available here - Millbrook First Nation
available here - Millbrook First Nation
Millbrook Community Newsletter May 2015 Congratulations to The Millbrook Chiefs Senior A and The Millbrook Novice Flyers for Winning Gold at the Peter & Mary Agnes Julian Memorial Hockey Tournament Important Dates May 9 - Tanya Brooks Memorial Walk - Mi’kmaq Friendship Centre (Halifax) May 10 - Mother’s Day May 12 - Chief and Council Meeting May 14 - Mi'kmaq Warriors Junior A Lacrosse Team Official first home game at the Colchester Legion Stadium Doors open at 7:00pm. May 18 - Victoria Day May 28- Rally Against Racism at Victoria Park Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Millbrook Band Office Mailing Address Business Hours Phone Numbers Millbrook Band Administration P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 Monday - Thursday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm Friday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm Band Office 1 (902) 897-9199 Toll Free 1 (800) 693-3112 Social Assistance Social Assistance Cheques are tentatively scheduled for: May 14 & 28, 2015. Applications are available at the Reception desk at the Band Office. Newsletter Deadline The Newsletters deadline is the 26th of each month. You can make a contribution to the Millbrook Community Newsletter just send in your information by e-mail: mbnewsletter@eastlink.ca, by Fax: (902) 895-0079, or by the website contact form (link)http:// millbrookfirstnation.net/contact-us/ or submit information to the Reception desk at the Band Office. Millbrook Housing Repair Grant Millbrook housing repair grant form will be available online with details attached. http://millbrookfirstnation.net/forms-policies/ Chief and Council Chief and Council Meeting The next Chief and Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, 2015. The deadline for submissions or requests to see Council is Thursday, May 7, 2015. Please submit to the Administrative Assistant, Jay Martin, Phone: (902) 897-9199 Ext. 110, Fax: (902) 893-4785 or e-mail: jay.m@eastlink.ca. Chief and Council Meetings May 5 - 10 am MK Visit May 5 - 1:30pm Economic Development May 12 - 10am Council Meeting May 14 - 10:30 am visit from Human Rights Commission May 20 - 1:30pm Projects Development Page 1 Community Welcome to the Community page; this may include birthdays messages, recent or historic photos, congratulations to a person or group, public events, items for sale, availability for odd jobs. To have your information posted on the newsletter and website send your information to Millbrook’s Communication’s Officer Nigel Gloade by calling the office at (902) 897-9199 extension: 119, iMessage or e-mail: mbcommunciations@eastlink.ca Lavinia Brooks, Community Health Representative (902) 895-9468 Weight Watchers Weight Watchers has begun! we had a great turnout for our first day, Weigh in will be at Noon on Tuesday's with Meeting to follow! incentives or prizes will be given out each week following meeting, at the health centre only, Congrats to winner who won our first draw of $25.00! Community Yoga Community Yoga is on Monday Evenings at 7:30, for anyone, If your interested please drop in, We have lots of space for new registrations! Seniors Yoga Seniors Yoga takes place on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. at the Seniors Centre, it is open to all Seniors in Millbrook. Millbrook Community Garden Millbrook Community Garden In collaboration with CMM and Think Farm, are looking at revisiting the Community Garden idea! There are some new resources, information and support to get this project going, all we need is you! (community volunteers) Please come meet with us to share your vision and ideas on Wednesday May 6th, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Millbrook Seniors Centre! Together we can make this work! Millbrook Seniors Luncheon Millbrook Seniors Luncheon Wednesday May 6th, 2015 at 12 Noon - Afternoon Craft for those interested! Please let me know if you are able to attend, Thanks, Lavinia Food Handling course Food Handling course is filling up fast for Saturday May 23rd, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Call Lavinia to sign up. Stress / Anger Management - Sheet Harbour presentation will be at the Albert Howe Centre on May 26 at 6:30pm for all community members. Topic will be Stress / Anger Management and presenter will be Darlene Peters Copeland, Refreshments and door prizes. For more information contact Peter Gloade at 1888 895 9468 or 902 895-9468 Come Cheer on the WARRIORS!! plays their first official home game on May 14th at the Colchester Legion Stadium!! Opening Ceremonies start at 8:00pm and the Doors open at 7:00pm. • Adults $5.00 • Seniors $2.00 • Students $2.00 The 6th Annual Tanya Jean Brooks Memorial Walk 2015 We will gather in Halifax at the Mi'kmaq Friendship Centre on May 9th to remember our Sister in Spirit, a Mi'kmaq mother, daughter, sister and friend, one of many Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women. We will speak her name, pray and drum and walk to remember her life and loved ones who are still waiting for answers and justice for Tanya. We will honor all our Missing and Murdered Aboriginal People! Please plan to join us on May 9th. Wela’lioq! Happy Birthday May 28 - Rolin Gloade Happy Birthday Son, love Mom - Happy Birthday Rolin Gloade from the Gloades. Join us for History in the Making!! We are proud to announce that the new Mi'kmaq Warriors Junior A Lacrosse Team Page 2 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Community Sacred Heart Church Regular Sunday Mass Time is at 11:30 a.m. For More information visit the Immaculate Conception website: www.icc-truro.org. Prayer Group Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:00 pm. at the Senior’s Centre in Millbrook. Agenda includes Rosary and Prayers, followed by tea, a light lunch and a social. Come join us – everyone is welcome! The contact person for group – Jane Abram at (902) 893-7454. “Understanding the Bible”-Weekly Scripture Study for Adults Please join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm for an evening of fellowship as we learn together the Word and grow in grace and understanding. Tea and light refreshments to follow. Located at 74 Abenaki Road. Contact: Kelly Gloade at (902) 890-8307. Community Hall Bookings To book the Community Hall please contact Jay Martin at (902) 897-9199 Ext 110. Thank you to those who continue to keep the hall, clean, neat and tidy. Please try to book your event early, preferably a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Compost, Garbage & Recyclables (blue bags) CLEAR GARBAGE BAGS ARE A MUST. That means only one black garbage bag (privacy bag) per week, the rest must be in clear bags. Recycle items (containers and paper) must be in blue bags. If you do not have a compost bin please call Elizabeth Paul at the Health Centre. There are some of the small kitchen containers available now. Garbage is picked up every week. Compost bin dates are Tuesday, May 12 & 26. Blue Bags dates are Tuesday, May 5 & 19. All items must be at curb side by 7:00 am. Used Battery Bin If you have old batteries please do not throw them in the garbage, we have a battery recycle bin located in the Band Office and Health Centre. - WELA’LIN Natasha Bernard Millbrook Youth Centre Looking for volunteers to open the Youth Centre for Friday & Saturday nights 7 to 11pm, have to be 18 & over, if interested please call Peter at 902 897-1234. Time and dates will be posted on the Youth Centre Facebook site. RECC Membership Millbrook has worked out a corporate rate with the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. Corporate Memberships apply to yearly membership only. The Civic Centre is not located on the reserve, Taxes are applied to the cost. The Band Member must purchase the Membership first then submit the receipts to Priscillia Martin. The Tobacco Store covers $300 per activity(see regulations online at millbrookfirstnation.net). Page 3 Community Family Swim Family swim starts this Sunday at the R.E.C.C. Family swim is continuing every Sunday from 1 pm-2pm. Sunday Morning Ice Time Sunday morning Ice times at the R.E.C.C. are Sunday, May 3,10, 17, 24 & 31 from 8:00 am 9:00 am. Millbrook 3-D Shooters Millbrook Archery Club has target practice every Wednesday night. Wednesday’s time is 6 pm till close and Sunday 1pm-6pm. Everyone is welcome. Millbrook Fitness Centre The Millbrook Fitness Centre is open 1pm-4pm Monday to Friday. It is open in the evenings from 6pm-10pm Sunday to Thursday. Exercising a few times a week is a great way to improve your overall health. Youth Dance There will be a Youth dance May 23 from 7 to 9pm for grades 5 & under 9 to 11pm for grades 6 & up. Pizzas & refreshments will be available, Everyone is welcome, for more information contact Peter Gloade at 902 897 -1234. Youth Workshop - Self Esteem There will be a workshop at the Youth Centre on Thursday May 28 at 6:15 pm, Topic will be on Self Esteem Presenter will be Darlene Peters Copeland. This is for grades 6 & up refreshments and door prizes. For more information contact Peter Gloade 902 897-1234. Lunch and Learn There will be a Lunch and Learn on Monday May 11 at 11:30am to 1pm at the Senior’s Centre. Topic will be Stress/ Anger management and Presenter will be Darlene Peters Copeland. There will be door prizes, for more information Contact Peter Gloade 902 897-1234. Counselling: Charles Casselman a Clinical Therapist from the Truro office of Addiction Services. He is available at the Health Centre every Monday for one on one counselling before and after Addictions Treatment Programs. Follow-up Counselling after successful completion of a treatment program is highly recommended to deal with the challenges of RECOVERY. Counselling by this clinical therapist is also provided for family members of the addict/alcoholic and others affected by addictions. Please call the Health Centre at(902-895-9468) for an appointment time to talk to Charles Casselman when he is in Millbrook. Or you may choose to see him at his Truro office. Call (902) 893-5900 for an appointment at the Truro office. Alanon There is a Alanon meeting every Monday 10am, and Tuesday 8pm at the Alliance Church on Phillips Street which is off Robie Street. Immunization Participation The winner of the monthly immunization participation gift card is: Ashton Sylliboy Page 4 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Health Centre Mailing Address Business Hours Phone Numbers Millbrook Health Centre P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 Monday - Thursday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm Friday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm Health Centre 1 (902) 895-9468 Toll Free 1 (888) 895-9468 The Procedure a client has to follow before been admitted into a 5 weeks Treatment program or Detox. Treatment Centre Schedule Rising Sun at Eel Ground, NB is May, 4 2015, 5 week coed program. Eagles Nest Recovery house Indianbrook May, 18, 5 weeks coed program. (Detox)- Its better if the client comes to my office and we call the Mikmaw Lodge at Eskasoni, NS is May, detox to do a booking, the detox always has to talk to the client first to answer questions before a bed is given to them. If for some reason the 4, 2015, 5 weeks co-ed program. client cannot make it into my office, I can ask the detox to call. There Wolastoqewiyih Tobique June 8, 2015, 5 is usually a wait for a bed at detox, it will not be the same day. weeks Co ed program. (5weeks Rehab Treatment) – The client has to be clean and sober for at Mawiomi Treatment Center June 1/15 least 1 week. The client has to meet with the addiction counsellor five 5 weeks co-ed. times, and has to make sure all appointments are taken care of before Any Millbrook Youth who would like to go going into treatment. a treatment program I have forms for the 3 treatment centres available. Free Spirit AA Millbrook Free Spirit AA group meets every Tuesday night at 7pm at the Millbrook Senior’s Centre. Everyone is Welcome Walgwan Centre in Quebec - long term program Eskasoni Help Line Charles J Andrew Youth Centre Sheshatshiu Labador – long term For any youth who are having a problem such as bullying, peer pressure, or any problems and want to talk to someone there is a number to call; all calls are confidential. Eskasoni help line toll free 1-855-379-2099 or on Facebook Eskasoni Crisis Worker there will be someone there to chat to. NA meeting NA meeting in Truro are every Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday nights at St Andrew Church 55 King Street at 8pm. For more information call 1 800 205 8402 or www.centralnovaarea.ca Drug Addictions Counsellor - Peter Gloade The Drug Addictions Counsellor has a list of AA and NA & Alanon meetings in the local area or call (902) 895- 5535 for more information on local groups. Also www.area82aa.org has information. If anyone has any suggestion regarding workshops or presentation what they would like to see regarding addictions. Please contact me at (902) 890-1671 or message me on facebook. I am open to all suggestions, Peter Gloade. Choices in Halifax Contact the Community Addictions Counsellor (Peter Gloade) at 897-1234. Medical Drivers Donna Gloade Home: (902) 895-9540 Cell: (902) 986-8842 Germaine Martin Home: (902) 843-0174 Cell: (902) 305-0204 Sunshine Martin Cell: (902) 324-0907 Sheet Harbour James Howe Sr. Home: (902) 885-2249 Cell: (902) 885-5232 Page 5 EDUCATION NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 LUNCH ALLOWANCE Lunch cheques will be issued on THURSDAY, MAY 7TH. ATTENDANCE The last Attendance Incentive for this school year will be issued Tuesday, June 30th, if attendance records are received prior to this date! SUMMER EMPLOYMENT A reminder to students who are planning on applying for summer jobs this summer. The rules are in this newsletter. Remember attendance plays a major part in summer employment!! BUS SAFETY Our ZERO TOLERANCE for any type of bullying on the bus is still in effect. Parents, please remind children about good manners and no bullying. Every child has the right to feel like our bus is a safe place! Millbrook Early Education Centre Tiny Tots Summer Camp Winter refuses to leave; surely summer must be right around the corner. In any event, plans are underway for the 2015 Tiny Tots Summer Camp, which will be held at the Millbrook Early Education Centre. Be sure to mark the following dates on your calendar: Camp A: July 7 – 24 (3 weeks) (Ages 4-5 – Children going to Primary in September 2015) Camp B: July 20 – August 14 (4 weeks) Registration form on the back of newsletter (Ages 5-6 – Children going to Grade 1 in September 2015) DEADLINE for applications: Monday, June 1st We have been busy developing and organizing learning experiences through art, science, gymnastics, games, cultural activities, concept development and social experiences. Trips, beach days and outside experiences are in the planning stages. Please use the Registration form in this newsletter, or you can pick one up at the Millbrook Early Education Centre any time after Monday, May 4th. Sincerely, Cathy Scott & Diane Roper-Sutherland, Camp Coordinators & Camp Supervisors Page 6 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 MILLBROOK EARLY EDUCATION CENTRE TEL: 902 897-1249 / 902 897-0445 DIRECTOR’S EMAIL: MEEC@EASTLINK.CA Unavailable at time of print. START TIME IMPORTANT NOTICE A reminder to parents that classes begin at 8:00 am every day! Arrival after that time means that classes are being interrupted and activities are being delayed. PLEASE RESPECT THE MORNING BELL. April is upon us There are only twelve weeks left until the end of the school year! This time of year it is important to Stick to Routines – make home life as predictable as possible by continuing the same routines that have kept your household running through the winter months. For example… maintain bedtimes and expect all chores will still be done. When family life stays on an even keel LEARNING can remain the central focus. HOME READING So often parents ask what they can do to help their children at home. Reading with children at home and encouraging them to read on their own each evening is HUGE in a child’s literacy development. Reading to your child is as important as listening to your child read. Parent Teacher If you missed your parent teacher appointment, please call the school to speak to your child’s teacher regarding school progress. A reminder that parents can log into PowerSchool and check on students as well. If you do not remember your login information please do not hesitate to contact the school. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to Christina Brooks and Addison Sylliboy! Page 7 TRURO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL To Educate Our Diverse PopulationTo The Best They Can Be IMPORTANT DATES May 1, 2 & 3 – Musical May 4 & 5 – Grade 7 Immunization May 9 - 13 – Grade 9 Quebec Trip Monday, May 18 – Victoria Day (no school) May 25 & 26 – Grade 8 Provincial Literary Assessment May 28 – Rally Against Racism May 28 – School Dance 7 - 9:30pm HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to Randy Milliea and Terrell Wysote who will celebrate May birthdays! PowerSchool Parent Portal – Don’t forget to keep a watch on the student information program, it is a great tool to view your child’s progress in school. Here you can look at your child’s report card format of current marks, assignments, attendance, and much more. You can go to www.ccrsb.ca site and under the parent tab click PowerSchool Portal Sign-in. Here you can create an account using the username and password provided last year. If you do not have the username and password, you can contact the school and they will provide you with one. FROM THE DESK OF MALI SYLLIBOY Before we went on March Break, our school had a Winter Carnival which was a lot of fun, we had daily themes and the week was topped-off with a Talent Show. I would like to give a shout-out to Devin Pearson who sang for her talent and Tristan Standingready-Gloade for his walking handstand demonstration. WTG!! TJHS participated in Nova Scotia Dare 2 Dance challenge by hosting a school-wide assembly (dance) with some great dance spotlight performances last week. A few of our students performed in the spot light dance, a shout out to Millbrook Students, Ava Martin and Tristan Standingready-Gloade! PowerSchool To check your child’s current marks, assignments, attendance, and much more go to www.ccrsb.ca and under the parent tab click PowerSchool Portal. TJHS Student Agendas Daily agendas are used to communicate with parents, please check your child’s agenda daily. Academic Up-date 8 Social Studies – Heritage Fair Projects were the focus in April. 8 Science – Students are finishing Optics Unit and their projects. 6 Math – Completed Place Value (decimal) Unit. The next unit the student will be working on is multiplication of whole numbers and decimals and dividing whole numbers and decimals, studying the times table facts helps students with this unit. 6 ELA – Finishing up their narratives. For next two months the student will be giving a writing assignment “How To”, create a poetry book, practice grammar, will be assigned a book report and as well a 2-3 minute speech presentation. 6 Science – Space Unit project and presentations completed. Page 8 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Homework ELA: Read 20 minutes daily Math: Problem of Week, Skills Bank work sheets, Weekly Homework Sheet and study multiplication. If the fields ever dry up Mr.Mullings and Mr.Hayden have plans underway to offer flag football as a lunch time intramural activity. (All homework is recorded in their agendas nightly and can also be found on the homework website) TJHS Track & Field team has been training indoors due to the slow snow melt. Coach Nolan is hopeful the team will get outside before too long. The team practices every morning and some after schools. Up-Coming May Events on those handouts. 1st-3rd Gr.6 Panther P.R.I.D.E. bracelets are being presented to Gr.6 students who demonstrate the following traits over and above the expectations… –Beauty and the beast 9th - 13th – Grade 9 Quebec Trip 13th – 15th – L’nuisultinej Conference 28th – Rally Against Racism Academic 6-cycle Calendar Participation Respect Integrity Monday the 4th Monday the 11th – Day 3 Empathy Tuesday the 18th – Day 2 The next P.R.I.D.E assembly takes place May 6th Monday the 25rd – Day 1 April 24th TJHS staff & students celebrated National Dance Week with our annual Dare 2 Dance event in the gym. Students who performed a spotlight dance won a great prize! – Day 4 FROM THE DESK OF LEANA KENNEDY Spring is finally on its way!!!! There are lots of exciting things going on this month at TJHS News from the TJHS gym… Gr.6/7 Intramural Basketball Champions were crowned recently. The Fever defeated the Bulls to claim the title. Celeste Sylliboy scored the gamewinning basket in overtime to seal the victory for the Fever. The Varsity and Junior Varsity girls and boys basketball teams recently wrapped up successful seasons. Final results were.. Varsity Boys= District & Regional Champions Varsity Girls= lost out in District semi-finals JV Boys= lost the bronze medal game in the Tier 2 division JV Girls= finished 3rd in Tier 2 Gr.6/7 Intramural Floorball League play opened in April. The 6 team league plays every day at lunch. Determination All TJHS students were taught the “Electric Slide”. There will be a “flash mob” performing the dance at the Rally Against Racism this year In Grade 7 English Language Arts, we are working on our last official unit, focusing on compassion and gratitude. Students are exploring the concepts of compassion and gratitude and keeping gratitude journals to reflect on things in their lives that they appreciate. We will watch the documentary A Dollar a Day and incorporate essay writing in a review of the film. We will finish the unit with a novel study of Iqbal, the true story of a Pakistani boy sold into child slavery by his parents. As part of this novel study, we will hold a Pakistani feast. If you want to participate by helping out with kitchen supervision, please let me know! Many hands make light work! Michelle Gillis In Grade 7 Science, students are learning about temperature and heat. They are completing work sheets in class and there will be a test on those handouts Page 9 In Grade 7 Math, students are completing a Geometry unit. Here are a couple interactive websites for them to practice their Geometry: Math Frog http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/geometry/shapeshoot/TranslateShapesShoot.htm 18 Level Challenge http://www.mathplayground.com/ShapeMods/ShapeMods.html In Grade 7 Social Studies, we are working on Unit Three: Political Empowerment, students have been given time in class to work on the structure of government and the leaders roles. This sheet is important for the upcoming test and if students are struggling with it please feel free to come see Ms. Gillis or me for help. In all classes and grade levels, teachers are finding that the majority of students are not coming to school prepared. Students have no pencils, pens, loose leaf, binders, class work, etc. We have been providing supplies and additional sheets but we need to encourage students to be more responsible, accountable and independent. Students will work hard an entire period on something than stuff it in their bag and it is never seen again. Teachers have bins, duotangs and binders in class for students to leave their work but students will not and therefore their grade reflects that they cannot or have not done the work. In reality, they have often completed it and would have done really well if they handed it in. Another issue teachers and students are facing is that some students are missing a lot of time and not taking responsibility for work that is missed. This puts students behind and creates gaps in their learning. Each year and unit builds on the next and it is important for students to attend school and if absent, get what they have missed. The teachers and I are here to help students and parents in whatever way we can, but we need to encourage our students to come for help. One great experience this month was the Girls Empowerment conference. The TJHS student services teacher, Mrs. Gaudet and I took 15 girls to the RECC center April 23rd. There were informative workshops, inspirational speakers, presentations, supper and the girls got to rock climb, swim or participate in a fitness class. Thank you girls for participating, I had a blast!!! Wela’lin – Leana Kennedy FROM THE DESK OF TOM WILSON Parents please check to make sure your child has a calculator. I am constantly lending them out so there are students who do not have them, students cannot do their math tests and assignments without one. Parents should be aware that most grade 8 and 9 students have Math homework most days. Well SPRING has finally SPRUNG!!! Students should be reminded that even though there are only 2 months of school left they are the MOST IMPORTANT 2 months for a few students that are “just passing” or failing a subject. Over the past 20 years I have seen HUNDREDS of students work really hard in May and June. This extra effort had a great Impact on how well they met their 3rd Term Learning Outcomes and their final mark for the year. Most important of all, it made a Hugh Positive Impression on their teachers and in most cases resulted in the student being promoted to the next grade. Warning from Mr. Wilson: STUDENTS - DON’T CATCH SPRING FEVER!!! Attendance is crucial during the months of MAY and JUNE. If there are any students (I can think of one or two) who missed a “few” classes and would like to get a copy of the notes they missed, they need to come see me as soon as possible. THERE ARE NO GRADE 9 EXAMS THIS YEAR. Page 10 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 CEC NEWS 902 896-5700 FIRST NATIONS PROGRAM SUPPORT TEACHER BRYANT VANCE OFFICE NUMBER: 896-5728 E-MAIL: HIGGINSC@CCRSB.CA VANCEBW@CCRSB.CA IMPORTANT DATES IMPORTANT!! ATTENDANCE REMINDER Parents/Guardians are required to call the main office (896-5700) to excuse missed classes. This needs to be done within 5 school days of the absence. A reason will be requested. Please check PowerSchool weekly to ensure all absences are excused. For assistance with PowerSchool Parent login please contact the school. May 4 - IB exams begin May 18 - Victoria Day (No classes) May 28 - Annual Rally Against Racism June 12 - In Class Exams begin June 18 - 2nd Semester Exams begin June 25 - Prom June 29 - Graduation We are now entering the last two months of school before summer break! Many students are eagerly awaiting the sunshine and warmer weather. Although summer is coming, it is always good to remember that school work and regular attendance is still expected. Just a little reminder that homework club is always available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school! Please encourage students to stay if they require extra assistance with their course work. Also, a reminder the Student Handbook can be found on our website, or by following this link: http://cec.ccrsb.ca/2014-2015Handbook.pdf STUDENT RALLY AGAINST RACISM This annual student lead event will continue again in Victoria Park on May 28th 2015. We are excited this year with the performances and attendance from 7 participating schools. The theme this year comes directly from the pledge and centers on “what can I do to stop racism”. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=lCPhc7nVpRc RALLY AGAINST RACISM PLEDGE “Ni’n elui’tmasi kisi naqatun poqjite’taqn. Ni’n ketla’msitasi ketmitetmaqnn wjit msit wen wula wsitqamuk” “I pledge to do my part to stop racism. I believe in equity, respect for other and acceptance of the things that make us different” HOMEWORK CLUB Homework Club is held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. All Millbrook students are welcome to attend! May Birthdays! Happy Birthday to Judietta Johnson and Devon Jessop! Page 11 CCRSB ATTENDANCE POLICY The CCRSB and Nova Scotia Provincial Attendance Policy states that a high school student may lose credit for a course if they are not present in class for at least 80% of the course, or they miss 19 classes. The teacher will phone home after 6 absences, and the Vice Principals will follow up with a letter at 10, 16 and 19 absences. MILLBROOK SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ATTENDANCE POLICY - SUMMARY The purpose of the Millbrook Summer Employment Program is for eligible students to gain work experience and skill development in various areas of employment. Eligible students will be Millbrook Band Members who live on the Millbrook Reserves, that are in Grade 10 or above, are over 15 years of age and under 26 years of age, who attended school for the entire school year (unless you graduated in February) without being absent for more than 20 school days, and can provide verification from the school you plan to return to FULL TIME in the fall, are eligible to apply. Students who are suspended at the end of the school year or have missed more than 20 school days are NOT eligible to apply. Medicals must be submitted to the school on the day students return from being absent, these days still count towards the 20 day absent rule. There can be no exceptions to these rules. All applicants MUST have a Social Insurance Number in order to apply for summer employment. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. Social Insurance Numbers can be applied for at Service Canada 181 Willow Street, Truro NS. Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00 pm There is no cost to getting a SIN Number. Page 12 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Date: Time: A great opportunity to meet with service providers and learn about what they have to offer. Come early enough to put your name in for one of many door prizes. … Highlights Variety of Information Refreshments & Lunch More than one door prize Grand prize Location: Millbrook Gymnasium 852 Willow Street Page 13 Spring Clean up Don’t forget to help your neighbor with the heavy stuff. These are the dates scheduled for spring clean up, you can at this time throw away anything you want regardless of size, except propane tanks and batteries, and tires must be off rims. Please separate your electronics from other garbage. (example, old bike, broken stove, water heater, dry paint) Materials that can not be picked up are propane tanks and car batteries All material will be picked up roadside in front of your homes, there will be no dumpsters provided . Garbage pick up dates Millbrook Week of Monday, May 18 - May 29 No propane tanks - No batteries Tires must be off rims, no wet paint. If any seniors need help moving heavy items please contact Chris Nasson at 895-9468 Page 14 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 ! ! !“Running!REZ!kids”! Is!a!4!week!Running!Program!for!all!fitness!levels!between!the! ages!of!8!>12!that!will!meet!weekly!as!a!group!at!the!! Millbrook!Track!and!Field.!!! After!the!4!weeks!a!FUN$RUN!will!be!scheduled!to!kick!off!! Aboriginal!Day! On!Sunday,!June!21st,!2015!! ! If!you!are!interested!and!would!like!to!register!please!contact! Sunshine!Bernard!at!the!Millbrook!Health!Center!at!895>9468! or!890>5665!by!May!11th,!2015.!!! REGISTRATION!IS!REQUIRED!to!prepare!for!the!FUN!RUN!!!!! ! Page 15 Serving the financing needs of Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years Variable and fixed interest rates starting at prime plus 3% (6% and up) Non-repayable contributions available on eligible projects *rates and non-repayable contributions are based on project eligibility and certain criteria To find out more about our products & services call: 1-888-766-2376 or visit our website: www.ulnooweg.ca Markie Bus Tours Halifax Casino Runs On the first Friday of every month we depart from Truro Staples parking lot, Robie Street at 9:30am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:30pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. Also on the first Sunday & first Friday of every month depart from New Glasgow Zellers parking lot at 8:00am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:00pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. 1. Bus Transportation 2. FREE Non-Alcoholic Beverages on floor 3. One Meal Coupon Visit: Casino Nova Scotia for more Information. Contact MARKIE BUS TOURS for more information. Phone: 902-843-5501 Page 16 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 ! ! RUNNING REZ CHICKS Is#a#learn#to#run#program##for#ladies# starting## May#27th,#2015#(Wednesday)# At#5pm#(sharp!)# Millbrook#Track#and#Field# # Please#dress#for#the#weather## Rain#or#Shine!!!# For#more#info#or#to#register......# Please#contact#Sunshine#Bernard# At#895M9468#or#890M5665# Page 17 ! ! ! ! ! PROJECT(PEACE((Prevention,(Education,(Action,(Change(and(Evaluation)( ( Violence!Prevention!&!Safety,!NWAC!is!planning!a!series!of!regional!and!urban!focus!groups!for!both! Aboriginal!women!and!girls!and!Aboriginal!men!and!boys!in!your!region.! ! At!these!focus!groups!there!will!be!a!discussion!on!issues!of!violence!and!issues!of!perceptions!of!safety! experienced!by!Aboriginal!women!and!girls.!Feedback!will!be!provided!from!participants!into! development!of!new!toolkits!for!Aboriginal!women/girls!and!Aboriginal!men/boys.! ! Four%(4)%Focus%Groups% % Aboriginal%Women%&%Girls! ! DATE:%%%%%%%%%%May%20,%2015%% % LOCATION:%Indian%Brook%First%Nation,%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%522%Church%St% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Nova%%Scotia% % TIME:%%%%%%%%%%%9:30%–%11:30%A.M.% % Aboriginal%Men%&%%Boys! % DATE:%%%%%%%%%May%20,%2015%% % LOCATION:%Indian%Brook%First%Nation,% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%522%Church%St% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Nova%%Scotia% % TIME:%%%%%%%%%%%1:00%Y%3:00%P.M.% ! Aboriginal%Women%&%Girls! % DATE:%%%%%%%%%%May%21,%2015%% % LOCATION:%Mi’kmaw%Friendship%Centre% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2158%Gottingen%Street,%Halifax% % TIME:%%%%%%%%%%%9:30%–%11:30%A.M.% ! Aboriginal%Men%&%%Boys% % DATE:%%%%%%%%%%May%21,%2015%% % LOCATION:%Mi’kmaw%Friendship%Centre% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2158%Gottingen%Street,%Halifax% % TIME:%%%%%%%%%%%1:00%Y%3:00%P.M.% ! RSVP/REGISTER%PLEASE!% ! Note:!NWAC!would!be!paying!for!catering!and!meeting!costs.!We!anticipate!10<15!focus!group! participants.! We!will!be!providing!a!Tim!Horton’s!gift!card!for!your!participation.! For!more!information,!contact!Gail!Gallagher,!Senior!Manager,!Violence!Prevention!&!Safety,!Native! Women’s!Association!of!Canada!ggallagher@nwac.ca!or!(613)!722P3033!ext:!225!1!800!461P4043% *To!register!for!these!focus!groups!please!contact!Tania!Dube!tdube@nwac.ca!(613)722P3033!ext:!252! ! Funding!provided!by!Status!of!Women! Page 18 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Essential Skills Program The$Millbrook$Employment$&$Training$Of7ice$would$like$to$welcome$our$new$Essential)Skills) Co.ordinator;$Justine$Maloney$will$be$available$to$help$develop$essential$skills$with$ community$members,$Justine’s$of7ice$will$be$located$in$the$Millbrook$Youth$Centre$and$will$be$ open;$Monday,$Wednesday$and$Thursday$from$9$until$2!!$$ Essential)skills,$such$as$reading,$writing,$numeracy,$document$use$and$oral$communication,$ are$used$in$every$job$and$at$different$levels$of$complexity.$They$help$people$to$7ind$and$get$a$ job,$as$well$as$enable$them$to$adapt$and$succeed$in$the$workplace.$$ Some$programming$will$include;$Career$Cruising,$Job$Finding$Club,$resume$writing,$cover$ letters$and$interview$skills.$ These$services$will$provide$community$members$the$ability$to$seek$and$secure$meaningful$ employment$in$the$future!!$$Everyone$is$welcome$to$join,$there$are$no$eligibility$requirements!!$ If$you$are$interested$in$any$of$the$above$mentioned$please$contact$Justine$Maloney,$Essential$ Skills$Coordinator,$(902)$890S1406$or$visit$at$the$Millbrook$Youth$Centre$Building. Page 19 Page 20 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 ! Millbrook Heritage and Culture Centre ! ! ! Employment Opportunity Gift Shop and Jr. Heritage Interpreter Millbrook Heritage and Culture Centre is located at 65 Treaty Trail in the Truro Power Centre. We currently have openings for part time positions for the Gift Shop and/or as a Jr. Heritage Interpreter. These are a Six month term, part-time with a maximum of 35/hr a week. The Gift Shop employee will be responsible for opening Centre and Gift Shop also closing the Centre at the end of the day. The Jr. Heritage Interpreter will have a number of different responsibilities, assisting Senior Interpreters with school tours, bus tours, workshops and crafts. Previous experience is not a necessity, but is an asset, must be willing to train. The successful candidate would ideally possess the following qualifications: " " " " " " " " " High School or equivalent Experience working with the general public Experience working with a cash register Experience working with large groups Excellent written and verbal skills Excellent organizational and time management skills Excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to work independently given direction General Knowledge of Mi’kmaq Culture & Heritage, past and present Preference will be given to Millbrook Band members of Mi’kmaq descent. Salary: TBD If you have any questions please contact; Heather Stevens Operations Supervisor Millbrook Heritage and Culture Centre Phone (902) 843-3493 Email: heatherstevens587@gmail.com ! Application*Deadline:*Please*submit*your*resume*with*job*preference*stated*to*the*Millbrook*Heritage* and*Culture*Centre*by*May*11,*2015*no*later*than*4:00pm.* Page 21 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 JOB POSTING ELECTRICIAN – FIELD ELECTRICAL CENTRE Halifax Robert L. Stanfield International Airport is Atlantic Canada’s principal full-service airport providing passengers and cargo clients with access to markets across Canada, the United States, the Caribbean Basin, and Europe. It’s the only airport in Atlantic Canada to offer Canada Customs services on a 24 hour, seven day a week basis, and U.S. preclearance. The Airport, a major economic generator valued at over $1.29 billion to the provincial economy, welcomes 3.6 million passengers annually; gives back through its Community Outreach Program and its Signature Partnership with Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank; and is an internationally recognized leader in customer service as one of only 18 airports worldwide certified as Airport Service Quality Assured – an industry benchmark of service excellence. ROLE PROFILE The Electrician, Field Electrical Center, is responsible for the maintenance and continued operation of the 4160/2400 and 600/347power distribution systems, visual aids to aircraft, backup generators, apron lighting and street lighting, electrical maintenance of outbuildings and the associated fire alarm system. QUALIFICATIONS: Ticketed Electrician Minimum of five years related maintenance experience Valid NS Drivers’ license Must be willing to obtain a D Airport Vehicle Operators Permit Knowledge of electrical maintenance standards, tools and procedures Working knowledge TP-312, CSA-282-09 and CSA Z462 Knowledge of existing airport operating procedures, tools and frameworks Knowledge of Health & Safety guidelines Demonstrates commitment to updating technical skills including working with Microsoft Office, PC maintenance programs and PC based inventory, PLC systems, variable speed drives and Air Field Lighting Human Interface Demonstrated ability to communicate verbally and in writing Demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team Demonstrated ability to manage multiple priorities within a dynamic and changing environment Demonstrated ability to plan, organize and follow-up Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strategic working relationships with internal departments and external stakeholders Demonstrated problem solving ability Demonstrated ability to work with minimal supervision and prioritize work Must be willing to work shift work and overtime when required Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA) offers an exceptional compensation, pension and benefits package. If this position interests you, please apply in confidence by 4:00 PM, May 13, 2015 quoting competition number HIAA-15-14 to: Human Resources Halifax International Airport Authority E-mail: employment@hiaa.ca We thank all applicants for their interest; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. HIAA is an equal opportunity employer Page 22 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 Millbrook Enterprise Credit Frequently Asked Questions: Why is there not a space on MEC application to provide my children's information, do I have to fill out separate applications for them? No you do not have to fill out a separate application for minor band member children. As stated on the application Band members under 19 years old funds are placed in a trust fund. He/she may apply through the Millbrook Band to have their funds released from trust once they turn 19 years old. My Status card is expired, lost, etc. how do I apply for a new card? Contact Millbrook’s Band Membership Clerk Tricia Fultz at the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (902) 895-6385; toll free 1-877-892-2424 or email membership@cmmns.com For out of Province or Country – contact.... If you need a letter to attach to your MEC application while you are in the process of renewing your status card let the Band Membership clerk know this as well. Why do I need to provide a copy of my status card with each MEC application? For Audit purposes, acts as photo identification, DOB and band registry number. Recent Surname change/marriage etc - Please use the name that you are registered as on the Band Registry List on your application. To update your surname on the band registry list, contact Tricia Fultz. Name changed on Band Membership list - should I notify Millbrook band office of this for Millbrook Enterprise Credit/Trust funds? (examples: marriage/divorce, adoption) Yes so we can keep our files up-to-date, and if for a minor – to ensure funds are still in correct trust fund. Why do I have to provide banking information each time with my MEC application? For Audit purposes and to ensure that we have correct banking information for direct deposit. Tip Keep a copy of your status card & voided cheque on file (in a secure place). I give permission to have someone pick my MEC cheque up for me can I just call? No, please send permission in writing and attach to your MEC application (preferred method). Can I fax or email my application? No. Original copies of applications are required. Moved or change of mailing and did not get MEC application? MEC Applications are available in the community newsletters, on the website. If you would like to have an application mailed to your new mailing address or emailed to you contact the Band Office. My (Mother, Father, Son, Daugther) passed away, can a cheque still be processed toward his/her estate? If a band member has completed an application prior to his/her passing, we will issue the credit to his/ her estate. If an application is not completed prior to the passing we do not process the credit and legal executor cannot apply on behalf of the deceased. What about Trust fund in this matter? The executor can apply on behalf of the deceased. Page 23 Millbrook(Enterprise(Credit( Application(Form( P.O.(Box(634,(Truro,(N.S.(B2N(5E5( ( Office(use(only:(((Received(this(_______(day(of(________(A.D.(2015( ( ( (((((Band(Administrator(or(his(designate(_________________________! ( Please(Select:!! ! Mail(____( ( Pick(Up(____( ( Direct(Deposit(____( Applicant(Name:(____________________________________________________________( Band(#(of(Applicant:(_______________((((((((Date(of(Birth:((((Day_____/Month_____/Year_______( ( Telephone#(((((((((((((()(______V________(EVmail:____________________________________( Mailing(Address:((________________________________________________________( ______________________________________________________________________! I! authorize! the! Millbrook! Band! permission! to! use! the! above! information! for! communication! purposes! regarding! band! matters:! ! Yes_________( ( No________! ! All!Millbrook!Band!Members!are!entitled!to!apply!for!the!June(23rd,(2015(Millbrook(Enterprise( Credit.!!A!parent!or!a!guardian!may!complete!the!grant!application!form!on!behalf!of!Band!Members! Under!the!age!of!19!years.! By!signing!this!application,!I,!the!applicant,!do!hereby!agree!and!authorize!the!Millbrook!Band!to!pay!from!my!Millbrook! Enterprise! Credit! Funds,! any! money! I! owe! to! the! Millbrook! Band! as! of! the! date! of! my! application.! ! Any! Millbrook! Enterprise!Credits!payable!to!Band!Members!under!19!years!will!be!placed!in!a!trust!fund.!!When!that!Band!Member! attains!19,!he/she!may!apply!through!the!Millbrook!Band!to!have!his/her!Millbrook!Enterprise!Credit! money!released! from! trust.! ! And! I! also! acknowledge! this! Millbrook! Enterprise! Credit! cannot! be! assigned! to! a! third! party,! and! is! only! payable!to!the!applicant.! Please( note:! ! ! Applications! must! be! fully! completed! to! be! considered! for! this! credit! of! $1000.00! (One! Thousand! (Canadian)!Dollars).!!The(deadline(is(September(23rd,(2015.(((Any(application(not(received(or(post(marked(on(or(after( this(date(will(not(be(accepted.((Faxed(Applications(will(not(be(accepted,(please(mail!( A!legible!photocopy!of!Certificate!of!Indian!Status!(front!and!back)!is!required.!!If!you!do!not!have!a!Certificate!of!Indian! Status,! proof! has! to! be! obtained! from! the! Millbrook! Membership! Clerk.! (902)895S6385,! Ext.! 234.! ! If! you! have! any! questions,!please!call!1S800S693S3112!or!902S897S9199.! ! Dated!this!_____!day!of!_______A.D.!2015! ! _________________________________! ! ! _____________________________! Signature(of(Applicant( ! ! Not!Approved!(!!!!!)! ! ! Witnessed(by( Approved!(!!!!!)! ! ! By________________________________! !!and!by!!!!!!!!!!!!!_____________________________! This!________!day!of!___________!A.D.!2015! ! Page 24 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 June 2015 Millbrook Enterprise Credit Applicants All Direct Deposits will be deposited on June 18th 2015. Applications must be received by June 5th, 2015. Funds issued by Mail and Pick Up will be issued June23rd 2015. Applicants requesting direct deposit must provide one of the two listed documents. • Void Cheque belonging to the applicant • Direct Deposit Form from applicant’s bank Please¬e:""To"avoid"any"errors,"hand"written"banking"information"or" use"of"bank"accounts"not"belonging"to"the"applicant"is"no"longer" accepted.""" Page 25 Page 26 Sunday 24 17 10 Dr Vance K. Closed For Holiday Dr Vance K. 25 18 11 4 3 Dr Vance K. 27 26 Monday Compost & Garbage Dr. Linda Ferguson C. Casselman 26 Blue Bags & Garbage Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman 19 Compost & Garbage Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman 12 Blue Bags & Garbage Dr. M Ferguson C. Casselman Foot Clinic 5 28 Compost & Garbage Tuesday Dr. M. Ferguson Dr. M. Ferguson Foot Clinic Dr. M. Ferguson Dr. M. Ferguson Wednesday 27 20 13 6 29 Thursday 28 21 14 7 30 Friday 29 22 15 8 1 Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 30 23 16 9 2 Page 27 Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Archery 1:00-6:00pm Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Sunday 24 17 10 3 26 Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8pm - closing Monday 25 18 11 4 27 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 26 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 19 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 12 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm 5 28 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Archery 6-closing. Wednesday 27 20 13 6 29 Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Volleyball 6:30 - closing Thursday 28 21 14 7 30 Friday 29 22 15 8 1 Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER May 2015 30 23 16 9 2 (For MILLBROOK BAND MEMBERS that live in Millbrook & COMMUNITY MEMBERS ONLY) Millbrook Early Education Centre Tiny Tots Summer Camp Registration Form (PLEASE CHECK OFF CAMP APPLYING TO) ____ Camp A: July 7-24 (3 weeks, Ages 4-5 - children going to Primary in Sept.) ____ Camp B: July 20-Aug 14 (4 weeks, Ages 5-6 - children going to Grade 1 in Sept.) *For the safety of the children, upon arrival (on daily basis), children are to be brought all the way into the classroom, and entrusted to the camp coordinator or their group leader (summer students). Under no circumstances are they to be dropped off at the front door, in the parking lot or permitted to enter the building on their own, or with anyone under the age of 16. Thank you. PERSONAL INFORMATION MILLBROOK BAND MEMBER? YES NO IF ‘NO’, DOES CHILD LIVE IN THE MILLBROOK MI’KMAW COMMUNITY? _________ NAME OF CHILD: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________ HOME TEL: ____________________________ FATHER’S/GUARDIAN’S NAME: ______________________________ MOTHER’S/GUARDIAN’S NAME: _____________________________ WORK TEL: ___________ CELL: ____________ WORK TEL: ___________ CELL: ____________ WHO, OTHER THAN THE CHILD’S PARENTS, HAS PERMISSION TO PICK THE CHILD UP FROM THE CENTRE? *NOTES: LIST NO MORE THAN THREE (3) PEOPLE. EACH PERSON MUST BE 16 YRS OF AGE OR OLDER. THE STAFF WILL NOT RELEASE CHILD TO ANYONE NOT LISTED ON THIS FORM. NAME: ____________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: ____________________________ NAME: ____________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: ____________________________ NAME: ____________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: ____________________________ MEDICAL INFORMATION (*If child has severe allergies (i.e. EpiPen), an additional form needs to be completed.) DOES CHILD HAVE ANY ALLERGIES, ILLNESS AND/OR ANY OTHER PROBLEMS STAFF SHOULD BE MADE AWARE OF? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY DOCTOR: __________________________________________ TEL: ________________________________ NS HEALTH CARD #: ______________________________________ TRAVEL PERMISSION I HEREBY GIVE PERMISSION FOR MY CHILD, __________________________, TO PARTICIPATE IN TINY TOTS SUMMER CAMP FIELD TRIPS, SUCH AS: INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY (BEDFORD), WILDLIFE PARK, VICTORIA PARK, BRULE BEACH, GYMNASTICS, MINIGOLF OR BOWLING AND LOCAL EXCURSIONS. (*COMPLETE LIST TO BE PROVIDED TO CAMPERS ON START DATE) PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________ DATE: _________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACTS (IF NEITHER PARENT CAN BE REACHED) st 1 CONTACT NAME: _____________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: ________________________________ 2 nd CONTACT NAME: _____________________________________ __________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD: ________________________________ HOME TEL: __________________________ WORK TEL/CELL: _____________________ HOME TEL: WORK TEL/CELL: ______________________ I AM WILLING TO HAVE MY CHILD RECEIVE MEDICAL ATTENTION AND BE TAKEN TO HOSPITAL, IN THE CASE OF EMERGENCY, IF I CANNOT BE REACHED. PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE:__________________________ DATE: _______________________ OTHER WILL CHILD BE ABSENT FROM CAMP FOR FAMILY VACATION TIME DURING THIS CAMP? Page 28 IF SO, PLEASE SPECIFY DATES: _____________________________________________________________________
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