October 25, 2015 - St. James of the Marches
Church of St. James of the Marches 410 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512-2098 (www.stjamesofthemarches.com) (stjameschurch@optonline.net) Our Community Is Served By: Sacramental Life The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Sundays: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm (Saturday), 7:30am, 10:15 am & 12:00 Noon Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am. Tuesday 8:15 am (children’s mass) Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: AS ANNOUNCED The Sacrament of Penance Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by request at anytime. The Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month immediately AFTER the 10:15 am Mass Parents should contact the Rectory either before or soon after the birth of the baby to register for the reception of the Sacrament. Instruction for parents and godparents are held by appointments. Parents and godparents are expected to be practicing Catholics; godparent must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in order to serve as sponsors. The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Sponsor Certificates: ONLY Eligible Registered & Practicing Parishioners will be given certification to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. Parish House 32 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-0288 Fax: 973-790-7064 (office hours 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday) The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi 400 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-956-8824 Fax: 973-956-9430 Religious Education Office (CCD) 31 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-4860 Fax: 973-790-4644 stjamesccd@optonline.net Father J. Patrick Ryan, Pastor Monsignor Eugene M. Boland, Pastor Emeritus Father Leo Antony, S.D.V., Assisting Monsignor Patrick Brown, Assisting Father Janusz Rzadca, Assisting Mr. Nestor Martinez, Seminarian-Intern Ms. Leslie Dreps, Principal Ms. Ivette M. Valori, Director of Religious Education Sr. Mary Cecile Swanton, C.S.JB., Pastoral Associate/Faith Formation Ms. Marie Patella, Bible Study Mr. Kevin Walsh, Trustee Mr. John Waryas, Trustee Ms. Virginia Andreano, President Parish Council Ms. Ann Riccardi, Administrative Assistant Ms. Catherine Ryan, Bookkeeper Ms. Gail Monochello, Administrative Assistant/CCD Ms. Janet Cozzolino, Ms. Diana Farina, Ms. Adelaide Fiorarancio, and Ms. Fran Tesoriero, Parish Support Staff Ms. Jeannine Pond, Music Director Mr. Greg Caldarone, Music Ministry Mr. Michael Agures, Mr. James Beagin, Ms. Mary Jean Hayek, Mr. Jerry McFarlane, & Mr. Antonio Vacca, Sacristans Pastoral care of the Sick We wish to be of help to anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, age or disability. To receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the Rectory. Kindly notify one of the priests if you wish them to visit a family member who is hospitalized. Devotions: Every Friday - Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Anyone wishing to become Catholic or who has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation should call the Rectory for further information. Parish Registration Every Catholic family in the Parish should be registered. Please contact the Parish Office to do so or use the below form to join our Parish. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: All adult Catholics should register in the Parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents. In order for us to testify to your ability for sponsorship in Baptism, Confirmation or witness to a Catholic marriage, it is necessary to be a registered member of this Parish. Also, please notify the Parish Office of any changes in address, or if you are leaving the Parish. (Please PRINT) NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE__________ ZIP _____________ PHONE #________________________________________________ Check: ____New Reg. ____Moving ____Change of address Please cut out & return to the rectory or place in the collection basket Thinking Out Loud …. Last week, from the pulpit, I mentioned that two of our schools celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their foundation. Sacred Heart School, in Rockaway, celebrated a Mass with our Bishop Serratelli at 10 am, and St. Gerard’s, in nearby Paterson, celebrated Mass at 6 pm with the Bishop also presiding. Both celebrations were beautiful, well attended, and joyful. God is present in both schools, in their faculty and students, and it is wonderful that children can acknowledge the reality of God and His presence in their lives in both institutions. Both schools were built in 1965, and that seems to have been the heyday of expansion for our Catholic institutions, schools, colleges, hospitals, etc. Those were exciting days, and my memory tells me that there was a mindset that Catholics in this country had finally arrived. For so long, Catholics had been treated as secondclass citizens, but with John Kennedy being elected, there was this sense that we were as good as anyone else. We had record numbers of young men entering the seminary and young women, almost too many to count, entering the convent. As things evolved, John Kennedy and the Kennedy family were far more human than most of us ever suspected, and the days of remarkable numbers of men and women serving the Church in religious life did not continue as we had hoped. Today, it is more common for a Catholic school to be closing. In most cases, unfortunately, the only schools that are thriving are in upper class areas. A few weeks ago, I celebrated Holy Mass for the Sisters who taught me in first grade. They were a community that had schools throughout Staten Island and even one in Manhattan. While their numbers once were one hundred or more, they are now down to eleven, and the average age has to be eighty or so. St. Theresa once wrote, “God alone is changeless,” and she knew what she was writing about. Everything changes, and we would do well to keep this Saint’s wisdom and insight with us as we go through each day. Bringing that thought close to home, we think and pray for Monsignor Patrick Brown who helps us here at St. James in so many ways. One day he is in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, listening to our Holy Father speak during a vespers service; two weeks later, he is told he has cancer in both lungs. The following week, a tumor in the brain is discovered, and the latest concern is that he might have suffered a stroke(s). Talk about having your world turned up-side down in a very short time. The doctors are the best, and they are optimistic. Monsignor has a great attitude, and he keeps moving forward as he has always done. Prayers, many prayers, are needed that Monsignor Brown be restored to good health. All of us need to remember that our health should never be taken for granted. An unfortunate situation occurred resulting in some bad news for us to report about our neighboring parish, Our Lady of Holy Angels, Little Falls. Two Sundays ago, the church was broken into for the third time in seven years. What was stolen was of little monetary value, but that the sacred was violated is most serious. My hunch is that the vandals were not from this area. Little Falls, like Totowa, is a very nice town. Those who cause havoc are usually not from the area into which they impose themselves. Measures are now being taken to secure Our Lady of Holy Angels Church from such further incidents. It is unfortunate, however, that such precautions must be taken, as it is consoling to so many to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament in the course of one’s day. Our Church is open from before the morning Mass until around 6 pm. We are going to have to look at our situation to see if we might need to tighten things up, in order to prevent an incident like the one that happened at Our Lady of Holy Angels from happening here. Any suggestions, please call me at the Parish House. While I am concerned about the well-being of this Church and its property, I have greater concern about the safety of the many visitors who come to our Church in the course of a day to pray. It almost feels as if nothing is sacred these days, and that is not a good feeling. Please keep Monsignor Brown and all others who are in need of healing in your prayers. Father Patrick a request for prayers for: Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella USAF/Japan Captain Ryan Bellmann Army/Kuwait Lt. JG Brittany Davis US Navy/San Diego, CA Private 1st Class Lorenzo Andro Estrera US Marines / Arizona Captain Jesse Geiger Army Reserve / Fort Dix First Lt. Joshua Kluzek US Marines / Japan Senior Airman Anthony Laurice US Air Force / Kuwait Major Daniel McGuire US Air Force / Oklahoma City Major Jeffrey Meade US Air Force / Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ Specialist Edward Mutch Army Reserve / Fort Dix Private Anthony Rivera US Marines / Paris Island, South Carolina Private Clifford VanTassel Army / Iraq If you have a relative or friend who is in the Armed Forces, please call us at 973-790-0288 and their names will appear in our weekly bulletin & we will be praying for them for their safety & their families. God Bless America! Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults R.I.C.A. Classes will begin on Sunday, October 25 after the 10:15 am Mass. in the CCD office. (31 St. James Place) Any adult wanting to be baptized and/ or to receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist or Confirmation, may still call the Parish House by October 27th (973-790-0288) RESPECT LIFE MASS Please SAVE the DATE - Bishop Serratelli will be celebrating a Respect Life Mass (was previously called (Mass for the Unborn). The Mass will be on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at Saint Ann Parish in Parsippany at 10:00 AM. This Mass is sponsored by the Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus Councils. Please share this information with all. Following the Mass, there will be light refreshments. The Mass is a wonderful way for our faithful to come together in prayer and in mutual support for protecting all of our children - born and unborn. PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember in your prayers the following: John Amodio, Jackie Balloutine, Sharbel Balloutine, Donna Bruen, Lorraine Calamita, Rose Campagna, Kristin Cappuccio, Maria Ciaremella, Lucy & Antonio Convertino, Harry Cortes, James E. Cunningham, Frank DeCeglie Sr., Angelina Fattorusso, Pete Farina, Dennis Florence, Valerie Foti, Nancy Ann Gallo, Betty Goodsir, Philip Gordon, Karen Gourley, Linda & Domingo Handal, Josephine Iandiorio, Theresa Iuculano, Angie Kimble, Dana Kobloth, Anne Krautheim, Joey Kuri, Father Justin Kusibab, OFM Conv., Juliann Marciano, Madeline Mathers, John Nicoll, Andrew O’Connor, Kathleen Occhino, Brother Stefano Michael Panzella, Panizzolo, LC., Anthony Polito, Denis Sullivan, Paul Tommasi, Joseph Valle, Bea Vinciguerra, Bryan Wells, Ann Williams, Robyn Zaleski, Evan Zillner, Agnes Mariella Zimmer. HOME TO GOD Please pray for all those who have recently passed on, especially Frank Winkleman. The deceased always rely on our prayers on their journey home to God. Bible Study (NEW TIME) If you would like to join our Bible Study Group, below is the schedule of dates. We meet in the CCD office (31 St. James Place) at 7:00 PM. Please call the Parish House (973-790-0288) to register. (Gospel of St. John) Monday, November 23 (Chapter 2) and Tuesday, December 15 (Chapter 3) Italian Mass La Messa Italiana sara’ celebrata Lunedi, Novembre 2 alle ore 7:30 di sera per i defunti. The Italian Mass will be celebrated on Monday, November 2 at 7:30 pm for our deceased. All are welcomed! Hospital Visits Please call the Parish House (973-7900288) or email (stjameschurch@optonline.net) to let us know if someone in your family and/or another parish member is hospitalized and would appreciate a visit from a member of our parish team. WEEKLY COLLECTION Sunday, October 18, 2015 Saturday: 5:30 pm 7:30 am 10:15 am 12:00 pm TOTAL Amount $1,557 $1,852 $1,848 $1,541 $6,798 Envelopes Used 68 75 82 69 COLLECTION COMPARISON 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 $6,252 $6,145 $6,251 $6,766 $6,798 Next Money Tabulators Group: St. Columba Knights of Columbus News October Meetings: Degree Meeting, Thursday, October 22nd @ 7:30 pm. November Meetings: Monday, November 2 @ 7:30 pm. Degree Meeting, Thursday, November 12 @ 7:30 pm Deceased Members Mass: Monday, November 16 @ 7:30 pm (Please bring canned goods) Rosary Altar Society Rosary Mass, Sunday, November 1 at 10:15 am. Recitation of the Rosary at 9:50 am. Meeting: Monday, November 2, 2015 @ 7:30 pm. Cake Sale on November 14th & 15th after all Masses in the school hall. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NOVEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm John Krautheim,Bette Beagin, Jerry McFarlane Sunday, 7:30 am Marianne Lobue, Mary Stuckey, Diane Capone Sunday,10:15 am Ken Brino, Jerry & Michele Siccardi Sunday, 12:00 noon Dolores & John Sheptock, Michael Greco LECTOR NOVEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm Jasmin Figueroa Sunday, 7:30 am Mary Jean Hayek Sunday, 10:15 am Rosemarie Brino & Confirmation Student Sunday, 12:00 noon Leila Stephan ALTAR SERVER SAVE THE DATE International Food Festival. Saturday, November 7, 2015 after the 5:30 pm Mass in the school hall. Tickets: Adults $15.00 Children: 12 & under $5.00 Food for the Needy Next weekend (November 7 / 8) please bring a gift of food / gift certificate (if g.c., please drop into the collection basked) for the needy. Non-perishable, please. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. St. Vincent DePaul Society Turkey or Ham Donation If you will be donating a turkey or ham, for people in need in our community and near by, please drop-off in the CCD office (31 St. James Place, Totowa) Beginning November 2, Monday thru Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Thank you for your generosity. NOVEMBER 2015 SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 pm Jorge Arana Matthew Ruiz Santiago Ruiz Sebastian Ruiz Sunday: 7:30 am Ryan Bravo Victor Bravo Jayden Correa Christian Sanchez 10:15 am Salavatore Licea Sebastian Mercado Alexandra Papadopoulos Gregory Papadopoulos 12:00 pm Sebastian Abanto Erick Cielemecki Zach Cronin Aldo Mercedes memorial intentions saturday mass at 8:30 am yearly: january / december 2015 Brizzi & Simonetti Families, Margaret & John Costantini, Father James F. Dolan, S.J., Gabriele Dragone, Giuseppe Dragone, John J. Griffin & Erin Ryan Gourley, Monsignor Michael F. Hart, John Krautheim, Sr., Father Bernard McKenna, The Marone & The DiGuglielmo Families, The Porco Family & Anthony Picarelli, Father Francis J. Reilly, Philip Sgobba, Jean Sprich, John E. & Rose V. Tchounis, Robert Varettoni & Family, Albert Venditte, Sr., Stephen Wrazen & Family and The Family of Frank P. Zaccaria. monthly: october 2015 Alma Carbone, DeVito & Conetta Families, Carmine & Maria Romaniello, Philip Sgobba, Krystle M. Spinner, Nunzio Vacca and Jack Whitney. Music Corner Adult Christmas Choir Rehearsals begin November for Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass. Calling all singers from 7th grade to 90 years old and counting to proclaim a wondrous "Gloria" on that mystical night. Rehearsals will be held from 8 to 8:45pm, Thursdays November 5 & 12; December 3 & 10 and before Midnight Mass at 11:15pm. You are also welcome to rehearse Advent songs with the adult choir at our regular choir practice starting at 7pm and to sing at the 12noon Mass on Sundays. Children’s Choir will sing at the 5:30pm mass on Christmas Eve. Three choir practices for Christmas Eve Mass will be held Thursday, December 3, 10 & 17 from 6pm to 7pm. Children’s Choir sings at the 10:15am Mass every Sunday. Rehearsals are held before Mass at 9:15am. Adult Choir sings at the 12noon Mass every Sunday. Rehearsals are held before Mass at 11:30am and three Thursdays, a month from 7:00 to 8:30pm in the Choir Loft. Advent & Christmas song practice beginning November. 2016 Mass Book The Daily Mass Record Book for 2016 is in the Parish House. Please stop in the office to arrange for your Mass intentions. Every Friday, Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass BULLETIN WEEK OF: OCTOBER 25, 2015 Monday, October 26 8:00 am Josephine Biggs, req. by Donna Galante Giordano Milevoj, req. by The Family Young Kwak, req. by Mary Jean Hayek Tuesday, October 27 8:15 am Ida S. Marotta, req. by Jim Marotta William Lenahan, req. by wife, Eleanor Wednesday, October 28 8:00 am Catherine Mullenberg, req. by Marie & Richard Mullenberg II Carolina Delli Gatti, req. by Carmen Dell Gatti Thursday, October 29 8:00 am Peter Joseph Kearns, req. by wife, Margaret Departed Souls Who Have No One, req. by Anonymous Dirk VanGelder, req. by wife, Anna Friday, October 30 8:00 am Special Intentions for Our Servicemen & Servicewomen Serving Our Country Charles Henry Reynolds, req. by Steven Andiorio Saturday, October 31 8:30 am Memorial Mass 5:30 pm Steven DeVito, Sr. (1st Anniversary) req. by Caroline Turco & Garet Cristi Barbara Weir, req. by The Cassidy Family Halina Tyjer, req. by Lola Tyjer Daniel Madrid, Sr., req. by Malou & Jerry Racho Sunday, November 1 (All Saints Day) 7:30 am Philip Sgobba, req. by wife, Grace Pauline Zaretski (13th Anniversary) req. by daughter, Kathy Angelo Grosso (Birthday) req. by daughters Santino Porporino, req. by brother, Frank 10:15 am Raffaella & Pietro D’Ettorre, req. by Giovanna & Rocco D’Ettorre Anna & Francesco Marasco, & Maurizio Marasco, req. by Giovanna & Rocco D’Ettorre Steven DeVito, req. by Diane & Dominick Capone Anne Mazzarone, req. by Pauline & Paul Traina Nunzio Vacca, req. by parents, Anna & Antonio Vacca Georgianna & Bonnie Fergerson, req. by Bernice Gloor 12:00 pm John Francis & Ruth M. Ryan, req. by Father Patrick Grace & Angelo Occhiuzzi, req. by Family Giuseppe Dragone, req. by Family Philip A. Bossert, req. by JoAnn Mantione Jennie & Frank Capo, req. by Cathy & John Capo ACADEMY OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL NEWS October 24 / 25, 2015 We welcome two new teachers to the Academy! Mrs. Barton will assume the 6th grade position beginning October 28. Mrs. Barton has recently moved here from Maryland, where she had been teaching in Catholic schools. She spent last week meeting the staff and students. Mrs. Barton has a master’s degree in STEM education. I am sure that she will be bringing a great deal of exciting learning opportunities for our students. Sister Bridget Harakal, a member of the Sisters of Christian Charity, has taken over the second grade as of Monday, October 19. Sister Bridget had been working with Mrs. Bauman in our first grade class since the beginning of the school year and is well versed in our school and curriculum. We are very blessed to have her instructing the second grade during their year of First Penance and First Holy Communion. Welcome to the Academy, Mrs. Barton and Sr. Bridget! Ms. Leslie Dreps, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS October 24 / 25, 2015 CLASS DATES: GROUP A - Oct. 25 GROUP B - Nov. 1 MANY THANKS to all who joined us for our Parents' Meeting this past Monday! It was nice to meet and greet many of you and we hope you found the meeting informative and helpful. For those who missed the meeting, please be aware of the following: UPDATED CHILD PICK UP PROCEDURE: EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY • Our program hours are from 9AM to 11:15AM • Early Dismissal will require a parent note to be sent in with the child • For the safety of each child, children may no longer by pulled from line as they walk from the school the church. to You may pick up your child INSIDE the church and ONLY AFTER they are seated PARENTS...DRESS UP THE CHILDREN AS A SAINT FOR ALL SAINTS DAY! NEXT SUNDAY, November 1st, ALL children are encouraged to come to class and/or Mass dressed in costume as a saint. Please visit the following websites below for some EASY and FUN ideas!...It's a great way for the children to learn and have fun at the same time! http://www.catholicicing.com/all-saints-day-costume-ideas-for-girls/ http://www.catholicicing.com/all-saints-day-costume-ideas-for-boys/ Ivette Valori, DRE, re.stjameschurch@gmail.com Gail Monochello, AA, stjamesccd@optonline.net 973.790.4860 SILVER AND GOLD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Couples, were you married in 1965 or 1990? You are warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of Paterson. Bishop Serratelli will be the main celebrant at Mass at St. Mary Church, Denville on Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 4:00pm. Registration for Silver and Gold Anniversary Mass on November 8, 2015 Registration for this celebration will be handled through the website. You can access the registration site at www.insidethewalls.org/golden-and-silver-wedding-anniversary-celebration Registrations will be accepted until Monday, October 26, 2015. The couple will receive an invitation once the registration is processed by my office. Guests are invited to attend with the Jubilarians. If you have any questions about the celebration, please do not hesitate to call my office at (973) 377-1004, ext. 417. Ms. Eni Honsberger. Sam Corrado S Joe Corrado Santangelo Funeral Home Foreign & Domestic Auto Repairs Sales · Service · Auto Accessories 24-Hour Road Service Proudly serving the community for over 50 years. 635 McBride Avenue, Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424 (973) 345-2500 • www.santangelofuneral.com 973-942-0159 www.TotowaTire.com Emily A. Santangelo, Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 4778 589 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA FITNESS.COM High Intensity Monitored Interval Training Designed To Maximize Your Metabolic Rate Heart-Rate Based INTERVAL TRAINING • BURN UP TO 500-1000 CALORIES in a 60 Minute Session BURN CALORIES UP TO 36 HOURS Post Workout • Members Can Lose up to 8 POUNDS A WEEK Call Now for Pre-Opening Rates 650 Union Blvd., Totowa, NJ 973-500-6600 THE LEADER IN ORGANIC BASED LAWN CARE® Safer Lawn Care Naturally™ JAMES EBBINGHOUSEN, OPERATIONS MGR. 973-339-9690 organiclawncare@naturalawn.com www.naturaLawn.com Walker’s Hardware We Deliver BREAKFAST, LUNCH & CATERING 169 Union Blvd. Totowa 973-925-7778 www.cyndias.com EBBY’S LANDSCAPING Complete Landscape Service RETAINING WALLS • PAVING STONES LANDSCAPE DESIGN • LAWN MAINTENANCE 973-790-7720 Complimentary PANCAKE TESTER Sunday with this ad Leopizzi Christopher Leopizzi Associate Broker/Totowa Resident Office: 973-684-7171 Direct: 201-320-9450 Email: cleopizzi@yahoo.com 974 MCBRIDE AVENUE · WOODLAND PARK Insurance Specialist t 862-336-9400 · f 862-336-9401 318 UNION AVENUE · PATERSON, NJ 973-942-2694 www.walkershardwareandtrains.com James Ebbinghousen Real Estate Agency Lic. #02576A Glidden Paint Hardware · Keys Cut Plumbing Supplies Lionel Trains Auth. Factory Svc. 294 Union Blvd., Totowa Collision Repair Paintless Dent Repair All Insurance Accepted Free Estimates Car-O-liner Systems Factory Finish CANTERBURY AT CEDAR GROVE Care & Rehabilitation Center Mary Savoia Admissions Director T 973.239.7600 · F 973.239.3016 C 973.868.3393 · msavoia@canterburycc.com 398 Pompton Avenue · Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 YOUR TRUE COMMUNITY BANK • Free Checking • Free Mobile Banking • E-Statements • Commercial Loans • Home Equity Credit Lines • Free Online Banking • Remote Capture Service • Surcharge free ATMs ATTORNEY AT LAW Joseph A. 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No. 2502 FUNERAL HOME INC. ROBERT P. FESTA, Jr. Manager 973-790-8686 • Fax 973-790-6174 HILLERY STREET Restaurant & Grill NJ Lic. No. 4097 (973) 278-9494 973-653-3636 IGGY’S AUTO SERVICE 142 Totowa Road · Totowa, NJ 973-595-1333 650 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512 For All Your Auto Needs CATERING • BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER Brakes • Tune Ups • Tires Check Engine Light • Exhaust 10% OFF Any Take-Out, Dine-In Or Delivery Order Valid Anytime, Except Holidays. Not to be combined w/any other offer. (Totowa Village) 582 Mcbride Avenue (Corner of Willow Way) West Paterson www.nicolasristorante.net Walk-Ins Welcome Commercial • Industrial HVAC Install & Service Throughout NJ For Service Call 973-812-4422 351 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA · 862-239-1768 Residential • Commercial • Rentals 420 Totowa Rd., Totowa Boro, NJ 973-595-1500 Email: C21goldpro@aol.com Award Winning Quality Service Office GOLD PROPERTIES Each office is independently owned and operated. FREE WATCH BATTERY WITH COUPON “Your Family Jeweler” 973-790-7400 www.mazzojewelers.com 384 Totowa Rd., Totowa (Neighbor of St. James Church) PAWNDINGO PAWN SHOP Fully Insured and Bonded for your protection. www.pawndingo.com SELL • BUY • PAWN Short Term Loans No Credit Check REALTY, INC. 594 Union Blvd. Totowa, NJ 07512 973-689-7753 Cash For Gold Jewelry • Coins • Watches Old Toys • Sports Memorabilia Military Memorabilia & Collectibles Highest Prices Paid! Bernard Ciongoli, Owner, NJ License #L065416 • Cell 201-888-7552 • Fax 862-257-1643 PREMIER DENTAL CARE General Family Dentistry Authentic Italian Deli and Butcher Shop CATERING OPEN 7 DAYS 973-595-7298 santorosmarket@yahoo.com 332 UNION BOULEVARD • TOTOWA Richard J. 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Importers and Distributors Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile ~ Open 7 Days ~ 973-256-6412 www.stdtile.com 255 ROUTE 46 WEST · TOTOWA FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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