The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update Burrillville High School Volume 4, Issue 3 Date 11.5.2012 The Bronco Update Principal’s Message Inside this issue: Artwork 2 Pumpkins 3 English 4 Digital Portfolio 4 Math 5 Music 7 School to Career 9 Tech Ed 9 Social Studies 10 Students of the 11 Month October was a busy month of testing for many of our students. Our juniors recently completed their NECAP testing in Reading, Math and Writing. Results from these tests will be released in late February/ early March. Our sophomores were also tested on the PSATs. This served as a practice test to prepare them for the SATs they will take as juniors. We continue to move forward with our NEASC self-study. As the standards are completed, our faculty reviews and approves them to be added to the report. Our first School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting will be held on November 7th at 6 Community Service 12 Feinstein 12 Yearbook 13 Drama Club 14 All Night Grad 15 PBIS 16 Nurse 17 Guidance 19 dance Saturday night. Lastly, a big congratulations to our BHS Football team with their Newcomer’s Group 25 7-6 win over the Lincoln Lions! Go Broncos! p.m. in the media center. Please show your support by joining SIT and helping us to prepare for our NEASC visit and revise our strategic plan. All new members are encouraged to attend! S o N w Burrillville Broncos just ended a great Homecoming spirit week! Our Disney theme was seen throughout the week with costumes, music, and Bronco spirit! We were very E impressed with how all of our students upheld the Bronco expectations throughout the lm week. It was great to see so many students attend the parade, Broncopalooza, and the s B lv H S o E c e w e The Bronco Update From the Art Rooms… Page 2 Page 3 The Bronco Update Students worked with Mrs. Scheefer, Mr. Cash, and Mr. Mueller to carve over 100 pumpkins for the Downtown Pascoag Pumpkin Festival on October 25th. The festival was sponsored by the Downtown Pascoag Neighborhood Association and the Burrillville Parks and Recreation Department. The Bronco Update Page 4 English Department News Grade 12: Students in all Grade 12 English classes are currently working on writing their college essays, which will complete their Expressive Writing Common Course Assessment. Next they will be moving onto their unit on reading literature, which focuses on identifying key ideas, details, craft, figurative language, and nuances of meaning. They will be reading selections from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales and a few of William Shakespeare’s plays during this unit. Grade 11: Students in all Grade 11 English classes are currently working on a unit on The Harlem Renaissance and then they will be moving on to reading A Raisin in the Sun with a comparison argument essay to follow. Grade 10: Students in all Grade 10 English classes are currently reading the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Students will be completing an argumentative essay at the conclusion of this unit. Grade 9: Students in all Grade 9 English classes are currently working on finishing up the first Common Course Assessment, which is an argumentative essay based on an informational text. Next, they will be working on a unit on reading short stories. Enhanced Writing: All students in the Grade 10 Enhanced writing classes are working on writing the procedural essay. Digital Portfolio Update The end of first quarter is here already, which means that students will soon be receiving their first common tasks of the year if they have not already received them. Common tasks form the backbone of a BHS portfolio. Therefore, it is extremely important that students earn proficient scores on their common tasks. Only tasks that receive scores of 3 or higher are considered portfolio worthy. Students who fail to achieve proficiency are strongly encouraged to revise their work and improve their scores! Scheduling for senior portfolio presentations is still being worked out with the hope that a preliminary schedule will be available by Thanksgiving. Notification of student presentation dates and times will be sent home to parents/guardians. Parents or guardians who are interested in attending their son/daughter’s portfolio presentation should contact Mr. Goodwin, BHS graduation requirements coordinator, at Stay tuned for the reveal of the BHS Graduation Requirements website, which should be up and running, at least partially, by December 1, 2012. The Bronco Update Page 5 Math Department News… At BHS this year we have targeted problem solving as an area of improvement for our students. We are asking for parent/ guardian support in helping us to improve the way students think critically. Try the problem of the month with your son/daughter and then email the solution to or bring the solution into your son or daughter’s math teacher. Bronco Bucks will be awarded for correct solutions and/or creative approaches to problem solving. November Problem of the Month You find yourself playing a game with your friend. It is played with a deck of only 16 cards, divided into 4 suits: Red, Blue, Orange, and Green. There are four cards in each suit: Ace, King, Queen, and Jack. Ace outranks King, which outranks Queen, which outranks Jack except for the Green Jack, which outranks every other card. If two cards have the same face value, then Red outranks Blue, which outranks Orange, which outranks Green, again except for the Green Jack, which outranks everything. Here's how the game is played: you are dealt one card face up, and your friend is dealt one card face down. Your friend then makes some true statements, and you have to work out who has the higher card, you or your friend. It’s that simple! Round 1: You are dealt the Red Queen and your friend makes three statements: 1. My card could lose to a Blue card. 2. Knowing this, if I am more likely to have an Ace or a King than a Queen or a Jack, then I have an orange card. Otherwise, I don’t. 3. Given all of the information you now know, if I am more likely to have a Jack than an Ace, then I actually have a King. Otherwise, I don’t. Who has the higher card, you or your friend? Page 6 The Bronco Update October Problem of the Month Complete the quiz. 1. The first question with B as the correct answer is: A.1 B.4 C.3 D.2 2. The answer to Question 4 is: A.D B.A C.B D.C 3. The answer to Question 1 is: A.D B.C C.B D.A 4. The number of questions which have D as the correct answer is: A.3 B.2 C.1 D.0 5. The number of questions which have B as the correct answer is: A.0 B.2 C.3 D.1 Answer to October Problem of the Month: 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B Page 7 The Bronco Update Music Department News… Burrillville High School Band Wows the Crowd at Autumnfest Parade Monday, October 8, 2012 was a beautiful autumn day. Although most students were home enjoying their day off, the members of the band were representing the town of Burrillville in the 33rd annual Autumnfest Parade in Woonsocket. The crowd seemed genuinely appreciative of the band’s performance and marching maneuvers, especially their reversals. Special thanks goes to our parent volunteers Lynn Clark, Martha Jackson, Denise Wattendorf, Lee O’Connor, Barbara Hudon and Roland Hudon who helped attend to every detail. Thanks also to student volunteers Lauren Guilbault, Meghan Gilmore and Brandy Beaudreau for carrying the band's banner. But the greatest credit belongs to our Drum Majors Julie Latendresse and Rebecca Hudon who attended to every detail to make this appearance “spot on.” Congratulations to all on a job WELL DONE! Homecoming Disney Tribute Previews Band & Choir Trip in February This year’s Homecoming theme of Disney was a perfect prelude for the Band and Choir trip to Disneyworld in February. The day’s activities began with the band members reporting to the high school at 7:30 AM and after quickly changing into their marching uniforms, it was off to the football field for some last minute drilling of the halftime show. After being certain of their every move, the band boarded buses to Callahan School where they met up with the rest of the parade participants. The parade proceeded up Chapel Street and down East Avenue back to the high school. Once back at the high school, Wind Ensemble and Select Choir members warmed up the crowd with a few spirited songs. The Bronco Update Page 8 At halftime, the Wind Ensemble performed their Disney pieces with style and grace and even threw in a prince and princess (Seniors Evan Mislick and Alyssa Lemire), some waltzing, and a wish for world peace. Many thanks go to the following people for making this event such a success: thanks to Mr. Latendresse and the Music Boosters for providing such a scrumptious luncheon for all the musicians; thanks to the senior Drum Majors Rebecca Hudon and especially Julie Latendresse for creating, planning and implementing the field show from musical arrangements to dance steps; thanks to all the musicians for working so hard for so long to make a special presentation for our hometown crowd; thanks especially to our seniors for making this a Homecoming to remember. Seems as if we don’t have to wish on any stars to make our dreams come true! Upcoming Music Department Events For further information regarding Music Department activities, please visit Mrs. Favali’s Blog at: Music Boosters Meeting: Monday, November 5, 2012 6:30-7:30 PM Extra Band Rehearsal: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 6:30-8:00 PM Thanksgiving Football Game: Thursday, November 22, 2012 10:00 AM The Bronco Update Page 9 School to Career News… October hosted a variety of opportunities for our students. Lincoln Tech presented six workshops for a variety of classes entitled 'Life After High School' and 'The Interview Success Game". These hands-on workshops were greatly appreciated by both students and staff. Members from the Workmen's Compensation Court conducted a workshop highlighting employees’ rights in the workplace. This interactive workshop provided the students with information regarding the laws pertaining to child labor and their rights under these laws. A trip to New England Tech highlighted both the existing campus in Warwick and the new campus in East Greenwich featuring the many programs in the health fields and technology. Environmental Science students toured the Resource Recovery Facility in Johnston and a rare opportunity was given to 32 students who toured the high security General Dynamics Facility at Quonset Point where components of nuclear submarines are manufactured and assembled. Many more activities are planned for November including a trip to Save the Bay in Providence, a sustainable energy summit at RIC, a collaboration with Pascoag Utility and other activities. Working on a Middle School Career Fair in the Spring! Technology Education Department News… The plastic crying machines are back! Many BHS. households will be kept awake and annoyed by the random and bothersome sound of synthetic baby crying. Mrs. Sanstrom’s parenting classes are preparing to “enjoy” the packages from the cabbage patch as a key learning tool for the course. Mrs. Sanstrom said, "I personally think that Baby Think It Over is a great project for the Parenting classes. It makes the students aware of how difficult it is to care for a baby over a period of time. It also makes them see how having a child right now will interfere with their ability to get a decent education and a job to support their future families. (Mrs. Sanstrom’s children are all grown-up!) The technology club is still tinkering away their Tuesday and Thursday afternoons on small engine projects, electric lamp repair, and any other broken thing that comes along. They have been making markers for the student memorial and will soon be preparing it for the winter season. The group may be taking on partial responsibility for school vehicle maintenance and soon hope to start a “unit” on house-wiring. Page 10 The Bronco Update Social Studies Department News October was a busy month for the Social Studies Department. Indeed it is month of opportunities for Burrillville students through efforts of the Social Studies Department. On October 5, through collaboration with Andrew Riley, a guest speaker from Lincoln Tech was presenting to students about the various programs, options, funding sources and such offered by Lincoln Tech in nearby Lincoln, RI. It is important that students begin formulating a plan for their future. Data such as key areas of job growth, training times, and expected salaries were shared. Indeed some students are currently exploring this option as part of their path to success. On October 9th Burrillville’s Town Clerk, Mrs. Phaneuf, was invited in by the Social Studies Department to speak about an opportunity for students aged 16 and above to work as an election poll worker on November 6, 2012. Students will be trained and paid for their time. Additionally, students can choose community service hours awarded to them. This is a great new initiative with the town that we hope to continue for many years. Afterschool training for these workers will be provided on October 23rd at the high school, at which point interested students will receive their polling precinct assignments for Election Day. On October 18th the Social Studies department working in collaboration with the Art Department received some 103 pumpkins from the Town of Burrillville. Through a recycling profit share the Town gets back from RIRRC, and the organizational efforts of key town workers and teachers here, we were able to bring back the not too far off history of the high school contributing to an annual community pumpkin carving event held in Pascoag. A variety of opportunities are offered here for students. They can choose to carve, attend, or supervise the event on the 25th of October, or all three actions! This event was made possible through some extended efforts of many folks, including our friends over at the Goodwin Farm in North Smithfield and our longtime allies and friends over at the Village IGA in Pascoag. The collaboration between town workers and school teachers is something we just can’t stop seeing enough of. Keep it coming everyone! On October 19 through collaborative efforts with Andrew Riley, the Social Studies department was able to offer a presentation from the State Workers Compensation Court. These folks who included a Judge, a Lawyer, a case manager and an OSHA expert educated students as to the ins and outs of their workplace rights. It is hoped Burrillville students are better prepared for the workplace environment as a result of their efforts. On October 24 three busloads full of students will travel with a collaborative group of teachers to scale the heights of Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire. This annual event combines talents found in several departments here at BHS including one or two of our Social Studies department members. Page 6 11 The Bronco Update Burrillville High School Students of the Month: October Math Department: Algebra 1 - Nate Wiik Geometry - Tyler Laliberte Algebra 2 - Jacob Wall : - April Aliberti Academy Math Precalculus - Jared Rondeau Consumer Math - Slade DiChiaro AP Stats - JP Nanni Social Studies: Psychology - Lily Hayter Sociology - Amanda Champagne From Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Siner - Christopher "CJ" Wagner PBIS recognition US II-EEP - Joelle Minisce U. S. History II (2 students) - James Stead, Mikayla Fernandez American Pop Culture - Danielle Dumais U.S. History I Honors (2 students) - Lauren LaMontagne. Samantha Moriarty World History Survey (2 students) - Brandon Lapierre, Danielle Hugenin World History-Honors - William Hilton Rhode Island History - Kamil Strama English: Grade 12 - Audrey Holcomb Grade 11 - Michael D'Antuono Grade 10 - Zach Hardy Grade 9 - Shannon O'Rourke Electives - Tyler Ross The Bronco Update Page 12 Clubs and Organizations Community Service On October 26th, students from the high school volunteered at the Austin T. Levy Halloween Party. High school students danced and even did the limbo with the elementary school students! See Mrs. Forrest in A-21 for more community service opportunities! Feinstein Club The Feinstein Club would like to thank all of the after-school activity programs for collecting canned goods and giving them to us. It is greatly appreciated! The Bronco Update Page 13 Yearbook Want a great Christmas Gift Idea for your student??? Watch the mail for Yearbook Christmas Orders. (You will receive a Yearbook Certificate to give to your child on the big day.) Page 14 The Bronco Update BHS Theater goes to BROADWAY! This fall, students who are currently enrolled in a theater course at BHS, have taken a theater course in the past, or are members of the Drama Club are planning a trip to New York City. The trip will take them first to the Sony Wonder Technology Lab, where students will be able to try their hands at virtual surgeries using nanotechnology, create and manipulate photos of each other, use motion-capture technology to create and animate their own creature, and take part in a virtual newscast, complete with cameras and special effects. Once their time is complete at the lab, they’ll travel with their group through New York City, past Rockefeller Plaza and the famous tree towards Times Square to see the Tony Award-Winning production of Peter and the Starcatcher. This comedy was nominated for 9 Tony Awards, winning 5 of them at this year’s ceremony. Following the show, the Burrillville students will have an exclusive talk-back with the cast and crew of the show, giving them a chance to speak with the actors and technicians about their audition and rehearsal process as well as question them about life in the theater. Students have until Friday, November 2nd to return their permission slips and $105 to either Mrs. Blissmer (in B12) or Ms. Fleming (in B19). Any students who are interested in attending this trip must qualify as a theater student, and if there are any financial difficulties, please contact either teacher. The chaperones reserve the right to limit attendees based on academic eligibility, behavior, and absences of each student. There are only 50 seats available, and spots will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope it will be a trip the students will never forget! There are still 15 seats available for students!!! Drama Club will meet in Mrs. Blissmer's room on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 2-2:45. If there is a change in the schedule, we will make an announcement about the change. Please come and check us out. Even if you are super shy, it is a great way to meet new people and to laugh A LOT!! The Senior Christmas Assembly will be taking place on Friday, December 21st during the last two periods of the day. Any senior who is in good academic standing and wants to be a part of either writing or performing, or BOTH, is encouraged to sign up with their advisor, Mrs. Blissmer, Ms. Desilets, or Miss Fleming. All songs and skits are due to Ms. Desilets in November and there will be a few after school rehearsals during December. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Blissmer, Ms. Desilets, or Miss Fleming. The Bronco Update Page 15 The Bronco Update Page 16 PBIS Kept Busy During October The month of October went out with a howl. The “Kiss a Pig” contest wrapped up at the Homecoming Pep Rally with Dr. Whaley getting the honors. After a brief introduction to Arielle, the potbellied pig, Dr. Whaley went right to work and lured her in for the fated smooch. It was not only a very tender moment, but it proved to be the highlight of the Pep Rally. I guess a picture tells it all! With the start of a new month, the PBIS theme for the month is BE RESPECTFUL. Due to a couple of missed days from Hurricane Sandy, the video contest had not yet come to a close. The winning advisory will be part of next month’s PBIS column as well as the winners of the October raffles. The PBIS Committee is making one last plea to all in the BHS community to help us by registering your Stop & Shop cards on behalf of Burrillville High School in the A+ Rewards program. Cards can be registered online at or pick up a registration slip from Mrs. DeMarco. Please also extend the invitation to your family and friends. This one act could make a huge difference to our school. With the start of the second quarter, the PBIS committee will be holding a poster contest. Details will be forthcoming through your advisories. Page 17 The Bronco Update News from the Nurse’s Office WELLONE PRIMARY MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE 36 The Bridge Way Pascoag, Rhode Island 02859 Dear Parent, WELLONE is pleased to be conducting annual dental screenings for the Burrillville Schools during the 2012-2013 school year. Rhode Island regulations require that children through the fifth grade receive a dental screening annually and students between th e sixth and tenth grades be screened at least once. There is no charge for the dental screenings and all screenings will be completed by a Rhode Island licensed Dental Hygienist or Dentist. The screenings will be completely non-invasive, using only a light and dental mirror. You will be notified of any problems that may be found during the dental screening. If you do not want your child to receive a dental screening and your child has had a screening by a private dentist/hygienist, please provide this information to the school nurse before November 5th. For high school students we will be screening Grade 10 only. The date of your child’s dental screening is Thursday, November 15, 2012 Please feel free to call me or Lisa Schiffmann RN at (401) 567-0800 with any questions or concerns that you may have. Sincerely, Kathy Keable Dental Manager WellOne Dental Page 18 The Bronco Update September 17, 2012 Dear Parent or Guardian: Thank you for your interest in the Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH)’s Vaccina te Before You Graduate (VBYG) program. VBYG is an adolescent vaccination program that makes recommended vaccines available to all students in grades 9 through 12 in Rhode Island. There are no out-of-pocket charges or insurance requirements associated with the program. The health insurance information of students who have insurance, however, is collected to offset the cos t of vaccine administration. VBYG is a great opportunity for students to receive new vaccines, catch up on vaccinations they may have missed, and receive flu vaccine annually. Through VBYG, students can receive vaccines that may be required by colleges and employers. All vaccines are administered during the school day over the course of the school year. You can find the dates that your scho ol will be hosting a VBYG event by visiting Please check with your child’s physician to see if he or she is due for vaccine to protect against one of the following illnesses: • Hepatitis A • Meningitis • Hepatitis B • Polio • Human Papillomavirus (for males and females) • Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) • Varicella (chickenpox) Please speak to your child’s school nurse. She has the immunization packets. If you have any questions, please contact the HEALTH Information Line at 401-222-5960 / RI Relay 711. Sincerely, Kathy Marceau School and Adolescent Services Coordinator Page 19 The Bronco Update News from the Guidance Department ACT TESTING DATES AND FEES Students can register online at Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. High School Code is 400055 ACT Date Register-By Date Late Registration (Late Fee Required) Dec 8, 2012 Nov 2, 2012 Nov 3 - 16, 2012 Feb 9, 2013 Jan 11, 2012 Jan 12 - 18, 2013 Apr 13, 2013 Mar 8, 2013 Mar 9 - 22, 2013 Jun 8, 2013 May 3, 2013 May 4 - 17, 2013 Page 20 Page 13 The Bronco Update SAT TESTING DATES AND FEES High School Code is 400055 Register-By Date ($49.00 Fee) SAT Subject ™ Late Registration Tests Available Y/N (see website: ($75.00 Fee) for a list Dec 1, 2012 Nov 1, 2012 Nov 16, 2012 Jan 26, 2013 Dec 28, 2012 Jan 11, 2013 Mar 9, 2013 Feb 8, 2013 Feb 22, 2013 No May 4, 2013 Apr 5, 2013 Apr 19, 2013 Yes Jun 1, 2013 May 2, 2013 May 17, 2013 Yes SAT Date of the subject tests being offered on each date) Yes Yes Students can register online at Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religious observance. Page 10 21 The Bronco Update Listed below are the colleges planning a visit for the month of October. Any students who wish to go to this meeting must obtain a pass from Mrs. Lavallee in the Guidance Office on the day of the meeting. College Name Date of Visit Time of Visit Elms College 11-02-12 10:15 a.m. St. Anselm College 11-07-12 10:15 a.m. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 11-07-12 1:05 p.m. Becker College 11-08-12 9:25 a.m. Bryant University 11-09-12 1:05 p.m. Newbury College 11-20-12 10:15 a.m. University of Bridgeport 11-26-12 1:00 p.m. The following lunch time visits are scheduled for the month of November: United States Air Force - Thursday, November 1, 2012 Toni and Guy Hair Academy - Monday November 5, 2012 United States Marines Corps - Thursday, November 15, 2012 A table will be set up in the cafeteria. Students can visit with the representative during their lunch period. Scholarship Information College bound seniors looking for a good resource for local scholarships should also visit SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOOL YEAR 2012 - 2013 DATE RECV'D 08/30/12 NAME Horatio Alger Association Scholarship TYPE CRITERIA any Seniors who are US citizens planning to pursue a bachelor's degree after graduation and have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity. Must have financial need, involved in cocurricular and community activites, AMO UNT FREQUE NCY DEADLINE 10/25/2012 Expired varies once and demonstrate academic achievement with a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. 08/30/12 The 100 Club of Rhode Island Any 09/05/12 Brad Lafontaine Memorial Scholarship any 09/05/12 Matthew Siravo Memorial Foundation any 09/12/12 Elks National Foundation Any U.S. College 09/12/12 Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards Any U.S. College 09/17/12 American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Contest College Univer sity Trade School 09/17/12 Union Plus Scholarship any 09/26/12 US Junior Chamber International Senate Foundation Scholarship any accredi ted 10/09/12 RI MENSA Foundation Scholarship any RI High School Senior whose parent has completed at least 1 year of continuous service in an organization covered by the 100 Club of RI benefit program (public safety personnel serving RI). Senior Football Player on the Burrillville High School Football Team who has "the most heart" RI high school seniors diagnosed with Epilepsy High School Seniors and US citizenship High School Senior who is a child or grandchild of a living Elk who joined on or before 4/1/10 or charter member of a lodge that was instituted on or after 4/1/10. Students must apply online at olars/legacy.cfm High School Senior. Must write essay & include bibliography. Must apply online at www.afsascholarship .org Dependent child of a union member w/a union participating in the Union Plus Credit Card program High school seniors who plan to continue their education at an accredited postsecondary college, university or vocational school. Any RI resident and US citizen planning to pursue a degree program at an up to $2,500 4 Years $1,000 .00 once $1,000 .00 once 4/1/2013 Varies 4 years 12/07/12 $4,000 over 4 years 2/1/2013 varies once 04/03/13 from $500 to $4,000 once 01/31/13 $1,000 .00 once 12/20/2012 up to $1,000 once 1/15/2013 3/1/2013 To Mrs. Lavallee by 10/22/12 10/09/12 National Co-op Scholarship Program See Applic ation for list of particip ating schools 10/09/12 Nat'l Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Young Entrepreneur Award any 10/11/12 RI Polonia Scholarship Award 2 or 4 Year College 10/16/12 RI Pilots' Association any accredited institution of post-secondary education for the 2013-2014 school year. Must submit an essay of up to 550 words. Apply online at www.mensafoundatio High school senior with a GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale and who plans to attend one of the WACE Partner Institutions listed on the attached supplement to the application form. Graduating high school seniors entering college in the fall of 2013. Must have an officially established business and demonstrate entrepreneurial initiative through examples such as DECA, etc. Must also meet or exceed recommended academic standards. Apply online RI resident of PolishAmerican descent or who belong to a RI Polish-American organization. Must exhibit academic achievement by having a GPA of 3.0 or better, display community service, and have financial need. RI resident at least 16 years of age pursuing aviation or aviation related field. $5,000 .00 each year 2/15/2013 $1,000 .00 once 12/17/12 $1,000 .00 once 02/15/13 once 2/28/2013 Page 25 The Bronco Update NEWCOMERS PROGRAM Burrillville Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Frank Pallotta Principal Mr. Michael Whaley Assistant Principals Mrs. Sherrill McKeon Mrs. Kathryn Johnston Department Leaders Kate Desilets- English Kristi Craig- Math Tim DuriganTechnology/ Business Nick Servidio-Science Barbara DeMascoStudent Wellness Jennifer FowlerSpecial Education Kevin Cash-Social Studies Guidance Kristin Gigliotti A-Gi Are you or your child new to the Burrillville High School Community? If you have recently moved to Burrillville or your child has transferred to Burrillville High from another school district, read on... We know how overwhelming it can be for kids to change schools. To assist in this transition we are again offering newcomers groups for students during the school day to orient them to what BHS has to offer. If you signed the newcomers permission form in your enrollment packet, your son/daughter will have a chance to speak to one of us and may be eligible to participate in a group, as available. ATTENTION PARENTS OF NEW STUDENTS We are hosting new (to BHS) parent informational sessions this fall. You will have your choice of a breakfast hour in the morning or a coffee hour in the evening. The dates will be announced soon – a letter will be sent home with your son/daughter and invitations will also be mailed. We hope that one of the sessions offered will fit into your schedule, and that you will consider joining us to learn what BHS is all about and how you can ensure your child makes a smooth transition to his/her new school. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the Newcomers Program, please feel free to contact Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist, at (401) 568-1310, ext. 2317 or email at Thank you! Sincerely, Janet McLinden, Student Assistance Counselor & Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist BHS Newcomers Program Coordinators Mary Lou Tupper Gl-O Peter Berthelette P-Z *A Special Thank You: We would like to acknowledge the Burrillville Schools Alumni Education Foundation, Inc. (BSAEF), as they have made these parent information sessions possible through grant funding. We truly appreciate their generosity in helping to fund our program so that we could expand it two years ago to include this very important component. Thank you, BSAEF! Editor’s Note: The newsletter is published once a month. Please send news items, announcements, and photographs to Ms. Smith at
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