies. the day, Home Literature, Household more rare, the crys-tal may be more naces. J do not know of any other way among them, she outshines them all. xle*, Ac. YEAR'S H Fancy Vocfc, Current Topic*, sparkling, the chrysopra.se may be jf getting a thorough Christian charac- Oh. that our young people could under»Dforonly 50 cent* » year, t>VOLUME. more ablaze, but the corul is the long, ter. I will diow you a picture. Here stand that there i* uothtug that so clacHnffftf r e e pattern, your own KiecTlMkwt tkm any tfane. Send two 2-ceot itampc r deep, everlasting blush of the sea. Vet ire a fatuer and z- mother 30 or 35 years much beautifies the human counteCHRISTMAS for ample copy* Addrm • ,-w. w - ^ I Job, who uuderstook all kiods of pre- at age, tlieir family around them. It is nance as the religion of Jesus Christ! MILLIONS of Cople* Iw tnyt «Ml girt* cious stones, declared that the beauty It makes everything beautiful Trouble Sabbath morning. They have prayers. have been sold. 4. T H E McCALL C0MPANY,V ot all •fe*. %ad value of the coral are nothing cora- They hear the children's catechism. beautiful. Sickness beautiful. l)is~ 142-146 Wat Mth Str< ps red with our holy religion, and he They have prayers every day of the appointment beautiful fcivery thing carrt**lt. Orttor tnm jmu BmkmUtr *r «• m*. Bvry picks up this coralline formation and week. They are iu humble circuia- beautiful. SCULPTURE OF THE BEEF. PAY • WHEN • CURED. G.A.MUNCH,M.D. National Hotel, Owosso, SAT. AND SUN. JAN. 8 & 9. It costs Nothing and is Strictly Confidential. Diseases of Women ,' Disases of Men. Detroit Medical and Surgical Institute, MISS PARLOR'S COOK BOOKS. Miss tata\YMKg HoKrtteper. ESTES I LAURIAT, PubUdbcra Does This Concern Yon? The New York Weekly Tribune It Gives: Scientific American. MUNN&Co. ^ —NewYork We will furnish The JOURNAL and the N. Y. Weekly TRIBUNE one year for $1.00 Address orders to The Corunna Journal. fATTERNS j CHATTERBOX »1897 iMC-CALLS MAGA ESTES & LAURIAT, PtMshers, - - BOSTON. nanns 1 mJ CORUNNA SARSAPARILLA " The Kind that Cures." is GUARANTEED to clear your, blood of all impurities; make your stomach, liver, and kidneys right, and your nerves strong. Then you are well. Buy a bottled DANA'S from your dealer, and this guarantee goes with every bottle. •— YOUR MONEY BACK I F YOU RECEIVE NO BENEFIT. . Isn't that a fair offer? AH Druggist* Keep It. n "B. P." PANTS. PRICES CUT IN HALF. 00 styles Men's Fine Wool Punt* AT $2.25, not to .Tb««e good3 are UMU&U.V sold fortl.V) Our pric* for this sale is* VSJCi Order quick a» s t w k i* l i m i t s ) . Colors— (JT*J№, browtss and Mac kit, MrtjKrn and «.>b«cV*. Samples of cloth *ent postpaid \t i\t-siret\. In ordering w o d waist »ntl ia»i<te le? m f s « u i r . Remit b,y P.,O. or express money •rii«rr, or by o u r trad* mark i s a n » z » ; S * T « . for it. Waicb Bennett & Prill, 1308 Mzjcsrfc BMf.. Detroit, Mich. Protect Yourself By insuring your property in some good reliable CMM* pany such us the Phoenix, of Hartford, Hartford. Xew York Underwriters, Fireman's Fund, Northwestern, National. Connecticut and Fire Association of P ® Arthar C. Yonng, Aft. At office of the Fox & Magon Furniture Co. is probable. Still the Republican lc&de: a IGNORANT OF UNITED STATES. who said the session would end some Kmont- LiUle Kmtlvcn time in May or in early June may I e JHrr* ft«oti« of I'ncle Sam's GOKSUCH A WELCH, PUBLISHERS. correct in their forecast. **In some parts of Nova Scotia where I have been," sairlr a doctor, who, ac-The Ladles' Guild will serve a teu cording to the Chicago'Times-Herald, cent tea at the residence of XI r. and Mrp, had recently made a tour of the provEilwurd Hose, next Wednesday, Jan. 12, ince, "you will find in places remote • JANUARY—1898, * from 5:ttO untili 8 o'clock. A number from railroads a remnant of that simof useful and faucy articles will be sold plicity pictured by tbe poet of Evangel< Sna.Moi. TM. W«l. Thw. .M. Sit ine. One of these primitive people was at auction. * . anold lady, who had never set foot out•»*• **** 1 *••+. »•*•» side of her native hamlet. She could \ Laingtburg's New Postmaster. have told' from hearsay all the history 4 5 1 8 ; 2 The Detroit papers announced last cf all the kings and queens of England, do not doubt, but a certain bigoted 12 13 14 15 Friday that Norman X. Phillips ht.d Iloyalty : 9 JO to the crown kept her from been appointed postmaster at ha ingsknowing anything concerning the burg. This has been the most hotly United States. When I was introduced : 16 M 18 19 20 21 22 contested appointment in the county, to her as a Yankee she looked hard at 24 25 26 27 28 29 and ie a happy solution of the contest. me and inquired how it happened that Mr. Phillips ie a Stalwart Kepublican. I was so dark, with, black hair and 31 •••• •«•• •••• »••» *#« and.faas been Q«e of the $taii(lbve in Hcl- whiskers. " 'I saw a Yankee ofcee,' she said, bta for years. He is capable and oblig'an<i he had yellow hair and a yellow ing and will make a faithful servant to goatee, and I thought all Yankees The appointment gives DAWSOX City, unheard of a year ago Uncle Sam. Jooked like that.1 is now celebrated the world over for itsuniversal satisfaction. Senator McMil'•She nest inquired if I lived in the and uurivaie<l cold leu is entitled to the sincere congratula- 'States.' I told her that I did when I tions of the people for his good selection was at home, whereupon she said she storage plant. of postmasters in this county. .supposed I vras often in Xew York and might see her granddaughter there. The arrival in Xew York of 400 bales I asked her in what part of New York Probate Court. of Havana totacvo i.« heralded a* quite she lived, and she said in Minnesota, an event. It is an instance of the extent and that she looked exactly as she herWilliam IK Cole having rendered his to which our trade with Cuba has been final account as executor of the estate self did at that >. ** 'And they do say she is very goodWilliam"N.' Cole, deceased, an order 1 looking,* said the old lady, with pardonwas made by the court-discharging sal* able pride, 'and I wish you would tell CAS.U».\ i* volhvtinfc a executor. her to write home to the folks of tener.' from the Yukon miners and the VougrW'* "I promised to deliver the message, In the estate of Frank C. Ostner. deof th«* t'uiteil Staters ha.* voted g*iV>.0O0 and hope I will be forgiren for making to keep them from rtarviug. The two ceased, an order was made appointing the good soul happy by the slight de•jovemineot* xeMoui view a subject from Albert E. G*(ner administrator, and ception.** Daniel Barnutn aud Laurance A. Hanibthe the same ]in appraisers and Daniel Baroum, W » t » Jf*r« Skip*. T H E pn>«»nr strength of the United 1-auranee A. Hamblirt and Edwin A. Washington, Nov. 9. — Theodore Stat«*s navy i< officially stated at 140 ve*- Todd, commissioners on claims in said Roosevelt will recommend to congress , when it meets more liberal appropriastil* of all kifidi*, including 0 firot-claw estate. tion* for battle ships. License was granted to Patrick Smith tattlp-fthipe.. "2 pei'ondH'lai** battle-ships. i arnioml cruisers. (» double*turrete«l guardian of Thomas J. Smith,} and Mill* Dei»troye*. other minors, to sell tbe real estate of Sycamore, 111., Nov. ?.—The Sycamore monitors, 13 sfrigle-turreted. irioDitois. said minors for thepurpose of investflour mills, owned by George Loptien & 12nnprotecte«I iTuiwrg ami 10 gunboat*. Co. were totally Cent royed by fire. Losa, ment. t It U gratifying to learn that the number $30,000; io«urancv. $3,000. On the 31st day of January, the final of steel torpedo-l»oats has been increased account of tbe administrator of the to twenty two. estate of Bradley X. Grout, deceased, Tru: rapid development of the manu- wiifbe heard. Also the final account facturing interests' in the rauth is giving of the administrator of the estate of LET US DO YOUR PRINTING the manufacturers of New Kngkind 'ho Maria l&adore Huntlngton, deceased, little anxiety. The matter was discussed will be beard Moses West will tender hts final acat considerable length at a meeting of the cotton manufacturer? in Boston some count as guardian cf the estate of NTancy days ago. and it was apparent from the M. West, an insane aud mentally Incom- VfORTGAGBHALE—Wherea*. defiiaJt 1V * inv ttetB m»de in Tbe pay taeutmt money report* of the members that the new in- petent person on Jan. 31st. by » mortwure dated AurttM Htk, On Feburary 7tn, William McKinney t4 by Hurles H. RaywDDd and dustries in the south have come to stay. R- Rarmond, d bis bi wife, if of tk« lp This fact accounts for the rapid growth will render his account as administrator Surah Caledonia. 8aiaw»*«ee eonnty. Nicbljran, 10 Unjff, off same s a e placw. p a c . wbtoh toh w wortc«fe c f of the protective sentiment in that sec- of the estate of Almon Harrington, de- Amo« fcdd I IDKKe«tatrr tat fofDDeeda d fB w*» reefcrdod ofBceI ID tion and the presence in congrew of a ceased. above nwationed c\»onty, 00 August si»i,i8W, la !lb*r tbirfy-Av« of O)nrlffas«e, on paye 457, larger number of protectionist* from the. KATHEKIXE KRWET, andawivned by rbarie* n<4man, administrator ot AtntMi BriitT* estate,toFrank E. Bruft*, south than ever before. Probate on Kept«ttib?r l i . 1WC. and recorded In N«g1»- Mich. Here's no place like tfee Joorui forJobPrifltinr Salt Rheum Cured Quick,—Dr. Agnew*? Ointment e»tv* Salt Rheum, and all Itching «r burning *kin disease in a dar. One application gives almost itirellpf. For Itching. Blind, or Bleeding Piles it stand* without a peer. Cures'In three to nix nights. 10 cents, -:>:>. Sold by M. Heidy and K. M. hllboiirn. terofDcwd* offlc* in tbeeminiyJnaenUoned on Krpt^mher l^ib. l«K,m»d which wwassicnby Frtink K Bruff rotTbarir* Holman. oa tper Sod, IMM, a»d duly rrcorded in RenlAccii)ct>unty b<-rein n»>fitioti«d, 00 , *), itV7, In liUer W t of n>ertra#f!« on iMiffv 4*1, itr.! wblcb was a9ii*ned by H. Waldo Holuimn,, wxpvutur l i H<>|n>au'ji |n>a w p v u u V '»f (rbmileii l uKnl»*n ofL Loren »uKn Ustr, to Aribur <".. Veunir. JJ. , a minor, on Dece mber 3Wb, 1W7 office ffto in c o u n t y HIM} recorded In A jHvuliiir ftUUKltt damage suit has commenced against the .iohitHonV Island Pleasure. Jt<\*ort company by Mr«. <"aroline Kinder for the death of her . Mr. I.inder wan formerly a Of the Ohio legislating, and was memfc.ned on Itoet'itilipr'M, IW7, fo IIa sjwetator at a baloon accension «-oinliictiwrTJ'f o t inort+rnjicfi, o n t^Mrc ib4. AIHI w b e r m * t b * whole amotint cluitned to <rg d u e oiiMolinwtu'x Island by lVof«-s*)r I,<»dReal Estate Transfers. <»n M I 4 m<>rtirM|r*! *t ihertnie \>t this n-ileo i» ya'fd. who liuii a revolver wich whi«<h to tbfHutn of cijrtit hundrwl and f o u r t w n J o l lam And (»r\»nty-*e». n w n l » IH*I1.M) o f give the signal for releasing the balloon. Real esUlc trar.Rfers in thi* county for which rnnount there In due Tor unptkiti taxe* for Imtt iwo jemrn the IUHI of n*Teht«*en dolHt» IHUMIDC cxrited and flred the week ending Jan. 1, '98 lar* mi <i neventy M-vro t^'htB, <ff 17.17) on »nid the ball striking Kinder, killing him in- H M Piicuer t o j C Hipotet It on w e p r t ' m ^ c . mid tb« further i>um or tweuty-tlve dollars HA un ii[torii«*y frt* Mlptilited for In 'stantly. The wife thinks that SHUKHi is 21 Si iota $52 MIHI HiortyMire AbouU) *tiy ptoctrt^titijrtj t>« tok10 rctwIOAe Mid mo:tx«^o. tH-xides coftttt al*out the proper t'ouipeiiKitinii for the Wtn. Savers to W L Lamb pt \\ to bk en an<Je.\t>en.se« ot unid .«Hie. mid wbicfa is tbe whole aiuount cltilinoii t o tre unpaid on Hmd loss of her husband. \d Byron $loo • ', Mud no suit or t>roep«s«)iri>r MAVinir R Baldwin to G M Burbat»k Its 27 and infatuated »t \nm to rt*«.iiver the d«rt>i uow GKOJUJK I?. • French, the recognized 28 >ik iG Woodland pk Owost^o f3o» part thereof, wbereby th«" pow#i ot m\# ajfeiif of the I.eitcr iuU rest in < liicuyO... i * H Wa«hburn to W Msicr itstia n i 7 Now therefore n o f c * is h<'rct)y fiven that by expresses tlie opinion that the price of l)k 1 1'erkini add OWOASO #700 virtue of tbe said JMIWer *>r salf »nd in pp u r s o h statim- iu K b l \ May wheat will 'leap u p i o «l.r>0 per E .Sanborn to A G Walking lots 4. 5, 6 ps n w o ff the ^ said ntort^a*re j 1 fi>rev!c«s< d busbel. I D an interview. Mr. Kretir!: and part 3, block +, Calkins add, IVsry, tiy the !*aie •* the premises , ui public aucnoii to ttjt . lKhi->t t>iild«r, at tbe saiil: A t that time the highest price iu fSoo. front d<xir<>r tbe court bem^e in th*- city of in said county of Shiawatsseo, Micbt b e v o m i t r v will be at MinncajHilis—the M L Stewart to ] G SUler, lot or. sec- i'orunna, ignu. ( b i h p!»«* wher* the <-in.-uit millers' market. Wheat will be jjoinj: To tion 14, „ WOSSO. |21 . court for S is h**M) on Fridsv, the o t <lay or April. A. IK lf-W^xl trii iu Minneapolis iu tike s]>rin*r on la-tual (ie(i \V Grave* to £ D Barrtfs tnd wife 1ntatforenoon »f ibm JHV ; whieh caid p i mand for £ritidin£. just as k h;'.< reveut- part section 10, Wrnou $i,'2oO. iif in the town or Cait-Uonia. »ii».»f-r<.<>unty Mild s:»itt; i't Mich'Kan. and ure ly ]**eji t*oiiim<; to < 'liicujjn oil AH alJt'jj**! G H Duon to M LeGriff, lot 9, blocks rid in ^a^^i untrnr*gr. vU: 'fht- West (w :*») acres ot th».' b corner. It i^ not improbable tbal Perry, $900. erti fanner- will be M L«graS to L Dunn, lot 9, block "3. thret(L>! in town iveven (*) north wl 5o FURNITURE W> A A * n as in everything else, you must consider'about three things.. Those things are Perry, $900. C Fauble to M P i A M< Bride-, lot 3, block 5, Fauble's add, Duratid, $8o<>. \V G Perry to J P(<t, part lot i*. h.IocV s ure Wiitchiu^ iIV** ]iv; .•=. au'l. entirely i^noriiiir the [n'Mtltiii. T h e I.fitei' intr Dated l«« A !<iuartli*u of VT. J. PAKKEK. A i t o r n r y for »i J Quality. Price, Assortment. I D Morgan to \ H o v e y . ois J3and 14 black ;». lMiillti'ps' JJ add, Bancroft, $300 !i:trp .-nh'iiMce ii) rhe pri TllK. e x e c s i l i i m b y t h e (Jin/;, t h e S p a n i s h ofi'ol l*';ii'e l-ut it nor rii" ;is t h e Sjjai-:i;ir >iiiatitii) of M a . v o o r :i^ Weyier' ] <>f f hou>;i(iiis •? m e n , w o m e n : )•«•» b y Jiis c«»iii'ct)tr:sJioii ;IIK! eliiitl- j«>!icy. .More- of tirst-cirt-ss £oods at prices that are low, it i?< a JKKHI place to stop and do your dealing. You may look a long time f>efore YOU find another store that otters the advantage.- that we do. >l>;iiii;iriis th;it [K'ace liies.-eliis'ers . cuieil. Tlieri'fore. Kuiz's fate, ear.ijlit attempt w a s though ! Ciltle. o u ^ h t to liave liecu e\jH*cted. 1- t h e r e - p i d i - e whicli rei^reiThis t h e insurgent.-- m:;.ke t o l'»i:t!)co".< a u t o n o m y I wish to e:tll youv attention to my propositions. Its tneahiisiT i s jilain to t):e d u l l e s t j v r s o n in H a v a n a o r M a d r i d . Spain n o w k n o w s • (hat t h e ('iibaii/aTiiioiitj.cenieiit Tl'iaT t h e v I are t i ^ h t i n ^ for i n d e p e n d e n c e o r d e a t h is ; s o i m ' t h i n ^ m o r e than mere Photographs words 1 I Ii will pay you to trade with W.A. KNIGHT &C0. ::.'::—:..:. ;•.-•::•:. ~. ::,' .••.—;:..-_ f V\IV. ]>redietion reeentlv made b\ j Mes.-rs. Uinylfv and others that this will I IN* a short j"p-.*ion may conic true after all. Most of the appropriation bills seem t ^ lie well iu hand, and from present indications all of them will h:',ve passed the House before, the end of February. Hawaiian annexation, either by treaty or u<"t of CnriifrOii!», wiU probal>ls In? .'jccoinjilished. and the House may pass the jSenate'j* Cuban belli^eremy joint res*ilntion, A bankruptcy bill i.< likely to I*' enacted but tbe one which passes the Hou^e will U> ditVerent from tbe measure which has gone through the Senate. *n<] A content l*etwe*»ij the two branches on this issue J. S M,u>r, A S.A'I.M—l>eraulf 1<" L'Olulit !<ll)!< Ot a t>> <'hurit-it \V. Siiffrr aiu( Cor- I i which range in price from £-.* :md A.J up to ?' "> }>er dozen. I have just got iii :i new stoi'k of the latent of evervthinjr. Sutton, Pnotoaraphcr. By buying your Groceries on the Cash plan. You will tind that you will get better Groceries, get more of them for the money, pay for them easier and have more money in your pocket at the end of the year than on any other plan. You r Grocery bill is the biggest bill you have. I offer you the chance to make it smaller. I JOHN QUAYLE. •CONTINUESTHIS MONTH. BIG SPECIAL SALE If tnere is anything you need in Underwear, Flannels, Fleeced Wrappers or Blankets You cannot afford to go without them at the prices I give you. Jackets, Capes, Flannel Shirt Waists And a ticket with every 50c purahase on a $50.00 Bed Boom Suit to l>e given away Dec. 24tb, 1897. Overcoats and Ulsters At mlueed prices. A full line of Clothing. Footwear, Carpets, Bass. Trunks, Telescopes, and Dressing Cases. In Crockery we have a nice line of holiday goods in staple and fancy wares such «s Pin Trays, Bru.*h and Comb Travs, Salads, Olives and Pickles. In Groceries our prices are below competition. A nice bulk Coffee for \<U:, Hest Corn for 7c a can, and everything else in proportion. Horse Blankets Arc going at Me. £1.00, $1,20, $1.35, $->.4<\ $2.50, *2.5<>. The drawing of the Iktlroom Suite takos place on the afternoon of Dec. 24, 1897. «t 8 oMoek. 1st ohoire will have until Jan. 3, 1S1>8, to claim the suite, then the 2d choice.'ami will continue down the list until ceiled for. Be on hand to claim the prize. W. D. Garrison, Vernoi, Mich. in the c m ui y o 1 ?'hiH»i<.*sveaiiii s i m e o f Mic-hl o -(he I'tiioii l e n t r a l l.ifv In^uraiive I»ii ; w i t h i n t h e i n s u r g e n t l i n e s -.srniM b e e x e . . f o o l h a r d y , and h i s in vorxc stHtt1 or Ohio), on Ibe fourteenth a neglected cold. I>r. Wood's Norway > of . wbit-h n Pine .Syrup cures coti^h.*. bronchitis, aV of ibe office of ibe ttetfisier of "l>ee<J« i>! asthma, and lung troubles of &li sorts in ffunty ot Shifiw»ss«-*, ami state of ) down to the very borderland of con* in lilier l"orty*(i(fht Of it4<U"(K**Kei>, i>" (•s, .imi i'*. Afiil whereas tljere is (bjt» MM> ur - } u in pt ion. p«i'l on srtirt w o n j-'dift1 as intf jest, • lie ^um i f j i OVIT. t h e < ub:m l e a d e r s h;ul w a r n e d t h e When you find :i store that oUers the l:ir<xo assortment Begin The New Year m FOR Made np in tirfet-c!a>* stylr. JOURNAL. hiuid.'f-i :m<l fi^hlv-thret* u< ihus rnu i eeiu> .•^Si.'i">i ami wiuoii sum ! lor iiioif titut rbespHi-eo! thir.y s: an>i wnei»"tts mul morixatft* ^'Otitmns a | MI tint' il'ihe ttrerc-st i.s dot pnH .->[ • hii.iiril tht-rrfor. tben, alter Uiirty j da;>. Uieii i h e whoie auiouni shall l»eeyt«i<* ' due and payable, at ihf option of the party 1" ' the second |i&i.', ;«iul notice of suid option ! t.'^IMK"•-vj.nr>>!* waived in said morik-'ay t»aul nisi parui-s httvintfiaiiOtl to pay tbe est due on !i«iii luurik'^K't1 piTJuant u ihooov1 orients t h e n o ,; he snia in"ritft*j!ee}avMils itst-.f of ilic o^iitfii HI st' ! luiM'itfayo oontaintHi »r;tt devures the whole mmuiiu tLeivof. Loth iiittrC;[»!irt princiiml. <lu« and pnyatile: HIV' whereas'. t:..ere i* now duo JUHI payable on &.. d : morljfM*<e ibe .sum of three tbousHiui, thrt-t-j hundred> and sixiy-five dollars and a ft y i-enT--, ! (f;i>k'..'y }. ami an usioniey fee of tnirry-nvt- } liolliir^. besides tbe costS'ittid 1-burKei.oi sueli ! swio, and no suit or proceed infra «t mw or in! p'l'.uty. having been in^iltut^rt to eoikoS said I lU'dtor any part thereof: Xow, taerefwre, J in'Ticc is hereby t/riven, that on Sau>r<1n>'. Ap-; ril, •„', K«s*S.. at two o'clock HI the Mt'ternoon o f ; S4».d day, ai The from door of the court house of the county of shinwa-see, in the eitj *f t'nrutina, county of siiiawa^sets and stale of MichiK*11,(that t)cit)gr the buiulinjf in wMch the circuit court for said oounty i* belli) the nuiirsisrntxl »'ill ic-ii at public Ruction or venUue to tbe highest bioder, the premises rte9cnt»ed iu &ti<l mori(fa>ro t« satisfy Mid debt and the interest tht*re<>n, to^efner with the cons *n<l expenses aforewid. The l*n<t in | said TLOctirufn- is des<:ribed »» follows, tt,-wit: Th» north half ,/ ,) vof tfa* w « t half \Vt> of the norJh-west(iu«rter( H> of s e « i o » tbirtj-flve, I in township six nonb of rai *r« two ea#r,: CMD- j ruining- .'orty acres; and thtessr b*)r < ,) of Tbe w o t balf (',) and the west bait (',) t.t the west bsU t-i), vxcvf seven acres from tbe nnrtb cud thereof, of the north ea«t quarter {'4) of sectfon twenty*!»iJt, in' towutaip six north of runjct tw-o ea*t, oont*]nin«r wventjrthrve acres-«r laml, in tbe county of Shinwaa»ee »nd state ot Micbijnin. Jy, um. THB UNION CKSTRAL I.IKF. HUGH McCCRDY. for Mortgage* Currie & Cluttertuck. 125 pairs of Ladies HandTurned Kid Button Shoes worth $3.00 and $3.50 to be sold at $1,00 per pair. Cunie & Cluttertuck. FULC OF INTEREST. >Mk New* Will B« P««n4 la Ta*»« Brief Paraatrayas. Miss Fanny Bradford, for 20 years a Congregational missionary to Hayti, Our Record is A Report That GOT. Pingree Will A two days' reunion will be held by hs State Legislature the Thirteenth Michigan infantry aarvivors at Kalapozoo, beginning' JanuTog other. 11868 9 8.1 •••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••#•8 ary 13. Ithaca Banking company will bebusioess on January 16. The proFEBRUARY I IS NAMED AS THE DATE. j meters of the new bank are all Poatiac Is Co Adopt n r t i i r t t Provide banker*. The new Finnish college to be erectlav for a Tuxntloti oi HullThirty years of buyaud Tei«gra»a ed in the upper peninsula wil) be located — J&strftclu from Hallway at Hancock. It will be ready for oo ing merchandise. t-upancy next fall. Report. Ann Arbor business men are delightPeople appreciate ed with the proposed Lansing, Dexter Detroit, Jan. 3.—The Evening News Ann Arbor railroad. They believe it h t Gor. G P announces that Pingree baa deour good goods and cided to call a special session of the !will bring much business to them, legislature before January 11, the scs- i A. C. Hagar, of Lake Odessa, shipped know where to look eion to begin February 1. Persons close j last year 20S.0O0 pounds of lire, and pounds of dressed poultry, and to the governor intimate t^at the call ; for bargains. . ... . cases of eggs, which yielded $112,will include action upon bills to repeal j the charter of the Michigan Central; railway, and to provide for greater | Schoolcraft people will bustle around taxation <£f. all quasi-public corpora- to secure some manufacturing business tions, including railways, telephone l o locate in the village to use the casand. telegraph lines, etc., and other , k * * factory buildings, which are now measures calculated to carry out the !<!le. governor's reform ideas. It S. Campbell, of Yale; Flora J. B«p«H of Railway C*ata*lMlaacT. Headle, of Hastings, and J. L. Wagner, Lansing, Jan. 3.—Sybrant Wesselius, of Charlotte, have been appointed a state railroad commissioner, has sub* commission on uniform text-books by icitted to tbe governor bis annual re- Gov. Pingree. port. In addition to the usual statisA movement is now on foot in the tical and advisory matters the report purity department of the \Y. C. T. U. i ecoounends: Increase of the tax upon to establish in every state a series of railroad properties, to be accompanied by a general revision of the law taxing traveling libraries on the moral educaall quaai-pubMc corporations and not tion of children. Ex- Warden Hatch, of Jackson prison, Our limited to railroads only; repeal of all has resigned as superintendent of the laws providing for a tax on gross earnEntire Stock ings as being unfair to the property Cronk shirt contract at Jackson and of of private individuals not having this will take charge of 300 convicts engaged in similar work in Ionia. privilege; that all railroads should not Secretary Holland, of the Michigan be taxed &lil:<% because their franchises lire not of equal value; that in deter- Suit association, soys he thinks next mining the value of the franchise the season will see a good business in his earning power should be considered, tine. He thinks there will be no furbut for no other purpose; payment of ther advances in the price of salt. all taxes realized from corporations to The Port Huron electric light works, will be closed out. Beautiful shoes at the state treasury; a heavy penalty in- recently destroyed by fire, are again serted in all tax laws governing taxa- in perfect and complete working ortion of corporations if the tax is notder. Plans for a hew and absolutely paid when doe. fL-e-proof building are being prepared. At the annual banquet of the LinCommissioner Wesselius states that coln clufe, of Pontiac, which will oe the interchangeable mileage book sold held February 11, James O'Donnell, Atby Michigan railroads is not in compli- torney-General Maynard, Milo D. CampEnough said. Come quick before they ance with the state law requiring rail- bell and ex-Cov. Rich will be among the road companies to sell family mileage speakers. are all gone. This strictly a spot cash books for $20, and recommends that The annual meeting of the grand proceedings be taken to annul the charlodge of the A. O. U. W. of Michigan sale. ters of the offending roads. will be held at Grand Rapids, instead The commissioner says that during the present year new companies hare of Lansing, as was originally intended. commenced the construction of 247The session will open on the third Tuesmiles of main track and existing com- day of February. il. J. McPherson has been superinpanies have built 132 miles of road, the tendent cf the Presbyterian Sunday mileage constructed being the largest school at Rowell for 31 years. At the increase in the history of the departannual election of officers recently he ment. declined reelection, although still a comparatively young man. TEACHERS ADJOURN. Michigan star route service estabw S»MM»1 Law P r a t M * ama" tiEhed: Hetherton, by way of Vienna Fre* Teftt*Ho«k» trued. to Lewiston, 13 miles and back, six Lansing. Jan. 1.—The annual meeting times a week, by a schedule of not to of the State Teachers' nutociation exceed 3\/ hours running1 time each a closed Thursday afternoon with a busiway; frbm February 7, 1898. levtrlc Oil brought relief in tltrr* minCOMMON COUNCIL ness session. In the morning the deTrappers in southern Michigan this ute*. It wa*ft)n)o*t magic*!- 1 never sirability of Introducing German and winter ure having great success, and Coi'Xcii. ROOM, »aw anyltiiiut like It," Amelia iiwortln, oiber high school studies in the grim* many furuier boys arc earning good Corunaa, Mich., Jun. 3d U*o«. mar grades was discussed by leading wages. A profitable animal to trap i» Heart Terrors vauiMi in thirty mtuniucators. American schools were comAt a regular meeting of the council, tites uiitler tlrf* magim) waiul of Mr. f»irei{ with English and German schools th« skunk, the skin of which brings called to order by President Green. Cure for Uw Heart. A to the credit of our educational system, from 10 to 90 cents. The oil of the aniPic.*ent, Aid (Jreen, Harrington, Ever. and no o»«e to mute to trt* mal is also very valuable. liosolutions were adopted as follows; eth. Mumby, Ttumble and Wile* x. ami absolute* good h<*alth Approving the (selection of Washington Mr*. Koailhouw. of WillHcroft. (.».. motion, the readicg of the re • 9 the place for holding the next annual TO BE INVESTIGATED. ('old *vvats wouhl ^tnrid out meeting of the N'ationa.5 Educational assocord was dispensed with on me lik« h^nd?. so intt'i»*e wire tUe ciation, recommending a careful study of oval* mt Port Huruc to The claims and accounts Mere read and attacks of l.etrt tliMjaM*. I*r. Ajjnew's the re-port of the committee of 12 submitted Be Looked Intu. TO the National issoclation, Indorsing the Washington, D. C.t Jan. 1.—It is ex- referred to the committee «n claiiu* and <'»!* for the li£*rf «*nr»*il m»*. ami ttwluy new state manual and course of study for pected that the civil service commis- nccouQU. The* committee reported fa- J know nothing; of fli«* terror** of thin rural schools, asking for stronger interest Jr. trachers' institutes, rejoicing in the sion will investigate tbe case of Collect- vorably on the following tccauno, auth- trouble."—.V5. Sold bv K. M. Kiibotirn ami M. Keidv. ojv?ration of the compulsory school law, or Avery, at Port Huron, Mich., who orizing the clerk to di aw orders for the demanding a more equitable distribution of Delightful Relief from C a t a r r h the primary school funds on the basis of recently removed several deputies for same on the several funds as given beI'II te."tiHen* i * oite <»f H 6«tiocl attendance, asking for a law re- alleged violations of the civil service yuiiiriK library funds to be used only for rules, i'bese violations, it is said at Jow, «nd upon motion the report was i c - nionie*. The Rev. A. I). Buckley, ot h all TO know library purposes, favoring limitations c ptcd and adopted by tbe following Uuttftlo. s*v.= ; "1 wi ui>on stale normal schools, urging the the office of the commission, were that < atarrhttl whal H hle^siiiK 1'r. Har*aar>tton of free text-books, protesting deposed men bad paid political assess- vote: Yeas—Aid. Eveltth. Powder is in a I'sw of i-utnrrh. I was at the methods employed by text- ments prior to June. 1S90. Tue com- r.r.gton, Mumby, Trumble, 1 tor years, but trouMed with this lobbyists and dtprecating any move- mission being without power to comA. C. Marshall, 34 }r. sal. mayor f 37.^° ! the fir*t time I u*e»l tfiis reinedv ir the state publication of uni•• aid pel the men to testify, promised them, E. Eveteth, 37.5o i most delightful relief 1 now 37.50 : myself entirely «(irf»t after u!*Miy }t for ; so far as it lay in iss power, immunity A. W. Green 37.50 j two month*."-:>4. Sold by- M. Keidy j from harm, in order that it might ob- \V. II Mumby MAY REDUCE STOCKS. 37 5°; at»d F. M. Kilbourn. i l.C. Trumble " " ' tain evidence by which to convict their 5 • ' (trtiad U«|»I<1M Con»tdert«K II. Hanington " 37> superior officers who levied tfv; assessMICHIGAN. Cciunty of &bi*««*the Advisability of Tbl» Step. 2 16 Cuiri- JC Clutterbuck, 7 lamps B8. , • ments. The commission feels that the At * session of t1b e Prohate Court for tbe ; (ir;uid liapi(i>, J a n . 3 . — T u t N a t i o n a l 1 orunua Journal, printing men are entitled to safety it) their Corunna indrpendent, printing 7.20 county <'f sbiawa*** *", bol«J*n nt tbe Protuite City bank L<** >'ppiJOir.ied a i-ouii office, in th<* «'ity "I' <V>runnn. on t h f J tions, as the evidence which they W.J.Parker, copies oi electric to rvport on Jlif iuiv:*iil>i!iiy o f . m liayoi lVft"!r:Tier In lh".v*»i»ronelbi>u6and ! was valuable, and was entirely volunhufidrtM tiiid light ordinance 400 tt:f capital stock of (lie bank from tary. ,\. A. Harper, making tux roll $oOO,OlKJ Jo $;;i>0,0<>0, and the o!d n a t i o n a l In t h e uiatK-r of i h r ^t«i«- N«iit-r ; and one day election Z- °<> M.W't-st, an msune a n d int-tituily i(.'<<im;«: bank is a U o considering a reduction Shoes Half DEFEND PENSION ATTORNEYS. ! O K. Wilkinson, 4 1 2 day's labor 9 0 0 loin [HTSon. f r o m $.300,000 t o ?t;00,000. T h i s e o u r t e Mwx's W.'.WfSf as jruaniian hnvinjr r<'fi<ler\ll.C. Wcirden, "> da>s black knot is d e e m e d advisable because \siili the .Michigan PraeHMon«-r» Make Reply i coinmissioner 1000 t-ti to Ibis court hi* i n a i n'cmuir. d e c a d e n c e o f l u m b e r i n g in w e s t e r n M i c h i g a n a m i t h e more con&ervative m e t h o d s of the b ^ i / i t ' s s men and inmuifaetisrers s o m u c h m o n e y is not n e e d e d . T h e r e is a l s o talk of c o n s o l i d a t i n g sounof the bur.ks, and t h i s wii! be uuuie easy b e c a u s e t h e c h a r t e r s of !)irce n a t i o n a l ;ji!i3 one's:ivinjjs bank will e x p i r e in t h e n e x t five y e a r s , atuJ t w o o t h e r hatior.iii b a n k s will reach the end of their d a r ters in the t w o y e a r s f o l l o w i n g . It ir- order«l that i h f -!ist ilav <if J:uiu«ry to Cowmlaitlourr Kvann. j Caledonia Klectric I.igh* Co. 2.00 nt'Xt.Ht tfn o'cliH-k in tb«r for^nfton. Kt *aicl Kaiasnazoo, .Jan. ::.—Col. C. K. Foota, I Jjtrvis vV Harrington, onto 5 50 I'rolwite (>№<e. he apixiimod for oxanamin* AllowL^iff sitivl :t<"i'<>uii(. of tbi.s city, who conducts the largest i Jaa. Simeon, December salary 30 00 and Antltt I* liintaer nrderrd, Tb»r « copy of Geo. &err, December salary 33 ^ this orOcr t*jm!iii*he<l thret-suece^tve w«.•«.• U^ pension sigrney in the country outside previous to swiii liny oi'hvariiijr, In th«('orunti» W. H. Mi MBV, of Washington. *n replying to Pen\ i A . W. GRKKN', sion Commissioner Kvans' sweeping in staid couutv Committee. : ATl'HKW chartsoffjiinst pension attorneys, says The following monthly statement from •hat The charges that wholesale frauds KOlcul-.ui Ty.&7es>sn>irofTp? exist in the department are wholly the city treasurer was read and on m t A court fcr tho C!t")unt.s' of Sh'mvH$s«e, held «t rtio lYulmte »ili<;c in the city false. Gen. William Shakespeare says tion ,vas accepted and adopted: of Coruniia, on the thirtl day of Janunry in that the commissioner makes a whole- To the Honorable Mayor and common theycai one tliousnnti vitiht bundrcd iir:<! ninety o'trnt. s:ile denunciation of 50.000 citiztnis of cauDcil of the City of Corunna; PrebCdi Mbtthew Busb..lurf?e of I'robatr. the United States when he snys that Jn 'bf matter ol ihe estate uf Almoti HvtI respectfully tubmit to you the folNilcs, J a n . ->.—The independent Lon# Tr,iuds on the pension roils were placed WiliUm McKinney uswdinfi\i!«tnitor t>f»«i<ij Distance Telephone cuinpunv tius com- there by attorneys, a^il that the charge !<>uing Jijjancial report for December, osrutc havitiif reuUcred to this court hi.s nnai inenced work e x t e n d i n g a Jim* from is ui.just. 1S97: ; account Iris ordered that the sevenlh day of Ktbat ion o'clock in tli'? 1'oroinvon, at olHce, i>e »|»}M>irited lOr exaininMimpiette, .Jan. 4. .\f rs. ]). K. .„ ..'iid ailowiiijr said account, j .And it n fnrlhor ordfrwJ ihivt K copy of this j ii«tes, Hrst wife of the noted bigamist. oid<-r'ie published thrf-c fiucc«ssi>'tr w w k * 1 $0.639.1 f> tliovious »o said day of hearinsr in the i'or.111- j h:is been granted ;i divoreo, th-? charye fm Journal, H newspaper printwJ and circuiatbeini,' adultery, b i g a m y and extreme fee. 13, pd. school treas. $ '7 iriK in said countv of ShiKw«A«'f. IV O.OO cruelty. Her maiden name was Anna I". MATl'MEVV IM.'SJI. Pd, gen. fund orders 1 0T9.4I .f udjrc of J'roliate i Ilabert. Orrmt Vitality. IM. st. fund orders /^"rAltlTrAN^ "fiAl.K—staus of SliclilVari. T l)<*ftth of Unnvfrncar .Morrl*. Pd, cem. orders ^• county of Shiawusste, es. Kli Cooley, -ibcmt Monroe, Jan. ^D the ni'ittcr of th<s estate of Thonias J, * 1,990. 18 Detroit, Jan. 1.—•..Jouverneur Morns, years old, at cue o'clock Satunln\ mornSmith. Hichard smith and Michael Smith, in", was run over by a Michigan Central a great-grandson of Kobert .Morris, the minors. Notice is hereby jjlTen that in pur5^,648 97 suance and by virtue of «n order wrnDted to train. In spite of the fact that Loth .revolutionary patriot, died suddenly Amount on band Dec. 31. the undersigned as Kuardian ot the os»ate of Respectfully yours legs and bi» right arm were out oft,here Saturday, ujred 50 years. He was said miners, by the H.m. Matthew Hush, Judge of Probate in and fo>-»*aJd founty, «n W , A . M<:MUI.I.EN. and that he was not. discovered for nn well known throughout the country as the third d*y or January, A. D. 18№. there hour or more after being hurt, he was a civil engineer. Treasurer will be sold at public rcudue to the bi^b^st biddvr, at thed^ellin* house on the premts conscious two hours afterward, and —— Aid. Trumble moved that from Jan. 3 ea to be sold, in tbe township of Vernon, in Killed, »«id county, ©n Thursday, the third day ot then * to April 1st the council meet at 7:30 Denton Harbor, Jau. 8.-fluntin K Marcb, .A. D. IS9S, at one o^csock in tbe altero'clock, local time. Adopted, Death ot »*w*ll Avrry. nooj of 4»idd*y\ alJ tbe rig-tit, title and interskunks for their fur is s a growing g g in est of said minors in and to the fei:«**njr deOn motion council adjourned. scribed lands and premises, situated in tb« Jan. 3.—Scwell Avery, one ; juntry among farmers in this locality. of the wealthiest lumbermen of Sagi The number killed is enormous. tttwn»htp of Vernon. ouunty of shiawaaaee Hi (in M. NICHOLS, and state of Mlchiiran, to wit: tbA north p«ri j,uw valley, died Sunday at a private City Clerk. of the northeaai quarter of section thirteen, In»*ne bsmg the part of »aid nortb*eaat quarter lyltw sanitarium in Flint, after an illuessof north of tbe Chicago V: (irand Trunk Ha.ilXiles, Jan. 3.--Oeor^e Smith, of liaythree years. He was the father of ••J burned my tingures very badly. roadjand containinr»«.entyone»cre«of land ton township, hanged himself io hi« a o r e or iew. PAT R1C K SM ITH, Waldo A. Avery, « wealthy vessel raao barn with u leg chain. He was insane. The pain was intense. Dr. Thomas' EcOuardUin of natd estate of «*td of Detroit. Dated January 3rd, its**, Kulumazoo \o Chicago. T h e line will bo coiiiu-ctfd w i i h lorn! fxch.-ti.^t.'s in ))ou;i^iac, Cassopoiis and Nilos. in Michigan, aiui (Joshen, Klkliart. South lie ml, i-iporte and Michigan (.'ilv i.i Indiana. It will proven .strong oon> pet itor to tbe Me 11 company. Dec 1, amount on hand $1">9.("/•> i)ri.\ (>, received from Co. treas. 246.06 Collected gen tax d u r i n g D e c . 6,;J3.&3 We will sell goods during the next 30 days at prices that will attract close buyers' attention. Beautiful, double-fold dress goods at 6c. Good outingflannelat 41-2 c. We will not take time or space to quote prices. Come and see us. ARLAND 1 WILL SBLt Watches and Silverware : Cheaper than ever ! I this week. HAUGHTON, LEADING JEWLER. ./ After Cliristrrias You naturally export t;> iret thinirs a little cheaper. That's the way I am sellinir now. I'erhapa you s;iw Xovelties, Ikx)ks, etc.. at my place that yon would have liked but that you didn't think you could quite afford, oven though the prices were low. Come again. Prices are lower .still. T. C. Statioaer ««d Bookseller, WQNDEBS OF SCIENCE, passed tfie' *wick"et. Suddenly " she are run more quietly tllan tfiree-fourth's the fight \vas over, and. the victory clapped- her haud to her head. of the engines of the mills of the counours. "Good gracious!" she exclaimed-. try. The engines are characterized by LUNGTROUBLfc J AND CONSUMPTION Gray, following close behind me, had "Here, bold -these!" and flinging the the peculiar distinction of having an CAN BE CURED. cut down the big boatswain ere he had bag and cape into t i e hands of an as- open rope drive, a feature which has attime to recover from his lost blow. tonished young man, who happened to tracted considerable attention, says the An Eminent New York Cbenlst and Another had been shot at a loophole in be standing near, she plunged through New York Sun. 1 Scientist Makes a Free Offer tbe very act of firing into the house, •the crowd and ran back to the train. The face of the driving-wheel ia about to Our Readers. and now lay in agony, the pistol still Presently she emerged, her hat on her nice feet and i& cut in grooves some The diglintfuiehed chemist. T. A. smoking in his hand. A third, a« 1 had head, a smile cf perfect content on her four inches from center to center. , of Ne«" York City, demonstrate seen, the doctor bad disposed of at a face, a smile which failed the moment The ropes Bink into these grooves and his discovery of a reliable cure for blow. Of*the four who had sealed the she set foot on the platform again. She are covered with a preparation made contmmptiou (Pulmonary TubercoJoeis), 1 palisade, one only remained unac- fairly galloped through the gate, and for preserving them, the covering to be bronica , lung ami chest troubles, stubcounted for, and he, having left his cut- looked wildly about for her fur cape applied., say, once a year. Cotton is the born coughs, catarrhal arteetions, gerilass on thp field, was now clambering and her traveling bag. The astonished- material of which these ropesare made, eral decline and weakness, loss of fletsh, out again with the fear of death upon looking youc# man was still holding- and, although they have bet* run and all conditions of wasting awav, will them. The tnititiJe-aged woman pos* steadily for more th-an a year, DO «enrl TilKKK FREE BOTTLES (all him. of his new diMioverie* to any "Fire—fire from the house!"cried the sewed herself of her belongings. Then trouble has been, thus far experienced, different) afflicted render of this paper writing 1 she gave a sigh of relief. and the drive is pronounced the most the east and west only a single shot doctor. "And you, lads, back into CHAPTER XXI. for them. T H E ATTACK. had been fired. It was plain, therefore, cover." "Sly • land," she raid, with feeiing. nearly noiseless one that has ever been His "New Scientific Treatment" has As eooa as Silver disappeared, the that the attack would be developed But his words were unheeded, no "suppose you hadn't been honest-!" and devised; One point of preference ex- cured thousands pertuanentjy by its pressed in favor of this arrangement timely use, arid lie cotihiders it a simple captain, who had been closely watch- from the north, and that on the other shot was fired, and the last boarder the crowd swallowed her up. is that in da-tap weather the drive acts 'professional duty to suffering humanity ing- him, turned toward the interior of three sides we were only to be an- made good his escape, and disappeared so differently from the ordinary'belt- to donate a trial of Ms infallible cure. M France. tlie house,and found not a man of us at noyed by a show of hostilities. But with the rest into the wood. In three At the international congress of lep- ing, inasmuch as Jt shrinks instead of his post but Gray. It was the first time Capt. Smollett made no chang-e in his second's nothing1 remained of the atScience daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experiarrangements. If the mutineers suc- tacking party but the five who had rosy, which has just been brought to growing flabby and slipping. •wt had ever seeu him angry. menting for years, has produced results "Quarters!" he roared. And then, as ceeded in crossing- tlie stockade? he ar- fallen, four on the inside, and one on the a conclusion at Berlin, the startling fact as berietk'ial to hui;»Miiity ** can be VRJJ elicited that the disease, is very we all slunk back to our places, "Ciray," g-ued, they would take possession of outside, of the palisade. • A Valuable Cut. claimed by any modern genius. il\» he said, "I'll pin your name in the Jog-; any unprotected loop hole and shoot us Howard Heed, of Miiford, Pa., start assertion that tung troubles and conThe doctor and Gray and" I ran full prevalent in France, especially in the down like rats in our strong-hold. you've stood by your duty like a seaspeed for shelter. The survivors would northern district thereof, and that it ed out hunting' for partridges ami ! sumption are curable in any climate is man. Mr. Trelawney. Tin surprised at Nor had we much time left to us for soon be back where they had left their is on the increase. This discovery and woodcock, and was followed by the proven by "heartfelt letters of gratiyou, sir. Doctor, I thought you had thought. Suddenly, with a loud huzza, musket*, u.nd at any moment the fire the data furnished by the French med- house cat. All efforts on the part of tude." tiled in bin Am**M(_'an ami Euroical authorities contributed in no small the 3'oiing' hunter to drive the cat back , pean laboritoriex in tbouearHls from worn the king's coat 1 If that was how a little cloud of pirates leaped from :he might recommence. of the world. you served at Fontenoy. .-..;•. you'd have woods on the north side and ran The house .wasby this time somewhat measure to the resolution voted by the home were 'futile; it was bound to go \ t u 0 ( * e *ure<l in ill been Isetter in your berth." straight on the stockade. At the same cleared- of smoke, and we saw at acongress to the effect that leprosy is with him, and it illustrated its ability L.. 1 ! 1 6 d r e a u _c_0"? The doctor's watch were all back at moment the fire was once more opened glance it he price we had paid for victory. contagious. as a hunter by its "pointing" a wood- ed. rot*:*!)* speedy and certain Ueatli. Simply write*tf T. A. Slocum. 51. ' ., their loop-holes, the rest were busy j from the woods, and a rifie ball sung Hunter lay beside his loop-hole, stunned; cook which young Iteed shot. Then it Where Wurn Are 9vS Pine !*tieet. Sew York, giving po.*tloading- the spare muskets, and every j through the doorway and knocked the Joyce by his, shot through the head, The largest waves are seen off Cape "flushed" a partridge, which was also /tnYe and ••xpress »t)dre*s. antJ the free one with a red face, you may be certain, I.doctor's musket into bits. never to'move again; while right in the Xlorn, rising to 46 feet in height, ana bagged by the hunter. Reed says he medicine will be sent promptly direct and a flea in his ear, as the saying is. j The boarders swarmed over the fence center, the squire was supporting the 765 feet long from creest to crest. Waves would not part with the cat for the from lii*" laboratory, *• The captain looked on for awhile in j Hke monkeys. Squire and Gray fired captain, one as pale as the other. bird dog in the country. Sufferer* should take instant advania the north Atlantic have been obsilence. Then he spoke. . j again and yet again; three men fell, tageof t.v', K«rieroit« proposition. "The captain's wounded," said Mr. j served to rise 43 feet in height. In the Please tell the Doctor that vou esw *'My lads," he said, "I've given j one forward into the inclosure, two Trelawney. Imitation natter 1a Q r "Have they r u n T asked Mr. Smollett, j German ocean their height does not ttii-i it) the .IOIRSAI .. 1 Silver a broadside. I pitched it in red- !back on. the outsiCe. But of these, on' exceed 13'/,. feet, and in There are 50 manufacturers of imthe Mediter"All that could, you may be bound, hot on purpose; and before the hour's ! was evidently more frightened than returned the doctor; "but there's five ranean 14»/2 feet. itation butter in Germany. A faolory in Mannebim produces daily 6.000 of 'satdsair-: » n 4 v h m tbe out, as he said, we shall be boarded.! hurt, for he was on his feet again in & of them will never run agnin."^ M BU p 4 ! t COCOA' ' '**' " «"juity b a r i n g lxr*n t a k e n t o r e c o v e r pounds from a preparation of We're outnumbered, I needn't tell you j crack, a.ii<J instantly disappeared "Five!" cried the captain. "Come, j Ka.i<1 <lebl o r acj- p a r t tb«i«wf, M»«r, therefore, It is estimated that over G,000 farm* nuts. that, but we fight- in shelter; and, a jamong1 the trees. | noiii-f i» ber«5>y Kiv«fB, t h a i by Tirtue o f t h * that's better. Five against three leaves and others in France make their livj power of «*j«? <'on;ajm-d itj said Toortpugt, aixt minute ago, I should have said we.j Two haff bit the dust, one had fled, us four to nine. That's better odds ing by the manufacture of-Roquefort, i 1 j-iower h a ? i n ? b e c o m e o p e r a t i v e l»y fought with discipline. I've no manner j four had made good their footing in- than -we had at starting". We were t-heese. Formerly the value of the It is estimated that in 12 marriap, | 2 ^ ^ ^ , &, S ^ ^ . S S t ^ of doubt that we can drub them, if you ; side our defenses; while from the shel- seven to nineteen then, or thought product of this che<«e every year was ont cf every 100 one of the parties hM , sixth day of rebniary.'A. D. law, at ten o'clock choose," I ter of the woods seven ot eight meii, in ib«./<>reboun of *ai<l day, at the frontdoor of and that's as bad to bear.*7* $5,000,000, but lately the demand for H married before. tbe court hou.-«f of the county of Shtawa&Me* Then he went the rounds, and saw, • ' each evidently supplied with several !:?ts much To • * rnj»Tnw*». In ib<r i-iij of Oorunna (that t*i»jr the build in jf AS he said, that all was clear. j muskets, kept up a hot though -useless ID which the circuit eourt for the coufity of COULDN'T REDRAW HIS PICTURE Shiawassee is held), M-11 at pubiif auction or On the two short sides of the house, i fire on the log- house. COSTLY RUSSIAN SABLE. vendu«\ to the hsjrhest bidder, the land and HE HAD NEWS FOR HER. Storr Kincardine the *ast and west, there were only two iirpmi-ses <l«M ribed in Aatil mortya^e, io satisfy The four who had boarded made •. tlie World Over l.«nff to PoaWork of Sir J o b a Gilbert. '\ now du«forinterest, and theeost* loo'p-holes; on the south side where straight before th^m for the building, Tfc* Talk Went on Willie the H«tw •ck* T*:is Hoynl Fur. An amusing storv is told of the eaTly I № l «*!*•««*« of .sale, and th« attdrn«7 fee prothe porch was, two again; and on the shouting" as they ran, and! the metT _„_. »__ » / . ,. , . I Ti<!«^l for in said mortgage. Ten thousand collars seems a big north side, five. There was a round among th« trees shouted back to en" I teli you it ain't safe for a man to price to pay for a iie-ondhand garment, engraving days of the venerable and la- ' Tbe land described in said mortgage, and mented Sir §ohn Gilbert. Half a cent* sow, \» the east half (e»ii of the score of muskets for the seven of us; courage them. Several shots were leave home nowadays," grumbled the the members of the royal houses I t u r y ago or more, says the London Tel• the firewood had been built into four fired, but such was the hurry of the man-on-the-corner to another man, ac- obut f E u r e d o ran ire one ea*i'(le), except that part need by not hesitate to spend this • e J n i p h . he was commissioned to illus- of piles—tables, you mig-ht say—one marksmen that not one appeared to | cording • to the Detroit Free Press i m U°I lP t the Cbicftfro aod Gra&d Trunk Railway Com-<3, «.~mT«if«. ™t i » d nn with ' ! * < > frequently to obtain one for for a London week' n t r a t e a s h o r t s t o r y «bout the middle of each side, and on have taken effect. In a moment the pany for ttft rijrht ol way. Since my mfe got mm.xed np * . t h so , ^ ^ w e a r ^ ^ ^ ^ proof, to-enT b f i fim o w n e r s o f t h e ^ ^ Thi* Kale \n made f»al!>)*ct to all future installeach of these tables some ammunition four pirates had sivarmol up the many clubs—art clubs, musical clnbs, costly dress, says the Philadelphia able him to select the most telling sit ments of nriDolpnl And interest that may and fo.ur loaded muskets were laid moundv and were xipon us. bt re ifMr t e c u e due. kindergarten coteries, and the like, she Times, are endowed by nature with a nation for pictorial reprenentation. I>ated December lwt, 18CT. ready to the hand of the defenders. In has so much to attend to and so much to The head of Job Anderson, the boatJOHN" T. McCCRDY. precedence in the matter of" wearing When he had finished the work the editthe middle;, the cutlasses lay ranged. M, OoOl>]tt.ii. swain, appeared at the middle loop* talk about to other women that »be that no amount of money can over- or remarked: Attorney tor Kort#a(re«. "Toss out the fire,** said the captain; hole. actually forget* that she has any docome, and tbe millionaire or titled rcp"Why, Mr. Gilbert, tbe story says an y y y "the chill is past, t n d we mustn't have "At 'em—all bands!" he reared, in mestic responaibilitk*. My wife told resentative of a European monarchy SALE. D^fauH bavin? bwu ma4e escort of infantry soldtera, and here ifOKTGAGX smoke in our eyes." me la»t night that she wan sitting ia in thf condition*of a certain taort(c%gt. a voice of thunder. must Ue content to purchase the garmade by James M. Gable, a Mingle nan, of tbe The iron fire basket was carried At tlie same moment another pirate our library early in the morning, deep- menu after they have been worn for on the block you have given us mount- town of Clayton, Oenesee conaty, Michigan, to ed ones," ly immersed in club conversation witb bodily out by Mr. Trelawney, and the tbe rirat State and SaTittp* Bank of flashing, Hunter's musket by the muzyears. Hut tbe Raecian aabie i» not "Dear me, to I have," responded the Michigan, a corporation organized nnOer tbe ember* smrthered among sand. -wrenched H from his hands, ton Intimate friend, and they heard thea banian being, and, no matter bow banking laws of aald state of Michiartist, "but I haven't time to do an-general "Hawkins hasn't had his breakfast. plucked it through the loophole, and, doorbell ring. She knew that the cook gan, dated tbe 2»th day of July, A. D. iflW, and much the animal mmj drftfr the fnr other drawing. Can't you make an al- recorded in tbe office of the RcViMUv of Deed* Hawkins, help yourself, and back to with one attuwiog blow, laid tbe poor was very busy, and the second maid tbe c*unty of Shtawaaf e and state ot Hl«h your post to eat it," continued Capt. fellow se&seleM on the floor. Mean* W*H out on an errand, bat she was *> through the mire and dirt, no one will teration in the ctory to make it fit in V* for Igan, on tbe 2Vth day of July, A. D. 1MB, in liber consider it a dishonor to wear it. In Tbe "copy" was banded to a subor- M or mortgafrea, on pajreft WO and 391. on wbich Smollett. "Lively, now, my lad; you'll while a third, running unharmed ill absorbed in her club talk thatfthedet gi there l« «lala>ed to be due at toe date want it before you've done. Hunter, round the house, appeared suddenly in rided not to answer the bell herself. Russia and many of tbe northern coon- dinate to make the requisite alteration, of this i the h s u n of scren hundred d notice fiftytrie* a sable coat or cloak is wore u but that gentleman forgot to delete •erve out a round of brandy to all the doorway, and fell with bis cot las* Again it rang with some emphasis. one aad ntnety-tnree one hundredth* dollars. no then she went to the shutters and a mark of distinction, and Bvengali, the chapter describing how the sol* (t7SI.V3)of wblcb Mum forty-t^even and eightyhands." ,., -y' on the doctor. one-hundreths doUarw in fnrtaxett asueftMlooked out, only to f*ee at the door the in hl» e*pre**ed atnbltior to wear **« dier* gained tbe summit of a steep three And while this was going on the canabd leried tn the year 18K on tbe premi**» Our position n m utterly reversed, back of a roughly-dreMed man. 8b* big fur coat," undoubtedly referred to mountain, parts of which they were ed {•overed by salil mortga**, which M»id «un> for tain completed, in his own mind, the A moment since we were firing-, under tasex » u paid by tbe First State and Savings tbe fine KuMian sable that is I « D M obliged to nc«Je with ladders. concluded that lie won only a peddler or plan of the defense. of riufthin*. Michigan; and added to tbr cover, at an exposed enemy; now i ta beggar, and went Lack to her pro- commonly «t tbe court* of Europe. louid not hove been got there unless Bank, mortgage debt aM provided for in Haid mort"Doctor, you will take the door," he waa we who lay uncovered, and could While the fa«hiou in moat furs by the assistance of a crane! After- gage, and an attorney*a fee of '.weoty-flve dolfoundly intellectual friend. A third resumed. "See and don't expose your- not return a blow. proTldrd for In Maid mortgage, aud bv changea year by yrar, sahle invariably wardfchoaUo? letter* from subscribers lar* Hlatutr, anil no xuit or proceedingM, either at self; keep within, and fire throuph the The log house was, full of smoke, to lime the doorbell rang, arwi thin time wished to know how the cavalry got law, or Inequity having been inhtltutrd to reporch. Hunter, take the east side, which we owed our comparative safety. wiih energetic atid sustained violence. hold* its own, and the possessor of a there. cuve» the nioney» twy*ureil by Maid niortgayp.or rich garment of thifi material ertn well auy p*rt thereof; S o t , Therefore, by tirtue ** 'Goodness, hear that man/ my wife there. Joyce, you stand by thy west, <if the power otnaW contained Innaid murtgageL said to the other c!»b lady; 'N'ora i* feel the pride that corues from owning my man. Mr. Trelawney, you are Death • • * Kl«^«Molly. antl th«* Htatute in such oaiw mtite and proviilout, and I'M have tc go nnd.see what he something- not commonly worn. The jrtl,notU't* in hereby >riven that on lh«- iMtt day best tihot—you an<l Oray take this A writer in on electrical magazine, February, A. D. t>*K, at one o'elovk In tliiwants, or he will break the liell. R< demand for table' ha* never been RO in discussing the probabilities of death jof north side, with the five loop-holes; j j afteriKMtn, there will be sold at public auction exteri*ht! here as in Eurupe, and very io the door *hp hastened, feeling rery it'« there the danger is. If they can pet by an electric current, said that he at to the highest bidder, at the front door of ill* few understand the difference between hous** in the city <tf Cornnn^. irj ir.dignant with the peddler who up to it, and tire in upon us through i one time stood at the top of one of the foiirt rihijtw»*r*r county, Michigan, that l>eir.ir the relative \aSue of the American and ro persistently disturbing her our own-ports, things would bejrin to Alpine peaks in a storm and Ytn<l light' (Uf pl:tcr » lifri- \hr cir<'iiit court for the coiir, At the court of liussia iiing pass through his body to an ex- ty <pf ^lii.'iw.ins*-** is tiolden, the preuii**'« dfsci-i She opened the dtVtr pr«»j>arc<l Io dis- IJusMiin furs. look dirty, Hawkins, neither you nor ln*il in r-»iti»l mortgage. i>r i^o much then-of an charge a- volley of rebuke on iht- tnat)'y t'.">ry member must have his sable furs tent fctiflk-Jent 1o nyake a loud, crack- uiav \w necessary ti> V»y th** aniuiuit Oivr OJI *I are much account at the shooting; \ offending head, but forgot all about i: for fttate occasions, and it is e>>iimated ling noise ami'to produce long blue wiiil in«irtgagc. with seven )wr ccui iutervst., we'll stand by to load and bear a huiid." i this <lat»", ;iml all Irpiil custs, toj.'filirth;it. this equipment must cost each streams of sparks from his fingers, fniLfi when lie paid, exriferlly: As the captain had said, the chill ; witt fir- fttiorm-y fe« of tweiity-!li-e dollar* covone uot far from SSi.OCm. in Germany fur tb»-rvin aud »ll(iw«1 by statule. " "We!!, missiis, yn'id better be anwithout any effect upon the body other s>.!>-!i!n! was past. As soon as the sim had ill** (trriniM** In-iiig iSes<-rH>eil in swi'! mortjrasr«the maids of honor are compelled to swerin' this l.>ell—1 came in to t^ll yrr thrin to force him to descend without climbed above our girdle of trees it . a-. all Hint cr-rt.-iin lot. pircr .-m<l paroel of lac.'. -.itUHtr in the lov n of Perry, in She county *f That- the back part of ver house is oti have their g-arments trimmed with sa- delay. fell witli all its force i:pon the- clear- \ ShiawaKxee and t-tate of Michigan, and kn'own ble tails and clippings, while in the fire.*" ing- and drank \ip The vapors a t a ami .tex'ribeU as lolhiws; tbe south half (i*) court dresses of several other Kuropean Happy Anktraliaa of the south went quarter ('.%) of »ectii>a numdraught. Soon the sand was baking-, GOOD IDEA TO BORROW. nations the sable figures in various Shop assistants in Australia do not N T twenty-eight iS*]i iu town five [ft] notrli uf and the resin melting in the logs of the ; rarij/e two \i\ ea>t,containing eighty |(H)J acre* ways. hare a hard time of it. They work of land.-, be the sam* more or less. It la That c* Having •• Official Drafter block-house. Jackets and coats were Xov. -H, !HSC. only 50 hcurs per week. In Uallarat of iiilla. flung aside; shirts were thrown open TlIK FUi.->T SJTATB *KD S A \ 1 \ 6 3 BiSK f• p NEW WRINKLES IN SHIPS. every shop, excepting those of tobaccoQne of the minor features of the Engat the neck and rolled up to the hairdressers, V. P. SAYRE. Attorney for Mortgagee. lish! legislative system mi^ht with pro- Stect V»rd« and lHamtit—Ve»»cl» W Ith- nists, fishmongers and shoulders; and we stood there, each at close at si* p. m. for the fir^t four days o«1 ROT»1I. priety and profit be reproduced in tInhrs post, in a fever of heat and anxiety. AHDIAX'S SALE—Stat*' o< Mii-bi^*:. . of the week, on Friday at one p. m. and A man not familiar with shios who state and national legislatures of AmerAn hour passed away. -^T^"** ii tlif m a t t r r #f t b f estJiT*1 of W i l l i a m C. ica, says the Kansas City Journal. £.\\v tbe royal yard lying op South street on Saturdays at ten p. m. The major- \VUitfiifu<l, " H a n * t h e m ! " paid the captain. H m i n o r . N o ; i c * is iiffre-ny j r i v r n livery ir.ensure. before i t is brought wharf the otner -day, might have mis- ity open at eight a. m. to be-swept and t h a t in j x T s u H i i c r a n d b y v i r t u e i>( a u i>n!.-r "This is as dull as the doldrums. Cray, dusted by the errand boy?, the assist- trram«-tt t o l!n- itn<lrr>ifriu-d. u s ^'iirtriliiin of l:;r whistle for a wind." H« roared aloud, and his bagger waat up OT*r before the house of commons, is sub- taken it for a mainyard, it looked so c^t.-tK* i>f s;t:il m i n o r . \>y Hie H o n o r a b l e M.kiti4» head. t h e w B u s h - J u i l j i e of P r « h ; t t ^ in »TX! f o r >;i ; .: i initted to tlie examination of the official big. It was a new spar for an American ants arriving at Sr.iO a. tn. And just- a t tlr.'.t moment came the • •OHIII.T. nil llie "J-Jlld tiny of Novriiilwr, _\L I), ! drafter of hills, This oflicial is a man wooden ship of l,SuO tons lyinjf alon^rfirst news of the attack. •l^i*<", I l u r r will hfr."•'.: :& ,i' y'llblic Vfiiihit* t o !!irTrie?: and I'on'vj-'ion, t l u Shake lnt« Your Shoes hi^'lu'St tiidde . ;il tile fU'i..r'/.K>l- of t i . r j^.^t^.f"If you pk-p.se, sir." said Joyce, "if reports of p i s t o l s J i o t s u.i d one loud j well versed in the history of law and side the wharf, and was 47 feet long. Alien's Foot-Ease, a powder fee tbe feet tii-f in tUe viiift}rr of Ooi'uinl, in i»;ii<l i-ouniy. i>!; The• mainyard of the ship measured law-making-, a constitutional lawyer of I see anyone, ani 1 to lire'.'" M o n d a y \h? lTlli d a y of J a n u a r y , A. D. isJK, ; t : irroan r iii m y e a r s , I hirrh. rank. He examines tlie bill., points ftboi;t S!i feet in "en^-th. The royal was It flirts painl'ul. sw'olen. smarting feet t«"li o'oUx'k in Ihf f o r e n o o n of s a i d <!/ty, n i ! t h e " I told VOM so!" cried the cnptoin. ""OUT, rids, o u t , a n d fiyht ' f m i n t h e rijrlit, tislr :uni iiitetv?.! of suit! m i n o r in a m i ;<< i out. anythinir in it that is in conflict of spruce, the main of Oregon pine. On utid iustantly takes the sting out of all thif fiiUowinjr <l*-s<.Til«*<l l;nnls ,-HK1 ]>ivini-.t--.. **Thank yon, sir." returned Joyce, Cut lasses'."' c r i e d t l i e c a p t a i n . «' i ship nowadays ihe lower yard would ! > siluiit«'<l in tilt' towiisJii]>fi of Wrnriii nitil Vt-n! with the constitution, elucidates; obcorns :iinl bunions. It's the greatest j ire, with the Panic o,uiet civility. <L-cii!iiy of .*>iiiaw;iss(-e, s t a l e of Mic!iiv;it1 's.iuti-hcd n c u t l a s s f r o m t h e 1 be of steel. .«ays the. New York .Sur.. j sciiritics and. iiMJicates omis.^ion^ a::d Nothing followed fora time; but the ;UK1 s o m e o n e a t i h o * a i n e finio comfort discovery of the age. Alien's tv>-Vi't: T)«f soul Invest i j u j t r i e r o f i h e Ship masts were formerly iacu\- with Koor-Kase m<»kt*.=* tiilif fitting or new! fjudi'lei" of sitviiou tliij't> -six C&'i). remark iuid set us all on the ;iU-n, i n y anotluM" fjave ir.c a cv.t- a c r o s s ri chuuhincies.. More than that, he will, ,i .-u'Ves oti tin: wi*f.t ^i»U": a l s o tilt* yot'.tli h a l f >/'" tlie several parts each a t-olid stick. straining- cars and eyes—the ir.usxet- tlu> ]<isuc-kli«, w h i c h I hnrcl^v fcJt. 1 on request, draft any measure which stioe-feel fji-y. It i-a ceriain cure for j Hit* luvrtli; wi'si q u n r K T of tile ^uiith-Wv-st ,jtj.-i -When big timber became scarce and j l o r of ".:i d st>iTi:>n tbirt>->tv. iSt'), in ii.wi^ji:;* ecrs with their pieces bal-in<-ed in their f l a s h e d o u t <;f t h e d o o r i n t o t h e c l e a r a member may desire to bring before H:;y more cosily the lower masts were built sweating, eullini* --Mid hot. tired, aching ; NO'-<'»I n o r t h of v.-itiire four e a s t . coiHiiiinriLr han<is, the captain out in the. middle, ox y u i i i i ^ h t . Sonii" o n e wsis c l o s e b f h i i u l , the hou.se. i a c r e * of land w o r e o r l c s s . A I M M I K 1 rv^x h . i ' i feot. Try il to-dav. Sold hy jili . * h< e u[) of a number of pieces of wocd and i of tlie west half of t:ie n o r t h p a1 r t >>f i h o n c / i i i Tlie result of this is a wonderful the block-house, with his mouth very I k n o w n o t w h o . Jtijrht ii f r o n t , t h e e s t fractiiHistl iii'.itilcr o!' .-ci ! ion i i i r • 1 ; ui banded with iron hoops. When ships ni.en find ("niggists, l»y mail fwr •_'." cts. 1i wlowiislii}) economy of the time of the parliament tight and u frown on his lace. six iniitli of v a n y e !Vn"i't-;;~t ooiitai;:fl(X't(»r w a s purwuir.g I n s a s s a i l a n t d o w n began to be built of iron the lower in *t;iinp.s. Trinl package frot>. Ad| hi£ i wriity-six iicrtN gf iaini i m i | r i i r i i > « . A ; So some seconds passed, till Mniwu- t h e h.iil, a n d , j u s t a s m y e y e s fell u p o n anil of the Courts, l'r.con?titutional ?n u siri]> of lain! foul Ifwn a n d oisr-ii:-!*' : c " - i lv Joyce whipped up his musket, tux! liiin, lx-at (];)\V.TI liis syii.M'd a r c ! s e n t h i m bills are often killed by the hand of the masts were made of iron and also Hie dress Allen * OhnsJead. I.eK >v. X. Y. wide i.tV uf tlu' west ' i i l f o f ti:v e a s t luiif (>: t:\in o r t h p a r l of tlie north-w<'st f r a e l l o i i a ' nuav'.i-:fired. The report li'id scarcely died s p r a w i i n q - o n h i s b a c k , w i t h a i^rent bill drafter, ar.d nil measures;, submit- lower yard*; and when the building of - S' NOTICK. In the mutter i of s:i i(i >eclion one. t o w n s l i i p s i x noi In of r a n ".• steel ships was begun, the lower masts! ^ " ,| ( theosisite of f.oicn/o Stunron, do ted to the legislative body are clear away ere it was repealed and repented Ifonre'aM. JOHN ,1. WHITKHKAI), ru'i'i' and the lower yards were made ofsteel. }censo<i. ; in impori and full, yet eor.ci.se. in form. from without in a .scattering volley, t c;u;«vo .a»off.-\ali-.»f saul Miuo". t h e h o i ; s e . l;s<"!s: round TLere are slii]>s now that carry steel i Dati'-I N o v . O'.'p.d. IM-7. e<l b y th(H o n . M J U U I V " I. J w V . ' <>l I ' j o We need ':omethincf of this kind hero. shot be.haul .-hot, like a string of geese, h o u s e ! " ' (•" t hi? cap1:ii!i: even in Excellent measures are r.ot seldom the yards up to and including* their top-gal- tune in JIIHI f o r tlie inni from every side of the mclc-sure. Sev- Xho liurly-V»v.rl\ 1 perceived aand :irr.» t<i receive, SiHte < ! MichinHi, foiiiini chancre in HOISATi: i OUMEi;-!«taU> o f Michiira:i amirtiin«n>lsut offspring of the brains of men who are lant yards. f\ttiniiii- fti:<^ tuljiiM nls i'!s eral bullets struck tlie log house, hut h i s voice, Conniy of Shirt\» rtssi-f'. ss.' .-* t u s e s s i o n There arc- built nowadays ships that not- trained constitutional lawyers, and tbe proU-ttr oi>nri t V i f ^ i d . c f t u i K y , held ;<t not one entered: nv.O, as the smoke THitice thut wo will tiK/ft HI th ' r e s d e i u - c of j' or 'Mechanic.nl'v T obf^•^'|•]. t u r n e r ! onstthe proliiite '"nice in t h e c i t y s o f C o n m n a , o n carry n.> royals. The other yards are they fail of enacimenf, or of enforceThoniHs >li!i v n i , in i h e r<>wn«l}ip o f >i jtidlocleared away :md vanished, "the stocku e s d a y , i h c '.ih ilny r>f \h \cinVcr i n theiuirv. in ?!iM c o n n i y . on Monrtwy. th< l i t n 'lay I T y e a r o n e ?tbon*ai"i <'i>rht hundred and iiinvii nde and tlie woods n round iv looked w a r n , :;r. d witli m y cutlaK? r a i s e d , r a n ment if enacted, or: account of technie.il made longer, so that the .ship spreads ot h'ciirunFj". l-.'s , nmi tbe llth rliiy o i M a y . :<s quiet and emply ?>s Lcl'ore. .Not a rouju, Uu c o r n e r o f t h e jji:i:-e. > ' e x t blemishes which might easily be. re- thi.- same amount of canvas, which is, A . I). ltW, at i i ' o ' e U c k in t h e t'oreniH)!! of each J'U'I-CTIT, >i«ubow l>ii.«h..Iudi.>io of Probate. said (l«.vs, for ihe p u r p o s e of reeeiviiikf tuid Tn the matlcr uf iho t-st^te of Joseph bough waved, not the gleam of a mus- jnoiiier.t I .-•';:s \ace t o l a c e i vitli A i u l c r - moved. The records of our legislators however, carried flower. With less' i'»l' ix1ju!>tii)(r nil c l a i m s #KftinM smld e s t a t e , »itvl irunli. <3ec«mseil. ket barrel he.tinycd the presence of our .sun. l i e J );:re<l a i o u i l , anU liis I'.anyer and courts ;sre full of the obituaries of j weight ii loft- there is less leverage or. ihi«t !*jx.mont!ts from JhoSth d « y o f N o v . lsi-i;. (i (>n and tihrt. ilic pr-T it ion. duly vrrh i s h e a d , lias hinif in t l i e such laws. The appointment, of a cap-| the masts, and the ship stands up bet- hre i»llii\v^l to creiiiiors I<> ['U'-f-nt their elHiiii? ifled reading w e n t i;]> ol' ^ojdiia (iir»rdi, prusiny ain'ontfs! foes. U) s«iii eominissioiKTS for Hdjustmeiit a m i niot her ihinirs tor t h e piv.(ihtr o! tkc ins'ru"Did you hit your niaiv'V" asked the s n n l ' ^ l i l , 1 iiaii- noott t i m e t o h e a l ' n i i J able drafter of bills to aid legislators \ ter. Fewer yards are required and less lowaiK'C. mt'iit noW tilt-ri in t b ^ Court, purporting t o h u t , a s t h e b l o w still hun{r im])Ciulin< , Daietl t h e l")th d o v o f N o v e m b e r , A D . 1>'«T. rigging-. The low rig is in line with in the preparation of prospective laws captain. be the last will tir.d testament 01 said deceas' M. PU'N'KKTJ-. ed. "No, sir," replied Joyce. "I. Relieve li'iqxid i n a t r i c e u p o n o n e s i d e , a n d , would enable each measure to stand or the common modern endeavor toward IU:NTO<»X, ThereupfMi it isord»roiirbar Moniny. the U i h m i s s i n g m y i'oot i n tlie svol't stiiid, r o l l e d •greater economy of operation. Commi*siOJiers, fall squarely on its merits, irrcppo not, sir." day of h'ftn, iH'xt.at lOo'ckH'k in theforvnoou, i t assigned for the hearing- of said petition. of considerations nierelv technical "Next best thing to tell the truth,"' headlong (wwn the slope. M<>|{TtiA«iK .SAl.K. mvJ that the heirs at law ot *ai<i When I had first sallied from the door ROPES INSTEAD OF BEL.TS. efault IUKTIII^ Wen mailf in lli*co muttered ("apt. Smollett. "Load his an<1 ' all other persons of v,•« ccrlair, iiH>ri(ira(fp cxt'<'ute<l liy Smith F. rtcceasert SHE WAS TRUSTFUL. interested in ««id estate, are required Hawkins. How many should you the other mutineers* 1'ad been already Waru« '.-WIKJ Snrah A. Warinr, lii» wife, .>f tbe Adontrd by by a Dig appear *t » session ot said COKITX swarming' vip the palisade Xo make un township of WootlhviU, Shiawassef cimntv, to there were, on your side, doctor?" Cottttu Mill. then to be hoWen in the probate offico in ihe Thought or the Man'* Michi^nn, to John T. McC^rily, of I'orininH, of Corunna, said county and >>how cause, "I know precisely," said Dr. Livesey. eud of us. One m a n , in a-red nightI n j l l «*kc Had Her Hat. Not a little interest has been created Michigan, on the sixteenth rtay of I>ei*einl*r, city if any there be. why the prayer of the peticap, with his cutlass ID his mouth, had 1895, whicn mortjira^e was <]nly worried on lbe "Three shots were fired on this side. A middle-aged' womsn came through among manufacturers of textiles by nineteenth d»y of Dn'fmbfr, iKSft, in the office tioLt-r should not he granted. I saw the three flashes*—two. clof» to- even got upon th-e top and thrown a the gate at one of the railway stations th<; improved mechanical equipment of the r e n t e r of det*ls hi the county of Sliia- Andtt l» furtherorderwl that SfUd petitioner le^? across. Well, so short had been the other hfternoon with a crowd of iatiodiiced in the new Whitman mills, wasnee, and »*t»te of Michigan, in lilnr W of jrivenotices ihe ii*r*<,ns iuteivsted in u t d gether—one further t c the west." of the. pendei.c.y of Mid |>eiUion. «t»J on -pug* Kb: and, wiiereas, default estate, tbe betrin* thereof, by caufting n copy of this "Three!" repeated the captain. "And tbe interval, that whea I found my passengers from a train which had just ,\ew Bedford, Mass. The engines arc mortgag-eft, has l>ern matle in tl<e payment of the interest order he published 1n ihe Comnna Journal, ft how many on. yours, Mr. Trelawney?" feet again all was in the same posture, arrived, says the Washington ^ost. Sh.1 pronounced remarkable in every re- due on Hniri tuort^aKf, and upon which MAiii newspaper *nd circulate inlaid c<»uan**^ and morti7a«-r there is now ^«e al thi»d»t* ty, for thriveprinted the fellow with the red uight-<tip stili »ucc«88ive « w k « prvviouc t o u i d But thi* was not so easily answered. wore a gray gown and she carried* a spect. They are of the upright type, for Interest, the HUJD of fort.v*thr*e <ioliar« and There had come many from the north half-way over another still just show- small bag; a fur cape hung over her totally unlike anything in use in Amer- tMrty-three cent*, *nd an *xtorneT fee of tw<*t»- d y of tte*r\ MATTHXW KTTSlf, dtrflarn, at* provided for in K»1<1 inortK»K'' —•even, by the squire's computation; ing his head above the top of the stock- arm, but her head waft bare. She did ican cotton- mills, are said to »how great t.T-Bre should any procetdinff* be takeu to fortclo»« Judce of Probate. ade. A.IKI yet, in this breath of time, eight or nine, accprdipg to Gray. From cot remember.the tact until she hud efficiency, a.nd, though so. ponderous, 1 1 PiOBERT LOUIS STEVCnSOH 1 rl n ! ! 1 1 1 1 P : r D I ALUMINUM INSTRUMENTS. DWAF.PS IN TRANCE, Wlta tna Caar. IT MAY LEAD TO WAR. One of the comparatively few things One of the stories of Poter the Great Maadoltam Gsltmn, Baajoa, Vlollaa lafaabttMirt* or tbv Department if RIHM'I flbat tbe baud of improvement has i»ot heard in St. Petersburg is of the great LlxnoaaiB Arr small la Stature. aad Draia* Made Oat of tae Metal. Attitude In touched i* the cow bell, which is made char's wrestling match with a young In Limousin there is a barren range Various musical instruments are London, Dec. 27.—A special dispatch now just a* it wus 50, 100 aud more dragoonof low bills which lies along the di- The Weapon Small,— bat XOM M©rt from Shanghai says: It is reported made of aluminum, including mandoj e a n ago and Las now just tbe baaie Once in the imperial palace, so the that J7 British war ships are off Che- lins, guitars, banjos and violins, and viding lin« between the departments of Certain or Effect!re. peculiar, clanking sound as ever, Cow story goes, Peter was at table with a mulpo, 0<>rea, southwest of Seoul, sup- drums. The advantages claimed are re- Dordogne, Correze ami Houte-Yienne, bells are made some of copper and some great many princes and uobleuien, and porting the British consul's protest, sistance to climatic influences and su- about halfway between Periguex and In these times when backs are lame of a composition metal, bat most of soldiers were posted within the hall. really amounting to an ultimatum, periority of to::*. Some of the mando- Umcges. The water courses show the them axe made of iron and finished The czar wus in a joyous mood, and, ris- ngaiust tbe king's practically yielding lins are made with the body, including location of these upland*. They ex- when almost every other one we meet has now and then, or all the time, a back ttus with a coating of broii2e. The cowbell ing, called out to the company: the government of Corea into the hand* the top, entirely of aluminum, others tend over on area about 75 miles long aches or pains—"a weak back," " a bad is uot cast. It ia cut from a sheet of "Listen, princes and boyars. Is there of the Russian minister. The protest i* wirh the top of sprue*, the neck of and half as wide, wherein average hu- back," a back that makes their life a mismetal which is folded into shape and among you one who will wrestle with specially directed against the dismissal wood, and the other fittings of the man misery is most profound. Dense ery to bear—and still they go on day by riveted. The metal loop at the top, me to pass the time and amuse tho of MeLeuvy Brown, British adviser to usual kind. Such a mandolin is sold ignorance prevails, says Appleton's Sci- day in pain and suffering, Now 'tis the through which the strap is passed, is cziir?" the Corean customs, in favor of tbe at from $'25 to $200. Tbe prices of all ence Monthly. There is more illiteracy easiest thing ia the world to give this riveted into the bell. Cow bells are There was no reply, and the czar re- Russian nominee. The news has pro- aluminum mandolins range somewhat than in any other part of France. played out back " a blow " that will eettla made of ten sizes, whose sounds range peated his challenge. No prince or no- duced consternation at Seoul, which is lower, says the Nfw York Sun. The contrast in stature, even with It, and put in its place a new one equal to It's just like this: hit at the cause; through an octave. Sometimes musical bleman dared wrestle with his sover heightened by the knowledge that Guitars with a spruce top and the the low average of all the surrounding I entertainers who play upon bells of one sign. But all at once a young dragoou Japan has n fleet of 30 wfcr ships await- back and sides of aluminum in a single region, is clearly marked by the dark ; «ort imd aiiother come to the manufac- stepped out from the ranks of the sol- ing tbe result of the British representa- piece are sold at from $25 to $200. Ban- tint. There are sporadic bits of equal . d o < , ? e ( ] . u p n b r t . s i n operation;' when thi. turer and by selection among bells of diers on guard. tion, that Japan fully supports. Japan jos are made with aluminum rims, fit* diminutivenoss elsewhere to the seuth j ^ tf(;ue y o u csxn &iy good-bye to backache, the various sizes find eight bells that is irritated by the arrival of IJussian ted with heads of the usual kind, and and west, but none is so extended or "Listen, Orthodox czar, " he-said, "1 Mere is a case from Battle Creek: Mr. ore accurate iu scale. troops in Corea and it is believed that they are also made with aluminum extreme. Two-thirds of the men are Josiah M. Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, will wrestle, with thee. " ; There are only four factories in the "Wt 11, young dragoon," said Peter, she will oppose them. heads. Such a banjo, with wire strings, below five feet three inches in height j lie was a member of the Battle Creek poUnited States in which cow bells are i"I will wrestle with thee, but on the.sa in some of the communes, and the wom- lice force for many years. As a member could be player! in the rain. of the force he served the city wi;Ii, but made, and in each case the cow bell is x<iiditiciis: U thou throwest me, 1 will WAS MISS HERBERT'S FRIEND. The aluminum violin that is now en are three or more inches shorter only an item of prodnction among many pardon thee, but if thou art thrown .MIM Annie Virginia Wella TakM Her upon the market is, in its body, all than thi?. One. man 5n ten is below the rough weather he was often subjected to laid tiie foundation of kidney disorder, Qvrtt LUe t>>- SbootlnE. ether things. Cow bells are sold all over thou siialt bv I* headed. Wilt thou aluminum, while the neck and other four feet 11 inches in stature. This which has troubled kim very much. Here Washington, Dee. 27.—The recent fittings are of wood. All thealutninum is not due to race, for several rn- \ is what he1 says about it: iiie country, just the same as ever, but Wrestle on those conditions?" much the greater uutnbcr are sold in "J. will, great titar, " .said the soldier. tragic death of Miss Leila Herbert, tbe instruments are handsome, and the pia! [types are equally stunted "About three yearn ago, while on the the soath, the,'sotttInvert and the west, They closed," uud presently the sol- daughter of the ex-secretary of the aluminum violin, with its silver-gray fn this* way within- the same police force, I contracted from exposure a where farms are larger, less likely to be dier, with his left arm, threw the czar, navy, is given as the reason for the sui- body, and linger board and tailpiece aiea. It. js primarily due to kidney trouble, which has since given roe under fence, aud cattle are more likely aud with hi.s ri^bt he prevented him cide of Miss Annie Virginia Wells, an c* ebony, is of great beauty. Itisacost- generations of subjection to a harsh no end of trouble. The pain wa* right to stray. There ar<«yold in those parts from tailing to the ground. The sover- accomplished young society womaii and Iy instrument. The makers of tfce climate, to a soil which is worthless through my kidneys and across the small daughter of Mr. Lew is S. Wells, a well- aluminum mandolins and guitars Tvith for agriculture, to a steady diet of of my back; if sitting down and 1 wanted of the country a hundred dozen coxr eign was clearly beaten.. bells to every ten tlczrn sold in the east. somewhat in the spirit of Herod, the kuowa attorney. The young woman spruce u*0j are now engaged upon a boiled chestnuts and stagnant water, to s t o d up, I had to arise rery slowly and American cow bells are exported to the czar offered the soldi* r whatever reward shot herself through the heart with her violin whose back and sides will be of i , ,v^ 4 ... i ii•' - *v trently to avoid increasing the pam; I had Tariona countries of fcouth America and he should claim, and the soldier igno- brother's revolver at the residence of aluminum in a single piece, the top of aud to unsanitary dwellings m t h e ^ c h tired-out feelings aU'the «me! and I to Australia;—New York Sou. i deep, narrow nnd damp valleys. Still w a s gteadfly getting worse. About two liy claimed the privilege of drinking her father, 1311 N street, northwest. the instrument to bo of spruce. | further proof may be-found to show months free as long as he lived in all the inns Miss Wells had met Miss Herbert a , gago, heariag of Doan's Kidney | that thf>?e people ore not stunted by j Pills, I gotcomplete, a box. Their action andtheeffect number of times, and was very muca Batata* aa Elephaat. belonging to the crown.—Youth's ComWOMEN IN UNIVERSITY LIFE. was most they removed | any hereditary influence, for it has atti^hed to her. She herself had been aching pains for good, I can now get P. Fitz Roy Dixon tells of " a baby j panion. •trla and Rttftftla Dl»- i! been shown that children born here, around as quickly as anybody. Doan's confined to the bouse, for four months elephant" that was captured by friends j _ qy yy A Queues'* e v i n c e It. j but who migrate ftTid grow tip else- Kid by iliness, and this, combined with the Pill rtil of bjs in Ceylon in an article that he ars nc"rraa! in height, while those 1 Kidney arecertainly represented/' In connection with the stories of Bis- shock caused by the death of her friend, One of the reports of the educations.; where, For salePills by all dealers. as Price 50 contributes to St. Nicholas. Mr. Diion ! born eteewberp, but who are subieot to I1 Mailed by Foster-Milbum Co., For sale by all dealers Price 50 <*•«marck 's enemies among, royal ladies department of England has i special brought on melancholia, which resulted » environment during- the growing•! N. Y., sole agents for tbe U. S. itemember cays; the following anecdote, which has nev- in suicide. The deed was apparently table devoted to the subject of the I ^m ^ ^ -prbportionately the name, Ihan's, and take &> other. Her daily bath afforded her great enadmission of women to university life, \ dwarfed.o f V o u t h t o r e joyment A broad, shallow stream, er been publicly related, may now be entirely unpremeditated. says the Chicago Tribune. Inquiries j with a satidy bottom, flowed through printed: Queen Sophia of the NetherHtS CAREER ENDS, lands, the first wife of King William have been instituted as to tbe arrange- j IN THE WORKHOUSE. the estate, and in a large pool Rengan III of Holland, was too great a friend ments made for womeo students at 162 i aiaa Pattoa at tised to scrub her down every day. Of i D e a t a *ff of the universities of the civilized na- i Fonder of the International R e d course he went into the water also, and of the Emperor Napoleon III, the £mCroft* Society. Philadelphia, Dec. 24.—Ex-Congress- tionft in both hemispheres, and 1.19 re- ] In the workhouse of Heiden, in the she would lie down and roll) sometimes pit-ss Eugenie and of France generally with all four legs in the air, but always to take kindly to the great chancellor. man John Patton.of Curvrensville, Pa,, I plies were received. The questions!; canton of Appenzell, Henry Dunnaot, keeping the tip of her trunk ont of the Before the big war of 18T0 and proba- died iu1 this city Thursday .night after ! asked were: Are women admitted as the founder of the Icteroational Hed Arrival and Departure of water so that she might bare air to bly some time after the Luxembourg a long illness. He was 74 years of j members of the universities? Are they ] Cross society, is passing tb^ closing1 j admitted on the same terms as men? j hours of his useful life, says the New breathe. When she bad done enough of squabble there was an international ex- age. Trains {Mr. Patton w»s president of the First | Are they admitted to lectures? Are j this sort of nonsense according to Ren- hibition in Amsterdam, which the queen York Tribune. His mind is impaired, AT CORUXXA national hank, of CurwensviUe, and later ] they admitted to examinations? Are] gan's idea, be used to make her come visited. She was conducted over the of and symptoms of insanity have npa private bank wh!c?i succeed^rt that InTAKING EFiTCT MAY 3, 1S97. whole place by the committee, and as out and lie down on a sand bar, and then stitution. He was a df-lfgate to the national \ they eligible for university degrees? j pt-ared, so that it is doubtful whether they came to a certain section one of It is significant of the advanced lib-' convention of the whig party, at Baltimore, he won Id scrub her down—» process of WEST BOCSD. which nominated Gen. Scott for the pres!- j cralism of Scotland and Wales that he will ever-Know that it was to him i which she seemed highly to approve— the members said, "Now your majesty Qency, Ar. De. that the international medical con-j »n<J a cJ'.itBate to the Chicago conafter which she would bo ouce more will see the greatest enemy of t»<T- ventien which nominated liincoln. In that I their five universities have no answer held at Moscow a few weeks ago, , O« .«iipWI*; Gd. Haven Jt Washed down, and then she would trot many." " A h ! Bismarck!" she cried yt^ar, ltftt, he was el*ct*-d a member Of the ' but "Yes" to make, save as regards awarded its prize as to j ^a Ort. Huveti& conpress from the Tventy- certain medical c o u r t s in the north off beside her keeper, botb clean and with some glee. The members stood Th;rty-»«venth "the man who has done the greatest j f'Hirth UisTriot of !'enn^>iviinia. He was unit Gd. glistening, and remain a short while in aghast and never repeated this rash ex* reelecttd in T5A8. He leaves two daughters 1 country. Australia, India and Canada service to humanity ajicl medicine in j l her stable, while he went off for bis clamation. The "greatest enemy" he and five pqti«, amon? th<; Jatter b^lng t x - also answer; M"Yes," and Toronto ihe present age." Some years ago an Gd Gd. Haven p dinner. He used to bring her back a had to exhibit was not, of course, Bis- t"nlt«i StatM Sfn&ior John l'»Uou, Jr., of I proudly cays: No advantage ia grant- ; announcement of puccact's destitute j keifoD | <"d to men which is not opea to wornhandful of boiled rice, tmally rolled tip marck at all, but only a very much en- Urand lUpids. Mich.) SAST BOV.su. arotwed universal, astonishI trwn Xew Zealand jrivf» practically the >ment ai'd painful surprises, which were j j>e<«>iti' in a banana leaf, whit h she received larged reproduction of either the phylpin loxera or the Colorado btetle. which at ^with great satisfaction. same reply. France, Pelgiucn,TJotlard. Qn]y s c t a t n s i w ) j e n ft s t a t e m e n t w a a ^ ^ ' / c a n H u k a»d E^*t +«.n (;m+9.&*»m that time did a great deal of barm to Denmark, Norwa.r, Sweden. D*a4 la f Switzer- p tt ^jfc, aed to the effect that the dowager j Detroit'C»ua<J* *ud h«si *a.3o«H *«.a;»si ^eruian agriculture. ^Westminster <,Ja.Sir Edward J. Poyater> Bcavtiful Art. empress of Russia bad settled upon htm Chicago, l>«c. 28.—Mrs. Man* Anderzfctte. If there is one clement predominant to ?r ar.ti her two. daught***? Kditbpreat columns of 1 <1VC vp Sleeping ard Parlor C&r Sen Ice. in ail his work, it is the intellectual. i>l v rtlt, aged t i g h t atn , Chocolate *tx! €o№« For Caramel*. iermanv, Austria and hus- pearp Vnrortu'nately, these good in- i Clear, serene, WL-11 ordered, the art of Put into a granite Kiucopan a quarter bv iiluriiinattentioDx of the czarina do not appear! y Sir Edward Poyuter ttuuds ont with Of a pound of grated, un^ •Awtenwl m JrHit; b*« | arior itir i« <irsjid ttaptdt Exirn i-lji»rj<«S> tt'Jii* to have materialized, or else the mo&ey ] _ some distinction among the less consid- olatc, fi)ur ounces of butter, oue 'i AGENT. ASTUTE INSURANCE on rt.'* onue, M .lOpui Ir^in \m» ptirlor cur to which fhe intended for tLe foundeT ered and law coiujjlttc workmanship of brown fttignr, a gill nf uiolatM^. u furnir.jr < r t " 1 1 a n d n i p i i t rit> » l t b at iiiglit, found the utali of the UMI Cross hus been diverted und I With Which it in BO of tin Hurrouiidcd. gill of cream aud a t^a-j'ouful of vanil- floor wkfd ftl. On forcing it optu hr a^t wfm H«rard rn1»iappropr;atvil by those intn^b Although he himself htm bwn among la isugar. Stir the whole over the lire wife and chiUlre:, dead in bed. time sipo," sixhl ini thic rtfuTUitTH nf his day, the later move- uutil—thoivjuglily niixtd, WJHD boil 7fce jf.is was pouring from all the jeta v.Jf h iJ.* fr.irismis^ion. This of ten hap-! i'<07 AIU tram purio!-car to !>etrn>K. E x : r \ to ments in *\w dirwtion t i jw rsoual im- slightly until it crack* or hardens wh< • in the c-ouk stove. It i» supposed that' in Kussia, and it \H the exception i rii*. J'l.lliDun p a r I T onr I)<K urd, "a m a n ^>kc<V m r to trntr (<•'luriinro. rohw-ctiiiK w t l h Blf*|^ pru:*ioui*m have tiot affected cither his drop!**} into ice water Turn Mto Mr*. Aiid'erson was temporarily iii&um\ rrjiher thun the rule when a gift from1 t»ir c«'r f u r ih' 1 Mi?t r>r<1 >'«vr Y « r k : o«Bh i m h o m e , a s h e lia«! s ^ m r thi Kir* tlicri tutthod or ideal. The inw school to greased riliallow \nxns of a depth «)f baif ur>y niiinln-r of the imperial house! 1 rt't-ut l i u r a u ! w i t h C . J i V . rr. diTi«b>« DIED AT PRAYER. t(» b e ii!«i:rcii. . W!i»-n w a r r i v e d ftt which he lxl< iii^i'd in his youth, which uu :ucli ati'i staiui o>idu to co*-i ^ hiu I*««• l*i i'i4Hin 1 n i l ( bUitifo. and w i t h t.V. Us destination, ; I a A- M. Pur. lor satiiimw mm Ba.> Citr. may IHJ broadly described as the "mx>- nearly culd, Ktt'a*.1 a hJmi'p knif»; witb C o nrrtlcut Maa I'lpit-n Wblle A»k~ • his hou«.i' htt shovi.'ii nit* l<^i b o x r s of i ii.ll pm train l>u* farUtrrnrin Itofn^it. Extra • cluwik'al," hah almost become au "old" olive oil and mark tin- c;ir:iim-Is into IDS <;r*ice at ibe Table. i c i g a r s , ivhu-h h e w tiiit*-<l :n?urci]. Tht'rf ]" cL«rjf« "ft cvi l?. J'uilin-.-'u ?terp(aa< TALE OP A FALL HAT. w e r e 100 cij,'iirs in f a c h l>ox, m a k i n g lu,K'hocl now, but ho ha£ sttfu no reason squarts, cutting part way thmugll the 1 Ii-iK.ii to Ti rot.t.>. H u i ! p i H | , Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. y;.—-John W. ! rkilwirpbl* HixJ N«w York. to swerve from the aims and principles mixture. When <-oht, break apart, wrap Bepbam, 86 year* old, celebrated Christ- , OCK) i n a l l , anil >\fre v:i'hjcil a t u-n c e n t s Srmtrh Jfrlarsrooa* Taraea a • 4 ut DurttiK.1 wfib ('. & G. T f<*r Which inspired aud guided his earliest iu waxed p*iiper aud put iu tin boxes tu icas by invitiug as many of his descend- j e a c h , s o 1 ii;surtii t h e l o t f o r fl,(:(K). oa Oa« »f tae iiaewt*. ' 'it nti'\ Itat:l«< rei-IC.H»d with C , r r efforts, am) he tiuds it impossibly to be- keep. At Si-otcb wttldjnjrs some \vars apt)! b. Jt U. Uiv, l»r M^iriaw »ud Uay Ciiy, ai;ts as he could reach to a dinner. A few clays i^, o tin* n"i:sn c a m e t o m«* lia<i Jhrou^ft rfay p#rl»r und lieve that swy ucw fat-hioii or indeed any and a.sktii f o r tin- i n s u r a n c e m o n e y . it ui-cil to be the i-n.stoin to batter the! cars Windsor to ^ Uoffee caranicls may be made after When surrouuded by his children, ' Y o u ' v e !::!''. Mr. tire ni y o u r hfiiiw,' I rf- hut of the bridegroom as he was leav- j new discovery cao alter certain fundagrandchildren and great-grandchildren, Buffalo, New V*rk mental truths, which inform all the the same recipe as chocolate 'caramels, all seated around the table, he arose td J P l i e c i < N o - K>ul ] ' v « ing- th? house iu which the ceremony j (J. ». YOUNG, Ajft., Corunna. omitting the yill of cream uud chocolate greatest art works of the part, including _, invoke the Divine b l e s s i o ^ In tbe mid", M l d h f l ' ' a i u l a f r o n h n g to the papff I look place. On one of those occasions, H. H. HIGHER, A.G.P. A.,,. ajucl substitutiug a gill of black coffeo. a m " Chicago, 111. LE> FI.KTV'H«R. T.l those of Phidias and Michael Augelo. says ihff London Weekly Telegraph, a die of the invocation he dropped dead> entitled Jo the money.'as it says JisDe?n»lt, Mich. Nut caramels are made by putting ~-Cosmo iloukhonse in Scribner's. newly iriarr'ted couple (relatives of th* tinetly that if the are ennsumed Iflto the chocolate caramel mixture a WHOLESALE MASSACRE. by fire money is puiti on application/ j bridegroom).determined to carry out half piat of iiii*e*i chopper* auts ju«t- as , Two TOLF.D© you are turning them into th« greased Report That SOO Cartatfan* Rave Be*a As far as tc-ciixjivaHiiffc wc-fe conwrned j the observance's of this custom to the | he was all rifrhS but I knocked him cold I better. Tbe bridegroom heard them disA Wells-Fargo messenger ou the Santa pan. —Mrs. S. T. Borer Iu Ladies' Home SlaiM la Ferula* ^ their plans and Fe train had sa ususual eij>erie^ce. Journal. ^ Cincinnati, Dec. 28.—YakobSargis.of abcut a {niuu^ later" Ivy saying in a j [•very ?tcrn ronnner: 'All rig'hr, sir; to the carriage, whiefi Among the articles iu his care was a Ooramiab, Persia, now in this city givAMD & *itb hi* hat some tinae previcage containing two wildcats, consigned Hta Attempt W«i Void. ing talks on Persia and Armenia, has you'll get the money, but, according to NORTH MICHIGAN! from Fall Brook, in this state, to MarThey had been having a discussion ju*t reeeh-ed a letter fre-u friends in yoor I»T. confession, 1 will proceed a t ous to his departure. Then, donning RAILWAY. tin 's Ferry, O. The messenger from concerning the necessity or otherwise of hia PersUn home informing him that once to make a charge asrninst you for tbe hal of a malfe t«latite who had plotwhom he received them said they had purchasing a new silk dress in order to a band of raiders from Koordestanaliad incendiarism.' 'Well. I'll be hanged!' ted against him, h6 prepared to go out been behaving very well, but no sooner be ou a level with the De Moneys next massacred all the inhabitants of a Per- was all he said, and the room shook vio- to the carriage. No sootier had he g-ot was he started ou his run than they got door. Banks- had vetoed the purchase sian Christian town, 800 souls, near lently after he banged the door." to the door than his hat was furiously into a terrible fight The frail bars of ou the ground of extravagance and want Salinas, Persia. assaulted and almost destroyed. lie the cage bent so under their battering of funds, and his wife was much puti walked out of the bouse amid the BULLET COVERS. Laid DOVTM oa tae Track. that he drew,a couple of revolvers aud out laughter of the bystanders and entered . i Manchester, N. Y., Dec. 2-*.—Steven N e w P r o * « * 1»> W h i c h L e a d D a l U Are the vehicle; then, taking the battered watched them, ready to fight for hi* lite "Dinner ready, my dear?" he askedincase they got loose. When the growJs, in his mo3t conciliatory manner. Her Zoni, 30 years old. an Italian, commitThe discovery of H secret solution by hat from his head, he threw it into the snarls and spitting finally bad ceased, face had been like a stale thunderstorm ted suicide in the Lehi^h Valley yards v\ iiifh leaden bullets may be coated so hands of its proper owner, exclaiming: the messenger tock a lantern and looked ever since the disagreement, and Banks here by deliberately laying his neck as to render them superior to steei- "Hey, Mr. Dougall, there's your hat," over a rail and allowing a freight traoin ( !ist into the cage. Where there had beeu wanted to change it. to tut off his head. It is thought he ! ' *da bullets is aimounccd by Chnrlcs and donned his own, amid the cheers two big wildcats, weighing respectively "Yes," answered Mrs. B. shortly. ! ^ • l' ^'S. i» chemist, and Ed ward Berry, of all present. Mr. Dougall was the un•SO and 40 pounds in spite of their . "Must try again," said Bankstohim- wr.s insane, but it is also said that an a surveyor, of Springfield, III., says th,-' happicst looking man in Scotland for uufortuaate love affair was the cause fauatnese, there was now oue sleek 90 self. Then aloud: "Ah, I'm glad of of Xfw York Sun. Tho ordinary leaden bul- some time after that. Via act. pound wildcat aud a few hairs aud that, my love. 1 have what tha poets lots, when used in Hie Krag-Jorgensen A Valuable iiitt. tones of the other. The surviving beast would call *au aching void,' Sarah." rifle, hnvebevn found tobe to-a^-oft, and Townahlp of Bat Oae Haste. was Bent rejoicing on its way, billed as >ew York, Pec. 24.—Samuel Sioan, the lead has clunj? to the )>arre.l of the "You often suffer from headache," Undoubtedly the most extraordinary "two wildcats."—SabyFrancisco Argo- she returned iu a cutting tone. president of the Delaware, Laekawannn rifle until the barrel was finally township in England is that of Skid"aaat. Banks drew his chair up to the table & Western railroad, was on Thursday clogged, and 1 he steel cartridges, which daw, in Cumberland. It contains but with unnecessary uoise and refrained presented with a $16,000 golden service have siiccorrJod tbe lead ones, have even- one. house, the occupier of which is Golf Pointer*. by the officials and employes of the in the absecce of the regular golf ed- from further attempts at conciliation coitpany, in commemoration of his tualiy torn the barrel—faults not found unable to exercise the Briton's priviitor the following question from a be- for the rest of tbe day.—Pearson's eigltieth birthday, which falls oo in the new article. In pursuinir their lege of voting, because there is no overexperiments these inventors, it aj>pears. seer to prepare a voters* list and no , ginner was referred to the turf editor Weekly. Chrstmas. f ."iccccdod in procuring some of th j church or other place of worship or for an answer: " I u a game of golf is it The Collegian'* Retort. Killed Hiuaclf. smokeless powder use<l by the govern- assembly in which to publish oae. The right to fuzzle your put or is it Letter Etokuk, la., Dec. 24.—Ephraim Uad- ment hi tlift Krag-Jorgensen ritles, mak- tnost. remote village in England is that TIMETABLE. Members of the class in Cambridge to fetter.cn the tee'r" The turf editor asch shot himself before a mirror at jini.r nmnorous tests with thoir cart- of Karley-eum-Pitton/ This rural spot cud beeu rather flippant in regard to Id effect M«r •&, ?set his teeth firmly, stared hard at tbe his tome in this city. He was a re- ri«lp-es, and with results showing tho is 30'/;, miles from the nearest railway £ome pompous authority, and a fellow wall iu frout of him a few moments tired merchant and prominent member remarkable efficiency of the new and .station. As a contrast to this may be Trains leavt Cerunoa, aud wrote the following reply: "In ease was eulogizing him. Said he: "You are probably ignorant, young of the Iowa Legion of Honor, and was r.rcret preparation, Thus, at a distant-^ mentioned the hamlet of Ystard, nbout a player snaggleshig iron it it>penuiMsiTery wealthy. So cause is assigned. of 30 yards they bored a hole, through ten miles from Cardiff. This tmy setbie for him to fuzzle iuis put, but a bet- gentlemen, that the venerable person of X. M. an ax blade and also through a flat- tlement possesses two important main Eatea by Hoc*. ter plan would be for him to drop bis whom you have!been speaking with 7;O8 P . M. iron. In the latter ense the bullet 5:17 such levity is OHO of the profoundest ronrJs. two railroads and two lar«jfc P Jt. Tiff City, Mo., Dee. 24.—Two little gippy ioto the priugle .and ttwodle iJ out with a niblick."—Chicago Tribune. scholars of onr age—indeed, it may be children of a farmer liviDg near here, lodged in a tree, entering a-distance of rivers. I J L SliLTS doubted whether any man of oar age climbed into a pigsty to catch one of six inches. Whirlla* Mire of Javaa. haw bathed more deeply in the sacred the pigs. They were set upon by a num• P A. ft Art o i ta« Blgfa Thr World's IVIrvraph I,tn«>». fountains of antiquity." ber of hops, which killed and ate both There are certain breeds of mice in "It was a rather expensive ocean trip The actual growth of the telegraph Japan very sensitive and susceptible to "Or come op drier, nr, " was tbe re- children before they were found. "that Splasher took." lines of the world is 7,900,000 kilometers impressions. Under proper conditions Try Afl«n'» Foot>EaM ply of the undergraduate.— "Keoollwc* Mia* Worker* to Meet, "What happened?" —not invluding nearly 300,000 kilome- \hese little creatures will whirl like tioui of Aubrey de V e n . " A powder to be shaken into the shoe* Columbus* 0., Dec. 24.—A caii was is- ters of submarine cable. This total is "A frightful storm came «p and th* dervishes for hours at a time. They At this aeaaon your feet feel gwtllen sued Thursday for the ninth annual divided as follows: America, 4,050,OW> captain threw Splasher's oil paintings l a * CaJMrta. convention of the United Min>; Workers Kilometers; Kurope, 2,840,000; Asia,500,- fcave been taken up by naturalists aad bot and get tired earily. If y*a overboard to calm too waTe*."—Chic*Fir* Mother— Dwo't 70m and it a of America to meet in Columbus Jan- WK); Australia, 350,000; Africa, 160.00& «vben in this condition and held stAtion* have s^nartinf fret or tight sha«s, try go Becord. nry for several minutes, but will ingreat relief to hava ta« caiMpui at 11, The- entire length of all these wlrei stantly resume the "whirling" when Allen's Foot-Ease, It cools the feet and •chool again? A oork leg without a knee joint Hit b y t b e C a r * . joined together would permit of tbe released. makes walkiajr easy. Cure* and preSecond Motbtr—Well, it would b» it not cost as much a» one including th« Stanton, Del., Dec. 27.—Wesley Mc- establishment of 20 lines of telegraph _ , „ , _ . „ vents swollen and sweating feet, WIsknee, and if an artificial hip pocket i* Uray didn't learn «o maay n e w i Briae and bis wife were killed and between the earth and the moon. A machine has been derived which t«rs nnd callous spot*. Relieves corns to be made the cost is oorreflpondinglj to ask. — LcMdoo TivBlML tlwir daughter, »#ed six years, fatally increased. poes by electricity and which c*n cut! * n d buoloowof »11 pun and tiret rest Lart. fajarcd by a train here. Tt Is computed th-\t all •',<• bouses In nnd butter 750 loaves of bread an hour, * and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by V'ate of Two Children. Jo three years the progeny of a pair ProridMM* oft«o get* a credit for takLomJon and New YorV could be built of Ths butter Is spread very thin by a ' all druggists and shoe store* for 25 cts. Lima, O., Dec. 28.—At Leipsic, Uallie of rat*, under favorable oooditiowc, ing <an of » fool tiutt ataottld Iw gl cylindrical brush—w> thiti that a larg* J Trial pack*f« free. Addresa Allen S. and Hilda Orem, aged 12 and i5, were the lava thrown out by Vesuvius since sapfnff of butter is i r u a r a t * l number 1,000. to UM fool'* wife,—AtctelMo Globe. ' Uie first recorded eruption in A. D. 79. of butter is suffocated from coal gas from a stov*. Oimatead. LeRoy, New York. Time Table* Grand Trunk Railway System ° "7' NN Cartand. Sir. and Mr*. Frank Ken ton are visiting his brother (.Hias. iu Cass Co. Mi-i*. l>. While is on the sick list. Kiln teuton visited relatives in Elsie Mr. Frank Wellington returned home Saturday from a two weeks visit in St. Jotm:*. W r*. Hose Scott, of Sheimd, spent a few Jays with relatives of this place. Mr. ami Mrs. William Wellington are visitiittf friends in Olive. Mrs*. M. M. Snider, of Elsie is staying wJthNiUs E. Benton during her parents visit, in the southern part of the state. Mrs Etta Kilian returned from New York last Thursday. Itching Piles, night's horrid plague, is instantly relieve 1 and permanently cured l>y Doan'^Oiuttnent. Your dealtr ought to keep it. Durand John P. Gerardy is home from Ohio ft> spend the holiday?. Frank Wfiitmore, butcher for Titos. Chapman is quite sick. Attornej- S. S. Miner, of Owosso, and A. URiehanL*. of Corunna, were here on legal business Tuesday. ^2 Miss Nellie Marshall is home from the Hetroit Conservatory of Music, for the holidays. R. E. Pierye and wife, of Marion, call-1 <M on Mr. and Mrs. A. Roedel Tuesday. l>r. and Mrs. Marshall entertained a of friends at an eight o'eloek y evening. After tea games •werv indulge m until a late hour. Ernest € . Trai,^ e n and Miss Bernlce f\ R w l , both of Durum], were married 7»y Rev. Roeclel at thehonicof the brides mothe-r, Mrs. Roeil. Wednesday at five "o'clock p. m. <;eo. Shattnek. of Owosso. Circuit Commissioner Collins, and E. S. West, of Corunna. a trio, of jolly fellows. were breathing the atmosphere of our village Tuesday.— Express. k Blood Hitters entirely cured me of a terrible 'breaking out all over my hodv. It i* a wonderful tnedjrine." Ml** Julia Elbridjje. Box, $7>. Vest Corn well. Coon. Bancroft. Will O. Watson, of Fostoria, Ohio, w IK noiro* Sunday and Monday. Van Wixom. who canie home sic* •wjtli diphtheria from Fentou last week. > reported inutMi letter at this writing Fuller, of A'UJHMI ''olletfe. is x his vacation with friends in town. 4". I*, tk-veraust. of (jreenvHicwafl the jtucctnf his brother. Ward and John, ihe fitter part /)fls»t.week. Mr- and Mr< II. A. *l:iyn«* ntieh'.W ; l n: v.ir'l'ou;* stf.-^mus of the Stat« Teacher'* Institute in l.un-iu^. the lltst of the week. Mi-** Leah Stonespsmt OlirUtma* with Jrien'i^ at I»«nsvi'l« aiid a part of this week in Linking. She U expected hoaje .*at unlay. Senator II. vS. Hadsall and wife, of nwosteo, and C. W. Swan and family, of f u s i n g , spent Christmas with their lister, Mrs Frank Lewi?. Miss Van Tuyl. of Battle Creek, spent Friday, with her many young friends uer..-. She went on to Fiint Saturday lor a few day* visit with her auut, VanTuyl.—Commercial. * 4 0 Gems, 10 cent*,—Dr. AgneWs Liver Pills cure all trouble* arising tttnn torpfir of the liv^r. Kasy and •Hirrk— llatiiah Sick Headache—Purify tne blood and eradicate all impurities f rona the »ysw«m. Tlir demand i* big. The pills are little, easy to take, pleasant result**, no pain. 4<f in a vial. 10 **nt«.—.W Sold by M. Reidy and F. M. Kiltxmrii. Vernon John N'orton is very poorly, being jiow confined to his homo. John Heed ha* just had a well put ii'>wn ut U\* barn, •south of town. Vs\, Wrigg^sworth. of Detroit, was filling on Vernon fri«»tj(U th« latter part of last week. Arthur .Shaw and daughter. Miss were guest* of frieuds at Mt. last week. Miss Mildred Holint's is spending the Christina's vacation wuh her aunt, Mrs. Klla Crane in Detroit. \V. P. Garrisou,"of Wyatidotte, has fieeti visiting his parent*. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1>. Garrison this wet!:. The K. O. T. M. will soori^ put > n a play by home talent, at the O|Hira Hall. -The Confederate 8py." Mrs. Samuel Patuhel. widow of the iate Snmuel Patohel. is quite ill at Hie }iomft of her son .John Patchc). Judge Frank Porter, of Lansing, and >li»3 Carrie Anderson, of Saginaw were entertained at the home of Frank Westcott last week. r Mrs. I). B. Holmes ai)d?son< CarJ, of I^.iaiiJ w«re visitors at Arthm Garriijon's Wednesday. Carl, who is attending Albion College is enjoying his vavation at home.—Argus. of paralysis .Saturday evening, and t t this writing is uukiug a rapid recovery. Mrs, Wni. Burdick iu Morrice Tuesday"; The M. L Aid Society will meet with Mrs. J, G. Marsh for a dinner social Wednesday, Jan. 12. All are invited. Miss Alice Ordiway gave a supper to a number of her friends New Years* eve. All enjoyed a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Leu. Van Dervacker and children, of Lansing spunt the holidays with relatives and friends in this place. Dr. T. A. Kay in Williamson Monday. Pros. Attorney Chandler was in town Tuesday receiving evidence pertaining to. the sale of intoxicating beverages in this place. Mrs. M. Madison is recovering from typhoid fever. North Venice Ann Arbor, Jan. 1.—In his annual report the president of the university re* riewi at length the work of tbe year in the various departments, which lie characterize* a* b*iug mott successful. He cults special attention to the work cf the graduate school in the literary department, in which 88 students were en* rolled last year. In the newly organized women's department course* in persooal, domestic and municipal hygiene are given. Every woman student re-^ ceives a careful physical examination by the dean of the department, abd '• thus benefited by her personal counsel. The dean recommends that gymnasium work be made compulsory, or put on a credit basis. During the year 153 women have enrolled for gymnasium work, on a course extending over three yeans. In the men's gymnasium the daily attendance has been 3*0. Tbe cumber of men using the gymnasium Mrs. George Pardouette is on the sick for all purposes was 1,036. It is to be list. hoped that some scheme will be formuMr. John .Tucker is entertaining a lated whereby the opportunities offered by the gymnasium may be riore used niece from New Haven this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers from near by those who are most in need of physical training and development. Merrill is visiting at his uncles John During the year only about 56 per Wreggelswortb for the present. ^ cent, of the patients applying for adThe surprise party at j Win. Derhams* mission to the university hospital were was a success. accommodated within the building. Sirs. Nora Jones spent New Years The number of beds should be largely increased. The university hospital with relatives in this place. is a gTeat medical charity, worthy the Byron support of tbe state. Tbe majority of the people applying can pay the small Mr. and Mrs. A,Northway. of Owosso, fees for board and room, but cannot visited friends iu *.uis vicinity New {pay for expert medical attendance. Most of them come from the rural comYears. munities in the state. The farmers The masquerade party given by the more than others reap the benefits of managers of tbe Opera House on New the hospital facilities. Years* eve was largely attended. It was Despite the fact that the requirea success both socially and financially. ments for admission have been raised The celling was beautifully draped with and the course lengthened the departblue and white hunting: the stage and ment of law is larger than ever before. The regents named the women's gymwindows and above the doors were decnasium the Barbour gymnasium, as a orated with evergreens. At nine o'clock compliment to Levi L. Barbour, of De* Gould's orchestra took their station, trqit, whose term of office as regent and the dance opened with the grand expired this month. Regent Barbour march, led by Miss Mabel Savage and has been one of tbe foremost benefacRay Welch. T»ie participants were tor* of the gymnasium, as well as an dressed en costume from a Grecian efficient regent, and the board takes princess, queens and knights, to little this method of doing him honor. The Loid Fontelroy—an intent on having a board also named tbe audience room in general good time. Supper was served the woman's building liebard hall, in at the Odd Fellows H&ll l>y Mrs. K. honor of ex-Uefjent Charles Debard, of Pequaming, who gave JlO.COO toward Itarnes. the building. Harmon Bo ice and Everett Orr home from Ann1 Arbor for the holiday*. CONDEMNS JURY SYSTEM. The Baptist younjr people held a Cahlll watchmeeting on New Years* eve, and Aridrra* to tb№ there were present theyounj? p e o p w Lanuing, Jan. 1.—In a paper ou "Th« societies of Bancroft and Union Plain*. Bench as Ywwed from the Bar," read A very interesting program WH» ren- before the Statt Association of Judges, dered, atut tunny tight heart* watched ?x-Ju«tice CahiM, of the «u p re m« court, HIP old year out and the new one In. made a senaatior. by severely criticiaMKs Carrie Fisher home from Owog<o ing the jury systefci He said that the corruptibility of juror* wan recognized, during the holidays. Mr. A. F. Hunt and wife at I-HneUg und jurors hav* to nubmit to an espionage which no •clf-renpectitig judge over Sunday. would stand for a dajr. Men with neithT'je W. U. C. served dinner at their er education not' tfxperienee for their hall ou Tuesday. work were selected an jurors, and r.rw , Charles Banghinan spent New Years men Selected by lot every day. Jiulga Cahillstiid: with his fnnveuts'"iu Charlotte. Kddie, son of Ernt.st Kelsey, i* attend- "The Jury system ttiinda cor.c3fmr.f-J tm a rciic of b*rbart«m and h«s tiu pi sic t In ing the Owosso HiisiuesH Collcgu this the court* ot to-day. The attorneys do The ladies'' aid of the. M. E. i.'Siurcli will give a ditiiier at the home of Mrc. A. Con" on Friday. Albert H**ti:hler. of l.indeti. visited fri^t.ds in ltyron the );*st of the week. Win. Ravage at ('ohoct;tli on Tuesdiiv. thtlr utmost to txtfog the Jury, aiiil the judge cannot marnha! i\\r; actual fati* for the Instruction of the Ju:or*. Moit Juct^^ii ar« afrnid to havi' any opinion as to th« case {or IVar that *'>' revealing it they may t(lve ctccasion lor a tit* trial." J u r i e s were declared to be QOtoriou»* lv ojipoiied tc» c«rtuiii intcrebts, nota!>iy of coi'}i<>ratio[ii>, und Juil^e (.'ahiil said ' t h a t either the old practice of judges I giving their opinion as to the facts ; shuulrl be reinsTated or triut by jury \\>, the undersigned, do hereby j &ht>uld be •"Ixiudoued. to refund the money on two •2V . j The paper provoked a lively discii»hottles of Kaxter's Mandrake Hlri, ! sio if it fails to core con>tipatio». bilious- » ' which., showed Judg^e Cuhilt to uess. siik headache, or any of the dis-!! Eiand aloi>e. Justice Montgomery and for which it if? recoinmeruled.! Judges Da boil, i'eck and Hosmer, a* Also will refund the money on a 50-ceiit I well us several attorneys, took i&sue of Downs' Eiixir. if it does not • with the paper. All defended the jury any cough, cold, croup, whooping ; pysteiii auU maintained that the court gh. or throat or lung difficulty. We H!S«> guarantee one iVcent bottle of I1 bhould confine hi* charge to the law, beeither of the above to prove satisfaf- ing careful not to even intimate hi* | opinion a* to the facts. The judge* tory «»r wouey refunded. I elected the following officer*: PreaiF . M. KlLliOLKN. j dent, Erastus Peck, Jacksoa; vtee S-V-1 M. KKll.v. president, A. C. Aduit, Grand Kapids; —Miss Edna Marshall visiting secretary, IL li. Person, Lansing. friends in Sa^inaw. DIES OF OVERTRAININa — I!ert Derham. of l)uraiid.sp<?ut Xew j H y*mav t'ollr(0 Yfurs Day with his brothers and other Jkthlrt*. Uzptrv* at LJiUmtmm. friend.-! in this citv. Lansing-. Jan. 3.—Henry L. Becker, of IIe$i«ria, died here Saturday night of a combinavion of ailmea^t brought OD by excessive training for atbletic sports. He was ao agricultural college senior, aiui was the best athlete ID Ibe institution. He trained Lard, but not discree'.'y. La&t year he was injured in a Where tlie blood loses its wrestling match, but upon recoveringintense red—grows thin and tng^aged in athletics as earnest!}* as be* watery, as in anemia, there is fore. He was 27 years old and a splendid specimen of physical manhood. - a constant feeling: of cxhausNotice. Thin Blood g: gy \\ tion,, a lack of energy—vitality h spirits iri depressed* d d andd the i Scott's Emulsion | of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo* phosphites of Lime and Soda * is peculiarly adapted to correct this condition. The cod-liver \\ <A\f emulsified to an exquisite * fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring: the natural color and giving vitality to the whole system* The hypophosphites reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strcngtfctning and beneficial effect* If the rote* have aeft your cheeks, if you are growing: thin and exhausted from over Shaftiourg. work, or if age 't bet to tell, use SO Our ^cboolft commenced again Monston« day, after having one week's vacation. Mi&6 Clara Baldwin entertained guests from Lansing New Year?. Mre. M«M*Harvey bad a seve.e shock STATE UNIVERSITY. Abstract «f «k* Annul Report of tte Hire you get SCOTT'S EmirMo*. SCOTT & 8OWNK, Ch^wt*, New Vofk. FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS I AM GIVING SPECIAL PRICES 1 ON HATS, CAPS, GLOVES AND MITTENS MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY SUITS UNDERWEAR, SOX HEAVY SHIRTS Don't take the car until you have seen my goods and prices. Yours for Low Pric*5«, McMULLEN Every Farmer Should have * * <x • * SAFE To keep insurance policies, notes, mortgages, deeds and account l>ooks safe from fire. I am agent for the t>est and chaapcst safe on tbe market and can save you money if you will purchase soon, I can give you prices that will astonish you. I have the best life in-surnncc companies for life, sickness or accicent- My companies pay promptly. Let me show you. S. W. Cooper, Corunna. What is better for an XiTlAS Than some of these things which we are offering? B m v r d « Bllitsard to 1%><I. Xiles, .Ian. 4.—Charles(.iflfonl, a Ohii-ajfo traveling man, and Miss E. M. Jobnson, of Eaton Kapids, were so anxious to be married New Year's day that they drove 60 miles over a rough road in a terrific bliizard with the mercury below ;he zero point to get a license. The county office »t Eton Rapids was rinsed and the county clerk o\it of town, KO they drove to Mason, 30roJJesaway, and secured a license. A new team was .secured, and hurrying back to Eaton KapWls \\it wedding i*remony was performed. And every Prudent Business Man For Your Wife: A Bissel Carpet Sweeper, a Clothes Wringer or one of those fine Steel Ranges. For Your Husband: A Sterling silver handled Pocket Knife, a fine Razor; in fact a set of Table Carvers would be just the thing. We have a complete line of Pocket Cutlery, Shears and Scissors. A fine assortment of Tea and Coffee Pots, nickel-platted copper Teakettles, etc. Plated Knives and Forks, Teaspoons, Tablespoons, and other plated ware. Our line of Stoves and Hardware and Sleighs and Cutters is complete. In Robes and Blankets we have a fine assortment and at prices to suit the times. Call and see us. Ckwrcfc B*r»e4. Saginaw, Jan. 3.—Tbe Warren Avenue Presbyterian church w*» burned Sunday. The Bociety had juit prepared the structure and had installed u 42,500 organ, or which there was $nHurance of $1,500. The whole )oaa is $20,000, with insurance of 98,000. IstereM R*t* Plymouth, Jan. 1.—The Plymouth tavings and the First national exchange banks, of Plymouth, have ffirco notice that they will reduce interest t o savings and time deposits frota four to three per •)>>><:<<<' Green & Pettibone. SPECIAL. $125 two-seated Surrey at $89. $100 two-seated Surrey at $79. $ 79 two-seated Surrey at $57.