Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church


Holy Rosary Church - Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosary Church
Iglesia del Santo Rosario
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
August 14, 2016
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia
7:15am, 8:45am,10:30am
12:10pm and 1:45pm Spanish/Español
5:30pm Life Teen/ Jóvenes
Lauds & Rosary/Laudes y Rosario
Holy Days/Días Santos
Vigil/Vigilia 5:30pm
8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm
7:30pm Spanish/Español
Upon request/ A petición
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo
Weekday/Durante la Semana First Friday/Primer Viernes
24 hours/24 horas
Parish Office
1313 A Street
Antioch, CA 94509
Phone: (925) 757-4020
Fax: (925) 757-6828
Español: (925) 757-4084
Office Hours:
(closed 12pm–1:30pm)
Staff will be available in the courtyard after Mass
Photos from August 7th mass
Holy Rosary Mission Statement/Declaración de la Misión del Santo Rosario
To be disciples and to make disciples.
Ser discípulos de Jesús y hacer discípulos.
Our vision is
To become a center of formation for discipleship and evangelization.
Llegar a ser un centro de formación para el discipulado y la evangelización
Parish Administration
Fr. Roberto Corral, O.P., Pastor
Fr. Francisco Vicente, O.P., Parochial Vicar
Fr. David Bello, O.P., Parochial Vicar
Fr. Bart Hutcherson, O.P., Parochial Vicar
Jackie Hooke, Pastoral Associate
Deacon Jerry Grigg
Deacon Charles Silvernale, O.P.
Dominicans in Residence
Fr. Edward Krasevac, O.P.
Parish Office 757-4020
Oficina Parroquial
Barbara Daniels, Office Manager
Elena Zermeño, Secretary
Jorge Aragon, Finance/Business Manager
Religious Education (CCD)
Yolanda García
Janet Branson, Secretary
Rita Cross, Secretary
Holy Rosary School757-1270
Timothy Hooke, Principal
Youth Ministry757-9515
Lizette Suarez
Music Ministry
John Glick, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy
Beatriz Figueroa, Renovación
Carolina Bruno, Unidos en Cristo
Jose Cadena, Voces de Cristo
Nicholas Hernandez, Santo Rosario
Hermanas Dominicas757-7333
Sor. Raquel Avelar, O.P.
Sor. Maria de Los Angeles Gomes Ramirez, O.P.
Alejandrina Martinez
Please stop by the
church office or visit
our website to register.
Registration enables you
to enroll in sacramental
and Religious Education
programs and receive
regular parish mailings
1st and 3rd Sundays of
the month (Last Sunday
in Spanish) at 3:30pm in
the church. You must be a
registered Parishioner at
Holy Rosary. To register
for baptism, please call
the church office at least
two months prior to
preferred date.
office@ holyrosaryantioch.org
Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral
Teresa Celli
Cathryn Freitas
Suzanne Glynn
Cara Grahman
Bob McDonald
Larry Mori
Chris Trotta
Cathy Vanderklught
Finance Committee / Consejo Economico
Fr. Roberto Corral
Jorge Aragon
Domingo Delgadillo
Jackie Hooke
Liza Lucio
Bob Martin
Joe Stiglich
*Holy Cross Cemetery
Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation Services
East 18th Street, Antioch
*We recommend using Catholic Funeral & Cemetery
Services at Holy Cross Cemetery. Their staff will contact the
parish office to assist you with your arrangements.
Photography by Juan Tinnirello
Bulletin Board cases designed
by Kathy Sturgeon
Bulletin Editor
Karri Reiser
(deadline for admission into next week's bulletin is 5pm Monday)
Additional images courtesy of https://www.google.com/search
Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick
Weddings should be
scheduled at least six
If you have a serious
months in advance.
or ongoing illness or if
Preparation information
you are scheduled for
is available at the church
surgery, contact the
church office immediately office. Please call us at
757-4020 for details.
at 757-4020
Today at Holy Rosary
This Week at Holy Rosary
Sunday 8/14 Hispanic Charismatic Event 8:30am Dominican Hall
Monday 8/15 Hispanic Charismatic 6:30pmChurch
Boy Scouts Mtg
7:00pm Dominican Hall
Tuesday 8/16 Gabriel Project
Wednesday 8/17Legion of Mary
Knight of Columbus
Summer Youth Program 7:00pm Life House
Saturday 8/20 Confessions
Bodas Comunitarias 2:00pm Church
Sunday 8/21 Dominican Laity 8:30pm Basement
Hispanic CCD Registration11:00am Parish Center
Capital Campaign
Staff will be in the courtyard to assist you.
Hispanic Charismatic Event
The Collection Report
1st Collection
Religious Education
Today's 2nd collection is for:
Diocesan Tax
Next Week's 2nd collection is for:
Buildings & Grounds
Join our list!
Want to know about upcoming
programs, events and activities at
Holy Rosary?
Donations Needed
We are in need of donations that will
go toward the purchase of a desk
for the Religious Education Director.
Please call Yolanda Garcia (925) 7579515 Ext. 46 for more information.
Sign up for our parish email list.
Simply go to the parish website (www.
holyrosaryantioch.org) and click the
"Join Our List" button in the right
column. Stay up-to-date
with timely information
about the happenings
at YOUR parish. Email
addresses will not
be shared with other
Parish Renewal Retreat
September 30 to October 2
Find out what everyone's talking about
Mass Intentions
8:00 am
August 13th
August 14th
5:30 pm
7:15 am
8:45 am
10:30 am
12:10 pm
1:45 pm
5:30 pm
Nanette LoGrasso†
Sophie Lucido†
Vito & Nellie LoGrasso†
Beney Family
Joaquin Flores†
Domingo Gonzalez
Felix Gonzalez Susan Salmon†
Zosimo Balagtas†
August 15th 8:00 am
Hector Torres†
5:30 pm Mercedes Lourdes Buckles†
8:00 am
5:30 pm
Readings for the Week
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2;
Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab;
Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27;
Lk 1:39-56
Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19;
Mt 22:1-14
Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40
Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12
Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2;
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30
August 16th
All Souls
Tina Rodriguez†
August 17th Mary Mc Kinnon†
Susan Salmon†
8:00 am
5:30 pm
Please Pray for
William Myers
Bea Neal
Sophie Lucido†
Andy Patina
5:30 pm
Luisa Ramirez†
Maria Dolores Gomez
Melany Prez
Larry Reddick
August 19th
Sabrina Rawson
8:00 am
Magdalene Lassalle†
Tony Rodriguez
5:30 pm
Ramon Urbina Senior
Gina Rubin
Jackelin Samalloa
Patty Samalloa
August 20th
Monsignor Raul
8:00 am
Roglio & Elena Conel†
5:30 pm
Leonore Flores†
Rosa Maria Santos
Maria S. Larios
Peggy Scalise
John Lawrence
Gloria Sendaydiego
Audrey Leonard
Jayne Smith
Roseann Leverich
Alicia Tinnirello
Elise Lopez
Amh Tran
Mercy Madrid
Ilian Villarreal
Irene Chavez Mareno
The Ward Family
Enrique Martinez
Frances Wall-Currier
Alex Wilright
Cruz Javier Medina
Colin Worster
Joseph Ming
8:00 am
August 18th
Virginia Canada
Marcus Cardona
Yelba Freij
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a
vision of hope.
A Message from Father Roberto
The Nine Ways of Prayer of St. Dominic
As we continue celebrating the 800th Jubilee of the Order of Preachers, I would like to continue to share some
reflections about St. Dominic and the Dominicans. One important aspect of St. Dominic’s life was his devotion to
prayer. Apparently, numerous people observed him at prayer at different times and noticed how he utilized his entire
body to pray and the various gestures he repeated. These were eventually written down in a document entitled, “The
Nine Ways of Prayer of St. Dominic.” It was written by an anonymous author, probably at Bologna, Italy, sometime
between 1260 and 1288 (St. Dominic died in 1221). The source of this information was Sister Cecilia of the Monastery
of St. Agnes at Bologna (who had been received into the Order by St. Dominic) and others who had been in contact
with him. This venerable document testifies to the eminent holiness of Dominic, showing something of his intimate
prayer life and intense love of God. The early manuscripts of the work were accompanied by miniature drawings to
illustrate the various postures St. Dominic took while he was at prayer as you can see below. The Nine Ways of Prayer
of St. Dominic are the following:
Inclination: St. Dominic's first way of prayer was to bow towards the altar humbly, as if Christ were present in
person, and not only symbolically.
Prostration: St. Dominic often used to pray by throwing himself face down on the ground, and saying, "God
be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke 18:13).
Penance: Following on the second way, St. Dominic would discipline himself in the popular style of the 12th
century. He did this to remind himself of the seriousness of sin, and to keep him on the path as a preacher of the Word
of God.
Genuflection: Dominic would look upon the crucifix, gazing intently on Christ on the Cross, kneeling down
then getting up, over and over again. But other times he spoke only in his heart, kneeling, with his mind caught up in
wonder. This sometimes lasted a long time.
Contemplation: St. Dominic would stand before the altar, rapt in contemplation. Sometimes he would hold
his hands out in front, as if reading a book. Other times, he joined his hands, holding them together in front. Other
times he lifted them to his shoulders, as if listening more intently.
Earnest Intercession: St. Dominic often prayed with his arms and hands stretched out as far as they would
go, in the form of a cross. In this he imitated Christ on the Cross.
Supplication: He also prayed stretching his whole body upwards, like an arrow being shot straight up in the
air. Sometimes he would hold his hands together, or at other times open them as if to receive something from heaven.
Thoughtful Reading: St. Dominic had another beautiful way of prayer which he used after meals. He would
go sit down in some place by himself in a room or somewhere to read or pray, recollecting himself in himself and fixing
himself in the presence of God. He would sit quietly, sign himself with the cross, open some book, and then read.
Praying on a Journey: When traveling on foot, St. Dominic prayed by meditating on Sacred Scripture in a
state of contemplation. And so, either going aside, ahead, or more often, behind, he would walk by himself and pray.
Through this prayer, the brothers thought, St. Dominic achieved the power and courage to preach the Gospel without
fear and a special closeness to the Holy Spirit.
For a fuller description of the Nine Ways of Prayer, go to
Religious Education
CCD Classes will begin Wednesday September 28, 2016.
Registration will be in the Parish Center - Forms are available at www.holyrosaryantioch.org
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016 (closed Noon - 1pm for lunch)
9 am to 2 pm
9 am to 2 pm and 6 pm to 8pm
Sunday September 11, 2016
9 am to 12 noon
The cost will be $100.00 for one child; $150.00 for two children; $175.00 for three children $200.00 for four or more children.
Sacrament Fee additional $35.00 (per family)
There will be a $25.00 late fee per family if you register after September 21.
Policy for all First Communion Students
The policy will be that a student entering into a Communion Class will not be registered unless a copy of their Baptism and
Birth Certificates are included with their completed registration forms. There is a 2 year requirement for students receiving
their First Eucharist Sacrament.
If you have any questions, call the Parish Center at (925) 757-9515
Pilgrimage to the
Cathedral of Christ the Light
Join us and our local parishes for a
unique spiritual opportunity as part of the
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
The Delta Deanery Pilgrimage to the
Cathedral of Christ the Light
Saturday, August 27th
8:00am Busses depart from
Holy Rosary Church
9:30am Journey on Pilgrim's Path
10:00am Multicultural Mass
1:00pm Arrive at Holy Rosary Church
Pope Francis encourages all to make a pilgrimage.
Bishop Barber has made the Cathedral the
exclusive pilgrimage site
for the Diocese during the Jubilee Year!
Cost: $20 per person
To reserve your seat, please call the rectory at
CCD Teachers Needed
The Children's Religious Education
Program is in need of CCD teachers.
If you feel the Lord's call to be a part
of this wonderful ministry, please
contact Yolanda Garcia for complete
details at the Parish Center
(925) 757-9515 Extension 48.
Baptism Classes
Call the office for an interview
Baptisms are celebrated on the
1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:30pm
in the Church
Classes are held on the 1st
Wednesday of each month
in the Parish Center
(Please note the time change
beginning September 2016)
Holy Rosary Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Ministerio Juvenil De Holy Rosary
Summer Retreat / Retiro de Verano
This past weekend we had our Teen Retreat to end
our summer program. Enjoy pictures below from our
35 retreatants who attended. Special thanks to all the
volunteers and parents who made the retreat possible.
Este fin de semana pasado tuvimos nuestro retiro de
jovenes para terminar nuestro programa de verano.
Disfruten de fotos abajo de nuestras 35 participantes que
asistieron. Un agradecimiento especial a todos los
voluntarios y los padres que hicieron posible este retiro
Young Adult Group Kick-off
Meet & Greet
Friday August 19th @ 7pm
Building Community
Follow us:
Confirmation 2016-2017
Confirmación 2016-2017
Save the Date:
Wednesday Aug 24 6p-8p
Thursday Aug 25 6p-8p
More info to come.
Guarde la Fecha:
Miércoles Agosto 24 6p-8p
Jueves Agosto 25 6p-8p
Mas info por venir
Attention Teens & Young Adults: You are invited
to join 4,000 Catholic Youth for an all day event
filled with fun at SIX FLAGS Discovery Kingdom.
Includes an evening concert, all you can eat buffet
& exclusive ride time!
When: Saturday, September 17th, 2016
Cuando: Sabado Septiembre 17, 2016
Where: Six Flags, Vallejo
Donde: Six Flags, Vallejo
Time: 9am—9pm
Hora: 9am-9pm
Cost: $49
Costo: $49
To sign up to go email
Para inscribirse mande correo a
Holy Rosary Youth and Young Adult Ministry
For more information regarding Youth and Young Adult Ministry please contact Lizette
Suarez at 925-757-9515 x 48 or 925-967-4503; yayam@holyrosaryantioch.org or visit our
website at www.hryaya.org.
Catequesis Infantil
Directora de Catequesis:
Yolanda García (925)757-9515
Habrá un curso
intensivo de catequesis
del 22 al 26 de Agosto,
en el Sótano de 6:00-9:00 pm.
Todas las catequistas que
ya están sirviendo y demás
personas que sientan el llamado
del Señor
a servir en este hermoso
ministerio, son invitados a asistir
Directora: Ministerio Hispano
Sor. Raquel Avelar, O.P.
(925) 757-7333
Oficina Hispana:
Alejandrina Martínez
(925) 757-4084
Grados: Desde Kínder -5
años,hasta perseverancia -13
La catequesis en Español es: Todos
los Sábados de 9:00 a 11:00 am.
Las clases de catecismo inician el 24 de Septiembre, 2016
El costo de registración es de $100 por un niño, $150 por 2 niños, $175 por 3 niños y $200 por 4 niños o más.
Requisitos: Se requieren 2 años para recibir el sacramento de la Comunión
Segundo año/Curso de Comunión- Traer el Acta de Nacimiento, la Fe de Bautismo y $35 más aparte de
lo de la registración. Total $135.
Importante: No se registrará a ningún niño si no se traen todos los documentos requeridos.
Gracias por su comprensión.
Fechas de Registraciones para el curso 2016-2017- Centro Parroquial
Domingos 21 & 28 de Agosto de 12:00 pm a 4:00 pm. Lunes 29 y Martes 30 de 6:00 pm a 8:30 pm.
Misa de Sanación
Español/English: In Unity/ En Unidad
“Noche de Viernes con Jesus/Friday
Night With Jesus”
¿Dónde/ Where? Holy Rosary Church
1313 “A” St., Antioch, CA 94509
¿Cuándo/ When?
Viernes 9 de Septiembre, 2016
Friday, Sept. 9, 2016
¿Hora/ Time? 7:30 pm—10pm
¿Celebrante/ Celebrant?
Fr. José Corral
Ministerio Musical: “Unción del Espíritu Santo”
Información: Rosa E. Ríos & Herminio Ríos
(925) 756-2747
Retiro Mejor Mujer
Todo es posible para el que cree.
Marcos 9-23
Ven y descubre "El poder de la actitud"
Septiembre 2, 3, 4 de 2016
Costo $100.00
1432 101st. Ave, Oakland
Más información comunicarse con:
Leticia Orozco (925) 305-7527
Liz Lepe (925) 237-7869
La Virgen recibió la salvación para poder darla de vuelta a los siglos.
—Pedro Crisólogo
Un Mensaje del Padre Roberto
Los Nueve Modos de Orar de Sto. Domingo
A medida que continuamos celebrando el 800° Jubileo de la Orden de Predicadores, me gustaría seguir compartiendo
algunas reflexiones sobre Santo Domingo y los dominicos. Un aspecto importante de la vida de Sto. Domingo era su
devoción a la oración. Aparentemente, numerosas personas lo observaba en oración en diferentes momentos y notaron
como utilizaba todo su cuerpo para orar y como repetía varios gestos. Finalmente, estas observancias fueron escritas
en un documento titulado, “Los Nueve Modos de Orar de Sto. Domingo.” Fue compuesto por un autor anónimo,
probablemente en Bolonia, Italia, entre 1260 y 1288 (Sto. Domingo murió en 1221). La fuente de esta información era
la Hermana Cecilia del Monasterio de Santa Inés de Bolonia (quien había recibido el hábito de Sto. Domingo) y otros
que habían tenido contacto con él. Este venerable documento da testimonio de la santidad del Santo, mostrando algo
de su vida íntima de oración y amor intenso a Dios. Los manuscritos tempranos de la obra fueron acompañados por
dibujos en miniatura para ilustrar las varias posturas que tomaba Sto. Domingo mientras que oraba como puedes ver a
continuación. Los Nueve Modos do Orar de Sto. Domingo son los siguientes:
La Inclinación: La primera forma de oración de Santo Domingo fue inclinarse hacia el altar con humildad, como
si Cristo estuviera presente en persona, y no sólo simbólicamente.
La Postración: Sto. Domingo a menudo oraba arrojándose boca abajo en el suelo, y diciendo: “Dios, sé propicio
a mí, un pecador" (Lucas 18, 13).
La Penitencia: Motivado Santo Domingo por todo cuanto precede, se alzaba del suelo y se disciplinaba
diciendo: "Tu disciplina me adiestró para el combate" (Sal 17, 35). Sufre y ora por todos los que sufren, prolongando en
su cuerpo la Pasión de Jesús.
La Genuflexión: Domingo miraba al crucifijo, fijándose atentamente en Cristo en la cruz, de rodillas, luego
levantándose, una y otra vez. Pero otras veces sólo hablaba en su corazón, de rodillas, con la cabeza absorta en
maravilla. A veces, esto duró mucho tiempo.
La Contemplación: Sto. Domingo se ponía de pie ante el altar, absorto en la contemplación. A veces alzaba sus
manos hacia el frente, como si estuviera leyendo un libro. En otras ocasiones, unía a las manos, manteniéndolas unidas
delante. Otras veces las levantaba a los hombros, como si estuviera escuchando con más atención.
La Intercesión Intensa: Santo Domingo a menudo oraba con las manos y los brazos estirados lo más que podía,
en forma de cruz. En este imitó a Cristo en la cruz.
La Súplica: Se le hallaba con frecuencia orando, dirigido por completo hacia el cielo. Oraba con las manos
elevadas sobre su cabeza, muy levantadas y unidas entre sí, o bien un poco separadas, como para recibir algo del cielo.
La Lectura Reflexiva: Nuestro Padre Santo Domingo tenía otro modo de orar, hermoso, devoto y grato
para él. Se iba pronto a estar solo en algún lugar, para leer u orar, permaneciendo consigo y con Dios. Se sentaba
tranquilamente y, hecha la señal protectora de la cruz, abría ante sí algún libro; leía y se llenaba su mente de dulzura,
como si escuchara al Señor que le hablaba.
La Oración En Camino: Observaba este modo de orar al trasladarse de una región a otra, especialmente cuando
se encontraba en lugares solitarios. Oraba por la meditación de la Sagrada Escritura en un estado de contemplación. Y
así, yendo a un lado, por delante, o más a menudo, detrás, caminaba aparte y oraba.
Para una descripción más amplia de los Nueve Modos de Orar de Sto. Domingo, véase
Eternal Rome
The Catholic Tour, a Roman Catholic Pilgrimage
Apostolate is offering our "Special" 7 Day Pilgrimage
to Eternal Rome operating from two Airline
Gateways of New York, JFK and Boston, Mass. The
price of $1999.00 is the all inclusive price includes
airfare, 3 star hotel, most meals, tour guide, deluxe
bus and more. Price is the same from both airports
and we can assist you in securing air from home
city to one of the gateways listed above. The travel
dates from both airports will be November 4-10,
2016. Brochures and reservation forms are available
at the Catholic Tour call 1-877-627-4268 toll free or
simply email jimadair@thecatholictour.com.
Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday: St. Stephen of Hungary
St. John Eudes
Saturday: St. Bernard
St. Vincent de Paul
"The Big La Bocce"
hosted by St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa County
and Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa County.
Saturday September 10
from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Martinez Bocce Courts
Joe DiMaggio Way, Martinez
$59.00 per player includes dinner, drinks & play!
Register online at:
www.svdp-cc.org or www.loavesfishescc.org
Gabriel Project
Cookie Fundraiser
August 21 after masses:
7:15, 8:45, 10:30am
12:00, 1:45, 5:30pm
Single cookie $1.00
6 cookies = $5.00
1 dozen = $10.00
If you would like more information please
contact Kathy Sturgeon at 925-248-7009 or
Mobile Mall
Questions: Barb Hunt 925-330-6732 or
Joleen Lafayette 925-293-4792
Help with sorting:
Saturday August 20th 9am to 12pm
Dominican Hall
Saturday August 27th 8am to 12pm
Turner Elementry - 4207 Delta Fair Blvd.
shopping begins at 10:00am