available here - Millbrook First Nation
available here - Millbrook First Nation
Millbrook Community Newsletter September 2014 Message from the Chief After numerous activities were held in our community, summer has come to an end. The Youth and Elders Sharing Knowledge workshops were successful and there has been many suggestions of activities the participants are interested in, this has resulted in additional workshops to be planned in the future! Thanks to the organizers who made the summer activities successful from the camps, workshops, community trips, powwow and summer games. Good luck to all the students who will be continuing their studies after a busy summer. Two business projects have begun and showing the progressive steps our community provides. The community wind project is taking shape while Felix Evolution Motorsports has begun construction next to Cineplex and welcome to Chad and Chris Felix to our Truro Power Centre. I am pleased to announce that Millbrook will be the host community for the 2015 Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Summer Games. Please be on the lookout for upcoming opportunities in regards to this event. A community meeting will be held on September 11, 2014 at the Community Hall from 6- 9pm for community input. Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Millbrook Band Office Business Hours Phone Numbers Mailing Address Monday - Thursday Band Office 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:30pm Friday 9:00am-12pm 1pm-4:00pm 1 (902) 897-9199 Toll Free 1 (800) 693-3112 Millbrook Band Administration P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 Social Assistance Social Assistance Cheques are tentatively scheduled for: September 4 & 18, 2014. Applications are available at the Reception desk at the Band Office. Newsletter Deadline The Newsletters deadline is the 26th of each month. You can make a contribution to the Millbrook Community Newsletter just send in your information by e-mail: mbnewsletter@eastlink.ca, by Fax: 895-0079, by the website contact form (link)http:// millbrookfirstnation.net/contact-us/ or submit information to the Reception desk at the Band Office. Financial Statements Updated The website is updated with 2014 financial documents. http://millbrookfirstnation.net/about-us/financial-documents/ Consolidated Financial Statements, Schedule of Remuneration and Expenses – Chief and Councillors & Unelected Senior Officials. Chief and Council Chief and Council Meeting The next Chief and Council meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2014. The deadline for submissions or requests to see Council is Thursday, September 4, 2014. Please submit to the Administrative Assistant, Jay Martin, Fax: 893-4785 or e-mail: jay.m@eastlink.ca. Chief and Council Meetings - September 3 at 1pm Summer Games discussion with council to review technical package. - September 4 at 10am Economic Development Committee. meeting. - September 9 at 9am council meeting in chambers. 9-10 discussion on Lands Management then council meeting at 10am. - September 11 at 6 to 9 pm community discussion and suggestions for games and cultural activities at community hall. - September 18 at 1:30pm in Council Chambers is Projects Meeting. - September 24 at 9am is APC all chiefs and Council Meeting at Holiday Inn in Dartmouth. Chief Gloade Page 1 Education News SCHOOL CALENDAR Tuesday, September 2 – Orientation day for STAFF ONLY Wednesday, September 3 – STAFF ONLY Thursday, September 4 – First day for ALL students ! LUNCH ALLOWANCE FOR OFF RESERVE STUDENTS A reminder that Lunch Allowance Application forms for students residing off the Reserve must be completed at the beginning of each school year. This form is also available at the Band Office and in the newsletter. ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to the following Millbrook students who will celebrate their birthdays in September, G. Blackmore, Harlen Phillips-Cope, Alex Brooks, Jacob Cope, Tyson Stevens, Kail Beckman, Victor Brooks, Liv Hunsley-Wilmot, Gigi Johnson, Tehya Milliea, Kluskap Stephens, Kyle Gillis, Jada Johnson, Blayze Julien, Dakota MacLellan and Autumn Smiley! ! Notice from CEC Grade 10: The staff at CEC looks forward to welcoming you to our school in the fall, with the belief that you will find your years at CEC both exciting and rewarding. The school has much to offer you in academics, extra-curricular activities and opportunities for personal growth and development. Following are some points of information to make your first day a successful one. ! Where to go on arrival: New students will have an assembly at 9:00 AM, in the audio-visual room, which is on the main floor, in the centre of the building. You will be assigned to your homeroom at that time, and you will be escorted to the classroom at the end of the assembly. During your time with your homeroom class, you will receive your first semester timetable, and an explanation of how it works. ! What you need for classes: First semester teachers will inform you about the particular supply needs in their courses, as you meet with them for the first time that day. All you will need for the first day is a binder, pen or pencil, and paper. ! Grade 11 & 12: On the first day of school please go to the upper floor to receive your first semester schedule. Tables will be set up and schedules will be given out by student’s last name. Proceed to your Day 1, A block room. Page 2 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Tel: 897-1249 (Daycare) Tel: 897-0445 (Pre-School) Director - Sylvia Martin Director’s email: meec@eastlink.ca PLEASE CALL US It is very important that you call by 9:00 am if your child is going to be ABSENT or LATE. Snacks, lunches, crafts, etc. are prepared according to how many children are physically in the building by that time every day (or who are anticipated to be here, based on having received telephone calls from parents). DAYCARE SEATS If you are in need of Daycare Services, PLEASE FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FORM ASAP TO GET ON THE WAITING LIST, and call to inquire about availability from time to time. Note: You may complete an application early (before your child is 18 months, but your child will not be on the waiting list until s/he is 18 months old). ! NOTE: New applications and medical forms are required every year, and if your child has an allergy, your doctor must also complete an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan form. If your child requires an Epipen, this must also be provided to the Centre, to remain here with your child, at all times. Thank you! Important Dates to Note: Monday. September 1 – Labor Day (Centre Closed) Wednesday September 24 – Meet The Teacher Night (Preschool Only) Happy September Birthdays To… Honour, Adaya, Liv & Adara! Other Important Dates To Note: Wednesday October 1st – Treaty Day (Centre Closed) Monday October 13 – Thanksgiving (Centre Closed) Friday October 24 – Staff PD Day (Centre Closed) Page 3 TINY TOYS SUMMER CAMP We had another fantastic summer camp!! We are AGAIN pleased to report that we have again received MANY compliments from the various locations visited this summer… "very well-behaved children, polite, etc." We are extremely proud of the children, and staff for this. PRESCHOOL *If you have already applied, but have not yet submitted the medical, PLEASE DO THIS NOW. If we are not in receipt of all required information before the first day of preschool, the bus will not be picking your child up that day. *Children will not be permitted to attend preschool if we are not in receipt of an up-to-date medical, or if there are any outstanding fees for daycare services. Also note that new applications and medical forms are required every year, for every child. If your child has allergies, there is a Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan form to be completed by the doctor, along with instructions for use of Epipen. *Preschool starts on Thurs. Sept 4th If you have any questions about what time the bus will be picking your child up/bus route on regular basis, please call the bus driver, NOLAN at 890-3608. Also let him know whenever your child is sick or not going to preschool for any reason, so he doesn't have to make any unnecessary stops. What to bring on 1st day of preschool: - backpack - non-marking indoor shoes/sneakers that can be kept in their cubby in classroom - *change of clothing (in case of accidents) *3 yr olds only Thank you! The Marshall Family would like to extend a huge thank you, To Chief Bob Gloade and Council members who extended their support and kindness at the loss of our Dad Stephen Marshall Sr. Thank you, To the so many people who generously donated their time preparing food, fire keeping, helping with the arraignments and just being there for us at this difficult time. Thank You to the Millbrook Women’s Club you were instrumental in making much of the preparation running smoothly. And thank you to Jim Johnson for going above and beyond with you help and guidance. ! It makes us proud to be part of such a caring, sharing group of people we have here. We will never forget what this community had done for our family. Many Thanks to you all. ! The Marshall Family Page 4 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 MILLBROOK SCHOOL BUS SAFETY RULES APRIL 2014 All students have the right to feel safe while on Millbrook buses. Any student who is proven to be bullying another student on any Millbrook buses will be suspended from all Millbrook buses. The following suspensions are for both Verbal Bullying and Physical Bullying. 1st Offence – suspended from buses for a period of 5 school days; ! 2nd Offence – suspended from buses for a period of 1 full month; ! 3 Offence – suspended from buses for remainder of school year. ! rd Verbal Bullying includes – name calling, profanity or any other activity where a student feels intimidated or disrespected by another student’s words. ! Physical Bullying includes but is not limited to – spitting, hitting, pinching, pulling hair, pushing, or any activity where a student touches another student in an aggressive manner. ! Reports of bullying must be made to the Bus Driver or the Educational Services Director immediately. If a previous incident took place and was not reported it will not be considered after the fact. For example, a parent/student saying “this has been going on for months,” but has not been reported will not be considered when dealing with bus suspensions. ! If a student is being physically bullied it is important for that student to know that they can protect themselves but not to become aggressive and strike back. If any student strikes another student no matter what the circumstances, they will be suspended. ! If students are suspended from the buses it is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that students are transported to school daily. The Millbrook Band will not pay for outside services or provide alternative transportation to transport suspended students. If families do not have access to a vehicle, the Millbrook Band, may, under certain circumstances set up a receivable which will be paid from that parent’s Millbrook Treaty Enterprise Credit. Page 5 Community Sacred Heart Church Regular Sunday Mass Time is at 11:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception website: www.icc-truro.org Prayer Group Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:00 pm. at the Senior’s Centre in Millbrook. Agenda includes, Rosary and Prayers followed by tea, a light lunch and a social. Come join us – everyone is welcome!Contact person for group – Jane at 893-7454. “Understanding the Bible”-Weekly Scripture Study for Adults Please join us on Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm for an evening of fellowship as we learn together the Word and grow in grace and understanding. Tea and light refreshments to follow. Located at 74 Abenaki Road. Contact: Kelly Gloade (902) 890-8307. Community Hall Bookings To book the Community Hall please contact Jay Martin at 897-9199 Ext 110. Thank you to those who continue to keep the hall, clean, neat and tidy. Please try to book your event early, preferably a minimum of 2 weeks in advance. Compost, Garbage & Recyclables (blue bags) CLEAR GARBAGE BAGS ARE A MUST. That means only one black garbage bag (privacy bag) per week, the rest must be in clear bags. Recycle items (containers and paper) must be in blue bags. If you do not have a compost bin please call Elizabeth Paul at the Health Centre. There are some of the small kitchen containers available now. Garbage is picked up every week. Compost bin dates are Tuesday, September 2, 16 & 30. Blue Bags dates are Tuesday, September 9 & 23. All items must be at curb side by 7:00 am. Page 6 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Millbrook 3-D Shooters Millbrook Archery Club has target practice every Wednesday night. Wednesday’s time is 8 pm till close and Sunday 1pm-closing. Everyone is welcome. Sunday Morning Ice Time Sunday morning Ice times at the R.E.C.C. are Sunday, September 21 & 28 from 8:00 am - 8:50 am. Millbrook Fitness Centre The Millbrook Fitness Centre is open 1pm-4pm Monday to Friday. It is open in the evenings from 6pm-10pm Sunday to Thursday. Exercising a few times a week is a great way to maintain your overall health. RECC Membership Millbrook has worked out a corporate rate with the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. Corporate Memberships apply to yearly membership only. The Civic Centre is not located on the reserve, Taxes are applied to the cost. The band Member must purchase the Membership first then submit the receipts to Priscillia Martin. The Tobacco Store covers $300 per activity(see regulations online). Millbrook Youth Centre Millbrook Youth Centre will be open every Friday & Saturday nights from 7 to 11pm. No BULLYING allow at this centre and No Alcohol & Drugs allow. Used Battery Bin If you have old batteries please do not throw them in the garbage, we have a battery recycle bin located in the Band Office and Health Centre. - WELA’LIN Natasha Bernard Page 7 Health Centre Business Hours Phone Numbers Mailing Address Monday - Thursday 8:30am-12pm / 1pm-4:30pm Friday 8:30am-12pm / 1pm-4:00pm Band Office 1 (902) 895-9468 Toll Free 1 (888) 895-9468 Millbrook Health Centre P.O. Box 634 Truro, NS. B2N 5E5 To understand what’s Detox and Rehab Treatment Centre Schedule Detox: is a place where you would go to get off the drugs or alcohol, a Rising Sun at Eel Ground, NB is person is usually there from 5 to 14 days depends how bad the addiction is, if needed they could stay longer. Sometime there a waiting list up to 5 Sept. 28, 2014, 5 week coed program. days to get in one of these places, and you would have to call the place Eagles Nest Recovery house to do a booking. There are 8 detoxs in Nova Scotia, Pictou, Springhill, Indianbrook Sept 15, 2014, Coed. Dartmouth, Strait Richmond, Sydney, Lunneburg, Middleton & Yarmouth Mikmaw Lodge at Eskasoni, NS is Rehab: is a 5 weeks education treatment program. You would have to get Sept. 2, 2014, 5 weeks women program. all papers filled out with Peter Gloade and a medical done by the Dr. Its Wolastoqewiyih Tobique Oct 14, best you do the paper work 2 weeks before going into one of these places. There are 5 treatment centres in the Atlantic such as Eagles nest, 2014, 6 weeks program. Mikmaw lodge, Rising Sun New Brunswick, Wolastoqewiyik Healing Any Millbrook Youth who would like to lodge, Mawiomi Treatment centre Quebec. Free Spirit AA Millbrook Free Spirit AA group meets every Tuesday night at 7pm at the Millbrook Senior’s Centre. Everyone is Welcome Eskasoni Help Line go a treatment program I do have forms for the 3 treatment centres available. Walgwan Centre in Quebec - long term program Charles J Andrew Youth Centre Sheshatshiu Labador – long term For any youth who are having a problem such as bullying, peer pressure, or any problems and want to talk to someone there is a Choices in Halifax number to call; all calls are confidential. Eskasoni help line toll free 1-855-379-2099 or on Facebook Eskasoni Crisis Worker there will Contact the Community Addictions Counsellor (Peter Gloade) at 897-1234. be someone there to chat to. NA meeting NA meeting in Truro every Sun. Tues, & Thurs nights at St Andrew Church 55 King St 8pm, also for more info call 1800 205 8402 or www.centralnovaarea.ca Drug Addictions Counsellor Peter Gloade has a list of AA and NA & Alanon meetings in the local area or call 895- 5535 for more information on local groups. Also www.area82aa.org has information. If anyone has any suggestion Re; workshops or presentation what they would like to see Re: addictions Please contact me at 890-1671 or message me on facebook, I am open to all suggestion - Peter Gloade Medical Drivers Donna Gloade Home: 895-9540 Cell: 986-8842 Germaine Martin Home: 843-0174 Cell: 305-0204 Sunshine Martin Cell: 324-0907 Sheet Harbour James Howe Sr. Home: 885-2249 Cell: 885-5232 Page 8 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Health Centre Counselling: Charles Casselman a Clinical Therapist from the Truro office of Addiction Services is available at the Health Centre every Monday for one on one counselling before and after Addictions Treatment Programs. Follow-up Counselling after successful completion of a treatment program is highly recommended to deal with the challenges of RECOVERY. Counselling by this clinical therapist is also provided for family members of the addict/alcoholic and others affected by addictions. Please call the health centre (895-9468) for an appointment time to talk to Charles Casselman when he is in Millbrook or you may choose to see him at his Truro office. Call 893-5900 for an appointment at the Truro office. Alanon There is a Alanon meeting every Monday 10am, and Tuesday 8pm at the Alliance Church on Phillips St which is off Robie Street. Dance There will be a Back to School Youth Dance at the Millbrook Community Hall on Sept. 13 from 7-9 & 9-11pm Everyone is welcome and bring some friends, Chances to win some great prizes, also Pizzas. Absolutely NO Alcohol & Drugs allowed. Mental Health and Addiction Services Mental Health and Addiction Services are pleased to announce that we have secured funding to provide the Strengthening Families, family skills building program this fall. Strengthening Families- is a 10 week evidenced-based prevention program that provides additional support to families with children ages 7-11. Each week families gather to share a meal together and participate in separate workshops to learn skills in communication, child and family development, anger management and goal setting. Strengthening Families is set to begin on Tuesday September 29, 2014 at Maggie’s Place in Truro. There is no charge for participants and child care is provided. Please pass along and post the attached information flyer to interested colleagues and individuals and feel free to contact myself for additional information. ! Regards, James Shedden Prevention and Health Promotion Specialist Mental Health and Addiction Services Page 9 My Experience at St. Anne De Beaupre I had been discharged two days before the Millbrook Pilgrimage was to leave. I asked my doctor please I know St. Anne will help me I need to go as a pilgrim, so off I went. When I was released from the hospital I could no longer write, my body was full of liver bruises and my hands had uncontrollable twitching caused by my condition. The first day I had uncontrollable vomiting I prayed that I could go on and not have to return home. Being extremely weak I had to use a wheelchair but I didn’t care as long as I could see our grandmother St. Anne.! Once at the shrine I felt her love for me and brought all my petition with me. During the mass on Saturday night I felt her presence and she was beckoning me to look at her I could not stop. Then when the relic was placed on me I felt a tremendous feeling of peace and tears of joys I couldn’t stop crying, then the priest who placed the relic on me came back and said the relic was so warm I told him St. Anne is going to help me. When I prayed I prayed for healing or Joyful resignation to my illness.! The next day my hands stopped jerking, the bruises faded and I could write. I walked over to the mass card office and wrote out twenty - five mass cards I actually walked with no assistance.! The faith of my parents and grandparents have always been an important part of my life’s journey and saw me through many turmoils.! I again am asking you for prayer when ever my condition improves as I know we are all here on a spiritual journey and we are ready to handle God’s plan for us.! ! Thank you,! Janet L Bernard ! Millbrook First Nation! PS. there is a whole busload of pilgrims who can attest to this.! June, 2014 Serving the financing needs of Aboriginal businesses for over 25 years Variable and fixed interest rates starting at prime plus 3% (6% and up) Non-repayable contributions available on eligible projects *rates and non-repayable contributions are based on project eligibility and certain criteria To find out more about our products & services call: 1-888-766-2376 or visit our website: www.ulnooweg.ca Page 1 0 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Millbrook Employment & Training ! Carley Gloade Native Employment Officer Phone: (902)897-9199 ext. 122 Cell: (902)890-0656 Fax: (902)897-0678 Email: carley.gloade@eastlink.ca Upcoming Training Opportunities: • Power Transmission Tower Construction Program • Metal Fab/Welding – TBA 2014 • Instrumentation Technician Training – TBA 2014 • Steam/ Pipe Fitter Training – TBA 2014 • Oil Burner Technician Program – September 2014 • Port/ Terminal Security Officer Training – TBA 2014 • Pre Industry Preparatory Program – Various start dates If you are interested in more information and enrolling in one of the programs listed above please contact Justine Maloney at Nova Scotia Aboriginal Employment Partnership (902)477-2900 or (902)717-025 Page 1 1 Recreation Camp Thank you! A big thank you to my amazing team of summer students who did a great job this year of ensuring that our kids had a safe and fun filled summer. Thanks to: Austin Hepworth, Brennan Googoo, Morgan Marshall, Emily Nasson, Katie McNutt, Tiffany Kennedy, Anissa Blackmore, Nyanza Julian, Devann Sylvester, Hailey Julien & Christina Gillis. It take patience, dedication and commitment to run a successful camp and each and everyone of you showed this throughout the summer, along with some great work ethics. Thank you for stepping up when it was needed during the very difficult days when I couldn’t be there. You should all be very proud of your accomplishments and I am hoping your experiences will help you along your path with school and university! Thank you Chris Stevens for driving us safely to all of our adventures and to Debbie Gloade, Chirs Nasson & Peter Gloade for your donations towards our giveaway. Thank you to Steven Marshall Jr. for all your hard work preparing and providing our Wilderness days to all of our camps and for your help in organizing our opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the Millbrook youth Drum Group “Samqwan Boys”, Chief Bob Gloade, Garrett Gloade, Bernie Sylliboy DNR Conservation Officer and all of our dancers! ! Study Hard at School Kids Sue Marshall Page 1 2 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Starting Sept. 17th Meet every WEDNESDAY for 6 weeks FUN RUN…Oct. 25 Dance, hop, run across the finish line O GIRLS ON THE RUN & RUNNING REZ CHICKS It’s an opportunity for girls between the age of 8 – 12 and moms, aunts, sisters of all fitness levels to learn to run by promoting physical activity in a fun environment, supporting nutrition and healthy life choices. Sign up today!!!! Contact Sunshine Bernard at the Millbrook Health Center 895-9468 EMPOWERING GIRLS AND WOMEN IN OUR COMMUNITY!!! Page 1 3 Thank You First of all, I would like to say a sincere thank you for all who came to visit me in the Colchester regional Hospital and Halifax infirmary , your prayer and companionship was deeply appreciated especially to friends from Unama’ki. Thanks also to all and the clergy and also Kenny Prosper who came in quite often. My children’s love and concern did not go unnoticed, thanks Colin, Sunshine, Natasha. The Administration staff of the school made me feel hopeful, thanks Guys, Last but not least, thanks Woody my partner for his love and concern.! Welalin Janet L. Bernard Markie Bus Tours : Halifax Casino Runs On the First Friday of every month we depart from Truro Staples parking lot, Robie Street at 9:30am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:30pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. Also on the First Sunday & First Friday of every month depart from New Glasgow Zellers parking lot at 8:00am. Leaving Halifax Casino at 3:00pm same day. Please call ahead for seating. $30.00 per person. ! 1. Bus Transportation 2. FREE Non-Alcoholic Beverages on floor 3. One Meal Coupon ! Visit: Casino Nova Scotia for more Information. Contact MARKIE BUS TOURS for more information. Phone: 1-902-843-5501 Page 1 4 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 In a Nutshell The Annual Millbrook PowWow was a great success! A special thanks to the this year’s pow wow committee, the venders, dancers, drummers and spectators for coming out and supporting our Mi’kmaw culture. We would like to extend a very special thanks to the Rear-Admiral John F. Newton who participated in the grand opening ceremony. Page 1 5 Indigenous Arts Symposium - Indigenous artists and arts practitioners from across Atlantic Canada were invited to participate in a free three-day symposium hosted at Millbrook First Nation, NS. Petapan: First Light featured key-note speakers, artist talks, panel discussions, evening showcases, seminars, and provided a space for celebrating art and forging connections. The event was organized by the Atlantic Public Arts Funders, which includes the New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb), the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council (NLAC), Arts Nova Scotia (ArtsNS) and the Prince Edward Island Council of the Arts (PEIAC). The was the first time the four Atlantic provinces collaborated on an event specifically for Indigenous artists, thus the name Petapan – First Light – indicates a breaking of dawn. This set of Photos were taken by Carrie Anne Sylliboy The Youth and Elders group went on a trip to Partridge Island with Gerald Gloade who talked about Partridge Island’s historical significance to the Mi’kmaw culture; it is considered heaven to the Mi’kmaw people. Gerald told the legends of the area and gave insight to the youth about collecting materials from the site. The Youth and Elder group also learned how to do quill work with Crystal Gloade at the Millbrook Hall. Within two days and a basket full of supplies the youth and elders worked patiently to design and construct a quill designed medallion. Page 1 6 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Wind Mill Construction The Truro Heights Wind Farm and The Millbrook Wind Farm are nearing completion! There is still work needed to be done on the two control stations then the testing phase will begin before becoming operational around November. Page 1 7 End of Summer Employment The summer students have finished their 7 weeks of employment, which will be a great addition to their resume along with the experience of being in the workforce. Thank you all for working so hard this summer. The closing ceremony for the youth summer camp brought in the Samqwan boys drummers, dancers, and Bryan Sylliboy to teach the kids how to extract fathers from an eagle carcass. Millbrook to host the Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Summer Games 2015 It was officially announced at the Polotek Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw summer games that Millbrook First Nation will be hosting the next Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Summer Games in 2015! ! Community trip to Upper Clement’s Park On Saturday July 16 the Millbrook community was off to Upper Clement’s amusement park. A fun time was had by all, Thanks Chris Nasson for organizing the trip. ! 2nd Annual Antique Car show Saturday, August 30th, Heather Stevens’ Relay For Life team had their 2nd Annual Antique Car show at the Legends Bingo hall parking lot. All proceeds are going to Relay for Life. Page 1 8 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Nova Scotia Mi’kmaw Summer Games Winners Truro Power Centre Page 1 9 Page 2 0 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Stevens Captures Third Title By Tim Bernard MMNN Contributor East Mountain, NS – James Stevens was crowned as Millbrook’s King of the Mountain for his third time here at the Mountain Golf and Country Club on September 1, 2014. Stevens carded an 80, ten over par, to win his third King title in the past fifteen years. Steeped in tradition, our annual Most Honest golfer award was presented to junior golfer Cole Bernard who carded a 116. 1999 – James Stevens Twenty-five golfers took part in the 21st annual event which provides bragging rights throughout the year for the winner and has become an annual tradition for Millbrook Band golfers for the past 21 years and has produced ten different winners. The support of sponsors include the Millbrook Band Council, G&G Home Heating, Terry French, Jim Prodger, Mike Sack and the great cooperation of the staff of the Mountain Golf & Country Club. 2000 – Tim Bernard Former Winners include: 1994 – Justin Julien 1995-1998 – Don Julien 2001 – Barry Martin 2002 – Colin Bernard 2003 – Justin Johnson 2004-2007 – Kevin Wood Gloade 2008-2009 – Justin Johnson 2010 – Shane Kennedy 2011 – James Stevens 2012 – Shane Kennedy! 2013 – Justin Gloade! 2014 – James Stevens! ! In addition, two closest to the pin awards and two long drive awards were earned. Kelvin Gloade captured the closest to the pin on hole 5 and James Stevens knocked his tee shot five feet from the cup on the 18th green. Chris Dorey took home long drive honours on hole 8 while Billy Gloade claimed the longest drive honours on the 17th hole. The remaining prizes were drawn from a hat regardless of golfing skill and with over $1000 in prizes available; no one went home empty handed. Captions: Photos Courtesy of Tim Bernard Colin Bernard presents 2014 Champion James Stevens with the Millbrook King of the Mountain Trophy. Congratulations James!! Page 2 1 A PROV VEN 10 WEEK W SKILL S BU UILDING G PROGR RAM FOR R FAMILE ES WITH H CHILDREN AG GES 7 – 1 11 W What Wiill I Learn n? Und derstand ding fam mily and child de evelopm ment Spe ending positive p gether time tog Iden ntifying and ma anaging feelings s Imp proving Commu unication n Dev veloping g empathy Sup pporting g family dreams s and go oals Iden ntifying family values v and a ritua als T The Wee ekly Session Inc cludes: A Family F Meal M A Family F group and Childrren’s gro oup A fa amily an nd Child Group A Comm munity In nitiative Offered d By: Men ntal Hea alth & Ad ddiction n Service es, CEH HHA Fun nding prrovided by Health Cana ada Da ates: Tue esday eve enings – Septemb ber 30– D Decemberr 2, 2014 Time T : 5:0 00pm – 7:00pm 7 (to o be conffirmed) Location: Mag ggie’s Pla ace, 1027 7 Prince S Street, Tru uro For mo ore inform mation co ontact James (902) 893-5554 4 ext. 422 290 or by y text (902 2) 890-2327 Childcarre availab ble. Therre is no c charge forr this pro ogram Page 2 2 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 ! DIABETES(LEARNING(SESSIONS(&(NIKE(7(REGISTRATION(( (to(be(held(Sept.(16th,(17th,(&(18th(( (Please'drop'in'for'one'of'the'sessions'on'these'days)' 10am(A2pm( Millbrook(Health(Center( ( If!you!are!a!MILLBROOK(BAND(MEMBER!diagnosed!with!Diabetes,!! you!are!eligible!to!receive!a!pair!of!Nike!7!Sneakers.! '(Please'note:'there'are'only'a'limited'amount'of'sneakers'available)' ' You!MUST(have!a!copy%of%your%prescription%(pill%bottle)%or!note!from!your!doctor! stating!you!are!diagnosed!with!diabetes!to!be!entitled!for!a!pair!of!sneakers.! Please!contact!Sunshine!Bernard!or!Cindy!Ryan!at!the! Millbrook!Health!Center!895I9468!for!more!information.! ! PLEASE(NOTE:(THESE(ARE(THE(ONLY(3(DAYS(FOR(THE( (LEARNING(SESSIONS(AND(REGISTRATION(for(the(Sneakers!( Page 2 3 Page 2 4 Page 2 5 Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 Page 2 6 Sunday Health Calendar 28 21 14 7 31 Dr. Vance K. Dr. Vance K. Dr. Vance K. Dr. Webster Dr Vance K. Closed Labor Day Monday 29 22 15 8 1 9 2 Compost & Garbage C. Casselman 30 Blue Bags & Garbage C. Casselman 23 Compost & Garbage C. Casselman 16 Blue Bags & Garbage Dr. Webster Compost & Garbage Tuesday Dr. Webster Wednesday 1 24 17 10 3 Dr. Webster Thursday 2 25 18 11 4 Dr. Webster Friday 3 26 19 12 5 Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 4 27 20 13 6 Page 2 7 Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 1pm-closing Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 1pm-closing Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 1pm-closing Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 1pm-closing Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 1pm-closing Sunday 28 21 14 7 31 Monday Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Gymnasium Calendar 29 22 15 8 1 9 2 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:30pm 30 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:30pm 23 Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:30pm 16 Blue Bags & Garbage Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Compost & garbage Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Tuesday Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 8-closing. Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 8-closing. Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 8-closing. Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 8-closing. Kids time 6:00-8:30pm Archery 8-closing. Wednesday 1 24 17 10 3 Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Taekwon-do 6:00-8:00pm Adult Basketball 8-closing. Thursday 2 25 18 11 4 Friday 3 26 19 12 5 Saturday Millbrook First Nation MONTHLY NEWSLETTER September 2014 4 27 20 13 6
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