2016 Newsletter Term2 No3
2016 Newsletter Term2 No3
Maidstone Intermediate Newsletter 9 June 2016 Term 2, Issue 3 In this Issue: Message from the Issue No.6 Term 1 2016 Principal Join the Uniform Club Mufti Day Food Tech College Visits Maidstone Country Regional Cross Country Swimming Community Notices and Sponsors details appear on the back page. RUGBY 7s TOURNAMENT, WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE AT CANNONS CREEK PARK PORIRUA Dear parents, caregivers, students and friends of the school Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa We are now halfway through the term - and winter has begun! The second phase of our ‘Enterprise’ theme is beginning in most classes with the learning based around the ‘Responsibilities of Enterprise’. Students will be looking at the importance of enterprise to society and how we balance this with the ethical and moral dilemmas that arise. Our school Cross-Country went very well on Friday. Thanks hugely to Mrs Dee for the superb organising. We have some very talented students who performed brilliantly, and many students who demonstrated tenacity and perseverance in the face of challenge. Even those who ‘endured’ it showed good spirit and a willingness to give it a go. I was particular impressed with a group of students who, after they had finished in the first part of the field, went and ran the last lap with students who were struggling in order to encourage them. This is true Maidstone manaakitanga and teamwork in action! Our Year 8 students were very excited to visit the Heretaunga and Upper Hutt Colleges in the last two weeks and returned to school full of the possibilities these schools presented. We are fortunate with the quality of schools in our Upper Hutt area. Do make sure you enrol your Year 8’s at a college before the closing dates - this gives your child security in where they’re going next year, and allows the colleges to plan well for the students they are receiving. I do hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Declaration of Parent Election Results Parent representative votes: BRETHERTON, Annie McCARTEN, Kathie CLEGG, Heather TE POHE, Ara JONES, Vaughan TE POHE, Nadine 69 95 95 79 104 53 I hereby declare the following duly elected: BRETHERTON, Annie McCARTEN, Kathie CLEGG, Heather TE POHE, Ara JONES, Vaughan Declaration of Staff Election Results Staff representative votes: FINNIGAN, Holly 12 KNEEPKENS, Andre 6 McKAY, Greg 2 I hereby declare the following duly elected: Nga mihi Mary O’Regan, Principal FINNIGAN, Holly A Swimming Story Stuffy chlorinated air washes over me as I enter. Aqua blue water sloshes over the bar line sending ripples of water over the textured grey concrete. I envy the swimmers slicing their way through insulated liquid. Water sprays through the air targeting unlucky victims. Swoosh, splash, splatter a collision of movement vibrates around the pool. I skim my eyes around the area sensing concentration, fear and achievement! ByTarn Ashby Phone 04 528 3094 2016 BOARD OF TRUSTEE ELECTION RESULTS Email Jocelyn Cameron Returning Officer Education Futures Ltd Thank you to the Shoe Clinic who presented us with a $100 donation to the School. 10 families bought shoes at the Shoe Clinic and $10 each was donated to the school through the School Reward Scheme. When buying shoes you just name which school you wish to receive the reward. admin@maidstone.school.nz Website www.maidstone.school.nz Maidstone Intermediate Cross Country 2016 Maidstone Intermediate Uniform Providers It was another cold, but glorious day, for our school wide cross country competition this year. A huge thank you goes out to the parents who came down to support their children for this event. Congratulations to the students below who placed in the top ten in their races – Well done We are currently in the process of changing uniform providers. Our new provider is NZ Uniforms. The uniform will be unchanged with all items remaining the same, with the same fabrics, and prices. NZ Uniforms have a retail outlet in Wellington city and are intending to open another outlet in the Hutt before the end of the year. Year 7 Girls: st 1 Place nd 2 Place rd 3 Place th 4 Place th 5 Place th 6 Place th 7 Place th 8 Place th 9 Place th 10 Place Oliana Tia Sahya Ward Erin Te Brake Madi McLaughlin Nadine Houghton Tarn Ashby Hannah Steer Aaliyah Horne Leah Keenan Laura Williamson Year 8 Girls: st 1 Place nd 2 Place rd 3 Place th 4 Place th 5 Place th 6 Place th 7 Place th 8 Place th 9 Place th 10 Place Emerson Fincham Misty Beban Gracie Hearfield Arwen Witana Lamai Mataiti Jordyn Vlas Ashleigh Palmer Leticia Parsons Olivia Rose Marie Burling Year 7 Boys: st 1 Place Josh Kennedy nd 2 Place Watson Burns rd 3 Place Ryan Smoothy th 4 Place Hugo Scott th 5 Place Allein Paanod th 6 Place Kaleb Leader th 7 Place Henry Gray th 8 Place Cody Rangi th 9 Place Neihana Waiariki th 10 Place Emelson Brillo (EJ) Year 8 Boys: st 1 Place Alex Mort nd 2 Place Kyle Williams rd 3 Place Ashford Wallace th 4 Place Arthur Pilcher th 5 Place Blake Chandler th 6 Place Hadley Attewell th 7 Place Harry McMahon th 8 Place Thomas Burt th 9 Place James Harris th 10 Place Kaleb Windleburn Photos from the Regional Cross Country The uniform will also be available for purchase online at http://www.nzuniforms.com. You can contact NZ Uniforms Wellington store on 04 2384727 or email them on wellington@nzuniforms.com for more information. You will be unable to order uniform over the next few weeks as the changeover takes place. We will advise you when the handover of stock has been completed. Information from NZ uniforms on the Uniform Club and start saving now for your child’s uniform items. You can do this by becoming a member of the Uniform Club. The uniform Club works by allowing you to add payments to a Uniform Club card, which can then be redeemed for goods at any NZ Uniforms retail outlet. The Uniform Club helps you save for your child’s School journey. Join our Uniform Club and we’ll encourage your savings for your child’s School Uniform. By becoming a Uniform Club member you will receive a 10% discount off purchases made using your card on a great range of products like Canterbury Clothing, Jansport Bags, Ascent Shoes. (Excludes School uniform.) Get start by filling out the Online Membership Form or pick up a Uniform Club Card from any of our NZ Uniform Retail Stores and activate by making a deposition from as little as $5. Top up your card, weekly, fortnightly or monthly from your bank account using direct debit or internet banking. Payments are also accepted at any of our stores. The minimum top up amount is $5.00 and he maximum balance your can have is $2000. To register on line go to http://nzuniforms.com/pages/uniform-club.htmx Local College Visits Over the past fortnight our Year 8's have had the opportunity to visit two local colleges. At this time of year, Colleges will often have parent information evenings or open nights for you and your children to learn more about what is on offer. Please see when these are, details are also in our newsletters. Once you have decided on the college for your child, it is important to enrol them before the closing dates. College News Upper Hutt College Open Evening Interested families are invited to attend the Upper Hutt College Open Evening on Wednesday 15 June in the College Hall (accessible off Moonshine Road) from 6.158.30pm Light refreshments will be offered back in the Hall after the school tours finish on the Open Evening from 8pm. Come and see why our students and staff “love learning” at Upper Hutt College. Taita College Change of date for the Open Morning this is now on Friday 10 June. The College is also holding an Open Night on Wednesday 15 June. Anyone interested in sending their child to Taita College in 2017 is warmly invited to attend. A Taita College Prospectus has been given to all students who live in the Stokes Valley area. For more information ring the College. Mufti Day – 22 June (Theme - Wigs) In support of the Child Cancer Foundation We are having a mufti day!!! Please bring a gold coin for the Child Cancer Foundation. It's on Wednesday the 22nd of June and the theme is Wigs! You don't have to wear a wig necessarily....but if you would like to wear mufti you must donate a gold coin. Your SRC reps have one chocolate bar each. If you are wearing the best wig in your class you will receive the grand prize chocolate bar. If you do not have a wig you can do your hair in wacky styles and shapes. Give it a go. We hope to see you helping and supporting the Child Cancer Foundation. By Tamzin and Dhanraj The Deputy and Chairperson of the SRC Food Tech FREE Dental Checks! These photos were taken recently in Food Technology. The Cycle 2 students created food products using fresh 'in season' fruit and vegetables. As can be seen, they were pretty excited by their culinary skills. Students at your school are due for their free annual dental check-ups. The Dental van will be on the school site this term. Once seen your child will be given a letter that may include details of another appointment. Please contact us to change this appointment if required. Please search your child's school bag! If you have pre-school aged children please call us to arrange an appointment for their annual check up. Family appointments are available so pre-school siblings can be seen at the same time. Private Bag 31907 Lower Hutt www.beehealthy.org.nz | 0800 TALK TEETH (825 583) TABLE TENNIS COACHING,TERM 3, 2016 Places are available in this programme which takes place each Wednesday from 3.10pm-3.55pm for 6 consecutive weeks in the school hall, starting on Wednesday 3 August, 2016. The coach will be Mr Gary Nelson, an experienced teacher and table tennis coach. All equipment is provided including table tennis bats. Cost is $48-00 for the block of 6 lessons and is to be paid at the first lesson. If you wish to enrol please phone Gary Nelson (Ph- 5897178) as soon as possible. Enrolments will be taken on a first in, first served basis. Matariki at the library Join us at the Upper Hutt City Library to celebrate Matariki on Friday 17 June at 5.30pm. The Wellington Astronomical Society will give a presentation on the Matariki star system. There will also be the opportunity to use a telescope to observe the planets. A light snack, hot drink and craft activity will be provided. Hutt Central School Reunion Hutt Central School will be celebrating its 150 Year Reunion on 21 - 22 October 2016. We warmly invite all past and present pupils, staff, Board Members, Home and School Committee members and parents to join us for our 150 Years celebrations. For more information and registration please visit http://www.huttcentralschoolreunion.com or email huttcentralschoolreunion@gmail.com or ph 04 566 0059 School Holiday Computer Classes For ages 5 – 15 in Minecraft, Create 3D Games, Coding, Web Design, Animation, Video Editing, and Building a PC and if young the Discovery Computer Class. For further information call 499 2211 or visitwww.grandtraining.co.nz. The Bubbledome July Holiday Classes We will be running our popular Minecraft Tekkit and Minecraft Tekkit Advanced - ComputerCraft courses as well as our Beginner level Minecraft Adventures course! We will also be launching our brand new Game Development & coding, Junior Game development,Junior Web Design and Web developer courses. More information about these exciting courses can be found below or on our website. www.bubbledome.com Wheel of Fortune Prize Winners On 3 June, Noah from Room 3 won a prize sponsored by Maidstone Sports. Ben received this reward for Kawenga and Whakaute (responsibility & respect). Are you a parent with any type of arthritis? Come to our workshop and learn different ways to support you and your whānau in every day life! Caregivers or grandparents raising children are of course welcome too. Light lunch provided. Please feel free to bring partners and/or children (there will be a quiet activity area for children at the back of the room). Saturday 25 June, 12pm – 2pm, Johnsonville Community Centre, 3 Frankmoore Ave, Johnsonville Presenters: Zoe Pullman, arthritis educator, Arthritis New Zealand: will cover pain management and family communication. Carolyn Downer, Strengthening Families Coordinator, MSD: will give an overview of support services available to families. Atif Razvi, Physiotherapist, North City Physiotherapy: will share some ideas for getting family involved with arthritis management through activity. Congratulations Ben. There is no charge for entry however donations are appreciated. Bookings are essential: Please call 0800 663 463 or 04 472 5670 or email zoe.pullman@arthritis.org.nz www.arthritis.org.nz Thank you to the following firms for sponsoring this Newsletter and the Maidstone Gold Ticket “Wheel of Fortune Ph. 0800 634 572 Fax 236 0174 nzcoach@xtra.co.nz w E David Haswell 027 440 6534 04 526 6602 Ask about our party bus Get your sKETCHERS School Shoes here – 2 Geange Street Upper Hutt Catering Equipment Services We service and repair all brands of cooking and warewashing equipment. Country Lane Silverstream Phone 527 8389 0274 416931 526 2274 526 2275 Ground Floor, The Mall, Upper Hutt Phone/Fax (04) 529 7342 Mark Edwards, Director 021 568 487 or 0800 90 60 30 mark@cesw.co.nz Testing and treatment for dyslexia and reading disorders, www.cellfield.com Call 528 7707
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Maidstone Intermediate Newsletter
Thank you to the following firms for sponsoring this Newsletter
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