September 6, 2015 - St. James of the Marches
Church of St. James of the Marches 410 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512-2098 ( ( Our Community Is Served By: Sacramental Life The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Sundays: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm (Saturday), 7:30am, 10:15 am & 12:00 Noon Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am. Tuesday 8:15 am (children’s mass) Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: AS ANNOUNCED The Sacrament of Penance Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by request at anytime. The Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month immediately AFTER the 10:15 am Mass Parents should contact the Rectory either before or soon after the birth of the baby to register for the reception of the Sacrament. Instruction for parents and godparents are held by appointments. Parents and godparents are expected to be practicing Catholics; godparent must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in order to serve as sponsors. The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Sponsor Certificates: ONLY Eligible Registered & Practicing Parishioners will be given certification to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. Parish House 32 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-0288 Fax: 973-790-7064 (office hours 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday) The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi 400 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-956-8824 Fax: 973-956-9430 Religious Education Office (CCD) 31 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-4860 Fax: 973-790-4644 Father J. Patrick Ryan, Pastor Monsignor Eugene M. Boland, Pastor Emeritus Father Leo Antony, S.D.V., Assisting Monsignor Patrick Brown, Assisting Father Janusz Rzadca, Assisting Mr. Nestor Martinez, Seminarian-Intern Ms. Leslie Dreps, Principal Ms. Ivette M. Valori, Director of Religious Education Sr. Mary Cecile Swanton, C.S.JB., Pastoral Associate/Faith Formation Ms. Marie Patella, Bible Study Mr. Kevin Walsh, Trustee Mr. John Waryas, Trustee Ms. Virginia Andreano, President Parish Council Ms. Ann Riccardi, Administrative Assistant Ms. Catherine Ryan, Accounts Clerk Ms. Gail Monochello, Administrative Assistant/CCD Ms. Janet Cozzolino, Ms. Diana Farina, Ms. Adelaide Fiorarancio, and Ms. Fran Tesoriero, Parish Support Staff Ms. Jeannine Pond, Music Director Mr. Greg Caldarone, Music Ministry Mr. Michael Agures, Mr. James Beagin, Ms. Mary Jean Hayek, Mr. Jerry McFarlane, & Mr. Antonio Vacca, Sacristans Pastoral care of the Sick We wish to be of help to anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, age or disability. To receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the Rectory. Kindly notify one of the priests if you wish them to visit a family member who is hospitalized. Devotions: Every Friday - Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Anyone wishing to become Catholic or who has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation should call the Rectory for further information. Parish Registration Every Catholic family in the Parish should be registered. Please contact the Parish Office to do so or use the below form to join our Parish. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: All adult Catholics should register in the Parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents. In order for us to testify to your ability for sponsorship in Baptism, Confirmation or witness to a Catholic marriage, it is necessary to be a registered member of this Parish. Also, please notify the Parish Office of any changes in address, or if you are leaving the Parish. (Please PRINT) NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE__________ ZIP _____________ PHONE #________________________________________________ Check: ____New Reg. ____Moving ____Change of address Please cut out & return to the rectory or place in the collection basket Thinking Out Loud …. Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall, writes F. Scott Fitzgerald. Here at St. James, however, life continues with a bang. Energy continues to be expanded in many directions. In June, we sadly said Goodbye to Sister Antoinette Cedrone, FMA, our Religious Education Director, Dr. Linda Kostenko, our school principal, and Father Thomas Rekiel, our Parochial Vicar. Father Thomas was re-assigned to Holy Family, Florham Park, and none too soon as the health of the pastor, Father Fred Walters, has taken a hit or two. Keep Father Fred in your prayers. Sister Antoinette, who was as organized as one could be and left the Religious Education program in perfect shape for her successor, was transferred by her community to New Orleans. Sister will serve as both Superior of the community as well as teacher of Italian in the school the Sisters conduct in the Big Easy. Dr. Kostenko, after a long and rewarding career as an educator and administrator in our diocese, retired in June. The lives Dr. Kostenko touched cannot be counted, and we are happy she will be in our school one day per week as a consultant. We now have some new members of the Pastoral staff, who will be serving our community with great faith, enthusiasm, and a desire to make the Gospel and Jesus’ love for us all more embracing. The first on our team is Ms. Marie Patella. Marie will be conducting a scripture-study reflection group in the fall. Marie has conducted her Bible study and scripture-based presentations in New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Florida since 2009. Marie holds a B.A. in English from Caldwell College, Caldwell, NJ, and an M.A. in philosophy from St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY. Ms. Ivette Valori will take Sister Antoinette’s place as Director of Religious Education. Married and the mother of three, Ms. Valori has organized retreats, taught on the elementary and secondary level, served as a Eucharistic Minister, and coordinated Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, all in her home parish of Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel, Cedar Knolls, NJ. Ivette holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology with a concentration in Spirituality from Seton Hall University. Sister Mary Cecile Swanton, C.S.JB. has accepted the newly-created position of Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation. Sister Mary Cecile is not only a Sister of St. John the Baptist but served as her congregation’s Provincial Vicar (Major Superior) from 1993 to 1999 and from 2007 to the present. Sister has taught on both the elementary and secondary levels, served as Directress of formation for her congregation, and served as President of numerous boards associated with education, nursing home care, and health care in the Archdiocese of New York. Sister Mary Cecile holds a B.S. in Education from Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ (with a minor in music), a Master’s in Religious Education from Fordham University, Bronx, New York, and a Master of Science Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Iona College, New Rochelle, New York. We look forward to Sister’s arrival. You are familiar with the expression, “The devil you know is better than the one you don’t.” In our school’s case, it is “The Angel you know is better than the angel you don’t.” Ms. Leslie Dreps is now our school’s new principal. Ms. Dreps has been a member of the St. Francis faculty since 2008 and has had previous teaching experience going back to 1994. Here at St. Francis, she has taught 3rd and 6th grade (Language Arts) and has served as Vice Principal of the Academy as well. Ms. Dreps is certified as a Prinicpal, a Supervisor, and an Elementary Teacher. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from William Paterson University and a Masters of Arts degree from William Paterson as well. Along with those who now serve our parish and school, there are a number of new additions to our campus. The Parish House door is a new color, and on it are larger street numbers, a new kick-plate, and a brass sign which reads Cead Mile Failte (a hundred thousand welcomes). No, it isn’t your imagination. The front of our Church is brighter because of an additional spotlight which brightens the entire front of the Church. Previously, only the statue of the Blessed Mother was lit-up at night. We now have more color, more plants and flowers, thanks to the creative imagination of Ray Ricciardi and Steve Nagy. Thanks to their hard work, the place looks absolutely magnificent. Motion detector lights were installed on the side of the Parish House and in the back of the building which houses our Religious Education office. The statue of St. Francis now has water flowing in its birdbath after a long hiatus. Wires (Column continues on next page) (Column continues) were inadvertently cut sometime last year, and the necessary repairs have it up and running again. The birds delight in the fresh water found in the font. The lighting panel in our Church was replaced. The panel is as old as the church itself and is used every day in turning the church lights on and off. The fence between the Parish House and the school has been painted, and repairs have been made to the fence. In addition, the main corridor of the school and several classrooms have been painted over the summer months. The school cafeteria and hall have also been painted. Our next project in the school is to make significant repairs in the Ladies’ and Men’s rooms next to the stage on that same level. We have ordered new Novena books for those faithful souls who pray the Novena to the Miraculous Medal weekly in our Church. Thank you, goes to our neighbors Gennaro Corrado and Carmela Band who share whatever they grow in their gardens with us. We are, likewise, grateful to our Italian Society for its constant generosity to this parish and its priests. A shout-out goes to Regina Mellinger for keeping the Parish House library well stocked. To Anna and Antonio Vacca for keeping our vestments cleaned and repaired and to Ronnie Kopec for her liturgically festive streamers which decorate our processional cross and sanctuary candles, another big Thank you! We thank Michael Agures for repairing and rewiring all things electrical in both the Church and the priests’ garage. We thank Michele Siccardi for taking photographs of our Altar Servers. After several sessions, we have almost all of them in print. Likewise, we thank Michele Siccardi for her photos which now appear in our updated website and Rosemarie Aulino who does such a great job with the website itself. It might take a village to raise a child. It also takes a parish to assist a seminarian in his formation. Our seminarian, Nestor Martinez, left for Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. While he was here, he needed a ride to and from the train station in Little Falls so that he might improve his English as a student at Rutgers University. We thank Janet Cozzolino, Noreen Cuccinello, Leslie Dreps, Adelaide and John Fiorarancio, Tina Handal, Mary Jean Hayek, Ron Parisi, Ann Riccardi, Fran Tesoriero, and Antonio Vacca for their assistance in getting (Column continues) PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember in your prayers the following: John Amodio, Jackie Balloutine, Sharbel Balloutine, Donna Bruen, Lorraine Calamita, Rose Campagna, Kristin Cappuccio, Astrid CortesCastro, Maria Ciaremella, Lucy & Antonio Convertino, Harry Cortes, Frank DeCeglie Sr., Angelina Fattorusso, Pete Farina, Dennis Florence, Valerie Foti, Nancy Ann Gallo, Betty Goodsir, Philip Gordon, Linda & Domingo Handal, Josephine Iandiorio, Angie Kimble, Dana Kobloth, Anne Krautheim, Joey Kuri, Father Justin Kusibab, OFM Conv., Juliann Marciano, Madeline Mathers, John Nicoll, Andrew O’Connor, Brother Stefano Michael Panzella, Panizzolo, LC., Anthony Polito, Denis Sullivan, Paul Tommasi, Joseph Valle, Bea Vinciguerra, Bryan Wells, Ann Williams, Robyn Zaleski, Evan Zillner, Agnes Mariella Zimmer. HOME TO GOD Please pray for all those who have recently passed on, especially Angelina Fattorusso & Mary (Mae) Carociolo. The deceased always rely on our prayers on their journey home to God. Sanctuary Lamp Burns before the Blessed Sacrament this week and proclaims our Catholic Faith in the real presence of the Risen Lord in the Eucharist. Given in loving memory of Mona Matalanis. (Column continues) him to and from the train station each day while he was studying at the university. It was pleasing to have visiting priests from both the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and Food for the Poor in recent weeks. John Waryas served as our official ambassador of welcome to these priests. Also, a big-shoutout to John Waryas and Kyle Waryas for changing the many light bulbs in our Church. Thank you! We are grateful to Jake Grecco for the wonderful photographs taken by him at the blessing of our altar and windows by Bishop Arthur Serratelli. Our parish family is, indeed, alive and well, vibrant and ready to continue the work God has in store for us. This year, let us continue to pray, work, and grow in the Father’s love as His blessings touch our lives and inspire our hearts to live the gospel of Jesus. Thank God for the great summer months we enjoyed. Thank God, life starts over again, when it gets crisp in the fall. Father Patrick WEEKLY COLLECTION Due to the fact that we will not be abiding by deadlines during the summer months, weekly collections will be reported next week. Next Money Tabulators Group: St. Desmond Knights of Columbus News September Meetings: Tuesday, September 8th, Monday, September 21 (Installation of Officers) Degree Meeting, Thursday, September 24th @ 7:30 pm. Rosary Altar Society The Rosary Altar Society will have a “Special Mass” on Sunday, September 6th at 10:15 am for all deceased members. Please arrive at 9:50 am to recite the rosary. SAVE THE DATE Saturday, September 26, 2015 After the 5:30 pm Mass PASTA DINNER (pasta, meatballs & salad) Sponsored by The St. James of the Marches Rosary Altar Society and the Knights of Columbus Council #6574 Come join the food & fun! $15 per person. Children 5 & under FREE Tickets: Kathryn D’Antonio 201-951-8429, Vincent D’Antonio 201-745-3387, Parish House 973-790-0288 Special Treat - Live Entertainment to kick-off the evening Parish House Office closed In observance of Labor Day (7th of September) the Parish House will be closed on Monday, September 7, 2015. The Parish House will re-open on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 2016 Mass Book The Daily Mass Record Book for 2016 is in the Parish House. Please stop in the office to arrange for your Mass intentions. Scout Troop 26 & Pack 26 Would you like your son to join the Boys Scouts or Cub Scouts? Call Gordon at 973-956-8860. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SEPTEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm Rosemarie & Ken Brino Sunday, 7:30 am Diane Capone & Marianne LoBue Sunday,10:15 am Connie Domicolo & Denise Hagan Sunday, 12:00 noon Michael Greco & Leila Stephan LECTOR SEPTEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm Rosemarie Brino Sunday, 7:30 am Joe Klunk Sunday, 10:15 am Matthew Amador Sunday, 12:00 noon Jerry McFarlane ALTAR SERVER SEPTEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 pm Ryan Bravo Victor Bravo Julia Callegari Robert Callegari Sunday: 7:30 am Erick Cielemecki Tyler Flynn Jaiden Joseph Daniel Torres 10:15 am Brandon Alonso Ryan Alonso Sebastian Avanto Zachary Cronin 12:00 pm Salvatore Licea Devyn Guzman Justyn Guzman Daniel Torres MEMORIAL INTENTIONS SATURDAY MASS AT 8:30 AM YEARLY: JANUARY / DECEMBER 2015 Brizzi & Simonetti Families, Margaret & John Costantini, Father James F. Dolan, S.J., Gabriele Dragone, Giuseppe Dragone, John J. Griffin & Erin Ryan Gourley, Monsignor Michael F. Hart, John Krautheim, Sr., Father Bernard McKenna, The Marone & The DiGuglielmo Families, The Porco Family & Anthony Picarelli, Father Francis J. Reilly, Philip Sgobba, Jean Sprich, John E. & Rose V. Tchounis, Robert Varettoni & Family, Albert Venditte, Sr., Stephen Wrazen & Family and The Family of Frank P. Zaccaria. MONTHLY: sepTeMber 2015 Alma Carbone, Anthony John Colella, Ernestine & William Colella, Carmine & Maria Romaniello, Philip Sgobba, Krystle M. Spinner, Nunzio Vacca and Jack Whitney. ADULT CHOIR Come and join the CHOIR to “praise the Lord in song,” you will leave rehearsals and Mass with the biggest smile ever in your heart. We sing at the 12noon Mass from mid-September through mid-June, Christmas Eve and the Easter Triduum. The new season begins THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the choir loft. Additionally, a vocal warm up and review will be held before Mass at 11:15am every Sunday. Our FIRST CHOIR MASS will be SEPTEMBER 13. Please see Jeannine Pond, Music/Choir Director, in the choir loft after any weekend Mass to sign up. CHILDREN’S CHOIR – Grades 3 through 8 Lift up your ENTHUSIASTIC voices in song to the Lord.” Our new season of children’s choir begins with voices from CCD and St. Francis Academy. Children’s choir sings at the 10:15am Mass. Choir practice is held in the Church choir loft every Sunday before the 10:15am Mass from 9:15 to 10:00am. To accommodate CCD groups A & B short rehearsals will be held before CCD classes from 8:30 to 9:00am. CHOIR WILL BEGIN with TWO ADDITIONAL rehearsals THURSDAY, September 17 & 24 from 6:00 to 6:45pm in the choir loft to prepare for our FIRST CHOIR MASS on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. Please see Jeannine Pond, Music/Choir Director, in the choir loft after any weekend Mass to sign up. Every Friday, Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass BULLETIN WEEK OF: SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Monday, September 7 (Labor Day) 9:00 am Shafiq D. Handal, req. by wife, Lile & Family William Lenahan, req. by wife, Eleanor Tuesday, September 8 8:00am Georgianna Fergerson, req. by Norma & Gordon Geiger Special Intentions for Our Servicemen & Servicewomen Serving Our Country Dirk VanGelder, req. by wife, Anna Wednesday, September 9 8:00am Angelina Fattorusso, req. by The Rosary Altar Society Members Thursday, September 10 8:00am Virginia Luzzi (Birthday) req. by niece, Joyce Klein Matilde Ortiz, req. by Ann Riccardi Friday, September 11 8:00am Philomena Saracco, req. by Family James Beecher, req. by Anne & John Krautheim Dorothy Shater, req. by The Farina Family Saturday, September 12 8:30 am Memorial Mass 5:30pm Edna & Alfred Appello, req. by Kevin & Vincent Louis D’Antonio, req. by Kevin & Vincent Barbara Weir, req. by The Cassidy Family Bernice Cusack, req. by husband, Ed Sunday, September 13 7:30am Angelo Grosso, req. by wife, Evelina Helen W. Graziano (15th Anniversary) req. by dauthers, Joyce & JoAnne Graziano Emil Simonetti, req. by Betty Halik 10:15am John Francis & Ruth M. Ryan, req. by Father Patrick Nonni, Capone & Chiaradonna Families, req. by Family Peter Gulino, req. by Anne & John Krautheim Francesco Verderame, req. by The Amendola Family Jack Mullen, req. by Karen & Pat Mullen 12:00pm Grace & Angelo Occhiuzzi, req. by Family Giuseppina DeMartines, req. by Mary & John Mantione John William Loepsinger, req. by Luann & James Sinforosa Please Note: Mass on Monday, September 7th (Labor Day) will be celebrated at 9:00 am New Mass Schedule: Starting September 15th. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:00 am. Tuesday at 8:15 am ACADEMY OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL NEWS September 5 / 6, 2015 The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrating its tenth year of academic excellence. As the new principal at the Academy, I look forward to continuing the traditions of the past, in addition to introducing new ones. Please allow me to introduce our new staff members… PreK- Mrs. Ann Marie Velasquez is a graduate of St. James School. For the last seven years she has been teaching at Building Blocks Preschool at Chilton Hospital. Grade 3- Mrs. Leah Battaglia has been teaching at St. Clare’s Elementary School for thirteen years. In addition to a standard certificate, she is a certified teacher of students with disabilities. Grade 5- Mrs. Sharon Hoffman is a graduate of St. James School. For the past three years, she has been teaching for the Essex Regional Education Services. She has been in our school since September of 2013. Grade 6- Mrs. Anna Maria Bock has her master’s degree in education from St. John’s University. She spent several years teaching in the New York City schools before becoming a stay-at-home mother of two. Music- Joanne Spiegel is an accomplished vocal music teacher. She has years of experience in teaching, producing concerts, and school based Broadway productions. The teachers at the Academy have been attending workshops on one of the latest developments in education. With the continuous support of the technology specialist, teachers will be implementing blended learning into their classrooms. Blended learning is a form of instruction where students receive part of their instruction online. Teachers will utilize the school’s wireless infrastructure and portable computer lab carts to enhance student learning. The Academy is a member of the National Association for Professional Development Schools through a partnership with William Paterson University for innovative and reflective practices that ultimately enhance student learning and achievement. The students and teachers are looking forward to welcoming back Mrs. D’Alto. Mrs. D’Alto dazzled the students last year with innovative math lessons that brought a great deal of enthusiasm to math class. The students and the staff are looking forward to an exciting, productive new school year! Ms. Leslie Dreps Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Weekend of September 5-6, 2015 We offer a wonderful program, providing our children with a strong foundation for a faith-filled journey and teaching them how to live out their faith in their daily lives. Learning and fun go hand in hand as the children grow closer to Jesus and to each other in Grades 1 to 10. REGISTRATION & RE-REGISTRATION INFORMATION Families currently in our program, who have re-registered your child/children should have received a letter and a calendar in the mail this past week. If you have not, please call or stop by the R. E. Office. Families who have not re-registered their child/children are asked to register them as soon as possible. Classes are to begin on September 13th for A Week and September 20th for B Week. To receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in 2nd Grade, children must be enrolled in 1st Grade. To receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 10th Grade, children must be enrolled in 9th Grade For information regarding our Religious Education Program, please call (973)790-4860. Mrs. Ivette Valori – Director of Religious Education Mrs. Gail Monochello/Administrative Assistant - 973-790-4860 Sam Corrado S Joe Corrado Santangelo Funeral Home Foreign & Domestic Auto Repairs Sales · Service · Auto Accessories 24-Hour Road Service Proudly serving the community for over 50 years. 635 McBride Avenue, Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424 (973) 345-2500 • 973-942-0159 Emily A. Santangelo, Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 4778 589 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA FITNESS.COM High Intensity Monitored Interval Training Designed To Maximize Your Metabolic Rate Heart-Rate Based INTERVAL TRAINING • BURN UP TO 500-1000 CALORIES in a 60 Minute Session BURN CALORIES UP TO 36 HOURS Post Workout • Members Can Lose up to 8 POUNDS A WEEK Call Now for Pre-Opening Rates 650 Union Blvd., Totowa, NJ 973-500-6600 THE LEADER IN ORGANIC BASED LAWN CARE® Safer Lawn Care Naturally™ JAMES EBBINGHOUSEN, OPERATIONS MGR. 973-339-9690 Walker’s Hardware We Deliver BREAKFAST, LUNCH & CATERING 169 Union Blvd. Totowa 973-925-7778 EBBY’S LANDSCAPING Complete Landscape Service RETAINING WALLS • PAVING STONES LANDSCAPE DESIGN • LAWN MAINTENANCE 973-790-7720 Complimentary PANCAKE TESTER Sunday with this ad Leopizzi Christopher Leopizzi Associate Broker/Totowa Resident Office: 973-684-7171 Direct: 201-320-9450 Email: 974 MCBRIDE AVENUE · WOODLAND PARK Insurance Specialist t 862-336-9400 · f 862-336-9401 318 UNION AVENUE · PATERSON, NJ 973-942-2694 James Ebbinghousen Real Estate Agency Lic. #02576A Glidden Paint Hardware · Keys Cut Plumbing Supplies Lionel Trains Auth. Factory Svc. 294 Union Blvd., Totowa Collision Repair Paintless Dent Repair All Insurance Accepted Free Estimates Car-O-liner Systems Factory Finish CANTERBURY AT CEDAR GROVE Care & Rehabilitation Center Mary Savoia Admissions Director T 973.239.7600 · F 973.239.3016 C 973.868.3393 · 398 Pompton Avenue · Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 YOUR TRUE COMMUNITY BANK • Free Checking • Free Mobile Banking • E-Statements • Commercial Loans • Home Equity Credit Lines • Free Online Banking • Remote Capture Service • Surcharge free ATMs ATTORNEY AT LAW Joseph A. Mecca, Esq., PC ELDER LAW • WILLS TRUSTS • ESTATES ~ Evening & Weekend Appointments Welcomed ~ 973-890-5701 1130 McBride Avenue · Woodland Park Graves, Crypts & Niches Available 52 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: (973) 942-3368 • Fax: (973) 942-3341 North Star Builders For All Your Construction Needs DEMO • NEW • ADDITIONS Set Up Best Way Emergency Repair Services Available • 50+ Years • References Available 973-220-1844 Fully Licensed & Insured FREE IN HOME ESTIMATES m Showrooons: i t Loca 154 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512 141 Moonachie Road Moonachie, NJ 07074 (973) 790-5000 Fax: (973) 790-5008 • email: 166E (JR) - St. James - Totowa, NJ FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside ROBERT P. FESTA, Sr. President 111 Union Boulevard Totowa, N.J. NJ Lic. No. 2502 FUNERAL HOME INC. ROBERT P. FESTA, Jr. Manager 973-790-8686 • Fax 973-790-6174 NJ Lic. No. 4097 (973) 278-9494 973-653-3636 IGGY’S AUTO SERVICE 650 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512 For All Your Auto Needs Brakes • Tune Ups • Tires Check Engine Light • Exhaust (Totowa Village) 582 Mcbride Avenue (Corner of Willow Way) West Paterson Walk-Ins Welcome Commercial • Industrial HVAC Install & Service Throughout NJ For Service Call 973-812-4422 351 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA · 862-239-1768 Residential • Commercial • Rentals 420 Totowa Rd., Totowa Boro, NJ 973-595-1500 Email: Award Winning Quality Service Office GOLD PROPERTIES Each office is independently owned and operated. FREE WATCH BATTERY WITH COUPON “Your Family Jeweler” 973-790-7400 384 Totowa Rd., Totowa (Neighbor of St. James Church) HILLERY STREET Restaurant & Grill PAWN SHOP Fully Insured and Bonded for your protection. SELL • BUY • PAWN Short Term Loans No Credit Check 594 Union Blvd. Totowa, NJ 07512 973-689-7753 Cash For Gold Jewelry • Coins • Watches Old Toys • Sports Memorabilia Military Memorabilia & Collectibles Highest Prices Paid! Bernard Ciongoli, Owner, NJ License #L065416 • Cell 201-888-7552 • Fax 862-257-1643 PREMIER DENTAL CARE General Family Dentistry 142 Totowa Rd., Totowa, NJ 973-595-1333 CATERING • BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER Richard J. Gryzmolowicz, D.D.S. 418 Union Blvd. • Totowa 973-595-5955 • NEW PATIENTS WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY EXAM 10% OFF Any Take-Out, Dine-In Or Delivery Order Valid Anytime, Except Holidays. Not to be combined w/any other offer. Casa Mia Pizzeria & Restaurant “Quality Cuisine Prepared With Pride” Wholesale Catering Menu Party Trays All Occasions ~ WE DELIVER ~ 973-942-4000 384 TOTOWA ROAD · TOTOWA JESSE MALIK Director TOTOWA RESIDENT Plumbing & Heating 201-321-4181 Ted Poecker Electric L.L.C COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL & INDUSTRIAL GOGLIA PAINTING 973-839-3761 2190 Hamburg Tpke., Wayne, NJ 07470· Fax: 973-839-3668 · 166E (JR) - St. James - Totowa, NJ PAWNDINGO REALTY, INC. ~ Serving Our Community ~ NJ LICENSE #17355 · FULLY INSURED & BONDED · 973-747-2787 call Joe Allegra 973-595-9115 973-845-3056 Flags for All Occasions 594 Union Blvd., Totowa 1-800-458-8362 STANDARD TILE SUPPLY CO. INC. Importers and Distributors Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile ~ Open 7 Days ~ 973-256-6412 255 ROUTE 46 WEST · TOTOWA FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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