flyer - AIJA


flyer - AIJA
VICENZA 23-27 MAY 2016
The Department of Law of the University of
Verona, Italy and the Center for International
Legal Education (CILE) of the University of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA – in cooperation
w i t h Po l o S c i e n t i f i c o D i d a t t i c o “ S t u d i
sull’impresa” dell’Università di Verona - sede di
Vicenza; Fondazione Studi Universitari di Vicenza;
Ordine degli Avvocati di Vicenza; International
Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA); Unione
Triveneta dei Consigli dell’Ordine degli Avvocati;
Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati (AIGA);
Camera di Commercio di Vicenza - Organismo di
mediazione – invite you to attend the Summer
School in Transnational Commercial Agreements,
Litigation and Arbitration, which will take place
on May 23-27, 2016 in Vicenza, Italy. The
Summer School aims at providing participants
with an in-depth understanding of international
c o m m e r c i a l contracts and the applicable of
dispute resolution methods.
Target group and prerequisites for admission
The school is addressed to legal professionals and
other business operators involved in international
commercial practice. A good level of English is a
fundamental prerequisite for fruitful participation.
Instructors will include top-level academics and
professionals in the field, such as: Prof.
Massimo Benedettelli (Univ. of Bari), Prof.
Ronald A. Brand (Univ. of Pittsburgh), Dott.
Francesco Cortesi (Judge, Italian Supreme Court),
Prof. Franco Ferrari (New York University and
Univ. of Verona), Prof. Chiara Giovannucci
Orlandi (Milan Chamber of National and International
Arbitration), Prof. Luca Radicati di Brozolo
(Catholic University of Milan), Dr. Friedrich J.
Rosenfeld (Hanefeld Rechsanwälte, Hamburg), Prof.
Marco Torsello (Univ. of Verona and New York
Prof. Marco Torsello
Credits and evaluation
Participation to the course shall qualify lawyers to
Continuing Legal Education credits: Italian lawyers
will obtain 18 ordinary credits + 2 in deontological
matter, while Pennsylvania lawyers up to 24 hours
of Continuing Legal Education credits.
General Information
Classes will meet according to the following
schedule (for further information, see the detailed
schedule of classes):
Mon. 23rd: R. Brand and M. Benedettelli
Tue. 24th: R. Brand and F. Rosenfeld
Wed. 25th: R. Brand and F. Rosenfeld
Thu. 26th: F. Ferrari and F. Cortesi
Fri. 27th: Professionals’ Roundtable. - R. Brand and M.
Torsello - L. Radicati di Brozolo - C. Giovannucci
Application and Deadline
Deadline for application: 21 May 2016 (tuition
fees must be received by the said date).
Fees: € 350 (+ VAT).
For registration, payment methods and any further information, please contact:
Vania Moro: E-mail: Tel: 0444/998893 (8:30 AM - 3:30 PM)
Associazione Italiana Giovani Avvocati
Iscr. n. 29 Reg. Min. della Giustizia