GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV DATA: 16/04/2014 Giacinto Cerviere was born in Rionero in Vulture (Southern Italy) where he lives and works. In 2004 he founded the architectural firm Vortex_A (www., focusing his research on the architectural themes to the urban scale. The Cerviere's research concern the theoretical aspects of the great utopias ranging from architecture and engineering of the Twentieth Century and visionary potential of marginal areas and problems of urban systems. Giacinto Cerviere was invited, reported and awarded in competitions, festivals and exhibitions of architecture. His works have been published, reported and reviewed by national as well as international magazines such as Domus, Abitare, Cameracronica, Modo, Ottagono,The Art Newspaper. Giacinto Cerviere graduated in February 1998 at the Faculty of Architecture of Naples "Federico II" with the thesis "Nonluogo e Progetto" (No-place and Project), Libria Publisher, 1998) works that follow the changes in the architecture contemporary metropolis. In March 1999 he obtained his Ph.D. in Architectural Composition with a long study about the work of the italian futurist Antonio Sant'Elia (Libria Publisher 2005). In 2002-04 he did a research on "Project and Avant-garde." His books have been acquired by many important libraries. Among the recent researches by Cerviere we remind: The Atlantropa-Projekt designed in the '30s by the German engineer Herman Sorgel which has been given ample space # 900 of Domus, which also helped Yona Friedman. Giacinto Cerviere is the author of "The Attack. City men and architectures around the events of September 11" (Libria Publisher 2008). It was Adjunct Professor in several italian universities. In 2010 Cerviere is one of the contributors of the catalog of the Italian Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia. In September 2011 he exhibited in Tokyo and Toronto at the exhibition "Italy Now" dedicated to Italian architecture of the last decade. In October 2009, the "Oblique Park in Potenza" by Giacinto Cerviere - Vortex_A has been selected and published by Domus magazine in the top 16 projects of Italian architecture involving a total of 300 received. In 2011-2012 Cerviere is one of the architects invited at Festarch of Perugia directed by Stefano Boeri. He is currently director of the digital magazine "Cameracronica Magazine". The international website Peacereporter published his experimental project "B/N Project. Farming Communities and Mobile Temporary Housing System for the Seasonal Migrant workers on the Border Apulia and Basilicata". In 2014 he received the Italian Qualification for Associate Professor in Architectural Design. Rionero in Vulture (PZ) via Umberto I 41 zip code 85028 Italy | email | cell phone +39 347 1341504 (like Whatsapp) GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV DATA: 16/04/2014 Oblique park in potenza, Italy 2008 In order to improve communications and find a remedy to the shortage of parking space, Potenza has been equipped, over the last ten years, with a network of escalators, silos and lifts the likes of which are not to be found in any other European city. In the developing eastern area of Poggo Tre Galli, UE funds have sponsored and realized a few projects. The Oblique Park is one of them. The whole park has been divided in four terraced parts connecting with the matallic bented frame and stairs at the different levels. Every terrace houses low vegetation and benches. The shell becomes a real landmark for the area whose lights provides a strong architectural vision of the entire park. > with: Antonio Carbone, Leonardo Cloroformio, Carlo Di Vito, Pasquale Martinese (architects); Mariangela Cloroformio, Donato Liccione (engineers) GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Wall in Ripacandida, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2005 In Ripacandida, the municipal garden cteated on an embarkment was in danger. The retaining wall stone taller than 6 feet that held it showed obvious failures. It was necessary to pierce in order to inject the micro concrete and steel so as counter the forces of the land. But the nunerous perforations compromises the aesthetic quality of the texture for this, it was decided to create a new coating of reinforced concrete, The new wall, where possible, should stop to show the old wall of blocks of limestone. The initial idea was to create the plaster successive vertical pilasters and a bus shelter. The work was left unfinished, howevere, shows the basic idea: give rhythm to the long wall that every day, from the front public school, is inevitabily observed. > engineering design: Luigi Di Toro GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Mary in the Sky, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2012 The project of the Chariot of Maria SS della Neve, Ponticelli (Naples), intends to enclose within a temporary architecture a symbolic and iconic universe that links the past and present, the sacred and the contemporary aesthetic dimension. The volumes are designed to be made with plywood panels. These panels, aggregated into rectangutar, form resistant and light boxes that in turn are anchored to the wooden skeleton. The volumes will be painted in indigo blue color with shades ranging from white to blue. The proposals are reproductions of paintings and sculptures by Raffaello Sanzio, Tino Camaino an Guido Reni. This moment is also offered to public of devotees, moment that might be able to activate at night so to amplify the visual effect produced by lights. The lighting system consist of RGB led light fixed or intermittent remote controlled. GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CVScalinata del Pensiero, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2006 In Ripacandida, the municipal garden cteated on an embarkment was in danger. The retaining wall stone taller than 6 feet that held it showed obvious failures. It was necessary to pierce in order to inject the micro concrete and steel so as counter the forces of the land. But the nunerous perforations compromises the aesthetic quality of the texture for this, it was decided to create a new coating of reinforced concrete, The new wall, where possible, should stop to show the old wall of blocks of limestone. The initial idea was to create the plaster successive vertical pilasters and a bus shelter. The work was left unfinished, howevere, shows the basic idea: give rhythm to the long wall that every day, from the front public school, is inevitabily observed. > artists: Marco Rotelli and Luciano Massari GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Villa della Regina, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2011 In 2010 the international competition for the extension of the museums of the Villa della Regina in Turin was banned. the request of the notice was to reconstruct a new building for reception on the old planimetric footprint, where the nearby Palazzo Chiablese was. The proposal by Vortex_A/Giacinto Cerviere is the creation of the steel frame and laminated wood structural panels coated with oxidized copper. The volume encompasses the two pre-existing sanitary facilities and utility rooms. From the roof a patio is observed near the lift, and a covered area with alternating bands of photovoltaic modules and functional layers of grass. The openings on the facade are barely present, they are partially visible as glass walls that mark the entrances. > with Pasquale Martinese GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Explication Exhibition, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2012 The installation was created during the celebrations, "Christ born in Barile" to celebrate the places that made famous Pasolini's film "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo". The film was shot in Basilicata in 1964 in suburban rock caves in the small Barile town. The installation shows three panels side by planimetric triangular shaped, that depict hagiographic illustrations of late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The architecture of the blackgrounds are focused, mixed and intertwined with the theoretical drawings by Vortex_A, that for a long time has been committed to explore the aesthetic and architectural potential recovered from marginal and problematic areas of urban and semi-rural systems. The ancient religious aesthetics that configured the European architecure and the landscape, especially in southern Italy, are contaminated by the Lucano design office with the uncanny prosaicness of the anonymous and ordinary constructive processes of contemporary buildings. GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV DATA: 16/04/2014 Private garden in Venosa, Italy 2005 In Venosa (Basilicata city in ancient Apulia where Roman spoet Horace was born) in a little olive oil industry, near a rich archaeological site, an existing garden approached the houses of clients will be retrained. Here, dug up, lies a block of stone with an inscription given to his master by a Roman freed slave. In 400 square meters, the epigraph and all vegetation were valued and properly lit, surrounded by walkways, sheds, vertical shielding in iroko, fountains, concrete and glass benches. GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Pyramidshire, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2012 In 2012 a user of about one million inhabitants was the protagonist of a false and sensational news reporting. The article, published in evidence on the front page of "Quotidiano della Basilicata", headline: "Exlusive! San Fele, pyramid under the mountain". It was the media project "Pyramidshire" organized by Vortex_A office in collaboration with the most popular and best Lucan newspaper investigation. Ispired by television documentary "Forgotten Silver" by Peter Jackson, "Pyramidshire" amazed during the entire morning the whole Basilicata. Two inside pages on the magazine reported photorealistic architectural details of the pyramid, stating the precise location in the small town of three thousand inhabitants, so they found themselves unexpectedly at the center of regional media and blogs. GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV B/N Project for agrocities, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2010 Housing problems of the seasonal migrant workers, who are concentrated in the summer on the border Puglia and Basilicata to pick up tomatoes, were discussed in the conference "Agrocities" in Venosa (PZ). Vortex_A with the Migrant Basilicata Association proposed an experimental host. The workers, North Africans and Bulgarians, live here in makeshift dwellings, in caves or abandoned houses. The project involves the construction of a permanent stucture in steel called BASE (Block Energy Self-Sufficient Stationing) hosting services and 9 wooden modules NIR removable to end of season (Nuclei Instant Collection), each equipped with 16 beds. BASE, once emptied of NIR', can be reused by settled agricultural communities. The aim is to placate social tensions between locals and migrants. > contibutors: Bernardo Bruno, Pasquale Martinese, Gervasio Ungolo GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV Bus shelter, Italy DATA: 16/04/2014 2003 The project was developed in a competition for the design of a shelter built in series. The need for small municipal administration in Rionero in Vulture (Southern Italy) was to equip the various neighborhoods of shelters large enough, also featuring spaces for shelter from the bitter cold of winter and alleviate the waiting time of many workers of nearby Fiat Automobiles factory during the morning and night shifts. The idea was to create a striking urban sculpture, having the anthropomorphic features of a little man who supports a plan wrapped in red and white stripes. It is lighted at the corners with small red signal lights, such as the scaffolds of building sites. The body of the "little man" hosts four-six users, who are sheltered from the weather especially at night. GIACINTO CERVIERE ARCHITECT CV DATA: 16/04/2014 Giacinto Cerviere è nato a Rionero in Vulture ( Sud Italia ) dove vive e lavora . Nel 2004 fonda lo studio di architettura Vortex_A ( ) , focalizzando la sua ricerca sui temi architettonici a scala urbana . La ricerca di Cerviere era preoccupato per gli aspetti teorici delle grandi utopie che vanno da architettura e ingegneria del XX secolo e le potenzialità visionaria delle aree marginali e dei problemi dei sistemi urbani . Giacinto Cerviere è stato invitato, segnalato e premiato in concorsi, festival e mostre di architettura. I suoi lavori sono stati pubblicati , segnalati e recensito da riviste nazionali e internazionali , nonché come Domus, Abitare, Cameracronica, Modo, Ottagono, The Art Newspaper. Giacinto Cerviere è laureato nel febbraio 1998 presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Napoli " Federico II" con la tesi " Nonluogo e Progetto " (No- Place end Project) , Libria Editore , 1998), che è una mostra di opere che seguono i cambiamenti nel architettura metropoli contemporanea. Nel marzo 1999 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Composizione Architettonica con un lungo studio sul lavoro degli italiani futurista Antonio Sant'Elia (Libria Publisher 2005) . Nel 2002-04 ha fatto una ricerca sul " progetto e avant- garde ". I suoi libri sono stati acquistati da molte biblioteche importanti . Tra le recenti ricerche Cerviere ricorda : il Atlantropa - Projekt progettata negli anni '30 dall'ingegnere tedesco Herman Sorgel cui è stato dato ampio spazio # 900 di Domus, che ha anche contribuito a Yona Friedman. . Giacinto Cerviere è l'autore di "The attacco . Uomini della città e architetture attorno ai fatti dell'11 settembre " (Libria Editore 2008). E 'stato Professore asjunct in diverse università italiane . Nel 2010 Cerviere è uno dei contributori del catalogo del Padiglione italiano alla Biennale di Venezia. Nel settembre 2011 espone a Tokyo e Toronto alla mostra " Italia Ora ", dedicata all'architettura italiana dell'ultimo decennio . Nel mese di ottobre 2009, il " Parco Oblique to Power " di Giacinto Cerviere - Vortex_A è stato selezionato e pubblicato dalla rivista Domus tra i primi 16 progetti di architettura italiana , per un totale di 300 ricevute. . Nel 2011-2012 Cerviere è uno dei designer invitati a Festarch di Perugia, diretto da Stefano Boeri. Attualmente è direttore della rivista digitale"Cameracronica Magazine". Il Reporter di pace internazionale è stata a capo del suo progetto sperimentale "B / N Project. Comunità agricole e dei lavoratori migranti stagionali temporanei mobili sul confine con Puglia e Basilicata". Nel 2014 ha ricevuto l'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale in Progettazione Architettonica. Rionero in Vulture (PZ) via Umberto I 41 zip code 85028 Italy | email | cell phone 347 1341504