The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School


The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update
Burrillville High School
Volume 4, Issue 4
Date 12.4.2012
The Bronco Update
Principal’s Message
Inside this issue:
Digital Portfolio
Freshmen Team
Tech Education
Social Studies
Phys Ed
School to Career 12
Students of the
All Night Grad
Nurse’s Office
November flew by with the many short weeks due to Superstorm Sandy, the
election, and Thanksgiving! As we settle in to our first full week back, we'd like to
remind students and parents about the importance of regular attendance and an
on time arrival to school. Our PBIS focus this month is: Be Here. Teachers will
continue to review and stress the importance of our Bronco expectation
throughout the month.
Showing up to school on time is a vital part of our Bronco expectations. In order
for students to be on time, they must be in their first class at 7:30. After a 3rd
tardy to school each quarter, disciplinary consequences are taken. Continued
tardiness can lead to parent meetings and more progressive discipline.
We'd also like to stress the importance of our new attendance policy. Every day
a student is absent, a gap in learning occurs. In the event your child is absent
from a class more than 18 times, they cannot receive credit for the class. They
will be responsible for making up class time through BELLA and Saturday
We continue to move forward with our NEASC self study. As the standards are
completed, our faculty reviews and approves them to be added to the report. We
are now beginning to prepare for our spring NEASC visit, which will take place
from Sunday, April 28 to Wednesday, May 1.
Our School Improvement Team (SIT) meeting scheduled for November 27th was
canceled due to weather. A make-up meeting will be scheduled within the next
couple of weeks. Please show your support by joining SIT and helping us to
prepare for our NEASC visit in the spring and revise our strategic plan. All new
members are encouraged to attend!
The Bronco Update
From the Art Rooms…
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The Bronco Update
Digital Portfolio Update
Most students have now received several common tasks across their
course schedules. Common tasks form the backbone of a BHS
portfolio. Students who have achieved proficiency on the common
tasks should now be adding them to their portfolios. Students who fail
to achieve proficiency are strongly encouraged to revise their work and
improve their scores so they can be added to their portfolios!
Speaking of adding work to portfolios, RicherPicture, the
company that supplies the technology behind BHS Digital Portfolios, has recently revealed that
students with iPhones or iPads may now use their devices to photograph and upload artifacts to their
portfolios directly from the device. This eliminates the need to locate scanners to convert paper
assignments to a digital medium. Early feedback from students and teachers who have used the
feature seems positive. Please note that in order for this feature to work, the operating system of your
device must be 6.0 or greater. This feature does not yet work with Android products.
Due to scheduling conflicts as a result of the cancellation of school during Hurricane Sandy, the senior
Digital Portfolio presentation schedules are still being worked out. Parents or guardians who are
interested in attending their son/daughter’s portfolio presentation should contact Mr. Goodwin, BHS
graduation requirements coordinator, at
The BHS Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements evening will be Tuesday, December 18 from 7-8
PM at BHS (specific location TBD). This event is open to all BHS staff, parents, and students who are
interested in learning more about the BHS Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements, including
Digital Portfolio. Please contact Mr. Goodwin for more information.
Please visit our website which is (minimally) up and running at
Science Department News
Students in Mr. Leach's
Biotechnology class used a
technique called PCR to make a
billion copies of crime scene DNA
and then compared it to the DNA of
four "suspects" using gel
electrophoresis. The DNA bands in
the gel prove that suspect "C",
Rebecca Raymond was the guilty
The Bronco Update
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Freshmen Team News
Despite missing school days for holidays, the presidential election, and Hurricane Sandy, the Freshman Team
has been working hard during November. . Here’s a quick recap of the month’s events:
In science, students have begun their study of space. We have spent the month delving into the solar system
with the goal of understanding modern views and models regarding our solar system (motions of earth,
planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and the nebula theory). Also, students have begun their common
course assessment for Space. They are working diligently to research a topic in space and create a
PowerPoint which they will present to the rest of the team.
In history, students progressed through their study of ancient civilizations, including an examination of the laws
of the ancient Babylonian ruler Hammurabi. Students will be receiving their first common tasks of the year late
in the month.
In math, students have finished up work with inequalities, and are beginning word problems involving all of the
problem solving skills that have been cultivated up to this point.
In English, students have been reading and analyzing a compilation of short stories. They will now be starting
on the second common task in which they will choose a short story of their liking and writing an essay based
on the theme in the story.
Finally, the entire Freshman Team assembled at the end of
October for a ceremony to honor the October Freshman Team
Student of the Month recipient. This award is for the student who
earns generally good grades, but also works hard, participates in
class, and sets a positive example for his/her classmates. The
award for October 2012 was presented to Robert Card!
Congratulations, Rob, and keep up your fantastic work!
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The Bronco Update
Math Department News
At BHS this year we have targeted problem solving as an area of improvement for our students. We are asking
for parent/ guardian support in helping us to improve the way students think critically. Try the problem of the
month with your son/daughter and then email the solution to or bring the solution into your
son or daughter’s math teacher. Bronco Bucks will be awarded for correct solutions and/or creative
approaches to problem solving.
December Problem of the Month
Five aliens, each from different planets, were all, coincidently, testing prototypes of UFO; they
were all seen by different people from the Earth.
Which alien tested which UFO, what planet were they from and who was the earthling that saw
1. Sydney, who was beyond scared when he saw a UFO piloted by Targon, who happened to
stare out of his UFO window at that moment, did not see the alien from the Planet Outer
2. Zeebo piloted one of the Alpha UFO's, but George, who didn't spot the Bounty 1 UFO,
which was piloted by Wildo or Truffid, didn't see this. The Dweeb or Wildo piloted the
other Alpha.
3. The planet with the strangely familiar name of The Inner Ear was the home for the Bounty
1 UFO, which wasn't seen by Wesley
4. Burt, who chose to think that he had been watching too much Star Trek on TV, spotted
the alien from Loftland.
5. The planet Dorkonia, inhabited mainly by Dorks, is home to Wildo, who was not spotted
tracing across the sky in Alpha Y or Rentaship and not by Jeremy or George. Toola was
not the planet home to the UFO Zelphod.
6. The home planet to Alpha Y comes alphabetically before the home planet to Alpha X.
See the next page for a printable worksheet.
The Bronco Update
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The Bronco Update
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November Problem of the Month
You find yourself playing a game with your friend. It is played with a deck of only 16 cards, divided into 4 suits:
Red, Blue, Orange, and Green. There are four cards in each suit: Ace, King, Queen, and Jack. Ace outranks
King, which outranks Queen, which outranks Jack - except for the Green Jack, which outranks every other
card. If two cards have the same face value, then Red outranks Blue, which outranks Orange, which outranks
Green, again except for the Green Jack, which outranks everything.
Here's how the game is played: you are dealt one card face up, and your friend is dealt one card face down.
Your friend then makes some true statements, and you have to work out who has the higher card, you or your
friend. It’s that simple!
Round 1:
You are dealt the Red Queen and your friend makes three statements:
1. My card could lose to a Blue card.
2. Knowing this, if I am more likely to have an Ace or a King than a Queen or a Jack, then I have an orange
card. Otherwise, I don’t.
3. Given all of the information you now know, if I am more likely to have a Jack than an Ace, then I actually
have a King. Otherwise, I don’t.
Who has the higher card, you or your friend?
Answer: Your friend.
After # 1 you know that you have the Red Queen (RQ), and your friend’s card could be beaten by a blue card,
so your friend can only have one of the following cards: RK, RJ, BK, BQ, BJ, OA, OK, OQ, OJ, GA, GK, GQ.
Of these 12 cards there are 6 Aces or Kings, therefore by #2 their card is not orange. Your friend now has one
of the following cards: RK, RJ, BK, BQ, BJ, GA, GK, GQ. Of these 8 cards there are 2 Jacks and 1 Ace,
therefore by #3 their card is a king, which beats your Queen.
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The Bronco Update
Music Department News
Burrillville High School Music Students Earn
Placement in All New England Festival Ensembles
Several BHS musicians were successful in securing seats in
the 2012 All New England Choral and Band Festivals held at
Plymouth State University in New Hampshire. On November
1st, BHS senior Andrew Pariseau participated in the 35th All
New England Choral Festival in which he performed music
from several different musical genres including a piece
featuring student improvisation on their cell phones.
On November 19th, Julie Latendresse, Aimee Wilinkiewicz,
Rebecca Clark and Jeremie Harnois participated in the 2012
All New England Band Festival. Participating students worked
with one of the two guest directors and performed with other
musicians from throughout the New England area. It is clear
that the talent of the BHS musicians extends beyond the
confines of our school. Bravo to these All New England
BHS All New England musicians:(From left to
right) Aimee Wilinkiewicz, Juliette Latendresse,
Andrew Pariseau, Rebecca Clark and Jeremie
All-State Auditions Present Several BHS Musicians with All-State Placements
On Saturday, November 17th, thirteen BHS musicians ventured to Moses Brown School in Providence to
audition for placement in the one of the state’s elite All-State ensembles. These auditions are especially
challenging and competitive in that all students from across the state, on any particular instrument, are
performing the same audition piece. Eight of our BHS musicians were selected into the following ensembles:
Brandy Beaudreau, Shannon Smith and Andrew Pariseau Senior All-State Mixed Choir; Bryan Round and
Evan Mislick Senior All-State Orchestra; Rebecca Clark, Rebecca Hudon and Juliette Latendresse Senior AllState Band. Congratulations to these accomplished musicians as they work toward their concert in March!
Holiday Concert Full of Spirit
The BHS Music Department will stage their annual Holiday Concert on Wednesday, December 12th at 6:30 PM
in the Auditorium. Come and hear your holiday favorites from the Select Choir and Wind Ensemble. BHS
alumnus Dave Richards will be on hand to record the concert for broadcast on Christmas Day. It would be
great to have a large contingent from BHS here to support the efforts of these gifted students. What better way
to get in the spirit of the season? And make sure to bring your best singing voice for the sing-a-long finale.
Here’s hoping to see you all there!
Upcoming Music Department Events
For further information regarding Music Department activities, please visit Mrs. Favali’s Blog at:
Extra Band Rehearsal: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 6:30-8:00 PM
Music Boosters Meeting: Monday, December 10, 2012 6:30-7:30 PM
Annual Holiday Concert: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 6:30 PM (Snow Date: Thursday, December
13th at 6:30 PM)
Band & Choir Performance in Disneyworld: Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Bronco Update
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Technology Education Department News
Woodworking News: November has been a short but busy month in the wood shop. At the beginning of the
month students were wrapping up their chiseling trinket projects. Many of our students were natural wood
artists and yes some hit their fingers with the hammer instead of the chisel. But after all said and done they
crafted up a fine trinket that consisted of piece of tile chiseled into a fine piece of pine or poplar wood finished
with not one, but two coats of polyurethane (pictures provided.) At the end of the month our woodworking
students will be bringing home their push stick creations. Each student has placed a new twist on a tradition
push stick. As we all know, the job of a push stick is to keep our hand and digits out of harm’s way while using
the table saw. Well, our creative students came up with their own design and crafted a personalized push
stick. Be sure to ask the woodwork you know to see this month’s projects. PS. I don’t want to let the
proverbial cat out of the bag but next month’s project involves a herd. Signed your happy and humble Wood
instructor Mr. Rose
CAD News: Well BHS and the Burrillville Community will have six hardworking, dedicated CAD souls that have
volunteered to participate in this year NAWIC CAD design competition. As you might recall over the past four
years, we have placed winners in the local round and even sent one proud students drawing to Nationals. This
is an extremely realistic CAD design competition that our students as well as students from around the state
will be working on until April. Believe me this is a grueling project that our student have taken on that involves
them working around the class curriculum. Let’s wish them well on this task and hope they keep the winning
tradition alive Burrillville. Go BHS!!!
The Bronco Update
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Social Studies Department News…
Another busy month was had within the Social Studies department with more opportunities continuing to be
offered to Burrillville students. On Friday November 2, a mock election was held in the media center. Efforts
were made to keep this procedure as formal and realistic as possible. From the need for identification to
provisional ballots, the only thing missing were the infamous hanging chads! But, with a well-trained group
students from Ms. Lamontagne’s and Mrs. Demarco’s classes, things went well all day. Ultimately Burrillville
High students appear to be able to predict the future, at least on a state and national level. Locally, they
weren’t quite as Nostradomic. It was a great day of political banter and an exercise in a lifelong privilege and
responsibility for our students.
A real life follow up related to our Mock Election, occurred for some 22 students from Burrillville. These
students, after undergoing afterschool training, were able to work as poll precinct greeters on Election Day.
This was indeed a great opportunity for Burrillvillle as these kids were compensated for their time or offered
community service credits depending on their needs. Through efforts of the Town Clerk; Mrs. Louise Phaneuf
and Ms. Pamela Pelletier, town Board of Canvassers, our department was able to offer a real life opportunity
for these students. Additionally, these students were also recognized by Dr. Pallotta for their efforts on
Election Day.
On November 9th through the organizational efforts of Mr. Sheehan, BHS students were able to see a
presentation by Invisible Children. This is a nationwide, if not worldwide non-profit group dedicated to stopping
the illegal impressment of African children into soldiers, to support ongoing wars in several African nations for
many years now. Invisible Children has come here before and was well received again, with many students
developing empathy and concern for other parts of the world. This presentation fit in well with our Bronco core
value of Ongoing.
On November 14th the Social studies department received a guest speaker from The Better Business Bureau.
Ms. Amy Schram, from the New England regional office, spoke at length and with good student examples, of
the importance of developing and maintaining an ethical force in one’s life. This was a very timely presentation
given the recent breach of ethics witnessed in the upper ranks of our military and federal government. In
addition, this presentation fit in well with our Bronco core value of Community.
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The Bronco Update
Physical Education News
Quarter 1 in Review
The first quarter is already behind us so that means
first semester PE students are half way through their
health & physical education course. We wanted to
share with you what BHS students have been doing
thus far. All students participated in fitness testing and
were able to determine their strengths and
weaknesses in regards to their overall fitness levels.
All components of fitness were evaluated, such as,
Body Mass Index, Strength, Flexibility, and
Cardiovascular Endurance. We also had Athletic
Standard, an outside agency, come in and test all
students on power, speed and agility (See photos).
Victoria Libby and Matthew Morse had the highest
overall scores. All grades also participate in adventure
education which focuses on team building,
cooperation, communication and trust.
Photo of adventure activity provided by Ms. DeMasco
Mr. Belluzzi’s ninth graders
participated in archery, weight
training and dance. Mrs.
Schuetz’s 10th graders were
engaged in soccer, tennis,
and dance. Ms. DeMasco’s
and Mr. Wignot’s 11th & 12th
graders took part in tennis
and ultimate frisbee. In health
class, the juniors & seniors,
learned about suicide
prevention, dating violence
/sexual assault and
interpersonal relationships
focusing on sexuality and
sexual orientation as well as
driving safety. To supplement
Photo of Zachary Peloquin provided by
Ms. DeMasco
these health lessons,
Photo of Athletic Standard vertical jump
students participated in a 3test provided by Ms. DeMasco
day workshop provided by
Day One of RI and saw presentations from Sojourner House and the Teenage Driving Safety program (see
links below). : For more information on Suicide Prevention : For more information on dating violence : For more information on sexual assault
The Bronco Update
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Curriculum News
Rhode Island has seen many educational changes in the past several years. You may have heard
about these changes from your children, as they have seen them implemented in their own
One of the most significant changes Burrillville is facing this year is our transition to a new curriculum
(what is taught at each grade level): The Common Core Standards. These standards have been
adopted by 45 states since 2010 and have been introduced and applied in many of our classrooms.
The Common Core aims to provide a “consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected
to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are
designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our
young people need for success in college and careers” (Rhode Island Department of Education). The
Common Core was developed based on the highest state standards in the U.S. and the standards of
other high-performing countries. These standards will help to drive the curriculum, assessments and
classroom instruction in the state of Rhode Island.
Along with the new Common Core Standards, Rhode Island is one of 23 states who will utilize a new
standardized test to demonstrate proficiency. The PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness
for College and Careers) assessment will take the place of our current NECAP tests. This
assessment will help teachers to better inform instruction throught the year. The test will be
administered 3 times per year to track student growth. PARCC is taken through grades K-12 and will
track student growth towards college and career readiness by 3 rd grade.
Additional information about these new statewide initiatives may be found online at: and
School to Career News
November again provided for a busy schedule, highlighted by a trip to the Providence Campus of Save the Bay
by the Environmental Science/Green Technology students and staff. Students toured the upper Narragansett
Bay and Port of Providence aboard the M/V Swift. Plant and ocean life along the shores of the Bay were also
Woonsocket Area Career and Technical Center made a presentation to all ninth graders on the opportunities
available for BHS students at that facility. A trip to CCRI in Lincoln provided many students the opportunity to
examine programs at that facility.
As a result of the Sustainable Schools Summit, plans are underway to explore the Green Ribbon Schools
proposal with the assistance of the Town of Burrillville and Pascoag Utility District. This initiative will create an
opportunity to examine our green technology and future endeavors around energy conservation.
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The Bronco Update
Burrillville High School
Students of the Month: November
Social Studies Department:
Jacquelyn Keable / Psychology
Alisha Marcotte / Sociology
Brandon Greene / American Government
Gabby Henault / US II Academy
Daniel Marchand / US II CP
Andrew Barber / US I
Melanie :Lemay / US I
Samantha Liberty / US I
Noah Tessier / World History
Greg Carlson/Grade 9
Sabrina Spaziano/Grade 10
Ryan Vezina/Grade 11
Danielle Spavold/Grade 12
Zach Lafleur/Electives
Math Department:
Kylie Cardin / Albebra
Shawna Farrell / Geometry
Gina Fidrych / Geometry
Elizabeth Dumais /Algebra II
Mike Gryncewicz / Precalculus
Julie Latondresse / Calculus
Kayla Richard / Academy Math
Alli Boisvert / Consumer Math
Pys Ed / Health Department:
Alexandra Boisvert / 12
Victoria Libby /11
Elizabeth Dumais / 10
Tyler Kearney / 9
Art Department:
Lily Hayter
Most improved Math
Joseph Leclair
The Bronco Update
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Clubs and Organizations
Want a great Christmas Gift Idea for your student???
Deadline for Yearbook Christmas Orders is December 14th.
(You will receive a Yearbook Certificate to give to your child on the big day.)
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The Bronco Update
BHS takes NYC by storm!
The BHS Theater students and Drama Club members spent November 28th in New York City, and it was quite
possibly the BEST FIELD TRIP EVER! Students and teachers explored the Sony Wonder Technology Lab,
creating movie trailers, simulated newscasts, and mixing music. We visited Rockefeller Center, which was
being set up for the Christmas Tree lighting that night, and we saw Al Roker and Savannah Guthrie of the
Today show as well as American Idol winner Scotty McCreery as they taped segments for the show that
evening. The play Peter and the Starcatcher was loved by everyone—students were laughing the entire
show. The students and faculty were able to talk with and ask questions of the cast after the show, and many
students waited at the stage door to take pictures and get autographs from the cast as well. After taking in
Times Square at night, the trip ended with a trip to Bryant Park to see the ice rink and tree before heading
home. Thank you to all the students, faculty, and families who made this trip possible!
The Bronco Update
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The Bronco Update
Are you in the military and the parent or guardian of a student at BHS?
Would you like to receive information about resources related to events and activities for military families? For
more information please contact Mandy Crandall at 568-1310 or
News from the Nurse’s Office
The Rhode Island Blood Center will be here for a blood drive on Dec. 20th.
News from the Guidance Department
ACT Date
Late Registration (Late Fee Required)
Feb 9, 2013
Jan 11, 2012
Jan 12 - 18, 2013
Apr 13, 2013
Mar 8, 2013
Mar 9 - 22, 2013
Jun 8, 2013
May 3, 2013
May 4 - 17, 2013
Students can register online at
Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering.
High School Code is 400055
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The Bronco Update
SAT Date
($49.00 Fee)
SAT Subject Tests™
Late Registration
Available Y/N (see website:
($75.00 Fee) for a list of the subject
tests being offered on each date)
Jan 26, 2013
Dec 28, 2012 Jan 11, 2013
Mar 9, 2013
Feb 8, 2013
Feb 22, 2013
May 4, 2013
Apr 5, 2013
Apr 19, 2013
Jun 1, 2013
May 2, 2013
May 17, 2013
High School Code is 400055
Students can register online at
Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering.
Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on
Saturday due to religious observance.
Scholarship Information
The High Five Scholarships website is now available; It has the largest
collection of scholarships ever assembled. It is available to everyone free of charge. In addition to
scholarships, the website will soon have free ACT and SAT practice tests and Study Guides.
College bound seniors looking for a good resource for local scholarships should also visit
Horatio Alger Association
The 100 Club of Rhode
Brad Lafontaine Memorial
Matthew Siravo Memorial
Elks National Foundation
Any U.S.
Elks National Foundation
Legacy Awards
Any U.S.
American Fire Sprinkler
Association Scholarship
y Trade
Union Plus Scholarship
US Junior Chamber
International Senate
Foundation Scholarship
RI MENSA Foundation
Seniors who are US citizens
planning to pursue a
bachelor's degree after
graduation and have
demonstrated integrity and
perseverance in overcoming
adversity. Must have
financial need, involved in
co-curricular and community
activites, and demonstrate
academic achievement with a
minimum GPA of 2.0 on a
4.0 scale.
RI High School Senior whose
parent has completed at least
1 year of continuous service
in an organization covered by
the 100 Club of RI benefit
program (public safety
personnel serving RI).
Senior Football Player on the
Burrillville High School
Football Team who has "the
most heart"
RI high school seniors
diagnosed with Epilepsy
High School Seniors and US
High School Senior who is a
child or grandchild of a living
Elk who joined on or before
4/1/10 or charter member of a
lodge that was instituted on
or after 4/1/10. Students
must apply online at
High School Senior. Must
write essay & include
bibliography. Must apply
online at
Dependent child of a union
member w/a union
participating in the Union
Plus Credit Card program
High school seniors who plan
to continue their education at
an accredited post-secondary
college, university or
vocational school.
Any RI resident and US
citizen planning to pursue a
degree program at an
accredited institution of postsecondary education for the
2013-2014 school year.
Must submit an essay of up
to 550 words. Apply online
up to $2,500
4 Years
4 years
over 4
from $500
to $4,000
up to $1,000
National Co-op Scholarship
on for
list of
Nat'l Federation of
Independent Business
(NFIB) Young
Entrepreneur Award
RI Polonia Scholarship
2 or 4
RI Pilots' Association
High school senior with a
GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0
scale and who plans to attend
one of the WACE Partner
Institutions listed on the
attached supplement to the
application form.
Graduating high school
seniors entering college in
the fall of 2013. Must have
an officially established
business and demonstrate
entrepreneurial initiative
through examples such as
DECA, etc. Must also meet
or exceed recommended
academic standards. Apply
RI resident of PolishAmerican descent or who
belong to a RI PolishAmerican organization. Must
exhibit academic
achievement by having a
GPA of 3.0 or better, display
community service, and have
financial need.
RI resident at least 16 years
of age pursuing aviation or
aviation related field.
each year
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The Bronco Update
Are you or your child new to the Burrillville High School Community?
Burrillville Public Schools
Dr. Frank Pallotta
If you have recently moved to Burrillville or your child has transferred to Burrillville
High from another school district, read on...
We know how overwhelming it can be for kids to change schools. To assist in
this transition we are again offering newcomers groups for students during the
school day to orient them to what BHS has to offer. If you signed the newcomers
permission form in your enrollment packet, your son/daughter will have a chance
to speak to one of us and may be eligible to participate in a group, as available.
Mr. Michael Whaley
Assistant Principals
Mrs. Sherrill McKeon
Mrs. Kathryn Johnston
Department Leaders
Kate Desilets- English
Kristi Craig- Math
Tim DuriganTechnology/ Business
Nick Servidio-Science
Barbara DeMasco-Student
Jennifer Fowler-Special
Kevin Cash-Social Studies
parent informational sessions this winter. Our first session is a breakfast
informational session on Thursday, December 6th from 7:30 to 8:30am. A
letter was sent home with your son/daughter and invitations were also
emailed; if you are interested in attending, please email or call Kim
Pristawa. We will also be holding a coffee hour informational session in January
(date TBA). We hope that one of the sessions offered will fit into your schedule,
and that you will consider joining us to learn what BHS is all about and how you
can ensure your child makes a smooth transition to his/her new school.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the Newcomers Program,
please feel free to contact Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist, at (401) 568-1310,
ext. 2317 or email at
Thank you!
Janet McLinden, Student Assistance Counselor
& Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist
Kristin Gigliotti A-Gi
BHS Newcomers Program Coordinators
Mary Lou Tupper Gl-O
Peter Berthelette P-Z
*A Special Thank You: We would like to acknowledge the Burrillville Schools
Alumni Education Foundation, Inc. (BSAEF), as they have made these parent
information sessions possible through grant funding. We truly appreciate their
generosity in helping to fund our program so that we could expand it two years
ago to include this very important component. Thank you, BSAEF!
Editor’s Note: The newsletter is published once a month. Please send news items,
announcements, and photographs to Ms. Smith at

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