FOURTH EDITION OF THE NEW ONLINE FREE AMERICAN OCTOBER 15th 2013 $2.99 Free American Magazine 1 Publisher’s Corner I had originally planned to put this magazine out every two weeks. I did not ask for subscriptions because, although I had done this for the first ten years, beginning in 1994 and continuing until my 2004 accident, the attacks on me have not lessened but intensified. Almost immediately after I offered the first magazine in my shopping cart, all of my websites were suddenly infected with malware and Google put out warnings the http:// and the my shopping cart at were “attack sites”. Many of the “infected” pages had not been touched by me in months or years. It took almost a month and a few of my swiftly dwindling dollars to repair the damage hackers had done. Obviously DHS and the fusion centers that Edward Snowden tried to warn us about were active and feared the message and information I have been putting out as much as they did ten years ago. My site now has a seal that shows they have been cleared up. Many years ago, at a gun show selling the Free American I ran into a captain of the newly created Mufti-Jurisdictional Task Force. I gave him a copy. He glanced at it and said, “I think you are scaring people!” I told him, “I think you are the ones scaring people!” We exchanged numbers and met a few days later. His attitude had changed. “Clay, the only thing wrong with this magazine is that you are not publishing millions of them!” I agreed with him. To do back then would have taken a lot of money which would have gone to Hearst paper mills, printers, UPS, USPS, Distributors and the book stores. The $5.00 you paid for the magazine at Barnes and Nobel would have been divided among all of the above and my return was small change. After the attacks in 2004, it became impossible to sell advertising and therefore impossible to continue even though I sold all of my property in attempts to restore the magazine. There was no support from the Patriot community, most of whom were dependent on their Jewish advertisers. I have a strong belief that I was sent to this plane and planet for a purpose. There have been attempts on my life, some purposefully, some by disease or near accidents. Jok- 2 Volume 4 October 15 - 2013 CRD Publishing PO Box 215 Seadrift, TX 77983 520-413-2397 Cell 512-767-4561 505-908-9498 SKYPE Address: freeamerican69 The latest shows, the most up to date news and films Free American Hour and Magazine Clayton Douglas, the Free American A Voice for Liberty for 25 years. Clayton Douglas’ commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Clay’s web site address is included ( Editors or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Clayton R. Douglas for permission and payment. Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an interview with Clay should contact Table of Contents October 15 4th edition Publisher’s column Page 2 Table of Contents Page 2 Obamacare is the new Federal Reserve, doing opposite of what it claims by John Kaminski Page 4 America Has Become a Dopeocracy By Pastor Eli James Page 6 CIA Operated Aerial Spraying Plane Carrying “Mutated” Virus Shot Down In China Page 10 What Can Be Told! Perspectives on Recent Issues/Threats/Promises By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Page 12 Syrian Girl Has Heart Cut Out By Obama-Supported Syrian Rebels Page 13 FOR THOSE THAT DON’T KNOW WHO V.K. DURHAM IS Page 14 The Story of Obama: All in The Company Page 18 The Clintons’ Greatest Shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton! By Robert Morrow Page 26 THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection By Gene Chip Tatum and Stew Webb Page 44 Free American Magazine ingly I say I have been kicked out of Heaven more than once after being told my work was not completed here. The odds were against me but I have survived and I don’t think that happens without divine intervention. Luckily, I was of the age to be able to get Social Security but retirement did not appeal to me. I could not just quit. I managed to restart my radio show and now you are holding the fourth issue of the Free American. This issue gives you an insight to two women, one who wants to be President and is the lowest of low as far a politicians go. Her lover was murdered or killed himself, she was responsible for Bangazi and the attacks and demonization of her philandering husband, who was one of our Presidents, and another who should be President! VK Durham could be the richest woman in the world if it were not for the Federal Reserve. Her loving and loyal husband was tortured and murdered. She made a deal to pay off every mortgage in America and paid off the national debt years ago. She was attacked and kidnapped by a man who sued me for interviewing her and helping get her freedom again. As I wrap this issue up and working on the table of contents another story is braking that will be featured on today’s show with Stew Webb, ( claydouglas/2013/10/21/the-free-americanhour) that China has shot down a CIA operated Chemtrail plane which was spraying a mutated NI Virus. Another has been forced down in Nigeria. Our world is about to come apart!. “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” In order to restore our Constitutional Republic we need the millions of Americans that are frustrated with the direction our government is headed to come together. If we remain divided we have no hope, but if we unite we can not fail. I am asking everyone that reads this announcement to do help us gather the critical mass that is necessary to restore liberty to the land that once was free. I am asking everyone to join their county’s social networking site and to invite as many of their friends and neighbors as they can. I have decided to launch a membership drive to recruit thousands of new Constitution Club Members and I am asking everyone to make a commitment to invite 10 liberty minded individuals to join the Constitution Club or donate $10 to a fund to be used to advertise on the internet. I have a goal to double our membership in the next 60 days and with your help I think that we can do it. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. To invite your friends, go to http://constitu- source=tab Please invite 10 of your friends each month to join the Constitution Club or donate $10 to advertise to help us promote our message on the website on the internet.Frankly we would rather have you ask your friends to join the Constitution Club than receive your donation. To make a donation go to the top of the Main Page of the Constitution Club and click on the Pay Pal Donate Button or mail a check to the Constitution Club at 1000 S. Gilbert Street #112 in Hemet, Ca 92543 Visit The Constitution Club at: network ANOTHER OPINION THAT I AGREE WITH The typical U.S. Household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday. If all of us “old farts” have all of the money, then let us try to elect someone who might be near honest and not be after feathering their own nests. They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are “Baby Boomers” getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We have worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and grown old together. Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true. But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don’t know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived those days. We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off. We won World War II, fought in Korea and Viet Nam. We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn’t fight for the Socialist States of America ; we fought for the “Land of the Free American Magazine Free and the Home of the Brave.” We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America , and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America. Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent. It was mostly the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress. You fell for the “Hope and Change” which in reality was nothing but “Hype and Lies.” You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don’t like it after all. You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in their careers or “Climbing the Social Ladder” to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. Many of those who fell for the “Great Lie” in 2008 are now having buyer’s remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn’t have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the ‘KoolAid.’ Now you’re paying the price and complaining about it. No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house. Well, don’t worry youngsters, the Grey-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2014 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we’re going, and in 2014 we’re going to the polls by the millions. This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It belongs to “We the People” and “We the People” plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers END 3 Obamacare is the new Federal Reserve, doing the opposite of what it claims by John Kaminski We can’t see what happened to us one hundred years ago, and we can’t see what is happening to us now. A century ago, a string of calculated bank failures convinced us to give away the power to control our money, which immediately led to World War I, and the sequence of perpetual wars and economic crashes that have followed ever since. Today, the passage of Obamacare has created a situation much worse, in which it has become absolutely illegal to think for yourself. Like one of those toxic psychiatric drugs, it is about to disfigure the American psyche permanently. You no longer can do the things you know are good for your health, but instead you must obey what they say is good for your health, even though you know it is not. To disregard or ignore these disastrous orders is now a criminal offense. Today, the world is scrambled in a jumble of deliberately false policies and bad outcomes with no avenue of appeal or correction. While we’re focusing on one disaster, another creeps up on us undetected, and then another, and another, and another. False flag fatigue has turned our will to mush, unfathomable and irremedi- 4 able frustration saps our strength, and the people supposed to give us our answers only exacerbate our distress with their pathetically criminal misrepresentations. As with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax in 1913, the creation of unconstitutional, law-ordered health care expenses that are inexplicably coupled with a higher deductible on government-mandated insurance policies assure that most people will pay more money for less care, and guarantee that an already impoverished populace will quickly become both sick and broke. The Federal Reserve concept promised to bring financial stability to America but brought only runaway inflation and boom-and-bust cycles which robbed the people of their wealth. Today’s dollar is worth less than five cents of what it was worth in 1913. Obamacare promises to improve health care for all, yet it will cost much more money, deliver much less care, and result in many more needless deaths. This insane plan, already approved by Congress and signed into law, accelerates the government’s death grip on people’s lives, a false Homeland Security of the mind which produces, like so many other Free American Magazine recent political announcements, exactly the opposite of what it claims it will achieve. Coming at us from all sides In Germany, children who are being homeschooled are forcibly taken away from their parents, and often their parents are jailed, while their state-orphaned kids are forced to attend public schools in which abortion, homosexuality and other politically correct but psychologically damaging nostrums are zealously promoted. <http://> Despite numerous studies that unequivocally show homeschooled students are orders of magnitude more accomplished and competent than young victims of assembly-line public school processing <>, a growing national scandal reveals that most U.S. high school graduates are not qualified to attend college, having received their diplomas despite their lack of skills with grades that would fail them in a legitimate grading system <http://>. Much worse than that is the revelation that the skyrocketing rate of mental illness in America (and the world) underwent a sharp uptick in the late 1980s when new medicines for depression and other mind maladies were unleashed upon the unsuspecting public, turning First World societies into asylums for mind-controlled drug addicts, unable to object to public policies meant to diminish and destroy their lives. And the worst of the worst is that overuse of these dangerous psychiatric meds typically creates conditions that cannot be reversed, guaranteeing a future population of damaged zombies. In comparing treatment of mental illness overseas against the U.S. success rate — as Robert Whitaker did in his book, Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America — it was found that less medicine meant better outcomes, and that long term use of such chemical horrors as Prozac actually ruined chances for eventual recovery by creating drug-induced brain changes that make it impossible for patients to overcome their psychoses and live normal lives. Now, as a government shutdown symbolizes both the ineptitude of govern- ment to resolve its own dilemmas and the ultimate harm Obama’s national healthcare system will wreak on the populace, the future of freedom for everyone has never seemed darker because what this proposal aims to accomplish is actually hidden behind its inevitable economic wreckage and the guarantee of superficial substandard care into the future. No, the real secret of Obamacare — and its true toxicity for the dupes whom it will control — is that it creates a pool of money funneled into the healthcare system that will allow the U.S. and its international puppetmasters to have guaranteed funding for their warmaking schemes into the foreseeable future, in the same way that the Federal Reserve boondoggle of 1913 allowed the Jewish bankers to create a money pool to finance all the wars that followed — and World War I, known at the time as The Great War, followed immediately. It is no leap of logic to conclude that the implementation of Obamacare guarantees World War III will happen, even as it seems that disaster has already begun. The camel’s back is broken Judging by the skyrocketing frequency of massive protests in Washington, D.C., it seems as though Obamacare just might be the catastrophe that finally awakens the wider population to the criminal nature of the U.S. government. But don’t hold your breath. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a lie on both counts: it doesn’t protect patients and it’s not affordable. It is a cross between the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the president to kill anyone he chooses. But Obamacare’s death toll will far exceed those other police state measures. If there could be such a thing as something more sinister than the willing destruction of the American economy and the deliberate impoverishment of the American people, it would be the ultimate intent of Obamacare, which is to eliminate all forms of alternative medicine and the imprisonment of everyone within the demonstrably toxic grip of allopathic medical care. All of us still captured by our relationship with the suspicious pronouncements of mainstream doctors realize that there is nowhere to go for help. Mainstream doctors offer us three choices: take a poison pill, have unnecessary surgery or undergo questionable therapy that often worsens the problem. No doctor in any major medical facility ever talks about nutrition, or how most of our health problems can be solved by sensible eating habits. Today, as sugar joins tobacco and alcohol as the major triggers of human illness, doctors have been taught to push their pills as primary care because they get bonuses from pharmaceutical giants for doing so. This campaign to ban vitamins and home remedies all connects back to this corruption that has overtaken our medical system, and is the prime justification at work in the push for Obamacare. The twin failures of the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) to condemn genetically modified food and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to flag the use Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seeds and the use of Roundup herbicides for the poison glyphosate it contains further illustrate the corruption of the entire healthcare system, into which Obamacare now imprisons us, while robotic federal goons raid raw milk producers and organic farmers, but ignore the toxic chemicals the agribusiness giants insert into supermarket milk <http://www.>. Among numerous other atrocities about to be inflicted upon the American people, Obamacare is the final nail in the coffin of small businesses because of the bloated employee insurance it requires them to buy. It prevents emergency room visits without a direct referral from your primary care provider, who is almost never available for emergencies. It guarantees care for illegal aliens, a time-tested budget buster. Perhaps it is worst of all for the elderly, who will be denied care for anything once they’re past a certain age. The new mandate is blindness LIke the psychiatric drugs that inflict permanent brain damage on their unsuspecting victims and swell the ranks of those declared mentally ill, Obamacare is a social prescription for the permanent crippling of the American psyche. Numerous studies that the pharmaceutical giants suppress show that drugs for depression don’t work — and have never worked. Other studies show that depression runs a natural course which will abate over time, given proper nutrition and adequate social support. The rates of psychosis have skyrocketed over time directly due to medications the shrinks have invented to “cure” it. They don’t. In fact, drugs such as Klonipin create physiological changes in the brain that can- Free American Magazine not be reversed. Once the frontal lobe has shrunk, it may not be regrown. Therefore, those who believe their doctors and begin taking these inadequately tested drugs guarantee themselves a lifetime of mental illness that they otherwise would not have had. So too with homeschooling. Once you put your child into public schools, you guarantee that his intellectual achievements will be less that if he or she was allowed to study what interests them. Public schools turn kids into soldiers and salesmen. Of course today, it’s way worse than that. More than likely they will be forced by their deliberately false curriculum to turn to drugs or crime once they comprehend the hypocrisy of how they are being misled. Instead of saints and geniuses, public schools deliberately create dumbed down worker drones who will be easily snared by the false occupations designed to keep them oblivious to their slavery. Instead of authentic family values, kids are entrained into obedience to the state, as they are given toxic injections, and taught to reject the values of the very people who have their best interests at heart — their families. It may seem unfair to those raised on this rancid regimen of manipulation to attribute all these horrific developments to the Jews, because in our public school educations, we have been taught to scrupulously avoid any negative mention of them. But when you grow up and transcend the hypocritical propaganda you have been forced to ingest throughout your life, you begin to put the pieces together and see that the American Federation of Teachers, the American Medical Association and the federal government itself are all just playthings of a larger, Jewish-dominated power structure that aims not to enlighten you, but to make you blind to the effort to rob you of every possession you ever had. With Obamacare, that thing they’re 5 stealing is your life, right after they take every last cent you ever earned. Which all goes to show that in freedom dwells the ultimate conditions for health, and that in state-controlled regimented authoritarian control, only sickness exists, derangement hidden behind words that do not mean what they say, followed by premature and unjust death. Functional education is all about the food you eat and the kind of life you live. The state, as illustrated by Obamacare, has now made it a crime to eat healthy and practice freedom of logical choice. As I drove home after my beach walk the other night, I passed a public school with a marquee out front that announced it was holding “Stop Bullying Week”. This is how the schools teach our children not to be self-reliant, but to rely on the pronouncements of the state to do their thinking for them, and above all, not to protect yourself, but to trust your future to the all-encompassing arms of the Jewish superstate, in which perverted escape mechanisms are your allotted freedom, and critical thinking — not to mention timely action against injustice — are criminal offenses. This “Stop Bullying” campaign is exactly the opposite of “stand up for your rights” and “be prepared to defend yourself” against thugs, especially government thugs. So this is one of many reasons why most people cannot see that Obamacare is the official termination of the American republic, and for far too many people, the inevitable termination of their once-healthy lives. Remember, the most important aspect of Obamacare is not the money they’re stealing from you, or the society they’re destroying, but the poison allopathic medicine they’re forcing you to accept, which will unquestionably diminish and ultimately snuff out your life. I know this prediction is too easy to make, but the United States of America will not survive Obamacare, and most likely, neither will you. John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA. 6 America Has Become a Dopeocracy By Pastor Eli James “For by your sorceries were all nations deceived.” -- Rev. 18:23. Sorceries – from the Greek word, pharmakeia, from which we get our English pharmacy and pharmaceutical. America, we have a problem. In the wake of the mass killing of students and faculty at Sandy Hook in Newtown CT, there has been yet another media frenzy against the Second Amendment. Many Americans believe that these atrocities are actually being staged by the federal government for the express purpose of creating a national campaign against self-defense, with guns, and the Second Amendment, being the target of this campaign. This article is about the media blackout on the legal drugs that have been instrumental in virtually all of the recent mass killings. I am getting sick of the same old headlines blaming guns, the same old excuses and the failure of the Mass Media to address the real causes of America’s ongoing shooting spree. The fact is that the Corporate Government Establishment does not want you to know that virtually every famous case of mass killing in the last twenty-five years involves LEGAL drugs. The Stephen Kazmierczak case at Northern Illinois University was no exception. On Feb. 14, 2008, Kazmierczak entered a lecture hall and shot 25 people. Six of them died. Stephen Kaczmirczak was taking Paxil. In virtually every case of these mass killings, in which guns were used, the media focus is on the guns. Rarely do reporters mention the psychotropic drugs that are being used by the killers. If they do mention the prescription drug angle, it is only as an afterthought or a sidelight. The question is always: “How do these people get guns?” instead of “What is the connection between drugs and killing?” Like the Virginia Tech shootings, which also involved a negative reaction to prescription drugs, Northern Illinois University was victimized by Pharmakeia, the Government-PharmaceuticalMedical Complex, the tyrant that nobody talks about. Aldous Huxley, in his book, Brave New World, prophetically described a dark society which is perpetually drugged by its Free American Magazine own government, a One World Government, by the way! The official drug was called soma. The purpose of this drugging was to keep the people so anaesthetized as to prevent them from awakening to their own oppression. Today, in order to prevent the citizenry from realizing how corrupt and oppressive the system really is, the authorities increasingly resort to mass drugging of the whole society. If you don’t see America’s reflection in this characterization, you haven’t been paying attention. Either that, or you’re one of those who are too doped up to notice what I’m talking about. Of course, the Beast tells us that this all “for our own good.” Huxley’s fictional soma is today’s real life Prozac. Here is what Mike Adams had to say, concerning the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech killings: The Chicago Tribune reports that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech shooter who killed 32 fellow students in a shooting rampage, was taking antidepressant drugs. This is not the first time a school shooting rampage has been linked to antidepressants. The infamous Colombine High shootings took place almost exactly eight years ago, and the shooters in that rampage were also -- you guessed it -- taking antidepressant drugs. What is it about antidepressant drugs that provokes young men to pick up pistols, rifles and shotguns, then violently assault their classmates? Clearly, there’s something wrong with the mind of anyone who engages in such violent acts. Could the drugs be “imbalancing” their minds, priming them for violence? The answer is a very sobering, “Yes, they could be.” As we reported in a previous NewsTarget article on Paxil: Researchers from Cardiff University in Britain and the Cochrane Centre examined data on Paxil -- or its generic form, paroxetine -- from GlaxoSmithKline, legal cases and emails from nearly 1,400 patients who responded to a British TV program on antidepressants. The researchers found that 60 out of 9,219 people taking Paxil -- 0.65 percent -- experienced a “hostility event,” compared to 20 out of 6,455 patients taking placebo, or 0.31 percent. In that same article, published in September, 2006, I stated, “This finding helps explain why school shootings are almost always conducted by children who are taking antidepressants. We also know that SSRIs cause children to disconnect from reality. When you combine that with a propensity for violence, you create a dangerous recipe for school shootings and other adolescent violence.” Sadly, that explanation rings true once again with the Virginia Tech shooting. Wherever we see school violence, antidepressant drugs seem to found at the scene of the crime. The correlation is not coincidence. There is a causal link between the two. (Source: The Monster is a Dope-Pusher, Not a Gun1 The American people need to understand that there is a monster on the loose: it is a very unhealthy and un-Constitutional relationship between the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies. The Federal government has become their enabler, giving them unrestricted access to our school children, turning children with “Attention Deficit Disorder” into killer zombies. The problem is that about 1-2% of these children (and adults) become psychotic and act out violent scenes from the “Night of the Living Dead.” From a statistical point of view, 1-2% is not very bad, unless you’re one of the victims. What is often overlooked is the fact that the likelihood of psychotic reactions dramatically increases when other drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana and nonprescription drugs, are combined with antidepressants. The real culprit in these mass killings is not guns. The real culprit is the pharmaceutical industry and its covert dictatorship by legalized drugs. In last 30 years, virtually every famous mass killing has been perpetrated by someone taking SSRI medications. SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. This class of drugs is legal when prescribed by physicians. The problem is that SSRI’s give these physicians a license to kill. This license to kill is especially dangerous in our nation’s schools, as SSRI’s have replaced discipline with druggery. The idea that rowdiness and restlessness in school-age children requires a psychological analysis and drug treatment is a recent, very dangerous phenomenon – or, should I say racket. The fact is that virtually none of these school drug programs are necessary. Indeed, most of the inattentiveness, restlessness and hyperactivity in children is directly related to too much dietary intake of processed sugar and car- bohydrates. Rather than restricting sugar intake, the Establishment resorts to dispensing pills. Dispensing drugs to school children is just the pharmaceutical corporations’ way of making BIG BUCKS, enforced by the strong arm of the “law,” i.e., the Food and Drug Administration. We all know about the Revolving Door between the corporate board room and government “regulatory agencies.” This is a marriage made in hell, where ex-drug company execs, now consulting for or employed by the government, routinely advocate more mandatory government drug dispensation programs, from anti-depressants to vaccinations. The profits are guaranteed and the government eliminates the liability risk by giving the drug policy the sanction of “law.” This is pure, unadulterated corruption, overflowing with conflicts of interest. The robber barons didn’t have it so good! America has long been focused on the problem of illegal drugs. It’s time we faced the fact that LEGAL drugs are tearing our society apart. Consider this report: Everyone agrees on the question, “How could this have happened in our community?” But the answers vary. Some say, “It’s the handguns.” While others point to society’s moral decay, blaming “too much television, not enough God.” But the answers to the recent scourge of violent shootings plaguing America may be found in our medicine cabinets. Julian Whitaker, M.D., believes there is a direct link between the violent shootings and the increased and indiscriminate use of popular antidepressant drugs. Dr. Whitaker points out that many of the gunrelated massacres that have made the headlines over the past decade have a common thread: they were perpetrated by people taking Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, Paxil, or a related drug. A documented side effect of these drugs -- known clinically as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) -- is akathisia, or physical and mental agitation. Dr. Whitaker says “akathisia is to violence what a match is to gasoline. And this condition has been reported in a significant number of Prozac users.” Moreover, the Food and Drug Administration has received over 40,000 reports detailing adverse effects related to Prozac. (Source: htm ) This report was written way back in Free American Magazine 1999! Is it possible that the government and the drug companies, with their armies of researchers and technicians, are ignorant of these associations? Is the Kept Press ignorant too? Where are the exposes by Dan Blather and Barbara Falters? Since the biggest advertiser, by far, in virtually every medium, - print, TV, radio, newspapers - is Big Pharma, you can only expect more COVER-UP from your usual “news” source. They’re not about to run stories exposing their cash cow. So much for “honest reporting”! Behind the headlines, a huge story is not being told. It is a silent war against America and the world. This silent war is being conducted by Big Pharma and Big Government against the people. In reality, it is the Military-Industrial-Pharamceutical-Media-Government complex; and there will be no relief to society’s ills until the people of America say “Enough!” to this Beast. (See. Rev. 17 & 18). A Orgy of Drug-Induced Slaughter In 2001, David Hawkins of Australia strangled his wife. Mr. Hawkins was on Zoloft. A Welsh expert on Zoloft, Dr. David Healy, had this to say about this drug: “In my opinion had he not been taking Zoloft the events of that night would not have happened,” Healy wrote in the opinion that was tabled in court. In 1998, David Schell had a violent episode on Prozac: Tim Tobin was an ordinary guy with a wife and a baby daughter living in small town America and that was just fine. He and his family were simple, normal people, he says. They didn’t want to be anything different. He and Deb, his wife and their nine-month-old baby, Alyssa, lived in Montana, but they spent a lot of time over the Wyoming border with Deb’s parents, Don and Rita Schell, in the small oil town of Gillette. Alyssa was the first grandchild and everybody adored her. In February 1998, Deb and the baby were staying with her parents in Gillette. Deb was there for a break and stayed for two weeks because she got ill while she was there. Meanwhile, her father Don was feeling low. He had suffered occasional bouts of depression in the past and it had happened again. The doctor put him on an antidepressant called Paxil (Seroxat in the UK) - a drug in the same class as Prozac. Two days later, Don Schell, the nonviolent family man and doting grandfather, took a .22 calibre pistol and a 357 magnum 7 in the middle of the night and shot dead the three people in the world dearest to him his wife Rita, his daughter Deb and baby Alyssa. Then he killed himself. The following afternoon Tim Tobin found the scene of carnage that will stay with him as long as he lives. For a while, he says, he was out of his head. Once he was able to think rationally again, he and Rita’s sister and other family members tried to work out what had happened. Their conclusion was that Don must have been affected by the medication he was on. Nothing else made sense. They sued GlaxoSmithKline, the British drug giant that makes Paxil, and won a historic victory in June. The jury awarded $6.4m (£4.7m), but it wasn’t for the money that the family put itself through the trauma of the court case. It was to clear Don’s name and to tell the world that there could be problems for some people with the class of antidepressants to which Paxil belongs, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The number of people who have had psychotic reactions to this class of drugs is too numerous list. It is in the thousands, especially since, in 2012, 12% of American adults were on some form of SSRI, with over $18 billion in profits being earned by Pharmakeia. “60 Minutes” did an “explosive” documentary about the effectiveness of antidepressants versus placebos, but don’t expect any detailed reports about the connection between psychotropic drugs and these mass killings!! This is the dirty little secret that the drug-advertising media will never report. Sixty Minutes has never done a report on this subject;’ and they never will, as long as Big Pharma is their main advertiser. Women are more likely than men to take these anti-depressants, at a whopping rate of 23%. I hope you are beginning to appreciate the size of this problem that is being ignored by the government, the media, the medical profession, and your local school. Since the “investigative journalists” of fake news shows are absolutely clueless about this subject, a humble pastor from Chicago must do their work for them. [By the way, as a young man, I would occasionally have bouts of depression. As a tennis player, I quickly realized that getting some exercise would always drive my depression away, even if I lost the match! Americans aren’t getting enough exercise, so they’re not burning up calories nor toxins within their bodies. Pastor Eli’s cure 8 for depression: natural diet plus exercise. That Rx will cost you $1,000 please!] The Drug Connection to Mass Killings Is Utterly Ignored by the Kosher Press School shootings have increased at an alarming rate; and every mass killing in recent years has had an anti-depressant drug to blame: Virginia Tech, Colombine in CO, Northern Illinois U., Tucson AZ, Aurora CO, Newtown CT – and next? Let’s have a look at the prescription drugs that were involved in some of the more famous cases: Cho Seung-Hui, the Virginia Tech killer: Prozac. Jeff Weise, 2005 Red Lake Indian Reservation killer: Prozac. 1988: 31-year-old Laurie Dann, walked into a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Ill., and began shooting. One child was killed and six wounded. Anafranil and Lithium. 1998: Kip Kinkel, a 15-year-old in Springfield, Ore., murdered his parents, then proceeded to his high school, killing two students and wounding 22 others. Prozac and Ritalin. 1989: Patrick Purdy, Stockton, Calif. Five children killed and 30 wounded. Thorazine and Amitriptyline. 1988: James Wilson kills two and wounds seven at the Greenwood, S.C., Elementary School. Xanax and Valium. 1999: Shawn Cooper, 15, of Notus, Idaho, took a shotgun to school and injured one student. Ritalin. 2001: Cory Baadsgaard of Wahluke, Wash., took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. Paxil and Effexor. 1993: Steve Lieth of Chelsea, Mich., killed the school superintendent, wounding two others. Prozac. Fourteen-year-old Michael Carneal, killed three at a high school prayer meeting in Heath High in West Paducah, Ky. Ritalin. Thirteen-year-old Chris Fetters of Iowa killed her favorite aunt. She was taking Prozac. Saturday Night Live Comedian Phil Hartman was killed by his wife, Brynn, in 1998. She then killed her own daughters, then herself. Zoloft. The shocking murder-suicide that claimed the lives of Canadian comedian Phil Hartman and his wife, Brynn, one year ago this week was triggered by her use of Free American Magazine a popular antidepressant, claims a newly filed wrongful death suit. Gregory Omdahl, Mrs. Hartman’s brother, and the executor of the couple’s estate, filed suit against Pfizer Inc., the makers of the antidepressant Zoloft, in California court this week, alleging that his sister was under the “mind-altering” influence of the drug when she murdered her husband and then committed suicide last May. The civil action, on behalf of the couple’s children, Sean, 10, and Birgen, 7, seeks unspecified damages. It also names Dr. Arthur Sorosky, the Los Angeles psychiatrist who allegedly gave Mrs. Hartman samples of the drug. (Source: ) Naveed Haq, the Seattle man who shot up the Jewish Day School in July 2007: Lithium and Depakote, after being diagnosed as “bipolar.” Andrea Yates, who drowned her five children in a bathtub: Zoloft, Effexor, Remeron. Eric Harris, the Columbine killer: Luvox. Mass Murder Under the Influence Is a Global Epidemic If you think this is only a problem in America, think again: Japan, 2001: Mamoru Takuma, 37, went into a second-grade classroom and started stabbing students. Can you imagine the terror in this classroom? He killed eight second-graders with a knife. SSRI’s found in his car. The Port Arthur massacre of 28 April 1996 was a killing spree in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded, mainly at the historic Port Arthur prison colony, Australia. Martin Bryant, a young man from, ironically, New Town, was apprehended and imprisoned. This incident set up the even more historic Australian gun grab, as it certainly shocked a nation into providing a pretext for giving up their guns. As it turned out, Martin Bryant, had severe mental problems. He was also taking psychotropic drugs. The Murdoch press reported of his parents, “They were coping with his bouts of anger by giving him Prozac.” Here is a timeline of Martin Bryant’s killing spree, asking the question, “How can a mentally impaired person systematically execute all of these people?” A government psyop is highly suspected, especially in the foreglow of the Australian gun grab! au/Misc/martinbryant/Port%20Arthur%20 Massacre.htm Anders Breivik, the Norwegian masskiller, whoo killed 77 people in his killing spree, was on steroids – and what else, we don’t know. The Mass Media is not interested in telling us about any drugs involved. Breivik stated to the court, “Normally, I’m a very nice person.” So, what other drugs was he taking? Inquiring minds want to know what the media is not telling! I’m sure there is a witch’s brew specifically designed for Manchurian candidates: brainwashing, hypnotism and drugs. This is a global phenomenon; but America is the most targeted, for reasons relating to the Second Amendment. Open the Silent Curtain These incidents are just a few of the hundreds that are reported. There are perhaps thousands of these violent incidents that go unreported nationally and internationally. Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D., author of Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?, researched 32 murder/suicides that involved women and their children. Her research has determined that in 24 of these 32 cases, the women were taking Prozac or another SSRI. It is known that one-third of bipolar patients react negatively to antidepressants. With such a high ratio, you would think doctors would use another form of treatment. But, remember, modern MD’s have become drug pushers, so don’t expect any change in protocol soon. These are the “sorcerers” of Rev. 18:23. The fact is that the drug manufacturers have a sty full of lawyers, whose job it is to protect the billions of dollars these corporations make annually, at the expense of public safety. It is very important to the legal drug cartel that you remain ignorant of the dangers. You may be the next victim of a drug-induced “hostility event.” In the movie, “Jaws,” the plot was made interesting by having the local town suppress the news of shark attacks, so as not to scare tourists away from the beautiful beaches. If we were to make a movie about the drug involvement in these famous killings, the title would be “Dr. Psycho and Mr. Thug.” As writer, Rob Waters reports: In the early 1990s, Eli Lilly, the maker of Prozac, started the practice of aiding district attorneys who were prosecuting defendants who blamed the drug for their acts of violence. Lawyers for Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, later created a “prosecutor’s manual” for the same purpose. The Zoloft manual itself is a closely held secret -- and Pfizer has fought hard to keep it that way. In 2001, a widow sued Pfizer because her husband shot and killed himself after six days on Zoloft. Her lawyers discovered in Pfizer’s records a reference to a document called “prosecutor’s manual,” and requested a copy. Pfizer fought the request, claiming it was privileged information between the company and its attorneys. The judge allowed the manual to be introduced -- noting it was designed to prevent “harm to Pfizer’s reputation” if a defendant successfully raised “a Zoloft causation defense” -but he agreed to thereafter seal the manual and keep it out of the public record. James Hooper, an attorney for Pfizer, says that “in rare cases” the company’s attorneys have provided the manual to prosecutors if a defendant “is attempting to blame some sort of criminal behavior on the medicine.” So, if you’re considering filing a lawsuit over a fatality or injury caused by SSRI’s, better make sure you have a few million dollars to spare, to protect yourself from a counter-suit!!! These tactics are only a hair’s-breadth away from a mafiastyle hit. There’s not much difference between being literally killed versus financially ruined by a drug company. Some would prefer a quick death. The Silent Curtain: Mass Media Is Complicit I’m afraid that the current rash of shootings will continue to be blamed on “guns.” Don’t expect the gun-grabber lobby to join us in this anti-drug crusade. This killing spree actually suits the gun-grabber/ lawyer lobby (who are very much allied with Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Media), because they can keep us all trembling with horror stories about gun violence, while distracting you from the real problem, and the real Evil Empire of Legal Drugs. When the government legally protects an industry from accountability, then disaster is not far behind. We are seeing this disaster unfold. How long will Mr. and Mrs. America be fooled by this organized terror campaign? The same group (George Orwell’s Big Free American Magazine Brother) that wants to dope you up also wants to undermine the Second Amendment. We are dealing with a Beast that creates artificial problems and then “solves” these contrived problems for us by instituting repressive laws. Via the artifice of gradualism, tyranny marches on. Our rights and freedoms are being chipped away by the government and the legal drug lords. Ironically, these same corporate dope-pushers do not hesitate to criticize the Nazis for their suspect usage fluoride and other drugs against the prison population. No shortage of hypocrisy here! These people need to look into the mirror and see the exact resemblance. And Americans need to look back at history and see that the gulags are not far behind. There’s a Killer on the Loose Dr. Frankenstein’s List of Psychotropic Killers: Eric Harris - Prozac and Luvox. Dylan Kliebold - Paxil and Zoloft. Jared Lee Loughner - the AZ killer, Prozac. Kip Kinkel - Prozac. Joseph Wesbecker - Prozac. James Holmes, the Aurora CO killer Prozac. Adam Lanza - Fanapt h t t p : / / w w w. b r e i t b a r t . c o m / B i g Government/2012/12/16/I-Am-AdamLanza-s-Mother?utm_ WAKE UP, AMERICA!!! The pharmaceutical companies may be catching a lot of flak, as Americans are beginning to wake up to the drug connection in all of these mass killings. It’s not the guns, stupid, it’s the drugs: “No psychiatric drug ads on CNN after Newtown shootings”: TMRJAD5ABAO86P1UU Today, while I was looking up some of the individual cases of these dope-driven killers, my computer screen was peppered with unsolicited ads for Prozac and other drugs. Can’t get away from it, folks! It’s everywhere!! Sort of makes you feel like a small clown in a giant drug circus. Got some Quaaludes, man? 9 CIA Operated Aerial Spraying Plane Carrying “Mutated” Virus Shot Down In Chin CIA Operated Aerial Spraying Plane Carrying “Mutated” Virus Shot Down In China Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that a US government contracted airplane piloted by American CIA agents and carrying a cargo of a “mutated”swine flu virus intended for aerial spraying was shot down at China’s Shanghai Pudong airport by a saboteur team of what are believed to be Israeli Mossad soldiers seeking to prevent an American attack upon one of their Central Asian bases located in the Central Asian Nation of Kyrgyzstan. According to Chinese media reports on this incident the stricken Zimbabwean MD-ll plane, owned by the CIA linked Avient Aviation company operated by a former British military officer named Andrew Smith and registered in the UK, killed 3 American CIA agents and injured 4 other personal who are reported to be from United States, Indonesia, Belgium and Zimbabwe. Most interesting to note in these reports on the victims of this plane shootdown is that the Indonesian man currently being treated for his injuries has ‘confessed’ to Chinese secret police forces that he is a technician employed by the United States Navy at their mysterious Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2 (NAMRU-2) located in Indonesia that Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono had previously called for the closing of “because its operations were too secretive and were incompatible with Indonesia’s security interests.” Even more interesting to note about this US Navy secret bio-weapons base in Indonesia (the World’s largest Muslim Nation) was its establishment in cooperation 10 with the Rockefeller Institute, especially with it being the main center for the Americans Viral Diseases Program (VDP) they describe as the research of “epidemiologic and laboratory research on viral hemorrhagic fevers, influenza, encephalitis, and rickettsioses” and the head of this institute, David Rockefeller, long calling for a massive reduction in our World’s population. And to the agenda currently underway to radically change our World through the mass death of its population we need look no further for its explanation than David Rockefeller’s own words he spoke before the secretive Trilateral Commission in June, 1991, when he said: “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.” To the United States employing planes to spread a mutated swine flu virus around the World we have further reports from China, and as we can read: “June 26 Suspicious aircrafts were forced to land. A US operated AN-124 changed its call sign from civillian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF upon entering Pakistani air space, Free American Magazine the plane was forced to land in Mumbai while the second one was forced down by Nigerian figther jets that also arrested the crew. According to reports China (China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force) contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukranian aircrafts amidst growing concern that the United States were spreading “biological agents” in the Earth’s atmosphere also which some Chinese officals believed to be a attempt to mass genocide via the spread of h1n1 swine flu. The strange thing about these reports and arrests as well as the forcing down of the planes were that these aircrafts were carrying “waste disposal” systems that could spray up to 45000kg or 100pounds of aerial type mist from sophisticated network of nano pipes that led throughout the trailing edges of the wings thereby dispersing whatever was in these tanks through a mist.” Reports of these US planes over Ukraine have been reported as well, and as we can further read: “Authorities in the town of Kiev, Ukraine denied any spraying of “aerosolized medication” by aircraft over the city. This after it was reported that light aircrafts were seen flying over the forest market area that sprayed a aerosol substance to fight h1n1 or swine flu. Sources confirms this and the local newspapers of Kiev also received hundreds of phone calls from residents and business owners close to the area the planes were spraying the suspicious substance. Not only that but local businesses and retailers were “advised” to stay indoors during the day by the local authorities. As if that is not enough, the government authorities also pushed the radio stations in Kiev to deny the reports. Online on forums, websites and blogs reports came in about eye witness accounts that confirms this. There was also reports of helicopters spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil and throughout Ukraine.” Most disturbing of the effects of the spraying of this mutated swine flu virus over the Ukraine is the devastating toll it has taken on the people of that country, and as we can read: “Almost 40 000 people got infected since yesterday in the Ukraine by what we still call the “Ukraine plague” but doctors have said recently that this is a stronger case of h1n1 or swine flu that has mutated and has that affect on the lungs where it destroys the lungs and fills it with blood.” But, to the most horrible outcome of this mutated swine flu virus is the World Health Organization now reporting that it is killing people in France, Norway, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and the United States as the death toll from this Global Pandemic is now reported to be nearing 8,000 and China now reporting that this deadly disease has now crossed over into dogs. Important to also note in these reports is that the US spray plane shot down in China was reported to be targeting a secret Israeli base located in the Central Asian Nation of Kyrgyzstan, which many Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazi Jews make up approximately 80% of Jews Worldwide) consider their ‘spiritual homeland’ after their long exile their under Soviet Communist rule, and where Russian Intelligence Analysts report the Israelis are nearing the end of their decades long deciphering of the ancient Epic of Manas manuscript (with close to half a million lines the Epic of Manas is twenty times longer than Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad combined) that they believe contains our World’s oldest warning to our present age and which (coincidentally?) agrees with the ancient Mayan peoples that the year of 2012 will see the ending of our present age. To the final outcome of these events it is not in our knowing; other than to state the obvious, that the truths of these things are continued to be ignored, even scoffed at, by the very people whose extermination has been longed planned by these monsters and is now being carried out, and who still have no idea whatsoever how truly easy it has become for them to be controlled by their propaganda masters. One can only hope that they awaken before all is lost for them, the facts suggest they won’t. END The Criminal State of Israel and Its Role in Terrorism Updated August 25, 2013 The facts confirm that Israel and its collaborators in the U.S. are serial provocateurs and key architects of the terrorism against which Tel Aviv seeks America’s military and diplomatic protection and the financial support of U.S. taxpayers... To solve this transnational criminality requires multilateral engagement to remedy the perils that this syndicate now poses to world peace... The strategy deployed to date reflects a profound misunderstanding of the game theory dynamics that deceived the U.S. to wage war in the Middle East for Greater Israel. - Guilt by Association (2008) explains how the Israelis apply game theory to deceive the United States into waging wars in the Middle East. A friend and supporter recently gave me a copy of Jeff Gates’ book, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. I was immediately struck by one of its opening paragraphs, which hits the nail squarely on the head: Six decades ago, an enclave of Jewish elites and extremists induced Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist president, to recognize Zionism as a sovereign entity in the Middle East. Rather than operate as a loyal ally, that enclave has proven to be an enemy. The consistency of Israel’s behavior since its founding in 1948 confirms how organized crime expanded to global scale behind the facade of a sovereign state. I finished the book as the United States prepared its military forces to attack Syria, based on unproven allegations that the Syrian regime was responsible for the use of chemical weapons that killed several hundred people near Damascus during the past week. Once again, it now seems very likely that the United States will use its military to attack a Middle Eastern nation based on spurious allegations. The following extracts from the book are well worth reading and remembering as we find ourselves on the brink of another war of aggression in the Middle East: Only now has it become apparent that a state based on fundamentalist Judaism is neither a democracy nor a hapless victim but an apartheid state, an aggressor, and a serial agent provocateur. Israel’s expansionist goals could only be achieved by way of deception. The systemic nature of this criminality suggests that Americans alone can no longer secure their country - the corruption is too imbedded and elected officials are too intimidated by the Israel lobby. To solve this transnational criminality requires multilateral engagement to remedy the perils that this syndicate now poses to world peace... The strategy deployed to date reflects a profound misunderstanding of the game theory dynamics that deceived the U.S. to wage war in the Middle East for Greater Israel. The global community is mistrustful of our words, extremists have been emboldened, and our allies feel less secure. It is not Iran but Israel that must be restrained to protect U.S. national security and to repair the worldwide damage done by the “Washington” consensus. In order to grasp the role that Israel played in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11 and the illegal wars that followed in its aftermath, it is essential to understand that Israel is, in fact, a criminal state that was created and is ruled by an organization of Zionist criminals, and that it is actually an enemy of the United States - and humanity. The following videos are based on Gates’ book and are highly recommended viewing: Criminal State - Part 1 of 3: A Closer Look at Israel’s Role in Terrorism Free American Magazine 11 From Intel Sources not the author make this viral for all Humanity: What the Government will not tell you. We all have maybe a week maybe a month we have 2 large comets and 300 smaller rocks they are shooting them now with bombs, Russia also involved (Google Russia Rocket tests this week the cover story). Ison is made of platinum or gold they cannot break them up. If a semi-truck size hits yellow stone the volcano goes off. One of the 2 larger football field size is expected to hit London another to hit the Northern Hemisphere real soon. The one that hit Russia this year was the size of a refrigerator. For those Bible believers could this be in Revelation 8:11 (Wormwood) the two asteroids that destroy 1/3 of mankind? I believe if we all came together and have faith like Jesus stated, we ourselves can move this out of harms way. Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. What Can Be Told! Perspectives on Recent Issues/Threats/ Promises By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today There has been a recent flood of disinformation in all media. Normally, systematic mythology is the “meat and potatoes” of Fox News and the New York Times. It is now pervasive and with reason. Events have transpired that have led to the inexplicable things we are reading about, nuclear command officers removed, nuclear weapons inventories disappearing, FEMA buying everything in sight, earthquakes off the US coast, the “shutdown,” our mysterious new “peace bomb” in Syria and with Tehran. If you believe none of it makes any sense, you have been paying attention. It is all related, all a ploy. BIG ROCKS The primary concern is to the Northern Hemisphere which is threatened by the potential collision of two groups of asteroids. One is very bad, the other is worse. Toward that end, within the realm of what can be done and what is rational, “prepper” mode should be entered. Keep vehicles fueled 12 Store reasonable water Get a water purification filter system Have storable and transportable food Consider a “bug out bag” warm clothing, gun, compass/GPS etc Decide on a survival weapon (Henry AR 7 recommended). Survival doesn’t mean “assault.” WHAT WE CAN SAY The current thawing in international relations is related to very strong cooperation between nuclear powers toward intercepting, yes, right out of the movies, several critical threats. Weapons systems have already been launched. Just as President Reagan had predicted in his UN speech, nations have come together. Toward that end, keeping damaging and insane speculation out of the press has led to a restructuring of our military, shutting down NASA and some of the FEMA activities which are not intended to be threatening. They are simply doing their jobs. As this is a very dramatic period and we are unable to openly discuss what should be the business of everyone, I am sorry. Were I to write what I have been told officially, even I would lock me up. Do not spread rumors. Many of you out there can take this and figure much of it out. Out of respect, I can say this: The news media has not been informed, nor has congress and the vast majority of the military leadership. Toward that end, were I to pass on information that seems, at best, insane or bizarre, I would be doing no one a service. ISON For those watching Comet Ison or following the stories about it, I was asked to mention that “they aren’t crazy, there is really something very wrong going on.” WEATHER There was an earthquake off the US East Coast a short time ago. I am unable to confirm that it was caused by a nuclear weapon. I am also unable to NOT CONFIRM it was caused by a nuclear weapon and I am in that loop. “We” are told there is an issue with weather in the Northern United States and in Europe. The prediction is “severe and extended cold.” Free American Magazine However, every since seeing the Clint Eastwood/Lee Marvin film, “Paint Your Wagon,” no sane person, no matter what evidence, will predict a “mini ice age.” There is no discussion of global warming/cooling or any issues tied to this. One can assume they are related but, were I to say that, it would be my opinion and not tied to any information I have received. The Gulf Stream has become “unstable.” There are “issues” tied to “correcting that.” There is controversy about this with the operative term, “controversy” being one of the understatements of all time. Thus, I recommend reasonable preparations that should have been done anyway. There is talk about the government manipulating civil unrest. There is some evidence of this. “We” are going to look at this and if we believe this to be a threat, we will strongly question those involved in this issue, “question” or, perhaps, a “bit more.” COOPERATION I recommend we keep the usual political/racial/religious infighting going. We don’t want to die of boredom, do we? However, be very prepared to deal with “some” adverse circumstances. Toward that end, be prepared to live and act like an actual human being, in cooperation with family, friends and neighbors. Quietly advise others of the prudence of simple preparations not unlike those we all learned about from Civil Defense during the 1950s and 60s. Please, do not attempt to organize or arm for insurrection. In reality, there is no force, police, DHS, FEMA or military that would accept commands detrimental to Americans. However, I do not entirely rule out that we have some seriously misguided and irresponsible leaders out there. This information is given informally and is not intended to be expanded on or dwelled upon. Many of you will see pieces fit together and will now have more tools to use toward understanding. Our best case; things will be perfectly fine or even better than before. Our worst case; there is no reason to discuss it. Suffice it to say, organizations exist that are capable to doing what can be done. One thing you can do to become more independent. Tell them you heard about it from the Free American and get a special deal. CRD Syrian Girl Who Watched Parents Murdered Has Heart Cut Out By Obama-Supported Syrian Rebels Obama using US Taxpayer Money To Fund This “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” – Barack Hussein Obama It is with great sorrow that we had to post this today, but she will have died in vain if we didn’t tell the world her sad, horrific story. What you are seeing here is not only the true face of Islam, it goes deeper than that. The Syrian Rebels that did this to her, and to countless others, are supported with US taxpayer dollars by order of president Barack Obama who publicly has declared his support for the Syrian Rebels. Did you know that? Do you care? The blood of this little girl is not only on Obama’s hands, it is on the hands of America for allowing this president to reign unchecked. And make no mistake about it, the God of Abraham is indeed watching, and will judge. Their children now, your children tomorrow. The fully male controlled and run Islamic societies are never far from the worse savagery imaginable, making their warlord prophet proud. What happened to the small Shia girl in Syria who were forced to watch her parents being killed that we reported on a few weeks ago? According to Syrian Truth’s Facebook page, the photo is of a toddler who was living in the Deir ez-Zor Governate in eastern Syria, bordering Iraq. She was tied up by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army” — which is dominated by foreign, Sunni jihadis — and made to watch as her mother and father were killed for being Shia. Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.” As you can see her heart has been cut out and stuffed with cloth. No need to speculate what was done to that heart. Want your tax monies to be supporting Barack Hussein, Francois Hollande and David Cameron’s funding of “rebels” (terrorists=devout Muslim savages) in the Saudi, Qatari, Jordan, and Turkey’s Sunni genocide of Shia’s? source – The Muslim Issue Free American Magazine On a single charge, the JuiceBox can do anyone of the following: Charge a typical laptop six times Charge a Smart Phone 50 times Charge a Cell Phone 80 times Run an I-Pad® for nearly 100 hours Run a portable radio for weeks Run a GPS for 140 hours Run a desktop fan for 20 hours Light up a campsite for several nights 13 FOR THOSE THAT DON’T KNOW WHO V.K. DURHAM IS...YOU WILL WANT TO READ THIS author: UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY People are fearful about the future of the United States. Well, if you read this article, you won’t be. V.K. Durham is the main creditor of the UNITED STATES WITH AN ACTUAL CLAIM TO MANY ASSETS AND SHE HAS LONG WANTED TO USE THEM TO REBUILD THIS COUNTRY. WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN IS THAT THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY HAVE TO RENOUNCE THE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS AND INVOKE THE TRUST. READ THIS HISTORY. The Story of the Durham Trust IN OCTOBER OF 2002, the widow of a long-serving OSS/CIA officer, Colonel Russell Hermann ( originally a Coast Guard recruit ), approached the Federal Reserve Bank in Omaha and requested entry. She was questioned -- “who are you ?” Her answer was succinct: “I am V.K. Durham of the Durham Trust, and I am the Primary Creditor of the United States of America.” After a few moments of fumbling, Ms. Durham was granted immediate access to this regional member bank of the Federal Reserve System. In the next few minutes, it was made clear to the officials of the bank, 14 and thus to the Federal Reserve System itself, that Ms. V.K. Durham was not dead -despite having been declared ‘dead’ by the so-called Social Security Administration in Region V. Despite having been denied survivor’s benefits owed to her as the widow of a veteran who had served his country in war, peace and during the long twilight struggle called The Cold War, on the premise that she was ‘dead.’ She was, indeed, alive. Over the next six months, in a series of interviews and articles posted here on RMN and circulated widely on the Internet via e-mail, Ms. V. K. Durham explained how and why she, as the CEO of the Durham Trust, became the primary creditor of the United States of America through her ownership and control of a debt instrument created by the Legislature of Peru in 1875, and assumed as a debt of the United States some thirty-two years or so later. Slowly, the word circulated throughout the international banking community that V. K. Durham was not dead, and that The Durham Trust, of which she was a founding member and CEO, had the only lawful “color instruments” comprising the debt created by Peru and guaranteed by a mortgage on their natural resources “until paid in full.” May, 1875 This instrument has come to be known as “the Bonus 3392-181,” and it is a onetime only Commodity Contract ( the same as a Bill of Lading ), providing for payment in gold, with interest, and sold in New York in the spring of 1875. The purpose of this Contract was to provide the government of Peru with gold currency so that the English Bond holders who had helped finance the construction of their railroad system could be paid off. It was one of many and various instruments floated at that time, to raise money in gold for their creditors in the City of London. Eventually, almost all of the debt instruments sold by business agents or factors on behalf of Peru were either resold, and liquidated or otherwise cashed out, mostly Free American Magazine by the thirty-year maturity date which was most common then, or 1905. However, the Bill of Lading known as the Contract or Bonus 3392 was not secured by those looking to cash in on this issuance of debt, and it was listed as being among the debts of Peru assumed by an Agreement of the United States government via the Department of Agriculture with regard to The Guano Act of 1856 and other acts and agreements. The debts of Peru were assumed as being ours, and many of them were paid in gold at that time. The Bonus 3392-181 was not a regular bond, not subject to a “drop-dead maturity date” and was scheduled to pay 7 per cent on both interest and principal, compounded and computed every six months -- “until paid.” Payment for this Bill of Lading was to be in gold coin, gold bullion or in another form of gold as lawful money, as might be stipulated later. The point is, it was a Contract for payment in gold as money. It was never paid, never liquidated, and it has never expired. The years passed. The Bonus 3392, held by one of V.K. Durham’s blood relatives, was thought to be missing or to have been destroyed, but it was simply misplaced in storage for a very long time. It passed into her possession in 1975 in a most unremarkable way, and some years elapsed before its true value was recognized. In 1989 and 1990, with the help of her late husband, Col. Russell Hermann, she was able to establish the bona fides of this Bill of Lading/ Commodity Contract payable in gold, and further research proved that it was a debt assumed by the United States prior to the establishment of the privately-owned Federal Reserve System. This banking cartel was established in 1913. After that was done in December of 1913, additional Acts of Congress passed on December 24th, 1919 created additional responsiblities under the Foreign Federal Reserve System designation. From 1919 on the Federal Reserve was made responsible for managing all of the external and pre-existing debts of the United States, for providing for Bills of Lading and for Bills of Exchange, offering Notes, and it was required by the terms of the founding acts of 1913 and the 1919 amendments, to be in conformity with U.S. law. There is no question that this outstanding debt of Peru, assumed by the United States in a debt swap to keep Peruvian guano and nitrates flowing into this country, is a lawful commodity contract under international law and under the law of the land of the United States of America, pre-existing and dating to 1875. May, 1990 In 1990 Col. Hermann and V. K. Durham had the value of the contract calculated by the Federal Reserve System bank in Los Angeles: and as of that time, with penalties and the interest thereon having compounded every six months, the value of the Bonus 3392 was established at being in excess of $ 206, 858 Trillion U.S. au -- gold. Given that the alleged debt of the United States as claimed by the Federal Reserve System, the so-called “national debt,” was calculated at $6.5 Trillion last year in May, this Contract is 29,550 times larger, and that’s only as of the benchmark date of May, 1990. That makes the Bonus 3392 the largest debt owed, and the owner of that debt the primary creditor. In addition, it is the oldest debt owed of those assumed from We think it is important that you read this book and tell your friends to understand what we, as a nation, are facing. While there is no charge right now to read this we are asking you to make a donation of any size via the link below to cover expenses! Available as PDF and a signed Hard Copy at One thing you can do to become more independent. Tell them you heard about it from the Free American and get a special deal. CRD On a single charge, the JuiceBox can do anyone of the following: Charge a typical laptop six times Charge a Smart Phone 50 times Charge a Cell Phone 80 times Run an I-Pad® for 100 hours Run a portable radio for weeks Run a GPS for 140 hours Run a desktop fan for 20 hours Light up a campsite for several nights Tell them you heard about it from the Free American and get a special deal. CRD Free American Magazine 15 Latin America at the turn of the last century. With the help of Colonel Hermann and other experts, V. K. Durham set up the Durham Trust to maintain the ownership of this Commodity Contract, and to protect it from predatory financial agents. As it happens, Russell Hermann was abducted, tortured, poisoned and then murdered in 1994. Counterfeiters -- brilliant swindlers who posed as friends of the late Colonel -- got copies of of the Bonus and began marketing them around the world a few years later, putting Deeds of Assignment into active play, based on false statements and fraud. This has created much chaos. These counterfeits have also been used to fund Islamic fundamentalist networks in the Philippines -- the Abu Sayeff -- and to help support the “Al Qaeda” network of Islamic groups. Those frauds have all been discovered and uncovered. Some $ 400 Trillion in phony financial instruments have been written on the Bonus 3392 by these counterfeiters, who are expatriate Americans known as E.J. and Doris E. Ekker, most recently of Makatai City in the Philippines. There may be more than that, as new frauds are being discovered almost every week, but even if the number tops the $ 500 Trillion mark, that’s but a mere fraction of the total value, in gold collateral, of this Bonus 3392-181. May, 2003 Negotations begun last year in the spring, led V. K. Durham to make an agreement with the Federal Reserve System, to do a ‘debt swap,’ and this trade was approved by the Governors and the Central Intelligence Agency ( as needed under the PATRIOT Act ). There were two parts to the debt swap, a block of debt swapped for collateral in gold of $ 6.5 Trillion U.S. to liquidate the so-called National Debt and a second block of $ 6.5 Trillion U.S. to be used for humanitarian purposes and for debt relief in the Latin American countries, and the United States. Additionally, approximately one billion in U.S. dollars was to be provided to the Durham Trust and its subdivisions for gold banking operations, to enable it to oversee and do “due diligence” in the assignment of funds -- in gold collateral -- for humanitarian purposes and reconstruction projects. Finally, the non-negotiable part of this deal, in which the Federal Reserve System’s owners would get $ 6.5 Trillion in gold collateral for the debt they themselves foisted on the U.S.A., was that all mortgages on all properties and land in the 16 United States, as recorded through December of 2002, were to be marked “Paid In Full” and returned to the property owners or their heirs and assigns. That’s correct -all of the mortgages held by all of the banks under the Federal Reserve System’s control, or foreign banks with which it must correspond via the 1919 Act and other acts, were to be marked as paid in full .... The instruments to assign this debt swap were drafted and executed on May 21, 2003. The banking cartel of Spain, otherwise known as the Control Group, and Clear Stream, were named to handle the transactions and compliance was assured to be completed within three weeks. Certain U.S. banks were named to handle the drafts to establish gold banking for the Durham Trust. Promises were made and many assurances given. Shipping numbers and receipts are available to prove this offer was made, sent and delivered. The Federal Reserve System’s governors lied. They embezzled the $ 13 Trillion U.S. and welched on the deal to ‘put paid’ to all of the mortgages held by the banks under their supervision, or by correspondence. These monies were shovelled into the various stock markets, while the mortgages -- which are stored mainly in London and Paris, as ‘assets’ of foreign bankers -were not returned to the U.S. and not paid off. The Durham Trust was not invested with $ 1 billion U.S. au for the purpose of overseeing its humanitarian projects, and the indebtedness of our Latin American neighbors was not liquidated, either. This amounts to the greatest banking fraud in history. Since that time, the leading Chinese banks and the Islamic banks who were the primary victims of the counterfeiting mentioned before, have wised up and are demanding satisfaction from the Federal Reserve System. Since they are stonewalling the bankers of Hong Kong and Shanghai, of Jeddah and Kuala Lumpur, this is leading to a sharp decline in the value of the dollar in overseas markets, and not a healthy decline either. Korean and Japanese banking is in turmoil too. As of March 22nd, V. K. Durham has been in contact with principals of the United States Treasury, who first contacted her: she asserts that her position is clear -the embezzlers must be brought to account, and the counterfeiters brought to justice, before the Durham Trust will render any additional assistance or underwrite any other debt relief programs -- period. She Free American Magazine has made it precisely and abundantly clear to the Secretary of the Treasury that there will be no bail-out of the Federal Reserve System, no support for any private bank associated with these frauds, and no further negotiations with any private agency or agent. “They had their chance to do right,” she said. “Let them twist in the wind, now.” Perhaps this message will help make certain things clear: the reason that there is so much money available now for “mortgages and refinancing” is that the embezzled money has been streamed downwards to secondary banks and to commercial lenders. Most of those operations are run by honest people who have no clue that the ‘new capital’ being made available, is stolen money. Second, the swindlers seem to believe that if they can write thousands and thousands of new mortgages, that this will lessen ‘the pain’ of having to write down all the old mortgages. What pain ?? Forget the fact that the banking factors were being provided $ 6 and one half trillion U.S. to liquidate these debts !! It was all consumer debt, ledger entries, many of which were created out of thin air, to begin with !! It isn’t even really about greed, it is about their ambitions for social control and the usurpations of our rights, and their own arrogance. V. K. Durham has tried every avenue known, to seek redress for these grievances: notice of this embezzlement and fraud has been given to the Securities Exchange Commission, to the Secret Service and Treasury, to various Congressmen and Senators, to foreign press agents and news media. She’s archived the documents in question for anyone to view, and she’s written extensively from her own perspective on all of the swindles and chicanery that this ‘theft of the centuries’ has involved. And the historical background and developments surrounding the Bonus 3392-181, and more. The SEC has refused to consider the question at all. The Secret Service claims it has only one duty, to protect the President ( which is an outright lie, as counterfeiting is in its domain ). But pressure from foreign bankers and financial markets is beginning to become unbearable. How will it all play out ? Neither political party ‘on the Hill’ wants to touch this, as they all crawl on their bellies to pay homage to Sir Alan of Greenspan, and hang on his every mumbled and muttered utterance. And so, does Ralph Nader have the courage -- as the leading consumer advocate of the last forty years -- to demand to get, and to know the truth about the Durham debt swap of 2003, and the embezzlement of $ 13 Trillion U.S., and the unlawful pirating away of the mortgages on properties belonging to Citizens of the U.S., held by British and French banking factors, in the City of London or in Paris And isn’t this more important than whether or not the Supreme Court will hear arguments about “pledging allegiance?” We all love the flag, and we all think of God as having a reality in our lives -- each in our own way -- but this issue is about real money, real embezzlement and the real theft of mortgage payments by British and French bankers who know very well that these properties have been PAID OFF by the Durham Trust in the debt swap of 2003. And here is her statement of intention, concerning the uses of the gold collateral value held in trust by The Durham Trust: “This TRUST will underwrite the necessary collateral from this OUTSTANDING DEBT owed to the TRUST CREDITOR -- to UNDERWRITE “AMERICAN OWNED” INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURING, HOUSING, EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT, JOBS, family owned FARMS, et cetera, as needed, and to REBUILD the U.S. & LATIN AMERICAN REPUBLICS.” It is ‘a Marshall Plan’ for the American Continents. Here is the link to view the documents drafted by V.K. Durham and sent to the Banking Control Group and the Federal Reserve in May of 2003: http:// UsDebtPaymtIndex.html Luxembourg NSA Dragnet Hauls in Skype for Investigation – Report By editor | October 13, 2013 | News News News “Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of the government. The history of government is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of government, not the increase of it.” ~Woodrow Wilson Speech, New York, September 9, 1912 “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Once heralded as a communication tool free from eavesdropping, Skype is now reportedly under scrutiny for secretly and voluntarily handing over personal data on users to government agencies. The Microsoft-owned instant-messaging site, used by some 600 million people worldwide, is being probed by Luxembourg’s data protection commissioner over concerns about its secret cooperation with the US National Security Agency’s Prism spying program, according to a report in the Guardian, the UK newspaper that first broke the story on NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Skype, believed to be the first Internet company among many to be brought within the NSA program, could potentially face criminal and administrative charges, as well as hefty fines if it is found to be in violation of Luxembourg’s data protection laws. If found guilty, Skype may be banned from passing along user data to the US spy agency, the newspaper reported. The Luxembourg commissioner initiated an investigation into Skype’s privacy policies following revelations in June about its ties to the NSA, the Guardian said. No additional comments were immediately available. Microsoft’s purchase of Skype for $8.5 billion in 2011 “tripled some types of data flow to the NSA,” the Guardian said, citing secret documents in its possession. But even before the Microsoft buyout, Skype had initiated its own secret program, dubbed Project Chess, which sought ways of making customer communications “readily available to intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials,” The New York Times reported. Free American Magazine According to the NSA files shown by Snowden to the Guardian, Skype was served with a directive to comply with an NSA surveillance request signed by US Attorney General Eric Holder in February 2011. Several days later, the NSA had successfully monitored its first Skype transmission. Skype, founded in Estonia in 2003 and now headquartered in Luxembourg, is facing a public backlash in the wake of the Prism disclosures. “The only people who lose are users,” Eric King, head of research at human rights group Privacy International, said in comments to the Guardian. “Skype promoted itself as a fantastic tool for secure communications around the world, but quickly caved to government pressure and can no longer be trusted to protect user privacy.” Source: NSA leaks hint Microsoft may have lied about Skype security “…According to the slide, NSA agents can listen in or watch Skype chats “when one end of the call is a conventional telephone and for any combination of ‘audio, video, chat, and file transfers’ when Skype users connect by computer alone.” Tagged Eric King, microsoft lied, Microsoft may have misled millions of Skype users, NSA agents can listen in or watch Skype chats, NSA leak, skpe; mircrosoft; NWO;. Bookmark the permalink. Original article at Namaste Publishing 17 “Tonight is a particular honor for me because, let’s face it, my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. His father — my grandfather — was a cook, a domestic servant to the British. But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place, America, that shone as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before.” - Barack Obama, 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address Far from being the mere ‘son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community. Investigative reporter and former NSA employee Wayne Madsen has put together an extensive three-part (and growing) series with conclusive proof and documentation that Barack Obama Sr., Stanley Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro and President Barack Obama himself all hold deep ties to the CIA and larger intelligence community. And that’s just the beginning. After his election, President Obama quickly moved to seal off his records via an executive order. Now, after two years of hints and clues, there is substantial information to demonstrate that what Obama has omitted is that his rare rise to power can only be explained by his intelligence roots. However, this is more than the story of one man or his family. There is a long-term strategic plan to recruit promising candidates into intelligence and steer these individuals and their families into positions of influence and power. Consider that it is now declassified former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was recruited into MI5 before becoming a labour leader, or that George H. W. Bush not only became CIA director in 1976 but had a deeper past in the organization. While we may never know many pertinent details about these matters, one thing 18 that is certain is that the American people have never been told the truth about who holds the real power, nor who this president– and likely many others– really is. Thus, we urge everyone to read Wayne Madsen’s deep report and seek the truth for yourself. The Story of Obama: All in The Company (In Three Parts) Wayne Madsen Wayne Madsen Report August 18, 2010 PART 1: The Story of Obama: All in The Company (Part I) Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has discovered CIA files that document the agency’s connections to institutions and individuals figuring prominently in the lives of Barack Obama and his mother, father, grandmother, and stepfather. The first part of his report highlights the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIAsponsored operations in Kenya to counter rising Soviet and Chinese influence among student circles and, beyond, to create conditions obstructing the emergence of independent African leaders. From 1983-84, Barack Obama worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company. President Obama’s own work in 1983 for Business International Corporation, a CIA front that conducted seminars with the world’s most powerful leaders and used journalists as agents abroad, dovetails with CIA espionage activities conducted by his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham in 1960s post-coup Indonesia on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the EastWest Center at the University of Hawaii, the U.S. Agency for International Develop- Free American Magazine ment (USAID), and the Ford Foundation. Dunham met and married Lolo Soetoro, Obama’s stepfather, at the East-West Center in 1965. Soetoro was recalled to Indonesia in 1965 to serve as a senior army officer and assist General Suharto and the CIA in the bloody overthrow of President Sukarno. Barack Obama, Sr., who met Dunham in 1959 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii, had been part of what was described as an airlift of 280 East African students to the United States to attend various colleges — merely “aided” by a grant from the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, according to a September 12, 1960, Reuters report from London. The airlift was a CIA operation to train and indoctrinate future agents of influence in Africa, which was becoming a battleground between the United States and the Soviet Union and China for influence among newly-independent and soon-to-be independent countries on the continent. The airlift was condemned by the deputy leader of the opposition Kenyan African Democratic Union (KADU) as favoring certain tribes — the majority Kikuyus and minority Luos — over other tribes to favor the Kenyan African National Union (KANU), whose leader was Tom Mboya, the Kenyan nationalist and labor leader who selected Obama, Sr. for a scholarship at the University of Hawaii. Obama, Sr., who was already married with an infant son and pregnant wife in Kenya, married Dunham on Maui on February 2, 1961 and was also the university’s first African student. Dunham was three month’s pregnant with Barack Obama, Jr. at the time of her marriage to Obama, Sr. The CIA allegedly recruited Tom M’Boya in a heavily funded “selective liberation” programme to isolate Kenya’s founding President Jomo Kenyatta, who the American spy agency labelled as “un- From 1983-84, Barack Obama worked as Editor at Business Internation Corporation, a Business International Corporation, a known CIA front company. safe.” KADU deputy leader Masinda Muliro, according to Reuters, said KADU would send a delegation to the United States to investigate Kenyan students who received “gifts” from the Americans and “ensure that further gifts to Kenyan students are administered by people genuinely interested in Kenya’s development.’” Mboya received a $100,000 grant for the airlift from the Kennedy Foundation after he turned down the same offer from the U.S. State Department, obviously concerned that direct U.S. assistance would look suspicious to pro-Communist Kenyan politicians who suspected Mboya of having CIA ties. The Airlift Africa project was underwritten by the Kennedy Foundation and the African-American Students Foundation. Obama, Sr. was not on the first airlift but a subsequent one. The airlift, organized by Mboya in 1959, included students from Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, and Nyasaland. Reuters also reported that Muliro charged that Africans were “disturbed and embittered” by the airlift of the selected students. Muliro “stated that “preferences were shown to two major tribes [Kikuyu and Luo] and many U.S.-bound students had failed preliminary and common entrance examinations, while some of those left behind held first-class certificates.” Obama, Sr. was a friend of Mboya and a fellow Luo. After Mboya was assassinated in 1969, Obama, Sr. testified at the trial of his alleged assassin. Obama, Sr. claimed he was the target of a hit-and-run assassination attempt after his testimony. CIA-airlifted to Hawaii, Barack Obama Sr., with leis, stands with Stanley Dunham, President Obama’s grandfather, on his right. The CIA allegedly recruited Tom M’Boya in a heavily funded “selective liberation” programme to isolate Kenya’s founding President Jomo Kenyatta, who the American spy agency labelled as “unsafe.” Obama, Sr., who left Hawaii for Harvard in 1962, divorced Dunham in 1964. Obama, Sr. married a fellow Harvard student, Ruth Niedesand, a Jewish-American woman, who moved with him to Kenya and had two sons. They were later divorced. Obama, Sr. worked for the Kenyan Finance and Transport ministries as well as an oil firm. Obama, Sr. died in a 1982 car crash and his funeral was attended by leading Kenyan politicians, including future Foreign Minister Robert Ouko, who was murdered in 1990. CIA files indicate that Mboya was an Free American Magazine important agent-of-influence for the CIA, not only in Kenya but in all of Africa. A formerly Secret CIA Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, dated November 19, 1959, states that Mboya served as a check on extremists at the second All-African People’s Conference (AAPC) in Tunis. The report states that “serious friction developed between Ghana’s Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah and Kenyan nationalist Tom Mboya who cooperated effectively last December to check extremists at the AAPC’s first meeting in Accra.” The term “cooperated effectively” appears to indicate that Mboya was cooperating with the CIA, which filed the report from field operatives in Accra and Tunis. While “cooperating” with the CIA in Accra and Tunis, Mboya selected the father of the president of the United States to receive a scholarship and be airlifted to the University of Hawaii where he met and married President Obama’s mother. An earlier CIA Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, secret, and dated April 3, 1958, states that Mboya “still appears to be the most promising of the African leaders.” Another CIA weekly summary, secret and dated December 18, 1958, calls Mboya the Kenyan nationalist an “able and dynamic young chairman” of the People’s Convention party who was viewed as an opponent of “extremists” like Nkrumah, supported by “Sino-Soviet representatives.” In a formerly Secret CIA report on the All-Africa Peoples Conference in 1961, dated November 1, 1961, Mboya’s conservatism, along with that of Taleb Slim of Tunisia, are contrasted to the leftist policies of Nkrumah and others. Pro-communists who were elected to the AAPC’s steering committee at the March 1961 Cairo conference, attended by Mboya, are identified in the report as Abdoulaye Diallo, AAPC Secretary General, of Senegal; Ahmed Bourmendjel of Algeria; Mario de Andrade of Angola; Ntau Mokhele of Basutoland; Kingue Abel of Cameroun; Antoine Kiwewa of Congo (Leopoldville); Kojo Botsio of Ghana; Ismail Toure of Guinea; T. O. Dosomu Johnson of Liberia; Modibo Diallo of Mali; Mahjoub Ben Seddik of Morocco; Djibo Bakari of Niger; Tunji Otegbeya of Nigeria; Kanyama Chiume of Nyasaland; Ali Abdullahi of Somalia; Tennyson Makiwane of South Africa, and Mohamed Fouad Galal of the United Arab Republic. The only attendees in Cairo who were given a clean bill of health by the CIA were Mboya, who appears to have been a 19 snitch for the agency, and Joshua Nkomo of Southern Rhodesia, B. Munanka of Tanganyika, Abdel Magid Shaker of Tunisia, and John Kakonge of Uganda. Nkrumah would eventually be overthrown in a 1966 CIA-backed coup while he was on a state visit to China and North Vietnam. The CIA overthrow of Nkrumah followed by one year the agency’s overthrow of Sukarno, another coup that was connected to President Obama’s family on his mother’s side. There are suspicions that Mboya was assassinated in 1969 by Chinese agents working with anti-Mboya factions in the government of Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta in order to eliminate a pro-U.S. leading political leader in Africa. Upon Mboya’s death, every embassy in Nairobi flew its flag at half-mast except for one, the embassy of the People’s Republic of China. Jomo Kenyatta, first President of Kenya. Mboya’s influence in the Kenyatta government would continue long after his death and while Obama, Sr. was still alive. In 1975, after the assassination of KANU politician Josiah Kariuki, a socialist who helped start KANU, along with Mboya and Obama, Sr., Kenyatta dismissed three rebellious cabinet ministers who “all had personal ties to either Kariuki or Tom Mboya.” This information is contained in CIA Staff Notes on the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, formerly Top Secret Umbra, Handle via COMINT Channels, dated June 24, 1975. The intelligence in the report, based on its classification, indicate the information was derived from National Security Agency intercepts in Kenya. No one was ever charged in the assassination 20 of Kariuki. The intecepts of Mboya’s and Kariuki’s associates are an indication that the NSA and CIA also maintain intercepts on Barack Obama, Sr., who, as a non-U.S. person, would have been lawfully subject at the time to intercepts carried out by NSA and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). PART 2: Special Report. The Story of Obama: All in The Company - Part II In Part I of this WMR special report, we revealed the connections between Barack Obama, Sr. and the CIA-affiliated Airlift Africa project to provide college degrees to and gain influence over a group of 280 eastern and southern African students from soon-to-be independent African nations to counter similar programs established by the Soviet Union and China. Barack Obama Sr. was the first African student to attend the University of Hawaii. Obama Sr. and Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham met in a Russian language class in 1959 and they married in 1961. The African airlift program was administered by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya, a fellow Luo tribe mentor and friend of the senior Obama. According to CIA documents described in Part I, Mboya also served the CIA in ensuring that proSoviet and pro-Chinese African nationalists were stymied in their attempt to dominate pan-African nationalist political, student, and labor movements. One of Mboya’s chief opponents was Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, who was ousted in a CIA-inspired coup in 1966, one year before to Obama Sr’s son, Barack Obama, Jr. and his mother joined Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian who Obama’s mother met at the University of Hawaii in 1965, when President Obama was four years old. In 1967, Obama and his mother joined her husband in Jakarta. In 1965, Lolo Soetoro had been called back from Hawaii by General Suharto to serve as an officer in the Indonesian military to help launch a bloody CIA-backed genocide of Indonesian Communists and Indonesian Chinese throughout the expansive country. Suharto consolidated his power in 1966, the same year that Barack Obama, Sr.’s friend, Mboya, had helped to rally pro-U.S. pan-African support for the CIA’s overthrow of Nkrumah in Ghana in 1966. Free American Magazine East-West Center, University of Hawaii, and CIA coup against Sukarno Ann Dunham met Soetoro at the EastWest Center at the University of Hawaii. The center had long been affiliated with CIA activities in the Asia-Pacific region. In 1965, the year that Dunham met and married Soetoro, the center saw a new chancellor take over. He was Howard P. Jones who served a record seven years, from 1958 to 1965, as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia. Jones was present in Jakarta as Suharto and his CIA-backed military officers planned the 1965 overthrow of Sukarno, who was seen, along with the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), as allies of China. When Jones was chancellor of the EastWest Center, he wrote an article for the Washington Post, dated October 10, 1965, in which he defended Suharto’s overthrow of Sukarno. Jones was “invited” by the Post to comment on the Suharto coup, described as a “counter-coup” against the Communists. Jones charged that Suharto was merely responding to an earlier attempted Communist-led coup against Sukarno launched by Lt. Col. Untung, “a relatively unknown battalion commander in the palace guard.” Jones’s article, which mirrored CIA situation reports from the U.S. embassy in Jakarta, continued by stating that the alleged leftist coup on September 30 ”came within an inch of succeeding through the assassination of six of the top military command. It might well have succeeded had not Defense Minister Nasution and a number of other senior generals also maked for assassination acted fast in a dramatic counter-coup.” Of course, what Jones did not inform the Post’s readers was that the Suharto “counter-coup” had been assisted with the strong help of the CIA. Sukarno never blamed the Communists for the assassination of the army generals nor did the Indonesian Cabinet, where the second and third-ranking leaders of the PKI were present. The possibility that the assassination of the generals was a CIA/Suharto “false flag” operation to affix blame on the PKI cannot be ruled out. Two days after Suharto’s coup, a CIA “rent-a-mob” burned down the PKI headquarters in Jakarta. As they marched past the U.S. Embassy, which was also the site of the CIA station, they yelled out, “Long live America!” Untung later said that when he became aware that Suharto and the CIA were planning a coup on October 5, 1965 – Indonesian Armed Forces Day – forces loyal to him and Sukarno moved first. Jones described this as “typical Communist propaganda.” Suharto moved against Sukarno on October 1. Jones iterated that “there was not an iota of truth . . . in the accusation that the CIA was working against Sukarno.” History has proven otherwise. Jones accused the Communists of taking advantage of Sukarno’s failing health to beat out the other candidates to succeed him. The goal, according to Jones, was to have PKI boss D.N. Aidit succeed Sukarno. Sukarno did not die until 1970, while under house arrest. A CIA paper, formerly classified Secret and undated, states “Sukarno would like to return to the status quo ante-coup. He has refused to condemn the PKI or the 30th September Movement [of Lt. Col. Untung]; instead, he calls for unity of Indonesia and asks that no vengeance be taken by one group against the other. But, he has not succeeded in forcing the Army to abandon its anti-PKI activities and, on the other hand, he has bowed to their demand by appointing its single candidate General Suharto as head of the Army.” Suharto and Barry Obama Soetoro’s step-father Lolo Soetoro would ignore Sukarno’s call for no vengeance, as hundreds of thousands of Indonesians would soon discover. The mass murder by Suharto of Indonesian Chinese is seen in the CIA paper’s description of the Baperki Party: “the leftist Baperki Party, with its major strength in rural areas, is largely Chinese-Indonesian in membership.” A CIA Intelligence Memorandum, dated October 6, 1966 and formerly classified Secret, shows the extent of the CIA’s monitoring of the anti-Sukarno coup from various CIA agents assigned as liaisons to Suharto’s army units surrounding the Presidential Palace in Bogor and at various diplomatic posts around the country, including the U.S. Consulate in Medan, which was keeping track of leftists in that Sumatran city and, which, in an October 2, 1965, Intelligence Memo, reported to the CIA that the “Soviet consul-general in Medan has a plane standing by that could be used for evacuation of Soviet citizens from Sumatra.” The October 6 memo also warns against allowing Untung from developing a following in Central Java. A CIA formerly Secret “Weekly Summary Special Report” on Indonesia, dated August 11, 1967, and titled “The New Order in Indonesia,” reports that in 1966, Indonesia re-aligned its economy in order to receive International Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance. The CIA reports its is happy with the new triumvirate ruling Indonesia in 1967: Suharto, Foreign Minister Adam Malik, and the Sultan of Jogjakarta, who served as minister for economics and finance. The report also rejoices in the outlawing of the PKI, but states it “retains a significant following in East and Central Java,” where Ann Dunham Soetoro would largely concentrate her later efforts on behalf of USAID, the World Bank, and the Ford Foundation, all front activities for the CIA to “win the hearts and minds” of the Javanese farmers and artisans. A CIA Intelligence Memorandum, formerly Secret and dated July 23, 1966, clearly sees the Muslim Nahdatul Ulama party {NU), the largest party in Indonesia and Muslim, as a natural ally of the United States and the Suharto regime. The report states that helped Suharto put down the Communists in the post-coup time frame, especially where the NU was strongest: East Java, where Obama’s mother would concentrate her activities, and North Sumatra and parts of Borneo. An April 29, 1966, formerly Secret CIA Intelligence Memorandum on the PKI states: “Moslem extremists in many instances outdid the army in hunting down and murdering members of the party [PKI] and its front groups.” Dunham and Barry Soetoro in Jakarta and USAID front activities Dunham dropped out of the University of Hawaii in 1960 while pregnant with Barack Obama. Barack Obama Sr. left Hawaii in 1962 to study at Harvard. Dunham and Obama divorced in 1964. In the fall of 1961, Dunham enrolled at the University of Washington while caring for her infant son. Dunham was re-enrolled at the University of Hawaii from 1963 to 1966. Lolo Soetoro, who Dunham married in March 1965, departed Hawaii for Indonesia on July 20, 1965, some three months prior to the CIA’s coup against Sukarno. Soetoro, who served Suharto as an Army colonel, was clearly called back from the CIA-connected EastWest Center to assist in the coup against Sukarno, one that would eventually cost the lives of some one million Indonesian citizens. It is a history that President Obama would like the press to ignore, which it certainly did during the 2008 primary and general election. In 1967, after arriving in Indonesia with Obama, Jr., Dunham began teaching English at the American embassy in Jakarta, which also housed one of the largest CIA Free American Magazine stations in Asia and had significant satellite stations in Surabaya in eastern Java and Medan on Sumatra. Jones left as East-West Center chancellor in 1968. In fact, Obama’s mother was teaching English for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which was a major cover for CIA activities in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia, especially in Laos, South Vietnam, and Thailand. The USAID program was known as Lembaga Pendidikan Pembinaan Manajemen. Obama’s mother, painted as a free spirit and a “sixties child” by President Obama and people who claimed they knew her in Hawaii and Indonesia, had a curriculum vitae in Indonesia that contradicts the perception that Ann Dunham Soetoro was a “hippy.” Dunham Soetoro’s Russian language training at the University of Hawaii may have been useful to the CIA in Indonesia. An August 2, 1966, formerly Secret memorandum from the National Security Council’s Executive Secretary Bromley Smith states that, in addition to Japan, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, the Suharto coup was welcomed by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies because its created a non-aligned Indonesia that “represents an Asian counterweight to Communist China.” Records indicate that a number of CIA agents posted in Jakarta before and after the 1965 coup were, like Dunham Soetoro, conversant in Russian. Dunham Soetoro worked for the elitist Ford Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Bank Rakyat (the majority government-owned People’s Bank of Indonesia), and the CIA-linked USAID while she lived in Indonesia and later, Pakistan. USAID was involved in a number of CIA covert operations in Southeast Asia. The February 9, 1971, Washington Star reported that USAID officials in Laos were aware that rice supplied to the Laotian Army by USAID was being re-sold to North Vietnamese army divisions in the country. The report stated that the U.S. tolerated the USAID rice sales to the North Vietnamese since the Laotian Army units that sold the rice found themselves protected from Communist Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese attack. USAID and the CIA also used the supply of rice to force Laotian Meo tribesmen to support the United States in the war against the Communists. USAID funds programmed for civilians injured in the war in Laos and public health care were 21 actually diverted for military purposes. In 1971, the USAID-funded Center for Vietnamese Studies at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale was accused of being a CIA front. USAID-funded projects through the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA) — comprising the Universities of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana and Michigan State — were accused of being CIA front projects, including those for “agricultural education” in Indonesia, as well as other “projects” in Afghanistan, Mali, Nepal, Nigeria, Thailand, and South Vietnam. The charge was made in 1971, the same year that Ann Dunham was working for USAID in the country. In a July 10, 1971, New York Times report, USAID and the CIA were accused of “losing” $1.7 billion appropriated for the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) program in South Vietnam. CORDS was part of the CIA’s Operation Phoenix program, which involved CIA assassination and torture of South Vietnamese village elders and Buddhist clerics. USAID money was also directed to the CIA’s proprietary airline in Southeast Asia, Air America. In Thailand, USAID funds for the Accelerated Rural Development Program in Thailand were actually masking a CIA anti-Communist counter-insurgency operation. USAID funds programmed for public works projects in East Pakistan in 1971 were used for East Pakistan’s military fortifications on its border with India, in the months before the outbreak of war with India, in contravention of U.S. law that prohibited USAID money for military purposes. In 1972, USAID administrator Dr. John Hannah admitted to Metromedia News that USAID was being used as a cover for CIA covert operations in Laos. Hannah only admitted to Laos as a USAID cover for the CIA. However, it was also reported that USAID was being used by the CIA in Indonesia, Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, and South Korea. USAID projects in Southeast Asia had to be approved by the Southeast Asian Development Advisory Group (SEADAG), an Asia Society group that was, in fact, answerable to the CIA. The U.S. Food for Peace program, jointly administered by USAID and the Department of Agriculture, was found in 1972 to be used for military purposes in Cambodia, South Korea, Turkey, South Vietnam, Spain, Taiwan, and Greece. In 1972, USAID funneled aid money only to 22 the southern part of North Yemen, in order to aid North Yemeni forces against the government of South Yemen, then ruled by a socialist government opposed to U.S. hegemony in the region. One of the entities affiliated with the USAID work in Indonesia was the Asia Foundation, a 1950s creation formed with the help of the CIA to oppose the expansion of communism in Asia. The East-West Center guest house in Hawaii was funded by the Asia Foundation. The guest house is also where Barack Obama Sr. first stayed after his airlift from Kenya to Hawaii, arranged by the one of the CIA’s major agents of influence in Africa, Mboya. Dunham would also travel to Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand working on micro-financing projects. In 1965, Barack Obama Sr. returned to Kenya from Harvard, with another American wife. The senior Obama linked up with his old friend and the CIA’s “golden boy” Mboya and other fellow Luo politicians. The CIA station chief in Nairobi from 1964 to 1967 was Philip Cherry. In 1975, Cherry was the CIA station chief in Dacca, Bangladesh. Cherry was linked by the then-U.S. ambassador to Bangladesh, Eugene Booster, to the 1975 assassination of Bangladesh’s first president, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and members of his family. The hit on “Sheikh Mujib” and his family was reportedly ordered by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Bangladesh was also on the micro- and macro-financing travel itinerary of CIA-linked Ann Dunham. Free American Magazine CIA banking and Hawaii Meanwhile, Dunham Soetoro’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, who raised young Obama when he returned to Hawaii in 1971 while his mother stayed in Indonesia, was the first female vice president at the Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. Various CIA front entities used the bank. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts used to make CIA payments to U.S.-supported Asian dictators like Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu, and President Suharto in Indonesia. In effect, the bank was engaged in money laundering for the CIA to covertly prop up its favored leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. One of the CIA’s major money laundering fronts in Honolulu was the firm of Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong (BBRDW). After the CIA allowed the firm to collapse in 1983 amid charges that BBRDW was merely a Ponzi scheme, Senator Daniel Inouye of the US Senate Intelligence Committee said the CIA’s role in the firm “wasn’t significant.” It would later be revealed that Inouye, who was one of the late Alaska Senator Ted Stevens’s best friends in the Senate, was lying. In fact, BBRDW was involved heavily in funding covert CIA programs throughout Asia, including economic espionage against Japan, providing arms for Afghan mujaheddin guerrillas in their war against the Soviets and covertly supplying weapons to Taiwan. One of BBRDW’s principals was John C. “Jack” Kindschi, who, before he retired in 1981, was the CIA station chief in Honolulu. BBRDW’s chairman Ron Rewald had a counterfeit college degree certificate provided for the wall of his office by the CIA’s forgery experts and his name was inserted in university records as an alumnus. A false history for BBRDW was concocted by the CIA claiming the firm had operated in Hawaii since it was a territory. President Obama is currently plagued by allegations that he has fake college and university transcripts, a phony social security number issued in Connecticut, and other padded resume items. Did Hawaii’s fake BBRDW documents portend today’s questions about Obama’s past? BBRDW conducted its business in the heart of Honolulu’s business district, where the Bank of Hawaii was located and where Obama grandmother Madelyn Dunham ran the escrow accounts. The bank would handle much of BBRDW’s covert financial transactions. Obama/Soetoro and the “years of living dangerously” in Jakarta It is clear that Dunham Soetoro and her Indonesian husband, President Obama’s step-father, were closely involved in the CIA’s operations to steer Indonesia away from the Sino-Soviet orbit during the “years of living dangerously” after the overthrow of Sukarno. WMR has discovered that some of the CIA’s top case officers were assigned to various official and non-official cover assignments in Indonesia during this time frame, including under the cover of USAID, the Peace Corps, and the U.S. Information Agency (USIA). One of the closest CIA contacts for Suharto was former CIA Jakarta embassy officer Kent B. Crane. Crane was so close to Suharto after “retiring” from the CIA, he was reportedly one of the only “private” businessmen given an Indonesian diplomatic passport by Suharto’s government. Crane’s company, the Crane Group, was involved in supplying small arms to the military forces of the United States, Indonesia, and other nations. A foreign policy adviser to Vice President Spiro Agnew, Crane was later nominated as U.S. ambassador to Indonesia by President Ronald Reagan but the nomination was dead-on-arrival because of Crane’s dubious links to Suharto. The ambassadorship would instead go to John Holdridge, a close colleague of Kissinger. Holdridge was succeeded in Jakarta by Paul Wolfowitz. Suharto’s cronies, who included Mochtar and James Riady of the Lippo Group, would later stand accused of funneling over $1 million of illegal foreign contributions to Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. President Obama has twice postponed official state visits to Indonesia, perhaps fearful of the attention such a trip would bring to the CIA connections of his mother and Indonesian step-father. In the 1970s and 80s, Dunham was active in micro-loan projects for the Ford Foundation, the CIA-linked East-West Center, and USAID in Indonesia. One of the individuals assigned to the U.S. embassy and helped barricade the compound during a violent anti-U.S. student demonstration during the 1965 Suharto coup against Sukarno was Dr. Gordon Donald, Jr. Assigned to the embassy’s Economic Section, Donald was responsible for USAID mi- cro-financing for Indonesian farmers, the same project that Dunham Soetoro would work on for USAID in the 1970s, after her USAID job of teaching English in Indonesia. In a 1968 book, “Who’s Who in the CIA,” published in West Berlin, Donald is identified as a CIA officer who was also assigned to Lahore, Pakistan, where Dunham would eventually live for five years in the Hilton International Hotel while working on microfinancing for the Asian Development Bank. Another “Who’s Who in the CIA” Jakarta alumnus is Robert F. Grealy, who later became the director for international relations for the Asia-Pacific for J P Morgan Chase and a director for the AmericanIndonesian Chamber of Commerce. J P Morgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon is being mentioned as a potential replacement for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, whose father, Peter Geithner, was the Ford Foundation’s Asia grant-selector who funneled the money to Ann Dunham’s Indonesian projects. CIA Black Projects and Hawaii While in Pakistan, Dunham’s son Barack visited her in 1980 and 1981. Obama visited Karachi, Lahore, and Hyderabad, India during his south Asia visits. It was during the time period that the CIA was beefing up its anti-Soviet operations in Afghanistan from Pakistan. A January 31, 1958, heavily-redacted formerly Secret NOFORN [no foreign dissemination] memorandum for CIA Director Allen Dulles from the Deputy Assistant Director of the CIA for Research and Reports [name redacted] reports on a factfinding mission to the Far East, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East from November 17 through December 21, 1957. The CIA Office of Research and Reports (ORR) chief reports a meeting with the staff of retired Army General Jesmond Balmer, a senior CIA official in Hawaii, about requests by the Commander-in-Chief Pacific (CINCPAC) for “a number of detailed, time-consuming research studies.” The ORR chief then reports about a CIA “survey of students at the University of Hawaii who have both Chinese language and research ability.” The ORR chief also reports that at a South-East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) Counter Subversion Seminar at Baguio, Philippines held from November 26-29, 1957, the Economic Subcommittee discussed an “economic de- Free American Magazine velopment fund” to combat “Sino-Soviet Bloc subversive activities in the area and a consideration of possible counter-measures which might be employed.” The Thailand and Philippines delegations were pushing hard for U.S. funding for an economic development fund, which may have provided the impetus for later USAID projects in the region, including those with which Peter Geithner and Obama’s mother were intimately involved. Although CIA geo-political covert operations at the University of Hawaii are well-documented, the agency’s darker side of research and MK-UKTRA type operations has not generally been associated with the University of Hawaii. A series of formerly Confidential CIA memoranda, dated May 15, 1972, points to the involvement of both the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the CIA, and the University of Hawaii in the CIA’s behavioral science program. The memos are signed by then-Deputy Director of the CIA Bronson Tweedy, the chief of the Intelligence Community’s Program Review Group (PRG) [name redacted], and CIA Director Richard Helms. The subject of the memos is “ARPA Supported Research Relating to Intelligence Product,” The memo from the PRG chief discusses a conference held on May 11, 1972, attended by Lt. Col. Austin Kibler, ARPA’s Director of Behavioral Research. Kibler was the chief for ARPA research into behavior modification and remote viewing. Others mentioned in the PRG chief’s memo include CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence Edward Proctor, the CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology Carl Duckett, and Director of the Office of National Estimates John Huizenga. In 1973, after CIA Director James Schlesinger ordered a review of all CIA programs, the CIA developed a set of documents on various CIA programs collectively called the “Family Jewels.” Most of these documents were released in 2007 but it was also revealed that Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA’s director of MKULTRA, the agency’s behavior modification, brainwashing, and drug testing component, had been ordered by Helms, before he resigned as CIA director, to be destroyed. Duckett, in one memo from Ben Evans of the CIA to CIA Director William Colby, dated May 8, 1973, conveys that he “thinks the Director would be ill-advised to say he is acquainted with this program,” meaning Gottlieb’s drug testing 23 program under MKULKTRA. Senior Gerald Ford administration officials, including Chief of Staff Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, ensured that after the production of the “Family Jewels” documents, no CIA revelations were made about CIA psychological behavior-altering programs, including MKULTRA and Project ARTICHOKE. The May 15, 1972, set of memos appears to be related to the CIA’s initial research, code named SCANATE, in 1972 into psychic warfare, including the use of psychics for purposes of remote viewing espionage and mind control. The memo discussed Kibler from ARPA and “his contractor,” which was later discovered to be Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. In a memo from CIA Director Helms to, among others, Duckett, Huizenga, Proctor, and the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, which later inherited reote viewing from the CIA under the code name GRILL FLAME, Helms insists that ARPA had been supporting research into behavioral science and its potential for intelligence production ”for a number of years” at “M.I.T., Yale, the University of Michigan, U.C.L.A., and University of Hawaii and other institutions as well as in corporate research facilities.” The role of the University of Hawaii in CIA psych-war operations continues to this day. The chief of research for DIA’s Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center (DCHC) Behavioral Sciences Program, Dr. Susan Brandon, who was reportedly involved in a covert program run by the American Psychological Association (APA), Rand Corporation, and the CIA to employ “enhanced interrogation” techniques, including sleep and sensory deprivation, intense pain, and extreme isolation on prisoners held at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan and other “black prisons,” received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Hawaii. Brandon also served as assistant director of Social, Behavioral, and Educational Sciences for the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the George W. Bush White House. The CIA’s close connections to the University of Hawaii continued to the late 1970s, when the former President of the University of Hawaii from 1969 to 1974, Harlan Cleveland, was a special invited speaker at CIA headquarters on May 10, 1977. Cleveland served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organiza- 24 tion Affairs from 1961 to 1965 and Lyndon Johnson’s ambassador to NATO from 1965 to 1969 before taking up his position at the University of Hawaii. A CIA Director of Training memo dated May 21, 1971, reports on the active recruitment of a U.S. Marine officer who was entering graduate school at the University of Hawaii. The Family of Obama and the CIA There are volumes of written material on the CIA backgrounds of George H. W. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. Bush. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who was supposedly in the furniture business in Hawaii after serving in Europe during World War II). Presidents and vice presidents do not require security background checks, unlike other members of the federal government, to hold office. That job is left up to the press. In 2008, the press failed miserably in its duty to vet the man who would win the White House. With the ties of Obama’s parents to the University of Hawaii and its links to MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE, a nagging question remains: Is Barack Obama a real-life “Manchurian Candidate?” PART 3: August 19, 2010 — SPECIAL REPORT. The Story of Obama: All in the Company — Add one more Obama family member to the CIA payroll. Part III WMR previously reported on the CIA links of President Obama’s mother, father, step-father, grandmother to the CIA. Not much is known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who Obama mistakenly referred to as “his father” in two speeches, one recently to the Disabled American Veterans. What is officially known about Stanley Armour Dunham is that he served with the 9th Air Force in Britain and France prior to and after the D-Day invasion. After the war, Dunham and his wife, Madelyn and his daughter Stanley Ann — Obama’s mother — moved to Berkeley, California; El Dorado, Kansas; Seattle; and Honolulu. Armour Dunham is said to have worked for Free American Magazine a series of furniture stores. Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at panAfrican nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea. Stanley Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr. at welcoming ceremony to Hawaii. The presence of two US Navy personnel indicates the plane may have landed at Hickam Air Force Base, an indication of the U.S. government’s and CIA’s role in the Airlift Africa project. The photograph of Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr., indicates that the “furniture salesman” in Hawaii was, in fact, working with a CIA-funded project to rapidly educate aspiring politicians to serve in post-independence African governments to counter Soviet- and Chinese-backed political leaders in the region. There is a strong reason to believe that Armour Dunham worked in the 1950s for the CIA in the Middle East. An FBI file on Armour Dunham existed but the bureau claimed it destroyed the file on May 1, 1997. Considering the sour relations between the FBI and CIA during the Cold War, it is likely that Armour Dunham was being monitored by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in the same manner as a number of other CIA officials and agents were being surveilled. Similarly, the pre-1968 passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, were destroyed by the State Department. There is a photographic clue that the Dunhams may have been assigned by the CIA to Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s. A photograph of Obama’s mother and grandparents has emerged that shows Stanley Ann Dunham wearing what may be a school uniform with the insignia of “NdJ,” which stands for the College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, a private Jesuit Catholic French language school in Beirut, Lebanon. Graduates of the school include three former presidents of Lebanon, Amine Gemayel, Bashir Gemayel, and Charles Helou, all of whom maintained close relations with Washington. Did Obama’s mother [left] go to a private school in Lebanon in the early 1950s while her father [middle] worked for the CIA in Beirut? There is also the curious nature of President Obama’s Social Security Number, issued in Connecticut, a state where there is no other evidence of his ever being a resident. Adding to the mystery is a New York City address for a “male” named Stanley Ann Dunham, 235 E. 40th St Apt 8F, New York NY 10016-1747. The address is a few blocks away from the address of the Ford Foundation. Ann Dunham did work briefly in New York for the Ford Foundation. On August 9, 2010, WMR reported, “In a December 19, 1971, article in the Boston Globe by Dan Pinck, [a historian and former OSS officer] titled ‘Is everyone in the CIA?’ it is alleged that identifying US Agency for International Development (USAID) officers as CIA agents was a ‘reasonably accurate accounting of certain leading operatives and associates of the CIA.’ President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro worked for USAID in rural Java in Indonesia. Pinck’s article was a review of a 1968 book, ‘Who’s Who in the CIA’ published in Berlin.” WMR has obtained a rare copy of “Who’s Who in the CIA,” from England. The book, published in West Berlin in 1968, lists some 3,000 CIA agents and agents-ofinfluence around the world. The book also contains a reference to one CIA operative whose area of primary place of operation was Mercer Island, Washington. He was retired Air Force General Don Zabriskie Zimmermann, who was the Chief Engineer for the Boeing Company in Seattle. Before retiring from the Air Force, Zimmermann was the Air Force Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Development in Foreign Countries. Ann Stanley Dunham reportedly graduated from Mercer Island High School in 1960 and met Obama later that year in a Russian language class after her parents moved to Hawaii. Stanley Ann’s mother, Madelyn Dunham, worked at a Boeing plant in Wichita, Kansas during World War II. The book lists the number of CIA agents in countries during the 1950s and 60s where Obama’s father, mother, step-father Lolo Soetori, and allegedly, his grandmother and grandfather worked: Indonesia Jakarta 64 Surabaya 12 Medan 8 Hollandia 1 Kenya Nairobi 19 Mombassa 2 Lebanon Beirut 61 (including one agent also assigned to Jakarta, Lahore, and Karachi and another assigned to Lahore) Hawaii Honolulu 6 (one agent also assigned to Canton Island and another was fluent in French, Stanley Ann Dunham spoke French, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesian, and she studied Javanese at the University of Hawaii, in addition to Russian). Democrat, who had 30 years in the military since BEFORE John F. Kennedy, said “I don’t want about this anymore”. It was obvious I had hit a nerve, but this Democrat would not break. What does one say to an ignorant Democrat that never changed his affiliation since JFK was killed in 11-22-63? I know I did and 11 years later I was in the U.S. Secret Service protecting whomever was in office at that time.(Ford, Carter 1974-1977) You see, it doesn’t matter who gets into office, the Secret Service still has to protect who gets elected by the People. What I learned while in the USSS was that the President is just a “political figure” and “Others” may be in charge. Anyway, I struggle daily to see why the Congress still hasn’t done it’s job and if we know the real truth or ALL the facts. I then said good night to my Dad, the “Democrat”. Comment by John Carman Comment by John Carman yesterday You know what most ignorant Democrats say right now??? (Who’s Barry Soetoro?)If Barry Soetoro was NOT born in Hawaii, he could NOT have run for office and Congress would have impeached him by now.Well,.? What other excuses do we have? All those Voters would NOT have voted for an impostor!!(What about all those DEAD People that voted??) False birth Certificate, FAKE Social Security Number, etc....Why are the whistle-blowers just now coming out now? So after I finished talking to this one Free American Magazine 25 The Clintons’ Greatest Shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton! By Robert Morrow email: Oh, yes she is! In 2007 I had a conversation with then TIME reporter Karen Tumulty. I was calling her and asking why TIME was not covering all the dirty tactics and criminal private detective terror campaigns that the Clintons had long used to frighten Bill’s sex victims and former girlfriends into silence. Tumulty astoundingly told me “We are not going to re-litigate the 1990’s.” I then said to Tumulty, well you do know that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton? Tumulty’s response was interesting - she did not deny or challenge this blockbuster assertion but rather just seemed to confirm it by her awkward silence and accepting non denial. Years later I asked a longtime high level Republican operative “How long have you known that Chelsea was the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell?” He said since 1992. Then I asked “Why didn’t you use it in the 1992 presidential campaign?” His answer: “Because I was not running the 1992 campaign.” I then asked “Would you say that most high level Republican and Democratic political operatives know that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell?” This long time GOP operative said: “Yes.” Dave Martin, historian and political commentator known as “DC Dave” on the 26 internet: “First, the evidence that Chelsea is Webb Hubbell’s daughter is strong and has been out there for quite a while. I first heard it from Chris Ruddy around 1994. He said it was all over Arkansas.” Chris Ruddy, a journalist and the owner of NewsMax, was a long time Clinton antagonist. Ruddy has now made some sort of a deal and has “gone over to the dark side” with theClintons, to the puzzlement and dismay of his conservative friends who just shake their heads whenever Ruddy’s name comes up. Free American Magazine Both Gennifer Flowers (privately to someone I know) and Larry Nichols (publicly) have both stated that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell. Both Flowers (14 year affair) and Nichols were very close to Bill Clinton. Larry Nichols, a truth teller on the Clintons, has done a lot of very dirty, highly illegal and even violent things for the Clintons until he broke with them in 1988. Larry Nichols used to be best friends with Raymond Buddy Young, a certified Clinton goon who was head of the Arkansas state troopers under Bill. So if most or all of the high level political and journalistic insiders know that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton, it is time that YOU knew, even if it is 21 years too late because it says a lot about the Clintons, the dysfunctions in their lifestyles, the deceptions they have pulled on people and it perfectly illustrates that Hillary is not some sort of victim of Bill’s epic philandering, but rather an adultery perp herself and a malevolent & cynical force in covering up all this “Jerry Springer” insanity. John McCain once joked in 1998 that Chelsea was the offspring of Hillary and Janet Reno (the dad). McCain actually said “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father.” McCain was a lot closer to the truth than he had any idea. The truth is Chelsea Clinton is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton. The Clintons for years have gone to great lengths to pretend to be something they are not: a family. To this day, Bill often refers to Hillary as his “wife” despite the fact he has been kicked out of her house a long time ago. And Hillary refers to Bill as her “husband” despite the fact that Hillary knew Bill was completely sexually unhinged long before the day she “married” Bill on Oct. 11, 1975. Bill was given some phony award for “Father of the Year” recently and Hillary made sure to skip the ceremony. Chelsea has had plastic surgery to minimize the “gumminess” of her lower lips, which is one of the key tells that big lipped Webb Hubbell is her father. If one looks at Chelsea’s lips and her weak chin from her early teenage years and compares them to Webb Hubbell’s lips and chin, the Hubbell parentage becomes clear. Webb Hubbell, in his autobiography, says that his own father used to say the he had “nigger lips.” Must be an Arkansas saying. Bill Clinton’s own parentage has long been in question. The phony cover story concocted by Bill’s mother Virginia, which is often told and repeated in biographies and at Wikipedia, is that Bill’s father was a traveling salesman, William Jefferson Blythe III, who died in a car wreck 3 months before Bill was born. That is just a bunch of bunk. The reality is that Bill’s mother, known then as Virginia Cassidy, was a nurse who had an affair with a Dr. George Wright of Hope, AR, who is, in fact, the biological father of Bill Clinton. Author John Gartner went to Hope and talked to the old timers, people who had held Bill Clinton as a baby, and he found out in Hope it is pretty much an open secret that Bill Clinton is the bastard son of Dr. George Wright, now deceased. You can read about it in Gartner’s book In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography. Sidenote: author John Gartner worships Bill Clinton. Bill’s mother, later known as Virginia Kelley, was promiscuous party girl who loved to drink, gamble and be chased by men. An ally cat in heat would be a good description of Virginia, who Bill modeled himself after. In the 1992 campaign Bill’s aide Betsy Wright had a list of a whopping 26 women who were potential “bimbo eruptions” who might come forward and say they had had sex with wild Bill. In Clinton terms these were all nuts, sluts & liars. In reality, these were just the tip of the iceberg of the wom- Free American Magazine en who Bill Clinton has had sex with, probably the only ones he could remember off the top of his head. Before we get to the evidence that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton, let’s take an extended tour through the war zone of the Bill and Hillary relationship as well as Bill’s lifetime of unhinged sexual promiscuity and even rapes and serial sexual assaults. Several of Bill’s sex assaults have involved biting the victim’s lips. I can think of at least 3 cases of Bill biting lips of his women victims: Juanita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen and a woman victim from Arkansas who author Roger Morris interviewed at length. It is important to learn about Hillary’s bisexual adulteries as well and her sexual affairs with both Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster. Even though Hillary had Chelsea with Hubbell in 1980 (Feb. 27, 1980 precisely), by the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Vince Foster had become Hillary’s “significant other” - so close that the best description of Hillary and Vince is that they were emotional husband and wife and in a very hot and heavy affair. In order to cover up all this uber dysfunction, the Clintons have used a variety of tactics ranging from terror campaigns, run by nasty so-called “private detectives” (aka goons Jack Palladino, Anthony Pellicano) to public relations and coordinated smear campaigns to terrify Bill’s sex victims and former mistresses into silence. In Hillary’s authoritarian mind these women have the “right to remain silent” because anything they say “can and WILL be used against you.” In other words - shut up or face the wrath of the Hildebeast. Bill and Hillary basically had a dysfunctional 1970’s “open marriage” from day one. A longtime friend of the Clintons who went to their “wedding” says she was “totally floored” when she pushed open the bathroom door and saw “Bill passionately 27 kissing a young woman. He was fondling her breasts. I was so shocked I just closed the door quickly and quietly. They never knew I saw them.” That is how pretty much how it has been for about 40 years: Bill has had sex with (or tried to have sex with) hundreds of women from all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and races. Very attractive women, ugly women, horny women, even unwilling women. The Rolling Stones are not the only ones who like brown sugar. Bill has had perhaps a dozen long term girlfriends who he has cheated with for decades in addition to hundreds of “one night stands.” Bill also has a long history of rape and sexual assault. In 1999 Capitol Hill Blue published an important article titled “Juanita isn’t the only one: Bill Clinton’s long history of sexual violence against women dates back some 30 years” by Daniel Harris and Theresa Hampton. On April 25, 1978, Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton, the state’s highest law enforcement official, raped Juanita Broaddrick (without a condom), and while doing so he savagely bit her top lip to subdue her. Juanita was a county coordinator for Bill and a volunteer in his ’78 gubernatorial campaign. Juanita says she will never forget Bill putting his sunglasses on afterwards then telling her to put some ice on her mangled lips. Bill: “You might want to put some ice on that.” Juanita’s friend Norma Rogers-Kelsay found here in her hotel room after the rape. Juanita says “I was sitting there crying and so upset at the time … I felt like the next person coming through the door [was coming] to get rid of [my] body. I absolutely could not believe what had happened to me.” Reporter Jon Doughtery says Kelsay “found Broaddrick in a state of shock, her lip swollen, mouth bruised, and her pantyhose torn at the crotch.” Kelsay told Fox news on 2/2/99 that Juanita “was hysterical – her lip was blue and bleeding and her hose was severely torn in the crotch area.” Kelsay says Juanita “told me they had intercourse against her will.” Kelsay told NBC News that Juanita was in “quite bad 28 shape” and her “lips were swollen, at least double in size.” Bill raped Juanita twice within a span of 30 minutes. Bill bit Juanita’s lip so hard he almost severed it in half. Then Bill raped Juanita again – for a second time - as he found he could get a new erection. Juanita says: “Then he said, “My God, I can do it again” and he did.” After he raped her, Juanita says “I felt paralyzed and started to cry.” Most significantly, Hillary knew about Bill’s rape of Juanita in real time and helped to cover it up. We know that because Larry Nichols was in the room with Buddy Young when Hillary came running in and said, “You will never believe what the motherfucker [Bill] did now, he tried to rape some bitch!” So, in other words, Hillary did not report Bill to the police. Hillary, interestingly, is the person who founded Arkansas’ first rape crisis center. Instead Hillary showed up at a campaign event and tried to intimidate Juanita into being silent about the savagery that Bill had inflicted on her. Juanita later wrote a public letter (10-15-00) to Hillary, shaming Hillary for her behavior: Juanita said in the letter: “Do you remember how you [Hillary] thanked me, saying “we want to thank you for everything that you do for Bill.” At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement, but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the last eight years. You said, “Everything you do for Bill”. You then released your grip and I said nothing and left the gathering. What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you warning me to continue to keep quiet?” Juanita Broaddrick Juanita said that she became physically ill within seconds of Hillary’s grasping behavior and had to leave the party/rally within minutes. Juanita says, “I could have passed out at that moment and I got my hand from hers [Hillary’s] and I left. She was just holding onto my hand. Because I had started to turn away from her and she held onto my hand and [Hillary] said ‘Do you understand? EVERYTHING that you do,’ cold chills went up my spine.” That’s the first time I became afraid of that woman.” Free American Magazine Rhodes Scholar Bill likely raped a 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone at Oxford in 1969 In 1969, Bill Clinton raped 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone, while he was a Rhodes Scholar. Eileen Wellstone says she was sexually assaulted by Bill after she met him at a pub. A retired State Department employee later anonymously told Capitol Hill Blue in 1999 “There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma … But we were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape.” Bill left Oxford with no degree (96% of Rhodes Scholars get degrees). The information on Eileen Wellstone came out in a very important, and hard to find on the internet, article by Capitol Hill Blue entitled “Juanita isn’t the only one: Bill Clinton’s long history of sexual violence dates back some 30 years” published in 1999 and written by Daniel J. Harris and Theresa Hampton. Here is the web link: web/20070516192906/ Feb1999/022599/clintonwomen022599. htm Biographer Roger Morris recounts another savage assault by Bill Biographer Roger Morris, on page 238 of his book Partners in Power, tells of another savage sexual assault by Bill that involved his lip biting modus operandi for sexual assaults (Juanita was savagely bitten as well). “A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. ‘If you ever approach her,’ he told the governor, ‘I’ll kill you.’ Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.” Have you ever had sex with a Miss America? Well, Bill Clinton probably has raped one: Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Miss America 1982 Elizabeth Ward Gracen has never publicly stated that Bill Clinton raped her. However, Elizabeth has publicly stated that Bill bit her lip. And, more importantly, her friend Judy Stokes has said that Bill in fact *raped* Elizabeth. Investigator Rick Lambert (for Paula Jones lawyers) talked to Judy Stokes who was a close friend to Liz Ward Gracen. Lambert says, “I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half. At first, she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz. But I finally asked, ‘Do you believe Clinton raped her?’ She said , “Absolutely. He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?’ Stokes was totally convinced it was rape.” Here is a tidbit from page 256 from Michael Isikoff’s Uncovering Clinton: A Reporter’s Story about Clinton’s one-night stand with former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen: “According to Gracen’s later account, Clinton flirted with her -- then invited her to the apartment of one of his friends at the Quawpaw Towers. They had sex that night. It was rough sex. Clinton got so carried away that he bit her lip, Gracen later told friends. But it was consensual.” In the late 1990’s as impeachment for Bill was heating up, Elizabeth was subject to a terror campaign to keep her quiet. Here is what Elizabeth said in 1998: “I think [Bill] is a very dangerous, manipulative man and I’ve had to be very careful. There was a lot of pressure on my family and friends, people were being staked out. I was a little bit afraid for my safety at one point. It’s just not an area where you are safe.” [Toronto Star, 9-17-98] “Yes, I was physically scared. We are talking about the presidency of the country here, and between the friendly calls on one hand telling me to get out of town for my own good and then talking about smear tactics on the other, I got scared. Yes, physically scared. There were always veiled threats. Always. I did nothing wrong except one stupid night a long time ago. But now this last year has become very frightening.” Key point: Juanita Broaddrick, Eliza- beth Ward Gracen and the female Arkansas lawyer were all bitten by Bill Clinton. Biting is an old tactic used by rapists to disable their victims into submission; the women have to move their hands off protecting their vagina in an attempt to get the rapist’s teeth out of their lips, thus leaving the vagina exposed for pillage. Here is Alex Jones talking about Bill Clinton’s habit of biting lips when he rapes women. At this point, I should say that the Clintons have used private detectives to run terror campaigns on Bill’s former girlfriends and sex victims to keep them quiet. They Free American Magazine have hired folks such as Ivan Duda, Jack Palladino, Anthony Pellicano and Terry Lenzer to keep a lid on the Clintons’ epic dysfunctions and even criminality. This is has been going on for decades, long before Monica Lewinsky, who the Clintons were ready to destroy as a nut, slut, liar and stalker before Bill’s ejaculate was confirmed on her blue dress. In 1982 when Bill Clinton was running for governor of Arkansas, Hillary Clinton told Little Rock, AR private investigator Ivan Duda: “I want you to get rid of all these bitches he’s seeing … I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control” Have the Clintons ever murdered anyone? I don’t know; but one thing is for sure the Clintons & Raymond Buddy Young sent 3 off duty Arkansas state troopers to beat up and nearly murdered Gary Johnson, who was Gennifer Flowers’s neighbor, on Friday June 26, 1992. Gary Johnson was also the lawyer for former Clinton insider turned antagonist truth teller Larry Nichols. At a time the Clintons were lying about the Gennifer Flowers’s affair, Gary Johnson had a security camera videotape that showed Bill Clinton often coming to Gennifer’s condominium. If that video had been released to the public it could have been a fatal blow to the Clinton campaign because it would have exposed bare all the lies the Clinton campaign was telling about there being no affair with Gennifer Flowers. In fact Bill had a 16 year affair with Gennifer and as late as 2005 Bill was still trying to get that nookie. Gary Johnson told in great detail how he was beaten to a pulp, nearly murdered and left for dead on June 26, 1992 in an interview in the Clinton Chronicles. Go to YouTube and go to the 48 minute mark of 29 the New Clinton Chronicles to see Gary Johnson describe what happened to him by 3 men who looked just like Arkansas state troopers. I have thought for a long time that the same people who beat up and nearly murdered Gary Johnson in 1992 may have been the exact same people who murdered Jerry Parks on September 26, 1993. The Clintons and Raymond Buddy Young have to be considered suspects in the Jerry Parks murder. so a denial does not mean much. Clinton also told me he did not know who Gary Johnson was. Clinton for damn sure knew who Gary Johnson’s client was: Larry Nichols, a longtime Arkansas Clinton insider turned enemy. After I had finished quizzing Bill on the 1992 Gary Johnson beating which he surely authorized and the suspicious 1993 Jerry Parks murder, I looked Bill Clinton in his face and said “Mr. President, you are a sociopath!” As I was walking away Bill actually said “I might be one… but you have no right to tell these lies.” Bill and Hillary are in fact psychopaths: people who use and abuse others with absolutely no conscience. The Clintons for decades have gone to great lengths to cover up their wildly dysfunctional, Jerry Springer style relationship. Criminal intimidation tactics have been a part of the toolbox for that, aside from the usual lying. Did Bill rape Hillary in June, 1979? On top of all of the above, has Bill ever raped Hillary? It is certainly possible; Bill has raped and attacked several women. I know Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick (1978). I am pretty sure he raped Elizabeth Ward Gracen (1982) although she has never publicly stated that, but she has said that Bill bit her lip. Bill probably raped a 19-year-old Eileen Wellstone at Oxford (1969) according to an unnamed State Dept. employee. Edward Klein, in his book The Truth about Hillary, quotes an anonymous New York investment banker who met the Clintons while on vacation in June, 1979. I asked Bill Clinton at a book signing in Austin, TX in 2007 if he had helped to organize the murder of Jerry Parks. Clinton paused and gave a very careful answer of “No.” Bill, of course, is a pathological liar, 30 Free American Magazine The boys were drinking at the hotel bar and Bill, filled with alcohol, announces to his new friends “I’m going back to my cottage to rape my wife.” The next day, Bill, always looking for contributors, calls the banker up for breakfast. The banker and wife come over to the Clintons’ room. The banker says “When we get there the place looks like WWIII. There are pillows and busted up furniture all over the place. Obviously, Hillary’s got pissed at Bill, and threw a few things across the room. I guess that’s the price he paid for going back to his room and taking the initiative and demanding sex.” Hillary was Having Sex with both Webb Hubbell & Vince Foster, her partners at Rose Law Firm One of the great myths of the Clinton relationship is that Hillary was some sort of a victim to Bill’s philandering. In reality Hillary has played the heavy hand, often supervising the hiring of private detective goons to run terror campaigns on Bill’s sex victims and former girlfriends. This is in addition to the fact that Hillary has been quite adulterous in her own right. Hillary was having sex with both Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster. Hillary, Webb and Vince were the “Three Amigos” while Bill Clinton running on an adultery obstacle course that was comparable to that of Wilt Chamberlain, Gene Simmons, John Kennedy, & Lyndon Johnson …4 other Hall of Fame man-whores. It is a mantra among conservative activists that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster; I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this. I categorically reject the theory that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster. This is because I know how close Hillary and Vince were. Hillary and the married Vince were emotional wife and husband and Vince Foster was absolutely obsessed with his relationship with Hillary. This is quite a difficult concept for most men to understand, but it was true. The same state troopers that Bill used to procure himself girls were the same ones that took Hillary and her boyfriend Vince Foster to a get-away cabin in the Arkansas woods (Heber Springs) on weekends. When Bill was out of town, Vince often would come by the Governor’s mansion to see Hillary and stay until the early morning hours. L.D. Brown was one of the Arkansas state troopers closest to Bill Clinton and he describes a small private party at a Chi- nese restaurant: “ …Vince and Hillary were looking like they were in the back seat of a ’57 Chevy at the drive-in. Hillary was kissing Vince like I’ve never seen her kiss Bill, and the same sort of thing was going on with Bill and Beth [Coulson] …[Hillary] traveled with Vince often, once even to London. They were soul mates …” By summer, 1993, Vince Foster, the vice White House counsel in the Clinton Administration, was a very depressed man and in the midst of a full blown psychological melt down. He could not solve all the Clinton legal scandals, his own wife Lisa had moved to Wash DC and was nagging him & Hillary was riding his ass at work and most certainly not giving Vince any “special time.” Webb Hubbell writes about the childish behavior of Vince after a planned dinner with the Hubbells, the Fosters & Hillary Free American Magazine 31 got canceled by Hillary at the last minute on Father’s Day 1993. (Notice how Hillary was not planning to spend time with Bill on Father’s Day…) After Hillary called with the last minute cancel, Hubbell says: “Vince hardly said a word the rest of the evening. Suzy, as much as she loved Vince, thought his behavior was extremely bizarre. “He was sulking,” she said. “It was so uncharacteristic of him.” He pulled his chair back and turned himself away from the rest of the table. He was just like a child who had been promised quality time with a parent, only to have the parent renege when business had called him away.” Vince Foster was in a mode of complete mental breakdown and depression by mid summer 1993 and I think his cratering relationship with Hillary, including her caustic humiliations of Vince, played a big role in his suicide on July 20, 1993. Ron Kessler: “Former FBI agent Coy Copeland was the senior investigator who read the reports of the other agents. According to Copeland, what never came out publicly was that the agents learned that about a week before his death, Hillary Clinton and Foster, who was her mentor at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, held a meeting with other White House aides to go over the health care legislation she was proposing. Those who were present told the FBI agents working for Starr that Hillary violently disagreed with a legal objection Foster raised at the meeting and humiliated Foster in front of the aides, Copeland says. “Hillary put him down really, really bad in a pretty good-size meeting,” Copeland says. “She told him he didn’t get the 32 picture, and he would always be a little hick-town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time.” Based on what “dozens” of others who had contact with Foster after that meeting told the agents, “The put-down that she gave him in that big meeting just pushed him over the edge,” Copeland says. “It was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.” The last man, perhaps the only man, who ever really loved Hillary Clinton, blew his brains out. After Vince Foster killed himself, who do you think Bill comforted himself with that night? It sure was not Hillary. Another one of Bill’s longtime girlfriends Marsha Scott said “I spent the night with Bill in his bed … I had my head in his lap and we reminisced all night long. I’m wearing the same clothes as yesterday and I’m going to have to wear them the whole day again.” Marsha Scott also boasted to her boyfriend Danny Dwyer “I’ve had sex with Bill Clinton every Christmas for 30 years, ever since we were in our early 20’s in Arkansas. It’s my annual Christmas present to him!” In order to understand that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell, one has to understand the dimensions of just how out of control sexually Bill was and how very little sex he was having with Hillary. Bill, amidst his hundreds of affairs, was even having sex with a black lady night manager of McDonald’s in Little Rock. Free American Magazine Larry Nichols, after he was tossed out of the Clinton inner circle and became a antagonist of the Clintons, used to follow Gov. Bill around under “total surveillance.” Larry wanted to know if Bill had a distinguishing characteristic to his anatomy. Larry says: “One of the people I cornered early on, one of the people I had literally seen Clinton with, was this black lady. She was about four foot eight. Now it’s going to sound like I am exaggerating, but I am not. She was about four foot eight and had, yes, blond hair. She weighed between 250 and 260 pounds. She had one or two, I think both front teeth were gold. This is who I caught Bill Clinton with.” [The Larry Nichols Story, p. 94] Larry approached this woman and, using a little duplicity, got her to talk about Bill. She was afraid of losing her job as the night manager at McDonald’s. Two state troopers confirm Larry’s story by saying they took Bill to see this black lady. Larry asked this woman to tell him about Clinton: “And that’s when she told me [Bill] had a very, very small, almost to the point of what you would call deformed, penis. I mean this guy is lacking badly, if you know what I mean. She said he was ‘iddy biddy’, about two inches. Then, she said he had a fetish – he was just a wild man about oral sex. I mean he was just crazy. And then she told of a mole, she called it that, but it’s actually a birthmark, on the outside of his left buttock.” Every Race, Every Tribe, ribe, ONE AMERICA!” Well Regulated American Militias Visit the site here: To join the militias, click here: SignUp Free American Magazine 33 1) Juanita Broaddrick who Bill raped twice without a condom (April 25, 1978) 2) and Gennifer Flowers who Bill had a 14 year affair with 3) and street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams all say Bill hated condoms and absolutely refused to use them. Bill got Gennifer pregnant in late 1977 and he paid $200 for an abortion for her (performed in late January, 1978). Bill told Juanita after he raped her that he had had the mumps as a kid and was infertile so don’t worry about getting pregnant. Bill’s rape of Juanita was just 3 months after Bill had paid for Gennifer’s abortion of their baby. Bill Clinton has never release his medical records. It might be because as Monica Lewinsky has reported, he has herpes. Or it could be his blood type might not match Chelsea’s. Or it might be because Bill’s medical records might reveal multiple bouts with cocaine addiction and treatment. From Hillary’s point of view, one would have to wonder what is swimming around in the Petri dish of Bill’s genitalia. Bill used to have sex with street hookers with no condoms, the sexual version of Russian roulette. As the saying goes, when you have sex with someone, you are also having sex with everyone that person has had sex with. Especially if condoms are not involved. Bobbie Ann Williams, a Little Rock Arkansas street hooker, says she and Bill did cocaine together as well as having a foursome orgy with 2 other street hookers in the country cabin of Bill Clinton’s mother back in the 1983-1984 – while Bill was governor. In Little Rock the projects are about 5 blocks away from the Governor’s Mansion. Bill would go out jogging, then the next thing you know he would be in the bushes with a street hooker being serviced with oral sex. Several years ago I saw Bill on TV touting his Clinton Global Initiatives, one of which is to end HIV/AIDS in the world. Bill remarked that abstinence was not enough, that young kids need access to and education about condoms. 34 Street hooker Bobbie Ann also says that Bill had sex with her when she was 4 months pregnant with his future son. Bobbie Ann said in 1992: “I was still working the street into the fourth month I was carrying Bill’s baby. And Bill got a special kick out of having sex with pregnant women. He said that pregnancy makes gals hotter. When I told him that he was the father of my baby, he just laughed. He rubbed my big belly and said, ‘Girl, that can’t be my baby.’ But I knew it was. I just had this kind of woman’s feeling that this was his child.” – Bobbie Ann Williams Clinton Confidential, p. 179, originally in the Globe (2/17/92), “Mystery Dad of Black Hooker’s Near-White Baby – Wild Bill’s the Father, Claims Ghetto Mom”] Bobbie Ann Williams says Bill sired her son Danny or “Danno,” born in 1985 – which deadbeat dad Bill has never claimed or supported. Lucille Bolton, Danny’s aunt, says the man, now about age 28, is definitely Bill’s son “There’s no buts, there’s no ifs, there’s no supposes about it.” Michael Isikoff in his book Uncovering Clinton, (p. 162) describes some particularly bizarre, disturbing and apparently not uncommon behavior by Bill. An anonymous, but convincing, woman – the wife of a prominent Democrat- told reporter Isikoff what happened when Bill got her in the side room of the Oval Office: The Clintons’ greatest shame is that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell; but in my mind their greatest shame is Bill Clinton having a son with street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams: a son that Bill has never accepted responsibility for and never been there for financially or, more importantly, emotionally. Free American Magazine “Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted- and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”” Bill then started calling this woman at her work; he called her many times in January, 1997, around the time of his 2nd inauguration. The Saga of Arkansas journalist Suzi Parker: Targeted by a terror campaign to silence her reporting on a Clinton scandal Little Rock, AR journalist Suzi Parker “is convinced that Clinton and his associates were behind the intimidation tactics” she received while reporting this very tragic scandal. [Candice Jackson, Their Lives: The Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine, p. 32] Of all the things Bill has done in his life, the selling of HIV and Hepatitis C laced blood of Arkansas prison inmates to Canadians has to be near the top of the list. Over 20,000 Canadians were infected with Hepatitis C and a thousand more were infected with HIV, thanks to deadly tainted Arkansas prison blood. Prisoners sold their blood for $7 in scrip/ pint of blood; The state of Arkansas and Bill’s political friends marked it up and sold it for $50/pint of blood to blood brokers. That is called blood money. The bottom line is Bill and his Arkansas political cronies gave this program political protection long after it was discovered there were severe problems with the Arkansas prison blood program manage- ment in the mid 1980’s. Prisoners were not properly screened for diseases; some prisoners were not paid in cash but in drugs!; an inmate clerk was selling the “right to bleed” to fellow inmates who had been banned because they were already infected with Hepatitis B. [ aspx?entryID=3732 , accessed on 8/24/13] It is a total nightmare and a living hell for the Canadian people infected with Hepatitis C and HIV. I blame this tragedy on a combination of Bill’s incompetence and greed. The Arkansas prison plasma program finally ended in 1994, thank God. For more information look up “Blood Money” (12-24-98) and “Dumping Scandal: the Export of Bad Blood” (2-25-99) by Suzi Parker at After Suzi wrote her exposes on this tragedy and detailed the involvement of Bill and his profiting political friends in this disaster, Suzi began receiving threatening phone calls in the middle of the night which had all the fingerprints of the Clinton intimidation machine. [Their Lives, p.31]] Suzi says she was being watched and followed at a press conference by infected hemophiliacs that Suzi attended : “It was creepy.” [Their Lives, p. 32] In May, 1999, the clinic owned by Arkansas whistleblower Mike Galster was burned to the ground with arson; the same night the hemophiliac group’s office in Canada was burglarized. After the arson, the burglary, being watched and followed, and threatening nighttime phone calls, Suzi Parker quit covering the Arkansas blood scandal out of fear for her life. Were Hillary’s and Bill’s goons behind the criminal intimidation tactics used on Mike Galster, the HIV and Hepatitis C – infected Canadian hemophiliacs, and reporter Suzi Parker? Suzi Parker thinks so. Free American Magazine Every Race, Every Tribe, ribe, ONE AMERICA!” Well Regulated American Militias Visit the site here: To join the militias, click here: SignUp 35 My 2012 interview with Suzi Parker who confirmed that she was a victim of a terror campaign to silence her reporting Robert Morrow Monday Oct. 29th, 2012 Suzi, I have a few questions about your experiences investigating the tainted prison blood scandal in Arkansas. I understand you were a victim of a harassment/intimidation campaign. Is that true? If so, do you think the Clintons were behind it? Or perhaps related business parties who were benefiting from the tainted blood trade? Would you be willing to answer some questions and/ or trade information on your experiences on this story. Sincerely, Robert Morrow (of Austin, TX) Suzi Parker Monday Oct. 29th, 2012 Thanks for the email. I am sorry but that chapter of my journalism career is closed. I was the victim of such a campaign but have nothing else to say on the matter. Thanks again for your interest. Cheers, Suzi The Clinton 1998 Terror Campaign on Kathleen Willey Another example is the frightening harassment of Kathleen Willey just before she was going to give a deposition in the Paula Jones case on Jan. 10, 1998. Goons sent by either the Clintons conducted a terror campaign intent on silencing Willey, whose husband had committed suicide on the same day Kathleen was sexually harassed by Clinton on 11-29-93. Bill made a very aggressive, crude unwanted pass on Kathleen. Kathleen says Bill “forcefully attacked” her and “his hands were all over me. His hands were up my dress.” Conservative activist Melanie Morgan actually got Jack Palladino to admit he was running a terror campaign for Hillary in the Kathleen Willey case: The only regret that I had about the whole thing was that Hillary did not pay me in a timely fashion” - private detective goon Jack Palladino to Melanie Morgan in 2003. Palladino also said “I saved Hillary Clinton’s ass. You’d think she would be more grateful to me.” So classic of the Clintons - they don’t even pay their thugs on time! Palladino is the same guy who go around asking Gennifer Flowers’ neighbors precious questions such as “Is Gennifer Flowers the sort of person who would commit suicide?” There was an excellent 2007 World Net Daily article on the Palladino revelations. The other private detective goon the Clintons used was the notorious Anthony Pellicano who is now sitting in jail in Texas and serving a 15 year sentence. Basically half of Hollywood was using Pellicano to terrorize the other half of Hollywood and it finally caught up with Pellicano. The Clintons used Pellicano in the 1992 campaign. Pellicano or more likely Jack Palladino was probably the one who broke the car back windshield of Sally Perdue and left shotgun shells in her driver’s seat. Author Christopher Andersen: “First on Palladino’s list was former Miss Arkansas Sally Perdue. He contacted dozens of friends and relatives until he unearthed one eager to go on the record attacking her virtue. Palladino was not Perdue’s only problem. She was also receiving threatening letters, including one that read, ‘Marilyn Monroe got snuffed.’ When the rear windshield of her Jeep was shattered by a shotgun blast, Perdue fled the country.” 36 Free American Magazine As for Kathleen Willey, the terror campaign of witness tampering against Kathleen occurred in the months before her deposition in the Paula Jones case which was scheduled for 1-10-98. Someone shot a nail gun many times into 3 of her car tires. (They were shot into the sidewalls of the tires, so it is obvious Kathleen did not run over some nails.) It was vandalism with intent to terrorize. Here is Kathleen telling author Candice Jackson about this psychological terrorism: “I remember standing at the tire place,” she told me, “on a warm September day, waiting for them to fix my car.” The mechanic approached her saying “It looks like someone has shot out all your tires with a nail gun; is there someone out there who does not like you?” I can hear the shiver in her voice as she says, “That really got my attention; that’s when I started getting worried.” [Candice Jackson, Their Lives: the Women Targeted by the Clinton Machine, p. 153] Kathleen’s cat of 13 years, Bullseye, mysteriously disappeared. The next morning after she had given her deposition, Kathleen found the severed head of a small animal on her front porch - a few feet away and facing her. (Sellout, p. 118). Willey in her own words says she was “very, very, very frightened” [Their Lives, p. 154] That is 3 “verys” quoted verbatim. Also, on Jan 8th, 1998, just two days before her deposition, a menacing stranger man approached her and asked her about her car tires, her missing cat Bullseye and her children – by name. He said “Don’t you get the message?” Here is what Kathleen told CNBC’s Chris Matthews: “He asked me, ‘Did you ever find your cat [Bullseye]?’ And I said, “No, I haven’t and we really miss him.’ Then he said ‘Did you ever get your tires fixed on your car?’ And I said ‘No’ and that’s when the hair really started standing up on my neck.” The menacing stranger then said “That cat, he was a nice cat. Bullseye was his name, wasn’t it?” Kathleen added, “He asked me about my children by name. He said, ‘How are your children, Shannon and Patrick?’ It was a very insidious thing and it was meant to scare me.” Private investigator Jared Stern said in March, 1998 that he was asked by Robert Miller (then head of a private investigation firm Prudential Associates) to do a noisy investigation of Kathleen Willey – looking at her phone records, finding if she took medication, going through her trash. A “noisy” investigation was meant to scare and intimidate Kathleen. Miller was working at the behest of the lawyer of Nathan Landow (a huge Democratic fundraiser). Robert Miller told Jared Stern that the “WHITE HOUSE” was behind the intimidation campaign request. [p. 381, Uncovering Clinton] ABC News Jackie Judd interviewed Jared Stern’s lawyer Edward Bouquet: Bouquet: “I think he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do something that he wasn’t comfortable with.” Jackie Judd: “ Bouquet claims Stern was so uncomfortable he called Willey and left a message – using an alias – warning her that someone wanted to do her harm …”[ABC News, 2-1-99] Jared Stern left a phone message to Kathleen and he said “My name is Kirk, and I just want to warn you, there are people out there who want to hurt you.” In fact, this was a part of the psychological terror campaign of witness tampering that Hillary’s agents were waging on Kathleen. First Lady Hillary was engaging in witness tampering – a felony. Two days after Kathleen’s deposition (1-10-98) in the Paula Jones case, Hillary’s goons were at it again (1-12-98): “On Monday, two days after I was deposed, I was home alone. Just as the sun was coming up, I opened my front door to let my dogs out. On the porch in front of me was a new horror. A small animal skull was lying on the bricks staring at me. It was bare bone, empty, dry, sitting a few feet from the door. It was the size of a cat’s skull. I thought of Bullseye. Had they killed my wonderful old cat?” [Kathleen Willey, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p.125] Kathleen Willey sums the criminal intimidation campaign: “They threatened my children. They threatened my friend’s children. They took one of my cats and killed another. They left a skull on my porch. They told me I was in danger. They followed me. They vandal- Free American Magazine ized my car. They tried to retrieve my dogs from a kennel. They hid under my deck in the middle of the night. They subjected me to a campaign of fear and intimidation, trying to silence me.” [Kathleen Willey, Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p. x] Bill Clinton told Gennifer Flowers in definitive terms that Hillary was a lesbian Hillary can be summarized as: 1) Vince Foster was her boyfriend and emotional husband who blew his brains out when things were not going well with Hillary in July, 1993 2) Webb Hubbell, her other law partner, is the biological father of Chelsea (Feb., 1980) and on top of that 3) Hillary is a lesbian (bisexual) with many affairs with women. In other words: all of the above. You can read Dave Martin’s informative essay on this topic, Is Hillary Clinton a Lesbian? Answer: Yes. Gennifer Flowers describes Bill’s response when Gennifer asked Bill if Hillary were a lesbian: “There’s something you need to know. I’ve been hearing tales around town that Hillary is having another thing with a woman.” I watched his face to see his reaction, and couldn’t believe it when he burst out laughing. I was stunned! I asked him what was so funny. “Honey,” he said, “she’s probably eaten more pussy than I have.” Bill said he had known for a long time that Hillary was attracted to women, and it 37 didn’t really bother him anymore. His first clue came from her lack of enjoyment of sex with him. She didn’t like to experiment and insisted on the missionary position and nothing else. Because she wasn’t enjoying herself; neither was he. Sex with her became a duty; nothing more.” [Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, p.42] In fact, Bill would often respond to his buddies who questioned his massive amounts of affairs by saying “Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have.” Hillary was also outed at the “1993 March on Washington for Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Rights and Liberation” rally which was held on 4-25-93. (By the way, Bill had raped Juanita Broaddrick on the same day April 25th fifteen years earlier in 1978. Hillary helped to cover up that rape.) Nancy Pelosi read to the gay marchers a letter of support from Bill: http://www.qrd. org/qrd/events/mow/ At some point a lesbian activist stood on the main stage on national TV CSPAN - in front of hundreds of homosexual activists - joyfully outed Hillary as a fellow lesbian! She said: “I’m going to tell you a secret. Hillary Clinton has had a lesbian affair. At last we have a First Lady in the White House that we can fuck!” [Texe Marrs, Big Sister is Watching You, 38 The next day Rush Limbaugh had a field day discussing this on his radio show … with NO denials from the White House. Republican insider Jack Wheeler had reported very early in the Clinton Administration that his Secret Service sources were telling him that Hillary was a full blown bisexual. Jack Wheeler said: “My sources indicate that Hillary Clinton is bisexual and fools around more than her husband. The stories you hear from the Secret Service, detailed to guard her, are mind boggling … It is Hillary that is pushing the White House’s homosexual agenda.” [Jack Wheeler, Strategic Investment newsletter, 2-93] Wheeler was reporting this a mere 20 days into the first Clinton Administration back in 1993 and before the April gay rights rally. Of course, the folks back in Arkansas had known since the 1970’s that Hillary was a switch hitter. Also, then there was a prominent Washington, D.C. veterinarian who was visiting the White House to treat Socks the cat and “had opened the wrong door and discovered Hillary locked in a passionate embrace with another woman.” [Jerry Oppenheimer, State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton, p. 218] Free American Magazine The person spreading this story was a Bill loyalist who had defended him to the max during impeachment. Back in Arkansas in the early days, when Paul Fray had confronted Hillary with the lesbian “rumors” about her, Hillary tellingly did not deny them and only responded “Fuck this shit.” [Jerry Oppenheimer, State of a Union, p.219] Bill Lost the Nuclear Launch Codes at peak of Monica Lewinsky crisis January 21, 1998 The next time someone tells you that the Clintons’ “personal private sex lives” of Olympian levels of dysfunction have no bearing on how they perform in office, just tell them about the time Bill LOST THE NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES at the peak of the Monica Lewinsky crisis, which was a crisis Bill created by lying in his Paula Jones case depositions. The Lewinsky scandal broke on the Drudge report on January 17, 1998. By January 21 - four days later - Bill had lost the nuclear launch codes, which are about the size of a credit card. Air Force Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson, a military aide whose job was to carry the “nuclear football,” describes the scene where Bill told his military aides, “I don’t have mine on me. I’ll track it down, guys, and get it back to you.” [Buzz Patterson, Dereliction of Duty, p. 56] Later, after his aides had turned the White House upside down looking for the USA nuclear launch codes, Bill “finally threw up his hands and said casually, ‘I just can’t find it … don’t know where it is.’” [Buzz Patterson, Dereliction of Duty, p. 57] The Telegraph: Gen Hugh Shelton, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time, said in his new memoir, “Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior” that “the codes were actually missing for months. That’s a big deal -- a gargantuan deal.” Israel’s Mossad was taping Bill’s phone sex masturbation with Monica Lewinsky Sexual blackmail in the world of espionage and intelligence is very real. Finding a weakness in a target’s sex life is often used as a way of gaining critical information or even blackmailing and controlling the behavior of a target. The higher level the target, the bigger the payoff. asked about their phone sex, she should say that they knew that their calls were being monitored all day long, and the phone sex was a put on.” [Gideon’s Spies, p.104] Also, on March 29, 1997, besides discussing the fact that their phone sex was being taped by foreign intelligence, Bill ejaculated in oral sex with Monica and he manually stimulated Monica to 4 orgasms, which cues us in to what his priorities were. [Toobin, A Vast Conspiracy, p. 111] Gordon Thomas, in his book Gideon’s Spies, (p.103) says that the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, was taping Bill’s phone sex with Monica Lewinsky. Danny Yatom, the head of the Mossad, sent a spy team in March, 1997, to Washington D.C. based on reports “that President Clinton was repeatedly indulging in phone-sex calls with a former White House aide, Monica Lewinsky … Knowing the White House was totally protected by electronic counter-measures, the yahalomin team focused on Lewinsky’s apartment. They began to intercept explicit phone calls from the president to Lewinsky. The recordings were couriered by diplomatic bag to Tel Aviv.” Ken Starr in the Starr Report says that on March 29, 1997 “[Bill] told [Monica] that he suspected a foreign embassy … was taping his telephones. If anyone ever the Year” and the “wife” not even bother to show up? Hillary in fact was named the 1984 Arkansas Mother of the Year. While she was on stage accepting the award, the Arkansas state trooper who had to deal with her daily abuse and nastiness was back stage and he remarked to his buddies that Hillary should have been given the “motherfucker of the year” award… Bill Clinton officiated at the wedding of Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin in 2010 - What could possibly go wrong? Bill Clinton named “Father of the Year” by National Father’s Day Committee 2013 The Clintons know they have a big problem with the “fatherhood thing.” So in 2013 Bill Clinton hilariously accepted an award as “Father of the Year” from a microscopic group called the National Father’s Day Committee. Of course, it is a phony award - the same group crowned John Edwards in 2007 as “Father of the Year” - granted before Edwards blew his personal life to smithereens by having a baby with his mistress Rielle Hunter while his wife was dying of cancer. The striking thing about Bill getting this award was not Chelsea, who will inherit all the Clinton hundreds of millions, showing up to say how great Bill is, but that Hillary pointedly did NOT attend the awards ceremony. In what other family would the “husband” be named “Father of Free American Magazine In 2010 Bill Clinton conducted the ceremony at the wedding of Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin, who is a top aide to Hillary Clinton. What could possibly go wrong with that situation? Why not Ron Jeremy being the master of ceremonies? It has long been rumored that Huma Abedin, Hillary’s body woman, was a lipstick lesbian mistress of Hillary. I used to think that … but now after her marriage to Weiner and childbirth, I tend to doubt it. I guess I was wrong on that one. However, I have learned never to underestimate the sexual dysfunction and adultery in the Clintons and the people who closely associate with them. Anthony Weiner, aka “Carlos Danger,” went on to humiliate himself by sending pictures of his penis across the internet to stranger women. And he kept engaging in this bizarre, Clintonesque behavior even while he was married and with a wife and baby and was planning to run for Mayor of New York City. Weiner seems to be modeling himself after Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, playing the role of the perpetually humiliated, enabling wife, is obviously modeling herself after Hillary. Why are the Clintons and Bushes so Chummy? Answer: Permanent Liability from Iran-Contra with all its epic CIA Drug running, Money Laundering and Murders to Cover it all up Bill Clinton has been a CIA asset since he was an informer for them on his anti-war buddies at Oxford in 1968.George Herbert 39 Walker Bush, who helped to organize the Bay of Pigs invasion, has been CIA since at least the early 1960’s, probably the mid 1950’s. The building at CIA HQ is in fact named after GHW Bush. (Sidenote: Poppy Bush is on the record saying he can’t rememeber where he was when JFK was murdered in Dallas - in fact US Senate candidate Bush was staying in the Dallas Sheraton on 11/21/63). CIA Cord Meyer told GOP insider Jack Wheeler, “We recruited Bill [Clinton] the first week he was at Oxford. Bill’s been an asset of the Three Bad Words ever since.” The Clintons, the Bushes, Oliver North and the CIA were all heavily involved in the CIA drug trade of Iran-Contra. Supposedly it was to help the Nicaraguan contras, but you can bet they were skimming tens of millions off the top. Because of all this epic shared liability and crime history, the Bushes & the Clintons are always propping of each up politically. For example Bill and George W. Bush did PR work on Haiti. Another example would be Jeb Bush giving Hillary Clinton a ”Liberty Medal” from the National Constitution Center. 40 It is why Jenna Bush makes comments like this: “I’m not sure if you know this, but Secretary Clinton and I are actually related. Yes, she is married to my uncle Bill. Uncle Bill has become so close with my grandparents and my father… that my dad calls him a brother from another mother.” The Clintons and the Bushes got married during Iran-Contra. The Bushes call Bill “Bubba.” Like Christopher Hitchens, I just call him “Rapist.” (Hitchens on Hillary: “Indifferent to truth, willing to use police-state tactics and vulgar libels against inconvenient witnesses, hopeless on health care, and flippant and fast and loose with national security: The case against Hillary Clinton for president is open-and-shut.”) There are 5 good books to read about the Clintons, the Bushes and the epic CIA drug smuggling of Iran-Contra. Read them and you will never look at the American politics in the same way again - I guarantee that! Those 5 books are 1) Compromised: Clinton , Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed (1994) 2) The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider by Al Martin (2000) 3) arguably the most important book in modern American politics: Barry & the Boys: The CIA, the Mobe and America’s Secret History by Daniel Hopsicker (2001) 4) The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories by Ambrose EvansPritchard (1997). 5) Mystery Babylon, The New World Order Unveiled by Clayton R, Douglas, the publisher of the Free American Magazine who exposed Bush’s OPERATION WATCHTOWER 25 years ago. Bill Clinton & George Herbert Walker Bush both had close relationships with CIA Drug Smuggler Barry Seal who was murdered in 1986 Author Daniel Hopsicker concluded that Oliver North arranged for the murder of CIA drug smuggler Barry Seal on February 19, 1986. I agree, except that I would add that both then Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush and his son Jeb Bush were also part of the plot to murder Barry Seal. The reason for Seal’s murder is that Barry Seal, facing criminal charges in Louisiana and looking at a massive tax liability to the IRS, was a threat to plea bargain to authorities and give up much bigger names and bust Iran-Contra wide open. Seal was a threat to talk that had to be silenced. As it occurred, Iran-Contra did bust open in Free American Magazine the fall of 1986 with the downing of a CIA plane carrying Eugene Hasenfus over Nicaragua on Oct. 5, 1986. Barry Seal, with his squadron of custom designed drug planes, was running drugs for the CIA, the Bushes, the Clintons & Oliver North. It was a $billion/year drug trade. Al Martin worked closely with Jeb Bush during Iran-Contra. Here is how Al describes the scene in his must read book The Conspirators: Confessions of an IranContra Insider (p. 201): When Jeb Bush, Oliver North and Dewey Clarridge once spoke about an individual, North laughed and said, “Well, we haven’t decided how we will rule his demise yet - whether it will be accident, natural causes, or suicide.”” Daniel Hopsicker’s seminal book Barry and the Boys: The CIA, the Mob and America’s Secret History is a must read for anyone interest in American history of politics. In a nutshell, the elites of the both the Republican and Democratic parties were heavy into the CIA drug trade in the 1980’s. Bill Clinton had gotten his favorite state trooper L.D. Brown into the CIA. Brown, a non-corrupt person, was put on a roundtrip flight to Central American with the CIA’s Barry Seal (CIA contractor as most operatives are). Brown was mortified to discover to cocaine coming back on the roundtrip to Arkansas. An infuriated Brown later confronted Clinton. Clinton’s reply: “That’s [Dan] Lasater’s deal! That’s Lasater’s deal! And your buddy [VP George Herbert Walker] Bush knows about it!” That Clinton quote is my favorite quote in modern American politics and I think it sums up the situation nicely. Now do you understand why Jeb Bush awards a “Liberty Medal” to Hillary Clinton for her supposed support of the Constitution? The Clintons got married to the Bushes during Iran-Contra and those marital vows - unlike the Bill/Hillary marital vows, will never be broken. Too much permanent li- ability, including murders, is sitting on the table. A Hillary/Jeb 2016 presidential race would be “heads they win” and “tails the American people lose” proposition. The Bushes and the Clintons need desperately need each other in order to protect themselves from the rest of America who should have put both families in jail a long time ago. Bill Clinton has been CIA since he was recruited at Oxford in fall, 1968. GHW Bush has been CIA since before the Bay of Pigs operation, which he helped to organize in 1961. Barry Seal - until his murder by the US government in 1986 - had worked with the CIA since before this photo below was taken with him and other Operation 40 operatives in Mexico City in the early 1960’s. The Clintons are every bit as ruthless as the Bushes and vice versa. People ask, have the Clintons ever murdered anyone? Besides all the folks who got torched at Waco in 1993, the murder of Jerry Parks on September 26, 1993, may very well have been a Bill Clinton/Raymond Buddy Young murder. Jerry Parks was in the 1980’s CIA drug trade and working for the Clintons. Parks, also a private investigator, was hired by Hillary and Vince Foster to spy on Bill and document his womanizing when Hillary was thinking about divorcing Bill around 1990 or so. That was when Bill was having a spectacularly flagrant affair with Mary Jo Jenkins. In summer 1993, Jerry Parks was in an $80,000 billing dispute with the Clintons. Parks had not been paid his money from the 1992 campaign and he was most definitely not a happy camper and he was someone who knew more damaging dirt (personal, political, criminal) on the Clintons than just about anyone on earth. If Bill Clinton murdered Parks, he would have used Raymond Buddy Young, then the #2 man at FEMA, and Arkansas state troopers to do it. Here is a web link on the Jerry Parks murder. I am 100% certain that Bill used Buddy Young and his inner circle state troopers to beat up and nearly murder Gary Johnson on June, 26, 1992, in order to keep a lid on the Gennifer Flowers sex scandal. It is reasonable to think that the same Arkansas state troopers that beat Gary Johnson to a pulp, were the same ones who murdered Jerry Parks, more out of fear he would reveal Clinton CIA drug dealing secrets than merely Bill’s epic womanizing, an open se- Free American Magazine cret in Arkansas for decades. Webb Hubbell? He is the biological father of Chelsea Clinton. This is the Clintons’ Greatest Shame. I have had to walk the reader through a sampling of the epically dysfunctional relationship of the Clintons and the often criminal intimidation tactics they have used to cover up this chaos. This context is important for understanding that the Clintons have not had much sex even in the early years of their “marriage.” Here are some of my favorite Clinton quotes: “C’mon, Bill put your dick up. You can’t fuck her here.” - Hillary to Bill at a political event. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I know who that whore is. I know what she’s here for. Get her out of here.” Hillary referring to one of Bill’s girlfriends. “These women are all trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.” - Hillary “I need to be fucked more than twice a year!” Hillary to Bill in the 1980’s. Here are some more quotes from that precious dumpling Hillary that give you a flavor of her relationship with Bill. Bill Clinton’s blatant and rampant sexual promiscuity has been well known for decades in Democratic circles. “Pamela Harrimon told Bob Schrum that Bill had a “zipper problem.” “She recalled how he stayed over at her Georgetown home several times, and on one occasion come in late with a woman and they spent the night together.” Hillary, in the early years of her faux marriage with Bill, refused to take the Clinton name and insisted on being called by her maiden name Hillary Rodham. It was only for political reasons and after a crushing 1980 governor’s race loss that Hillary put “Clinton” as her last name and cleaned up her personal appearance. So, if Hillary was not having sex with Bill Clinton then who was she having sex with? Answer: Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster and a string of lesbian lovers. Hillary, like many other prominent politicians-- (Obama [Larry Sinclair], GHW Bush [the Franklin pedophile ring scandal], George W. Bush [Victor Ashe, likely Jeff Gannon, Leola McConnell revelations], Rick Perry [see Glen Maxey’s book], Lyndon Johnson [bisexual LBJ had sex with his grandmother Ruth Ament Huffman as well], & probably John Kennedy & Richard Nixon [Bebe Rebozo] as well) -- is bi- 41 sexual. Larry Nichols, a longtime close aide to Bill, swears that Hillary and Webb had an affair. Larry says Hillary interrupted a meeting of Bill and his advisors in 1978. Hillary said “Bill, what are you doing?” Bill replied “Hill, I’m gonna run for governor!” Hillary immediately replied “I gotta get in Rose … I’m gonna fuck Hubbell.” Hillary was probably referring to making partner at Rose Law firm because she was already an associate at that time. Chelsea Clinton in fact bears a striking resemblance to Webb Hubbell. She has very big lower lips and a weak chin … just like Hubbell. Bill has thin lips and a strong chin. The resemblance of Chelsea and Hubbell is most pronounced in pictures of Chelsea as a young teenager. The adult Chelsea has had plastic surgery to take out the Hubbell gumminess of her lower lips. Here are some more before and after plastic surgery pictures of Chelsea. Here is a comparison photo of Chelsea and Hubbell. 42 Here is a morph of Chelsea and Hubbell at FreeRepublic- Scroll to post #207. Here is another Chelsea/Hubbell morph: In summer 1979 Bill found out that Hillary was pregnant by reading about it in the newspaper Arkansas Gazette which covered the press conference of Hillary’s doctor, not by being told by Hillary. One of Bill’s donor friends told this amazing anecdote to author Edward Klein. Edward Klein in his book The Truth about Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President (p. 91), quotes an investment banker who Clinton met in Bermuda on vacation: “The irony of it is, about two months later the phone rings in my office in Wall Street. It’s Clinton, calling from the governor’s mansion in Little Rock. I’ve heard he’s been hitting up Wall Street a lot. Investment bankers are always targets for governors looking for a contribution or two. “Anyway, we talk for a while, and then he says, ‘By the way, Hillary hasn’t been feeling well recently. She went to the doctor, and the doctor called a press conference, and lo and behold, I’m holding the Arkansas Gazette reading that my wife is pregnant.’ “That’s the way he learns Hillary is pregnant with Chelsea - in the newspaper.” In what other “family” in America does the so-called “wife” (Hillary) hold a press conference to announce her pregnancy and not even tell her “husband” (Bill) that she is pregnant with what is presumed to be their first child? In what family does the husband have to read the paper to find out his wife is pregnant? Unless, of course, the child is not Bill’s seed. Also, when Bill left the presidency in Jan, 2001, he pardoned everyone else, including Marc Rich and big time drug dealers …. but he sure did not pardon Webb Hubbell. Hillary and Bill were fond of saying that sex is mentioned over 500 times in the 473-page Starr Report, while Whitewater is not often mentioned. In Webb Hubbell’s 332-page book Webb uses the word “Hillary” 396 times. Webb says that he and Vince were “mesmerized” by Hillary and that “Bill wasn’t much of a presence in our lives.” Hillary and Hubbell appear to be sending subtle messages involving Chel- Free American Magazine sea and their relationship to each other in their respective books. Hillary, in her book It Takes a Village, says that “a burly exfootball player” gave her advice on how to hold Chelsea as a baby: “Think of a baby like a football and hold it tight.” Hillary is probably referring to Hubbell who played as an offensive tackle for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Hillary may have seen burly Hubbell as a father figure similar to her dad Hugh Rodham, a tough guy Navy drill instructor who played football at Penn State. In the 1980 Arkansas governor’s race, Hillary, who had had baby Chelsea on 2/27/80, who had been so active before in Bill’s political maneuvers, withdrew from campaigning as Bill’s political fortunes were going down the tubes in that campaign. On the night Bill lost the 1980 Arkansas’s governor’s race, Webb says he and Vince were watching Hillary on TV and “I think both of us wanted to wrap her in our arms and comfort her.” (Hey, isn’t that Bill’s job – in theory?) When Bill was elected president in 1992, Hillary tried to make Bill promise to appoint Hubbell to the U.S. Supreme Court if a vacancy occurred. Hillary had ordered Bill to give Webb an interim appointment as the chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court: “Well goddam it Bill he’s my friend, you can appoint him by law, so do it!” – said Hillary according to L.D. Brown. Webb got the Arkansas Supreme Court appointment. After Bill was elected President in 1992, Hillary made sure that Hubbell was placed in the #3 spot at the Justice Department. Here is a 1998 review in Commentary of Webb Hubbell’s book. In his book Friends in High Places, Hubbell makes a special point of mentioning Chelsea when he says how successful he felt looking out at her from the living room of his big house in the summer: “On summer evenings, I could sip a drink in my big living room and look out at children- including the Fosters’ and the Clintons’, when Chelsea got big enoughbouncing happily on a trampoline in the shade of my big oak trees. Such a scene made me feel successful.” My take: that is a subtle “shout out” from Hubbell to Hillary and Chelsea. Just as Hillary’s comment on “a burly football player” who told her to hold the baby like a football was a nod to Hubbell. In his book Hubbell emphasizes how close he, Vince Foster and Hillary were both professionally and socially. See page 55: they used to lunch often, the Three Amigos would even attend race lingerie shows together; the wives of Hubbell and Vince would get phone calls from biddies tattling on their socializing with Hillary. Key line: “Vince and I were mesmerized by her. She was like nobody we had ever been around before. Bill wasn’t much of a presence in our lives.” [emphasis added](p. 56). Bill for four decades has been sickly hyper promiscuous. In the 1970’s and 1980’s cocaine Bill was sexually promiscuous to the google power. Bill literally was making out with a woman not named Hillary in the bathroom of his 1975 wedding reception. Gennifer Flowers tells about the time that Bill tried to have sex with her ... at his and Hillary’s 10th “wedding” anniversary party in 1985. Bill would brutally, cruelly and openly humiliate Hillary in front of other women. Sally Perdue and Susan McDougall were 2 other of Bill’s numerous flames during this era. Sally Perdue, pictured below jogging with her daughter Myra in 1979, was later subjected to a vicious Clinton terror campaign in 1992. The back window of her Jeep was smashed in and shotgun shells were placed on her drivers’ seat. Perdue was also receiving letters saying “Marilyn Monroe was snuffed.” Pressure was placed on the school were she worked at to fire her. All this was emanating from the Clintons and their nasty private detectives - either Pellicano or Palladino was behind this. Sally Perdue literally had to leave the USA and went to China for a period to escape the intimidation campaign. Sidenote: Bill was so addicted to cocaine during this period that he used so much his head itched all the time; his brother Roger Clinton was caught on an undercover police videotape saying that he needed to get more cocaine because his brother Gov. Bill “has a nose like a vacuum cleaner.” The fact that Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell - and she is - is the Clintons’s most shameful secret. This fact is so discrediting to the notion of Hillary as some sort of innocent victim of Bill’s decades long epic, unhinged and blatant philandering. The Clintons for decades have tried to cover up who they actually are. “Husband and wife” as they tell us with a straight face today? Bill? A husband of Hillary? Bill is not even the biological father of Chelsea. Bill and Hillary are extremely embar- rassed about and sensitive about this issue and it is not because they care about Chelsea’s feelings. Bill would not behave like he has for 30 years if he cared about Chelsea’s feelings. When the Monica Lewinsky affair busted wide open, Chelsea was so overcome with physical distress that she had to be taken to the Stanford infirmary. In 2007 I had a talk with Karen Tumulty, then a reporter for TIME. I called her to discuss the Clintons’ terror campaigns and why the media should cover this basic issue: Tumulty’s response was we are not going to re-litigate the 1990’s. Then I said well you know Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton. Tumulty’s response was a pregnant pause and she did not even lift a finger to challenge me on that bold assertion. Also, based on Susan Estrich’s public comments about the Clintons not having secrets anymore, I am convinced Estrich, Tumulty and scores of other journalists and political insiders know that Webb Hubbell, and not Bill Clinton is the biological father of Chelsea. It is one of the Clintons’ ugliest secrets. In 2013 I asked a well-known Republican political operative who has spent a lot of time at high levels in GOP politics “How long have you known that Webb Hubbell was the biological father of Chelsea Clinton?” He said he had known that since 1992. I said why didn’t the Republicans use that as an issue in 1992? Reply: he wasn’t running the 1992 presidential campaign. The Clintons have been in the national eye for 25 years and I have never seen this precious little nugget about Chelsea’s bastard lineage reported in the MSM. And don’t tell me it’s because kids are not fair game in political discourse. Politicians use kids and glowing wives as testimony for their fitness all the time. I remember a Clinton video from the 1992 campaign will Hillary just gushing about Bill saying he’s the kind of guy who just makes you feel happy all the time. In 1989 Bill wanted to divorce Hillary and marry one of his girlfriends, Mary Jo Jenkins, but Hillary would not let him, according to author Carl Bernstein. At the same time Bill was conducting cavity probes of Monica Lewinsky with cigars in 1996, Hillary was telling TIME that the Clintons were hoping to have another child. My response, they have never had one in the first place. Terry McAuliffe, a key Clinton in- Free American Magazine sider and #1 fundraiser makes a point in his book What a Party! of gratuitously describing Chelsea as resembling Bill in a receiving line at a New Year’s Eve party on 12/31/99: “The mother-daughter resemblance was strong, now that Chelsea was a poised, beautiful young woman, but then you looked over at the President and saw Chelsea’s strong resemblance to him as well.” I am not buying it. That just tells me the Clintons have enlisted McAuliffe in the cover up about Chelsea and whence she came. Vince Foster, like McAuliffe & any Clinton insider, would have been highly acute to this topic and worried about the fallout that any revelation about Chelsea being the daughter of Hubbell would have. In early 1993 Webb Hubbell was given the #3 spot, associate attorney general, at the Justice and it was subject to Senate confirmation. Vince Foster knew a Senate confirmation of Hubbell was dangerous because certain embarrassing facts about Hubbell and Hillary might come out in the process. Carl Bernstein in his book A Woman in Charge gets close to this, “Foster vaguely repeated his fear that the confirmation process would hurt Hillary. He seemed to know something that Nussbaum didn’t.” So in sum, Bill Clinton learned about the pregnancy of Hillary by reading about a press conference of Hillary’s doctor in the Arkansas Gazette in summer 1979. He and Hillary had an epically dysfunctional 1970’s relationship that was more faux marriage than “open marriage.” Hillary stated in 1978, with Larry Nichols present, that she was going to fuck Webb Hubbell to make partner at Rose Law Firm. Both Webb Hubbell and a teenage Chelsea have very big gummy lower lips and weak chins. Chelsea as an adult has had plastic surgery specifically to reduce the gumminess of her lips. Vince Foster (Hillary’s other boyfriend and emotional husband) was worried about damaging information relating to Hillary that would come out in the Senate confirmation process of Webb Hubbell as associate attorney general. It is the Clintons’ greatest shame: Chelsea is the biological daughter of Webb Hubbell and not Bill Clinton. END 43 h t t p : / / w w w. v e t e r a n s t o d a y. com/2013/04/16/rumored-dead-black-opsnsa-cia-gene-chip-tatum-alive/ THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection By Gene Chip Tatum and Stew Webb During 1983, Colby established contact again advising him he would shortly be contacted by “a man called North.” This, as Tatum was to later discover was none other than Lt. Col. Oliver North – the central architect of America’s Nicaraguan Contra campaign. Besides fighting a covert war, North was also the link-man in much, much dirtier work. The “Contragate” years teem with well documented accounts of illicit wholesale gun running and dope smuggling. The expose series published in Autumn 1996 by the San Jose Mercury Post, entitled the “Dark Alliance,” openly finger-points at the CIA and the Reagan administration for turning a blind-eye to massive Cocaine smuggling. Moreover, the series of articles claim that the explosion of “crack Cocaine” in Los Angeles resulted entirely from the Contra leaders-cum-dope peddlers who made vast personal fortunes from their activities. Today, the official argument remains that the Contra’s were “freelancing” without the knowledge or consent of their CIA “handlers” or North’s so called “Enterprise.” Despite these assertions, mountains of hard evidence point in a different direction including an entry from North’s own diary which shows his knowledge of Cocaine shipments. In stark contrast to these denials, Tatum says North’s “Enterprise” not only set-up the Cocaine factories, “ran” the Colombian cartels but were also responsible for master-minding the massive shipments of narcotics into the US. Significantly, he is not alone in making these accusations. A number of those involved in Col. North’s operations have subsequently come forward and spilled the beans. Almost all of these “whistle-blowers” have been hounded and jailed. Some have died, whilst others have fled. The whole Contra thing, Tatum states, was also being used by an extremely covert group called Pegasus. During February 1985, Tatum was piloting “Dustoff” (Medevac) flights for the US Army’s 3/498th Medical Company, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Two flight crews, including Tatum’s, were transferred to Palmerola Air Base, Honduras. Each flight consisted of a Pilot, co-pilot, medic and crew chief. Once familiarized, they assumed the Medevac mission for Joint Task Force Bravo. In 1984, he had previously infiltrated the 3/498th on the instructions of Lt. Col. Oliver North – who had established contact under the code-name “Jake” (North had “control” of the 160th air wing and was also deeply involved with the tactical planning of “black ops” missions in 44 the Grenada invasion). On 15 February 1995, during a flight to La Cieba, Honduras, he was instructed to contact his local “handler” – Major Felix Rodriguez – later to prove a major figure in the Iran-Contra investigation. Rodriguez informed Tatum that in addition to his Army “Medevac” duties he was to support covert “Pegasus” missions. These, he was told, would take priority over his other duties. He was also given his “chain of command;” three individuals – any of whom could authorize Pegasus missions. In addition to Oliver North and Felix Rodriguez, Tatum would, henceforward, take orders from Amiram Nir, a former Mossad agent and Advisor to Vice President Bush. Aviation support for Pegasus missions operated out of Ilopango airbase, Honduras (home of the CIA proprietary airline Corporate Air Services) plus numerous Contra camps located in the jungles and mountains along the Honduras/Nicaragua border3. A common feature of all future Pegasus missions was the transport “of large white coolers in and out of the Contra camps.” On 26 February 1985, Tatum and his crew were instructed to fly two individuals to one of the larger Contra camps on the Honduran border. His flight log lists the names of the two individuals as Bill Cooper and Buzz Sawyer – both of whom worked for Corporate Air Services. Following a meeting between the CIA agents and Contra leaders, Tatum was given a sealed cooler marked “Vaccine” weighing approximately 200 lbs and instructed to deliver it to a USAF C 130 transport plane at La Mesa airport, Honduras. Two crew members offloading the cooler accidentally dropped it breaking the seal. Inside was over 100 bags of Cocaine. Tatum resealed the cooler and later watched as it was transferred aboard the C-130 outward bound for Panama. On his return to Palmerola Air Base, Tatum phoned Col. North advising him of his discovery. North replied that it was “a trophy of war” and that the “Sandinistas are manufacturing Cocaine and selling it to fund the military.” North closed the conversation by saying that “the Cocaine was bound for the world courts as evidence” against the Sandinistas. The whole incident struck him as odd and strongly reminded him of earlier missions dating back to 1983-4 when he was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, as a Special Operations Pilot. Regularly he would transship white coolers marked as “medical supplies” to Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. On two occasions he carried similar coolers to Mena airport, Arkansas. Deliveries of medical coolers to Mena were picked up by Dr. Dan Lasater – a close confidant of then Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton. Now almost two years later he decided to document his discovery to safeguard his “retirement.” Thereafter, all Pegasus flights were documented on the reverse of his flight logs. This was a difficult time for Tatum, Free American Magazine since he had three balls to juggle at the same time. On the one hand he was flying classified active duty missions for the US Army, on the other he was flying CIA missions arranged through Mil Group A (CIA) – located at the embassy in Tegucigalpa – and thirdly he was flying Pegasus missions under the control of William Colby, Oliver North and George Bush following his recruitment into Pegasus by Colby in 1986, Tatum completed numerous missions during his rotation to Honduras. Picking up and trans-shipping coolers containing Cocaine was a regular event. Extraordinarily, this included infiltrating Nicaraguan airspace (Tatum says it was not difficult to infiltrate any country and that Foreign Powers would kill to know how it is done) and landing at Bluefields Airbase with deliveries for placement aboard civilian C-123′s and C-130′s.4 This was followed by a brief stint to Columbia, where he had been assigned to assist the Drug Enforcement Agencies “war on drugs,” only to discover the DEA were heavily engaged in narcotics trafficking. THE BOSS HOG LIST One of the most flamboyant individuals involved in the Cocaine trail from Columbia through Honduras, Panama and on in to the United States, was Barry Seal. Seal flew an assortment of aircraft, off-loading shipments of weapons in South America, and picking up deliveries of Cocaine for his return flight to the US on behalf of Col. North’s “Enterprise.” His primary base of operations was Mena airport, Arkansas. Seal, a CIA “asset” was later arrested and became a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) informer. Prior to his killing in 1986 – allegedly by a Medellin Cartel assassination squad in revenge for informing on them – Seal openly boasted he had information that implicated high government officials – including then Vice President Bush – in the Enterprise’ narcotics trafficking business. Tatum would soon get to meet Barry Seal and become close friends. Tatum recalls being present during a meeting between Oliver North, Felix Rodriguez, Amiram Nir and General Alverez from Honduras, when North stated that Vice President Bush was going to have his son, Jeb, arrange “something out of Columbia.” This conversation focused on Barry Seal’s increasingly notorious activities. When Tatum later heard Seal had died he immediately understood who was behind the killing. The discussion also made it clear that VP Bush, Governor Clinton and his three respective “handlers” were knee-deep in the Cocaine venture and making a fist load of money. Unknown to all those present, Seal had earlier provided Tatum with a list of names of those high government officials deeply involved with or responsible for controlling the narcotics business. Seal called them the “Boss Hogs.” This has remained a tightly held secret by Tatum until recent weeks. The list cites the surnames and is re-produced below as I received it, complete with misspellings where they have occurred. I have appended their full names and titles in brackets where appropriate/available. UNITED STATES Casey Director of Central Intelligence William Casey Clair-George Clair Elroy George – Head of CIA’s Central American Task Force Bush Vice President George Bush Kissinger Dr. Henry Kissinger, Chmn Kissinger Associates, former US Secretary of State, former National Security Adviser Haig General Alexander Haig, former Secretary of State Greg Donald Gregg, former National Security Adviser to VP Bush, ambassador to Korea and alleged joint “controller” of Panama’s Manuel Noriega, along with William Casey Clairage Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, CIA Fernandez Joseph Fernandez – CIA Costa Rican Station Chief North Lt. Col. Oliver North – National Security Council Aide Singlaub John Singlaub, CIA covert operator Colby William Colby, Director of Central Intelligence 1973-76 Secord Richard V. Secord, regarded as a “brilliant” CIA black operative Weld William Weld, head of Criminal division, US Justice Department – instrumental in “blocking” Senate investigations into narcotics according to testimony of former Senate special investigator, Jack Blum Rodriguez Felix Rodriguez, CIA officer with close connection to VP Bush Peroot General Peroot, Defence Intelligence Agency Most, if not all, of these names are readily familiar to Contragate investigators and journalists covering this story. Allegations regarding the involvement of former President George Bush in the Cocaine business are by no means new – they abound in plentiful supply. The fact that Bush pardoned a number of his closest advisors – who faced criminal prosecution and possible jail – late on Christmas eve 1992, just weeks before Bill Clinton’s inauguration, left a sour taste in the mouths of many. If prosecuted they clearly would’ve fingered the President himself. kee 140 fixed wing aircraft5 used to ship personnel and supplies – under radar cover – across the Canadian border. His tenure with these companies lasted from 1986 through to 1990. This was a pure Pegasus operation. It was at Watertown, that Tatum was provided with a civilian cover in the form of three construction companies: American National Home Builders; American Constructors and American Homes. Funding was provided by Henry Hyde, Republican politician for Illinois – well known as the CIA’s “black” money-man. Hyde provided a $250,000 line of credit with Key bank, Watertown. (MDC subsidary company) Although Tatum was listed as the President in all three companies, all were in reality under the control of Ben Whittaker, a lawyer from Rochester, New York. Whittaker, Tatum says, is closely associated with Tony Wilson of the Wilson family who owned Xerox Corporation. They are extremely wealthy and “friends of the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers.” In addition, he was also closely associated with South Eastern US Investment Group (SEUS) – an investment bank in Savannah, Gorgia, from 1985 through to 1989. Another proprietary he was associated with was Irving Place Development, a service organization of Irving Bank and Trust Company. Cocaine proceeds were laundered through these companies by an ingenious use of construction loans. In response to a question asking why was the “drug related money” placed in “Arkansas Colorado and Ohio,” Tatum simply explains that he doesn’t know why, adding that “It was being done before I got there. I assume banking laws and whether or not Bush had people in his pocket in these areas.” He does explain that the primary figure involved in the laundry exercise in Arkansas, was “Jack Stevens.” Jackson Stevens, owner of Worthen Bank & Trust Company is closely aligned with President Bill Clinton. Tatum states that “…Clinton received the cash and divided it up between Stevens and [Dan] Lasater to clean it up. Stevens company [Worthen bank] was used as the guarantor providing ‘warehouse’ lines of credit.” Developing this theme in more detail, Tatum explains that the “Enterprise” were receiving drugs in exchange for the guns they supplied to the Contra’s. The raw product in the form of coca leaves was supplied by the Colombians and pressed into large cube-shaped bales and then shipped to Nicaragua and Honduras.6 All the “product” was pre-sold and the delivery into the US “guaranteed.” This eventually resulted in the sale proceeds being pre-paid to Panama, under Noriega’s control. Some of this money was washed through banks and other companies operating in Panama and elsewhere. The rest was sent to Arkansas, Ohio and Colorado. Thereafter, the dirty money was filtered via construction loans with permanent “takeouts” “arranged by banks and mortgage lenders.” These, in turn, were later sold to Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s – negotiable US Federal securities that are traded globally on a daily basis. Each laundry “cycle” lasted from six months to a year. The result was dirty money transformed into good, clean US currency. The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection (MDC-NYSE Richmond Homes, US Homes, Pulte Homes) This system wasn’t arbitrary or accidental. One initial “test-bed” was a small residential mortgage lender named Carl I Brown (CIB), in Kansas. Others were larger and still others became national. All were ultimately destined to be purchased by a bank (proprietary) from Japan within a specific time-frame: 1996 – as part of ongoing Pegasus plans. Eric Brown, the son of the founder of CIB was heavily involved in these activities. Three additional companies were involved to Tatum’s knowledge: US Homes, Pulte Homes and Richmond Homes. All became very successful, providing “The American Dream – as VP Bush put it in a meeting in 1987.” X was invited to spend a relaxing PEGASUS – DIRTY MONEY LAUNDERING But Tatum’s story takes us even further along the dark road of power, greed, and corruption. During l986, he had left Honduras and set up a money laundering business in Watertown, New York State – close to the home base of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum. The location was chosen with care. With access to Fort Drum’s telephone lines for secure communications, he was assigned a Chero- Free American Magazine 45 week-end at a luxury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush. The evening started with cocktails and was followed by a fine meal. “Nothing but the best were the orders.” Following the meal, he was ushered into the suite of a blonde “bomb-shell,” supplied by the CIA. A dose of Burundanga had been ingested during pre-dinner cocktails. His host for the week-end was a trusted18 year veteran field intelligence officer. X was gallant with the blonde as they both moved into the bedroom where video cameras were already set-up in one corner. In short order, the blonde had X standing naked in front of her, slipping his manhood in her mouth. All the while the video cameras whirred. Slowly stripping off, the blonde then instructed X to reciprocate the favor. Naked, the blonde boasted a large erect penis, saying “now take it in your mouth,” He obliged, his love-making recorded 24 frames a second on celluloid. The male prostitute was hired, Tatum says, from a bar in New York and killed the same evening. Two weeks later, X – wholly unaware of the events of that evening – was visited in Nicaragua. He was presented with a copy of the video footage along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen… “Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveals his bestiality and satanic worship rituals.” As frame after frame flicked by, X wept, forced to watch himself kill and gut his homosexual lover, and then eat the still warm heart. Neutralized, Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later.11 These, plus other accounts of Tatum’s thirty year life as a CIA deep cover agent and membership of the ultra secret international hit-squad Pegasus. I also have a copy of a TWIX message from the Commander US Forces, Honduras, (Task Force Bravo) stating to his superiors that “It has become increasingly evident during the past six weeks that Medevac A/C in direct support of JTF’s, in some cases, are being utilized for other than Medevac requirements and are being controlled by other than Medevac Officials.” Tatum says he obtained a copy of this message from his Pegasus controller. I also have a copy of Tatum’s full book manuscript on Operation Red Rock, together with a letter he sent to William Colby, dated 6 March 1996, which threatens “I will not only write about the missions but about the N.W.O. timetable and planned events including a chronology. And I will name names.” I have other documents that I am not permitted to reveal but which corroborate missions in South America. The word “contact” is not meant to imply that Don Holmes was a CIA type. Tatum says that “through 1985 “aviation” support for Pegasus was primarily out of Palmerola AFB, Honduras. Ilopango airbase is in El Salvador and it had “operational” support. Tatum adds that he had limited flights to Bluefields but “primarily the military air- 46 craft used were USAF C141′s and C130′s at Palmerola, LaMesa and San Lorenzo, Honduras. At San Lorenzo there were also civilian aircraft, including civilian C123′s.” In addition to flying rotary wing aircraft Tatum also was competent flying smaller fixed wing. He had access to both at Ft. Drum. Tatum adds in this connection that they were “supplied with leaves and paste called “bazooko”… the reason for that was because they were not supplying the paste fast enough so they needed the leaves to make up for the time. The leaves were brought from Peru.” I had written this sentence based on information provided to me and also extracted from a long list of Q&A’s provided to author Rodney Stich (in my possession) In reviewing this article for errors, omissions, Tatum stated that “there were no US DEA or ATF agents in Pegasus.” This appeared to conflict with an earlier reply to one of Stich’s questions which stated, in part “DEA was represented. We had DEA agents. ATF agents.” Naturally I wanted this clarified and asked Tatum to explain this quite significant amendment. He replied advising that “there were joint missions where DEA and ATF agents were used… they were not officially part of Pegasus.” Nancy Tatum advises that since Chip Tatum was in prison at the time these Q&A’s were prepared for Stich, the “misunderstanding” was hers. Tatum adds that he also “flew fixedwing, multi-engine props and jets… for the various mission,” he was not limited to rotary-wing aircraft. These injuries occurred during the departure of the “team” – six hours after the assassination itself – when they came under anti-aircraft fire as they flew low level across the border. Tatum was wearing two Kevlar (lightweight body amour) vests which absorbed the impact of incoming rounds. Tatum has provided me with the name of this individual, a well known politician. He also asked that I consider excising this account from the article, for a variety of understandable reasons. I have elected to keep it as I believe it is both an important and highly significant account. I phoned and spoke with Ron Lard, an official at the DEA HQ, Virginia, to ask about the properties of Burundanga. He was unable to provide any information. However, through other sources I can confirm that this drug is well known to cause both amnesia and a zombie like trance in which the target follows all orders. Dr. Camilo Uribe, head of Bogota’s toxicology clinic says “it’s like chemical hypnotism.” See Wall Street Journal 3 July 1995. Bush_Millman_Clinton_Lindner_ Crime_Family_Flow_Chart1 pegasus.html Free American Magazine Tatum.jpg Tatum_dd214.gif Tatum_Flight_plan_Graph2.GIF h t t p : / / w w w. s t e w w e b b . c o m / G e n e _ Ta t u m _ A _ C I A _ F U N D I N G _ OPERATION_19961228.htm h t t p : / / w w w. s t e w w e b b . c o m / G e n e _ Tatum_A_Letter_To_The_Montana_ Senate_19970322.htm Affadavit_19960815.html Drugs_1996.htm Tatum_Amicus_Curiae_Brief_19960828. html h t t p : / / w w w. s t e w w e b b . c o m / G e n e _ Chip_Tatum_Big_Sky_Cartel_Zeros_ In_19970927.html Zone_19971021.htm GABRIEL_TABOADA_19970121.htm INVOLVEMENT_19961106.htm Northern_Exposure_19970212.htm Operation_Red_Rock_1996.htm Pegasus_Dirty_Money_Laundering_1996. htm The_Contra_Coke_Train_1996.htm CIA_19961024.htm The_Tatum_Chronicles_1996.htm Arrested_Florida_20120512.JPG Gene Tatum was a personal friend of mine he and I did many radio show together in 1996-1997 as co-guests. Bush Shadow Government Player CIA-NSA Gene Chip Tatum and the Denver Connections Stew Webb’s ex-in-law Leonard Millman. VIDEO Radio Program: HPFkhM&feature=plcp Gary Webb’s serious of articles the Dark Alliance in the San Jose Mercury Press was a result of Gene Tatum’s exposure of George H. W. Bush’ CIA Narcotics Smuggling. h t t p : / / w w w. v e t e r a n s t o d a y. com/2012/12/12/dont-kill-the-messengerlooking-back-at-the-death-of-reportergary-webb/ This book will take you on a spiritual journey of an ordinary man who comes face to face with a conspiracy so vast and so evil that he was suddenly faced with making decisions that could and did overturn an heretofore orderly, happy life with a wife and family into attacks that continue to this day. Only recently has he been able to martial the support and strength to continue. This book contains the story of a trip to Sturgis to promote Clay’s first Motorcycle magazine, “Rider’s Xchange”. A Vietnam Vet handed him a document that now forms one chapter in this book detailing George Bush’s “Operation Watchtower” commanded by Col. Edward P. Cutolo. Clay did a comprehensive study of this document, found and contact Cpl. William Tyree through his mother. Tyree was doing life in Walpole prison. His wife was murdered and he was framed for this. Clay ran this story in his magazine and that was the first time he was threatened by the CIA. But that is one chapter. Toss in the history of the Rothschilds, the formation of FEMA and DHS wtih the startling explantions of the nature and identity of the true Israelites whom God gave this garden planet to. What if Jesus was absolutely accurate when he said,”I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer . . be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. . . . Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, I, Stew Webb released the Short Version below of the Cutolo Affidavit in 1993 after being given both the 90 page long version and the short version in August 1993 by my Friend Bill McCoy DOD-CIA-Private Investigator (Murdered in 1997) The reason the Long Version has not been released is to protect those named in it who are still alive. Affidavit_1993.htm Stew Webb Video 1993 Corruption in High Place describing the Cutolo Affidavit. watch?v=kYFLptTkNAY Note Dois Gene Tatum html Latest Posts: From Cradle to Cabal The Secret Life of Gale Norton The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection Iran Contra Frauds and The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection Junk Bond Daisy Chain Frauds The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection swebb Free American Magazine Another View The idea that Americans are exceptional is both true and false. The idea that one nation is exceptional assumes that other nations are inferior. When a nation boasts that is is superior, the people around the world look at the pronouncement as a sign of arrogance. The pride in one’s nation was largely responsible for the outbreak of World War I and the death of millions of people. While the principles articulated in our Declaration of Independence are exceptionally good, our application of these principles over the years have fallen far short of the aspirations of the founders of our nation. We have been taught that the American people are different. We have been taught that we are morally superior to those living in other lands. If this is true then, why is it that with a population equal to 5% of all of the people in the world, we have 25% of the world’s prisoners locked up in our jails. Everyone that has ever been born is exceptional. Out of the seven billion people living on the planet today there are no two individuals that are identical. No two people have the same finger prints or DNA. Everyone is different in some ways, but very similar in others. While our physical and mental capacities differ, all men and women share a common desire to be free and to be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The thing that sets America apart is not the people, it is the principles upon which our nation was founded. I believe that when any nation embraces the principles of liberty it elevates its status to that of an exceptional nation. When a nation deviates from these principles it becomes the destroyer of liberty and the author tyranny. I believe that all men and women are children of God and that he loves all of his children equally. I believe he has endowed all of his children with the same rights and responsibilities. When we follow the admonitions of Christ and seek to love one another, we become an exceptionally righteous people and a blessing to all mankind. 47 Written in the style of and as a tribute to a great Author, John D. MacDonald, by Clayton R. Douglas in the late 1900s, this first book in the Trevor Cameron, Terrorist Hunter series may even surpass MacDonald's Travis McGee character in complexity and dimension. Available On Amazon Kindle This is the connection to Amazon to get Clay's books! Clay’s Books are also available from the publisher here! Mystery Babylon One Bloody Alabaster Eye and Deadly Flashes of Silver SAMPLE CHAPTERS One Bloody Alabaster Eye and Deadly Flashes of Silver Tired of the shock of opening your Verizon Bill and seeing all the additional Charges? Solavei Unlimited 4G Voice, Text, and Data $49 Cell Phone Plan It’s the perfect business, you have no inventory, no auto-ship, no customer service, no customer billing issues and no employee hassles. You get residual commissions for the one time sale. If you’re only interested in using the service the plan it is the best available, if you want to earn $$$$ this is the best opportunity we have seen in many years. 48 Free American Magazine The Liberty Village Concept is still alive and valid. You can contact Clay Douglas and by email or Skype. Free American Magazine 49 50 Free American Magazine