Visit Ilan Brenman’s website to see many more books at http://www.ilan.com.br Exclusively represented by The ChoiceMaker Korea Co. Jane Kim (Export Agent) Email: jane.kim@thechoicemaker.com Tel: +82 2 322 3464 | Fax: +82 2 322 4464 All image copyright © original art work by each illustrator displayed. is considered one of the most important Brazilian children's authors in Brazil and has more than 50 published works and more than 600,000 books sold. Many of his books received major awards and have been a constant presence in the international catalog of Bologna. He was born in 1973, in Kfar Saba, Israel. Although his parents are Argentineans and his grandparents Russian and Polish, Ilan has been living in Brazil for more than 30 years. He is a psychologist with masters and PhD from the School of Education of University of Sao Paulo. Trilogy from Ilan Brenman & Renato Moriconi Wonderful wordless big picture books with full of imagination and creativity! Histórias do pai da História (Stories of the Father of History) Illustrations by Anuska Allepuz Companhia das Letrinhas (Brazil) 56 pages / 27x19cm / + 7 Rights sold to Korea Do you know who “the father of history” is? This story is about Herodotus who was an ancient Greek historian in the fifth century BC. He was the first historian known to collect his materials systematically and critically, and then to arrange them into a historiographic narrative. This must be a fascinating fiction about Herodotus with lovely illustrations for you. Telefone sem fio (Broken Telephone) over 200,000 copies in Brazil alone! Companhia das Letrinhas (Brazil) / 32 pages / 27x36 cm Rights sold to Mexico, Korea, France, Sweden and Denmark and China Award: FNLIJ Melhor Livro Imagem 2010 & Revista Crescer 2011 Bocejo (Big Yawn) Companhia des Letrinhas (Brazil) / 32 pages / 27x36 cm Rights sold to France, Sweden and Denmark Award: Revista Crescer 2013 A MULHER QUE NÃ O SABIA GUARDAR SEGREDOS (The Woman Who Did Not Know How to Keep Secrets) Illustrations by Renato Moriconi abacatte editorial (Brazil) 32 pages / 21.5X28cm / hardback / +7 Caras Animalescars (Animalistic Faces) Companhia des Letrinhas (Brazil) / 32 pages / 27x36 cm This is a story about a great scholar and philosopher, Plutarch and his wife, Chaeronaea who was the most curious and gossipy person in ancient Rome. Can you guess what happens if someone talks too much and listens too little? Inspirations by a book called “The Chatter” by Plutarch. Let’s Have Fun with Clara and Gabriel! These playful stories with Clara and Gabriel bring you happiness of everyday life and big dreams to grow strong. Princess VS. Animal, Do you know if they do even fart? Let’s discover an entertaining story about secret of princess and animal with dad! Até as princeasas soltam pum (Do Even Princesses Fart) over 300,000 copies in Brazil alone! illustrations by Ionit Zilberman Brinque-Book (Brazil) / 28 pages / 24x25 cm Rights sold to Korea, Spain (Catalan, Valencian), Portugal Award: Revista Crescer 2008 Illustrated by Silvana Rando Brinque-Book (Brazil) / 24~28 pages / 22.8x22.8cm Clara A Tiara da Clara (Clara’s Tiara) Clara e a Olimpiada de 2016 (Clara and the 2016 Olympic Game) Gabriel As Botas do Gabriel (Gabriel’s Boots) Gabriel, Ja para o banho! (Gabriel, Go to Bathroom!) Gabrile e a Copa do mundo de 2014 (Gabriel and the 2014 World Cup) Pai, todos os animais soltum pum? (Dad, Do All Animals Fart?) illustrations by Ionit Zilberman Brinque-Book (Brazil) / 28 pages / 24x25 cm Rights sold in Korean, Spanish (Catalan, Valencian) Award: Revista Crescer 2009 O Alvo (The Target) Illustrations by Renato Moriconi editora ática (Brazil) / 32 pages / 23x28 cm Rights sold to Korea Award: FNLIJ Melhor Livro Imagem 2011 & Revista Crescer 2012, White Ravens Selection 2012 A Cicatriz (The Scar) “An old professor always proposes proper solutions for problems, no matter how difficult they are. One day he tells his pupils a story how he became a wise man after meeting a little boy. A graceful story with beautiful illustrations.” Illustrated by Ionit Zilberman Companhia das Letrinhas (Brazil) / 32 pages / 25x23 cm / Sold to Spain “Sylvania would have to go to hospital for stitches on her chin. What on earth are they going to do to her? Children can learn what scar really is and how they are not afraid of.” Pai, nã o fui eu! (Dad, It wasn’t Me!) Illustrations by Anna Laura Cantone Companhia das Letrinhas (Brazil) / 40pages / 23x26 cm Award: FNLIJ Melhor Livro Imagem 2013 & Revista Crescer 2013 “A story of a father who hears a bang while working quietly in his home office. With a surprising fun ending, this book shows a sweet moment of the relationship between parents and children and value of reading as well.” O que cabe num livro? (What Fits in a Book?) Illustrated by Fernando Vilela Editora DCL (Brazil) / 32 pages / 30x30 cm “Do you know a book has got everything in it? This is the world of imagination where anything is possible. Let’s open this book together!”