Electronic Electronic Blackboard Blackboard News News


Electronic Electronic Blackboard Blackboard News News
Electronic Blackboard News
Jan. 10, 2013
Congratulations to
Kings Athletic Director
Phil Poggi on winning
the OIAAA Meritorious
Upcoming Events
Jan. 12—CIS Puttin’ on the Hits auditions, 9
a.m.at CIS.
Jan. 15—Kings Board of Education Meeting,
6:30 p.m. in the Kings Education Center, 1797
King Ave.
Jan. 16—KJH Parent/Teacher Conferences, 47:30 p.m.
Jan. 23—District Celebration, 7 p.m. in the KHS
The award is presented
by the South Western
Ohio Athletic Directors
Association. The Meritorious Award is presented in recognition of
special contributions,
leadership and service
to interscholastic athletics in Ohio at the
local and state levels.
Every year the
SWOADA recognizes
and honors individuals
within the Association
for their dedication to
the student/athletes,
schools and communities they serve. Mr.
Poggi will represent the
South Western District,
serving as nominee for
state and national
recognition, at the OIAAA State Conference
in November.
kingslocal net
Jan. 28—KHS Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7
Jan. 29 –JFB Mobile Dentist.
Jan. 31-Feb. 2—KJH Musical Disney’s Aladdin Jr.
7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
Jan. 31—CIS Puttin’ on the Hits mandatory practice, 3:30 p.m. at CIS.
Feb. 2—Winter Guard Garage Sale at JFB, 7
a.m. to 3 p.m.
More event information can be found at: http://www.kingslocal.net/Calendar/Pages/default.aspx
KHS Digital Media Arts Broadcast Gets National Attention,
Thanks to a Deer!
"The AP Digital Media Arts broadcasting team of Dan Walton, Nick
Montag, Joe Young, & Matt Liebowitz had an unusual first day back
from break when a deer jumped through a window of an 8th Grade
classroom. These students were first on the scene and their great
video reporting was requested for use on the 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock WLWT Channel 5
news broadcast."
Read more about their video and 15 minutes of fame on the KHS Digital Media Arts Blog:
Kings Kids Preschool—Registration Now
4-year-old Preschool—Two or three
day programs designed for children 4years old by September 30. Morning
and afternoon sessions available.
Kings Kids has been educating preschoolers from the Kings Local School District for
more than 20 years. The Preschool and
 Childcare for Preschoolers—Full time
Preschool Childcare is located in the Kings
child care is also available for children
Educational Center in Kings Mills. Registraenrolled in the Preschool program.
tion for the fall 2013-2014 school year beCurriculum is based on the Ohio Early
gan this month. Applications will be acLearning Content Standards for preschool
cepted until classes are filled.
education as well as the philosophy of the
Class Offerings include:
Kings Local School District.
3-year-old Preschool—Three day pro- Visit the website at www.kingslocal.net
gram designed for children 3-years old
Go to Departments-Preschool/Childcare
by September 30. Morning and afterthen Kings Kids Preschool or call 398-8050
noon sessions available.
ext. 10040 for more information.
KHS Students Get a RE-DO
The Kings Junior High School Theatre department proudly presents DISNEYS ALADDIN JR. 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31, Friday, Feb. 1,
and Saturday, Feb 2. in the Kings High School auditorium. Tickets are
available at the door one hour before show time. Tickets are $8 for
adults and $5 for children.
Please join us for Disney’s classic story of a misfit street urchin who
accidently meets a beautiful princess and falls in love, as it comes to
life on our musical stage. Filled with magic, mayhem, and flying carpet rides, this “diamond-in-the-rough” tale will take you from the
Arabian streets of Agrabah to a whole new world in the skies above.”
Click here for the advance ticket order form.
Students Remember Furry Friends During the Holidays—
Charity Cornhole
Hosted by Kings Volleyball
Third-graders in Stacey
Murphy’s class at South
Lebanon Elementary
made holiday treat bags
for rescued animals at All
Dogs Come From Heaven. Click the link above to
read the full story in the
Pulse Journal.
7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, at Sports Express, 5280 Kings Mills Road.
There are two levels of play—
Competitive and Recreational.
There is an entry donation of 5 canned
goods or $5 per player.
To register email Coach Schuler at
Jan. 10, 2013
Students were chanting and cheering; the music was pumping; excitement filled the air as Kings High School students
learned about respect, acceptance, and dropping social barriers.
The Violence Free Coalition of Warren County in conjunction
with the Kings High School Catalyst group brought RE-DO
(Respect Everyone Despite Odds) to the high school.
Throughout the day, students who signed up to be in the
program, participated in group activities, games, small group
discussions, and listened to guest speakers. The focus of the
day was breaking down barriers so students could see how
similar everyone really is—we all have similar problems. The
goal of the program is to address the issue of bullying and
stereotyping through respect.
Freshman Ava Cornelisen signed up for the event so she
could get to know more students. “I wanted to get to know
more upper classmen. I thought it was really cool and I liked
getting to see new people,” she said.
The Violence Free Coalition sponsored RE-DO Day. Next, the
coalition will sponsor RE-DO Next Step. This event will work
with the Catalyst group on leadership. They hope to keep the
momentum of the day going year-round, said Pat Clark, Violence Prevention Education Specialist.
Students are pictured playing a game of Butt Volleyball.
Page 2
Congratulations to Kings
Alumni Katelyn Haralamos
on being named to National Team of the Week.
You can read more about
Katelyn and her time on
the Wittenberg women’s
basketball team.
Knight to Remember will be here before you know it. This 10th Anniversary event, at the Great
Wolf Lodge Conference Center, is on Saturday, April 13. The evening includes a cocktail reception, dinner, live entertainment by 2nd Wind, silent and live auctions and a fabulous basket raffle.
Knight to Remember is presented by the Kings Athletic Booster Club and benefits all junior high
and high school athletic programs.
Click here for more information: Knight to Remember
Learning About Water Runoff
nearest river or waterway.
“Water is always moving. And it’s always
moving in one direction, downhill,” Suzanne Geisler told an excited group of second graders. Suzanne is the Environmental Educator with the Warren County Water and Sewer Department.
Afterwards, students went to task creating
their own runoff scenario. Using clay, students formed a mountain or hill then placed
their creation in an aluminum pie plate. Students then placed a penny in the pan on the
spot where they thought water would gather.
When everyone was ready Ms. Geisler poured
water over each mountain or hill to see if students’ hypothesis was correct.
She was at Kings Mills Elementary on
Wednesday, Jan. 9, talking to the second
graders about water runoff.
After reading Rain Rain Rivers by Uri
Shulevitz, Ms. Geisler talked to students
about rain and where it goes.
“Sometimes water is absorbed by the
earth. But water is not always absorbed,” she said. Ms. Geisler
explained that water from roadways, parking lots and buildings
becomes runoff. It is carried through the storm drains to the
Quinten Burns made a mountain out of yellow clay. “I wanted to see if the water would
get stuck, but it didn’t.” Since the mountain
has more peaks and jagged edges, Quinten
thought the water might pool on the sides.
Matthew Smith (pictured watching water being poured over his
hill) created a hill. “I wanted to see if the water would go down it
on my penny and it did,” he said.
The Kings Local School District’s Kokorodza Marimba Ensemble will once
again perform at the Cincinnati Museum
Center’s “African Culture Fest” the weekend of January 18. They will perform in the
Patricia A. Corbett Children’s Theater on
Sunday, Jan. 20, beginning at noon. Following their noon performance, they will present a short workshop teaching some of
young audience members to play a marimba tune. The workshop will be followed by another performance by the marimba ensemble.
Jan. 10, 2013
Spring 2013 SAY Soccer
Online registration is now
open and ends January 31.
You can register at
Click the link below for
more information.
SAY Soccer Flyer
Page 3
Please join us for a Kings Community Meeting
7-8 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 27
Kings Junior High
Multipurpose Room
Superintendent Dr. Valerie Browning and Treasurer Mike
Mowery will present:
What is the district’s current financial situation?
What is the district’s financial future?
How is the district working to control costs?
A brief question and answer session will immediately follow the presentation.
Board members and district administrators will be in attendance to help answer questions.
Questions? Call 513-398-8050
Dr. Browning, ext. 92
Mr. Mowery, ext. 94
Congratulations to
Needs Assistant Patty Hoppperton on being named the January
Outback Steakhouse
Staff Member of the
She was nominated by
coworker Andrea
“Sticks Up” Indoor Lacrosse Clinic
Kings Education Center (old KME Gymnasium)
Saturday, Jan. 26, 6-9 p.m.
Presented by Kings Men’s Lacrosse
Especially designed for Kings Youth Players, Grades 2-6
Registration Deadline Monday, Jan. 21
This three hour clinic is designed for players of all experience levels. Players will be grouped by experience level and taken through a series of dynamic Lacrosse Drills, physical conditioning challenges,
and “chalk talks.” The day includes some friendly competition complete with prizes. This preseason
event is being coordinated by the Men’s HS Lacrosse Program and will feature Ron Cheek, Men’s Varsity Head Coach and his coaching staff along with several of the Kings HS Varsity Players.
Visit www.kingslax.com for details and registration form, or email Paul Caito at paulcaito@aol.com.
Jan. 10, 2013
Page 4
In her nomination Ms.
Kaercher wrote “Patty
works hard on a daily
basis to give students
the extra assistance
they need. She is caring
and helpful to every
student (on or off case
load). She is always
willing to lend a hand to
fellow staff. Patty is
hardworking, driven,
and willing to help any
student or staff member with any task. She is
a great role model to
students through presenting herself in this
manner every day!”
Congratulations Patty!
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave.
PO Box 910
Kings Mills , Ohio 45034
Lindsay Braud
Community Relations Coordinator
Phone: 513.398.8050 ext. 10014
Fax: 513.229.7590
E-mail: lbraud@kingslocal.net
Kings is on Facebook!
Find us at: http://
Thinking Like a Scientist
Using a giant blue ball and a simple light bulb, Dan Michael explained the concepts of
rotation and revolution to a captivated fifth grade classroom.
On Thursday, Jan. 10, and Friday, Jan. 11, Mr. Michael from the Warren County Educational Service Center visited Columbia Intermediate School to talk about space and the
“Any thinking person is a scientist,” he told the class. Mr. Michael then encouraged students to examine his model of the earth and decide what was good and bad about it.
During his presentation Mr. Michael walked around the dark classroom, lit only by the
light bulb (sun), holding his model of the earth asking students questions about the
earth’s axis, rotation, tilt, and more. He explained that “orbits are all about balancing
gravity with speed.” Students were amazed to find out that the earth is traveling at approximately 10,000 miles per hour through space.
Mr. Michael also talked to students about comets, moons, and other aspects of the universe.
Kings Girls Recreational Fast Pitch Softball
Find KJH on
Kings Girls “rec” Softball will have sign-ups Wednesday, Jan. 16, and Wednesday, Jan.
30, at Columbia Intermediate School (cafeteria) 7-8 p.m. Mail-in registration is also
available (click the link below). Sign-ups are for girls T-ball through U14 and will continue until January 31. If you have any questions, please contact Creig Mettey at
cmettey@cinci.rr.com or call 683-8549.
Registration Form
In case of inclement weather, please check
www.kingslocal.net for the latest information on closings
and delays. Click the following link for the district’s policy
on closing or delaying school due to inclement weather:
Inclement Weather Guidelines

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