May 15, 2016 - St. James of the Marches
Church of St. James of the Marches 410 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512-2098 ( ( Our Community Is Served By: Sacramental Life The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Sundays: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm (Saturday), 7:30am, 10:15 am & 12:00 Noon Weekdays: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am. Tuesday 8:15 am (children’s mass) Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: AS ANNOUNCED The Sacrament of Penance Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by request at anytime. The Sacrament of Baptism Celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month immediately AFTER the 10:15 am Mass Parents should contact the Parish House either before or soon after the birth of the baby to register for the reception of the Sacrament. Instruction for parents and godparents are held by appointments. Parents and godparents are expected to be practicing Catholics; godparent must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in order to serve as sponsors. The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Please call the Parish House for an appointment. Sponsor Certificates: ONLY Eligible Registered & Practicing Parishioners will be given certification to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. © 2011 Bon Venture Services, LLC Parish House 32 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-0288 Fax: 973-790-7064 (office hours 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday) The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi 400 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-956-8824 Fax: 973-956-9430 Religious Education Office (CCD) 31 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: 973-790-4860 Fax: 973-790-4644 Father J. Patrick Ryan, Pastor Monsignor Eugene M. Boland, Pastor Emeritus Father Leo Antony, S.D.V., Assisting Monsignor Patrick Brown, Assisting Father Janusz Rzadca, Assisting Mr. Nestor Martinez, Seminarian-Intern Ms. Leslie Dreps, Principal Ms. Ivette M. Valori, Director of Religious Education Sr. Mary Cecile Swanton, C.S.JB., Pastoral Associate/Faith Formation Ms. Marie Patella, Bible Study Mr. Kevin Walsh, Trustee Mr. John Waryas, Trustee Ms. Virginia Andreano, President Parish Council Ms. Ann Riccardi, Administrative Assistant Ms. Catherine Ryan, Bookkeeper Ms. Gail Monochello, Administrative Assistant/CCD Ms. Janet Cozzolino, Ms. Diana Farina, Ms. Adelaide Fiorarancio, and Ms. Fran Tesoriero, Parish Support Staff Ms. Jeannine Pond, Music Director Mr. Greg Caldarone, Music Ministry Mr. James Beagin, Ms. Mary Jean Hayek, Mr. Jerry McFarlane, & Mr. Antonio Vacca, Sacristans Pastoral care of the Sick We wish to be of help to anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, age or disability. To receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the Parish House. Kindly call the Parish House if you wish a visit for a family member who is hospitalized. Devotions: Every First Friday - Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Anyone wishing to become Catholic or who has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation should call the Parish House for further information. Parish Registration Every Catholic family in the Parish should be registered. Please contact the Parish Office to do so or use the below form to join our Parish. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: All adult Catholics should register in the Parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents. In order for us to testify to your ability for sponsorship in Baptism, Confirmation or witness to a Catholic marriage, it is necessary to be a registered member of this Parish. Also, please notify the Parish Office of any changes in address, or if you are leaving the Parish. (Please P R I N T) NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE__________ ZIP _____________ PHONE #________________________________________________ Check: ____New Reg. ____Moving ____Change of address Please cut out & return to the rectory or place in the collection basket Thinking Out Loud . . . . Today, we celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost, the third most significant feast in our Church’s calendar, the day we refer to as the birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit descended on those who made-up the Church over 2,000 years ago and brought people of every nation, color, and culture together, unified in their belief in Jesus Christ. This Feast should be celebrated in a very significant way, perhaps more than it is usually celebrated here in our Church. We hope our 10:15 am Mass reflects this up-grade in celebrating this important event in the life of the Church. We are also celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the founding of our parish, next Sunday at the noon Mass, with a lunch at the Barnyard and Carriage House to follow. When the idea of this celebration was first mentioned, it did not receive the attention it deserved from me. Someone suggested waiting until the hundredth anniversary, as it is only ten years away. It was then brought to my attention that many of the “old time” parishioners may not be around in ten years. Looking over the many, many parishioners who have been called home to God just over the past twelve months, it certainly does make sense to celebrate while we can. There are some in our ranks (not many) who were here in the days of Father Francis Reilly, the first resident diocesan priest named Pastor. His legacy continues through the annual Father Francis Reilly Award Dinner we have every year when we honor people who emulate Father Reilly’s faith, determination, and love of St. James. Last week was a full one sacramentally. In less than a twenty-four hour period, five Masses (including a wedding) were celebrated, and three tiny gifts from God were baptized. This weekend, nine Masses will be celebrated in two days (including three First Holy Communion Masses). Spring has arrived! With it come a lot of rain and much sneezing. It also brings with it green grass and plants popping up everywhere. You may have noticed new bushes and flowers taking up residence around the Church and Parish House and a truck full of mulch being placed in just the exact location. We again thank Ray Ricciardi, Steve Nagy, and Ebby’s Landscaping for giving our campus the TLC it deserves. We have a new, but not so new, chair being used in our Church. A few weeks back, Mari- on and James Clark called and shared that two of our parishioners were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, and Marion and Jim wanted to do something to help mark that occasion. A chair from a Church now closed was available. It is the Presider’s chair (the one used by whoever is celebrating the Mass), well over one hundred years old, and fitting almost perfectly with chairs we already have. There is more wood ornamentation on it, the back of the chair is a bit higher, and the arm rests a bit sturdier. The chair was purchased and cleaned, and a plaque now rests on the back of the chair which reads: In gratitude to Almighty God this Cathedra is given on the occasion of the 25th wedding anniversary of Virginia Andreano and Frank Mullen, April 28, 2016, a gift of Marion and James Clark. We congratulate our Rosary Altar Society for the organization of today’s May Crowing and procession. Their love of Mary encourages all of us to stay close to the Mother of God, our friend and intercessor. We thank all our First Communion children who are participating in today’s crowning. Those students who will be making their First Holy Communion are to be prayed for that they might always appreciate, even treasure, the gift that Jesus gives to His Church and to each of them. May they always stay close to Jesus in the Eucharist. We had an informative Scripture class this past Monday evening for those CCD teachers who wanted to keep their certification current. We are grateful to them for their service in sharing the gospel with our children. As I finish writing this column, I am grateful, once again, for the opportunities that Jesus gives us to grow in His love. Through the gift of the sacraments, He nourishes our lives, strengthens our souls, and purifies our hearts. And it is with faith and joy that we can say, Jesus is Lord, and we can share His love with those who touch our lives and live forever in our hearts. Father Patrick Vivere Christus Award The goal of this award is to acknowledge the value and importance of the Laity and Religious and to express gratitude and appreciation to those who unselfishly give of themselves for the building up of God’s Kingdom. I am happy to announce that this year’s recipient of the Vivere Christus Award is: Janet Cozzolino a request for prayers for: Lt. Gen. Sam Angelella/Retired USAF/Japan Captain Ryan Bellmann Army/Kuwait Lance V. Chwan Retired US Marine/ Kosov Lt. JG Brittany Davis US Navy/San Diego, CA Lance Corporal Lorenzo Andro Estrera US Marines / Arizona Captain Jesse Geiger Army Reserve / Fort Dix First Lt. Joshua Kluzek US Marines / Japan Senior Airman Anthony Laurice US Air Force / Davis Monthan AFB, AZ Captain Joseph Leonard USNAC / Annapolis, MA Private Vincent Edward Marciano US Army, Fort Benning, Georgia Major Daniel McGuire US Air Force / Afghanistan Major Jeffrey Meade US Air Force / Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ Specialist Edward Mutch Army Reserve / Fort Dix Private Anthony Rivera US Marines / Paris Island, South Carolina Private Clifford VanTassel Army / Iraq Major Joseph Trynosky USAF/UAE If you have a relative or friend who is in the Armed Forces, please call us at 973-790-0288 and their names will appear in our weekly bulletin & we will be praying for them for their safety & their families. God Bless America! Catholic Charities / Diocese of Paterson Annual Corpus Christi Food Collection for the Poor Bishop Serratelli has authorized a Diocesan wide food collection in all parishes on the Feast of Corpus Christi MAY 28 / 29, 2016 PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember in your prayers the following: John Amodio, Jeanette Aughey, Jackie Balloutine, Sharbel Balloutine, Monsignor Patrick Brown, Donna Bruen, Lorraine Calamita, Rose Campagna, Kristin Cappuccio, Angela Coubati, Maria Ciaremella, Lucy & Antonio Convertino, Harry Cortes, James E. Cunningham, Pete Farina, Dennis Florence, Maria Dezago, Valerie Foti, Nancy Ann Gallo, Betty Goodsier, Philip Gordon, Karen Gourley, Linda & Domingo Handal, Josephine Iandiorio, Theresa Iuculano, Angie Kimble, Dana Kobloth, Anne Krautheim, Joey Kuri, Father Justin Kusibab, OFM Conv., Juliann Marciano, Madeline Mathers, John Nicoll, Andrew O’Connor, Kathleen Occhino, Brother Stefano Panizzolo, LC., Michael Panzella, April Matera-Patiro, Anthony Polito, Beverly & Robert Rousset, Denis Sullivan, Paul Tommasi, Joseph Valle, Bea Vinciguerra, Bryan Wells, Ann Williams, Robyn Zaleski, Evan Zillner, Agnes Mariella Zimmer. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults R.C.I.A. We will meet in the CCD office. (31 St. James Place) after the 10:15 am Mass on Sunday, June 12th. Come Celebrate the 90th Anniversary of our Parish MAY 22, 2016 @ 12:00 noon Mass Followed by a luncheon buffet at the Barnyard and Carriage House Donation $50.00 per person For Tickets call: Janet Cozzolino 973-595-5746 or Sister Mary Cecile 973-790-0288 (Parish House) We welcome the joy of your presence! Italian Mass La Messa Italiana sara’ celebrata Giovedi, 19 di Maggio alle ore 7:30 di sera. The Italian Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, May 19 at 7:30 pm. All are welcomed! St. James Parish has been asked to provide Pampers & Mac&Cheese St. James Seniors On Wednesday, June 22nd, the St. James Seniors will go to the Padre Pio Shrine in Barto, PA. There will be a tour, lunch and prayers. Cost is $62 per person. Deadline is June 1. Please contact Dolores at 973-956-8760 if interested in attending this trip. ST. JAMES SENIORS ITALIAN MOVIE Sunday, May 15 at 4 pm in the school hall. The Italian Society is showing an Italian Movie on the life of Pope Francis, $15 per person which includes popcorn and refreshments. Call Adelaide (973-79-0212 or Adriana (201-887-5312) for tickets. Meeting, Thursday, MAY 12, 2016 at 1:00 pm in the CCD office (31 St. James Place) Hospital Visits Please call the Parish House (973-790-0288) or email ( to let us know if someone in your family and/or another parish member is hospitalized and would appreciate a visit from a member of our parish team. WEEKLY COLLECTION Sunday, May 8, 2016 Saturday: 5:30 pm 7:30 am 10:15 am 12:00 pm TOTAL 2011 $5,041 2012 $6,273 Amount $1,448 $1,955 $1,967 $1,909 $7,279 Envelopes Used 91 89 95 70 COLLECTION COMPARISON 2013 2014 2015 2016 $6,582 $6,848 $7,226 $7,279 Next Money Tabulators Group: St. Desmond Knights of Columbus News May Meetings: May 16. Degree Meeting May 12. All meetings begin at 7:30 pm. (Please bring canned goods) Want to do some good deeds? Why not join the Knights of Columbus Council # 6574? We are always looking for new members. Free cake, coffee and laughs at every meeting so if you're interested, please contact Grand Knight Vincent D'Antonio Sr. (201 745-3387) or Membership Chairman Ted Kopec (201 396-9026). Rosary Altar Society News The Rosarians “Cakeless Cake Sale” will be held on Saturday, May 14 & Sunday May 15 following each Mass at the doors of the Church. Your generosity will be gratefully appreciated. USHERS NEEDED Ever consider helping your parish out but not sure what you can do? Ever consider becoming an usher? St. James is looking for a few good people to usher at mass particularly the 10:15 am and 12:00 pm mass. If interested please contact Bill Marmo @ 973956-0375 or the Parish House. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS MAY 2016 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm Nestor Martinez, Frank Mullen, Jasmin Figueroa Sunday, 7:30 am Mary Jean Hayek, Marianne LoBue, Sandy Buffa Sunday,10:15 am Sr. Mary Cecile Swanton, Cathy Condon, Michael Greco Sunday, 12:00 noon Neil DiDio, Dolores & John Sheptock LECTOR MAY 2016 SCHEDULE Saturday, 5:30 pm James DeSopo Sunday, 7:30 am Joe Klunk Sunday, 10:15 am Diane Emmolo & Acadmy of St. Francis Sunday, 12:00 noon Deborah McHugh ALTAR SERVER MAY 2016 SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30 pm Erick Cielemecki Christopher Marren Daniel Torres Marcus Washington Sunday: 7:30 am Ryan Bravo Victor Bravo Aldo Mercedes Christian Sanchez 10:15 am Robert Callegari Zach Cronin Jayden Correa Tyler Flynn 12:00 pm Knights of Columbus Coucil # 6574 St. James of the Marches, Totowa 15th Annual GOLF OUTING Monday, May 23rd, Meadows Golf Club, Lincoln Park For more information please call: Pete Campilango 201-452-6846 John D’Ambrosio 973-390-7699 Vincent D’Antonio 201-745-3387 Lou D’Angelo 973-435-2800 Devyn Guzman Justyn Guzman Jordan Marin Salvatore Licea Saturday, June 4th "You at Least Try to Console Me." World Apostolate of Fatima, Blue Army Shrine, 674 Mt. View Rd., Washington, NJ, invites all. Honor Our Lady's plea of Dec. 10, 1925 requesting Five Consecutive First Saturdays of Reparation. Special Guest Speaker/Celebrant Fr. Nicholas Bozza. Confessions 10:30 am; 11:30 Rosary w/15 minute meditation; 12:00 Holy Mass; 1:30 Benediction; 2:00 Holy House: Confessions, Children's Video, Talk on Last Vision of Fatima; 3:00 Divine Mercy Chaplet. Bring your family and friends to answer the call of the Child Jesus: "And have you spread through the world what our heavenly Mother requested of you?" 908-6891700 Ext 210 memorial intentions saturday mass at 8:30 am yearly: january / december 2016 Brizzi & Simonetti Families, Margaret & John Costantini, Father James F. Dolan, S.J., Gabriel Dragone, Giuseppe Dragone, Lucille Gillen, John J. Griffin & Erin Ryan Gourley, Monsignor Michael F. Hart, John W. Krautheim, Sr., Father Bernard McKenna, The Marone & DiGuglielmo Families, Grace & Angelo Occhiuzzi, Anna (Nina) Pezzolla, The Porco Family & Anthony Picarelli, Father Francis J. Reilly, Philip Sgobba, Krystle M. Spinner, Jean Sprich, John E. & Rose V. Tchounis, Nunzio Vacca, Robert Varettoni & Family, Albert Venditte, Sr., Jack Whitney, Stephen Wrazen & Family, The Family of Frank P. Zaccaria. monthly: may 2016 Ernestine & William Colella, Anthony John Colella & Michael Palarino, Jr. Music Corner MUSIC CORNER CHOIRS’ COUNT DOWN TO END OF SEASON ADULT CHOIR We have had a great singing season for St. James Choir at the 12noon Mass. The special seasons of Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter inspire reflection, joy and triumph in our faith. These are highlights of the year. 2015-16 season ends early this year (due to Easter Sunday happening in March) with the final feast days of Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, 90th Anniversary Mass and finally, Body & Blood of Christ on Memorial Weekend. Soon we will take a summer break to warm ourselves in summer sun. The 2016-2017 Choir Season begins in September. We continue to have openings in our choir if you would like to join in the leading of the congregation’s song and the singing of special choir hymns. See Jeannine Pond, Music Director in the choir loft to sign up after any weekend Mass. CHILDREN’S CHOIR – Grades 3 through 8 The Children’s Choir with songsters from CCD and St. Francis Academy has truly lifted up their ENTHUSIASTIC voices in song to the Lord. Our end of season mass will be June 5. The new season of 2016-2017 will begin in September. Children’s choir sings at the 10:15am Mass. Please see Jeannine Pond, Music Director, in the choir loft to sign up after any weekend Mass. COUNTY CLERK OUTREACH SERVICES COMING TO THE PASSAIC VALLEY AREA Paterson, NJ – Kristin M. Corrado, Esq., Passaic County Clerk, is pleased to announce an expanded April outreach schedule for the Passaic Valley area. The County Clerk’s Office will process Passport applications, issue Notary Oaths and Veteran Photo ID cards at the following times and locations. Wednesday, May 11th - Woodland Park Municipal Building, 5 Brophy Lane, Woodland Park from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursday, May 12th - Little Falls Municipal Building, 225 Main St., Little Falls from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 17th - Totowa Public Library, 537 Totowa Road, Totowa from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursday, May 26th - Alfred H. Baumann Public Library, 7 Brophy Lane, Woodland Park from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. For information on fees and requirements, please contact our office at (973)225-3690 or visit our website at BULLETIN WEEK OF: MAY 15, 2016 Monday, May 16 8:00 am Intentions for those participating in the Mother’s Day Novena Tuesday, May 17 8:15 am Lucia Veneziano (1st Year Anniversary) req. by Rose & Carmine Veneziano Maria Convertino, req. by Lucy McLaughlin Wednesday, May 18 8:00 am Anna Natale, req. by Santina & Billy Iacovo Giuseppina Porporino, req. by son, Francesco Dirk VanGelder, req. by wife, Anna Thursday, May 19 8:00 am Glenn Nebesnak, req. by Diana Ferrito Salvatore Aliotta, req. by Adelaide & John Fiorarancio Friday, May 20 8:00 am Helena Glentz, req. by Christina Dybacki William Lenahan, req. by wife, Eleanor Special Intentions for Our Servicemen and Servicewomen Serving Our Country Satruday, May 21 8:30 am Memorial Mass 5:30 am Julia Bruno, req. by The Buniewski Family Geraldine & Ray Cusack, req. by Ed & Sue Cusack Brian Moser (15th Anniversary) req. by Bernice DeMeritt Martino Convertino, req. by Carmela Barbato Ronald Rist, req. by The Trommelen Family Sunday, May 22 7:30am Angelo Grosso, req. wife, Evelina Florence Fattell, req. by Cheryl & Terry Maguire Theresa Ann Flynn, req. by Mary Jean Hayek 10:15am John Francis & Ruth M. Ryan, req. by Father Patrick Raffaela & Pietro D’Ettorre, req. by Giovanna & Rocco D’Ettorre Anna & Francesco Marasco, req. by Giovanna & Rocco D’Ettorre Maurizio Marasco, req. by Giovanna & Rocco D’Ettorre Michelle Joanne Reyes, req. by Mario Fontana 12:00pm Grace & Angelo Occhiuzzi, req. by Family Elio Trovato, req. by Marge Trovato & Family Frank Coppa, req. by son, Dominic Anna Natale, req. by Nicola Stampone First Friday of the Month: Eucharistic Adoration after the 8:00 am Mass ACADEMY OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Weekend of MAY 14 / MAY 15, 2016 The Fourth graders have had a very busy spring at the Academy of St. Francis. First there were the Giant Pandas. Giant Pandas only live in China. They have been considered an endangered species for many years. While their numbers have been increasing their habitat is decreasing. In fact, many habitats for both animals and people are shrinking or damaged because of global warming and pollution. How do I know? A fourth grader taught me. The fourth grade presented a fabulous assembly on Earth Day. The students chose their own Earth Day topics, researched the topics, and wrote what they wanted to share with the other students. Subjects covered everything from how pollution effects animals to new, cleaner forms of energy, to how the world was created by God. Because the Academy strives to help students be of service to others the children also chose a service project for Earth Day. They decided to adopt an endangered animal. A vote narrowed their selection to Giant Pandas. After much brainstorming they decided to have a PJs for Panda's Friday. For only $1.00 students could wear their PJs to school. They raised over $180! All of that money will be donated to the World Wildlife Federation to help protect the Giant Pandas and their environment. Next there was the Hurricane Hunter. One Monday the students in grades 3-8 assembled in the school basement to meet a courageous scientist. His name was Lieutenant Commander Chris Sloan. LCDR Sloan is a hurricane hunter. He is one of the brave men and women that work for NOAA - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is his job to fly and airplane right into a hurricane! The students enjoyed LCDR Sloan's presentation and exciting stories about the many risky flights he has been on. They also were able to handle an example of the sensors that the LCDR drops from his plane. The LCDR reminded students that there are many thrilling opportunities for people who study Math, Science and Engineering. Maybe someday we will welcome back an ASFA alumni who became a Hurricane Hunter. Mrs. Wendy Post, 4th grade/ 5th grade Science and Language Arts RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Grades 1 To 8 Weekend of May 14 / May 15, 2016 We CONGRATULATE all the children of the Academy of St. Francis and the Religious Education Program who received First Holy Communion yesterday, May 14th. We keep them in our prayers that they may continue to grow in their love for the Eucharist. Religious Education Classes for Grades 1 through 8 are now finished. We want to THANK all our Catechists, Volunteers and Parents for their support. CLASS SCHEDULES (Grades 9-10) May 17 **** May 31(Last Class) Important Reminder: Religious Education is ongoing for your child/children's Faith Formation, beginning in Grade 1 and continuing through Grade 10, when they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you have not registered your children for the 2016-17 classes as yet, please do so as soon as possible, so plans for next year, teachers, classes, etc. may be put in place. The office is open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 3pm. Ivette Valori, Gail Monochello, Opening Our Hearts & Working Together To Serve Others - Putting Our Faith Into Action. Our mission is for all of us to create a stronger bond and strengthen our Parish Family together with our children, as we go out into the community to serve others who are less fortunate than us and need our help. The Parish Outreach of St. James Church started with the Confirmation families and branched out to our Parishioners along with the Academy of St. Francis with various projects, such as soup kitchen visits, spending time with sick children and the elderly and participating at Special Olympics. We welcome all parishioners & our extended family at the Academy of St. Francis to join us as we put our FAITH IN ACTION. Please keep your eyes open for bulletin inserts listing Parish Outreach Opportunities and join us on our mission in helping those in need in our community. Thank You to all previous donors & participants. God bless. Please contact Ms. Handal at (973) 432-0591 Sam Corrado S Joe Corrado Walker’s Hardware Santangelo Funeral Home Foreign & Domestic Auto Repairs Sales · Service · Auto Accessories 24-Hour Road Service Proudly serving the community for over 50 years. 635 McBride Avenue, Woodland Park, New Jersey 07424 (973) 345-2500 • 973-942-0159 Emily A. Santangelo, Mgr., NJ Lic. No. 4778 589 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA Glidden Paint Hardware · Keys Cut Plumbing Supplies Lionel Trains Auth. Factory Svc. 294 Union Blvd., Totowa 973-942-2694 James Ebbinghousen EBBY’S LANDSCAPING Complete Landscape Service RETAINING WALLS • PAVING STONES LANDSCAPE DESIGN • LAWN MAINTENANCE 973-790-7720 THE LEADER IN ORGANIC BASED LAWN CARE® Safer Lawn Care Naturally™ JAMES EBBINGHOUSEN, OPERATIONS MGR. 973-339-9690 We Deliver BREAKFAST, LUNCH & CATERING 169 Union Blvd. Totowa 973-925-7778 Complimentary PANCAKE TESTER Sunday YOUR TRUE COMMUNITY BANK • Free Checking • Free Mobile Banking • E-Statements • Commercial Loans • Home Equity Credit Lines • Free Online Banking • Remote Capture Service • Surcharge free ATMs ATTORNEY AT LAW with this ad Joseph A. Mecca, Esq., PC Mark Scancarella, Esq. Leopizzi ~ Evening & Weekend Appointments Welcomed ~ Real Estate Agency Christopher Leopizzi Associate Broker/Totowa Resident Office: 973-684-7171 Direct: 201-320-9450 Email: 974 MCBRIDE AVENUE · WOODLAND PARK CANTERBURY AT CEDAR GROVE Care & Rehabilitation Center ELDER LAW • WILLS TRUSTS • ESTATES 973-890-5701 1130 McBride Avenue · Woodland Park Graves, Crypts & Niches Available 52 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 Phone: (973) 942-3368 • Fax: (973) 942-3341 Monica Panetta Admissions Director T 973.239.7600 · F 973.239.3016 C 973.461.6825 · 398 Pompton Avenue · Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 166E (JR) - St. James - Totowa, NJ FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside ROBERT P. FESTA, Sr. President 111 Union Boulevard Totowa, N.J. NJ Lic. No. 2502 FUNERAL HOME INC. ROBERT P. FESTA, Jr. Manager 973-790-8686 • Fax 973-790-6174 NJ Lic. No. 4097 (973) 278-9494 973-653-3636 IGGY’S AUTO SERVICE 650 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512 For All Your Auto Needs Brakes • Tune Ups • Tires Check Engine Light • Exhaust (Totowa Village) 582 Mcbride Avenue (Corner of Willow Way) West Paterson Walk-Ins Welcome Commercial • Industrial HVAC Install & Service Throughout NJ For Service Call 973-812-4422 351 UNION BOULEVARD · TOTOWA · 862-239-1768 Residential • Commercial • Rentals 420 Totowa Rd., Totowa Boro, NJ 973-595-1500 Email: Award Winning Quality Service Office GOLD PROPERTIES Each office is independently owned and operated. REALTY, INC. FREE WATCH BATTERY WITH COUPON “Your Family Jeweler” 973-790-7400 384 Totowa Rd., Totowa (Neighbor of St. James Church) PREMIER DENTAL CARE General Family Dentistry Authentic Italian Deli and Butcher Shop Richard J. Gryzmolowicz, D.D.S. 418 Union Blvd. • Totowa 973-595-5955 • NEW PATIENTS WILL RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY EXAM Casa Mia ~ Fresh Mozzarella Daily ~ CATERING FREE DELIVERY Pizzeria & Restaurant 973-942-4000 “Quality Cuisine Prepared With Pride” 973-595-7298 Wholesale Catering Menu Party Trays All Occasions 332 UNION BOULEVARD • TOTOWA JESSE MALIK Director 973-839-3761 166E (JR) - St. James - Totowa, NJ ~ WE DELIVER ~ 594 Union Blvd., Totowa 384 TOTOWA ROAD · TOTOWA Ted Poecker Electric L.L.C STANDARD TILE SUPPLY CO. INC. COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL & INDUSTRIAL 2190 Hamburg Tpke., Wayne, NJ 07470· Fax: 973-839-3668 · Flags for All Occasions ~ Serving Our Community ~ NJ LICENSE #17355 · FULLY INSURED & BONDED · 973-747-2787 1-800-458-8362 Importers and Distributors Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile ~ Open 7 Days ~ 973-256-6412 255 ROUTE 46 WEST · TOTOWA FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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