a parish staffed by friars of the western
a parish staffed by friars of the western
HOLY FAMILY CATHEDRAL NEWSLETTER A PARISH STAFFED BY FRIARS OF THE WESTERN DOMINICAN PROVINCE DEUS PROVIDEBIT – GOD WILL PROVIDE Volume IV, Number 9 800 YEARS 1216 - 2016 October 2016 The Most Reverend Roger L. Schwietz, OMI, Archbishop of Anchorage Father Steven Maekawa, OP, Pastor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ IN THIS ISSUE Lex VIVENDI – Part II p. 1 Rosary Rally p. 1 A Letter from the Pastor p. 2 HFC Ministries; GT Board p. 2 Catechesis p. 3 Dominican Saints and Blesseds p. 3 Rosary Month p. 4 Respect Life Month p. 4 Thursday Night Football ! p. 4 Lex VIVENDI – Part II p. 5 Ministry Fair p. 5 Lex VIVENDI speakers p. 5 Rosary Sunday p. 6 One Bread One Body 2016 p. 6 Meet Our New Friars p. 7 October Calendar p. 8 PFD p. 8 To receive your newsletter and/or bulletin at your email address, please call the Stewardship Office at 646-3002 or email frozenfriars@gmail.com. E-GIVING is now available at Holy Family Cathedral. www.holyfamilycathedral.org. Holy Family Cathedral 811 West 6th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501 907-276-3455 www.holyfamilycathedral.org holyfamilycathedral@alaskan.org Lex VIVENDI Part II Christ Lives in You – Live as You Believe! “I have been crucified in Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Gal. 2:20 Holy Family Cathedral has over 37 ministry and fellowship groups. All of them embody an aspect of the Catholic life. This fall the parish actively invites community members to get involved in our parish life. Read about October’s schedule on page 5. ROSARY RALLY 2016 MOTHER OF MERCY, PRAY FOR US Saturday, October 1, 945A Holy Family Cathedral Outdoor Grotto Bring the whole family! Fevorino by Rev. Steven Maekawa, OP More information: Legion of Mary 243-8168 Parish Ministries and Groups Letter from the Pastor / Carta del Parroco Dear Parishioners, We have an exciting month of October. Our Lex Vivendi Program continues with good participation of the community. We also have our Rosary Rally, Ministry Fair, and Dominican Forum Lecture Series and a new social event, Thursday Night Football. One of the great challenges and opportunities of our faith is to engage the Lord at many different levels – through prayer, study, ministry and community gatherings. This October, consider committing to check out one or two of these events that are featured in the newsletter. In what way might the Lord be inviting you to engage Him in our parish community with new eyes and a new spirit? Finally, for the entire Church it is Holy Rosary and Respect Life Month. By no coincidence have the Rosary and the cause of Respecting Life been placed together in the same month. For it was by the love and faith of our Mother Mary who said “yes” to God and to life that brought our Lord into world for our Salvation. May the mysteries of His life and the life of our Blessed Mother contained in the Rosary inspire us to contemplate and promote the gift of life with confidence and joy. In Christ, Fr. Steve ____________________ Queridos feligreses, El mes de octubre es un mes emocionante. Nuestro programa Lex Vivendi ha tenido una gran participación de la comunidad. También tenemos la oración del Rosario, la feria de ministerios, el Foro Dominico y un nuevo evento social, noches de Americano los jueves. Uno de los grandes retos y oportunidades de nuestra fe, es encontrarnos con Dios de diferentes maneras – a través de la oración, el estudio, sirviendo en un ministerio o las reuniones en comunidad. En este mes de octubre, considera asistir a uno o dos de los eventos que están publicados en esta revista. De qué manera el Señor te está invitando a que lo encuentres en nuestra parroquia, con nuevos ojos y un espíritu nuevo? Finalmente, para la Iglesia es el mes del Santo Rosario y del respeto a la vida. No es por coincidencia que el Rosario y la causa del respeto a la vida se lleven a cabo en el mismo mes. Ya que fue por amor y fe de Nuestra Madre María, que dijo “si” a Dios y a la vida, que trajo a este mundo al Señor para nuestra salvación. Que los misterios de Su vida, y la vida de nuestra Madre Bendita contenidos en el Rosario, nos inspire a contemplar y promover el regalo de la vida con confianza y alegría. En Cristo, Fr. Steve 2 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Altar Servers English. . . . . . . . . . .Deacon Dave, 885-9992 Dominican Rite. . . . Jason Fouch, 903-7965 Spanish. . . . . . . . . . .Dulce Martinez, 339-7118 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion English. . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Maffei, 277-4017 Spanish. . . . . . . . . . . Lupe Ortega, 250-2027 Liturgical Art & Environment Florence Ward, 301-4613 Lectors English. . . . . . . . . . . Marianne Berus, 248-4707 Spanish. . . . . . . . . . . Lupe Ortega, 250-2027 Music. . Cantors, Solemn Mass Choir, Dominican Rite Schola Cantorum. . . .Gavin Duncan, 276-3455 Spanish. . . . . . . . . . . Juan Ortega, 250-2027 Sacristans. Wkdys and Sat. . . Position open Ushers. .English: Position open Spanish: Jacobo, Carlos Sanchez OUTREACH MINISTRIES: Catholic Men for Life. . . . . . .Dennis Deering, 258-0386 Coffee & Donuts . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Fasser, 907-903-3145 Homebound Ministry. . . . . . . Paul Lariviere, 276-3074 Pioneer Home. . . . . . Sheila Barrett, 334-9503 Natural Family Planning . . . . www.aknfp.com Parish Nurses. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pam Kyzer, 360-9432 Prison Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon Dave, 885-9992 Respect Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pam Albrecht, 333-8843 St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP). . .Ed Cabarles, 330-9637 Trail Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Owens, 272-5773 tlusatroop251@gmail.com Welcoming Packets. . . . . . . . . Legion of Mary, 349-5966 PARISH, FAMILY, AND FAITH FORMATION: Hispanic Ministry. . . . . . . . . Fr. Mark Francis Manzano, OP Legion of Mary. . . . . . . . . . . Therese Syren, 349-5966 Religious Education. . . . . . . Toni Berkenbush, 646-3003 DEDICATED PRAYER: Adoration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katie Reed, 348-7300 Centering Prayer. . . . . . . . . . Kess Frey, 338-2894 El Shaddai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rowena Carrillo, 250-0823 Llamas del Espiritu. . . . . . . . Griselda Martinez, 339-7118 Prayer Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parish Office, 276-3455 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS: Knights of Columbus. . . . . . . Bill Fasser, 907-903-3145 Women of Holy Family. . . . . .Florence Ward, 301-4613 Jackie Frenzel, 345-1472 PARISH RESOURCES AND SUPPORT: Earth Angels. . . . . . . . . . . . Georgiann Young, 925-768-8083 St. Paul’s Corner. . . . . . . . . . .646-3070 ADMINISTRATION: Finance Council. . . . . . . . . . . .Joe Babka, 337-2335 Parish Council. . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr. Steven Maekawa, OP Website. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .geolochner@gmail.com GLAD TIDINGS is published eleven times a year at Holy Family Cathedral, 811 W. 6th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99501. Circulation: 1200 to members and guests and in the sacristy, office, St. Paul’s Corner, and City Market. Editorial Board: Fr. Steven Maekawa, Editor and Publisher Letha Flint, Production Editor; Translator: Blanca Cedillo Advisory Board; Theresa Bird, Fran Lopinsky, Deacon Dave Dominican Saints and Blesseds DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART The Nine First Fridays ST. LOUIS BERTRAND, COP Fran Lopinsky Theresa Bird Apostle of South America Priest, missionary, confessor Patron: Colombia; Feast Day: October 10 “Behold this Heart, which has so loved men, that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself in order to testify to its love. In return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrileges, and by the coldness and contempt they have for me in this Sacrament of love… I come into the heart I have given you in order that through your fervor you may atone for the offenses which I have received from lukewarm and slothful hearts that dishonor me in the Blessed Sacrament.” Louis Bertrand was born on January 1, 1526 in Valencia, Spain to Juan Bertrand and Juana Angela Exarch. From a very early age Louis wanted to become a Dominican friar preacher. He worked among the poor and sick, did penance and practiced mortification. Despite his father’s efforts to dissuade him, Louis renounced his inheritance and took the Dominican habit in the Convent of St. Dominic in Valencia on August 26, 1544. It was said that Louis possessed a gentle and sweet disposition and was loved and revered by his fellow novices. Louis diligently applied himself to his studies and in 1547 was ordained to the priesthood. Christ spoke these words to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque as He held out to her His heart of flesh, aflame with love for mankind. The image of Christ’s Sacred Heart manifests His ardent desire to diffuse the treasures of His love to every man. Shortly thereafter his two younger brothers entered religious communities, one becoming a Dominican. The two brothers made plans to work together in the mission field, but his brother died before completing his studies. In 1562, Louis volunteered to work in the foreign missions and was assigned to Columbia, arriving at the large seaport of Cartagena where he spent the next seven years evangelizing Columbia and western Venezuela. Christ made 12 promises to those who will consecrate themselves and make reparation to His Sacred Heart. It is in the 12th promise that we find the Nine First Friday’s Devotion: “I promise thee, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.” Louis had many obstacles to deal with in this country with its thick jungles, wild animals, tropical diseases and lack of transportation that forced him to travel on foot. Despite the fact that there was a significant language barrier Louis prayed for the gift of tongues, which he received. It was said that he baptized nearly 25,000 Indians. What a tremendous consolation: the grace of final perseverance and the joy of having Jesus’ heart as our sure refuge and infinite ocean of mercy in our last hour! In order to receive the grace of the Nine First Friday’s Devotion we must: Louis returned to Spain in October 1569, and was appointed master of novices of the Convent of Saint Onuphrius. 1. Receive Holy Communion on each First Friday of the month; 2. The nine Fridays must be consecutive; 3. They must be made in honor and in reparation to His Sacred Heart. This practice must be very pleasing to Our Lord to promise such a great reward –may we all endeavour to carry out the Will of His Sacred Heart! Louis died on October 9, 1581 (age 55) of natural causes at Valencia, Spain. Following his death, many miracles were attributed to this holy man. 3 Pope Clement X canonized Louis on April 12, 1671 in Rome. OCTOBER IS ROSARY MONTH OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH All Cathedral ministries are Respect Life ministries. It is the primary focus for Respect Life and Catholic Men for Life. “Today, together we confirm that the Holy Rosary is not a pious practice banished to the past, like prayers of other times thought of with nostalgia. Instead, the Rosary is experiencing a new Springtime. Without a doubt, this is one of the most eloquent signs of love that the young generation nourish for Jesus and his Mother, Mary. In the current world, so dispersive, this prayer helps to put Christ at the centre, as the Virgin did, who meditated within all that was said about her Son, and also what he did and said. When reciting the Rosary, the important and meaningful moments of salvation history are relived. The various steps of Christ's mission are traced. With Mary the heart is oriented toward the mystery of Jesus. Christ is put at the centre of our life, of our time, of our city, through the contemplation and meditation of his holy mysteries of joy, light, sorrow and glory. May Mary help us to welcome within ourselves the grace emanating from these mysteries, so that through us we can "water" society, beginning with our daily relationships, and purifying them from so many negative forces, thus opening them to the newness of God. The Rosary, when it is prayed in an authentic way, not mechanical and superficial but profoundly, it brings, in fact, peace and reconciliation. It contains within itself the healing power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, invoked with faith and love at the centre of each ‘Hail Mary.’” Pope Benedict XVI in an address at the Basilica of St. Mary Major Respect Life provides weekly quotes about respecting life from conception to natural death for our bulletin. They will place pamphlets on various respect life topics at the back of the Cathedral in October. Three years ago they organized a family conference and are discussing plans for future activities on end of life issues. Respect Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pam Albrecht, 333-8843 Catholic Men for Life A plague is sickening our nation and, in fact, most of the world. As with most diseases, calling the disease by name is uncomfortable but necessary for a cure. This plague is often called a women's health issue or prochoice. However we all know the name of this scourge… it is abortion. THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!! Catholic Men for Life was formed under the guidance and blessing of the Dominican Friars of Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska. The threefold purpose of Catholic Men for Life is to witness to the Gospel of Life, speed the final victory of the Gospel of Life through prayer, and arouse the consciences of Catholic men regarding their responsibility to live up to the Gospel of Life. NEW EVENT!!! SEE FOOTBALL ON THE BIG SCREEN! COMMERCIAL FREE! Check the bulletin and listen to Mass announcements for possible schedule changes. We are challenging all Catholic men to assist this endeavor through prayer, presence, and material assistance. It is only through prayer and the action of good faithful men that our nation can be rid of the evil of abortion. 430 – 730P in the Ed Center OK to come late Food and snacks provided. Families, singles welcome! October 20: Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers October 27: Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Tennessee Titans We also ask all Catholic women to push the men in your lives to stand up to this call, and to offer your support, prayers and sacrifices for our success. 4 Catholic Men for Life. . . . . . . Dennis Deering, 258-0386 Lex VIVENDI – Part II Christ Lives in You – Live as You Believe! “I have been crucified in Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” Gal. 2:20 MINISTRY FAIR October 29 and 30 Putting the two-month Lex VIVENDI program into practice, you can choose the ministry that is right for you to live out your faith! Come have FUN looking over all the options for service at the Cathedral. Door prizes will be offered. Come to the Parish Hall after any weekend Mass except 6P Sunday. Holy Family Cathedral invites community members to live their faith by participating in our ministry and fellowship groups. Continuing in October, after the 7:30, 9:30 and noon Masses, a 30-minute presentation will be given by a priest on an aspect of our faith and how it is made present at Holy Family. The schedule on the right indicates which ministries will be explaining how the mission of their group allows people to live out their faith in that area. Learn more about what it means to experience your faith more fully and what opportunities are here at our parish. OCTOBER Lex VIVENDI SPEAKERS SERVICE & FELLOWSHIP OCT 2 Knights of Columbus Women of Holy Family Earth Angels Coffee & Donuts Friar’s Fest Trail Life Young Adults PRAYER Adoration El Shaddai Prayer Line Junior Legion of Mary WORKS of MERCY St. Vincent de Paul Homebound Prison Ministry OCT 9 Centering prayer Llamas del Espiritu Legion of Mary OCT 16 Pioneer home Parish Nurses WORKS OF MERCY St. Vincent de Paul Fr. Andy Bellasario, CM EVANGELIZATION & EDUCATION OCT 23 St. Paul’s Corner Catholic Men for Life Catholic Radio Respect Life Website Natural Family Planning ESL Home school writing group MINISTRY FAIR OCT 30 MINISTER COMMISSIONING NOV 6 (Congregation of Mission, “Vincentians”) Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe Co-Cathedral 5 Wednesday, October 19, 7P, Ed Center DOMINICAN FORUM Fr. Dominic David Maichrowicz, OP Wednesday, October 26, 7P, Ed Center Our Cathedral Rosary Sunday goal this year is $50,000, close to the cost of one year of formation for one student brother. The formation cost for our four friars is $1,600,000. The following prayer for vocations, written by Blessed Hyacinth Cormier, O.P., is offered daily by the friars. You might add it to your daily prayer life. Lord Jesus, moved by the urgent need of Priests, Religious and Apostles, and following Thy recommendation to pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to work for the salvation of souls, we implore Thee, through the intercession of Thy most holy Mother Mary, Virgin Immaculate and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and also through the intercession of Dominic the holy Patriarch, to increase the number of Friars Preachers. Obtain for thy Order faithful followers of its religious traditions, numerous apostles after the heart of their blessed Father Dominic, holy and zealous, and true saviors of souls. Amen. Photo: Student Brothers, Western Dominican Province Our Rosary Sunday collection, October 9, is the ONLY Cathedral special collection to support the formation of the student brothers. Please be generous. Rosary Sunday raises funds for the education and formation of the Dominican Student Brothers and Novices by supporting their: • Graduate education in philosophy and theology; • Books and supplies; • Housing and formation programs; • Food; • Insurance/Healthcare/Travel Please review your available support for the church, consider your soon to come dividend check or other resources, and help us pay our share of Archdiocesan needs. Our priest and deacon candidates depend on you, the rural church in Alaska depends on you. 85% of our households are not yet supporters of OBOB this year! In 2015 Cathedral parishioners provided over $100,000 to the OBOB campaign. Go to: www.archdioceseofanchorage.org/donate OBOB – catch up time! 2016 CATHEDRAL GOAL: $ 98,384 FUNDS BEYOND GOAL STAY IN OUR PARISH! Archdiocesan OBOB campaign: 86% of goal! Holy Family Cathedral: 72% of goal. 6 2016 CATHEDRAL GOAL: $ 98,384 PLEDGED TO DATE: $ 70,449 – 72% BALANCE REMAINING: $ 27,935 AVERAGE PLEDGE: $ 630 HOUSEHOLDS PARTICIPATING: 112 – 16% FUNDS RAISED BELOW GOAL ARE BILLED TO THE PARISH IN FY17! THE DOMINICAN PAGE An 800th Anniversary year Meet Our New Friars FR. CHRISTOPHER BRANNAN, OP, Parochial Vicar FR. STEVEN MAEKAWA, OP, Pastor My mother and father met at a veteran’s dance in Seattle and raised our family in the suburban city of Bellevue. I am the third of four kids and the first boy. My mother is a convert to Catholicism and raised us kids Catholic. Growing up in the 70’s and going through the public school system, the priesthood was not something I seriously considered. It was during my high school years, when I prayed at Mass following Communion, that I began to sense that my future had something to do with being a priest. I was born and raised in Clovis, a town near Fresno, California, as the eldest of three siblings in a devout Protestant evangelical family. Church, prayer, and the Bible were important parts of my family life from the beginning. Growing up I enjoyed playing basketball, tennis, street hockey, and video games. After high school, I studied computer science at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Being involved with a Protestant campus ministry helped awaken my faith and a desire to learn and grow spiritually, which eventually led me to the Catholic Church after college, in 2004. I later studied theology at Franciscan University before entering the Dominican Order in 2009. I was drawn to the Order by its contemplative, communal, scholarly, and apostolic dimensions. I attended the University of Washington from 1986-90 and studied architecture. Having played trumpet in the marching band, I remain a college football fan. With each passing year in college, my faith compelled me to think about the priesthood even when I didn’t want to. Two days after graduating in the summer of 1990, I entered the Dominicans in California. After eight years of priestly formation, I was assigned to St. Dominic’s Parish in San Francisco. In 2002, I returned to the University of Washington as the Director of the Catholic Newman Center. During this time, I also served as chaplain in the Navy Reserves working mainly with the Marines. In 2004, I deployed to Afghanistan assigned to the Army’s 25th Infantry Division. Just ordained a priest in May 2016, my first assignment as a priest is here at Holy Family! Being a Dominican friar and a priest is a tremendously rewarding vocation; I hope also to become a scripture scholar eventually. Besides reading theology books and novels, and occasionally watching movies, I also enjoy playing disc golf, ping pong, and tennis when I can find the opportunity and willing partners. (I dare someone to try and beat me at ping-pong!) From 2007-2015 I was the Vocation Director for the Dominicans on the West Coast and from 2012-2016 the Prior of St. Dominic’s Priory in San Francisco. At the age of 48 I am starting my 19th year of priesthood and 27th year as a Dominican. My assignment in July as pastor to Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage came as a surprise and a joy. The Lord leads me along a path of faith and adventure far more interesting and meaningful than I could have ever imagined as a college student in Seattle. May glory be to God now and forever. Amen. 7 I am grateful to be here at Holy Family, in this great unique state, with so many wonderful people of the parish. This is indeed a terrific place to begin priestly ministry! Besides sacramental work, I am getting involved here with baptismal preparation and RCIA, and a few other ministries at the parish. Thank you for helping me learn what it is to serve others as a priest--I look forward to getting to know you all better and helping you live out your Christian vocation. INSIDE: Lex VIVENDI – Part II; Ministry Fair; October Speakers; Rosary Sunday; New Friars at the Cathedral; Thursday Night Football! . ___ Holy Family Cathedral 811 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ___ ___ ___ • NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ANCHORAGE, AK PERMIT NO. 326 Address Service Requested YEAR OF MERCY -------------------------DOMINICAN 800TH JUBILEE 1216 - 2016 Dates to Note! October 2016 OCTOBER IS ROSARY MONTH AND RESPECT LIFE MONTH! Sat., Oct. 1 Sun., Oct. 2 S/S, Oct. 8/9 ROSARY RALLY. Legion of Mary. Cathedral Outdoor Grotto. 945A. Lex VIVENDI theme: Service and Fellowship. ROSARY SUNDAY. Rosary 30 minutes prior to each Mass. ROSARY SUNDAY second collection. Supports Western Dominican Province for priest formation. Sun., Oct. 9 Lex VIVENDI theme: Prayer. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS. Parish Nurses. Parish Hall. 3P. S/S, Oct. 15/16 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY second collection. Sun., Oct. 16 Lex VIVENDI theme: Works of Mercy. Wed., Oct 19 WORKS OF MERCY TALK. Fr. Andy Bellasario, CM. St. Vincent de Paul. Ed Center. 7P. Th., Oct. 20, 27 THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL. Ed Center. 430 – 730P. Th., Oct. 20 THEOLOGY AND LITERATURE. Mary Was Her Life by Sr. Mary Pierre, RSM, Ed Center. 7P. Sun., Oct. 23 Lex VIVENDI theme: Evangelization and Education. Wed., Oct. 26 DOMINICAN FORUM. Fr. Dominic David Maichrowicz, OP. Ed Center. 7P. S/S, Oct. 29/30 MINISTRY FAIR. After all Masses except 6P. Mon., Oct. 31 ALL SAINTS’ VIGIL MASS. 530P. ALL SAINTS’ DAY PARTY AND FAMILY POTLUCK. Parish Hall. 630P – 830P. Use part of your PFD to help meet church needs.