NORDHAVNEN COPENHAGEN’S NEW CITY DISTRICT THE FIRST PHASE IN THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF NORDHAVNEN CAN START IN 2011 IN THE ÅRHUSGADE QUARTER. NORDHAVNEN WILL DEVELOP INTO COPENHAGEN’S NEW SUSTAINABLE CITY QUARTER AT THE WATER. March 2011. Graphic design: LOOP Associates. Photos: Kontraframe: 1, 11. Jens V. Nielsen: 3. Dennis Rosenfeldt: 4. Lene Skytthe: 5. Ole Ziegler: 9. AUTHORITIES’ LOCAL PLAN FOR THE ÅRHUSGADE QUARTER AUTHORITIES’ GENERAL PLANS FOR HARBOUR ACTIVITIES AND CRUISE SHIP TERMINAL Østersøvej j Østersøve FISKERIHAVNEN j ej Kattegatv Nordsøve n Nord Færgehav j Ulvsundve FÆRGEHAVN NORD ns Brygge Færgehav j Skagerrak vej Baltikave avnsvej SKUDEHAVNEN ej Containerv Trælastkaj Sundkrogsg ade SVANEMØLLEHAVNEN Industrive j Kalkbrænde riløbskaj vej Færgehavns Skudeh ORIENTBASSINET Lautrupska j Orientkaj Su nd kro gs j Fortkaj Stu e Ka lk br æ nd er ih ga NORDHAVNEN rn ns Redmolen Je av TREKRONER ej Lüdersv j ad dve sg Bille up Sundkaj ka j bka utr tsvej Glückstad La SVANEMØLLEANLÆGGET SVANEGRUND ej Klubiensv Orient Plads j ve de j rm ka REFSHALEN aj ork nd Sa Ma n av dh Re ej sv j ka er m m Tø LYNETTELØBET FRIHAVNEN o j ve r te Git m ar M ej rv LYNETTEHAVNEN Ka Dam SØNDRE FRIHAVN evej de s Amer lad P ika ga er ns av Am rih de n ræ rg pfæ lkb NORDRE REFSHALE BASSIN ikak aj svej hu Pak VEST BASSIN ØST BASSIN SØNDRE REFSHALE BASSIN GL. LYSTBÅDEHAVN Norde Tddbod KASTELLET TOLDBODENS BÅDEHAVN NYHOLM THE HARBOUR IS ALIVE Today Nordhavnen is full of both big and small companies. Bigger than all the others is CMP, Copenhagen Malmö Port, which runs Scandinavia’s largest container and bulk port and one of the largest cruise ship terminals in Northern Europe. CMP will move to the farthest end of Nordhavnen when the development of the districts closest to the city starts. There are other companies related to typical harbour activities, such as shipping companies, but other branches may also be found in Nordhavnen, e.g. a handful of furniture and design stores, the pension company PFA and the law firm Kromann Reumert. THE FUTURE IN THE MIDDLE OF HISTORY The big industries in the Port of Copenhagen have gradually disappeared, but at the same time the city has grown, and there will be even more citizens. Within the next 14 years, the City of Copenhagen expects 60,000 more Copenhageners. Therefore, the city has to grow physically, for instance in the harbours. Where once were industries and harbour, new city quarters will appear. Old fishermen and hard-working dockers have been using Nordhavnen for more than 100 years. There is still activity in the harbour, and there always will be, but the districts closest to central Copenhagen will be incorporated into the city. The history of Nordhavnen stretches back to the time when industrialization really took hold in Copenhagen and when the first conglomerates earned money on steamer traffic. Until the present day, when there is still activity in the harbour, the industry in Nordhavnen always mirrored the industrial development in Copenhagen. Nordhavnen is carrying Copenhagen’s maritime and industrial history in its heart. Nordhavnen is full of traces of the harbour industry. Large cranes, old warehouses and silos and worn cables and wires give evidence of an area much used during the 100 years that Nordhavnen has been lying by the Sound. When the Århusgade quarter is to be developed, many of the existing buildings will be preserved. In a more remote future, the container terminal will be moved further to the north-east. The new district will literally be built on the old Copenhagen. For a century, Nordhavnen has expanded countless times using earth from building sites and construction waste. But the history of Nordhavnen is also very much the history of Copenhagen. The expansions not only made Copenhagen larger, they also gave room for business and enterprise, resulting in many jobs. This is where a good part of tomorrow’s Copenhageners will live and work. Even though Nordhavnen is already surrounded by water on three sides, the new district will also be intersected by small canals and basins. There will be access to the water via steps, low promenades, piers, etc. Particularly the expanses facing south will be protected against the wind and will have the best access to the water, but all piers will be open to the public. A GREEN AND BLUE CITY Nordhavnen will be a city on small islands. The area is already characterized by many basins and long piers facilitating the berthing of large ships. The design of the future Nordhavn and its position on and at the water will be the great advantage of this new district – but the very structure will be better adapted to the needs of human beings. New canals will be dug, new islands will emerge. The island structure has another important function: the small islands will divide the districts into smaller units, making the quarter seem smaller than it is. The planning and expansion of Nordhavnen may take place at a pace in line with every single small island. This makes the project less vulnerable to economic conjunctures, as the islands are so small that they can be finished even if finances may be tight. As it is, Nordhavnen is full of green areas between the many historic buildings. When urban development really starts, some of these green areas will be turned into urban zones, but even more green zones will appear. Pocket parks, small squares, playgrounds and small green patches will be interwoven like breathing holes with the dense city. NEW CRUISE LINER TERMINAL Today Copenhagen is one of the most popular cruise destina tions in Northern Europe. Every year brings even more cruise tourists to the Danish capital, and many have Copenhagen as either the starting point or the final destination of their voyage. There will be a new cruise liner terminal along the eastern part of Nordhavnen, which will service the many tourists much better. This new terminal is expected finished in 2013. NORDHAVNEN – A DISTRICT FOR PEDESTRIANS, BIKERS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT THE FIVE-MINUTE CITY Distances and speed are crucial in cities. The faster you can move around, the more attractive it is to live, work and shop in a city. The position of Nordhavnen is perfect in that respect. The new district will be sitting end to end with the city quarter of Østerbro, less than four kilometres from other junctions in Copenhagen such as Kongens Nytorv, Nørreport and Nørrebros Runddel. The S-train station of Nordhavnen is very close to the new quarter, particularly important during the first phases of the development – in the long run, this station may be the junction that connects the district with the S-train system. It is the intention that the future traffic in Nordhavnen will be equally divided between public transport, bicycles and cars. This ambition will be realized by creating optimal conditions for bikers and pedestrians and by emphasizing the planning of public transport from the very beginning. The main traffic artery in Nordhavnen will be ”the green loop” – a series of traffic junctions starting and ending in Århusgade. Public transport – probably the metro – will connect these junctions into a loop in combination with a super-bicycle path. This loop will cover the entire district so that there will never be more than a 400-metre walk to public transport. 400 metres equal the distance a pedestrian covers in five minutes. The road system of Nordhavnen will be fairly simple, giving more space to green and pedestrian areas. The main access for cars will be Sundkrogsgade, as it is today. Furthermore, it may be necessary, though, to construct an approach lane at the f uture road Nordhavnsvej that will connect directly to the motorway system. NORDHAVNEN SUPPORTS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND TRANSPORT THE SUSTAINABLE CITY QUARTER Nordhavnen will be a low energy district, emitting low quan tities of CO2 due to its buildings, infrastructure and energy supply forms. The new buildings in Nordhavnen will require less energy in themselves compared with today’s building standards. In the urban development we allow for the energy supply forms of the future, which may include local and collective energy, e.g. sun and wind energy, geothermal energy and possibly also groundwater cooling. The energy supply as a whole will be planned using the best possible solutions but also so flexibly that future energy solu tions can be easily implemented. All in all, the collective traffic planning in Nordhavnen will make it a district where CO2 emissions are thought to be as low as possible. Four principles for the Århusgade QUarter PROJECT: – a rather low and dense city with a few large buildings – open and active ground floors – varying building heights, between 3 and 6 floors The Århusgade quarter, covering the area between the existing Århusgade until the waterfront at Redmolen, will be the first quarter to be urban developed. All parts of the new Nordhavnen will consist of a mixture of dwellings and commercial activities, including a vibrant urban environment connected to local shops and the waterfront. The area is still a free port today, but that will change when the Copenhageners bring the new flats and commercial buildings by the water into use. – varying façades forming small units THE ÅRHUSGADE QUARTER – THE FIRST NEW QUARTER IN NORDHAVNEN The heavy industry dominated the harbour previously – now the sustainable city of tomorrow will be built here, dwellings and offices side by side with appealing squares and harbour promenades. The urban spaces in Nordhavnen will resemble the ”bro”-quarters (Østerbro, Nørrebro, Vesterbro) of central Copenhagen with dense, low buildings with a few taller, tower ing buildings. As in the rest of Copenhagen, there will be shopping streets and a blend of broad and narrow streets. But in the middle of the new city, the old, renovated building and cranes will remind you that the district smelled like lubricating oil and sailors’ sweat for more than hundred years! From the very beginning the new quarter in Nordhavnen will stretch out towards old Østerbro. Århusgade has been divided for ages by Frihavnsgitteret, which separates Østerbro from the water. Now this fence will be torn down, and the part of Århusgade situated in Nordhavnen will be reconnected with Østerbro. The new quarter will mix offices and dwellings. Thus, there will always be life and customers in the shops during the daytime and in the cafés at nighttime – a dense, vibrant city life! The skyline of today’s Copenhagen is dominated by towers and a few tall buildings rising from the relatively low city. That will also be the picture in Nordhavnen: Old silos will stick out, accompanied by a few other, architecturally significant tall build ings. On the street people used to Østerbro will feel at home: the buildings will be between three and six storeys tall, and the blocks will be regular, running from one corner to the next, just as it is in the former working-class quarters of Copenhagen. Selected warehouses, silos and the existing office buildings will be renovated and preserved in Nordhavnen. They will colour the new district so that the original maritime background of Nordhavnen will stand out here and there among the many modern buildings. TIME PERSPECTIVE The plans to start urban development in Nordhavnen were stipulated by law in 2007. It is the intention to develop the area over the next couples of decades, but it will not take long before the first changes and the first signs of a new, sustainable city quarter can be seen. Before development really starts, the City of Copenhagen must adopt the local plan for the Århusgade quarter. That is expected to happen at the end of 2011. There will be about 350,000 sqm of new buildings, while some of the existing buildings will be preserved. Nordhavnen will be developed by CPH City & Port Development, which also develops future city quarters elsewhere in Copen hagen’s harbours and in Ørestad. The work of CPH City & Port Development is based on the project Nordholmene – Urban Delta, which won the great Nordhavn competition in 2009. Read more about the project and follow the urban development at: WWW.NORDHAVNEN.DK/EN TIMELINE 2007 2009 2011 THE LEGAL BASIS FOR THE URBAN DEVELOPMENT OF NORDHAVNEN OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED THE COMPETITION FOR THE FUTURE OF NORDHAVNEN CLOSES THE LOCAL PLAN FOR THE DISTRICT ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL APPROX. 2011 BUILDING CAN START IN THE ÅRHUSGADE QUARTER APPROX. 2025 THE ÅRHUSGADE QUARTER IS FINISHED APPROX. 2060 BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED ON THE LAST SITES IN NORDHAVNEN CPH City & Port Development Nordre Toldbod 7 Postbox 2083 DK-1013 København K Denmark Tel. +45 3376 9800 Fax +45 3376 9801