

Summer 2014
We wish to extend a warm welcome to new members:
Martina Rienzner, VIC, and
Elizabeth Perry, NSW, and ‘Rena’
Iris Selby, NSW, and ‘Leetisha’
Melbourne Summer Royal had a terrific turn out at Werribee Park. Our cover features Best
Presented Haflinger ‘Atlas’ and owner Caitlin Hennessey. See page 3.
Spring classification The AHHBA board have been looking into the possibility of a Spring Classification taking place on 17th and 18th November. This is a Monday and Tuesday, with the possibility of
a guest speaker holding a seminar. More details will be released when arrangements can be finalised.
National Pony of the Year Entries for the NPOTY Show in early April have now closed. Good
luck to all those attending.
Haflinger Virtual Show is to be held to raise funds to help cover costs of Equitana 2014. Please
get involved in this great cause. It is a fun way to promote our breed. As well as that, it is the closest
show you can enter to home! See page 4.
Upcoming Shows include Newcastle Show this coming weekend and Blacktown Show on the 8th
March. Castle Hill Show is having it’s horse section the weekend before the main show, due to rail
construction, so the horses are on the 22nd and 23rd March. Haflingers will be in the running for the
Annual Lesley Dowey Trophy.
Merchandise Light weight AHHBA sporting polo
shirts are available in a large range of Mens and
Womens sizes at $39 each. Please contact Kristie MacBain if you are interested in purchasing. Email: xanthehaflingers@gmail.com
ph:0405 972 268
For enquiries, or contributions to the
next newsletter,
Email haflinger.ahhba@gmail,com
Show Ebbs
2015 has started advertising,
giving people
plenty of time
to save up.
It would be
great to have
Aussies there
PRIZES up for
All proceeds to go towards the Haflinger Display
Stall at Equitana 2014
Please email Liz Grant at liz@yourmarketingteam.com.au for information
Australian Haflinger Horse Breeders Association 2014 Virtual Show
Net funds raised will fund the AHHBA stand at Equitana 2014
Open to all registered Haflingers (under 4yo need not be classified)
Entries to include: full name of Haflinger, name of owner, and registration #
Rings 1, 2 and 3, photo(s) for entries must be from within past 12 months and Haflinger should
still be alive at the time of entry
Ring 4 – photos can be from any date (please include appox month / year in entry) and Haflinger
may be no longer with us … but owner at the time of the photo must be identified in entry and
Haflinger must have been in Australia at the time of the photo
Ribbons and points to 4th place
Highpoint winners to 6th place for Haflinger (not rider …) that has gained the most points – trophy for 1st, prizes for 2nd to 6th
Judges to be announced
Ring 1 (12 classes) – Led ring: all classes $10 – require 3 photos of Haflinger at halt; 1 photo
side on, 1 photo from front, 1 photo from back. Handler won’t be judged, at all, no matter
what they’re wearing, but we’d prefer they’re dressed if in the photo …
Led Haflinger filly, 3 years and under
Led Haflinger colt, 3 years and under
Led Haflinger young gelding, 3 years and under
Led Haflinger mare – mares that have not ever foaled
Led Haflinger mare – currently in foal
Led Haflinger mare – foal at foot (foal not judged, but would be cute … Must be able to see mare
in full)
Led Haflinger mare – foaled but not currently in foal or with foal at foot
Led Haflinger gelding – 4 to 12 years old
Led Haflinger gelding – more than 12 years old
Led Haflinger stallion – 4 to 12 years
Led Haflinger stallion – more than 12 years old
Led Haflinger Horse (any gender) – 25 or more years
Champion led Haflinger (winners of all classes automatically included) – trophy awarded
Reserve Champion led Haflinger (winners of all classes and 2nd to the Champion automatically
included) – prize awarded
Ring 2 (6 classes) – Ridden ring: all classes $10 – require 3 photos of Haflinger being ridden; 1
side on at halt, 1 side on at walk, 1 side on at trot. Rider MUST be wearing a helmet and be
neatly dressed. Show attire not required
Ridden Haflinger mare, 9 years and under
Ridden Haflinger mare, 10 years or more
Ridden Haflinger gelding, 9 years and under
Ridden Haflinger gelding, 10 years or more
Ridden Haflinger stallion, 9 years and under
Ridden Haflinger stallion, 10 years or more
Champion ridden Haflinger (winners of all classes automatically included) – trophy awarded
Reserve Champion ridden Haflinger (winners of all classes and 2nd to the Champion automatically included) – prize awarded
Ring 3 (8 classes) – Handy Mount ring; all classes $10 – require 1 photo of Haflinger
doing whatever is required of the class
Haflinger with rider (on top) opening a gate
Haflinger standing in the middle of two hay bales (without attempting to eat them) – ridden or unridden
Haflinger with rider holding a soft toy close to their face
Haflinger with handler (on ground) holding a soft toy close to their face
Haflinger being ridden across a tarp
Haflinger being led across a tarp
Haflinger being ridden through water (puddle is OK but all four hooves must be in or being lifted (not jumped!) above the water at the time of the photo)
Haflinger being led through water (puddle is OK but all four hooves must be in or being
lifted not jumped!) above the water at the time of the photo)
Ring 4 (15 classes) – Topsy ring: all classes $10 – require 1 photo side on, front or rear
depending on class – open to all Haflingers regardless of age or gender. Photos can be
from archives but entries to include approximate date (month / year) and Haflinger
must have been in Australia at time of photo
Haflinger with the longest tail (measured approximately from ground, or along ground)
Haflinger with the longest mane
Haflinger with the bushiest mane
Haflinger with the longest forelock (measured in relation to the length of their face
Haflinger with the woolliest coat
Haflinger with the dirtiest coat
Haflinger that most resembles an Abominable snow man
Haflinger with rider sitting on rump (saddled or unsaddled, rider must not be held)
Most active Haflinger without rider or handler (e.g., doing something in the paddock)
Most active Haflinger with handler (e.g., trotting)
Most active Haflinger with rider (e.g., jumping)
Cutest Haflinger with other Haflingers
Cutest Haflinger with another animal (not horse)
Fancy dress without rider
Fancy dress with rider.
Melbourne Summer Royal
Champion Haflinger Melbourne Summer Royal 2014 Trish Skeltons ‘Bunderra Nearco’
Best Presented Haflinger, Best Ridden Haflinger and Best European Ridden Pony—’Arkley Atlas’ with owner Caitlin Hennessey
‘Mirabelle Farm
‘Bunderra Nearco’ Champion Haflinger
Zoe Carter riding ‘Atlas’ for Best Ridden
Haflinger & Reserve Champion European
Ridden Pony
Maitland Show by Jordan Jones.
I just wanted to let you know how we all went at Maitland show.
I got 2nd for led with Bunderra Applause, then I had to lead Setco Avalon for Sadie as she had to lead stallion Winter Stolz. I
got champion with Setco Avalon, then mum had to hold Avalon so I could go in with Applause for Reserve Champion
and we got Reserve Champion. So I was really happy. I rode Applause but did not place. First was Sadie and Winter Stoltz
and Second was Katrina and Arkley Alpha.
Stallion - 1st place = Winter Stolz Mare - 1st place = Bunderra Oorinda 2nd place = Setco Delice
Sadie and
Winter Stoltz
Gelding - 1st place = Setco Avalon 2nd place = Bunderra Applause 3rd place = Windsong & Alpha
Ridden Haflinger 1st = Winter Stolz - Ridden by Sadie Patterson 2nd = Alpha ridden by Katrina Venticinque, 3rd Bunderra Oorinda ridden by Emma Sheridan.
Pictured below, Left to right. Sadie Paterson and Avalon, Jordan Jones and Applause , Windsong and Hettie Paterson, Katrina Venticinque and
Bottom, L to R—Setco Delice, Bunderra Oorinda & Emma Sheridan, Jordan, Jones with Applause, Cathy Venticinque with Avalon, Katina Venticinqe and Arkley Alpha.
Torrey and ‘Arkley Aussie’
Fernances Creek Andrew
Barnett Show Jumping,
Eventing and Six Bar was
held on the Australia Day.
Haflingers that participated were ‘Fernances
Roseamber’, left,
‘Rosebrook’ and
‘Fernances Aragon’.
Fernances Creek ‘Roseamber’ and Lottee winning the SIEC EVA60 Newcomers, below.
Gundl—Looking Back by Sharon Groves
Gundl and Paul at the Royal Easter Show 1995.
This was held at the old showgrounds.
Gundl and Sharon at the Royal Easter Show 1995
winning !st place. That year Gundl won 1st place
again. She would often win against the newer types
because the judges loved the way she looked and
This is Paul and Aaron out front and Sharon riding Gundl with the full brother to Aaron, Adonis. Gundl was up for anything. We could
take her out jumping logs, riding grids or trail riding or even as a pack horse. This was on an historic ride day held near Laguna, NSW.
About Gundl
Gundl was born in 1979 out of Gaby and Narrogal and bred by Eve Paxton – Brown. Gundl was purchased by the Groves Family and later
put into foal to Admiral, the imported stallion from Europe. Gundl had two colts, , Fernances Creek Aaron, the only stallion out of her line
to be classified and Adonis which was gelded. Aaron is 24 years old and still loves to go for a ride.
The Groves family tried several times to put Gundl in foal to try produce another “G” line filly. Gundl has several grandchildren that have
become sucessful showjumpers and eventers that are still active today. Fernances Creek Roseamber, Fernances Creek Aragon and Fernances Creek Argos.
Gundl was a larrikin and would steal the hat off of your head and run away. Up until she died at the age of 34, she would never miss an
opportunity to try and stir the stallions up or rob the fed shed at all costs. She was loved by our family and gave us many wonderful years
of riding. RIP Gundl.
For Sale
Adelong—yearling gelding. Fine boned, lovely temperament. Contact Kerrie Home: 02 69 737 584 Mobile: 0428
414 518 rosymoon@bigpond.com
Micki, 6, Chai, 3 and Limelight, 3. All started under saddle. ballindeanehaflingers@gmail.com
Rose, done PC, lots of trails and clinics. Great confidence builder. 13yo.
Artos , 3 year old gelding, going nicely under saddle. Contact Caroline caro@swiss.org.au
INC. NSW (Y2718903)
Website: www.haflinger.org.au
Secretary: haflinger.ahhba@gmail.com
PO Box 584 Bendemeer NSW 2355
Ph. 0427562400 or 0269737584