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DISTRICT 62 IN THE SPOTLIGHT May2oi4 Compliments of Community Relations Mindy Ward, Director of Community Relations ICS Second Grader Wins State Handwriting Contest - 613/2014 Sign In or Sign Up ~ DES PLAINES News 1 MAINTENANCE-FREE LIVING CLICK HERE to learn more or CAll847-581-1800 ICS Second Grader Wins State Handwriting Contest P'l &mil _) - Tweet )'-··-· _:!..) 1 G Anleresl [E) :1-E Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. 0 .. Share your stories, photos and event s with TribLocal. Community Contributor Posted By MELINDA WARD , Convnunity Contributor PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Adam Aszurkiewicz, a second grader at Iroquois Community School (ICS), won a State Grade-Level Handwriting Contest Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates SoY ears of Service to the Local Commm1ity sponsored by Zaner-Bioser. Adam, who is a student of Kristen Goczkjowski, was one of 300,000 students to participate in the competition. As a state winner, Adam is eligible to complete for a Grand National Champion title. Thinking Of Moving To Des Plaines? Hcrc'sAFcw Reasons Why You Should! Principal Mchael Amadei stopped by SPARK to present awards to Adam and Cynthia Torp, SPARK child care specialist. Torp entered Adam in the contest. Adams received an engraved Zaner-Bioser State Winner fvledallion. An engraved Glass Diamond Award was presented to Torp, and ICS received a $200 Zaner-Bioser Coupon. Tw eet 1 Your photos: Des Plaines c Anlerest fB 0'new.;.llocallsuburbsldes_plainesfcommunit)ichi-ugc-article-ics-second-grader-'hins-state-handwiting -cont-2014-05-05,0,554019.. . 113 The Daily Herald, Monday, May 5, 2014 Student wins writing event A second-grader at Iroquois Community School in Des Plaines has won a state gradelevel handwriting contest and will now have the chance to compete for a national title. Adam Aszurkiewicz was one of300,000 students to participate in the competition, sponsored by Zaner-Bloser, an education publisher. He received a medallion, and his school received a $200 coupon, according to Des Plaines Elementary District 62. 61312014 Ri-.ers Foundation Renev.s Support of District 62 Technology- Sign In or Sigo Up ~ DES PLAINES 1 News 1 MAINTENANCE-FREE LIVING Cllq_ < HEf!_E to learn more or CALL847-581-1800 Rivers Foundation Renews Support of District 62 Technology F'1 Erreil Tweet 0 0 Anlerest 0 ~ 0 Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here arc not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. Administrative Professionals now wanted on Monster. (ntcr ~cywo•d< Cntcr loc.:~r.on Search jobs • monsterFmd Better · Share your stories, photos and events ·with Trib Local. Community Contribut or IIDA WAAD , CoiTIT!unity •• me11er The Rivers Foundation recently renewed its support of District 62 technology when it made a $50,000 contribution to expand digital devices for teaching and learning. Last year, every District 62 Library tv'edia Center (LMC) expanded the number of Lexus 7 eReaders available to students as the result of a donation from the foundation. Rivers Foundation Oral-S electric toothbrushes get an dent,st cl~an feeling OUfMbi representatives Jennifer Taylor and Kate tvt:Mahon toured Central School with Dr. JaneL. Westerhold and Kelly ~ PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates SoYears of Service to the Local Community Thinking Of Moving To Des Plaines? Here 's A Few Reasons Why You Should! Krueger. During their visit, they observed and talked to kindergarten through fifth grade students using eReaders. Kindergarten students were observed using digital devices to write the alphabet. Taylor and tvt:Mahon talked to fifth graders who were using the tablets to read digital books on myON Reader. Your photos: Des Plaines F'l'newsnocalfsuburbs/des_plaineslconmunit)(chi-ugc-article-ri\ef's-foundation-renev.s-support-of-district-2014-05-05,0,3059469.story 1/3 61312014 Arbor DayCererrooyHosted by North- chicagotribune.corn Sign In or Sign Up Jlf&i& DES PLAINES 1 News 1 MAINTENANCE-FREE LIVING CLICK HERE to learn more or CALL847-581-1800 THE AT IIOJTOn GlOVE Arbor Day Ceremony Hosted by North Pt &rail Tweet 0 0 Anterest ~ Welcom e to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The it em s posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. 0 Share your stories, photos and events with TribLocal. Community Contributor Posted By MELINDA WAAD, Cornnunity Contributor On Friday, April 25th, 2014, North Elementary School hosted the annual Des Plaines Arbor Day Ceremony. In attendance were Board of Education President Brenda M.Jrphy, Dr. Jane ,. ----------------~ SOLID BODY GUITARS ROUTE 66 GOLDTOP ~ G .. ttar'll~rlc: Sh p~ p..ofe~~1oral 'i Stt ~.~~ L. Westerhold, and Associate Superintendent Paul Hertel. Des Plaines Ndermen Patti Haugeberg, Mke Charewicz, John Robinson, and Denise Rodd represented the City of Des Plaines. Howard f\Aoser, City of Des Plaines Public $136.32 MONOP I21CE" Works , and his department selected and planted the oak tree. PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates SoY ears of Service to the Local Community Thinking Of Moving To Des Plaines? Here's A Few Reasons Why You Should! The ceremony began with North School Principal D r. Howard Coleman introducing guests to the audience. North students joined together to proudly sing about trees and Nderman Patti Haugeberg bestowed an Arbor Day Proclamation. The event was highlighted with the planting or the tree in the back of the school. Several North Your photos: Des Plaines students were selected to join the dignitaries in shoveling dirt onto the tree base and roots. http:/!'nev.sllocal/suburbs/des_plaines/corTm.Jnity'chi -ugc-articl~arbor-day-cererrooy-hosted-by-north-2014-05-05,0,425210.story 1/3 The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Light Shines Bright On Teachers The annual Lighthouse Awards program recognizes and honors Des Plaines School District 62 employees who make outstanding contributions to the district's students and staff. Colleagues nominate the honorees. The featured educational support personnel are the winners of District 62 Lighthouse and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Those Who Excel Awards. :• ~4· ., (~().:'1, . it·~ . ~ '<i.~,(·q~ "·· ' ..... '4ft'•t\.• Lighthouse Awards were presented to Administrator/Principal Category- Steve Searle of North Elementary School, Kelly Krueger of Central Elementary School, Paul Hertel of t he Leon Smaage Administration Center. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 "Light Shines Bright On Teachers" (Continued) Educational Support Personnel - Cindy Herula of Orchard Place Elementary School, Esther Gutierrez of the Early Learning Center, Dale Bohne of Forest Elementary School and Early Learning Center, Erin Powell of Forest Elementary School, Maria Alejandra Rodriquez Moreno of Terrace Elementary School and Tina Farina of the Early Learning Center. Classroom Teacher Category - Donna Turk of Chippewa Middle School, Christine McKelvey of North Elementary School, Kimberly Bermudez of Forest Elementary School, Maria Djurdjevic of Terrace Elementary School, Sophia Garcia-Smith of Orchard Place Elementary School, Karen Lucas of Central Elementary School, Shannon Bemben of Iroquois Community School, Michael O'Donnell of Cumberland Elementary School. -.,·~:--..---·;,.-; ~;~nq "'/-~:.~"\~ l ..f~;;a~·" ~ _._/ Team Category - Julie Depa, back, left, and Rene Winn-Waychoff front row, middle, Early Learning Center; Richard Cooper, back row, far right, Peter DeGeorge, back row, second-right, Paul Lund, not shown, David Mayer, not shown, Mark Mayer, not shown, Harold Muncy, not shown and Just in Torres, back row, second left, Maintenance; Florentina Marchisotto, first row, right, Laura Morales not shown and Sylvia Roe, not shown, Instructional Services/ Second Language Department. Early Career Educator Category - Tabitha Lueken of Chippewa Middle School, Eileen O'Brien of Terrace Elementary School, Michelle Anderson of Cumberland Elementary School. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Iroquois Teacher Honored Des Plaines Elementary School Dist. 62 school board President Brenda Murphy (left) presented an Award of Achievement to Anne Beranek, Iroquois Community School (ICS), for winning the NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence from the Illinois Education and National Education Associations. Beranek was honored for developing programs that help students stay healthy, active and engaged in school. Beranek created a walking· club for parents, students and teachers. This year, funding and installing a climbing wall at ICS is her passion. Beranek is a national board certified teacher, a previous Lighthouse Award winner, was previously nominated for a Golden Apple Award and Walt Disney Teacher of the Year. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Write Stuff Adam Aszurkiewicz, a 2d grader at Iroquois Community School {ICS) in Des Plaines, won a State Grade-Level Handwriting Contest sponsored by Zaner-Bioser. Adam, who is a student of Kristen Goczkjowski's, was one of 300,000 students to participate in the competition. As a state winner, Adam is eligible to complete for a Grand National Champion t itle. Principal Michael Amadei {far right) presented awards to Adam and Cynthia Torp, SPARK child care specialist. Torp entered Adam in the contest. Adam received an engraved medallion. From left are, Cynthia Torp, Adam, Amadei , and Kristen Goczkjowsk. The Des Plaines Journal, May 7-12, 2014 Pitches A Hit Young Entrepreneurs Face Panel, 'Rapid Reek Ridding Rack' Scores By HEATHER HOLM Journal & Topics Reponer A panel of investors picked sixth grader Joanna Skorupa's business plan during a recent Future CEO and Chippewa sixth grader Joanna Skorupa presents her Rapid Reek Ridding Rack, chosen to advance to the regional Young Entrepreneurs Academy competition this week. Young Entrepreneurs Business Panel organized by the Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce. Five students from Chippewa Middle School pitched business ideas during the panel event. Investors were asked to select one student business to advance to the regional competition in Frisco, TX, on (Continued on page 6B) The Des Plaines Journal, May 7-12, 2014 "Pitches A Hit " (Continued) Young CEOs Produce Big Ideas_ (Continued from page IB) Thursday, May 8. Skorupa, who presented her business plan named Rapid Reek Ridding Rack, was selected to represent the chamber. Two winners from the regional competition will advance to the national competition on June 11 at the Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C. The top three businesses that win the national contest will receive scholarships for $20,000, $25,000 and $30,000. Rapid Reek Ridding Rack is a high quality, easy to assemble drying rack for sportswear. " Investors ch oose which business had the strongest business plan and best presentation," said Barbara Ryan, executive director of the Des Plaines Chamber. "That is why Skorupa was chosen." "The young entrepreneurs gave a PowerPoint presentation Chippewa Middle School students from Des Plaines presenting their ideas for businesses were (from I. to r.) Daniel Baumhart, Joe Cangelois, Joanna Skorupa, Katy Anderson and Varun Nair. abouttheirproduct," explained Mindy Ward, director of community relations for Dist. 62. Students presented business cards and a plan with all the details about their company. The panel of investors at the chamber event inciuded Rosemary Argus of the Des Plaines Community Foundation; Ed Domingo, vice president of finance for Rivers Casino; Carlee Drummer from Oakton Community College; Sandra Hansen, manager atBMO Harris Bank; Agnes Czerech, vicepresident and branch manager at Village Bank & Trust; Bob Lewandowski ofLewandowski Family Foundation; and Steve Pokrak of Millennium Bank. Funding- from the panel of investors---$6,000---will be used to advance each business plan. "They decide how they use the money," Ryan said. "They j have to have a business plan 1 in place that specifically states what they will use the money for." Students have been participating in the program since fall 2013, learning how to write business plans and to successfully market their work. The Des Plaines Chamber launched the panel last year and signed up for a three-year commitment to participate with the Young Entrepreneurs program. "Our board of directors thought this would be a great way to become directly involved with the students of our community," Ryan said. Other students who participated were Katy Anderson who pitched her business Glamour Girls Parties; Varun Nair. who presented Nova Custom Web Design; Daniel Baumhart who presented Stylist Protectors; andJoeCangelois, who pitched the business Klay King. All ·students who participated this year attend Chippewa. The five students will also participate in a showcase on May 17 at Woodfield Mall along with students from Arlington Hts., Mt. Prospect, Palatine and Lake Zurich. The Des Plaines Journal, May 14-19, 2014 Dist. 62 Strikes Jackpot The Rivers Foundation recently renewed its support of Des Plaines Elementary School Dist. 62 technology when it made a $50,000 contribution to expand digital devices for teaching and learning. Last year, every District 62 Library Media Center (LMC) expanded the number of Lexus 7 eReaders available to students as the result of a donation from the foundation. Rivers Foundation representatives Jennifer Taylor and Kate McMahon recently toured Central School with Dr. Jane l. Westerhold and Kelly Krueger. During their visit, they observed and talked to kindergarten through fifth grade students using eReaders. Jennifer Taylor (left), Rivers Foundation, presents a $50,000 donation to Supt. Westerhold, Also shown are, Kelly Krueger, Leigh Radnitzer, and Tracy Kellerhals, Central Elementary School principal, LMC specialist, and LMC assistant. The Des Plaines Journal, May 14-19, 2014 ICS Teachers, 8th Graders B-Ball Battle Des Plaines' Iroquois Community School (ICS) Student Government will host the Samantha Lehman CFF Basketball Game at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 28. The game will feature Iroquois staff against eighth grade students. There will be concessions and a 3-point contest. All proceeds will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation in honor of Sam, a former ICS student who passed away from complications due to cystic fibrosis. Iroquois Community School is located at 1836 Touhy Ave., Des Plaines. Too Men and... - Too Men and a TruckMowrs For Moms- 61312014 ~ Sign In or Sign Up DES PLAINES , News ·-- Y: . .· . 1 Two Men and a Truck Movers For Moms TWo · : :"MEN ~ . : AND Wod<ly Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. A TRUCK Movers Who· Carett . H~me & Business Share your stories, photos and events with TribLocal. Community Contributor PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month www. twom enandatruck. com/mo~,ersformoms Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates SoYears of Service to the Local Community T hinking Of Moving To Des Plaines'? Here's A Few Reasons \Vhy You Should! + ._ .:a..._ Dell US Your photos: Des Plaines Target http://wNN.chicag'new.;/1 ocal/subur bs/cles_pi ai nes/corrrrunit)lchi • ug c-photo-!Y.O- rren- and- a- truck-ll1Cl\.€rs-for -rroms-2014-Q5.14,0, 1/3 Jl~lt-ICI 04 MUIIUT~ VOI U IIU!CI"~ <tllU \.....UJIIII IUIIHY ntnllt:l~ • Clll t.:ct~UUIUUUC.CO IU IHt p :n WWW.CHICctgUtTIOUileXU IIII IJ tWS/ IUCCi ll !:iUUUfU:>IUCS_pl iUi lC:SIC..:UIIIJI IUIU ty 1 cJII .. llgt.:-anlC..:IC- 0 · Sign In or Sign U ~ DES PLAINES Home 1 News 1 Business 1 Sports 1 A&E 1 Life & Style 1 Opinion 1 Real Estate 1 Cars 1 Jobs 1 MAINTENANCE-FREE LIVING CLICK HERE to learn more or CALL 847-581-1800 BULLETIN BOARD: A POST FROM THE COMMUNITY ABOUT THIS POST District 62 Honors Volunteers and Community Partners Ema~ Rtoommend o P inleresl 0 8 +1 THE 0 Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. FROM THE COMMUNITY Dr. Jane Westerhold, Superintendent of Schools (left) and Brenda Murphy, District 62 Board of Education President (right) present the 2014 District62 Community Relations Ambassador of the Year Award to Robert Bachar, Iroquois Community School volunteer and owner of C.R. Flowers. (Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contnbutor I May 15, 2014) Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contributor Share your stories, phot~s and events With TribLocal. - - LATEST COMMUNITY ARTICLES Elk Grove High School Choir to Perform with Foreigner Updated 16 minutes ago 2"46 p.m. COT, May 15, 2014 Thursday, May 8, Robert Bachar. Iroquois Community School ; Sally Fortier, South Elementary School; Iris Hernandez, Plainfield Elementary School; Sue Linse, PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Chippewa Middle School; Ray Oschger, Plainfield Elementary School; Vanessa Ramirez , Terrace Elementary School ; Dagmar Rutzen , Central Elementary School; and Robin Villanueva, Orchard Place Elementary School received Distinguished Volunteer Awards during the Volunteers are Essential Pieces of the Puzzle Reception hosted by School District 62. nf 4 Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates SoYears of Service to the Local Community PHOTOS FROM THE COMMUNITI M4 /14 1?·40 Pl-.. Jl:;,anct 04 n onur~ vc.u um~~r~ em u \ .UIIIIllUIIIlY ranm:r~- Clut.:agoan uunc:.c.:u lll llllfJ:IIWWW.\:' IliC•.~agOtTIUUi lt:.COIItlllt:WSI HX:alJ~U UUrUMU t:!S_iJialllt:SJ«..:OJIIU IUIIJ lYi l:IU - U~C-afliClt:-U . The Distinguished Volunteer Award program honors individuals who consistently go above and beyond on behalf of the school district, and whose efforts enhance education and convey its importance to the community at large. Distinguished Volunteer Award winners are Your photos: Des Plaines community relation ambassadors who make a positive impact on education. District 62 presented Students Succeed Partnership Certificates to new partners, Advocate Children's Hospital-Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, American Veterinary Medical Association, Backyard wildlife AT&T Pioneers, Big Brother Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago, Joe Caputo & Sons, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago Children's Choir, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd., Cole Taylor Bank, Colliers International, General Electric Company, Girls on the Run, ITxM, Kan-Win, Matt's Estate Sales & Home Services, MB Financial Bank, Robert Neil, The McShane Companies, No Boundaries, Philips Lighting, Rosemont Chamber of Commerce, Starbucks Weather photos #13440, St. Stephen Peace and Justice Committee, TransNational Bankcard, Transportation Security Administration at O'Hare International Airport, US Foods, and Yearwood and Associates. ltd. Community and corporate partners provide volunteer and financial resources for short and long-term academic projects and programs. Your photos: Pets Joe Caputo & Sons. Junior Achievement of Chicago, and the St. Stephen Justice and Peace Committee received 2014 Students Succeed Community Partner Awards. The awards reception was held at Orchard Place Elementary School in Des Plaines. Brenda Murphy, Board of Education President. and Dr. Jane Westerhold, Superintendent of Schools Chicago sights presented certificates and awards to the honorees. Ella Kurutz, Maren Garnett, Blake Snyder, Tatsu Cornegan, Sergio Lozano, Matthew and Michael Montanile provided reception music under the direction of Scott Duff, Chippewa Middle School. The program featured a performance or the South School Singers that was directed by Joan Abrams, South Elementary School. Photo challenge: Summer break The 2014 District 62 Community Ambassador of the Year Award was presented to Robert Bachar. Bachar has volunteered at ICS for several years and donates many hours per week to work with students. Rob is a business owner in the neighborhood (C&R Flowers) . Although his children are grown. Rob works with several different 2nd to 5th grade groups in one-on-one situations and small groups. He supports learning in the areas of Response to Interventions (All) and mathematics. St. Stephen Church was awarded the 2014 Students Succeed Partner of the Year Award . This fall, St. Stephen's Parish approached Plainfield with a pilot program-The Back-Pack Program. The church provides weekly backpacks of food for five families who are in need of assistance throughout the school year. St. Stephens delivers the food every Friday, except during winter, spring, and summer breaks. It is sent home with the student. Students are very excited about ks every week and talk about their favorite snacks such as the chocolate "' ~:'1.~~~.~~·-~.11 acks. One student expressed how excited her family is to receive the food truggle to feed the household . ..,..,.,.___ _ __ ""'District 62 Community Relations Department at 847-824-8070 or to find out about volunteering or establishing a Students Succeed partnership. Email nf 4 Tweet ~Oj Recommend ~ Pinlerest 0 tl/.:1/ 141 ? ·40 PI\ Sign In or Sign Up ~ DES PLAINES 1 News 1 Your photos: Des Plaines Share photos of life in Des Plaines with other TribLocal fans. Image 8 of 100 Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! Th is is a digital town squa re for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. TI1c items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. Share your stories, photos and events with TrihLocal. D62 Board President Honored by ISBE Community Contributor Thomas Lay Burroughs Award winner Brenda Murphy of Des Plaines Community Consolidated School District 62 poses with her award with ISBE Cha irman Gery J . Chico (left) and State Superintendent of Education Christopher A. Koch. Murphy was honored with a resolution at the State Board of Education's May 14 meeting in Springfield. The I SBE award annually honors an outstanding school board president in the state. Murphy received the award earlier in the school year. Email Tweet 0 Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates So Years of Service to the Local Conununity Anterest Spon9Jred Content by Taboola Gen YTurns To Wealthfront To Manage Its Millions PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Thinking Of Moving To Des Plaines? Here's A Few Reasons \Vhy You Should! Wealthfront Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Share Big News About 'Divorce' Stirring Daily Your photos: Des Plaines II I.S ~pn ug. lfl.KJUOI!) ... • J \_.:) Oflllg_~ \...UII II UH lU !VIUJII::, Ill J'ft:t:U • C:JIH.:agutrJ OUIU:.CUIII tHl p:I/ \VWW.\.:t UC:a~ut i JUUtu: .c:UII IJt i i:WSl tOC:aliS UUUTUSIUt=~_J.mUIIt:::,lCOIIllllUJJU)'! CJII · U~t.:·pllOl0-1 . Sign In or Sign U ~ DES PLAINES Home 1 News 1 Business 1 Sports 1 A&E 1 Life & Style 1 Opinion 1 Real Estate ICS Brings Comfort to Moms in Need 1 Cars 1 Jobs 1 ABOUT THIS POST Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click here. FROM THE COMMUNI1Y Share your stories, photos and events with TribLocal. LATEST COMMUNI1Y ARTICLES Elk Grove High School Choir to Perfonn with Foreigner Updated 12 minutes ago (Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contributor I May 15, 2014) This spring Iroquois Community School (ICS)Warrior Leaders and Senate teamed with Two Men and a Truck in the Movers for Moms program. This program provides comfort items to mothers who reside in shelters due to abusive relationships. The shelter provides counseling and resources to help residents move on and away from this danger. Items were donated by the Iroquois community family and were given as part of gift baskets to help make Mother's Day a little special. This is the fourth year ICS students participated in this event. BE-mail nf > Twitter 1J Facebook Share PR Youth Football Expands Flag Progrm and Hosts Registrations This Month Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair July 2-6; Club Celebrates So Years of Service to the Local Community PHOTOS FROM THE COMMUNIT li/4/ 14 1?·>7 Pt\ The Daily Herald, Thursday, May 15, 20 14 Earth Day celebration Reduce, reuse, recycle just part ofthe message at Des Plaines fair Submitted by Dts Plaines Park District In celebration of Earth Day 2014, the Des Plaines Park District and the Des Plaines Environmental and Energy Program, (DEEP Green), sponsored the seventh annual free Earth Day Youth Fair Saturday, April 26, at the Cumberland Terrace Fieldhouse. Hundreds of eco-friendly citizens stopped in to plant blue lake bush beans in peat pots; decorate a reusable canvas lunch bag; learn about ceofriendly fundraising; and add a leaf with a personal green promise to the Dream Tree. Children also visited with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary to learn about how to keep our waterways pollution-free by reducing marine debris. Outside in the park, children went on a nature-inspired scavenger hunt searching for rocks, leaves, flowers, insects, and something"green." Global aluminum can manufacturer Rexam donated literature about the value and benefits to the environment of recycling cans. In September, Rexam will participate in the 2014 Cans for Cash America Recycles Day Aluminum Can Challenge to raise awareness and involvement in beverage can recycling. Rexam is partnering with United Scrap Metal, a leading local recycler, to gather as many beverage cans as possible and then donate proceeds to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicago and Northwest Indiana. Recyclers can also choose to use their recycling funds to donate to their own organization or chosen charity. For informa- and garage items, and election about the Rexam recy- tronics. The addresses of their cling drive, contact Nancy five locations in Arlington Heights, Elgin, Palatine, Mose at nancy.mose@ Crystal Lake and Waste Manageberts are available at ment also supnews Beekeeper John plied literature, Checkout Hansen brought including a chilEarth Day samples of honeydren's educacomb for the children tional coloring to touch and a workbook and a personal ing bee hive for them to recycling chart, to help children recognize their part observe. He talked about the importance of bees in the polin saving natural resources. New at the fair this year, lination process of apples, the Des Plaines Bike & Pedes- broccoli, strawberries, nuts, trian Council had information asparagus, blueberries, and about bike safety and routes. cucumbers. Their goal is to promote a All visitors at the Earth Day walking and biking mind set Fair received their choice of and create awareness of the a white, red, swamp, or bur features and benefits to the oak sapling to take home and Des Plaines area of riding a plant, courtesy of Living Lands bike to work or to the Metra and Waters. Living Lands is an Station. Illinois group aimed at improvElgin Recycling was also on ing the environment They hand with a list of items they will give away 150,00 trees this recycle, including hardware, spring. household, automobile, yard According to the US Your Department of Agriculture, the net cooling effect of a young healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. "We are so pleased that so many came out to show their support for a greener environment," said CindyYelich, Special Events supervisor. "You are never too young to learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle." The Des Plaines Park District has a long history of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. The "Green Team" meets quarterly to review the progress in five key areas: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; Purchase and Use of Environmentally Safe and Sensitive Products; Conserve Natural Resources; Preserve Natural Ecosystems; and Actively Promote Public Education of Environmental Issues. The Daily Herald, Thursday, May 15,2014 "Earth Day celebration " (Continued) The next free community event is the annual Spring Fun Fair at Mountain View Adventure Center May 17 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fair includes Touch a Truck sponsored by the Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce, a Climbing Wall sponsored by the Lattof YMCA, the Pooch, Pet & Pedal Parade sponsored by the Des Plaines City Special Events Commission, an obstaclecourse-style inflatable, and representatives from many Des Plaines organizations. For information on programs, classes, and events at the Des Plaines Park District, visit or call (847) 391-5700. Lanna Vo, 8, plants a blue lake bush bean at the Earth Day Youth Fair. PHOTOS COURTESY OF LISA H ARING Donovan Brown, 5, and his sister Nora, 8, talk with Virginia Haase, Flotilla Staff Officer for Public Education, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, about how long It takes marine debris to dissolve in our waterways. Maddie Chiakas, 10, chooses a free oak sapling at the Earth Day Youth Fair on April 26. The Des Plaines Journal, Friday, May 16, 2014 Fore·s t Teacher Encourages Students To Stay Alert, 'Tabata' By DENISE FLEISCHER the lesson, students went to the gym where she demonstrated Tabata exercises. Tabata is a Some teachers, understand- high intensity interval training ably, work to keep students in workout that lasts only four their seats. Kelly Salgado, a minutes. First comes jumping fourth grade teacheratForestEl- jacks and then a 20-second rest. ementary School in Des Plaines, Next, pushups and rest again. insists on "brain breaks" and Then a wood chopping motion full-body cardio exercises to andanothershortrest. Exercises can be done at home, too. empower her students. From then on, Salgado began "It began when I noticed my students weren' t playing out- "brain break" sessions between side," said Salgado, a teacher at subjects, sometimes several Forest, 1375 S. FifthAve.,for 14 times a day. "We started the second week years. "I have them the majority of the day. The gym teacher motivates them, but once they leave school they aren't going outside." 1 Salgado wanted .to inspire her students above and beyond. So she spoke to Constance Contursi Barker, owner of Hit It Fitness in Roselle. Last year, she asked Contursi to speak with students about nutrition and the importance of being devoted to an exercise routine. After LIFESTYLE EorroR of school for five or more minutes," said Salgado. "My fourth grade team does this. My goal is to inspire everyone .-in the building." Hit It Fitness's owner invited students to a fitness event at h er studio on Saturday,May 17 from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Salgado's current and former students will be treated to a kickboxing program. "My students are extremely excited about this opportunity. This event is a powerful and inspirational way to encourage my students." 61312014 Thirty-six Aigonquin Students Inducted into NJHS-'news!locaVsubrnbs/des_plaines/cormmmity/chi-ugc- article- thirty- six-algonquinstudents-inducted-into-n-2014-05-19,0,3754934.story Bulletin Board: A Post From the Community Thirty-six Algonquin Students Inducted into NJHS Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contributor 2:36PM CDT, May 19, 2014 advertisement OnApril30, 2014, thirty-six Algonquin Middle School students were inducted in the Henry C. Lashway chapter ofthe National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at an induction ceremony. New members, friends, :tinnily, fuculty, administrators and school board members, attended the evening candle-lighting ceremony. Following welcoming remarks by Algonquin Middle School principal John Swanson, and a speech by school board member Ronald Burton, five students spoke about the importance ofthe standards ofthe National Junior Honor Society. Romar PaulHarayo, Josselyn Cn12; Catherine Buchaniec, Joshua Wastyn, and Grasiela Victor spoke about scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Jelena Pejovic seiVed as the mistress of ceremonies. In addition to the students mentioned previously, the following were also inducted into the NJHS: MeganAdamowks~ ArsalanAtShar, Cody Albrecht, Camille Ang, Jenny Arenas, Maeve Bemero, Kamila Czerlonko, Taras Dzhul, Karina Estrada, Jennifer Gomez, Megan Howard, Spencer Huerter, Alexandra Juszczyk, Cole Kelly, George Markakis, Garrett Morrison, Jennifer Muhr, Valeria Murillo, Stephania Nutu, Nestor O'Brien, Shaira Pascua, Nancy Pate~ Shivam Pate~ Shree Pate~ Christopher Rios, Martylinette Sanchez, Lauren Szeszo~ Norris Tran, Lydia Varghese, and Amber Ward. Swanson and Burton presented certificates and medallions to the inductees. The ceremony concluded with each student presenting a carnation to his/her family. The National Junior Honor Society is a national service organization, designed to "create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; to encourage responsible citizenship; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools."'nev.s/local/suburbs/des_plaines/communil)t'chi-ugc-articl&-thirty-six-algonquin-students-inducted-into-n-2014-05-19,0,4514430,p . .. 1/1 The Daily Herald, Monday, May 19,2014 On the trail of history PHOTO BY LI SA HARfNG/ Des Plaines Park District The Rev. William G. Grice Ill shows the Central School CHIPs students his Aunt Savena's diary during their visit to his home. Central Sclwol students research, pronwte Des Plaines' past to community The Daily Herald, Monday, May 19,2014 "On the trail of history" (Continued) BY LISA HARING Dts Plaints Park Distrirt History is made every day. Scholars say that teaching children about history has many important benefits, including providing a sense of identity, helping to improve decision and judgment skills, and learning from the mistakes of those in the past. History provides a context from which to understand others and ourselves. For six students in the Des Plaines Elementary District 62 Central School Children of High Intellectual Potential Program, the study of the history of their hometown has allowed them to time travel through the ~ges to better appreciate and understand the evolution of Des Plaines. The students chose history as the subject of their next Problem Based Learning Project in December, inspired by a visit by state Rep. Martin J, Moylan, who talked about his own youth experiences. The students are Rohan Balchandani, Eleanor Bechtold, Cory Cordier, Nell Jakoniuk, Emily Kulaga, and Rose Kurutz. "The goals of Problem Based Learning are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, selfdirected learning, and effective collaboration skills," said Leigh Radnitzer, "This project has provided the Central School Libracy Media Censtudents with an opportunity to practice ter specialist and CHIPs college-level research and literacy skills, while instructor. also pursuing a local topic of interest." Radnitzer. Cindy Yelich, "Working in Des Plaines Park District special events supervisor groups, students identify what _ they already know, what they need the process for researching the to know, and how and where to information and then educating access new information that may their classmates and the commulead to resolution of the problem." nity about their findings. One of the first problems to In a collection of brainstorming sessions, the students determined be solved was how to disserninate the information. Kurutz, a dancer with the Des Plaines inhouse dance company, Artistry in Motion, suggested that the historical facts the students collected could be "stuffed" into the plastic Easter eggs set out at the annual Des Plaines Park District Easter egg hunt. They contacted Cindy Yelich, special events supervisor and coordinator of the event, who agreed to collaborate with the students on the project. Yelich presented a tutorial on the development, financing, marketing and implementation of park disttict programming. "This project has provided the Central School students with an opportunity to practice collegelevel research and literacy skills, This is an example of the kinds of historical facts that the Central School CHIPs students researched for their Problem Based Learning History project. while also pursuing a local topic of interest,'' said Yelich. The students also visited the Des Plaines History Center for a PowerPoint presentation on the Native American tribes that inhabited early Des Plaines, the importance of railroads to the then agrarian community, and the development of businesses and prefabricated housing developments. They toured the Kinder House for a walk back in time to the early 19th century, all the while collecting facts to be used for their project. "Extending the walls of the classroom into the surrounding community has allowed our students to engage in real life learning," said Radnitzer. "I think it is important that children have a knowledge of where they come from." A field nip to meet with the Rev. William G. Grice III in his museum-style home taught the students how experiences become memories and, therefore, become See HISTORY on PAGE 2 The Daily Herald, Monday, May 19, 2014 "On the trail of history" (Continued) History: Students use egg hunt to teach about city's past Cunlinuedftvm Page 1 a part of our history. He talked about his own family's historical roots in Des Plaines, and showed them artifacts, receipts, deeds, permits, records, photographs, and a diary kept by his Aunt Savena Ahbe Gorsline, the first Miss Des Plaines. In addition, the students used books and online sources to gather approximately 100 facts, 70 of which were typed, printed, and stuffed into 500 eggs. The fact-filled eggs were mixed in with the other eggs filled with toys and treats. On the back of each printed fact was a two-for-one coupon for the miniature golf course at Mountain View Adventure Center. "Many hundreds of residents participate in the annual Easter egg hunt ... making this method of getting the word out about the history of Des Plaines very effective," Yelich Rose Kurutz, Emily Kulaga, Nell Jakoniuk and Rohan Balchandani carry the historical fact stuffed Easter eggs onto the field at Prairie Lakes while the crowd waits. said. Here is each students pick for favorite fact Rohan Balchandani: the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pota\vatomi Native American tribes originally inhabited Des Plaines. Eleanor Bechtold: Des . Plaines was once known as the City of Roses because of all the greenhouses. · Cory Cordier: The Choo Choo Restaurant opened in 1951 and served food on a model trairi at the counter. Nell Jakoniulc The Kreh Chalk & Pencil Co. in Des Plaines, owned by Julius Kreh, was the phonetic antecedent of today's crayons. Emily Kulaga: The site where Prairie Lakes Community Center now stands was an onion field. Rose Kurutz: My greatgrandfather, William Shorts, was the first Des Plaines policeman to die in the line of duty in 1927. Leigh Radnitzer, right, and the Central School CHIPs students listen as Cindy Yelich, Special Events supervisor, talks about what is involved in hosting a free Easter egg hunt at the Des Plaines Park District. ll~liUt,;ti UIIal 11Hp: 11 \\' WW.\.:III t.:agutiiUUilC.tUlllll lt:W~/ JUtai/SUUU [U::,IUt:S_p1<t l lle!>H.:UllllltU I IllYICIII·UgC-allltlt:·l. LUit\.:11 t"J'UIIIUlt'U lU t"rJIJC:Jpal - t:lllcagOtt iU UIIt:.CU III Sign In or Sign U ~ DES PLAINES Home 1 News 1 Business 1 Sports 1 A&E 1 Life & Style 1 Opinion 1 Real Estate 1 Cars 1 Jobs 1 MAINTENANCE-FREE LIVING CLICK HERE to learn more or CALL847-581-1800 THE " BULLETIN BOARD: A POST FROM THE COMMUN ITY ABOUT THIS POST Instructional Coach Promoted to Principal Email Tweet Cal Recommend 100 Pinleresl 0 8•1 " O rT O N l;f O?I 0 Welcome to the TribLocal bulletin board! This is a digital town square for TribLocal readers who want to share ideas and information about their communities. The items posted here are not reported by or endorsed by TribLocal or the Chicago Tribune. Want to contribute? Click h ere. FROM THE COMMUNITY Sh are your stories, phot~s and events w 1th TribLocal. Instructional Coach Promoted to Principal (Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contnbutor I May 20, 2014) LATEST COMMUNITY ARTICLES Posted By MELINDA WARD, Community Contributor 1.38 p.m. COT. May 20, 2014 Elk Grove High School Choir to Pe rform with Foreigner Updated 17 minutes ago Amy Garcia Cengel has been named the principal of South Elementary School in School District 62. Her appointment was unanimously approved at the May 19 Board of Education meeting. Cengel. who is a District 62 instructional coach, will replace Michelle Flores, who resigned to move to the St. Louis, MO area. Cengel began her career in education as a middle school social studies and science teacher at Perspectives Charter School in Chicago, IL. In 2006, Cengel began her District 62 teaching career at PR Youth Football Expands Flag Program and Hosts Registrations This Month Mount Prospect Lions Host 76th Annual Village Fair J uly 2-6; Clu b Celebrates So Years of Service to the Local Com m unity Chippewa Middle School, where she taught language arts, social studies, and English as a second language classes. In addition to her teaching duties, Cengel served as a new teacher PHOTOS FROM THE COMMUNITI mentor, a team leader, and on the "This We Believe" committee. In 2012, she was named an nf1 fo/41 1d l?·d I PI\ JJ:,trucuunaa \,.. oal:u .-rumuLcU to rn m.:apa1 - «.:m cagutn uunt:.l:UIIl uup;ltw wwx n u:agutnuua lt' .l:Ul iJ/IIt:WSitucatl~uuurustuc~_ptaiiU:sn::ou au tu u 11 y 1 c1 11 -ugc.:·an tc.:tc- t . instructional coach. As an instructional coach , Cengel creates and leads monthly staff development workshops, designs and facilitates customized planning sessions for teachers, and supports the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction in the development Your photos: Des Plaines and implementation of district initiatives including transitioning to standards-based grading and digital delivery of mathematics. Cengel completed her Type 75 certification in administration and leadership from National Louis University. She earned a masters degree in educational leadership and endorsements Backyard wildlife in language arts, social students, Spanish, ESL, and bilingual education from University of Illinois at Chicago, and a bachelor's degree in Spanish and sociology from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Cengel assumes the South Elementary School principal position on July 1, 2014. Community Weather photos Consolidated School District 62 educates almost 4,900 students in eleven preK-8 schools and employs more than 770 certified and support staff. Email Tweet ~~ Recommend FROM AROUND THE WEB ·~ Pinterest 0 8•1 0 Your photos: Pets Sponsored Content by Taboola The Top Credit Card Deals of 2014 Next Advisor Chicago sights 2 Things You Do Every Morning Cause Breast Cancer. Newsmax Vladimir Putln Called: He Wants His Warships Photo challenge: Summer break Millennials Are Drinking So Much Wine They' re Changing How it's Sold The Huffington Posl 20 Things That Show Everything In Australia Will Kill You Answers Mic hael Jordan's Mega Estate Is Just As Luxurious As You'd Expect (Photos) LonnyMag • 1-.t'<GSlL''I r01-.;1l •••••• "··· ... Hill Share Big News About ' Divorce' fi/4 / 14 17·4 1 PI\ The Dailv Herald. Wednesday, May 21, 2014 New South School principal: A new principal has been appointed for South Elementary School in Des Plaines. Amy Garcia Cengel, currently a Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 instructional coach, will begin her new position July 1. Her promotion was confinned Monday by the school board. Cengel will replace Michelle Flores, who resigned to move to the St Louis area. Cengel started teaching in District 62 at Chippewa Middle School in 2006. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 21 ,2014 Amy Cengel South School Leader Named Amy Garcia Cengel has been named the principal of South Elementary School in Des Plaines Elementary School Dist. 62. Her appointment was unanimously approved at Monday's board of education meeting. Cengel, who is a Dist. 62 instructional coach, will replace Michelle Flores, who resigned to move to the St. Louis, MO, area. Cengel began her career in education as a middle school social studies and science teacher at Perspectives Charter School in Chicago. In 2006, Cengel began her Dist. 62 teaching career at Chippewa Middle School, where she taught language arts, social studies, and English as a second language classes. In addition to her teaching duties, Cengel served as a new teacher mentor, a team leader, and on the "This We BeJieve" committee. In 2012, she was named an instructional coach. As an instructional coach, Cengel creates and leads monthly staff development workshops, designs and facilitates customized planning sessions for teachers, and supports the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction in the development and implementation of district initiatives including transitioning to standards-based grading and digital delivery of mathematics. Cengel is expected to assume the South Elementary School principal position on July 1. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Aside From-Engltsh••• There ·are 41 languages spoken by ·Students ill IDist 62 including: Albanian, Gneg,{Ko$017<1}: 5 ~h~rio-: '2 Au;~prp; Language Lineup 41 Tongues Spoken In Schools; English, Spanish, Polish Top 32 .. Armenian: 3 AS&yri~n (Syriac, Aramatc): 25 BO'snUan: 21 Bulgarian: 22 Cambodian (l<hmerJ: 6 QantQn~s_e: czecn: 6 1 F'ar&l: $ French: 3 Greek: 11. Gujaratt: 34 Hlndu: 2 ltonggo (HiligaynOn).: 1 tndi5JJesi8n: 1 ltaliam e ~1'11'18(1& {Kanatese)·: Koflan: 5 Ktlrdi$hi '5 ufhuanran:: s Ma~larn;30 Manctarin!2 M~t•(Pyn]abt}: :2 eashto;:(PtlshtQ}~, 1 'Poi!.sll~ 20~ Rp~:1.4 ~~t~ teititen:.'8 (On:@'¥~ Sj$t;l$fi• $7:I3 r~·3G · Tamll!2 T~IU&Y·{Telegu): ~lt2 Tp~h:·.3 ~,ri~~: U/40: 31 14 V~fu.a:IJI~~,.3 Yol'Utitt 6 1 1 By HEATHER HOLM Journal & Topics Reporter A melting pot of cultures make up the student body for Des Plaines Elementary School Dist. 62. A total of 1 ,541 children in the district speak another language and are involved in the district's English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Dist. 62 serves 5,268 total students in 11 schools. These students speak a multitude of different languages, so certain services for parents and students need to be provided to assist them. Currently, a total of 41 languages are spoken within Dist. 62. School officials put together a list oflanguages in the fall and again in June. In September, students are still registering in schools, so numbers are com- piled in October. Milagros Bravo, director of second language learners for Dist. 62, said the district needs these numbers to know what translation pieces should be available throughout the school year. "We want to support parents and help their students be successful in Dist. 62 schools," she said. The number one language spoken in Dist. 62 schools, other than English, is Spanish with Polish as the second most spoken. Other languages include, Arabic, Korean, Bulgarian, Hindi and Greek among numerous others. Most translation materials are provided in Spanish and Polish since those are the two largest diversity groups. Certain teachers help students and parents thatspeaklanguagesotherthan Spanish and Polish. Materials that need translation could include a personal note from a teacher to a parent, parent-teacher conferences, open houses, paper handouts and others. At a recent open house, Bravo said she had parents plug into a system with four channels translating information into four different languages. Channel one was Spanish, channel two was Polish with two other languages. "People were able to participate and hear the in- However, homework handed out is still in English, since teachers in the schools are trying to teach students the language. Currently, about 70 bilingual and resource teachers serve in the district's ESL program. Since there could only be about five students who speak another language in a classroom, there are not separate ESL classes. The teachers pull out students and assist them. Dist. 62 schools (all in Des fonnation." Plaines) consist of Algonquin Materials could also include Middle School, Central Elpaper items, such as handouts, ementary, Chippewa Middle announcing ISAT testing, for School, Cumberland Eleexample. Some families might mentary, Forest Elementary, not speak English, or might Iroquois Community School, only have one family member North Elementary, Orchard who does, so they need addi- Place Elementary, Plainfield tional assistance. "We really Elementary, South Elemenwant to help parents help their tary and Terrace Elementary kids," Bravo noted. School. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 21,2014 Algonquin Recognizes Honor Society Newcomers Thirty-sixAlgonquin Middle School students were inducted in the Henry C. Lashway chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) at an induction ceremony on Apr. 30. New members, friends, family, faculty, administrators and school board members, attended the evening candlelighting ceremony. Following welcoming remarks by Algonquin Middle School Principal John Swanson, and a speech by school board member Ronald Burton, five students spoke about the importance of the standards of the National Junior Honor Society. Romar Paul Harayo,Josselyn Cruz, Catherine Buchaniec, Joshua Wastyn, and Grasiela Victor spoke about scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Jelen a Pejovic served as the mistress of ceremonies. In addition to these students the following wen: alsu indltet.,l into the ;~.T: ::>: \1,·~·an :'.d:tJII'l'.'\ksi, i\!··.:d an Af::kt!', Cody Albrecht, Camille Ang, Jenny Arenas, Maeve Bemero, Kamila Czerlonko, Taras Dzhul, Karina Estrada, Jennifer Gomez, Megan Howard, Spencer Huetter, Alexandra Juszczyk, Cole Kelly, George Markakis, Garrett Morrison, Jennifer Muhr, Valeria Murillo, Stephania Nutu, Nestor O'Brien,ShairaPascua,Nancy Patel, Shivam Patel, Shree Patel, Christopher Rios, Martylinette Sanchez, Lauren Szeszol, Norris Tran, Lydia Varghese, and 'Amber Ward. Swanson and Burton presented certificates and medallions to the inductees. The ceremony concluded with each student presenting a carnation to his/ her family. The National Junior Honor Society is a national service organization, designed to "create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership: to encourage responsihle citizenship; and to t.k\'\.:1• •1 d,;,;,,.·•ti i11 tlw -..tu,Llli. ~t.:c,~nd~!G' ~:.'h ~ ~\ r. l~: ..... Algonqu in students spoke about the importance of the standards of the National Junior Honor Society. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 21 , 2014 State Honors Murphy Illinois state Board of Education (ISSE) Chairman .Qef)' ehico (left) and State S!ll)erintendent Christopher KoCh (right} presented a resOlution to Des Plaines Elementacy Dist . 6'2 Bo<:~rd of Education President Brenda Murphy for Winning the 2013 Thomas Lay Burroughs Award. In addition to the compfetio.n of a $1-09 million master plan that improved and enHanced learning environments and saf.ety In Oist. ~2, Murphy was hoAored for actively participating in school events and ,.;t;"itiec; and her corn.. i:~ .. , . L,l; ; ·oucc. l\.10~ p1C1}' ll l ~ Willi tucwuu;.:s c<tusc urt en uc~ rnu11c~ nuumc ~CIIUOI Dai1YHetald Bif: l'irt urc . Local Focu' - uany ntn:uu.cunt 1Htp.11 \\" WW .U(I II Y IICritiU .CUIJllafltL:IC/ ~V I LRJJ~"f/ IICWS/ ! t+VJ~OOO~l prtJII This copy is for personal, non-commercial use. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution you can: 1) Use the "Reprint" button found on the top and bottom of every article, 2) Visit for samples and additional information or 3) Order a rep rint of this article now_ Arucle updated. 5/25/2014 7.58 AM Police: Kids playing with fireworks cause fire at Des Plaines middle school By Katlyn Smith A fire broke out at Algonquin Middle School after three kids were playing with fireworks on the southwest side of the building Saturday, Des Plaines police said. T he three -- one 13-year-old and two 12-year-olds -- have not been charged with a crime as of Saturday night, police said. Des Plaines fire officials were investigating the suspicious fire Saturday afternoon at the school, 767 Algonquin Road. The blaze caused an estimated $20,000 in damage to the building, said John Pahlman , Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 maintenance and operations director. The first firefighters w ho were called to the school about 4:25 p.m. discovered a large fire on the school's south exterior, Des Plaines Fire Chief Alan Wax said. Based on a preliminary investigation, the fire was suspicious because there was a report of children in the area before the blaze, Wax said. Crews were able to put the fire out in minutes, and it did not spread into the building, Wax said. The fire appeared to start in plastic crates outside two steel doors at the entrance to a mechanical and receiving room. No one was inside the school at the time. Des Plaines police continue to investigate. Copyright ~ nf I 2014 Paddock Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. fo/11/lJJ.t? · 'm p~ 61312014 151CS Students Inducted into Honor Society- www. chicagotribtme.cornlnews/locaVsuburbs/des_plaines/comrmmity/chi-ugc- article-15-ics-students-inductedinto-honor-society-2014-05-27,0,716883 7 .story Bulletin Board: A Post From the Community 15 ICS Students Inducted into Honor Society Posted By MEUNDA WARD, Corrnnunity Contnbutor 4:54PM CDT, May27, 2014 On May 22, 2014, 15 Iroquois Comrmmity School (ICS) students were inducted in the Paul W. advert isement lung chapter ofthe National Jtmior Honor Society (NJHS). New members, students, friends, :family, fuculty, administrators and school board members, attended the evening candle-lighting ceremony. Following welcoming remarks by ICS principal Michael Admade~ and introductions by Manuel Bustos, NJHS F acuity Advisor, five students spoke about the standards ofthe National Junior Honor Society. Bhagirith Mehta, N eli Peeva, Alexandra Meyer, Destiny Onyeise, and Kevin Castilla spoke about scholarship, character, leadership, service, and citizenship, respectively. In addition to the students mentioned previously, the following were inducted into the NJHS: Wiktoria Kusek, Willis Le, Madeleine Mirza, Clnista Niewins~ Taylor Palacios, Allison Pearson, Sachin Pilla~ Amada Rahana, Armando Rodea, and Monica Walaszek. Dr. JaneL. Westerhold, Superintendent ofSchools, and James Poskozim, Board ofEducation, presented certificates and medallions to the inductees. The ceremony concluded with each student presenting a rose to his/her family. Sara Heiman introduced 21 seventh graders who fulfilled scholarship requirements ofthe Paul W. Jtmg chapter of the NJHS. They earned a grade point average of3.60 or higher during sixth and seventh grades. Sierra Brannan, Grace Carlino, Patricia Evangelou, Nick Hernandez, Pavani Jairam, Gabriella Kic, Michal Kwiecien, Sarah Lane, George Lesiak, Suha Lim, Sona Lukose, Marina Orrico, Zaul Perez, Anthony Ramos, Max Romza, Madeline RoppeL Danica Roque, Ste:fun Stojanovic, Capri Stricker, Kamila Szwedo, and Riley Whittenhall received certificates. If they maintain the required grade point average and meet standards in the areas of character, leadership, citizenship, and service through the first three quarters oftheir eighth grade year, their names will be submitted for induction into the ICS NJHS. The National Junior Honor Society is a national service organization, designed to "create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stinrula.te a desire to render service; to promote leadership; to encourage responsible citizenship; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools." http://wNN.chicag otribune.cominev.-sllocal/suburbs/des_plai nes/comrunity'chi-ug c-article-15-ics-students-i nducted- into-honor-society-2014-05-27,0,1308075,pr ... 1/1 The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Blaze Chars School 3 Children Face Juvenile Court Over Fireworks AlgonquinMiddleSchool in Des Plaines opened as scheduled yesterday (Tuesday) even though a fire on Saturday caused an estimated $15,000 damage to a south side wall, overhang and doors of the building. Fire Chief Alan Wax said that an investigation determined that three youths, ages 12 and 13, were play- . ing with fireworks at the site Saturday afternoon when the fire started and got out of control. According to Wax, firefighters respond ed to the scene at about 4:25 p.m. Saturday after multiple reports of a fire and activation of an alarm were received. Once on the scene, firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze. Police quickly secured traffic around the scene and spoke with witnesses who reported seeing kids playing in the area shortly (Continued on page 2A) Algonquin Fire _ __ (Continued from page lA) parents' custodies Saturday before the fire was reported. evening. Wax said Juvenile Within an hour, said Wax, petitions are being filed and the police found three subjects Cook County state's attorney's matching the descriptions office and Juvenile court will several blocks from the scene determine how the cases will and took them into custody. The be adjudicated, which may take subjects were released to their three to four weeks. 1 The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 28,2014 Memorial Day In Des Plaines Retired Army Col. Jill Morgenthaler of Des Plaines (left) is greeted by Des Plaines VFW Post Commander Mike Lake just prior to her stirring speech about her encounter with Saddam Hussein while she was serving in Iraq. A large crowd of local residents attended the community's annual Memorial Day observance at Lake Park Monday morning. As the Maine West High School Marching Band plays the Marine Corps hymn, veterans Ken Radnitzer (left) and Dick Vana salute. Vana served in World War II and Radnitzer in the Korean War. The Des Plaines Journal, Wednesday, May 28,2014 "Memorial Day In Des Plaines " (Continued) \'lfl i'A'-' W~R ~ ;J~l ... ... . .. ··.:. ~·. ). . (t'•·l •• .' ..O(t,t • a;t u . t. J : • l"l • - ~ o\1.': • -:.~:a~ .r . '"H 1 "( ".;·t t:tH (', ' •• •· ' •. !'';_ ~ t ... l{hth '" ' t: f' ~ : ~~· · • lf ·- u ' 1 01'1 •l ~;~~~ ~! ~~~~F-:~ .¥( · '~-: .. l Family members of Ernest Mensching, a Des Plaines resident who died in World War I, were introduced to the crowd at Monday's observance. From left are VFW Commander Mike Lake, Mark Mensching, 10, Jake Mensching, 7, and their father Vic Mensching. of District 62 Left photo: Local Junior Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts played an important role at Monday's Memorial Day service at Lake Park by reading off the names of wreath presenters with a little help from a veteran and a booster. Resting against the wall of the Lake Park Memorial Pavilion below the names of those Des Plaines residents who gave their lives during the Vietnam War are two military rifles that were later used in a formal 21-gun salute. (Photos by Todd Wesseii/ The Journal) Creating OpporttJnlti p_.-, Touch-a-Truck A beautiful sunny day awaited children of all ages at the Chamber's annual Touch-a-Truck event. T rucks of all sizes were crawled on to and in to, horns were honked and bells were rung! Thank you to our event sponsor First Midwest Bank and to all the Chamber members who participated in this years event: Accurate Auto Clinic, Inc. Community Consolidated School District 62 Des Plaines Emergency Management Des Plaines Fire Department Des Plaines Park District Des Plaines Police Department Des Plaines Public Works Johler Demolition, Inc. Maine Township Emergency Management Maine Township Highway Department Pace Northwest Division Schimka Auto Wreckers, Inc Two Men and a Truck Scott M Seifert, CFP®, Dan Chervenak, AAMS® Nancy M Reiser AAMS® Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 1577 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-699-0304 605 W Golf Road Des Plaines, IL 60016 847-593-5893 Financial Advisor 926 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60016 847-299-7233 EdwardJones· MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Member SIPC