The Willingdon Extended Day Program
The Willingdon Extended Day Program
HOURS 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM* before school 3:30 PM - 6:15 PM after school 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM on PED days EDP Willingdon Extended Day Program Since 1997 WHAT TO SEND WITH YOUR CHILD • Two extra snacks and extra juice or water (plus lunch on PED Days). • Appropriate clothing for in/outdoor, and art & craft activities. BEFORE SCHOOL PROGRAM Drop off off in the Royal Lunch Room as of 7:30 AM.* Parents must check in personally with the AM counselor. Children are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of organized sports activities in the gym, or opt for quiet games, reading and arts and crafts. * An early drop off between 7:15 and 7:30 is available on a monthly basis for a fee of $15/monthly. Please see the EDP registration form. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Children are picked up in their classrooms for the first two weeks (Kindergarten all year) Absence • Before and after school childcare • Extra-curricular classes • Homework supervision • On site PED Day programs. 5:00 - 6:15 PM ACTIVITY and CLEAN UP Counselors program specific activities daily. Activities include science, arts and crafts, organized sports, drama and talent shows, group games, and theme days. All children participate in clean up and prepare all their belongings to be picked up at the end of the day. ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING Includes: regular Friday trips to the park in spring and early fall; skating at Doug Harvey arena in the winter; Willingdon Glee; annual Halloween party; Holidays pot luck; and famous year end barbecue and carnival. HOMEWORK ROOM In addition to the scheduled Homework Period, we have a homework specialist in the library from 3:30-5:30 PM, Monday through Thursday. All regularly enrolled After-School children may use this service. Children with specific homework and tutoring needs may arrange with Christy. EXTRA-CURRICULAR Parents are required to personally contact the EDP office (514-487-8269) by 2:00 PM daily if their child will be absent. You can leave a message on the voice mail if you do not reach anyone. The Extra-Curricular program has been a fixture at Willingdon for many years. Courses include: Art, Ballet, Drama, Sports and Energetix, Extreme Science, Violin, Piano, Reptiles, Magic, Soapstone Carving, Language Courses and more. Daily Schedule All Extra-Curricular teachers are highly recognized professionals within their fields. 3:30 - 4:15 PM ATTENDANCE & RECESS Open to all children at Willingdon School. 4:15 - 5:00 PM HOMEWORK PERIOD Registration: mid September and mid January. Children are expected to work on homework quietly. Classes meet weekly for 1 hour and run for 8-10 weeks in the fall, and 10-12 weeks in winter. Counselors and volunteers assist with homework whenever they can. 20 minute quiet time for all children Only children with written permission may opt out of the homework period. After-School registrants 4 - 5 days weekly are eligible for 1 course at 50% off and 1 at 25% off. 3 days weekly = 1 course at 25% off PED DAY PROGRAM SUBSIDIES The EDP runs an onsite PED Day program. In addition to specialized activities, guests, animation workshops and rotation activities, there will be some off site trips, with additional fees (ex CEPSUM, fort Angrignon, Verdun Circus School). We provide subsidies to families in need. Please see Christy Savage for an application and further information. Subsidies must be applied for no later than September 30th and January 31st each semester. Please note: there are no PED Day services offered on Holidays, the December break and the March break. RATES Last minute registrations permitted by 3pm the day before. Discounts: If you register for 7 out of 10 PED Days, the 8th PED Day is free. #Days/week PM AM* Both 5 $165 $65 $230 4 $137 $65 $202 3 $110 $65 $175 Drop In $10 $5 Early am (7:15am daily) $15/ month additional PED Day 8AM-6PM $35 /day Family discounts: 2nd and subsequent children $3.50 off per day each DISCOUNTS EMERGENCY BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL DROP IN Each additional child 5 afternoons weekly = $10 off Each additional child 4 afternoons weekly = $8 off PED Day fee is $35 per day. Children dropped off on the morning of the PED Day, without prior registration, will be admitted with an additional $10 charge. Willingdon Extended Day Program Christy Savage Director 514 487-8269 emergency cell: 514 730-7157 SECURITY POLICY COST: AM =$5:00 All new pick ups will be asked to show ID. PM =$10.00 STAFF AND RATIOS Staff are certified in CPR and First Aid. We hire enthusiastic, caring, responsible staff, with educational and childcare experience. We require advance notice of a new pick up. Sign out: Parents must sign out all children daily. If you pick up your child from an EC course please sign them out with their counselors first. Ratios: approximately 1 to 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ADMINISTRATION Late pick-ups - Additional $5/15 minute period past 6:15PM. To be paid directly to the counselor. All payments, for the full year, are required at the time of registration. Post-dated cheques (first of the month) and money orders only. Sorry we cannot accept cash. Extended Day Program office – The office is located in the Royal basement, to the left as you enter from Royal. Please feel free to drop in. Cheques are payable to the Willingdon Extended Day Program (or, Willingdon EDP) Location Board – Located on the Royal side, near the EDP office, this board should be checked daily for information and updates. Write your child’s first and last name on each cheque. There is a $17.00 charge for all N.S.F. payments. 5870 Terrebonne Montreal, QC H4A 1B5 PED Days: Register for 7 out of 10, the 8th is free. 2nd and subsequent children $3.50 off per day each Last minute emergency drop ins are accepted, please contact our office 514-487-8269 or emergency cell phone (514) 730-7157 to make last minute arrangements. There is an administrative charge for cancelled EC classes. Allergies-We are a nut free establishment, please do not send your child to the program with nut products. Epipen – Children requiring an Epipen should have them during after-school activities.
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