Issue 4 - 25 February


Issue 4 - 25 February
Hutt Valley High School News
Te Kura Tuarua O Te Awakairangi
Dear Parents and Caregivers
What a week it has been, with the Big Photo on Thursday
(see below the Year 12 and 13 group) and the full school
Academic Prizegiving to recognise provisional NCEA
results, both of which involved the entire school being out
of class for the occasion.
In the academic awards we recognised 105 students,
versus 80 last year and 69 the year before, and using the
same criteria. That indicates a continuing strength at the
top end of our academic profile for these two year groups.
For our junior students, we are continuing to increase our
processes to intervene early to ensure the transition to
school works well.
Thank you to parents/caregivers who this week attended
the Year 10 Meet’n’Greet. This, like the Year 9 version
last week, was a chance to chat through how the first
phase of the year is going.
We have also introduced this year a homework club
based in Hotuwaipara, the school marae, on Tuesdays
and Thursdays after school. The club is aimed at
providing a facility for Year 9 and 10 students, but all are
welcome. The homework time is supervised.
Next week we have the full school Athletics Day on
Wednesday 2 March. This is a new thing for us, and
we’re trialling an embryonic house system as well. On
the day, the school is divided into six houses, each with
its own colour theme. Students are encouraged to dress
up in their colour and the day will offer high level
competitive athletics events as well as other participation
events where the key object is fun. Points for the house
are awarded for participation and for success. There are
already signs that the day will “take”; that there is a spirit
of enthusiasm and a willingness to get with the style of
the day.
damage suffered last week in Fiji. The senior students
are discussing how we might make a suitable response
to the very high needs of these near neighbours, several
of whose people are in our student group. The student
leaders will let the school now what they propose, and
we hope that when we appeal for support that our
community will act generously to help.
I know that such generosity exists. I keep seeing it here
in the school. I operate an “Opening Doors Fund” that
was set up by a very generous donation a few years
ago. I use it to make sure that students who excel and
who are offered opportunities outside school are not
prevented from taking those offerings through lack of
family finances. I report to the donor – who wants to
remain anonymous - as to how the money is spent.
That’s brilliant.
To the family involved in that act of generosity, and to all
the families of the 200 or so sports volunteers and the
roughly 100 other volunteers in clubs and activities,
thank you for what you do to help make this school what
it is.
Ross Sinclair
As we hustle and bustle with our own affairs we have also
been acutely conscious of the deaths and
26 February - Issue 4
Hutt Valley High School News
Congratulations to:
Congratulations to Sarah Gee 11KO who
represented New Zealand in two gymnastic
In the Gymnastics in Paradise competition
Level 7 (14+ yrs) she placed 1st overall. 1st on
beam, 1st on vault, 3rd on bar, 4th on floor.
And in the Aloha Gymfest competition Level
7 (14+ yrs) she placed 2ndoverall. 1st on bar,
3rd on beam, 4th on vault and 4th on floor.
Congratulations to the following students who
competed at the National Rowing champs in
Lucy Bird 13PF - Gold Medal National Finals
of Champion Coxed Eights
Ashlee Curtis 13FX, Rachel Gill 13KN and
Lucy Bird 13PF - Bronze medal in final of
National U19 Coxed Fours.
Hamish Horan 12HF competed at the WAA
Target and Clout Champs last weekend. His
results were:
1st Junior Mens Recurve Target
1st in Match play (this one he had to compete
against the adults
Kamar Parent Portal Payments
26 February 2016
Looking Ahead
29-1 April
Year 11 Photography Trip
School Athletics Day
Gateway Level 3 Health & Safety
GNS Science Trip
Gateway Level 2 First Aid
Hutt Zone Athletics
Gateway Level 3 Fire & Safety
Year 9 Social
Year 11 PE & Sport Adventure Day 1
Whanau Hui
Year 11 PE & Sport Adventure Day 2
Year 12 & 13 Drama Trip
Year 10 German Trip
Year 13 History Trip to West Coast
Regional Athletics
Antipodeans Abroad Parent Evening
Gateway Level 2 Heath & Safety
Year 11 PE & Sport Adventure Day 3
Form Class Photos
Good Friday Holiday
Easter Monday Holiday
Easter Tuesday Holiday
Year 12 Tongariro Trip
Board of Trustees Meeting, 5.30 pm
This is also an easy way to pay for fees and donations
using a credit card. You can select exactly how much
you want to pay against each charge.
Snapper Travel Card Concessions
If you did not receive the email with your username and
password, please email
Travel concessions for College students 16 years old or
older expire 28 February.
Netball Trials 2016
These will be held on the back courts. Please wear
appropriate clothing and footwear.
28 February - Year 9 - 11.30 am - 2.00 pm
- Year 10 - 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm
6 March - Seniors - 10.00 am - 12.30 pm
- Juniors - 12.30 pm - 3.00 pm
13 March - Prem 1 and 2/Seniors 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
- Juniors - 12.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Seniors 3rd trial to be confirmed
Prem 1 and 2 Netball trials are open to students at any
year level.
If you wish to enter a social Netball team into the
competition you can see Mrs Kennedy and do not need
to attend the trials. Your social team will need to have at
least 8 players and an adult who will be there on a
A travel concession (discounted fare) is set to expire on
a student’s 16th birthday. Thereafter an Adult fare is
paid unless Snapper has received notification and
evidence that the student is still enrolled at school. From
the age of 16 onwards, enrolled school students need to
renew their travel concession on an annual basis (by
28th February each year) to continue receiving a child
What do I need to do to renew my travel
Firstly, register your Snapper card if you haven’t already
done so. There are two ways to renew your travel
In person
Drop into Wellington iSite, Lower
Hutt iSite or Upper Hutt iSite
Send an email
Hutt Valley High School, Private Bag 31 909, Lower Hutt 5040
Phone +64 4 566 4584 / Fax: +64 4 566 7779 / Absence Line 560 1568 / Web:
Hutt Valley High School News
26 February 2016
Cars on School Grounds
Hutt Valley High School
Athletics Day
Wednesday 2 March
There is no parking on school grounds for students and
only a small amount for visitors.
We ask that you do not drive into the school to drop off
or pick up students. It is a very busy site with many
people. Access before and after school is only for those
students in the LSU requiring taxi collection.
Thank you for your help in keeping the site safe for our
Basketball Coaching Roles 2016
Hutt Valley High School are seeking expressions of
interest for key coaching roles within the school’s
basketball programme for 2016. The following positions
are available –
Head Coach – Junior Premier Boys
Head Coach – Junior Premier Girls
Please note all roles are voluntary.
Expressions of interest can be sent to
HVHS Basketball Committee
C/- Sylvia Rangitawa
Hutt Recreation Ground
Student need to be at the Hutt Rec by 9.40 am
ready for a 9.50 am roll call
Students do not need to enter events - they just
turn up
Age Groups are:
Junior - Under 14
Intermediate - Under 16 as at 1st Jan
Senior - Under 19 as at 1st Jan
Students need to bring their own lunch (including
lots of fluids)
Students will not be allowed to leave the grounds
until the end of the day
The canteen will operate at the Hutt Rec and
eftpos will be available
Students dress up in their house colours!
There will be competitive events and also events
just for fun.
Young Enterprise Mentors needed
This year we have 13 Young Enterprise Teams. Each
will develop and take to market a product or service
between now and the beginning of September. Every
team requires a Mentor, who advises them throughout
the process.
The commitment is about 9 meetings, held at school,
either on Mondays from 2.15 pm to 3.15 pm or
Tuesdays from 2.25 pm to 3.15pm. The first meetings
start week commencing 7 March. We require a number
of mentors, including one who can speak Mandarin for
a Monday slot. If you are interested please can you
Class Photographs
Are being taken for all year levels on
Monday 21, Tuesday 22 and
Wednesday 23 March
Order envelopes will be distributed via form
teachers and cheque and cash payments
are still accepted via the Resource Centre.
Online orders are now available at
Whanau Hui
The date for the first Whanau Hui this year is Thursday
10 March at 6.00 pm.
We welcome all whanau to a shared BBQ and mix and
mingle. More information will be emailed closer to the
HVHS 90th Jubilee
HVHS has a 90th Jubilee coming up in August and a
100th ten years later. I am working with a small team to
establish a alumnae database so that we can contact
and communicate with former pupils and staff.
Judith in our Archives department is also developing a
database that details the involvement and achievements
of all former pupils and staff. Information will be
eventually merged.
If you would like to be on the database, please complete
the Alumni database form:
Please share the form with old school friends,
colleagues and your family members.
Thank you
Denise Johnson
Associate Principal
Hutt Valley High School, Private Bag 31 909, Lower Hutt 5040
Phone +64 4 566 4584 / Fax: +64 4 566 7779 / Absence Line 560 1568 / Web: