14-covenant 3.pub - United Methodist Church of Westlake Village


14-covenant 3.pub - United Methodist Church of Westlake Village
Our Purpose: To be a welcoming congregation nurturing followers of Jesus Christ.
March 2014
Volume 2014, Issue 3
Ring Around the Collar
Lent begins in two weeks. We look forward to the
coming of Easter Week and Easter and all of its
glorious celebration and the triumphant message of
God’s love and power. And yet, we miss the meaning of Lent if we only judge it by the knowledge of
Easter. The first Lent was quite different. There
was no Easter then, no triumphant hope, no glorious resurrection of Christ from the grave and death.
There was, rather, fear, doubt, gloom, and the darkness of the death of Jesus. What a different picture
we have. Yet, for us, there is somberness in Lent.
Sometimes people complain, “Why are the hymns
so dark in this time of the year?” “Why do we no
longer sing alleluia during Lent?” “Why should we
be so introspective into our lives and sins?”
I think that the answer, which though can be given
quite theologically, may be more powerfully felt by
simply saying that life isn’t always light and love
and peace. Our world is really not that much different from the time of Jesus. Oh yes, the world has
progressed: planes and trains and cars and computers and all the rest. But the human heart has not
changed a whole lot. We see this in the wars and
hate and prejudices and fear that abound in our
world today. I sometimes think that if Jesus had
come today instead of 2,000 years ago, we would
have crucified him faster than we did then. The
darkness still doesn’t like the light. People still do
bad things. The world, regrettably, has still not
learned the lessons from the evils we have inflicted
on one another.
For this reason, Lent makes us look into ourselves
and to see realistically that even at our best, we still
have so much farther to go. We can be kinder,
more accepting, greater loving people than we are.
But there is something about the hope of Easter that
does transform us even in the midst of all that discourages us. For Christ is greater than the sin
around us. Christ can still make a difference in our
lives, more than we can ever imagine.
The following anonymous words en- Dr. Gary Alan Dickey
titled, “One Solitary Life” have long
spoken powerfully to me. You may have seen them
as well. May they speak of the truth from God to us
again as we continue in the journey of Lent’s darkness to the light of Easter morning:
“There was a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in
another village. He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty. Then for three years He was an
itinerant preacher. He never owned a home. He
never wrote a book. He never held an office. He
never had a family. He never went to college. He
never put His foot inside a big city. He never traveled two hundred miles from the place He was
born. He never did one of the things that usually
accompany greatness. He had no credentials but
Himself... While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against him. His friends ran
away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over
to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a
trial. He was nailed upon a cross between two
thieves. While He was dying His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth
– His coat. When He was dead, He was laid in a
borrowed grave through the pity of a friend. Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and today
He is a centerpiece of the human race and leader of
the column of progress. I am far within the mark
when I say that all the armies that ever marched,
all the navies that were ever built; all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever
reigned, put together, have not affected the life of
man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one
solitary life.”
With you in the journey,
Flyer required
The Habit
Lazy Dog
California Pizza Kitchen
Famous Dave’s
Youth Events
Sunday, March 2 - Regular meetings – JYF 5
p.m. & CYF 6:30 p.m.
At our regular meetings we hang out with friends,
play games, do a big group activity, have a discussion, and eat some snacks! You know you’re going
to have a good time so come on out!
Sunday, March 9 – Los Angeles Marathon – No CYF
or JYF
Michelle Menges, Brooke Stuart, Victoria Gifford,
and Eric Hall will be running in the Los Angeles
Marathon representing UMCWV for Team World
Vision. Brooke Garcher will be working as an event
volunteer and as the #1 fan of Team UMCWV!
Please pray for the Team as it runs 26.2 miles to
help save lives!
Sunday, March 16 – CYF/JYF Mustache March Madness – 1 p.m. – YB
Last year we had a crazy fun event called Mustache
March Madness. The youth group broke off into
Sunday, March 23 – JYF/CYF Sunrise Senior Center –
1 p.m. – YB
It’s time to visit some elderly people at Sunrise Senior Center! I remember last year we had youth: paint
fingernails, sing, do puzzles, and engage in some
great conversations! Every time we go you can tell
it means a lot to the people who live there. So, in the
name of Jesus let’s make some people smile!
Sunday, March 30 – JYF/CYF Bowling – 1 p.m. – YB
What sport can you play while drinking a soda and
eating nachos? Bowling of course! It’s a fun sport
that’s laid back enough that you don’t have to break
a sweat playing it. So, come on out to our bowling
outing and have a great time!
Lent – Faith Development
March 12 – Bible Study
2014 Theme:
Growing in Our Faith
3rd Wednesday - 7 p.m.
different teams and raced against one another while
competing in different mustache related events! It
was so great to go out into the Westlake Village
community and goof around mustache style with
some of the locals! This year is going to be just as
fun with brand new events! So, come on out if you
don’t mind things getting hairy!
March 19 – Prayer
March 26 – Quiet Time
(weekly during Lent)
Taize is a meditative worship service in a setting
of soft candlelight that fosters communion with
God. It combines repetitive songs and chants,
scripture readings, and periods of group silence.
While worshipping in a community setting, one can
remain open to the voice of God and discover the
prayer within.
April 2 – Simplicity
April 9 – Fasting
May 21 – Missions
September 17 – Evangelism
October 15 – Worship
November 19 – Generosity
December 17 – Relationship
Childcare available if requested by Monday of the week needed – call Brian in the church office.
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Tuesday, March 4
5 - 7:30 p.m. - AH
Enjoy delicious pancakes,
Sausage, grits, fruit,
& beverages!
Supper Tickets:
$7 for Adults, $5 for Children 10 & under
All Proceeds Support Academic Scholarships given by Women’s Ministries Council
Questions? Call Julia Long 805-497-7884
Adult Sunday School, 9 a.m. - BKR
Please join us Sunday mornings for interesting discussions and great fellowship. Utilizing books chosen by
the class, we seek to explore and deepen our spirituality
and faith. John Wesley encouraged his followers to read
stating “reading Christians are thinking Christians.”
Our book list for 2014 is:
The Amazing John Wesley through – March 9
Claiming the Beatitudes
March 16 – April 13
Whose Bible Is It?
April 27 – June 1
Speaking Christian
June 8 – July 13
Four Gospels, One Jesus?
July 20 – August 24
September 14 – October 12
Why did Jesus, Moses, the
Buddha, and Mohammed
Cross the Road?
Advent Study TBD
October 19 – November 23
November 30 – December 21
The next gathering of this fun evening of fellowship
and potluck will take place on Friday, March 21, host
TBD. The festivities begin at 7 p.m. Single and married adults of all ages are invited. To RSVP, get directions or to find out what dish to bring, watch the bulletin for details. Space is limited!
This book and video discussion group for women meets
the first Monday of each
month at 7 p.m. The book for
Bee Vees
March 3 is “And the Mountains Echoed” by Khaled
Hoseini. The location is Mari Hill’s home. For April
7 we will see a movie, TBD, and have discussion afterward. For information about BeeVees, call Dorie in
the church office at 805-497-7884.
For April issue: Noon March 15
Our 12th Annual Men’s Retreat
April 4 – 6
“Come On Jesus, Light My Fire”
Join us as we combine once again with the New Hope Lutheran Men to adapt a Doors’ classic
to open ourselves to discipleship. “Come on Jesus, Light My Fire.” As we return to
the La Casa de Maria Retreat Center, Dr. Terry Paulson is back to lead us and help facilitate
some powerful small-group discussions as we explore together:
Cultivating a Thankful Heart
Facing Our Goliaths
Having the Mind of Christ
Staying Connected
Dr. Paulson is a long time member and past council president at New Hope Lutheran Church. He
has a PhD in Clinical Psychology and a MA in Lay Theology from Fuller Theological seminary. As a professional speaker and author he helps leaders and teams leverage optimism to make
change work. Dr. Paulson is a member of NSA’s Speaker Hall of Fame and is proud to come back
for an encore at the Men’s Retreat at La Casa de Maria. Word has it that he even likes Methodists.
La Casa de Maria is located on 25 beautiful acres surrounded by oaks, fruit trees, meadows and
gardens. Accommodations: a Spanish-style building with a comfortable dormitory.
Cost $160/deposit $80 – includes 5 meals, lodging and retreat materials.
Commuter rate (Sat./day) $80/deposit $40 includes 3 meals, snacks, and retreat materials.
Commuter plus (Sat./day+overnight)$125/deposit $62.50
Space is limited - your deposit secures your spot.
Sign-ups begin March 2. Deposit required.
Retreat Co-Chairs: Bob Kracker 805-497-9692 & Russ Stone 818-889-3245
Celebration of Giving
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in
abundance, so that always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
II Corinthians 9:8
The Outreach and Social Concerns Committee is
pleased to announce to the congregation the blessings
shared by members of the UMCWV with those in need
- in our congregation, our community, our nation and
the world in 2013. Our total giving was $48,121.43.
Christian Education Sunday
Human Relations Day Offering
Native American Awareness Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing
Peace with Justice Offering
United Methodist Student Sunday
World Communion Sunday
Adult Day Care
Conejo Senior Concerns
Conejo Valley YMCA
Conejo Valley Interfaith Association
Conejo Valley Free Clinic
Conejo Valley Free Meal Program
Food Share
Habitat for Humanity
Hospice of the Conejo
Our Community House of Hope
Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank
Many Mansions-Open Doors
Many Mansions-Thanksgiving Baskets
Many Mansions-Incentive Scholarship
Many Mansions-Summer Camp
Oklahoma Work Trip
Project Understanding
Thousand Oaks Meals on Wheels
Triunfo YMCA
Villa Esperanza
We Care Fund
Westlake Village Meals on Wheels
UMCOR-Hurricane Sandy Relief
UMCOR-Oklahoma Tornadoes
Big Brothers
Conejo Valley CROP Walk-CWS
CROP Walk-Pizza
Open Doors Kick-off Luncheon
David and Margaret Home
Las Familias Del Pueblo
National Alliance on Mental Issues
Oasis USA
Pizazz Scholarships
School of Theology at Claremont
School on Wheels
World Wide Fistula Fund
Christmas Market-Childhood
Christmas Market-CWS Blankets
Christmas Market-Heifer Project
Christmas Market-Imagine No
Christmas Market-Westminster FreeClinic
Mission Moment-CYF Work Trip
Mission Moment-Oxnard Garden
Mission Moment-Syrian Refugees
Mission Moment-Senior Concerns
Mission Moment-Many Mansions
Mission Moment-Imagine No Malaria
Mission Moment-Team World Vision
Mission Moment-Health Kits
Oklahoma Work Trip
Along with the above giving our congregation generously gives food for MANNA every week, provides a
complete meal each month for the Conejo Free Meal
program, donates blood, donates school supplies and
volunteers countless hours of service in our community.
We rejoice in the generosity of this congregation and
their willingness to help those in need.
Thank You
On January 26, 202 Health Kits were
assembled at the MA6 Sunday Supper.
They have been sent to UMCOR’s
Western Distribution Depot in Utah.
Each kit will give comfort to someone
who has been displaced by a natural or
man-made disaster. Thank you to all
who contributed and enthusiastically
assembled the kits.
“Wherever two or more of you are gathered
in His name, there is love.”
Together we can make a difference!
Because We Care
Taking care of people within one’s own community is
as old as the accounts in the Old Testament. Even from
the earliest days of Israel’s formation, God made provisions for the Israelites to care for one another and to
care for those who could not care for themselves. Under
the Law, God made special provisions for the Israelites
to care for the widows and orphans (Deuteronomy
10:18, Psalm 10:14-18, 146:9, Hosea 14:3). Through the
Law, God made certain the basic needs of all God’s
people were remembered and that these basic needs
were met. A portion of the food tithe (Deuteronomy
14:28-29; 26:12-13) and food from the fields and trees
(Deuteronomy 24:19-21) was to be shared with the widows and orphans. They were not to be forgotten.
This provision for the widows and orphans was brought
to a new level in the New Testament. In Acts 2:45, the
early church sold its possessions to care for those in
need within their communities, beginning with the people in the church. In Acts 4, the sharing of possessions
among Christians is continued. In fact, whenever Paul
went to plant a church, he invited people to share financially in an offering that he brought back to Jerusalem to
share with those in need within the church. We see this
exact mission in II Corinthians 8, when Paul collects
money from the Corinthian church to assist the church
that was struggling back in Jerusalem. In the book of
James, James defines acceptable worship not about giving God praise only, rather he believes to offer acceptable worship the church must meet the needs of the orphans and widows (James 1:27).
For the month of March, the Mission of the Month is the
We Care Fund. This mission moment was established,
based on the Biblical model, to minister to the people
within our church family, the widows and orphans as
well as all those who are hurting and in need. As a
church, we have raised funds to minister to a variety of
organizations locally, nationally, and internationally.
The Skeeto Faire Is Coming
March 30, 10 a.m. - noon
Learn more about UMC’s
Imagine No Malaria Campaign
Information booths, games, used book sale,
baked goods, crafts
All proceeds go to Imagine No Malaria
Sponsored by Outreach & Social Concerns & Youth Ministries
Your giving has been a true inspiration and blessing for
many years. As a church, we have raised tens of thousands of dollars above our pledges to share in the ministries we have pledged to support. Even during the last
several years, as the nation and many of us faced the
financial realities of the recession and its recovery, we
were faithful to our call as a church to be in ministry
and mission to the world around us. Even in the hardest
of times, you gave financially as you were able to give.
However, we know there is financial need within the
families of our church who have given generously but
are unable to give now and are even finding it hard to
make ends meet. As a church, we offer the pastor’s discretionary fund, which Gary and Brian faithfully administer as needs arise - both inside and outside the church
community. However, the We Care Fund is designed
apart from the pastor’s discretionary fund specifically
for individuals within the church family who are in need
of financial assistance. The funds received will help to
cover the costs of the basic needs of food and utilities
that come in everyday living. We are collecting this
month for the church family because we care for you
and your basic needs. We are collecting because we
want to make certain our church family is being provided for. We are collecting, as James reminds us, in
order to learn how to offer authentic worship as a
church. These funds will be available for assistance with
utilities, food and other basic necessities that you, the
church family, might have.
If you or someone you might know within our church
community is in need, please have them speak directly
to Rev. Brian Long or Dr. Gary Alan Dickey. It is our
hope to continue the great work in the lives of people in
our church as we have been fortunate to do in the lives
of the community, nation and world.
“I feel so cared for. Talking about my financial challenges was hard to do…but I felt totally supported and
‘heard.’ Thanks to all that were involved in your gracious gift. I won’t forget it.”
The Skeeto Faire Is Coming
Would you like to help support the UMC’s
Imagine No Malaria Campaign by participating in the Skeeto Faire? Can you bake delicious cookies, create a spring craft, garden or have another clever idea? If you
would like to participate let us know:
Name: ______________________________
Questions?: Kitty at 805 492-8140 or kittysoltow@hotmail.com
By Carol Ames, Communications Coordinator
It’s time for a new Pictorial Di(64%) had looked at the church website in the previrectory! Our last one was five
ous month – to read the Covenant (44), see what’s on
years ago – and there have been
the calendar (47), get special event information (49)
many changes in our congregation
and/or listen to worship podcasts (6). Most people
since then. A lot of people have
said they receive information about church programs
already had their photos taken for
and special events from announcements in the Sunday
the directory, but more photo
bulletin (70), via email (42), the Covenant (34), the
dates/times are available this week – on March 4 - 8.
website (29) and/or posted flyers (20) – several mentioned more than one.
If you haven’t already scheduled an appointment,
please do so right away. You can see online when
An email reminder being sent at the beginning of the
openings are – the link is in Pastor Gary’s Monday
month about the new Covenant being available was
Morning Message, or call the church office to find out
liked by 62 people. Pastor Gary’s Monday Morning
and to sign up. Everyone photographed will get a free
Message is received by 68 of the 76. Social media is
8x10 inch portrait and one of the pictorial directoused by 44 people who responded, with 41 of those
being on Facebook. A total of 30 people said they
were willing to help with making the pictorial direcUMCWV will be 45 years old this year on Sept. 15,
tory happen – and that was really appreciated!
having held its first worship service in the First
Neighborhood Community Center on that date in
I won’t share all of the results here, but they have
1969 - when 30 people were received as charter membeen helpful in guiding the Communications Commitbers. We will celebrate the 45th anniversary on Kicktee as it tries to make sure people are aware of our
church programs and special events. Some people
Off Sunday, Sept. 7 – and hope to have the new pictomade helpful additional comments, with more than
rial directories ready to distribute by then.
one wanting regular email notifications of announcements and special events – using Constant Contact.
The results have been tallied from the 76 responders
That will, hopefully, have started happening by the
of the Communications Survey that was done in Notime you are reading this. The plan is for Pastor Brian
vember. You might be interested to know that 25 peoto send these out on Wednesday each week.
ple who completed the survey were age 60 or younger
and 51 were age 61 and older. Of the 76 total, 49
Mark your calendars now for “Pizazz Goes Wild!” – the week of August
4-8. Brochures and application forms will be available in March. The earlier applications - with full payment - are received, the more money you
can save: by May 4 ($110), June 1 ($120) or $140 after June 1.
This is the 22nd annual Pizazz Music Camp for students entering grades 1
– 8 in Fall 2014. Sponsored by UMCWV Music Ministry, it is open to anyone in the community, so please let
your friends know about it!
The Focus Statement of Our Church
January 5
January 12
January 19
January 26
January Income
January Expenses
Fiscal YTD Income
Fiscal YTD Expenses
The UMCWV is a caring Christian community
that welcomes everyone
to experience the loving embrace of God,
nurtures one another, & reaches out
to the community & the world through a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Marty & Jan Agens
John & Pat Helton
Russ & Barbara Stone
John & Jean DeHaven
Cathy Allen
Jeannine Hanson
Curt Gray
SPRC is always interested in hearing from our
Church Family. You may e-mail members at
SPRC@umcwv.org or attend one of its upcoming
meetings for a brief discussion time. You may also
call SPRC through the Chair, at 805-807-7589.
Jim Lawson
Deb Lyons (Chair)
Pam Pearson
Bob Carman
Jeannine Hanson
Tom Hopkins
Jon Birmingham
Natalie Ruge
Lay Leaders: Boyd Donavon &
Paul Krajeski
Ed Hamilton
Nadina Swanson
Lynn Guess
Joy Polimeni
Doug Poling
Katie Bobik
Allison Keitel
Sean Lampe
Mark Pearson
Tom Phillipson
Elaine Fey
Kelley Kyzer
Julia Long
Patrick Moran
Phyllis Marbach
Eric Shaver
Shannon DeSantis
Lisa Ross
Preston Lewis
Alina Attui-Biedebach
Laura Barnes
Noel Partridge
Don Underwood
Lloyd Harris
Jim Olmstead
Jerry Edgar
Fred Turner
Natalie Olson
Dan Poling
John Rivera
Russ Stone
Faith Webb
Mildred Mesinger
Tom Suzumoto
Mark Shihabi
Matt Meiron
Pat Helton
Lucy Lewis
Doris Openlander
Richard Burke Jr.
Shirley Swanson
Jack Barmasse
Nick Newkirk
Dean Rothgarn
COVENANT is published monthly by the United Methodist Church of Westlake Village. Our web site: www.umcwv.org
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Gary Alan Dickey
Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Long
Join Us For Worship Each Sunday
Business Manager: Vinia Pavlath
8:00 AM - Worship and Communion
each Sunday - Alton Hall
Program Secretary: Dorie Kracker
9:00 AM - Worship - Sanctuary
Children’s Church
Christian Education Building. Room. 4
Director of Youth Ministries: Eric Hall
Director of Spiritual Life: Julia Long
Director of Music: Gloria Hilliard
Organist: Ron McBain
Choir Directors: Gloria Hilliard, Nick Newkirk,
Nancy Phillipson, Sally Harrison, Brenda Rogers
Nursery Supervisor: Elyssa Steele-McGregor
Toddler/Child Care Provider: Lois Jackson
Custodian: Manuel Poot
Treasurer: Leroy Friel
Financial Secretary:
The Growing Place Preschool & Kindergarten
Director: Karen James
Resident Bishop:
Minerva Carcaño
Rev. Dr. Cedrick
Sunday School for all ages:
Christian Education Building, Alton Hall classrooms,
Youth Building & Conference Room.
Bishop Kennedy & Wesley Fireside Rooms
10:30 AM - Worship - Sanctuary
9:00 & 10:30 a.m. services
(Children under 3 in the nursery)
10:30 a.m. service
(3-8 year olds Christian Education Bldg. Rm. 4)
Phone: 805-497-7884
Fax: 805-379-5157