Der Skooner - Great Plains Region PCA
Der Skooner - Great Plains Region PCA
Der Skooner Great Plains Region / Porsche Club of America January/February 2013 Volume 47 Issue 1 And the Winners are.............. Family of the Year Enthusiast of the Year! Tom and Karen Cooper receiving plaque from President Steve Wilwerding Most Improved Driver Father Tom MacLean receiving plaque from President Steve Wilwerding Sandy Brusso and Doug Schlott The Starting Line By Tom Cooper Just a word or two of introduction for those of you who don’t know me. I joined national and the Great Plains Region in 1996. We attend a few events, but with the pressures of work I was never very active. Then in 2007 I noticed in the Der SKOONER, that there was a need for a registrar. Being retired, I thought that might be something I could do. Since then, I have been the registrar for all the driving events, membership chair for a couple of years and co-chairman of the club race. My herd, something Karen says I need to thin out, consists of two 914’s, two 924’s and a 944 S2 Cab. the planning stages, but February will be a relatively quiet month, only one event on the calendar, so you can get your Porsche ready for spring. The winter season is a difficult period to plan events for Porsche enthusiasts. However, we started off this year with a quiet gathering of a few devoted Porsche enthusiasts at the Hilton on Cass Street for breakfast on New Years Day. Although the turn out was small, we had a lively discussion about the cars we all love, and the breakfast was tremendous. Our next event was the winter Holiday party at Oak Hills last weekend. The turn out was excellent and I believe that everyone had a very good time. There are more social events in There are four driving events on the calendar for 2013. The premier event, our club race will again be held the first weekend in June. We’ll actually start on May 31st with a Test and Tune for the Additionally, I would like to see the Great Plains Region sponsor an autocross sometime during the year. However, we need some volunteers to take up the project and see that it happens. If you’re interested in trying this type of driving challenge, consider stepping up to the plate and lending a hand. One of the social events I plan to have this year is an annual membership meeting. This will be in late February or early March and we are trying to get a venue that will be interesting for everyone. We have not had an annual meeting for a number of years and there are a couple of areas of the bylaws that need to be updated, and we don’t want to do that without input from the membership. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Porsche of Omaha has once again decided to sponsor club activities during 2013. With their generous sponsorship we will be able to provide a wide variety of events that span the entire spectrum of our member’s interests. The board is always open to suggestions from our membership, so if you have an idea, see something in Panorama that you think we should try or see something another car club is doing that might be a event our members would enjoy, don’t hesitate to bring it to the attention of one of the board members. racers and the first day of an advanced DE for those you want some track time but aren’t quite ready to go door handle to door handle. Before the club race we will have a DE at Mid America Motorplex, MAM, on May 4th and Looking forward to seeing you at our next event. 5th. After the club race we will have additional DE’s at MAM in July and September. Tom In The Garage Interiors for the GARAGE enthusiast 17607 Gold Plaza Suite 105 Omaha, NE 402-934-7696 Bob Diers Curt Westlund 4820 South 61st Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68117 Garage Flooring - several options Neon Signs Metal & stainless steel cabinets Gas pumps/Coke machines Griot’s car care products Zymol car care products (402) 734-7575 STOP IN TO SEE ONE OF OUR SALES ASSOCIATES TODAY 2 Community Service The Board of Directors elected to distribute $5,000 to two organizations that regularily serve our community with the greatest of integrity, compassion and performance. Two $2,500 awards were presented that were gratefully and graciously accepted. The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the Universal Christain Church, established in Omaha in 1888, has been supporting those in need without discrimination for 125 years. Nearly 170,000 people receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through a broad array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach for the elderly, clothing and shelter to the homeless and opportunities for underprivileged children. 100% of all donations made to the Tree of Lights campaign remain in the community to support these services. For more information go to President Steve Wilwerding presenting a $2,500 check to Joanne Bemis, Divisional Director of community Relations & Development. GPR Board Members President Steve Wilwerding, Skooner Editor Steve Eckhart, Treasurer Steve Gallagher and President-Elect Tom Cooper. Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands is one of the area’s foremost youth serving organizations offering trained professionals healthy meals, dedicated youth facilities daily access, proven methods, educational support and experience helping over 152,000 youth in the course of its 50 year history. Youth in the club are exposed to a wide variety of tried ad tested programming: character and leadership development, education and career development, health and life skills, the arts, sports and fitness. The annual cost of a Club Membership to parents is only $30.However the real cost of providing these services is $692 peer child. Having the support of organizations like the Great Plains Region PCA helps us keep costs low for youth and allows the Club to serve even more kids in the coming years. GPR President-Elect Tom Cooper after presenting a $2,500 check to Ivan Gilreath, President and CEO Boys & Girlsl Club of the Midlands. A student practicing skills as part of the UPS Road Code driving curriculum. 3 Some students experiencing their first exposure to a Porsche Cayman. 58TH ANNUAL PCA PORSCHE PARADE 2013 TOURS CONCOURS, RALLIES, AUTO CROSS, TECH QUIZ GREAT FOOD NEW FRIENDS JUNE 23–29 TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN JOIN US FOR A WEEK FULL OF PORSCHE FUN REGISTRATION OPENS MARCH 12TH GRAND TRAVERSE RESORT & SPA FOR MORE INNFORMATION FORMATION & REG EGISTRATION ISTRATION - VIISIT SIT PARADE P ARADE2013.P PCA CA.OR ORG G 4 Porsche Parade 2013: Traverse City, Michigan - Nestled on the shores of Lake Michigan and the Grand Traverse Bay, the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa will host our fun-filled 58th Porsche Parade this summer: June 23 through 29, 2013. With 900 acres of rolling greens, woodlands and waterfront, a multitude of vineyards, orchards and coastal roadways nearby, there is much to see, much to do, and much to enjoy! The Porsche Parade is the PCA's annual convention. It is a week-long extravaganza of car events, tech sessions, social events and FUN. Whether you like to autocross, rally, tour or, Concours, there is plenty to do and see. Attendance is roughly 2000 people, most of whom arrive in their beautiful and much loved Porsche automobile. The Parade is a great family vacation, and the Traverse City area has a wide variety of kid-friendly activities. You must register in advance for Parade as there is no onsite sign up. Registration opens March 12th. There will be a link to register on and The Porsche Concours d’Elegance gets started early on Monday, June 24th on the beautiful fairways of the Grand Traverse Resort. Whether you are an experienced Concours participant, a first time entrant, or a volunteer, there is an opportunity for every Parade entrant to get involved in this prestigious event. The Concours d’Elegance is not just about the competition, it’s about getting involved and participating with others who share a common appreciation for the Porsche marque. New this year! The Concours will include a “street” class for those who want to show their cars, but on more of an entry level. In the new street class, only the interior and exterior, including wheels and tires, will be judged. The Mobil TSD Rally on Tuesday June 25th takes us in and around the beautiful vineyards, orchards, forests and dunes of the area in a rally that’s sure to be remembered. The Michelin Autocross is on Wednesday and Thursday, June 26 and 27 at the nearby Antrim County Airport. With the Parade team promising a challenging old-school runway autocross, this is sure to be a fun event. The Technical/Historical Quiz will be presented to those who dare on the morning of Friday, June 28. Entrants will be tested on their knowledge of general Porsche interests, mechanical details, and the historical aspects of the Porsche family, business, and the ever-growing line of models and variants. Be sure to study for a top score or just show up to see what you think you know. Source materials for studying will be available on the Parade website as the date draws near. The Parade Tech Academy will be held Friday, June 28th, and once again, we have an exciting mix of our outstanding PCA Technical Committee and outside speakers. Michelin hosts a “drive and compare” where you can take laps in two identical Porsches, with two different types of tires. We will have a golf tournament on The Bear golf course at the resort, host to the state’s oldest and most prestigious tournament, the Michigan Open Championship from 1985 through 2008. Lodging - The Grand Traverse Resort and Spa is our host hotel, and can accommodate all Parade goers. The resort properties range from beachfront condos in a variety of configurations, to the centrally located hotel & tower rooms. Special PCA rates will be available; upon registration you will receive an authorization code to access these rates. Entrant Eligibility and Fees - You must be a PCA member to register for Parade and only registered attendees may participate in Parade activities. Entrants and co-entrants must be PCA members, but they need not be family or affiliate members. Automobile eligibility for the Autocross, Concours and TSD Rally is outlined in the Parade Competition Rules (PCRs) available on the website. An entrant and/or co-entrant may enter up to two automobiles (thus separate cars for the Concours, rally, and autocross), and only Porsches as defined in the PCRs may be registered. Entrants may participate in other events (such as tours or gimmick rally) in any automobile, even if it is not a Porsche. Everyone signing up for Parade must pay an entrant fee of $159, which covers the entrant and co-entrant. Fees for the four major competitive events are: Concours -- $30 per car, Autocross -- $30 per driver, TSD Rally -- $15 per car, and Tech/Historical quiz -- $15 per person. Entrant fees for guests are as follows: JPP/CAFP -- $20, Child age 13-15 -- $15, Child under age 13 -- $10. Adult guests -$30. JPP (Junior Participant Program) entrants are the sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren of PCA members who are 16 or 17 years old. CAFP (College-Aged Family Program) entrants are the sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and grandchildren of PCA members who are 18-25 years old. Other guests are welcome, however, only the entrant, co-entrant and JPP/CAFP entrants may enter the competitive events (except children ages 13-15 may register for the Tech Quiz). If other guests are PCA Members, they must submit their own registration and pay their own registration fee to enter the competitive events. Questions? If you have questions regarding Parade, please consult the Parade website at If you are unable to find your answer there, email Kathleen Behrens, Parade Registrar at or call 503.579.3423 (please leave a message). 5 Mark your calendar February-March Annual Members Only meeting at a date, site and time to be determined. Please stay tuned for further details. February 23rd - An evening at Pasta A’more. 7p. Order off the menu. Unfortunately limited to 20 attendees. RSVP to Steve Wilwerding ASAP at or 402.319.8623 (h). April-May-June May 4th and 5th - Driver Education at Mid America Motorplex May 31st, June 1st, June 2nd - Club Race/Driver Education at Motorsports Park Hastings June 23rd-29th - 58th Annual PCA Porsche Parade - Traverse City, Michigan July July 27th and 28th - Driver Education at Mid America Motorplex. August September September 28th and 29th - Driver Education at Mid America Motorplex GPR members enjoying friendship 2013 Winter Party at Oak Hills Country Club Roland Manarin This advertising space is Registered Investment Advisor AVAILABLE INVESTING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Inexpensive $30 monthly or $250 annual commitment Call Dixie at 402.330.1166 for an appointment with Roland. Manarin Securities Corporation, a registered Broker/Dealer, member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Manarin Investment Counsel, Ltd., an SEC registered advisory firm. Contact George Poullos - 6 7 vo Ro ad e ion Driv Av en ue 27th Street Centur SkillsUSA is a career student organization (CSO) serving high school and college students enrolled in programs preparing them for technical, skilled and service careers. Students embrace our slogan “SkillsUSA: ork” by learning Work” Champions at W leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development - traits that go into shaping responsible, reliable employees who will one day become leaders in the workplace. Arbor Road Al SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. Kuck Motorsports Collection 2251 Humphrey Avenue Lincoln, Nebraska SkillsUSA Nebraska Foundation Fundraiser ebruary 8, 2013 February riday, FFe FFriday, m 9:00pm m- 9:00p 6:30p 6:30pm- Hu mp hr ey About SkillsUSA Directions to Kuck Motorsports Collection ake N. 27th Street to dead end at Arbor Road. Take T This is approximately 1/2 mile north of I-80 at You will take the next four lefts and one Exit 403. You right. Go left on Arbor Road, take the next left onto Alvo Road, take the next left onto Centurion Drive and then take the next left onto Humphrey You will continue about 1/2 block and then venue. You A Avenue. take a right through the black iron gate. Once in gate, go to the east side of the east building to the gate, park. Enter through the front doors on the east side. Nebraska Dept. of Education 301 Centennial Mall South 6th Floor Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4987 Phone: 402-471-0898 Email: Photo courtesy of Randy Dotson 8 Kuck Motorsports Collection venue Avenue A umphrey Av Humphrey 2251 H incoln, NE 68503 LLincoln, ....heard it through the grapevine Caption Contest Surely you have a caption for this photograph of beloved member Bob Lynch in his Porsche in his shop. Send ‘em my way - - and we’ll post them in the next issue. Nope, you won’t win a thing. “LIKE” us on Facebook! There wasn’t enough room on the cover to announce the final winner. George Poullos was awarded the infamous, highly sought after Dumkopf Award because he “expressed supreme poverty of intellect....”. The explanation offered at the Winter Party by Abe Schlott was sympathetic while being absolutely factual. The story goes something like this. Last year at the MPH Club Race/DE several members decided to refuel enroute to lunch. Member Poullos thought he was introducing fuel into the appropriate tank and engaged in conversation with the “guys” during the refueling process. Time to go to Applebee’s for lunch and then to the track for an afternoon of fun. Of course the engine quit during the first afternoon run. It must be the fuel pump because the vehicle was full of fuel.(To Poullos’ defense, there was a suspected fuel pump problem earlier in the year). Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Doug Schott graciously towed the vehicle to Omaha where it was determined the driver had run out of fuel! Hmmm... Surely that’s an example of “supreme poverty of intellect”. Social Activity Guidance We’re contemplating an evening at the boats next spring. Dinner and other activities. Would you attend? I wish to develop events for our female members and spouses. Maybe you have an idea or two. What type of events are of the greatest interest to you? We want a robust social calendar and your thoughts make that possible. Please let me know if you wish to sponsor an event. How about a wine and cheese evening at your house? I’m here to serve you. Brian Tessman - 9 Check it out.... Everything Old is New Again --- need some retro wheels for your Porsche? From 1966 until 1989 Porsche offered Fuchs wheels on the 911. Forged and light, the five spoke Fuchs became as much a part of the 911’s look as the whale tail spoiler. Now the Fuchs Performance Group manufactures classic-look wheels for 2005-2013 911’s. The FP.1 is available now in 19-inch sizes; a 20-inch fitment is coming this spring.8.5 x19 and 12.0 x 19 now available. Automobuild Online Toy Store - go to The business focuses on toy cars, model cars, and building toys to inspire design, creativity, and imagination in children to understand how things work. Denny Strauss Gallery at In The Garage - color photos from the Pebble Beach Concours, Monterey Historic Races and Concorso Italiano are now available for purchase both at In the Garage and at The collection is mounted on hard board, sized 12”x18” and 20”x30”, ready to be hung on that special wall in your office, gallery or shop. FOR SALE - 1970 Porsche 911 with ST style bodywork built by Cox Motorsports for vintage racing in 2005. Bright yellow. Two time Concours winner at Chicago Historic Races. Converted to street use in 2010 could easily be returned to full race form. 2.5 liter, twin plug, Weber carbs. Dyno at 235 hp. Many extras. $60,000. Call Denny Strauss for details. 402.639.0921 (cell). FOR SALE - four chrome OE Porsche wheels with Continental ContiSportContact tires. 205/50-17 and 255/40-17. Mike Cassling. Contact Frank at 402.960.8988 to view wheels and tires. $800 obo. Winter Car Storage Available - Dry, heated, secure auto storage available for your special, valuable Porsche 13508 “C” Street - a.k.a. The Bat Cave! Only $95 per month! Please contact Denny Strauss 402.639.0921(cell) or 402.330.1555 (residence) Remember to “LIKE” us on Facebook! Find us on Facebook and select “LIKE”. You can also do it from our website: Advantage “Quality Tires ... at Prices You Can Afford” Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Jim Acuff CRS Complete Line of Custom Wheels Residential Sales Phone (402) 553-9393 Cellular: 402-490-0202 Residence: 402-457-4055 Office: 402-390-2900 Email: 5028 Northwest Radial Hwy. BF Goodrich Goodyear 10 Omaha, Nebraska 68104 Multi-Mile GPR Board and Minutes President: Tom Cooper 635 Shoreline Dr. Waterloo, NE 68089 402.779.2261 (h) Past President: Steve Wilwerding 4811 Davenport St. Omaha, NE 68132 402.319.8623 (h) Treasurer: Robert Lynch 6100 Northern Hills Dr. Omaha, NE 68152 402.573.1684 (h) Secretary: Abe Schlott 727 S. 13th Street Omaha, NE 68102 402.977.5885 (h) Membership: Sandy Bruso 2862 Duane Plz. Apt D Bellevue, NE 68123 402.612.7931 (h) Safety: Sally Knapp 919 Bayberry Dr. Bellevue, NE 68005 402.291.9350 (h) Social: Brian Tessman 12929 Jessie Avenue Omaha, NE 68164 402.598.4946 (h) Der Skooner Editor: George Poullos 6221 North 158th Avenue Circle Omaha, NE 68116-4027 402.679.4915 (m) Great Plains Region Porsche Club Minutes of the January 8, 2013 Board Meeting Attending were board members Tom Cooper, Steve Wilwerding, Bob Lynch, George Poullos, Sandy Bruso, Brian Tessman, and Abe Schlott. Social: Discussed Holiday Party preparations and planning First week in June- dinner party @ Tessman's Discussed partnering with boys and girls club Secretary: Approve minutes from previous meeting. President: Discussed annual meeting in February or March Discussed driving events at MAM May 4-5, July 27-28, and September 28-29 Discussed DE and Club Race in Hastings May 31-June 2 Registrar: - No report Treasurer: Bob Lynch reviewed financials. Club Race Chair: HQ Hotel is the Holiday Inn Express and they have reserved a block of thirty rooms for us. Rate is $124.95 per night. Membership: 2 new members for December; total of 7 new for 2012. Discussed ways to leverage National memberships and new Porsche owners Safety: - No report. Der Skooner Sent extra Der Skooners to PCA national, local non GPR members last month and will send a followup letter to encourage new members to join the club. Discussed advertising updates Website: Up to date. Discussed leveraging social media, specifically facebook, to engage more members. Past President and Chief Driving Instructor: No report Next meeting will be at Brian Tessman's, 12929 Jessie Ave, Omaha, NE on February 5th at 6:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted by Abe Schlott Web Master: Eric Elliot 736 West Godfrey Dr. Lincoln, NE 68022 402.770.7986 (h) Web Page: PCA Zone 10 Rep: Kim Fritze Editorial Policy: Der Skooner is the official publication of the Great Plains Region/Porsche Club of America. Statements and opinions appearing in Der Skooner are those of the author and not necessarily those of the GPR, PCA, the Board or the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material and to publish only material that is felt to be in the best interest of GPR/PCA. Other regions are welcome to reprint Der Skooner articles provided that the source and author are credited. Address changes must be sent to both Tom Cooper, 635 Shorewood Lane, Waterloo, NE 68069 and PCA, P.O. Box 5900, Springfield, VA 22150. 11 Editor 6221 North 158th Avenue Circle Omaha, Nebraska 68116-4027 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID OMAHA, NE PERMIT NO. 1313 A Publication of the Great Plains Region / Porsche Club of America Photo courtesy of Randy Dotson
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