Getting Your Staff to Invest and Buy In by Jared


Getting Your Staff to Invest and Buy In by Jared
Jared Gelb
Camp Ramaquois
• Mounting evidence suggests that:
– the more engaged employees are in what
they do, the better their performance and
the higher the rewards will be for campers,
parents, employees, and the whole
– the key is to have managers who are skilled at
creating employee engagement, and who
understand that to provide the best service for
your campers and parents, the employees
must believe that what they're doing is
important, feel appreciated, and do their
daily work with passion and purpose.
Make your staff
engagement a
• Employees are a company's greatest assets.
• The majority of people require the guidance
of skilled managers to give their best.
In a survey of 10,000 employers in 43
states, the “best places to work” are not
only the most engaging work environments
for employees—they are also the most
efficient, productive, and successful.
Research shows six universal engagement
1. Caring, competent, and engaging
2. Effective managers who keep employees
aligned and engaged
3. Effective teamwork at all levels
4. Job enrichment and professional growth
5. Valuing employee contributions
6. Concern for employee well-being
 Where does engagement come from—the staff member
or the supervisor?!?
 Clearly a two-way street, but…
 Leaders/administrators arepaid to
engage thosewho report to them.
 Leadersmust:
 Encourage effort.
 Set clear and measurable goals.
 Make things easier for others.
 Recognize achievements.
 Pass on knowledge and experience.
When someone applies for a job at a camp,
what do they look for in a job?
 High school?
 College?
 Adults?
 International staff?
Understanding this concept is an important tool in
developing a strategy for engaging your staff.
 Today’s young adults are looking for:
Meritocracy, not hierarchy (“That’s
not fair…”); more rewards based on
performance, not tenure and title.
How do you balance traditions with fairness?
Direct and honest feedback.
Communication should be in ALL
directions, NOT one-way.
Think of social media
Sense of purpose: how will this help
me later in my “real” career?
What are some employee management tips for
creating and sustaining employee engagement?
Give freedom to staff to perform their tasks.
Listen to your staff. Learn from them.
Be honest…you’ll likely get honesty back.
And be honest about your shortcomings or mistakes.
Make them feel supported by…supporting them.
Praise people. Do it immediately and as publicly as
you can. Be specific.
Show you care about them as people.
Communicate openly and clearly. Explain your
Avoid “because I said so.”
What activities/events are you doing to
ENGAGE your staff?
 Intrinsic rewards that don’t cost
 Special roles or privileges
 Activities just for staff…during the
camp day!
 Not perks, but ACTIVITIES!!!
 During lineups, at lunch, etc.
Run frequent mid-day staff meetings.
Run meetings where you specifically ask
for suggestions and ideas.
Constantly ask how YOU are doing (in
your staff’s eyes).
Not easy to request, equally (if not more)
challenging for staff to give the person who
evaluates them an honest response.
To become stronger at this, leaders should begin
dialogues with staff using conversation starters
such as, "It's one of my goals to constantly improve
myself as a supervisor. What would you like to see
me do differently?" and/or "What could I be doing
to make your job easier?“
Be sure to accept feedback graciously and to
express appreciation.
Create a culture of recognition.
 It’s all about the GEAR!
 Staff Parties!
 Facebook!
(You knew that was
 Information
 Discussions
 Contests
 Global Apparel Day
 Pictures!!!
 Twitter
What are some
things that
YOU do?
Jared Gelb
Camp Ramaquois
Pomona, NY