2016 Big Sweep flyer1 copy - City of Winston
2016 Big Sweep flyer1 copy - City of Winston
Saturday, October 1, 2016 We need your help! 9 a.m. ~ Noon Big Sweep Winston-Salem Waterway Cleanup Join in the FUN and help clean up Winston-Salem’s waterways! Saturday,Oct. 1, 2016 9 a.m. ~ Noon THE OCEAN NEEDS YOU: Trash travels. And whether you are inland or on the water, the ocean is always downstream. The ocean provides the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Ocean trash is a global problem but has local solutions. Be part of the solution! Call Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful at CityLink311 (727-8000) to volunteer Free clean-up supplies and lunch! BIG SWEEP WINSTON-SALEM is proud to be a part of the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. Please join us! Clip and mail this form to: Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful, P.O. Box 2511, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 or call 727-8000 or fax 727-2354 or e-mail georges@cityofws.org Form online at www.kwsb.cityofws.org Sign me up for 2016 Big Sweep on Saturday, October 1, 2016 Group Name: ____________________________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________________________ Contact Address/Zip Code: _______________________________________ Daytime Phone: ________________ Nighttime Phone: _______________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________ Number of Adults: _____Teens (13-18): _____Youth (under 13): ______ Area to be cleaned (if known): ___________________________________ INTERNATIONAL SPONSORS LOCAL SPONSORS CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM Mayor: Allen Joines City Council: Vivian H. Burke, Mayor Pro Tempore, Northeast Ward; Denise D. Adams, North Ward; Dan Besse, Southwest Ward; Robert C. Clark, West Ward; Molly Leight, South Ward; Jeff MacIntosh, Northwest Ward; Derwin L. Montgomery, East Ward; James Taylor Jr., Southeast Ward City Manager: Lee Garrity Winston-Salem Big Sweep Waterway Cleanup We need your help! Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 9 a.m. ~ Noon PRINTED ON R ECYCLED PAPER RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. Box 2511 • Winston-Salem, NC 27102