
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Uvodna rijec
Koliko god smo svjesni činjenice da su cijene nekretnina u Hrvatskoj nerealno visoke, gotovo svakog dana nas iznenadi nova “urbana” vila ili apartmanski kompleks zavidnih gabarita u našem susjedstvu. Investitori ne gube vrijeme, dok se kupci istodobno pitaju trebaju li
pričekati dok se tržište ne stabilizira kako bi kupili nekretninu po povoljnijim cijenama.
Na žalost, predviđanja nisu toliko optimistična. Cijene nekretnina na atraktivnim lokacijama sigurno neće padati, stoga, ako sanjate o kućici uz more, savjetujemo vam da krenete
u potragu jer čekanje ne donosi ništa osim možda propuštenih prilika.
Priliku nije propustio naš poznati nogometaš Goran Vlaović, koji se nakon 17 godina uspješne sportske karijere odlučio okušati kao građevinski investitor. Ekskluzivni stanovi koje gradi
na Jarunu, iako su njegov prvi projekt, već su se pokazali vrlo dobrom investicijom. Razumnom cijenom stanova po četvornome metru i kvalitetom gradnje, Goran se pokazao
pravim znalcem kad je u pitanju tržište nekretnina.
Predstavljamo vam jednu od najljepših kuća u Hrvatskoj, i to u Bolu na otoku Braču. Autoru
projekta, poznatome splitskom arhitektu Vjekoslavu Ivaniševiću, prva je asocijacija u promišljanju bila tradicija – koncept „dvora“ u kojima se oko očinske kuće okupljaju potomci.
Dok ponosni vlasnici uživaju u kući, nama preostaje jedino uživati u pogledu.
Najvažnije je dobro se osjećati u vlastitu domu, stoga vam donosimo niz prijedloga kako
da ovaj Uskrs učinite posebnim. Prepustite se bojenju jaja i dekoriranju uskrsnog stola, te se
pobrinite da proljeće na velika vrata uđe u vaš dom.
Dobro došlo nam proljeće i sretan vam Uskrs!
No matter just how aware we are of the fact that the prices of real estate in Croatia are
surreally high, almost every day we are surprised by a new “urban” villa or an apartment
complex of enviable measurements in our neighborhood. Investors do not waste any time,
while at the same time the buyers are asking themselves whether they should wait for the
market to stabilize in order to purchase a real estate at more favourable prices.
Unfortunately, the predictions are not that optimistic. Prices of real estate in attractive
locations will certainly not be decreasing, and therefore, if you are dreaming of a house
by the sea, we advise you to start searching because perhaps waiting can only bring you
missed chances.
Our famous football player Goran Vlaović did not miss out on the opportunity to get into
investment building after 17 years of successful football career. Exclusive apartments on
Jarun, although they are his first project, have already shown as a good investment. By
putting a reasonalble price and by quality of building, Goran has already proven to be a
true connoisseur when it comes to the real estate market. We present to you one of the
most beautiful houses in Croatia which is situated in Bol, on the island of Brač. The first guiding line to the author of this project, the famous Split architect Vjekoslav Ivanišević, was
tradition – the concept of “Dalmatian villa” in which the descendants gather around the
paternal house. While the proud owners enjoy in the house, all we have left is to enjoy in
the view.
The most important thing is to feel good in your own home; therefore we are offering you a
number of propositions in order to make this Easter special. Give yourself over to decorating your Easter table and Easter eggs, and make sure spring enters you home in big style.
We can only welcome the spring and say happy Easter!
Ana Perišin
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
Put Supavla 1
21000 Split
tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726
fax:+385(0)21 380 852
Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board:
Jakša Mrčela
Goran Križanec
Ured Velika Britanija/UK office:
Suite 50
151 Brook Road
tel.: +447906877467
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
dipl. ing. Ana Perišin
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
dipl. ing. Marija Tomljanović
Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising:
Dijana Uglešić, dipl. oec.
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 326 178
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Oršula Perkov, Ivan Mladina
Nataša Bodrožić, Kristina Fazinić, Tanja Jakovčev, Nataša
Hrupec, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović, Isabella Mikulek,
Ivan Mladina, Vesna Munđa, Mary Novosel, Aleksandar Vrtarić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre
Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset
Kupnja nekretnine - trend ili dobra investicija? /
Purchasing a Real Estate - a Trend or a Good
Goran Vlaoviæ: Ekskluzivnost mojih stanova je
u intimnosti / Goran Vlaoviæ: The Exclusivity of
My Apartments Is in Their Intimacy
Hrvatski gradovi po mjeri èovjeka / Croatian Cities that Fit People’s Needs
Trsteno - mjesto gdje se može dogoditi samo
ljubav / Trsteno – a Place Where Only Love Can
Romantièna pizzeria za gurmane željne
drukèijeg ambijenta / Romantic Pizzeria for
Gourmands Eager to Eat in a Different
Velika maèka ponovno napada / The Big Cat
Strikes Again
Jednostavnost, elegancija, èistoæa: dizajn Nike
Èuèkoviæa / Simplicity, elegance, purity: design
by Niko Èuèkoviæ
Najljepša kuæa na Jadranu / The Most Beautiful
House on the Adriatic
Raj za globalne nomade / Paradise for global
Etno - stil ili pomodnost? / Ethno – Style or Fashion?
Funkcionalna elegancija s odmakom / Functional
Detached Elegance
Uskrsne radosti / Easter Joys
Tema broja
Predivan pogled iz jedne od savudrijskih vila /
A beautiful view from one of the villa in Savudrija
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Foto: Arhiva DalCase
Kupnja nekretnine trend ili dobra investicija?
Svima je jasno da u Hrvatskoj vlada pravi “košmar” kad su cijene nekretnina u pitanju. Nekretnine
mahom kupuju stranci, investitori ulažu u nove projekte, dok se domaći kupci istodobno pitaju trebaju li čekati da se tržište stabilizira ne bi li uspjeli kupiti nekretninu po povoljnijim cijenama. Analitičari i ljudi koji se ozbiljno bave nekretninama, iako znaju biti kontradiktorni, slažu se oko jedne
bitne stvari – nekretnine na atraktivnim lokacijama neće pojeftiniti, a cijene bi mogle još rasti
ijene nekretnina u Hrvatskoj bilježe rast svake
godine. Ovisno o regiji i lokaciji koja vrijedi kao
atraktivna ili visoko atraktivna, naravno i o samoj arhitekturi i načinu, odnosno kvaliteti gradnje, cijene četvornog metra dosežu i nevjerojatnih 5000
eura po četvornome metru. Jasno, obnovljene i atraktivno adaptirane nekretnine u starim gradskim jezgrama
često znaju biti i skuplje od novoizgrađenih nekretnina
– apartmana, vila ili stambenih objekata. Naravno, nekretnine su najskuplje u hrvatskom primorju, i to u Istarskoj,
Primorsko-goranskoj i Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji.
No, ne zaostaju mnogo ni cijene nekretnina u okolici Splita, Zadra i Šibenika, a na nekim otocima cijene tek bilježe
rast i u sljedećih nekoliko godina bi tek mogle dosegnuti
svoj vrhunac. Cijene ne rastu samo na moru nego i u unutrašnjosti gdje su one, realno gledajući, ipak povoljnije, no
ako se vratimo desetak godina unatrag, onda se jasno
može vidjeti i dvostruko veći rast cijena. U Zagrebu se sredinom i krajem devedesetih godina mogao kupiti trosoban stan po nevjerojatnoj cijeni, ekvivalentnoj od samo
dvadesetak tisuća današnje europske monete.
S druge strane, postoje još neka mjesta i županije u kojima
su cijene nekretnina još uvijek prilično povoljne, a to su
središnji dio Ličko-senjske županije, Slavonija i Koprivničkokriževačka županija gdje cijene rijetko prelaze 1000 eura
po četvornome metru, čak i ako se radi o novogradnji.
Razlog niskih cijena u pojedinim regijama jest slabo zanimanje turista za tim nekretninama jer u tim područjima
nije osmišljena adekvatna i dovoljno atraktivna ponuda,
infrastruktura je loše riješena, veliki je postotak nezaposlenosti i slab je napredak, zbog čega takvi dijelovi Hrvatske bilježe sve veći postotak iseljenja. Tako dok u nekim
dijelovima Hrvatske postoji enormna potražnja za nekretninama, u drugim krajevima ima mnogo praznih kuća
koje nitko ne želi kupiti. No, kako je uopće došlo do rasta
Neprekidni rast cijena
Nakon Domovinskog rata cijene nekretnina u Hrvatskoj
bile su prilično niske i svaka investicija i kupnja se isplatila
jer danas iste te nekretnine vrijede i do četiri puta više.
Krajem devedesetih godina u primorju i u većim grado-
Foto: TZ / Juraj Mandraèeviæ
Hrvatska obala jedna je od najljepših u Europi, a za razliku od ostalih zemalja, u Hrvatskoj
još uvijek vlada idilična atmosfera / The Croatian coast is one of the most beautiful coasts in Europe, and unlike other countries, in Croatia there is still idyllic atmosphere
Apartmani na moru se još uvijek vrlo dobro prodaju. Na slici novosagrađeni apartmani uz samo more u Medulinu /
Apartments on the cost are still selling good. On the photo are newly apartments in Medulin, close to the sea
vima, poput Rijeke, Zagreba i Splita, cijene nekretnina su
počele rasti, no ne toliko drastično. Prije bi se moglo reći
da su nekretnine u tom razdoblju imale realnu cijenu – cijenu koja je bila optimalna i za kupca i za investitora. Kraj
devedesetih je donio i novu monetu – svima poznati euro,
koji je donio i sasvim nove cijene. Polako i neprimjetno, u
samo dvije godine, cijene nekretnina su se udvostručile
i dogodilo se da su cijene iz njemačkih maraka postale
cijene u eurima. Ono što je 1998. stajalo 40.000 maraka,
dvije godine poslije je zapadalo 40.000 eura. Do današnjeg dana cijene nisu ostale stabilne, nego su i dalje rasle, tako da se danas u nekim sredinama za četvorni metar u novijoj gradnji traži od 1500 do 3000 eura, ovisno o
regiji. Naravno, najteže je kupcima jer rast cijena pogađa
ponajprije njih. Istraživanje i raspitivanje kod agencija za
promet nekretninama sve to samo dodatno potvrđuje.
Primjerice, u gradu Rijeci je srednja tržišna cijena za dvosoban stan 2003. godine u prosjeku iznosila 63.000 eura,
dok je u 2005. godini prosječna cijena za stan iste površine bila gotovo 78.000 eura, što je povećanje od 22 posto
u samo dvije godine. Nešto manji rast cijena je zabilježen
kod garsonijera i manjih jednosobnih stanova, dok najveći rast ostvaruju dvosobni stanovi s dnevnom sobom. Dakle, može se zaključiti da u Hrvatskoj vlada pravi košmar
kad su cijene nekretnina u pitanju. Analitičari i ljudi koji
se ozbiljno bave nekretninama znaju biti kontradiktorni
u svojim ocjenama, ali većina ih se slaže s tvrdnjom da
nekretnine na atraktivnim lokacijama neće pojeftiniti, a
cijene bi mogle još rasti.
Agencije za promet nekretninama se slažu s ocjenom
kako su cijene u Hrvatskoj previsoke i da nipošto nisu realne, no prodaja nekretnina nije u znatnom opadanju iako
je 2005. godina zabilježena kao godina lošeg prometa.
Nekretnine u Hrvatskoj mahom kupuju stranci, a investitori
redovito ulažu u nove projekte, dok se kupci istodobno
pitaju trebaju li čekati da se tržište stabilizira ne bi li uspjeli
kupiti nekretninu po povoljnijim cijenama. No, stručnjaci
tvrde da čekanje ne donosi ništa dobro jer ono može dovesti i do gubitka od čak 40.000 eura godišnje, i to na stanu prosječne kvadrature. Cijene prelaze kupovnu moć
većine Hrvata, no stranim kupcima one nisu previsoke
te se zbog toga apartmani na moru još uvijek vrlo dobro
prodaju. S druge strane, svi koji se ozbiljno bave nekretninama tvrde kako bi se uskoro trebala dogoditi zamjetna
tržišna diversifikacija i cijena četvornog metra na atraktivnoj lokaciji će se barem zadržati ako neće rasti, dok će
lošije lokacije znatno izgubiti na cijeni.
Isplativost ulaganja u nekretnine?
Imajući na umu sve činjenice koje se tiču kupnje nekretnina i ulaganja u njih, nameće se pitanje koliko se uopće isplati kupovati nekretninu u Hrvatskoj. Realno gleda-
jući, novčano se malo kome isplati ako se uzme u obzir
umjetna i nerealna situacija na tržištu nekretnina. No, iste
te činjenice govore dovoljno same za sebe. Oni koji su
nekretninu u Hrvatskoj kupili prije nekoliko godina mogu
se smatrati sretnima jer su uspjeli izbjeći današnje stanje
na tržištu. Jednako kao i danas, i prije nekoliko godina su
mnogi tvrdili da su cijene previsoke i da će morati pasti,
no one su unatoč tome samo rasle, pa je stoga apsurdno
čekati da se tržište stabilizira. Visoke cijene su realnost, koliko god nerealno djelovale, a s kupnjom nekretnine ne
treba čekati. Što se hrvatskog primorja tiče, tu također
postoje različita mišljenja. Naime, mnogo je onih koji tvrde da su cijene enormne i da se kupnja nekretnine na
moru ne isplati, ali Hrvatska se po cijenama u primorju ne
razlikuje znatno od ostalih europskih destinacija koje se
mogu pohvaliti bogatim i kontinuiranim turističkim sezonama. Ljepote koje se mogu pronaći u Hrvatskoj moraju
imati svoju cijenu. Hrvatska obala jedna je od najljepših u
Europi, a za razliku od ostalih zemalja, u Hrvatskoj još uvijek vlada ona idilična atmosfera zbog koje je naša obala
jedna od najatraktivnijih u ovom dijelu svijeta.
Gradovi i mjesta poput Poreča, Umaga, Trogira i Dubrovnika ili otoka poput Krka, Paga i Brača, mogu se pohvaliti
ljepotama koje u najmanju ruku treba znati cijeniti. Stoga
je donekle i razumljivo da je kupnja nekretnine u takvim
mjestima luksuz koji mora imati visoku cijenu. Konkretnog
zaključka nema i sumnjam da će ga uskoro biti jer nitko
ne može predvidjeti stanje na tržištu nekretnina. Onaj tko
to može, bit će milijunaš.
Na pojedincima je da razmisle u što se upuštaju, odnosno
u kakvim su materijalnim mogućnostima, koliko im je potrebna nekretnina ili apartman za ljetovanje i koliko su se
spremni žrtvovati da bi posjedovali istu nekretninu. Čekati
ili ne, to je pitanje na koje se ne može dati realan odgovor, ali se s velikom dozom sigurnosti može zaključiti da
cijene u elitnim naseljima i mjestima na moru neće padati
u skoroj budućnosti. Naprotiv, one bi mogle još više rasti.
Umjesto kupnje nekretnine postoje i alternativne metode,
ali one često ne donose ništa pozitivno i sumnjam da će
netko uštedjeti ako se odluči na podstanarstvo ili na ljetovanje u unajmljenom apartmanu. Mjesečna rata koju je
potrebno izdvojiti za kupnju dvosobnog stana je gotovo
jednaka onoj koju valja izdvojiti za mjesečnu najamninu.
Rizik je uvijek prisutan
Što se investiranja tiče, situacija je slična. Postoje lokacije
koje su na visokoj cijeni i investiranje je vrlo rizično jer se
radi o terenima koji dosežu vrtoglave cijene. No, investitori su često pažljivi pa biraju one lokacije koje se još uvijek
mogu kupiti po razumnim cijenama, ali prije same kupnje
i odabira takve lokacije, potrebno je dobro ocijeniti i mikrolokaciju i potencijal koji takva lokacija u budućnosti
Atraktivno uređen interijer ubrzava prodaju nekretnine /
Attractive interiors speeds up purchasing of real estate
Villa Pink u Šibeniku / Villa Pink in Šibenik
može ponuditi. Ulaskom Hrvatske u EU neće se dogoditi rast cijena na svim lokacijama, dakle jasno je da će i
dalje ostati regije u kojima cijene neće rasti, a u kojima
se turizam neće razviti, stoga investitori tvrde kako takve
lokacije valja izbjegavati još neko vrijeme. Naime, regiju
koja ne nude nikakav potencijal, malo tko može spasiti, a
to se ne događa samo u Hrvatskoj nego u cijelom svijetu.
Uvijek postoje atraktivne i manje atraktivne lokacije, dakle
isplative i manje isplative investicije. Rizik je uvijek prisutan,
kao i kod svakog ozbiljnijeg posla i projekta koji zahtijeva
velika financijska ulaganja. No, kao primjer mogu poslužiti
brojni investitori koji su uz stručno investiranje i planiranje
uspjeli pretvoriti neke lokacije u visoko atraktivne.
Mišljenje stručnjaka
Što se tiče trenutačnog stanja na tržištu u Hrvatskoj, svoje nam je mišljenje iznio i gospodin Goran Križanec, direktor Dal Casa grupe. Gospodin Križanec kaže kako je
volumen, odnosno broj transakcija umanjen u prethodnih
6 do 12 mjeseci, te da kupci postaju sve izbirljiviji. Ipak,
on navodi kako je u posljednjih godinu i pol prodao oko
pedesetak vila s bazenima na području Istre. No, kad su
domaći kupci u pitanju, situacija je nešto drukčija jer ljudi
iz Hrvatske imaju određen limit i rijetko se odlučuju na kupnju nekretnina iznad 80.000, maksimalno 100.000 eura,
točnije oko 1800 eura po četvornome metru. Gospodin
Križanec se slaže s činjenicom da su cijene u nekim krajevima pretjerane te da vlada nesklad između cijena i ponude. Kao primjere navodi neke europske zemlje, poput
Španjolske i Portugala, koje imaju znatno jaču ponudu
kad je turizam u pitanju, te smatra kako cijene nekretnina
na našoj obali ne bi trebale prelaziti cijenu od optimalnih 2000 eura po četvornome metru jer bi na taj način i
kupci i investirori mogli biti zadovoljni. Gospodin Križanec
je također radio i kao broker te smatra kako je pametno
investiranje u Hrvatskoj još uvijek itekako isplativo, unatoč
činjenici da su kupci sve izbirljiviji.
Slično mišljenje ima i predsjednik društva Lirika Nekretnine
dipl. ing. Žarko Kovačić, koji kaže kako najveće bogatstvo leži upravo u hrvatskoj obali. On drži kako će doći do
velikog investicijskog ciklusa kada se usklade svi prostorni
planovi po vertikali, a to će se posebno osjetiti u turističkim zonama. Kada su u pitanju već devastirana područja, primjerice potez od Splita do Omiša, Kovačić tvrdi
kako se ništa neće promijeniti ni za dvadeset godina.
“Najveći potencijal su hrvatski otoci ili slabo naseljena područja kao što su Pelješac i dubrovačko primorje”, kaže
Žarko Kovačić, te dodaje:
“Gotovi projekti i turistička društva na jadranskoj obali su
trenutačno kompletno na prodaji, ali po ovim cijenama
za to nema interesa; većina tih investitora - špekulanata
je unaprijed uračunala dodatnu premiju u cijenu s ulaskom u EU. Apartmanski projekti po trenutačnim cijenama
gotovo da se ne prodaju i veći su 20 posto od potražnje.
Što se Zagreba tiče, potražnja je velika, ali i isto tako i cijene. Cijene u zonama oko Jaruna su se izjednačile s većinom zona na sjeveru, što je teško shvatljivo. Odnos nerezidencijalnih zona i rezidencijalnih u EU-u je od 1:2 do 1:6. U
Zagrebu se to gotovo izjednačilo. Novi trend u EU-u je dolazak pješice u sami centar, time bi Gornji grad i Šalata bili
i najatraktivnije lokacije. Rast kapitala u bankama, porezi
na nekretnine i kapitalnu dobit trebali bi učiniti korekciju u
Zagrebu jer su nekretnine postale investicija.
Ljepote koje se mogu pronaći u Hrvatskoj moraju imati svoju cijenu / The beauties that can be found in Croatia must
have high price
Cover st
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Photo: DalCasa archive
Purchasing a Real Estate a Trend or a Good Investment?
Everybody realizes that when it comes to real estate prices, there is a true nightmare in Croatia.
Real estates are bought by foreigners; investors invest in new projects, while the buyers at the
same time ask themselves should they wait for the market to stabilize in order to purchase the
real estate at more favourable prices. Analysts and people that deal with real estates, although
they can be contradictory, agree in one important matter – real estate in attractive locations will
not become cheaper, and the prices could even increase
eal estate prices in Croatia have been increasing each year. Depending on the region and on
the location which is defined as an attractive or
highly attractive, of course it also depends on the
architecture itself and on the building quality, the prices
per square meter reach up to 5000 euros. Renewed and
attractively adapted real estates in old city cores can often be even more expensive than newly-built buildings,
apartments, villas or residential facilities. Of course, real
estates are more expensive on the Croatian coast, respectively in Primorsko-goranska district and Dubrovačkoneretvanska district. But, even real estate prices in the surrounding area of Split, Zadar and Šibenik and even on
some islands do not fall behind and in the next few years
they could reach their peak. Prices are not just increasing
on the coast, but also in the continental part of Croatia,
Cijane nekeretnina na elitnim lokacijama na moru neće padati u skoroj
budućnosti / Prices of real estates in
elite locations near the sea will not
be dropping any time soon
where, truth be told, the prices are still more favourable,
although when looking at the prices some ten years ago,
it can clearly be seen that the prices have doubled. Towards the end of the nineties one could have purchased
a three-bedroom apartment in Zagreb at an incredible
price which is now equivalent to some twenty thousand
On the other hand, there are still certain places and
districts where real estate prices are still quite favourable, and these are the middle part of Ličko-senjska district, Slavonia and Koprivničko-križevačka district where
prices rarely surpass 1000 euros per square meter, even
if the real estate in question is a newly built one. The reason why these prices are so low in certain regions is the
little interest the tourists have for these properties because in these areas there isn’t an adequate and a sufficiently attractive offer, the infrastructure is badly done,
there is a big unemployment rate and weak progress.
This is why these parts of Croatia mark a growing emigration rate. So, while in some parts of the country there
is an enormous demand for real estates, in other parts
there are many empty houses nobody wants to buy.
But, how did it come to such a big increase in real estate prices?
The Continuing Growth of Prices
After the war real estate prices in Croatia were quite low
and each investment and purchase paid off because today the same properties are worth even four times more.
In the late nineties in the coastal area as well as in larger
cities such as Rijeka, Zagreb, and Split prices began to
grow, but not as drastically as they are today. It would be
better to say that in that period the real estates had a reasonable price – a price which was optimal for the buyer
and for the investor. The late nineties also brought a new
currency – the well-known Euro, which brought whole
new prices. Slowly and inconspicuously, in only two years
time the prices doubled and what was once a price expressed in German Marks, was now expressed in Euros. A
property which cost 40.000 marks in 1998 became 40.000
euros two years later. The prices have remained unstable
even today and are still growing, so nowadays, depending on the region, in some parts one can pay from 1500
to 3000 euros per square meter in newly-built buildings. Of
Cover st
Foto: TZ / Ivo Pervan
Najveći potencijal su hrvatski otoci ili slabo naseljena
područja / The greatest potentials are Croatian islands
or poorly inhabited areas
course, all of this falls on the back of the buyers which are
directly involved in this growth of prices. Research and inquiries in the real estate agencies just additionally confirm
this situation. For example, in Rijeka the middle trading
price for a two-bedroom apartment in 2003 amounted
averagely 63.000 euros, while in 2005 the average price
for the same apartment was almost 78.000 euros, which is
a 22% increase in just two years. Somewhat smaller price
growth was noted in studios and smaller one-bedroom
apartments, while the biggest growth was achieved by
two-bedroom apartments with a living room. Therefore,
it can be concluded that in Croatia there is a true nightmare when it comes to real estate prices. Analysts and
people that deal with real estates, although they can
be contradictory, agree in one important matter – real
estate in attractive locations will not become cheaper,
and the prices could even increase. Real estate agencies agree with the estimation that the prices in Croatia
are too high and by no means realistic, but the real estate sale is not decreasing although 2005 was marked as
a year of bad market exchange. Real estates in Croatia
are mostly bought by foreigners; investors regularly invest
in new projects while the buyers at the same time ask
themselves should they wait for the market to stabilize
in order to purchase the real estate at more favourable
prices. But experts claim that waiting doesn’t contribute
much because it can lead to a loss of some 40.000 euros annually; this also applies to apartments with average
surface area. Prices exceed the purchasing power of
most Croatians, but to foreigners they are not too high
and this is the reason why suits on the cost are still selling
good. On the other hand, all people who deal with real
estates claim that soon a distinct market diversification
should occur, and that the price of a square meter on an
attractive location should at least, if not grow, stay the
same, while there should be a decrease in prices of some
unattractive locations.
What Is the Cost Effectiveness in Real Estate Investments?
Bearing in mind all the facts regarding the purchase
and investments in real estate a question arises whether
it pays off to purchase a real estate in Croatia. From a
realistic point of view, when looking at the money market it pays off to purchase a real estate when taking in
ury which must have a high price. There is no definite
conclusion and I doubt one will be made any time soon
because nobody can predict the condition on the real
estate market. The one, who can do that, will become a
millionaire. It is up to the individuals to think about what
they are getting themselves into, respectively what is
their purchasing ability, how much do they need a real
estate or an apartment just for the summer and just how
much are they willing to sacrifice to own that real estate. To wait or not to wait, that is the question which
cannot be answered in a realistic manner, but it can be
concluded with great dose of certainty that the prices
in elite locations and coastal places will not be dropping any time soon. On the contrary, they might even
grow some more. Instead of purchasing a real estate
there are alternative methods, but they frequently do
not bring something positive and I doubt anybody will
save money on renting or spending their summer in a
leased suite.
The monthly rate one needs to put aside for purchasing
a two-apartment bedroom is almost equal to the one
that needs to be set aside for a monthly rent.
Stare istarske kuće jako su zanimljive strancima / Old
Istrian houses are very interesting for foreigners
consideration the artificial and unrealistic situation on
the real estate market. But, those same facts speak for
themselves. People that bought a real estate in Croatia
several years back can consider themselves lucky because they have managed to avoid the current condition on the market. Just like now, several years ago people claimed that the prices were too high and that they
would have to become more favourable, but in spite of
all that the prices kept rising, and it is therefore absurd to
wait for the market to stabilize. High prices are our reality, and no matter how high they might seem one should
not wait when purchasing a real estate. As far as the
Croatian coast is concerned, there are also many different opinions. Many people claim that the prices are
enormous and that it doesn’t pay off to purchase a real
estate on the coast, but when it comes to our coastal
area Croatia is no different from other European destinations which have rich and successful tourist seasons.
The Croatian coast is one of the most beautiful coasts in
Europe, and unlike other countries, in Croatia there is still
that idyllic atmosphere which makes our coast one of
the most attractive coasts in this part of the world.
Towns and places such as Poreč, Umag, Trogir and Dubrovnik or islands such as Krk, Pag and Brač can take
pride in the beauties which one, at the very least, needs
to appreciate. Therefore it is somewhat understandable
that purchasing a real estate in such locations is a lux-
Risk Is Always Present
As far as investing is concerned, the situation is similar.
There are locations which have a high price making investments very risky because those terrains reach staggering prices. Therefore investors are frequently very
careful and choose locations which can still be bought
at reasonable prices, but before the purchase itself and
prior to choosing such a location, it is necessary to estimate the microlocation and the potential such a location can offer in the future. When Croatia enters in the
European Union there will not be an increase in prices in
all locations, therefore it is clear that the regions where
the prices will no longer grow, and where the tourism will
not develop, shall remain the same and the investors
claim that such locations should be avoided for some
time. Namely, nobody can save a region which offers no
potential, and this happens all over the world, not just in
Croatia. There are always attractive and less attractive locations, respectively cost effective and less cost effective
investments. A certain amount of risk is always present, as
in any other serious business and project which demands
big financial investments. For example, there are many
investors which, with expert investing and planning, have
managed to turn some locations into highly attractive
Opinion of an expert
As far as the current condition on the Croatian market
is concerned, even chief officer of the Dal Casa group
– Mr. Goran Križanec gave us his opinion. Mr. Križanec
says that the volume, that is the number of transactions,
decreased in the last 6 to 12 months, and that the buyers
are becoming more demanding. Nevertheless, he says
that in the last year and a half he sold around 50 villas
with pools in Istria. But when it comes to domestic buyers, the situation is somewhat different because people
from Croatia have a certain limit and rarely decide to
purchase a real estate above 80.000, maximum 100.000
euros, to be more precise around 1800 euros per square
Centar Zagreba postaje jako tražen i atraktivan / The cener
of Zagreb is becoming very searched and attractive
meter. Mr. Križanec agrees with the fact that the prices in
some areas are unreasonable and that there is a disproportion between the prices and the offer. As examples
he lists some European countries like Spain and Portugal,
which have a significantly better tourist offer and considers that real estate prices on our coast shouldn’t exceed
an optimum price of 2000 euros per square meter because in that way the investors and the buyers would be
Mr. Križanac also worked as a broker and considers that a
wise investment in Croatia is still cost effective despite the
fact that the buyers are getting more demanding. A similar opinion is shared by the president of the Lirika Real Estate Association engineer Žarko Kovačić which says that
the greatest treasure lies exactly on the Croatian coast.
He thinks that there will be a great investment cycle when
all spatial development plans harmonize vertically which
will be especially visible in tourist zones. When discussing
devastated areas such as the area from Split to Omiš,
Kovačić claims that nothing will change, not even in the
next twenty years.
“The greatest potentials are Croatian islands or poorly
inhabited areas such as Pelješac and the coast around
Dubrovnik”, says Žarko Kovačić and adds:
“Finished projects and tourist associations on the Adriatic
coast are at the moment all on sale, but at these prices
the interest is not high; most of these investors – profiteers
calculated in advance the additional premium on the
cost that will arise by entering into the European Union.
Apartment projects at current prices are practically not
being sold and are 20% bigger than the demand.
As far as Zagreb is concerned, the demand is big, but so
are the prices. The prices in zones around the lake Jarun
have equalized with most zones on the north, which is inapprehensible. The relationship between non-residential
and residential zones has from 1:2 to 1:6 practically equalized in Zagreb. A new trend in the EU is coming on foot
to the very centre which would make Gornji Grad and
Šalata most attractive locations. The growth of capital
in banks, taxes on real estates and capital profit should
make a correction in Zagreb because real estates became an investment.”
stanova je
u intimnosti
Poznati nogometaš Goran Vlaović, nakon
17 godina uspješne nogometne karijere,
hrabro se okušao i kao građevinski investitor. Iako je nogomet i dalje njegova prva
ljubav, iskreno nam je iznio svoja mišljenja
i buduće planove vezane uz sve primamljiviji svijet graditeljstva
Razgovarala: Martina Kocijan
oran Vlaović bivši je hrvatski sportaš, a nakon
17 godina profesionalne nogometne karijere,
odnedavno i građevinski investitor. Poznati
35-godišnji napadač hrvatske reprezentacije
igrao je za NK Osijek, Dinamo, talijansku Padovu, španjolsku Valenciju, te grčki Panathinaikos. Stekao je titulu
najboljeg strijelca, sa zabijenim 61 golom. Za hrvatsku je
reprezentaciju, noseći broj 19, odigrao 52 utakmice i sa
16 postignutih pogodaka na drugom je mjestu najboljih
strijelaca u povijesti reprezentacije, iza Davora Šukera.
Najviše ga se pamti po “vatrenim“ golovima na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Francuskoj. Trenutačno nogomet igra
samo rekreativno. Posljednji je nastup imao u dresu momčadi Vlaovići, malonogometnoj ekipi sastavljenoj od prezimenjaka, i to uglavnom rođaka. No, iako ulazi u građevinske vode, ne odustaje od nogometne karijere. Nakon
završetka trenerske škole, najavljuje povratak na zelene
površine i nove uspjehe u najvažnijoj sporednoj stvari na
Na zagrebačkom Jarunu gradi sedam stambenih objekata sa 21 stanom, na ukupno 2000 četvornih metara.
Svaka zgrada imat će po tri stana, od 55 do 98 kvadrata,
a prodavat će se po cijeni nešto nižoj od uobičajene za
jarunsko područje, od 2350 eura po četvornome metru.
Svaki će stan imati privatno parkirališno mjesto, hidromasažne kade, vrhunsku stolariju, drvenariju i kupaoničku
galanteriju. Naravno, nezaobilazne su i talijanske pločice.
Posebnost Vlaovićevih stanova očituje se u nekoliko segmenata: od vrhunske opremljenosti, kvalitetne izvedbe
do riješene papirologije. Gradit će se dvije vrste stanova;
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
manji u potkrovlju s velikom terasom i izgledom penthousa i nešto veći u prizemlju i na prvom katu.
Naš sugovornik je hrabro izdržao torturu podužeg intervjua i iskreno iznio svoja mišljenja i buduće planove vezane uz sve primamljiviji svijet graditeljstva. U taj svijet, kao i
onaj nogometni, ulazi na velika vrata.
Poznati ste hrvatski nogometaš i ljudi vas pamte po impresivnoj sportskoj karijeri. Mnogi su pretpostavljali da
ćete nastaviti u tom smjeru. Što vas je navelo na ulazak u
građevinarske vode i investiciju u nekretnine?
Bez obzira što u ovome trenutku nisam toliko involviran u
hrvatski nogomet, na neki sam način u njemu prisutan i bit
ću još više nakon završetka trenerske škole. S obzirom na
okruženje koje me dočekalo kad sam se vratio iz Grčke, i
to što se većina mojih prijatelja s kojima sam trenirao počela baviti građevinarstvom, došao sam na ideju da i ja
pokušam. Možda i najviše zbog toga što je građevinarstvo jedna od najsigurnijih grana investiranja. Vjerujem da
ima i profitabilnijih djelatnosti, no ulaganje u nekretnine je
sigurna stvar. Znaš u što ulažeš i koliko će ti se vratiti, nema
imaginarnosti, a nekretninu uvijek možeš prodati bez straha da će ona izgubiti na vrijednosti ili nestati.
Arhitekturu i projektiranje povjerili ste iskusnom arhitektu
Oskaru Fleischeru. Zašto ste izabrali upravo tog arhitekta i
koja je glavna ideja vašega zajedničkog rada?
Suradnja upravo s tim arhitektom nastala je iz razloga što
je radio s ljudima koji mi pomažu u ovome poslu i zbog
kojih sam krenuo u biznis. Jednostavno, smatram da svoj
Mini naselje sa sedam zgrada smješteno na Jarunu / Mini-settlement
with seven buildings is located in Jarun
posao obavlja vrlo dobro, što je pokazao na drugim projektima, i tu nema neke posebne priče. Mogao bih reći
da se u ovome slučaju izreka “dobar glas daleko se čuje“
pokazala istinitom.
Koliko se isplati investirati u gradnju stanova?
Činjenica je da se puno gradi i da je potražnja za stanovima povećana, a to najbolje govori o samoj isplativosti.
Mislim da je ta grana djelatnosti još uvijek profitabilna i da
će tako biti i ubuduće. Najvažnije je naći dobre lokacije i
projekte, te, na kraju krajeva, biti do kraja pošten i odgovoran. Tako će uvijek biti profitabilnosti. Čitao sam da je
mnogim svjetskim biznismenima prvi posao bio upravo
građevinarstvo. To mi se učinilo simpatično, no na članak
sam naišao tek nakon odluke da ću investirati u izgradnju
Stanovi vaših zgrada protezat će se kroz cijele etaže. Što
ste željeli postići takvom organizacijom prostora?
Gradimo kućice u nizu, a između stanova postoji veliki sloj
izolacije koji ne dopušta prolaz zvukova. Na taj način svaki stanar ima samo po dva susjeda i time dobiva na većoj
intimnosti. Također, generalni urbanistički plan je takav
da se na tom području može graditi samo do određene visine. Zbog toga smo odlučili napraviti sedam zgrada
s 21 stanom. Kroz jedan ulaz ulazit će samo tri stanara,
odnosno obitelji. Samim time povećava se sigurnost i intimnost, koje su danas vrlo bitne.
Unutar stanova današnjih zgrada grade se tanki zidovi
što stanare prisiljava da čuju svaki govor svojih susjeda,
kao da žive u istom kućanstvu. Čini se da će vaši stanovi
riješiti taj problem.
Taj će se problem zasigurno riješiti ovakvim načinom gradnje. Osobno smatram da kad ljudi nešto plaćaju, moraju biti i zadovoljni time što će dobiti. Također, ideja je bila
riješiti probleme te vrste.
Što vašim stanovima daje epitet ekskluzivni? Znači li to
da će privlačiti samo ekskluzivnije kupce?
U današnje vrijeme to je izraz koji se olako upotrebljava.
Svi misle da rade ekskluzivne stanove bez obzira gdje se
nalaze. Ekskluzivnost mojih stanova mogla bi se pronaći
u pružanju intimnosti i sigurnosti, a također i u tome što
gradimo mini naselje sa sedam zgrada koje su odvojene
i smještene na Jarunu. Vjerujem da je osim u kvaliteti izvedbe, za koju jamčim, intimnost najveći ekskluzivitet ovoga
projekta. Stanove će kupiti oni kojima se svide i koji će ih
sebi moći priuštiti, bez obzira bili ti kupci imućniji ili ne.
Iako je novogradnja na Jarunu zaista skupa te na pojedinim mjestima uz jezero doseže i od 3500 eura po četvornome metru, odlučili ste se za razumniju cijenu, od 2350
eura po kvadratu. Koji je glavni motiv sniženja cijene četvornog metra?
Smatram da je cijena koju nudimo trenutačno realna na
tržištu. Bez obzira na visoke cijene drugih stanova, mislim
da se one u stvarnosti ne postižu. Kad kupci uspiju sniziti cijenu preskupog četvornog metra, misle kako su time
nešto dobili i dobro prošli, a cijena od početka nije bila
realna. Omjer kvalitete i cijene mojih stanova je pozitivan
i vjerujem da će ga kupci znati prepoznati.
Što će, po vašemu mišljenju, najviše privući kupce za kupnju stanova koje gradite i zbog čega ste odabrali lokaciju Jarun?
Na tu sam se lokaciju odlučio ponajprije zbog čistih papira. Sasvim je slučajno zemljište bilo na Jarunu. Dakako,
da je zemljište bilo na nekom tržišno nezanimljivom prostoru, ne bih se odlučio na kupnju. Jarun je, na sreću, vrlo
tražena lokacija i zanimljiva kupcima. Ljudi sami stvaraju
ideje gdje bi htjeli živjeti, a osobito ih privlači ako je neki
kvart poznat po izgrađenoj infrastrukturi, dobar za život i
s brojnim popratnim sadržajima. Kupnja stana tada postaje razlog broj jedan. Iza moga imena postoji određe-
na sigurnost jer nisam osoba sumnjive prošlosti. Kupci će to
znati prepoznati. Ono što se dogovori i obeća, potencijalnim kupcima bit će ispoštovano. U to možete biti sigurni. U
ovome poslu najviše me veseli upravo činjenica da ono što
obećam da ću izvršiti, ovisi samo o meni. Kupce će najviše
privlačiti čisti papiri.
Vaše će zgrade biti veselih boja sa staklenim površinama.
Koje ste boje odabrali i imaju li one za vas neko posebno
Odabrane boje nemaju neko posebno značenje, one su
samo dogovor s arhitektom. Zanimljivo je da su naselje zbog
šarenih boja fasada prozvali “Veselo naselje“. Osobno smatram da će se stanari osjećati ugodnije okruženi vizualno lijepim.
Useljenje se planira početkom jeseni / Plan is to occupy the apartments in the beginning of autumn
Kada planirate useljenje i postoje li zainteresirani kupci?
Plan za useljenje je krajem ljeta, tj. početkom jeseni. Mjesec
dana ne igra veliku ulogu, već je bitno da sve bude maksimalno korektno i uredno. Imamo jako puno zainteresiranih,
no još uvijek smo u fazi gradnje. Nakon završetka cijeloga projekta, vjerujem da će biti još više zainteresiranih.
Planirate li izgradnju novih zgrada na nekim drugim lokacijama? Hoćete li se i dalje baviti građevinarstvom?
Iako imam namjeru nastaviti, to će dakako ovisiti o mnogo
stvari, no ne vidim razloga zašto ne bih nastavio s građevinarstvom. Zasad me to zadovoljava i veseli, nije naporno,
a najbolje od svega je to što sam sam svoj gazda. Nakon
17 godina profesionalnog bavljenja sportom, gdje sam bio
jedna vrsta sportskog vojnika, odgovara mi da sam određujem vrijeme koje ću provesti na poslu. Lokacije koje planiram
bit će zanimljive, projekti bi mogli biti veći, ali i manji, no, planovi su jedno, a realizacija nešto sasvim drugo.
Jeste li razmišljali o izgradnji povoljnijih stanova na Jadranu?
Imam namjeru i želju graditi i na moru, no vezano uz turizam,
a ne stanovanje. Mislim da postoji dovoljno lokalnih ljudi koji
se bave stanogradnjom, a turistički apartmani su zanimljivi
i postat će sve zanimljiviji, osobito nakon što uđemo u famoznu Europsku uniju. Tada bi se krdo ljudi moglo spustiti na
naše more.
Naselje su zbog šarenih boja fasada prozvali “Veselo
naselje“ / The settlement, due to its colourful facades,
was called the “Merry Settlement”
Koji su vaši daljnji planovi vezani uz nogomet i tko čini ekipu
Ekipa Vlaovići je ekipa iz moje Slavonije, moja rodbina. Zajedno igramo mali nogomet, a budući da se svi prezivaju
Vlaović, bilo im je zanimljivo nazvati se tim imenom, vjerojatno i zbog toga što sam svoje prezime prenio po svijetu. U
Zagrebu polazim različite rekreacije, a sa svojom momčadi
već godinama nastupam na malonogometnim turnirima
Kutija šibica. Neki od igrača su moji bivši suigrači iz Dinama i
Osijeka. Trenutačno studiram na Akademiji hrvatskog nogometnog saveza i u zadnjoj sam fazi stjecanja diplome profesionalnog trenera. Smatram da je nogomet materija koju
najbolje poznajem i s kojom ću se u budućnosti zasigurno i
dalje baviti.
Postoji li mogućnost da jednog dana stanete na mjesto Slavena Bilića, sadašnjega izbornika hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije?
Vjerujem da je svakom potencijalnom treneru san da jednog dana postane izbornikom. Dakako da postoji i ta mogućnost.
oran Vlaović is a former football player and
after 17 years of professional football career, as of recently he is a building investor.
This famous 35-yearold offensive player of
the Croatian football team played for various football
clubs like Osijek, Dinamo, Italian Padova, Spanish Valencia, and the Greek Panathinaikos. He acquired the
top scorer title with 61 scored goals. Carrying number 19
he played for the Croatian national team 52 times and
scored 16 goals which places him on the second place
in the history of the Croatian national football team, right
behind Davor Šuker. He is mostly memorized for his “fire”
goals on the world championship in France. Currently
he only plays football for recreational purposes. The last
team he played in was a team called the Vlaovići, an
indoor soccer team which consists of men which have
the last name Vlaović and are predominantly his cousins.
But, even though he is now entering in building business,
he did not quit his football career. After having finished
coach shool, he announces his return on the green surfaces and new successes in the most important secondary thing in the world.
He is building seven residential facilities with 21 apartments on Jarun in Zagreb, which comprises a total of 2000
square meters. Each building will have three apartments,
from 55 to 98 square meters, and one square meter will
be available at somewhat more favourable prices (2350
euros per square meter) than the ones which are usual for
that area. Each apartment will have its own private parking space, hydro-massage bathtubs, supreme woodwork
and bathroom gallantry. Of course, one mustn’t forget
the Italian tiles. The specialty of these apartments can
be seen in different elements: from supreme equipment,
The Exclusivity
of My
Is in Their
Our famous football player Goran Vlaović has,
after seventeen years of a successful football
career, boldly decided to get into the building
investment business. Although football is still
his first love, he truthfully expressed his opinions and future plans related to this tempting
building world
Interviewed by: Martina Kocijan
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
quality production to clean paperwork. Two types of
apartments are being built; smaller loft apartments with
a big terrace which look like a penthouse and somewhat bigger apartments on the ground floor and on
the first floor. Our collocutor boldly endured the torture
of our long interview and openly expressed his opinions
and plans related with this tempting world of construction. In this world, as well as in the football world, he enters
through the front door.
You are a famous Croatian football player and people
remember you because of your impressive football career. Many people assumed you were going to continue
in that direction. What made you enter into the building
world and into investments in real estates?
Notwithstanding that in this moment I am not so involved
in the Croatian football, in a way I am present in it and I will
be present even more after finishing coach school. Considering the environment I found after coming back from
Greece, and because most of my friends I trained with
started being occupied with building, I came up with the
idea to try it myself. Perhaps most of all because building
became one of the safest investing branches. I believe
that there are more profitable industries, but investing in
real estate is a sure thing. You know what you are investing in and how much profit will you make out of it, there is
no imagination, and you can always sell your real estate
without fearing it will lose its value or disappear.
You confided architectural solutions and projecting to
an experienced architect Oskar Fleischer. Why did you
choose exactly that architect and what is the basic idea
of your mutual work?
Arhitektura i projektiranje povjereni su arhitektu Oskaru
Fleischeru / Architectural solutions were confided to the
architect Oskar Fleischer
Cooperation with this architect happened because he
worked with people who are helping me in this project
and because of whom I started this business. I just think
that he does his job extremely well which he showed in
other projects so there in no special story behind our cooperation. It could be said that the saying “good reputation travels far” proved to be truthful.
Just how cost effective is it to invest in building apartments?
It’s a fact that there is a lot of building going on in Croatia
and that the demand has increased, and this speaks for
itself when it comes to cost effectiveness. I believe that
this industry is still profitable and that it will remain like that
in the future. The most important thing is to find good locations and projects, and, down the line, to be honest
and responsible. In that way a project will always be profitable. I have read that many world businessmen started
their career with building. I thought that was quite nice,
but I only came across that article after having decided
to invest in real estate building.
Apartments in your buildings will spread through all levels. What did you want to achieve by such spatial organization?
We are building houses in arrow, and between the apartments there will be a big insulation layer which is soundproof. In that way each tenant will have only two neighbors which assures a greater degree of privacy. Also, the
general town-planning scheme is such that in that area
one can build only to a certain height. This is why we have
decided to build only seven buildings with 21 apartments.
One gateway will be used just by three tenants, that is
families. Just by doing that there is an increased degree of
safety and privacy which are very important these days.
Today many buildings are built with thin partition walls
which forces people to hear each conversation their neighbors have, as if they were living in the same household. It
seems that your apartments will solve this problem.
This problem will certainly be solved by building this way.
I personally think that when people are paying for something, they also must be pleased with what they are gaining. The idea was to solve problems of this kind as well.
What gives your apartments the epithet exclusive? Does
this mean that they will attract only exclusive buyers?
In contemporary times it is an expression which is easily
used. Everybody thinks they are building exclusive apartments no matter where they are situated. The exclusivity
of my apartments could be found in providing privacy
and security, and also in the fact that we are building a
mini-settlement with seven buildings which are separated
and located in Jarun. I believe that, besides the production quality which I vouch for, the greatest exclusivity of
this project is privacy. Apartments will be purchased by
people which will like them and which can afford them,
whether the buyers are wealthy or not.
Although newly-built buildings on Jarun are truly expensive and in some locations near the lake reach up to 3500
euros per square meter, you have chosen a much more
reasonable price – 2350 euros per square meter. What
was the basic motif for reducing the price?
I think that the price we are currently offering is realistic on
the market. Regardless of the high prices of other apartments, I believe that they are not truly being achieved on
the market. When buyers manage to reduce the price
of an excessively expensive square meter, they think that
they gained something and that they made a good deal,
but the price was not realistic from the start. The ratio between the quality and the price of my apartments is a positive one and I believe that the buyers will recognize it.
In your opinion, what will mostly attract the buyers to purchase apartments you are building and what made you
choose Jarun as a location for your project?
I chose this location first of all because of clean documentation. And by accident, the location was on Jarun.
Of course, if the plot had been on some unattractive
location, I wouldn’t have decided to purchase it. Luckily, Jarun is a very attractive location and it is interesting
to the buyers. People create ideas of where they want
to live on their own, and they are especially attracted
to a neighborhood which is known for its infrastructure,
high life quality and numerous other amenities. Then purchasing an apartment becomes reason number one. My
name stands for certain security because I am not a per-
Svaki će stan imati privatno parkirališno mjesto, hidromasažne kade, vrhunsku stolariju, drvenariju i kupaoničku galanteriju / Each apartment will have its own private parking space, hydro-massage bathtubs, supreme woodwork
and bathroom gallantry
son with a shady past. Buyers will recognize it. Potential
buyers will get everything we promised and agreed on.
You can be sure of that. What I mostly look forward to in
this business is the fact that what I promise, I will complete,
everything is up to me. Buyers will mostly be attracted to
clean documentation.
Your buildings will be in cheerful colours with lots of glass
surfaces. Which colours have you chosen and do they
have a special meaning for you?
The chosen colours do not have any special meaning;
they are just a part of our deal with the architect. It is interesting that the settlement, due to its colourful facades,
was called the “Merry Settlement”. I personally think that
the tenants will feel more comfortable surrounded by
something that is visually beautiful.
to the necessity for green surfaces.
When will occupancy be available and are there any potential buyers?
Our plan is to occupy the apartments by the end of this
summer, respectively in the beginning of autumn. One
month does not have a big role, it only matters to make
everything maximally correct and in order. We have a
lot of potential buyers, but we are still in the construction
phase. I believe that, after finishing the entire project,
there will be even a greater interest for our buildings.
Do you have plans to build new buildings in some other
locations? Will you stay in the building business?
Although I plan to continue investing, it will depend on
many things, but now I cannot find any reason for not continuing with this business. So far all of this pleases me and
makes me happy, it is not hard, and the best of all is that
I am my own boss. After seventeen years in professional
sport, where I was in fact some kind of a sport soldier, it
suits me to determine the time I will spend working. The
locations I plan to build on will be interesting, projects
might be bigger or even smaller, but plans are one thing
while realization is another.
Have you given any thought to building more apartments at more favourable prices on the coast?
I have the intention and the desire to build on the coast,
but that will be related to tourism, not to residential building. I believe that there are enough locals that deal with
residential building, and tourist apartments are interesting and will continue to be even more interesting, especially after we enter in the famous European Union.
When that happens, crowds of people might be coming
on our coast.
What are your further plans related to football and what
is the football team “Vlaovići”?
Team Vlaovići is my team from Slavonia, my family. We
play indoor soccer together, and since we all have
the same last name, they found it interesting to name
the team that way, probably because I made our last
name famous around the world. In Zagreb I do all kinds
of recreational sports, and my team and I have been
attending indoor soccer tournaments in Kutija Šibica for
many years. Some of my players are my former teammates from Dinamo and Osijek. I am currently attending
the Academy of the Croatian Football Association and I
am in the last phase of getting a degree in professional
coaching. I believe that football is something I know best
and which will certainly be my profession in the future.
Is there a possibility for you to stand on the place of
Slaven Bilić, the current selector of the Croatian football
team, somewhere in the future?
I believe that each potential coach has a dream of becoming the selector of its national team. Of course such
a possibility exists.
Varaždin je za svoju novu viziju grada unajmio Brandoctora /
Varaždin, in order to achieve a new town vision, hired Brandoctor
Hrvatski gradovi po mjeri èovjeka
Budući da Hrvatska još uvijek nema jasnu osnovu identiteta, Varaždin, Rijeka, Mali Lošinj i Osijek odlučili su krenuti sami u brandiranje kako bi ubrzali svoj razvoj i sustigli
svjetske trendove
Piše: Mary Novosel
randiranje država i gradova novija je pojava
koja sve više prodire u pore društva, namećući neka nova pravila, ali i dobiti, pretvarajući
uspješne nacionalne proizvode jedne zemlje u
svjetski poznatu marku. Pojedine su zemlje tako počele
slati u svijet svoj prepoznatljivi imidž – Engleska je postala pojam za tradiciju, Burberry, British Airways i London,
SAD je zemlja demokracije, Disneyja, McDonald’sa i
Coca-Cole, a Švicarska je, pak, pojam za preciznost,
Swatch, Swisair, mali crveni multipraktični nožić...
U posljednjih desetak godina rastu ulaganja u razvoj
brandinga država i gradova čineći od tih destinacija
robnu marku, ali i privlačno mjesto za privlačenje turista
i stranih ulaganja. Budući da Hrvatska još nije do kraja
definirala prepoznatljivi suvenir i utvrdila osnovu svog
identiteta i sve svoje prednosti države branda – od ko-
jih su najznačajniji turizam i prirodna bogatstva, sport
te znanstvenici i umjetnici – pojedini su gradovi krenuli
sami u avanturu brandinga, u namjeri da privuku što
više ulaganja u turizam i gospodarstvo te pomognu i
ubrzaju svoj razvoj.
Varaždin - pionir u Hrvatskoj
Među prvima koji su krenuli u tom smjeru svakako je
Varaždin, koji je za svoju novu viziju grada prošle godine unajmio Brandoctora, prvu hrvatsku agenciju specijaliziranu za branding, koju su pokrenuli naši poznati dizajneri Bruketa i Žinić.Varaždin je, prema riječima
dogradonačelnika Ivana Meseka, pri kraju prve faze
brandinga, raspisivanja natječaja za izradu vizualnog
identiteta grada te logotipa, koji treba izabrati od ukupno 65 pristiglih rješenja. Cijela ta akcija, smatra Me-
Foto: Tz / Darko Gorenak
Foto: Tz / Darko Gorenak
Varaždin se u proteklih nekoliko godina otvorio prema susjednim gradovima i novim trendovima /
In the last few years Varaždin has opened up to neighboring cities and to new trends
sek, trebala bi Varaždinu donijeti nova ulaganja, turiste
i mlade ljude koji bi željeli živjeti i raditi u njihovu gradu.
– Varaždin se u proteklih nekoliko godina otvorio prema
susjednim gradovima i novim trendovima. Znatno smo
ojačali na mnogim područjima, razvili slobodnu zonu,
tehnologiju, kao i unaprijedili kulturni život, no sve to još
uvijek nije dovoljno kako bismo bili potpuno kompetitivni na tržištu gradova u nacionalnom okviru, a kamoli
šire. Zato smo odlučili brandirati grad, a to je proces
gotovo jednak brandingu bilo kojeg industrijskog proizvoda. Da bi se pridobilo potrošače – stanovnike, turiste i ulagače – mora se stvoriti emotivna povezanost
grada i njegovih konzumenata – kaže Mesek te dodaje
kako je prva faza, pozicioniranje grada na tržištu, ujedno bila i najbrža jer je bila teorijska. Ostale faze uzet
će puno više vremena i truda, ali će se već od ove
godine isplatiti.
Brandoctorova dijagnoza stanja grada Varaždina upozorila je na nedovoljnu turističku infrastrukturu i malen
broj turista, manjak zabavnih sadržaja te nedostatak
jedinstvenih asocijacija, osim onih vezanih uz barok.
Imidž grada je nedovoljno izrađen, pozicioniranje je
neodređeno, a kod stranaca postoji i neosviještenost o
zemljopisnom položaju. Varaždin se najčešće percipira
kao “grad muzej”.
Brandoctorova “terapija” je bila usmjerena na posta-
vljanje strateških temelja koji će kreirati jedinstvenu svijest o Varaždinu, što uključuje i oživljavanje percepcije
grada kroz branding.
Grad u kojem želite živjeti
– Važno je da se brand jedinstveno pozicionira, tako
da ga i postojeća i potencijalna konkurencija teško
može kopirati i na taj način oduzeti snagu tom brandu. Pozicioniranje se sastoji od osobnosti, obećanja i
srži branda.
Osobnost branda grada Varaždina (zamislimo li brand
kao osobu) određena je atributima kao što su barokni,
kulturan, obrazovan, umjetnički, zaigran, ali i poslovan,
ozbiljan, privlačan i poticajan.
Obećanje koje brand Varaždin pruža glasi: grad koji će
vas zabaviti, u koji možete ulagati, u kojem ćete željeti
živjeti, u kojem ćete naći obrazovanje i posao, grad
koji će vas oplemeniti. Sama srž branda grada Varaždina određena je njegovim geopolitičkim položajem
i kulturno-povijesnim značenjem, a definirana je metaforom mosta koji povezuje zemlje, regije, ljude i vrijeme,
te glasi: most među zemljama, most među regijama,
most među ljudima, most u vremenu – kaže Anja Bauer
Minkara iz Brandoctora.
Druga faza u primjeni brandinga jest na njegovu temelju definirati vizualni identitet grada i komunikacijsku
Foto: Tz / Valter Stojšiæ
Foto: Tz / Valter Stojšiæ
Foto: Tz / Neda Lojda Stojšiæ
Rijeka - cilj je privući turiste tijekom cijele godine / Rijeka goal is to attract tourists all year long
strategiju koja će biti osnova za kreiranje oglašavanja
prema svim navedenim ciljnim skupinama.
Uspješnom provedbom brandinga, Varaždin bi trebao
postati turistički, kulturni, kongresni, rezidencijalni i gospodarski grad, a zbog njegove jedinstvenosti, sve će
ciljne skupine na njega gledati kao na jedino rješenje
mnogih svojih potreba.
odmaknuti od rakije, kobasica i bećarca te ga predstaviti svijetu kao svjetskoga gospodina s manirama i
svim zanimljivostima koje pruža.
Skorašnje raspisivanje natječaja najavljuje i Rijeka kojoj
je cilj privući turiste tijekom cijele godine, i to priredbama, kulturnim i kongresnim turizmom.
Mali Lošinj, Rijeka i Osijek - novi stari brandovi
Ponukani incijativom Varaždina, u akciju brandinga
nedavno su krenuli Mali Lošinj, Rijeka i Osijek. Tako je
u Lošinju početkom godine počela raditi agencija za
destinacijski menadžment u čije su se osnivanje uključili Gradska uprava, obrtnici, hotelske kuće i Turistička
zajednica. Prema riječima gradonačelnika Garija Cappelija, uloga agencije bit će osmišljavanje branda grada i njegova promidžba.
Zeleno svjetlo prošli je mjesec upaljeno i u Osijeku, koji
će, prema riječima Gorana Trdine, voditelja Ureda gradonačelnika, postati poznat kao grad visoke tolerancije i multikulturalne zajednice, koji je dao puno poznatih
ljudi, umjetnika, znanstvenika, književnika i sportaša.
Jedini grad s grijanim trgom u Hrvatskoj, još uvijek čeka
najbolju ponudu koja će ga, prema riječima Trdine,
Dubrovnik - nedodirljiv brand u Hrvatskoj
Kada su gradovi u pitanju, svi se slažu, cilj i ideja
vodilja svakako je postići “fenomen Dubrovnik”,
nedodirljiv brand u Hrvatskoj, koji je po popularnosti premašio i samo kulturno središte, glavni grad
Zagreb. Iako zbog kulturno-povijesne baštine i prirodnih ljepota nije trebalo puno raditi na izgradnji
branda (koja se dogodila spontano), taj grad nikada ne miruje, nego, prema riječima Suzane Kosović, pročelnice za gospodarstvo, neprekidno radi
na još boljoj ponudi i unaprjeđenju.
Dubrovnik je svjetski poznato odredište koje intenzivno razvija kulturni, kongresni i nautički turizam, a
strategija je sasvim jednostavna – načiniti taj grad
po mjeri čovjeka.
Foto: Tz / Milan Babiæ
Dubrovnik - graf fenomen / Dubronik - town phenomenon
Croatian Cities that Fit
People’s Needs
Since Croatia still hasn’t got a clear identity basis, Varaždin, Rijeka, Mali Lošinj and Osijek have
decided to do the branding themselves in order to accelerate their development and catch up
with world trends
Written by: Mary Novosel
randing states and cities is the latest phenomenon that is getting into each pore of the society,
imposing some new rules, but also gaining some
by turning successful national products of one
country into a worldwide known brand. Some countries have therefore started sending their recognizable
image into the world – England became a symbol for
tradition, Burberry, British Airways and London, USA became the country of democracy, Disneyland, McDonald’s and Coca Cola, and Switzerland became a sym-
bol for precision, Swatch, Swissair, little red clasp knife…
In the last ten years there has been a rise in state and
city branding development making these destinations
brands, but also an attractive place for attracting tourists
and foreign investments. Since Croatia still hasn’t fully defined its own recognizable souvenir and determined the
basis of its own identity as well as all advantages of state
brands – out of which the most significant are tourism and
natural resources, sport, scientists and artists – some cities
have started their own branding adventure, with view of
attracting as much as possible investments in tourism and
economy and accelerate their development.
Varaždin – the Croatian Pioneer
Amongst the first that have moved in that direction is by
all means Varaždin, which, in order to achieve a new
town vision, hired Brandoctor, the first Croatian agency
specialized in branding, which was founded by our famous designers Bruketa and Žinić. According to vicemayor Ivan Mesek Varaždin is at the very end of the first
branding phase which encompasses announcing vacancies for creating the town’s visual identity and logotypes which need to selected from 65 arrived solutions. All
this action, as Mesek says, should bring into Varaždin new
investments, tourists and young people that would like to
live and work in their town.
- In the last few years Varaždin has opened up to neighboring cities and to new trends. We have significantly
grown stronger in many areas, developed a free zone,
technology, as well as improved the cultural life, but all
of this is still not enough in order to be completely competitive on the cities market on a national level, not to
mention on a global level. This is why we have decided
to brand the city, and that process is almost the same as
in branding any other industrial product. In order to win
over consumers – inhabitants, tourist and investors – one
must create an emotional connection between the
town and its consumers – says Mesek – and adds that
the first phase, positioning the town on the market, was
at the same time the fastest because it was theoretical.
Other phases will take much more time and effort, but
all the work will pay off even this year.
According to Brandoctor’s diagnosis of the state
Varaždin is in, there is an inadequate tourist infrastructure and a small number of tourists, lack of entertaining
contents and deficiency of unique associations other
than those linked to baroque. The town image is insufficiently built, the positioning is undetermined, and when
it comes to foreigners there is also lack of knowledge
concerning the geographical position. Varaždin is most
frequently perceived as “town museum”.
Brandoctor’s “therapy” was directed to assigning strategic foundations that would create a unique consciousness about Varaždin, which includes the reviving of the
town’s perception through branding.
A Town You Want to Live in
- It is important to uniquely position the brand in order
to prevent the existing and potential competition from
copying it and in that way taking the power away from
that brand. The positioning consists of personality, promises and brand core. Varaždin’s brand personality (if we
were to imagine the brand as a person) is determined
by attributes such as baroque, cultural, educational, artistic, playful, but also business, serious, attractive and
The promise the brand Varaždin offers is: The town that
will amuse you, which you can invest in, which you
Foto: Tz / Milan Babiæ
Mali Lošinj
would like to live in, in which you can find education and
work, a town that will ennoble you. The very core of the
Varaždin brand is determined by its geopolitical position
and cultural-historical significance, and it is defined by
a metaphor of a bridge connecting countries, regions,
people and time, and it follows: bridge between countries, bridge between regions, bridge between people,
bridge in time – says Ana Bauer Minkara from Brandoctor.
The second phase in applying branding is to define the
town’s visual identity and a communication strategy
that would be the basis for creating advertising for all
targeted groups. With successful branding application,
Varaždin should become a tourist, cultural, congress,
residential and economic town, and due to its uniqueness, all targeted groups will look at Varaždin as the only
solution of their many needs.
Mali Lošinj, Rijeka and Osijek – New Old Brands
Stimulated by Varaždin’s initiative, Mali Lošinj, Rijeka and
Osijek have recently started their own branding action.
At the beginning of the year Lošinj got its first agency for
destination management, whose foundation included
involvement of the city government, tradesmen, hotels and tourist offices. According to mayor Gari Cappeli, the role of the agency will be to create the town’s
brand and its promotion. Last month even Osijek got the
green light and according to the manager of the mayor’s office Goran Trdina, Osijek will be known as the town
of high tolerance, multicultural community, which also
gave a number of famous people, artists, scientist, writers and sportsmen. The only town with a heated square
in Croatia still awaits a better offer that would, as Trdina
says, move it away from brandy, sausages and Slavonian humorous folk songs, and present it to the world as a
gentleman with manners and all the curiosities it offers.
Impending vacancy announcement was also announced by Rijeka whose goal is to attract tourists all
year long with its shows, cultural and congress tourism.
Dubrovnik – The Untouchable Croatian Brand
When it comes to towns, and all people agree in
this, the goal and the idea is to achieve the “Dubrovnik phenomenon”, an untouchable brand in Croatia, which, due to its popularity exceeded even
the cultural core itself – the capital city Zagreb.
Although, due to its cultural-historical heritage and
natural beauties, it didn’t take much effort to build a brand (which happened spontaneously), that
town never rests, but as Suzana Kosović - the head
of the economy says, it continuously works on an
even better offer and advancement. Dubrovnik is a
worldwide known destination that intensively works
on developing the cultural, congress and nautical
tourism, and the strategy is fairly simple – to create
a town that fits people’s needs.
Autokapsula budućnosti
Svijeće u Laguni Dubaija
Već smo se navikli na to da je Dubai prijestolnica revolucionarne
arhitekture, a novi prilog tome dolazi u obliku Dubai Towersa.
Podsjećajući na plam svijeća, četiri tornja različite visine (najmanji
će imati 54 kata, a najveći 97) stvaraju nezaboravnu koreografiju
nepravilnih oblika koja će biti središte novoga projekta “Lagune“.
Potpisnici Dubai Towersa dolaze iz vrhunskog studija TVS, a svoje
su djelo osmislili kao arhitekturu neusporedivu s ijednom dosad
napravljenom. A sve to bit će vidljivo tek 2010. godine.
Exasis je najnoviji koncept u velikoj seriji ekovozila, a poseban
je po konstrukcijskom materijalu – plastici, s panelima koji
imaju elektrokemijska svojstva, pa nema potrebe za žicama. A
kako bez žica nema potrebe ni za izolacijom, automobil može
biti puno manji i puno aerodinamičniji, nalikujući više na neku
svemirsku kapsulu nego na tradicionalni auto. Exasis se pokreće bioetanolom i uvelike smanjuje emisiju štetnoga ugljičnog
dioksida, a nama se čini da svojim oblikom bolje pristaje plaži
nego cesti.
The Auto-capsule of the Future Candles in the Dubai Lagoon
Exasis is the latest concept in a big eco-vehicles series, and it is
special because of its construction material – plastics with panels that have electrochemical ingredients, so there is no need
for wires. And since no wires implies no insulation, an automobile can be much smaller and more aerodynamic, resembling
more some space capsule than a traditional car. Exasis uses bioethanol and largely decreases the emissions of harmful carbon
dioxide, and we think that, due to its shape, it fits better on the
beach than on the road.
Upakirani bicikl
Britanac Thomas J. Owen potpisuje dvokotač za novo stoljeće:
gužve na prometnicama i stalno
prisutnu opasnost od nestašice
goriva, trebao bi ublažiti “One“,
udobni i šik bicikl koji, kad se
umorite, nudi i mali elektromotor kao pomoć pri vožnji. A
što je najljepše, svojega novog
ljubimca možete jednostavno
složiti, spakirati tako da nijedan
“prljavi“ dio (poput lanca) ne
ostane neotkriven i, vrlo cool,
ušetati u ured s biciklom pod
We are already used to Dubai being the capital of revolutionary architecture, and a confirmation to this fact comes in the shape of the
Dubai Towers. Reminding us on candlelight flames, the four towers
of different height (the smallest will have 54 floors and the biggest
will have 97 floors) create an unforgettable choreography of irregular shapes which will be the centre of the new “Lagoon” project. Authors of the Dubai Towers come from the top quality studio TVS, and
they projected their work as a piece of architecture incomparable to
any other done so far. And all of this will be visible in 2010.
A Packed
Thomas J. Owen from Britain is the
author of the new century twowheeler: Traffic jams and a constant
danger of fuel deficiency should be
tamed by “One”, the comfortable
and chick bicycle which, when you
get tired, offers you a small electromotor as help while driving. And
what makes this even better is the
fact that you can simply fold and
pack it without revealing any “dirty”
part (like the chain) and, being very
cool, walk into your office with your
u zelenom
Zeleni neobični organski
oblici, budućnost su korejske metropole, tako
barem tvrdi ova ambiciozna animacija tvrtke
Mass Studies. Iako zasad
izgleda samo kao scena
iz nekog futurističkog
crtića, fotografije prikazuju stambeno-poslovno-javne prostore koji
bi trebali biti dio projekta Seoul Commune 2026. Green Towers su razdijeljeni u oblike
neobično nalik na stanične, a glavna je struktura većim dijelom
izgrađena od različitih tipova stakala – jedna vrsta stakala, opremljena solarnim ćelijama, privlači sunčevu svjetlost i služi kao izvor
energije, dok druga, fotosenzitivna, štite od prejake svjetlosti i čine
hlad. Voljeli bismo ovaj projekt vidjeti kao stvarnost, što prije...
Egipatski san
Na dvije milijarde dolara procjenjuje se vrijednost luksuznoga
hotelskog kompleksa Serrenia u Egiptu koje je dizajnirao studio
Foster&Partners. Golema površina od nevjerojatnih tri milijuna četvornih metara sadržavat će 736 rezidencija (uz poneku palaču, vile
i stanove), ultraluksuzni hotel od sedam zvjezdica, teren za golf,
brojne druge sportske objekte i, naravno, puno šoping i gastro
oaza. No, najviše pozornosti na ovom radikalnom rješenju izaziva
Serrenia Marina, s neobičnim krovom koji podsjeća na valove i golemim prostorom marine i beach cluba ispod kupole.
Life in Green
Unusual green organic shapes are,
according to the ambitious animation of the Mass Studies company,
the future of the Korean capital.
Although for now it looks like just a
scene form some futuristic cartoon,
the photographs shows residential-business-public spaces which should be a part of the Seoul
Commune 2026. Green Towers are separated in shapes which
incredibly resemble organic cells, and the basic structure is for
the most part built out of different types of glass – one sort of
glass, equipped with solar cells attracts the sunlight and serves
as a source of energy, while the photosensitive one protects
from excessive light and creates shade. We would love to see
this project come true, as soon as possible…
Spas za svjetsku žeđu
Dobrotvorna organizacija WaterAid odabrala je pobjednike
natječaja kojim bi se trebalo pronaći rješenje za pomoć ljudima koji nemaju pristup svježoj vodi. Naprava nazvana WatAir
obuhvaća 96 četvornih metara panela u obliku obrnute piramide koja prikuplja vlagu iz zraka te je kondenzira u čistu vodu, a
smislio ju je dvojac inovatora – Joseph Cory i Eyal Malka. Svaki
WatAir sposoban je prikupiti 48 litara pitke vode dnevno, što
bi za udaljena mjesta bez ikakvih izvora vode ili s onečišćenim
izvorima moglo biti spasonosno rješenje.
Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja Jakovèev
The Egyptian Dream
The estimated price of the luxurious hotel complex Serrenia in
Egypt which was designed by Foster&Partners studio is two billion dollars. The vast area of some three million square meters will
consist of 736 residences (with an occasional palace, villas and
apartments), ultra-luxurious hotel with seven stars, golf terrains,
numerous other sport facilities, and, of course, lots of shopping
and gastro oasis. But, what draws most people’s attention on this
radical solution is Serrenia Marina with its unusual roof which reminds on waves and a vast marina and beach club beneath the
Salvation for the World Thirst
Charity organization Water Aid chose the winners of the competition which should find a solution for helping people that do
not have access to fresh water. A device called WatAir comprises
96 square meters of panels shaped as a reverse pyramid which
gathers damp from the air and condensates it into clean water
and it was projected by two innovators: Joseph Cory and Eyal
Malka. Each WatAir is capable of gathering 48 liters of drinking
water daily, which could be a salutary solution for remote places without any water sources or with polluted water sources.
Pogled na lučicu Trsteno / A view to the port of Trsteno
Piše: Nataša Hrupec
Foto: TZ Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije
Trsteno - mjesto gdje se može
dogoditi samo ljubav
Zamoreni vrevom i stiskom svakodnevnoga života, možete doći u Trsteno. Mjesto koje zanosi
svoje posjetitelje i nekom magičnom čežnjom privlači, dočarava nam renesansu i istodobno
podsjeća koliko je priroda čovjeku sigurno utočište i potvrđuje nam da je ljepota, kojoj težimo
u svakodnevici, vezana uz prirodne oblike
naj tko jednom vidi Trsteno, mora u ovoj oazi
divljine ostaviti dio srca..., zapisao je Alberto
Fortis u 18. stoljeću. Upravo se takva trajna i
čeznutljiva povezanost s ovim mjestom dogodila i autorici ovoga teksta pa mu se rado vraća godinama poslije. Doista, oni koji dolaze u Dubrovnik morali bi posjetiti Trsteno, jedno od najdražesnijih mjesta u
dubrovačkoj okolici, smješteno uz samu magistralu, 20
kilometara prije Dubrovnika.
Mjesto je osobito značajno za hrvatsku kulturološku i
prirodnu baštinu. U njemu je arboretum s renesansnim
ljetnikovcem dubrovačke plemićke obitelji Gučetić. U
središtu lokaliteta nalaze se dvije divovske platane stare oko 500 godina. Posadili su ih preci obitelji Miljas, a
sadnice su doputovale čak iz Konstantinopola. Izrasle
su pokraj izvora, a kad se mjesto gleda s mora, platane
djeluju poput šume. Opseg im je oko 15 metara i iznimna
su vrijednost europske kulturne baštine, cvjetaju u drugoj
Divovska platana stara oko 500 godina /
Giant plane-tree about 500 years old
polovici ožujka i travnju, a plodove imaju u studenome.
Zanimljivo je da se u brojnim minulim godinama, koje li
sebičnosti, nisu oplodile.
Arboretum Trsteno jedini je arboretum na hrvatskoj obali.
Osnovan je i zaštićen kao spomenik vrtne arhitekture od
1948. na prostoru povijesnoga ladanjskog posjeda dubrovačke plemićke obitelji Gučetić-Gozze, a datira od
1494. godine. Nalazi se na prostoru od 25 hektara i ima
nekoliko različitih cjelina. Renesansni perivoj s ljetnikovcem obitelji Gučetić ima prekrasnu šetnicu o kojoj Luko
Paljetak u Skrovitom vrtu piše: “... razgovora koji smo te
kasne ljetne večeri proveli idući jedno pokraj drugog
s jednoga do drugoga kraja šetnice koja je često bila
mjera naših usklađenih koraka, prostor koji je raskrošjem
svoje perspektive plaćao cijenu svoje izoliranosti i duha,
pružajući nam spasonosni privid savršenoga postojanja
in vitro, posvećenog i nedostupnog za druge.“ Drugi dio
vrta čini povijesni neoromanički perivoj iz 19./20. st., zatim povijesni maslinik i prirodna vegetacija šume hrasta
medunca, alepskog bora i čempresa, vegetacija makije te prirodne stijene.
Kad dođemo u Trsteno, na neki način pohodimo slavnu
i dičnu Cvijetu Zuzorić, kažu najljepšu od svih Dubrovkinja. Rodila se sredinom 16. st. u dubrovačkoj plemićkoj
obitelji, a zatim se kao djevojčica odselila s roditeljima
u Anconu, udala se za trgovca i diplomata Firentinca
Bartolomea Pescionia koji je 13 godina u Dubrovniku bio
firentinski konzul. Tako Cvijeta u Dubrovniku provodi najljepše i najbujnije godine svoje mladosti pa obrazovana
ljepotica i pjesnikinja (od njezinih nam stihova, nažalost,
ništa nije sačuvano) lako postaje središnja osoba ondašnjega kulturnog života. Nakon muževa bankrota vraća
se u Anconu i tamo umire u dubokoj starosti. Pokopana
je u crkvi sv. Franje ad alto u Anconi, a njezina je nadgrobna ploča kasnije poslužila za popločavanje stuba.
Njezinu ljepotu, ali i bogatstvo duha, sačuvali su svojim
uzdasima mnogi pjesnici i obožavatelji onoga vremena
(Zlatarić, Monaldi, Ranjina, Tasso), a inspiracija je i mnogim pjesnicima stoljećima poslije (Šenoi, Ujeviću, Paljetku), pa njezin duh živi u tome renesansnome vrtu poput
bića iz legende.
Prelijepa je Cvijeta tijekom boravka na ovoj našoj strani
Jadrana, mnoge trenutke provodila na posjedu Gučetića u Trstenom gdje je sklopila vrlo prisno i dirljivo prijateljstvo s Nikolom Gučetićem i ženom mu Marom. O tome
prijateljstvu svedoči nam razgovor dviju žena, Cvijete i
Mare, o ljepoti. Razgovor je zapisan perom samoga vlasnika, Nikole Gučetića. U tome razgovoru Mara je rekla
Cvijeti: “Možda će nimfe, videći vas tako lijepu i slušajući
vaš zgodni govor, smatrati da ste iz njihova jata i zaželjet
će da ste s njima.“
Gučetićevi su zaista odabrali rajsko mjesto za svoj ljetnikovac. Stari su Dubrovčani osobito cijenili taj ladanjski život i trenutke odmora po ljetnikovcima u idiličnoj okolici
Grada pa su govorili otprilike ovako: “U Gradu se umire,
a ovdje se živi.“ Može li se zamisliti ljepši život od druženja, muziciranja, čitanja, pisanja, filozofiranja u sjenicama, hladovinama stabala, uz šum vode, s pogledom na
more u daljini, uz opojne mirise Mediterana? Tako opijeni
prirodom, napisali su najljepše stihove o ljubavi i ljepoti.
Danas, posjetitelj zamoren vrevom i stiskom svakodnevnoga života, može doći u Trsteno, udahnuti njegove
mirise i s pravom se pitati gdje i kako se može živjeti pravi
život. Može li se smisleni život zamisliti bez prirode, prijatelja, umjetnosti, učenja i ljubavi? A baš se ljubav potvr-
đuje u svakome dijelu vrta, jer brižljivo su uređeni vrtovi
težnja ljepoti i ljubavi za kojom i mi tako čeznemo u svakodnevnom životu. To potvrđuju i latinski stihovi urezani
u kamenu ploču pokraj ljetnikovca: “Dičim se susjedima,
no još se više ponosim vodom, zdravim podnebljem i
obradom svijetloga gospodara. Evo ti, putniče, očitih
tragova ljudskoga rada, gdje valjano umijeće usavršava divlju prirodu.“ Prostor je to koji zanosi svoje posjetitelje i nekom magičnom čežnjom privlači, dočarava
nam renesansu i njezine visoke civilizacijske dosege te
nas istodobno podsjeća koliko je priroda čovjeku sigurno utočište i potvrđuje nam da je ljepota, kojoj težimo u
svakodnevici, vezana uz prirodne oblike.
Da u Trsteno vrijedi doći, potvrdili su brojni slavni posjetitelji u povijesti: putopisac Alberto Fortis, pisac djela
Viaggio in Dalmatia (1774.), nadvojvoda Ludwig von
Habsburg te car Franjo Josip. O mjestu je zanosno pisao
latinist Đuro Ferić, u njemu osam godina boravio književnik Džono Restić, a meni najdraže retke napisao je Luko
Paljetak u Skrovitom vrtu, romansiranom dnevniku Cvijete Zuzorić.
U mjestu se nalazi kamp i, naravno, postoje mogućnosti
privatnog smještaja gdje će vas dočekati dragi, iznimno
ljubazni domaćini koji kao da su svoju krotkost iscrpli iz podneblja u kojem su izrasli. Osobita je pogodnost i blizina
Elafita gdje se nakon kratke vožnje brodicom može uživati
u rajskim pješčanim plažama bez zvukova automobila.
Dašak se mediteranskog vrta iz Trstena može ponijeti
kući. I moj limun, kupljen prije nekoliko godina u rasadniku arboretuma, neumorno cvjeta ovdje na sjeveru,
a njegovi me žuti plodovi osobito vesele u dane kojima
nedostaje sunca te istodobno bude želju da se opet pohodi Grad, rajski vrt u Trstenom i, naravno, Cvijeta.
Written by: Nataša Hrupec
Ljetnikovac obitelji Gučetić u arboretumu / Summer
residence of family Gučetić in Arboretum
Trsteno – a Place Where
Only Love Can Happen
Tired of the swarming streets and the pressure of everyday life, you can come to Trsteno.
It’s place that a captivates and attracts its visitors with some magical yearning, evokes renaissance and at the same time reminds us that nature is a safe sanctuary for each man and
confirms that beauty we look for in our everyday life is connected with natural forms
ne who only once sees Trsteno must leave a
peace of its heart in this oasis of wilderness…
wrote Alberto Fortis in the 18th century. It was
just this permanent and wistful connection
with this place that happened to the author of this text so
she gladly returns to it years later. And indeed, all those
people coming to Dubrovnik should visit Trsteno, one of
the most charming places in the Dubrovnik surrounding
countryside, located alongside the main road, 20 km before Dubrovnik. This place is especially significant for Croatian cultural and natural heritage. Inside it one may find
an arboretum with a renaissance summer residence owned by the noble Gučetić family from Dubrovnik. In the
centre of the location there are two gigantic plane-trees
which are about 500 years old. They were planted by the
ancestors of the Miljas family, and the seedlings came all
the way from Constantinople. They grew next to a spring,
and when looking at the place from the sea, the planetrees seem like an entire forest. Their volume is 15 meters
and they are of extreme value to the European cultural
heritage; they blossom in the second half of March and
April, and bear fruit in November. It is quite interesting that
despite all the lapsed years the plane-trees, how selfish,
have not fertilized. The arboretum Trsteno is the only arboretum on the Croatian coast. It was founded and protected as a monument of garden architecture since 1948
on the location of the historical summer residence of the
noble Gučetić-Gozze family, and it dates back to 1494.
It is situated on an area of 25 hectares and has several
different units. The renaissance gardens with the summer
residence owned by the Gučetić family also has a beautiful promenade which Luko Paljetak in his Hidden garden
describes as:”… discussions we spent next to each other
one summer evening going from one to the other end
of the promenade which was often the measure of our
synchronized steps, a space which paid the price of its
isolation and spirit with its splendour, offering us a breakthrough illusion of perfect in vitro existence, consecrated
and inaccessible to others.” The second part of the garden is made of a historical necromantic garden from the
19th /20th century, and of a historical olive-grove and natural vegetation of the oak tree forest, Aleppo pine and
cypress, vegetation of dense evergreen underbrush and
natural cliffs.
Neptunova fontana / Neptun’s fontain
When one arrives in Trsteno, in a way one also visits the
famous and glorious Cvijeta Zuzorić, the most beautiful
of all women in Dubrovnik, as they used to say. She was
born in the middle of the 16th century in a noble family
from Dubrovnik, only to move to Ancona as a little girl
where she later on married a tradesman and diplomat
Bartolomeo Pescioni from Florence who worked in Dubrovnik for 13 years as Florence’s consul. In this way Cvijeta
spent in Dubrovnik the most beautiful and most prolific
years of her youth so the educated beauty and poetess
(unfortunately, nothing has been saved from her verses)
easily became the centre of the contemporary cultural
life. After her husband bankrupted she returned to Ancona and died there in a very old age. She was buried
in the church of St. Francis ad alto in Ancona, and her
tombstone later on served for paving the stairs. Her beauty, but also richness of spirit, remained saved in sighs of
many poets and lovers of those times (Zlatarić, Monaldi,
Ranjina, Tasso), and she also inspired many poets centuries after her death (Šenoa, Ujević, Paljetak), so her spirit
lives in that renaissance garden like a creature from a legend.
During her stay in this part of the Adriatic, the beautiful
Cvijeta spent many hours on the Gučetić property in Trsteno where she became close friends with Nikola Gučetić and with his wife Mara. A discussion about beauty
between the two women witnesses this friendship. The
discussion was written down by the owner himself, Nikola
Gučetić. In this conversation Mara told Cvijeta: “Perhaps
the nymphs, seeing you this beautiful and listening to your
amusing speech, might think you were one of their own
and wish you to join them.”
Gučetići really chose a heavenly place for their summer residence. In those days the people from Dubrovnik
especially appreciated this country life and vacations in
summer residences all around the idyllic town countryside so they always used to say something like this: “In the
town you die, and here you live.” Can you even imagine
a better life than associating with people, making music, reading, writing and philosophizing in gazebos or tree
shades, with water murmuring, with a view of the sea in
the distance and alongside the intoxicating scents of the
Mediterranean? Intoxicated by nature, they wrote the
most beautiful verses about love and beauty.
Amfora u arboretumu / Amphora in Arboretum
Today, visitors tired of the swarming streets and the pressure of everyday life, can come to Trsteno, breathe in its
scents and with good reason ask themselves where and
how one can live a true life. Can one even imagine a
meaningful life without nature, friends, art, learning and
love? And it is exactly love that can be sensed in each
part of the garden, because the carefully designed
gardens are an aspiration towards beauty and love for
which we yearn in our everyday life. This is confirmed by
the Latin verses engraved in a stone next to the summer
residence: “I take pride in my neighbors, but even more
I take pride in the water, in the healthy climate and in
the work of the light lord. Traveler, I give to you obvious
traces of human work, where proper skills enhance the
wild nature.” It is a space that captivates and attracts
its visitors with some magical yearning, evokes renaissance and its high civilization range and at the same time
reminds us that nature is a safe sanctuary for each man
and confirms that beauty we look for in our everyday life
is connected with natural forms.
That Trsteno is worth the trip was confirmed by many famous visitors throughout its history: travel writer Alberto
Fortis, the author of Viaggo in Dalmatia (1774), the Archduke Ludwig von Habsburg and the Emperor Francis Joseph. The place was ecstatically described by the Latinist
Đuro Ferić and by the writer Džono Restić who spent eight
years in it, but my favourite lines were written by Luko Paljetak in The Hidden Garden, a romanticized diary of Cvijeta Zuzorić.
There is also a camp in the location and, of course, it is
possible to find private accommodation where really
nice and extremely kind hosts, who seem to have inherited their tameness from the climate they grew up in, await you. What is an additional advantage is the closeness
to Elafiti where, after a short boat ride, one can enjoy in
heavenly sandy beaches without any traffic noise.
One can bring home with him a piece of the Mediterranean garden in Trsteno. Even my lemon tree, purchased
a few years back in the nursery-garden of the Arboretum,
tirelessly blossoms even up in the north, and his yellow fruits make me especially cheerful during the days when
there is no sun and at the same time wake up the desire
to go back to Dubrovnik, to the heavenly garden in Trsteno and, of course, to Cvijeta.
Ambijent u kojem se gosti osjećaju kao kod kuće /
The ambient in which the guests feel as in their own house
Indirektna rasvjeta koja osvjetljava ciglu i stvara ugođaj
sigurnosti i prisnosti / Indirect lighting that illuminates bricks
and creates the atmosphere of safety and intimacy
Romantièna pizzeria za gurmane
željne drukèijeg ambijenta
Ideja vodilja dizajnera Filipa Gordona Franka i vlasnika pizzerije “Fianona” Sanjina
Ćejvanovića bila je stvoriti ambijent u kojem će se gosti osjećati opušteno, gotovo
kao da nisu ni izišli iz svoje kuće
Piše: Isabella Mikulek
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
ri prvom razgovoru mladog dizajnera Filipa Gordona Franka i vlasnika pizzerije Fianona na Laništu u Zagrebu, istaknula se jedna rečenica kao
okosnica cijele priče. Vlasnik, Sanjin Ćejvanović, želio je “klasičnu pizzeriju s modernim elementima”.
Odatle se razvila priča u kojoj ima mnogo neklasičnih
detalja, a koja je počela početkom prošle godine.
– Odmah sam imao viziju kako bi pizzeria mogla izgledati, ali poslije se ispostavilo da sam vlasnika morao
nagovarati i uvjeravati u neke svoje ideje. On nije mogao sebi predočiti sve moje zamisli pa sam mu vrlo često donosio materijale i skice ne bi li mu sve što zornije
objasnio i dokazao zašto bih koristio određeni materijal,
a ne neki drugi – rekao nam je 30-godišnji dizajner iz
Zagreba, koji se prije osam mjeseci vratio iz Milana, talijanske modne i dizajnerske meke.
U Italiji je bio na specijalizaciji, gdje je zamalo i ostao.
Ipak, odlučio se vratiti pa jednog dana, kako sam kaže,
možda biti poveznica upravo između tvrtki i dizajnera u
Italiji i Hrvatske na tom području dizajna.
Pun ideja, želje i volje za radom, i na ovo uređenje pizzerije bacio se s puno žara.
– Najteže mi je bilo pronaći odgovarajuće tapete za lokal, ali, sasvim slučajno, pronašao sam ih baš u Milanu.
Upravo su ti crni vinilni tapeti, koji ne upijaju mirise i
mogu se prati, a podsjećaju na drvo crne ebanovine,
najupečatljiviji na prvi pogled gostima lokala. Svatko
tko je ikada bio u nekoj pizzeriji, u prvi mah će se zapitati je li pogriješio ulaz.
Naime, pizzeria Fianona (na talijanskom naziv za gradić
Labin u Istri) netipična je po svojim tamnim tonovima,
koje je dizajner “razbio” zidovima od svijetle opeke.
– Crna boja je u ovom trenutku trend, ali kako to nije
moja omiljena boja, atmosferu sam ublažio svjetlima,
svjetlijim stolovima, stropnim gredama, naročito u donjem dijelu – objasnio je Filip Gordon, inače diplomirani
dizajner industrijskog dizajna, koji se želi afirmirati kao
projektant stolica, stolova, ormara, lampi... sa svojim
potpisom. Trenutačno mu se jedna lampa prodaje diljem Italije, dok u Zagrebu traži odgovarajući prostor u
kojem bi otvorio svoj show room ili atelijer u kojem bi
izrađivao, izlagao i prodavao svoja dizajnerska djela.
Do tada, najradije se bavi dizajnom interijera, i to ugostiteljskih objekata.
Njegova je mašta posebno došla do izražaja u donjem
dijelu pizzerije, do kojeg vode male zavojite stube. Šest
stolova u intimnoj je atmosferi “skriveno” i odiše jednom
drugom notom. Prigušena svjetla, taman strop, te poluvitrine ukrašene starim vazama, loncima ili zdjelama
koje je debelo načeo zub vremena, zaljubljenima je
očito najzanimljiviji dio pizzerije.
– Vlasnik mi je iznio jedan podatak koji me osupnuo.
Za Valentinovo se ovdje stvorio red i ispred pizzerije je
ostalo nekoliko zaljubljenih parova jer ih se jednostavno
Oko dvadeset stolova u pizzeriji može primiti šezdesetak gostiju /
Around twenty tables in the pizzeria can seat up to sixty guests
u ovih 130 četvornih metara nije imalo gdje više smjestiti – bio je začuđen, ali s osmijehom na licu, naš sugovornik, jer je to veliki uspjeh za jednu pizzeriju s obzirom
da ovakva vrsta restorana nije klasični ambijent za zaljubljene.
No, indirektna rasvjeta koja osvjetljava ciglu i stvara
ugođaj sigurnosti i prisnosti koji se nazire izvana kroz prozorske stijenke, vjerojatno je ono što je privuklo goste.
Oko dvadeset stolova u pizzeriji može primiti šezdesetak
gostiju, koji osim u raznim vrstama pizza mogu uživati i u
talijanskim tjesteninama i rižotima, te morskim i mesnim
specijalitetima po prihvatljivim cijenama.
Zanimljiv je i način kako je riješen prostor kuhinje. U donjem dijelu lokala je prostor u kojem se radi gruba priprema za jelo (reže šunka, pripremaju začini...). Gotova
hrana šalje se na gornji, nadzemni dio pizzerije – liftom.
Isto tako se prljavo posuđe šalje liftom dolje na pranje.
– Pazili smo na svaki detalj. Ovim liftom smo uvelike ubrzali rad zaposlenih, ali i onemogućili gostu da sluša ili
gleda kamo odlazi uprljano posuđe.
Pizzeria je u cijelosti uređena po zamisli mladog dizajnera, a rad, koji se završio u osam mjeseci, vlasnika je
stajao oko 100.000 eura. Iako se on na početku nije
snašao u idejama Filipa Gordona Franka, na kraju je
ispalo da se ne može donijeti nijedna odluka bez njegova znanja.
– Da, predložio sam i ideju za logo dizajn, izradu cjenika, čak i za posuđe kojim se koriste u lokalu, pa do
košulja za konobare – smiješio se zadovoljno Filip, iako
ništa manje zadovoljan nije ni sam vlasnik jer je odabrao pravu osobu za uređenje svoga lokala.
Ideja vodilja dizajnera pizzerije Fianona je bila stvoriti
ambijent u kojem će se gosti osjećati opušteno, gotovo kao da nisu ni izišli iz svoje kuće. Dakle, ugođaj koji ih
neće tjerati da se neugodno meškolje na stolcima, već
da se prepuste ukusnim jelima i pićima.
Ipak, malo je onih koji neće zamijetiti zanimljiv, netipičan izgled pizzerije, što se može zahvaliti raznim imenima iz svijeta vrhunskog dizajna koji su na određen način oblikovali djela našeg dizajnera.
– To su ljudi kojima se divim i koje smatram svojim idolima, zapravo su svi kontra “mainstreama”. To su pojedinci koji uvijek na ovaj ili onaj način uzburkaju javnost
jer naprave nešto što je neočekivano, pomaknuto od
uhodanog ili klasičnog. Mogao bih izdvojiti Filipa Starcka, Rona Arada, Konstantina Grgića, Antonija Citterija, Marca Newsona ili braću Bouroullec – gorljivo je
nabrajao svoje kolege naš sugovornik, ponosan što je
njegova zamisao ovog prostora ipak naišla na odobravanje samog vlasnika, ali i mnogih gostiju ove atipično
uređene pizzerije, smještene uz autocestu Zagreb-Karlovac.
Romantic Pizzeria for
Gourmands Eager
to Eat in a Different Ambiance
The idea that guided the designer, Filip Gordon Frank, and the owner of the ‘’Fianona’’ pizzeria, Sanjin Ćejvanović, was to create the ambient in which the guests
could feel relaxed, almost as if they never left their own house
Written by: Isabella Mikulek
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
Fianona - na talijanskom naziv za gradić
Labin u Istri / Fianona - the Italian name
for a small town Labin in Istria
Vlasnik Sanjin Ćejvanović želio je “klasičnu
pizzeriju s modernim elementima” / The owner,
Sanjin Ćejvanović, wanted a ‘’classical pizzeria
with modern features’’
he sentence that turned out to be the backbone
of the entire story, stood out during the first conversation of the young designer Filip Gordon
Frank, and the owner of the ‘’Fianona’’ pizzeria in
Lanište (Zagreb). The owner, Sanjin Ćejvanović, wanted a ‘’classical pizzeria with modern features’’. From
that sentence was developed a story with a lot of nonclassical details, a story that started at the beginning
of last year. ‘’I had a vision of how the pizzeria could
look, but later it turned out that I had to persuade and
convince the owner in some of my ideas. It was hard
for him to visualize all of my concepts, so I often had
to bring him materials and drafts so as to explain everything to him clearly, and to explain why I wanted to
use a certain material, instead of some other’’ said the
30-year old designer from Zagreb, who returned from
Milan, the Italian fashion and designer centre, eight
months ago.
He specialized in Italy, where he almost remained.
However, he decided to come back and, maybe one
day, become a link between companies and designers in Italy and Croatia. Full of ideas and eager to work,
he worked passionately on the pizzeria arrangement.
‘’The hardest thing was to find the adequate tapestry
for the pizzeria, but I accidentally found it in Milan.’’
For the guests of the place, exactly that black, vinyl
tapestry, which doesn’t absorb smells and can be
easily washed, and reminds on black ebony wood, is
memorable at the first sight. Everyone who has ever
been to a pizzeria would ask himself whether he was at
the right place.
The ‘’Fianona’’ pizzeria (the Italian name for a small
town Labin in Istria) is untypical for its dark shades, which
the designer ‘’broke’’ with walls made of light brick.
‘’Black is trendy at the moment, but it is not my favourite colour, so I moderated the atmosphere with lights,
brighter tables, and joists, especially in the lower part’’
explained Fillip Gordon who graduated in industrial design, and who wants to establish himself as the designer
for chairs, tables, wardrobes, lamps… with his own signature. At the moment, one of his lamps is being sold
throughout Italy, while he is looking for a suitable place
in Zagreb, in which he would open his own show room
or atelier where he would create, exhibit and sell his designer works. Until then he will deal with interior design,
mostly of catering establishments.
His imagination is particularly visible in the lower part of
the pizzeria to which we are led by small stairs. Six tables are ‘’hidden’’ in an intimate atmosphere. Lovers
are mostly attracted to the pizzeria by dim lights, dark
ceiling and china cabinets adorned with old vases, pots
and bowls ravaged by time.
‘’I was taken aback when I heard from the owner that
there was a line in front of the pizzeria for Valentine’s
Day, and many couples remained outside because
there was simply no place left in these 130 m²’’ our interlocutor was surprised, but with a smile on his face,
because it is a great success for a pizzeria, considering
that this kind of a restaurant is not a classical ambient
for lovers.
However, what probably attracts the guests is the indirect lighting which illuminates bricks and creates the atmosphere of safety and intimacy, discernible from the
outside through the windows.
Around twenty tables in the pizzeria can seat up to sixty
guests that, besides many kinds of pizza, can also enjoy
in Italian pastas and risottos, together with meat and fish
specialties at reasonable prices.
The way in which the kitchen space was solved is also
interesting. In the lower part of the pizzeria, there is a
space in which the food preparation is done (cutting
the ham, preparing the spices…). The prepared food
is sent to the upper, above-ground part of the pizzeria
– by a lift. The lift is also used to send the dirty dishes
‘’We took care of every detail. This lift has accelerated
the work of the employees, but it has also provided that
the guests wouldn’t have to listen or to watch where
dirty dishes went.’’
The whole pizzeria is arranged according to the young
designer’s idea, and the work itself, finished in eight
months, cost the owner around 100.000 euros. Even
though he didn’t cope well with Filip Gordon Frank’s
ideas at the beginning, it turned out that none of the
decisions could be taken without his permission.
‘’Yes, I came up with the idea for the logo design, for
the price list, even for the dishes used there and for the
waiters’ shirts’’ smiled Filip contentedly, but even the
owner wasn’t less content for choosing the right person
to decorate his pizzeria.
The idea that guided the designer of the ‘’Fianona’’
pizzeria was to create the ambient in which the guests
could feel relaxed, almost as if they never left their own
house. Therefore, to create the atmosphere in which
they will not have to squirm unpleasantly on their chairs,
but to surrender themselves to delicious meals and
However, only few of us wouldn’t notice the interesting
and untypical appearance of the pizzeria, which we
owe to different names from the world of high-quality
design which have, in one way or another, influenced
the works of our designer.
‘’Those are the people I admire and consider my idols,
and, actually, all of them are against ‘’the mainstream’’.
They are individuals who always somehow manage to
agitate the public by doing something unexpected,
different from the classical and the established. I could
name Filip Starck, Ron Arad, Konstantin Grgić, Antonio
Citteri, Marc Newson or the Bouroullec brothers’’, our
interlocutor passionately listed his colleagues, proud of
the fact that his concept of this place was approved by
the owner, but also by many guests of this untypical pizzeria, situated next to the Zagreb-Karlovac highway.
Do donjeg dijela pizzerije vode male zavojite stube /
In the lower part of the pizzeria lead small stairs
Atraktivan ulaz / An attractive entrance
Novi XK u potpunosti je izrađen od aluminija / New XK is
completely made of alluminum
Velika maèka ponovno napada
Zaoštren i omekšan upravo na pravim mjestima, maske dizajnirane po uzoru na legendarni
E-type, novi XK uspješno se nadovezao na svoje prošle inkarnacije, te je svakako potpuno
spreman za nastavak vječne borbe s ostalim luksuznim suparnicima
Piše: Ivan Mladina
aguar je jedan od rijetkih paradoksa autoindustrije. Riječ je o uglednoj tvrtki slavne prošlosti, koja
je, unatoč dugogodišnjem poslovanju s gubitkom,
vječni mamac za investitore. No, s obzirom na
mlak tržišni prijam modela u ponudi, posebice X-typea
od kojeg se očekivalo mnogo više, Jaguar je danas na
svojevrsnoj prekretnici. Ford, Jaguarov vlasnik od početka 90-ih, pomalo je počeo gubiti strpljenje sa svojom
karizmatičnom i mušičavom tvrtkom kćeri. Stoga je pala
odluka da se potpuno obnovi Jaguarov najdugovječniji
“image maker”, model XK.
Legendarni coupe/cabrio, koji svoje podrijetlo i oznaku
vuče još od modela XK iz 1948., svoj najsjajniji trenutak je
doživio daleke 1961., kada je predstavljen model XK-E,
poznatiji i kao E-type. Pravo remek-djelo industrijskog
dizajna, stalni je član lista 10 najljepših automobila u
povijesti, a njegove nezemaljske obline i proporcije i
danas se reflektiraju na oblikovanje XK modela. Neposredni prethodnik novoga XK zvao se XK8 i proizvodio
se od 1996. godine. Jedan od najljepših automobila
90-ih, ušao je u povijest kao najbrže prodavani Jaguar
svih vremena. Ipak, posljednjih godina je počeo gubiti
korak s konkurentima, u prvom redu Mercedesom SL i
BMW-om serije 6.
Dizajn novoga XK potpisuje čuveni Ian Callum, glavni
Jaguarov dizajner i kreator fantastičnih Aston Martina
DB-7 i DB-9.
Najveća razlika u odnosu na prošli model jest činjenica da je novi XK u potpunosti izrađen od aluminija.
Nadalje, novi XK je najprije bio osmišljen kao kabriolet,
a tek poslije je napravljena i zatvorena verzija, coupe.
Prednost takvoga koncepta je da je izbjegnut vizualni dojam kabriolet izvedbe kao coupea kojem je krov
naknadno skinut. Svakako treba spomenuti iznimnu
strukturalnu čvrstoću karoserije - Jaguarovi inženjeri su
uspjeli stvoriti automobil potpuno otporan na bilo kakva
uvijanja u vožnji i ostale nepoželjne pojave koje nastaju
kad se automobilu ukloni čvrsti krov, inače gotovo neizbježne kod kabrioleta izvedenih iz coupea.
Pomalo neobično za ovu klasu, Jaguar nije odustao od
platnenog krova. Premda su danas sklopivi metalni krovovi vrlo popularni, njihov mehanizam i prostor potreban za spremanje krova bi narušili sklad oblikovanja i
dodatno smanjili prtljažni prostor, a vjerojatno bi se izgu-
bila i ionako minijaturna stražnja klupa. Ovako XK ostaje
i dalje 2+2 u coupe i kabriolet izvedbi, što je u skladu s
Premda u svim smjerovima znatno raskošniji, svojim oblikovanjem novi XK uglavnom prati smjernice koje je zadao njegov prethodnik, što samo može biti dobro. Niska
i široka silueta, dugački prevjesi, fluidnost linija, poklopac
motora velik poput palube nosača aviona, mišićav i
napet stražnji kraj te golemi 20-inčni kotači, provjeren su
Jaguarov recept za uspjeh. Zaoštren i omekšan upravo
na pravim mjestima, maske dizajnirane po uzoru na spomenuti E-type, novi XK uspješno se nadovezao na svoje
prošle inkarnacije, te je svakako potpuno spreman za
nastavak vječne borbe s ostalim luksuznim suparnicima.
Od kojih je ipak nešto slabiji, jer 300 KS koje pruža 4,2litreni V8, premda i više nego dovoljne za sportske performanse, nešto su ispod razine koju nudi direktna konkurencija. Ipak, raskošnih 420 Nm okretnog momenta
jamči elastičnost i raskošne rezerve snage pri bilo kojoj
brzini i režimu vožnje. Jaguar XK uostalom i nije zamišljen
kao Formula 1 u civilnom odijelu, nego kao elegantan
i dinamičan grand tourer s aristokratskim štihom. Ubrzanje od 0 do 100 ispod 6 sekundi i 270 km/h maksimalne
brzine, ionako je više nego dovoljno za većinu smrtnika.
Za one koji, pak, žele još i više, u ponudi je model XKR
sa superchargerom koji je, kako ga Jaguarovi inženjeri
opisuju, “XK plus 30 posto”.
No, vratimo se našem “običnom” XK. Njegov ovjes je
također prošao temeljitu reviziju. Posebice se to odnosi
na potpuno obnovljeni sustav aktivne stabilnosti podvozja CATS. Laka aluminijska gradnja i usavršen ovjes, uz
izvanredan ZF automatski 6-stupanjski mjenjač s mogućnošću manualnih izmjena preko polugica na volanu,
jamac su izvanrednih voznih svojstava.
Već u osnovnoj izvedbi XK ne ostavlja ni jednu želju neispunjenom - DVD navigacija sa 7-inčnim displayem,
CD/MP3 player, bluetooth, cruise control, elektronička
parkirna kočnica... U serijsku opremu ulazi i besprijekorna kvaliteta izrade interijera, raskošna sjedala, vrhunska
koža, bezbrojne mogućnosti odabira vrsta i tonova drvenih obloga... Unutrašnjost novog XK je jedno vrlo posebno mjesto.
Mislilo se i na sigurnost - bezbroj zračnih jastuka, ABS,
EBD, DSC, kontrola proklizavanja; novi XK je opremljen
svim najnovijim dostignućima u aktivnoj i pasivnoj sigurnosti putnika i pješaka. U slučaju prevrtanja kabrioleta,
dva rollbara automatski iskaču iz stražnjeg dijela kabine
da zaštite glave putnika, a u slučaju naleta na pješaka,
posebni pirotehnički naboji odižu poklopac motora da
ublaži posljedice udarca.
Očekivanja od novog XK su golema i pred njim je težak posao. On je slamka spasa za posrnulu legendarnu
tvrtku, i od njega se ne očekuje ništa manje nego da je
vrati na vrlo kratak popis europskih ekskluzivnih proizvođača luksuznih automobila. Po svemu sudeći, čini se da
bi mu to moglo i uspjeti.
The Big Cat Strikes Again
Sharpened and softened in just the right places, its mask designed along the guidelines
set by the legendary E-type, the all-new XK successfuly lives up to its past incarnations,
and is by all means ready to continue its eternal struggle against luxurious rivals
Written by: Ivan Mladina
aguar is one of rare automotive paradoxes. A
well-respected company with truly glorious past,
Jaguar is always a great bait for investors, despite
the fact that it hasn’t made any profit in years.
With the X-type proving to be a sort of a market flop,
Jaguar today stands at the crossroads. Ford Motor Company, Jaguar’s owner since the beginning of the nineties, is starting to lose patience with its charismatic but
somewhat fitful Brittish division. Therefore it was decided
to make a complete rebuild of Jaguar’s most long-lived
image maker, the XK.
Legendary coupe/convertible, tracing its roots back
to the XK of 1948, had its most glorious moment in 1961
when the XK-E aka E-type, was leashed upon the unsuspecting world. A true masterpiece of industrial design
and a permanent resident of top 10 lists of most beautiful cars ever made, its unearthly, undulating proportions
are still reflected in styling cues of the new XK.
The immediate predecessor to the new XK was called
the XK8 and it’s been in production since 1996. One of
the most beautiful cars of the nineties, it made history as
the fastest-selling Jag of all time. Still, over the last couple of years, it started to lose pace with its direct competitors, most notably the Mercedes SL and the new 6series BMW.
The new XK is designed by famous Ian Callum, Jaguar’s
chief designer and the creator of fabulous Aston Mar-
tins DB-7 and DB-9. The biggest difference to the old
model is that the XK is completely made of alluminum.
Furthermore, it was first designed as a convertible and
only then as the fixed-head coupe. The advantage of
such concept is that the convertible does not look like a
coupe with its roof chopped off as an afterthought. An
exceptional structural rigidity of the chassis must be mentioned - Jaguar’s engineers managed to create a car
completely resistant to in-drive body shudder, a common problem with convertibles derived from coupes.
Somewhat unusual for this class, Jaguar did not give up
on the canvas roof. Although nowadays folding metal
rooftops enjoy enormous popularity, their mechanism
and storage space needed would deteriorate the harmony of design and would additionaly reduce luggage
compartment, while probably taking already minuscule
rear seats in the process. This way, in accordance with
tradition, the XK remains a 2+2 seater.
The new XK is significantly larger in all directions, but still
its design generally leans onto that of its predecessor and all the better for it. Low and wide silhouette, long
overhangs, fluidity of lines, hood the size of an aircraft
carrier’s deck, muscular and tight rump, all garnished by
huge 20-inch alloy wheels, present a Jag’s well-proven
recipe for success. Sharpened and softened in just the
right places, its mask designed along the guidelines set
by the legendary E-type, the all-new XK successfuly lives
Besprijekorna kvaliteta izrade interijera /
The flawless interior build
up to its past incarnations, and is by all means ready to
continue its eternal struggle against luxurious rivals.
In comparison to which, it proves to be somewhat
weaker. 300 HP developed by the 4,2-litre V8, albeit
more than enough to provide sporty performance,
leaves something to be desired compared to the immediate competitors. Still, huge 420 Nm of torque guarantee prodigal thrust reserves at any speed or mode.
The XK was not designed as a civil version of Formula 1
anyway, but more like an elegant and dynamic grand
tourer with the aura of aristocracy around it. Sub-six
second acceleration from 0-100 and top speed of 270
km/h will suffice for most mortals. And those who still
wish for more, can opt for the supercharged XKR, best
described by the people from Jaguar as “the XK plus
30 percent”.
But let us get back to our “ordinary” XK. Its suspension
has also undergone a thorough treatment. It especially applies to the completely reworked CATS - Jaguar’s
active suspension stability system. Lightweight built and
perfected suspension, combined with the fabulous 6speed automatic ZF gearbox (equipped with manual
gearshift option via paddles on the steering wheel),
vouch for great road handling.
Even at its standard version, the XK leaves no wishes
unfulfilled - DVD navigation with 7-inch display, CD/
MP3 player, Bluetooth, cruise control, electronic parking brake... Also as standard, come the flawless interior
build, sumptuous front seats, finest-quality leather trim,
countless options of wood inserts... All in all, the interior of
the new XK is a very special place to be in.
The safety was also attended to - numerous airbags,
ABS, EBD, DSC, traction control, the XK is equipped with
all the latest in active and passive safety. In case of a
rollover, two rollbars immediately come blasting from
the rear part of passenger compartment to protect the
occupant’s heads, and in case of hitting a pedestrian,
special pyrotechnic charges lift the hood upwards to
dampen the impact.
The expectations of the new XK are enormous and it
has a hard work ahead. A lifeline for the stumbled company, it is expected nothing short of bringing it back on
the shortlist of European luxury carmakers. And all things
considered, the new XK seems fit for the challenge.
Fine st
1. Bottega Veneta, kožni svijećnjak / leather candle holder; 2. Marimekko, kuhinjska rukavica Pieni Unikko / Kitchen
mitten Pieni Unikko; 3. Hugo Boss Orange, tenisice / sneakers; 4. Hugo Boss Orange; privjesak / Key ring; 5. Porsche
Design, poslovna torba Cayenne / business case Cayenne 6. Hugo Boss Black, ultramoderne rukavice / extremly
modern gloves; 7. Sergio Rossi, sandale iz kolekcije proljeće-ljeto 2007. / Sandals from Spring-Summer 2007 collection
8. Celine, Bittersweet torba / Bittersweet bag
1. Celine, kožne čizmice / leather boots; 2. Carolina Hererra, rukavice za golf / golf gloves; 3. Marimekko, toaletna
torbica Hipaus Markiisi/ cosmetic bag Hipaus Markiisi 4. Hugo Boss Orange; privjesak / Key ring; 5. Marc Jacobs,
slamnata kapa / straw cap 6. Dior, večernja torbica Gaucho / evening bag Gaucho 7. Porsche Design, medvjedić
za male trendsettere / bear for little trendsetters 8. Dior Baby, bijela pletena haljinica / white knitted dress
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Jednostavnost, elegancija, èistoæa:
dizajn Nike Èuèkoviæa
Unikatni suveniri Nike Čučkovića rijetko će
koga ostaviti ravnodušnim. Iako se školovao
i radio u Italiji, danas ovaj samozatajni umjetnik, dizajner interijera, produkt-dizajner i grafičar inspiraciju za svoj rad pronalazi u rodnom
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ Foto: NCD
ad dizajnera Nike Čučkovića, po njegovu vlastitu iskazu, može se sažeti u tri riječi: jednostavnost,
čistoća i elegancija. Ovaj samozatajni umjetnik,
dizajner interijera, produkt-dizajner i grafičar, školovao se u Firenci i Rimu, radio u Italiji i SAD-u, a danas
inspiraciju za svoj minimalistički dizajn nalazi na krajnjem
jugu Hrvatske, u Dubrovniku, gdje živi i radi. Njegovi prvi
profesionalni uspjesi vezani su uz Italiju, gdje je vrlo brzo,
nakon završetka akademije, zamijećen njegov rad.
Tada ga je uglavnom zaokupljao produkt-dizajn, za koji
je dobio više priznanja, a među njima i ono najvažnije, iz
2000. godine, kada je proglašen za najboljega mladog
dizajnera (MACEF). Izlagao je širom zemlje i surađivao
s brojnim talijanskim tvrtkama, poput Magisa, Bosa-e i
Fiata, te radio za jednog od najuglednijih dizajnerskih
studija u Italiji, Palomba Serafini associatti, u Veroni. Nakon godina provedenih u Americi, vraća se u Dubrovnik,
gdje uz kontinuirani rad na dizajniranju upotrebnih predmeta, nalazi i novi izazov – rad u staklu. Utjecaj mora
i boja Mediterana diskretno se reflektira u njegovim
predmetima od stakla, koji ponekad gotovo mimetički
oponašaju prirodu, a katkad postaju poligon za istraživanje i eksperiment.
Niko Čučković
S Nikom Čučkovićem porazgovarali smo o njegovu radu, Dubrovniku, hrvatskom dizajnu...
Kakav je Dubrovnik kao
radna okolina za mladog
dizajnera? Kakve su tu perspektive, postoje li poticaji,
– Nakon dugog boravka
u inozemstvu – deset godina proveo sam u Italiji i godinu
dana u Kaliforniji – imao sam veliku
želju vratiti se u rodni grad Dubrovnik
započeti novu avanturu – raditi sa
Dubrovnik je mala sredina, ali ima velike p r e d n o sti. Lako je naći inspiraciju u njemu, njegova povijest je
puna detalja koji služe kao polazište za istraživanje. Nebrojeno je slika naslikano, kamena isklesano, pjesama
napisano o njemu. Kao dizajner, osobno sam oduvijek
htio pridonijeti stvaranju novih oblika umjetnosti u svome
Gradu. Staklo je plemeniti materijal koji je pritom beskrajno inspirativan, baš kao i grad Dubrovnik.
Kako biste nam opisali svoj rad, što vas najviše zaokuplja/inspirira u posljednje vrijeme, čime se najviše bavite; staklom, produkt-dizajnom ili grafikom?
– Moj kreativni život se sastoji od “četiri godišnja doba”:
stakla, industrijskog dizajna, interijera, grafike. Svaki ovaj
aspekt, za sebe, posebna je struka, no među njima postoji i čvrsta povezanost i često jedan ne može bez drugoga. Volim raditi različite stvari, mijenjati projekte. Zato
sam i odabrao profesiju dizajnera kako bih svaki dan radio nešto novo, nešto drukčije.
Trenutačno se najviše bavim staklom. U staklu nalazim
najviše inspiracije za rad, možda zato što imam slobodu i mogućnost stvoriti nešto što sam zamislio dvadeset
i četiri sata prije, imati taj proizvod u ruci nedugo zatim
i upotrijebiti ga... darovati ga. Ručni rad je uvijek ručni
rad, ima neku svoju dušu, dok je kod industrijskog dizajna proces drukčiji, puno duži. Odnos dizajnera i industrije puno je složeniji i ponekad proizvod ne vidi svjetlost
dana zbog nekog trećeg čimbenika koji, primjerice,
može biti birokratski.
Kakvu poziciju, po vašemu mišljenju, ima hrvatski dizajn
u svijetu?
– Hrvatski grafički dizajn je u samome vrhu u svijetu, što
potvrđuju mnogobrojne međunarodne nagrade našega najpoznatijeg studija/agencije “Bruketa & Žinić”. Tu
je također naš veteran grafičkog dizajna, gospodin Boris
Ljubičić. Treba također istaknuti dizajnerski studio “Laboratorium” i “Definiciju”. Što se tiče grafičkog dizajna,
Hrvatska, iako mala zemlja, postiže zapažene rezultate,
dok, nažalost, u industrijskom dizajnu situacija nije tako
sjajna. Hrvatskoj industriji nedostaje baš taj segment – in-
dustrijski dizajn. Mnoge
tvrtke investiciju
u dizajn ne prepoznaju kao
potrebu ili je smatraju rizičnom. To, naravno,
koči cijeli segment.
Svakako valja istaknuti i svijetle primjere kooperacije,
primjerice Industrijskog tokarskog centra d.d. i dizajnera Nevena Kovačića, koji su svojom suradnjom stvorili
vrhunski drveni tokareni namještaj “TO koncept”. Naš,
možda najveći predstavnik u industrijskom dizajnu na
međunarodnoj sceni jest studio “Numen / For Use”.
Koji su vaši uzori?
– Početkom devedesetih godina, kada sam ušao u svijet dizajna kao student u Italiji, uzor mi je bio karizmatični
Philippe Starck. Moja početna stepenica su bili interijeri
te “Accademia Cappiello” u Firenci, a Starck je u tome
sektoru bio moja inspiracija.
Nakon toga, okrećem se industrijskome i produkt dizajnu. Tijekom pet godina školovanja na fakultetu I.S.I.A u
Rimu, inspiraciju i uzore nalazim u svim velikanima talijanskoga dizajna, kao što su B. Munari, A. Castiglione, E.
Mari, V. Magistretti i mnogi drugi.
Danas je dizajnerska scena tako velika da je teško nekoga posebno istaknuti između novog vala guru dizajnera
kao što su P. Lissoni, A. Citterio, R. i L. Palomba, J. Morrison, R. i N. Bouroullec, M. Newson... Mogao bih još dugo
Što je aktualno u dizajnu danas?
– “Less is more” bio je svojevrstan moto dok sam ja studirao (prije deset godina), ali ne vjerujem da smo se puno
pomakli od tada. Minimalizam je još uvijek prisutan u
svim magazinima dizajna i na svim salonima. Dizajneri
i industrija i dalje rade u tom pravcu. Dobar i uspješan
minimalistički dizajn je vrlo složen projekt.
Kako biste opisali svoj rad kad biste se nekome prvi put
– Doveo bih ga u svoju radionicu… jedna slika vrijedi tisuću riječi.
elegance, purity:
design by Niko
Unique souvenirs by Niko Čučković will surely leave an impact on everybody. Although he went to
school and worked in Italy, today this self-sacrificing artist, interior designer, product designer and
graphic artist finds inspiration for his work in his
native Dubrovnik
nique souvenirs by Niko Čučković will surely
leave an impact on everybody. Although he
went to school and worked in Italy, today this
self-sacrificing artist, interior designer, product
designer and graphic artist finds inspiration for his work
in his native Dubrovnik.
In his own words, his work can put in three words: simplicity, purity and elegance. This self-sacrificing artist, interior
designer, product designer and graphic artist went to
school in Florence and Rome, worked in Italy and USA,
and today he finds inspiration for his minimalist design
in the south of Croatia, in Dubrovnik, where he lives
and works. His first professional success is linked to Italy,
where, soon after he graduated from the academy, his
work was noticed. At the time he was mostly interested
in product-design, for which he received many awards,
and amongst them in 2000 the most important one for
the best young designer (MACEF). He put exhibitions
all over the country and cooperated with many Italian
firms, such as Magis, Bosa and Fiat, and he also worked
for one of the most prestigious designer studios in Italy, Palomba Serafini associatti in Verona. After having
spent many years in America, he returned to Dubrovnik,
where, alongside his continuous work in designing usable objects, he came across a new challenge – work
with glass. The influence of the sea and the colours of
the Mediterranean discreetly reflect in his objects made
of glass, which at times almost mimetically imitate nature, and at times become a polygon for research and
We talked to Niko Čučković about his work, Dubrovnik,
Croatian design…
What kind of a working environment is Dubrovnik for a
young designer? What is the perspective; are there any
stimuli, inspiration?
- After living abroad for a long time – I spent ten years
in Italy and one year in California – I had a great desire
to come back to my home town Dubrovnik and start a
new adventure – work with glass.
Dubrovnik is a small town, but it has many advantages.
It is easy to find inspiration in it; its history is filled with details which serve as a standpoint for research. Countless
paintings were painted, stones carved, songs written
about it. As a designer I personally wanted to attribute
to creating new forms of art in my town. Glass is a noble
material which is at the same time endlessly inspiring, just
as Dubrovnik.
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: NCD
biggest presenter of industrial design on the international scene is studio “Numen/
For Use”.
you describe
your work, what
inspires you the
most lately and what
do you deal with the
most; glass, product-design or graphics?
- My creative work consists of “four seasons”: glass,
industrial design, interior design and graphics. Each
of these aspects is a special profession for itself, but
amongst them there is a tight connection and, as it frequently happens, one cannot be perceived without
the other. I like doing different things, change projects.
This is why I chose the designing profession so I could
work on something new and different every day. Currently I mostly deal with glass. In glass I find inspiration
for my work, perhaps because I have the freedom and
the possibility to create something I imagined 24 hours
earlier, have that product in my hand and use it… give
it as a gift. Handwork is always handwork; it has its soul,
while the process in industrial design is different, much
longer. The relationship between the designer and the
industry is much more complex and at times the product
doesn’t see the daylight because of some third factor
which can perhaps be of bureaucratic nature.
n your opinion, what position does the Croatian design
have in the world?
- The Croatian graphic design is in the top in the world,
which is confirmed by many international awards for our
most famous studio/agency “Bruketa & Žinić”. There is
also our graphic design veteran Mr. Boris Ljubičić. I
should also point out designer studio “Laboratorium”
and “Definicija”. As far as graphic design is concerned, Croatia, although small, makes excellent
results, while, unfortunately, when it comes to industrial design, the situation is not that great. Croatia lacks
this segment – industrial design. Many companies do
not see investment in design as necessary or consider
it to be risky. It, of course, blocks the entire segment. It is
certainly worthwhile to point out some good cooperation examples like the Industrial Turner Centre d.d. and
designer Neven Kovačić, which created a supreme
wooden turner furniture “TO concept”. Our, perhaps the
What are your role models?
- In the beginning of the nineties, when I entered in the
design world as a student in Italy, my role model was
the charismatic Philippe Starck. My first step was the interior and the “Accademia Cappiello” in Florence, and
Starck was my inspiration in that sector. Afterwards, I
turned to industrial and product design. During the five
years I spent in college I.S.I.A in Rome, I found inspirations and role models in great men of Italian design such
as B. Munari, A. Castiglione, E. Mari, V. Magistretti, as well
as many others. Today the designing scene is so big that
it is hard to specifically point somebody out from the
new wave of guru designers such as P.Lissoni, A. Citterio,
R. and L. Palomba, J. Morrison, R. and N. Bouroullec, M.
Newson… I could go on for hours.
What is actual in design today?
- Less is more was the motto when I went to college
(some ten years ago), but I do not believe that we have
moved much since those times. Minimalism is still present
in all design magazines and in all salons. The designers
and the industry are still working in this direction. Good
and successful minimalist design is a very complex project.
If you had to present yourself for the first time to somebody, how would you describe your work?
- I would take him to my workshop... a picture is worth a
thousand words.
Najljepša kuæa na
Koncept “dvora“, u kojima se oko očinske kuće okupljaju potomci, u kući Čulo ogleda se u naoko jednostavnom rješenju dvaju objekata – roditeljskoga i onoga za
djecu – međusobno povezanih dvama bočnim kamenim zidovima i terasama, kako
bi prostor skupljao, a ne odvajao obitelj
Piše: Tanja Jakovèev
Foto: Robert Leš
Dom snova
uća za odmor obitelji Čulo reinterpretirana je
dalmatinska tradicija “dvora“, smještena u Bolu
na Braču. Autoru projekta, poznatome splitskom
arhitektu Vjekoslavu Ivaniševiću, prva je asocijacija u promišljanju bila upravo tradicija – investitori su
bili brojna obitelj s jakom povezanošću koja je trebala
biti aplicirana i u njihov zajednički prostor, i koji su, svi
jednako zdušno i zainteresirano, pratili rad na ovom
zdanju. U vrijeme kad je projekt nastajao, njegov autor
bio je intenzivno zaokupljen upravo pitanjem dalmatinske pučke arhitekture i njezinim novim iščitavanjem. U
potrazi za odgovorom na pitanje što suvremena arhitektura smještena u mediteransko okružje može baštiniti
iz hrvatske tradicije, tako obožavane i sve češće zloupotrebljavane, ogolio je stvari do esencije. – Vremena
u kojima je nastajala tzv. dalmatinska arhitektura bila
su vremena u kojima su kuće rasle kroz nekoliko generacija, sporo kao što se sporo, u ritmu prirode, i živjelo,
u kojima su one bile ovijene oko svojih funkcija. Danas
je taj koncept nemoguće primijeniti, a pokušaji doslovnih citata često postaju nakaradni. Zato sam pokušao
ići dalje i dublje, i pronašao poveznicu okružja jednako
primjenjivu na bilo koje vrijeme: suhoću. Zemlja je ovdje
suha, kamen i bilje bore se međusobno za svaki komadić prostora, a sve to daje osnovnu notu koja se može
aplicirati u bilo koje vrijeme. Zato sam tražio ideju u jednostavnim elementima, u zvonkim i čistim zvukovima
hoda po kamenu – tvrdi Vjekoslav Ivanišević. Upravo
zbog toga kuća Čulo (ili Villa Petra, kako je zovu njezini
vlasnici), iako su se u njezinoj izgradnji koristili i moderni materijali, svojim je osnovnim dojmom i glavnom temom ostala kamena kuća, a vlasnici su najviše inzistirali
upravo na dosljednoj, gotovo savršenoj primjeni fino
klesanoga bračkoga kamena.
Koncept “dalmatinskih dvora“ u kojima se oko očinske
kuće okupljaju potomci, ogleda se u naoko jednostavnom rješenju dvaju objekata – roditeljskoga i onoga
za djecu – međusobno povezanih dvama bočnim kamenim zidovima i terasama, kako bi prostor skupljao, a
ne odvajao obitelj.
Kuća atrij sa središnjim otvorenim prostorom, dvorom
koji stvara zajedničku os, nametnula se kao idealno rješenje: prolazna, prohodna, otvorena, transparentna, s
desecima pogleda. Upravo je takva pristajala obitelji
koja rado i često prima goste i prijatelje, druželjubivoj i otvorenoj. Gabariti zdanja nisu skromni (ali
ni pretjerani), no upravo njegova dosljedna otvorenost nije ugrozila okolni prostor, nego se u njega
savršeno uklopila i oplemenila ga. Jedina bolna
točka, poprilično česta u radu svakog arhitekta,
bila je veličina parcele, ali je i taj problem uspješno riješen zahvaljujući očitoj prohodnosti i nezagušenosti prostora ni prema sebi ni prema okolini.
Deseci detalja primijenjenih na kući Čulo posveta
su Mediteranu: od reinterpretiranih škura do hortikulturnog oplemenjivanja, pa bi se čak i bazen u
središnjem dvoru morao protumačiti kao impluvij
rimskih patricija, a ne kao mondeni zahtjev, dok
moderno, ali udobno riješeni interijeri s velikim
ostakljenim plohama, ali i toplinom drva, sasvim
jasno izražavaju želju autora i vlasnika da se ovdje
živi, odmara i uživa.
U svome obrazloženju rada, Vjekoslav Ivanišević
kaže: – Kuća za odmor obitelji Čulo projektirana
je kao preslika žive tradicije u kojoj se oko očinske kuće u jednom dvorištu okupljaju potomci,
formirajući prostorne nukleuse za svoj boravak i
boravak svojih obitelji. Tako su nastajali i nastaju
dalmatinski dvori, prostori koji ne ruše tradiciju u
ime neznanih vrijednosti, već je prihvaćaju i podržavaju... Splet autentičnih kamenih zidova i gomila bračkog kamena u interpretaciji kubističkih
arhitektonskih oblika, daju kompleksu karakter
autentične jednostavnosti, suhoće, jasnoće, čvrstoće i punoće izvorne arhitekture.
I doista, umjesto kojekakvih novokomponiranih
dalmatinskih kuća, forsiranja “volta” i kupe kanalice, nasilnog oblaganja nepripadajućim kamenom i drugih nevještih pokušaja da se novo
pretvori u “izvorno”, nešto tako esencijalno kao
što je tumačenje tradicije trebalo bi prepustiti
stručnjacima i kreativcima. Rezultat je, barem u
ovom slučaju, fino odmjerena ravnoteža između
autohtonih vrijednosti na koje se kuća Čulo naslanja idejom i vremena u kojem je nastala. A kao i
svaka arhitektura, ona je prije svega duh svoga
Dream home
The Most Beautiful House
on the Adriatic
In the Čulo house, the concept of the “villa’’ in which the descendants gather around
the paternal house, is represented by an apparently simple arrangement of two facilities – one for parents and one for children, mutually connected by two stone sidewalls and terraces, so as the space would collect the family instead of separating it
Written by: Tanja Jakovèev
Photo: Robert Leš
he summer house of family Čulo is a reinterpreted Dalmatian tradition of a ’’villa’’, situated in
Bol, on the island of Brač. The first association
of the author of the project, the famous split
architect Vjekoslav Ivanišević, was exactly tradition
– the investor was a large family whose members
are strongly related to each other, and that relationship had to be applied into their shared space.
All of them have been equally conscious and interested in monitoring the works on this building. At the
time of the creation of the project, its author was
intensely preoccupied with the question of Dalmatian folk architecture and its new readings. In the
search for the answer to the question of what can
modern architecture, situated in the Mediterranean
environment, inherit from the Croatian tradition - so
admired and often abused - the author brought
things down to the essence. - The times in which the
so-called Dalmatian architecture originated, were
the times in which the houses were built by several
generations, as slowly as they lived, in the rhythm of
nature, and in which they were ‘‘wrapped’’ around
its functions. It is impossible to apply that concept
today, and the attempts of ‘’literal quotations’’ be-
come absurd. That is why I tried to go further
and deeper, and I found the link of the surroundings equally applicable to any period:
aridity. Here, the soil is dry, stone and plants
struggle between themselves for every bit of
space, and all that provides a basic note,
applicable at any period of time. Therefore
I searched for the idea in simple elements, in
the reverberant and pure sounds of walking
on the stone – says Vjekoslav Ivanišević. This
is exactly why the Čulo house (or Villa Petra,
as its owners like to call it) remained a stonehouse by its first impression and by its main
theme, even though the owners insisted exactly on the consistent and almost perfect
application of Brač’s stone.
In the Čulo house, the concept of the Dalmatian villa in which the descendants gather
around the paternal house, is represented by
an apparently simple arrangement of two facilities – one for parents and one for children,
mutually connected by two stone side-walls
and terraces, so as the space would collect
the family instead of separating it.
The house-atrium, with open central space,
a courtyard which creates an axis, imposed
itself as a perfect solution: passable, open,
transparent, with dozens of views. Exactly that
kind of house suits the sociable family that
gladly and often invites guests and friends.
The borders of the building are not small, nor
are they too big, but exactly due to its consistent openness it did not jeopardize the neighboring space, but fit into it. The only problem,
the one that most architects encounter, was
the size of the parcel, but even that problem
was successfully solved, thanks to the apparent openness of the space towards itself
and towards the neighborhood. Tens of de-
Dream home
tails applied on the Čulo house are dedicated to the
Mediterranean: from reinterpreted shutters to horticultural improvement, so that even the pool in the central
part of the house could be interpreted as an impluvium
of the roman patricians, and not as a trendy requirement, while modern but comfortable interior with large
glass surfaces and warmth of the wood, clearly express
the wish of the author and the owner to live, relax and
enjoy there. In his explanation of the work, Vjekoslav
Ivanišević says: ‘’The summer house of the Čulo family
is designed as a copy of the live tradition in which the
descendents gather around the paternal house, in its
courtyard, forming space nucleuses for the sojourn of
the family. That is how the Dalmatian villas were, and
still are, built. Spaces that do not ruin tradition on behalf of unimportant values, but accept and support
it… A combination of authentic stone-walls and a lot
of Brač’s stone in the interpretation of cubic architectural forms, give the complex a character of authentic
simplicity, aridity, clearness, solidness and fullness of the
original architecture.
Indeed, instead of some newly designed Dalmatian
houses, insisting on arches and mission tiles, forced
coating with unsuitable stone and other unskillful attempts to transform the new into ‘’the original‘‘, something as essential as the interpretation of tradition
should be left over to experts and artists. The result is, at
least in this case, a well-measured equilibrium between
the autochthon values of the idea for the Čulo house
and the time in which it was created. And just like any
architecture, it is, above all, the spirit of its time.
Talijansko-azijski restoran “Shiro i Shiro” / Italian-Asian
restaurant “Shiro i Shiro”
Raj za globalne nomade
Hotel Lux11 u Berlinu jedno je od onih mjesta gdje ćete se odmah osjećati kao kod kuće.
Monolitni prostor u kojem je sve u kamenu, osim podloge kreveta, stola i stolica koji su
drveni, stvara opuštenu i lounge-atmosferu koju još više pojačava princip “otvorenog
Piše: Sreæko Horvat
Lounge-bar i restoran u jednom / Lounge-bar and
restaurant in one
mješten u istočnom Berlinu, u Ulici Rose Luxemburg i u neposrednoj blizini poznatoga televizijskog tornja (Fernsehturm) koji je postao simbol
Berlina, Lux11 (dio grupe Chambers), premda je
otvoren tek nedavno, na ljeto 2005., ubrzo je postao jedan od najpoznatijih berlinskih dizajnerskih hotela. Smješten je u zgradi izgrađenoj u 19. stoljeću, koja je najprije
bila rezidencijalna građevina, a poslije uredski prostor, i
to u vrijeme komunizma (gdje su navodno živjeli članovi
KGB-a). Fasada je renovirana i izdvaja se svojom prepoznatljivom bijelom bojom, a unutrašnjost, sa 72 sobe, posve je izmijenjena. Već u prizemlju, kada ulazimo u hotel,
nailazimo na posebnu atmosferu, pa nas tako predvorje
osvijetljeno crvenkastom bojom dovodi do recepcije
koja odiše minimalističkim dizajnom, karakterističnim i za
cijeli hotel. U prizemlju su talijansko-azijski restoran, gdje
poznati kuhar Duc Ngo priprema specijalitete kao što su
sushi, teriyaki i različite tjestenine, kafić i lounge-bar, te
aveda-spa i hotelski frizerski salon. Dvosmislenost imena
“Lux“ se ogleda u tome što kao skraćenica može evocirati na luksuz, ali se istodobno referira i na ulicu koja je
prozvana po Rosi Luxemburg, jednoj od prvih njemačkih
socijalista, a otuda možda i crvena zvijezda u logotipu
Hotelijer Tom Tänzer kaže da je Lux Eleven koncept u kojemu se globalni nomadi trebaju osjećati kao kod kuće.
Ne samo da se gosti hotela često mogu svrstati u tu kategoriju, budući da se najčešće radi o ljudima mlađe
i srednje dobi, dizajnerima, arhitektima, poslovnim ljudimai yuppiejima, nego i sve sobe slijede tu hotelsku filozofiju. Naime, svi apartmani – veličine od 25 do 55 četvornih metara – sadrže kuhinju opremljenu s mikrovalnom
pećnicom, perilicom za posuđe, hladnjakom, posuđem
itd., a tu su i televizor i sve ostale tehnološke potrepštine
(uključujući i DSL-internet).
Minimalistički dizajn
Same sobe karakterizira minimalistički dizajn blagih i svijetlih boja. Monolitni prostor u kojem je sve u kamenu,
osim podloge kreveta, stola i stolica koji su drveni, stvara
opuštenu i lounge-atmosferu koju još više pojačava princip “otvorenog prostora“. Naime, sve sobe apartmana
(dnevna soba, spavaća soba, hodnik, garderoba, kupaonica) spojene su i između njih ne postoje vrata, tek na
nekim mjestima zavjese koje, ovisno o želji, mogu stvarati razdvojene prostore. Suptilnim geometrijskim dizajnom
(sve su plohe najčešće veliki kvadrati ili pravokutnici, pa
tako i kada ili umivaonik) stvara se određeni tok prostora
koji nije samo estetski primamljiv nego i funkcionalan.
Kada je tako odvojena prozirnim staklom i zrcalom, do
nje se dolazi malim stubama, a obasjava je prigušeno
svjetlo, što stvara estetski dojam, no ona je ujedno vrlo
funkcionalna budući da je sastavni dio spavaće sobe,
blizu je kreveta i garderobe, što omogućuje cirkulaciju
i osjećaj otvorenosti. Nasuprot tome, kupaonice kakve
obično poznajemo najčešće su zatvoreni prostori, posve odijeljeni od ostatka stana, zasebne cjeline koje ne
komuniciraju s ostatkom prostora.
U tom smislu, sobe Luxa slijede staro japansko načelo
prema kojemu je bitno održati komunikaciju vanjskog i
unutarnjeg prostora, otvorenog i zatvorenog, te čitav
apartman na kraju postaje “otvoren“ i protočan. Po svojoj veličini i funkcijama, radi se o stanu, a unatoč tome
imamo dojam kao da smo u jednoj jedinoj velikoj sobi.
Upravo je to najbolji dokaz teze da se globalni nomadi
u Luxu trebaju osjećati kao kod kuće. No, premda kombinacija funkcionalnog, dizajniranog i životnog prostora
podsjeća na privatne rezidencijalne građevine jednog
Le Corbusiera, moderni i minimalistički dizajn ipak u nekim
segmentima zbog esteticizma ide na štetu funkcionalizma. Toalet je tako na prvi pogled impozantan i zapravo
jedini odijeljeni i monolitni prostor u sklopu apartmana,
no u njemu nedostaje umivaonik, pa gost mora ići ili do
kuhinje ili do kupaonice, odnosno spavaće sobe, što nije
posve praktično. Jednako tako, slavine nad umivaonikom ili sudoperom, premda lijepo izgledaju, otežavaju
pranje lica ili pranje posuđa, dok i cijela kuhinja na neki
način – unatoč pažnji za detalje – nije posve funkcionalna. To je vjerojatno jedini nedostatak soba, iako bi se
drugi “nedostatak“ mogao pronaći upravo u tvrdnji da
se u njima trebate osjećati kao kod kuće.
Osjećaj doma
Unatoč ponekim funkcionalističkim propustima, Lux11
doista uspijeva proizvesti osjećaj doma i posebne atmosfere, ali hotel koji se nalazi u Berlin Mitteu, dakle, središtu
istočnog dijela grada, od sebe stvara “totalan“ prostor i
čak vas navodi da ni ne napustite njegove odaje jer se
u njemu tako dobro osjećate. Arhitekti Giuliana Salmaso
i Claudio Sivlestrin, koji su već dizajnirali za Armanija, i koji
su koncipirali unutrašnji dizajn hotela, kažu: “Koncept
apartmana utemeljen je na osjećaju Berlina posljednjih
Ulf Haines trgovina u sklopu hotela / Ulf Haines
store within the hotel
godina.“ Premda je to na razini dizajna možda diskutabilno, budući da je Berlin arhitektonski toliko raznolik da
se može govoriti o mnoštvu stilova i epoha, ta je tvrdnja
posve ispravna u kontekstu osjećaja koji stvaraju apartmani Luxa. Gosti će se, premda i ne izlaze iz hotela,
osjećati kao da su kod kuće, ali i kao da su u Berlinu.
Oni koji se ipak odluče na izlazak iz hotela, za samo
10-ak minuta hoda očekuje Alexanderplatz i televizijski
toranj, te niz drugih turističkih atrakcija poput Gradske
vijećnice, Marx-Engels foruma i, dakako, rijeke Spree, s
koje kreću turistički obilasci brodom i uz koju se nalazi
poznati Museuminsel, otok i kompleks najznačajnijih istočnoberlinskih muzeja. Preko rijeke Spree istočni nas dio
grada vodi ulicom Unter den Linden, pokraj sveučilišta
Humboldt, ispred kojeg su nacionalsocijalisti palili knjige,
do muzeja Guggenheim u kojem se održavaju izložbe
moderne i suvremene umjetnosti. Tko se odluči na daljnji obilazak, proći će pokraj impozantne zgrade ruskoga
veleposlanstva i doći do Brandenburških vrata i prostora
gdje je svojedobno zid dijelio zapadni i istočni dio Berlina. Od hotela Lux11 do tog se dijela može doći za pola
sata do sat hoda, a sve je povezano i javnim prijevozom. Na kraju, cijene soba, odnosno apartmana, sežu
od 115 do 185 eura po noći, što za takvu lokaciju, luksuz,
dizajn i ugodnu atmosferu doista nije mnogo.
for global
Hotel Lux 11 in Berlin is one of those places
where you should feel yourself at home immediately. Monolithic area in which everything is
made of stone, except for the bed base, table
and chairs that are made of wood, creates
relaxing and lounge atmosphere that gives
an additional emphasis to the principle of the
“open space”
Written by: Sreæko Horvat
ituated in the East Berlin, in Rosa Luxemburg
Street, and in the immediate vicinity of the famous TV tower (Fernsehturm) that became the
symbol of Berlin, Lux11 (a member of Chambers
group), although recently opened, in the summer of
2005, soon became one of the most famous design hotels in Berlin. It is located in the 19th century building
that was at first a residential building, and then, in the
period of communism, an office building (where the
members of KGB allegedly lived). Renovated facade
stands out for its distinguishing white color, whereas
the interior part, with 72 rooms, has been completely
altered. Already on the ground floor, when entering
the hotel, we are surrounded by unique atmosphere
and thus reddish lighted lobby leads us to the reception that reflects minimalist design, characteristic for
the entire hotel. There is an Italian-Asian restaurant on
the ground floor where famous chef Duc Ngo prepares
specialties such as sushi, teriyaki and various types of
pasta, coffee and lounge bar, as well as aveda-spa,
and the hotel hair dresser. The ambiguity of the name
“Lux” is very interesting, since as an abbreviation it can
evoke the luxury, whereas, at the same time, it refers
to the street named after Rosa Luxemburg, one of the
first German socialists, wherefrom the red star in the hotel logo probably derives. Hotel operator Tom Tänzer
says that Lux Eleven is a concept where global nomads
should feel themselves at home. Not only the hotel
guests can be placed into that category, since most
of them are young and middle-aged, designers, architects, business people and yuppies, but all the rooms
also follow the same hotel philosophy. Namely, all the
suits – size from 25 to 55 m2 – have a kitchen equipped
with microwave oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, uten-
Ulf Hanes
Recepcija odiše minimalističkim dizajnom / The reception reflects minimalist design
Arhitekti Giuliana Salmaso i Claudio Sivlestrin koncipirali
su unutrašnji dizajn hotela / Architects Giuliana Salmaso
and Claudio Silvestrin made the concept of the interior
design of the hotel
sils etc., as well as TV set and all other technological
gadgets (DSL – internet included).
Minimalist design
The rooms reflect minimalist design in soft and bright
colors. Monolithic area in which everything is made of
stone, except for the bed base, table and chairs that
are made of wood, creates relaxing and lounge atmosphere that gives an additional emphasis to the principle of the “open space”. All the rooms in the suits (living room, bedroom, hall, wardrobe, and bathroom)
are connected and there are no doors between them.
There are only few curtains on certain places that, according to one’s personal preferences can create separate areas. Subtle geometric design (all the planes are
mostly large squares or rectangles, bath and lavatory
included) creates certain flow of space that is not only
aesthetically attractive, but also functional. The bath is
thus separated with transparent glass and a mirror. You
have to climb a few steps to reach it, it is lighted by
shaded light that creates an aesthetic impression, but
it is also very functional since it is an integral part of the
bedroom, it is located near the bed and the wardrobe,
which enables circulation and feeling of openness. On
the contrary, bathrooms we usually have the opportunity to see are mostly closed spaces, completely separated from the rest of the apartment; isolated units that
don’t communicate with the rest of the space.
In that respect, rooms in Lux respect the old Japanese
principle of preserving communication between the inner and outer space, of the closed and the open, and
the entire suit is characterized by “openness” and free
flow. When size and the functions are taken into consideration, it is an apartment, however we have an impression we are in a large room. This exactly is the best
proof that global nomads should feel themselves at
home in Lux. Although, a combination of the functional,
designed and living space reminds of private residential
buildings similar to Le Corbusier, modern and minimalist design, in certain segments sacrifices functionality to
aestheticism. At first sight, the toilet is impressive, and,
in fact, the only separated and monolithic area in the
suit, but it lacks the lavatory so a guest has to go to the
kitchen or bathroom i.e. to bedroom, which is not entirely practical.
In addition to that, faucets above the lavatory or sink,
although looking beautifully, make washing the face or
dishes difficult, whereas the kitchen – despite the attention dedicated to details – is not entirely functional. This
is, probably the only shortcoming of the rooms, although
the second “shortcoming” lies in the statement that one
should feel himself at home.
The atmosphere of home
Despite a few functional omissions, Lux11 indeed succeeds in creating the atmosphere of home. The hotel
situated in Berlin Mitte, therefore in the centre of the
South part of the city, makes a “total” space of itself and
even tempts you not to leave its rooms because you feel
so well in there. Architects Giuliana Salmaso and Claudio Silvestrin, who had already designed for Armani, and
who made the concept of the interior design of the ho-
Sobe karakterizira minimalistički dizajn blagih i
svijetlih boja / The rooms reflect minimalist design
in soft and bright color
tel say: “The suit concept is based on the feeling of Berlin
during the last few years”. Although this is questionable
on the level of design, since Berlin architecturally varies
so that we can speak about variety of styles and periods, the statement is true in the context of the feelings
that the suits in Lux provoke. Without even leaving the
hotel, the guests will feel themselves at home, but they
will also feel as if they were in Berlin.
Those who nevertheless decide to leave the hotel, after
only 10 minute walk will find themselves facing Alexanderplatz and TV tower, as well as a number of tourist attractions such as Town Hall, Marx-Engels forum, and, of
course river Spree from where tourist cruises leave, and
near which is a famous Museuminsel, an island and a
complex of the most famous museums in the East Berlin.
Across the river Spree, Eastern part of the city leads to
the Unter den Linden Street, near the Humboldt University, in front of which nationalists burnt the books, to
Guggenheim Museum where exhibitions of modern and
contemporary art take place. Who decides to go farther, will pass near the impressive building of the Russian
Embassy and reach the port of Brandenburg where the
wall once divided Western and Eastern part of Berlin.
This area is at a half an hour to an hour of walking distance form the Lux11 hotel, but everything is connected
by means of public transportation. Finally, room, i.e. suit
prices are from 115 to 185 euros per night, which is a
rather fair price when location, luxury, design and pleasant atmosphere are taken into consideration.
Sve sobe apartmana spojene su i između njih ne postoje vrata / All the rooms in the suits are connected and
there are no doors between them
Svi apartmani sadrže kuhinju opremljenu s mikrovalnom pećnicom, perilicom za posuđe, hladnjakom, itd.
/ All the suits have a kitchen equipped with microwave
oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc.
Etro / www.etro.it - raskoš boja i
materijala / Richness of colours
amd materials
Etno - stil ili pomodnost?
Piše: Vesna Munða
Etno-stil u dekoriranju uvijek je moderan. Ako ste ljubitelj starog, rustikalnog i egzotičnog,
pročitajte naše savjete te se upustite u stvaranje etno-oaze u svome domu
olite li sve što je staro, iskonsko, rustikalno (što
pripada selu i njegovoj idili), protivnik ste civiliziranja izvornih kultura po svaku cijenu i obožavate televizijske emisije o starim obrtima i putopise o egzotičnim zemljama, ali i o našim selima. Cijenite
ljude koji mijese sami svoj kukuruzni kruh i piju
kozje mlijeko, sigurno želite svoj interijer
urediti “po svojoj mjeri“, tj. u etno-stilu.
Za početak, najvažnije bi bilo odrediti čiji
folklor preferirate. Nije preporučljivo miješati folklorne predmete različitih zemalja i kultura. Obožavate li japanske, minimalističke interijere, nemojte se zabuniti
i u kut (kao ležerno) postaviti, primjerice,
kolijevku u kojoj se “zibao Jankec“.
Nadalje, bez pretjerivanja! Bez obzira
koliko imate izvornih predmeta, nemojte ih sve “izložiti“ jer vaš dom nije galerija, nego prostor u kojem bi trebalo najprije vama, a zatim i vašim gostima, biti
I prije nego damo malo konkretnije, tj.
opipljivije savjete, moja je preporuka
– odjenite svoj dom u naš hrvatski folklor. O njemu najviše znate, ne
možete se “izgubiti“ jer ste tu na
domaćem terenu. Naš folklor je
bogat i zanimljiv, a ako ste nepopravljivi ljubitelji egzotike, pokušajte zamisliti kako bi nekom
Indijcu ili Tibetancu ovo naše,
domaće bilo – egzotično.
Za uređenje interijera najvažniji
je izbor boja. U našem slučaju,
nema puno boja, uglavnom
su to zemljani, smeđi tonovi,
tamno drvo i tkanine prirodnih
boja. To je prirodna boja vune,
pamuka, lana, konoplje, s vezom ili čipkom, “šlingom“ u rasponu od bijele, preko zlatne,
prirodne boje vune ili konca,
pa do svih nijansa smeđe. Naši
preci su živjeli od zemlje, voljeli
njezin miris i boje. Čvrsto su stajali na zemlji i u kući su voljeli imati
predmete u boji zemlje. Žene bi se ipak često “razigrale“ i tada su tkale šarene fertune (pregače), čarape,
marame… Stoga, postavite li i vi na stol šareno izvezen ili
istkan stolnjak, nećete pogriješiti jer ćete tako oživiti čist, ali jednolično obojen ugođaj.
Pokućstvo mora biti izrađeno od masivnog
drveta tamne boje, bio on premazan lakom ili ne. Ključne riječi su: masivno, stabilno, čvrsto, nerasklopivo, izdržljivo, i smeđe.
Jedina boja koja se može (na mala vrata)
uvući u to drveno carstvo jest zelena, što i nije
neprimjereno jer i zelena je boja – prirode. Zaustavite se,
međutim, ipak na zemlji!
Podovi moraju biti načinjeni od drvenih dasaka, a na
stropovima bi, po mogućnosti, trebale biti vidljive barem
grede, također u smeđoj boji, po mogućnosti što tamnijoj nijansi.
Zidovi, naprotiv, ne smiju biti prekriveni nikakvim daskama
ili, nedajbože, daščicama koje ljudi uglavnom nazivaju
– brodskim podom. Zidovi moraju disati, biti “otvoreni“,
Podne vaze zemljan
svježe obojeni, u bijelu, žućkastu ili oker. Ne moraju oni
biti superglatki i ravni, ali je važno da su uvijek čisti i da se
svake godine boje. Na zidovima su poželjna zrcala uokvirena lijepim drvenim okvirima, koji mogu biti jednostavni, ali i izrezbareni,
ukrašeni metalnim
ili staklenim uresima.
Što se slika tiče, nisu
važni okviri, ne mora ih
čak ni biti, a svakako
zaboravite apstraktnu
umjetnost, isto kao i
“jelene koji piju vodu
na potoku“ izrađene
u superrealističnoj
(kič) maniri. Radije
objesite fotografije svojih najmilijih
ili kakav vrijedan
goblen. Prozori
koji imaju drvene okvire, ne
moraju biti zastrti zavjesama
ili zastorima. Za
sunčana vremena dovoljne
će biti drvene
“škure“ ili rolete. Stakla, međutim, moraju
h bo
ja /
vases in earth colours
Jako moderan bijeli dvosjed s presvlakom
etno uzorka / Very modern white sofa with
ethno style upholstery
biti savršeno čista. Ako ipak želite zavjese, neka to budu
one lijepe, starinske, od tkanoga platna ili pak kukičane.
Mora li se napominjati da je poželjna boja bijela ili prirodna boja lana ili konoplje?! Jednako je i s prekrivačima.
A kako sve skupa ne bi bilo dosadno, jastučići na naslonjačima ili dvosjedima mogu biti “obučeni“ u tkanice,
bogato ukrašene šarama, dakle, neka “pršte“ bojama.
Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni police, koje također trebaju
biti izrađene od tamnoga masivnog drva, na kojima će
uredno biti posložene knjige i posude od drveta ili gline,
koje će služiti za pohranu voća, povrća, cvijeća itd.
U takvom jednom rustikalnom domu, posebnu pažnju
valja posvetiti detaljima. Zdjelice, tanjuri, košarice, sve
ono što nije skriveno u ormarima, trebale bi biti – zdjele,
veliki tanjuri, velike košare.
Naglasak je na velikom jer robustan, teški namještaj,
daske, grede i grubo tkani prekrivači ili tepisi ne trpe
bezbroj malih posudica s voćem ili slatkišima, vazica s
cvijećem i sl. U velikoj glinenoj ili drvenoj posudi možete lijepo aranžirati puno vrsta voća, u velikoj košari od
pruća držite, primjerice, pletivo, a u velikoj glinenoj vazi
na vidljivome mjestu neka bude – poljsko cvijeće. Uvijek
držite u kući puno cvijeća, koje može biti i suho, premda
je najbolje imati uvijek ono svježe, i to sve u jednoj velikoj posudi. Cvijeće, dakle, mora biti s dugačkim peteljkama. Ne mora posuda ili velika vaza s cvijećem uvijek
stajati na stolu ili na prozorskoj dasci. Velike posude stabilno stoje i na podu. Jednako tako, poželjno je imati i
lončanice, a preporuka je: veliko lisnato sobno cvijeće,
najbolje ono sa širokim, oblim listovima. I opet, u velikim
Ethno – Style or Fashion?
Ethno style in decoration is still very modern. If you are a lover of the ancient, rustic and
egsotic, read our advice and start creating an ethno oasis in your own home
Written by: Vesna Munða
f you are a person who likes old, primordial, rustic
(everything that belongs to the village and its idyll),
then you oppose civilizing original cultures at any
cost and you like to watch TV shows about old crafts
and travelogues about exotic countries and our own
countryside. If you appreciate people who make their
own corn bread and drink goat milk, then you would
certainly like to arrange your interior “in your own size”,
that is, ethno-style.
First of all, the most important thing is to decide which
folklore you prefer. It is not recommendable to mix vari-
ous ethno objects coming from various countries and
cultures. If you adore minimalist Japanese interiors do
not confuse them with “little Johnny’s” antique cradle
you just had to put in the corner!
Furthermore, do not overreact! Notwithstanding the
originality of the objects you have, do not put them all
on display, because your home is not a gallery, but a
space in which first of all you, and than all others, should
feel pleasantly in.
And before we start giving you more practical advice,
Uz pod od drvenih dasaka savršeno se uklapaju vidljive grede na stropu / With floor
made of wooden boards would perfectly fit visible beams on the ceiling
my recommendation is – arrange your home in our own,
Croatian ethno-style. Here you are at home; you won’t
get “lost”. Our folklore is rich and interesting, and if you
are a hopeless lover of exoticism, then just imagine how
our Croatian style would look to some Indian or Tibetan.
Colours are the most important thing for interior design.
In our case, there aren’t many colours, mostly shades
of brown, dark wood and fabrics with natural colours.
These are natural colours of wool, cotton, flax, hemp,
with an embroidery or lace ranging from white, gold,
natural colour of wool or thread to all shades of brown.
Our ancestors lived from the soil, loved its smells and col-
ours. They stood firmly on the ground so they liked having colours of earth in their homes. Often, women would
become “animated” and then they would weave mottled aprons, socks, head-scarves and so on. Therefore, if
you put mottled tablecloth on the table you will not be
making a mistake, because in that way you will revive
the pure, but a monotonously coloured atmosphere.
Furniture should be made of massive wood in dark colours, regardless if it is polished or not. The key words are:
massive, stable, firm, endurable, unique and brown. The
only colour which could sneak into this wooden empire is
green, which is quite appropriate – green is also the col-
Detalji u etno-stilu stvorit će
poseban ambijent / Details in
ethno style will create unique
Etro / www.etro.it
our of nature. But first of all lets start from the floors! Floors
should be made of wooden boards while the beams on
the ceiling should be visible and coloured in brown colour, as dark as possible. Walls, on the contrary, should
not be covered with any boards or, God forbid, small
boards which are often called – ship flooring. Walls should
breathe, be “open”, freshly painted in white, yellow or
ochre. They shouldn’t be super smooth and levelled,
but, what is very important, they should always be clean
and repainted every year. Mirrors hanging on the walls
are also desirable; they can be framed in nice wooden
frames, simple or carved ones, with metal or glass ornaments. As far as pictures are concerned, frames are
not important at all, but it is obvious you should forget
abstract art as well as “a deer drinking water from the
brook” painted in super-realistic manner (kitsch). Rather
than that you should put photographs of your loved
ones or some vintage Gobelin tapestry. Windows, which
have wooden frames, do not need curtains. Wooden
Venetian blinds or shades should be enough to protect
you from the sunshine . Window glasses should be perfectly clean. If you still want curtains, than choose those
nice old-fashioned ones, made of woven fabric or even
a crochet-work curtains. Is it really necessary to mention
that the curtains should be in white or in natural colour
of flax or hemp?! The same situation is with bedspreads.
And, in order to assure that everything is not so boring,
pillows on armchairs or
two-seat sofas may be
“dressed” into folk-sashes with rich ornaments,
so to say, you should let
them overflow with colours. Of course, we
shouldn’t forget shelves, made of massive dark wood,
with neatly placed books and pots made of wood or
clay for storing fruit, vegetables, flowers and so forth.
In such rustically arranged home, a special attention
should be paid to details. Small pots, plates, baskets, all
things which are not hidden in cupboards, should be on
display – big pots, big plates and big baskets.
Special stress is placed on big, because robust massive
furniture, boards, beams and roughly woven bedspreads
or carpets do not go along with many small pots with
fruit or candies, small vases with flowers and similar. In a
big clay or wooden pot you can arrange a lot of different kinds of fruit, in a big twig basket you can keep your
knitting, and in a big clay vase, placed on display, you
may have – wild
You should always keep a lot
of flowers in the
house, which could
be even dry, although it would be
best to have fresh
flowers, all in one
big vase. Therefore, flowers should
have long stems.
A big vase with
always be on the
table or on the window. Big pots are
very stable on the
floor, too. Also, it is
desirable to have
potted-flowers. We
recommend plants
with large leaves,
with wide, rounded
leaves. And again,
in big pots!
žiæ /
Foto: w
CHARLES I RAY EAMES: La Chaise (1948.)
Funkcionalna elegancija
s odmakom
Sjedalica “La chaise”, izrađena za Međunarodno natjecanje ekonomičnog dizajna namještaja 1948., jedan je od najranijih radova Eamesovih. Ideja im je bila razviti prenosivu sjedalicu, jednostavnu za održavanje, na kojoj bi jedna osoba mogla ležati ili njih više sjediti
povijesti dizajna modernog namještaja, ime bračnog para Eames označava polazišnu točku za
razumijevanje razvoja i značenja dizajniranja predmeta svakodnevne upotrebe u posljednjih više
od pedeset godina. Njihov rad imao je odlučujuću ulogu
u američkome dizajnu poslijeratnog razdoblja, a njihov
utjecaj sve do danas doseže planetarne razmjere.
Dizajn je proces kojim se gotovo svim predmetima koji
nas okružuju daje određeni oblik i funkcija, od odjeće
do kemijskih olovaka, od nakita do namješaja. Ipak, dizajniranje je puno više od izrade ili oblikovanja nekog
predmeta. Dobar dizajn je složen proces u kojemu se
moraju ispuniti različiti zahtjevi, često kontradiktorni,
kako bi predmet funkcionirao na određeni način. Dobar
dizajn je harmonija estetskih, ekonomskih, funkcionalnih,
ekoloških aspekata predmeta, zajedno s udobnošću
koju pruža i njegovim trajanjem. Ime Charlesa i Ray Eames sinonim je za upravo takav dizajn.
U okviru novih zahtjeva koje je postavilo razdoblje nakon
Drugoga svjetskog rata, u težnji za spajanjem ekonomičnosti i inovacije, korištenjem prednosti materijala koje
je razvila ratna obrambena industrija, a željom za blagostanjem i udobnošću, razvija se takozvani “organski
modernizam” u dizajnu namještaja. Charles i Ray Eames
bili su predvodnici toga vala, uz još neka važna dizajnerska imena, poput njihovih kolege Eera Saarinena, Arnea
Jacobsena i drugih.
Bračni i poslovni partneri
Charles i Ray Eames, bračni i poslovni partneri, još na samom početku zajedničke karijere prepoznali su potrebu
za namještajem koji bi cijenom bio pristupačan prosječnom kupcu, a u isto vrijeme bio i kvalitetan. Težili su,
zapravo, višenamjenskom namještaju. Tijekom četrdeset godina, Eamesovi istražuju načine kako se nositi s tim
izazovom, kreirajući sklopive sofe za sobe i dnevne boravke, sjedalice za stadione, zračne luke i škole, i stolice
za bilo koje mjesto koje se može zamisliti. Konceptualna
okosnica njihova raznorodnog rada bila je potraga za
sjedalicama i naslonjačima koji bi bili udobni i prilagođeni ljudskom tijelu, pritom koristeći trodimenzionalno
oblikovane površine ili savitljive materijale umjesto tehnike tapetiranja oblaganjem jastučićima. Etos funkcionalizma prevladava u svim njihovim radovima.
Skulptura kao inspiracija
Inspirirani skulpturom Gastona Lachaisea, 1948. godine
Eamesovi izrađuju prototip sjedalice koju nazivaju “La
ni komad
chaise”. Sam Lachaise je dvadesetih godina
prošlog stoljeća istraživao mogućnost da svoje skulpture oslobodi vezanosti za tlo, odnosno
pijadestal, i pusti ih da “lebde” u prostoru. Naziv sjedalice koji predstavlja aluziju na prezime
kipara čiji rad im je poslužio kao nadahnuće,
ali je i francuski izraz za stolicu, upućuje na jednostavnost i minimalistički pristup u promišljanju
autora. Izrađena za Međunarodno natjecanje
ekonomičnog dizajna namještaja, u okrilju newyorškog Muzeja za modernu umjetnost, čuvene
MoMA-e, “La chaise” je jedan od najranijih komada Eamesovih. Ideja im je bila razviti prenosivu sjedalicu, jednostavnu za održavanje, na kojoj bi jedna osoba mogla ležati ili njih više sjediti.
Neobičan spoj funkcionalnosti i skulpturalnosti, u
početku presložen projekt da bi se mogao masovno proizvoditi, “La chaise” odmah utjelovljuje
funkcionalnu eleganciju s odmakom, što će biti
jedna od osnovnih odrednica njihova dizajna.
Kao i brojni drugi komadi s potpisom toga dizajnerskog para, “La Chaise” je klasik u povijesti dizajnerskog namještaja.
Zašto je “La chaise” tako posebna? Dvije “školjke” od fiberglasa pričvršćene su jedna uz drugu
i obojene u bijelo. One leže na kromom prevučenom, cjevastom čeličnom okviru koji je postavljen na križno postolje od hrastovine, i to je sve.
Uz tek nekoliko elemenata konstrukcije, s druge
strane, senzualnost organskog oblika “La chaise”, asimetričnost i skulpturalnost, igra svjetla i
sjene na njezinoj uglačanoj površini, pridonose
dinamičnom izgledu i odaju dojam mekoće i
udobnosti. Taj dinamizirani minimalizam, bijela
boja u kojoj se uglavnom izrađuje, organička
asocijativnost i nadasve elegancija, vjerojatno
su razlozi njezine svevremenosti koja joj je donijela kultni status među namještajem s potpisom.
Koliko se “La chaise” može zamisliti u nekom kućnom ambijentu, pitanje je rafiniranosti, ukusa
i svjetonazora njezina vlasnika. S druge strane,
određena doza ekstravagancije uz istodobnu
funkcionalnost, ovaj reprezentativni komad
namještaja vjerojatno kvalificira kao pravo rješenje za neko korporativno okruženje, ured ili
Osim prototipa koji je izrađen za već spomenuti
MoMA-in natječaj 1948., stolica “La chaise” se
dugo vremena nije proizvodila. Od 1990. godine, proizvodi je “Vitra”, ugledna tvrtka za proizvodnju namještaja sa sjedištem u Švicarskoj.
“Vitra” nije samo proizvođač namještaja. Krajem 1989. godine, tvrtka je osnovala Muzej dizajna “Vitra” koji posjeduje jednu od najbogatijih
kolekcija modernog dizajnerskog namještaja na
svijetu i u kojoj su zastupljene sve važne epohe
i stilovi od začetka industrijske masovne proizvodnje druge polovice devetnaestog stoljeća
do postindustrijskog skulpturalnog namještaja
osamdesetih. Središnje mjesto kolekcije zauzima
vlasništvo Charlesa i Ray Eames, koje je Muzej
dizajna “Vitra” otkupio 1988. godine.
Interijer hotela Sanderson u Londonu, koji je uređivao
Philippe Starck / The interiors of Sanderson hotel decorated by Philippe Starck
Od 1990. godine “La Chaise” proizvodi “Vitra” / Since 1990
“La Chaise” has been produced by ‘’Vitra’’
La Chaise (1948.)
The chair “La chaise’’, designed for the International Competition in Economic Furniture
Design in 1948, is one of the earliest Eames’
works. Their idea was to develop a portable
chair, easy to maintain, suitable for one person to lie on, or for more people to sit on
n the history of modern furniture design, the name
Eames (the name of a married couple) indicates the
starting point in the understanding of the development
and importance of designing objects of everyday use
in the last fifty years and more. Their work had a crucial
role in American design of the postwar period, and nowadays their influence reaches planetary proportions.
Design is a process used to give a certain shape and
function to all the objects around us, from clothes to
pencils, from jewelry to furniture. However, design represents much more than pure production and shaping of
some object. A good design is a complicated process
in which different conditions, often contradictory, have
to be fulfilled in order to make an object function in a
specific way. A good design is a harmony of aesthetic,
economic, functional and ecological aspects of an object, together with comfort it offers and its duration. The
synonym for such design is the name of Charles and Ray
Within the framework of new demands set in the period
after the Second World War, together with the aspiration
to connect economics and innovation, to utilize all the
advantages of the materials developed by the war defense industry, and led by desire for welfare and commodity, the so called ‘’organic modernism’’ is developed
in furniture design. Charles and Ray Eames were the
leaders of that wave, together with some other important
designer names, like their colleagues Eer Saarinen, Arny
Jacobsen and others.
Married couple and business partners
At the very beginning of their career, Charles and Ray
Eames, married couple and business partners, recognized the need for high quality furniture, the price of which
would be affordable to an average customer. Actually,
they aimed for multipurpose furniture. During the 40s, the
Eames explore ways to deal with this challenge, creat-
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ Photo: www.vitra.com
Charles i Ray Eames / Charles and Ray Eames
A piece of cult
“La chaise” je Inspirirana skulpturom Gastona Lachaisea / “La chaise” was inspired by
the sculpture of Gaston Lachaise
ing telescopic sofas for sleeping and living rooms, chairs
for stadiums, airports and schools, and for any place that
one can think of. The conceptual framework of their heterogeneous work was the search for chairs and arm chairs
that would be comfortable and adjusted to the human
body, at the same time using three-dimensional surfaces
and flexible materials instead of covering with pads. The
ethos of functionalism dominates in all of their works.
Sculpture as an inspiration
In 1948, inspired by the sculpture of Gaston Lachaise, the
Eames’ designed the prototype of a chair which they
called ‘’La chaise’’. Lachaise himself explored the possibility of liberating his sculptures of being tied to the ground,
or of their pedestal, and let them float in the space. The
title of the chair, that represents the allusion to the surname
of the sculptor whose work served them as inspiration, but
is also the French term for a chair, indicates the author’s
simplicity and his minimalistic approach. Designed for the
International Competition in Economic Furniture Design,
under the auspices of the Museum of Modern Art in New
York, the famous MOMA, ‘’La chaise’’ is one the Eames’
earliest works. Their idea was to develop a portable chair,
easy to maintain, suitable for one person to lie on, or for
more people to sit on. An unusual connection of functionality and sculpturality, a project too complex to be massproduced at the beginning, the ‘’La chaise’’ immediately
impersonates a functional detached elegance, which
will be one of the baselines of their design. Just like many
other works with the signature of that designer couple, ‘’La
chaise’’ is a classic in the history of designer furniture.
Why is ‘’La chaise’’ so special? Two fiberglass ‘’shells’’ are
attached to each other and painted in white. They lie on
a chromium-plated, tubular, steel frame placed on an
oak crossed base and that’s all. Opposed to just a few
construction elements, we have the sensuality of ‘’La
chaises’s’’ organic shape, asymmetry and sculpturality, light and shadow game on its polished surface, all
of which contribute to its dynamic aspect and give impression of softness and comfort. That dynamized minimalism, white color in which it is mostly manufactured,
organic asociativity and above all elegance, are probably the reasons of its timelessness which gave it a cult
status among designer furniture. Whether or not the ‘’La
chaise’’ can be imagined in a house ambient is a matter of the owner’s sophistication, taste and world view.
On the other hand, due to a certain dose of extravagance with simultaneous functionality, this representative piece of furniture would probably be a good solution for some kind of a corporate ambient, an office or
a reception.
Besides the prototype designed for the above mentioned MOMA competition in 1948, the chair ‘’La
chaise’’ was not manufactured for a long time. Since
1990 it has been produced by ‘’Vitra’’, a furniture design company of high standard, situated in Switzerland.
‘’Vitra’’ is not only a furniture design company. In 1989,
the company founded ‘’Vitra’’ design museum which
owns one of the biggest collections of modern design
furniture in the world and in which are represented all
the important epochs and styles from the beginning of
the industrial mass production in the second half on the
19th century till postindustrial sculptural furniture of the
80s. The central place of the collection occupies the
property of Charles and Ray Eames, that ‘’Vitra’’ design
museum bought out in 1988.
GEORG JENSEN / www.georgjensen.com
Uskrsno jaje na grančici dat će poseban ugođaj vašem
domu / Easter egg on a small branch will give a
special atmosphere to your home
HÖGANÄS KERAMIK, www.hoganaskeramik.
com; MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Zdjelice raznih boja i veličina za raznovrsne
male zalogaje / Bowls in various colours and sizes
for versatile small snacks
HÖGANÄS KERAMIK, www.hoganaskeramik.com; MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Tanjuri Glazes raznih veličina, oblika i boja / Glazes plates in all shapes, sizes and colours
Uskrs je pravo vrijeme za ulazak proljeća u vaš
dom, a dekoriranje uskrsnog stola posebno je
važno. Raskošni blagdanski stol mora biti šaren i
veseo. Kombinirajte razne boje tanjurića uz stolnjak proljetnih boja. Ružičasta, zelena ili pastelno žuta odličan su izbor.
Sezonski ukrasi su uvijek dobrodošli jer dodatno
pridonose ugodnoj atmosferi. Nikako ne zaboravite na ukrašavanje jaja. Oni su neizostavan dio
uskrsne tradicije.
Također, oplemenite stol svijećnjacima koje možete koristiti tijekom cijele godine.
I... ne izostavite tulipane ili pak ljiljane jer miris
svježeg cvijeća ima magično djelovanje.
Sretan vam Uskrs!
Easter is the right time for spring to enter your
home, and Easter table décor is especially important. Luxurious holiday table must be colourful and cheerful. Combine various plate colours
with a tablecloth in spring colours. Pink, green or
pastel yellow are an excellent choice.
Seasonal decorations are always welcome because they additionally contribute to a pleasant atmosphere. Also, you should by no means
forget egg decorations. They are a crucial part
of the Easter tradition. Also, ennoble your table
with candlesticks you can use all year long.
And… do not leave out the tulips or the lilies
because the sent of fresh flowers has a magical
Happy Easter!
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Uskrsne radosti
Easter Joys
IITTALA, www.iittala.com
MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb
Kultna vaza Alvar Aalta, dizajn iz 1936. /
Cult vase Alvar Aalta, design from 1936
HOLME GAARD / www.holmegaard.com
Prigodni svijećnjaci u obliku uskrsnog jaja / Occasional Candlesticks shaped like an Easter egg
Stakleno uskrsno jaje s vrpcom /
Glass Easter egg with a ribbon
D / www.holmegaar
/ www.georgjen
a Flora / Flora
SSvijećnjak Bloom od
nehrđajućeg čelika /
Candleholder Bloom in
stainless steel
Svijećnjak Swing / Swing
HOLME GAARD / www.holmegaard.com
Jaje kao neiscrpna inspiracija / Egg as an inexhaustible inspiration
www.rosenthal.de; Obrov 8, Split
Porculanski set iz kolekcije Maria Theresia Blue Onion, dizajniran davne 1930. godine /
Porcelain set from Maria Theresia Blue Onion collection, designed back in 1930
www.rosenthal.de; Obrov 8, Split
Blagdanska jela još će više prijati u porculanskom posuđu iz 1929. godine /
Holiday meals will be even more delightful in china from 1929
ster table
rful Ea
, Za
. co m
ir, d
/ www.
/ E gg
z 1 9 5 8.
Jajasta stolica, dizajn i
stol / Combination
li u
; MO
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
BRAÈ 95 str.
BRTONIGLA 103 str.
DUBROVNIK 105 str.
DUGA RESA 108 str.
GROŽNJAN 109 str.
HVAR 110 str.
KAŠTELA 112 str.
KLOŠTAR 113 str.
KRAPANJ 114 str.
KRK 115 str.
MARÈANA 118 str.
MEDULIN 120 str.
MURTER 121 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
Pineta VI - Novigrad
str. 123
NOVIGRAD 123 str.
PAG 126 str.
PAZIN 127 str.
POREÈ 128 str.
PRIMOŠTEN 134 str.
ROGOZNICA 136 str.
ROVINJ 137 str.
SOLIN 140 str.
ŠIBENIK 141 str.
ŠUMBER 144 str.
TROGIR 146 str.
UGLJAN 148 str.
UMAG 149 str.
ZADAR 151 str.
ZAGREB 156 str.
ZAPREŠIÆ 161 str.
125 str.
Real est
Na Bjelolasici, najvišoj planini Gorskog kotara, prodaje se planinska kuća od 170 m2 stambene površine i s 1000 m2
okućnice. Smještena je u neposrednoj blizini Hrvatskog olimpijskog centra i skijališta na Bjelolasici, na području netaknute prirode, s desecima kilometara uređenih pješačkih i biciklističkih staza, kao i mnogim drugim prirodnim vrednotama.
Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju, koje je jednim dijelom pod zemljom, smješteni su
garaža i spremište. Vanjske stube vode do viših etaža uređenih kao dvoetažni stan. Na prvoj etaži je dnevni boravak s
kuhinjom i toaletom, dok su na gornjoj etaži dvije spavaće sobe s toaletom i još jednom manjom kuhinjom. Sam vrh potkrovlja iskorišten je i uređen kao manje spremište. Zimi je planina idealno skijaško odredište jer je prekrivena snijegom
koji se obično zadržava do sredine proljeća.
On Bjelolasica, the highest mountain in Gorski kotar, a house of 170 m2 of living area with plot of land of 1000 m2, for
sale. It is situated near Croatian Olympic center and ski resort on Bjelolasica, on the area with untouched nature with 10
kilometers arranged foot and bike paths and many others nature values. The house consists of three storeys: ground and
first floor and a loft. In ground floor which is in one part under ground, there is garage and storage. Outside stairways
leads to the upper floors arranged like two storeys apartment. On the first storey there are living room with kitchen and
toilet, while on the upper storey there are two bedrooms with toilet and small kitchen. The loft is arranged as small storage.
During the winter, the mountain is ideal ski destination because of the snow which is retains till the middle of spring.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu na otoku Braču prodaje se obiteljsko imanje s kamenom kućom i manjim objektima raznog sadržaja.
Imanje se nalazi u vrlo starom naselju u kojem kontinuitet života postoji oko 2000 godina. Kuća je izgrađena prije 100
godina i ima površinu od 160 m2. Smještena je na parceli površine 7000 m2, od čega je građevno zemljište 4000 m2.
Oko kuće je okućnica zasađena ružmarinom, vinovom lozom i narančama. Kuća je smještena na mirnoj lokaciji i ima
dvor te je idealna za odmor u tišini i prirodi. Naselje je udaljeno od mora oko dva kilometra, a od Supetra sedam
kilometara. S imanja se pruža predivan pogled prema omiškoj rivijeri i Biokovu.
On the island Brač in a small settlement there is family estate with stone house and small objects of different purpose,
for sale. The estate is settled in a very old village where continuity of life exists 2000 years. House is built 100 years
ago and it has surface of 160 m2. It is located on the parcel surface of 7000 m2, where is 4000 m2 for construction
purpose. Around the house there is courtyard with grape lines, oranges and rosemary. House is settled on peaceful
location, it has court and it is ideal for relaxation in nature and silence. Distance from the sea is two and from Supetar
seven kilometres. Estate has a gorgeous view on Omiš Riviera and Biokovo.
Cijena / Price: 750.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu na otoku Braču, samo 300 m od trajektne luke, prodaju se tri apartmana u prizemlju kuće površina
18 m2, 33 m2 i 50 m2. Dva apartmana su prizemlju kuće, dok je jedan u dvorištu pokraj kuće. Apartmani su kompletno
uređeni i namješteni.
In a small settlement on island Brač, only 300 metres from the ferry port, there are three apartments for sale on the ground
floor of 18 m2, 33 m2 and 50 m2. Two apartments are situated on the ground floor while the third one is in the courtyard
by the house. The apartments are completely renovated and furnished.
Cijena / Price: 110.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se prekrasna vila površine 460 m2, građena od poznatog bijelog bračkog kamena smještana na otoku Braču.
Sastoji se od četiri etaže: prizemlja i tri kata. U prizemlju su dvije velike garaže, a na katovima su tri visokokomforna stana
s kaminom. Sve prostorije su klimatizirane i ukusno namještene. Stanovi imaju prostrane terase s kojih se pruža predivan
pogled na more i otoke. Kraj vile je i vrt u kojem bi se mogao sagraditi bazen.
For sale, a beautiful villa built of the worldwide known Brač white stone surface of 460 m2 situated on island Brač.
Villa comprises four storeys: ground floor and three floors. In the ground floor there are two large garages and on the
floors there are three comfortable apartments with fireplace. All rooms are air conditioned and teatefully renovated.
Apartments have spacious terraces with an exceptional view on sea and islands. Next to the villa is garden where a
swimming pool can be built.
Cijena / Price: 780.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu na sjeverozapadnoj strani otoka Brača prodaje se mini hotel - pansion. Površina pansiona je 600 m2
i smješten je na zemljištu od 1120 m2. Sastoji se od četiri etaže. U prizemlju se nalazi luksuzno uređen stan površine
90 m2 koji ima tri spavaće sobe, dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom i kuhinju. Pansion ima dvije terase, od 40 i 60 m2,
kafić površine 30 m2 na prvom katu, te 15 soba od kojih neke imaju i mini kuhinje. U potkrovlju se nalaze novouređene četiri sobe s kupaonicama i balkonima. Oko pansiona je uređena okućnica na kojoj se nalazi i ljetna kuhinja.
Objekt je od mora i prekrasnih plaža udaljen samo 50 metara i ima otvoren pogled na more. Pansion je kompletno
renoviran te posjeduje parkirališna mjesta za 15-ak automobila.
In a small settlement on the northern side of island Brač small hotel-pension is for sale. Surface of pension is 600 m2
and it is settled on the plot of land of 1120 m2. Pension comprises four storeys. In the ground floor there is luxury arranged apartment surface of 90 m2 with three bedrooms, lounge with dining room and a kitchen. Pension has two terraces surface of 40 and 60 m2, coffee room of 30 m2 on the first floor and 15 rooms (some of them has small kitchen).
In a loft there are four newly arranged rooms with bathrooms and balconies. Around the pension is cultivated courtyard
with summer kitchen. Distance from the sea and beautiful beaches is 50 meters and pension has open sea view. Pension is completely renovated and it has parking places for 15 cars.
Cijena / Price: 1.300 000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na zapadnoj strani otoka Brača, u blizini Milne, prodaje se poljoprivredno zemljište koje obuhvaća 27.249 m2 površine. Zemljište se sastoji od tri parcele koje su međusobno povezane. Najveća parcela pruža se od mora prema kopnu.
Sve parcele imaju dobar pristup jer su smještene uz makadamski put. Zemljište je okrenuto prema istoku, a nalazi se
u zaštićenoj uvali i u predivnom prirodnom okruženju, obraslom makijom i drugim niskim raslinjem.
On the north side of island Brač close to Milna there is agricultural plot of land of 27,249 m2, for sale. The plot is comprises three parcel which are interconnected. The largest parcel is extending from sea to cost. All parcels have good
access because they are settled next to macadam road. The plot of land is looking to the east and it is situated in a
protected bay in very beautiful nature environment, with macchia and other plants.
Cijena / Price: 20 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu u Istri prodaje se kamena kuća udaljena 8 km od mora. Kuća ukupne površine 200 m2 sastoji se od
prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju su veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica. Na prvom katu su
dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica, a u potkrovlju su dvije sobe i terasa s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na
more. Kuća je potpuno renovirana te je zadržala svoj autentičan vanjski izgled. U blizini se nalazi velika zelena površina
koja se može koristiti za parkiranje te maslinik površine 2300 m2.
In small Istrian village there is a stone house for sale 8 kilometres from the sea side. The house has total surface of 200
m2 and comprises of the ground floor, the first floor and attic. In the ground floor there are large lounge, kitchen, hall and
bathroom. On the first floor there are lounge, kitchen, hall and bathroom, and at the attic there are two rooms and terrace
with wonderful view unfolding itself towards the sea. The house is completely renovated so that its authentic outside look
has been preserved. Near by, there are large green surface, possibility of parking there, and olive-grove of 2300 m2.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U Dubrovniku, na području Lapada, prodaje se obiteljska kuća koja obuhvaća 152 m2 stambene površine i 730 m2
okućnice. Područje je od središta starog dijela grada udaljeno 3 km, a poznato je po brojnim uvalama i predivnim
plažama. Kuća je stilski uređena, a sastoji se od suterena, visokog prizemlja i kata. Suteren, koji obuhvaća 30 m2 površine, sastoji se od tri prostorije uređene kao ljetna kuhinja i ostava. Prizemlje se sastoji od: dnevnog boravka, kuhinje
s blagovaonicom, spavaće sobe, kupaonice i hodnika. Na gornjem katu su tri spavaće sobe i kupaonica, a do njega
vodi unutarnje stubište s hodnikom. U kući je ugrađeno centralno grijanje. Posebnost ove kuće čini otvoreni pogled
koji se pruža na luku Gruž i most, te predivno uređena okućnica, prepuna zelenila i stabala palmi.
In Dubrovnik, on Lapad, there is family house surface of 152 m2 with courtyard surface of 730 m2, for sale. Distance
from the old part of town is three kilometers and it is well known on many bays and beautiful beaches. House is stylistic
arranged and it consists of subterranean level, high ground floor and floor. The subterranean level has surface of 30 m2
and it comprise three rooms arranged like summer kitchen and storage room. The ground floor consists of living room,
kitchen with dinning room, bedroom, bathroom and hall. On the floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom, accessed by interior staircase with hallway. The house has central heating. The specificity of house is open view on the
port Gruž and the bridge and wonderful arranged courtyard with greenery and palm trees.
Cijena / Price: 1.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U centru povijesne jezgre grada Dubrovnika prodaje se kamena kuća površine 90 m2. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja i dva kata. Od Straduna je udaljena samo 50 m, a s njezinih viših etaža pogled se pruža na staru gradsku jezgru,
Minčetu i Roko. Prizemlje se sastoji od ulaznog predprostora, stubišta i kupaonice, dok su katovi uređeni kao dva odvojena stambena prostora. Na prvom katu je stan koji se sastoji od: spavaće sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka i stubišta koje
vodi do drugog kata. Stan na drugom katu se sastoji od spavaće sobe, kuhinje s blagovaonicom i kupaonice.
In the center of historic core of Dubrovnik there is stone house surface of 90 m2 for sale. House has three storeys:
ground floor and two floors. Distance from Stradun is only 50 meters and higher floors have a magnificent view on
town core, on Minčeta and Roko. Ground floor comprises hallway, stairways and bathroom, while floors are arranged
like two separated living areas. On the first floor there is apartment comprises bedroom, kitchen, living room and
stairways which lead to the second floor. Apartment on the second floor consists of bedroom, kitchen with dining room
and bathroom.
Cijena / Price: 410.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U mirnom dijelu Dubrovnika prodaje se dvoetažni, trosoban stan površine 70 m2. Stan je smješten u potkrovlju stambene zgrade. Moderno je uređen, a sastoji se od kuhinje s blagavaonicom, ostave, dnevnog boravka, tri spavaće
sobe, kupaonice i balkona. S bakona se pruža predivan pogled na Lapad, Babin kuk i Montovjernu. Stan je klimatiziran, a svi zatvori su izrađeni od aluminijske stolarije.
In a peaceful part of Dubrovnik there is two floors apartment with three bedrooms surface of 70 m2, for sale. Apartment
is situated in the loft. It has modern arrangement and it consists of kitchen, dining room, storage room, living room,
three bedrooms, bathroom and balcony. From the balcony there is a beautiful view on Lapad, Babin kuk and Montovjerna. Apartment has air condition and all the windows and the doors are made from aluminum.
Cijena / Price: 210.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Duga Resa
U blizini Karlovca prodaje se vikend-kuća na tri etaže. Kuća se nalazi na prekrasnom području, u neposrednoj blizini
rijeke Mrežnice koja svojom bojom, čistom vodom, brzacima i slapovima privlači kupače, ribiče i sve ostale ljubitelje
riječnog športa. Kuća tlocrtno obuhvaća površinu od 50 m2, a nalazi se na zemljištu površine 150 m2. U prizemlju kuće
su kuhinja s blagovaonicom i kupaonica. Vanjske stube vode do prvog kata gdje se nalazi prostrani dnevni boravak koji
ima izlaz na balkon. U potkrovlju kuće je spavaća soba. Posebnu vrijednost ovog posjeda čini jedinstveni pogled na
cijelu okolicu i rijeku koja protječe ispred kuće.
For sale, a three storey weekend house near Karlovac. The house is settled in a beautiful area, close to the river Mrežnica,
whose colour, clear water, streams and waterfalls attract bathers, anglers and all other fans of river sport. The ground-plan
of the house has 50 m2, and is built on the plot of land of 150 m2. On the ground floor there is a kitchen with dinning
room and a bathroom. Outdoors stairway is leading to the first floor with a spacious lounge with an exit to the balcony. In
the loft there is a bedroom. A unique view of the entire surrounding and the river flowing in front of the house make this
property’s particular value.
Cijena / Price: 40.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Nedaleko od drevnoga gradića Grožnjana, na sjeverozapadu Istre, petnaestak kilometara od mora, prodaje se imanje
s kamenom kućom površine 200 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dviju etaža i smještena je na zemljištu površine 3000 m2, te ima
prekrasan pogled na nedirnutu prirodu. Idealna je za odmor u tišini i predivne šetnje po okolnim brežuljcima i pitoresknim gradićima.
Not far from old town Grožnjan, on northwest side of Istra, 15 kilometres from the sea, there is estate with a stone house
surface of 200 m2 for sale. The house consists of two storeys and it is settled on the plot of land of 3000 m2. It has a
wonderful view on untouched nature and it is ideal for relaxation in stillness and for beautiful walks on nearby hills and
picturesque towns.
Cijena / Price: 395.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na otoku Hvaru u mjestu Sveta Nedilja, prodaje se zemljište površine 7.500 m2, od mora udaljeno 250 m. Po novom
urbanističkom planu, koji je trenutno u izradi, zemljište se nalazi u građevnoj zoni na kojoj je dozvoljena izgradnja manjih
urbanih vila.
On island Hvar in settlement Sveta Nedilja there is plot of land surface of 7500 m2, for sale. Distance from the sea is 250
meters. According to the new urban plan, which is currently under construction, the land is settled in construction area
where permits for construction of small urban villas exist.
Cijena / Price: 165 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se stara kamena kuća udaljena svega nekoliko metara od mora i rive. Kuća ukupne površine 200 m2 sastoji
se od prizemlja i prvog kata. Prizemlje se sastoji od kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, kupaonice i ostave. Na prvom katu se
nalaze dvije sobe, kuhinja te terasa. Kuća je potpuno renovirana i namještena s malim zasebnim dvorom. U dvoru ima
mjesta za parkiranje.
For sale, an old stone house situated just a few meters from the sea and the promenada. Total surface area of the houses is 200 m2 comprising the ground floor and the first floor.The ground floor has a kitchen, living room, bathroom and
storage. The first floor consists of two bedrooms, kitchen and terraces. The house is completely renovated and furnished.
There is also a small courtyard with parking place.
Cijena / Price: 280.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U mirnom i idiličnom okruženju, na vrhu brda, prodaje se kuća površine 350 m2 s okućnicom od 4817 m2 s predivnim
pogledom. Kuća se sastoji od četiri spavaće sobe, velikog dnevnog boravka, blagovaonice, dvije kuhinje, dvije kupaonice, dva toaleta, radne sobe i saune. Kuća je idealna za nekog tko traži bijeg iz gradske gužve i vreve. Udaljena je
četrdeset kilometara od Zagreba. Iznimno je kvalitetno izgrađena i stilski namještena.
For sale a house of 350 m2 with a private plot of land of 4,817 m2, situated in a peaceful and idyllic surrounding with a
wonderful view. The house comprises four bedrooms, spacious lounge, dinning room, two kitchens, two bathrooms, two
toilets, study room and sauna. It is ideal for someone who wants to escape from urban crowd and flurry being only forty
kilometres away from Zagreb. The villa is built up of prime materials and furnished with antique furniture.
Cijena / Price: 390.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na Krapnju, najmanjemu, najnižemu i najnaseljenijem otoku, nalazi se predivna renovirana kamena kuća površine
200 m2. Kuća, koja se sastoji od četiri etaže, nalazi se uz samu rivu, te ima nesmetan pogled na malu ribarsku luku i
prvo naselje na kopnu, od kojeg je otok udaljen samo 300 m. U prizemlju je caffe-bar, dok se na višim etažama nalazi
šest luksuzno uređenih i kompletno opremljenih apartmana. Otok Krapanj poznat je po tradicionalnom izlovu i preradi
spužava, dobro je povezan s kopnom te je prava oaza za opuštanje i odmor.
On Krapanj, the lowest, the smallest and less inhabited island, there are marvellous renovated stone house of 200 m2.
The four storey house is located close to the waterfront and has open view of the small fisherman port and a setlement
on the coast only 200 metres away of the island. On the ground floor there is a coffee bar, and on the storeys there are
six luxury renovated and entirely furnished apartments. Island Krapanj famous by its traditional sponge craft has a good
connection to the coast and is a real oasis for relaxation and rest.
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na mirnoj lokaciji na otoku Krku prodaje se novoizgrađena zgrada s apartmanima s pogledom na more. Zgrada ima
tri etaže: prizemlje, kat i visoko potkrovlje. Na svakoj etaži su po tri apartmana čija se kvadratura kreće od 46 m2 do
66,73 m2. Apartmani se sastoje od hodnika, kupaonice, jedne ili dvije spavaće sobe (ovisno o kvadraturi), kuhinje,
blagovaonice, dnevnog boravka i ostave, dok neki apartmani imaju i terasu. Daljnja izgradnja u susjedstvu je ograničena na samo jednu do dvije apartmanske zgrade. Svi apartmani su klimatizirani i imaju osigurano parkirališno mjesto
(predviđeno je 15 parkirališnih mjesta ispred zgrade). Udaljenost od mora je samo 600 m.
On a very peaceful location on island Krk there is newly built development with apartments with a sea view, for sale.
Development has three storeys: ground floor, first floor and high loft. On each storeys there are three apartments with
a surfaces from 46 m2 to 66,73 m2. Apartments consist of hallway, bathroom, one or two bedroom (depending on a
surface of apartments), kitchen, dining room, living room and storage room, while some apartments has a terrace. Further construction in the neighborhood is restricted only on one or two buildings. All apartments have air condition and
parking place (it is predicted 15 parking places in front of the development). Distance from the sea is only 600 m.
Cijena / Price: 73.616 € - 106.768 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na otoku Krku, uz samo more, počela je izgradnja hotela visoke kategorije s pet objekata. Projektom je predviđeno da
će objekti imati različitu namjenu, koja će osigurati potpunu udobnost i kvalitetan odmor svim gostima. Dva objekta će
se sastojati od 51 apartmana površina od 60 do 70 m2, od kojih će većina imati pogled na more. Jedan od objekata
predviđen je za zajedničku uporabu, a sastojat će se od: restorana, manjeg šoping-centra, cafe bara i velikog bazena
na otvorenom s vlastitim cafe barom. Projektom je zamišljeno da bazen, smješten između dvaju apartmanskih objekata,
tvori plavu lagunu, prostor koji pruža dovoljno privatnosti, udobnosti i mira za sve goste.
Prostrano vanjsko parkiralište i svi ostali sadržaji trebali bi osigurati svim gostima i posjetiteljima svu potrebnu uslugu na
jednome mjestu. Uz usluge dvaju servisa za čišćenje i sigurnost objekta, na promociji ovog hotela angažirat će se lokalne
putničke agencije, knjigovodstveni servisi, kao i različita sredstva oglašavanja kao: novine/časopisi, web-stranice, različite
priredbe i sl. U budućnosti, investitori planiraju unaprijediti cijelo obalno područje uređenjem okolnih plaža i izgradnjom
plutajuće marine sa servisom za vodene sportove. Planirani završetak radova predviđen je za kolovoz 2007. godine.
On island Krk, near the sea, there is a top-notch hotel comprised of five facilities, under construction. Preliminary design
predicted that each facility will have different purpose, which will enable guests to enjoy in comfort and restful holydays.
Two facilities will comprise 51 apartments of 60 m2 to 70 m2, mostly with a view of the sea. One facility is planned for
common purposes like restaurant, smaller shopping centre, coffee bar and large outdoor swimming pool with own coffee
bar. The swimming pool will be situated between two apartment facilities, according to the design, thus making a blue
lagoon; a space which ensures enough privacy, peacefulness and comfort for all guests. Spacious open parking place
and all other amenities should ensure all needed service. Services of cleaning will be organised with assistance of two
companies as well as the security of the hotel; at the hotel’s promotion local traveller agencies, bookkeeping services will
be engaged as well various media like newspapers/magazines, web-sites, various show programs and so forth.
In future, investors planned to improve entire coastal area, arrange beaches and build up floating marinas with water
sports service. Completion of construction is planned for August 2007.
Cijena / Price: 25.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnom istarskom mjestu, smještenom na južnom dijelu Istarskog poluotoka, prodaje se kompletno renoviran nekadašnji župni dvor koji je danas prenamijenjen u mini hotel. Hotel obuhvaća 350 m2 površine, a sastoji se od četiri spavaće
sobe s kupaonicom i četiri studio apartmana. Sve sobe/apartmani imaju balkone i kompletno su namješteni u starinskom
stilu. Hotel je okružen prostranom i kultiviranom okućnicom koja obuhvaća 500 m2. Na okućnici se nalazi i predivna kamenom popločana terasa (površine 150 m2) s kaminom. Postoji mogućnost i najma cijelog posjeda. Hotel je 6 km udaljen
od mora te je idealan za kombinaciju seoskog i morskog turizma. Mjesto je od središta Pule i predivnog nacionalnog parka
Brijuni udaljeno oko 15 km.
In a lovely Istrian settlement in the south part of Istrian Peninsula completely renovated former rectory is for sale. The rectory is
nowadays assigned to be a mini hotel. The hotel has surface area of 350 m2 and it comprises four bedrooms with bathroom
and four studio apartments. All rooms/apartments have balconies and are completely furnished and decorated in antique
style. Hotel is surrounded with spacious and cultivated courtyard surface of 500 m2. On the courtyard there is beautiful stone
terrace surface of 150 m2 with a fireplace. There is possibility to rent the whole estate. Distance from the sea is 6 km and it
is ideal for agro and sea tourism. The settlement is around 15 km far from centre of Pula and from beautiful national park
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Uz samo more u mirnom dijelu Medulina nalazi se novoizgrađena zgrada s apartmanima različitih kvadratura. Zgrada
se sastoji od tri etaže, a apartmani su jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni s terasama iz kojih se pruža prekrasan pogled na
more. Svi apartmani su luksuzno opremljeni, imaju SAT/TV, telefon, videonadzor i kućepazitelja. Pri opremanju i gradnji
su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Zgrada se nalazi dvije minute hoda od centra Medulina i 20 kilometara od Pule i
aerodroma. Svakom apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. Oko zgrade je lijepo uređena okućnica.
Close to the sea in very peaceful part of Medulin there is newly built apartment building with apartments of different surfaces. Development comprises three storeys and apartments have one, two or three bedrooms and terraces with a wonderful
sea view. All apartments are luxury equipped, the whole object has a video control and the janitor. Prime materials are
used at the construction. Development is within walking distance from the centre of Medulin and within 20 kilometres from
Pula and airport. Each apartment has one parking place. Around building is nicely arranged courtyard.
Cijena / Price: 3500 €/m2 - 3700 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na jednom od najljepših otoka prodaje se kuća na dvije etaže ukupne stambene površine 120 m2. U prizemlju je stan
površine 60 m2 dok su na katu dva studio-apartmana svaki površine od 30 m2. Kuća je na zemljištu površine 300 m2.
Udaljena je samo 150 m od kristalno čistog mora i pješčanih plaža. Ispred kuće je kultivirani vrt, a dio dvorišta se koristi
kao otvoreno parkiralište. S obzirom da se kuća nalazi na uzvisini, s nje se pruža prekrasan pogled do najvećeg kornatskog
otoka - Kornata.
On one of the most beautiful islands there is a house consists of two floors, total surface of 120 m2. On the ground floor
there is a flat of 60 m2 while on the first floor there are two studio-apartments each of 30 m2. The house is situated on the
plot of land of 300 m2. It is only 150 metres far from the crystal clear sea and sand beaches. In front of the house there is a
cultivated garden and a part of the courtyard used as a car park. The house, being built on the hill, has a magnificent view
on the biggest island of the Kornati archipelago – Kornati.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Stambeno – poslovna zgrada Pineta VI se gradi u naselju Šaini, novoizgrađenom dijelu grada Novigrada. Zgrada ima
dva kata (P+2) i u njoj su smještena dva poslovna prostora u prizemlju te osam stanova u prizemlju i na katovima. Na
parceli je predviđen bazen te 11 parkirnih mjesta, od kojih jedno za invalide. U prizemlju se nalazi i garaža za jedan automobil koja se može kupiti zasebno. Stanovi će biti veličine 60 – 130 m2 s dvije, tri ili četiri spavaće sobe. Imati će jednu
ili više loggia i terasa s pogledom na more. Svakom stanu će pripadati jedno parkirno mjesto. Pri uređenju i izgradnji
su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali i oprema. Svi stanovi imati će ugrađene klima uređaje, a grijanje kupaonica biti će
pomoću električnih grijalica. Podovi u sobama i dnevnim boravcima biti će obloženi parketima, a u ostalim prostorijama
keramičkim pločicama visoke kvalitete. U prizemlju će se izgraditi dva poslovna prostora. Poslovni prostori u prizemlju
prodaje se u visokoj roh-bau varijanti.
Business-apartment building Pineta VI in newly built settlement Šaini in Novigrad is under construction. Development has
two floors (ground floor and two floors). Two business premises are settled in the ground floor and eight apartments are
situated in ground floor and on the floors. On the parcel will be pool and 11 parking places, one for disabled person. In
the ground floor is garage for one car which can be bought separately. Apartments will have surfaces from 60 to 130 m2
with two, three or four bedrooms. They will have one or more loggias and terraces with sea view. Each apartment will have
one parking place. At the construction and arrangement are used high quality materials and equipments. All apartments
will have air condition and the bathroom will have heating on electricity. Floors in rooms and lounges will have parquets
and in other rooms high quality ceramic tiles. Ground floor will have two business premises. These premises are selling
in high “roh-bau” variant.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na sjeverozapadnoj obali Istre, u Novigradu,
i to u samom središtu mjesta, prodaje se kuća
(apart. hotel) na četiri etaže, površine 262 m2.
Sastoji se od devet apartmana smještenih
na katovima površine od 27 m2 do 30 m2
i poslovnog prostora površine 110 m2 smještenog u prizemlju, koji se može urediti kao
restoran ili kao poslovni prostor za najam. Svi
apartmani su namješteni, dok poslovni prostor treba urediti. Kuća ima dvorište površine
95 m2 s dva zasebna ulaza.
On the northwestern cost of Istria, in the hart
of Novigrad, there is house (apart hotel)
on four storeys surface of 262 m2 for sale.
House comprises nine apartments surfaces
from 27 m2 to 30 m2 settled on the floors and
business premise surface of 110 m2 settled in
the ground floor which can be arranged like
restaurant or business premise for rent.
All apartments are furnished while premise require arrangement. The house has court surface of 95 m2 with two separated entrances.
Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone:
+385 (0)21 332 725,
+385 (0)21 332 726
Na izuzetnoj lokaciji u blizini mora prodaje se vila okružena zelenilom i predivno uređenom okućnicom površine 800 m2.
Vila se sastoji od dva dvosobna stana, svaki 100 m2 površine. Uz stanove se nalazi po jedan mali studio apartman koji
obuhvaća 25 m2 površine. Vila je kompletno renovirana 2006. god., ima ugrađenu klimu, sigurnosne sustave i centralno
grijanje. S vile se pruža otvoreni pogled na more i Kvarnerski zaljev. Na prostranoj okućnici nalaze se i dvije male vrtne
kućice, te dva natkrivena parking mjesta.
On a very exception location close to the sea there is villa surrounded by green vegetation and beautiful arranged courtyard surface of 800 m2, for sale. Villa consists of two bedroom apartments, each surface of 100 m2. Near apartments
there are two studio apartments surfaces of 25 m2. Villa is completely renovated 2006 and it has air condition, security
systems and central heating. There is open sea view and view on Kvarner bay from the villa. On the spacious courtyard
there are two small garden houses and two covered parking places.
Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se prekrasna vila površine 261 m na otoku Pagu. Vila je smještena na zemljištu površine 592 m2 i od mora je
udaljena samo 500 metara. Sastoji se od dviju etaža: prizemlja i potkrovlja. U prizemlju su kuhinja, dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom i kaminom, hodnik, dvije ostave, velika kupaonica, spavaća soba, prostrana terasa i garaža. U potkrovlju su
tri spavaće sobe, kupaonica i dva balkona s kojih se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Vila ima sve potrebne priključke
(struja, voda, kanalizacija, telefon), SAT/TV, klimu i videonadzor. Oko kuće je lijepo uređena okućnica na kojoj se nalazi
roštilj i fontana, a cijeli je posjed ograđen kamenim zidom.
For sale a beautiful villa surface of 261 m2 on the island Pag. Villa is settled on the plot of land of 559 m2 and from the
sea is only 20 meters away. It comprises two storeys: ground floor and a loft. In the ground floor there are kitchen, living
room with dining room and with fireplace, hallway, two storage rooms, large bathroom, bedroom, spacious terrace and
garage. In the loft there are three bedrooms, bathroom and two balconies with a wonderful sea view. Villa has all necessary connections (electricity, water, canalization and a phone), SAT/TV, air condition and video control. Around the house
there is nicely arranged courtyard with grill and fountain. The whole estate is fenced with stone wall.
Cijena / Price: 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malome mjestu u dolini rijeke Mirne, poznatom po staništu tartufa, na rubu Motovunske šume, prodaje se prekrasna
kamena kuća s poslovnim prostorom. Kuća ima površinu od 800 m2 s okućnicom od 1000 m2 i sastoji se od tri etaže. U
prizemlju je smješten kompletno uređen i atraktivan restoran, a na katu se nalazi šest soba, dva aprtmana i jedan stan.
Kuća posjeduje terasu, garažu i vrt površine 3500 m2. Cijela kuća je uređena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu i idealna
je za seoski turizam.
In a small settlement, in a valley of river Mirna, known by habitation of truffles, on the edge of Motovun forest there is
beautiful stone house with business premise, for sale. The house has surface of 800 m2 divided on three storeys and
courtyard surface of 1000 m2. In the ground floor there is completely arranged attractive restaurant while on the floor are
six bedrooms, two apartments and one flat. The house posses terrace, garage and garden surface of 3500 m2. The whole
house is arranged in traditional Istrian style and it is ideal for agro tourism.
Cijena / Price: 1.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Između Vodnjana i Poreča, u blizini Istarskog ipsilona, prodaje se nekoliko vila. Površine zemljišta na kojima su vile izgrađene su od minimalno 450 m2. Vile se sastoje od dvije ili tri etaže i imaju površine od minimalno 150 m2. Izgrađene su
od kamena u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu. Vile se sastoje od tri ili četiri spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka s kaminom,
kuhinje, dvije do tri kupaonice, podruma, konobe i natkrivenih terasa. Ispred svake vile je bazen i kultivirana okućnica
s travnjakom. Cijeli posjed je ograđen kamenim zidom. U sklopu posjeda nalazi se natkriveno parkiralište. neke vile su
već izgrađene dok su neke dostupne na prodaju u toku gradnje po vrlo povoljnim cijenama. Vile se nalaze u predivom
mirnom okruženju s pogledom na netaknutu prirodu.
Between Vodnjan and Poreč close to Istrian ipsilon road there are few villas for sale. Villas are built on the plot of land surfaces of 450 m2 minimum and comprises two or three storeys of 150 m2 minimum. They are built of stone in traditional Istrian
style. Villas consists of three or four bedrooms, living room with fireplace, kitchen, two or three bathrooms, basement, cellar
and covered terraces. In front of the villas is pool and cultivated courtyard with lawn. Whole estate is fenced with stone wall.
Estate has covered parking place for few cars. Some villas are already built while some of are available during construction
on very conveniant prices. Villas are settled in beautiful peaceful environment with a view on untouched nature.
Cijena / Price: od / from 300.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaja se prekrasna novoizgrađena istarska kamena vila koja se nalazi osam kilometara od Poreča. Vila se sastoji od
dvije etaže ukupne stambene površine 133,50 m2 s okućnicom od 385 m2. Nalazi se 500 metara od mora, a sastoji se
od prizemlja 80 m2 i kata 58 m2. U dvorištu se nalazi bazen, koji se uz alarm i sličnu dodatnu opremu plaćaju ekstra. Vila
ima četiri spavaće sobe, kuhinju, blagovaonicu, dnevni boravak, kupaonicu, balkon, ugrađeno grijanje i klima uređaj.
For sale beautiful newly-built Istrian stone villa situated eight km from Poreč. Villa consists of two levels with total surface
area of 133.50 m2. The surrounding plot comprises 385 m2. The villa are situated 500 metres from the sea and consist of
the ground floor comprising 80 m2 and the floor comprising 58 m2. In court is pool that along with the alarm and similar
extra equipment is paid extra. Villa has faur bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, balcony, installed
heating and air conditioner.
Cijena / Price: 236.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaju se ekskluzivni apartmani površine 40-80 m2. Objekt je udaljen 300 m od mora te je okružen zelenilom. Neposredno ispred nalazi se park i golf-igralište. Odlikuje se iznimno kvalitetnom gradnjom, prema najnovijim standardima
(termo-izolacijska fasada, PVC prozori s reflektirajućim staklima, protuprovalna ulazna vrata)... Apartmani imaju klimu,
SAT/TV, radio i telefonske instalacije.
Exclusive apartments of 40 to 80 m2 surface area are for sale. The edifice is 300 metres far from the sea surrounded by
greenery. Immediately to the front there is a park with a golf terrain. The edifice is of prime quality construction according
to the newest standards (thermo-isolation facade, PVC windows with reflecting glass, security doors)... Apartments have
air conditioning, SAT/TV, radio and phone lines.
Cijena / Price: 2200 - 2950 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se ekskluzivna vila ukupne stambene površine 300 m2 s prekrasnom okućnicom. Vila je izrađena u tradicionalnom
istarskom stilu, a svojom kvalitetom ispunjava sve uvjete kvalitete moderne gradnje. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja, prvog
kata s dva apartmana i velikim terasama. Bazen koji vila posjeduje bit će zasigurno poseban izvor užitaka za nove
vlasnike koji će uživati u svakom trenutku provedenom u idiličnom okruženju u kojemu je ovaj dom snova smješten.
For sale, an exclusive villa with total surface area of 300 m2 surrounded with beautiful garden plot. Villa is built in
traditional Istrian style. Villa consists of the ground floor and first floor with two apartments and spacious terraces. The
swimming pool that villa possess will be, surely, special source of pleasure for new owners who will enjoy in every moment
spent in idyllically ambience of this dream home.
Cijena / Price: 550.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Sedam luksuznih vila smještenih u slikovitome mjestu udaljenom 13 km od Poreča, s otvorenim pogledom na zelenu
dolinu. Vile sadrže visoko i nisko prizemlje. Visoko prizemlje je površine 95 m2. Obuhvaća prostrani dnevni boravak s
kuhinjom koji izlazi na balkon s pogledom na bazen, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonicu i zatvoreno parkirališno mjesto.
Nisko prizemlje je površine 25 m2 te se sastoji od garsonijere s izlazom u vrt. Ove kvalitetno građene vile idealne su za
obiteljski dom i miran život.
Seven luxury villas situated in picturesque settlement 13 kilometres from Poreč, with an open view toward the green valley. Villas comprise of high and low ground floor. High ground floor is o surface of 95 m2. There is a spacious lounge
with kitchen and access to the balcony with a view on the pool, two bedrooms, bathroom and closed parking place. Low
ground floor has a surface of 25 m2 and comprises of one bedroom apartment with access to the garden. These high
quality built up villas are ideal for family and peaceful life.
Cijena / Price: 235.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnom okruženju, nedaleko od romantičnog Primoštena prodaje se kuća koja obuhvaća 167 m2 stambene površine. Kuća se sastoji od prizemlja i kata, a smještena je na parceli od 1.050 m2 koja se stepenasto uzdiže od mora.
Stambeni prostor kuće podijeljen je na tri stana. Na prostranoj okućnici podignuti su kaskadni vrtovi koji su razdvojeni
zidovima obloženim kamenom te kamenom popločano veliko dvorište. Kuća je podignuta na udaljenosti 80 m od mora
i s njenih balkona i terasa pruža se fantastičan pogled na more.
In beautiful surroundings close to romantic Primošten there is a house of 167 m2 living area for sale. House comprises
ground floor and first floor and it is settled on the cascade parcel of 1050 m2. Living area is divided on three apartments.
In the spacious courtyard there is cascade garden separated with stone walls and stone court. The house is 80 meters from
the sea and terraces have a wonderful sea view.
Cijena / Price: 650.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnoj i mirnoj uvali udaljenoj osam kilometara od Šibenske Rogoznice smještena je vikend-kuća. Kuća je podignuta u prvom redu do mora, na udaljenosti od 60 m i ima otvoreni pogled s obiju etaža (prizemlja i kata). U prizemlju
je stan površine 62 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, velikog dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i natkrivene
terase površine 40 m2. Na katu su dva jednosobna apartmana (cca 30 m2) s terasama od 10 m2. Kuća je podignuta na
zemljištu površine 348 m2 na kojem se nalazi predivno uređen i održavan vrt s fontanom i grillom. Iza kuće je podignuta
i jedna novouređena kućica uređena kao zaseban gostinski apartman.
In beautiful and peacful bay, eight km from Šibenska Rogoznica there is a weekend house. The house is built up in the
first row to the sea (60 m) and it has open sea view from both storeys (ground and first floor). In the ground floor there is
apartment of 62 m2 which comprises two bedrooms, large living room, kitchen and covered terrace surface of 40 m2. On
the first floor there are two one-bedroom apartments (approx. 30 m2) with terraces of 10 m2. The house is built up on the
plot of land of 348 m2 which has well cultivated garden with fountain and grill. Behind the cottage there is one newly built
small house arranged as separated guest apartment.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se prekrasna stara, djelimično renovirana kamena kuća smještena je u pitoresknom selu, osam kilometara udaljenom od Rovinja. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže ukupne stambene površine cca 140 m2. Ispred kuće se nalazi predivno
uređena okućnica površine 500 m2. Mirno okruženje je idealno za sve one koji žele potpun odmor i relaksaciju.
For sale a beautiful old partially renovated stone house is situated in picturesque village eight km from Rovinj. The house
comprises two storeys total living area 140 m2. In front of the house is wonderful arranged garden of 500 m2. Peaceful
environment is ideal for relaxation and enjoyment.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnom okruženju malog mjesta smještenog nedaleko od Rovinja, na zemljištu površine 1390 m2, podignuta je
obiteljska kuća od 413 m2 stambene površine. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže podijeljene na tri etažirana stana različitih
površina. Posjed se nalazi na blagoj uzvisini i ima dominantan pogled na more i predivnu prirodu. U prizemlju se nalazi
stan od 232,90 m2 koji se sastoji od: dvije natkrivene terase, ulaza s predprostorom, hodnika, dvije spavaće sobe (jedna
je s garderobom), dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, dvije kupaonice, toaleta, dva spremišta i konobe. Do
gornjeg kata, koji se sastoji od dva stana površina cca 90 m2, vode dva odvojena stubišta. Jedan stan sastoji se od: dvije
spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, hodnika, spremišta, kupaonice i natkrivene terase, dok se
drugi stan sastoji od: dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice s predprostorom,
hodnika, lođe i natkrivene terase. Cijeli posjed je ograđen kamenim zidom, ima dva ulaza, kultiviran je i uređen s posebnom pažnjom. Na posjedu se nalazi vrt (s vanjskim navodnjavanjem iz cistrene), maslinik i dvorište s osam parkirnih
mjesta. Od ostale opreme ima klima uređaje u svakom stanu i centralno grijanje na plin.
In wonderful environment in small settlement situated close to Rovinj on the land surface of 1.390 m2 there is family house of
413 m2 living area. House comprises two floors divided on three storey apartments with different surfaces. Estate is settled on
mild hill with a dominant sea view and view on beautiful nature. In ground floor there is apartment of 232,90 m2 comprises
two covered terraces, entrance with lobby, hallway, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe), lounge with kitchen and dining
room, two bathrooms, toilet, two storage rooms and a cellar. Two separated stairways leads to the upper floor which is comprise two apartments of 90 m2. One apartment consists of two bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dining room, hall, storage
room, bathroom and covered terrace, while second apartment comprises two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining
room, bathroom with hallway, hall, balcony and covered terrace. Whole estate is fence with stone wall, it has two entrances
and it is cultivated and arranged with extra care. On the property there are small garden (with outdoor watering from tank),
olive trees and courtyard with eight parking places. House has air condition in every apartment and central heating on gas.
Cijena / Price: 950.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Stanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilama u Splitu
- Duilovo
Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u
Duilovu. Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi ima 19 stanova različite
kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost zelenih površina. Svi
stanovi su orijentirani jug-sjever, a među ponuđenim kvadraturama su jednosobni
stanovi od 29 do 47m2, dvosobni od 51do 72 m2 i trosobni od 84 m2. Formira
se interesna lista.
Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic and
high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present. All apartments
are placed north-south. We offer one bedroom apartments from 29 - 47 m2, two
bedroom apartments from 51 - 72 m2 and three bedroom apartments of 84 m2.
Interest list now forming.
New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas
Put Supavla 1
21000 Split, CROATIA
T : +385(0)21 332 725
+385(0)21 332 726
F : +385(0)21 380 852
U poslovnoj zoni Solina planira se izgradnja modernog poslovnog objekta za najam, površine 1972,61 m2. Prema
projektu objekt se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, prvog kata, drugog kata i podruma. U podrumu se nalazi skladišni
i parkirališni prostor, te sanitarni čvor. U prizemlju se nalazi pet poslovnih prostora različitih površina od 30 m2 do
74,20 m2 svaki sa sanitarnim čvorom. Na prvom katu se također nalazi pet poslovnih prostora sa sanitarnim čvorovima,
površina od 61,30 m2 do 123,20 m2. Na drugom katu se nalaze još četiri poslovna prostora površina od 46,50 m2 do
71 m2 (sa sanitarnim čvorom) i terasa površine 187,80 m2. Cijeli objekt je pod videonadzorom, a sve etaže su povezane
liftom i stubištem.
In business zone in Solin a construction of modern business object for rent is planned. Surface of the object is 1972,61 m2.
According to the project object comprises three storeys: ground floor, first floor, second floor and basement. Basement
consists of storage room, parking places and sanitary block. In the ground floor there are five business premises different
surfaces from 30 to 74,20 m2, each having sanitary block. On the first floor there are also five business premises with
sanitary blocks surfaces from 61,30 to 123,20 m2. Second floor comprises four business premises surfaces from 46,50 to
71 m2 (with a sanitary block) and terrace surface of 187,80 m2. Whole object is under video control and all storeys are
connected with elevator and stairways.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na zemljištu površine 1100 m2 počela je izgradnja apartmanskog kompleksa koji se sastoji od dviju zgrada. Kompleks je
od prvih plaža udaljen 500 m, a dva kilometra od Šibenika. Veća zgrada se sastoji od šest apartmana, a manja od tri.
Apartmani su gotovo identičnih površina, cca 85 m2, a sastoje se od: dviju terasa, dviju spavaćih soba, velike kupaonice,
hodnika, dnevnog boravka i kuhinje. Gotovo svi apartmani imaju pogled na more. Rok završetka radova predviđen je
za veljaču 2007. godine.
On the plot of land of 1100 m2, a construction of apartment complex of two buildings just started. Distance from the first
beaches is 500 m and two km from Šibenik. The bigger building comprises six and smaller building three apartments.
Apartments have almost identical surface of 85 m2 and consists of: two terraces, two bedrooms, large bathroom, hall,
lounge and a kitchen. Almost all apartments have sea view. Completion of construction is planned for February 2007.
Cijena / Price: 1700 - 2000 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Nedaleko od Šibenika prodaje se prekrasna i luksuzno uređena obiteljska kuća. Podignuta je na zemljištu površine 300 m2,
koje je od mora i prve plaže udaljeno stotinjak metara. Kuća obuhvaća 120 m2 stambene površine podijeljene na dvije etaže. Sastoji se od velike kuhinje, blagovaonice s dnevnim boravkom, dvije kupaonice, dvije spavaće sobe i terase. Dio fasade
obložen je ručno obrađenim kamenom, dok se u uređenom i popločanom dvorišnom prostoru nalazi i mali bazen.
Not far from Šibenik there is beautiful and luxury family house. It is built on the plot of land of 300 m2. Distance from
the sea and beach is only 100 meters. The house consists of 120 m2 living area divided on two storeys. It comprises
living room, two bathrooms, two living rooms and a terrace. The part of the facade is covered with hand treated stone,
while in arranged and causeway courtyard there is small pool.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U malom istarskom selu Šumberu prodaje se samostojeća kamena kuća čija ukupna stambena površina iznosi 80 m2.
Mjesto je od Rapca, poznate turističke destinacije, udaljeno 17 km. Posebnost ovog posjeda čini idilično okruženje, kao
i prekrasna okućnica površine 8000 m2, od koje se oko 1000 m2 nalazi unutar granica građevne zone. Cijelo imanje
je ograđeno kamenim suhozidom, a na njemu se nalazi i nekada neizbježna, u kamenu ozidana štala, koja se također
može prenamijeniti u stambeni prostor. Kuća je nekada imala priključak na struju, dok je voda u njezinoj neposrednoj
In the small Istrian village Šumber there is a stone house with a total living space of 80 m2, for sale. The village is 17 kilometres far away from the well known tourist destination Rabac. Particularity of this property is an idyllic environment and
beautiful plot of land of 8,000 m2 of which around 1,000 m2 is within construction zone. The entire property is fenced in a
dry stone wall. There is, also in, the past necessary stone stable, which is likely to be transformed into a living space. The
house used to have a power supply. The water supply is near by.
Cijena / Price: 150.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Prodaje se obiteljska kuća na Čiovu stambene površine 300 m2. Kuća je udaljena od plaže Milićevo/Sladun dvije minute
pješice. S kuće se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Sastoji se od prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak,
blagovaonica, kuhinja, balkon, kupaonica, WC, ostava, kotlovnica, garaža i trosobni apartman s posebnim ulazom. Na
prvom katu je pet soba (a jedna može imati kuhinju) i svaka ima balkon. Drugi kat čini potkrovlje s balkonom. Kuća ima
parkiralište za šest automobila, centralno grijanje, SAT/TV te je cijela klimatizirana. Ispred kuće je uređena okućnica.
Kuća se nalazi u mirnom okruženju na zemljištu površine 800 m2 i udaljena je od aerodroma 10 minuta automobilom.
Prodaje se s namještajem i postoji mogućnost kupnje veza za velike jahte u susjednoj marini.
There is family house on island Čiovu surface of 300 m2 for sale. House is two minutes at the foot away from beach
Milićevo/Sladun. From the house there is a beautiful sea view. It consists of ground floor and two floors. In the ground
floor there are lounge, dining room, kitchen, balcony, bathroom, WC, storage room, heating unit, garage and three bedrooms apartment with separated entrance. On the first floor there are five rooms (one of them can have a kitchen) each
having a balcony. Second floor consist loft with balcony. House has parking place for six cars, central heating, SAT/TV
and air condition. In the front of the house there is cultivated courtyard. The house is settled in a peaceful environment
on the plot of land of 800 m2 and the distance from the airport is 10 minutes by car. It is selling with furniture and there is
possibility of buying berth for large yachts in a neighbouring marina.
Cijena / Price: 615.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na Čiovu, u prvom redu do mora, prodaje se prekrasna vila ukupne stambene površine 778 m2. Smještena je na parceli
od 1003 m2. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže s devet potpuno opremljenih apartmana (tri dvosobna i šest jednosobnih). Iza
vile se nalazi šest garaža, a ispred ima nekoliko parkirališnih mjesta. Svaki apartman je potpuno namješten, s velikom
terasom, i svi su etažirani te bi se mogli prodavati kao zasebne jedinice. Vila ima veliku zajedničku praonicu, centralno
grijanje te ostavu u podrumu.
On Čiovo, in the first row to the sea, there is beautiful villa total living area of 778 m2 for sale. It is settled on the parcel
surface of 1003 m2. Villa comprises three storeys with nine fully equipped apartments (three two bedrooms and six one
bedroom apartments). Behind villa there are six garages and in front of the villa there is few parking places. Each apartment is completely furnished with a large terrace and there is possibility to sell apartments separately. Villa has a large
shared washroom, central heating and storage room in the basement.
Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka Ugljana, u jednoj od najljepših pješčanih uvala, prodaje se stambena vila, smještena
uz samo more na zemljištu površine 897 m2. Vila predstavlja dvojni objekt podijeljen vertikalno na dva dvoetažna stana.
Prodaje se cjelokupna vila. Oba prizemlja obuhvaćaju 68,80 m2, a sastoje se od: predsoblja, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje,
blagovaonice, ostave, dviju spavaćih soba, kupaonice i stubišta. Gornji katovi obuhvaćaju 41,90 m2, a sastoje se od:
dnevnog boravka, čajne kuhinje, spavaće sobe, kupaonice, hodnika i terase. Posjed je ograđen zidom obloženim kamenom. Na njemu se nalazi garaža, ljetnja kuhinja s terasom i spremište. Okućnica je hortikulurno uređena, a dvorište i sve
pristupne površine popločane su kamenom. Vila je klimatizirana, ima ugrađeno solarno i centralno grijanje.
On the northern side of island Ugljan in one of the most beautiful sandy bays close to the sea there is villa situated on the
plot of land of 897 m2, for sale. Villa represents dual object vertically divided on two two-storeys apartments. For sale is
the whole villa. Both ground floor hve surface of 68,80 m2 and comprise lobby, living room, kitchen, dining room, closet,
two bedrooms, bathroom and stairways. Upper floors have 41,90 m2 and comprise living room, tea kitchen, bedroom,
bathroom, hall and a terrace. Estate is fenced with stone wall and it has garage, summer kitchen with terrace and closet.
The courtyard is well cultivated and court and all approach surfaces are made of stone. Villa has air condition, solar and
central heating.
Cijena / Price: 1.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predgrađu Umaga nalazi se novoizgrađena stambena zgrada na tri etaže. Zgrada je smještena uz samo more, u
mirnom okruženju. Stanovi su različitih kvadratura, a na raspolaganju su ostala još samo četiri stana površine od 65 m2
do 80 m2. Stanovi su uređeni kao jednosobni ili dvosobni. Svi imaju SAT/TV, telefon, klimu i parkirališno mjesto. Zgrada
posjeduje i podzemnu garažu. Iz stanova se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i okolnu obalu.
In a suburb of Umag there is newly built apartment house on three storeys. The development is settled close to sea in a
peaceful environment. Apartments have different surfaces and there are still available four apartments surfaces of 65 m2
to 80 m2. Apartments ahave one or two bedrooms. All have SAT/TV, phone, air condition and parking place. Development
has also underground garage. Apartments have wonderful sea view and view on nearby cost.
Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U turističkom mjestu nadomak Zadra nalazi se novoizgrađena apartmanska zgrada na tri etaže. Na svakoj etaži smještena su po dva apartmana, od kojih svaki obuhvaća cca 55,50 m2 površine. Svi apartmani su klimatizirani i imaju izlaz
na natkrivene terase površine cca 10,60 m2, s kojih samo apartmani na katovima imaju pogled na more. Apartmani u
prizemlju i na katu uređeni su kao dvosobni, dok su oni u potkrovlju uređeni kao jednosobni (od kojih je jedan kompletno
namješten te ima SAT/TV). Svakom apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto te dvorište na kojem se nalaze vanjski
tuševi i grill. Od prvih plaža zgrada je udaljena 250 – 300 m. Trenutno su na raspolaganju ostala još dva apartmana
u potkrovlju i jedan na prvom katu.
There is newly built apartment building on three storeys situated in a tourist place close to Zadar. On each floors there are
two apartments, each of 55,50 m2. All apartments have air condition and access to covered terraces of 10,60 m2. Only
apartments on the floors have sea view. Apartments on the ground floor and on floor have two bedrooms while apartments in loft have one bedroom (one apartment is completely furnished with SAT/TV). Each apartment has one parking
place and court with outdoor showers and grill. Distance from the first beaches is 250 – 300 meters. At the moment two
apartments in loft and one apartment on fist floor are available.
Cijena / Price: 125.000 € - 134.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U prekrasnome malome mjestu nedaleko od Zadra prodaje se novoizgrađena vila površine 210 m2 s okućnicom od
256 m2. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže: suterena, visokog prizemlja i potkrovlja. U suterenu su: garaža, spremište, konoba,
kuhinja i kupaonica. U visoko prizemlje se ulazi vanjskim stubištem na veliku terasu s koje se ulazi u dvosoban stan.
Stan se sastoji od dvije sobe, garderobe, hodnika, dnevnog boravka i kupaonice. U potkrovlju je atelje, prostor koji se
može i prenamijeniti po želji budućeg vlasnika. Posebnost ove vile je vrt okružen rimskim stupovima, s malim bazenom
okruženim cvijećem. Oko vile rastu stabla jabuke, limuna, mandarine… Panorama je neopisiva u svim smjerovima, s
pogledom na otoke, Velebit, zelena brda Ravnih kotara i Marinu Dalmaciju.
In marvelous small place close to Zadar there is newly built villa of 210 m2 with courtyard of 256 m2, for sale. Villa
comprises three storeys: basement, high ground floor and loft. In basement there is garage, closet, wine cellar, kitchen
and bathroom. Outside stairways lead to the high ground floor and terrace from which there is an entry to two bedroom
apartment. Apartment comprises two bedroom, wardrobe, hallway, living room and bathroom. In loft there is atelier, area
that can be rearranged according to wishes of future owner. Beauty of this villa is garden fenced with Roman columns and
small pool surrounded with flowers. Around villa there is a garden with apple trees, lemon trees, tangerine trees… Sea
view is amazing in all directions, island, the Velebit, Green hills of Ravni kotari and marina Dalmacija.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U predivnome turističkomu mjestu, 12 km udaljenom od Zadra, prodaje je kuća površine 130 m2 s okućnicom od 176 m2.
Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže: prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju se nalazi novouređeni apartman površine 50 m2 koji ima dvije
sobe, dnevni boravak, kuhinju, kupaonicu i izlaz na natkrivenu terasu od 10 m2. Sa strane kuće je poseban ulaz u jednosobni stan površine 28 m2. Vanjske stube vode na terasu od 28 m2 s koje se ulazi u apartman površine 50 m2. Apartman se
sastoji od dviju soba, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i terase. U dvorištu su tri parkirališna mjesta. Poseban ugođaj
kući daje fontana, grill i lijepo uređena okućnica.
In beautiful tourist place 12 km from Zadar there is a house of 130 m2 with garden plot of 176 m2, for sale. The house
comprises two storeys: ground floor and first floor. In ground floor there is recently restored apartment of 50 m2 which
has two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and access to the covered terrace of 10 m2. Next to the house there is
separate entrance to one bedroom apartment of 28 m2. Outside stairways lead to the terrace of 28 m2 from where there is
access to apartment of 50 m2. Apartment comprises two bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom and terrace. Courtyard
has three parking place. Special atmosphere is achieved by nicely decorated garden, fountain and grill.
Cijena / Price: 166.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
U prelijepome mjestu pokraj Zadra, prodaje se kuća na dva kata površine 144 m2. Kuća je smještena na zemljištu
površine 300 m2 i u fazi je renoviranja. U prizemlju je stan koji se sastoji od tri spavaće sobe, kuhinje, blagovaonice,
dnevnog prostora, kupaonice i toaleta. Manji stan na drugom katu sastoji se od dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog prostora
s kuhinjom, kupaonice, toaleta i ostave. Stan posjeduje i manju terasu. Krov kuće kompletno je renoviran.
In beautiful settlement near Zadar there is a house on two floors surface of 144 m2, for sale. It has a private plot of land
of 300 m2 and it is in stage of renovation. On the ground floor there is apartment with three bedrooms, kitchen, dining
room, living room, bathroom and toilet. Smaller apartment on the second floor comprises of two bedrooms, living room
with kitchen, bathroom, toilet and closet. Apartment has small terrace, too. The house roof is completely renovated.
Cijena / Price: 180.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Zadar- Dalmacija
Prodaju se stanovi u novoj luksuznoj
urbanoj vili na atraktivnoj lokaciji,
oko 200 m od mora, u neposrednoj
blizini triju gradskih marina. Vila se
sastoji od pet samostalnih stambenih jedinica – tri trosobna stana,
jedan dvosobni i jedan jednosobni;
ima èetiri podzemne garaže plus jedno parkirališno mjesto.
Dokumentacija je uredna.
Useljivo u svibnju 2007.
Zadar- Dalmatia
For sale the apartments in a new
luxurious urban villa on an attractive
location, about 200 meters from the
sea, in vicinity of three city marines.
The villa consists of five separate residential units – three three-bedroom
apartments, one two-bedroom
apartment and one one-bedroom
apartment; it has four subterranean
garages plus one parking space.
Documentation is clean.
Available for occupancy in May
Info: +385 (0)91 2721 351
Na predivnoj i iznimno mirnoj lokaciju s izvrsnim pristupom, okruženoj park šumom Orlovac, nalazi se zgrada s četiri
stana od kojih su dva na prodaju. Zgrada se sastoji od tri etaže i garaža koje se nalaze dijelom pod zemljom. Stan u
prizemlju ima površinu od 165 m2, spremište 8 m2 i dvorište – terasu površine 80 m2. Stanu pripada i garaža za dva
automobila površine 24 m2 i parkirališno mjesto u dvorištu. Drugi stan koji se prodaje nalazi se na katu, ima površinu
80 m2, spremište površine 8 m2, garažu za dva automobila površine 24 m2 i parkirališno mjesto u dvorištu. Zgrada ima
drvo-aluminij stolariju (unutarnja stolarija po izboru kupca iz kataloga), lift, klimu, plinsko etažno centralno grijanje,
grijano dvorište ispred zgrade za zaštitu od snijega i poledice, sanitarije i pločice vrhunske kvalitete te postoji mogućnost
vlastitog izbora. Također postoji mogućnost izmjena rasporeda unutrašnjih prostorija. Zgrada ima i zajednički sustav
zaštite (videonadzor), SAT/TV, te zadovoljava status ekokuće po pitanju toplinske izolacije i uštede energije. Planirani rok
završetka gradnje u roku jedne godine.
On beautiful and very peaceful location with an excellent access, surrounded by park-forest Orlovac, there is development with four apartments. Two apartments are for sale. The development comprises three storeys and garage which is
partially under ground. Apartment in the ground floor has surface of 165 m2, storage room of 8 m2 and court-terrace surface of 80 m2. Garage for two cars surface of 24 m2 and parking place in court also belong to apartment. Other apartment
for sale is settled on the floor surface of 80 m2 and it has storage room of 8 m2, garage for two cars surface of 24 m2 and
parking place in court. Development has wood aluminum windows and doors (client can select indoor windows and doors
from a catalog), elevator, air condition, central heating on gas, for protection of snow and ice development has heating
courtyard, top quality sanitary and tiles (there is possibility to select it). There is also possibility to rearranged indoor area.
Development has shared security system (video monitoring), SAT/TV and it fulfils with standards of eco house (warming
isolation and saving energy). Completion of construction is planned within one year.
Cijena / Price: 3600 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
nine- Exclusive apartments in Šestine
- at the foot of Sljeme zone
VINDEX d.o.o.
Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanoviNekret
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
Na mirnoj lokaciji u Zagrebu prodaje se kuća površine 1170 m2 na tri etaže s tavanom. Garažini prostor je u razini ceste
te ima troja automatska vrata na daljinsko upravljanje te mjesta za 10-ak automobila. U istoj razini je kotlovnica, vinoteka i dvije veće ostave. Prizemlje se sastoji od velikog predsoblja koje je povezano s višenamjenskim prostorom (uredi,
soba za party), telefonske centrale, WC-a, praonice rublja, višenamjenske sobe, atomskog skloništa (koje je prenamijenjeno u trim kabinet sa saunom, kupaonicom i toaletom) i zatvorenog bazena. Prvi kat ima dnevni boravak s kaminom
i izlazom na mali balkon, veliku vanjsku terasu, kuhinju, tri spavaće sobe, veliku kupaonicu, WC i ostavu. Drugi kat ima
sličan raspored kao i prvi samo umjesto velike terase ima dva veća i jedan manji balkon. Ispred kuće je velika terasa
s cvjetnim vrtovima, popločanim dvorištem i voćnjakom. Kuća je pod videonadzorom te posjeduje lift. Građena je od
viskokvalitetnih materijala. Cijela parcela je ograđena, a površina zemljišta na kojoj se nalazi kuća je 326 m2.
On a very peaceful location in Zagreb house on three storeys with an attic, surface of 1170 m2 is for sale. Garage room is
in the level of the road and it has three automatic doors on remote control and parking place for ten cars. In the same level
there are heating unit, wine cellar and two large storage rooms. Ground floor comprises large lobby which is connected
with multifunction space (offices, party room), phone central, WC, laundry, multifunction room, atomic shelter (which is rearranged in fitness room with sauna, bathroom and toilet) and indoor pool. First floor consists of living room with a fireplace
and access on the small balcony, large outdoor terrace, kitchen, three bedrooms, large bathroom, WC and storage room.
Second floor has similar arrangement like first floor (instead large terrace it has two large and one small balcony). In front of
the house is large terrace with floral gardens, causeway courtyard and orchard. House has video control and elevator. Prime
materials are used at the construction. Whole parcel is fenced ad surface of the land is 326 m2.
Cijena / Price: 1.800.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726
Na lijepoj i atraktivnoj lokaciji u neposrednoj blizini Zaprešića prekrasna obiteljska kuća površine 210 m2 na imanju
od 4700 m2 je na prodaju. Kuća je građena tijekom 70-ih, a adaptirana je 2000. godine. Sastoji se od dviju etaža:
prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju su veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, kupaonica te velika terasa, a unutrašnje
stubište vodi na gornji kat gdje su sobe. Kuća ima predivno uređenu okućnicu – zeleni travnjak i vrt. Imanje je pogodno
za ranč, ladanjsku kuću ili poljoprivrednu djelatnost. Udaljeno je samo 15-ak kilometara od Zagreba.
On attractive and beautiful location close to Zaprešić there is marvelous family house of 210 m2 situated on the plot of
land of 4700 m2, for sale. The house is built during 70’s and it is renovated in 2000. It comprises two storeys: ground floor
and first floor. In ground floor there is spacious living room, kitchen with dining room, bathroom and large terrace. Inside
stairways leead to the upper floor where are the rooms. The house has a beautiful arranged courtyard – lawn and garden.
The property is suitable for cottage, ranch or farm. Distance from Zagreb is only 15 kilometres.
Cijena / Price: 280.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726

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