The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update Burrillville High School Volume 3, Issue 5 Date 1/3/12 The Bronco Update Principal’s Message Inside this issue: Artwork 2 Technology Education 4 Music Department 5 Publications 7 New York Field Trip 8 Student plays 9 75th year of Burrillville High School Hockey January 20 & 21, 2012 The Burrillville Schools Alumni Education Foundation and the Burrillville Athletic Department Celebrate the 75th year of Burrillville High School Hockey. Students of the 10 Month Burrillville High School will be hosting a Hockey Tournament for Friday (1/20/2012) and Saturday (1/21/2012) with the current high school teams from Burrillville, LaSalle, East Providence, and Cranston East. The tournament will be held at AT Levy Rink, Harrisville RI. The Burrillville Jr. Hockey League will be having games/contests in between the two games on Saturday 1/21. The tournament schedule is as follows: From the art room… Jan 20 (Friday) 6:00 PM Burrillville vs. East Providence 8:00 PM LaSalle vs. Cranston East Jan 21 (Saturday) 12:00 PM Consolation Game 4:00 PM Championship Game Tournament tickets sold at the door From classrooms… Saturday,the January 21st Class of 2013 11 Honor Roll Breakfast 11 On Saturday night following the Championship Game, a Dinner Dance will be held at the Columbus Club, Roosevelt Ave Pascoag RI. Cocktails at 6:30 buffet at 7:00. A special performance by the Bel-Aires, a popular local band celebrating their 50th year, and DJ Tom Lovett will provide music. Yearbooks 12 Tickets are limited and can be purchased for $25 each by calling 401-568-2686 or by sending a check (made out to BSAEF) to: School to Career 12 Guidance 13 Newcomers 14 S o N w E lm s BSAEF PO Box 350 Harrisville, RI 02830 B Please include a note with your check to indicate ticket quantity and name(s) of ticket holders. Any questions, you can also email S Money raised from this event will go towards the BSAEF’s efforts which include grants and scholarships for Burrillville students and faculty. E lv H o c e w e The Bronco Update From the art rooms… Page 2 The Bronco Update Page 3 The Bronco Update Page 4 From the Technology Education Department… Woodworking “Herd, Herd, Herd is the word” as Santa’s elves in the BHS workshop prepare to set 50 wood-crafted reindeer loose on the Burrillville community. The elves (pictured) seem to understand the obvious deadline and are putting forth the final yuletide-push to complete the furless artic creatures. They may hold Christmas bulbs, poinsettias or any other festive decorations their new, proud owners see fit. The Reindeer are the most recent and to this point, most complicated, woodworking project to date. Parenting Classes Many BHS households will be kept awake and annoyed by the random sound of synthetic baby crying. Mrs. Sandstrom’s parenting classes are in full swing “enjoying” the packages the plastic stork brought them as a key learning tool for the course. Mrs. Sandstrom said, "I personally think that Baby Think It Over is a great project for the Parenting classes. It makes the students aware of how difficult it is to care for a baby over a period of time. The students are very excited to take their baby home but are even more excited to bring the baby back when the simulation is over. It encourages the student to see how having a child right now will interfere with their ability to get a decent education and a job to support their future families.” (Mrs. Sandstrom’s children are all grown-up!) The Bronco Update Page 5 From the Music Department… International Flavor to Annual Holiday Concert th On December 13 , the Select Choir, Chorus, Wind Ensemble and Concert Band all joined forces to present the annual Holiday Concert. The program for the evening was full of Christmas favorites as well as carols from other countries. The music began in the lobby where the group Back to Brass played for the audience members as they were entering the auditorium. Back to Brass is a brass quintet lead by BHS alum Paul Chadbourne who also plays tuba in the group. Other members of the group include Nick Wattendorf on trumpet, Jeremie Harnois on trumpet, Eric Hornig on tuba and Ryan Voyer on French Horn. At 6:30 sharp, the senior MCs Kerri Rainville and Tiffany Rabideau welcomed the audience and introduced the Select Choir joined by the Chorus class in a medley of America Christmas hits. The Select Choir continued with a piece accompanied by Kelsey Kerrigan on guitar, Tiffany Rabideau on recorder and Nicole Harnois on flute. The Select Choir, with some help on percussion instruments, brought great rhythmic excitement with “African Noel” and closed with a piece accompanied by Bryan Round on piano and 9 members of the band forming a bell choir. While the stage was being reset, the members of the Concert Band performed selected carols for the audience. The Wind Ensemble continued by bringing the sounds from Poland and France to the program and closed with themes from the “Grinch.” All instrumentalists and vocalists joined forces in a stirring piece celebrating the seventh day of Kwanzaa named “Imani.” The evening concluded with the traditional sing-a-long with the audience—those in attendance reported that the most enthusiastic singers had to be Dr. Whaley, Mrs. McKeon, and Mr. Izzi. Thanks to Mrs. Barbara Hudon for putting together a beautiful program and all the Music Boosters who helped make the evening run smoothly. Thanks to all BHS community members who made the time to attend and support the music program. Thanks to all the students who worked to present another inspiring performance. The Bronco Update Page 6 BHS Select Choir Performs at the State House th The Select Choir and several other members of the band performed at the State House on Thursday, December 15 at 11:00 AM. Performances of this kind are scheduled throughout the month of December by the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts. After getting set up for the performance, the BHS students were surprised by a chance encounter with Governor Chaffee. He paused just long enough to snap a photo with the group near the “Holiday” Tree. Although the performance had a minimal audience, it was truly thrilling to be able to perform in such a magnificent venue. Oh the sound! 3 BHS Students Accepted into URI Southern New England Honors Band Three BHS Wind Ensemble students have been accepted into the 2012 URI Southern New England Honors Band. Students throughout Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts vie for placement in an ensemble that will be gathering th st st at URI on January 20 and 21 with a culminating concert on January 21 with the American Band. This year’s guest conductor will be Dr. Richard Mayne, Professor of Music at the University of Northern Colorado. Accepted BHS students are Rebecca Hudon, clarinet, Julie Latendresse, oboe, and Bryan Round, percussion. Congratulations to these talented BHS musicians! The Bronco Update Page 7 Publication Class Interviews BHS Hockey Team Alumni th On December 15 , seniors in the Publications class were carried back through time to relive what it was like to be a Bronco hockey player fifty, sixty, even seventy years ago. The students in the class interviewed former members of th the hockey team for the 75 Year of Hockey celebration in Burrillville this January. The students are creating a book that celebrates Burrillville hockey’s evolution, triumphs, and anecdotal stories throughout the decades. Students heard about life before the rink where players would spend days shoveling off a pond so they could practice and players who skated on ice so thin, they often fell through. A favorite story of the class came from Mr. Bonczek, who explained how temperatures dropped below zero the day of a scheduled practice. The team was worried about practicing in such extreme conditions, so the captains approached Coach Eccleston to discuss calling off practice for the day. However, instead of calling off practice, he simply instructed the players to take out their game socks, pull them over their head, and skate like that so their faces wouldn’t freeze. Mr. Polacheck told a story of how he caught a puck on the chin during a game that broke two of his back teeth. Behind the bleachers, he spit out the broken teeth, had another player stitch up his chin, and was back on the ice before he could even miss a shift. Seniors Anna Dumais and Ella Perry listen to Mr. Ducharme describe what it was like to play under Coach Eccleston in the 1940s. (Photo by senior Audrey Jerome) Many of the players spoke of how under the coaching of Coach Eccleston, players who would traditionally have dropped out of high school to work in the mills were finally afforded the opportunity to go to college. Mr. Ducharme said he was the first in his family to graduate high school because of Coach Eccleston. The students will take the material they gathered from these interviews and write stories for the book. The students researched statistics and rosters, tracked down old photographs, and used InDesign to create the publication. Senior Kristen Stringfellow interviews Mr. Bonczek about his experiences as a hockey player. (Photo by senior Audrey Jerome) Seniors Megan Hurst and Alexa Duquette talk to Mr. McCormack describe the rich tradition of hockey in Burrillville. (Photo by senior Audrey Jerome) Page 8 The Bronco Update Academy classes visit New York City in December Rockefeller Plaza The 9/11 Memorial The Great Room, Ellis Island Ellis Island The Bronco Update Page 9 The Play’s the Thing at BHS Drama Class Performances The Introduction to Drama Classes will be presenting their end-of-semester final performance on Wednesday, January 11th at 7 pm. Two one-act comedies will be performed in a one-night-only special performance, and all are invited to attend. Tickets will be sold at the door for $4 per person. Don't miss these two hysterical shows; the students in both classes have been working hard to perfect their acting and technical skills. Come support the BHS Drama program on January 11th. We hope to see you there! Annual Holiday Assembly This year, the Class of 2012 continued the long standing Burrillville High School tradition by writing and performing in the annual holiday assembly. A small but dedicated group of seniors started the task of writing the original material needed for the extravaganza shortly after Thanksgiving. All of their hard work came to fruition during the last two periods of the school day on Friday, December 23, 2011. The two original skits “The Storm that Stole Vacation” and “The Bronco Buck Depression” both took a humorous look at two topics that have effect BHS students this year. These two skits were joined by a bevy of reworked holiday tunes, such as “Walking in a Whaley Wonderland,” “Yellow Pass,” and “Digi-Port Rock.” And as always, this year’s senior class’ versions of “The 12 Days of Christmas (BHS version)” and “Said One Senior to Another” were high points in the program. Fun was had by all and the assembly brought a little bit of Bronco cheer to the school during the holiday season! The Bronco Update Page 10 Burrillville High School Student of the Month: December Technology Department: Charles Kay Evan Surprenant Chelsey Mulligan Math Department: James Nault - Algebra 1 Alex Giguere - Geometry : Amber Taschereau - Algebra 2 Lauren Connell - Precalculus Michael Tomson - Calculus Kevin Deschamps - Academy Math Allissa Koprusak - Consumer Math Social Studies Department: Katelyn Gargano – US History II Crystal Mier – Psychology & Sociology Alyssa Rominyk – World History Art Department: Stephanie Lizotte English Department: Andrew Mandeville Nicholas Wattendorf Mitch Lafond Charlene Tetreault Katelyn Gargano Most overall increase in effort: Zachary Hardy Science Department: Ian Goulet – Physics Jake Karpinski – Physical Science Trinidad Alderete – Applied Physics Jasmine Ferguson – CPI Chemistry Daniel Takita – Honors Chemistry Kathleen Kay – AP Chemistry Amanda Carigan – Biology CP1 Jennifer Martins – Anatomy Brittany Bibeau – Forensics Phys Ed / Health Department: Elizabeth Dumais Page 11 The Bronco Update Clubs and Organizations Class of 2013 News It’s time to pay your class dues! Dues this year are $40. Remember class dues are collected each year to help minimize the amount needed for senior year items. Your dues cover the following items in your senior year: Yearbook with your name printed on the cover Class t-shirt Senior banquet Graduation picture Miscellaneous graduation items The Class of 2013 class trip has not yet been determined. For this reason the amount for your trip will be collected separate from dues. You will pay for the trip when you need to reserve a spot on the trip. For those of you that have not yet paid dues from grades 9 and/or 10 those amounts are: $30 for grade 9 $35 for grade 10 Checks are to be made payable to : BHS Class of 2013. Please send checks to the high school to the attention of Mary-Lou Tupper or students can bring them to Mrs. Tupper in Guidance National Honor Society Hosts Honor Roll Breakfast On November 29th, the National Honor Society members hosted a breakfast for all students who made the honor roll. As part of the required service to the school, the members served donuts and juice to the students and handed out certificates to each student. A total of 213 students made the honor roll for the first quarter. The Bronco Update Page 12 School to Career News The results of the RIDE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) survey are completed for the Freshman class. Preliminary results show an extreme interest among students in the areas of Marine Science, Zoology, Automotive Engineering and Game Design. Other career interests are in Health Science and Law and Public Safety. Sophomore class results will be noted in next month's issue. A relatively quiet month for outside activities. 29 students toured the campuses of New England Tech and plans are underway for participation in Engineering Day, GRRL Tech activities, Construction Career Day and Save the Bay. The Environmental Science/ Green Technologies Program has secured a new interactive curriculum. The program is both computer based and hands-on activities. Community resources are coming on board to enhance the exciting new course of study. Many activities are planned for the 2012 year. Page 13 Page 11 The Bronco Update News from the Guidance Department Attention College Bound Seniors and their families: For all college-bound juniors and seniors: College Goad Rhode Island will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at six Rhode Island locations: Central Falls High School, Cranston YMCA, East Providence High School, Providence Career & Technical Academy, West Warwick High School, and Woonsocket High School. Financial aid professionals will be on hand to assist students with the college financial aid process, particularly completing and submitting the FAFSA. Parents and students are invited and encouraged to attend. Access for specific times at each location. ACT TESTING DATES AND FEES Students can register online at ACT Date Register-By Date Late Registration (Late Fee Required) Feb 11, 2012 Jan 13, 2011 Jan 14 - 20, 2012 Apr 14, 2012 Mar 9, 2012 Mar 10 - 23, 2012 Jun 9, 2012 May 4, 2012 May 5 - 18, 2012 Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. High School Code is 400055 Page 14 The Bronco Update SAT TESTING DATES AND FEES High School Code is 400055 SAT Subject Tests™ Available Y/N (see website: for a list of the subject tests being offered on each date) SAT Date Register-By Date ($49.00 Fee) Late Registration ($75.00 Fee) Jan 28, 2012 Dec 30, 2011 Jan 13, 2012 Yes Mar 10, 2012 Feb 10, 2012 Feb 24, 2012 No May 5, 2012 Apr 6, 2012 Apr 20, 2012 Yes Jun 2, 2012 May 8, 2012 May 22, 2012 Yes Students can register online at Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religious observance. The Bronco Update Page 15 The following scholarships are currently available in the guidance office: SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOOL YEAR 2011 - 2012 DATE RECV'D NAME TYPE CRITERIA AMOUNT varies Varies Varies 12/02/11 $4,000 over 4 years 2/1/2012 Once To Mrs. Lavallee by 11/1/11 09/01/11 Horatio Alger Association Scholarship all Seniors who are US citizens planning to pursue post secondary education, have financial need, involved in co-curricular and community activites, and demonstrate academic achievement. 09/06/11 Elks National Foundation Any U.S. College All High School Seniors who are US citizens High School Senior who is a child or grandchild of a living Elk who joined on or before 4/1/09 or charter member of a lodge that was instituted on or after 4/1/09. Applicants must take the SAT or ACT by 12/31/11. Middle & High School Students who are legal RI residents. Volunteer/Community Service that occurred at least in part after 9/1/10. Dependent child of a union member who participates in any Union Plus program and whose cumulative GPA is 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. RI High School Senior whose parent has completed at least 1 year of continuous service in an organization covered by the 100 Club of RI benefit program (public safety personnel serving RI). 09/06/11 Elks National Foundation Legacy Awards Any U.S. College 09/09/11 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Any 09/15/11 Union Plus Scholarship any 09/15/11 The 100 Club of Rhode Island Any 09/15/11 American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Contest College Univers ity Trade School High School Senior. Must write essay & include bibliography. Must apply online at $2,000.00 09/19/11 Brad Lafontaine Memorial Scholarship any Senior Football Player on the Burrillville High School Football Team who has "the most heart" $1,000.00 any RI high school seniors diagnosed with Epilepsy $1,000.00 09/21/11 09/27/11 10/03/11 Matthew Siravo Memorial Foundation AES Engineers Scholarship Erica Desautels Memorial Scholarship any any High School senior of good character. Must submit essay. Burrillville High School senior with artistic talent (writing, drawing, music, drama, etc.) pursuing postsecondary education. $1,000 $6,000 FREQUENCY once $500 to $4,000 up to $2,500 $500.00 $1,000.00 DEADLINE 10/30/2011 01/31/12 for 4 Years 3/1/2012 04/05/12 once once once once To Mrs. Lavallee by 10/25/11 4/1/2012 10/7/2011 To Mrs. Lavallee by 4/13/12 Graduating high school seniors entering college in the fall of 2012. Must have an officially established business and demonstrate entrepreneurial initiative through examples such as DECA, etc. Must also meet or exceed recommended academic standards RI resident of Polish-American descent and US Citizen. GPA of 3.0 or better. High school senior student athlete planning to pursue post secondary education after graduation. High school senior planning to enroll at a public RI college or university, (such as RIC or URI) to pursue a bachelor's degree. Must be a US citizen. Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Apply online at 10/13/11 Nat'l Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Young Entrepreneur Award any 10/13/11 RI Polonia Scholarship Award 2 or 4 Year College 10/24/11 Big Sun Athletic Scholarship any KFC Colonel's Scholars Program any RI instate college or univers ity 10/24/11 National Co-op Scholarship Program See Applica tion for list of particip ating schools High school senior with a GPA of 3.5 or better, on a 4.0 scale, who plans to attend one of the WACE Partner Institutions listed 11/15/11 RI Pilots' Association any RI resident at least 16 years of age pursuing aviation or aviation related field. any accredit ed High school seniors who plan to continue their education at an accredited post-secondary college, university or vocational school. $1,000.00 URI or Roger Willia ms Univ. RI High School Senior majoring in either Marine Biology, Marine Affairs, or Fisheries & Agricultural programs $500.00 Any High school senior pursuing a post-secondary education who has maintained a high school cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale or an unweighted GPA of at least 3.3, minimum ACT 25 or SAT combined 1700; demonstrate substantial work experience (works at least 15 hrs/wk., 40 wks/yr.); demonstrates active leadership role in community service, athletics, and/or cocurricular activities. Apply online http://www.haveityourwayfoundat eligibility.html up to 50,000 10/24/11 11/15/11 11/15/11 11/23/11 US Junior Chamber International Senate Foundation Scholarship RI Saltwater Anglers Assoc. Fisheries & Marine Sciences Award Burger King Scholars Program 1000 to 10,000 once 12/15/11 once 02/15/12 $500.00 once 6/22/2012 up to $5,000/ year 4years 2/8/2012 $6,000.00 each year 2/15/2012 once 2/28/2012 once 12/29/2011 4/15/2012 once 01/10/12 12/03/11 RISSA Rising Star Scholarship any 12/05/11 Dave Nelsen Scholarship Award any 12/05/11 Scholarship for Military Children 4 Year College 12/05/11 Heroes Legacy Scholarship any 12/08/11 Hood Good Sport Scholarship any 2 or 4 year college RI High School senior who best represents the resilience, effort and determination to achieve a high school diploma despite challenging circumstances. Student must have overcome challenges to meet high school graduation requirements and plans to graduate in June. Graduating senior pursuing a career in HVAC-R or Plumbing. The program must have oil heat as part of their overall curriculum. Unmarried dependents of military personnel. Must have a GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale and plan to pursue a bachelor's degree as a full-time student. High school senior whose parent, while serving on active duty in any branch or component of the US Armed forces, on or after September 11, 2001, either became disabled or died. New England residents and high school seniors who participated in a varsity sport, demonstrate community service, and who have earned a cumulative 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Must apply online at $500.00 once To Mrs. Lavallee by 2/3/12 $5,000.00 once 3/1/2012 $4,500.00 Once 02/15/01 up to full cost of 4 year college education varies 3/16/2012 $5,000.00 once 2/1/2012 Page 18 The Bronco Update Burrillville Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Frank Pallotta If you have recently moved to Burrillville or your child has transferred Principal Mr. Michael Whaley Assistant Principals Mrs. Sherrill McKeon Mr. Larry Izzi Department Leaders Richard GoudreauEnglish Kristi Craig- Math to Burrillville High from another school district, read on... We know how overwhelming it can be for kids to change schools. To assist in this transition we are again offering newcomers groups for students during the school day to orient them to what BHS has to offer. If you signed the newcomers permission form in your enrollment packet, your son/daughter will have a chance to speak to one of us and may be eligible to participate in a group, as available. If you have any questions about the Newcomers Program, please contact one of us below. Tim DuriganTechnology/ Business Nick Servidio-Science Barbara DeMasco-Student Wellness Jennifer Fowler-Special Education David Sheehan-Social Studies Guidance For further information you can contact: -Janet McLinden, Student Assistance Counselor 568-1310 ext. 2709 -Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist 568-1310 ext. 2317 Mary Russo A-Gi Mary Lou Tupper Gl-O Peter Berthelette P-Z Editor’s Note: The newsletter is published once a month. Please send news items, announcements, and photographs to Ms. Smith at
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