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PTE International UnivPécs magazine
2016 february
Have you got one?
This is something emotional. Something that everyone has
but you are still unique while wearing it. Yes! A university sweater!
You may belong to two groups considering the PTE 1367 sweater…
A) you already have got one OR
B) you will definitely have one!
In case B) now, listen to your heart and get one quickly!
More items of PTE University gifts may be purchased at:
Main Building | Rectors's Office
Alumni Office. 1st floor 116.
Opening hours: Mon–Thu 9.00–12.00 and 13.00–15.00, Fri 9.00–12.00
Developments, jubilee, support
Interview with dr. József Bódis, rector of the University of Pécs
The Ministry of Human Capacities provides HUF 24 billion to the University of Pécs until
2019 – said Mr. Péter Hoppál, Minister of State for Culture 22 January. The aim is to
develop the campuses of the UP and to raise scientific potential. What kinds of
developments are going to be done in the UP in the near future?
24 billion HUF mean quite an opportunity for developing in my opinion. It has been
badly needed, especially in the field of medical training, because the number of
students at the Medical School has been exceeded the infrastructure. Capacity of
the medical, pharmaceutical and dental training can be raised to plus 1,000
students during the next five years – it's a large undertaking.
Several faculties of the University of Pécs have stepped up with raising the numbers of their foreign students, just some examples: more students will study at the
Faculty of Humanities and at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
from abroad during the next few years. The Medical School of the UP requires better
infrastructure, developing human resources is the main need of the other faculties.
Clinics, which were not involved in the project within which the 400-bed clinic
was renovated, are going to be developed, too. Revitalization of the clinic at
Rákóczi Street is imminent, as well.
The Hungarian government is going to support the 650th-year jubilee programmes of the foundation of the first university of Hungary with 565 billion HUF
in 2017. The University of Pécs is going to celebrate with the City of Pécs and the
Diocese. What is your opinion about the financial support?
I think this is a substantial amount of financial support, we can afford the proper programmes. The range of the jubilee depends on our intellectual capabilities
and our sense of organization.
It's obvious that the history of higher education of Pécs was not a continuous one
from 1367 to 2017. There have been interruptions, but there is an intellectual
continuity from the past to the present and the future. The future programmes of
this jubilee must be a gracious symbol of honor, celebrating our ancestors and the
decision to establish higher education in Pécs in the 14th century.
Prof. Dr. József Bódis
UnivPécs International is a special issue by
the UnivPécs, published in September and
February, distributed to UP students.
Circulation: 3,000
Publisher: University of Pécs
Rector’s Office, Marketing Department
7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.
Editor-in-Chief: Éva Harka
and Vivien Németh
Contributing authors:
Bettina Bartakovics, Viktória Hári,
"Mandarin" Alexandra Kékesi,
Petra Steiner, UnivPécs Archive
Contributing Photographers and Illustrators:
Szabolcs Csortos, Mirkó Márk, Tamás Wéber,
Tamás "Scham" Lugosi, UnivPécs Archive
Distribution: Dusán Filákovity
Printing: General Nyomda Kft.,
6728 Szeged, Kollégiumi út 11/H
ISSN 1586-1767
Lector: Marianne Szamosmenti
Advertising: Róbert Király
questions, comments?
Table of contents
Happy Chinese New Year!
We wish you health, wealth and prosperity in the year of
the Monkey!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4.
Maya Mansouri is the member of the Tunisian national
team preparing for the Olympic Games in Rio.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 30.
650th Jubilee
The University of Pécs celebrates the 650th jubilee of its
foundation in 2017. The countdown has begun!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5.
Do you wanna be fit and healthy?
foreign students are more active than the
Hungarian ones – it is true?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 32.
The heart of Suleiman the Magnificent
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7.
Programmes for the Spring Semester
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 36
Orientation day for foreign students
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12.
Easter Eggs
Easter Monday is a national holiday in Hungary,
it's on 28 March 2016. Don't forget to paint eggs!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 39.
English in the City
International Studies Center Medical School University
of Pécs offers interesting courses, one of them is about
the city of Pécs…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 16.
They work for you!
Info about the Dormitory Committee
for Foreign Students.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 18.
Dancing University
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20.
International band from Pécs
Mongooz and the Magnet A–Z
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28.
Summer Schools
Attending a Summer School has academic,
social and career benefits as well.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 42.
Fausto's adventures in a steampunk world
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 45.
Festivals in Hungary
We know what you will do this summer!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 46.
Getting around Pécs
Do you travel by bus in the city of Pécs? Here you can
find some pieces of advice that you should take into
consideration before getting on a bus.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48.
Honorary Doctor
of UP
Placido Domingo, opera
singer, conductor, founder
of Operalia World Opera
Competition, General
Director of Los Angeles
Opera and former member
of "3 Tenors" was awarded
Doctor Honoris Causa by
the Senate of the University
of Pécs on 7 February, 2016.
to the professors' community of the University of Pécs. In his
welcome speech the world-famous artist has mentioned his
personal experience as well: I first visited Hungary in 1973, and
throughout my career I have worked with outstanding Hungarian
artists in the world of opera […] I have great love and respect for the
excellent Hungarian composers – Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, Franz
Liszt, Franz Lehár, and Ferenc Erkel, among others – said Plácido
Tamás Lakner, the dean of the Faculty which nominated the
world-famous tenor for the honorary doctoral award, has
emphasized that: The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts is proud that
following José Carreras' inauguration in 2007 another musical
eminence joins the ranks of our Honorary Doctors, who has had a
close relationship with the City and the University for many years. Ms.
Ilona Tokody, honorary professor of our Faculty used to work
together with Plácido Domingo as well, and what is more, their "La
vie de Bohéme" record was one of the most well-known versions of the
opus in the world – remembered the dean.
As it was announced during the ceremony, the Faculty of Music
and Visual Arts is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and
the much-adored Spanish artist's visit to Pécs is a worthy
opening of the anniversary.
It is always a pleasure for me to welcome such a world-famous
artist among our honorary doctors as Plácido Domingo – said
József Bódis, rector of UP. Our Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
has achieved more and more success in the international arena
during recent years. Among our professors and students there is a
world class trombone player, there are world famous violinists and
it would take a while to name all our excellent colleagues.
Therefore, I believe that within this discipline we are also
approaching in an honourable way towards the 650th Anniversary
of our university. We could hardly find better ambassadors of the
related series of anniversary events than our globally known
honorary doctors – emphasized József Bódis.
Following this, Plácido Domingo has taken the certificate of
Doctor Honoris Causa and the gown as the symbol of belonging
2016 according to
the Chinese lunar
calendar is a year of
the Monkey, starting
from February 8
(Chinese New Year), and
ending on January 27,
2017 (Chinese New
Year's Eve). This is the
Chinese New Year
which was celebrated
in Pécs on 6 of
February at the Zsolnay
Cultural Quarter. The
Confucius Institute of
the UP organized
programmes for the
whole day.
Chinese New Year is more similar to
Christmas than the European New Year:
families and friends get together, give presents to each other and enjoy themselves.
Misfortune and old stuff are swept away to
make way for new, good incoming luck.
The venue was decorated with red color,
because it is the color of courage and luck in
China. Huge lanterns and knots hanged from
the ceiling, and there were rafts activities
which included making these and other
objects linked to the Chinese Tradition.
Two young men showed the visitors how
to eat with chopsticks, which are used many
parts of the world. To use chopsticks, the
lower chopstick is stationary, and rests at the
base of the thumb, and between the ring finger and middle finger. The second chopstick
is held like a pencil, using the tips of the
thumb, index finger, and middle finger, and it
is moved while eating.
Kids copied and painted the decorative
masks of the Beijing opera. Masks are
of the Confucius Institute of Pécs
Campus credit courses
The Confucius Institute in the spring semester
will launch the following campus credit courses: Chinese language and culture, Traditional
health protection, Chinese medicine in the 21.
24 February 17:00
Lecture by János Füzes and Chinese Food
Venue: Faculty of Health Sciences
7 April 17:00
Tai Chi Presentation by Tibor Egri and Chinese
Food Tasting
Venue: Faculty of Health Sciences
More info:
patterns of put-on facial make-up for
opera actors and actresses. It's enough to
get a glimpse of the masks and the audience knows everything about the characters. Red indicates courage, bravery,
uprightness and loyalty. Black symbolizes
roughness and fierceness, a green colored
face tells the audience that the character is
stubborn and total lack of self-restraint.
The most powerful villain's color is usually
Confucius Institute is a non-profit public
educational organization affiliated with the
Ministry of Education of the People's
Republic of China, which aim is to promote
Chinese language and culture, support local
Chinese teaching and facilitate cultural
exchanges. The first Confucius Institute for
Traditional Chinese Medicine in Central and
Eastern Europe was launched in the spring
of 2015 at the Faculty of Health Sciences of
the University of Pécs.
The press conference about the Jubilee celebrations was held
13. January, 2016. József Bódis, rector of the University of Pécs
told: we would like to execute a series of events over the next two
years, which worthly tributes to the foundation of the university. In
the framework of the Jubilee celebrations the Hungarology
World Congress, the Magna Charta Observatory international
rectors' conference and rectors' conference of European
Catholic universities will be organized in Pécs.
It was also decided that the so called "International Evening"
will be expanded: there will be an "International Month" in
2017. Gyula Zeller, Vice Rector for Connections and Strategic
Affairs of the PTE said: There are more than 2700 international
students from 80 countries studying at the PTE. From here came the
idea that we are going to organize the International Month, during
which a wide palette of different cultures, culinary and artistic
traditions can appear.
The University of Pécs will celebrate the 650th anniversary of the
foundation of the first university of Hungary in 2017 and on this
occasion will hold a series of jubilee events which will be important
for the city of Pécs, for the South Transdanubian Region and for the
whole country, Hungary.
Between 1348 and 1367 there was a strongly marked wave of
university foundations which affected several enlightened
Middle European countries: Prague, Cracow, Vienna and Pécs
took the leading role in establishing a secular higher education
system. The papal decree about the foundation is dated to 1
September, 1367. The main aim of the jubilee programmes is to
improve the national and international image of the University
of Pécs, as well as to raise the identity awareness of the current
and former PTE students, lecturers and staff members.
The jubilee programmes started on 20 of November at 48-as
Square with the Countdown Day. A special installation called
Minimal was presented which has began the countdown until 1
September, 2017.
It has become official recently that the Government of
Hungary supports the celebration of the 650th anniversary of
the foundation of the first Hungarian university with 565
million HUF.
More info:
PTE 650 Jubilee Office
7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4.
Introducing the Foreign Language Centre
The Foreign Language
Centre at the University
of Pécs has two major
activities. It provides
various language courses
for the student body of
the university and for
the people of Pécs and
it also functions as the
international centre
of the ECL Language
The Foreign Language Centre, in support of the University and
the city of Pécs, regularly organizes language courses to teach
the necessary skills to effectively communicate in our world.
The study courses featuring English, German, French and
Japanese languages include two main types: general language
courses and exam preparatory courses. The length of the
language courses vary from 40 to 60 contact hours / course.
General language courses are held in the fall and in the spring
term. The timing of the exam preparation courses are adjusted
to the period preceding the ECL language exams, which are
normally held at the end of the first week in February, April,
June, October and December. These preparation courses are
usually organised in English and German. The courses are held
either on Monday–Wednesday or Tuesday–Thursday or in
Saturday morning. The three times 45 minute-long classes start
at 5 o' clock in the afternoon or 9 in the morning on Saturdays.
The levels of the language courses include: elementary,
post-elementary, pre-intermediate and advanced. Students of
the University of Pécs can take advantage of taking the courses
at a reduced price (400 HUF / lesson). In the summer intensive
courses are held which consist of 100 hours. During these
one-month-long courses 5 classes are held each day.
The Foreign Language Centre is the international centre of
the ECL examinations, ECL standing for "European Consortium
for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages". The
ECL exams can be taken in English, French, German, Hungarian,
Italian, Polish, Rumainan, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovak, Russian,
Spanish, Croatian, Czech and Hebrew. The ECL exams test oral
and written ability to use the language of everyday discourse on
practical, professional and personal topics at varying degrees of
complexity. This language exam can be taken in 38 towns
within Hungary, in 17 European countries from Austria to the
United Kingdom, and overseas in Argentina, China and the USA.
The ECL language exam consists of two parts: the oral exam
and the written exam. They can be taken at once or separately.
If one of them is not successful, candidates are required to
repeat that part only. The oral exam includes listening comprehension and speaking, while the written part includes reading
comprehension and writing. The ECL language exam can be
taken at four levels: A2, B2, B2 and C1. Exams are organised five
times a year, in February, April, June, October and December.
Students of UP may take this exam at a reduced price.
The international partners of the ECL Examinations include
the EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and
Assessment) and the ALTE (The Association of Language Testers
in Europe). The ECL language exam has been acknowledged as
an international qualification which can be offered for
undergraduate admission in the United Kingdom.
For more information on the ECL language exam, please visit:
At the Foreign Language Centre you can also take the international Goethe language exam in German language (levels B1,
B2 and C1) twice a year in the spring and fall semesters. The
FLC is an accredited Goethe exam centre.
The Foreign Language Centre is also a place where TOEFL
and TOEIC exam may be taken. These exams are widely
respected among the English-language tests in the world,
recognized by more than 9,000 colleges, universities and
agencies in more than 130 countries,
including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States.
This is a no failing exam system: each test taker receives a valid
score report with scores between A1–C1 levels and a diagnosis
of his/her language proficiency.
For more information please visit.
The heart of
Suleiman the Magnificent
Szigetvár and its surroundings, which was the
centre of heroic resistance to the Turks in 1566,
has never been properly excavated. Dr. Norbert
Pap from the University of Pécs, the leader of
the latest research talks about their findings.
What are the most important facts one should know
about Suleiman the First and the Battle of Szigetvár?
The Szigetvár battle was in 1566 summer and early
autumn. The Ottoman troops, we don't know
exactly the figures, may be 100 thousand people
tried to occupy the castle of Szigetvár. It is situated
30 kilometers from Pécs in western direction. The
defenders, 2300 Hungarian and Croatian soldiers
died during the siege. The captain of the castle was
Miklós Zrínyi, a Hungarian noble man. Both Zrínyi
and Suleiman died at the end of the battle. Suleiman
the Magnificent died in his tent. He was 72 years old
and very sick. According to some historical sources
his inner organs were taken out and buried in the
tent. Later on Selim II, son of Suleiman ordered to
erect an Ottoman mausoleum, a so called 'türbe' on
the place where his father died.
The Battle of Szigetvár was fought from 5
August to 8 September 1566. It resulted in an
Ottoman victory, but there were heavy losses
on both sides. More than 20,000 Turks had
fallen during the attacks and almost all of
Zrínyi's 2,300 man garrison was killed, out of
which the most,600 men were killed on the
last day. Both commanders died during the
battle. The importance of the battle was considered so great that the French clergyman
Cardinal Richelieu was reported to have
described it as "the battle that saved
Ottoman dynasty. The only missing, but may be the
most important one symbolically. Two Ottoman
emperors died in battlefields,Murad I in Kosovo
Polje (1389) and Suleiman I in Szigetvár (1566) and
his internal organs were buried there. They were
ghasi, and the place of death became important
pilgrimage places. Murad's tomb survived the
centuries and is also a frequently visited historical
pilgrimage place nowadays. Kosovo, and Kosovo
Polje unfortunately remained a symbolic place of
resentment. The Szigetvar case is different.
Suleiman is considered to be a more significant
historical personality, than Murad and the siege of
Szigetvár castle symbolizes a very important turn
in world history. To commemorate the place, in
1994, in the vicinity of the tomb a
established with the symbolic grave of Suleiman
the Magnificent and with two monumental statues
of Zrínyi and Suleiman. This symbol of reconciliation is almost unprecedented in the modern age
and transmitted an important, positive message at
the time when Huntington published "The Clash of
Civilisations". Hungarians and Turks have wreathed
together for 20 years in peace. I think the place
could be a symbol of the peaceful coexistence of
Islam and the Western civilisation.
Since when has the tomb been attempted to be
The first scientific publication was issued in 1903.
The tomb has been attempted to be explored for
more than 110 years. My research team was set up
in late 2012. Since the beginning more than 40
people have worked in the project.
What kind of remains were found during the excavations in Szigetvár?
We have uncovered the remains of the cami or
türbe walls during the archaeological excavations
carried out in October/November 2015. The
building constructed in the Ottoman era was
rectangular; its wide walls were built from bricks
and stones. The main room of the building is
7.8x7.8 metres large. It could be accessed from
the northwest, through a triple-aisle lobby. There
is no trace of a mihrab or minaret. The building
was covered with stone tiles, and there is a rather
large, 2 metres deep robber pit in its central part,
which was presumably dug by raiders in the late
17th century. Some luckily survived decorative
elements of the former building show similarity
to the decoration of the Suleiman türbe in
Why does finding the tomb have an outstanding
I think people in Turkey consider the discovery of
the tomb something very important concerning
their identity. Suleiman the Magnificent represents
the "peak" of the existence of the Ottoman Empire,
the memory of the glorious past. Furthermore the
tomb (türbe) is the only missing mausoleum of the
As far as I know, Turkish archaeologists also took part
in the job. How did you share the work among one
The project is run by Hungarian researchers, but
Turkish experts, architects, art historians have
been supported our work as consultants. They
have an important role in the field of validating
our results.
From whom did you receive funding for
financing the research? From what kind of funds
could financial support be drawn to support the
The research for finding the traces of the tomb
(türbe) of sultan Suleiman in Szigetvár has
been carried out since late 2012, with funding
received from the Turkish government
(through TIKA). Since September 2015,
through the Hungarian Scientific Research
Fund (OTKA), the state of Hungary has also
supported the inquiry.
Are all of the researchers from the University of
Pécs, or are there researchers from out of town?
The overwhelming majority of the members
are from the University of Pécs. There are a few
exceptions,they are from Budapest and a
colleague from Siófok. He is a Catholic priest,
but an excellent expert of religious history as
I am a geographer and a historian. My
colleagues are geographers, historians, art
historians, archeologists, geophysicists, GIS
How many potential locations were studied and
how did you succeed to narrow them down?
The research group examined several possible
locations and excluded numerous ones from
the examination. These included the environs
of the Hungarian–Turkish Friendship Park
along the Almás Stream, where the symbolic
grave of the sultan is still open to visitors. In
the past this area was covered with water
periodically, it was unsuitable for construction
and its characteristics did not comply with the
information on the tomb found in written
We have also thoroughly examined the
surroundings of the shrine church of Virgin
Mary the Protectress, located approximately
400 metres to the southwest from the current
location of Turbékpuszta. A memorial plaque
worded in Hungarian and Ottoman Turkish,
placed in 1913, announces on the church façade
where the Sultan's tomb used to be. However,
around the church built on a flat, marshy land,
from where the fortress cannot be seen, the
geophysical examinations showed no sign of
the foundations of a significant building, a
fortification or the remains of Ottoman era life.
Earlier excavations also failed to uncover any
type of evidence suggesting the above. The
location does not comply with the geographical
characteristics described in written sources about the tomb.
Based on the above, in early 2015 we also excluded this
location from the range of possible sites.
The research group already suggested in 2013 that the
remains of the tomb may be located at an area so far
ignored: on the top of the Turbék-Zsibót vineyard, located
approximately 1200 metres from the church. The site is
compatible with the written sources, while the traces of
Ottoman era life are apparent on the surface (tile and brick
artefacts, etc.). According to the local population, "Turkish
ruins" used be located here, and they have reported
Ottoman era archaeological artefacts on numerous
occasions. With the geophysical and remote sensing
examinations carried out in 2014/15, the traces of several
buildings of a significant size could be described, all oriented toward the southeast. One of them is almost exactly
oriented toward Mecca.
Almost a hundred years later in 1651,
Zrínyi's great-grandson, also named Miklós
Zrínyi and himself a famed general,
composed an epic poem of some 1,500
stanzas recalling in vivid and often fantastic detail the events of the siege, the
heroes on both sides, and the final sortie
that led to the defeat of the Hungarians.
An English translation was published in
Washington, DC in 2011 by László Kõrössy.
"I, who once with youthful mind
Played with love's sweet verse
Struggled with Viola's cruelties:
Now with Mars' greater poetry
In which case will it be 100% for sure that the tomb of
Suleiman was discovered?
Currently everything suggests that the building could have been
Suleiman's tomb. However, in order to be able to assert this with
100% certainty, further examinations and the excavations of the
other surrounding buildings are necessary.
Arms, and heroes I sing! The might of the
Him who was willing to undergo
Suleiman's wrath –
That same Suleiman' mighty arm,
He at whose saber Europa trembled."
Why do you think this topic is so popular among both the foreign and the domestic audience?
What can I say? I really don't know. May be about the legend
of the lost heart of Suleiman the Magnificent. It is a kind of
Indiana Jones story… don't know…
Miklós Zrínyi: The Siege of Sziget
Photo: Máté Kitanics
What was the scientific reaction called forth by the
research? What was the reaction to the research by other
fields of study?
It is too early to speak about scientific response. The
first paper on the project in an international journal
was published in December of 2015 in Die Erde. We are
looking ahead to the reactions.
What was the media reaction to the research?
The most important news agencies, AP, AFP, EFE, MTI,
the BBC and the Washington Post published articles on
the project. My Turkish partners told me people were
very excited in Turkey. Several thousands of articles and
videos on the press conference were issued.
The battle inspired the Croatian opera Nikola
Subic Zrinski composed by Ivan Zajc in 1876. Its
enduring fame is due in large part to its chorus,
"U boj, u boj" ("To battle, to battle!"), written by
the composer ten years prior to the rest of the
opera. It has achieved lasting popularity as a
Croatian patriotic song, removed from the
context of the opera.
How can the University of Pécs take advantage of the
current success?
It is not my task, but I think the media resonance could
promote the internationalisation of our university. The
prestige of the scientific work is growing now. As a
result, several thousands of tourists are expected to
visit Szigetvár annually. I am convinced that the site
could be one of the top ten touristic destinations of
the country.
To battle, to battle!
Unsheathe your swords, brethren,
Let the enemy know how we die!
All of you, kiss Zrinski
As brethren would kiss one another!
Follow him to the gates,
You, faithful heroes!
What can we expect in connection with the research in
the future?
We have a three- year perspective. Colleagues are
working on not just the tomb issue, but the story of the
battle, the folk traditions, commemoration of the
In the second semester of the academic year
of 2015/2016, 82 Erasmus students arrived
to the University of Pécs to 9 faculties,
from 22 countries and 55 partner universities
within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme.
The UP Centre for International Relations
organized an orientation day
for foreign students studying in the UP.
The event – in which beside the invited students also Faculty
Erasmus coordinators took part – was held in the Faculty of
Business and Economics on 1. February.
On the part of the university, Dr. István Tarrósy, director of the
Center for International Relations greeted the foreign students
who will study in our university by Erasmus+ and other contracts
between universities in the second semester of the academic year
of 2015/2016. Judit Németh, institutional Erasmus+ coordinator
described the progress of the student administration. The EHÖK
Erasmus Student Network presented its cultural and sport events
for PTE and Pécs students announced in the semester.
Beside the Erasmus students 8 Chinese, 6 South Korean, 2
Serbian (Vojvodina Hungarians), 2 Mexican, 4 Indian, 1 Iraqi, 1
Mongolian, 1 Palestinian students and 3 students from the
United States came to our university within the framework of
other inter-university agreements.
In the orientation day students could hear about theoretical and
practical information: the Center for International Relations
provided detailed information about the progress of the
registration, the aliens' tasks, student hostels as well as about
the "Hungarian as a foreign language" course at the University
and cultural programmes for foreign students.
Erasmus Students
in Pécs from all around the world
Brigita Buder
I am from Varazdin, Croatia, I
start my studies at the Faculty
of Business and Economics as
an Erasmus student. I applied
because I wanted to meet
people from all around the
world, I wanted to improve
my English skills and I wanted
to have a lot of fun. One of my
friends was here last year and
she told me that Pécs is a very
nice town and the University
of Pécs has an old history. It's
really nice here. I think the
city is really pretty. I like this
building, the faculty...I think I
will have a great time here.
Humbert Céline
I came from France and I study
at the Faculty of Business and
Economics as an Erasmus
student. I wanted to discover
another country and to
practice English so I applied
for an Erasmus scholarship.
The courses offered by the
University of Pécs are the
same as the courses in my
homeland. I guess Pécs is a
really colorful and nice city.
Arnaud Manon
I am from France and I am an
Erasmus student at the Faculty
of Business and Economics. I
applied for the Erasmus
programme because I wanted to
meet some Erasmus people and
develop my English knowledge.
Besides, I would have liked to
visit this city. Pécs is cool and
nice although not the same as
France. I came here because of
the countryside and because
Pécs is nice to discover.
Sergio Barro
I came from Spain and I'm an
Erasmus student at the Faculty of
Humanities. I'm studying Spanish
philology because I would like to
be a Spanish teacher in the
future. I applied for the Erasmus
programme because I want to
teach abroad in the future, so I
would like to gain some experiences. I chose Pécs because I
knew that this city is always full
of Erasmus students. I have some
Hungarian friends and I also
wanted to discover another part
of Europe. Pécs is a small but
nice city. I will stay until July.
Mahmoud Talaat
I take part in the Stipendium
Hungaricum programme. I'm
from Egypt and I have already
spent a semester in England. I
wanted to continue my studies
in Eastern-Europe so I made a
universities in this area, taking
into account for example the
available courses. I found that
the University of Pécs was the
best one because it's very old
and historical and it is a good
brand. I love Pécs, I've been
here for one week and I like the
city very much. It is a historical
city, I like its heritage, its
culture, I could see the old
architectures in the buildings...
It's lovely! I am going to stay
here for two years.
Apatira Mobolaji
I am from Nigeria, I study
Applied Management, I am an
MSc student at the Faculty of
Business and Economics. I
arrived at Pécs last week and I
still try to cope with it.
Song Hye Rim
I am an exchange student from
the Dankook University, South
Korea.I am going to study
Business Administration at the
Faculty of Business and
Economics for 1 semester. I
applied for the Erasmus
programme because I wanted to
practice English and I wanted to
make friends. I chose Pécs
because my family wanted me
to come here: my father loves
Hungary. He lived here for 2
years when he was a medical
student. Pécs is a little bit cold,
but people are kind and it is
Callum Duffy
I am from England I study architecture at the Faculty of
Engineering and Information
Technology of the University of
Pécs. I chose Pécs because I
heard that it is an academic city.
I think it is really nice, there are
great and friendly people here. I
also like its architecture.
3D printing opens vast new possibilities, and
developing a 3D Centre plays a major role in the future
of the University of Pécs as well. UP took a big step
forward to this goal by organizing the I. International
Interdisciplinary 3D Conference during last Autumn at
the János Szentágothai Research Centre.
3D printer with customized fruit gum was launched in
August, printable fast-food is predicted to appear in the
market soon, and even 3D lung tissue has been invented.
The revolutionary scientific model of the artificial 3D-lung
tissue completed by Dr. Judit Pongrácz, professor of the
University of Pécs may bring a real breakthrough in the
treatment methods of lung diseases.
Hot shots of 3D held lectures and workshops during the
conference. For example the Enable project which supports
creating open source devices and thus provides printable
hands for children and adults with upper limb differences.
These 3D prostheses are much less expensive, can be
custom made and anyone can print a new one at their
3D printing is among the 12 areas that will have the most
important effect on the future – said György Falk. In his
opinion 3d printers designed to be used at home are not for
professional use, although it is impressive that 40,000
machines of this kind have already been sold worldwide.
There were young entrepreneurs from Pécs among the
lecturers: Balázs Fröhlich and Gábor Bazsali built their first
3D printers themselves. 3D demands a leading role in
education as well, perfect visual aids can be prepared by this
technology and even the students themselves can print
illustrative models and learn the whole process: this
knowledge can be advantageous for them even on the labor
market. Linked to the conference, a 3D Innovation
Challenge for Students was launched.
my D
I initially started studying medicine back in Jordan at the Jordan
University of Science and Technology (JUST). I had completed
one semester at JUST before moving to Hungary and continuing
my studies at the University of Pécs. I was studying at JUST
when I decided following my father's footsteps and studying in
Europe. In order to help me pursue this dream I was offered a
scholarship of Stipendium Hungaricum. I knew that it would be
a challenge for me, I lost the semester at JUST and I have to
start my medical studies again. However, despite all that, I
decided to accept this challenge in order to help me come one
step closer to study in Europe.
There were few factors which encouraged me to make the
decision to move to Hungary and start the preparatory course
at the University of Pécs. The first factor was the ranking: the
University of Pécs is one of the top ranked and one of the
oldest universities in Hungary. Students from all over the world
study here, and the international atmosphere was a big plus
point, because it give me the opportunity to show my culture to
other students, and at the same time learning about their
cultures. This international community welcomes and accepts
students from all over the world, I would not have to worry
about fit in.
I started my premedical course at the International Studies
Centre Medical School University of Pécs (ISC). Studying at ISC
was my first amazing experience in Hungary. The teachers were
really friendly and nice. They worked really hard with us and put
a lot of time and effort into us. Sometimes they had to be strict
with us but they did it for our better future - and that is why we
value and respect them a lot. Thanks to their work we could
pass the entrance exam to the University of Pécs. I am
currently in my second semester of the first year and I am still
in contact with most of the ISC-teachers.
The teachers here at the Medical School are also very much
appreciated by many students for their hard work and effort to
help the students to achieve their goals and ambitions. My most
favorite teacher at the moment is Ms Hajnalka Horváth, she is a
PhD student who leads our biology seminars. She does her best
to make everything as simple and clear as possible while makes
sure that everyone understands and follows the topics. She is
not only good at her job as a teacher but also very friendly.
I'm Jordan, my hometown is Amman, the capital of the
country. There are many tourist attractions in Jordan, including
Petra, one of the seven wonders of the world which is also known
as the 'Rose City'. Aside from Petra there are many other unspoiled
natural locations for example Wadi Rum, etc. Life in Pécs is not so
different compared to Jordan, studying in Pécs has been one of the
best experiences in my life. This city is beautiful, calm and quiet.
It is a perfect environment for a student. Pécs and Hungary in
general is quite clean, organized and very safe. The only obstacle
for me is the Hungarian language: it's quite tough to learn! I do my
best to master this language.
Majed Sheikh
Explore Pécs
(and talk about it)!
International Studies Center University of Pécs Medical School offers complex and
integrated preparatory programs for degree studies that meet the language
development needs of international students and facilitate their integration into the
context of higher education in Hungary. Its third part is the so-called Gateway Stage
which is specifically designed for students with outstanding English skills. The 400
contact hours merge language instruction with field-specific subject teaching. One of
these special course is English in the City, which is quite unique!
Students take long walks in Pécs, exploring the city and learn useful expressions
about architecture, engineering and arts such as vault, buttress, niche, etc.
One of the favorite venues is the cathedral of Pécs, which has been a prominent
feature of this Hungarian cityscape for centuries. Completed in the twelfth century,
Pécs Cathedral features Romanesque stone carvings of exceptional artistic value. In
the sixteenth century, Turkish conquerors converted it into a mosque, and when
Hungarians regained control of the city in 1686, the structure was reinstated as a
church. From 1806 to 1813, Mihaly Pollack remodelled the building in the Gothic
Revival style but did not address structural problems due to the many changes to the
building in the preceding centuries. By the late nineteenth century, much of the
building was in critical need of structural repairs. From 1882 through 1891 architect
Friedrich von Schmidt oversaw a restoration project that essentially levelled the
building to its foundations and rebuilt it in a neo-Romanesque style.
The other popular part of the city is Uránváros. The building up of the territory
near the western hills of Mecsek about 8–12 kilometres from the uranium ore mine
was planned in order to provide housing for the employees. The centre of Uránváros
was articulated at the crossing of these main roads and in the south eastern direction
a larger park and green area was designed. Not only the project was pioneering in the
country, but also the first panel factory was set up in the period and produced the first
10-story blocks. With over ten thousand apartments, it is still one of the largest
housing estates built using the panel technique in Hungary. The population of
Uránváros is ageing. The uranium ore mine was closed in 1996.
The English in the City course ends with architectural modelling, there is little
material or craft knowledge needed. Students present their models and talk about it
using the proper expressions.
The Szántó Dormitory is
the home for almost all
foreign students of the
University of Pécs. The
'A' wing is theirs, and it
costs 30,000 HUF
monthly to live there.
The Dormitory
Committee for Foreign
Students as part of the
Students Union of the
University of Pécs aims
to make life easier 24/7
at Szántó. We asked
Gábor Székely, member
of the Committee.
for you!
How does the Dormitory Committee for Foreign Students work? What is
your purpose?
The committee is responsible for making easier to move in and out
the dormitory and to help foreign students to manage their everyday
life in Hungary. We provide them useful information, practical advice,
map, etc. The Dormitory Committee for Foreign Students has seven
members, who are Hungarian students of the University of Pécs. Thus
we take turns having the day's duty. Dormitory fee has to be paid for
us, and we can accept card payments. Foreign students can reach us
even at nights via phone. If it's necessary, we can help moving on
even during the night – because how should the students guess how
long the journey in What kind of problems have you solved?
Cultural differences do not seem to be the origin of problems, and
fortunately we have had only minor problems. For example we gave
a student a warning because of untidiness. There were problems
about the eating habits too: a vegan student could not stand even
seeing meat in the fridge. Later on we found a roommate for this
person who also abstains from the consumption of meat.
Do you organize programmes for the foreign students?
Dormitory Committee for Foreign Students was formed in autumn
2015, it has been working for only a semester, so we haven't
organized programmes yet – but we plan it during the spring
semester! Our committee cooperates with the Hungarian Dormitory
Committee, so for example we would like to involve foreign students
into collective cooking. University Days are organized during this
semester, most of the foreign students are sure to join into that
festival. Maybe organizing a special international party would be a
great idea, but we shall see.
Is it easy to understand foreign students'
Some of them speak English quite well,
but it's a minority. It happened that some
of them used google translator to explain
their requests and questions, or showed
me a picture just to get themselves
understand. But all of them kind and
patient, and we really want to help them,
so sooner or later we understand each
I am surprised at hearing so many students from Asia speaking Hungarian so
well! At first we try to communicate in
English, but they ask us to speak in
Hungarian. Some of the Asian students
had learnt Hungarian language for one or
two semesters before.
The Dancing University of the University of Pécs is
a unique initiative in Hungarian higher education.
Applicants can select at their own pleasure from
several dancing courses, and in addition to learning
a specific dance, students from different faculties
can get closer to one another, too. The range of
dances offered is expanded every year: everybody
can find a dance to their liking, from latin dances
or belly dance through folk dances or Yoga to show
dances or hip-hop. One reason for its popularity is
that these courses are also accepted as physical
education classes at the faculties. The great success
and appreciation of the programme casts a
favourable light on the University of Pécs, together
with the PTE Dance Team who have proven their
dancing ability at many university, city, and national
festivals and competitions. In 2005 Dancing
University set the Guinness record of "the most
people belly dancing simultaneously" and in 2010
the project reclaimed this title. The 2016/2017 fall
semester will start in the middle of September
Liuhejia Liu
from China,
Faculty of Business and Economics
I have taken part in the courses of the Dancing
University since I've checked in the University of
Pécs. I tried hip-hop, latin dance and I was
member of the University Dance Team. Earlier I
have been studying as a professional dancer in
high school for 6 years. I tried a lot of types of
dancing: latin dance, ballet dance, Chinese
traditional dance and also some types of
modern dances, e.g. jazz. The atmosphere of
the dance courses of the Dancing University
was good, almost everyone in the course was
very happy and enthusiastic, we enjoyed the
classes very much. After dancing I relaxed with
my classmates and teachers so it was really
good for me. I'd like to stick to it with this
semester, too, because I love dancing and I
enjoy dancing with a group of people. It can
make us feel strong.
In my opinion, an excellent dancing course
should look like a party, during which every
member have fun even if they are not very
familiar with the steps or the rhythm. So we
can imagine a dance class like a party: there is a
teacher who "as a DJ" leads us to dance with
music to partying.
There are a lot of international students taking
part in the courses. They came from different
countries, like Turkey, Spain, Netherlands,
I recommend e.g. our Hip-hop teacher with a
good heart: he is energetic, he always led us
with passion so that the atmosphere was very
active. He also shared some of his dancing
experiences with me after class. He may does
not seem to be very professional, but he has a
good personality and he is an excellent dancing
Antinea Valadron Reigosa
from Spain,
Faculty of Sciences
I have been dancing in the courses of the
Dancing University since the end of September.
I took part in latin aerobics, latin dances, yoga
and also in the University Dance Team. I started
practicing different kinds of sport when I was a
child, but finally I focused on rhytmic gymnastics at national level. I specifically prefer
contemporary dance and modern dance. It´s
not easy to understand each other properly
while we are speaking different languages but
dancing has its own international language
which can link people from different cultures,
so the courses are really enjoyable and it is a
nice opportunity to do some exercises. During
the classes everybody is in front of a big mirror.
First we learn the basic steps and then you try
to follow them with the music, sometimes
individually, other times in pairs, the main
important thing is to have fun. Most of the
students are Hungarian, but of course you can
find people from the Erasmus programme and
also from other international programmes. I will
continue taking part in the courses of the
Dancing University because it's a good possibility to do some physical activity and at the same
time spend a really good time with your friends
and learn different types of dance. I recommend
the courses to everyone who is motivated to
loose their shame and spend a good time, it
doesn´t matter if you are good at dancing or
not, nobody will judge you, just try to enjoy
dancing with other people.
Paula Moreno Caballero
from Spain,
Faculty of Business and Economics and Faculty of Law
I started the dancing courses at the end of
September. I've taken part in latin dance
and aerobic, and I have also participated
in the team of the Dancing University.
Earlier I have danced flamenco and modern
dances since I was a child. The dance courses in
Hungary are really different from the Spanish ones.
I had to learn how to organize a choreography in
English and I had never done this before. It was a
great experience, I learned a lot! We all were
dancing in front of a big mirror and before
starting a choreography, the teacher used to
teach us the basic steps. There are also other
international students from different international
programmes. I will continue to take part in the
courses of the Dancing University, it's a very
entertaining way to do exercises. I would
recommend the courses to everyone, you will
always have fun and meet new people.
Their music
like a drug
I'm so "Mongoozolic". Mongooz And
The Magnet is a trio formed in 2014
and is composed of three gentlemen
from Hungary, Norway, and Ireland.
Why do I love this band? I have a lot
of reasons. First of all: their music is
great! The band draw their roots
from music all over the world, and
with blues as their compass, they've
set a path that flows from gritty
guitar lead lines to catchy rhythms,
and it is for sure they induce their
audience tap their feet. I love their
funny posts on facebook and
instagram. I think it's lovely to hear
Ian and Magnus speaking and singing
in Hungarian. Pécs is the hometown
for the band, and I love this city, too.
So I decided to collect some fun facts
about the band and the boys, just to
share some pieces of information
with their future fans.
Ability they would like to have
Ian: I think flying superman-style would
be pretty ok. I used to dream when I was
a kid that if I pushed my legs like I was
cycling, I could fly up into the air… but I
think the superman one-arm style is more
'laza' (relaxed – the ed.).
Magnus: I would love to be able to
Gábor: Playing perfectly all kinds of
musical instruments!
Awkward words in Hungarian
Ian: Anything over 6 syllables feels awkward to me... unfortunately there are
more than a few words like that!
Magnus: Folyamatosan!!! (said with a
Japanese accent)
Gábor: Well, I can cite a couple of slang of
Mátra. But it's really not appropriate in an
Favorite characters
Ian: Roger Rabbit
Magnus: The cats
Gábor: Tom and Jerry
The band is going to play on 28th of April
on Nagyszínpad (the Main Stage – the
ed.) in Budapest, because they like
challenges and try to play during Sziget
Festival later on. As for Pécs: there will be
a concert on 12 March (before Járai Márk
– the ed.), and they will play at the
University Days of Pécs.
Ian: Which is my favorite country? I don't
know... there are good and bad things
about all of them. But I'm quite enjoying
living here.
Magnus: I would have to say Norway as
my favorite country. It's cold, it's safe and
I miss skiing.
Gábor: I have been to several countries
thanks to my former jobs, and I have
enjoyed visiting Spain the most. I really
would like to go to Brazil once!
Difference between Irish and Hungarian
Ian: Yeah, a huge amount of people just listen to mainstream radio here, and the
mainstream has a big love for electronic/
heavily produced music that will work in
the club. Whereas there are a lot of big
scenes for rock music, country music etc.
in Ireland, lots of groupings and so people
who don't go to the club so much aren't so
concerned about club-style dancing music.
I remember a time walking by a little shed
with an old woman selling chimney cake
and strudel, and she was listening to some
PUMPING dance music – that's just crazy, I
don't think I've ever seen anything like that
in Ireland.
Epoch in history
Ian: Well, as an Irish person I guess
things pretty much involved being
pushed down by the English for most of
our history.. so this day and age is one
of the best times. But maybe caveman
times would be good, I wouldn't mind
eating meat all day, never cutting my
hair (no real change there!) and never
using deodorant.
Magnus: 1960–70s. Most of the music
that influenced mmy own was made in
those days. Everything was more organic.
Less bullshit. I would have loved to be a
part of that.
Gábor: I said to be old-fashioned, and it's
true. I really enjoy wearing suit and hat
even on an average day. I would choose
the early 20th century, and any European
Films, which would fit their life
Ian: I would love to have a life of
chapters, like Forrest Gump. I hope I
think a bit more about what I do
though, huh huh.
Magnus: The Lion King. I used to think I
was Simba when I was a kid (and I still
Gábor: I love historical films, for
example the ones about wars. I can
imagine myself in a movie, where good
triumphs over evil… sooner or later.
Five years from now
Ian: Obviously in five years we will be
HUGE (laughs) so we'll be on tour a lot,
hopefully in and around Europe, USA,
North Korea…who knows. The most
important thing is that we are still
challenging ourselves, and always making new music. A lot of bands get stuck
and keep writing the same song over
and over, while they do not develop.
You have to stay hungry.
Magnus: We'll be in a big tour bus.
Ian: I'm not sure exactly, what's going to
be in 5 years, but music is a big part of
my life and I hope that it's going as well
as I think it will. Who knows where in
Hungary I'll be..probably move to
Magnus: I don't know. Right now I am
really into the music thing, and my
goal is to be able to make a life from
playing music in the future. We shall
Gábor: I think the situation is very
unstable in this country and worldwide
as well. It would be great to have my own
family 5 years from now...
Ian: Gábor is a human metronome, and
has the most experience of all of us.
Actually, he's the only guy who can
replace us all because he can play bass,
guitar and sing..and the piano..and..oh
Gábor about himself: I like creativity… to
do something in the style, that hasn't
been done yet. I think that's my main
personal characteristic.
The Hungarian people
Ian: Hungarians are a funny group of
people. A lot of people have a very hard
time here with work conditions, and a lot
of people sadly leave the country. But the
survival spirit of Hungarians is very
strong, they are SUPER stubborn, in a
good way!
Magnus: I love them. When you are lost,
they always give great directions.
Magnus: I like everything about myself.
And I appreciate confidence about
Gábor: I don't like in myself that I am
unforgiving, and I easily judge everyone.
But I'm an openminded guy… at least at
the first glance. Let the women decide
what is magnetic about men. I admire
self-confidence, sense of reality in
women… and if she is ballsy. It may
sound a little bit strange, I know, but let's
be honest: who wants to live with a
meowing kitten?
Magnus: The great master bassist from
Gábor: Ian is quite easy-going, everyone
likes him!
2015 marks the release of their first
studio recording, a 5 track EP entitled
"The Mongooz Juice". You can download
it, check out their homepage!
"Ki Mit Tube"
There was a talent competition called Ki
Mit Tube last year. Mongooz and the
Magnet took the third place, but the
band suddenly became famous.
Likes and dislikes
Ian: I'm a workaholic. And about men
and women? It's confidence. And a
great ass. I will let you decide to which
Ian: Magnus is a very confident and very
shy guy. I know that doesn't make any
sense, but no-one ever said Magnus
makes sense.
Gábor: He is very talented and always
open to learn some new stuff.
Music for a life
Ian: I always liked music, but when I was 14
I went to a summer camp to (unsuccessfully) learn the Irish language, and there was a
guy there with a guitar. In this world, he was
god. He could actually play the songs that
we listened to on the radio, and both my
friend and I were amazed. Within 6 months
we both bought guitars, and have been
playing ever since!
Magnus: I was surrounded by a lot of
music as a kid, which later got me into
playing the guitar. In the beginning my
music was mostly inspired by blues
music. Now I am into a lot of different
styles like soul, funk, RnB ++.
Gábor: Music inspired me to become a
musician. I started when I was 8 years
old, and a little later I got my first drum
Musicians with whom they would
like to play with
Ian: Stevie Ray Vaughan
Magnus: Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton
Gábor: Chick Corea
The Mongooz and the Magnet made an
EP, 38 concerts, 3,300 likes on Facebook,
80,000 viewers on Youtube in 2015. The
members of the band travelled 8960 km
on the roads, and 3820 km by plane
during the last year.
Overrated in a woman
Ian: Nails! Of course they shouldn't be
dirty, but I've seen some girls with some
SCARY stuff…
Magnus: Fake nails. They look stupid. It feels
good when they scratch my back though,
but real nails would do the same job I guess.
Gábor: Beauty…
Perfect party and New Year's Eve
Ian: I spent New Year's Eve at Mór with
some friends, a beautiful spot on NorthBalaton, and we continuously ate great
food and drank great wine from the cellar
for two days... Sometimes the best party
is a big one, sometimes a small one, but
it's all about atmosphere or having something to celebrate. I always feel that New
Year’s Eve is like a 'forced' party, everyone
needs to celebrate something but it's a
total anticlimax... a big countdown
to...the next day?
Magnus: I don't remember. Well I do
remember a bit, but you don't want to
know. And the perfect party? Good
music, drinks and lots of love.
Gábor: My "szilveszter" wasn't a big deal,
but that’s what describes all of my New
Year's Eves. We had 2 concerts during the
last 2 days in December, so I was very
tired. I like the parties, where the music
fits for me and the mood is good. It
doesn't depend on location or season.
Favourite songs
Ian: I don't know... there are so many
ones.. but I really like New York State of
Mind by Billy Joel. I don't know why, but
there's something in there that resonates
with me. The feeling of the song...there's
something great in there, that I don't
think he even knew that he put in.
Magnus: I can't answer that. There are so
many great songs!
Magnus and Ian met on an Open Mic
occasion. Both of them study at the
Medical School of the University of Pécs.
Ian got his degree last year, so he works
as a medical doctor and a PhD-student at
a clinic in Akác Street.
Live vs recorded music
Ian: They are different animals, to be
honest. But I love live music first and
foremost. My first really great mind-blowing musical experiences were seeing
great musicians coming through my small
town in Ireland, really great players
would come for the big jazz festivals and
our town would try and grab them to
play a little gig while they were there, in
the country. There's a magic and a connection that you get, the music is being
created in front of you, for you. You can't
beat that.
Magnus: Nothing is better than to see a
great live show. I really enjoy seeing
music made on the spot, and that the
musicians are creative together. On the
other hand, I really like listening to
records. Recorded music is not only a
result of great musicians playing their
music, but it also depends on the work
of sound engineers, mix engineers, producers etc. It's like a different art form
Gábor: It's an interesting question. … I
don't understand. But I prefer live music,
of course.
The weirdest food they have ever eaten
Ian: Rántott velõ. Seriously guys. I don't
get it.
Magnus: Hurka!
Gábor: I think it's the frankfurter. Have
you ever seen how it is prepared? Well …
it's very weird.
Working together
Ian: We have a lot of fun in the van driving to gigs, it's weird but I really like this
feeling of setting out on our way to a new
town. Secretly I hate the other guys, but
I hope they'll never find out.
Magnus: Making and playing music
together is great! And we are good
friends as well most of the times. Huh
huh...The times we argue is the worst
part I guess, but fortunately such things
don’t happen too often
Gábor: When someone brings up a brand
new idea and we try it and it works! I love
these kinds of unique moments! The
worst part is packing, waiting, travelling
in a cold bus.
Ian: If you really give a great present it's
like giving yourself a present, to make
someone really happy. I really like smaller,
cheap presents that are well chosen and
unique and really show that you know
Magnus: I'm a giver. Handmade is always
Gábor: I prefer to give, and I don't like big
or quite expensive stuff. I even used to
give a little poem for an occasion – it's
longer lasting compared to a bottle of
wine. It is fun to get, but I can't stand
when you have to pretend enjoying a
present which is useless.
So, are you a mongooZolic by now? I bet
you are!
University Library of Pécs
and Centre for Learning
Monday – Saturday: 8:00–20:00
Sunday 10:00–18:00
27. June – 31 July: 10:00–18:00
22. August – 4. September: 10:00–18:00
From 5th September – 8:00–20:00
General services: reading room, borrowing,
photocopying, scanning, printing, WiFi
Useful links:
There are more than 20 databases, which you
can use remote
"Chat with the librarian"
You can get information in an easy way via
chat. Type in your questions in the box at the
lower right corner of the main homepage of
the Library.
"Ask the librarian!"
You can fill out a form and librarians can help
you to find literature for your paper.
More info:
The history of the library reaches back to
1774 when Bishop György Klimo established
the first public library of Hungary. His rich
and unique legacy is still part of the library
of the University of Pécs, the Klimo
Collection is available in Szepesy utca.
17 libraries constitute the network of
the library network of the University of
Pécs: each of them provides several kinds
of services for UP students on nearly all
campuses of the university.
Pécs was awarded the title of European
Capital of Culture in 2010. One of the main
flagship projects of Pécs 2010 was the
construction of Centre for Learning. This
modern building is located at Universitas
street, providing a centre for the network of
libraries of the UP. It seems to be one huge
integrated library, but in fact it is a collection
of libraries: Ferenc Benedek Library of the
Faculty of Law and Faculty of Business and
Economics and Gyõzõ Csorba Library also
works here, beside the Centre of Library of
the UP.
University Library of Pécs and Centre for
Learning has an area of 13,000 m2 with 7
floors. Its reading room can seat more than
100 readers. Free parking is provided behind
the building. There are a popular restaurant
and a bookshop within the building.
University Library of Pécs and Centre for
Learning provides more than 1.600.000
documents, 1340 periodicals, more than 20
Identity card or passport and student
card of the UP are required for the registration for a reader pass. This special card is
free of charge for students and teachers of
the UP, it is valid for one year. Library
members can have an access to every
institution of the network of the libraries of
the University of Pécs.
In case you need medical help
Foreign students can turn to the Centre for Occupational Health
and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical Centre with any kind
of disease or health problem. The first step of the treatment is at
the Centre, and if it is necessary, you can be forwarded for further
examinations to other Clinics. It is crucial to bring to the Centre
the passports or identity cards, and if you have any kind of
insurance you need to provide the appropriate document from the
insurance company. All foreign students will be treated – those
who are insured by Generali have treatments free of charge, those
who haven't got this kind of insurance, have to pay. The cost of the
medical treatments are settled at the rate set by the University of
Pécs, it's part of the Code of Charges and Benefits of the UP. The
list of the prices is at the waiting hall of our Centre, so students
usually know about the costs of the treatments. In case you don't
have valid Hungarian health insurance card, you are required to pay
2.500 HUF for a consultation. The prescription costs 1.000 HUF.
There is no possibility for card paying at are the Centre for
Occupational Health and Hygiene of the University of Pécs Clinical
Centre, they can only accept cash.
The place of consultation:
Pécs, Nyár u. 8., GPS 46.0967,18.2068
Opening hours:
Monday: 12:00–16:00, Tuesday: 8:00–11:00,
Wednesday: 12:00–16:00, Thursday–Friday: 8:00–12:00
Fencing is
for me...
Maya Mansouri started fencing in 1999 when
she was 9 years old. Since then, she became
the member of the Tunisian national team and
she is in a professional level, currently
preparing for the Olympic Games in Rio.
At the same time, she is the student of the
University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences.
I've chosen Pécs because the University of Pécs is
very famous and it was the only university that
corresponded to my requirements. I am totally
satisfied with the education level, since it is very
high and there's a lot of good teachers here. I
always learn a lots of new things.
Unfortunately there's no direct flight between
Pécs and my home country, so if I want to go
home, I have to go to Budapest airport, after that
from Budapest to Istanbul/ Paris/ Frankfurt, then
finally from one of those airports I can travel to
For me, sport is like a key to life: it helps me to
be stronger, more open-minded and to be able to
take a good place in our society.
I got many medals I gained during my African
and international competitions. To reach this
level, you have to have a special lifestyle: I train
3 or more hours per day and of course, I started
fencing when I was very young to have enough
time to learn the technical and tactical issues of
fencing. It means also considerating fencing as
important as a friend or your parents or even
more: as your life! Fencing is everything for me...
Now my goal is taking part in the Olympic Games
in Rio in 2016, in biggest competition ever. With
a good preparation and with good results during
my competitions you will hopefully see me there
among the best fencers of the world.
Fencing is one of the most expensive sports in
Tunisia, however, we always had very good
results in this sport: that's the reason why
fencing became an increasingly popular and
supported sport in my home-country. Among the
Hungarian fencers I would mention Emese Szász
who is one of the best fencers in the world: she
is the 7. one in the ranking list.
I guess fencing makes a woman beautiful,
elegant and confident with a strong character.
fit and
Do you wanna be
Do you wanna be fit and healthy?
He started doing sports when he
was 7 and since then – for 21 years
– he has done it steadily. Gergõ
Pintér currently works as a PE
teacher in a grammar school, but
he also has bondings to the
University of Pécs: he has
graduated as a physical education
teacher at the UP Faculty of
Sciences and he has just finished
his PhD studies at the UP Faculty of
Health Sciences.
With what kinds of questions do people find you?
For most people aesthetic appearance is the most
important, so they want to change their body composition:
either they want to lose weight or build muscles. There are
also some people who ask my help in raising their performance. For example, one of my friends wanted to take
part in an Iron Man competition (it consists of uninterrupted 3.86 km swimming, 180.25 km cycling and a marathon
which is 42.195 km of running – the ed.), which obviously
works on a performance basis. I prepared him to the race
in six months: I made both his training plan and his eating
plan with respect to the preparation and the competition
What are the general principles that are worth paying attention to
anyone who want to live in a healthy way?
The 21st. century makes it difficult to each of us to have a
healthy lifestyle: while the number of our tasks rise, a day
still consists of only 24 hours. Thus firstly I would like to
emphasize that we should try to include in exercises in our
daily routine. Appropiate diet is also important: whether
somebody does sport or not, nutrition is the basis of
everything, since it influences our performance and health in
60–70%. We shouldn't forget about the spiritual and
intellectual background of health, either. The number of
times we should do sports weekly, depends on our purposes:
if somebody wants to preserve his or her health, I
recommend doing some exhaustive exercises 3 times for 1
hour a week. If you want to make your everyday activities
easier, you should do exercises 4 times a week and you may
rise the 1 hour to 1,5–2 hours. However, I would maximize
the number os training in 5 occasions a week, since doing
exercises is not everything: relaxation is as important as
training. According to theories of training, muscles are
developed during relaxation and not during exercises...
What about competitive athletes?
Obviously we should distinguish recreational, competitive and
professional sport. The latter two are about achievement, while
recreational sports are about obtaining and retention of
physical health as well as spending time usefully.
What types of recreational sports are there?
Each sport can be practiced with recreational purpose. I
think, the most popular ones are running and fitness
workouts nowadays.
Here comes an extremely important advice: do not choose
only kind of sport, because with a complementary sport we
can eliminate the monotony caused by doing the same kind
of sport all the time. For example, if we do a sport for
endurance, we should also choose another one with which
our skeletal muscle can be developed. If we mainly do
weight lifting, let's also choose some sport which provides
cyclical movement, e.g. running, cycling.
Are there any ready-to-serve foods which are healthy while supporting the accelerated life of the 21. century you've mentioned?
Healthy lifestyle became a trend nowadays: we can see it both
on the shelves of the stores and in some advertisements. Of
course, there are healthy ready-to-serve foods – although it's
also purse-dependent. However, I suggest choosing home-made
foods against processed ones because thus we can be aware of
the ingredients of our meal, which is a very important aspect of
being healthy and fit.
Can you mention some home-made foods which can be prepared
After acquiring practice, everything can be prepared quickly.
However, a bit of cooking proficiency and creativity are
necessary. I would highlight vegetable-, meal- and liquid
consumption, unsaturated fats, e.g. curiosity oils like grape
seed oil, pumpkin seed oil, rice oil, brown rice oil... It may
sound a little odd, but I don't suggest taking fruits for hobby
athletes, just most infrequently. You might be surprised but I
can recommend banana, since despite its high sugar content
it contains a lot of other useful substances. Consumption of
any kinds of food is a matter of timing: after a hard exercise
you can eat almost anything, while I wouldn't suggest eating
foods with high sugar content in a calm winter night or after
a week’s rest.
What kind of experiences do you have with foreign students?
During my PhD years I often visited the UP Medical School and
sometimes other faculties. I could see that foreign students are
more active than the Hungarian ones. Lots of them would go to
school by bike, which is a very good thing, however, I also saw
that they went to extremes concerning the way they lived, e.g.
many of them smoked right in front of the Medical School. In my
opinion a future doctor should set an example in this regard.
However, when it comes to sport, they are more enthusiastic than
Hungarian youngsters. In Pécs there are a lot of sport facilities
and sportlife at the University went through a big breakthrough
a few years ago: one can try almost all different sports.
How can we make a life-like diet plan? What do you think about
"cheat meals"?
Even if you are a hobby athlete, you should stick to your
diet as much as possible. However, since hobby athletes are
not top athletes who earn their living from sport, nothing
happens if they are tempted sometimes. You should stick to
a basic diet and if you worked hard during the training, you
can eat conventional dishes occasionally. In my opinion,
having two cheat meals a week don't cause any problems in
achieving our goals.
What useful pieces of advice could you give foreign students concerning their lifestíle?
It is obvious that everybody bring their sport culture from their
homecountries, e.g. baseball is quite popular in Japan and SouthKorea. Since there is a baseball association in Pécs, lots of
Japanese and South-Korean people play baseball in this
association. That's great, but I think even if they insist on their
own sport, they should complete it with something. Try a sport
which is popular in Europe! About the dishes: European
students find more or less the same dishes in Hungary as in their
homecountry. For others I recommend that they ask Hungarian
students other foreign students, the number of whom increases
year after year, about their proven tricks and experiences.
Is it true that alcohol consumption obstructs muscle building?
I wouldn't say it is this drastic, but the human body was
created in a way that drinking alcohol is not necessary for our
metabolism. Nevertheless, if we talk about a life-like diet plan,
it is allowed to drink alcohol once in a while, but as regards to
its frequency I am strict: I guess only a few times a month is
Are there any Hungarian foods that help us to be stronger/ fitter?
Although it's delicious and nutritious, the traditional Hungarian
cuisine doesn't meet today's trends. However, Hungarian dishes
can be convertible if we change the basic ingredients. I have
already prepared the healthy version of the Hungarian stuffed
cabbage. I used brown rice, drier meats and unsaturated fats
and it was almost as delicious as the original version.
Sporting life at the University is coordinated by the TTK Sport Centre University of Pécs,
which offers a wide range of sporting opportunities to the students and staff.
Optional and criterial courses
at the Sport Centre in hungarian:
airsoft, boxing, ju-jutsu,
table-tennis, body-building, fitball,
funky-disco, handball, basketball,
football, volleyball, shooting,
step aerobics, tennis, hiking,
swimming, trx, zumba
Optional courses
at the Sport Centre in English:
airsoft, body-building for girls,
fitball, shooting, step aerobics,
tennis, hiking, trx, zumba
Criteria courses
of the Medical School:
aerobic, training in the gym,
handball, basketball, volleyball,
football, karate, kick-box,
floorball, swimming, tennis,
table-tennis, climbing, badminton,
hiking, cardio yoga, xco training
From february, every second Tuesday
Language tandem
Do you want to learn foreign languages from native
speakers in an unusual way? Then come every second
Tuesday to Nappali, where (almost) every foreign
language has a table. Just choose one and learn something new, or practice.
From february, every second Wednesday
Pub Quiz
With 12–15 teams, exciting quiz with different topics
from general knowlegde, literature, sports, environment,
history, biology, music… The winner team gets a bottle
of wine as a prize.
From february, every Thursday
Country Presentation
Most popular event of ESN Pécs is organized every week
on Thursday, with 2 or 3 countries. Students of each
country prepare typical food and beverages of their
country, preparing and showing some cool videos about
their culture and breaking (or sometimes strengthening)
the stereotypes.
March 5. 19.00
Expo Center
International Evening 2016
Our goal, besides raising money for charity, is to show everybody the diversity and uniqueness of our Medical Faculty
and to show that so many nations can live happily together! There will be performances and table presented by
students, representing their home countries.
When the first spring day comes
Picnic at Lake Malomvölgy
when the first spring day comes, let's grab a blanket,
some food, beer, tea and enjoy a chilling, sunny
afternoon in the grass, at the lake.
Campfire at Tettye
Going to Tettye, collecting wood for setting fire, bringing
sausages, bacon, vegetables, marshmellows to grill and
enjoying a very nice afternoon/evening together. Bring
blankets, and if you have a guitar, bring it, too!
March 10. 20.00
Zsolnay Quarter – E78 – Concert Hall
Metronome Jazz Club:
Gáyer Mátyás Trió feat.
Hofecker Dániel és Komjáti Áron
A real young Pécs Allstars band will entertain the public,
since, apart from the drummer, Oleg Markov from Ukraine,
they were all born in Pécs, and by now they have become
the leading jazz artists of their generation. Their main trend,
straight ahead, is characterized by modern mainstream jazz,
their repertoire include their own compositions as well as
the jazz standards of the "American Songbook".
March 3. 19.00
Kodály Centre
The Horizon
At this concert, in all works you are going to hear, there
will be a determining role of the trumpet and the brass
instruments in general. The music literature does not
abound with trumpet concertos, but in the baroque and
classical period, several major composers (including
Telemann, Vivaldi, Mozart and Hummel) composed in
this genre.
In April
University Gokart Championship
For the first time, the University Student Union
organizes a Gokart Race between the faculties. Be a
part of this amazing race!
Wine tasting
Visiting a family winery near Pécs. You can taste different
types of wine with high quality, and if the weather is
friendly, you can enjoy the view and the beautiful
variety of roles. For the concert, there were four works of
composers of four different nations, writing in completely
different styles, so showing different faces of the musical trends
of the era, were selected. Charles Griffin's Poem, written for
flute and orchestra, evoking Debussy is a remarkable creation
of American modernity. Schoenberg and Stravinsky – as
perhaps the two most influential figures in the first half of the last
century – hardly needs introduction. The programme will be
closed by a virtuoso concerto of the French composer Ibert.
March 15. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Festive Gala Concert
In the Hungarian history, 1848 is one of the most remarkable years: the Hungarian War of Independence. The
leader and the soul of the Revolution was Lajos Kossuth.
Béla Bartók justified with these lines why he had chosen
one of the most important Hungarian politicians of the
19th century as the title character of his symphony.
March 19. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Dance on the Moon
The concert programme is especially worth the attention of
those interested for modernity of the beginning of the 20th
century. In these pieces, the flute manifests itself in a wide
April 5. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Music by...
The Pannon Philharmonic's film music concert, conducted by
Christian Schumann, who is an excellent expert of this genre,
connects the visual experience of film and the acoustic
experience of music. Film and music: both are art forms without limits, that means both have limitless expressive power,
and are characterized by continuous innovation. When these
two creative art forms meet under expert hands, there would
be always born something memorable. This year's film music
concert, the ensemble is evoking such encounters.
April 14. 19.00
Kodály Centre
May 11. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Michel Camilo & Tomatito
It is hardly surprising if during a guest performance of
an Italian conductor, there are Italian masterpieces in
the programme. Paolo Paroni, who is a returning guest
in the number of Central European countries
–Croatia, Slovenia, and Bulgaria – comes to the Palace
of Arts with a programme including compositions that
are rarely heard at the Hungarian concert halls; he
picked some pieces from his native country's music of
almost two centuries.
The Spanish guitarist Tomatito was discovered by two
musical giants at the age of 12: Paco de Lucía guitarist and
Camarón de la guitarist Isla, one of the greatest flamenco
singers ever. Thanks to the perseverance and humility, in
a few years' time, he became one of the most important
flamenco soloist. His joint concert with the Grammy,
Latin Grammy and Emmy Award-winning pianist phenomenon Michel Camilo features Latin music, jazz and
flamenco, but in a form you have surely never heard
May 19. 20.00
Zsolnay Quarter – E78 – Concert Hall
Metronome Jazz Club:
Váczi Eszter and the Quartet
During the production of their new album, The Sea Inside,
Eszter Váczi and her quartet have worked
together with the four-time Grammy Award-winning
producer-engineer, Heli Hadar for the second time. The
musical world, formed by the collaboration with the
world-renowned professional encourages the audience to
have a deeper, more meditative approach. This is
coupled with the unique texts of Esther, for which the singer
earned the Artisjust's "lyricist of the year" award in 2014.
April 21. 20.00
Zsolnay Quarter – E78 – Concert Hall
Metronome Jazz Club:
Karosi Júlia Quartet feat. Lukács Miklós
The young jazz singer Julia Karosi founded her
quartet in 2009. They mainly play their own
compositions, their sound integrates both classical
music and modern jazz elements. Juliet's second
album, Hidden Roots was published by Time Dot
Records of New York City in 2014. The album bears
the rhythmic diversity of Hungarian and Central
European music. The quartet's guest is Miklós Lukács
dulcimer artist.
April 23. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Giacomo Puccini's Tosca should hardly be introduced
to the Hungarian audience. The three-act opera,
based on Victorien Sardou's drama La Tosca,
premiered in 1900, has been continuously played at
the Hungarian musical theatres since it was first
performed at the Hungarian Royal Opera House in
Budapest (on 1 December 1903) – that is, for more
than 110.
April 28–29–30. Zsolnay Cultural Quarter and all over the city
University Festival of Pécs – PEN
April 28. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Ian Anderson Plays the Orschestral
Jethro Tull – Featuring: Pannon Philharmonic
The founding member, lead singer and legendary flute
player of Jethro Tull returns to Hungary with a
production that offers specialities even to the most
experienced fans.
On this evening Ian Anderson goes on stage with the
Pannon Philharmonic in a collaboration with his own
band to perform the well-known songs of the Jethro
Tull life-work with symphonic obligato.
In May, Lake of Abaliget
University Fishing Championship
It's the student festival of the University of Pécs, and it has got an amazing history already: the University Days of Pécs
is one of the most awaited student events. The new venue is the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, which is is beautiful and
awesome! The PEN begins 28th of April.
May 19. 19.00
Kodály Centre
May 21. 19.00
Kodály Centre
Beethoven with Kobayashi
The transcriptions, variations, quotes and reminiscences
were characteristic for each period of music history;
there are almost countless pieces of music or parts of
music pieces that exist in different versions exist, and thus
after some time will have been re-interpreted in a
changed in musical and historical context.
Kobayashi Kenichiro, who is tied to Hungary with a thousand
threads, will arrive this time in the Kodály Centre with a
concert thematically divided into distinct parts. The first half of
the evening, two works of the zenith of the Viennese classics
can be heard. Then, both Kodály works on the programme,
the suite version of Háry János (1926) and the Dances of
Galánta (1933) are fine examples of the Hungarian
composer's more and more engagement to folk music,
manifested from the 1920s onwards.
The students of the University can measure their fishing
skills at a beautiful lake.
June 8. 20.00
Zsolnay Quarter – E78 – Concert Hall
Metronome Jazz Club:
June 2. 19.00
Kodály Centre
When arrived to England in 1826, for the premiere of his last opera, the three-act
Oberon, which had been written for a commission from London, Carl Maria von
Weber was gravely ill already. The artistic level of the libretto, as well as the lengthy
job, burdened with pitfalls, the composer, ho had been dissatisfied with his work to
the last minute, completed the overture of the piece just a few days before the
Pocsai Kriszta and her band
Besides boasting one of the most beautiful voices in Hungary, Kriszta Pocsai earned
reputation as a music teachers, speech therapist and vocal therapist as well. Her
repertoire includes her own compositions as well as well-known standards. The singer,
heard unfortunately quite rarely, returned after an interval into the world of jazz and
Latin music with a sensational album, Home at Last.
See page 46!
Easter eggs are
dyed and
painted ones
that are often
given away to
celebrate Easter.
Éva Mosonyi
folk handicraft
artist talked
about one of the
oldest tradition
in Hungary.
Where does the custom of egg painting come from?
In the tradition of Christianity Easter Eggs represent the blood
of Christ, shed on the cross, and rebirth. Furthermore these
decorated eggs symbolize love and spring – but only in case of
using the color of red. An egg itself is a symbol, as well: it
represents rebirth and life worldwide. The patterns on an Easter
egg are parts of the fertility rituals. 100 years ago, for a farmer
family it was natural to paint even their agricultural tools on the
eggs to achieve better crops. The eggs were painted during
Good Friday by women and later on they were eaten with ham
and wine, or were given to the boys who awaked girls by
pouring a bucket of water on their head on Easter Monday.
observed on the eggshells which were found in tombs of
Pannonian Avars from the early 9th century.
What kind of techniques are applied?
According to the original folk tradition, patterns are scratched
or drawn to the surface of the egg with a so-called "íróka"
(which is a special stick with wax on it, a kind of "wax pen"– the
ed.). In case of drawing, painting is only the second step, and
the patterns become visible after the wax was melted.
Scratching has a long history: marks of this technique are
Are there old patterns or fashion about Easter Eggs?
There are traditional patterns which have been used for
centuries. For example rakes, harrows, spades represented the
rich harvest. The most popular patterns are the flowery ones. It'
obvious, because women painted their beloved spring flowers –
tulips, lilies of the valley – on the egg shells. Easter is one of the
most important Christian holy days, that is why the cross has an
Are the eggs boiled or blown?
Easter Eggs are not just decoration items or ornaments! The
Easter Eggs (and the Easter Ham) were carried to the local
church to get a blessing onto them, and therefore the eggs had
to be boiled. Later on these blessed food were eaten in a festive
Today we usually blow egg out of egg shells. It is very
practical because egg shells can be hanged on catkins, which is
a German custom originally.
inevitable role among the symbols on the eggs. The most
interesting patterns are linked to animals, but usually not their
full body, just some part of them are painted on the egg shells:
a frog's ass, a duck's feet, a rabbit's ear... Dates, titles, names
also often painted. Girls give eggs with hearts on it to the
objects of their affection. Usually chicken eggs are used and the
patterns are selected to fit the size of the egg.
There are main rules: the surface of the egg can be divided into
2, 4, 8, or even 16 parts by lines or circles. More ornamental
motifs can be painted inside these well-defined areas.
Is the Easter egg red or can we use other colors?
It's true, the real Easter egg is red. Some herbals and plants can
be used for dyeing: onion skins color the egg shells to reddish
brown, elder greenish bluish lilac and nuts brown.
Do you paint eggs in other periods of the year, too, or just in
According to the tradition Easter eggs are colored on Good
Friday, but I couldn't make all my orders within one day, so I paint
all year. I collected several patterns through the years and I drew
them. One of my ethnographer colleagues advised me not to
draw on a 2-dimensional paper, but to paint them on real,
3-dimensional eggs. This is how the Easter Egg Pattern Treasury
was set up, consisting 2,000 eggs painted with different patterns. It can be seen at the Ethnographic Museum in Budapest.
Do you try to pass on this knowledge to the younger generations?
I have responsibility to my heritage. I feel called upon to teach
the techniques and to make the patterns well-known. I would
like to have an exhibition to show all the colors of the egg
Is this custom still alive?
Painting the Easter egg is still one of the most popular customs
in Hungary. Egg painters taught the traditional wax techniques
to people, more and more patterns are published each year. The
technique is quite simple, even the first attempt to painting can
be successful. Hopefully the generations to follow will also be
enchanted by this fragile magic.
University of Pécs Summer Schools in 2016
Studying during the Summer? YES
As part of our internationalization strategy, The University of Pécs is working on offering a growing number of Summer Schools to foreign students.
What is a Summer School? Is it only studying or more?
A summer school is a course, usually lasting several weeks, during which
the participating students are offered intensive tuition in certain subjects,
combined with extracurricular activities. Attending a Summer School has
academic, social and career benefits as well. You can develop your
academic skills in a special education environment, earn credits, make
new friends, develop your social skills, see the world and you can also
make your CV stand out from the crowd – with the received knowledge
and information you can even shine at an interview.
In addition to the growing number of degree programs offered to the
international students, the University of Pécs pays special attention to
attracting students from all over the world to the university during the
summer, too, to the various Summer Schools organized by the different
Faculties and Units. International students who are already enrolled at the
University are also welcome to attend the summer courses.
In 2016 the University of Pécs
announces the following Summer Schools:
The Multi-Disciplinary Summer Simonyi Program in
Entrepreneurship Consulting
(short version: Simonyi Summer Program)
Organizing unit: Simonyi Business and Economic Development
Center/Faculty of Business and Economics
Date: 4th – 29th July, 2016
Who should apply: Students willing to gain real life practice and international experience in the field of consulting at the same time are welcome
on the program. During the 4 weeks long program, students are trained
and teamed up with partner students, allowing them to gain a business
knowledge and international experience. They provide business support
services for small and medium-sized businesses in the Southern
Transdanubian region. Participants successfully completing the requirements of the program are awarded 10 US (equivalent of 15 ECTS) credit.
Language of instruction: English
Short description:
The 12th Multi-Disciplinary Summer Simonyi Program in
Entrepreneurship Consulting will be aiming at contributing to
regional development projects specializing in: Global Health and
Health Entrepreneurship, Arts and Culture Commercialization,
Sustainable Innovation Capacity Building in Energy and Infrastructure,
Excellence in City Tourism and Eco-Tourism and not least of all Social
Entrepreneurship. Summer 2016 will be having an umbrella theme
"Facilitating Migrant Responsive Cities and Regions"
Hungarian Language
and Culture Summer University
Psychological Responses
to Permanent and Actual Challenges
Organizing unit: University of Pécs, Medical School,
International Studies Center
Date: 24 July – 21 August, 2016
Who should apply: anyone who is interested in speaking
Hungarian. International students who will start their studies in
September or already study in Hungary, but do not have time
during the semester.
Short description:
Lots of learning, lots of fun!
Our Hungarian Language and Culture Summer University
program offers
" effective language learning
" in an international learning environment
" at various locations
" taking advantage of authentic, everyday-life situations.
Tuition comprises 40 classroom- and outdoor lessons per week
on five language levels for small groups of 5–10 students.
Lessons are given by three teachers in each group providing
diverse learning environment and teaching styles, as well as cultural seminars by university lecturers. Our experienced, professionally trained instructors have been working together for
many years. Many have also contributed to the materials used
in the development of our course.
Organizing unit: Centre for International Relations
Date: 30 May–24 June, 2016
Who should apply: Undergraduate and Postgraduate students
majoring in Social Science disciplines.
Language of instruction: English
Short description:
Module 1: A Global Challenge: the Psychological Perspectives of
Module 2: Evolutionary Aspects of Human Psychological
Have you ever wondered what drives human behavior? Are we
unique and different beings in a chaotic world or is there something
that is common in all of us? What does the well-known cliché
"human beings are social creatures" actually mean? And if we are
truly that social, why is there so much discrimination and fear around
us? Why do different societies have a dismissive behavior towards
migrants? Social- and evolutionary psychology offer a lot of interesting answers to these questions. Throughout this Summer School our
researchers and lecturers will demonstrate that human beings are in
fact utterly social. We are determined by our evolutionary, neurological underpinnings and by the socially represented world around us.
We will also show that these facts are not only foods for thought, but
they have serious consequences on our modern lives. With the help
of the psychological theories we provide knowledge that deepens
the students understanding of our modern world.
Participation, Performance and Partnership
in Adult Learning and Education
– Problems of Theory, Concept and Practice, ESRALE 2016
Summer Academy
Central Europe in the 21st Century:
Migrants and Minorities
Organizing unit: Faculty of Cultural Science, Education and
Regional Development in partnership with ESRALE project
Date: 18–24. July, 2016.
Who should apply: Master and Doctorate Students in Adult Learning
and Education, Educational Science and other related fields
Language of instruction: English
Short description:
The 2016 Summer Academy provides a complex set of issues
which resemble ESRALE studies and research in adult learning
and education reflected by the modules of the updated version
of the European Masters in Adult Education (EMAE) and scientific orientations of the Doctoral Themes of ESRALE.The
Summer Academy aims at signalling current issues around adult
learning and education as:
" Social Recognition of Adult Learning and Education;
" Evaluation and Benefits of Adult Learning;
" The Role of Developing Choices for Critical Thinking;
" Adult Learning and Social Movements in Europe today;
" Professional Development, Follow-up Works and Career Paths
for Adult Educators
Organizing unit: Centre for International Relations
Date: 30 May–24 June, 2016
Who should apply: Undergraduate and Postgraduate students
majoring in Social Sciences disciplines.
Language of instruction: English
Short description:
Module 1: History of Minorities and Migrants in Central Europe
Module 2: 21st-Century Migration Trends and Policies in Central
Europe and the Question of Nation States
The course offers a historic overview of migrants and minority
groups in many countries of Central and Eastern Europe, together
with a fresh investigation of international migration trends and policies across the region. In particular, in light of recent immigration
flows to the European Union, migration policies will be critically
analyzed using qualitative fieldwork experience and such intercultural innovation tools as the UNAOC-BMW Award-winner 'Immigropoly
– The migration game', developed by lecturers of this course.
Fieldwork will include visits in Hungary and its Schengen-border
region with Serbia and Croatia and at NGOs, government agencies,
local governments dealing with migrants. In addition, many minority
communities and their local self-governments will be visited.
Pécs Debate Academy 2016
Organizing unit: Student International Exchange Network
Foundation in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and
IT and the Faculty of Humanities
Date: August, 2016
Who should apply:
The project targets young people, mainly students of higher
education and young volunteers of non-governmental organisations, young debaters and open-minded students in a search for
skills development and social, intercultural experiences.
Language of instruction: English
Short description:
The Pecs Debate Academy – started in 2013 based on the 17year experience of the International Culture Week in Pecs
(ICWiP) – is a unique regional summer university initiative of its
kind in Hungary, the very first debate event in the
Transdanubian region, and one of those rare projects, which
offers not only debate courses, skills development and conference days, but intercultural and social programs as well. If you
feel urged to express your thoughts about our contemporary
world and its topical issues, take your first steps and apply for
the Pécs Debate Academy, a unique summer university, which
also offers 7 ECTS credits for active participation. Our main
objective is to improve critical thinking, argumentation and
debating skills of the decision-makers of the future.
PDA 2016 offers students the opportunity to gain experience
and learn how to argue along the techniques of the British
Parliamentary Debate style. This is not just about debating,
however; it is also about absorbing fresh knowledge which you
might vindicate in your studies and work, even via self-realization and -assertion. Participants will not only have a chance to
take part in debate trainings led by acclaimed trainers and invited guest lecturers/experts. We are committed to emphasize
non-frontal teaching: teambuilding activities and debate skills
trainings, final debate tournament, on-topic and off-topic
lectures, and also active off-programs like concerts and interactive events. We make sure that you get to know how cordial
Hungarian hospitality is, we organize a visit to the beautiful city
of Pécs and its surroundings; a sport contest; and the best intercultural party imaginable, the Country Show. The Pecs Debate
Academy is an intensive, 8-day-long summer event, including
debate training series that embeds conference lectures, which
is supported by discussions and workshops, cultural and social
events. Level of training: NOVICE, working language is English.
Both BA and MA students are more than welcome to apply.
Each Summer School will provide participants with various very enjoyable cultural programs, unforgettable excursions, great parties.
Summer Schools are learning AND tremendous fun! Find something related to your degree or try something new!
Join our Summer Schools and invite your friends, too!
in Hungary
Feel the warm breeze in your
face, the hot sun on your skin
and the pleasant smell of the
You are in Hungary, and there is
just one summer in the year for
you to explore. You like rhythm,
crowds of people, you like cheering,
and you want to express yourself.
There is just one summer, so you
have to decide what you want
mostly…you have many opportunities.
Where: in Orfû
When: 22–25. June
A popular music festival with locals,
showcasing all genres of Hungarian
music on multiple stages including
pop, rock, hip-hop and more.
Unfortunately, all tickets have been
sold in January, but be aware and check
their website to get tickets:
you should visit VOLT Festival in Sopron.
There are less people there than for
Sziget Festival, however, the party is still
huge. The festival is characterized with
its wide variety of musical styles, which
you can enjoy in the middle of a forest.
Just to mention but a few bands who
were there for the last festival: Fatboy
Slim, Bastille and Rise Against. There are
five stages, among which two are major
Where: in Budapest
When: 10–17. August
What: pop, rock, electronic, metal, folk,
jazz, blues, alternative and classical tunes
One of the famous festivals in Europe, a
reason why people from abroad visit
Hungary is Sziget Festival. It is organized
in our capital, Budapest, on an island.
That is why it is called The Island of
Freedom". This year Robbie Williams,
Florence + the Machine, Avicii, and Limp
Bizkit were the most famous bands of
the festival. Sziget is not just about
music: it offers a whole lot of different
cultural programmes like theatre, circus
or exhibitions. It also has a beach section
where fans can truly enjoy the summer
and the River Danube.
Where: in Dádpuszta
When: 1–7. August
What: psychedelic trance, experimental,
world music
If you like psychedelic trance and
nature, come to O.Z.O.R.A. "Welcome to
paradise!" There you can enjoy all that
spiritual forces mean! You have more
than one week to try different kinds of
yoga, make wooden jewelries, admire
fire jugglers, wallow like animals, and
feel the breeze of true nature.
Participants of this festival get together
as a big family of "hippies" from all over
the world.
Curiosity of this festival is that the organizers design more and more new buildings each year (for example: a look-out
tower, a labyrinth, or wheel of wisdom).
Where: in Zamárdi, Lake Balaton
When: 6–10. July
What: electronic music
If you would like to spend your time near
the famous Lake Balaton, you should
choose Balaton Sound organized in
Zamárdi. This festival is one of the
largest European open air electronic
music festivals. You can meet there David
Guetta, Tiesto or Ludacris. Hurry up, the
festival gets more and more famous and
popular each year and tickets are usually
sold out before they go on sale.
Where: in Sopron
When: 29. July – 2. July
What: rock, pop, jazz, hip-hop, electronic,
world music
If you want to enjoy the music of your
favourite bands away from the capital,
Where: in Szeged
When: 24–28. August
What: pop, alternative music
If you would like to participate in a
youthful festival, you should go to the
SZIN in Szeged and party with thousands of friends. The Szeged Youth Days
date back to 1968. That was when the
organizers of the festival realized that
music on a riverside beach creates a very
special atmosphere. Several daylong
programmes provide entertainment,
there are games and lots of smart
surprises for the youth. You can get
together with the most popular
Hungarian alternative bands like Péterfi
Bori & Love Band, Punnany Massif,
Supernem there.
Content manager: Ms. Vivien Németh
Director: Dr. István Tarrósy
Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program
Mr. Áron Bánáti
Erasmus + program
Ms. Judit Németh
Email: nemeth.
Erasmus + International Credit Mobility program,
overseas student exchange programs
Mr. Gábor Czéh
Brazilian Science Without Borders program
Ms. Katalin Sümegi
Study Abroad programs
Dr. Gyöngyi Pozsgai
CEEPUS mobility program
Ms. Eszter Sándorfi
International student mentoring program
Mr. Péter Árvai
Student organisations and services
Student Union (EHÖK in Hungarian)
Ms. Dorina Baranyai - Foreign Affairs coordinator
Erasmus Student Network (ESN Pécs)
Email: esnpecs
English-German Student Council (Medical School)
Faculty of Business and Economics
Ms. Judit Trombitás
Faculty of Cultural Sciences,
Education and Regional Development
Mr. Borisz Végvári
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Dr. Gabriella Medvegy
Faculty of Health Science
Dr. Orsolya Máté
Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Péter Müller
Law School
Dr. Tímea Drinóczi
Medical School
Ms. Klára Somodi - English programs
Ms. Anikó Kramm - German programs
Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
Ms. Éva Radnai
Mrs. Zsóka Szépné Adonyi
Faculty of Sciences
Ms. Evelin Kiefer
International Studies Centre
Mrs. Ella Álmosné Kajdi
Foreign Language Centre
University Library and Centre for Learning
List of all University libraries:
AIESEC Local Commitee Pécs
Email:, |
Central Sport Office
Central Office of Student Services (KÖSZI in Hungarian)
Ms. Visontai Kovách Dalma
Dancing University
Mrs. Beatrix Bánkyné Perjés