Ad Parentes - Luxembourg
Ad Parentes - Luxembourg
Ad Parentes Journal of the APEEE, the Parents’ Association of the European Schools in Luxembourg Journal de l’APEEE, l’Association des Parents d’Elèves de l’Ecole Européenne à Luxembourg No. 3/2009-10 2 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Editorial Liebe Eltern, Dies ist Ihre Zeitschrift. Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint im Sommer. Wenn Sie etwas veröffentlichen möchten, bitte schicken Sie es uns. Dear members, dear parents, The APEEE is pleased to bring you this next issue of Ad Parentes for the school year 2009-2010. Your management committee members each put in all the effort that they are able – and some make herculean efforts to balance APEEE role(s) with work, home and other commitments – but it is a fact that our resources are extremely limited. This sometimes restricts our ability to keep you informed as quickly as we would like about some of the important and interesting developments going on at local level and in Brussels which impact on our school community. E-mail: . Contents ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE SCHOOL - DRAFT INTERNAL RULES ...................................................... 3 COMITE CONSULTATIF D’ECOLE - PROJET DE REGLEMENT INTERIEUR ............................................................... 4 BARDONECCHIA 2008 Lux I ................................................ 6 Happy reading, your editorial team School year 2007-2008 ........................................................ 6 BARDONECCHIA 2008 LUX II .............................................. 9 ZINAL 2008 LUX I .............................................................. 12 Chers membres, chers parents, Cela nous rend heureux de vous presenter ce numéro de Ad Parentes de l‟année scolaire 2009-2010. Vos représentants au Comité de Gestion font leur maximum – et quelques-uns entreprennent des coups d'effort herculéens pour jongler ces obligations avec la vie professionnelle et la vie privée – mais il faut constater que nos ressources restes limités. Ceci implique parfois des délais dans la communication des plus derniers informations sur les plusierus évènements et développements tant au niveau local qu'à Bruxelles avec import pour notre communauté scolaire. Bonne lecture, votre équipe de rédaction. ZINAL 2008 LUX II ............................................................. 15 Study in Hungary ............................................................... 27 "The role of the school psychologist"................................. 28 FAPEL 30 MERITE JEUNESSE ............................................................. 39 By David Cadwallader ........................................................ 41 U.G.D.A. –Remise de Diplômes .......................................... 43 Battle of the Bands 2010 ................................................... 44 Photos courtesy of Mr Manacourt ...................................... 46 Cycling Proficiency Road Test – call for parent volunteers 47 Coupe Scolaire vélo – appel aux bénévoles ....................... 47 APEEE Luxembourg Secretariat Bâtiment Jean Monnet – Bureau C1/004 – L-2920 LUXEMBOURG Tel. 4301 33105, Fax 4301 34869 E-mail : Web: Ad Parentes contributions Dear parents, This is your journal. The next issue is scheduled before the end of term. If you would like to publish something, please send it to us. Chers parents, Voici votre journal. La prochaine édition est prévue avant la fin du trimestre. Si vous voulez publier quelque chose, veuillez nous l‟envoyer. APEEE contact information 2009-2010 .............................. 48 Délégués de Classe 2009-2010 Class representatives ....... 48 Fête de l’École .................................................................... 52 ACTION TIERS MONDE - THIRD WORLD GROUP – ............ 53 DRITTE WELT GRUPPE ....................................................... 53 SPONSORED SPORTS DAYJOURNÉE SPORTIVE PARRAINÉE ............................................................. 53 Petites Annonces ............................................................... 55 (a) Professeurs pour Leçons Particulières / Private tutors 55 APEEE Groupes de Travail 2009-2010 / APEEE Task Groups 2009-2010 ......................................................................... 58 Other contacts / Autres contacts ....................................... 59 APEEE – Association des Parents d’Elèves de l’Ecole Européenne ........................................................................ 62 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Luxembourg I 3 Kirchberg ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE SCHOOL - DRAFT INTERNAL RULES Article 1 The School Advisory Council (SAC) is the privileged forum for internal dialogue. The SAC is chaired by the Director and is composed from representatives of all the actors in the school community. Composition of the SAC -The Director -The two Deputy Directors of the secondary cycle -The Deputy Director of the nursery and primary cycle -The Bursar -One principal educational advisor -The staff representative for the nursery and primary cycle -The staff representative for the secondary cycle -The staff representative for the professional and administrative personnel -Two representatives from the Pupil’s Committee -Three representatives from the Parent’s Association To these 14 internal members can be added, by invitation of the Director, external persons whose decisions can have an influence on the operation of the school. This could be, for example, the local authorities responsible for transport, the environment, safety, the provision of sporting or cultural infrastructure, etc Article 2 Role of the School Advisory Council Within the general framework of the school system, the SAC makes proposals and delivers opinions for the definition of the priorities and objectives of the school in all the areas of school life. These priorities and objectives are used as a basis for the establishment of a multiannual plan and of the annual school plan on the basis of which will be drawn up the budget necessary for its implementation. The SAC also treats internal affairs of the school which are submitted to it by the Director. Article 3 Convocation 4 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 1. The SAC meets at least twice per year at the request of the Director, who chairs it. The Director can convene extraordinary meetings whenever he/she considers it necessary or at the request of at least three internal members representing at least two different groups, within a deadline of two weeks. 2. The organization of meetings of the SAC shall follow rules established by the SAC itself. Article 4 Decision making The SAC being a consultative body, it’s decisions are made by consensus, the responsibility for the final decision remaining with the Director or with the Administrative Board, according to the subject. Luxembourg I Kirchberg COMITE CONSULTATIF D‟ECOLE - PROJET DE REGLEMENT INTERIEUR Article 1 Le conseil consultatif d’école (CCE) est le lieu privilégié de la concertation interne. Le CCE est présidé par le Directeur et composé de représentants de tous les acteurs de la communauté scolaire. Composition du CCE -Le Directeur -Les deux Directeurs adjoints du cycle secondaire -Le Directeur adjoint des cyclers maternel et primaire -L’Administrateur -Un Conseiller principal d’éducation -Le représentant du CDP du maternel/Primaire -Le représentant du CDP du secondaire -Le représentant du personnel PAS -Le représentant des chargés de cours -Deux représentants du Comité des élèves -Trois représentants de l’Association des parents d’élèves A ces 14 membres internes, peuvent s’ajouter, sur invitation du Directeur, des personnes externes dont les décisions peuvent avoir une influence sur le fonctionnement de l’école, comme, par exemple, les autorités locales responsables de la mobilité, de l’environnement, de la sécurité, de la mise à disposition d’équipements sportifs ou culturels, etc. Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 5 Article 2 Rôle du Conseil consultatif d’école Dans le cadre des objectifs généraux du systèmes, le CCE fait des propositions et donne des avis en vue de la définition des priorités et des objectifs de l’école dans tous les domaines de la vie scolaire. Ces priorités et objectifs servent de base à l’établissement du plan pluriannuel ainsi que du plan scolaire annuel sur la base duquel sera établi ensuite le budget nécessaire à sa réalisation. Le CCE traite également des affaires internes de l’école qui lui sont soumises par le Directeur. Article 3 Convocation 1. Le CCE se réunit au moins deux fois par an sur convocation du Directeur qui le préside. Ce dernier peut convoquer des réunions extraordinaires en cas de nécessité ou à la demande de trois membres de deux représentations différentes dans un délai de deux semaines. 2. L’organisation des réunions du CCE est arrêtée par un règlement établi par celui-ci. Article 4 Modalités de prise de décisions Le CC étant un organe consultatif, les décisions se prennent par consensus, la responsabilité de la décision finale restant au Directeur ou au Conseil d’administration, selon le sujet. 6 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 BARDONECCHIA 2008 Lux I School year 2007-2008 SONDAGE aux élèves participants aux classes de neige 1. Mon experience à Bardonecchia a été Très positif / Excellent 98 Positif/ Good 30 Moyen/ Fair 6 Négatif / Poor 1 2. Je souhaiterais refaire cette expérience Oui/ Yes Non/ No Autre/ Other Oui/ Yes 116 5 14 116 3. Le séjour à Bardonecchia était Trop long/ Too long 15 Trop court/ Too short D'une durée correcte/ About right 51 69 7 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 4. Les cours de l'après-midi étaient Très satisfaisants/ Excellent 51 Satisfaisants/ Good 67 Moyens/ Fair 12 Insuffisants/ Poor 5 5. Les leçons de ski étaient Très satisfaisantes/ Excellent 109 Satisfaisantes/ Good 26 Moyennes/ Fair 0 Insuffisants/ Poor 6. Le matériel de ski était Satisfaisant/ Good Moyen/ Fair Insuffisant/ Poor 103 30 2 7. L'assistance des moniteurs était Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 100 Satisfaisante/ Good 28 Moyennee/Fair 3 Insuffisante/ Poor 1 8 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 8. L'assistance des infirmières était Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 100 Satisfaisante/ Good 20 Moyenne/ Fair 3 Insuffisante/ Poor 2 NR 10 Très satisfaisant/ Excellent 41 Satisfaisant/ Good 52 Moyen/ Fair 35 9. Le voyage en train était Insuffisant/ Poor 7 Très confortable/ Excellent 75 Confortable/ Good 55 10. Le logement à l'hôtel était Moyen/ Fair 3 Insuffisant/ Poor 2 11. La nourriture était Excellente/ Excellent 85 Bonne/ Good 39 Moyenne/ Fair 9 Insuffisant/ Poor 9 9 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 12. Les activités étaient Excellente/ Excellent 95 Bonne/ Good 39 Moyenne/ Fair 1 Insuffisante/ Poor 0 BARDONECCHIA 2008 LUX II School Year 2007-08 SONDAGE aux élèves participants aux classes de neige 1. Mon experience à Bardonecchia a été Très positif / Excellent 62 Positif/ Good 48 Moyen/ Fair 3 Négatif / Poor 0 2. Je souhaiterais refaire cette expérience Oui/ Yes Non/ No Autre/ Other 95 1 17 10 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 3. Le séjour à Bardonecchia était Trop long/ Too long Trop court/ Too short D'une durée correcte/ About right 7 30 75 4. Les cours de l'après-midi étaient Très satisfaisants/ Excellent 28 Satisfaisants/ Good 49 Moyens/ Fair 22 Insuffisants/ Poor 1 5. Les leçons de ski étaient Très satisfaisantes/ Excellent 87 Satisfaisantes/ Good 24 Moyennes/ Fair 2 Insuffisantes/ Poor 0 Satisfaisant/ Good 73 Moyen/ Fair 31 6. Le matériel de ski était Insuffisant/ Poor 7 11 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 7. L'assistance des monitrices était Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 63 Satisfaisante/ Good 25 Moyennee/ Fair 14 Insuffisante/ Poor 10 Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 52 Satisfaisante/ Good 27 Moyenne/ Fair 11 8. L'assistance des infirmières était NR 1 9. Le voyage en train était Très satisfaisant/ Excellent 20 Satisfaisant/ Good 63 Moyen/ Fair 19 Insuffisant/ Poor 6 10. Le logement à l'hôtel était Très confortable/ Excellent 40 Confortable/ Good 48 Moyen/ Fair 23 Insuffisant/ Poor 2 12 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 11. La nourriture était Excellente/ Excellent 64 Bonne/ Good 30 Moyenne/ Fair 10 Insuffisante/ Poor 6 12. Les Activités Excellente/ Excellent 51 Bonne/ Good 53 Moyenne/ Fair 9 Insuffisante/ Poor 0 Trop long 7 Trop court 39 D'une durée correcte 75 ZINAL 2008 LUX I School year 2008-09 SONDAGE aux élèves participants aux classes de neige 1. Le séjour à Zinal a été 13 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 2. Je souhaiterais refaire cette expérience Oui/ Yes 101 Non/ No 6 Autre/ Other 14 Très satisfaisant/ Excellent 50 Satisfaisant/ Good 50 Moyen/ Fair 21 3. Le voyage en train était Insuffisant/ Poor 0 4. L'assistence des animateurs était Très satisfaisants/ Excellent 74 Satisfaisants/ Good 28 Moyens/ Fair 12 Insuffisants/ Poor 7 5. L'assistence des moniteurs de ski était Très satisfaisantes/ Excellent 70 Satisfaisantes/ Good 39 Moyennes/ Fair 11 Insuffisantes/ Poor 1 14 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 6. La nourriture était Excellente/ Excellent 46 Bonne/ Good 65 Moyenne/ Fair 10 Insuffisante/ Poor 0 7. Les activités étaient Excellente/ Excellent 59 Bonne/ Good 50 Moyenne/ Fair 11 Insuffisante/ Poor 1 8. Le logement à l'hôtel était Très confortable/ Excellent 43 Confortable/ Good 62 Moyen/ Fair 11 Insuffisant/ Poor 4 Ne reponds pas 1 15 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 ZINAL 2008 LUX II School year 2008-2009 SONDAGE des élèves ayant participé aux classes de neige 1. Mon séjour à Zinal a été Très positif / Excellent 88 Positif/ Good 27 Moyen/ Fair 4 Négatif / Poor 0 2. Je souhaiterais refaire cette expérience Oui/ Yes Non/ No Autre/ Other 97 6 16 3. Le séjour à Zinal était Trop long/ Too long Trop court/ Too short D'une durée correcte/ About right 9 47 63 16 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 4. Les cours en classe étaient Très satisfaisants/ Excellent 50 Satisfaisants/ Good 51 Moyens/ Fair 11 Insuffisants/ Poor 7 5. Les leçons de ski étaient Très satisfaisantes/ Excellent 66 Satisfaisantes/ Good 43 Moyennes/ Fair 9 Insuffisantes/ Poor 1 Satisfaisant/ Good 86 Moyen/ Fair 27 6. Le matériel de ski était Insuffisant/ Poor 6 7. L'assistance des moniteurs était Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 81 Satisfaisante/ Good 31 Moyennee/ Fair 3 Insuffisante/ Poor 4 17 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 8. L'assistance des infirmiers était Très satisfaisante/ Excellent 55 Satisfaisante/ Good 18 Moyenne/ Fair 5 NR 2 9. Le voyage en train était Très satisfaisant/ Excellent 59 Satisfaisant/ Good 35 Moyen/ Fair 24 Insuffisant/ Poor 1 10. Le logement à l'hôtel était Très confortable/ Excellent 25 Confortable/ Good 46 Moyen/ Fair 34 Insuffisant/ Poor 14 Excellente/ Excellent 34 Bonne/ Good 46 Moyenne/ Fair 24 Insuffisante/ Poor 15 11. La nourriture était 18 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 12. Les activités Excellente/ Excellent 72 Bonne/ Good 34 Moyenne/ Fair 11 Insuffisante/ Poor ZINAL 2009 2 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 19 20 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 21 22 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 23 24 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 25 26 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 27 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Study in Hungary Hungary offers high-standard programs in the fields of Medical, Dentistry and Veterinary sciences at centuries-old universities in Budapest, Szeged and Pécs. All three universities offer you identical medical programs in English. Faculty of Medicine Degree: Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) Length of studies: 12 semesters Faculty of Dentistry Degree: Doctor of Dentistry (D.M.D.) Length of studies: 10 semesters Faculty of Veterinary Sciences Degree: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) Length of studies: 11 semesters During the past two decades more than 10.000 international students got enrolled, e.g. from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Spain. International programs in English and German exist already since 1983. „What can Hungarian Universities offer to me?” – you may ask. „Why do I choose Hungary? The programs there are run by highly qualified academic staff and seminars are held in small groups, giving possibilities to close contact with other students and the professors. Education is in the credit system, all degrees are automatically recognized in all member states of the European Union. All universities are located either in the capital or in traditional university towns with lively international student communities and rich cultural life. You may apply in Febuary, or even later to Hungarian universities. The condition of admission is not based on your secondary school grades, rather on the success at the entrance examination which includes multiple choice test in biology, chemistry and English, and an interview with a professor. Should you now study in a non-scientific class, thus do not learn biology and chemistry, you have the possibility to enroll to a pre-medical course that helps you to catch up. You may apply to this pre-medical course even if you wish to continue your studies at a university in another country. LIVE, STUDY, GET EXPERIENCE IN HUNGARY For further information on the programs, visit, and for help and assistance please refer to the representative of the Hungarian universities in Luxembourg, Ms. Katalin HALÁSZ: The European School Science Symposium is an annual science competition between groups of students from the 13 European Schools. A four-day symposium designed to strengthen interest in science, encourage cooperation and promote cross-national teamwork. st This year it will take place in Luxembourg on Sunday 21 - Monday 22 Tuesday 23 rd th - Wednesday 24 For more information: nd - 28 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 "The role of the school psychologist" This was a well attended meeting, with some 80 parents and also some teachers present. The meeting was chaired by Ian Dennis. He introduced the three guest speakers: Mme. Zoe COTSIS, Mme. Virgine BATAILLE, Mme. Sabine FASS. He thanked the School Directors for their support and the SEN/LS Working Group of the APEEE(1) for organising and setting up the meeting. The arrival of the school psychologists reflects a long battle in the School Administration Board for the appropriate budget allocation, and represents an important opportunity for the school community as a whole. This meeting aimed to describe their role, and illustrate what kinds of problems were appropriate for them to deal with, and clarify how such problems might be handled. Initial presentations were followed by a lengthy question and answer session which provided further useful information. Interpretation was arranged between English, French and German. The school psychologists are NOT there to assess/diagnose/treat children with problems, or to mediate in family conflict. However there is no problem which would not be appropriate for them to be approached with. They would then use their role as advisors to all members of the school community, and would provide links to appropriate external organizations when necessary. Contact details were communicated as below. The school will be urged to include this information on the website and in the memorandum which is issued to all parents at the start of the school year. Virginie BATAILLE Matin Lundi 08h30-12h30 Mardi 08h30-12h30 Mercredi 08h30-12h30 Jeudi 08h30-12h30 Vendredi n/a Primaire 4320.82441 B.905 Secondaire 4320.82279 B.007 Apres-midi 13h30-16h30 n/a 13h30-16h30 n/a n/a Zoe COTSIS Morning Monday n/a Tuesday 08h30-12h30 Wednesday 08h30-12h30 Thursday 08h30-12h30 Friday 08h30-12h30 Primary 4320.82441 B.905 Secondary 4320.82279 B.007 Sabine FASS Afternoon n/a n/a 13h30-16h30 n/a 13h30-16h30 APEEE Conference - 11th January 2010, 19h0021h30 - JMO building, room M4 SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Morgen Montag 08h20-12h00 Dienstag n/a Mittwoch n/a Donnerstag 08h20-12h00 Freitag 08h20-12h00 Primary A.027 Nachmittag 13h00-16h30 n/a 12h00-16h30 n/a n/a Importantly, the three school psychologists act together, although they are appointed to the separate school administrations (Lux.1: Mme.Bataille and Mme.Cotsis, Lux.2: Mme.Fass). Consequently they cover Anglophone, Francophone and Germanophone communities directly (and are each multilingual) and can cover other nationalities with interpretation, if necessary(2). As there is no Lux.2 secondary cycle, Mme.Fass expects to deal more with nursery and primary pupils, but all three experts can provide advice concerning pupils of all ages. One or other of the psychologists is available throughout the school week. They are experienced professionals, and discussions are subject to standard ethical guidelines. In Luxembourg, confidential discussions with persons over the age of 18 would only be disclosed to others in three situations: (a) intent to self-harm, (b) intent to harm others, (c) intent to commit a criminal act. Of course, most consultations in school context will concern minors under the age of 18, where slightly different confidentiality rules apply. Where there is any disclosure (e.g. to school administration or to an external body), parents will always be informed in full in advance, but this does not amount to seeking their prior agreement. - It is therefore conceivable that in certain circumstances, a referral to an external psychologist would be recommended against the wishes of the parents, but this would never happen without their knowledge. - In response to a specific example, where a child voluntarily disclosed his/her harassment of another child, but expressed remorse and claimed to have ceased the action, the psychologists would probably not disclose, but each case would have to be taken on its merits. If a pupil wishes to consult a psychologist, they can simply drop in to the appropriate room at the school (Lux.1: B007 or B905, Lux.2: A027). Pupils or parents can make appointments in advance. Teachers can refer pupils to a psychologist if they identify a need. In this case, they would interview the teacher and the child both separately and together, and may attend classes to observe pupil behaviour – after which they would speak to the parents and if necessary, make a referral to an external expert. - The psychologists have no formal consultative role with regard to disciplinary procedures, but, like the APEEE management committee members, are available to advise families in such circumstances. Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 - The psychologists expect to be involved in the drafting of the child protection policy of the school, for which the deputy director of Lux.1 school, Mr.Lufi, is responsible. The APEEE is also involved in that process. - The psychologists will also be invited to follow the work of the „ETHOS‟ committee, where the APEEE is also represented. The psychologists can help to increase awareness in the school community by talking to the teachers and administration about the reasons why a child may be having social or academic problems, This is another aspect of inclusion. The psychologists will have a specific role regarding SEN pupils(3). They would attend SEN Advisory Group meetings, meet class teachers and SEN teachers throughout the year, see children, arrange external referrals to local psychologists or visit national experts. They can also meet with parents to explain the various learning disorders and the diagnoses from external experts. There was an extensive discussion of cyberbullying (eg. abusive images and information on facebook, twitter and similar social networking sites, or via emails, SMS and instant messaging systems). Pupils are typically more aware of modern technology than their parents, and parents need to be aware of the immediate and long-term dangers. Typically, cyberbullying is repeated ad infinitum as the victims seek to gain revenge on the initial perpetrators4 – and the whole thing remains in the public domain. Children feel powerful with the possibilities that cyberbullying offers, especially as it is more secret than direct communication. Children need to be educated about the power of expression through the written word and the appropriate use of technology. Concrete recommendations include: Beware of false identities in hat rooms; monitor internet use; advise children what to do in the event of an incident. Four profiles were suggested: isolated individuals adopting false identities; power seekers; „evil girls‟; clicking by mistake on inappropriate material. Software is available to block/limit/monitor internet access, and parents are advised to buy and install it. Another useful software is „restrictive disclosure‟ programmes which automatically prevent personal information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers being published. Signs which parents should look out for include: apparent memory loss, under-eating, changes in behaviour, illness/headaches. There should be zero tolerance for such incidents: freedom of speech does not include a license to harm others. Information was also provided about telephone addiction. Teenagers typically send an average of 80 SMS per day, and typically have around 300 names on their contact list. This sort of use could indicate addiction. Of course, not all communication is negative, but although teenagers need this sort of connection to their peers, the nearly constant texting implies a loss of privacy. The consequences of heavy use include: sleeplessness, stress, distraction from work which can negatively influence academic performance, poor use of language, and increased exposure to cyberbullying (especially to „sexting‟: the sending of sexually explicit images). Only concerted action is likely to have any impact on this phenomenon. Of 29 course, active parents can turn off the tap (eg. restrict use to certain times of day such as refusing access between 10pm and 7am; limiting the budget) – but, as always, the key answer is probably to maintain a close communication with your child. A question was asked about the linkup with the Guidance Group, a network of confidential counsellors at the Secondary School, made up of volunteer members of the teaching staff who have followed some training. The psychologists had provided some training to this group, and a note was circulated at the start of term indicating its existence. However, most parents present in the meeting were unaware of it. The services of the group are not clearly understood and it was recommended that greater publicity could be given to the network, and their role, including specific information about their availability and their approach to disclosure of information obtained. The Guidance Group teachers can be found on the School website, clicking first on Secondary, then on Documents. The list appears in a doc dated 27 Nov 2009. The psychologists were recommended to take contact with colleagues in other European Schools, notably in Brussels (which are of similar size and could have similar problems). The psychologists were asked to define hyperactivity, but given the complex and varied nature of this problem preferred to see the family concerned individually. The psychologists will be visiting classrooms to explain their role, and how they can be contacted, starting in January(5). A question was asked about peer pressure to buy GSM, and about the school policy on GSM usage at school. This is not really the domain of the school psychologists, but the choice of whether or not to buy a GSM, as with how to handle requests to buy the latest fashion clothing or the latest computer game or any other item, clearly rests with parents. Of course, the opportunity can be taken to explain the reasons behind decisions in a way which is appropriate for the age of the child. - APEEE representatives understand the reasons why some parents wish their children to have a GSM already from an early age. They explained that, for obvious reasons, there is a policy on children not using GSM in classrooms: the way this is implemented by individual teachers has to be taken up with them. Systems are available to block GSM signals in certain areas (eg. meeting rooms of modern offices) but these do not exist at the school. There was a short discussion about inclusivity. The European Schools cannot cater for all circumstances, but policies have been adopted in recent years to try and integrate children from many different backgrounds, and the APEEE considers this to be an advantage for the whole community. The situation for SEN children in Luxembourg is believed to have improved over time. Clearly, the concept of inclusivity goes much further than this, and improvements remain to be made in many areas: the APEEE is actively involved in that process both at local and at inter-school level. A question was asked concerning bullying of pupils by teachers citing a concrete example of surprising behaviour. 30 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Clearly the school policy on bullying cannot just refer to pupil-pupil, teacherpupil or pupil-teacher aggressions. In principle, the approach of the psychologists if asked to advise on a teacher-pupil incident, would be similar to their approach in other cases. Interviews would take place with the pupil(s) concerned and the teacher, both separately and together if necessary; parents and the administration would be contacted; appropriate recommendations would be made. The psychologists confirmed that they would be prepared to provide advice about bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders. They welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the school/APEEE work on a new canteen call-for-tender. (1) Mme. Rhonda Wilkinson, Mme. Birgitte Holst, Mme. Isabel Leite, Mme. Marika Papasideri. (2) In serious cases, the school is required to find locally a psychologist speaking the required language , or to pay for someone from the home country. This is considered more likely in nursery cycle than in higher levels at the school, particularly given the nature of the school psychologists‟ role (ie. „urgentiste‟, rather than long-term care). (3) The annual reports for the Luxembourg schools (Lux.1 and Lux.2 combined) show 49 pupils altogether at 1.9.2008 for whom a SEN convention has been signed: 8+1=9 in the nursery cycle, 15+5=20 in the primary cycle, 0+20=20 in the secondary cycle. (4) The technology easily allows arguments to continue after school hours that in the past would both begin and end on the playground. (5) It will take time to complete this task: as at 1.9.2010 there are some 237 classes altogether in the Luxembourg schools (Lux.1+Lux.2 combined) : 26 in the nursery cycle (13+13), 89 in the primary cycle (52+37), 122 in the secondary cycle (122+0). FAPEL Fapel is a Federation of Luxembourg based Parents Associations. APEEE is a member and is pleased to have facilitated their recent AGM on Friday 26th February 2010. For more detailsabout FAPEL see: Version française ci-après DCSF Parental engagement in their child's learning & development Programme: Consultative Group: Newsletter February 2010 The purpose of this bulletin is to update the Parental Engagement Consultative group on key programme activities. Update on various projects since October 2009 (no particular order) Children, Schools and Families Bill The Children, Schools and Families Bill was presented to Parliament on 19 November 2009. This is known as First Reading and there was no debate on the Bill at this stage. This Bill had a Second Reading debate on 11 January 2010 and was referred to a Public Bill Committee on 19 and 21 January 2010. The Bill aims includes the provision of guarantees for parents and pupils, setting out what they are entitled to expect from the scools system ; and a means of redress if expectations are not met. Pupil and Parent Guarantee - consultation Public consultation on the draft Pupil and Parent Guarantee (PPG) document was published 11/1/2010. The full text of the PPG and the consultation questions can be found at The PPG brings together in one place an account of the key components of a good education with the focus on pupils and parents. This will ensure that parents and children understand what they are entitled to expect from schools. It will also make clear the responsibilities of parents and pupils in supporting schools to do their best for children. In summary the Guarantees will: Introduce important new entitlements to ensure all children and young people get the best possible education and outline existing provisions ; Relate to one or more of the pupil and parent ambitions set out in the Children, Schools and Families Bill ; Build on Every Child Matters, the Children's Plan, the White Paper (Yourchild, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system ; Outline targeted interventions and support that will need to be provided for some children because of their particular needs and circumstances ; Provide a clear way to put things right if they go wrong. The PPG comes into effect September 2011. (Please note that therefore the draft of the PPG is describing things that will have, by that point, already come into effect and so is written in the past tense). New home-school agreements - consultation on the content of the statutory guidance This is scheduled to commence early February and will last until mid-April2010. Parental Engagement - Call for practice evidence The Parental Engagement Programme includes a strand of work commissioning additional research on what practitioners and settings can do to support and encourage stronger parental engagement. We are formally contracting with organisations to undertake research and assist in the production of guidance and materials to increase Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 31 the quality and level of parental engagement. The Institute of Education will produce academic research the conclusions of which will make clear to practitioners what they can do to support and encourage stronger parental engagement by highlighting those initiatives which have proved to be most successful. In addition we have chosen Edcoms to assist in producing guidance and materials to help schools, local authorities and other stakeholders to improve their support to help the parents of school aged children engage with their child's learning and development. Please note that we plan to share the information submitted to with researchers and delivery partners. How primary and secondary schools help parents and carers to improve their child's learning DCSF's School Standards Group has published guidance designed to highlight ways in which parental engagement can be rolled out in primary and secondary schools. The work highlights initiatives trialed in 15 schools and will act as a useful way to get the issue of parental engagement in the forefront of stakeholders minds prior to the publication of the more comprehensive work already mentioned. How primary and secondary schools help parents and carers to improve their child's learning" is now available for order at the link below. Please forward details of the publication through your delivery chains. Hard copies are available free of charge and includes a DVD of further information. Consultation on school and pupil information regulations Please click on the following link to access the DCSF public consultation on the Pupil and School Information Regulations: The Children's Plan Progress Report commits the Government to reviewing the secondary legislation which governs the information that schools record and provide on pupils (in educational and curricular records and school reports); and on themselves (in prospectuses). This consultation sets out proposed amendments to this legislation, which are intended to help parents to have better access to information about their children's learning and development. When implemented, the revised regulations will be accompanied by guidance for schools and local authorities - views on the content of the guidance are also welcomed. Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and Disabled children: guidance for schools: In November 2009 the DCSF and National Strategies issued a leaflet to help schools comply with their duties under the DisabilityDiscrimination Act 2005 to eliminate harassment of disabled children and actively promote their well-being within schools. The leaflet provides schools with a step-by-step, easy to understand guide about the actions they must take to comply with their duties. To see the leaflet go to : Early Years: Provider Influence on the Home Learning Environment. The Department has commissioned qualitative research to find out which early years provider qualities and behaviours are effective in supporting parents to enrich their home learning environment. It will also look at what kinds of interactions are deliverable by different kinds of providers delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage. The research is scheduled to report at the end of the year, 2010. The I-Sign – BSL Pilot Project The I-Sign project to raise awareness of British Sign Language in families of deaf and hearing impaired children and to increase the number of higher level BSL signers in the children's workforce is being taken forward by a consortium lead by the Royal National Institute for the Blind. Other consortium members are the British Deaf Association, Signature, National Deaf Children's Society, University of Central Lancashire, Merseyside Society for Deaf People and Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education. The project was launched in June 2009 and will run until March 2011 in two pilot areas in the North West and South West. The I-Sign website is now up and running. For further information go to Achievement for All The Achievement for All project aims to: improve the achievement outcomes of pupils with SEN ; improve these pupil's parents engagement with their schools; and improve these pupils wider outcomes. The project launched in 450 schools across the country in September 2009. Early evidence has shown that it is having a positive impact and head teachers in particular have welcomed the collaborative nature of the project and the capacity to refocus and examine their strategies. In the first term National Strategies and the University of East London delivered training to teachers on holding a structured conversation with parents. The aim of the conversation is for teachers to listen to parents, ensure that parents are getting information in a way that suits them and also work together to ensure that targets for the pupil are stretching enough to help the pupil fulfil their potential. This training has been delivered to 400 teachers and cascaded to the other teachers in the pilot. Services for Disabled Children - Parental Survey: The second national indicator and sub-indicators of parental experience of services for disabled children were published on 15th December, together with local level equivalents for almost all local authorities (LAs) and primary care trusts (PCTs).The national score has increased by two indicator points, from 59 in the first year to 61. Families Green Paper Support for All:the Families and Relationships Green Paper was published on Wednesday 20 January. It sets out a wide range of measures to support all families as they bring up their children and to help families cope with times of stress and difficulty. The proposals recognise that while all families need some help, there are families in our society with complex needs and others who require additional- 32 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 and sometimes non-negotiable- support. The proposals aim to influence factors that can strengthen or weaken family life, such as the choices available about balancing employment with bringing up children; and how welcoming and accessible public services are to families of all kinds. The Paper focuses mostly on supporting family relationships by enabling families to help themselves. It also considers the position of children and other family members when family relationships have broken down. Some of the policy proposals can be implemented straight away; others are for consultation or will take longer to put into place. Visit the DCSF Consultation site to respond to the consultation which ends 21/4/10: Sure Start Children's Centre's A major national communications campaign is underway to promote children's centres. It aims to raise awareness among parents of the services on offer and encourage them to go to their nearest centre. The campaign includes radio adverts, bus shelter posters, adverts in consumer magazines and on video screens in over 1300 GP surgeries from now until the middle of December. Further activity will take place between January and the end of March 2010. The Lamb inquiry The Lamb Inquiry published its final report on the 16 December 2009. This report builds on interim reports into how to improve parental confidence in the education system. The interim reports have already led to the parent's right of appeal and raising SEN as a priority for Ofsted being set as clauses in the 5th session children, schools and families Bill.The Inquiry made 51 recommendations; all but three were immediately accepted in a SoS response made on the day. Recommendations focused on ensuring a focus on children's outcomes, strengthening parental voice in the system, more strategic local level approaches, strengthening accountability in the system and different models for providing services. A full government implementation plan will be published shortly. Behavior and Attendance A new booklet for parents, Working Together for Good Behaviour in Schools, published in September 2009, sets out the powers that schools have in relation to children's behaviour; every parent's responsibility for ensuring the good behaviour of their children; and what parents can expect from the school and what they can do if they have concerns that these are not being used fairly or effectively. It is vital that head teachers and teachers are able to gain the support of parents and pupils when addressing poor behaviour. Copies of the leaflet can be found at: Disabled Parents: CfBTResearch/ University of Strathclyde Schools could do more to support disabled parents says researcher Richard Brunner of the Department of Educational & Professional Studies. The call comes at the end of a 12-month study into how parents with mobility impairments, sensory impairments, learning disabilities and mental distress are involved in their children's education. Researchers Mr Brunner, Professor Kirsten Stalker, Dr June Mitchell and Ms Roseann Maguire, asked parents in the North of England and Scotland to share examples of-good practices by schools. Mr Brunner said: "Previous research has shown that children do better when their parents are involved in their education. Under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005, disabled parents have the right to be just as involved in their children's education as any other parent." The main findings show that schools can best help disabled parents be equally involved by: Making anticipatory adjustments that help disabled parents in general, such as making school buildings accessible or using large print for all letters home. Discussing a disabled parent's needs with them and tailoring adjustments for each individual. This can include, for example, speaking - rather than writing - to a parent with a learning disability about their child's homework or minimising stress when meetings are held involving parents with mental distress. Continuing to offer generic support for all parents. For example, disabled parents said parent support officers, family support groups and homework clubs often served their needs well. Mr Brunner said every class in the UKwas likely to have some students with parents who are disabled people. "Accordingto the best data we could find, one in nine parents in the UKis a disabled person. These parents have been far too invisible for far too long. More account needs to be taken of their support needs so that their children have an equal opportunity to thrive in school." In partnership with the CfBT Education Trust, the research findings have been used to write a guidance document for schools and information for parents. The documents can be accessed on line at the CfBT Education Trust website: 5.pdf English version above L’engagement parental dans le programme de développement et d’apprentissage de leur enfant D‟après la Newsletter du Groupe Consultatif du Département britannique pour les Enfants, les Ecoles et les Familles (Department for Children, Schools and Families, DCSF) Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 L‟objectif de ce bulletin est la mise à jour des principales activités du programme du Groupe Consultatif d‟Engagement Parental (Parental Engagement Consultative Group, PECG). Mise à jour de différents projets depuis octobre 2009 (pas d’ordre particulier) Le projet de loi sur les Enfants, les Ecoles et les Familles a été présenté au Parlement le 19 novembre 2009 en première lecture et il n‟y a pas eu de débat à ce stade. Le débat a eu lieu en seconde lecture le 11 janvier 2010 et le projet a été présenté au Comité des projets de loi du domaine public les 19 et 21 janvier 2010. Les objectifs du projet incluent la provision de garanties pour les parents et les élèves, en précisant ce à quoi ils peuvent s‟attendre de la part du système scolaire ainsi que les moyens d‟y remédier si on ne répond pas à leurs attentes. Consultation sur la Garantie pour les Elèves et les Parents (Pupil and Parent Guarantee, PPG) La consultation publique sur le document du projet de loi concernant la Garantie pour les Elèves et les Parents (PPG) a été publiée le 11/1/2010. Le texte complet de la PPG ainsi que les questions de la consultation peuvent être consultés sur le site La PPG rassemble en un endroit unique l‟explication des principales composantes d‟une bonne éducation en mettant l‟accent sur les élèves et les parents, dans le but que les parents et les enfants comprennent ce qu‟ils sont en droit d‟attendre des écoles. Cela rendra également les responsabilités des parents et des élèves dans leur soutien aux écoles plus claires afin qu‟ils fassent de leur mieux pour les enfants. En résumé, la Garantie permettra : D‟introduire des droits nouveaux et importants assurant la meilleure éducation possible à tous les enfants et tous les jeunes et de souligner les dispositions existantes ; De faire le lien avec une ou plusieurs des ambitions des élèves et des parents exposées dans le projet de loi sur les Enfants, les Ecoles et les Familles ; De construire sur le Plan des Enfants, le Livre blanc (« Votre Enfant, vos écoles, notre future : construire le système scolaire du 21ème s. »); De souligner des interventions ciblées et de soutenir ce qu‟il sera nécessaire de fournir à certains enfants en raison de leurs besoins particuliers ou des circonstances ; De fournir un moyen clair de redresser les choses si elles vont de travers. La PPG entrera en vigueur en septembre 2011 (merci de noter que par conséquent, l‟avant-projet de PPG décrit les choses qui seront déjà entrées en application à cette période et est donc écrit au passé). Nouveaux accords maison-école : consultation sur le contenu de l’orientation statutaire : Le début de la consultation est prévue début février et durera jusqu‟à la mi-avril 2010. Engagement parental – Appel à témoignage sur la pratique Le Programme sur l‟Engagement Parental inclue un vaste travail supposant des recherches additionnelles sur ce que les praticiens et les répartitions par groupes de niveau peuvent faire pour soutenir et encourager un engagement parental plus important. Nous sommes en train de contractualiser avec des organisations pour entreprendre des recherches et aider à la production d‟orientations ainsi que de matériel destinés à améliorer la qualité et le niveau de l‟engagement parental. L‟Institut pour l‟Education fournira les conclusions des recherches académiques qui permettront aux praticiens de se rendre compte de ce qu‟ils peuvent faire pour soutenir et encourager un engagement parental plus important par la mise en relief des initiatives qui se sont avérées les plus réussies. De plus, nous avons choisi Edcoms pour nous fournir une assistance dans la production de nouvelles orientations ainsi que de matériel destinés à aider les écoles, les autorités locales et les autres acteurs à améliorer leur aide aux parents d‟enfants en âge de fréquenter l‟école pour l‟apprentissage et le développement de leur enfant. Les informations transmises seront partagées avec les chercheurs et les différents partenaires à l‟adresse : Comment les écoles primaires et secondaires aident les parents et les tuteurs à améliorer l’apprentissage de leur enfant Le Groupe sur les Standards à l’Ecole du Département britannique pour les Enfants, les Ecoles et les Familles a publié des orientations destinées à mettre en lumière les moyens avec lesquels l‟engagement parental peut être étendu dans les écoles primaires et secondaires. Les travaux soulignent les initiatives mises en place dans 15 écoles et contribueront efficacement à mettre en avant la problématique de l‟engagement parental auprès des acteurs avant la publication des travaux préalablement mentionnés. « Comment les écoles primaires et secondaires aident les parents et les tuteurs à améliorer l‟apprentissage de leur enfant » peut à présent être commandé à partir du lien ci-dessous. Des copies sont disponibles gratuitement et contiennent un DVD d‟informations complémentaires. Consultation sur les règlements relatifs à l’information de l’école et des élèves Merci de cliquer sur le lien suivant pour accéder à la consultation publique sur les règlements relatifs à l‟information de l‟école et des élèves : Le Rapport sur les Progrès du Plan pour les Enfants contraint le gouvernement à revoir la législation secondaire concernant l‟information que les écoles enregistrent et fournissent sur les élèves (dans les données sur l‟éducation et le curriculum ainsi que dans les rapports scolaires), et sur elles-mêmes (prospectus). 33 34 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Cette consultation expose les amendements proposés pour cette législation, qui sont destinés à aider les parents à obtenir un meilleur accès à l‟information concernant l‟apprentissage et le développement de leur enfant. Lorsqu‟ils entreront en vigueur, les règlements révisés seront accompagnés par des orientations pour les écoles et les autorités locales. Loi de 2005 sur la Discrimination en matière de Handicap et d’Enfants Handicapés : orientations pour les écoles En novembre 2009, le Département britannique pour les Enfants, les Ecoles et les Familles et Stratégies Nationales ont publié une brochure pour aider les écoles à remplir leurs obligations résultant de la loi de 2005 sur la Discrimination en matière de Handicap dans l‟élimination du harcèlement des enfants handicapés et la promotion active de leur bien-être au sein des écoles. Cette brochure fournit aux écoles un guide facile à comprendre, détaillant étape par étape les actions à entreprendre pour répondre à leurs obligations. La brochure peut être consultée à l‟adresse : Premières années : influence sur l’environnement de l’apprentissage à la maison Le Département a demandé une étude qualitative afin de déterminer quel fournisseur de qualités et de comportements durant les premières années est efficace pour inciter les parents à enrichir leur environnement d‟apprentissage à la maison. L‟étude déterminera également quel type d‟interactions est fourni par les différents types de fournisseurs produisant l‟étape de fondation des premières années. Le rapport de l‟étude est prévu pour la fin de l‟année 2010. Le projet-pilote I-Sign – BSL Le projet I-Sign, destiné à éveiller l‟intérêt pour le langage des signes britannique (British Sign Language, BSL) dans les familles d‟enfants sourds ou malentendants et à accroître le niveau d‟enfants ayant une grande maîtrise de ce langage, est dirigé par un consortium mené par l‟Institut Royal National pour les Aveugles. Les autres membres du consortium sont l‟Association Britannique pour les Sourds, la Société Nationale pour les enfants sourds, l‟Université du Lancashire Central, la Société Merseyside pour les Sourds, et l‟Académie Royale Exeter pour l‟Education des Sourds. Le projet a été lancé en juin 2009 et durera jusqu‟en mars 2011 dans deux régions-pilote du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest. De plus amples informations peuvent être trouvées sur le site Web I-Sign qui fonctionne à présent à l‟adresse : La réussite pour tous Le projet « La réussite pour tous » vise à : Améliorer les résultats du niveau des enfants SEN ; Améliorer l‟engagement des parents de ces élèves dans leurs écoles ; et Améliorer les résultats de ces enfants. Le projet a été lancé dans 450 écoles dans le pays en septembre 2009. Les premières expériences ont démontré son impact positif. Les professeurs principaux en particulier ont salué la nature collaborative du projet et sa capacité à se recentrer et à examiner les stratégies. Durant le premier trimestre, Stratégies Nationales et l‟Université de Londres-Est ont formé les professeurs à tenir une conversation structurée avec les parents. Le but est d‟inciter les professeurs à écouter les parents, de telle sorte que les parents reçoivent l‟information d‟une façon qui leur convient et de collaborer afin de s‟assurer que les objectifs soient suffisamment étendus pour aider l‟élève à réaliser son potentiel. La formation a été assurée auprès de 400 enseignants et a eu un effet bénéfique sur les autres enseignants du projet-pilote. Services pour les enfants handicapés – Enquête parentale : Le second indicateur national et les sous-indicateurs de l‟expérience parentale relative aux services pour les enfants handicapés ont été publiés le 15 décembre, de concert avec leurs équivalents au niveau local pour presque toutes les autorités locales (LAs) et les Caisses régionales de santé (primary care trusts, PCTs). Le niveau national a augmenté de deux points d‟indicateurs, de 59 la première année à 61. Le Livre vert sur les Familles « Soutien pour tous : le Livre Vert sur les Familles et les Relations » a été publié mercredi 20 janvier. Il expose une grande variété de mesures pour soutenir toutes les familles dans l‟éducation de leur enfant, particulièrement dans des moments stressants et difficiles. Les propositions reconnaissent que si toutes les familles ont besoin d‟aide, il existe des familles dans notre société avec des besoins complexes et d‟autres qui nécessitent un soutien supplémentaire, et parfois non négociable. Les propositions visent à influencer les facteurs qui peuvent renforcer ou affaiblir la vie familiale, comme les choix disponibles entre l‟emploi et l‟éducation des enfants, ou le caractère accueillant et accessible des services publics pour toute sorte de familles. Le Livre met surtout l‟accent sur le soutien aux relations familiales en permettant aux familles de s‟entraider. Il étudie également la position des enfants et d‟autres membres de la famille lorsque les relations familiales sont brisées. Certaines des propositions peuvent être appliquées immédiatement ; d‟autres sont pour consultation ou prendront plus de temps à être mises en place. Les Centres pour les Enfants ayant un bon départ Une importante campagne de communication nationale est en cours afin de promouvoir les centres pour enfants. Elle vise à éveiller l‟attention des parents sur les services offerts et à les encourager à se rendre dans les centres les plus proches. La campagne englobe des annonces à la radio, des posters sur les abris-bus, des annonces dans les magazines de consommateurs et sur les écrans dans plus de 1 300 cabinets de médecins généralistes jusqu‟à la mi-décembre. L’enquête Lamb L‟enquête Lamb a publié son rapport final le 16 décembre 2009. Ce rapport est basé sur des rapports intermédiaires destinés à améliorer la confiance parentale dans le système éducatif. Les rapports intermédiaires ont déjà conduit au droit d‟appel des parents et à élever les SEN au rang de priorité pour Ofsted en tant que clauses dans la cinquième session du projet de loi sur les enfants, les écoles et les familles. L‟enquête a fait 51 recommandations ; l‟ensemble des recommandations, sauf trois d‟entre elles, ont été acceptées dans une réponse SOS faite le jour-même. Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Les recommandations se concentrent sur les résultats des enfants, une prise en compte plus importante de la voix des parents dans le système, plus d‟approches stratégiques au niveau local, le renforcement de la comptabilité dans le système et différents modèles pour fournir des services. Un plan gouvernemental global de mise en application sera publié prochainement. Comportement et fréquentation Un nouveau livret pour les parents, « Collaborer pour une bonne attitude à l‟école », publié en septembre 2009, expose les pouvoirs des écoles dans le comportement des enfants, la responsabilité de chaque parent dans le bon comportement de leur enfant, et ce que les parents sont en droit d‟attendre de l‟école et comment ils peuvent agir s‟ils ont des craintes sur leur utilisation partiale ou effective. Il est très important que les professeurs principaux et les professeurs soient capables de gagner le soutien des parents et des élèves pour répondre à la mauvaise conduite. Des copies du livret peuvent être consultées sur : Parents handicapés : Recherche CfBT/ Université de Strathclyde Les écoles pourraient faire davantage pour soutenir les parents handicapés, affirme le chercheur Richard Brunner du Département sur les Etudes Educatives et Professionnelles. L‟appel intervient à l‟issue d‟une étude de 12 mois sur la façon dont les parents à mobilité réduite, à déficience sensorielle, en difficulté d‟apprentissage et à déficience mentale sont impliqués dans l‟éducation de leur enfant. Les chercheurs M. Brunner, le Professeur Kirsten Stalker, le Dr June Mitchell et Roseann Maguire ont demandé aux parents dans le Nord de l‟Angleterre et en Ecosse de partager des exemples de bonnes pratiques par les écoles. M. Brunner a affirmé : « Des recherches antérieures ont montré que les enfants réussissaient mieux lorsque leurs parents étaient impliqués dans leur éducation. La loi de 2005 sur la Discrimination en matière de Handicap accorde le droit aux parents handicapés d‟être tout autant impliqués dans l‟éducation de leurs enfants que n‟importe quel autre parent. » Les principales découvertes montrent que les écoles peuvent aider le mieux les parents handicapés à être impliqués de façon égalitaire par les moyens suivants : Effectuer des ajustements de façon anticipée, comme rendre les bâtiments scolaires accessibles ou utiliser de grands caractères pour tous les courriers à la maison. Discuter avec les parents handicapés de leurs besoins et en effectuant les ajustements nécessaires pour chaque individuel. Ceci implique, par exemple, de parler plutôt que d‟écrire à un parent en difficulté d‟apprentissage pour les devoirs de son enfant, ou de diminuer le stress lors de l‟organisation de réunions dans lesquelles des parents à déficience mentale sont impliqués. Continuer à offrir un soutien générique à tous les parents. Par exemple, les parents handicapés relèvent que les officiers de soutien aux parents, les groupes de soutien aux familles et les clubs pour les devoirs répondent souvent bien à leurs besoins. M. Brunner a affirmé que chaque classe au Royaume-Uni a une chance de comporter des étudiants dont les parents sont handicapés. « Selon les meilleures données trouvées, 1 parent sur 9 au Royaume-Uni est handicapé. Ces parents ont été trop invisibles trop longtemps. Leurs besoins en soutien devront être pris en compte de façon à ce que leurs enfants puissent bénéficier d‟une chance égale de réussite à l‟école. » En partenariat avec le Fonds pour l‟Education du CfBT, les résultats de la recherche ont été utilisés pour écrire un document d‟orientations pour les écoles et d‟information pour les parents. Le document est accessible en ligne sur le site du Fonds pour l‟Education du CfBT : Guidance_5.pdf EasvRead%20Summary_ 3.pdf Parents-Leaflet 3.pdf DPReport _5.pdf 35 36 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 37 38 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 39 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 MERITE JEUNESSE The Award Ceremony On Tuesday the 23 February 2010, at the Athénée de Luxembourg, a long line of smartly attired young adults eargerly awaited their well-earned award from H.R.H Grand Duc Jean and H.R.H Prince Guillaume as well as the Minister of Family and Integration, Mrs Marie-Josée Jacobs at the annual Mérite Jeunesse‟ Awards ceremony. The plush hall was brimming with youthful talent exemplified by the flawless renditions of the Athénée orchestra who entertained the audience throughout the ceremony. After the presentation of the winner of the « Prix du Mérite Jeunesse 2009 », awarded for the project « Rouloto‟graphe » some of the Gold holders shared with the audience their outstanding and quite diverse experiences they gained with the Mérite and the impact this had on their young lifes. Congratulations to all participants for the unwavering efforts they have done in the course of the last months ! Besides David and Linda Cadwallader also received well earned praise and were honored for their extaordinary services with a certificate of recognition. Having run the Mérite for many years at the European school they got leaders and students alike enthusiastic for the programme and also made it possible to offer a National expedition for all the Mérite units here in Luxembourg. Now as they have settled down in Southern France a new team of well trained tutors, as Stephen Symons, Feona Crompton, Annette Weaver and Trevor King, took on the idea and continue doing a fantastic job at the European School as we could see by the impressive number of participants at the ceremony. From the intial the Mérite Jeunesse has been founded in 1993 in Luxembourg and is chaired by H.R .H the Prince Guillaume as the President of the Administrative Council and supported by a board of 12 members. Since then the foundation has grown constantly and is considered now of being a full member of the International Award Association and a part of the « European-Mediterranean and Arab States Region ». Over 6 million young people have taken up the Award challenge worldwide in more than 120 countries. Article offered by Adeline Krausch 40 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 ***** MERITE JEUNESSE Exploring the world… and yourself. Spring is nearly here and for the past fifteen years for Linda Cadwallader and myself that has meant attending the Presentation of Awards for the Merite Jeunesse. The awards are presented each year by SAR Grand Duke Jean and SAR Prince Guillaume, in the presence of government ministers, parents and of course the participants, many of whom come from the European School. Once again this year there were several dozen awards for students at the school, at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. What is it? Despite the fact that we have been going for so long, there are still parents who have no idea of who we are or what we do. The Merite Jeunesse (also known as the Duke of Edinburgh Award in UK) exists world-wide to promote the development of personal skills, initiative, self confidence and achievement among young people. Started in 1956, the award has over 6 million award holders and many thousands of active adults who support them. Each participant takes part in a range of activities each year from four areas (Sport, Skill, Service and Adventurous activity). Participants choose what they will undertake, and the pace at which they will proceed. The activities are non competitive but represent a challenge to be completed. Participants may start at age 14 and continue to the age of 24. There are around 80 to 100 students from the school active at any one time, and several hundred have gained awards. The web site is linked to the school home page ( What do they do? Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 41 Taking the past couple of years as an example, students take part in a huge range of sports, from scuba to rock climbing, sailing to skiing. Their skills may be cultural (music, drama, photography); linguistic (Japanese, Danish, Swedish) or creative (art, knitting, model making, web site design.) For service they work regularly either in Luxembourg for Tiers Monde, for the International Bazaar, Amnesty, the Protection Civil, or Red Cross) or further afield, working in hospitals, nature reserves, orphanages and schools in Europe, Africa and Asia. The adventurous activity usually involves backpacking for several days, but we have also had expeditions by bicycle and canoe. We run training weekends and expeditions in Luxembourg (often in the Petite Suisse) but also in the Alps and the Pyrennees. Our main 2009 expedition was in the Vosges, but some participants also took part in explorations and expeditions organized by other groups in Finland and China. At Gold level there is also an additional activity, a residential week away from your friends. Again this can be local to Luxembourg, or meeting with other participants, (an environmental week in Portugal, working in an orphanage in Tanzania, or on a lion reserve in South Africa!) Why do they do it? You need to ask them! At the award presentation they get a certificate, but also a huge sense of achievement. Many speak of exceeding the limits they thought they had, both physically and mentally, developing a resilience and mental toughness that they were not aware of, and forming friendships born out of completing a difficult task together as a team. The award is highly valued by universities and employers, who recognize the transferable skills the participants have demonstrated. Who helps them? In the European School there are a team of teachers supporting the programme, among others Mrs Weaver, Ms Crompton, Mr Symons and Mr King. Until recently there was also Mr Penn (now at the ISL, which also participates in the award) and the two of us, David & Linda Cadwallader. For us the presentation was a chance to meet old friends from the award, and for the last time to congratulate “our” award participants, some of whom had worked closely with us for several years. Well, maybe not the last. There is already talk of expeditions in the Pyrennees where we are now located, renovating a mountain refuge for walkers (parents interested can follow our progress on and we are pretty sure that we will continue some connection with the award, and the parents and students who have worked with us over the years. By David Cadwallader 42 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 My name is Grace Courlander. I am currently a first year student at the University of Exeter, studying English and French. This time last year, I was a student at the European School of Luxembourg, standing on a platform in front of Grand Duc Jean, giving a presentation on my time with the Merite Jeunesse. The first thing I said when I was told about the Merite Jeunesse was “absolutely no way will I be doing that!”. The idea of waking up in a frozen tent to face another day of continuous walking, surrounded by creepy-crawlies somehow just didn't appeal to me. I ended up staying for the three years and loved it! I'm going to tell you a little bit about my experience with the Merite Jeunesse de Luxembourg. To receive an award, you must show commitment in three areas: service, skill and sport. These are left up to you to decide. For my service, I concentrated mostly on childcare, helping in the crèche at the international bazaar and doing free babysitting. I also worked in the school Tiers Monde discos, which was fun as well as work! For my gold award, I decided to try something new and, as I would be studying literature at university, I chose to help out in the school library. For my school, I learnt to play the piano. I had already been doing this activity, but decided to use it as my skill in order to advance it even more. I like to play a bit of everything, be it pop songs, jazz music or classical pieces. I completed all of my exams up to grade 6. Finally, for my sport, I did ballet. Again, I had already been going to classes but doing it for Merite Jeunesse meant that I would get credit for the hard work I put in. I passed my final exam in July last year with merit. Every other year, the school puts on a show in which the students can participate and also help to choreograph. That was the easy part of the award. The slightly more challenging part, but no less fun, is the expeditions. On my bronze expedition, we had the first frost of the year and it got so cold that we had to wear all our clothes. Five of us spent the night in a three man tent! My silver expedition took place in the Vosges, where it rained so much that my waterproofs came back to Luxembourg no longer waterproof! We had some excellent survival practice in watching out for hypothermia in our group. Now, of course, having had all kinds of awful weather on all our previous expeditions, the gold exploration to Banyuls turned out to be extremely hot! Instead of having to look out for hypothermia, we were warned against heatstroke. It was on this hike that we realised that the hills in Luxembourg were really not that big! We walked along the border between France and Spain for three days and, when we reached the beach, took part in activities such as sea kayak and snorkelling. We also helped the locals by painting a refuge which was covered in graffiti. The most amazing thing about these expeditions is just how much you bond with your group: I have made friends for life on these trips. To complete your gold award, you must have done a residential. I joined an environmental project on a natural park outside Lisbon, Portugal for one week. This was an international event which meant I made lots of friends from many different countries. In total, we were 70 participants from 13 countries around the world. We worked in the natural park during the day, helping to clear the beaches of invasive plants, making bird boxes and clearing riverbeds. We also took part in environmental conferences. This was certainly challenging work but lots of fun! I really enjoyed myself and felt proud of what I had achieved. Finally, here are just a few impressions about my time with the Merite that will stay with me forever: a. “Don't worry guys, I know exactly where we are!” “Where?” “We're lost!” “Left or right?” “Left, definitely left” “How are you so sure?” “It's down and I'm not walking up anymore hills!” Grace Courlander 43 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 U.G.D.A. –Remise de Diplômes Des musiciens honorés OBERANVEN La cérémonie de remise des diplômes de l‟UGDA a rassemblé plus d‟un millier de personnes. L‟école de musique de l‟union Grand-Duc Adolphe a remis à 616 élèves les diplômes de l‟année scolaire 2008/2009 dans la grande salle du centre culturel et sportif Am Sand. Une cérémonie durant laquelle étaient offerts plusieurs moments musicaux. « L’an passé, le nombre d’élèves de l’école de musique UGDA a fortement augmenté. Nous avions l’an passé 4 400 élèves et cette année nous avons enregistré une progression de 300 élèves. Nous avons aujourd’hui plus de 4 700 élèves et 180 enseignants que nous détachons dans les différentes sections », annonce d‟emblée le directeur de l‟école de musique de l‟UGDA, heureux de voir que la musique continue à rassembler de plus en plus d‟amateurs. Main dans la main avec les communes Un succès qu‟il explique par le fait que l‟école de musique est au plus près de la population étant donné que les cours sont dispensés dans un grand nombre des communes du pays, en collaboration avec quatre syndicats intercommunaux. Rappelons que les communes sont conventionnées avec l‟UGDA qui assure des cours de solfège et apprend à jouer sur différents instruments. Une proximité à laquelle s‟ajoutent les projets de coopération avec les villes et localités permettant d‟encadrer les jeunes pendant des journées entières : « Dans les maisons relais, par exemple, nous avons introduit des cours d’initiation de la musique. Un autre projet-pilote concerne le chant choral. Une centaine d’adultes y participent. Un troisième point important c’est que des ensembles instrumentaux sont en train de se créer afin de permettre aux musiciens d’intégrer par la suite une fanfare ou une chorale. » L‟offre de formation musicale de l‟UGDA est de plus en plus importante. Cette année ont été introduits des cours de guitare électrique qui s‟ajoutent aux autres cours d‟instruments à cordes. De nouveaux cours sont créés au fil des ans à l‟initiative des communes travaillant main dans la main avec l‟UGDA. La cérémonie d‟hier était consacrée à la remise des diplômes de la 1 ère mention en solfège, de la 3ème, 2ème et 1ère mention ainsi que des certificats et diplômes de la division moyenne dans les différentes branches instrumentales et vocales. Les bourgmestres ou les échevins des communes ont remis aux 616 lauréats les diplômes et un petit cadeau offert par le groupe d‟assurance La Luxembourgeoise. L‟événement était également rehaussé par la présence de Jacques Santer, président honoraire de l‟UGDA depuis de nombreuses années. D‟après un article du 8 février 2010 dans « Le Quotidien ». 44 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Battle of the Bands 2010 The 5th European School Battle of the Bands competition ran in fine style on Friday evening, 5th March. Between 19h00 and 22h00, eleven finalists played a set of two songs each from their repertoire to a keen audience of more than 200 students (and some teachers and parents). Styles varied from Death Metal to Hip-Hop, via Salsa/Jazz and passing through Alternative Rock. It was simply unfortunate that a prior selection had to be made: all the performers put in highly creditable efforts and their enjoyment was plain for all to see. An invited jury included guests from Stage Music and Rockhal, who also provided some super prizes. They chose 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, and there was also an audience award. The event was organised by Mr.Pods with help from Mr.Cafferky. Technical support was provided by Mr.Feltes and the Backstage group under Mr.Lowe. While the audience vote was being counted, musical entertainment was provided by The Blue Terraplanes. The whole event was filmed for posterity and DVDs will be made available (see 2009 example below). The participants (in alphabetic order, not in order of appearance) were: 3rd 1st Ana & The Randefelts The Callbacks Hit Snooze Project Yoko S4L Those Guys 2nd & Audience Award Braindirt Chateau Condominium Jalsazz The Riffs The Signies The winners, “Project Yoko”, will play at the Screaming Fields Festival organised by the Rockhal in June, and a full evening gig at a venue in Luxembourg City. Second place “Jalsazz” will play at the opening evening of the European School Science Symposium on 21 st March, and a half-hour gig has been arranged for them at Sang & Klang. The traditional food prize to 3rd place winners, drinks prize to 2nd place winners and clothing prize to 1st place winners were supplemented by a rich haul of CDs, DVDs and music accessories. WELL DONE TO ALL INVOLVED ! Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 45 46 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Photos courtesy of Mr Manacourt 47 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Cycling Proficiency Road Test – call for parent volunteers Coupe Scolaire vélo – appel aux bénévoles The APEEE and the school administration would again like to organise a road test for children in Year 5 primary of all language sections, to take place on Kirchberg, during the summer term. The road test is organised in accordance with guidelines issued by the Luxembourg Authorities. To be successful it will require parent volunteers to help monitor the children at key stages along the route – and of course, it will be a nice occasion to support your child! If you think you can spare some time (particularly in the morning) please contact the APEEE secretariat by telephone (tel. 4301-33105 ) or by email ( as quickly as possible. L'administration de l'école et l'APEEE aimeraient à nouveau organiser une épreuve pratique sur vélo pour les élèves de la 5ème année primaire de l'ensemble des sections linguistiques, au Kirchberg, pendant le dernier trimestre. L'épreuve aura lieu conformément aux lignes directrices édictées par les autorités luxembourgeoises. Pour assurer la réussite de cette initiative, nous aurons besoin de parents bénévoles pour nous aider à surveiller les enfants pendant certaines étapes clés de la route choisie – et ceci représentera évidemment une belle occassion de soutenir vos enfants ! Toute personne qui pense pouvoir se libérer quelques heures (surtout le matin) est invitée à prendre contact avec le secrétariat de l'APEEE par téléphone (4301-33105 ) ou par courriel ( le plus vite possible. Guys and Dolls The APEEE is pleased to again support the European School musical which will take place in the Salle des Fêtes of the School at 19h30 on Wednesday 17th March Friday 19th March Thursday 18th March Saturday 20th March Tickets 10 euros per person. There is also a Matinée performance on Saturday 20th March at 14.30 with concessionary rates for families with primary-school aged children. Family tickets 20 euros for 2 adults and up to 2 primary aged children also individual tickets at 10 euros Please reserve your tickets by contacting Miriam Bligh 48 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 APEEE contact information 2009-2010 Délégués de Classe 2009-2010 Class representatives Secondaire / Secondary Class Teacher Admin Room Parent delegate(s) email 1. Vehicular language sections S1deA M. Bramkamp Lux.1 T107 LEMKE Boris-Christoph S1deB Mme Brandenburg Lux.2 A104 BAUMERT Susanne SPILLMANN Christine S2deA Mme Lange Lux.1 A208 ERHARD-JACQUE Rita - S2deB Mme Moosmann-Erdel Lux.1 P102 MOLL Petra OBERHAUSEN Josefine S3deA Mme Wagner -Nölle Lux.1 B318 WOLLER-MÜLLER Gabi HEIDORN Christian S3deB Mme Lambrecht Lux.1 B206 BEILER Christina - S4deA M. Fester Lux.1 E102 FÖRSTER Jürgen JANIETZ Jenny S4deB M. Münchow Lux.1 A205 SCHMIDT Felix DÖNSELMANN Katharina S5deA Mme Chyla Lux.1 B107 - - S5deB Mme Matscheko Lux.1 B104 WOLLER-MÜLLER Gabi S6deA M. Krane Lux.1 E103 E110 STEINMETZ Petra S6deB Mme Villarmé Lux.1 E103 E110 SCHÜTZ Astrid HOLZ Eva-Maria S7deA M. Nied Lux.1 C304 HERKNER Ursula S7deB M. Buchwald Lux 1 C312 MÜLLER Ulrich STUHRMANN Dietmar S1enA Mme Crompton Lux.1 F104 PATEL Amita S1enB M. Whale Lux.2 A201 DENNIS Ian VAN LINDERT Helen S1enC M. Keene Lux.1 A203 SCOPEL Zuzana STASKUNIENE Egle S2enA M. Smith Lux.1 A103 JACOB Lynda REGNIER Andrée S2enB M. Lowe Lux.1 F003 RUXTON Fiona S2enC M. Fox Lux.1 A105 SINNOTT Dominique S2enD M. Symons Lux.1 - KLUVANEC Daniel - S3enA Mme Duncombe Lux.1 T007 MAGEE Pamela S3enB M. Manancourt Lux.1 B204 DENNIS Ian VAN LINDERT Helen S3enC M. R. Morgan Lux.1 F001 PECHIYKRZIC Simona ILLY Luca S4enA M. Beckett Lux.1 E003 FREWER Isabelle WARD Georgina S4enB M. Cafferky Lux.1 B110 HEBEL Sonja SMITH Joanne 49 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Class Teacher Admin Room S4enC M. Bush Lux.1 T111 S4enD M. Bridges Lux.1 S5enA M. Archer S5enB Parent delegate(s) email WALL Mary Jo - LOIDE-REISNER Pirot Lux.1 - ANDREEVSKA Suzana M. Mallon Lux. 1 B314 ROSE-AGASSI Karen S5enC Mme Sutherland Lux.1 A101 FETTES-COOPER Annette - S5enD M. Pearce Lux.1 - PTACKOVA Brigita S6enA M. Watson Lux.1 A014 FRANKEL Jane-Anne MEYERS Mihoko S6enB M. Clarke Lux.1 A108 - - S6enC M. Sexton Lux.1 E001 KLUVANEC Daniel - S7enA M. Atkinson Lux.1 E004 - - S7enB Mme Conway Lux.1 F011 SPRINGHAM Ruth - S7enC Mme Norris S1frA Mme Duchesne Lux.1 T008 GAMAN Alice GILLARD-SANDRON Emmanuelle S1frB Mme Sprinski Lux.1 A202 GRBIC Sandrine S1frC M. Béliard Lux.1 A211 SCHNEIDER Philippe ESSER-DIAZ Maria Leonides S1frD M. Rossetto - - GOOSSENS Oriana S2frA M. Ducher Lux.1 - BRAS Angèle CAMBRIA Gabrielle - S2frB Mme Hussong-Gantner Lux.1 E203 COURTEL Thierry S2frC Mme Bouzette Lux.1 C102 ESSER Maria Leonides S2frD M. Cerf - - PAUMIER-BIANCO François COLLARD-KOLP Françoise S3frA Mme De La Fuente Lux.1 C203 GERVASONI Véronique NICHOLS David S3frB Mme De Rijck Lux.1 F201 DECARNIÈRE Isabelle S3frC M. Schneider Lux.1 C103 TORQUATI-VOULGARI Maria S4frA M. Mousel Lux.1 - PAUMIER-BIANCO François KLETHI Emmanuelle S4frB Mme Allet Lux.1 F202 DE TOURNEMIRE Anne COURTEL Thierry S4frC Mme Garcia- Martinez Lux.1 B202 DILLENBOURG Françoise S5frA M. Mossong Lux.1 B112 - - S5frB M. Baudoin Lux.1 B118 - - S5frC M. Eneau Lux.1 B111 PESCATORE Marilena VIALLON Stéphane S5frD Mme Tonelli - - BOJAN Claudiu LABROUSSI Catherine S6frA Mme Lemarié Lux.1 E201 LOOS Monique NICOLAS André S6frB Mme Jourdan Lux.1 E204 THILL Valérie DOUNY Eveline S6frC M. Baudoin Lux.1 C202 MONTEBRUSCO Roberto SADJI Bineta 50 Class Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Teacher Admin Room Parent delegate(s) email S7frA Mme Brillouet Lux.1 C201 - - S7frB M. De Tournemire Lux.1 T202 COLLIN Catherine MARNAT Sophie S7frC Mme Perrin Lux.1 F203 DIMMOCK Michel 2. Non-vehicular language sections S1dk M. Overgaard Lux.1 T203 SØRENSEN Bjarne BROLUND Nils S2dk M. Batzlaff Lux.1 P104 RASMUSSEN Jørgen S3dk Mme Schiødt Lux.1 T204 MADSEN Johannes S4dk M. Faxholt Lux.1 B213 HOLST Birgitte SØNDERSKOV Michael S5dk M. Pedersen Lux.1 T106 STENERSEN Ole HIERL Dorte S6dk Mme Andreasen Lux.1 C109 BRØGGER Jette S7dk M. Schiødt Lux.1 B213 RIXEN Lisbeth HOLST Birgitte S1el Mme Kyriakou Lux.1 P110 KOUTSOYANNOPOULOS Christos christos.koutsoyannopoulos@ec.europa.e u S2el Mme Bardi Lux.1 B304 KAVOURAS-ASTRINIDOU Stavroula S3el M. Nestoras Lux.1 B304 SARIDAKI Alexandra PAPAZOGLOU Elpida S4el Mme Ioannidou Lux.1 B315 PERAKIS Aristotelis S5el Mme Mintsi Lux.1 B212 MARGONI Vassiliki FRANGIADAKI Elefthéria S6el M. Ioannou Lux.1 T101 MARINAKOS Georgios SARIDAKI Alexandra S7el M. Ioannou Lux.1 T102 MARINAKOS Georgios S1es M. Romero Lux.1 C110 JARA LORENZO Eva - S2es Mme Sendon Lux.1 B219 NIETO Jesus S3es M. Grajal De Blas Lux.1 C111 ACEDO CASTRO Jose Luis CANALETA Eva S4es M. Montilla Lux.1 C212 LAQUINTANA Angelo S5es Mme Gutierrez Lux.1 - PINILLOS BARTOLOME Elena LAHOZ Maria Rosario S6es M. Garcia Agullo Lux.1 C211 SECHI Teresa - S7es Mme Guerrero Lux.1 - PEREZ ANAYA Consuelo S1fi Mme Hämynen Lux.1 C307 YLIKNUUSSI Niina S2fi Mme Kervinen-Noponen Lux.1 T205 NYHOLM Per S3fi M. Valkama Lux.1 C307 MÄKELÄ Samuli S4fi Mme Siren Lux.1 T004 TOUDAL Inger S5fi M. Valkama Lux.1 B311 PIRON-MÄKI-KORVELA Helena S6fi Mme Kukkonen Lux.1 T003 KARTTUNEN Paula S7fi Mme Hämynen Lux.1 T205 JÄRVENPÄÄ Anne 51 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Class Teacher Admin Room Parent delegate(s) email S1it M. Sgobbo Lux.1 T006 NIBBI Francesca PISANA Claudio S2it M. Porreca Lux.1 B301 MARTEGANI-ODDONE Béatrice BUS-TAVARELLI Iolanda Lux.1 B114 - BUS Iolanda MICHELINO Antonella S3it Mme Messina S4it M. Ayoub Lux.1 - MAZZONI Giuseppe CASSARELLA Magda S5it M. Mazzeo Lux.1 - BUS Iolanda PAESANI STAFFINI Lucilla S6it Mme Corrieri Lux.1 T005 - - S7it Mme Gori Lux.1 C309 CASSARELLA Magda STOCCO Giancarlo S1nl M. Vincent Lux.1 C101 MONTAGNA-DE WINTER Maaike S2nl S3nl M. Coussens M. Welzen Lux.1 Lux.1 E010 E111 MONTAGNA -DE WINTER Maaike BALLY-LOCOGE Frédérique S4nl M. Weinberg Lux.1 B320 - - S5nl M. Sjollema Lux.1 - VANDEVOIR Els S6nl Mme Lammens Lux.1 C305 VANDEVOIR Els S7nl M. Forrez Lux.1 T211 S1pl Mme Skalecka Lux.1 WOJCIECHOWSKA Joanna S2pl Mme Madecka Lux.1 RUSTANOWICZ Anna S3pl Mme Kos Lux.1 DRZAZGA Ryszard S4pl Mme Skalecka Lux.1 MAZURKIEWICZ-ZALESKA Barbara S1pt S2pt Mme De Sousa Mme Viana Lux.1 Lux.1 C113 C118 Alda BATISTA MARTINS Domingos S3pt M. Pedro Lux.1 B303 LEITE Isabel SILVA Herculana S4pt Mme Alves Lux.1 - LEMOS RODRIGUES Maria do Rosário S5pt Mme Nunes Marques Lux.1 - BEZERRA Eugenia Maria S6pt M. Da Silva Seixas Lux.1 C001 MARTINS DE ARAUJO Emidio S7pt M. Pereira Lux.1 C010 PEREIRA Margarida S1sw Mme Larsson Lux.1 T002 ROBERTSSON John MONTELEONE Cinzia S2sw Mme Kjellgren Lux.1 B216 RIDELL Liselott ROBERTSSON Ana - S3swA Mme Vindels Lux.1 B216 ANDERSSON Annika S4swA M. Sims Lux.1 B305 KARVELLAS Katerina S5sw M. Sims Lux.1 C105 TOLSTOY Leo S6sw M. Kjellgren Lux.1 T002 OTTOSSON Helena S7sw M. Kjellgren Lux.1 T103 Roland RANDEFELT - Lucia COERMAN 52 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Fête de l‟École Schulfest am Samstag, den 8. Mai 2010 zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr School Fair Saturday 8th May 2010 from 10 to 5 o’clock fête de l’ecole Samedi 8 mai 2010 de 10 – 17 h 53 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 ACTION TIERS MONDE - THIRD WORLD GROUP – DRITTE WELT GRUPPE SPONSORED SPORTS DAY- JOURNÉE SPORTIVE PARRAINÉE Dear Parents, On Saturday 24 April 2010 from 10:30 to 15:30 the Third World Committee of the European Schools will organise a sponsored swim and an obstacle course for the children of the Primary and “Maternelle”, in the school’s swimming pool complex (access from the Maternelle car park). The pupils take part in one activity or both by asking people to sponsor them. On April 24, the children hand in the money they collected to the organisers and they either swim for 15 mn in groups of 10 to 12 at a time or go into the gym for the parcours. The funds collected support projects of development concerning children in need, family healthcare and agricultural development in Ethiopia, R.D. of Congo,Togo and Brazil. For information see site We assure you that all necessary measures will be taken to insure the safety of the children. We hope many of you will support this fund-raising activity and we look forward to seeing you and your children on Saturday 24 April. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Chers Parents, Le samedi 24 avril 2010, de 10h30 à 15h30, le Comité Tiers Monde organisera une Journée sportive parrainée : natation et un parcours en salle, pour les enfants des cycles primaire et maternel, dans le complexe sportif de l’École (accès par le parking de l'École maternelle). Pour participer à une ou deux des activités, les enfants demandent aux personnes de leur entourage de les soutenir en faisant un don. Le 24 avril, les enfants remettront aux organisateurs l‟argent qu‟ils auront collecté. Ils se rendront dans la piscine pour nager pendant 15 mn, par groupes de 10 à 12 ou dans le gymnase pour effectuer le parcours. Les fonds rassemblés seront destinés aux projets de développement que le Comité Tiers Monde soutient actuellement en Éthiopie, en R.D. du Congo, au Togo et au Brésil. Pour plus d‟information, veuillez consulter le site Nous nous engageons à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires à la sécurité des enfants. Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à soutenir cette activité et serons heureux de vous accueillir avec vos enfants le samedi 24 avril. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Liebe Eltern, Am Samstag, dem 24. April 2010, organisiert die Dritte Welt Gruppe von 10.30 Uhr – 15.30 Uhr für die Kinder der Primärschulen und der Kindergartenklassen gesponserte Sportveranstaltungen im Schwimmbad / in der Sporthalle der Europaschule (Zugang vom Parkplatz des Kindergartens). Kinder, die an einer oder zwei Veranstaltungen teilnehmen möchten, bitten eine oder mehrere Personen ihrer Umgebung als Sponsoren um eine Geldspende. Am 24. April übergibt jedes Kind seine erhaltene(n) Geldspende(n) den Organisatoren. Die Kinder, die schwimmen möchten, begeben sich ins Schwimmbad und werden jeweils in Gruppen von 10-12 Personen 15 Minuten lang schwimmen. Wer am Hindernislauf teilnehmen will, begibt sich in die Sporthalle. Die Dritte Welt Gruppe unterstützt zur Zeit mit den Geldspenden Entwicklungshilfeprojekte in Äthiopien, in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, in Togo und in Brasilien. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Internet unter Selbstverständlich werden alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Sicherheit Ihrer Kinder zu gewährleisten. Wir hoffen auf Ihre Unterstützung und würden uns freuen, wenn wir am Samstag, dem 24. April, möglichst viele Eltern und Kinder begrüßen könnten. 54 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 SPONSORED SPORTS DAY – JOURNÉE SPORTIVE PARRAINÉE - GESPONSERTE SPORTVERANSTALTUNGEN Samedi/Saturday/Samstag, 24 Avril/April 2010 NOM/ NAME: PRÉNOM / VORNAME: CLASSE / KLASSE: NOM DU SPONSOR / NAME DON / MONEY COLLECTED / SPENDE TOTAL: _______________________ MATHS CLUB Gostingen, 5.02.2010 Dear parents and teachers, I would like to offer help with mathematics in and after school time for children in the primary school and the first 3 years of secondary school. I am a Dutch lady who lived with my husband and children in several countries. We have 5 children. I was always involved in their schools. In the Netherlands I studied Social Pedagogy. Our youngest son is now in first secondary school. I noticed that a lot of children had problems with their basic knowledge of Math. In October 2000 I opened a Kumon-Math center in Darmstadt, Germany For the last 3 years , I had my center in the International School „Schuldorf Bergstrasse‟ in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany. Because we moved to Luxembourg, the center was taking over by somebody else. It is very important for the children to have a solid base in mathematics. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, negative and positive numbers (without calculator!!!) On that you can build the mathematics in the secondary school. If they don‟t have a solid basic knowledge of math , a lot of children will often have a very low self-esteem .They think they can‟t do it ,but I am sure with a little bit of help they can ! In class it often goes to fast . Some need more time to learn their number skills before they move on to the next level. In class there is not always time for that. Still it is necessary to practice more . Their self-esteem and confidence will grow and they will do much better overall. I have lots of ideas how we could do that. The most important thing is that the children benefit from this! Kind regards, Anne-Marie Beckers-Oudendijk Tel: 26747987 Email: 55 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Petites Annonces Note : the “small ads” service is reserved for the advertisement of goods and services deemed to be of interest to readers. The Ad Parentes editorial team reserve absolute discretion whether or not to publish. No responsibility is accepted for the content of the advertisement. (a) Professeurs pour Leçons Particulières / Private tutors -------------------------------------------THIS IS THE LATEST COMPLETE LIST OF PRIVATE TUTORS MAINTAINED BY THE A.P.E.E.E. SECRETARIAT. -------------------------------------------Difficultés d’apprentissage… …Learning difficulties ANDREINI Giuliana 26360338 /621366923 Psychologue free-lance – Prise en charge des enfants en difficulté à l‟école primaire et secondaire. Donne cours de français tous niveaux et de philosophie. BOYLAN Christopher 691 148 629 I am an American Psychologist new to Luxembourg. I have several years experience in the practice of Psychotherapy with children/teens, adults, families and couples. I look forward to working with you. GREEN Bonnie 26 31 00 29 Reading/Dyslexic Tutor : If your child is struggling with reading he/she may benefit from one-to-one tuition. I tutor dyslexic children after school in my home using the Hickey Programme – a structured, multi-sensory method of teaching children to read. Your child does not have to be dyslexic to benefit from this programme. Some children fall behind in school due to illness, vision problems, hearing difficulties, frequent moves, etc. HENRICI Diana 691826841 Msc. Psych., Master en Neurosciences. Soutien psychologique aux enfants et adolescents avec problèmes et difficultés d'apprentissage. Bilan et rapport psychologique. Consultations sur rendez-vous. Tél : 691 826 841 Psychologist offers psychological support and assistance for children and adolescents with low self-esteem and learning difficulties. Consultations in English, German, French and Spanish KERSTEN Valérie 26383087 Psychologue pour enfants et adolescents. Langues : FR, LUX, DE, EN. PEREIRA Manuela 26780631 Psychothérapeute Accompagnement d'adolescents: difficultés relationnelles et familiales, manque de confiance et estime de soi, troubles alimentaires. Langues - Portugais et Français SANDER-EMRAM 49 25 21 / 621 722 724 Soutien scolaire. Une aide personnalisée pour votre enfant: approche méthodologique performante (coaching), bilan des connaissances et stratégie de remédiation efficace, aide à l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture, cours de soutien en français, aide à la rédaction et à la correction des devoirs. Cours de langue… …Language courses AGUIAR Mabel 26684719 Spanish language courses: teacher of spanish, graduate in Spanish language and literature, available for private tuition in Spanish. - Professeur diplômé en langue et lettres hispaniques disponible pour cours complémentaires ou de rattrapage en langue espagnole. AVEZ NANA Nicole 621-718748 French lessons. BARRETO PEREZ Raquel 26440278, 691-734617 Professeur espagnole, licenciée, donne cours d‟espagnol tout niveau et âge. Parle anglais. Qualified Spanish teacher gives private lessons of Spanish. All levels and ages. English spoken. BERMAN Michèle 348893 Donne course de français niveaux, et de philosophie. tous BREMAUD Evelyne 319145 Donne leçons de français langue maternelle ou langue étrangère. BROGLIA Julianne 495425 Professeur expérimentée, donne cours d‟allemand tout niveau. Parle FR,IT,EN. CALUWAERTS-LULEUX Agnès 26720982, 621-785601 Institutrice expérimentée, ancienne chargée de cours en français langue étrangère - Donne cours particuliers de français et se déplace. CHAMBERS Victoria 308571, 621-327406 Qualified teacher gives German and English lessons and conversation «rattrapage». DE JONGHE Eléonore 621721674 Licenciée SC. Eco, exp. Donne cours en FR, ts niv. Economie (macro, micro, compta), socio et langue française + meth. Trav. DELOS-LOPEZ Rosana 378979, 621-503754 Native Spanish speaker; give Spanish lessons. All levels. Speaks German, French, English and Luxembourgish DURY 621-543 113 Propose cours de français pour élèves germanophoneset cours d'allemand (2ième langue) pour élèves francophones. Biete Nachhilfe in Französich für deutsche Schülersowie in Deutsch 56 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 (zweite Sprache) für französiche Schüler an. MILLS John 348550 ENSCH Arlette 437551 Longue expérience des cours de rattrapage en anglais - Parle couramment FR et DE. Donne cours de luxembourgeois débutants, faux débutants, avancés et cours de soutien en allemand. MULLER-TILLEY 443749 FREED Mort 222977 evenings after 19h00 "Homework tutoring and coaching help offered evenings at your home by recently retired International School of Luxembourg teacher." GEIB Ana Maria 357872 Experienced native speaker teacher gives Spanish tuition to adults and children. All levels, including rattrapage on European School programmes. Fluent in English, German and French. HULL Danièle 473932 Professeur pour leçons particulières français – Conversation et cours de rattrapage. Man spricht Deutsch. English spoken. Italian Teacher 352 319601 Insegnante italiana con approfondita conoscenza dei programmi della Scuola Europea impartisce lezioni private di : lingua italiana per tutte le classi, filosofia per le classi 6a e 7a preparazione al BAC scritto e orale Italian teacher gives extra lessons in Italian language for foreigner pupils Institutrice italienne donne cours particuliers aux élèves E.E. en langue italienne. JENNINGS Gaile 26683871 English Lessons – Native English speaker available for private tuition. Exeprience of working with European School students. JAAS Evelyne 003263228079 Experienced levels. M. THOMAS English Mme. TONELLI Christiane teachers, all MÜNCH Horst 621 312 987 OKPARANTA Chinenye 621 708889 OLIVER Françoise 691-423058 Professeur de français propose soutien niveau secondaire FR Langue I et II Littérature + Grammaire. PETTER François 348589 de PIETERS Chantal 0033382530725 - 0033668862015 Personne expérimentée d'origine grecque souhaite donner des cours particuliers de grec à domicile tant aux enfants qu'aux adultes. PRESTON John 691281433 Language lessons – All levels. English language teacher, Luxembourg based, native English speaker, offers English conversation lessons SANDERS Vinciane 388027, 621-396703 Donne cours de français tous niveaux. STEFINI Emmanuel 0033387700775, 621-520073 Professeur de français – Exerce tant que freelance depuis 6 ans Luxembourg. Donne des cours de tous niveaux, y compris préparation bac. en au FR au Professeur de Français. TANTINONACO 691-662531 MERLAND Marianne 469288 Insegnante Mardre lingua Italiana Impartisce – Lezioni private ad alunni della scuola primaria. Donne leçons d‟allemand, français et anglais. 319601 Institutrice pendant 8 ans en Italie, donne leçons d‟italien tous niveaux Secondaire et de philosophie. Parle également FR. Tel : 319601 WERY Anne 458754 English Language lessons – All levels. Donne leçons d‟allemand et français, primaire et secondaire. 26119129 / 691110158 Enseignante école européenne, donne cours de français tous niveaux. Mme. TORRE Donne leçons d‟allemand tous niveaux et de français premier cycle. 621493746 Donne cours de Mathématiques, français, anglais, tous niveaux en langue FR et EN. Editions & Ressourcés sàrl, Docteur de Paris IV, Sorbonne, Langue Française et Philosophie – Cours privés et préparation au Bac par approche originale, personnalisée et rigoureuse – Valorisation de toutes les ressources – Structuration de la pensée, comme de l‟expression (écrite, verbale) – Développement de la créativité. Pour des résultats : enrichissement du vocabulaire, argumentation logique, aisance et confiance dans l‟affirmation de soi, correction et éloquence. Mathématiques et sciences… …Maths and sciences ANGELINI 452214, 4301-37207 Leçons mathématiques et physique en IT pour classes 4-7 secondaire. BECKERS-OUDENDIJK Anne-Marie 26 74 79 87 Need help with MATH in English, Dutch or German? I offer help in math for children aged 4 -14. I find it very important that children can build on a solid base of math, so their confidence will grow and they will do well in Math in secondary school. BERNARD Marie-Paule 621 465 200 Engineer provides tuition for secondary school education (from 1 to 7) in mathematics, physics, chemistry and french (speaks French, German and English). Offers special preparation for the baccalaureate (3p, 5p, 8P). 57 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 DARA Maxime & DARA Corine 621-194983 - 621-514491 - Dara THOMAS 621 493746 Corine CPE3 ou 4301 38462 Donne cours particuliers de math tous niveaux. Expérience auprès des élèves de l‟ecole europeenne. Donne cours de mathématiques, français, anglais, tous niveaux en langue FR et EN. DIB Maya 26296545 Donne cours de Mathématiques en FR – Ecole Secondaire. GOMES Ana 621697903 Professora Licenciada em Matemática Via Ensino dá explicações ao ensino Primario, Liceu e Superior .em Português e em Françês. Professeur Licenciée en Mathématiques donne cours à tous les niveaux en PO et FR LELEUX Yves 691 37 15 42 Jeune Ingénieur issu de l'Ecole Centrale Paris donne cours particuliers TOUT NIVEAU de mathématiques, physiques, chimie. MALAFONTE Anna 26 383 922; 621 696616 malafronte.anna Professeur avec plusieurs années d'expérience donne cours particuliers en mathématiques, physique et chimie ainsi que des cours pour la préparation du bac. Langues: italien, français, anglais. PRIM Michael 26332129, 691-347131 Prof . de Math – Physique – Chimie. Cours particuliers et préparation au Bac. TANANKOU GUY Aimé 621 663527 Donne cours de Mathématiques (5-67 secondaire) et de Physique (5-6 Secondaire). Autres matières… …Other subjects (playing since a very early age) with experience in playing in a band and composing music. Lessons in English, French and Swedish. MAURO PARTRIDGE Luisa 691 86 52 44 Chanteuse lyrique attitrée, diplômée au Conservatoire „G. Verdi‟ de Milan, donne cours de Chant tout niveau BRANGBOURG Emmanuel 00 33 38 25 63 175 PARTRIDGE Philippe 691 86 52 44 BROWN Isabel 621 595 475 SPECCHI Alessandro 691 24 23 90 Cours de Guitare. Tous niveaux. Se déplace. Tel : (merci d‟appeler le dimanche 18h00-20h30) Piano lessons in Strassen. English, Français, español, Deutsch. Experienced, qualified teacher. ABRSM exams available. 250 euros for 10 lessons (30 minutes each). DURANDEAU Marc 661 801 142 Guitar & voice private lessons from professional (languages: English, French, Spanish) INFORMATICIAN 691 898203 Italian informatician gives extra lessons in Computer Science both in English and in Italian and extra lessons in Math in Italian. JARGEAC Marie-Agnès 346278 Diplômée en Musicologie, donne cours de piano et de solfège. MALKAVIAN 691 659 861 Piano lessons available for beginner to intermediate students. Young pianist Pianiste compositeur, professeur expérimenté donne cours de Piano et/ou Solfège tout niveau Private piano lessons. He has been piano teacher at the Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, Director at the Mascagni Conservatory in Leghornm, Artistic Director of the Tuscany's Orchester. languages: FRDE- EN- IT. SZALAY Tünde 299646 Diplomierte Musiklehrerin – Abschl. Diplom : Musikakademie Budapest – Erteilt Solgfège und Klavier unterricht. WERY Anne 458 754 Editions & Ressources sàrl, Docteur de Paris IV, Sorbonne, Langue Française et Philosophie – Cours privés et préparation au Bac par approche originale, personnalisée et rigoureuse – Valorisation de toutes les ressources – Structuration de la pensée, comme de l‟expression (écrite, verbale) – Développement de la créativité. Pour des résultats : enrichissement du vocabulaire, argumentation logique, aisance et confiance dans l‟affirmation de soi, correction et éloquence 58 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 APEEE Groupes de Travail / APEEE Task Groups 2009-2010 1. Pédagogie maternelle et primaire Chef de groupe: Johannes Madsen Fabienne Berthelot-Ertl, Rosa Brignone, Johannes Madsen, Luca Martinelli, Marika Papasideri, Raoul Precht, Jérôme Vacca, Rhonda Wilkinson Conseil d’Education Maternelle et Primaire : - Lux I: Johannes Madsen, Fabienne Berthelot-Ertl, Rosa Brignone, - Lux II: Johannes Madsen, Luca Martinelli, Marika Papasideri, Raoul Precht, Jérôme Vacca, Rhonda Wilkinson Délégués de classes: Jérôme Vacca Voyages scolaires (organisation et suivi): Jérôme Vacca, Santé et sports: Birgitte Holst, Luca Martinelli, Jérôme Vacca, Child Protection/Well Being: Fabienne Berthelot-Ertl, Birgitte Holst, Luca Martinelli, Jérôme Vacca, Enfants à besoins spéciaux: Birgitte Holst, Isabel Leite, Marika Papasideri, Jérôme Vacca, Rhonda Wilkinson 2. Pédagogie secondaire Chef de groupe: Isabel Leite Fabienne Berthelot-Ertl, Ian Dennis, Gerard Hanney, Birgitte Holst, Jenny Janietz, Isabel Leite, Monique Loos, Johannes Madsen, Luca Martinelli, Rodolfos Maslias, Marika Papasideri, Raoul Precht, Reza Razavi, Michèle Retter, Lars Schmidt, Siemon Smid, Stéphane Viallon, Rhonda Wilkinson Conseil d’Education Secondaire : Ian Dennis, Isabel Leite, Monique Loos, Délégués de classes: Isabel Leite, Rodolfos Maslias Bibliothèque: Luca Martinelli, Lars Schmidt, Santé et sports: Birgitte Holst, Luca Martinelli, Rodolfos Maslias, Child Protection/ Well Being: Isabel Leite, Birgitte Holst, Luca Martinelli, Enfants à besoins spéciaux: Birgitte Holst, Isabel Leite, Rodolfos Maslias, Rhonda Wilkinson 3. Information et communication Chef de groupe: Michele Retter Publications: Jérôme Vacca -Ad Parentes: Birgitte Holst, Jérôme Vacca -Site web: Siemon Smid, Jérôme Vacca, Gerard Hanney -Newsletter: Jérôme Vacca Contacts avec d’autres associations: Michèle Retter (FAPEL), Stéphane Viallon (CTM), Ian Dennis (ATSEE), Marika Papasideri (CPE) Accueil nouveaux pays membres: Jérôme Vacca 4. Questions administratives communes Chef de groupe: Ian Dennis Activités périscolaires: Ian Dennis, Michele Retter Cantine: Birgitte Holst, Luca Martinelli, Raoul Precht, Jenny Janietz, Marika Papasideri Echanges linguistiques: Jérôme Vacca Enfants Catégorie III: Rhonda Wilkinson Fêtes et manifestations: Jérôme Vacca Accueil nouveaux pays membres: Jérôme Vacca 5. Questions administratives Lux.I Chef de groupe: Monique Loos Conseil d’Administration Lux.1: Ian Dennis, Monique Loos, Isabel Leite Comité Discipline: Isabel Leite Bâtiments / Sécurité: Luca Martinelli, Lars Schmidt 6. Luxembourg II Chef de groupe: Luca Martinelli Conseil d’Administration Lux.2: Ian Dennis, Luca Martinelli, Johannes Madsen, Marika Papasideri Bâtiments / Sécurité: Luca Martinelli, Lars Schmidt 7. Interparents Chef de groupe: Raoul Precht, Birgitte Holst, Gerard Hanney, Ian Dennis, Monique Loos, Luca Martinelli, Johannes Madsen, Isabel Leite, Michèle Retter, 59 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 Other contacts / Autres contacts 1. The European Schools in Luxembourg Lux 1 ............................................................................... (tel) 432082-1 (secrétariat) ......................................................................................... Lux 2 ............................................................................... (tel) 26685900 (secrétariat) ......................................................................................... 2. Web links to other European Schools Board of Governors ......................................................... Alicante ............................................................................ (email) Bergen.............................................................................. Bxl 1 (Uccle) .................................................................... Bxl 2 (Woluwé) .............................................................. Bxl 3 (Ixelles).................................................................. Culham ............................................................................. Frankfurt .......................................................................... Karlsruhe ......................................................................... Mol.................................................................................... München .......................................................................... Varese .............................................................................. 3. Web links to other European School Parents‟ Associations Alicante, Spain ................................................................ Bergen, Netherlands ....................................................... Bxl 1 (Uccle) .................................................................... Bxl 2 (Woluwé) .............................................................. Bxl 3 (Ixelles).................................................................. Culham, UK ...................................................................... Frankfurt, Germany ........................................................ Karlsruhe, Germany ........................................................ Mol, Belgium ................................................................... München, Germany ......................................................... Varese, Italy .................................................................... [Heraklion, Crete] ........................................................... [Parma, Italy].................................................................. - 4. Other ATPEE (Association des Transports) ............................. (tel) 4300-23945, (email) Mots-de-zaza (Library Association) .............................. (tel) 312474 (Mme. T. Dennis-Soto) Comité Tiers Monde (Third World Committee) ........... (tel) 436537 (Mme. Ana Roberts) .......................................................................................... (website) APCPE (Association des Parents du Centre Polyvalent des Enfants) .............................................. (tel) 4300-22041, (web) Euresco (Alumni Association) ........................................ Comité des Elèves (Local Pupils Association)............... COSUP (Interschool Pupils Association) ....................... Action Committee for Fair School Fees ......................... (Mme. Marleen Watte) European School Parents Action Committee ................ Comité de Liaison et d'Action des Etrangers ................ Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés - Pôle pour une école démocratique............................ Kannertelefon (Luxembourg child helpline) ................. 12345 Association de parents d’enfants toxicomanes ............ 545444 60 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 A.P.E.E.E. MEMBERSHIP STANDING ORDER / BANK TRANSFER FORM* (Please complete form using capital letters) I, the undersigned: First name : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Last name : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Home address) Street, No.: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Post Code : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Town : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Phone No. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ E-mail : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Work address) Institution/Company : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Street, No.: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Post Code : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Town : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Phone No: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ E-mail: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Language section(s) of children attending the school (e.g. DE,EN,FR): __ __ __ Number of children in Nursery (M), Primary (P) or Secondary (S) cycle: M __ P __ S __ Authorise my bank ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to transfer from my account number IBAN __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the sum of 24 Euro the first time on __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ and thereafter on 1st October of each year, this sum being my annual subscription to the Parents‟ Association of the European Schools in Luxembourg, to the following account: BANQUE ET CAISSE D‟EPARGE DE L‟ETAT BIC: BCEELULL Account IBAN LU64 0019 2555 5628 0000 Luxembourg, (date) __ /__ / 20__ __ Signature ______________________________________________ Please note: * This standing order cancels and replaces any existing standing order in favour of the Parents’ Association of the European Schools in Luxembourg. PLEASE RETURN TO: APEEE Secretariat - Room C1/004, JMO Building - European Commission - Kirchberg L-2920 61 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 FORMULAIRE D'INSCRIPTION A.P.E.E.E. ORDRE PERMANENT / VIREMENT BANCAIRE * (Veuillez compléter en lettres majuscules) Je soussigné : Prénom : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Nom : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Adresse personnelle) Rue, Numéro : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Code postal : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Ville : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Téléphone : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __GSM : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ E-mail : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ (Adresse professionnelle) Institution/Société : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Rue, Numéro : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Code postal : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Ville : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Téléphone : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ GSM : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ E-mail : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Sections linguistiques des enfants fréquentant les écoles (par ex. DE,EN,FR): ___ ___ Nombre d'enfants en maternelle (M), au primaire (P) ou au secondaire (S): M __ P __ S __ autorise ma banque __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ à transférer à partir de mon compte IBAN: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ le montant de Euro 24 la première fois le __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ et ensuite le 1er octobre de chaque année, cette somme représentant mon cotisation annuel à l'Association des Parents d'Elèves des Ecoles Européennes au Luxembourg, au compte bancaire suivant: BANQUE ET CAISSE D‟EPARGE DE L‟ETAT BIC: BCEELULL compte IBAN LU64 0019 2555 5628 0000 Luxembourg, (date) __ __ /__ __ /20__ __ Signature _____________________________________________ Veuillez noter : * Cet ordre permanent annule et remplace tout ordre permanent existant en faveur de l'Association des Parents d'Elèves des Ecoles Européennes au Luxembourg. RETOUR À: Secrétariat APEEE - Salle C1/004, Bâtiment JMO – Commission Européenne - Kirchberg L-2920 62 Ad Parentes No. 3/2009-10 APEEE – Association des Parents d‟Elèves de l‟Ecole Européenne web site: e-mail: Ad Parentes e-mail: Bulletin d’information / Newsletter: inscription par voie du site web / subscription via web site COMITE DE GESTION 2009-2010 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (version 17.10.09) Membres du bureau / Members of executive board Président: Ian DENNIS Ian.Dennis<at> 4301-35129 / 691.530632 Vice-Président LAdministratif et Financier: Monique LOOS Monique.Loos<at> 4303-2316 Vice-Président Luxembourg II: Luca MARTINELLI 4301-38101 Luca.Martinelli<at> Vice-Président Pédagogie Secondaire: Isabel LEITE isabel.leite<at> 317868 / 4300-23250 Vice-Président Pédagogie Primaire: Johannes MADSEN jstenbaekmadsen<at> 458152 Secrétaire: Michèle RETTER michele.retter<at> 24785579 Trésorier: Michèle RETTER michele.retter<at> 24785579 Autres Membres / Other Members Fabianne BERTHELOT-ERTL Rosa BRIGNONE fabertl<at> rosa.brignone<at> 26332659 4300-23822 Gerard HANNEY Birgitte HOLST Jenny JANIETZ Gerard.Hanney<at> birgitte.holst<at> bholst<at> jenny.janietz<at> 4301-34929 4300-23177 357834 435721 / 691 525620 Johannes MADSEN Rodolfos MASLIAS jstenbaekmadsen<at> rodolfos.maslias<at> 4398-45773 / 691 196749 430024758 Marika PAPASIDERI maria-elza.papasideri<at> 4301-35817 Raoul PRECHT Reza RAZAVI Raoul.Precht<at> 4300-23351, Fax: 4300-24802 621504653 Lars SCHMIDT Siemon SMID lars<at> siemon.smid<at> 621.175454 433944 Jérôme VACCA Jerome.vacca<at> 661 660124 Stéphane VIALLON Rhonda WILKINSON VIALLON<at> rhonda<at> 4379-89898 / 26202895 458152 SECRETAIRE PERMANENTE 2009-2010 PERMANENT SECRETARIAT (version 25.02.10) Bureau / Office address : Bâtiment Jean Monnet, Bureau C1/004, L-2920 LUXEMBOURG Tel: 4301-33105, Fax: 4301-34869 Ouverture du bureau / Office opening hours : Lundi / Monday : 8.30 - 16.00 Mardi à Vendredi / Tuesday to Friday : 8.30 - 12.30 Présence à l’école / Presence at school : Lux.1 – Nouveau Bâtiment Primaire / Lux.1 – New Primary Building : n/a Lux.2 – Village Pédagogique / Lux.2 – Pedagogical Village : n