Jared Gelb - Camp Ramaquois


Jared Gelb - Camp Ramaquois
Jared Gelb
Camp Ramaquois
*A returning staff member knows your expectations
and performs well (or you wouldn’t have had
him/her back the subsequent year, right?!?).
*A returning staff member often thinks he/she knows
it all, gets complacent, feels too comfortable, and
can simply coast without improving
• Does your camp treat returning staff members any
differently than new staff members?!? Are they
subject to the same orientation sessions as new staff
members? Do they hear the same speakers each year
and watch the same training videos?
• If you don’t differentiate between new staff and
returning staff, then how can you expect returning
staff to approach their job any differently than they
did last summer?!?
Some thoughtful questions to ask returning
staff members are:
Using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is “Needs
Improvement,” 5 is “Average,” and 10 is
“Excellent,” how would you rate yourself on the
job you did last summer? __________ Please
briefly explain why.
What goals will you set for yourself this summer,
and how do you plan to accomplish them?
How have you been a successful role model?
(i.e., for other staff, younger counselors, CITs,
campers) Please give (an) example(s).
What would you share with a new staff member
that could make a difference in their summer?
*We can’t just do a questionnaire and/or a discussion about
improvement and then not follow up, and yet you know that things
like that happen all the time!
What are some
Jared Gelb
Camp Ramaquois
Pomona, NY