The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update - Burrillville High School
The Bronco Update Burrillville High School Volume 5, Issue 2 Date 9.30.2013 The Bronco Update Principal’s Message Inside this issue: Artwork 2 Science 4 Music 4 Tech Ed 5 Phys Ed 5 Math 6 School to Career 7 Students of the Month 7 Digital Portfolio 8 Military Families 9 Chess Club 9 DECA 9 Yearbook 11 Community Service 11 Athletics 12 School Nurse 13 Guidance 15 Newcomer’s Group 19 As we begin the month of October, we enter into a busy month of testing for our students. Our juniors will take the NECAP (New England Common Assessment Program) test beginning the first week in October. All juniors will be tested in the areas of writing, reading and mathematics. All students are required to obtain partial proficiency in the areas of reading and mathematics in order to earn a Regent’s diploma. This new state law is in effect for the 2013-2014 school year for all seniors. Our current seniors who were not able to demonstrate partial proficiency on either reading or math will have the opportunity to re-take those assessments to show partial proficiency or a specified amount of growth. We have worked hard to support student readiness for these assessments throughout the summer and school year. Students have had exposure to the test by reviewing and practicing with previous NECAP released test items. Students have also been taught proper test taking strategies and have utilized these strategies in their classes. Please help us to support and motivate our juniors and seniors by reminding them of the importance of these tests. Encouraging your child to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the tests will also ensure proper preparation for taking the test. Additionally, we are offering the PSAT test for our sophomore students. This test will take place on Wednesday, October 16th. All sophomores will take part in the testing as well. Homecoming week at Burrillville High School begins October 21st! We will have a spirit week with daily themes throughout the week. Please be sure to come out on Saturday, October 26th at 10:30 a.m. and support our Broncos as they take on Tiverton! Go Broncos! S o N w E lm s B lv H S o E c e w e Page 2 The Bronco Update From the Art Rooms Megan Johns Jasmyn Jackson Stephen Bell From Left to Right: Cody Renaud, Jake Ferreira, Maggie Reid, Ally Simpson, Amy Hopkins, Alexandria Lefebvre, Emalie Ostrander From Left to Right: Jake Wilson, Caleigh Millette, Alex Lefebvre, Tanaihya Harmon, Mike D’Antuono The Bronco Update Page 3 Page 4 The Bronco Update Music Department First Two Home Football Games Set The Tone The BHS Band was out in force for the first two home football games against Scituate and Middletown High Schools. Although it is early in the years, the band did not miss a beat in supporting our team. The BHS High School Band is anxiously looking forward to our first Friday Night Lights game on September 27th which will be a first on Alumni Field. Let’s hope we see plenty of fans at the game! Music Department Selling BHS Bronco Sunglasses The BHS Music Department is currently selling BHS Bronco sunglasses for $8.00. They are available at all home football games or before or after school from Mrs. Favali. Show your Bronco pride with real style! BHS Band Marches in Woonsocket Autumnfest Parade The BHS High School will be participating in the annual Autumnfest Parade on Monday, October 14 th. The musicians have been drilling under the very capable leadership of Senior Drum Major Jeremie Harnois and Junior Drum Major Anna Pacheco. This year’s parade is especially exciting for Burrillville because the Grand Marshall is Dave Richards from WOON Radio who is a Burrillville High School Alum. We hope to see many Burrillville fans congratulating Dave and cheering on the band! Upcoming Music Department Events For further information regarding Music Department activities, please visit Mrs. Favali’s Blog at: Home Football Game: Friday, September 27, 2013 7:00 PM Extra Band Rehearsal: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 5:30-7:00PM Music Boosters Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2013 6:30-7:30 PM Autumnfest Parade: Monday, October 14, 2013 10:00 AM Extra Special Rehearsal: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:00-4:00 PM Homecoming & Broncopalooza, Saturday, October 26, 2013 10:30 AM The Bronco Update Page 5 Technology Education Department Mrs Sanstrom’s Child Care I students will be preparing a Pregnancy Timeline Poster to gain a better understanding of the importance of proper prenatal care for mother and child. Her advanced students are participating in a practicum experience at A.T. Levy with Mrs. Joan Suprenant and will assist students who need additional help with their studies. Others are exploring the fashion industry by interviewing and writing research papers on people who are currently working in the fashion industry in various careers. These are great networking tools for a future career evaluation and job search. The 2013-2014 technology club is introducing students to the inner workings of the computer CPU to gather a better understanding of the operation, maintenance and repair of personal computer systems. Mr. Aldrich is also matching the skills of the club members to try to form the most effective robotics team to represent B.H.S. in this year’s competition. Physical Education Department Photo by senior Chelsea Almeida Photo by senior Chelsea Almeida The school year started off moving in PE and Health. The department has five new electives: two health concept classes, two team sports electives and one strength and conditioning course scheduled with regular PE and Health classes for semester one. The ninth grade classes have just finished up a lacrosse unit and are now involved in the ancient sport of archery. Tenth grade students are trying to develop the lifelong skills of tennis while the juniors and seniors are cooperatively engaged in the adventure unit. All students are also participating in the annual physical fitness testing so they can continue to monitor their personal fitness levels and set annual goals. Burrillville High School’s health and physical education department prides itself on our commitment to offer traditional and innovative programs that all students can enjoy and excel in. Our hope is that our students will find the activity that fits their interests and develop the skills needed to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Photo by senior Chelsea Almeida Photo by junior Kate Gould The Bronco Update Page 6 Distracted Driving Presentation On September 26, 2013, Burrillville High School hosted the “National Save a Life Tour,” which is a high impact distracted driving awareness program. The entire student body took part in a presentation that sends a strong message about the reality of the dangers associated with distracted driving. The presentation that was provided by Kramer entertainment and funded by the RI Department of Transportation, utilized high impact video, a personal experience with a life-altering distracted driving incident, and driving simulators to illustrate the very real and often fatal consequences of destructive decisions and poor choices. Burrillville High School started educating students, in conjunction with the Burrillville Police Department, on the dangers of distracted driving as part of their new health curriculum last year. With the recent rash of accidents occurring on Rt. 102 and across the country, it is imperative that this important message is sent out to motorists young and old. Photo by senior Jacob Vasconcelos The event was organized by Janet McLinden, Burrillville High School’s student assistance counselor and advisor to the high school’s SADD program, and Barbara DeMasco, the health and physical education department leader. Hopefully, by participating in this program, students keep their pledge not to drive distracted and help to save lives. This may be an opportunity to discuss family driving habits and brainstorm ideas on how to keep your family safe. Math Department Math Department Puzzle of the Month This year at BHS we will continue to target problem solving as an area of improvement for our students. We are asking for parent/ guardian support in helping us to improve the way students think critically. So try the puzzle of the month with your son/daughter and check your answers in the next issue. Enjoy! In the following Math Square, each digit from 1-9 is placed once in the puzzle. The aim is to work out where each number goes to solve the equations. Make sure you follow the correct order of operations! Page 7 The Bronco Update School to Career News Plans are underway for many exciting events this school year. Campus visits are planned for CCRI, RIC, Nichols, Mt Ida, Lincoln Tech and many others. We are anxiously looking forward to three statewide career fairs: Health Career Fair, Information Technology Career Fair, and Marine Industries Career Fair. Students in the Environmental Science/Green Technology program will continue their collaboration with Save the Bay, Pascoag Utility and others. We are also planning the 2nd Annual Burrillville Middle School Career Fair. We are always open to all ideas connecting students to career orientated activities. Contact Andrew Riley in the SBC Office at the High School for any and all information. Burrillville High School Students of the Month September 2013 Math Department: Jacob Raymond / Algebra Alex Belanger / Geometry Evan Thivierge /Algebra II Misty Jackson / Precalculus Kyle Wilkinson / Calculus Joyce Berlinghof / Academy Math Rachel DeRotto / Consumer Math Pys Ed / Health Department: Tim Geremia / 12 Emily Bussell /11 Zachary Geremia / 10 Social Studies Department: Sara Gaebe / Psychology Nick Keens/ Sociology Sarah Rogers / AP Euro Andrew Braddock / US I CP 1 Nick Samek / US l Honors Gabby Arsenault / World History CP 1 Ruby Perry / US II EEP Gabby Arsenault / RI-Burrillville History The Bronco Update Page 8 DIGITAL PORTFOLIO UPDATE All students will soon be receiving common tasks across all classes and content areas. Parents and students alike are reminded that common tasks form the backbone of a BHS graduation portfolio, and thus should be taken seriously. Students who fail to achieve proficiency on common tasks are strongly encouraged to revise their work and improve their scores so they can be added to their portfolios! Social suspension status will be updated during the first week of October. See Mr. Goodwin with any questions if you are unsure of your status. SENIORS: Mr. Goodwin has begun meeting with seniors individually to review remaining portfolio requirements and outline a basic plan for completing your portfolio. As in past years, any senior who does not have a complete portfolio by March 1, 2014 will automatically be placed on social suspension. Please visit our website which is up and running at The Bronco Update Page Page 9 9 Clubs and Organizations ATTENTION MILITARY FAMILIES: Are you in the military and the parent or guardian of a student at BHS? Would you like to receive information about resources related to events and activities for military families? For more information please contact Mandy Crandall at 568-1310 or Chess Club Chess club is back starting October 8th! We will be meeting in Mr. Daigneault's room, A-17 every Tuesday from 2pm to 3pm. From experienced, competitive players to new players and people looking to play for fun, all are welcome. BHS DECA DECA is thriving this year at BHS with a multitude of new members. This year we have had two successful meetings with familiar faces and an addition of many new members. It is very exciting to the past members of DECA that the interest in students at BHS is raising quickly. At the last meeting, new officers for the chapter were elected including: Kate Tolman as President, Emily Cassidy as Vice President, Catherine Keable as Secretary, and Isis VanPutten and Taylor Duquette as Historian/Reporter. This group of people will work together to plan events and meetings for upcoming meetings. DECA is involved with MDA for this year’s community service project. This year DECA members across Rhode Island are collecting materials for the Happy Campers Project. This will help support the MDA summer camp that occurs every year. These materials will help campers attending the summer camp have a great experience. If you would like to donate any items to this great cause check out the list below; donations can be given to any DECA member or dropped off with Mrs. Tupper in Guidance. Finally, DECA has it annual Fall Leadership Conference on October 24. This conference is a perfect opportunity for the new members of DECA to get their first real look as DECA. DECA has meetings every other Thursday in the Tech Center for anyone interesting in joining. Our next scheduled meeting is October 3 at 2:00. We are always open for new members! Catherine Keable Secretary Happy Camper Check List Each Summer 115 local children head to MDA Camp Hemlocks in CT and Camp Allen in NH. These items are in high demand each year and the kids love them! Points Item 10 White t-shirts for tie die (child-young adult size) 10 White pillow cases for tie die 10 Wal-Mart, Target, Stop & Shop Gifts cards in $10 increments: For perishable items like s’mores and popcorn! 8 Tie die kits or “Rit die” 7 Sun block: SPF 30 or higher 7 Flashlights 6 Board games for rainy days: new or gently used 6 Coloring books 5 Arts a crafts projects for rainy days 4 Washable markers 4 Glow sticks 4 New or used DVD’s for movie night! 3 Small toys for the camp prize box 3 Cabin decorations Thank you DECA for Thinking of our MDA Campers! For more information or if there is an item not listed here that you would like to collect, please contact Erin Yoder Logue at the MDA office 401-732-1910 The Bronco Update Yearbook News Baby Picture Ads are due on Friday, October 4th. The 2014 Yearbook Staff has been selected! Editors in chief: Amber Taschereau and Chelsea Almeida Section Editors: Student Life – Kara Langelier and Taylor Ross Sports – Tim Geremia Clubs and Organizations – Caleigh Haddad and Hanna Dennett Academics – Alivia Mussulli and Megan King People – Alexa Taschereau Art Editors – Rachel Tufano and Joelle Minisce Business Manager – Jesse Jacques Marketing/Sales – Rachel DeRotto and Joelle Minisce Staff Members: Betsy Dumais, Kate Gould, Sara Straube Community Service Opportunities!! Please see Mrs. Forrest in A-21 Page 11 The Bronco Update Page 12 Burrillville Athletics A message from our Athletic Director: Mr. John Abbate TOP TEN REASONS TO BE A GOOD “BRONCO” FAN 10 Because taunting, trash talk an intimidating behavior have no place in high school sports – or any level of sports. 9 Your admission is to watch the performance of fellow classmates – not a license to abuse coaches, officials, players, and other spectators. 8 You want others to treat you the way you want to be treated – and how many of us want to be treated with disrespect? 7 We need more positive role models for all our students. 6 People don’t always remember the final score – but they always remember the fan in Section Three who made a fool out of him or herself? 5 Because coaches and officials are also teachers. Why would you harass them in their classroom? 4 A national survey indicates student-athletes play high school sports to have fun – NOT to be number one! 3 Its how you play the game that counts. 2 Being a fan of SUBSTANCE FREE is important to me. It’s simply the right thing to do. 1 Because sportsmanship begins with you! The Bronco Update From the School Nurse’s Office Page 13 The Bronco Update Page 14 PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILDREN FROM MOSQUITO BITES The Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH) wants all Rhode Islanders to protect themselves from mosquito bites to help avoid mosquito-borne illness. People who work outside or attend outdoor activities or events are more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes. Here’s what you can do: If you don’t have to be outside early in the morning or in the evening, stay inside. Mosquitoes are most active at these times of day. Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and bug spray if you will be outside at sunrise or sundown. Use bug spray with no more than 30-percent DEET, and reapply if washed off by sweating or by getting wet. (You can find the DEET information on the label). Do NOT use bug spray with DEET on a baby 2 months of age or younger. Cover your baby’s playpen or carriage with mosquito netting if you and the baby are outside. Make sure all of your windows and doors have screens. Be sure to fix any holes in screens. Empty anything in your yard that holds standing water, such as buckets, tubs, kiddie pools, and old tires. Clean your gutters so that water will drain properly. If you or someone in your care has a mosquito bite and develops symptoms such as a fever, headache, body aches, or swollen lymph glands, call your doctor. Symptoms of severe infection with West Nile Virus (WNV) or Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) include headache, stiff neck, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, or paralysis. Anyone of any age can be infected, but children and people ages 50 and above— especially the elderly—can develop more severe forms of illness. People with weakened immune systems or with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease, are also at greater risk of severe illness. For more information about protecting yourself from mosquito-borne disease, visit or call the HEALTH Information Line at (401) 222-5960. Page 15 The Bronco Update As of October 1, 2013, you can use HealthSourceRI to compare plans and buy affordable health insurance for you and your family. WellOne Primary Medical and Dental Care has enrollment assisters available to help you choose the right plan. You do not have to be a patient of WellOne for this service . Call us at 567-0800 to schedule an appointment or talk with an enrollment assister. From the School Guidance Office The RI Association of Admission Officers (RIAAO) is pleased to announce that their 37th Annual Regional College Fair is scheduled for Sunday, October 6th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The event will be hosted by RI College, 600 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Providence, RI in the Recreation Center Field House. Nearly 200 college representatives will be in attendance. There will also be financial aid presentations at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. for anyone who may be interested. All college bound students are encouraged to attend this event. College Visits Listed below are the colleges planning a visit for the month of October. Any students who wish to go to a meeting must obtain a pass from Mrs. Lavallee in the Guidance Office on the day of the meeting. College Name Date of Visit Time of Visit CCRI 10/02/2013 8:20 a.m. UMASS Dartmouth 10/04/2013 8:20 a.m. University of Vermont 10/09/2013 8:20 a.m. Roger Williams University 10/11/2013 8:20 a.m. Salve Regina University 10/17/2013 12:15 p.m. URI 10/23/2013 9:25 a.m. Western NE University 10/25/2013 8:20 a.m. Johnson & Wales University 10/28/2013 8:20 a.m. Page 16 The Bronco Update SAT TESTING DATES AND FEES Register-By Date ($49.00 Fee) SAT Subject ™ Late Registration Tests Available Y/N (see website: ($75.00 Fee) for a list Nov 2, 2013 Oct 3, 2013 Oct 18, 2013 Yes Dec 7, 2013 Nov 8, 2013 Nov 22, 2013 Yes Jan 25, 2014 Dec 27, 2013 Jan 10, 2014 Mar 8, 2014 Feb 7, 2014 Feb 21, 2014 No May 3, 2014 Apr 4, 2014 Apr 18, 2014 Yes Jun 7, 2014 May 9, 2014 May 23, 2014 Yes SAT Date of the subject tests being offered on each date) Yes High School Code is 400055 Students can register online at Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on Saturday due to religious observance. Page 17 The Bronco Update ACT TESTING DATES AND FEES ACT Date Register-By Date Late Registration (Late Fee Required) Oct 26, 2013 Sept 27, 2013 Sept 28 – Oct 11 Dec 14, 2013 Nov 8, 2013 Nov 9 - 22, 2013 Feb 8, 2014 Jan 10, 2014 Jan 11-24, 2014 Apr 12, 2014 Mar 7, 2014 Mar 8-21, 2014 Jun 14, 2014 May 3, 2014 May 10-23, 2014 Students can register online at Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering. High School Code is 400055 The Bronco Update Page 18 Page 19 The Bronco Update NEWCOMERS PROGRAM Burrillville Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Frank Pallotta Principal Dr. Michael Whaley Assistant Principals Mrs. Sherrill McKeon Mrs. Kathryn Johnston Department Leaders Kate Desilets- English Kristi Craig- Math Tim DuriganTechnology/ Business Nick Servidio-Science Barbara DeMasco-Student Wellness Jack Jalette-Special Education Are you or your child new to the Burrillville High School Community? If you have recently moved to Burrillville or your child has transferred to Burrillville High from another school district, read on... We know how overwhelming it can be for kids to change schools. To assist in this transition we are again offering newcomers groups for students during the school day to orient them to what BHS has to offer. If you signed the newcomers permission form in your enrollment packet, your son/daughter will have a chance to speak to one of us and may be eligible to participate in a group, as available. ATTENTION PARENTS OF NEW STUDENTS We are hosting new (to BHS) parent informational sessions this fall. You will have your choice of a breakfast hour in the morning or a coffee hour in the evening. The dates will be announced soon and invitations will also be mailed home. We hope that one of the sessions offered will fit into your schedule, and that you will consider joining us to learn what BHS is all about and how you can ensure your child makes a smooth transition to his/her new school. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the Newcomers Program, please feel free to contact Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist, at (401) 568-1310, ext. 2317 or email at Thank you! Kevin Cash-Social Studies Sincerely, Guidance Kristin Gigliotti A-Gen Mary Lou Tupper Geo-M Janet McLinden, Student Assistance Counselor & Kim Pristawa, School Psychologist BHS Newcomers Program Coordinators Peter Berthelette N-Z *A Special Thank You: We would like to acknowledge the Burrillville Schools Alumni Education Foundation, Inc. (BSAEF), as they have made our student group meetings and parent information sessions possible through grant funding. We truly appreciate their generosity in helping to fund our program. Thank you, BSAEF! Editor’s Note: The newsletter is published once a month. Please send news items, announcements, and photographs to Ms. Smith at
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