Newsletter - Millbrook First Nation


Newsletter - Millbrook First Nation
Millbrook Community
May 2014
Artwork by Gerald Gloade “Grandmother hands”
Happy Mother’s Day!
Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Millbrook Band Office
Business Hours
Phone Numbers
Monday - Thursday
Band Office
8:30am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm
8:30am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm
1 (902) 897-9199
Toll Free
1 (800) 693-3112
Mailing Address
Millbrook Band
P.O. Box 634
Truro, NS. B2N 5E5
Social Assistance
Social Assistance Cheques are tentatively scheduled for:
May 1, 15 & 29, 2014. Applications are available at the
Reception desk at the Band Office.
Newsletter Deadline
The Newsletters deadline is the 26th of each month. You can make a contribution to the Millbrook
Community Newsletter just send in your information by
e-mail:, by Fax: 895-0079, by the website contact form (link)http:// or submit information to the Reception desk at the Band Office.
Treaty Credit Applications
All Direct Deposits will be deposited on Friday, June 20th, 2014. Applications must be received by June 13th, 2014 for Direct Deposit.
Funds issued by Mail and Pick Up will be issued Monday, June 23rd, 2014.
Please note: To avoid any errors, hand written banking information or use of bank accounts not
belonging to the applicant is no longer accepted. Incomplete applications will be mailed back to
applicant, please review your application to ensure it is completed.
Chief and Council
Chief and Council Meeting
The next Chief and Council meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2014. The deadline for submissions or requests to see Council is Thursday, May 8, 2014.
Please submit to the Administrative Assistant, Jay Martin, Fax: 893-4785 or e-mail:
Chief and Council Meetings
May 6
May 12
May 13
May 15
May 28
10am Economic Development Committee with Team and Treaty (Debbie Lattie) in Chambers.
1pm MEBO discussion with council, NEO, MEBO in Chambers
10am Council Meeting in Chambers.
11am Melford update with Robert Stevens
1:30pm Projects Meeting in Chambers (Date moved a week later) in Chambers.
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Education News
Lunch cheques will be issued on Wednesday, May 7th, AFTER SCHOOL!
The next Attendance Incentive cheques will be issued on Thursday, June 26th, dependent on whether
schools send the attendance records in on time.
Parents and Students are reminded that there are continuously reports of bullying on buses. Please
remind your children of the bus safety rules.
A new policy has been accepted by Chief and Council that disallows students who are bullying others to
travel on Millbrook buses. Please read this policy carefully as it is effective immediately.
Congratulations to Mrs. Melody Martin-Googoo for receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award!!!
Tel: 897-1249 (Daycare)
Tel: 897-0445 (Pre-School)
Director - Sylvia Martin
Director’s email:
Please call us by 9:00 am if your child is going to be ABSENT or LATE (or you may TEXT Sylvia at
Preschool Bus
DON'T FORGET to please call the bus driver, NOLAN at 890-3608 if your child is sick or not going to
preschool for any reason. ALSO call preschool teacher OR text Sylvia with the same info.
PLEASE ensure that A PARENT OR RESPONSIBLE ADULT IS HOME EVERY DAY when your child returns
from preschool between 2-2:30pm!
Yes, it’s finally SPRING, but… it’s still very cold most days, so please continue to have your child DRESS
WARM & send in extra clothing. Please make sure your child has a hat, mittens, winter jacket, snow
pants & winter boots EVERY DAY. It is also a good idea to pack an extra set of clothing (including socks)
in case they get wet outside during the day.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
If you are in need of Daycare Services, PLEASE FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FORM ASAP TO GET ON
THE WAITING LIST, and call to inquire about availability from time to time. Note: You may complete an
application early (before your child is 18 months, but your child will not be on the waiting list until s/he
is 18 months old).
Important Dates
*changes to note
Monday, May 12 – Parents As Teachers Workshop
Monday, May 19 – Victoria Day HOLIDAY (Centre is CLOSED)
Friday, May 23 – Parent Tot Workshop
Friday, June 13 – Preschool 4 end of year trip
*Tuesday, June 17 – last day of preschool
Thursday, June 19 – Preschool 4 Graduation
Friday, June 20 – Aboriginal Day HOLIDAY (Centre is CLOSED)
RE: DONATIONS of Magazines, Catalogues, etc.
We have more than enough at the present time. Hold off sending more in until summer time or the fall.
PLEASE DON’T SEND ANY CLOTHING DONATIONS. (We don’t have enough room to store them
here, and everyone should have their own change of clothing, so we don’t need any more than that in
the centre. Thank you.)
Monday, May 19 – Victoria Day – No School
Wednesday, May 28 – New Primary Parent Orientation – 6:00pm
Thursday, May 29 – Rally Against Racism
Monday, June 9 – Mr. Borden’s Field Day
Tuesday, June 10 – Mr. Grant’s Field Day
Tuesday, June 10 – Next year’s Primary students attend
June 25 – 27 – Marking Days – No School
Saturday, June 28 – Report Cards
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Truro Elementary School had a great showing at the Truro Music Festival, WAY TO GO!
We are very proud of our Music Teacher Miss Belinda Fraser who was nominated and will receive an
Excellence In Teaching Award!!
Happy Birthday to the following students who will be celebrating their birthdays in May; Christina
Brooks, Koda Stevens and Summer-Rayne Sylliboy!
We are experiencing difficulty reaching some parents when an emergency issue arises. Do we have your
most recent phone numbers? If you have changed your number and have not contacted the school,
please do so immediately. Also, be sure to write any new or existing numbers on your child’s agenda as
many students do not know their phone numbers.
During the day, teachers will check their phones for messages at 8:30 and at lunch hour. If you have an
emergency and it is after 12:00, please call and speak to someone in the main office by pressing 0. The
Administrative Assistant will see that your messages is delivered to your child.
The menus for the cafeteria will go home on Friday, May 2nd. Please fill in the menu with your child/
children and with your hot dishes. Other items available that are not on this list are; Chicken wrap,
Caesar Salad, Egg, Ham, Jam or Tuna Sandwiches.
With the days getting longer it is still important for children to get to bed early in order to get enough
rest. Please be sure your child stays on an early bedtime schedule until school has ended in June.
Parents and Students are reminded that there are continuously reports of bullying on buses. Please
remind your children of the bus safety rules.
A new policy has been accepted by Chief and Council that disallows students who are bullying others to
travel on Millbrook buses. Please read this policy carefully as it is effective immediately.
Please make sure you send a snack for recess and check that you child/children are dressed for the
weather outside.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
To Educate Our Diverse Population
To The Best They Can Be
Monday, May 5 & Tuesday, May 6 – Grade 7 Immunization
Wednesday, May 14 th - Friday, May 16 th - First Nation Support Staff away at ANTEC Conference
Monday, May 19 – Victoria Day – No School
Thursday, May 22 – Sunday, May 25 – Little Mermaid Jr. the Musical
Wednesday, May 28 – New Primary Parent Orientation – 6:00pm
Thursday, May 29 – Rally Against Racism
Friday, May 30 – Regional Track & Field Meet
Happy Birthday to the following TJHS students who will celebrate their birthdays in May; Devon Jessop,
Blade Knockwood, Randy Milliea and Terrell Wysote!
The students have been busy working on their Science project and are near completion. Most students
finished their PowerPoint and will be presenting in May. Reminder, students must make either a model,
poster, dio-rama, poster board or timeline at home which is due on May 1st. For Mrs. White’s ELA
Class, they just completed their Fairy Tale Unit and students are encouraged to show off their blogs to
their parents and to blog while at home.
ELA - All grade 6 students are expected to read 20 minutes daily; Word study – plurals
Math - work on their “Problem of Week”, complete Skills Bank work sheets (for Mr. Nolan’s Class); study
multiplication facts (daily exercise, timed with weekly quiz); Study Mental Math strategies (daily
exercise, timed) and Daily homework sheets to be completed.
All homework is recorded in student agendas daily and can also be found on the homework website.
TJHS is a scent aware school, there are students and staff who are allergic / sensitive to scents please
avoid using scents and aerosol sprays.
Things to bring to school: Water bottle, signed agenda, break snacks and gym clothes
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TJHS Links:
Truro Junior High School: (You
will be able to find a list of homework for your
child here)
Chignecto-Central Regional School Board: http:// (In this site, under the parent tab,
you will be able to connect to PowerShcool
Portal which will give you an up-to-date
information on your child’s progress in school)
5 D5
7 D1
1 D3
8 D2
9 D3
2 D4
Congratulations to Mrs. Melody Martin-Googoo for receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award!!!
Grade 7 Math - We have recently finished the unit on adding and subtracting integers. We are moving
into multiplying and dividing integers, order of operations, graphing and equations. Mrs. Boudreau
offers extra help on Mondays after school!!!
Grade 7 ELA - We are working on Peace, Gratitude and Compassion journals for Ms. Gillis. The
students have decorated the covers and will be recording entries on these topics and drawing pictures.
We have some very talented artists!!!
Grade 7 SOCIAL STUDIES - We are studying about Louis Riel and the Red River Settlement.
Grade 7 HEALTHY LIVING - We are working on a Social Network project in groups. Students will have
some class time to work on their projects but please encourage them to work on their part of the project
at homework club or at home.
Grade 7 Science - We are learning about weather and students are writing a fun interesting story about
getting caught in the middle of a weird weather phenomena. They are very creative and funny!
Grade 8-2/8-3 ELA - We are reading “The Outsides” in class this term. The students seem very interested
in this novel and the characters.
Grade 8-1/8-5 ELA - We are finishing up Anne Frank assignments and moving into poetry.
I would like to encourage all of our students to attend Homework Club as often as they can! Several
students have been arriving with very little or no homework to play computer games or hang out. We
love that a large number of students are attending; however, students with school work will have priority
on the computers and all students are encouraged to bring a book or something they can work on
quietly when their work is complete. We want to reduce distraction for those students still working or
needing extra help. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at
896-5550 ext. 232.
Wela’lin - Leana Kennedy
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Parents please check to make sure your child has a calculator.
Parents should be aware that most grade 8 and 9 students have Math homework most days.
Well SPRING has finally SPRUNG!!! Students should be reminded that even though there are only 2
months of school left, that they are the MOST IMPORTANT 2 months for the few students that are “just
passing” or failing a subject.
Over the past 20 years I have seen HUNDREDS of students work really hard in May and June. This extra
effort had a great impact on how well they met their 3rd Term Learning Outcomes and their final mark
for the year. Most important of all it made a Hugh, Positive Impression on their teachers and in most
cases resulted in the student being promoted to the next grade.
Warning from Mr. Wilson: STUDENTS - DON’T CATCH SPRING FEVER!!! Attendance is crucial during
If there are any students, I can think of one or two, who missed a “few” classes and would like to get a
copy of the notes they missed, they need to come see me as soon as possible.
Millbrook First Nation
Support Teacher
Cheryl Higgins
Office Number: 896-5728
Monday, May 19 - Victoria Day Holiday - No classes
Thursday, May 29 – Rally Against Racism
June 3 - Achievement Awards Night
June 8 - Band Awards Night at 6:30PM
June 11 - Athletic Awards Night 6:30PM
June 9 - IB Recognition Night 6:30PM
June 18 - Second Semester Exams begin
June 25 - Prom
June 26 & 27 - Administrative Days (No classes)
June 27 - Graduation Exercises & Safe Grad
June 28 - Final Reports to Students (No Grade 12s)
Reminder to parents to call and excuse their students for classes missed, you have five days after to
excuse your students.
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It’s hard to believe we are already into the second half of the semester, and summer is just around the
corner. There are a few things to keep in mind...
Students planning to attend post-secondary schools in the fall, it is not too late to apply!
Grads are must also bring in their $50 grad fee as soon as possible.
Rally Against Racism will be happening on the morning of Thursday, May 29th. All students are
encouraged to attend this student-led event.
Homework Club is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:10, and every second
Monday. All Millbrook students are welcome to attend! Snacks will be available to students that attend.
Scholarships & Bursaries
There are many scholarships and bursaries available specifically for First Nations students. As the
deadlines for these scholarships are approaching students will be notified. Students are also encouraged
to check with Student Services about other available scholarships.
Many potential grads have applied to their preferred post-secondary institutions, but not everyone has. In
many cases we are waiting for first semester final marks to apply. If you or your son/daughter has any
questions please feel free to call the office.
The CCRSB Policy states that a high school student may lose credit for a course if they are not present in
class for at least 80% of the course, or they miss 19 classes.
The teacher will phone home after 6 absences, and the Vice Principals will follow up with a letter at 10,
16 and 19 absences.
5 weeks reports, however these marks are now available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you
have not already set up an account, please call the office and I will provide you the information you
Congratulations Melanie Nasson on a terrific job dancing at the Musical Shrek!
Happy May Birthday
Happy Birthday to Nyanza Julian and Katie McNutt!
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Happy Birthday & Congratulations
Happy Birthday
May 1
Happy sweet 16 Brittany, love Nanny &Poobah.
May 5
Happy Birthday Big Red, Love Mom and Dad.
Happy birthday Luke, Love Mary.
Happy Birthday to Luke, Love Roseanne and
May 6
Happy Birthday Crystal Gloade, Love your
Hubby Vernon.
Happy Birthday Mom, Love Cal, Cooder and
Happy Birthday Godmom, Love Mattea.
Happy Birthday to Crystal from the Bernards
May 18th
Happy Birthday Chris Dorey, love from Peter,
Shelly & family.
May 19
Happy Birthday to Pat Gloade, Love from Peter,
Shelly & family.
May 21
Happy Birthday to my lovely wife Natalie, Love
your Handsome Husband Gerald.
Happy Birthday Mom, Love Gerald Jr. and Kyle.
Happy Birthday Natalie, Love Margaret, and
Happy Birthday Natalie, Love Natasha & Mittens.
May 25
Happy Birthday to Dawn Ellis-Abbott, from the
Millbrook Band Office.
Happy Birthday Dawn Ellis-Abbott, from Deb &
May 27
Happy Birthday to Crystal Dorey, Love Peter,
Shelly & family.
Happy Mother's Day to Jileen love Warren, Sipu,
and Warren jij xoxoSt. Jude's Novena.
Happy Mothers Day Ma. From: Jenny, missy,
Devin & Joel.
Happy Mother's Day Ma. Love from: Quinten,
Levi & Ky.
Happy Mother's Day Mom. Love from: Quinten
& Levi. XoxoX
Happy Mother's Day mom. From: kyleneHappy
Happy Mother's Day Auntie Jen. Love from:
Happy Mother’s Day Mom, Love Nigel, Cooder
and Cal.
May 28
Happy Birthday Rolin, Love Mom
Millbrook Wight loss Challenge
Are you trying to lose weight for the summer?
Incentive, I will pay the winner, who loses the
most weight for the month, $5 a pound. The
weigh in day is 10AM Tuesday, May 6 at the
Senior's Centre.There will be 2nd and 3rd prizes
depending on entries.This Challenge is for
Millbrook Band members and community only.
-Lisa Marshall
Photo of a Bear from the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park
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Sacred Heart Church
Regular Sunday Mass Time is at 11:30 a.m.
Immaculate Conception website:
Prayer Group
Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:00 pm. at the Senior’s Centre in Millbrook. Agenda includes,
Rosary and Prayers followed by tea, a light lunch and a social.
Come join us – everyone is welcome!Contact person for group – Jane at 893-7454.
“Understanding the Bible”-Weekly Scripture Study for Adults
Please join us on Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm for an evening of fellowship as we learn together the
Word and grow in grace and understanding. Tea and light refreshments to follow. Located at 74 Abenaki
Road. Contact: Kelly Gloade (902)890-8307.
Community Hall Bookings
To book the Community Hall please contact Jay Martin at 897-9199 Ext 110. Thank you to those who
continue to keep the hall, clean, neat and tidy. Please try to book your event early, preferably a
minimum of 2 weeks in advance.
Compost, Garbage & Recyclables (blue bags)
That means only one black garbage bag (privacy bag) per week, the rest must be in clear bags. Recycle
items (containers and paper) must be in blue bags. If you do not have a compost bin please call
Elizabeth Paul at the Health Centre. There are some of the small kitchen containers available now.
Garbage is picked up every week.
Compost bin dates are Tuesday, May 6, & 20.
Blue Bags dates are Tuesday, May 13 & 27.
All items must be at curb side by 7:00 am.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Millbrook Fitness Centre
The Millbrook Fitness Centre is open 1pm-4pm Monday to Friday.
It is open in the evenings from 6pm-10pm Sunday to Thursday.
Exercising a few times a week is a great way to maintain your overall health.
Sunday Morning Ice Time
Sunday morning Ice times at the R.E.C.C. are
Sunday, May 4, 11, 18 & 25 from 8 am - 9 am.
Millbrook 3-D Shooters
Millbrook Archery Club has target practice every Wednesday night.
Wednesday’s time is 8 pm till close and Sunday 1pm-closing. Everyone is welcome.
RECC Membership
Millbrook has worked out a corporate rate with the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. Corporate
Memberships apply to yearly membership only. The Civic Centre is not located on the reserve, Taxes are
applied to the cost. The band Member must purchase the Membership first then submit the receipts to
Priscillia Martin. The Tobacco Store covers $300 per activity.
Family Swim at Rath Eastlink Community Centre
Bring your family out to swim every Sunday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm at the Rath Eastlink Community Centre.
Youth Dance
There will be a Youth dance on Saturday May 24 at the Millbrook Community Hall. Time will be 7 to
9pm grades 5 & under and 9 to 11pm for grades 6 & up. There will be a chance to win a movie pass
also pizzas will be served. Music by DJ Jeff Wilmot. For more information please call Peter Gloade at
897-1234 Everyone is Welcome.
Used Battery Bin
If you have old batteries please do not throw them in the garbage, we have a battery
recycle bin located in the Band Office and Health Centre. - WELA’LIN Natasha Bernard
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Health Centre
Business Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:30am-12pm / 1pm-4:30pm
8:30am-12pm / 1pm-4:00pm
Phone Numbers
Band Office
1 (902) 895-9468
Toll Free
1 (888) 895-9468
Mailing Address
Millbrook Health
P.O. Box 634
Truro, NS. B2N 5E5
Youth Dance
There will be a Youth dance on April 12 at the Millbrook
Community Hall. Time will be 7 to 9pm grades 5 & under and 9 to
11pm for grades 6 & up. There will be a chance to win a movie
Treatment Centre Schedule
pass also pizzas 7 pop will be served. Music by DJ Jeff Wilmot. For
Rising Sun at Eel Ground, NB is more information please call Peter Gloade at 897-1234, Everyone
11 2014, 5 week coed program.
is Welcome.
Eagles Nest Recovery house
To understand what’s Detox and Rehab
Indianbrook May 19, 2014, Coed.
Detox: is a place where you would go to get off the drugs or alcohol, a
Mikmaw Lodge at Eskasoni, NS is
person is usually there from 5 to 14 days depends how bad the addiction
5, 2014, Coed program.
is, if needed they could stay longer. Sometime there a waiting list up to 5
days to get in one of these places, and you would have to call the place
Wolastoqewiyih Tobique June 16,
to do a booking. There are 8 detoxs in Nova Scotia, Pictou, Springhill,
2014, 3 weeks Relapse program.
Dartmouth, Strait Richmond, Sydney, Lunneburg, Middleton & Yarmouth
Any Millbrook Youth who would like to
Rehab: is a 5 weeks education treatment program. You would have to get go a treatment program I do have
all papers filled out with Peter Gloade and a medical done by the Dr. Its forms for the 3 treatment centres
best you do the paper work 2 weeks before going into one of these
places. There are 5 treatment centres in the Atlantic such as Eagles nest,
Walgwan Centre in Quebec - long
Mikmaw lodge, Rising Sun New Brunswick, Wolastoqewiyik Healing
term program
lodge, Mawiomi Treatment centre Quebec.
Charles J Andrew Youth Centre
Free Spirit AA
Sheshatshiu Labador – long term
Choices in Halifax
Millbrook Free Spirit AA group meets every Tuesday night at 7pm at
the Millbrook Senior’s Centre. Everyone is Welcome
Contact the Community Addictions
Counsellor (Peter Gloade) at 897-1234.
Eskasoni Help Line
For any youth who are having a problem such as bullying, peer
pressure, or any problems and want to talk to someone there is a
number to call; all calls are confidential. Eskasoni help line toll free
1-855-379-2099 or on Facebook Eskasoni Crisis Worker there will
be someone there to chat to.
“The danger of Marijuana”
There will be a presentation at the Millbrook youth Centre for ages
12 & up May 8 at 6;15pm. Topic will be The Danger of Marijuana
Use and the speaker will be from addiction Service. for more
information contact Peter Gloade 897-1234.
If anyone has any suggestion for workshops or presentation what
they would like to see regarding addictions please contact me at
890-1671 or message me on facebook, I am open to all
Medical Drivers
Donna Gloade
Home: 895-9540 Cell: 986-8842
Germaine Martin
Home: 843-0174 Cell: 305-0204
Sunshine Martin
Cell: 324-0907
Sheet Harbour
James Howe Sr.
Home: 885-2249 Cell: 885-5232
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Millbrook Employment & Training
Carley Gloade
Native Employment Officer
Phone: (902)897-9199 ext. 122
Cell: (902)890-0656
Fax: (902)897-0678
The Millbrook Employment & Training Office
would like to thank Bill Pictou for his
dedicated service over the past 30 years. He
has provided many memories and success
throughout our community. We wish you well
in the years to come. Enjoy your retirement!!!!
We would also like to welcome Carley Gloade as the new Native Employment Officer
for the Millbrook First Nation! Congratulations Carley!!
Upcoming Training Opportunities:
• Power Transmission Tower Construction Program
• Metal Fab/Welding – TBA 2014
• Instrumentation Technician Training – April 2014
• Steam/ Pipe Fitter Training – April 2014
• Oil Burner Technician Program – September 2014
• Port/ Terminal Security Officer Training – TBA 2014
• Pre Industry Preparatory Program – Various start dates
If you are interested in more information and enrolling in one of the programs listed
above please contact Justine Maloney at Nova Scotia Aboriginal Employment Partnership
(902)477-2900 or (902)717-025
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Date: Thursday, May 15,
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
A great opportunity to meet with
service providers and learn about what they
have to offer. Come early enough to put your
name in for one of many door prizes. …
Variety of Information
Refreshments & Lunch
More than one door prize
Grand prize
Location: Millbrook Gymnasium
852 Willow Street
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Millbrook's Young Citizens Take Action!
You may have heard a gentle knock at your door this past week when two young students decided to
take the initiative and collect monetary donations to support our local SPCA. Millbrook's young
citizens Tehya Milliea and Alyssa Saulnier are two very caring students who recently decided to not
only collect donations at their school but to take their class' fund-raising further by walking their
neighborhood in support of this worthy cause. The two set out with their collection bucket in hand and
collected $27 from the generous community members. The Grade 3 class of Truro Elementary School
very much appreciates the extra support from the community and the extra effort from their classmates.
In Memory of My Sisters & Mother
Linda who passed away on May 26th, 2010, Sandra who passed away on May 19th, 1998, Angeline
who passed away on May 1st, 2013, Laverne Julien who passed away on May 7th, 1980 and my
dearest Mother on April 15, 1998.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I remember Mom saying May is the mothers month and so
it was so fitting you all left this world on that month. I can still picture you all and the memories I have
will never be forgotten. I was always called the "Sookie Baby" by you guys and teased me constantly.
Mom use to say you are teased so much because you are so loved.
Angie-baby, I think of you and the shopping you did, your devotion to Ste. Ann and the love of praying.
Sandra, I think of you and think of bingo, lottery tickets and VLTS. Love and concern for others and
how you were surrounded by Angels.
Linda, I think of you and remember the good times of karaoking, dancing especially to the Relatives
and your Bud. How you used to tell me about your love for your children.
Laverne, When i think of you, I think of rabbit stew, basket making and your love for your boys.
Mom, I think of you and how you instill in your children and a strong faith, devotion to St. Ann and
love for your family especially your grandchildren. Your door was always open to friends and strangers
alike, how you would listen to anyone who wanted to talk.
Yes, I remember you all and know you are all watching over us from above and I am happy to have
some wonderful memories.
Love Always,
Janet Bernard
Millbrook First Nation
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To Remember me
by Robert Noel Test, American Poet (1926-1994)
"The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a
mattress located in a hospital; busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment a
doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my
life has stopped.
When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. And
don’t call this my deathbed. Let it be called the bed of life, and let my body be taken from it to help
others lead fuller lives.
Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby’s face or love in the eyes of a woman.
Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.
Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to
see his grandchildren play.
Give my kidneys to the one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week.
Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled
child walk. Explore every corner of my brain.
Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack
of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window.
Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow.
If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weakness and all prejudice against my fellow man.
Give my sins to the devil.
Give my soul to God.
If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. If
you do all I have asked, I will live forever.”
I read this Article and it had such an impact on me I wanted to share it with other readers.
Janet Bernard
Millbrook First Nation
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
North American Indigenous Games
Archery Qualifier
NAIG Archery Qualifier, Millbrook 3D Shooters Association
Date: May 4, 2014
Where: Community Hall
Time: 8:30-5:00 PM
Contact: Bryan Brooks for more information at 956-3112.
St Jude's Novena
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world now &
forever. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St Jude, help of the helpless, pray for us.
Thank you St Jude for prayers received.
Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 8th day, you will receive your prayer.
Publication must be promised.
Markie Bus Tours : Halifax Casino Runs
On the First Friday of every month we depart from Truro Staples
parking lot, Robie Street at 9:30am. Leaving Halifax Casino at
3:30pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per
person. Also on the First Sunday & First Friday of every month
depart from New Glasgow Zellers parking lot at 8:00am.
Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:00pm same day. Please call ahead
for seating. $30.00 per person.
1. Bus Transportation
2. FREE Non-Alcoholic Beverages on floor
3. One Meal Coupon
Visit: Casino Nova Scotia for more Information.
Contact MARKIE BUS TOURS for more information.
Phone: 1-902-843-5501
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Art Workshop with
...Leonard Paul
Leonard Paul is a member of the Pictou Landing Mi'kmaw Band, and a widely acclaimed naturalist artist and master watercolourist. He is a professional artist for over thirty years teaching in First Nation Communities throughout Nova Scotia and Alberta His detailed pencil drawings and work in oils are also becoming widely known. He attended the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, and obtained his degree from Acadia University, but has also studied in Germany and France. He has had numerous national and international exhibitions and has received many awards. Some of the noteworthy accomplishments of this Mi'kmaw artist include selection as one of the artists for the National Film Board's film, "Kwa'nu'te'", and in 1992 an extensive photo documentary of his work, including many of his river scenes, was featured in "The Atlantic Salmon Journal". He also received the prestigious Governor General's Award for his painting of environmental landscapes in 1993. Leonard's art can be found in prominent locations in the collections of many corporations, university galleries, native organizations, and government agencies.
What is beautiful about this workshop is that the program contains an immense diversity that the individual will always be entertained in an academic and safe environment. Participants will be exposed to Pencil Drawing, Water Colors, Sculptures and much, much more. Age : 12years and up
Cost : $150/8 sessions (1 class/week)
$400/24 sessions (3 classes/week)
Duration 3 sessions a week Sunday—10:30-12pm—Sculpture
Tuesday— 7-8PM—Pencil Drawing
Wednesday— 7-8PM- Water Colors
Pre registration is required, please phone 843-3493 or email Heather at
Glooscap Heritage
Centre &
Mi’kmaw Muesum
65 Treaty Trail
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
This month of April
April’s Summary of events
On Friday, April 11th the Central Nova Tourist Association
acknowledged tourism excellence in the region by presenting
it’s annual awards. Congratulations to the Attraction Award
winner Glooscap Heritage Centre & Mi’kmaw Museum in
Photo Credit: Darrell Cole, Amherst Daily News
The Easter youth Dance was hosted by Peter Gloade Millbrook’s Addictions
Counsellor and The DJ was Jeff Wilmot. The dance was held at the
Community Hall. Millbrook's youth dance is split into two age groups, grade
5 and under from 7-9PM then grade 6 and over until 11PM. Pizza and pop
was served to the kids, 16 kids won a movie pass this month.
Easter Bunny at MIllbrook Early Education Centre
The Easter Bunny stopped by the MEEC before the Easter weekend, bringing
treats and goodies for each of the children.
(left) The Easter Bunny with Myla Martin!
Photo Credit: Tara Martin
Earth Day at Glooscap Heritage Centre
The Glooscap Heritage Centre staff teamed up with the
Mi’kmaw Conservation Group, Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife
Park, Nova Scotia Agriculture and Colchester Waste/Resource
Management to provide a day full of activities to learn about
Earth Day for the students from Lnu Sipu Linamuskuem (LSK)
and Shubenacadie District Elementary School.
The day started with a smudging and opening prayer from Pasty
Paul-Martin, Chief Bob Gloade followed with the official
Rachael Henderson and Evan Sylliboy
welcome. Chief Bob Gloade addressed the importance of protecting
performing songs for the kids
the natural world, using resources more gently and efficiently, and
the current global crisis caused by a disconnect in our lives between the natural world and our urban
lifestyles. The Eastern Eagle Drum group showcased their talent by exciting the kids with some
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The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) held a presentation on what they do and how it helps our
environment. MCG staff Sana Kavanagh and Clayton Coppawey showed students what types of fish
they are looking for, why MCG is working towards conserving species at risk (like Atlantic salmon),
reasons why MCG tag fish, and the importance of safety gear they wear while working.
(above) Mi’kmaw Conservation Group staff Sana Kavanagh and Clayton Coppawey presenting to the kids.
Colchester Waste/Resource Management staff presented the students proper ways to recycle and sort
out their garbage, which is important for a sustainable future.
The Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park workers taught the kids about habitats and the variety of
animals that share them.
Nova Scotia Agriculture promoted farm habits and how farmers can promote biodiversity. The kid were
able to walk away with a refreshed sense of stewardship for the mother earth.
(Left to right) Colchester Waste/Resource Management staff, The Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park staff,Nova
Scotia Agriculture staff and kids cleaning at the Medicine Trail Clean up.
Medicine Trail Clean up
The 4th Annual Spring clean up of the Millbrook’s Medicine trail and brook was a success. Led by
Joanne Cope, sponsored by the Wellness Program, started by a group of students as an social
experiment project. They were seeing if community would come out and volunteer to clean up their
reserve. “so the first year we had two big containers full of garbage and 20 bikes, some TV’s and tires,
every year it’s dwindling down because we clean it every year and their is less garbage. This year we
had about 5-6 bags and not much junk in the woods” explained Joanne Cope organizer of the clean
up. This event brings families and community members together and shows that our community takes
pride in having a clean environment.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Millbrook’s Walking CLUB
Is BACK!!!
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
Summer Students Required: Research and Education Assistants
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (The CMM) is a Tribal Council representing seven, Mi’kmaq communities of mainland
NS. Our mission is to proactively promote and assist Mi’kmaq communities’ initiatives towards self-determination and
enhancement of community. The CMM is located in the Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community in Nova Scotia and has over 60
Employees. The CMM’s Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) department is currently looking for two (2) energetic, mature and
independent Summer Students to fill the role of Research & Education Officer Assistant with MCG.
The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) is mandated to focus its efforts on the health of the Bay of Fundy Watershed. Its
mission is to promote and restore to concept of Netukulimk in the Bay of Fundy Watershed. The MCG is currently developing
programs on issues involving youth mentorship, habitat restoration, species-at-risk, water quality and climate change. The MCG
also services our Communities Commercial Fisheries’ needs. In addition to the seven CMM member communities previously
mentioned, the MCG also serves a non-CMM community - Fort Folly (NB) First Nation.
Reporting to the MCG Senior Director and MCG Research & Education Officer, the summer students will assist MCG’s Water
Resource Engineer with MCG’s “Preparing Mi’kmaw Communities’ Water Utilities for Climate Change” project. They will be
responsible for researching climate change effects as they pertain to communities’ water utilities; engaging water utilities’
employees on climate change vulnerabilities; and, working with community members on a photo-voice activity. The MCG
Research & Education Officer Assistants will also perform other tasks as needed such as conducting literature reviews, attending
meetings, preparing reports and presentations and other duties that may arise throughout the project.
Position Requirements:
Between age 18 and 30
Must have attended a Full Time program in a Post-Secondary institution in 2013/2014.
Must be returning as a Full Time student for 2014/2015.
Strong interest in water resource management, climate change, science, education or a related field.
Experience working in or with First Nation communities.
Enthusiastic attitude, willingness to learn and to try new things.
Ability to perform physically demanding outdoor work in and around water.
Knowledge of computers an asset (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint).
Responsible and ability to work independently.
Must possess excellent, written and oral communication skills.
Must have reliable transportation and the ability to travel.
Salary/Employment Term: $13.50/hr – 35hrs/wk. This is a 14 week term contract.
Application Deadline: May 15, 2014 by 4:00 PM
Submit Resume to:
Michelle Hepworth, Office Manager
c/o The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
PO Box 1590, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5V3
We are an equal opportunity employer; however, qualified Aboriginal applicants will be given priority in accordance with the
Aboriginal Employment Preference Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Only those applicants who qualify for an
interview will be contacted. The successful candidate may be required to submit a current criminal record check.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
Mi’kmaw Conservation Group – Water Resource Engineer
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (The CMM) is a Tribal Council representing seven, Mi’kmaq communities of mainland
NS. Our mission is to proactively promote and assist Mi’kmaq communities’ initiatives towards self-determination and
enhancement of community. The CMM is located in the Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community in Nova Scotia and has over 60
Employees. The CMM’s Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) department is currently looking for an energetic, mature and
independent candidate to fill the role of a Water Resource Engineer with the MCG.
The MCG is mandated to focus its efforts on the health of the Bay of Fundy Watershed. Its mission is to promote and restore to
concept of Netukulimk in the Bay of Fundy Watershed. The MCG is currently developing programs on issues involving youth
mentorship, species-at-risk, water quality, and climate change and habitat restoration. Additionally, the MCG also services our
Communities Commercial Fisheries’ needs. In addition to the seven CMM member communities previously mentioned, the
MCG also serves a non-CMM community - Fort Folly (NB) First Nation.
Reporting to the Senior Director, the MCG Water Resource Engineer is tasked with the role of assisting a MCG Research &
Education Officer with reducing water utilities vulnerabilities to climate change in three (3) MCG Member Communities. The
MCG Water Resource Engineer will act as a technical advisor for the MCG Advisory Committee; will be responsible for
conducting site visits of our communities’ water utilities; and, will develop a Community Vulnerability Assessment Tool to be
used when assessing each community. The MCG Water Resource Engineer will also perform other tasks as needed such as
conducting literature reviews, working with water utilities employees, attending meetings, preparing reports and presentations
and other duties that may arise throughout the project.
Position Requirements:
University degree in Science or Engineering OR an equivalent combination of education and experience in both areas of
A minimum of one year direct experience in working around water utilities or the design of water supply protection
programs is preferable.
Preference will be given to candidates with University degrees in hydrology, hydrogeology, engineering, science, public
health or risk assessment.
An understanding of Climate Change and its impact on the environment.
Ability to work effectively with other departments, levels of government, industry and the general public.
Demonstrated ability to work as leader on multi-discipline teams, or independently, and meet deadlines.
Experience working in or with First Nation communities.
Excellent communication skills, written and spoken.
Strong work ethic and ability to work in an environment requiring discretion and confidentiality
Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access)
High values in teamwork, client service and professionalism.
Drivers’ license, reliable vehicle and ability to travel.
Salary/Employment Term:
Salary range: $35,000 - $40,000. This is a one-year contract with the opportunity for renewal.
Application Deadline: May 15th, 2014 by 4:00 PM
Submit Resume to:
Michelle Hepworth, Office Manager
c/o The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
PO Box 1590, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5V3
We are an equal opportunity employer; however, qualified Aboriginal applicants will be given priority in accordance with the
Aboriginal Employment Preference Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Only those applicants who qualify for an
interview will be contacted. The successful candidate may be required to submit a current criminal record check.
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The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
Mi’kmaw Conservation Group – Office Data Entry Clerk
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (The CMM) is a Tribal Council representing seven, Mi’kmaq communities of mainland
NS. Our mission is to proactively promote and assist Mi’kmaq communities’ initiatives towards self-determination and
enhancement of community. The CMM is located in the Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community in Nova Scotia and has over 60
Employees. The CMM’s Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) department is currently looking for an energetic, mature and
independent candidate to fill the role of an Office Data Entry Clerk with the MCG.
The MCG is mandated to focus its efforts on the health of the Bay of Fundy Watershed. Its mission is to promote and restore to
concept of Netukulimk in the Bay of Fundy Watershed. The MCG is currently developing programs on issues involving youth
mentorship, species-at-risk and habitat restoration. Additionally, the MCG also services our Communities Commercial Fisheries’
needs. In addition to the seven CMM member communities previously mentioned, the MCG also serves a non-CMM community
- Fort Folly (NB) First Nation.
Reporting to the Senior Director, the MCG Office Data Entry Clerk is tasked with the role of assisting the MCG Commercial
Fishery Liaison Coordinator (CFLC) with developing a CMM/MCG profitable commercial fishing gear tagging business. The
intention is to offer for sale commercial fishing gear tags to all commercial fishers within Atlantic Canada. The MCG Office
Data Entry Clerk will mainly act as a commercial fishing tag order administrator. The MCG Office Data Entry Clerk will also
work with a variety of commercial fishery data and will perform other Office Data Entry Clerk tasks as needed such as
marketing, ordering and delivery of tags, invoicing, tracking and reporting on database updates.
Position Requirements:
A post-secondary diploma or equivalent in a related field is required.
Completion of a formal office administration or keyboarding training program is preferred.
A minimum of one year experience in data entry and/or general office administration is required.
Ability to develop and manage a database for tag inventory, invoicing and promotions.
Experience working in or with First Nation communities.
Strong work ethic and ability to work in an environment requiring discretion and confidentiality
Detail-oriented, with the ability to work independently
Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access or FoxPro 2.6 for Windows)
High values in teamwork, client service and professionalism.
Highly organized with the ability to multitask and meet tight deadlines.
Willingness to work extra hours from time-to-time in order to meet tag order deadlines.
Drivers’ license, reliable vehicle and ability to travel on short notice.
Salary/Employment Term:
Salary range: $30,000 - $35,000. This is a one-year contract with the opportunity for renewal.
Application Deadline: May 15th, 2014 by 4:00 PM
Submit Resume to:
Michelle Hepworth, Office Manager
c/o The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
PO Box 1590, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5V3
We are an equal opportunity employer; however, qualified Aboriginal applicants will be given priority in accordance with the
Aboriginal Employment Preference Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Only those applicants who qualify for an
interview will be contacted. The successful candidate may be required to submit a current criminal record check.
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
MCG Project Coordinator
Restoration of the Smalls River and Fishing Derby Pond in
Pictou Landing First Nation
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (The CMM) is a Tribal Council representing seven, Mi’kmaq communities of mainland
NS. Our mission is to proactively promote and assist Mi’kmaq communities’ initiatives towards self-determination and
enhancement of community. The CMM is located in the Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community in Nova Scotia and has over 60
Employees. The CMM is currently looking for an energetic, mature and independent candidate to fill the role of Project
Coordinator for the “Restoration of the Smalls River and Fishing Derby Pond” project with the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group
The MCG is mandated to focus its efforts on the health of the Bay of Fundy Watershed. Its mission is to promote and restore to
concept of Netukulimk in the Bay of Fundy Watershed. The MCG is currently developing programs on issues involving youth
mentorship, species-at-risk, water quality, climate change and habitat restoration. In addition to the seven CMM member
communities previously mentioned, the MCG also serves a non-CMM community - Fort Folly (NB) First Nation.
Reporting to the Senior Director, the MCG Project Coordinator is tasked with the role of assisting a MCG Research & Education
Officer with improving the Biodiversity and water quality of two sites, the Smalls River Site and the Fishing Derby Pond (with
adjacent stream) in Pictou Landing First Nation. With this project the successful candidate will be responsible for the
coordination of project team members, participating in stream debris clean up, restoring riparian habitat and developing
educational materials and presentations. It is important to note that the successful candidate will be housed out of an office in
Pictou Landing First Nation.
Position Requirements:
Two years combined experience and Post-secondary education in aquatic resource management, science, education or a
related field.
Knowledge of research methodologies and standards pertinent to environmental issues related to aquatic resource and
oceans management.
Education and experience in the field of scientific research.
Experience working in or with First Nation communities.
Excellent presentation, teaching and training skills.
Knowledge of current First Nation community challenges and opportunities relating to Watershed management.
Ability to perform physically demanding outdoor work in and around water.
Ability to work effectively with other departments, levels of government, industry and the general public.
Demonstrated ability to work as leader on multi-discipline teams, or independently, and meet deadlines.
Understanding of issues related to the gathering and sharing of Traditional Knowledge.
Excellent reading and writing skills
Excellent communication skills, written and spoken.
Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access)
Drivers’ license, reliable vehicle and ability to travel.
Salary/Employment Term: $15.00/hr – 35hrs/wk. This is a six (6) month contract.
Application Deadline: May 21st, 2014 by 4:00 PM
Submit Resume to:
Michelle Hepworth, Office Manager
c/o The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq
PO Box 1590, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5V3
We are an equal opportunity employer; however, qualified Aboriginal applicants will be given priority in accordance with the
Aboriginal Employment Preference Policy of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Only those applicants who qualify for an
interview will be contacted. The successful candidate may be required to submit a current criminal record check.
Page 2
Attention Millbrook Enterprise
Credit Applicants:
All Direct Deposits will be deposited on
June 20th,
Applications must be received by June 13th,
Funds issued by Mail and Pick Up will be issued
23rd, 2014.
Applicants requesting direct deposit must provide one of
the two listed documents.
• Void Cheque belonging to the applicant
• Direct Deposit Form from applicant’s bank
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Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Please(Select:!! !
Pick(Up(____( (
I! authorize! the! Millbrook! Band! permission! to! use! the! above! information! for! communication! purposes! regarding! band!
Yes_________( (
Name! !
Relationship! !
Enterprise! Credit! Funds,! any! money! I! owe! to! the! Millbrook! Band! as! of! the! date! of! my! application.! ! Any! Millbrook!
attains!19,!he/she!may!apply!through!the!Millbrook!Band!to!have!his/her!Millbrook!Enterprise!Credit! money!released!
from! trust.! ! And! I! also! acknowledge! this! Millbrook! Enterprise! Credit! cannot! be! assigned! to! a! third! party,! and! is! only!
Please( note:! ! ! Applications! must! be! fully! completed! to! be! considered! for! this! credit! of! $1000.00! (One! Thousand!
Status,! proof! has! to! be! obtained! from! the! Millbrook! Membership! Clerk.! (902)895X6385,! Ext.! 234.! ! If! you! have! any!
Approved!(!!!!!)! !
Page 2
Page 3
Health Calendar
Dr. Vance K.
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Victoria Day
Dr. Vance K.
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Dr. Vance K.
Compost & Garbage
C. Casselman
Dr. M. Ferguson
Elizabeth Nadaline
Blue Bags & Garbage
C. Casselman
Dr. M. Ferguson
Elizabeth Nadaline
Compost & Garbage
Dr. M. Ferguson
Dr. M. Ferguson
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Dr. M. Ferguson
Dr. M. Ferguson
C. Casselman
CI.Elizabeth Nadaline
Blue Bags & Garbage
C. Casselman
Dr. M. Ferguson
Elizabeth Nadaline
Compost & Garbage
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Foot Clinic
Health Fair
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Foot Clinic
Dr. M. Ferguson-PM
Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014
Page 3
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Gymnasium Calendar
Compost & garbage
Kids time
Bluebags & garbage
Kids time
Compost & garbage
Kids time
Bluebags & garbage
Kids time
Compost & garbage
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Kids time
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Adult Basketball
Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2014

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